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What Issues Prompted Frontier Hotel And Restaurant Workers...
What issues prompted Frontier hotel and restaurant workers to take strike action? There were a lot of issues that prompted employees at the
Frontier hotel to take striking as an action to be heard. When watching this documentary for the first time I didn't realize how long these workers
were on strike for. One word to describe the owners of these hotels is "savages". They started to fire individuals for no apparent reason it seemed
the owners wanted to cut back. There was one girl that worked in the culinary department for eight years and she was let go. The hotel also took
away health insurance benefits, pension contributions for employees trying to retire and the most important cutting employee wages for the hotel to
save money and for the owners to profit even more letting these employees work next to nothing. A lot of workers said they felt their pride was
being taken away also trying to take care of their own family will be even more inflexible. The hotel took away everything so these employees had no
chose but to strike. What tactics (other than picketing) did the union use to pressure the Elardi family into settling the contract? Identify at least three.
Some other tactics the union used other than picketing was truly astonishing. These employees really wanted to make a point across all of Nevada.
One tactic that really helped these employees win their strike was getting noticed across the state by walking thirty miles across the dessert everyday.
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Strike Action Memo
The purpose of this memo is to inform CTN service providers about potential labour and possible strike action at Barrie Common Roof (165 Ferris
Lane) and Orillia Common Roof (169 Front Street South) between New Path Youth and Family Services and their OPSEU staff. Labour
negotiations between New Path and their OPSEU staff have been ongoing and unionized staff may be in a lawful strike position effective Friday,
July 14th at 12:01 am. Last week, and earlier this week, OPSEU members representing New Path staff held information pickets as people left the
Common Roof locations in Barrie and Orillia. If New Path unionized staff go on strike effective Friday morning, picket action is likely to occur at
both Common Roof locations. It is hoped... Show more content on ...
Providers are asked to notify clients of the potential of strike action at these sites and advise them to allow for extra time in arriving for
appointments. If delays become extensive or problematic for efficient access to services at these sites, providers may wish to arrange for service
provision offsite including providing services in the client's home where possible. Anyone in a position to cross picket lines should also keep the
following in mind: Please do not take sides in the negotiations and respect everyone's inherent right to demonstrate within reason. Picket lines can
be lawfully established on public property (roads, sidewalks, etc.). Be courteous and respectful to picketers. Use your car to cross picket lines. Do
not opt to park somewhere else and walk across the picket line. Chose either to listen to information that picketers may want to share with staff or
visitors or simply close the car window if you prefer not to listen. Expect delays and be patient. Do not try to drive through or be rude to picketers.
Calling the police because of nuisance is not an option. Police should only be contacted in the unlikely event of violence. Make your way past the
picket line cautiously and not force your way
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The RLA Or The Railway Labor Act
The RLA or the Railway Labor Act is applied to "rail and air carriers and their non– managerial employees". (Fossum, 1979, pg.64) It's purposes
include "avoiding service interruptions, eliminating any restrictions on joining a union, guaranteeing the freedom of employees in any matter of
self–organization, providing for prompt dispute settlement and enabling prompt grievance settlement". The RLA allows employers to vote an
organization to exclusively represent them for negotiations aimed at reaching conditions that would improve working conditions. Unlike other private
or public sector labor laws, contract negotiations under RLA continues to be in effect, despite passing the amendment date until a new agreement is
reached by the committee. (Fossum,1979, pg.64) The... Show more content on ...
They are various employer tactics that interfere with employee's "freedom of choice in being represented by their chosen advocates". Unions may not
try to influence management to discipline employees who did not join the union or refuse to represent employees because they are not union members.
Some differences include that unions may not demand or require that an employer take action against an employer for any reason. A failure to pay
union dues is an exception to this rule. Unions are also not allowed to force individuals to pay excessive initiation fees for union membership. In
management, employers and unions may negotiate contract clauses requiring union membership as a condition of continued employment, also known
as a union shop agreement. Also, employers may not refuse to bargain with an union over issues of pay, hours or other terms and conditions of
employment. Furthermore, unions may not influence employees in the exercise of Section 7 rights. Meanwhile, in management an employer may not
interfere with an employee engaging in any activity protected by Section 7. (Fossum,
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Winnipeg General Strike Research Paper
The Labor unions and disputes against the employers of 1919 also known as Winnipeg General Strike was one of the most tense and significant of
all previously recorded General Strikes throughout history. A strike is defined as a strike by workers in all or most of the businesses in a country
at the same time. Of which the Winnipeg General Strike managed to kill the city in a few hours where movement was delayed because of the lack
of workers Strike was a stand against the employers and the government in order to ask for better work conditions, mainly collective bargaining, and
an agreement to allow all strikers back to work after their terms have been met. The united action of all workers was very threatening towards the
society. The strike was generally a very successful protest to the state it was a success and they had managed to stop the strikers. If employee feel that
their welfares is threatened or if their demands are not satisfied they approach to the trade unions who bring pressure to the employers in an
organization. Trade Unions are different individuals with the common interest to come together to guarantee that their interests of work place are not
affected,... Show more content on ...
Employees think forming a trade union is a way of helping to achieve improvements in these different aspects of their work place– a trade union is a
type of pressure group. Unions are representatives of employee demands at work and to challenge the management when needed therefore, are
sometimes disliked. In this fast pace employers want to avoid and eliminate the waste of resources and try to utilise and maximize the productivity.
Even after the past events including the formation of unions and strikes sometime business support trade union and sometime dislike
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The Union Of Korean Trade Unions
Gregory Baumanna Overview: In December 1996 and January 1997, there was a massive four week nationwide strike in South Korea in protest
against newly passed labor laws which gave employers more power to lay off employees, made it easier to hire temporary/strike replacing workers
and put off allowing multiple unions to be formed at a given enterprise. This resulted in the mobilized three million workers, which shut down auto
/ship production, disrupted hospitals, subways and television. The two main unions involved were the The Federation of Korean Trade Unions
(FKTU) and the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (FCTU). This strike was notable due to its consistently high levels of worker participation and
high level of public support. Two... Show more content on ...
Many companies attempted to institute practices that would allow for cost cutting such as reliance on contract workers and part time workers, in
addition to allowing for voluntary retirement and adopting a no work no pay policy. These moves were actively opposed by labor groups and the need
for labor refom became clear. This belief also led to South Korea's New Korea Party (NKP) creating the Labor–Managrement Relations Reform
Committee (LMRRC) on May 9th of members of various labor interist groups, university professors and lawmakers. Its 30 members held several
public hearings on the creation on new labor policies and created the New Labor Law.
/2645826.pdf?acceptTC=true&jpdConfirm=true This new Labor law was the result of a 1996 Changes would make it easier and legal for companies
to lay off workers, increase the legal work–week by 12 hours and allowing companies to modify working hours, makes the use of scab labor during
strikes legal and outlawing strike–pay. http://www.hartford– Cause: Government says changes are necessary to make
South Korea "more competitive with other developing economies" that are emerging as competitors to Korea. http://www.hartford–
/55a/075.html The committees that had been created were unsuccessful in creating a new labor bill after six months of hearing so the NKP decided to
create a new secret committee to create the bill on December 3rd. Then on
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Matchgirls Short Term Significance
What was the short term significance of the Match girl strikes. In 1888, a disturbance in east London caught the public eye, as around 1400 women and
teenagers left their place of work at Bryant and May's factory. The strike had occurred due to mounting tension between the owners and workers after
the publication of Annie Besant's findings about the conditions in which these women worked in. The Match Girls strike of 1888 had great
significance in the short term as its success highlighted the importance of organisation in striking, the importance of gaining support and sympathy
from others, the importance of leadership during the strike, and the significance of the Matchgirls in regards to their exposure of the hazardous working
conditions... Show more content on ...
The power and success of the company was a key factor in significance of the Matchgirls, due to it being such a high case strike, due to Bryant and
May being at peak of their power and influence at the time, the strike inevitably ruined their credibility and the boycott which Besant set up
damaged their sales during the strike. This demonstrates the power of the lower classes has which would later go on to inspire other strikes where
whole communities of people strike against big companies such as the Dockers strike, and the General strike, and the miners' strike of 1984, and
thus massively increase the power and significance of trade unions. The role of Bryant and May was vital in the strike, such as the way in which
they attempted to manipulate the public into seeing the Matchgirls in a different light, as already discussed. Bryant believed 'he had always
endeavoured to be a conscientious employer of labour and he had tried give his workplace as fair remuneration as profits would permit' , however this
is clearly shown in the reduction of wage in the years between 1880–1888 and the expansion of the company between these years. Eventually the
owners of the factory accepted their defeat and met the clauses of the strike, by banishing some of the fines imposed on the women when working,
allowing them to eat in a different room, and reinstating those who were
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Essay about The 1994 Baseball Strike
The 1994 Baseball Strike On August 12, 1994 professional baseball players went on strike for the eighth time in the sports' history. Since 1972,
negotiations between the union and owners over contract terms has led to major economic problems and the absence of a World Series in 1994. All
issues were open for debate due to the expiration of the last contract. Until 1968, no collective bargaining agreement had ever been reached between the
owners and the players (Dolan 11). Collective bargaining is the process by which union representatives for employees in a bargaining unit negotiate
employment conditions for the entire bargaining unit (Atlantic Unbound). Instead, the players were at the mercy of each owner who possessed the...
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Two major issues led directly to the interruption and eventually the cancellation of the entire season. After a 28–0 vote among the owners, they agreed
to share revenue on the condition they could get the players to accept a salary cap. The issue of revenue sharing was directly linked to the salary
cap. By taking this action, the owners signaled they had come to realize the problem of disparity between big market teams (New York, Los
Angeles, Chicago) and small market teams (Seattle, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee). The problem, however, was that because the owners linked their
revenue sharing with a salary cap, the players felt they were being asked to solve the owners' financial disparity problem. There is a noticeable
difference in team payrolls, as displayed in 1993, when the the payroll of the Toronto Blue Jays was $48.4 million, compared with San Diego
Padres' payroll of only $10.6 million (Layden 17). Therefore, the idea of revenue sharing, wherein big market teams would transfer monies to the
small market teams, was a good one, but it caused disputes among the owners as to how the formula would be worked out. Not all of the small
market teams were in bad shape financially. In fact, some that had built or were building new stadiums such as Baltimore, Cleveland, and Texas were
doing quite well. It was not until June 14, 1994, that the owners finally presented their collective bargaining proposal, 18
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The Outcome Of Two Major Railroad Strikes
Identify and describe the outcome of two major Railroad Strikes. The two major Railroad Strikes were the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 and
Railroad Shop workers Strike of 1922. The Great Railroad Strike of 1877, was due to workers not being happy about the pay cuts that were being
made by their employer so often. Northern Railroads began cutting salaries and wages. Because of various railroads cutting wages by 10% back to
back, workers were not willing to continue working under those conditions. Not only were the wages of the workers being cut, the amount work of
work given to the employees increased and the employer did not hire additional workers. This then caused railroad employees to respond by taking
control of the rail yard switches, and blocking movement of trains. Throughout various cities such as Baltimore, Pittsburg, St. Louise, and Chicago,
Violent acts began to occur. Many people died throughout the cities. The strike cause the country's commerce to become paralyzed and pushed
governors in different states to utilize militia members to reopen rail traffic. This action also helped set the stage for violence that would occur later
in the 1880s and 1890s. The Railroad Shop Workers Strike of 1922 affected everyone in the country. This strike occurred because of the pay cut of
seven cents to the wages of the railroad workers. Approximately 400,000 rail shop workers from various unions were on strike because the cut was
announced by the railroad labor board. When
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The Importance Of Unio Strikes In Canada
In general, a strike is when workers intentionally stop all processes of work to try to force their employer to agree on a certain set of demands.
The worker has all power to do this because the worker is essentially selling their labour in return for a wage from the employer and if these wages
(as one example), are deemed not sufficient by the employee, they go on strike. This results in a halt of productivity/production which is
detrimental for the employer. Employers also have some leverage against employees and can undergo a lockout, which prevents workers from
going to work. Employees not going to work means that they won't get paid. This forces employees to usually agree to conditions set by the
employers but said conditions is typically not in favour of the employees. The entire of action of going on strike is not necessarily liked for both
sides as employees are left unpaid and employers have their overall production put to a halt. For a strike to occur, it must take place after the union
contract or agreement has expired and if the union leader approves of a strike. In the case that a... Show more content on ...
The industrialization of the early 1900s made it so that machines can do what artisans did at a much faster rate for a lot less money, which made
companies more profit. The biggest strike happened in the post WW1 era of 1919 where the building and metal trades workers of Winnipeg went
on a general strike. This was different from a regular strike as this strike consisted of a multitude of workers from all different areas of that field.
Although the strike failed, it displayed the potential that a union has when a group solidarity is formed. With the amount of strikes peaking in the mid
1970s, the recession of the 1980s and 1990s weakened the overall number of strikes as recessions normally discouraged workers from
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The Wagner Act Essays
In 1934, the Wagner Act was first introduced, also called the National Labor Relations Act (NLRB), it promised "to ensure a wise distribution of
wealth between management and labor, to maintain a full flow of purchasing power, and to prevent recurrent depressions." (Babson, p. 85) During the
mid–1930's organized labor and the United States Government struck a deal. It was the time of Franklin D. Roosevelt. A volatile time, the country was
attempting to recover from a depression, unemployment was at an all–time high and organized labor was struggling for its own existence. "Vast
numbers of the unemployed are right on the edge," observed Lorent Hickock, a Pennsylvania reporter hired by the federal government to report on
social... Show more content on ...
