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Writing Essay Help
Writing an essay on the topic of "Writing Essay Help" can be quite challenging, as it involves a
degree of self-reflection and a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of essay
composition. Crafting an effective essay requires not only the ability to express thoughts
coherently but also the skill to guide the reader through a logical and well-structured argument.
The difficulty lies in striking the right balance between providing insightful information and
maintaining the reader's interest throughout the essay.
One of the challenges is navigating the vast amount of information available on the subject.
While it's essential to gather relevant data and perspectives, there is a risk of becoming
overwhelmed with too much information, leading to difficulty in synthesizing and organizing
the content effectively. Additionally, it can be challenging to strike the right tone в
maintaining a formal yet engaging style that aligns with the purpose of the essay.
The process of self-editing is another hurdle. Critically evaluating one's own writing can be a
daunting task, as writers may become attached to their ideas and overlook potential
improvements. Seeking constructive feedback from peers or mentors becomes crucial in
overcoming this challenge.
Furthermore, managing time efficiently during the essay-writing process is often a difficulty.
Research, outlining, drafting, and revising each demand a significant amount of time and
attention. Balancing these tasks while meeting deadlines can be a complex juggling act.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic of "Writing Essay Help" requires a multifaceted
approach, involving research skills, critical thinking, effective communication, and time
management. It demands a commitment to refining one's writing abilities and a willingness to
engage in the continuous improvement of the craft.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any writing-related challenges, there are
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Writing Essay HelpWriting Essay Help
Racism Revealed In Michael Scott s The Office
The second episode of the many seasoned series The Office , starring Steve Carrell
as Michael Scott, was a comedic episode that also showed many negative
interactions that Michael had with his employees as their manager. It was very
obvious that Michael was instigating discrimination and causing immediate harm to
his employees. The episode showed many accounts of racism and I was surprised
that FOX even aired the episode for a second episode ever, it was very risky.. When
Michael created his own Diversity Day he created much more discrimination in the
officethat created many problems among the employees. Michael is very lucky that
Dunder Mifflinwas not sued against for the countless acts of discrimination and
terrible management. Michael... Show more content on ...
Even though it seemed that everyone in the office was only mildly upset with the
situation besides Kelly, the office could easily have filed for mental distress because
of all the incidents of discrimination that occurred that day.
Another example of a legal issue presented in this episode was when Michael
continuously pesters Kelly by saying gooky and mimicking other racial slurs
towards her Indian origin. Kelly then smacks Michael across the face in return for
mocking her race, which violates the Tort Battery, because she struck him after he
mocked her. Kelly could face possible charges of battery because of this action she
took towards Michael that was unnecessary even though he mocker
Tia Case Study
NURSING DIAGNOSIS Ineffective tissue perfusion / Altered cerebral tissue
perfusion Risk for injury: Stroke Impaired verbal communication r/t ischemic injury
NURSING DIAGNOSIS Ineffective tissue perfusion / Altered cerebral tissue
perfusion Risk for injury: Stroke Impaired verbal communication r/t ischemic injury
NURSING INTERVENTIONS Careful monitoring of neurological status (Glasgow
come scale, LOC, pupillary responses, extremity movement and strength, facial
symmetry, speech and vital signs). Decrease in LOC may indicate increased ICP.
Tube feedings and IV fluids r/t dysphagia. F/C r/t incontinence, pt is placed on B
amp;B training program. Preventing contractures, building muscle tone with ROM
activities, controlling... Show more content on ...
Other symptoms may include: tinnitus, vertigo, blurred vision, diplopia, eyelid
ptosis and ataxia. MANIFESTATIONS Contralateral weakness of the lower face,
hands, arms and legs; transient dysphasia; numbness or loss of sensation;
headache; temporary loss of vision of one eye; sudden inability to speak. Other
symptoms may include: tinnitus, vertigo, blurred vision, diplopia, eyelid ptosis and
ataxia. ETIOLOGY Episode of cerebrovascular insufficiency with temporary
episodes of neurologic dysfunction lasting less than 24 hours and often less than 15
minutes. Most TIA symptoms resolve within 3 hours. Symptoms lasting longer than
24 hours are classified as a stroke. TIAs are thought to be caused by microemboli
that temporarily occlude blood flow resulting in ischemia of brain tissue. Often
occurs in patients with carotid artery stenosis. ETIOLOGY Episode of
cerebrovascular insufficiency with temporary episodes of neurologic dysfunction
lasting less than 24 hours and often less than 15 minutes. Most TIA symptoms
resolve within 3 hours. Symptoms lasting longer than 24 hours are classified as a
stroke. TIAs are thought to be caused by microemboli that temporarily
Dog Food Research Paper
Chemicals In Dog Food Are They Good? Are They Bad?
You re standing in the pet store, buying your four legged friend some food. The
front of the bag says it s all natural, but you don t read the ingredients. Little do you
know, that food could be harming your dog. Did you realize dog food companies put
harmful chemicals into their product. Take a moment to ask yourself this question. If
you knew that a certain food was harmful to you, would you feed it to your dog?
Some dog food companies put harmful chemicals into their product that are also
harmful to humans. They call this feed grade. Feed grade is food that is much lower
quality than human grade. Feed grade allows toxins and chemicals into the food,
while human grade does not. For instance, they put a chemical in feed grade called
Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT). Not only has this chemical caused liver and
kidney problems in dogs, it has been linked to cancer in humans. ... Show more
content on ...
Most of the time, companies will try to trick you into thinking that the product is
good by using a certain way of words. For example, when a bag says natural with
added vitamins This doesn t always mean its natural. This could simply mean that
there are only few natural ingredients and the rest are harmful. Those chemicals
could be made in labs and could even be harmful. Although not all chemicals are bad,
some of them can be affecting your precious pet. Back in 2014, the dog food
company Purina put a chemical called Propylene Glycol in their product, and had a
lawsuit against them. This chemical is so bad because this chemical is also found in
automobile antifreeze, which is very harmful to dogs. Veterinarian Patrick Mahoney
says These chemicals not only costed Purina millions of dollars, but costed some
dogs their
A Raisin Of The Sun By Lorraine Hansberry
A Raisin in the sun by Lorraine Hansberry there are three major female characters
represent three different spectrums of their lives. A Raisin in the Sun a number of
social issues are both explicitly and subtly exemplified through out the characters
experiences and relationships. First, Hansberry introduce Beneatha who is twenty
year old college student with dreams of becoming a doctor in her life. Second, the
author mention Ruth as a soft character in the story that wants to become wealthy
and have a happy family. Lastly, Mama is the strong motivating character in the play,
who dream of a big house . Therefore, In a Raisin in the sun these three main
characters live in the same house with all different dreams. In Addition,Beneatha...
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Also,Walter thinks beneatha shouldn t be doctor because being a doctor is meddle
the boundaries of her gender as an African American women. As well as Walter is
apprehensive that if the women in his family are able to take care of themselves
financially he has to depend on them. Furthermore, Ruth is Walter s wife. Her dream
is to have a happy family but she also wants to be wealthy. Her marriage to Walter has
problems, but she hopes to revitalize their lives. Ruth is typical housewife with the
same dreams as Mama s. Since she has no money she can not help her family as
much as she would like to. Ruth disclose the adversity of being a working middle
class mother. Besides, later on the play she finds out she is two month pergrent.At the
Act II, MAMA When the world gets ugly enough a woman will do anything for her
family. The part that s already ving.
WALTER.You don t know Ruth, Mama, if you think she would do that,
RUTH. Yes I would too, Walter. (Pause) I gave her a five dollar down
payment.(Hansberry 74)
To enumerate, Mama thinks that family can t afford another child because the
house is already overcrowded and it will get worst. Added to the they don t have
enough money to spend on an another baby now. To specifics,Ruth is in and gives
reasoning for why she is seeing an abortion. For Instance, according to t.a. Hind N.
Hussein, in
Enduring Love Wickham In Pride And Prejudice
Cowans 4 why he disliked Wickham and how he took advantage of his sister.
Elizabeth still wasn t convinced. Elizabeth had lost trust in Darcy and he would
have to earn her trust again. Elizabeth and Jane returned home after all this had
happened. Upon returning home they find out that their younger sister was trying
to leave with Colonel Forster and his wife. Elizabeth warned her father that this
would be a bad idea to left Lydia go. Mr. Bennet decided to let Lydia go any way.
Austen really made it seem like these people were running from or to their problems
because they were constantly taking trips. Elizabeth took a trip with the Gardiners.
Pemberley which was Mr. Darcy s estate was one of the stops on this trip. Almost
everyone in this novel seemed to have so mental issues. Why... Show more content on ...
Wickham. Once Darcy learned of this news from Elizabeth, he felt somewhat
responsible because he didn t tell anyone about Wickham evil behavior. The Gardiner
took Elizabeth back to Longbourn to be with her family. Mrs. Bennet was being crazy
as usual and then they learned that Wickham had gambling debts. None of this
news was good. Mr. Bennett and Mr. Gardiner were looking for Lydia and
Wickham, but after no luck Mr. Bennet returned home. Mr. Gardiner continued to
look and found them. Wickham said he would marry Lydia but there is a price. He
wants her father to give her equal shares of his wealth. Mr. Bennet was still confused
about who paid Wickham debts. He thought that maybe Mr. Gardiner did it. Even
though Lydia married a crook, her mother was still excited that one of her daughter
was married. Mrs. Bennet was only focused on getting her daughter married and not
their well being. Lydia and Wickham came back to visit and Lydia told Elizabeth
that Darcy was at her wedding to Wickham. At issue are assumptions about the
selfishness and instability of men s love. When Elizabeth discovers that
John Patrick Shanley s Doubt
Douglas Light said that our imagination is better than any answer to a question.
Light distinguished between two genres: fantasy from fiction. He described how
fantasy stimulates one s imagination, which is more appealing, but fiction can just
be a relatable story. In the same way, Books and movies are very different entities.
In the short parable Doubt, the readers are lured in to the possibility of a scandalous
relationship between a pastor and an alter boy. The readers curiosity is ignited
because they are not given all the details. Therefore, their mind wanders further than
the plot to create a story and characters that acted on one s imagination; thus, the story
became entertaining flooded by the questions of what? Who? How? By... Show more
content on ...
In fact, all the details within the play stimulated one s imagination to create something
that was never stated in writing. In no part of the play does it outright say that Father
Flynn had any encounter with the alter boys other than during basketball practice and
his apparent close friendship with Donald Muller. Yet, through the readers
imagination, they assume scandalous scenarios between the Donald Muller and
Father Flynn while still curious about what the truth is. The viewer was in constant
doubt, of both characters intentions and motives. The parable is filled with indirect
notions, assumptions, and gossiping. So why is this specific parable so entertaining?
Its simple the reader used their imagination to piece together a relationship that at
multiple times in the play cause them to doubt their own beliefs and consider the
opposing possibilities. The play let you feel everything, know everything and live
vicariously through the characters. With the play, you can Sister Aloysius, Father
Flynn, or even Donald Muller; however, with the movie you are merely an observer.
Books allow you to make up parts of the story(visuals and what people are like) while
movies are more direct telling you what to see.
The play involved more character devolement, so the reader was able to learn the
The Issue Of Whistleblowing Is Becoming More Popular
Whistleblowing is becoming more popular as the world becomes more obsessed with
secrecy. Some people advocate secrecy and some believe that secrets can t keep us
safe. At least, this is what Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden thought. The
public is obsessed with the idea of knowing what the government is hiding from us
and internet connectivity, the growth of the Intelligence Community, and the
encouragement of the public perpetuates this. Two major leaks of classified
informationhappened in 2010 and 2013 by Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden
and caused lots of debate in their wake. How should the U.S. government deal with
whistleblowers and is there a specific way they can be dealt with. In the cases of
Manning and Snowden, the U.S.... Show more content on ...
But one thing secrecy definitely does is facilitate the creation of whistleblowers
like Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden. Bradley Manning is 27 years old in
prison for leaking over 700,000 documents to WikiLeaks, the largest leak of
classified documents in history. In 2010, he was a low level military intelligence
analyst in Iraq when he was detained under suspicion of stealing classified
information. He came to trial three years later on twenty charges of espionage and
theft. Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison and will most likely serve
about eight years of that. Edward Snowden is a 31 year old American citizen
living under asylum in Russia. He was an NSA contractor for Booz Allen
Hamilton that gradually grew disillusioned with the NSA and the blatant
hypocrisy going on in the NSA. He leaked 200,000 documents to journalists, and
no one really knows the actual number of documents he took, but estimates have
been said to be close to 2 million documents. Snowden hasn t faced his charges
because he fled outside the country even though he is aware of the consequences
that face him and stated, I told the government I d volunteer for prison, as long as it
served the right purpose, I care more about the country than what happens to me.
But we can t allow the law to become a political weapon or agree to scare people
away from standing up for their rights, no matter how good the deal.
Informative Essay On Nike Shoes
Nike has made itself very popular with its name and logo. Its name comes from the
Greek god of victory, Nike. Its logo is the infamous ВЁswooshВЁ. Although those
things have made they well known but is not the reason all these kids are buying
their shoes. The reason all kids across America want the Nike brand shoes is very
simple, Nike sponsors Legendary NBA players. After they make the deals they
market that line of shoes to kids saying ВЁKids, you could wear the same shoes as
Lebron James or Kyrie IrvingВЁ. That is what persuades kids to go out and buy
Nike produced shoes. All so they can think now I can play like and Lebron James,
but that s just my opinion.
There are two things I think about Nike. First, all the statements I listed above.
Second, although they may sell their shoes for, some might say, unfair prices they
do give you a quality product which they have put time into making. One way that
you are getting quality from Nike shoes is that they use raw materials for their shoes.
Six of those main raw materials that they use are: Polyester, Rubber, Eva Foam,...
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However, to maintain that position they need to come out with new lines of shoes
almost every week. Which means they are spending large amounts of money every
day and that leaves little room for profit. When they are putting a great deal of
money towards their shoes it does mean they will be a little more on the expensive
side. But, they do make great Birthday/Christmas gifts and kids get them at the
start of every school year so, they don t exactly need to worry about a deficit of
sales. One more thing you might want to take into consideration before purchasing
stock from them, in the 6 months and in their year to date, on their stock chart on
yahoo finance, they have gotten into a sizable decline of profits. This intel has
proven to have a big effect on my decision for picking a
The Success Of The City Of Detroit
The city of Detroit was the city of opportunity, wealth and place where anyone could
pursue their American dream. In early 1910 s innovative inventor, Henry Ford
brought automobile industry into american soil. First and biggest factories of
automobile manufacturing was opened in several places in Detroit. Detroitbecame
third biggest city in the United States with largest population during 1950s.
Automobile manufacturing was the base of Detroit s economy for decades. However,
today its not like it was before. During 20th to 21st century auto industry had many
highs and lows but overall had collapsed completely. While Detroit s officials though
that they settled the economy for a long run, the unexpected change in the city s
profit destroyed the economic system. Detroit which once was mecca for middle
class workers, who were pursuing their American Dream had major economical
collapse due to miscalculation of revenue, which also led to failure of education
system and decline in diversity. Detroit s economy was build on manufacturing in
automobile industry which made Detroit third biggest and richest city of United
States, but had great decline in economy when Detroit lost all the manufacturing and
investors during late 20th century. During first years of introduction to automobile
manufacturing by inventor Henry Ford, Detroit had economical boom. Detroit was
home to automobile, steam motor and home appliance manufacturing, cigar
production and pharmaceuticals. When Henry
Managing The Development Of Large Software Systems
Managing the development of large software systems
This book is published by Dr. Winston W.Royce, he will be describing his own
personal views about managing large software development. He has had many
different varieties of success in each of his assignments such as arriving the project on
time, within the costs and in the correct operational state.
When making a computer program there are two essential steps that are required
to make a successful program, these two main steps are the Analysis this is where
you will have to analyse the requirements of the software, the second step is the
Coding. This figure is all that is required if it is going to be for internal use as
everyone will be familiar with it. If you are going to ... Show more content on ...
This means that a simple patch to the code will not fix these problems. The changes
are likely to be extremely disruptive that the system requirements that the program
was built on will be violated. This will mean the requirements will have to be
modified and a major redesign will have to happen.
The preliminary program design phase is inserted in between the software
requirements phase and the analysis phase. By using this technique the designer will
assure that the software will not fail because of timing, storage and data flux
reasons. There are 3 steps that you will have to do to implement this procedure. 1,
Begin the design process with program designers. 2, Design define and allocate the
data processing modes. 3, Write an overview document this means that everyone must
at least have a slight understanding of the system and there should be one person with
deep understanding of the system.
The seventh figure shows that if the program is being developed for the first time,
arrange matters so that when the final build of the program is delivered to the
customer it is actually the second version as the first one is a simulation of it.
Royce view on documentation is that the more documentation the better. He says that
when he is called upon to review a documentation the first step that he does is
investigate the state of the documentation, if the documentation is in serious default
he recommends that the project management is replaced. He says that
Compendium Of The Social Doctrine Of Church
The right to water, as all human rights, finds its basis in human dignity and not in
any kind of quantitative assessment that considers water as a merely economic
good. Without water, life is threatened. (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the
Church§485). Catholic social teaching articulates the understood principle in
Catholicism that all members of the Church are called to provide for, care for, and
protect the dignity and well being of all creation, especially one s fellow man. This
comes from the recognition of every individual as being unique and important in the
eyes of God, due to being made in His image and likeness. Therefore, it is pivotal
that the poor especially, and all creation, are always accounted for in the decisions
that a country makes regarding its economic and political future. Because of this, there
... Show more content on ...
