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Kubernetes: a platform for
automating deployment, scaling,
and operations
Brian Grant
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Kubernetes: a platform for
automating deployment,
scaling, and operations
WSO2Con 2015
Brian Grant
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
What is Kubernetes?
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Old way: install applications on host
app app
Application and OS share filesystem
Use OS distribution package manager
Entangled with each other and with host
• Executables
• Configuration
• Shared libraries
• Process and lifecycle management
Immutable VM images provide predictable
rollouts and rollbacks
• but are not portable and heavyweight
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New way: deploy containers
OS-level virtualization
Isolated, from each other and from the host
• filesystems
• processes
• resources
Small and fast ⇒ enables 1:1 app to image
• Unlocks benefits of microservices
• Decouple build (Dev) from deployment (Ops)
• Consistency from development to production
• Portable across OS distros and clouds
• Application-centric management
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Need container-centric infrastructure
Scheduling: Decide where my containers should run
Lifecycle and health: Keep my containers running despite failures
Scaling: Make sets of containers bigger or smaller
Naming and discovery: Find where my containers are now
Load balancing: Distribute traffic across a set of containers
Storage volumes: Provide data to containers
Logging and monitoring: Track what’s happening with my containers
Debugging and introspection: Enter or attach to containers
Identity and authorization: Control who can do things to my containers
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Want to automate orchestration for velocity & scale
Diverse workloads and use cases demand still more functionality
• Rolling updates and blue/green deployments
• Application secret and configuration distribution
• Continuous integration and deployment
• Workflows
• Batch processing
• Scheduled execution
• Application-specific orchestration
A composable, extensible Platform is needed
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Greek for “Helmsman”; also the root of the
words “governor” and “cybernetic”
• Infrastructure for containers
• Schedules, runs, and manages containers
on virtual and physical machines
• Platform for automating deployment,
scaling, and operations
• Inspired and informed by Google’s
experiences and internal systems
• 100% Open source, written in Go
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
$ kubectl run my-nginx --image=nginx
replicationcontroller "my-nginx" created
$ kubectl get po
my-nginx-wepbv 1/1 Running 0 1m
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
$ kubectl scale rc my-nginx --replicas=2
replicationcontroller "my-nginx" scaled
$ kubectl get po
my-nginx-wepbv 1/1 Running 0 1m
my-nginx-yrf3u 1/1 Running 0 20s
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$ kubectl delete rc my-nginx
replicationcontroller "my-nginx" deleted
$ kubectl get po
my-nginx-wepbv 0/1 Terminating 0 4m
my-nginx-yrf3u 0/1 Terminating 0 3m
$ kubectl get po
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Kubernetes architecture
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
users control plane nodes
Kubernetes architecture
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Post desired state (aka spec) via API
Run nginx
Replicas = 2
CPU = 2.5
Memory = 1Gi
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Placement (aka scheduling)
Which nodes
for nginx ?
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Assignment (aka binding)
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Fetch container image
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Execution and lifecycle management
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Get current status via API
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Get current status via API
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Kubernetes uses the same APIs as users
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Modularity facilitates
• composability
• extensibility
APIs - no shortcuts or back doors
• ensures extensions are on equal footing
Example: Scheduler
Example: Controllers
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Control loops
Drive current state → desired state
Observed state is truth
Act independently
• choreography rather than
Recurring pattern in the system
Example: Scheduler
Example: Controllers
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Core primitives
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Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Small group of containers & volumes
Tightly coupled
• the atom of replication & placement
“Logical” host for containers
• each pod gets an IP address
• share data: localhost, volumes, IPC, etc.
Facilitates composite applications
• mix and match components, languages, etc.
• preserves 1:1 app to image
Example: data puller & web server
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Storage automatically attached to pod
• Local scratch directories created on demand
• Cloud block storage
• GCE Persistent Disk
• AWS Elastic Block Storage
• Cluster storage
• File: NFS, Gluster, Ceph
• Block: iSCSI, Cinder, Ceph
• Special volumes
• Git repository
• Secret
Critical building block for higher-level
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How to grant a pod access to a secured
• secrets: credentials, tokens, passwords, ...
• don’t put them in the container image!
12-factor says should come from the
Inject them as “virtual volumes” into Pods
• not baked into images nor pod configs
• kept in memory - never touches disk
• not coupled to non-portable metadata API
Manage secrets via the Kubernetes API
Pod Secret
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User-provided key-value attributes
Attached to any API object
Generally represent identity
Queryable by selectors
• think SQL ‘select ... where ...’