With no relief in sight, society had nothing to lose and everything to gain by fighting back. Workers saw that businesses and businessmen continued to
get rich and mover further ahead in life, while the working class began to fall further down the economic ladder with little or no hope of advancement
within society. The solidarity amongst the unemployed is a key factor which cannot be ignored by historians and scholars, and that impetus could have
propelled labor forward. For the first time, America had seen mass demonstrations across the country centering on a central issue, unemployment.
Unemployment councils were prevalent within many of the major metropolitan centers across the country, and they became the proponent for the wize
of the American worker. Numerous rallies and demonstrations were staged by those councils, and when it came to the issue of unemployment there
were no perceived boundaries amongst citizens based on ethnicity, race or religion. The barriers which had stymied the growth of the labor movement
had temporarily disappeared. However, as powerful as these councils could have been, there was no co–ordination amongst the various centers in
relation to the public protest. Communities and individuals were becoming mobilized and they too began to learn the importance of being organized
and working together collectively and disregarding any self imposed barriers along the lines
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What Happened In The 1902 Coal Strike?
Strikes is an occurrence in which workers stop working and demand or protest against their employers regulations or working conditions imposed.
Strikes are aimed for the employers to forcedly fulfill the workers demand. Strikes often happen in various different places. Often, a strike would
comprise of simply not showing up a work at protesting on the streets however do get brutal. Strikes also vary in sizes depending of the protestors as
sometimes there may be hundreds of thousands of people or sometimes simply few thousand or even hundred. Strikes sometimes get violent too. Most
of the time, the protesters receive an agreement from the company being protested or a change to their society to get things back to normal. The strike
that I have... Show more content on ...
It happened in the anthracite coal fields in eastern Pennsylvania. It started out due to the fact that the miners demanded safer working conditions,
shorter working hours and a 20% wage increase. As the strike lasted up to winter, businesses and school had to shut down as they lacked coal for
heating. Mine operators refused to comply the miners demand because they complained that their profit was low and that the United Mine
Workers of America ruined discipline. As the protest got worse, miners resorted to President Roosevelt in hoping for changes from him. Roosevelt
soon also realized that he must take action to the strikes as it may lead to a social war. The problem however was that the government was not
allowed to interfere in the dispute. Roosevelt soon finds himself in a difficult situation. At the time, prices of coal skyrocketed to $20 per ton. To
put it to perspective, it is equivalent to $12 per gallon of fuel today. The protest soon got violent too even after John Mitchell, the president of
United Mine Workers of America had ordered a peaceful strike. The strikes eventually stopped and on October 23, 1902, the miners went back to
work and the nation's fear of a freezing winter was gone. The miners were able to achieve a 10% increase in their wage from the original 20% and
also less working hours. They have achieved their goal from the unfavorable
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The Decline Of Strikes And Industrial Action
What factors explain the overall decline in strikes and industrial action since the 1980s, and what is the likelihood of an increase in industrial
conflict in the future? Introduction Strikes are rightly acknowledged as a form of industrial conflict. Many works including OECD (2007),
Hyman (1972) and McIlroy (1995) have described strikes as temporary termination of a workplace or work stoppage due to the initiatives taken by
a group of workers or trade unions to impose or repel demands and direct grievances or to encourage other workers or groups of workers in their
struggle of resisting demands or complaints. As pointed out by Edwards (1992), industrial conflicts seem to be inevitable in any organisation due to
the prevalence of tensions between the workers and management. If they are not managed effectively, they result in an outburst which often take the
form of strikes. Prior to 1980's there were occurrence of many strikes. However, since 1980's the strike rate has reduced in each following decade. The
reduction in the occurrence of strikes has been the highest in UK, Spain, Canada, Italy, Finland, Ireland and Australia (among OECD countries). One
reason explaining this decline has been the change in the employment structure of the industry which has gradually moved from manufacturing to the
services sector. However, according to Beardsmore (2006), over the past few decades there has been a decline in the strike rate in both the
manufacturing and services
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Mudule 11 Case Study Essay examples
Content Page # Executive Summary 2
Analysis3 – 7
Executive Summary
The report includes the summary of Lanka Fashion Leather Products Company (company) which was successfully operating for several years having
about 150 employees without any trade Union (TU) activities. The Issue arose when 75% of the work force formed a branch Trade Union of a
registered TU sponsored by a political party. After two formal requests sent by the TU to the management, demanding a discussion related to
employment issues with the senior management and since there was no response from the management the TU had to resort a strike action even after
extending the 14 days provided.
The ... Show more content on ...
But concerning the smooth relationship (ER) between the employee and the employer and moral/ethical values in the work place it is important to
keep the management informed on such activities. It's believed and proven that a Employer with High morals/ Values have less Employee related
issues and such employer who operates under legal framework would not discourage a TU activities yet more would be more concern of the Employee
relation and transparency, therefore it's necessary to inform the employer on the grounds moral/values.
Question 2
Should the employer have given an opportunity to the union to discuss these matters with management? Is it a legal requirement?
Yes, the employer is legally bound to discuss matters with a TU that has 40% of employees as its members. According to the Industrial Disputes
(Amendment) Act, No. 56 of 1999 stipulates under the title Unfair Labor Practices that no employer shall: refuse to bargain with a trade union which
has in its membership not less than forty percent of the workers on whose behalf the trade union seeks to bargain.
Question 3
Was the employer under a legal obligation to deduct the union membership fees from the salaries of member employees?
No, the employer is not legally obliged to deduct the Union membership from the salaries of the member employee, but the member has to pay a
membership fee to the Trade Union which
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Knights of Labor Essay
to be or not to be, that is the question. When one meets Gould for the first time, one witnesses a tremendous power: no one can question his charisma
and compelling personality. But under the facade, behind the mask of great glory and munificence lies the true Gould, the Gould who desires to
enslave the working man, to nullify his basic rights, and crush every bit of resistance against injustice. The duplicity of the magnate is not always
obvious, but it is evident in his dealings with the Knights of Labor. speak softly but carry a big stick, and you will go far. No other union had come
into such heated conflict with Gould as did the Knights, as no other union had been strong enough to challenge Gould himself. But in the end, even the
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Hoxie, believing that the strike was a direct violation of the agreement reached between Gould's Missouri Railroad Company and the Knights during
the Wabash strike not to strike before arbitration was attempted on any issue, began a violent campaign against the Knights of Labor, firing its
members and recruiting new workers. The Knights of Labor were eventually forced into a desperate state. In fact, the later strike was not instigated
by Powderly, but by one of his officers Martin Irons, who chose to defy the authority of Powderly when a man named Hall was discharged by the
Texas and Pacific Railroad. The strike, an indirect effect of a mass influx of uninformed newcomers to the union, marked the beginning of unorganized
struggle of the union and the end of Powderly's influence. The outcome of the strike was so disastrous for the labor union that it caused even the
United States government to fear Gould's autocratic power; the president himself had urged Gould not to stand in the way of arbitration. In a later
encounter between Powderly and Gould, Gould–seeming a mediatory man– appears to yield to Powderly's demands by agreeing to order Hoxie to
readmit workers regardless of union affiliation (but he had in fact written the telegram so that it implied that Hoxie continue with his policies). When
the newspapers leaked out the information, Gould responded by informing Powderly that he had no power to
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Human Resource Management Essay example
The Employment relationship is the only reason public and private limited organisations work effectively. The Employment relationship is a fragile tie
between an employer "management" and employee "worker". This relationship can be affected by 3 factors which are interests, control and motivation.
Employers have to balance these factors in order to maintain a productive working relationship.
Employment relationship works like any other relationship, commitment is required from both sides. In this case the employer and employee need to
have a form of understanding and objectives need to be in common. This is not impossible therefore both sides agree upon a mutual decision however
interests can be opposed and have done so in the past. A ... Show more content on ...
The reciprocal rights and obligations are created between the employer and employee through the employment relationship and to an extent this is
effective. Management has developed HRM approaches to managing the employment relationship however whether this is effective and successful is
debatable. HRM represents Human Resource Management which is a "strategic, integrated and highly distinctive managerial approach to industrial
There are many forms of 'approaches' used by HRM in managing the employment relationship however there are only two types of HRM; Hard
HRM and Soft HRM. Hard HRM uses employees as a resource whereas Soft HRM shows emphasis on employees from a human element therefore
more subtle compared to the other. By adopting the hard HRM employees are treated as resources and are controlled as much as possible. In some
cases employees are even paid less in wages because management think they can do so with this form of HRM. In the soft HRM employees are
acknowledged and valued. Employees' skills are always developed and training is vital so that employees are used at their best.
This is managements perspective of HRM being categorised however there is a big difference between HRM theories and the practical
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American Federation of Labor and Industrial Workers of the...
"American Federation of Labor and Industrial Workers of the World" The American Federation of Labor was an association of trade unions starting
1886, rising out of an earlier Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions founded in 1881. The AFL's president, Samuel Gompers, was
convinced that unions open to workers of all types of skills within a given industry,called industrial unions,were too undisciplined to withstand the
tactics that both government and management had used to break American unions in the past. The answer, was craft unions, each limited to the skilled
workers in a single trade. According to Gompers's "pure and simple unionism," labor should not waste its energies fighting capitalism; I ts sole task
was to hammer... Show more content on ...
This group, which became the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), grew so powerful that the AFL expelled the ten CIO unions in 1937. The
AFL and CIO continued as separate organizations during World War II but were reunited in 1955. The AFL
––CIO was now the nation's dominant labor
organization, but this achievement was already being undermined by changes in the American economy and work force––most notably, the growing
loss of jobs in the manufacturing sector where unions had been strongest. In 1945 nearly one–third of American workers belonged to a union; by 1990
the proportion had fallen to less than one–fifth. The IWW was founded in Chicago by a convention of delegates from workers' unions representing 40
different trades. Among the unions that played principal roles in its establishment were the old Western Federation of Miners, the American Labor
Union, and the Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance, composed of trade unions and socialist groups. The outstanding labor leaders at the founding
convention included Eugene Victor Debs, William Dudley Haywood, and Daniel De Leon. The aim of the IWW was to include in its membership the
entire industrial population of the U.S. The organizational plan provided for seven departments: agriculture, mining, transportation, building,
manufacturing, public service, and distribution of foodstuffs. Each department was subdivided into various constituent industries,
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The Winnipeg General Strike : A Rift Between Western...
Laura Alb CHC2Dc Stage 2 Research Report The Winnipeg General Strike Research Question: How does the Winnipeg general Strike mark a rift
between western Canadian employers and labour workers? Outline: I) Introduction – General Background information – Focus statement: This paper
will focus on the opposition between western Canadian labour unions' resolve to play a larger role in politics and industry and employers' objection
to comply with them. II) The progress of the strike: a demonstration of workers' neglect and aspirations A) Climate conducive to strikes (radicalism,
creation of One Big Union, inflation, unemployment, post WWI setting, difficult working conditions, employers not willing to negotiate) B) Course
of the strike (unison, role of women, Winnipeg paralysis) III) The Failure of the strike: the strength of employers in a capitalist country A)
Opposition's response and resources (Accusations on part of Committee of 1,000 and Winnipeg's leading newspapers) B) The federal Government's
response: supporting employers. (Arrest of 10 Central Strike Committee leaders; 2 One Big Union members; "Bloody Saturday"; violence towards
strikers.) VI) Societal impact: A divided nation A) Bitterness among labour unions B) Increased unionism and disposal to fight C) No settlement
between workers and their employees. VIII) Conclusion Notes Bib. 1: Bercuson, David J. Confrontation at Winnipeg: Labour, Industrial Relations, and
the General Strike. (Book) Bib. 2:
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The Causes Of The Lawrence Textile Strike
Consider the labor upsurges of the 1910s (in particular the Lawrence Textile Strike) and the 1930s (in particular the Flint Sit–Down Strike). Compare
the causes of the two upsurges, the factors that promoted workers' collective action, the barriers to collective action, and the roles of "dangerous
radicals." Describe the most important ways that the two are similar and the two are different. In your view, what are the key factors explaining why
the outcomes differed between the two cases? CategoryLawrence Textile StrikeFlint Sit–Down Strike Causes+A cut to workers wages by $0.32 Brutal
Working ConditionsStriking to win recognition of the UAW Establish a fair minimum wage scale A grivence system and a set of procedures that
would help protect from injury Factors that promoted workers collective actionEstablishment of a stable and effective industrial unionStop sending
work to non–union plants; it was the first time a national union had thrown all its weight behind one of its sections the barriers to collective
actionLack of communication because of the variety of languages spokenManagement would only bargain on a plant by plant vasis Roles of
Dangerous RadicalsMill owners and city leaders hired men to foment trouble and even planted dynamite to try to discredit strikersGM argued that the
strikers were trespassing and got a court order demanding their evacuation OutcomeLawrence Strike Outcome. At the end of ten weeks, the IWW
emerged from the Lawrence struggle as
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Industrial Action And Why People Go On Strike
BMAN72391 Industrial Relations 2014–15 1st Semester Student ID: 9583100 Ques Method Industrial actions have changed in the UK over the last
50 years. And a lot have happened over the course of time. In this essay I will try to answer why the public sector have greater prevalence of industrial
action than the private. I will base this on what happened during the course of history. I will also give some suggestions to what might happen in the
future regarding industrial actions in the UK. Industrial action and why people go on strike Industrial action is defined as "the total range of
behaviours and attitudes that express opposition and divergent orientations between owners and managers on one hand, and working... Show more
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But even though workers could go together, the employer could fire workers that joined unions. This also meant that workers could go on strike but
the employer could fire them or sue them for possible damages (Hyman, 2003). Building on that, back in the 19th century a lot of legal regulation
connected to the work place was not something that the British government wanted to pursue, as for example minimum wages, maximum working
hours which of course also led to higher risk of uprisings. Dundon and Rollinson (2011) speaks about four reasons for strikes activity. The first one is
economic reasons, it can be that employees think they don't get enough pay. It is shown that this is often connected to economic cycles, where growth
lasts for 20–30 years and then a period of the same length of stagnation, in the beginning of the stagnation phase, the workers still have high hopes at
the same time as the employer starts to experience problems with profitability, and thus tension start to rise. The next reason for strike activity is the
social values explanation, it tells that some jobs are tougher than others and people tend to stick together and a sense of solidarity comes with that,
examples can be coal miners or wood cutters. They have a high tendency to engage in industrial action together as one unit. It is though
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The Right To Strike : The Causes Of Public Labor Strikes
During 19th or early 20th centuries, most Western countries had partially legalized striking .and in most countries they made strike quickly illegal.