It is a matter of a common and universal duty, that of respecting a common
good,[979] destined for all, by preventing anyone from using with impunity the
different categories of beings, whether living or inanimate animals, plants, the
natural elements simply as one wishes, according to one s own economic needs
(Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church В§466). The Catholic Church
further warns: Man thinks that he can make arbitrary use of the earth, subjecting it
without restraint to his will, as though it did not have its own requisites and a prior
God given purpose, which man can indeed develop but must not betray
(Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church В§460). If a private company s
motive, once given control to a community s or nations water, is only profit, then
earth s natural water sources are at risk. Unless there is strict regulation, those
bodies of water, which already face depletion due to water misuse, pollution, and
general scarcity, will face greater stress if profit driven corporations are enabled due
to private water
Spreadsheet and Critical Path
Q1. Solve problem 27, page 182 of Mantel.
a.Find the expected time and variance for each task.
b.Draw the network (either AOA or AON) and the critical path and time. You may
use MS Project or draw it manually. In either case, highlight or name the critical path
and state the duration.
c.Find the probability that the critical path will be completed in 23 weeks
d.What is the probability that the other main paths will be completed in 23 weeks?
e.If the paths are independent, what is the probability that the entire network will be
completed in 23 weeks?
(a)Expected time and Variance is calculated in the Excel file attached.
(b)The AOA network is drawn below:
(c ) (d) and (e) done in the Excel Spreadsheet
Q2. ... Show more content on ...
In row 8, type each activity s crash time
Copy row 7 and paste it into Row 9.
Label each of the Times rows by typing Norma in G7, Crash in G8, and Actual in G9.
In Cell A10, type Costs
In Row 11, put each activity s normal cost. In G11, type Normal .
In Row 12, put each activity s crash cost. In G12, type Crash .
In G13, type Actual .
Put the formula in A13, =A11+(A7 A9)/(A7 A8)*(A12 A11)
Select cells A13:F13, and paste
Find the Path and
In cell A14, type :Paths
In A15 type the Paths, there are 2 paths in cells A15 and A16.
In H15 type =SUMPRODUCT(A15:F15,$A$9:$F$9)
Copy and paste it to H16
This shows пѓ How long each path takes?
Step 2: Identify the critical path
The critical path is in row 16
The critical path is 1 Aпѓ 2 Cпѓ 4 Eпѓ 5 Fпѓ 6. It s the path with the longest time.
To make it easier to see which activities are in each path, got to cell A20 and type
=IF(A15=1,A$2, ) copy to A20:F21
In cell G17 type MAX
In cell H17, type =MAX(H15:H16)
This shows how long the slowest path takes.
In cell H20 type =IF(H15=H$17, CRITICAL , )
Copy cell to H20:H21
The critical path will be labeled as CRITICAL
Step 3: Total Cost Formula
In cell D14 , type Total actual cost:
In cell G14, add up the actual costs of all of the activities. Type =SUM(A13:F13)
This shows that if we use all normal times for all activities, the total cost is $1300
Step 4: Fill in the
Essay On Fungal Scalp Infections
Fungal scalp infections
What are fungal scalp infections?
Tinea capitis and seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff) are scalp disorders characterized
by scaling and itchiness related to fungal infection. Tinea capitis usually affects
children and is spread by direct contact. The skin lesions appear as scaly patches on
the scalp that are often associated with hair loss (alopecia). Lymph nodes in the head
or neck may enlarge as a reaction to scalp infection, but usually resolve with
clearance of infection.
Seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff), although technically not a fungal scalp infection,
may produce symptoms that are similar to tinea capitis. This condition often affects
infants, adolescents, and adults. Dandruff is implicated to be indirectly ... Show more
content on ...
The condition is most frequency seen in African American children. There appears to
be a higher prevalence in males compared to females.
Seborrheic dermatitis can be seen in infants as well as adolescents and adults. Its
prevalence is about 3% and peaks at age 30 40. Men are affected more than women.
The condition also has a high prevalence in individuals infected with HIV.
What are the symptoms and signs of fungal scalp infections?
Symptoms of tinea capitis often include scaly patches with areas of hair loss
(alopecia). Hair loss often appears as black dots which represent broken hairs.
Patients often have itchiness (pruritus) of the scalp and may develop enlarged tender
lymph nodes (cervical lymphadenopathy) as a reaction to fungal scalp infection.
Seborrheic dermatitis typically causes a fine, white, scales on the scalp. In severe
cases, the skin can be inflamed, with red plaques covered in yellow, greasy scales.
These can be itchy and irritating.
Other conditions that are sometimes mistaken for tinea capitis or seborrheic
dermatitis include psoriasis and eczema.
How are fungal scalp infections
U2-Sweetest Thing
U2 Sweetest Thing
I have chosen this song for the tone it brings to this soundtrack. The beginning of
The Count of Monte Cristo is vividly different from the rest, as it introduces a
perfect character, who has the greatest of girls to soon marry, and has been promoted
to captain of his ship. I feel that this song has the same tone to it, while hinting at a
change of fortune soon in the future by repeating I m losing you , which mirrors the
effect that Danglars has at this point, of foreshadowing that things will not stay this
way for Dantes.
Midge Ure The Man Who Sold The World These lyrics connect to the relationship
between Dantes and Villefort, beginning from their first meeting in Villefort s
office. The song portrays Villefort as he is in the book, feigning to be Dante s
friend, when he had only himself in mind. (Lines 4,13). Dante s surprise during his
conversation with Villefort is also reflected in line five. The bridge between their
first meeting and their last is in lines fourteen to twenty, which describe his journey
from the Chateau d if, where Edmond Dantes died, and the Count of Monte Cristo
roamed for years and years. His stare is also described as gazeless, just as the Count
seems to see the world around him. The second and ... Show more content on ...
When he was unable to resuscitate Edouard, he doubted himself, and doubted if he
was following the Lord s will. Lines nine and ten show this perfectly, followed by
line eleven saying I m on the wrong side of heaven and the righteous side of hell .
He is bringing justice to those who deserve it on one hand, but on the other he is
doing it selfishly, and has now unfairly brought people into his judgement. Lines
fourteen to sixteen show that he knows he has moved on since he was Edmond
Dantes, but as he looks at himself at this point he cannot decide if the change was for
the better or
Why Did The Revolutionary War Start
So many people think that the revolutionary started at Lexington and Concord. But
George Washington wouldn t have been on the national stage without the events that
happened in Western Pennsylvania during the French and Indian War Tom Headley.
The quote represents how important the struggle between the years of 1754 and 1763
was. It set up the entire revolutionary war. The French and Indian War was fought by
the British and their colonies against the French and Indians. The war took place in
North Eastern America and Europe. The British thought that the Ohio River Valley
was rightfully theirs because the area was important for trading so they attacked the
French. Little did they know that the French and Indians would fight with Guerilla
warfare.... Show more content on ...
The over taxation was caused by the the vast amounts of debt that the British
Monarchy had due to the French and Indian War. The British Parliament thought
that they had the right to tax only the colonies and not Britain. This angered the
colonies and caused them to rebel in small ways. This also led to them protesting
the fact that they had no representation in Parliament. The war costed almost
70,000,000 euros and doubled Britain s national debt to 140,000,000 euros. They
in turn increased the taxes on the colonies. The taxes were a huge part of the
Revolutionary war and they caused one of the key rebellions in the British
Colonies that sparked major conflict. This rebellion is known as the Boston Tea
Party. In the Boston Tea Party, a group of Patriots who called themselves the Sons
of Liberty dressed themselves as Native Americans and went to the Boston Harbor.
Once there they went aboard ships that were carrying tea and they threw 92,000
pounds(340 chests) of tean into the harbor. This act changed the world as the
colonists knew it. It sparked the Coercive acts, known as the intolerable acts in
America to be
Teenage Mothers Stereotypes
Teenage mothers face many stereotypes and misconceptions, and based on this, the
image people might have about teen moms are that young mothers are irresponsible,
without a future, and bad mothers. Stereotypes are an elegant way in which people
generalize a group with few details without knowing them deeply. On the other hand;
misconceptions or misunderstandings is the erroneous view or opinion on something
because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding. In addition; the main negative
thing about stereotypes and misconceptions is that prejudge people. Teenagers who
became single mothers are more vulnerable to be exposed to judgements because of
the bad decisions they took in their lives. Single mothers are people who took the
decision to raise their children without the need of about father figure. Nevertheless;
teenage mothers face discrimination and judgment... Show more content on ...
Since, stereotypes are based on something true that justified and reinforced them to
prevail. Stereotypes generalize a group of people like if everyone were or behave in
the same way. For this reason, many stereotypes or most of them are full of
prejudgments. A good example is when people use the stereotypeof The men are
jealous because it talks about men like if every man and each one were the same.
Moreover; there are different types of stereotypes such as gender, culture, religion,
social groups, believes, etc. The stereotype more known or most common to identify
gender stereotype, since it involves sexist ideas, whether feminists or the macho
ideas. In the women some of the gender stereotypes are that women are in charge to
clean the house, to do the chores, be beauty, sensible, etc. All the contrary in the
opposite sex, men are expected to do not cry, they are in charge of the stability of the
home economics, they are who generate the economic resources in the family,
Toast For Beowulf
Jasmine Kent
Ms. Bell
English IV/ P.1
21 January 2016
A Toast to Beowulf
Greetings, Welcome to the Mead Hall of Hrothgar for our dinner party in honor of
the Great Beowulf. Beowulf is the greatest warrior to ever live and has saved us all
from the horrifying Grendel. I will now say a toast in honor of the great Beowulf. We
were all in the reign of terror from Grendel s raging hatred for man for twelve whole
years. His killings didn t ever cease or get easier. We have received a great hero
who has traveled from his own country where he has heard of the great terror that
Grendel has caused us and has decided to help us by volunteering to fight against the
mythical creature that is undefeatable. So Beowulf chose the mightiest men he could
find ... Show more content on ...
Beowulf was recognized as a hero in his own country for the countless battles he
had. Now, Beowulf has been a great King to us and once he had heard of the
attacks to his kingdom by a fire breathing dragon he knows that he must go to
battle with this creature to save his people. Instead of sending warriors to battle for
him because he s older he decides he must go and fight the dragon himself. He
knows it s the only way to save his people from this dragon. He also realizes that it
is his time to go and that the only noble way to die is in an epic battle. The only
way he can have true honor is in combat. When they gather on the mountain with
his men he tells them that he must go and defeat this dragon on his own for his
people and that the gold that the dragon protects will be left for his people. He
went to battle knowing that he will probably die going against this fire breathing
dragon. He went anyways because he knew that it would save his people. He would
leave everything he owns for his warriors and his people. Beowulf took on that
dragon for a chance that we would save his kingdom from this horrifying creature.
Beowulf is a true hero because he
Helios Sun Rise Essay
The reason why the sun rises every morning and sets every evening is because one
of reasons and one reason only. The evil spirits and malevolent creatures that hide in
the darkness of the world. It is said that Helios, the sun god, protects every single
human on Earth. Helios has a very tremendous task everyday and that is to drive his
sunchariot across the sky from East to West. The sun chariot has four horses with
fiery manes and tremendous power. Helios is a very powerful god that can barely
control the horses. On the days where he can not control the horses, it becomes rainy
and cloudy because whenever the chariot streaks the skies, it pushes away all the
badness. The light pushes them away. It is said that a couple million years ago, that
the sun fell to the Earth,... Show more content on ...
Rumour has it that this was because his son was born, Phaeton, and Helios forgot
to drive the chariot across the sky. Since then, Helios vowed that he will never let
that happen again. So he left his family and never saw them again. It was a hard
sacrifice, but it was very important that he did that. Phaeton grew up with his
mortal mother, he was bullied at school for telling his peers that his dad was the
sun. One day phaeton had enough and ran out of the school angrily. As he was
walking to his house, it appeared like the sun had gotten brighter. Phaeton looks into
the sun but was not blinded by it. Instead he saw the sun chariot with the shape of a
human being in it. Phaeton runs home and tells his mother what he saw, but his
mother only acted like he was crazy. He asks his mother where his dad was and she
pointed up. Meaning that he died but really she meant that he was in the sky. But
Phaeton did not understand that part. He believed that she meant that his father was
dead. When night came, the mother and son went to sleep in their rooms, and the
mother had a visitor. It was Helios, this upset the mother and caused her to yell at
him to be at home more
Katherine Johnson Hidden Figures
Hidden Figures: The Math Behind the Scenes
Brianna K. Fetzer
Benton High School
In the movie Hidden Figures the producers and writers of the movie touch base on
multiple points as well as teach valuable lessons. Katherine Johnson, played by
Taraji P. Henson, is an outstanding american idol. In the 1960s blacks were not seen
as equals nor were women yet she, being both black and a woman, out did her
colleagues. Using Euler s Method to solve a problem on a blackboard that her and
her team were over seeing at the time. By using Euler s Method they were able to
solve the equation and send John Glenn into space to orbit the earth seven times and
safely bring him back home to earth.
Hidden Figures in Review
The movie Hidden ... Show more content on ...
They often doubted her judgement of skills in her line of work, as well as her
mathematical skills even though she went to college at West Virginia State
University and earned her degree. She had a B.S. in mathematics and french and
graduated in 1937. She was one of three african americans to graduate that year due
to the president of the college wanting integrate the graduating class. She was the
only female of the three students picked, that causing great opportunities open up for
her, thus how she ended up working for NASA. During a pivotal scene, Johnson and
a team of white, male engineers are staring at a blackboard, trying to solve equations
for the trajectory of astronaut John Glenn s space capsule. They re stumped until
Johnson hits upon a solution: Euler s Method, she says. That s ancient, says one of
the engineers incredulously. Yes. But it works, she counters. It works numerically.
(Meyers, 2017)
Overall this movie, Hidden Figures, touches bases with on cultural and social also
scientific and mathematical points. Katherine Johnson, an american idol, sets
examples for people who deal with discrimination each and every day. She also
teaches them to stand up for what they believe in and to strive for the stars. She
launches the a start for African Americans and women all over the world. This is a
very educational movie from different
Pt1420 Unit 6 Assignment
Describe what you did.
This week we went a little bit more into the actual process of constructing an inverted
index and how to implement the handling of misspellings, the accuracy of retrievals
based on context, and the structures of resulting indexes for the purpose of searching
them. For the discussion assignment, I needed to cover the differences between
BSBI and SPIMI. For our programming assignment, we needed to make some
alterations to a SPIMI python program to create an index and list of documents.
Describe your reactions to what you did.
I found everything that we covered this week very interesting. While I appreciated
the differences between a BSBI and SPIMI, I m a little confused as to why you
would use a BSBI except in situations where there are some very specific hardware ...
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I am feeling pretty good about the class still. A lot of the techniques we are learning
about for efficient, accurate, and helpful searching of a corpus I find very interesting.
I need to take some more time to review the indexer Python code we were supplied
so I feel completely comfortable with how it is achieving the indexing.
Describe what you learned.
Particularly the handling of misspelled search terms or wildcard items was the thing
that I feel like I really took away from this week. Certainly, the index creation
techniques were learned but I think that to really strongly grasp those I just need to
get more hands on experience with their implementation. The things I learned about
for managing search terms I feel like I could, at least conceptually, immediately apply.
What surprised me or caused me to wonder?
I found the technique of the permuterm indexing especially of note. While it seems
like it results in a massive index it was interesting to think of how that could be
applied along with other ideas to mitigate human imperfections for searches.
What happened that felt particularly challenging? Why was it challenging to
Students At Clearview Middle School
A majority of the students in Middle Tennessee Public Schools come from a low
income family household. The school in which I work, Clearview Middle School is
not only low income, but is also a priority school. Priority schools are in the bottom
five percent in being in the category of lowest performing in the school district. The
population of students at Clearview Middle School are majority African American,
but the cultures among the school are rich and diverse. Many students at Clearview
Middle School have high potential of achieving great academic success, but fall short
due consistent classroom disruptions throughout the day. Although a majority of the
students in the school do not display inappropriate classroom behaviors,... Show more
content on ...
A handful of my students were either emotionally disturbed or had experienced
traumatic experiences outside of the classroom, typically in the communities they
live in. For example, I had a student named Brandon who experienced daily issues
with misbehaviors and defiance in the classrooms in which he entered. This
student had been classified as emotionally disturbed before entering Clearview
Middle. Brandon had issues with obtaining safe relationships with peers and staff,
refusing to follow basic safety procedures, and defiance with authority on multiple
occasions. As a part of his safety plan, Brandon was to come to my classroom to
reset when these types of behaviors occurred. Brandon and I had a relationship
where he knew my expectations when he entered my classroom and we had a
trusting relationship. I had built this relationship with Brandon based upon
implementing morning check ins with him in a social and emotional learning
aspect. I would make sure he was feeling okay before entering his classes and
seeing what I could do to fix any problems that had happened that morning or could
arise as the day goes on. Soon later this student was expelled due to continuous
defiance and interfering with the safety with himself and with other students. I
believe this could have been avoided if Brandon had received social and emotional
learning experiences with other
Contender Vs Million Dollar Baby
Melvonde Jones Mrs.Lassanske Sports Literature 21 February, 2017 The
Contender Vs. The Million Dollar Baby In the movie Million Dollar Baby, the
character Maggie has a similar dream to Alfred, the main character from The
Contender. There dream was to be a champion, a professional boxer. They both
accomplish those dreams but they both have total different endings. Maggie and
Alfred both has a passion for boxing. In the Million Dollar Baby movie Maggie
kept on begging Franky to teach her how to box because frank is a really good
teacher on boxing and Maggie just doesn t stop until one day he finally starts
teaching her. Franky who is the coach in Million Dollar Baby is kinda similar to Mr.
Donatelli who is the other coach in The contender. They re
What Are Double Negatives
Double negatives are seen as bad or evil nowadays in our advancing society as
generally, they should. We ve all been taught to avoid phrases like She didn t like
no one, or He said nothing, because they are unwieldy and confusing and in fact
mean the opposite ( She likes everyone, He said something ) of what they appear
to. It s not impossible, I said thoughtfully, of stacking her plasticware on top of her
cookware on top of her cabinets. I don t disagree, I said amiably, about her
suggestion that we adopt seven puppies at once. Were double negatives always off
limits? My Steve Almond does it in his Twitter bio defense was not winning over my
friend. What I discovered is subtleties in double negative usage that don t always
The Hysteria Of The Cold War
In What Ways and to What Extent Did the Hysteria of the Cold War lead to the Trial
and Execution of the Rosenbergs? Fearing the unknown is a common aspect of
human nature. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were an average married couple living in
New York City during the Cold War. They were members of the Communist Party
when anti Communist feelings in the United Stateswere at their peak. Little did they
know that as they continued with their daily lives, a series of investigations were
being conducted that would soon land them in the electric chair. Julius and Ethel
Rosenbergwere accused and convicted of passing along confidential atomic bomb
information to Soviet Union spies. After a long battle, they were executed in the
electric chair at Sing Sing Prison in 1953. The couple never admitted guilt to the
charges, and their conviction and execution caused their two young boys to grow up
without parents. The Rosenberg trial is still considered one of the most controversial
events in United States history. Few other trials have instigated as much debate,
aroused such passion or generated as many books and articles. Thus the question
arises: in what ways and to what extent did the hysteria of the Cold Warlead to the
trial and execution of the Rosenbergs? The 1951 trial of Julius Rosenberg, Ethel
Rosenberg, and Morton Sobell, Communists accused of conspiring to commit
espionage for the Soviet Union, drew worldwide attention at a time of heightened
American concerns about
Change Process Essay
Step 1: Create Urgency For change to happen, it helps if the whole association
genuinely needs it. Develop a sentiment genuineness around the prerequisite for
change. This may empower you to begin the hidden motivation to get things moving.