The only grouping mechanism
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app: my-app
track: stable
tier: FE
app: my-app
track: canary
tier: FE
app: my-app
track: stable
tier: BE
app: my-app
track: canary
tier: BE
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
app = my-app
app: my-app
track: stable
tier: FE
app: my-app
track: canary
tier: FE
app: my-app
track: stable
tier: BE
app: my-app
track: canary
tier: BE
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
app = my-app, tier = FE
app: my-app
track: stable
tier: FE
app: my-app
track: canary
tier: FE
app: my-app
track: stable
tier: BE
app: my-app
track: canary
tier: BE
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
app = my-app, tier = BE
app: my-app
track: stable
tier: FE
app: my-app
track: canary
tier: FE
app: my-app
track: stable
tier: BE
app: my-app
track: canary
tier: BE
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
app = my-app, track = stable
app: my-app
track: stable
tier: FE
app: my-app
track: canary
tier: FE
app: my-app
track: stable
tier: BE
app: my-app
track: canary
tier: BE
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
app = my-app, track = canary
app: my-app
track: stable
tier: FE
app: my-app
track: canary
tier: FE
app: my-app
track: stable
tier: BE
app: my-app
track: canary
tier: BE
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Running Microservices
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Ensures N copies of a Pod
• if too few, start new ones
• if too many, kill some
• grouped by a label selector
Explicit specification of desired scale
• client doesn’t just create N copies
• enables self-healing
• facilitates auto-scaling
An example of a controller
• calls public APIs
- selector = {“app”: “my-app”}
- template = { ... }
- replicas = 4
API Server
Start 1
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
A group of pods that work together
• grouped by a label selector
Publishes how to access the service
• DNS name
• DNS SRV records for ports (well known ports work, too)
• Kubernetes Endpoints API
Defines access policy
• Load-balanced: name maps to stable virtual IP
• “Headless”: name maps to set of pod IPs
Hides complexity - ideal for non-native apps
Decoupled from Pods and ReplicationControllers
Virtual IP
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Rolling Updates
- replicas: 3
- selector:
- app: my-app
- version: v1
- app: my-app
$ kubectl rolling-update 
my-app-v1 my-app-v2 
Live-update an application
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Rolling Updates
- replicas: 3
- selector:
- app: my-app
- version: v1
- replicas: 0
- selector:
- app: my-app
- version: v2
- app: my-app
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Rolling Updates
- replicas: 3
- selector:
- app: my-app
- version: v1
- replicas: 1
- selector:
- app: my-app
- version: v2
- app: my-app
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Rolling Updates
- replicas: 2
- selector:
- app: my-app
- version: v1
- replicas: 1
- selector:
- app: my-app
- version: v2
- app: my-app
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Rolling Updates
- replicas: 2
- selector:
- app: my-app
- version: v1
- replicas: 2
- selector:
- app: my-app
- version: v2
- app: my-app
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Rolling Updates
- replicas: 1
- selector:
- app: my-app
- version: v1
- replicas: 2
- selector:
- app: my-app
- version: v2
- app: my-app
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Rolling Updates
- replicas: 1
- selector:
- app: my-app
- version: v1
- replicas: 3
- selector:
- app: my-app
- version: v2
- app: my-app
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Rolling Updates
- replicas: 0
- selector:
- app: my-app
- version: v1
- replicas: 3
- selector:
- app: my-app
- version: v2
- app: my-app
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
New controllers in v1.1
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Manages pods that run to completion
• differentiates number running at any one
time from the total number of completed
Similar to ReplicationController, but for
pods that don’t always restart
• workflow: restart on failure
• build/test: don’t restart on app. failure
Principle: do one thing, don’t overload
Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.1
- parallelism: 3
- completions: 6
- selector:
- job: my-work
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Manages pods that run to completion
• differentiates number running at any one
time from the total number of completed
Similar to ReplicationController, but for
pods that don’t always restart
• workflow: restart on failure
• build/test: don’t restart on app. failure
Principle: do one thing, don’t overload
Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.1
- parallelism: 3
- completions: 6
- selector:
- job: my-work
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Manages pods that run to completion
• differentiates number running at any one
time from the total number of completed
Similar to ReplicationController, but for
pods that don’t always restart
• workflow: restart on failure