Strike define as a work cessation that caused by the mass refusal of employees to work. Usually strike occurs in because of employee grievances. In
today's world, Strikes became common. And are not specific to a particular workplace or workers community. Strike arises due to wants for better
wages and living conditions. The first recorded labor strike was during the construction of the Great Pyramid of Cheops (Rodrigues, N.D) According to
the historian Herodotus (Herodotus, Historia, Book II, 124–126), the workers received an amount of garlic everyday to increase their stamina and to
maintain their over–all health and when a ration of garlic did not turn op on time they made a work stoppage. In the private sector for employees, the
right to strike is guaranteed by the National Labor Relations Act, whereas public employees are generally prohibited from striking, making the right to
strike a major issue for public–sector unions (Carrell, 2013 p.102).
The Right to Strike Right to strike usually denied to the public employee either by statute or by court action. The primary reason for prohibiting
public employee strikes is that most of the services provided by public employees are essential to the public general welfare. Public safety, police, fire
and emergency medical services are often cited as examples of why public
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National Labour Relations Act In Section 7
National Labor Relations Act in section 7 give all employees protection of concercted activities the employee is a member of a union or not (Prozzi,
1986). Employee can actively engage in concerted activities to bargain collectively or for mutual protection. Even though employees have protections
under section 7 and 8 of the National Labor Relations Act, those protections are not without limits. If employee organize a strike or a walk out,
these are actions that protected under NLRA (Landry, 2016). The goal of a strike or a walk out is to apply pressure to an employer to correct some
unfair employment practices under the current labor relations laws. A strike also gives the employee leverage against any form of retaliation for acted in
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Sometimes employees want to strike however cannot afford the economic losses during the strike period. When employees are part of a union,
the strike is usually more organized and employee prepare financially for the implications of loss wages. Even though it is unlawful for an
employer to terminate an employee for participation in a strike, how the employee carries the strike is at the heart of the issue. If a strike is not
carried in the correct way, an employer may have legal right to terminate the employee for cause. In this case, employer make believe the fact both
employee came back to work the next day it was a partial strike. The reason why partial strikes are an unprotected action is because the law does not
want to give the employee the behind have a double benefit from the NLRA. The changes in the laws the lead to creation of the Labor Management
Relations Act ( Holley, Wolters & Ross, 2012). Even though the NLRA was designed to protect the interests of the employee, there are provisions
that balance the interests of employers as well. If an employee wants to strike the employee must take al the risk of losing complete economic
benefit for a period of time. This case would be need to be settled by the NLRB. This case could actually be settled for either the employer or
employee depending on how the actions of the employees are interrupted. Usually a last minute decision to strike by employees to protest the unlawful
actions of an
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The Pros And Cons Of The Marikana
According to Labour Relation Act 66 of 1995 is that a strike is the partial or complete concerted refusal to work, retardation or the obstruction of
work by the persons who are or have been employed by a same or different employers, so the purpose is the remedying of a grievance or when a
dispute is being resolved in respect for any other matters of mutual interest between the employee and employer and any reference to work according
to this definition is that overtime work whether it is voluntary or compulsory it is included. Effective form of negotiation is striking itself, it is not
inherently bad but however an agreement that provides labour is a contract of mutual benefits for both of the parties. No employer shall be entitled to
such... Show more content on ...
It implies that the strikes are engaging in criminal activities while constitutional rights are being exercised. According to Whyte (2013) is that he
believes that the only acceptable term to use other than an unprotected strike is unlawful. The violence that is often associated with the strikes in
South Africa has no effect on whether it is a protected or unprotected strike. It can occur that during a protected strike the workers will also commit
some type of misconduct such as intimidation or assaulting. It will result that the strikers may be charged or dismissed by their employer but will still
remain a protected strike (Singo: 2013.). Over the past few years the workers have attempt to heighten the impact of their strikes by making use of
various tactics during the industrial action, those tactics have negative impacts on the property's and lives of other people. This includes: By trashing
of the cities, vandalising the properties at supermarkets they are forming picket lines and Also preventing the shoppers from doing business with the
chosen businesses that have
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The Chicago Teachers Union And Chicago Public Schools
Georgis, Donnell, Mike, Moose
For the second time in almost 4 years, over 350,000 Chicago Public School Students may not be able to go to school because of the CTU Strike that is
currently in progress today (The Washington Post). The issue between the Chicago Teachers Union and Chicago Public Schools has not been solved yet
due to disagreements about the income received. The Chicago Teachers Union has made offers to school administrations; however, the responses
were not in their favor. The union has been in progress of agreeing on a contract "since November 2011, [and the strike that occurred at the time]
was the first to hit the Windy City in 25 years" (Liebelson). The issue must have erupted due to a misconception or a realization of problems
occurring. Chicago Teachers Union choosing to strike does not affect charter schools since they are not a part of Chicago Public Schools. The issue
of school strikes can be fixed by increasing the budgets and providing useful resources to teachers in order to improve the level of education.
The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) Strike in 2012 affected every single Chicago Public School and their Students in 2012. The strike affected about
600 public schools which is over 350, 000 students. The CTU began negotiating their contract with CPS in November of 2011, but their demands were
not met. Since the negotiating did not solve the issue, the Chicago Teachers Union chose to organize a strike for the first time in Chicago in 25 years.
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Labor Movement In The 1800s
Labor Movement During the late 1800's America became involved in a large labor movement that would shape history. As America was becoming
more industrialized, the need for workers increased overnight. "The workplace was changing as machines became common and the demand for
unskilled workers brought new groups into the workforce including immigrants, women, and children" (Aboukhadijeh). The desperation from both
employees and employers brought awareness to working conditions. Employees desired better working conditions, increased wages, and decreased
working hours. Communicating with employers proved to be futile and fueled union movements. Union members would go on strike to force
companies to meet their demands. Sometimes it would work and when it didn't, companies would lock out employees and bring in new workers to
do the job. These actions led to violent protests, riots, and arrests. The Pinkertons were hired as security by companies during these trying times.
"Toward the end of the 19th century, the agency became more involved in labor disputes, always on the side of management" (Crawford). The
Pinkertons were labeled as villains by workers as blood was shed during these conflicts. Coal mining was one of the industries heavily affected by the
strikes in which the Pinkertons would become involved with. Working conditions were already substandard due to the process of mining coal. Mine
workers were exposed to safety hazards, long working hours and inhaled toxic
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History Of UPS Corruption
The international brotherhood of teamsters was founded in 1907. Early on the teamster union was known for being a corrupt organization even having
ties to organized crime. Union leaders and organizers were involved in illegal activities such as embezzlement, racketeering, taking bribes, assault and
vandalism. This type of behavior in the organization lasted for many years prompting the government's involvement in an attempt to expose the
corruption. A committee was formed to investigate the union activities and along with its findings theTeamsters president was forced to retire and
Jimmy Hoffa was elected as president even though he was as corrupt as the previous president. Teamster for a Democratic Contract and Teamsters for a
Democratic ... Show more content on ...
At this point UPS had become a very successful and powerful company with profits in the billions. Years prior to this there had been a pretty close
division of full and part–time workers. But, that had begun to change and the part–time workers had greatly increased and were only paid 8 to 9 dollars
and hour. The company of course, felt quite confident that it had some leverage in the negotiations of a new contract. They were pretty secure that the
Teamster were having problems with finances because the union had to use union funds to finance the oversight of the government over the union, as
well as the fact that Carey who was still union president, had led several strikes already (Leumer, 2007). UPS was ready and some of their demands
were they wanted to make full–time positions part–time, vacation, holiday and personal days would be decreased and they even wanted to hire
self–employed drivers for the highway which would eliminate some union jobs. Well the union and Ron Carey was also ready, they had prepared for
the negotiations a year in advance. They had workers to fill out a questionnaire to find out what was important to them concerning their jobs and they
overwhelmingly stated that it was the need for full–time positions. The teamsters made that issue their number one demand (Leumer,
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Should Workers Be Allowed To Strike?
It is difficult to see how anyone could deny that all workers should have the rights to strike. This is because striking gives workers freedom of speech.
This is justifiable, because Britain is a democratic nation.
My first reason supporting the motion that workers should be allowed to strike is in order to bring to the fore poor safety conditions. For instance, in
the nuclear power industry, any breaches of safety can have tragic consequences. If the employees are exposed to nuclear material, this could lead to
serious illnesses such as cancer, leukaemia and radiation sickness. Radioactive material could also affect residents of the surrounding area, as in the case
of the Chernobyl disaster. In the light of poor safety conditions, ... Show more content on ...
This would ensure that the proprietors would have to negotiate with the unions, as skilled workers are difficult to locate.
Furthermore, if the workers belonging to one trade union walk out, the situation may be intensified by the fact that one trade union's leaders can call on
an allied union's members to down tools. To this end, there are many ties – official and unspoken – between the trade unions. For instance, in 1926
when the Miner's Federation received official notice of wage cuts for miners, the TUC (Trade Unions Congress) called on railway labourers, bus
drivers and many others to strike in support of the miners. On the fourth of May, two million labourers walked out to strengthen the cause of the pit
Twelve days later, the strike was called off, and the miners kept going unswerving until Christmas. The strike itself was a failure, but for those twelve
days in May, it showed how powerful the humble worker was; the whole country ground to a halt.
On the contrary, some people would argue that industrial action causes disruption to the general public because of the amenities that are interrupted, for
instance bus and train services. Although this is true, the disorganisation would turn the media spotlight on the employers, forcing them to give in to
public pressure and accede to their employee's demands.
As has been noted, strikes are sometimes necessary for the public and worker's safety. It is
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The British Airways Strikes Effects on Employee Motivation
The British Airways Strikes Effects On Employee Motivation
British Airways is one of the leading airline company in Europe, nevertheless in the last few years it has financial problems, talks begin between
British Airways and the Unite (Britain's biggest union) from January of 2009 to solve the problem. At the beginning, the relationship between the two
parties was composed, but the milestone was in 2009 October, when the British Airways stated that they are going to cut the staff on long–haul airlines,
and from 2010 they freeze the payment of the cabin crew for two years. In December, the majority of British Airways employees decided on strike
actions for 12 days, during Christmas time. It was a critical date, because ... Show more content on ...
The wrong amount of conflict can lead to limited physical or mental health (stress), wasted resources, sidetracked goals and/or heightened self–interest
(Torrington et al 2008). The manager has to see how it is the relationship between the company and employees or among the employees. If the manager
notices that the performance is poor, he or she should minimize it.
The British Airways strikes have an enormous influence on the tourism industry, on passengers and BAA ,as well (BAA Results 2010). The strike
actions has also an impact on the ones who work during the walk outs. It is because of the passengers who have to wait and can not fly off as they
planned. They are angry and they think that the ones who work during the walk–outs are responsible for their nuisances, but it is not because of them.
Because of they are strike breakers they have a conflict with the staff members who are on strike. According to the BBC, if they solve the conflict
and everything will be finished the next thing which they have to decide is that they have to find a way to restructure the relationship between the
employees and management and among the employees. A strike attendant said: "We will still do a good job for the passengers but I do think it will
be a bare minimum because, whatever we do, you do not get anything back from the company (BBC 2010)". The employee motivation is suffering but
not just because of the disputes among people. The
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Industrial Workers During The Gilded Age
Similar to the farmers during the Gilded Age, industrial workers combatted poor working conditions, child labor, low wages, and long hours by
forming labor unions and organizing strikes, ending as a massive failure. Early in the industrial era, there was no minimum wage, leaving it up to the
factory owners to set the rate at which their workers were to be paid. Some owners did not pay their employees in cash but in company scrip which
could be redeemed at the company store. For example, in Pullman, Illinois and in Hershey, Pennsylvania, the towns were owned by corporations, the
Pullman Palace Car Company and the Hershey Company respectively, so their workers would receive vouchers to spend at the company store instead
of hard cash.... Show more content on ...