This isn t only an issue of exhibiting people poor arrangements experiences or
examining extended contention. Open a reasonable and influencing trade about what
s happening in the business focus and with your restriction. If numerous people start
examining the change you propose, the urgency can build and devour upon itself.
What you can do: Identify potential perils , and make circumstances showing what
could happen later on. Examine openings that should be, or could be, abused. Start...
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What you can do: Identify the bona fide pioneers in your affiliation, and also your
key accomplices . Ask for an energetic duty from these key people. Work on amass
working inside your change coalition. Check your gathering for fragile ranges, and
certification that you have a better than average mix of people from different
workplaces and unmistakable levels inside your association. Step 3: Create a Vision
for Change When you at first start considering change, there will probably be various
remarkable considerations and courses of action drifting around. Association these
thoughts to a general vision that people can understand easily and review. An
unmistakable vision can enable everyone to appreciate why you re asking for that
they achieve something. Exactly when people witness firsthand what you re
endeavoring to finish, by then the orders they re offered have a tendency to look
good. What you can do: Determine the qualities that are indispensable to the change.
Develop a short summary (possibly two or three sentences) that gets what you see as
the inevitable destiny of your affiliation. Create a framework to execute that vision.
Ensure that your change coalition can portray the vision in five minutes or less.
Practice your vision talk consistently. Step 4: Communicate the
Analysis Of. Shapiro s The Cross And Images On A...
Lamed Shapiro s The Cross tells the story, in vivid and disturbing detail, of a
Russian Jewish man who is attacked in a pogrom, alongside his estranged mother,
and is branded on the forehead with a cross by his attacker. Blume Lempel s
Images on a Blank Canvas tells another story, in equally vivid and disturbing detail,
of a woman mourning the death of her friend, a prostitute who committed suicide.
In these two stories, there is one striking similarity: The survivor is portrayed by
the non survivor. In The Cross, the Russian Jew is depicted by his mother as the
brutally murdered non survivor of a pogrom. In Images on a Blank Canvas, Blume
Lempel, the survivor, is depicted by her fallen friend Zosye. Through the
depictions of survivors by non survivors, Shapiro and Lempel are able to unpack
the trauma stemming from a pogrom and a suicide and its effects on the survivors.
The Cross begins with Shapiro s description of the man who would become,
simultaneously, the survivor and non survivor. Shapiro, after noticing the man s
physical features, sizes up his forehead: Then I saw his wide forehead. It was
marked with a sharply cut brown cross, a shallow wound two knife cuts, crossing
each other. This simple declaration at the beginning of the story foreshadows the
fate of the man with the cross, and allows Shapiro to lead us into the riveting body
of the story, a flashback into his unnerving past. The man s own confession ...I ve
been an outsider for years now
The Idea Of Mass Customisation
The Idea of Mass Customisation Over the last 25 years, it has become harder to
satisfy customer demand from inventory and thus making the cost of keeping
inventory more expensive. This becomes a problem as new products cannot be
produced until the old products have been sold, usually at huge discounts (Anderson,
2014). Therefore, many companies are forced to customize products, to some degree,
for increasingly selective customers or to compete in niche markets (Anderson,
2014). However, introducing these customized products into a mass production
manufacturing approach is complex and creates high costs of variety. Cost of variety
defined by McGraw Hill, 1997, includes the actual costs of customizing or
configuring products, all the set up... Show more content on ...
al., 2001). Mass customisation refers to the ability to provide customized products
or services through flexible processes in high volumes (Silvera, 2001) and at a
cost near that of mass produced items (Hart, 1995, Kay, 1993, Kotha, 1995, Ross,
1996, Joneja and Lee, 1998). Mass customization also implies that the same large
number of customers can be reached as in mass markets of the industrial economy
and simultaneously they can be treated individually as in the customised markets of
preindustrial economies. (Davis 1987:169) However, the implementation of mass
customisation into the current systems leads to the existence of two main challenges
of time and cost (Eastwood, 1996), which can be overcome by the following success
factors. Customer demand for variety and customization must exist (Silvera et. al.,
2001). The demand for variety and customization will determine how much customers
are willing to pay and wait for delivery of most customized products (Kotha, 1996,
Hart, 1996). Since customization means the customer may gain an increment of a
utility from a product that better fits to his or her needs than the best standard
product available (Chamberlin, 1962), there is an increased willingness of customers
paying more for the customized product. Pine (1993) has stated that customization
increases customer satisfaction thus
Essay On Group 252
The group of 252 left the fort in New England to find land to the west where they
would build a town. The small group left the fort to escape the violence from natives
and traders. Their desire to find better land outweighs their fear of the unknown. This
is their story.
The group left in early spring as to avoid at least some harsh weather. Every group
of 6 got a covered wagon. Every day a different few people had to walk. Mountains
and rivers were the toughest obstacles in the journey. One of the greatest surprises to
the group was that they didn t run out of food on their exactly 170 day journey.
The group consisted of 62 men, 62 women, and 128 children. All the men were
married and all were between the ages of 20 and 41. The women ranged ... Show
more content on ...
The first man stood in shock as the beast approached him. The man felt offended
that such a horrible thing could exist on God s earth. The monster used a giant hand
to pick the man up by his neck. It then let out the guttural roar and bit the man on the
face leaving nothing but half a skull and a fountain of blood. The beast then dropped
the man like a sack and moved toward the next man.
The terrified soul drew a pistol and shot the beast in the stomach. The monster
looked down as if to make certain that the pebble did not harm it. The monster
looked at the man with a horrific pair of dark eyes and send out the high pitched
shriek and charged the man. Once close, the beast buried its foot into the man s chest
sending him flying into a tree. His body wrapped around the tree making a terrible
Charles Brown, half a mile from the edge of the forest.
Over rocks and stumps and roots he ran. Black was all he could see in the dark. All
he prayed was that he put his foot down in the right spot and keep running and live.
God, it seems, was busy that night. Charles put his foot down on a tree root and his
ankle bent. The left side of his foot made a sharp click. Charles fell down and
clutched his broken ankle. He didn t scream, he just grunted a little when he fell
Robert Andrew Millikan Essay
Robert Andrew Millikan
In 1909 Robert Andrew Millikan set up an apparatus to measure the charge of an
electron within an accuracy range of 3%. In 1913 he came out with a value of the
electrical charge that would serve the world of science for a generation. Young
Millikan had a childhood like most others: he had no idea what his profession would
be. Once he recalled trying to jump from a rowboat to a dock, falling in the water,
and almost drowning. Here he had his first account with physics Newton s Third Law
of Motion: quot;For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction quot;. Even
in High School Physics courses Millikan was not so spirited, which may have had a ...
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Thus, he began writing better textbooks for the University of Chicago, quot;In fact he
spent the morning of his wedding day reading proofs of his textbooks quot; ( http:/
/ )
During his 12 hours of teaching each day Millikan spent half of his time doing
research. In 1909 he constructed his first oil drop apparatus to determine the
charge of an electron. Millikan discovered that the charge depended on the
frequency of incident light. In the beginning of his experimentation Millikan was
using a drop of water. Using a water drop only gave Millikan forty five seconds in
which to measure the charge, due to the volatility of the water. Millikan then
switched to using a drop of oil because of its low volatility and as a result was
allowed four and one half hours to measure the charge.
In 1909 Millikan figured he was within 2% of being accurate. In 1910
Millikan actually announced numerical value for this fundamental atomic constant,
4.891x10 10 esu. [ After Millikan announced this number he was elected Vice
Chairman and Director of Research for the National Research Council in 1917.]
Millikan realized there were inaccuracies when then photocurrent near the cutoff
point was too low to measure. Noticing that the current was highest when the metal
was fresh Millikan fashioned his targets into thick cylinders and rigged up an electro
magnetically controlled knife to
The West Bengal National University Of Juridical Sciences
The West Bengal National University Of Juridical Sciences
Torts Tutorial Final Draft
Akshit Goyal (212089)
As stated in Dixon v. Holden A man s reputation is his property, and if possible, more
valuable than any other property
Defamation refers to the lowering of one s reputation in the eyes and minds of the
right thinking and reasonable members of the society. Privacy can be understood as
The right to be let alone
Invasion of privacy means the unauthorized interference with a person s seclusion of
himself from the public
Invasion of privacy and publication of such private information may result in the
defamation, and as such, a cause of action for defamation arises. This essay ... Show
more content on ...
These are:
1)The Statement should be defamatory
A defamatory statement is any statement which
a) Exposes the plaintiff to hatred , contempt , ridicule , or obloquy; or
b)Tends to injure him in his profession or trade ; or
c)causes him to be shunned or avoided by his neighbours
In the present fact situation, with the publication of the nude photos of Princess babe
and Prince Skaterboy, especially in the state of United Boredom which is a state
known for its conservativeness and respect for its strong culture and tradition, it can
safely be deduced that it would have damaged the reputation of the plaintiffs in the
eyes of the members of the society.
2) The words must refer to the plaintiff
In the magazine, Spice it up , the nude photos of the plaintiffs were published, and
was captioned celebs these days have become so open on the cover.
The photos were also printed inside the magazine, along with the details of the past
affairs of Princess Babe. Analyzing this, it can be concluded that the words which
were published did in fact refer to the plaintiff.
In the case of Mrs. Gossipy, She expressly referred to the impending King and
Queen of United Boredom, who we know are Princess Babe and Prince Skaterboy,
so it is res ipsa loquitor that her statement referred to the plaintiffs.
3) The statement must be published
The statement was published both on the cover page of the magazine, and inside the
magazine, so
Metis Research Paper
The Metis, and first nation s peoples are very well known in Canada for being the
first on lots of Canadian land of today; more well known was Rupert s land that they
lived on for many years then changed to Manitoba. They live in Manitoba still, then
moved to Saskatchewan, and to Alberta also.
The Metis are the offspring of French Canadian fur traders and native women. A
mixture of European and indigenous ancestry
They brought together a proud culture of both people they descended from, even
though through hardships the Metis still remained, and became one of the greatest
living cultures in Canadian history.
The Metis are a well established culture brought together in the process of being
kicked out of their own culture and the French Canadian ... Show more content on ...
Also they used Red River carts to get around. Most well known clothing for first
nations and Metis were moccasins. For the Metis it was a distinctive red sash also.
They were devout catholic. Furthermore lots of the time the Metis loved to get
together for Jigs and step dancing. Their language is a mixture of French and Cree.
For food the Metis ate bannock, fried bread, Metis soup, meatballs, and meat pie.
Sadly there came to be a time when the Metis didn t have enough food. So the
government started giving the Metis food rations. The Metis disliked this very much.
Some of the most historical names in history for the Metis and first nations are Louis
Riel, Will Jackson, Louis Gooley, Gabriel Dumont, Blackbear, Crowfoot, and many
These men proved that the Metis, and first nations will fight for what they believe in,
all they wanted in common was for Canada to make the Metis citizens of Canada, or
leave them alone with their land because they had lived on it for thousands of years
until Canadians intruded. Prime minister John A Macdonald misread and ignored
what the Metis had to say. This was a mistake never to be taken back. In turn both
sides the Metis ,and Canada lost many men because of prejudism towards the Metis
and first
Timothy Leech Biography
Mr. Leech joined our staff at the start of the 2012 13 school year. He continues to
serve here at Heartland Lutheran as our Transitional Administrator/Acting Principal
and Athletic Director. Timothy was born in Davenport, Iowa but claims North Platte,
Nebraska as home. The oldest child of William and Debra Leech, both Lutheran
educators, William a Lutheran Administrator for over 30 years. Timothy saw the life
of Lutheran educational ministry modeled every day. During his high schoolyears he
was involved in baseball, football, basketball, and track, as well as being actively
involved in his church youth group and an Eagle Scout with the Boy Scouts of
America. Promising to not enter church work Timothy signed with the University of
Nebraska at Kearney to play football and major in pre law.
God had other plans for him and after a knee injury and some time off, Timothy
enrolled at his father s alma mater, The Concordia University (Nebraska). Playing
two more years of college football as a Bulldog, Timothy found mentors in Dr. Jerry
Pfabe and Dr. Matt Phillips and eventually graduated in 2007 with degrees in
Secondary Education and Geography, as well as his Lutheran Teachers Diploma....
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During his time there, he became the assistant head baseball coach, middle school
athletic director, assistant athletic director, and took the eighth grade class on their
class trip to Charleston, South Carolina. Before the school closed, Mr. Leech was
blessed with the best Orlando, Florida had to offer, he met and married his wife,
Beth while teaching in Florida and upon moving back to Nebraska they welcomed
their daughter
United States Congress, Distinguished Guests, And Fellow...
Vice President Biden, Mr. Chief Justice, members of the United States Congress,
distinguished guests, and fellow citizens: Each time we gather to inaugurate a
President we bear witness to the enduring strength of our Constitution. We affirm
the promise of our democracy. We recall that what binds this nation together is not
the colors of our skin or the tenets of our faith or the origins of our names. What
makes us exceptional what makes us American is our allegiance to an idea
articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago: We hold these
truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness. Today we continue a never ending journey to bridge the
meaning of those words with the realities of our time. For history tells us that
while these truths may be self evident, they ve never been self executing; that
while freedom is a gift from God, it must be secured by His people here on Earth.
(Applause.) The patriots of 1776 did not fight to replace the tyranny of a king with
the privileges of a few or the rule of a mob. They gave to us a republic, a
government of, and by, and for the people, entrusting each generation to keep safe
our founding creed. And for more than two hundred years, we have. Through blood
drawn by lash and blood drawn by sword, we learned that no union founded on the
People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals Essay
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is an animal rights organization based
in Norfolk, Virginia, and led by Ingrid Newkirk. PETA is a nonprofit corporation,
that has over 300 employees and has over 3 millions supporters and members based
around the world; PETA is the largest nonprofit animal rights organization. The
common slogan that it is known for is animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment
on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way. It was established by Newkirk
and Alex Pacheco, the organization was able to catch the attention of the public in
1981, when the Silver Spring monkeys case came out to the public; researchers had
conducted the experiments on macaque monkeys in Silver Spring, Maryland. When
the police raided the laboratory in the United States, it made an amendment to the
country s Animal Welfare Act, and that helped PETA become an international
organization. PETA has four specific issues that they put all their focus on: the issues
are opposition to factory farming, fur farming, animal... Show more content on ...
Whereas with humans we ask for their consent before going through with tests,
animals don t have that option. It is also unethical because would we as humans
perform the same experiments that we do on the animals with ourselves. What gives
us the right to decide that humans are the most important creature on planet earth ,
and that no other creature deserves to be treated with the same respect and ethical
treatment. The animals go through rigorous and painful experimentation that
involves the animals being cut, burned, and even poisoned. These animals are being
tested for our own personal use to make sure that certain products are safe for us. If
we continue the unethical ways of testing, animals could become increasingly
instinct, causing the loss of creatures that help with preservation of our
The Great Depression Of The 1920 S
Following WW I in the 1920 s, there was a decade of an economical explosion. The
post war era brought about many changes. Businesses showed great profits,
migration to big cities of industrial companies occurred with the hopes of making a
better life, people were given the opportunity to purchase things on credit, while
others borrowed money making poor decisions buying high priced stocks with the
intention of selling stocks for a profits to repay lenders. When Black Tuesday
occurred on October 29, 1929, this marked the beginning of the Great Depressionthat
left devastating economic hardships for the American people. Although it was always
my belief that the stock market crash was the sole contributor of the Great
Depression, there was... Show more content on ...
S. and other countries that had industries charged high import taxes on good that
were offered for sale. These taxes prevented counties from selling the goods they
needed to earn the money to repay loans to the U.S. banks. In a three year period
over 9,000 banks went bankrupt or had to close their doors to avoid bankruptcy
which led to a decline in purchasing powers. When the banks started failing people
lost their saving because the banks were uninsured. The banks weren t as willing to
offer new loans.
At the same time this was occurring, there was the distribution of unequal income.
Businesses were showing great profits during the 1920 s, however the working class
only got a small portion of this wealth with their low wages. People with low incomes
purchased merchandise on credit. People thought that they had more money to spend
on materialistic possessions using credit. Advertising increased, enticing people with
the buy now, pay later slogan which in turn caused many consumers to accumulate so
much debt that were unable to keep up with payments on the items they purchased,
and they were repossessed. Once the slowing of manufactured goods occurred,
inventory accumulated and there was a backlog of purchasing merchandise which
caused even less spending that didn t help the economy.