• build/test: don’t restart on app. failure
Principle: do one thing, don’t overload
Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.1
- parallelism: 3
- completions: 6
- selector:
- job: my-work
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Manages pods that run to completion
• differentiates number running at any one
time from the total number of completed
Similar to ReplicationController, but for
pods that don’t always restart
• workflow: restart on failure
• build/test: don’t restart on app. failure
Principle: do one thing, don’t overload
Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.1
- parallelism: 3
- completions: 6
- selector:
- job: my-work
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Manages pods that run to completion
• differentiates number running at any one
time from the total number of completed
Similar to ReplicationController, but for
pods that don’t always restart
• workflow: restart on failure
• build/test: don’t restart on app. failure
Principle: do one thing, don’t overload
Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.1
- parallelism: 3
- completions: 6
- selector:
- job: my-work
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Manages pods that run to completion
• differentiates number running at any one
time from the total number of completed
Similar to ReplicationController, but for
pods that don’t always restart
• workflow: restart on failure
• build/test: don’t restart on app. failure
Principle: do one thing, don’t overload
Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.1
- parallelism: 3
- completions: 6
- selector:
- job: my-work
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Manages pods that run to completion
• differentiates number running at any one
time from the total number of completed
Similar to ReplicationController, but for
pods that don’t always restart
• workflow: restart on failure
• build/test: don’t restart on app. failure
Principle: do one thing, don’t overload
Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.1
- parallelism: 3
- completions: 6
- selector:
- job: my-work
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Manages pods that run to completion
• differentiates number running at any one
time from the total number of completed
Similar to ReplicationController, but for
pods that don’t always restart
• workflow: restart on failure
• build/test: don’t restart on app. failure
Principle: do one thing, don’t overload
Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.1
- parallelism: 3
- completions: 6
- selector:
- job: my-work
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Runs a Pod on every node
• or a selected subset of nodes
Not a fixed number of replicas
• created and deleted as nodes come and go
Useful for running cluster-wide services
• logging agents
• storage systems
DaemonSet manager is both a controller
and scheduler
Status: ALPHA in Kubernetes v1.1
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Rollouts as a service
• updates to pod template will be
rolled out by controller
• can choose between rolling update
and recreate
Enables declarative updates
• manipulates replication controllers
and pods so clients don’t have to
Status: ALPHA in Kubernetes v1.
- strategy: {type: RollingUpdate}
- replicas: 3
- selector:
- app: my-app
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Google confidential │ Do not distribute
Take away
• Decoupling applications from infrastructure creates new opportunities
• Kubernetes
• is container-centric infrastructure
• which includes a lot more than just running containers
• facilitates management of containers in production
• provides a foundation for building a workload-management ecosystem
• This has enabled Platform as a Service systems to be built on Kubernetes
• Apache Stratos
• Openshift 3: co-designed and co-developed with Kubernetes
• Deis: Heroku-inspired Docker-based PaaS
• Gondor: Python-aaS
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Kubernetes is Open
- open community
- open design
- open source
- open to ideas
slack: kubernetes
twitter: @kubernetesio
Thank You
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Design principle summary
Declarative > imperative: State your desired results, let the system actuate
Control loops: Observe, rectify, repeat
Simple > Complex: Try to do as little as possible
Modularity: Components, interfaces, & plugins
Legacy compatible: Requiring apps to change is a non-starter
Network-centric: IP addresses are cheap
No grouping: Labels are the only groups
Cattle > Pets: Manage your workload in bulk
Open > Closed: Open Source, standards, REST, JSON, etc.

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WSO2Con US 2015 Kubernetes: a platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations

  • 1. Kubernetes: a platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations Brian Grant
  • 2. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Kubernetes: a platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations WSO2Con 2015 Brian Grant @bgrant0607
  • 3. Google confidential │ Do not distribute What is Kubernetes?