Initially a fraternal organization providing social events, sporting competitions, and education for working men and their families, the Knights of
Labor soon advocated for the creation of cooperatives where members would serve as worker–owners who have input on the running of factories in
hopes of making changes for the better of the working man. The Knights of Labor believed that the "alarming development and aggression of
aggregated wealth, which, unless checked, will inevitably lead to the pauperization and hopeless degradation of the toiling masses" could only be
stopped "through the unification of labor". The Knights were open to all "producers" including skilled and unskilled workers and owners as well as
women and African–Americans. Bankers, doctors, liquor manufacturers, lawyers, and stockholders were excluded because of their supposed lack in
productive contribution to society. The union advocated for a national eight hour workday, the expulsion of Asian workers, the prohibition of
immigration from the Far East, and an end to child labor. The Knights worked to make changes for all workers, regardless of affiliation with the
group, and opposed strikes and boycotts. As the Knights of Labor began to fade away, another organization arose called the American Federation of
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Difference Between Strike And Strike
. Strikes Vs Lockouts
Just as employees have the right to strike action so too do employers have the right to lockout employees should an issue be unsettled. However,
certain procedures as well as specific limitations apply under certain circumstances ("Basic guide to strikes, lockouts and picketing", 2008). Secondary
strike action and picketing are also used as means of addressing a dispute.
Equally, strikes and lockouts, involve the termination or the interruption of work in any work environment. However, the main difference between
lockouts and strike action depends on which party initiates the interruption of work activities ("Difference between Strike and Lockout", 2016). In a
strike action, it is the employees who initiate the interruption of work. Though, in a lockout, it is the employers who initiate the interruption of work
activities of the employees ("Difference between Strike and Lockout", 2016).
So what is a strike?
Defined, a strike action is "a refusal to work, initiated by a group of employees as a method of protest, in an attempt to achieve an allowance or
allowances from their employer." ("Difference between Strike and Lockout", 2016). ... Show more content on ...
("Difference between Strike and Lockout", 2016). Strikes may be specific to an employer, work environment or even a department within a work
place, but on the same token, it might involve an entire trade or every employee of a country. For example, a strike in a textile factory may persuade
all textile employees of a specific country to join the strike action; thus all textile workers may collectively ask for improved working conditions or
higher salaries. A strike can affect the economy of the entire country. ("Difference between Strike and Lockout",
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Labour Reform And Industrial Conflict
1.2 BACKGROUND TO LABOUR REFORM AND INDUSTRIAL CONFLICT IN NIGERIA In this section, our objective is to present in brief, a
review of the historical development of labour reform and perhaps industrial conflict in the country. As it were, industrial conflicts in Nigeria can be
localized within the pre and post–colonial industrial configurations. Prior to colonialism there existed a form of artisanship, a semblance of modern
time's trade unions. Artisans' organizations known as the guild systems survived before the advent of colonialism, which opened up doors to official
recognition of trade unions. Adebisi (2013) in an article titled "History and Development of Industrial Relations in Nigeria: Hybridity of Western
Models Versus... Show more content on ...
These factors led to modern intensive economic activities and labour administration which produced the institutional foundation for the emergence of
formal trade unions in the country. The second formal trade union, the Nigerian Civil Service Union (NCSU) was established in 1914 following the
colonial amalgamation of northern and southern protectorates. Subsequently, the pitiable conditions of labour impregnated the conception that
unionism is a labour tool of struggle against exploitations. However, in the early stage of trade union development in Nigeria, few industrial conflicts
were recorded. For instance, on 9th January 1920, the Nigerian Mechanic Union embarked on the first official strike to resist insufficient wages, long
hours of working, stoppage of war bonus, and non–payment of wages for public holidays. With the success of the 1920 strike, the colonial governors
introduced trade union laws in their colonies. Thus, it can be deduced that after formal establishments of trade unions in Nigeria industrial climate,
conflicts became popular and have been discouraged by governments. The 1938 Trade Union Ordinance and the 1973 Trade Union Act marked the
centrality of State regulations in Trade Union development. In–between these periods serious industrial conflicts (strikes) broke out and were
mismanaged but the power of the
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Reality of Education in America Essay
For the past handful of years America has had its fair share of problems– terrorist attacks, global warming, horrendous mass shootings, twerking, and so
on. Most recently, however, angry strikes from frustrated, underpaid citizens have been in the headlines. Surprisingly, it was found that most of these
demonstrators were teachers: angry with the government and the economical approach that was taken to "improve" fiscal issues. Within the United
States, this approach was called the Deficit Reduction Plan (DRP). This solution imposed lowering debt by reducing spending and raising taxes. In
2009, US deficit was at an all time high, peaking almost $1.4 trillion. Since deficit reductions have not worked in the past, many individuals and... Show
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This is why every year twenty percent of teachers in urban districts quit and around five to ten percent go on strike. Probably the most well–known
teacher strike stems from Chicago. In this area, 26,000 Chicago Public School teachers went on strike due to unfair job ethics and pay. Additionally, the
same movement (on a much smaller scale) was starting to be found nationwide– in Florida, Washington, California, New York and also worldwide
– in
countries such as Mexico, Brazil, Greece, and England. What we are seeing is not something that can be ignored. It is something that must be
addressed as soon as possible, not just in America, but also in other countries as well. In the palatial grounds of Mexico City alone, thousands of cars
and twenty–two million people have been brought down, not by religious conflicts or terrorist attacks, but rather an aggregation of furious school
teachers. "Around 10,000 educators protesting a government reform program have in the span of a week disrupted international air travel, forced the
cancellation of two major soccer matches, rerouted the planned route of the marathon and jammed up already traffic–choked freeways," reports Mark
Stevenson of the Huffington Post. In Brazil, strikes have been ensuing since June of 2013. The problem went from small marches against
transportation fares to a nationwide protest against
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Bata Case Study
Quality of BATNAs: Does either side have a good BATNA? Do they know each other's BATNAs? In both 2012 and in 2016, the Chicago Teachers'
Union (CTU) showcased the immense power of every union's BATNA under the NLRA: the ability to strike. 30,000 teachers took to the streets,
350,000 students were out of school, and hundreds of thousands of parents were forced to adjust their schedules. The strength of the strike option
depends largely on the current political environment and the strength of the counterparty's alternatives. Often, counterparty's BATNA to negotiating
concessions with a union is to utilize temporary workers or to allow weaker unions to bankrupt themselves by allowing the strike to continue until
union coffers are empty.... Show more content on ...
This BATNA would do little to alleviate the short–term consequences, however. They were left with only a few options: make a deal or resort to their
weak BATNA, which was to open schools for partial days, increase police surveillance on the streets, and have community organizations provide
activities to keep children busy. The city knew the CTU had a strong BATNA that seemed to grow stronger by the day as constituents grew angry and
annoyed: continue striking. Because this BATNA was so powerful, the city offered teachers a more agreeable deal. The union relied on the fact that
city leaders would suffer more than the teachers from disruption as the strike continued. When this materialized, Emanuel had no choice but to
concede. Building Rapport: Why trust is key. We talked a great deal in class about the importance of viewing negotiations as opportunities to work
together to achieve both party's interests by viewing the discussion as a joint problem–solving exercise. Paramount to this is mutual trust and respect
between parties. In the negotiations between the CTU and Mayor Emanuel, little trust or respect existed. Several experts cite this lack of rapport as a
major contributor to the strike. From day one, Mayor Emanuel lobbied the legislature in Springfield for education reform that would redefine collective
bargaining in Chicago. His reforms
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Strikes of the 70's and 80's: The Invisible Role of Women...
Strikes of the 70's and 80's: The Invisible Role of Women Throughout history women have slowly moved from the role of mother and housewife into
the labor force. In the middle of this rise in stature is a relatively unknown set of events that helped women gain the self–respect and individual attitude
needed to move up in the work force. Women's participation in strikes during the 1970's and 80's is relatively unknown in U.S. history. Although the
women involved in these strikes made a big impact on the strike and its outcome, they go widely unrecognized and uncredited for their roles. This
paper will focus on three strikes: the Brookside Coal Strike, the Phelps–Dodge Copper Strike, and the Pittston Coal Strike. Each of these strikes has ...
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The Brookside Coal Strike
The Brookside Coal Strike was set in the old–fashioned, stereotypical South of Harlan County in Kentucky. The stereotypical role of women as
housewives was very much a part of the Southern culture. For women to step out of these bounds and become political advocates in the strike was odd,
to say the least.
Women first got involved in this strike to support their striking husbands, as most of the women involved in the auxiliaries were wives of miners. These
quotes from two of the women participants show their motivations for participating:
I done it because I just got tired of watching the innocent people suffer when the other guys was making the money. I knowed that, well, it wasn't right
for the men that was on strike to be doing without and the other guys going in there and taking their jobs (Maggard 17).
I guess I done it just because I loved him so much. He was trying to do what he thought was right... He went into that mines. He put his life in the
mines for me and my kids. I said (to the other ladies), "I'm gonna make my mind up that I'm gonna help him 'cause he helped us." (Maggard 17) These
quotes show that the motivations of these women were geared toward supporting their husbands and their families. It was probably because of these
motivations that the women's involvement in the strike was tolerated.
They formed the Brookside Women's Club, who's main purpose was to maintain a picket line 24–hours
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Recessionary Bargaining Power
The balance of power between labor and management seems to shift from one side the table to the other. When the economy is booming and
unemployment rates are low, the balance of power toward labor. When the economy is in recession and unemployment rates are high, the balance of
power shifts toward management. Owners want to see their company succeed by earning higher and higher profits, top level executives want to
command higher and higher salaries, and shareholders seek ever–higher returns on their investments. Caught in the middle of the battle between labor
and management is the HR manager who represents the concerns of labor to management and they convey the positions of management to labor.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss how a recession affects a union's ability to strike and win concessions from corporate management, describe
what the organizational climate will be like once the strike is over and employees come back to work, and explain what HR actions are needed to
improve workplace relations after a strike.
Recessionary Bargaining Power
Going on strike can be a risky endeavor even in the best of times when the economy is healthy and jobs are plenty. When the economy is strong and
unemployment is low, workers have the luxury of picking and ... Show more content on ...
Some unions are recording record increases in wage and fringe packages as they nail down agreements. (para 1)
However, the tables turned during and after the 2008 economic collapse. Going on strike to extract wage and benefit concessions during a recession
can and often does have devastating consequences, up to and including loss of jobs, reduced wages and benefit cuts. Making matters worse for union
members is the fact that these cuts can occur in spite of the fact the owners, top executives and shareholders are earning record
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Made in Dagenham
6) What does made in Dagenham tell us about aspects of 'the women question?" for instance what are women like? What do they want? What is their
proper sphere? You may wish to comment upon how the film works as a film for instance framing images, music, and characterization. Etc.
Made in Dagenham
The film "Made in Dagenham" directed by Nigel Cole is based on a true story but is not completely accurate with politically history. East London,
Essex, on June 8 1968, 187 women machinist's workers when on strike for equality. They went on strike for three weeks, the ford plant at which they
worked at had to stop production, of the product due to the lack of sew seats. They were successful in getting rid of their lower rates of pay. It was only
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This strike helped empower other women in the same situation to fight for rights in the work force.
The second reading of the debate of the bill, machinists got be to cited next to MP Shirley Summerskill due to playing an important part in history
for the struggle of equal pay. When the UK joined the European union in 1973, became under the subject of article 119 of the 1957 treaty of Rome.
That specifies that men and women should receive equal pay for equal work. All the women were in the union; it was a strong force to backed them
up. In 1983, the "Equal Value Amendment Regulations" passed as an amendment to the Equal Pay Act. The European Court of Justice had found that
UK legislation was not sufficient to provide for equal work for equal value for all employees. The new legislation gave women the right to go to an
employment tribunal on a new ground: that they felt their work was of equal value to men in the same organization. The women at Ford used this to
challenge Ford's discriminatory job evaluation scheme, but the employment tribunal ruled against them and turned down their appeal in 1984. With
their renewed hopes once again unfulfilled by the law, the women at Ford took strike action in December 1984. (Source 4)
Did the men support them?
Some workingmen helped the women in the strike. The husbands that worked in the ford plant supported their wife's throughout the strike.
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Labor Relations Paper
A union is an organization of workers who join together in order to have a voice in improving their jobs and the quality of work within the
organization. In many occasions, unions help employees of an organization negotiate pay, benefits, flexible hours and other work conditions that may
arise. Unions have a role because some degree of conflict is inevitable between workers and management (Noe, 2003). In this paper, I will be
discussing the impact of unions and labor relations within an organization. Labor Unions Labor unions represent workers interests and the collective
bargaining process provides a way to manage the conflict (Noe, 2003). More than ever, union employees have come to see unionizing as a way to
achieve an... Show more content on ...