Another problem contributing to the Depression was the epic drought that occurred
in 1930. During WWI, thousands of farmers migrated to the Great Plains area
because of its rich
Technical Communication Report On Hexapod Robot Essay
A Technical Communication report on HEXAPOD ROBOT
Submitted by : RICHA JAIN 13115098 Batch : E6 B.Tech 3rd year
1. Abstract........................................................................3
2. Introduction...................................................................4
2.1 The Definition of a Robot ....................................................
2.1.1 Industrial Robot .............................................................................
2.1.2 Agriculture Robots..........................................................................
2.1.3 Telerobots....................................................................................
2.1.4 Service Robots..............................................................................
2.1.5 Mobile Robots..............................................................................
2.2 Mobile Robots.....................................................................
2.2.1 Wheeled Robots...............................................................................
2.2.2 Tracked Robots.........................................................................................
2.2.3 Legged Robots..................................................................................
2.3 Hexapod.............................................................................
3. Hexapod Design............................................................ 3.1
History.............................................................................. 3.2 Hexapod
Construction.......................................................... 3.2.1 Servo
Motors................................................................................ 3.2.2 Force
Sensors................................................................................ 3.2.3 Ultrasonic
Sensors......................................................................... 3.2.4 Infrared
Sensors............................................................................. 3.2.5 Servo
Controller............................................................................. 4. Inverse Kinematic
Calculations.................................... 5. Hexapod
Walking...................................................... 5.1
1979 Fiscal Policy
It is easy to point out that prior to 1979 the US government should have done more
to avoid such a heavy reliance on foreign oil. Fiscal policy, for years, was not
properly structured to enable energy independence. During the Carter years,
policies regarding energy use reduction primarily involved lowering the legal
highway speed limit and by encouraging people to use less energy to cool and heat
their buildings. Carter s proposals for a broader energy program were constantly
rejected by Congress. In 1979, Carter shook up his cabinet by bringing G. William
Miller on board as Secretary of the Treasury and naming Paul Volcker the Chairman of
the Federal Reserve Board. Carter now had an economic team that understood that
getting inflation under... Show more content on ...
He avoided several proposed spending increases during his term. This spending
avoidance was his position despite what the economic activity was indicating.
During both economic contractions and expansions, Carter maintained a fairly
tight fiscal budget. This limited government spending position seemed to be
coupled with a limited free market approach. Some of Carter s actions, such as his
deregulating of the energy and transportation sectors and the reduction of the top
capital gains tax rate, emphasized his efforts to achieve an economic balance. His
reduction of the top capital gains tax rate from a high of 98% to 28% set up a
major economic rebound in the mid 1980s. He frequently argued that regulations
were limiting competition and increasing costs. All of which, it could be argued,
should have been achieved earlier in his term. However, the delay may have been
caused by having poor advisors in his earlier years. Because of President Carter s
tight fiscal budgeting, the deficit as a percentage of GDP never reached 3%. Future
Presidents would easily cross that line going much
Fracking And Its Effects On The Environment
If given the opportunity to help the nation become energy independent, while
increasing jobs in your area, most people would happily accept. This opportunity
would also be boosting the economy, both locally and nationally, all without the
environmental impact of carbon emissions. Does the decision become a no brainer?
But what if this new found energy dependence comes with hidden costs other than
carbon emissions? Would you still want this opportunity in your area? This is what
experts and passionate amateurs alike have been debating about fracking, also known
as hydraulic fracturing.. Although it has the potential to be a very lucrative process,
presently fracking is far too detrimental to the environment, for example Southern
Illinois... Show more content on ...
( Chemicals Public Disclosure ) This act states that any hazardous chemicals above
a threshold amount must be reported to federal, state, and local authorities. All frac
fluids have the same base which is water and sand, in a percentage supposedly 90%
water and 9% sand. ( Water Use ) Although exact content may be a mystery, we
know that all proponents are not explosive or as sensitive as the nitroglycerine
used in the past. At a time where jobs are hard to find, fracking has been a saving
grace for many. In 2012 alone the fracking industry supported 2.1 million jobs.
(Economy) There is also a lot of potential for growth, according to Purdue
University economist, Wallace Tyner. In the article The Liberal War On American
Energy Independence , author Arthur Herman conveys that Tyner suggested that
between 2008 and 2035 that fracking will add around $473 billion dollars each year
to U.S. economy. (Herman) Fracking has already had an impact on foreign oil
dependency, and it is definitely for the better. The New York Times reported In
2011, the country imported just 45% of the liquid fuels it used, down from a
record high of 60 percent in 2005. (Krauss) This is a crowning achievement for
many of the big supporters of fracking. Production could eventually reach to 10
million barrels a day, making us a real competitor of Saudi Arabia. (Krauss)
A Research Study On Ikea
1.0. Research Background
In the present 21st century, the pressure of market competition has increased
significantly. Under this environment, customer loyalty is the focus of both
management practice and marketing practice of modern enterprises. It is the key for
enterprises to get trust from customers and retain existing customers with the
capability to deliver added value for customers.
In the current competitive environment, customers have been provided with a wide
range of choices to satisfy their needs and demands at the global level. It means that
customers bargaining power has increased dramatically in the present business
environment. It not only adds pressure on enterprises to develop new customers, but
also increases the difficulty for enterprises to retain existing customers. Therefore, the
development of customer loyalty is often the challenges for enterprises although its
importance has been generally accepted. This research attempts to add implications
for enterprises to develop and maintain customer loyalty.
This research focuses on IKEA China as IKEA has achieved great success in China
market. As an international corporation that come from Sweden, IKEA has
established about 20 stores across China. Its products have been hotly welcome by
Chinese consumers. Based on the assumption that the capability to delivery added
value for customers is the critical success factor of IKEA, this research attempts to
investigate how customer perceived value impacts on
The Effectiveness Of Service Learning
According to Felten and Clayton in the article Service Learning, they discuss with us
how beneficial service learning is for students, staff, and community members.The
effectiveness in Service learning includes the general community coming together to
help serve a greater purpose. In regards to college, service learningserves as and
experience to gain partnership and collaboration throughout the experience and
community.For my service learning narrative, i chose to volunteer again with Ignite
Church at James MonroeElementary. From 2 4 we worked with a group of 4th graders
on different activities that consisted of critical thinking, imagination, and problem
solving. The purpose of this afternoon was to connect with at least one of the students
... Show more content on ...
Because I am an Independent student and I provide everything for myself I tend to
feel entitled when it comes to certain things within my family. When I get around
these fourth graders and listen to their problems and frustration I realize that my
problems are not merely as frustrating than what they have to go through at the ages
of nine and ten. Although I am not majoring in any child development or education, I
feel that the lessons I have learned and the patience that I have been taught from
them will help me when I study International business and business management.
Both of my majors are ones where it is important to interact with every type of
person regardless of age, gender, and sexuality. Fourth graders are a tough crowd to
please but knowing that I can adapt to any kind of person will give me the
confidence I need in my field of
Research Paper On Bulimia
Bulimia is a severe eating disorder that causes health problems. Bulimia is a
potentially life threatening eating disorder and if not treated it can lead to death.
This eating disorder is a cycle of binging and self induced vomiting is used to the
effect of binge eating. Many bulimic people don t see the damage they are causing to
themselves but even though they think it s harmless because it s just vomit that s
where they are wrong. The exact cause of Bulimia is currently unknown but theirs
certain factors that can cause the development of this eating disorder. These factors
can be caused by genetic, psychological, environmental, or cultural influences. Some
of the possible main causes of bulimia are stressful transitions or life
Character Analysis Of I Totally Funniest
I Totally Funniest is written in the perspective of a middle school aged boy who
has just qualified for the world s funniest kid competition. This is not like a
spelling bee or math competition, this is where kids show off how funny they can
be for one million dollars. The author, James Patterson, has one over ten reader s
choice awards and has had some of his books become movies such as Along Came a
Spider that starred Morgan Freeman. He has written other books including Women s
Murder Club, Maximum Ride, NYPD Red, Middle School, and Michael Bennett.
Patterson is even involved in his family company called The Patterson Family
Foundation that has given over $26 millionto over twenty five colleges/schools which
helps children grasp the... Show more content on ...
Uncle Frankie is a very close person to Jamie due to him helping perfect Jamie s
comedy act and even once went to the yo yo Olympics where he won gold. Stevie
Smiley is the typical bully except that is Jamie s cousin, but ends up being one of
his body guards only for half of the million dollars. Max Weasley is Jamie s
manager that gives him a very vague introduction to the showbiz world and only
cares about the money as well. There are several competitors in the competition
from Ben Baccaro who is considered by many a ladies man, Grafton Maddox
Bacardi uses Larry the Cable Guy jokes, Patricia Dowbrowski is also known as
Chatty Patty, Rebecca and Rachel Klein who are identical twins, and Judy
Nazemetz who is one of the nicest towards Jamie expect that she got a little close
to him. Characters wouldn t behave the way they do in the story if it weren t for
the settings because the settings depict how the character(s) is being presented in
the story. In this book, there is an abounding amount of settings that play important
roles in how the characters are feeling or what kind of actions they are displaying.
The first setting takes places in a suburb of New York City called Long Beach
where Jamie works at his Uncle s restaurant and goes to Long Beach middle school
where he is constantly being surrounded by fans. This is where he mostly practiced
his comedy act and grabbed the attention of everyone in his little town when a terrible
event happened to his
CD ROM Essay
Evaluation My promotional CD ROM compares almost perfectly to my original
plans. I feel like this was a strength of my CD ROM as it allowed me to know
exactly what had to go onto each screen and in turn allowed me to manage my time
well. For example, in my storyboard, my home page was supposed to have a
Welcome to Wellington gif title, my 8 buttons, 3 pictures and a brief introductory
paragraph. In my storyboard I also stated the exact layout, font size and font style.
In comparison, my actual CD ROM s home page followed this layout exactly. My
history page was supposed to have a gif title, my 8 buttons, 3 pictures and a
paragraph introducing students to the subject. Similarly, my actual history page
within my CD ROM used this same exact... Show more content on ...
Similarly, in my actual Interactive CD ROM on Flash I used the exact same layout.
Is the product fit for purpose? There are many reasons proving that my product is
fit for purpose. Some of these include: I included a bibliography in order to adhere
to the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act. The reasoning for making a
Bibliography is to give credit to all of the author s work that I used throughout my
CD ROM. Failure to include all sources of information in my bibliography can
result in a failing of the unit due to Plagiarism. I also followed the Performing Rights
Society legislation by paying ВЈ102.13 for the release of my promotional CD ROM.
Another way in which my promotional CD ROM is fit for purpose is due to the
fact that I got a film classification for my video from the British Board of Film
Classification. I think this is a strength of my product as it makes the product legal
and allows me to release it to the public. Are you happy with the technical skills
you gained? Overall, I am extremely happy with the skills I required during the
making of my interactive CD ROM. Some of the skills that I feel I have developed
are: my planning skills, my coding skills, my ability to make a product from
scratch, team working skills, filming skills and I think that I gained extremely
overall due to this part of the course. I have also developed my Photoshop and Flash
skills. Do you feel a better
Vigor Skin Care Write Up
This case study is focused on a company called Vigor Skin Care. Initially known as
the sleeping dog, Vigor was barely raking in a profit during its initial years of
development. However four years ago, Peter Markles, the current head of Vigor,
accepted the challenge of reviving the company. Markles first step in solving this
problem was forming a team whose members were committed towards achieving a
common goal; bringing success to Vigor. In addition to Markles, Sandy Fryda, Vigor
s marketingdirector, and Josh Bartola, a creative entrepreneur at Vigor, became the
constituents of Fearsome Threesome. All three members contributed to the team in
different ways. Markles was the overseer of all the operations while Fryda helped
them avoid... Show more content on ...
The team as a whole achieved success by having a common goal; their number one
priority was to revive Vigor. In order to attain this goal they were enthusiastic,
committed, and hardworking. Another key component was that Bartola would
bring in Pizza or something fun to take their mind off of their work when they
were stressed out and needed a break. This assisted them in stepping away from the
situation for awhile and coming back reenergized and refocused towards fixing
whatever problem was at hand. In my opinion, Markles definitely could have
prevented the current issue that he contemplated on his flight. He claimed that he
was a good judge of character and so recognizing that Bartola was not going to stay
with Vigor forever was a crucial overlook on Markles part. If Markles and Bartola
had sat down in the beginning and laid out a potential plan for how long both
individuals were going to stay with Vigor then Markles would have been able to
plan for Bartola s departure. I also think it would have helped the team dynamics
out if they had been a bit more flexible with their roles as a team. Before becoming
more flexible with your role, I think after awhile they stopped paying attention to the
needs and wants of their other team members. For example, they stopped
recognizing when other members were stressed out and needed a break. Granted,
Bartola would occasionally bring in a CD or pizza and
Network Development in the Managed Care Organization
Network Development in the Managed Care Organization To guarantee that its
members receive appropriate, high level quality care in a cost effective manner, each
managed care organization (MCO) tailors its networks according to the characteristics
of the providers, consumers, and competitors in a specific market. Other
considerations for creating the network are the managed careorganization s own goals
for quality, accessibility, cost savings, and member satisfaction. Strategic planning for
networks is a continuing process. In addition to an initial evaluation of its markets
and goals, the managed care organization must periodically reevaluate its target
markets and objectives. After reviewing the markets, then the organization must...
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When evaluating a provider s location for accessibility, managed care organizations
consider the distance between the provider s location and members, as well as
geographical barriers. It is not the intent of a managed care organizations to expend
long trips to physicians or hospitals for medical care. For each provider type, the
organization also examines typical patterns of utilization and average costs for
selected services. Baker comments, Defining a panel offers managed care plans the
advantage of selecting providers with whom they are interested in working as well as
the potential to obtain some contracting advantages through which they can
sometimes obtain discounts from physicians who would like to be included in the
panel (Baker, 2000, p.3). Because each type of managed care organization has certain
unique characteristics, network strategies must be chosen to fit these characteristics.
An organization that offers more than one type of health plan may choose to
coordinate provider networks through a network within a network approach. This is
done by including the providers from one product s panel in the network of another
panel. Provider network strategies are also found to vary with the geographic scope
and market focus of the plan. A growing number of managed care organizations are
attempting to build national provider
Nutri Grain Executive Summary
1.Executive summary:
Nutri grain is a part of the multi national brand Kellogg s. The brand includes
cereal, cereal bars and breakfast drinks that has ranked number nine in cereal brand
sales reaching 18.2 million people purchasing the cereal so far in 2015. The cereal
brand uses many selling techniques to market a product to reach the goal of
maximisation of profit. This report will outline the techniques that Nutri Grain uses
to promote their breakfast cereal and will focus on promotion, pricing, placement and
product strategies.
2.Selling techniques used by Nutri Grain
2.1Promotion techniques:
Promotion is the publicising of a product, organisation, or venture so as to increase
sales or public awareness. (google dictionary) Many companies use packaging to
interest consumers to buy their product. Nutri Grain promotes that they produce a
breakfast for champions, usage of iron man as a major promotion for the product,
product placement is used on all the items the competitors use sponsors the iron men
races, this means that there will be ... Show more content on ...
This technique of product differentiation the use pictures of iron men on their
products packaging and use iron men in their commercials makes the boxes stand out
compared to competitors increase profit as Australians are very proud and patriotic.
Research shows that in the last twelve months, fifty five percent of Australians
believe that buying Australian made products is important and will choose an
Australian product over a foreign product. Nutri grain uses this to their advantage on
iconic Australian events such as Australia Day or the lead up to major iron man
events, you will see Nutri grain boxes covered with Australian flags and beaches, the
recent income shows that it is working and maximising profit for
Milton Friedman
Summary of Milton Friedman Milton Friedman is one of the most well known
Economists of all time. Born on July 31st, 1912, in New York City, Mr. Friedman
grew up in Rahway, New Jersey. His family owned a dry goods store, and he grew
up poor. Throughout school, Mr. Friedman excelled in mathematics. In 1932, during
the heart of the Great Depression, Mr. Friedman graduated with a degree in
mathematics from Rutgers University, being the first of his family to graduate from
college. While wanting to continue his career in math, the Great Depression caused
him to pursue a master s in Economicsinstead at the University of Chicago. Only
taking one year to receive his masters, Mr. Friedman then went on to Columbia
university where he continued his
Militarism Dbq
The military was founded in 1775 in order to fight Great Britain. The small army was
led by appointed commander George Washington. Ever since its establishment, the
military has continued to increase. The United States currently has about 1.3 million
active troops and an additional 865,000 troops in reserve it is the world s third
largest military. The US also has a large global presence with troops deployed in over
170 countries including South Korea, Italy, Afghanistan, and Japan. The United States
is a militaristic country because of the military budget, the military s expansion into
civilian areas, and military culture. The large and increasing budget of the military is
an example of U.S. militarism. According to National Priorities... Show more content
on ...
Civilian control of the military is a government policy, written in the constitution, that
places responsibility of the the head of the Defense Department in the hands of a
civilian political leader rather than a military officer. This doctrine, however, is
coming to an end. According to Document 2, military personnel are required to wait 7
years after retirement to gain a civilian position. President Trump has ignored this
practice by appointing generals and lieutenant generals to cabinet or high ranking
positions. This proves that the United States is a militaristic country because the
military is now moving into positions, that were previously reserved for civilians.
Document 2 also states that the military has expanded its role into areas that were
previously civilian areas. These include counter terrorism, drug trafficking
enforcement, natural disaster aid, immigration control, and policing. This shows that
the US is militaristic because the military is constantly expanding; not only by means
of budget and power, but also responsibility. This is also a negative example of US
militarism because civilian control over the military is important. The American
democracy was built around this
The Radicalism of the American Revolution
In The Radicalism of the American Revolution Gordon Wood attempts to disprove the
common thought that the American Revolution was simply a war for independence
from a tyrannical mother country. He explains how America formed such a unique
from of government. The form that American government took was a collaboration
of many different forms that emphasized the rights of individuals. Woods finds it
essential to explain colonial life and the factors that dictated people s lives to
understand how radical the revolution was compared to other revolutions. In the 1700
s it was impossible for people to imagine a society operating independently of
government, but through shifts in society and through parallel shifts in government
that is what emerge. Up until the American Revolutionsociety and government were
interwoven. Once Woods explains society and the shifts that were taking place in
society and government, he goes on to explain the nature of republicanism. The
ideals of republicanism took a firm hold in the colonies. He claims that republican
disinterest was essential to the formation of America. This term is oftenly thought of
as public virtue or the willingness to sacrifice private interests for the sake of the
community including serving in office without pecuniary reward . When the nation
formed citizens, particularly the elites, were pushed to overlook private interests and
developed a disinterested state of mind in order to further the state of the republic.