  • 4. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Old way: install applications on host kernel libs app app app Application and OS share filesystem Use OS distribution package manager Entangled with each other and with host • Executables • Configuration • Shared libraries • Process and lifecycle management Immutable VM images provide predictable rollouts and rollbacks • but are not portable and heavyweight app
  • 5. Google confidential │ Do not distribute New way: deploy containers libs app kernel libs app libs app libs app OS-level virtualization Isolated, from each other and from the host • filesystems • processes • resources Small and fast ⇒ enables 1:1 app to image • Unlocks benefits of microservices • Decouple build (Dev) from deployment (Ops) • Consistency from development to production • Portable across OS distros and clouds • Application-centric management
  • 6. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Need container-centric infrastructure Scheduling: Decide where my containers should run Lifecycle and health: Keep my containers running despite failures Scaling: Make sets of containers bigger or smaller Naming and discovery: Find where my containers are now Load balancing: Distribute traffic across a set of containers Storage volumes: Provide data to containers Logging and monitoring: Track what’s happening with my containers Debugging and introspection: Enter or attach to containers Identity and authorization: Control who can do things to my containers
  • 7. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Want to automate orchestration for velocity & scale Diverse workloads and use cases demand still more functionality • Rolling updates and blue/green deployments • Application secret and configuration distribution • Continuous integration and deployment • Workflows • Batch processing • Scheduled execution • Application-specific orchestration … A composable, extensible Platform is needed
  • 8. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Kubernetes Greek for “Helmsman”; also the root of the words “governor” and “cybernetic” • Infrastructure for containers • Schedules, runs, and manages containers on virtual and physical machines • Platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations • Inspired and informed by Google’s experiences and internal systems • 100% Open source, written in Go
  • 9. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Deployment $ kubectl run my-nginx --image=nginx replicationcontroller "my-nginx" created $ kubectl get po NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE my-nginx-wepbv 1/1 Running 0 1m
  • 10. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Scaling $ kubectl scale rc my-nginx --replicas=2 replicationcontroller "my-nginx" scaled $ kubectl get po NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE my-nginx-wepbv 1/1 Running 0 1m my-nginx-yrf3u 1/1 Running 0 20s
  • 11. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Shutdown $ kubectl delete rc my-nginx replicationcontroller "my-nginx" deleted $ kubectl get po NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE my-nginx-wepbv 0/1 Terminating 0 4m my-nginx-yrf3u 0/1 Terminating 0 3m $ kubectl get po $
  • 12. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Kubernetes architecture
  • 13. Google confidential │ Do not distribute users control plane nodes Kubernetes architecture CLI API UI kubelet kubelet kubelet apiserver scheduler controllers
  • 14. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Post desired state (aka spec) via API kubelet kubelet kubelet Run nginx Replicas = 2 CPU = 2.5 Memory = 1Gi apiserver scheduler controllers
  • 15. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Placement (aka scheduling) kubelet kubelet kubelet apiserver scheduler controllers Which nodes for nginx ?
  • 16. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Assignment (aka binding) kubelet kubelet kubelet Run nginx apiserver scheduler controllers Run nginx
  • 17. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Fetch container image kubelet kubelet kubelet Registry Pull nginx Pull nginx apiserver scheduler controllers
  • 18. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Execution and lifecycle management kubelet kubelet kubelet Status nginx nginx nginx apiserver scheduler controllers Status nginx
  • 19. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Get current status via API kubelet kubelet kubelet GET nginx apiserver scheduler controllers nginx nginx
  • 20. Google confidential │ Do not distribute kubelet kubelet kubelet Status nginx apiserver scheduler controllers nginx nginx Get current status via API
  • 21. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Kubernetes uses the same APIs as users kubelet kubelet kubelet apiserver scheduler controllers
  • 22. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Modularity Modularity facilitates • composability • extensibility APIs - no shortcuts or back doors • ensures extensions are on equal footing Example: Scheduler Example: Controllers
  • 23. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Control loops Drive current state → desired state Observed state is truth Act independently • choreography rather than orchestration Recurring pattern in the system Example: Scheduler Example: Controllers observe diff act
  • 24. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Core primitives
  • 25. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Pods
  • 26. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Pods Small group of containers & volumes Tightly coupled • the atom of replication & placement “Logical” host for containers • each pod gets an IP address • share data: localhost, volumes, IPC, etc. Facilitates composite applications • mix and match components, languages, etc. • preserves 1:1 app to image Example: data puller & web server Consumers Content Manager File Puller Web Server Volume Pod