In most cases, bargaining agreements governs wages, benefits, and the working conditions for the union coalition employees. The agreements also set
common goals and ground rules for the employee 's and management. When management and labor employees have a difficulty coming into
agreements, the bargaining process breaks down. To bring difficult negotiations to an end, unions may possibly decide to strike. Strikes A strike is a
collective decision of the union members not to work until certain demands or conditions are met (Noe, 2003). If the majority of the union members
vote to strike, the union will strike. Most strikes usually have union employees not show up to work to perform his/her day–to–day duties but rather
have the union employees picket outside the organization. While the union employee is on strike, the employer does not pay the employee his/her
wage. In many strikes, the unions help the employees compensate their wages while they are on strike. The purpose of a strike is to make the
employer lose production because the regular employee 's do not show up to work. The vast majority of labor–management negotiations do not result
in a strike, and the number of strikes has plunged since the 1950s (Noe, 2003). Are unions still relevant in the United States? Unions are still very
relevant in the United States. Labor relations remain an important competency for HR professionals despite the long–term
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The Importance Of Unio Strikes In Canada
In general, a strike is when workers intentionally stop all processes of work to try to force their employer to agree on a certain set of demands.
The worker has all power to do this because the worker is essentially selling their labour in return for a wage from the employer and if these wages
(as one example), are deemed not sufficient by the employee, they go on strike. This results in a halt of productivity/production which is
detrimental for the employer. Employers also have some leverage against employees and can undergo a lockout, which prevents workers from
going to work. Employees not going to work means that they won't get paid. This forces employees to usually agree to conditions set by the
employers but said conditions is typically not in favour of the employees. The entire of action of going on strike is not necessarily liked for both
sides as employees are left unpaid and employers have their overall production put to a halt. For a strike to occur, it must take place after the union
contract or agreement has expired and if the union leader approves of a strike. In the case that a... Show more content on ...
The industrialization of the early 1900s made it so that machines can do what artisans did at a much faster rate for a lot less money, which made
companies more profit. The biggest strike happened in the post WW1 era of 1919 where the building and metal trades workers of Winnipeg went
on a general strike. This was different from a regular strike as this strike consisted of a multitude of workers from all different areas of that field.
Although the strike failed, it displayed the potential that a union has when a group solidarity is formed. With the amount of strikes peaking in the mid
1970s, the recession of the 1980s and 1990s weakened the overall number of strikes as recessions normally discouraged workers from
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The Reasons Why Junior Doctors Are Striking
Seven days a week. More unsociable working hours. Extra premiums on weekends will be lowered. These are the main reasons why junior doctors
are striking. This is only a handful of the drastic changes that the Secretary of Health, Jeremy Hunt has imposed since being appointed in 2012. It is
very transparent as to why junior doctors choose to strike however there are drawbacks to doctors striking. This project will help to uncover how this
new working contract is affecting junior doctors to an extent where they feel as though striking is appropriate. There will be an evaluation of whether
the striking is worth taking part in and whether it is a dangerous to strike on working days. Finally, a conclusion will be draw alongside a solution for
both parties: the Government and junior doctors. The primary issue of the newly proposed contracts is the increase in working hours and the cuts on
extra premiums. For instance, currently in the normal contract, sociable hours are 7am–7pm Monday to Friday. The new proposal by the government
extends sociable hours to Monday to Friday 7am–8pm and on Saturday an additional 7am–5pm shift. Altogether that accumulates to 11 extra hours of
work in one week. However, there has been an increase in basic salary by 13.5%. Nonetheless, junior doctors believe that this has very little benefit to
them. Rather the new contract is making them feel more fatigued. Dagan Lonsdale who is a junior doctor believes, "tired doctors make mistakes." He
... Get more on ...

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What Issues Prompted Frontier Hotel And Restaurant Workers...

  • 1. What Issues Prompted Frontier Hotel And Restaurant Workers... What issues prompted Frontier hotel and restaurant workers to take strike action? There were a lot of issues that prompted employees at the Frontier hotel to take striking as an action to be heard. When watching this documentary for the first time I didn't realize how long these workers were on strike for. One word to describe the owners of these hotels is "savages". They started to fire individuals for no apparent reason it seemed the owners wanted to cut back. There was one girl that worked in the culinary department for eight years and she was let go. The hotel also took away health insurance benefits, pension contributions for employees trying to retire and the most important cutting employee wages for the hotel to save money and for the owners to profit even more letting these employees work next to nothing. A lot of workers said they felt their pride was being taken away also trying to take care of their own family will be even more inflexible. The hotel took away everything so these employees had no chose but to strike. What tactics (other than picketing) did the union use to pressure the Elardi family into settling the contract? Identify at least three. Some other tactics the union used other than picketing was truly astonishing. These employees really wanted to make a point across all of Nevada. One tactic that really helped these employees win their strike was getting noticed across the state by walking thirty miles across the dessert everyday. They ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Strike Action Memo The purpose of this memo is to inform CTN service providers about potential labour and possible strike action at Barrie Common Roof (165 Ferris Lane) and Orillia Common Roof (169 Front Street South) between New Path Youth and Family Services and their OPSEU staff. Labour negotiations between New Path and their OPSEU staff have been ongoing and unionized staff may be in a lawful strike position effective Friday, July 14th at 12:01 am. Last week, and earlier this week, OPSEU members representing New Path staff held information pickets as people left the Common Roof locations in Barrie and Orillia. If New Path unionized staff go on strike effective Friday morning, picket action is likely to occur at both Common Roof locations. It is hoped... Show more content on ... Providers are asked to notify clients of the potential of strike action at these sites and advise them to allow for extra time in arriving for appointments. If delays become extensive or problematic for efficient access to services at these sites, providers may wish to arrange for service provision offsite including providing services in the client's home where possible. Anyone in a position to cross picket lines should also keep the following in mind: Please do not take sides in the negotiations and respect everyone's inherent right to demonstrate within reason. Picket lines can be lawfully established on public property (roads, sidewalks, etc.). Be courteous and respectful to picketers. Use your car to cross picket lines. Do not opt to park somewhere else and walk across the picket line. Chose either to listen to information that picketers may want to share with staff or visitors or simply close the car window if you prefer not to listen. Expect delays and be patient. Do not try to drive through or be rude to picketers. Calling the police because of nuisance is not an option. Police should only be contacted in the unlikely event of violence. Make your way past the picket line cautiously and not force your way ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The RLA Or The Railway Labor Act The RLA or the Railway Labor Act is applied to "rail and air carriers and their non– managerial employees". (Fossum, 1979, pg.64) It's purposes include "avoiding service interruptions, eliminating any restrictions on joining a union, guaranteeing the freedom of employees in any matter of self–organization, providing for prompt dispute settlement and enabling prompt grievance settlement". The RLA allows employers to vote an organization to exclusively represent them for negotiations aimed at reaching conditions that would improve working conditions. Unlike other private or public sector labor laws, contract negotiations under RLA continues to be in effect, despite passing the amendment date until a new agreement is reached by the committee. (Fossum,1979, pg.64) The... Show more content on ... They are various employer tactics that interfere with employee's "freedom of choice in being represented by their chosen advocates". Unions may not try to influence management to discipline employees who did not join the union or refuse to represent employees because they are not union members. Some differences include that unions may not demand or require that an employer take action against an employer for any reason. A failure to pay union dues is an exception to this rule. Unions are also not allowed to force individuals to pay excessive initiation fees for union membership. In management, employers and unions may negotiate contract clauses requiring union membership as a condition of continued employment, also known as a union shop agreement. Also, employers may not refuse to bargain with an union over issues of pay, hours or other terms and conditions of employment. Furthermore, unions may not influence employees in the exercise of Section 7 rights. Meanwhile, in management an employer may not interfere with an employee engaging in any activity protected by Section 7. (Fossum, ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Winnipeg General Strike Research Paper The Labor unions and disputes against the employers of 1919 also known as Winnipeg General Strike was one of the most tense and significant of all previously recorded General Strikes throughout history. A strike is defined as a strike by workers in all or most of the businesses in a country at the same time. Of which the Winnipeg General Strike managed to kill the city in a few hours where movement was delayed because of the lack of workers Strike was a stand against the employers and the government in order to ask for better work conditions, mainly collective bargaining, and an agreement to allow all strikers back to work after their terms have been met. The united action of all workers was very threatening towards the society. The strike was generally a very successful protest to the state it was a success and they had managed to stop the strikers. If employee feel that their welfares is threatened or if their demands are not satisfied they approach to the trade unions who bring pressure to the employers in an organization. Trade Unions are different individuals with the common interest to come together to guarantee that their interests of work place are not affected,... Show more content on ... Employees think forming a trade union is a way of helping to achieve improvements in these different aspects of their work place– a trade union is a type of pressure group. Unions are representatives of employee demands at work and to challenge the management when needed therefore, are sometimes disliked. In this fast pace employers want to avoid and eliminate the waste of resources and try to utilise and maximize the productivity. Even after the past events including the formation of unions and strikes sometime business support trade union and sometime dislike ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Union Of Korean Trade Unions Gregory Baumanna Overview: In December 1996 and January 1997, there was a massive four week nationwide strike in South Korea in protest against newly passed labor laws which gave employers more power to lay off employees, made it easier to hire temporary/strike replacing workers and put off allowing multiple unions to be formed at a given enterprise. This resulted in the mobilized three million workers, which shut down auto /ship production, disrupted hospitals, subways and television. The two main unions involved were the The Federation of Korean Trade Unions (FKTU) and the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (FCTU). This strike was notable due to its consistently high levels of worker participation and high level of public support. Two... Show more content on ... Many companies attempted to institute practices that would allow for cost cutting such as reliance on contract workers and part time workers, in addition to allowing for voluntary retirement and adopting a no work no pay policy. These moves were actively opposed by labor groups and the need for labor refom became clear. This belief also led to South Korea's New Korea Party (NKP) creating the Labor–Managrement Relations Reform Committee (LMRRC) on May 9th of members of various labor interist groups, university professors and lawmakers. Its 30 members held several public hearings on the creation on new labor policies and created the New Labor Law. /2645826.pdf?acceptTC=true&jpdConfirm=true This new Labor law was the result of a 1996 Changes would make it easier and legal for companies to lay off workers, increase the legal work–week by 12 hours and allowing companies to modify working hours, makes the use of scab labor during strikes legal and outlawing strike–pay. http://www.hartford– Cause: Government says changes are necessary to make South Korea "more competitive with other developing economies" that are emerging as competitors to Korea. http://www.hartford– /55a/075.html The committees that had been created were unsuccessful in creating a new labor bill after six months of hearing so the NKP decided to create a new secret committee to create the bill on December 3rd. Then on ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Matchgirls Short Term Significance What was the short term significance of the Match girl strikes. In 1888, a disturbance in east London caught the public eye, as around 1400 women and teenagers left their place of work at Bryant and May's factory. The strike had occurred due to mounting tension between the owners and workers after the publication of Annie Besant's findings about the conditions in which these women worked in. The Match Girls strike of 1888 had great significance in the short term as its success highlighted the importance of organisation in striking, the importance of gaining support and sympathy from others, the importance of leadership during the strike, and the significance of the Matchgirls in regards to their exposure of the hazardous working conditions... Show more content on ... The power and success of the company was a key factor in significance of the Matchgirls, due to it being such a high case strike, due to Bryant and May being at peak of their power and influence at the time, the strike inevitably ruined their credibility and the boycott which Besant set up damaged their sales during the strike. This demonstrates the power of the lower classes has which would later go on to inspire other strikes where whole communities of people strike against big companies such as the Dockers strike, and the General strike, and the miners' strike of 1984, and thus massively increase the power and significance of trade unions. The role of Bryant and May was vital in the strike, such as the way in which they attempted to manipulate the public into seeing the Matchgirls in a different light, as already discussed. Bryant believed 'he had always endeavoured to be a conscientious employer of labour and he had tried give his workplace as fair remuneration as profits would permit' , however this is clearly shown in the reduction of wage in the years between 1880–1888 and the expansion of the company between these years. Eventually the owners of the factory accepted their defeat and met the clauses of the strike, by banishing some of the fines imposed on the women when working, allowing them to eat in a different room, and reinstating those who were ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Essay about The 1994 Baseball Strike The 1994 Baseball Strike On August 12, 1994 professional baseball players went on strike for the eighth time in the sports' history. Since 1972, negotiations between the union and owners over contract terms has led to major economic problems and the absence of a World Series in 1994. All issues were open for debate due to the expiration of the last contract. Until 1968, no collective bargaining agreement had ever been reached between the owners and the players (Dolan 11). Collective bargaining is the process by which union representatives for employees in a bargaining unit negotiate employment conditions for