African American Literature And Religion
Throughout history it can be easy to see that religion/faith and spirituality have been
a big influence on African American Literature. Religion and faith in African
American Literature comes in many forms depending on the author, but generally,
this theme tended to relate to the desire for freedom. Quite often authors wrote in
prayer form, asking for God s assistance to help them make it through their time of
misery, to help them get through life as a slave. Faith in African AmericanLiterature
was vital to the unity of the African American slaves. Spirituality as well, as faith,
brought a feeling of community amongst the separated African American slaves. The
African Americans religious practices were an essential and foundational aspect of
the world that the slaves created for themselves inside the plantation, which was a
cruel, cold, and unfair world forced upon the slaves.... Show more content on ...
The point that is brought about among the texts is not necessarily the differences
among the Christian faith or African faiths or the Muslim faiths and how each
affected the African American slave. The big picture seen in the text is that faith and
religion did in fact have a great positive effect among the slaves and also had an
effect on the environment that the slaves were pressed into during the lineage of the
black Americans from the 1800s until now.
Religion and Spirituality was in continues to be such a prominent theme in African
American Literature because religion and spirituality was/is so important in their
everyday lives. I think that without religion, many would have succumbed to their
woes and their inhuman spiritual strength would be

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  • 1. Writing Essay Help Writing an essay on the topic of "Writing Essay Help" can be quite challenging, as it involves a degree of self-reflection and a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of essay composition. Crafting an effective essay requires not only the ability to express thoughts coherently but also the skill to guide the reader through a logical and well-structured argument. The difficulty lies in striking the right balance between providing insightful information and maintaining the reader's interest throughout the essay. One of the challenges is navigating the vast amount of information available on the subject. While it's essential to gather relevant data and perspectives, there is a risk of becoming overwhelmed with too much information, leading to difficulty in synthesizing and organizing the content effectively. Additionally, it can be challenging to strike the right tone в Ђ“ maintaining a formal yet engaging style that aligns with the purpose of the essay. The process of self-editing is another hurdle. Critically evaluating one's own writing can be a daunting task, as writers may become attached to their ideas and overlook potential improvements. Seeking constructive feedback from peers or mentors becomes crucial in overcoming this challenge. Furthermore, managing time efficiently during the essay-writing process is often a difficulty. Research, outlining, drafting, and revising each demand a significant amount of time and attention. Balancing these tasks while meeting deadlines can be a complex juggling act. In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic of "Writing Essay Help" requires a multifaceted approach, involving research skills, critical thinking, effective communication, and time management. It demands a commitment to refining one's writing abilities and a willingness to engage in the continuous improvement of the craft. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any writing-related challenges, there are resources available. is one such platform where you can order essays, get guidance, and access a variety of writing support services. Writing Essay HelpWriting Essay Help
  • 2. Racism Revealed In Michael Scott s The Office The second episode of the many seasoned series The Office , starring Steve Carrell as Michael Scott, was a comedic episode that also showed many negative interactions that Michael had with his employees as their manager. It was very obvious that Michael was instigating discrimination and causing immediate harm to his employees. The episode showed many accounts of racism and I was surprised that FOX even aired the episode for a second episode ever, it was very risky.. When Michael created his own Diversity Day he created much more discrimination in the officethat created many problems among the employees. Michael is very lucky that Dunder Mifflinwas not sued against for the countless acts of discrimination and terrible management. Michael... Show more content on ... Even though it seemed that everyone in the office was only mildly upset with the situation besides Kelly, the office could easily have filed for mental distress because of all the incidents of discrimination that occurred that day. Another example of a legal issue presented in this episode was when Michael continuously pesters Kelly by saying gooky and mimicking other racial slurs towards her Indian origin. Kelly then smacks Michael across the face in return for mocking her race, which violates the Tort Battery, because she struck him after he mocked her. Kelly could face possible charges of battery because of this action she took towards Michael that was unnecessary even though he mocker
  • 3. Tia Case Study NURSING DIAGNOSIS Ineffective tissue perfusion / Altered cerebral tissue perfusion Risk for injury: Stroke Impaired verbal communication r/t ischemic injury NURSING DIAGNOSIS Ineffective tissue perfusion / Altered cerebral tissue perfusion Risk for injury: Stroke Impaired verbal communication r/t ischemic injury NURSING INTERVENTIONS Careful monitoring of neurological status (Glasgow come scale, LOC, pupillary responses, extremity movement and strength, facial symmetry, speech and vital signs). Decrease in LOC may indicate increased ICP. Tube feedings and IV fluids r/t dysphagia. F/C r/t incontinence, pt is placed on B amp;B training program. Preventing contractures, building muscle tone with ROM activities, controlling... Show more content on ... Other symptoms may include: tinnitus, vertigo, blurred vision, diplopia, eyelid ptosis and ataxia. MANIFESTATIONS Contralateral weakness of the lower face, hands, arms and legs; transient dysphasia; numbness or loss of sensation; headache; temporary loss of vision of one eye; sudden inability to speak. Other symptoms may include: tinnitus, vertigo, blurred vision, diplopia, eyelid ptosis and ataxia. ETIOLOGY Episode of cerebrovascular insufficiency with temporary episodes of neurologic dysfunction lasting less than 24 hours and often less than 15 minutes. Most TIA symptoms resolve within 3 hours. Symptoms lasting longer than 24 hours are classified as a stroke. TIAs are thought to be caused by microemboli that temporarily occlude blood flow resulting in ischemia of brain tissue. Often occurs in patients with carotid artery stenosis. ETIOLOGY Episode of cerebrovascular insufficiency with temporary episodes of neurologic dysfunction lasting less than 24 hours and often less than 15 minutes. Most TIA symptoms resolve within 3 hours. Symptoms lasting longer than 24 hours are classified as a stroke. TIAs are thought to be caused by microemboli that temporarily
  • 4. Dog Food Research Paper Chemicals In Dog Food Are They Good? Are They Bad? You re standing in the pet store, buying your four legged friend some food. The front of the bag says it s all natural, but you don t read the ingredients. Little do you know, that food could be harming your dog. Did you realize dog food companies put harmful chemicals into their product. Take a moment to ask yourself this question. If you knew that a certain food was harmful to you, would you feed it to your dog? Some dog food companies put harmful chemicals into their product that are also harmful to humans. They call this feed grade. Feed grade is food that is much lower quality than human grade. Feed grade allows toxins and chemicals into the food, while human grade does not. For instance, they put a chemical in feed grade called Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT). Not only has this chemical caused liver and kidney problems in dogs, it has been linked to cancer in humans. ... Show more content on ... Most of the time, companies will try to trick you into thinking that the product is good by using a certain way of words. For example, when a bag says natural with added vitamins This doesn t always mean its natural. This could simply mean that there are only few natural ingredients and the rest are harmful. Those chemicals could be made in labs and could even be harmful. Although not all chemicals are bad, some of them can be affecting your precious pet. Back in 2014, the dog food company Purina put a chemical called Propylene Glycol in their product, and had a lawsuit against them. This chemical is so bad because this chemical is also found in automobile antifreeze, which is very harmful to dogs. Veterinarian Patrick Mahoney says These chemicals not only costed Purina millions of dollars, but costed some dogs their
  • 5. A Raisin Of The Sun By Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the sun by Lorraine Hansberry there are three major female characters represent three different spectrums of their lives. A Raisin in the Sun a number of social issues are both explicitly and subtly exemplified through out the characters experiences and relationships. First, Hansberry introduce Beneatha who is twenty year old college student with dreams of becoming a doctor in her life. Second, the author mention Ruth as a soft character in the story that wants to become wealthy and have a happy family. Lastly, Mama is the strong motivating character in the play, who dream of a big house . Therefore, In a Raisin in the sun these three main characters live in the same house with all different dreams. In Addition,Beneatha... Show more content on ... Also,Walter thinks beneatha shouldn t be doctor because being a doctor is meddle the boundaries of her gender as an African American women. As well as Walter is apprehensive that if the women in his family are able to take care of themselves financially he has to depend on them. Furthermore, Ruth is Walter s wife. Her dream is to have a happy family but she also wants to be wealthy. Her marriage to Walter has problems, but she hopes to revitalize their lives. Ruth is typical housewife with the same dreams as Mama s. Since she has no money she can not help her family as much as she would like to. Ruth disclose the adversity of being a working middle class mother. Besides, later on the play she finds out she is two month pergrent.At the Act II, MAMA When the world gets ugly enough a woman will do anything for her family. The part that s already ving. WALTER.You don t know Ruth, Mama, if you think she would do that, RUTH. Yes I would too, Walter. (Pause) I gave her a five dollar down payment.(Hansberry 74) To enumerate, Mama thinks that family can t afford another child because the house is already overcrowded and it will get worst. Added to the they don t have enough money to spend on an another baby now. To specifics,Ruth is in and gives reasoning for why she is seeing an abortion. For Instance, according to t.a. Hind N. Hussein, in
  • 6. Enduring Love Wickham In Pride And Prejudice Cowans 4 why he disliked Wickham and how he took advantage of his sister. Elizabeth still wasn t convinced. Elizabeth had lost trust in Darcy and he would have to earn her trust again. Elizabeth and Jane returned home after all this had happened. Upon returning home they find out that their younger sister was trying to leave with Colonel Forster and his wife. Elizabeth warned her father that this would be a bad idea to left Lydia go. Mr. Bennet decided to let Lydia go any way. Austen really made it seem like these people were running from or to their problems because they were constantly taking trips. Elizabeth took a trip with the Gardiners. Pemberley which was Mr. Darcy s estate was one of the stops on this trip. Almost everyone in this novel seemed to have so mental issues. Why... Show more content on ... Wickham. Once Darcy learned of this news from Elizabeth, he felt somewhat responsible because he didn t tell anyone about Wickham evil behavior. The Gardiner took Elizabeth back to Longbourn to be with her family. Mrs. Bennet was being crazy as usual and then they learned that Wickham had gambling debts. None of this news was good. Mr. Bennett and Mr. Gardiner were looking for Lydia and Wickham, but after no luck Mr. Bennet returned home. Mr. Gardiner continued to look and found them. Wickham said he would marry Lydia but there is a price. He wants her father to give her equal shares of his wealth. Mr. Bennet was still confused about who paid Wickham debts. He thought that maybe Mr. Gardiner did it. Even though Lydia married a crook, her mother was still excited that one of her daughter was married. Mrs. Bennet was only focused on getting her daughter married and not their well being. Lydia and Wickham came back to visit and Lydia told Elizabeth that Darcy was at her wedding to Wickham. At issue are assumptions about the selfishness and instability of men s love. When Elizabeth discovers that
  • 7. John Patrick Shanley s Doubt Douglas Light said that our imagination is better than any answer to a question. Light distinguished between two genres: fantasy from fiction. He described how fantasy stimulates one s imagination, which is more appealing, but fiction can just be a relatable story. In the same way, Books and movies are very different entities. In the short parable Doubt, the readers are lured in to the possibility of a scandalous relationship between a pastor and an alter boy. The readers curiosity is ignited because they are not given all the details. Therefore, their mind wanders further than the plot to create a story and characters that acted on one s imagination; thus, the story became entertaining flooded by the questions of what? Who? How? By... Show more content on ... In fact, all the details within the play stimulated one s imagination to create something that was never stated in writing. In no part of the play does it outright say that Father Flynn had any encounter with the alter boys other than during basketball practice and his apparent close friendship with Donald Muller. Yet, through the readers imagination, they assume scandalous scenarios between the Donald Muller and Father Flynn while still curious about what the truth is. The viewer was in constant doubt, of both characters intentions and motives. The parable is filled with indirect notions, assumptions, and gossiping. So why is this specific parable so entertaining? Its simple the reader used their imagination to piece together a relationship that at multiple times in the play cause them to doubt their own beliefs and consider the opposing possibilities. The play let you feel everything, know everything and live vicariously through the characters. With the play, you can Sister Aloysius, Father Flynn, or even Donald Muller; however, with the movie you are merely an observer. Books allow you to make up parts of the story(visuals and what people are like) while movies are more direct telling you what to see. The play involved more character devolement, so the reader was able to learn the
  • 8. The Issue Of Whistleblowing Is Becoming More Popular As... Whistleblowing is becoming more popular as the world becomes more obsessed with secrecy. Some people advocate secrecy and some believe that secrets can t keep us safe. At least, this is what Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden thought. The public is obsessed with the idea of knowing what the government is hiding from us and internet connectivity, the growth of the Intelligence Community, and the encouragement of the public perpetuates this. Two major leaks of classified informationhappened in 2010 and 2013 by Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden and caused lots of debate in their wake. How should the U.S. government deal with whistleblowers and is there a specific way they can be dealt with. In the cases of Manning and Snowden, the U.S.... Show more content on ... But one thing secrecy definitely does is facilitate the creation of whistleblowers like Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden. Bradley Manning is 27 years old in prison for leaking over 700,000 documents to WikiLeaks, the largest leak of classified documents in history. In 2010, he was a low level military intelligence analyst in Iraq when he was detained under suspicion of stealing classified information. He came to trial three years later on twenty charges of espionage and theft. Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison and will most likely serve about eight years of that. Edward Snowden is a 31 year old American citizen living under asylum in Russia. He was an NSA contractor for Booz Allen Hamilton that gradually grew disillusioned with the NSA and the blatant hypocrisy going on in the NSA. He leaked 200,000 documents to journalists, and no one really knows the actual number of documents he took, but estimates have been said to be close to 2 million documents. Snowden hasn t faced his charges because he fled outside the country even though he is aware of the consequences that face him and stated, I told the government I d volunteer for prison, as long as it served the right purpose, I care more about the country than what happens to me. But we can t allow the law to become a political weapon or agree to scare people away from standing up for their rights, no matter how good the deal.