  • 27. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Volumes Storage automatically attached to pod • Local scratch directories created on demand • Cloud block storage • GCE Persistent Disk • AWS Elastic Block Storage • Cluster storage • File: NFS, Gluster, Ceph • Block: iSCSI, Cinder, Ceph • Special volumes • Git repository • Secret Critical building block for higher-level automation
  • 28. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Secrets How to grant a pod access to a secured something? • secrets: credentials, tokens, passwords, ... • don’t put them in the container image! 12-factor says should come from the environment Inject them as “virtual volumes” into Pods • not baked into images nor pod configs • kept in memory - never touches disk • not coupled to non-portable metadata API Manage secrets via the Kubernetes API Node Pod Secret API
  • 29. Google confidential │ Do not distribute User-provided key-value attributes Attached to any API object Generally represent identity Queryable by selectors • think SQL ‘select ... where ...’ The only grouping mechanism Labels
  • 30. Google confidential │ Do not distribute app: my-app track: stable tier: FE app: my-app track: canary tier: FE app: my-app track: stable tier: BE app: my-app track: canary tier: BE Selectors
  • 31. Google confidential │ Do not distribute app = my-app Selectors app: my-app track: stable tier: FE app: my-app track: canary tier: FE app: my-app track: stable tier: BE app: my-app track: canary tier: BE
  • 32. Google confidential │ Do not distribute app = my-app, tier = FE Selectors app: my-app track: stable tier: FE app: my-app track: canary tier: FE app: my-app track: stable tier: BE app: my-app track: canary tier: BE
  • 33. Google confidential │ Do not distribute app = my-app, tier = BE Selectors app: my-app track: stable tier: FE app: my-app track: canary tier: FE app: my-app track: stable tier: BE app: my-app track: canary tier: BE
  • 34. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Selectors app = my-app, track = stable app: my-app track: stable tier: FE app: my-app track: canary tier: FE app: my-app track: stable tier: BE app: my-app track: canary tier: BE
  • 35. Google confidential │ Do not distribute app = my-app, track = canary Selectors app: my-app track: stable tier: FE app: my-app track: canary tier: FE app: my-app track: stable tier: BE app: my-app track: canary tier: BE
  • 36. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Running Microservices
  • 37. Google confidential │ Do not distribute ReplicationControllers Ensures N copies of a Pod • if too few, start new ones • if too many, kill some • grouped by a label selector Explicit specification of desired scale • client doesn’t just create N copies • enables self-healing • facilitates auto-scaling An example of a controller • calls public APIs ReplicationController - selector = {“app”: “my-app”} - template = { ... } - replicas = 4 API Server How many? 3 Start 1 more OK How many? 4
  • 38. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Services A group of pods that work together • grouped by a label selector Publishes how to access the service • DNS name • DNS SRV records for ports (well known ports work, too) • Kubernetes Endpoints API Defines access policy • Load-balanced: name maps to stable virtual IP • “Headless”: name maps to set of pod IPs Hides complexity - ideal for non-native apps Decoupled from Pods and ReplicationControllers Virtual IP Client
  • 39. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Rolling Updates ReplicationController - replicas: 3 - selector: - app: my-app - version: v1 Service - app: my-app $ kubectl rolling-update my-app-v1 my-app-v2 --image=image:v2 Live-update an application
  • 40. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Rolling Updates ReplicationController - replicas: 3 - selector: - app: my-app - version: v1 ReplicationController - replicas: 0 - selector: - app: my-app - version: v2 Service - app: my-app
  • 41. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Rolling Updates ReplicationController - replicas: 3 - selector: - app: my-app - version: v1 ReplicationController - replicas: 1 - selector: - app: my-app - version: v2 Service - app: my-app
  • 42. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Rolling Updates ReplicationController - replicas: 2 - selector: - app: my-app - version: v1 ReplicationController - replicas: 1 - selector: - app: my-app - version: v2 Service - app: my-app
  • 43. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Rolling Updates ReplicationController - replicas: 2 - selector: - app: my-app - version: v1 ReplicationController - replicas: 2 - selector: - app: my-app - version: v2 Service - app: my-app
  • 44. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Rolling Updates ReplicationController - replicas: 1 - selector: - app: my-app - version: v1 ReplicationController - replicas: 2 - selector: - app: my-app - version: v2 Service - app: my-app
  • 45. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Rolling Updates ReplicationController - replicas: 1 - selector: - app: my-app - version: v1 ReplicationController - replicas: 3 - selector: - app: my-app - version: v2 Service - app: my-app
  • 46. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Rolling Updates ReplicationController - replicas: 0 - selector: - app: my-app - version: v1 ReplicationController - replicas: 3 - selector: - app: my-app - version: v2 Service - app: my-app
  • 47. Google confidential │ Do not distribute New controllers in v1.1