the entire bargaining unit (Atlantic Unbound). Instead, the players were at the mercy of each owner who possessed the... Show more content on ... Two major issues led directly to the interruption and eventually the cancellation of the entire season. After a 28–0 vote among the owners, they agreed to share revenue on the condition they could get the players to accept a salary cap. The issue of revenue sharing was directly linked to the salary cap. By taking this action, the owners signaled they had come to realize the problem of disparity between big market teams (New York, Los Angeles, Chicago) and small market teams (Seattle, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee). The problem, however, was that because the owners linked their revenue sharing with a salary cap, the players felt they were being asked to solve the owners' financial disparity problem. There is a noticeable difference in team payrolls, as displayed in 1993, when the the payroll of the Toronto Blue Jays was $48.4 million, compared with San Diego Padres' payroll of only $10.6 million (Layden 17). Therefore, the idea of revenue sharing, wherein big market teams would transfer monies to the small market teams, was a good one, but it caused disputes among the owners as to how the formula would be worked out. Not all of the small market teams were in bad shape financially. In fact, some that had built or were building new stadiums such as Baltimore, Cleveland, and Texas were doing quite well. It was not until June 14, 1994, that the owners finally presented their collective bargaining proposal, 18 ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Outcome Of Two Major Railroad Strikes Identify and describe the outcome of two major Railroad Strikes. The two major Railroad Strikes were the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 and Railroad Shop workers Strike of 1922. The Great Railroad Strike of 1877, was due to workers not being happy about the pay cuts that were being made by their employer so often. Northern Railroads began cutting salaries and wages. Because of various railroads cutting wages by 10% back to back, workers were not willing to continue working under those conditions. Not only were the wages of the workers being cut, the amount work of work given to the employees increased and the employer did not hire additional workers. This then caused railroad employees to respond by taking control of the rail yard switches, and blocking movement of trains. Throughout various cities such as Baltimore, Pittsburg, St. Louise, and Chicago, Violent acts began to occur. Many people died throughout the cities. The strike cause the country's commerce to become paralyzed and pushed governors in different states to utilize militia members to reopen rail traffic. This action also helped set the stage for violence that would occur later in the 1880s and 1890s. The Railroad Shop Workers Strike of 1922 affected everyone in the country. This strike occurred because of the pay cut of seven cents to the wages of the railroad workers. Approximately 400,000 rail shop workers from various unions were on strike because the cut was announced by the railroad labor board. When ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Importance Of Unio Strikes In Canada In general, a strike is when workers intentionally stop all processes of work to try to force their employer to agree on a certain set of demands. The worker has all power to do this because the worker is essentially selling their labour in return for a wage from the employer and if these wages (as one example), are deemed not sufficient by the employee, they go on strike. This results in a halt of productivity/production which is detrimental for the employer. Employers also have some leverage against employees and can undergo a lockout, which prevents workers from going to work. Employees not going to work means that they won't get paid. This forces employees to usually agree to conditions set by the employers but said conditions is typically not in favour of the employees. The entire of action of going on strike is not necessarily liked for both sides as employees are left unpaid and employers have their overall production put to a halt. For a strike to occur, it must take place after the union contract or agreement has expired and if the union leader approves of a strike. In the case that a... Show more content on ... The industrialization of the early 1900s made it so that machines can do what artisans did at a much faster rate for a lot less money, which made companies more profit. The biggest strike happened in the post WW1 era of 1919 where the building and metal trades workers of Winnipeg went on a general strike. This was different from a regular strike as this strike consisted of a multitude of workers from all different areas of that field. Although the strike failed, it displayed the potential that a union has when a group solidarity is formed. With the amount of strikes peaking in the mid 1970s, the recession of the 1980s and 1990s weakened the overall number of strikes as recessions normally discouraged workers from ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Wagner Act Essays In 1934, the Wagner Act was first introduced, also called the National Labor Relations Act (NLRB), it promised "to ensure a wise distribution of wealth between management and labor, to maintain a full flow of purchasing power, and to prevent recurrent depressions." (Babson, p. 85) During the mid–1930's organized labor and the United States Government struck a deal. It was the time of Franklin D. Roosevelt. A volatile time, the country was attempting to recover from a depression, unemployment was at an all–time high and organized labor was struggling for its own existence. "Vast numbers of the unemployed are right on the edge," observed Lorent Hickock, a Pennsylvania reporter hired by the federal government to report on social... Show more content on ... With no relief in sight, society had nothing to lose and everything to gain by fighting back. Workers saw that businesses and businessmen continued to get rich and mover further ahead in life, while the working class began to fall further down the economic ladder with little or no hope of advancement within society. The solidarity amongst the unemployed is a key factor which cannot be ignored by historians and scholars, and that impetus could have propelled labor forward. For the first time, America had seen mass demonstrations across the country centering on a central issue, unemployment. Unemployment councils were prevalent within many of the major metropolitan centers across the country, and they became the proponent for the wize of the American worker. Numerous rallies and demonstrations were staged by those councils, and when it came to the issue of unemployment there were no perceived boundaries amongst citizens based on ethnicity, race or religion. The barriers which had stymied the growth of the labor movement had temporarily disappeared. However, as powerful as these councils could have been, there was no co–ordination amongst the various centers in relation to the public protest. Communities and individuals were becoming mobilized and they too began to learn the importance of being organized and working together collectively and disregarding any self imposed barriers along the lines ... Get more on ...
  • 11. What Happened In The 1902 Coal Strike? Strikes is an occurrence in which workers stop working and demand or protest against their employers regulations or working conditions imposed. Strikes are aimed for the employers to forcedly fulfill the workers demand. Strikes often happen in various different places. Often, a strike would comprise of simply not showing up a work at protesting on the streets however do get brutal. Strikes also vary in sizes depending of the protestors as sometimes there may be hundreds of thousands of people or sometimes simply few thousand or even hundred. Strikes sometimes get violent too. Most of the time, the protesters receive an agreement from the company being protested or a change to their society to get things back to normal. The strike that I have... Show more content on ... It happened in the anthracite coal fields in eastern Pennsylvania. It started out due to the fact that the miners demanded safer working conditions, shorter working hours and a 20% wage increase. As the strike lasted up to winter, businesses and school had to shut down as they lacked coal for heating. Mine operators refused to comply the miners demand because they complained that their profit was low and that the United Mine Workers of America ruined discipline. As the protest got worse, miners resorted to President Roosevelt in hoping for changes from him. Roosevelt soon also realized that he must take action to the strikes as it may lead to a social war. The problem however was that the government was not allowed to interfere in the dispute. Roosevelt soon finds himself in a difficult situation. At the time, prices of coal skyrocketed to $20 per ton. To put it to perspective, it is equivalent to $12 per gallon of fuel today. The protest soon got violent too even after John Mitchell, the president of United Mine Workers of America had ordered a peaceful strike. The strikes eventually stopped and on October 23, 1902, the miners went back to work and the nation's fear of a freezing winter was gone. The miners were able to achieve a 10% increase in their wage from the original 20% and also less working hours. They have achieved their goal from the unfavorable ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Decline Of Strikes And Industrial Action What factors explain the overall decline in strikes and industrial action since the 1980s, and what is the likelihood of an increase in industrial conflict in the future? Introduction Strikes are rightly acknowledged as a form of industrial conflict. Many works including OECD (2007), Hyman (1972) and McIlroy (1995) have described strikes as temporary termination of a workplace or work stoppage due to the initiatives taken by a group of workers or trade unions to impose or repel demands and direct grievances or to encourage other workers or groups of workers in their struggle of resisting demands or complaints. As pointed out by Edwards (1992), industrial conflicts seem to be inevitable in any organisation due to the prevalence of tensions between the workers and management. If they are not managed effectively, they result in an outburst which often take the form of strikes. Prior to 1980's there were occurrence of many strikes. However, since 1980's the strike rate has reduced in each following decade. The reduction in the occurrence of strikes has been the highest in UK, Spain, Canada, Italy, Finland, Ireland and Australia (among OECD countries). One reason explaining this decline has been the change in the employment structure of the industry which has gradually moved from manufacturing to the services sector. However, according to Beardsmore (2006), over the past few decades there has been a decline in the strike rate in both the manufacturing and services ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Mudule 11 Case Study Essay examples Content Page # Executive Summary 2 Analysis3 – 7 Annexure8 Bibliography8 Executive Summary The report includes the summary of Lanka Fashion Leather Products Company (company) which was successfully operating for several years having about 150 employees without any trade Union (TU) activities. The Issue arose when 75% of the work force formed a branch Trade Union of a registered TU sponsored by a political party. After two formal requests sent by the TU to the management, demanding a discussion related to employment issues with the senior management and since there was no response from the management the TU had to resort a strike action even after extending the 14 days provided. The ... Show more content on ... But concerning the smooth relationship (ER) between the employee and the employer and moral/ethical values in the work place it is important to keep the management informed on such activities. It's believed and proven that a Employer with High morals/ Values have less Employee related issues and such employer who operates under legal framework would not discourage a TU activities yet more would be more concern of the Employee relation and transparency, therefore it's necessary to inform the employer on the grounds moral/values. Question 2 Should the employer have given an opportunity to the union to discuss these matters with management? Is it a legal requirement? Yes, the employer is legally bound to discuss matters with a TU that has 40% of employees as its members. According to the Industrial Disputes (Amendment) Act, No. 56 of 1999 stipulates under the title Unfair Labor Practices that no employer shall: refuse to bargain with a trade union which has in its membership not less than forty percent of the workers on whose behalf the trade union seeks to bargain. Question 3 Was the employer under a legal obligation to deduct the union membership fees from the salaries of member employees? No, the employer is not legally obliged to deduct the Union membership from the salaries of the member employee, but the member has to pay a membership fee to the Trade Union which
  • 14. ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Knights of Labor Essay to be or not to be, that is the question. When one meets Gould for the first time, one witnesses a tremendous power: no one can question his charisma and compelling personality. But under the facade, behind the mask of great glory and munificence lies the true Gould, the Gould who desires to enslave the working man, to nullify his basic rights, and crush every bit of resistance against injustice. The duplicity of the magnate is not always obvious, but it is evident in his dealings with the Knights of Labor. speak softly but carry a big stick, and you will go far. No other union had come into such heated conflict with Gould as did the Knights, as no other union had been strong enough to challenge Gould himself. But in the end, even the ... Show more content on ... Hoxie, believing that the strike was a direct violation of the agreement reached between Gould's Missouri Railroad Company and the Knights during the Wabash strike not to strike before arbitration was attempted on any issue, began a violent campaign against the Knights of Labor, firing its members and recruiting new workers. The Knights of Labor were eventually forced into a desperate state. In fact, the later strike was not instigated by Powderly, but by one of his officers Martin Irons, who chose to defy the authority of Powderly when a man named Hall was discharged by the Texas and Pacific Railroad. The strike, an indirect effect of a mass influx of uninformed newcomers to the union, marked the beginning of unorganized struggle of the union and the end of Powderly's influence. The outcome of the strike was so disastrous for the labor union that it caused even the United States government to fear Gould's autocratic power; the president himself had urged Gould not to stand in the way of arbitration. In a later encounter between Powderly and Gould, Gould–seeming a mediatory man– appears to yield to Powderly's demands by agreeing to order Hoxie to readmit workers regardless of union affiliation (but he had in fact written the telegram so that it implied that Hoxie continue with his policies). When the newspapers leaked out the information, Gould responded by informing Powderly that he had no power to ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Human Resource Management Essay example The Employment relationship is the only reason public and private limited organisations work effectively. The Employment relationship is a fragile tie between an employer "management" and employee "worker". This relationship can be affected by 3 factors which are interests, control and motivation. Employers have to balance these factors in order to maintain a productive working relationship. Employment relationship works like any other relationship, commitment is required from both sides. In this case the employer and employee need to have a form of understanding and objectives need to be in common. This is not impossible therefore both sides agree upon a mutual decision however interests can be opposed and have done so in the past. A ... Show more content on ... The reciprocal rights and obligations are created between the employer and employee through the employment relationship and to an extent this is effective. Management has developed HRM approaches to managing the employment relationship however whether this is effective and successful is debatable. HRM represents Human Resource Management which is a "strategic, integrated and highly distinctive managerial approach to industrial relations" There are many forms of 'approaches' used by HRM in managing the employment relationship however there are only two types of HRM; Hard HRM and Soft HRM. Hard HRM uses employees as a resource whereas Soft HRM shows emphasis on employees from a human element therefore more subtle compared to the other. By adopting the hard HRM employees are treated as resources and are controlled as much as possible. In some cases employees are even paid less in wages because management think they can do so with this form of HRM. In the soft HRM employees are acknowledged and valued. Employees' skills are always developed and training is vital so that employees are used at their best. This is managements perspective of HRM being categorised however there is a big difference between HRM theories and the practical ... Get more on ...