  • 9. Informative Essay On Nike Shoes Nike Nike has made itself very popular with its name and logo. Its name comes from the Greek god of victory, Nike. Its logo is the infamous ВЁswooshВЁ. Although those things have made they well known but is not the reason all these kids are buying their shoes. The reason all kids across America want the Nike brand shoes is very simple, Nike sponsors Legendary NBA players. After they make the deals they market that line of shoes to kids saying ВЁKids, you could wear the same shoes as Lebron James or Kyrie IrvingВЁ. That is what persuades kids to go out and buy Nike produced shoes. All so they can think now I can play like and Lebron James, but that s just my opinion. There are two things I think about Nike. First, all the statements I listed above. Second, although they may sell their shoes for, some might say, unfair prices they do give you a quality product which they have put time into making. One way that you are getting quality from Nike shoes is that they use raw materials for their shoes. Six of those main raw materials that they use are: Polyester, Rubber, Eva Foam,... Show more content on ... However, to maintain that position they need to come out with new lines of shoes almost every week. Which means they are spending large amounts of money every day and that leaves little room for profit. When they are putting a great deal of money towards their shoes it does mean they will be a little more on the expensive side. But, they do make great Birthday/Christmas gifts and kids get them at the start of every school year so, they don t exactly need to worry about a deficit of sales. One more thing you might want to take into consideration before purchasing stock from them, in the 6 months and in their year to date, on their stock chart on yahoo finance, they have gotten into a sizable decline of profits. This intel has proven to have a big effect on my decision for picking a
  • 10. The Success Of The City Of Detroit The city of Detroit was the city of opportunity, wealth and place where anyone could pursue their American dream. In early 1910 s innovative inventor, Henry Ford brought automobile industry into american soil. First and biggest factories of automobile manufacturing was opened in several places in Detroit. Detroitbecame third biggest city in the United States with largest population during 1950s. Automobile manufacturing was the base of Detroit s economy for decades. However, today its not like it was before. During 20th to 21st century auto industry had many highs and lows but overall had collapsed completely. While Detroit s officials though that they settled the economy for a long run, the unexpected change in the city s profit destroyed the economic system. Detroit which once was mecca for middle class workers, who were pursuing their American Dream had major economical collapse due to miscalculation of revenue, which also led to failure of education system and decline in diversity. Detroit s economy was build on manufacturing in automobile industry which made Detroit third biggest and richest city of United States, but had great decline in economy when Detroit lost all the manufacturing and investors during late 20th century. During first years of introduction to automobile manufacturing by inventor Henry Ford, Detroit had economical boom. Detroit was home to automobile, steam motor and home appliance manufacturing, cigar production and pharmaceuticals. When Henry
  • 11. Managing The Development Of Large Software Systems Managing the development of large software systems Introduction This book is published by Dr. Winston W.Royce, he will be describing his own personal views about managing large software development. He has had many different varieties of success in each of his assignments such as arriving the project on time, within the costs and in the correct operational state. When making a computer program there are two essential steps that are required to make a successful program, these two main steps are the Analysis this is where you will have to analyse the requirements of the software, the second step is the Coding. This figure is all that is required if it is going to be for internal use as everyone will be familiar with it. If you are going to ... Show more content on ... This means that a simple patch to the code will not fix these problems. The changes are likely to be extremely disruptive that the system requirements that the program was built on will be violated. This will mean the requirements will have to be modified and a major redesign will have to happen. The preliminary program design phase is inserted in between the software requirements phase and the analysis phase. By using this technique the designer will assure that the software will not fail because of timing, storage and data flux reasons. There are 3 steps that you will have to do to implement this procedure. 1, Begin the design process with program designers. 2, Design define and allocate the data processing modes. 3, Write an overview document this means that everyone must at least have a slight understanding of the system and there should be one person with deep understanding of the system. The seventh figure shows that if the program is being developed for the first time, arrange matters so that when the final build of the program is delivered to the customer it is actually the second version as the first one is a simulation of it. Royce view on documentation is that the more documentation the better. He says that when he is called upon to review a documentation the first step that he does is investigate the state of the documentation, if the documentation is in serious default he recommends that the project management is replaced. He says that
  • 12. Compendium Of The Social Doctrine Of Church The right to water, as all human rights, finds its basis in human dignity and not in any kind of quantitative assessment that considers water as a merely economic good. Without water, life is threatened. (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the ChurchВ§485). Catholic social teaching articulates the understood principle in Catholicism that all members of the Church are called to provide for, care for, and protect the dignity and well being of all creation, especially one s fellow man. This comes from the recognition of every individual as being unique and important in the eyes of God, due to being made in His image and likeness. Therefore, it is pivotal that the poor especially, and all creation, are always accounted for in the decisions that a country makes regarding its economic and political future. Because of this, there ... Show more content on ... It is a matter of a common and universal duty, that of respecting a common good,[979] destined for all, by preventing anyone from using with impunity the different categories of beings, whether living or inanimate animals, plants, the natural elements simply as one wishes, according to one s own economic needs (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church В§466). The Catholic Church further warns: Man thinks that he can make arbitrary use of the earth, subjecting it without restraint to his will, as though it did not have its own requisites and a prior God given purpose, which man can indeed develop but must not betray (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church В§460). If a private company s motive, once given control to a community s or nations water, is only profit, then earth s natural water sources are at risk. Unless there is strict regulation, those bodies of water, which already face depletion due to water misuse, pollution, and general scarcity, will face greater stress if profit driven corporations are enabled due to private water
  • 13. Spreadsheet and Critical Path Q1. Solve problem 27, page 182 of Mantel. a.Find the expected time and variance for each task. b.Draw the network (either AOA or AON) and the critical path and time. You may use MS Project or draw it manually. In either case, highlight or name the critical path and state the duration. c.Find the probability that the critical path will be completed in 23 weeks d.What is the probability that the other main paths will be completed in 23 weeks? e.If the paths are independent, what is the probability that the entire network will be completed in 23 weeks? SOLUTION: (a)Expected time and Variance is calculated in the Excel file attached. (b)The AOA network is drawn below: (c ) (d) and (e) done in the Excel Spreadsheet Q2. ... Show more content on ... In row 8, type each activity s crash time Copy row 7 and paste it into Row 9. Label each of the Times rows by typing Norma in G7, Crash in G8, and Actual in G9. In Cell A10, type Costs In Row 11, put each activity s normal cost. In G11, type Normal . In Row 12, put each activity s crash cost. In G12, type Crash . In G13, type Actual . Put the formula in A13, =A11+(A7 A9)/(A7 A8)*(A12 A11) Select cells A13:F13, and paste Find the Path and In cell A14, type :Paths In A15 type the Paths, there are 2 paths in cells A15 and A16. In H15 type =SUMPRODUCT(A15:F15,$A$9:$F$9) Copy and paste it to H16 This shows пѓ How long each path takes? Step 2: Identify the critical path The critical path is in row 16 The critical path is 1 Aпѓ 2 Cпѓ 4 Eпѓ 5 Fпѓ 6. It s the path with the longest time. To make it easier to see which activities are in each path, got to cell A20 and type =IF(A15=1,A$2, ) copy to A20:F21 In cell G17 type MAX In cell H17, type =MAX(H15:H16) This shows how long the slowest path takes. In cell H20 type =IF(H15=H$17, CRITICAL , )
  • 14. Copy cell to H20:H21 The critical path will be labeled as CRITICAL Step 3: Total Cost Formula In cell D14 , type Total actual cost: In cell G14, add up the actual costs of all of the activities. Type =SUM(A13:F13) This shows that if we use all normal times for all activities, the total cost is $1300 Step 4: Fill in the
  • 15. Essay On Fungal Scalp Infections Fungal scalp infections What are fungal scalp infections? Tinea capitis and seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff) are scalp disorders characterized by scaling and itchiness related to fungal infection. Tinea capitis usually affects children and is spread by direct contact. The skin lesions appear as scaly patches on the scalp that are often associated with hair loss (alopecia). Lymph nodes in the head or neck may enlarge as a reaction to scalp infection, but usually resolve with clearance of infection. Seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff), although technically not a fungal scalp infection, may produce symptoms that are similar to tinea capitis. This condition often affects infants, adolescents, and adults. Dandruff is implicated to be indirectly ... Show more content on ... The condition is most frequency seen in African American children. There appears to be a higher prevalence in males compared to females. Seborrheic dermatitis can be seen in infants as well as adolescents and adults. Its prevalence is about 3% and peaks at age 30 40. Men are affected more than women. The condition also has a high prevalence in individuals infected with HIV. What are the symptoms and signs of fungal scalp infections? Symptoms of tinea capitis often include scaly patches with areas of hair loss (alopecia). Hair loss often appears as black dots which represent broken hairs. Patients often have itchiness (pruritus) of the scalp and may develop enlarged tender lymph nodes (cervical lymphadenopathy) as a reaction to fungal scalp infection. Seborrheic dermatitis typically causes a fine, white, scales on the scalp. In severe cases, the skin can be inflamed, with red plaques covered in yellow, greasy scales. These can be itchy and irritating. Other conditions that are sometimes mistaken for tinea capitis or seborrheic dermatitis include psoriasis and eczema. How are fungal scalp infections
  • 16. U2-Sweetest Thing U2 Sweetest Thing I have chosen this song for the tone it brings to this soundtrack. The beginning of The Count of Monte Cristo is vividly different from the rest, as it introduces a perfect character, who has the greatest of girls to soon marry, and has been promoted to captain of his ship. I feel that this song has the same tone to it, while hinting at a change of fortune soon in the future by repeating I m losing you , which mirrors the effect that Danglars has at this point, of foreshadowing that things will not stay this way for Dantes. Midge Ure The Man Who Sold The World These lyrics connect to the relationship between Dantes and Villefort, beginning from their first meeting in Villefort s office. The song portrays Villefort as he is in the book, feigning to be Dante s friend, when he had only himself in mind. (Lines 4,13). Dante s surprise during his conversation with Villefort is also reflected in line five. The bridge between their first meeting and their last is in lines fourteen to twenty, which describe his journey from the Chateau d if, where Edmond Dantes died, and the Count of Monte Cristo roamed for years and years. His stare is also described as gazeless, just as the Count seems to see the world around him. The second and ... Show more content on ... When he was unable to resuscitate Edouard, he doubted himself, and doubted if he was following the Lord s will. Lines nine and ten show this perfectly, followed by line eleven saying I m on the wrong side of heaven and the righteous side of hell . He is bringing justice to those who deserve it on one hand, but on the other he is doing it selfishly, and has now unfairly brought people into his judgement. Lines fourteen to sixteen show that he knows he has moved on since he was Edmond Dantes, but as he looks at himself at this point he cannot decide if the change was for the better or
  • 17. Why Did The Revolutionary War Start So many people think that the revolutionary started at Lexington and Concord. But George Washington wouldn t have been on the national stage without the events that happened in Western Pennsylvania during the French and Indian War Tom Headley. The quote represents how important the struggle between the years of 1754 and 1763 was. It set up the entire revolutionary war. The French and Indian War was fought by the British and their colonies against the French and Indians. The war took place in North Eastern America and Europe. The British thought that the Ohio River Valley was rightfully theirs because the area was important for trading so they attacked the French. Little did they know that the French and Indians would fight with Guerilla warfare.... Show more content on ... The over taxation was caused by the the vast amounts of debt that the British Monarchy had due to the French and Indian War. The British Parliament thought that they had the right to tax only the colonies and not Britain. This angered the colonies and caused them to rebel in small ways. This also led to them protesting the fact that they had no representation in Parliament. The war costed almost 70,000,000 euros and doubled Britain s national debt to 140,000,000 euros. They in turn increased the taxes on the colonies. The taxes were a huge part of the Revolutionary war and they caused one of the key rebellions in the British Colonies that sparked major conflict. This rebellion is known as the Boston Tea Party. In the Boston Tea Party, a group of Patriots who called themselves the Sons of Liberty dressed themselves as Native Americans and went to the Boston Harbor. Once there they went aboard ships that were carrying tea and they threw 92,000 pounds(340 chests) of tean into the harbor. This act changed the world as the colonists knew it. It sparked the Coercive acts, known as the intolerable acts in America to be
  • 18. Teenage Mothers Stereotypes Teenage mothers face many stereotypes and misconceptions, and based on this, the image people might have about teen moms are that young mothers are irresponsible, without a future, and bad mothers. Stereotypes are an elegant way in which people generalize a group with few details without knowing them deeply. On the other hand; misconceptions or misunderstandings is the erroneous view or opinion on something because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding. In addition; the main negative thing about stereotypes and misconceptions is that prejudge people. Teenagers who became single mothers are more vulnerable to be exposed to judgements because of the bad decisions they took in their lives. Single mothers are people who took the decision to raise their children without the need of about father figure. Nevertheless; teenage mothers face discrimination and judgment... Show more content on ... Since, stereotypes are based on something true that justified and reinforced them to prevail. Stereotypes generalize a group of people like if everyone were or behave in the same way. For this reason, many stereotypes or most of them are full of prejudgments. A good example is when people use the stereotypeof The men are jealous because it talks about men like if every man and each one were the same. Moreover; there are different types of stereotypes such as gender, culture, religion, social groups, believes, etc. The stereotype more known or most common to identify gender stereotype, since it involves sexist ideas, whether feminists or the macho ideas. In the women some of the gender stereotypes are that women are in charge to clean the house, to do the chores, be beauty, sensible, etc. All the contrary in the opposite sex, men are expected to do not cry, they are in charge of the stability of the home economics, they are who generate the economic resources in the family,
  • 19. Toast For Beowulf Jasmine Kent Ms. Bell English IV/ P.1 21 January 2016 A Toast to Beowulf Greetings, Welcome to the Mead Hall of Hrothgar for our dinner party in honor of the Great Beowulf. Beowulf is the greatest warrior to ever live and has saved us all from the horrifying Grendel. I will now say a toast in honor of the great Beowulf. We were all in the reign of terror from Grendel s raging hatred for man for twelve whole years. His killings didn t ever cease or get easier. We have received a great hero who has traveled from his own country where he has heard of the great terror that Grendel has caused us and has decided to help us by volunteering to fight against the mythical creature that is undefeatable. So Beowulf chose the mightiest men he could find ... Show more content on ... Beowulf was recognized as a hero in his own country for the countless battles he had. Now, Beowulf has been a great King to us and once he had heard of the attacks to his kingdom by a fire breathing dragon he knows that he must go to battle with this creature to save his people. Instead of sending warriors to battle for him because he s older he decides he must go and fight the dragon himself. He knows it s the only way to save his people from this dragon. He also realizes that it is his time to go and that the only noble way to die is in an epic battle. The only way he can have true honor is in combat. When they gather on the mountain with his men he tells them that he must go and defeat this dragon on his own for his people and that the gold that the dragon protects will be left for his people. He went to battle knowing that he will probably die going against this fire breathing dragon. He went anyways because he knew that it would save his people. He would leave everything he owns for his warriors and his people. Beowulf took on that dragon for a chance that we would save his kingdom from this horrifying creature. Beowulf is a true hero because he
  • 20. Helios Sun Rise Essay The reason why the sun rises every morning and sets every evening is because one of reasons and one reason only. The evil spirits and malevolent creatures that hide in the darkness of the world. It is said that Helios, the sun god, protects every single human on Earth. Helios has a very tremendous task everyday and that is to drive his sunchariot across the sky from East to West. The sun chariot has four horses with fiery manes and tremendous power. Helios is a very powerful god that can barely control the horses. On the days where he can not control the horses, it becomes rainy and cloudy because whenever the chariot streaks the skies, it pushes away all the badness. The light pushes them away. It is said that a couple million years ago, that the sun fell to the Earth,... Show more content on ... Rumour has it that this was because his son was born, Phaeton, and Helios forgot to drive the chariot across the sky. Since then, Helios vowed that he will never let that happen again. So he left his family and never saw them again. It was a hard sacrifice, but it was very important that he did that. Phaeton grew up with his mortal mother, he was bullied at school for telling his peers that his dad was the sun. One day phaeton had enough and ran out of the school angrily. As he was walking to his house, it appeared like the sun had gotten brighter. Phaeton looks into the sun but was not blinded by it. Instead he saw the sun chariot with the shape of a human being in it. Phaeton runs home and tells his mother what he saw, but his mother only acted like he was crazy. He asks his mother where his dad was and she pointed up. Meaning that he died but really she meant that he was in the sky. But Phaeton did not understand that part. He believed that she meant that his father was dead. When night came, the mother and son went to sleep in their rooms, and the mother had a visitor. It was Helios, this upset the mother and caused her to yell at him to be at home more
  • 21. Katherine Johnson Hidden Figures Hidden Figures: The Math Behind the Scenes Brianna K. Fetzer Benton High School Abstract In the movie Hidden Figures the producers and writers of the movie touch base on multiple points as well as teach valuable lessons. Katherine Johnson, played by Taraji P. Henson, is an outstanding american idol. In the 1960s blacks were not seen as equals nor were women yet she, being both black and a woman, out did her colleagues. Using Euler s Method to solve a problem on a blackboard that her and her team were over seeing at the time. By using Euler s Method they were able to solve the equation and send John Glenn into space to orbit the earth seven times and safely bring him back home to earth. Hidden Figures in Review The movie Hidden ... Show more content on ... They often doubted her judgement of skills in her line of work, as well as her mathematical skills even though she went to college at West Virginia State University and earned her degree. She had a B.S. in mathematics and french and graduated in 1937. She was one of three african americans to graduate that year due to the president of the college wanting integrate the graduating class. She was the only female of the three students picked, that causing great opportunities open up for her, thus how she ended up working for NASA. During a pivotal scene, Johnson and a team of white, male engineers are staring at a blackboard, trying to solve equations for the trajectory of astronaut John Glenn s space capsule. They re stumped until Johnson hits upon a solution: Euler s Method, she says. That s ancient, says one of the engineers incredulously. Yes. But it works, she counters. It works numerically. (Meyers, 2017) Overall this movie, Hidden Figures, touches bases with on cultural and social also scientific and mathematical points. Katherine Johnson, an american idol, sets examples for people who deal with discrimination each and every day. She also teaches them to stand up for what they believe in and to strive for the stars. She launches the a start for African Americans and women all over the world. This is a very educational movie from different
  • 22. Pt1420 Unit 6 Assignment Describe what you did. This week we went a little bit more into the actual process of constructing an inverted index and how to implement the handling of misspellings, the accuracy of retrievals based on context, and the structures of resulting indexes for the purpose of searching them. For the discussion assignment, I needed to cover the differences between BSBI and SPIMI. For our programming assignment, we needed to make some alterations to a SPIMI python program to create an index and list of documents. Describe your reactions to what you did. I found everything that we covered this week very interesting. While I appreciated the differences between a BSBI and SPIMI, I m a little confused as to why you would use a BSBI except in situations where there are some very specific hardware ... Show more content on ... I am feeling pretty good about the class still. A lot of the techniques we are learning about for efficient, accurate, and helpful searching of a corpus I find very interesting. I need to take some more time to review the indexer Python code we were supplied so I feel completely comfortable with how it is achieving the indexing. Describe what you learned. Particularly the handling of misspelled search terms or wildcard items was the thing that I feel like I really took away from this week. Certainly, the index creation techniques were learned but I think that to really strongly grasp those I just need to get more hands on experience with their implementation. The things I learned about for managing search terms I feel like I could, at least conceptually, immediately apply. What surprised me or caused me to wonder? I found the technique of the permuterm indexing especially of note. While it seems like it results in a massive index it was interesting to think of how that could be applied along with other ideas to mitigate human imperfections for searches. What happened that felt particularly challenging? Why was it challenging to