  • 48. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Jobs Manages pods that run to completion • differentiates number running at any one time from the total number of completed runs Similar to ReplicationController, but for pods that don’t always restart • workflow: restart on failure • build/test: don’t restart on app. failure Principle: do one thing, don’t overload Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.1 Job - parallelism: 3 - completions: 6 - selector: - job: my-work
  • 49. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Jobs Manages pods that run to completion • differentiates number running at any one time from the total number of completed runs Similar to ReplicationController, but for pods that don’t always restart • workflow: restart on failure • build/test: don’t restart on app. failure Principle: do one thing, don’t overload Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.1 Job - parallelism: 3 - completions: 6 - selector: - job: my-work
  • 50. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Jobs Manages pods that run to completion • differentiates number running at any one time from the total number of completed runs Similar to ReplicationController, but for pods that don’t always restart • workflow: restart on failure • build/test: don’t restart on app. failure Principle: do one thing, don’t overload Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.1 Job - parallelism: 3 - completions: 6 - selector: - job: my-work
  • 51. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Jobs Manages pods that run to completion • differentiates number running at any one time from the total number of completed runs Similar to ReplicationController, but for pods that don’t always restart • workflow: restart on failure • build/test: don’t restart on app. failure Principle: do one thing, don’t overload Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.1 Job - parallelism: 3 - completions: 6 - selector: - job: my-work
  • 52. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Jobs Manages pods that run to completion • differentiates number running at any one time from the total number of completed runs Similar to ReplicationController, but for pods that don’t always restart • workflow: restart on failure • build/test: don’t restart on app. failure Principle: do one thing, don’t overload Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.1 Job - parallelism: 3 - completions: 6 - selector: - job: my-work
  • 53. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Jobs Manages pods that run to completion • differentiates number running at any one time from the total number of completed runs Similar to ReplicationController, but for pods that don’t always restart • workflow: restart on failure • build/test: don’t restart on app. failure Principle: do one thing, don’t overload Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.1 Job - parallelism: 3 - completions: 6 - selector: - job: my-work
  • 54. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Jobs Manages pods that run to completion • differentiates number running at any one time from the total number of completed runs Similar to ReplicationController, but for pods that don’t always restart • workflow: restart on failure • build/test: don’t restart on app. failure Principle: do one thing, don’t overload Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.1 Job - parallelism: 3 - completions: 6 - selector: - job: my-work
  • 55. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Jobs Manages pods that run to completion • differentiates number running at any one time from the total number of completed runs Similar to ReplicationController, but for pods that don’t always restart • workflow: restart on failure • build/test: don’t restart on app. failure Principle: do one thing, don’t overload Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.1 Job - parallelism: 3 - completions: 6 - selector: - job: my-work
  • 56. Google confidential │ Do not distribute DaemonSets Runs a Pod on every node • or a selected subset of nodes Not a fixed number of replicas • created and deleted as nodes come and go Useful for running cluster-wide services • logging agents • storage systems DaemonSet manager is both a controller and scheduler Status: ALPHA in Kubernetes v1.1
  • 57. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Deployment Rollouts as a service • updates to pod template will be rolled out by controller • can choose between rolling update and recreate Enables declarative updates • manipulates replication controllers and pods so clients don’t have to Status: ALPHA in Kubernetes v1. 1 Deployment - strategy: {type: RollingUpdate} - replicas: 3 - selector: - app: my-app ...
  • 58. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Conclusion
  • 59. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Take away • Decoupling applications from infrastructure creates new opportunities • Kubernetes • is container-centric infrastructure • which includes a lot more than just running containers • facilitates management of containers in production • provides a foundation for building a workload-management ecosystem • This has enabled Platform as a Service systems to be built on Kubernetes • Apache Stratos • Openshift 3: co-designed and co-developed with Kubernetes • Deis: Heroku-inspired Docker-based PaaS • Gondor: Python-aaS
  • 60. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Kubernetes is Open - open community - open design - open source - open to ideas slack: kubernetes twitter: @kubernetesio
  • 62. Google confidential │ Do not distribute Design principle summary Declarative > imperative: State your desired results, let the system actuate Control loops: Observe, rectify, repeat Simple > Complex: Try to do as little as possible Modularity: Components, interfaces, & plugins Legacy compatible: Requiring apps to change is a non-starter Network-centric: IP addresses are cheap No grouping: Labels are the only groups Cattle > Pets: Manage your workload in bulk Open > Closed: Open Source, standards, REST, JSON, etc.