  • 17. American Federation of Labor and Industrial Workers of the... "American Federation of Labor and Industrial Workers of the World" The American Federation of Labor was an association of trade unions starting 1886, rising out of an earlier Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions founded in 1881. The AFL's president, Samuel Gompers, was convinced that unions open to workers of all types of skills within a given industry,called industrial unions,were too undisciplined to withstand the tactics that both government and management had used to break American unions in the past. The answer, was craft unions, each limited to the skilled workers in a single trade. According to Gompers's "pure and simple unionism," labor should not waste its energies fighting capitalism; I ts sole task was to hammer... Show more content on ... This group, which became the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), grew so powerful that the AFL expelled the ten CIO unions in 1937. The AFL and CIO continued as separate organizations during World War II but were reunited in 1955. The AFL ––CIO was now the nation's dominant labor organization, but this achievement was already being undermined by changes in the American economy and work force––most notably, the growing loss of jobs in the manufacturing sector where unions had been strongest. In 1945 nearly one–third of American workers belonged to a union; by 1990 the proportion had fallen to less than one–fifth. The IWW was founded in Chicago by a convention of delegates from workers' unions representing 40 different trades. Among the unions that played principal roles in its establishment were the old Western Federation of Miners, the American Labor Union, and the Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance, composed of trade unions and socialist groups. The outstanding labor leaders at the founding convention included Eugene Victor Debs, William Dudley Haywood, and Daniel De Leon. The aim of the IWW was to include in its membership the entire industrial population of the U.S. The organizational plan provided for seven departments: agriculture, mining, transportation, building, manufacturing, public service, and distribution of foodstuffs. Each department was subdivided into various constituent industries, ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Winnipeg General Strike : A Rift Between Western... Laura Alb CHC2Dc Stage 2 Research Report The Winnipeg General Strike Research Question: How does the Winnipeg general Strike mark a rift between western Canadian employers and labour workers? Outline: I) Introduction – General Background information – Focus statement: This paper will focus on the opposition between western Canadian labour unions' resolve to play a larger role in politics and industry and employers' objection to comply with them. II) The progress of the strike: a demonstration of workers' neglect and aspirations A) Climate conducive to strikes (radicalism, creation of One Big Union, inflation, unemployment, post WWI setting, difficult working conditions, employers not willing to negotiate) B) Course of the strike (unison, role of women, Winnipeg paralysis) III) The Failure of the strike: the strength of employers in a capitalist country A) Opposition's response and resources (Accusations on part of Committee of 1,000 and Winnipeg's leading newspapers) B) The federal Government's response: supporting employers. (Arrest of 10 Central Strike Committee leaders; 2 One Big Union members; "Bloody Saturday"; violence towards strikers.) VI) Societal impact: A divided nation A) Bitterness among labour unions B) Increased unionism and disposal to fight C) No settlement between workers and their employees. VIII) Conclusion Notes Bib. 1: Bercuson, David J. Confrontation at Winnipeg: Labour, Industrial Relations, and the General Strike. (Book) Bib. 2: ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Causes Of The Lawrence Textile Strike Consider the labor upsurges of the 1910s (in particular the Lawrence Textile Strike) and the 1930s (in particular the Flint Sit–Down Strike). Compare the causes of the two upsurges, the factors that promoted workers' collective action, the barriers to collective action, and the roles of "dangerous radicals." Describe the most important ways that the two are similar and the two are different. In your view, what are the key factors explaining why the outcomes differed between the two cases? CategoryLawrence Textile StrikeFlint Sit–Down Strike Causes+A cut to workers wages by $0.32 Brutal Working ConditionsStriking to win recognition of the UAW Establish a fair minimum wage scale A grivence system and a set of procedures that would help protect from injury Factors that promoted workers collective actionEstablishment of a stable and effective industrial unionStop sending work to non–union plants; it was the first time a national union had thrown all its weight behind one of its sections the barriers to collective actionLack of communication because of the variety of languages spokenManagement would only bargain on a plant by plant vasis Roles of Dangerous RadicalsMill owners and city leaders hired men to foment trouble and even planted dynamite to try to discredit strikersGM argued that the strikers were trespassing and got a court order demanding their evacuation OutcomeLawrence Strike Outcome. At the end of ten weeks, the IWW emerged from the Lawrence struggle as ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Industrial Action And Why People Go On Strike BMAN72391 Industrial Relations 2014–15 1st Semester Student ID: 9583100 Ques Method Industrial actions have changed in the UK over the last 50 years. And a lot have happened over the course of time. In this essay I will try to answer why the public sector have greater prevalence of industrial action than the private. I will base this on what happened during the course of history. I will also give some suggestions to what might happen in the future regarding industrial actions in the UK. Industrial action and why people go on strike Industrial action is defined as "the total range of behaviours and attitudes that express opposition and divergent orientations between owners and managers on one hand, and working... Show more content on ... But even though workers could go together, the employer could fire workers that joined unions. This also meant that workers could go on strike but the employer could fire them or sue them for possible damages (Hyman, 2003). Building on that, back in the 19th century a lot of legal regulation connected to the work place was not something that the British government wanted to pursue, as for example minimum wages, maximum working hours which of course also led to higher risk of uprisings. Dundon and Rollinson (2011) speaks about four reasons for strikes activity. The first one is economic reasons, it can be that employees think they don't get enough pay. It is shown that this is often connected to economic cycles, where growth lasts for 20–30 years and then a period of the same length of stagnation, in the beginning of the stagnation phase, the workers still have high hopes at the same time as the employer starts to experience problems with profitability, and thus tension start to rise. The next reason for strike activity is the social values explanation, it tells that some jobs are tougher than others and people tend to stick together and a sense of solidarity comes with that, examples can be coal miners or wood cutters. They have a high tendency to engage in industrial action together as one unit. It is though ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Right To Strike : The Causes Of Public Labor Strikes During 19th or early 20th centuries, most Western countries had partially legalized striking .and in most countries they made strike quickly illegal. Strike define as a work cessation that caused by the mass refusal of employees to work. Usually strike occurs in because of employee grievances. In today's world, Strikes became common. And are not specific to a particular workplace or workers community. Strike arises due to wants for better wages and living conditions. The first recorded labor strike was during the construction of the Great Pyramid of Cheops (Rodrigues, N.D) According to the historian Herodotus (Herodotus, Historia, Book II, 124–126), the workers received an amount of garlic everyday to increase their stamina and to maintain their over–all health and when a ration of garlic did not turn op on time they made a work stoppage. In the private sector for employees, the right to strike is guaranteed by the National Labor Relations Act, whereas public employees are generally prohibited from striking, making the right to strike a major issue for public–sector unions (Carrell, 2013 p.102). The Right to Strike Right to strike usually denied to the public employee either by statute or by court action. The primary reason for prohibiting public employee strikes is that most of the services provided by public employees are essential to the public general welfare. Public safety, police, fire and emergency medical services are often cited as examples of why public ... Get more on ...
  • 22. National Labour Relations Act In Section 7 National Labor Relations Act in section 7 give all employees protection of concercted activities the employee is a member of a union or not (Prozzi, 1986). Employee can actively engage in concerted activities to bargain collectively or for mutual protection. Even though employees have protections under section 7 and 8 of the National Labor Relations Act, those protections are not without limits. If employee organize a strike or a walk out, these are actions that protected under NLRA (Landry, 2016). The goal of a strike or a walk out is to apply pressure to an employer to correct some unfair employment practices under the current labor relations laws. A strike also gives the employee leverage against any form of retaliation for acted in ... Show more content on ... Sometimes employees want to strike however cannot afford the economic losses during the strike period. When employees are part of a union, the strike is usually more organized and employee prepare financially for the implications of loss wages. Even though it is unlawful for an employer to terminate an employee for participation in a strike, how the employee carries the strike is at the heart of the issue. If a strike is not carried in the correct way, an employer may have legal right to terminate the employee for cause. In this case, employer make believe the fact both employee came back to work the next day it was a partial strike. The reason why partial strikes are an unprotected action is because the law does not want to give the employee the behind have a double benefit from the NLRA. The changes in the laws the lead to creation of the Labor Management Relations Act ( Holley, Wolters & Ross, 2012). Even though the NLRA was designed to protect the interests of the employee, there are provisions that balance the interests of employers as well. If an employee wants to strike the employee must take al the risk of losing complete economic benefit for a period of time. This case would be need to be settled by the NLRB. This case could actually be settled for either the employer or employee depending on how the actions of the employees are interrupted. Usually a last minute decision to strike by employees to protest the unlawful actions of an ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Pros And Cons Of The Marikana According to Labour Relation Act 66 of 1995 is that a strike is the partial or complete concerted refusal to work, retardation or the obstruction of work by the persons who are or have been employed by a same or different employers, so the purpose is the remedying of a grievance or when a dispute is being resolved in respect for any other matters of mutual interest between the employee and employer and any reference to work according to this definition is that overtime work whether it is voluntary or compulsory it is included. Effective form of negotiation is striking itself, it is not inherently bad but however an agreement that provides labour is a contract of mutual benefits for both of the parties. No employer shall be entitled to such... Show more content on ... It implies that the strikes are engaging in criminal activities while constitutional rights are being exercised. According to Whyte (2013) is that he believes that the only acceptable term to use other than an unprotected strike is unlawful. The violence that is often associated with the strikes in South Africa has no effect on whether it is a protected or unprotected strike. It can occur that during a protected strike the workers will also commit some type of misconduct such as intimidation or assaulting. It will result that the strikers may be charged or dismissed by their employer but will still remain a protected strike (Singo: 2013.). Over the past few years the workers have attempt to heighten the impact of their strikes by making use of various tactics during the industrial action, those tactics have negative impacts on the property's and lives of other people. This includes: By trashing of the cities, vandalising the properties at supermarkets they are forming picket lines and Also preventing the shoppers from doing business with the chosen businesses that have ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Chicago Teachers Union And Chicago Public Schools Georgis, Donnell, Mike, Moose For the second time in almost 4 years, over 350,000 Chicago Public School Students may not be able to go to school because of the CTU Strike that is currently in progress today (The Washington Post). The issue between the Chicago Teachers Union and Chicago Public Schools has not been solved yet due to disagreements about the income received. The Chicago Teachers Union has made offers to school administrations; however, the responses were not in their favor. The union has been in progress of agreeing on a contract "since November 2011, [and the strike that occurred at the time] was the first to hit the Windy City in 25 years" (Liebelson). The issue must have erupted due to a misconception or a realization of problems occurring. Chicago Teachers Union choosing to strike does not affect charter schools since they are not a part of Chicago Public Schools. The issue of school strikes can be fixed by increasing the budgets and providing useful resources to teachers in order to improve the level of education. The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) Strike in 2012 affected every single Chicago Public School and their Students in 2012. The strike affected about 600 public schools which is over 350, 000 students. The CTU began negotiating their contract with CPS in November of 2011, but their demands were not met. Since the negotiating did not solve the issue, the Chicago Teachers Union chose to organize a strike for the first time in Chicago in 25 years. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Labor Movement In The 1800s Labor Movement During the late 1800's America became involved in a large labor movement that would shape history. As America was becoming more industrialized, the need for workers increased overnight. "The workplace was changing as machines became common and the demand for unskilled workers brought new groups into the workforce including immigrants, women, and children" (Aboukhadijeh). The desperation from both employees and employers brought awareness to working conditions. Employees desired better working conditions, increased wages, and decreased working hours. Communicating with employers proved to be futile and fueled union movements. Union members would go on strike to force companies to meet their demands. Sometimes it would work and when it didn't, companies would lock out employees and bring in new workers to do the job. These actions led to violent protests, riots, and arrests. The Pinkertons were hired as security by companies during these trying times. "Toward the end of the 19th century, the agency became more involved in labor disputes, always on the side of management" (Crawford). The Pinkertons were labeled as villains by workers as blood was shed during these conflicts. Coal mining was one of the industries heavily affected by the strikes in which the Pinkertons would become involved with. Working conditions were already substandard due to the process of mining coal. Mine workers were exposed to safety hazards, long working hours and inhaled toxic ... Get more on ...