  • 23. Students At Clearview Middle School A majority of the students in Middle Tennessee Public Schools come from a low income family household. The school in which I work, Clearview Middle School is not only low income, but is also a priority school. Priority schools are in the bottom five percent in being in the category of lowest performing in the school district. The population of students at Clearview Middle School are majority African American, but the cultures among the school are rich and diverse. Many students at Clearview Middle School have high potential of achieving great academic success, but fall short due consistent classroom disruptions throughout the day. Although a majority of the students in the school do not display inappropriate classroom behaviors,... Show more content on ... A handful of my students were either emotionally disturbed or had experienced traumatic experiences outside of the classroom, typically in the communities they live in. For example, I had a student named Brandon who experienced daily issues with misbehaviors and defiance in the classrooms in which he entered. This student had been classified as emotionally disturbed before entering Clearview Middle. Brandon had issues with obtaining safe relationships with peers and staff, refusing to follow basic safety procedures, and defiance with authority on multiple occasions. As a part of his safety plan, Brandon was to come to my classroom to reset when these types of behaviors occurred. Brandon and I had a relationship where he knew my expectations when he entered my classroom and we had a trusting relationship. I had built this relationship with Brandon based upon implementing morning check ins with him in a social and emotional learning aspect. I would make sure he was feeling okay before entering his classes and seeing what I could do to fix any problems that had happened that morning or could arise as the day goes on. Soon later this student was expelled due to continuous defiance and interfering with the safety with himself and with other students. I believe this could have been avoided if Brandon had received social and emotional learning experiences with other
  • 24. Contender Vs Million Dollar Baby Melvonde Jones Mrs.Lassanske Sports Literature 21 February, 2017 The Contender Vs. The Million Dollar Baby In the movie Million Dollar Baby, the character Maggie has a similar dream to Alfred, the main character from The Contender. There dream was to be a champion, a professional boxer. They both accomplish those dreams but they both have total different endings. Maggie and Alfred both has a passion for boxing. In the Million Dollar Baby movie Maggie kept on begging Franky to teach her how to box because frank is a really good teacher on boxing and Maggie just doesn t stop until one day he finally starts teaching her. Franky who is the coach in Million Dollar Baby is kinda similar to Mr. Donatelli who is the other coach in The contender. They re
  • 25. What Are Double Negatives Double negatives are seen as bad or evil nowadays in our advancing society as generally, they should. We ve all been taught to avoid phrases like She didn t like no one, or He said nothing, because they are unwieldy and confusing and in fact mean the opposite ( She likes everyone, He said something ) of what they appear to. It s not impossible, I said thoughtfully, of stacking her plasticware on top of her cookware on top of her cabinets. I don t disagree, I said amiably, about her suggestion that we adopt seven puppies at once. Were double negatives always off limits? My Steve Almond does it in his Twitter bio defense was not winning over my friend. What I discovered is subtleties in double negative usage that don t always make
  • 26. The Hysteria Of The Cold War In What Ways and to What Extent Did the Hysteria of the Cold War lead to the Trial and Execution of the Rosenbergs? Fearing the unknown is a common aspect of human nature. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were an average married couple living in New York City during the Cold War. They were members of the Communist Party when anti Communist feelings in the United Stateswere at their peak. Little did they know that as they continued with their daily lives, a series of investigations were being conducted that would soon land them in the electric chair. Julius and Ethel Rosenbergwere accused and convicted of passing along confidential atomic bomb information to Soviet Union spies. After a long battle, they were executed in the electric chair at Sing Sing Prison in 1953. The couple never admitted guilt to the charges, and their conviction and execution caused their two young boys to grow up without parents. The Rosenberg trial is still considered one of the most controversial events in United States history. Few other trials have instigated as much debate, aroused such passion or generated as many books and articles. Thus the question arises: in what ways and to what extent did the hysteria of the Cold Warlead to the trial and execution of the Rosenbergs? The 1951 trial of Julius Rosenberg, Ethel Rosenberg, and Morton Sobell, Communists accused of conspiring to commit espionage for the Soviet Union, drew worldwide attention at a time of heightened American concerns about
  • 27. Change Process Essay Step 1: Create Urgency For change to happen, it helps if the whole association genuinely needs it. Develop a sentiment genuineness around the prerequisite for change. This may empower you to begin the hidden motivation to get things moving. This isn t only an issue of exhibiting people poor arrangements experiences or examining extended contention. Open a reasonable and influencing trade about what s happening in the business focus and with your restriction. If numerous people start examining the change you propose, the urgency can build and devour upon itself. What you can do: Identify potential perils , and make circumstances showing what could happen later on. Examine openings that should be, or could be, abused. Start... Show more content on ... What you can do: Identify the bona fide pioneers in your affiliation, and also your key accomplices . Ask for an energetic duty from these key people. Work on amass working inside your change coalition. Check your gathering for fragile ranges, and certification that you have a better than average mix of people from different workplaces and unmistakable levels inside your association. Step 3: Create a Vision for Change When you at first start considering change, there will probably be various remarkable considerations and courses of action drifting around. Association these thoughts to a general vision that people can understand easily and review. An unmistakable vision can enable everyone to appreciate why you re asking for that they achieve something. Exactly when people witness firsthand what you re endeavoring to finish, by then the orders they re offered have a tendency to look good. What you can do: Determine the qualities that are indispensable to the change. Develop a short summary (possibly two or three sentences) that gets what you see as the inevitable destiny of your affiliation. Create a framework to execute that vision. Ensure that your change coalition can portray the vision in five minutes or less. Practice your vision talk consistently. Step 4: Communicate the
  • 28. Analysis Of. Shapiro s The Cross And Images On A... Lamed Shapiro s The Cross tells the story, in vivid and disturbing detail, of a Russian Jewish man who is attacked in a pogrom, alongside his estranged mother, and is branded on the forehead with a cross by his attacker. Blume Lempel s Images on a Blank Canvas tells another story, in equally vivid and disturbing detail, of a woman mourning the death of her friend, a prostitute who committed suicide. In these two stories, there is one striking similarity: The survivor is portrayed by the non survivor. In The Cross, the Russian Jew is depicted by his mother as the brutally murdered non survivor of a pogrom. In Images on a Blank Canvas, Blume Lempel, the survivor, is depicted by her fallen friend Zosye. Through the depictions of survivors by non survivors, Shapiro and Lempel are able to unpack the trauma stemming from a pogrom and a suicide and its effects on the survivors. The Cross begins with Shapiro s description of the man who would become, simultaneously, the survivor and non survivor. Shapiro, after noticing the man s physical features, sizes up his forehead: Then I saw his wide forehead. It was marked with a sharply cut brown cross, a shallow wound two knife cuts, crossing each other. This simple declaration at the beginning of the story foreshadows the fate of the man with the cross, and allows Shapiro to lead us into the riveting body of the story, a flashback into his unnerving past. The man s own confession ...I ve been an outsider for years now
  • 29. The Idea Of Mass Customisation The Idea of Mass Customisation Over the last 25 years, it has become harder to satisfy customer demand from inventory and thus making the cost of keeping inventory more expensive. This becomes a problem as new products cannot be produced until the old products have been sold, usually at huge discounts (Anderson, 2014). Therefore, many companies are forced to customize products, to some degree, for increasingly selective customers or to compete in niche markets (Anderson, 2014). However, introducing these customized products into a mass production manufacturing approach is complex and creates high costs of variety. Cost of variety defined by McGraw Hill, 1997, includes the actual costs of customizing or configuring products, all the set up... Show more content on ... al., 2001). Mass customisation refers to the ability to provide customized products or services through flexible processes in high volumes (Silvera, 2001) and at a cost near that of mass produced items (Hart, 1995, Kay, 1993, Kotha, 1995, Ross, 1996, Joneja and Lee, 1998). Mass customization also implies that the same large number of customers can be reached as in mass markets of the industrial economy and simultaneously they can be treated individually as in the customised markets of preindustrial economies. (Davis 1987:169) However, the implementation of mass customisation into the current systems leads to the existence of two main challenges of time and cost (Eastwood, 1996), which can be overcome by the following success factors. Customer demand for variety and customization must exist (Silvera et. al., 2001). The demand for variety and customization will determine how much customers are willing to pay and wait for delivery of most customized products (Kotha, 1996, Hart, 1996). Since customization means the customer may gain an increment of a utility from a product that better fits to his or her needs than the best standard product available (Chamberlin, 1962), there is an increased willingness of customers paying more for the customized product. Pine (1993) has stated that customization increases customer satisfaction thus
  • 30. Essay On Group 252 The group of 252 left the fort in New England to find land to the west where they would build a town. The small group left the fort to escape the violence from natives and traders. Their desire to find better land outweighs their fear of the unknown. This is their story. The group left in early spring as to avoid at least some harsh weather. Every group of 6 got a covered wagon. Every day a different few people had to walk. Mountains and rivers were the toughest obstacles in the journey. One of the greatest surprises to the group was that they didn t run out of food on their exactly 170 day journey. The group consisted of 62 men, 62 women, and 128 children. All the men were married and all were between the ages of 20 and 41. The women ranged ... Show more content on ... The first man stood in shock as the beast approached him. The man felt offended that such a horrible thing could exist on God s earth. The monster used a giant hand to pick the man up by his neck. It then let out the guttural roar and bit the man on the face leaving nothing but half a skull and a fountain of blood. The beast then dropped the man like a sack and moved toward the next man. The terrified soul drew a pistol and shot the beast in the stomach. The monster looked down as if to make certain that the pebble did not harm it. The monster looked at the man with a horrific pair of dark eyes and send out the high pitched shriek and charged the man. Once close, the beast buried its foot into the man s chest sending him flying into a tree. His body wrapped around the tree making a terrible cack. Charles Brown, half a mile from the edge of the forest. Over rocks and stumps and roots he ran. Black was all he could see in the dark. All he prayed was that he put his foot down in the right spot and keep running and live. God, it seems, was busy that night. Charles put his foot down on a tree root and his ankle bent. The left side of his foot made a sharp click. Charles fell down and clutched his broken ankle. He didn t scream, he just grunted a little when he fell
  • 31. Robert Andrew Millikan Essay Robert Andrew Millikan In 1909 Robert Andrew Millikan set up an apparatus to measure the charge of an electron within an accuracy range of 3%. In 1913 he came out with a value of the electrical charge that would serve the world of science for a generation. Young Millikan had a childhood like most others: he had no idea what his profession would be. Once he recalled trying to jump from a rowboat to a dock, falling in the water, and almost drowning. Here he had his first account with physics Newton s Third Law of Motion: quot;For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction quot;. Even in High School Physics courses Millikan was not so spirited, which may have had a ... Show more content on ... Thus, he began writing better textbooks for the University of Chicago, quot;In fact he spent the morning of his wedding day reading proofs of his textbooks quot; ( http:/ / ) During his 12 hours of teaching each day Millikan spent half of his time doing research. In 1909 he constructed his first oil drop apparatus to determine the charge of an electron. Millikan discovered that the charge depended on the frequency of incident light. In the beginning of his experimentation Millikan was using a drop of water. Using a water drop only gave Millikan forty five seconds in which to measure the charge, due to the volatility of the water. Millikan then switched to using a drop of oil because of its low volatility and as a result was allowed four and one half hours to measure the charge. In 1909 Millikan figured he was within 2% of being accurate. In 1910 Millikan actually announced numerical value for this fundamental atomic constant, 4.891x10 10 esu. [ After Millikan announced this number he was elected Vice Chairman and Director of Research for the National Research Council in 1917.] Millikan realized there were inaccuracies when then photocurrent near the cutoff point was too low to measure. Noticing that the current was highest when the metal was fresh Millikan fashioned his targets into thick cylinders and rigged up an electro magnetically controlled knife to
  • 32. The West Bengal National University Of Juridical Sciences The West Bengal National University Of Juridical Sciences Torts Tutorial Final Draft Defamation Akshit Goyal (212089) 8/16/2012 I.Introduction As stated in Dixon v. Holden A man s reputation is his property, and if possible, more valuable than any other property Defamation refers to the lowering of one s reputation in the eyes and minds of the right thinking and reasonable members of the society. Privacy can be understood as The right to be let alone Invasion of privacy means the unauthorized interference with a person s seclusion of himself from the public Invasion of privacy and publication of such private information may result in the defamation, and as such, a cause of action for defamation arises. This essay ... Show more content on ... These are: 1)The Statement should be defamatory A defamatory statement is any statement which a) Exposes the plaintiff to hatred , contempt , ridicule , or obloquy; or b)Tends to injure him in his profession or trade ; or c)causes him to be shunned or avoided by his neighbours In the present fact situation, with the publication of the nude photos of Princess babe and Prince Skaterboy, especially in the state of United Boredom which is a state known for its conservativeness and respect for its strong culture and tradition, it can safely be deduced that it would have damaged the reputation of the plaintiffs in the eyes of the members of the society. 2) The words must refer to the plaintiff In the magazine, Spice it up , the nude photos of the plaintiffs were published, and was captioned celebs these days have become so open on the cover. The photos were also printed inside the magazine, along with the details of the past affairs of Princess Babe. Analyzing this, it can be concluded that the words which were published did in fact refer to the plaintiff. In the case of Mrs. Gossipy, She expressly referred to the impending King and Queen of United Boredom, who we know are Princess Babe and Prince Skaterboy, so it is res ipsa loquitor that her statement referred to the plaintiffs. 3) The statement must be published The statement was published both on the cover page of the magazine, and inside the magazine, so
  • 33. Metis Research Paper The Metis, and first nation s peoples are very well known in Canada for being the first on lots of Canadian land of today; more well known was Rupert s land that they lived on for many years then changed to Manitoba. They live in Manitoba still, then moved to Saskatchewan, and to Alberta also. The Metis are the offspring of French Canadian fur traders and native women. A mixture of European and indigenous ancestry They brought together a proud culture of both people they descended from, even though through hardships the Metis still remained, and became one of the greatest living cultures in Canadian history. The Metis are a well established culture brought together in the process of being kicked out of their own culture and the French Canadian ... Show more content on ... Also they used Red River carts to get around. Most well known clothing for first nations and Metis were moccasins. For the Metis it was a distinctive red sash also. They were devout catholic. Furthermore lots of the time the Metis loved to get together for Jigs and step dancing. Their language is a mixture of French and Cree. For food the Metis ate bannock, fried bread, Metis soup, meatballs, and meat pie. Sadly there came to be a time when the Metis didn t have enough food. So the government started giving the Metis food rations. The Metis disliked this very much. Some of the most historical names in history for the Metis and first nations are Louis Riel, Will Jackson, Louis Gooley, Gabriel Dumont, Blackbear, Crowfoot, and many others. These men proved that the Metis, and first nations will fight for what they believe in, all they wanted in common was for Canada to make the Metis citizens of Canada, or leave them alone with their land because they had lived on it for thousands of years until Canadians intruded. Prime minister John A Macdonald misread and ignored what the Metis had to say. This was a mistake never to be taken back. In turn both sides the Metis ,and Canada lost many men because of prejudism towards the Metis and first
  • 34. Timothy Leech Biography Mr. Leech joined our staff at the start of the 2012 13 school year. He continues to serve here at Heartland Lutheran as our Transitional Administrator/Acting Principal and Athletic Director. Timothy was born in Davenport, Iowa but claims North Platte, Nebraska as home. The oldest child of William and Debra Leech, both Lutheran educators, William a Lutheran Administrator for over 30 years. Timothy saw the life of Lutheran educational ministry modeled every day. During his high schoolyears he was involved in baseball, football, basketball, and track, as well as being actively involved in his church youth group and an Eagle Scout with the Boy Scouts of America. Promising to not enter church work Timothy signed with the University of Nebraska at Kearney to play football and major in pre law. God had other plans for him and after a knee injury and some time off, Timothy enrolled at his father s alma mater, The Concordia University (Nebraska). Playing two more years of college football as a Bulldog, Timothy found mentors in Dr. Jerry Pfabe and Dr. Matt Phillips and eventually graduated in 2007 with degrees in Secondary Education and Geography, as well as his Lutheran Teachers Diploma.... Show more content on ... During his time there, he became the assistant head baseball coach, middle school athletic director, assistant athletic director, and took the eighth grade class on their class trip to Charleston, South Carolina. Before the school closed, Mr. Leech was blessed with the best Orlando, Florida had to offer, he met and married his wife, Beth while teaching in Florida and upon moving back to Nebraska they welcomed their daughter
  • 35. United States Congress, Distinguished Guests, And Fellow... Vice President Biden, Mr. Chief Justice, members of the United States Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens: Each time we gather to inaugurate a President we bear witness to the enduring strength of our Constitution. We affirm the promise of our democracy. We recall that what binds this nation together is not the colors of our skin or the tenets of our faith or the origins of our names. What makes us exceptional what makes us American is our allegiance to an idea articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago: We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Today we continue a never ending journey to bridge the meaning of those words with the realities of our time. For history tells us that while these truths may be self evident, they ve never been self executing; that while freedom is a gift from God, it must be secured by His people here on Earth. (Applause.) The patriots of 1776 did not fight to replace the tyranny of a king with the privileges of a few or the rule of a mob. They gave to us a republic, a government of, and by, and for the people, entrusting each generation to keep safe our founding creed. And for more than two hundred years, we have. Through blood drawn by lash and blood drawn by sword, we learned that no union founded on the principles
  • 36. People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals Essay People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is an animal rights organization based in Norfolk, Virginia, and led by Ingrid Newkirk. PETA is a nonprofit corporation, that has over 300 employees and has over 3 millions supporters and members based around the world; PETA is the largest nonprofit animal rights organization. The common slogan that it is known for is animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way. It was established by Newkirk and Alex Pacheco, the organization was able to catch the attention of the public in 1981, when the Silver Spring monkeys case came out to the public; researchers had conducted the experiments on macaque monkeys in Silver Spring, Maryland. When the police raided the laboratory in the United States, it made an amendment to the country s Animal Welfare Act, and that helped PETA become an international organization. PETA has four specific issues that they put all their focus on: the issues are opposition to factory farming, fur farming, animal... Show more content on ... Whereas with humans we ask for their consent before going through with tests, animals don t have that option. It is also unethical because would we as humans perform the same experiments that we do on the animals with ourselves. What gives us the right to decide that humans are the most important creature on planet earth , and that no other creature deserves to be treated with the same respect and ethical treatment. The animals go through rigorous and painful experimentation that involves the animals being cut, burned, and even poisoned. These animals are being tested for our own personal use to make sure that certain products are safe for us. If we continue the unethical ways of testing, animals could become increasingly instinct, causing the loss of creatures that help with preservation of our
  • 37. The Great Depression Of The 1920 S Following WW I in the 1920 s, there was a decade of an economical explosion. The post war era brought about many changes. Businesses showed great profits, migration to big cities of industrial companies occurred with the hopes of making a better life, people were given the opportunity to purchase things on credit, while others borrowed money making poor decisions buying high priced stocks with the intention of selling stocks for a profits to repay lenders. When Black Tuesday occurred on October 29, 1929, this marked the beginning of the Great Depressionthat left devastating economic hardships for the American people. Although it was always my belief that the stock market crash was the sole contributor of the Great Depression, there was... Show more content on ... S. and other countries that had industries charged high import taxes on good that were offered for sale. These taxes prevented counties from selling the goods they needed to earn the money to repay loans to the U.S. banks. In a three year period over 9,000 banks went bankrupt or had to close their doors to avoid bankruptcy which led to a decline in purchasing powers. When the banks started failing people lost their saving because the banks were uninsured. The banks weren t as willing to offer new loans. At the same time this was occurring, there was the distribution of unequal income. Businesses were showing great profits during the 1920 s, however the working class only got a small portion of this wealth with their low wages. People with low incomes purchased merchandise on credit. People thought that they had more money to spend on materialistic possessions using credit. Advertising increased, enticing people with the buy now, pay later slogan which in turn caused many consumers to accumulate so much debt that were unable to keep up with payments on the items they purchased, and they were repossessed. Once the slowing of manufactured goods occurred, inventory accumulated and there was a backlog of purchasing merchandise which caused even less spending that didn t help the economy. Another problem contributing to the Depression was the epic drought that occurred in 1930. During WWI, thousands of farmers migrated to the Great Plains area because of its rich
  • 38. Technical Communication Report On Hexapod Robot Essay A Technical Communication report on HEXAPOD ROBOT Submitted by : RICHA JAIN 13115098 Batch : E6 B.Tech 3rd year CONTENTS 1. Abstract........................................................................3 2. Introduction...................................................................4 2.1 The Definition of a Robot .................................................... 2.1.1 Industrial Robot ............................................................................. 2.1.2 Agriculture Robots.......................................................................... 2.1.3 Telerobots.................................................................................... 2.1.4 Service Robots.............................................................................. 2.1.5 Mobile Robots.............................................................................. 2.2 Mobile Robots..................................................................... 2.2.1 Wheeled Robots............................................................................... 2.2.2 Tracked Robots......................................................................................... 2.2.3 Legged Robots.................................................................................. 2.3 Hexapod............................................................................. 3. Hexapod Design............................................................ 3.1 History.............................................................................. 3.2 Hexapod Construction.......................................................... 3.2.1 Servo Motors................................................................................ 3.2.2 Force Sensors................................................................................ 3.2.3 Ultrasonic Sensors......................................................................... 3.2.4 Infrared Sensors............................................................................. 3.2.5 Servo Controller............................................................................. 4. Inverse Kinematic Calculations.................................... 5. Hexapod Walking...................................................... 5.1
  • 39. 1979 Fiscal Policy It is easy to point out that prior to 1979 the US government should have done more to avoid such a heavy reliance on foreign oil. Fiscal policy, for years, was not properly structured to enable energy independence. During the Carter years, policies regarding energy use reduction primarily involved lowering the legal highway speed limit and by encouraging people to use less energy to cool and heat their buildings. Carter s proposals for a broader energy program were constantly rejected by Congress. In 1979, Carter shook up his cabinet by bringing G. William Miller on board as Secretary of the Treasury and naming Paul Volcker the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. Carter now had an economic team that understood that getting inflation under... Show more content on ... He avoided several proposed spending increases during his term. This spending avoidance was his position despite what the economic activity was indicating. During both economic contractions and expansions, Carter maintained a fairly tight fiscal budget. This limited government spending position seemed to be coupled with a limited free market approach. Some of Carter s actions, such as his deregulating of the energy and transportation sectors and the reduction of the top capital gains tax rate, emphasized his efforts to achieve an economic balance. His reduction of the top capital gains tax rate from a high of 98% to 28% set up a major economic rebound in the mid 1980s. He frequently argued that regulations were limiting competition and increasing costs. All of which, it could be argued, should have been achieved earlier in his term. However, the delay may have been caused by having poor advisors in his earlier years. Because of President Carter s tight fiscal budgeting, the deficit as a percentage of GDP never reached 3%. Future Presidents would easily cross that line going much
  • 40. Fracking And Its Effects On The Environment If given the opportunity to help the nation become energy independent, while increasing jobs in your area, most people would happily accept. This opportunity would also be boosting the economy, both locally and nationally, all without the environmental impact of carbon emissions. Does the decision become a no brainer? But what if this new found energy dependence comes with hidden costs other than carbon emissions? Would you still want this opportunity in your area? This is what experts and passionate amateurs alike have been debating about fracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing.. Although it has the potential to be a very lucrative process, presently fracking is far too detrimental to the environment, for example Southern Illinois... Show more content on ... ( Chemicals Public Disclosure ) This act states that any hazardous chemicals above a threshold amount must be reported to federal, state, and local authorities. All frac fluids have the same base which is water and sand, in a percentage supposedly 90% water and 9% sand. ( Water Use ) Although exact content may be a mystery, we know that all proponents are not explosive or as sensitive as the nitroglycerine used in the past. At a time where jobs are hard to find, fracking has been a saving grace for many. In 2012 alone the fracking industry supported 2.1 million jobs. (Economy) There is also a lot of potential for growth, according to Purdue University economist, Wallace Tyner. In the article The Liberal War On American Energy Independence , author Arthur Herman conveys that Tyner suggested that between 2008 and 2035 that fracking will add around $473 billion dollars each year to U.S. economy. (Herman) Fracking has already had an impact on foreign oil dependency, and it is definitely for the better. The New York Times reported In 2011, the country imported just 45% of the liquid fuels it used, down from a record high of 60 percent in 2005. (Krauss) This is a crowning achievement for many of the big supporters of fracking. Production could eventually reach to 10 million barrels a day, making us a real competitor of Saudi Arabia. (Krauss)
  • 41. A Research Study On Ikea 1.0. Research Background In the present 21st century, the pressure of market competition has increased significantly. Under this environment, customer loyalty is the focus of both management practice and marketing practice of modern enterprises. It is the key for enterprises to get trust from customers and retain existing customers with the capability to deliver added value for customers. In the current competitive environment, customers have been provided with a wide range of choices to satisfy their needs and demands at the global level. It means that customers bargaining power has increased dramatically in the present business environment. It not only adds pressure on enterprises to develop new customers, but also increases the difficulty for enterprises to retain existing customers. Therefore, the development of customer loyalty is often the challenges for enterprises although its importance has been generally accepted. This research attempts to add implications for enterprises to develop and maintain customer loyalty. This research focuses on IKEA China as IKEA has achieved great success in China market. As an international corporation that come from Sweden, IKEA has established about 20 stores across China. Its products have been hotly welcome by Chinese consumers. Based on the assumption that the capability to delivery added value for customers is the critical success factor of IKEA, this research attempts to investigate how customer perceived value impacts on
  • 42. The Effectiveness Of Service Learning According to Felten and Clayton in the article Service Learning, they discuss with us how beneficial service learning is for students, staff, and community members.The effectiveness in Service learning includes the general community coming together to help serve a greater purpose. In regards to college, service learningserves as and experience to gain partnership and collaboration throughout the experience and community.For my service learning narrative, i chose to volunteer again with Ignite Church at James MonroeElementary. From 2 4 we worked with a group of 4th graders on different activities that consisted of critical thinking, imagination, and problem solving. The purpose of this afternoon was to connect with at least one of the students ... Show more content on ... Because I am an Independent student and I provide everything for myself I tend to feel entitled when it comes to certain things within my family. When I get around these fourth graders and listen to their problems and frustration I realize that my problems are not merely as frustrating than what they have to go through at the ages of nine and ten. Although I am not majoring in any child development or education, I feel that the lessons I have learned and the patience that I have been taught from them will help me when I study International business and business management. Both of my majors are ones where it is important to interact with every type of person regardless of age, gender, and sexuality. Fourth graders are a tough crowd to please but knowing that I can adapt to any kind of person will give me the confidence I need in my field of
  • 43. Research Paper On Bulimia Bulimia is a severe eating disorder that causes health problems. Bulimia is a potentially life threatening eating disorder and if not treated it can lead to death. This eating disorder is a cycle of binging and self induced vomiting is used to the effect of binge eating. Many bulimic people don t see the damage they are causing to themselves but even though they think it s harmless because it s just vomit that s where they are wrong. The exact cause of Bulimia is currently unknown but theirs certain factors that can cause the development of this eating disorder. These factors can be caused by genetic, psychological, environmental, or cultural influences. Some of the possible main causes of bulimia are stressful transitions or life
  • 44. Character Analysis Of I Totally Funniest I Totally Funniest is written in the perspective of a middle school aged boy who has just qualified for the world s funniest kid competition. This is not like a spelling bee or math competition, this is where kids show off how funny they can be for one million dollars. The author, James Patterson, has one over ten reader s choice awards and has had some of his books become movies such as Along Came a Spider that starred Morgan Freeman. He has written other books including Women s Murder Club, Maximum Ride, NYPD Red, Middle School, and Michael Bennett. Patterson is even involved in his family company called The Patterson Family Foundation that has given over $26 millionto over twenty five colleges/schools which helps children grasp the... Show more content on ... Uncle Frankie is a very close person to Jamie due to him helping perfect Jamie s comedy act and even once went to the yo yo Olympics where he won gold. Stevie Smiley is the typical bully except that is Jamie s cousin, but ends up being one of his body guards only for half of the million dollars. Max Weasley is Jamie s manager that gives him a very vague introduction to the showbiz world and only cares about the money as well. There are several competitors in the competition from Ben Baccaro who is considered by many a ladies man, Grafton Maddox Bacardi uses Larry the Cable Guy jokes, Patricia Dowbrowski is also known as Chatty Patty, Rebecca and Rachel Klein who are identical twins, and Judy Nazemetz who is one of the nicest towards Jamie expect that she got a little close to him. Characters wouldn t behave the way they do in the story if it weren t for the settings because the settings depict how the character(s) is being presented in the story. In this book, there is an abounding amount of settings that play important roles in how the characters are feeling or what kind of actions they are displaying. The first setting takes places in a suburb of New York City called Long Beach where Jamie works at his Uncle s restaurant and goes to Long Beach middle school where he is constantly being surrounded by fans. This is where he mostly practiced his comedy act and grabbed the attention of everyone in his little town when a terrible event happened to his
  • 45. CD ROM Essay Evaluation My promotional CD ROM compares almost perfectly to my original plans. I feel like this was a strength of my CD ROM as it allowed me to know exactly what had to go onto each screen and in turn allowed me to manage my time well. For example, in my storyboard, my home page was supposed to have a Welcome to Wellington gif title, my 8 buttons, 3 pictures and a brief introductory paragraph. In my storyboard I also stated the exact layout, font size and font style. In comparison, my actual CD ROM s home page followed this layout exactly. My history page was supposed to have a gif title, my 8 buttons, 3 pictures and a paragraph introducing students to the subject. Similarly, my actual history page within my CD ROM used this same exact... Show more content on ... Similarly, in my actual Interactive CD ROM on Flash I used the exact same layout. Is the product fit for purpose? There are many reasons proving that my product is fit for purpose. Some of these include: I included a bibliography in order to adhere to the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act. The reasoning for making a Bibliography is to give credit to all of the author s work that I used throughout my CD ROM. Failure to include all sources of information in my bibliography can result in a failing of the unit due to Plagiarism. I also followed the Performing Rights Society legislation by paying ВЈ102.13 for the release of my promotional CD ROM. Another way in which my promotional CD ROM is fit for purpose is due to the fact that I got a film classification for my video from the British Board of Film Classification. I think this is a strength of my product as it makes the product legal and allows me to release it to the public. Are you happy with the technical skills you gained? Overall, I am extremely happy with the skills I required during the making of my interactive CD ROM. Some of the skills that I feel I have developed are: my planning skills, my coding skills, my ability to make a product from scratch, team working skills, filming skills and I think that I gained extremely overall due to this part of the course. I have also developed my Photoshop and Flash skills. Do you feel a better
  • 46. Vigor Skin Care Write Up This case study is focused on a company called Vigor Skin Care. Initially known as the sleeping dog, Vigor was barely raking in a profit during its initial years of development. However four years ago, Peter Markles, the current head of Vigor, accepted the challenge of reviving the company. Markles first step in solving this problem was forming a team whose members were committed towards achieving a common goal; bringing success to Vigor. In addition to Markles, Sandy Fryda, Vigor s marketingdirector, and Josh Bartola, a creative entrepreneur at Vigor, became the constituents of Fearsome Threesome. All three members contributed to the team in different ways. Markles was the overseer of all the operations while Fryda helped them avoid... Show more content on ... The team as a whole achieved success by having a common goal; their number one priority was to revive Vigor. In order to attain this goal they were enthusiastic, committed, and hardworking. Another key component was that Bartola would bring in Pizza or something fun to take their mind off of their work when they were stressed out and needed a break. This assisted them in stepping away from the situation for awhile and coming back reenergized and refocused towards fixing whatever problem was at hand. In my opinion, Markles definitely could have prevented the current issue that he contemplated on his flight. He claimed that he was a good judge of character and so recognizing that Bartola was not going to stay with Vigor forever was a crucial overlook on Markles part. If Markles and Bartola had sat down in the beginning and laid out a potential plan for how long both individuals were going to stay with Vigor then Markles would have been able to plan for Bartola s departure. I also think it would have helped the team dynamics out if they had been a bit more flexible with their roles as a team. Before becoming more flexible with your role, I think after awhile they stopped paying attention to the needs and wants of their other team members. For example, they stopped recognizing when other members were stressed out and needed a break. Granted, Bartola would occasionally bring in a CD or pizza and
  • 47. Network Development in the Managed Care Organization Network Development in the Managed Care Organization To guarantee that its members receive appropriate, high level quality care in a cost effective manner, each managed care organization (MCO) tailors its networks according to the characteristics of the providers, consumers, and competitors in a specific market. Other considerations for creating the network are the managed careorganization s own goals for quality, accessibility, cost savings, and member satisfaction. Strategic planning for networks is a continuing process. In addition to an initial evaluation of its markets and goals, the managed care organization must periodically reevaluate its target markets and objectives. After reviewing the markets, then the organization must... Show more content on ... When evaluating a provider s location for accessibility, managed care organizations consider the distance between the provider s location and members, as well as geographical barriers. It is not the intent of a managed care organizations to expend long trips to physicians or hospitals for medical care. For each provider type, the organization also examines typical patterns of utilization and average costs for selected services. Baker comments, Defining a panel offers managed care plans the advantage of selecting providers with whom they are interested in working as well as the potential to obtain some contracting advantages through which they can sometimes obtain discounts from physicians who would like to be included in the panel (Baker, 2000, p.3). Because each type of managed care organization has certain unique characteristics, network strategies must be chosen to fit these characteristics. An organization that offers more than one type of health plan may choose to coordinate provider networks through a network within a network approach. This is done by including the providers from one product s panel in the network of another panel. Provider network strategies are also found to vary with the geographic scope and market focus of the plan. A growing number of managed care organizations are attempting to build national provider
  • 48. Nutri Grain Executive Summary 1.Executive summary: Nutri grain is a part of the multi national brand Kellogg s. The brand includes cereal, cereal bars and breakfast drinks that has ranked number nine in cereal brand sales reaching 18.2 million people purchasing the cereal so far in 2015. The cereal brand uses many selling techniques to market a product to reach the goal of maximisation of profit. This report will outline the techniques that Nutri Grain uses to promote their breakfast cereal and will focus on promotion, pricing, placement and product strategies. 2.Selling techniques used by Nutri Grain 2.1Promotion techniques: Promotion is the publicising of a product, organisation, or venture so as to increase sales or public awareness. (google dictionary) Many companies use packaging to interest consumers to buy their product. Nutri Grain promotes that they produce a breakfast for champions, usage of iron man as a major promotion for the product, product placement is used on all the items the competitors use sponsors the iron men races, this means that there will be ... Show more content on ... This technique of product differentiation the use pictures of iron men on their products packaging and use iron men in their commercials makes the boxes stand out compared to competitors increase profit as Australians are very proud and patriotic. Research shows that in the last twelve months, fifty five percent of Australians believe that buying Australian made products is important and will choose an Australian product over a foreign product. Nutri grain uses this to their advantage on iconic Australian events such as Australia Day or the lead up to major iron man events, you will see Nutri grain boxes covered with Australian flags and beaches, the recent income shows that it is working and maximising profit for
  • 49. Milton Friedman Summary of Milton Friedman Milton Friedman is one of the most well known Economists of all time. Born on July 31st, 1912, in New York City, Mr. Friedman grew up in Rahway, New Jersey. His family owned a dry goods store, and he grew up poor. Throughout school, Mr. Friedman excelled in mathematics. In 1932, during the heart of the Great Depression, Mr. Friedman graduated with a degree in mathematics from Rutgers University, being the first of his family to graduate from college. While wanting to continue his career in math, the Great Depression caused him to pursue a master s in Economicsinstead at the University of Chicago. Only taking one year to receive his masters, Mr. Friedman then went on to Columbia university where he continued his
  • 50. Militarism Dbq The military was founded in 1775 in order to fight Great Britain. The small army was led by appointed commander George Washington. Ever since its establishment, the military has continued to increase. The United States currently has about 1.3 million active troops and an additional 865,000 troops in reserve it is the world s third largest military. The US also has a large global presence with troops deployed in over 170 countries including South Korea, Italy, Afghanistan, and Japan. The United States is a militaristic country because of the military budget, the military s expansion into civilian areas, and military culture. The large and increasing budget of the military is an example of U.S. militarism. According to National Priorities... Show more content on ... Civilian control of the military is a government policy, written in the constitution, that places responsibility of the the head of the Defense Department in the hands of a civilian political leader rather than a military officer. This doctrine, however, is coming to an end. According to Document 2, military personnel are required to wait 7 years after retirement to gain a civilian position. President Trump has ignored this practice by appointing generals and lieutenant generals to cabinet or high ranking positions. This proves that the United States is a militaristic country because the military is now moving into positions, that were previously reserved for civilians. Document 2 also states that the military has expanded its role into areas that were previously civilian areas. These include counter terrorism, drug trafficking enforcement, natural disaster aid, immigration control, and policing. This shows that the US is militaristic because the military is constantly expanding; not only by means of budget and power, but also responsibility. This is also a negative example of US militarism because civilian control over the military is important. The American democracy was built around this
  • 51. The Radicalism of the American Revolution In The Radicalism of the American Revolution Gordon Wood attempts to disprove the common thought that the American Revolution was simply a war for independence from a tyrannical mother country. He explains how America formed such a unique from of government. The form that American government took was a collaboration of many different forms that emphasized the rights of individuals. Woods finds it essential to explain colonial life and the factors that dictated people s lives to understand how radical the revolution was compared to other revolutions. In the 1700 s it was impossible for people to imagine a society operating independently of government, but through shifts in society and through parallel shifts in government that is what emerge. Up until the American Revolutionsociety and government were interwoven. Once Woods explains society and the shifts that were taking place in society and government, he goes on to explain the nature of republicanism. The ideals of republicanism took a firm hold in the colonies. He claims that republican disinterest was essential to the formation of America. This term is oftenly thought of as public virtue or the willingness to sacrifice private interests for the sake of the community including serving in office without pecuniary reward . When the nation formed citizens, particularly the elites, were pushed to overlook private interests and developed a disinterested state of mind in order to further the state of the republic.
  • 52. African American Literature And Religion Throughout history it can be easy to see that religion/faith and spirituality have been a big influence on African American Literature. Religion and faith in African American Literature comes in many forms depending on the author, but generally, this theme tended to relate to the desire for freedom. Quite often authors wrote in prayer form, asking for God s assistance to help them make it through their time of misery, to help them get through life as a slave. Faith in African AmericanLiterature was vital to the unity of the African American slaves. Spirituality as well, as faith, brought a feeling of community amongst the separated African American slaves. The African Americans religious practices were an essential and foundational aspect of the world that the slaves created for themselves inside the plantation, which was a cruel, cold, and unfair world forced upon the slaves.... Show more content on ... The point that is brought about among the texts is not necessarily the differences among the Christian faith or African faiths or the Muslim faiths and how each affected the African American slave. The big picture seen in the text is that faith and religion did in fact have a great positive effect among the slaves and also had an effect on the environment that the slaves were pressed into during the lineage of the black Americans from the 1800s until now. Religion and Spirituality was in continues to be such a prominent theme in African American Literature because religion and spirituality was/is so important in their everyday lives. I think that without religion, many would have succumbed to their woes and their inhuman spiritual strength would be