  • 26. History Of UPS Corruption The international brotherhood of teamsters was founded in 1907. Early on the teamster union was known for being a corrupt organization even having ties to organized crime. Union leaders and organizers were involved in illegal activities such as embezzlement, racketeering, taking bribes, assault and vandalism. This type of behavior in the organization lasted for many years prompting the government's involvement in an attempt to expose the corruption. A committee was formed to investigate the union activities and along with its findings theTeamsters president was forced to retire and Jimmy Hoffa was elected as president even though he was as corrupt as the previous president. Teamster for a Democratic Contract and Teamsters for a Democratic ... Show more content on ... At this point UPS had become a very successful and powerful company with profits in the billions. Years prior to this there had been a pretty close division of full and part–time workers. But, that had begun to change and the part–time workers had greatly increased and were only paid 8 to 9 dollars and hour. The company of course, felt quite confident that it had some leverage in the negotiations of a new contract. They were pretty secure that the Teamster were having problems with finances because the union had to use union funds to finance the oversight of the government over the union, as well as the fact that Carey who was still union president, had led several strikes already (Leumer, 2007). UPS was ready and some of their demands were they wanted to make full–time positions part–time, vacation, holiday and personal days would be decreased and they even wanted to hire self–employed drivers for the highway which would eliminate some union jobs. Well the union and Ron Carey was also ready, they had prepared for the negotiations a year in advance. They had workers to fill out a questionnaire to find out what was important to them concerning their jobs and they overwhelmingly stated that it was the need for full–time positions. The teamsters made that issue their number one demand (Leumer, ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Should Workers Be Allowed To Strike? It is difficult to see how anyone could deny that all workers should have the rights to strike. This is because striking gives workers freedom of speech. This is justifiable, because Britain is a democratic nation. My first reason supporting the motion that workers should be allowed to strike is in order to bring to the fore poor safety conditions. For instance, in the nuclear power industry, any breaches of safety can have tragic consequences. If the employees are exposed to nuclear material, this could lead to serious illnesses such as cancer, leukaemia and radiation sickness. Radioactive material could also affect residents of the surrounding area, as in the case of the Chernobyl disaster. In the light of poor safety conditions, ... Show more content on ... This would ensure that the proprietors would have to negotiate with the unions, as skilled workers are difficult to locate. Furthermore, if the workers belonging to one trade union walk out, the situation may be intensified by the fact that one trade union's leaders can call on an allied union's members to down tools. To this end, there are many ties – official and unspoken – between the trade unions. For instance, in 1926 when the Miner's Federation received official notice of wage cuts for miners, the TUC (Trade Unions Congress) called on railway labourers, bus drivers and many others to strike in support of the miners. On the fourth of May, two million labourers walked out to strengthen the cause of the pit workers. Twelve days later, the strike was called off, and the miners kept going unswerving until Christmas. The strike itself was a failure, but for those twelve days in May, it showed how powerful the humble worker was; the whole country ground to a halt. On the contrary, some people would argue that industrial action causes disruption to the general public because of the amenities that are interrupted, for instance bus and train services. Although this is true, the disorganisation would turn the media spotlight on the employers, forcing them to give in to public pressure and accede to their employee's demands. As has been noted, strikes are sometimes necessary for the public and worker's safety. It is ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The British Airways Strikes Effects on Employee Motivation The British Airways Strikes Effects On Employee Motivation Introduction British Airways is one of the leading airline company in Europe, nevertheless in the last few years it has financial problems, talks begin between British Airways and the Unite (Britain's biggest union) from January of 2009 to solve the problem. At the beginning, the relationship between the two parties was composed, but the milestone was in 2009 October, when the British Airways stated that they are going to cut the staff on long–haul airlines, and from 2010 they freeze the payment of the cabin crew for two years. In December, the majority of British Airways employees decided on strike actions for 12 days, during Christmas time. It was a critical date, because ... Show more content on ... The wrong amount of conflict can lead to limited physical or mental health (stress), wasted resources, sidetracked goals and/or heightened self–interest (Torrington et al 2008). The manager has to see how it is the relationship between the company and employees or among the employees. If the manager notices that the performance is poor, he or she should minimize it. The British Airways strikes have an enormous influence on the tourism industry, on passengers and BAA ,as well (BAA Results 2010). The strike actions has also an impact on the ones who work during the walk outs. It is because of the passengers who have to wait and can not fly off as they planned. They are angry and they think that the ones who work during the walk–outs are responsible for their nuisances, but it is not because of them. Because of they are strike breakers they have a conflict with the staff members who are on strike. According to the BBC, if they solve the conflict and everything will be finished the next thing which they have to decide is that they have to find a way to restructure the relationship between the employees and management and among the employees. A strike attendant said: "We will still do a good job for the passengers but I do think it will be a bare minimum because, whatever we do, you do not get anything back from the company (BBC 2010)". The employee motivation is suffering but not just because of the disputes among people. The ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Industrial Workers During The Gilded Age Similar to the farmers during the Gilded Age, industrial workers combatted poor working conditions, child labor, low wages, and long hours by forming labor unions and organizing strikes, ending as a massive failure. Early in the industrial era, there was no minimum wage, leaving it up to the factory owners to set the rate at which their workers were to be paid. Some owners did not pay their employees in cash but in company scrip which could be redeemed at the company store. For example, in Pullman, Illinois and in Hershey, Pennsylvania, the towns were owned by corporations, the Pullman Palace Car Company and the Hershey Company respectively, so their workers would receive vouchers to spend at the company store instead of hard cash.... Show more content on ... Initially a fraternal organization providing social events, sporting competitions, and education for working men and their families, the Knights of Labor soon advocated for the creation of cooperatives where members would serve as worker–owners who have input on the running of factories in hopes of making changes for the better of the working man. The Knights of Labor believed that the "alarming development and aggression of aggregated wealth, which, unless checked, will inevitably lead to the pauperization and hopeless degradation of the toiling masses" could only be stopped "through the unification of labor". The Knights were open to all "producers" including skilled and unskilled workers and owners as well as women and African–Americans. Bankers, doctors, liquor manufacturers, lawyers, and stockholders were excluded because of their supposed lack in productive contribution to society. The union advocated for a national eight hour workday, the expulsion of Asian workers, the prohibition of immigration from the Far East, and an end to child labor. The Knights worked to make changes for all workers, regardless of affiliation with the group, and opposed strikes and boycotts. As the Knights of Labor began to fade away, another organization arose called the American Federation of ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Difference Between Strike And Strike . Strikes Vs Lockouts Just as employees have the right to strike action so too do employers have the right to lockout employees should an issue be unsettled. However, certain procedures as well as specific limitations apply under certain circumstances ("Basic guide to strikes, lockouts and picketing", 2008). Secondary strike action and picketing are also used as means of addressing a dispute. Equally, strikes and lockouts, involve the termination or the interruption of work in any work environment. However, the main difference between lockouts and strike action depends on which party initiates the interruption of work activities ("Difference between Strike and Lockout", 2016). In a strike action, it is the employees who initiate the interruption of work. Though, in a lockout, it is the employers who initiate the interruption of work activities of the employees ("Difference between Strike and Lockout", 2016). So what is a strike? Defined, a strike action is "a refusal to work, initiated by a group of employees as a method of protest, in an attempt to achieve an allowance or allowances from their employer." ("Difference between Strike and Lockout", 2016). ... Show more content on ... ("Difference between Strike and Lockout", 2016). Strikes may be specific to an employer, work environment or even a department within a work place, but on the same token, it might involve an entire trade or every employee of a country. For example, a strike in a textile factory may persuade all textile employees of a specific country to join the strike action; thus all textile workers may collectively ask for improved working conditions or higher salaries. A strike can affect the economy of the entire country. ("Difference between Strike and Lockout", ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Labour Reform And Industrial Conflict 1.2 BACKGROUND TO LABOUR REFORM AND INDUSTRIAL CONFLICT IN NIGERIA In this section, our objective is to present in brief, a review of the historical development of labour reform and perhaps industrial conflict in the country. As it were, industrial conflicts in Nigeria can be localized within the pre and post–colonial industrial configurations. Prior to colonialism there existed a form of artisanship, a semblance of modern time's trade unions. Artisans' organizations known as the guild systems survived before the advent of colonialism, which opened up doors to official recognition of trade unions. Adebisi (2013) in an article titled "History and Development of Industrial Relations in Nigeria: Hybridity of Western Models Versus... Show more content on ... These factors led to modern intensive economic activities and labour administration which produced the institutional foundation for the emergence of formal trade unions in the country. The second formal trade union, the Nigerian Civil Service Union (NCSU) was established in 1914 following the colonial amalgamation of northern and southern protectorates. Subsequently, the pitiable conditions of labour impregnated the conception that unionism is a labour tool of struggle against exploitations. However, in the early stage of trade union development in Nigeria, few industrial conflicts were recorded. For instance, on 9th January 1920, the Nigerian Mechanic Union embarked on the first official strike to resist insufficient wages, long hours of working, stoppage of war bonus, and non–payment of wages for public holidays. With the success of the 1920 strike, the colonial governors introduced trade union laws in their colonies. Thus, it can be deduced that after formal establishments of trade unions in Nigeria industrial climate, conflicts became popular and have been discouraged by governments. The 1938 Trade Union Ordinance and the 1973 Trade Union Act marked the centrality of State regulations in Trade Union development. In–between these periods serious industrial conflicts (strikes) broke out and were mismanaged but the power of the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Reality of Education in America Essay For the past handful of years America has had its fair share of problems– terrorist attacks, global warming, horrendous mass shootings, twerking, and so on. Most recently, however, angry strikes from frustrated, underpaid citizens have been in the headlines. Surprisingly, it was found that most of these demonstrators were teachers: angry with the government and the economical approach that was taken to "improve" fiscal issues. Within the United States, this approach was called the Deficit Reduction Plan (DRP). This solution imposed lowering debt by reducing spending and raising taxes. In 2009, US deficit was at an all time high, peaking almost $1.4 trillion. Since deficit reductions have not worked in the past, many individuals and... Show more content on ... This is why every year twenty percent of teachers in urban districts quit and around five to ten percent go on strike. Probably the most well–known teacher strike stems from Chicago. In this area, 26,000 Chicago Public School teachers went on strike due to unfair job ethics and pay. Additionally, the same movement (on a much smaller scale) was starting to be found nationwide– in Florida, Washington, California, New York and also worldwide – in countries such as Mexico, Brazil, Greece, and England. What we are seeing is not something that can be ignored. It is something that must be addressed as soon as possible, not just in America, but also in other countries as well. In the palatial grounds of Mexico City alone, thousands of cars and twenty–two million people have been brought down, not by religious conflicts or terrorist attacks, but rather an aggregation of furious school teachers. "Around 10,000 educators protesting a government reform program have in the span of a week disrupted international air travel, forced the cancellation of two major soccer matches, rerouted the planned route of the marathon and jammed up already traffic–choked freeways," reports Mark Stevenson of the Huffington Post. In Brazil, strikes have been ensuing since June of 2013. The problem went from small marches against transportation fares to a nationwide protest against ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Bata Case Study Quality of BATNAs: Does either side have a good BATNA? Do they know each other's BATNAs? In both 2012 and in 2016, the Chicago Teachers' Union (CTU) showcased the immense power of every union's BATNA under the NLRA: the ability to strike. 30,000 teachers took to the streets, 350,000 students were out of school, and hundreds of thousands of parents were forced to adjust their schedules. The strength of the strike option depends largely on the current political environment and the strength of the counterparty's alternatives. Often, counterparty's BATNA to negotiating concessions with a union is to utilize temporary workers or to allow weaker unions to bankrupt themselves by allowing the strike to continue until union coffers are empty.... Show more content on ... This BATNA would do little to alleviate the short–term consequences, however. They were left with only a few options: make a deal or resort to their weak BATNA, which was to open schools for partial days, increase police surveillance on the streets, and have community organizations provide activities to keep children busy. The city knew the CTU had a strong BATNA that seemed to grow stronger by the day as constituents grew angry and annoyed: continue striking. Because this BATNA was so powerful, the city offered teachers a more agreeable deal. The union relied on the fact that city leaders would suffer more than the teachers from disruption as the strike continued. When this materialized, Emanuel had no choice but to concede. Building Rapport: Why trust is key. We talked a great deal in class about the importance of viewing negotiations as opportunities to work together to achieve both party's interests by viewing the discussion as a joint problem–solving exercise. Paramount to this is mutual trust and respect between parties. In the negotiations between the CTU and Mayor Emanuel, little trust or respect existed. Several experts cite this lack of rapport as a major contributor to the strike. From day one, Mayor Emanuel lobbied the legislature in Springfield for education reform that would redefine collective bargaining in Chicago. His reforms ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Strikes of the 70's and 80's: The Invisible Role of Women... Strikes of the 70's and 80's: The Invisible Role of Women Throughout history women have slowly moved from the role of mother and housewife into the labor force. In the middle of this rise in stature is a relatively unknown set of events that helped women gain the self–respect and individual attitude needed to move up in the work force. Women's participation in strikes during the 1970's and 80's is relatively unknown in U.S. history. Although the women involved in these strikes made a big impact on the strike and its outcome, they go widely unrecognized and uncredited for their roles. This paper will focus on three strikes: the Brookside Coal Strike, the Phelps–Dodge Copper Strike, and the Pittston Coal Strike. Each of these strikes has ... Show more content on ... The Brookside Coal Strike The Brookside Coal Strike was set in the old–fashioned, stereotypical South of Harlan County in Kentucky. The stereotypical role of women as housewives was very much a part of the Southern culture. For women to step out of these bounds and become political advocates in the strike was odd, to say the least. Women first got involved in this strike to support their striking husbands, as most of the women involved in the auxiliaries were wives of miners. These quotes from two of the women participants show their motivations for participating: I done it because I just got tired of watching the innocent people suffer when the other guys was making the money. I knowed that, well, it wasn't right for the men that was on strike to be doing without and the other guys going in there and taking their jobs (Maggard 17). I guess I done it just because I loved him so much. He was trying to do what he thought was right... He went into that mines. He put his life in the mines for me and my kids. I said (to the other ladies), "I'm gonna make my mind up that I'm gonna help him 'cause he helped us." (Maggard 17) These quotes show that the motivations of these women were geared toward supporting their husbands and their families. It was probably because of these motivations that the women's involvement in the strike was tolerated. They formed the Brookside Women's Club, who's main purpose was to maintain a picket line 24–hours
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  • 36. Recessionary Bargaining Power The balance of power between labor and management seems to shift from one side the table to the other. When the economy is booming and unemployment rates are low, the balance of power toward labor. When the economy is in recession and unemployment rates are high, the balance of power shifts toward management. Owners want to see their company succeed by earning higher and higher profits, top level executives want to command higher and higher salaries, and shareholders seek ever–higher returns on their investments. Caught in the middle of the battle between labor and management is the HR manager who represents the concerns of labor to management and they convey the positions of management to labor. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how a recession affects a union's ability to strike and win concessions from corporate management, describe what the organizational climate will be like once the strike is over and employees come back to work, and explain what HR actions are needed to improve workplace relations after a strike. Recessionary Bargaining Power Going on strike can be a risky endeavor even in the best of times when the economy is healthy and jobs are plenty. When the economy is strong and unemployment is low, workers have the luxury of picking and ... Show more content on ... Some unions are recording record increases in wage and fringe packages as they nail down agreements. (para 1) However, the tables turned during and after the 2008 economic collapse. Going on strike to extract wage and benefit concessions during a recession can and often does have devastating consequences, up to and including loss of jobs, reduced wages and benefit cuts. Making matters worse for union members is the fact that these cuts can occur in spite of the fact the owners, top executives and shareholders are earning record ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Made in Dagenham 6) What does made in Dagenham tell us about aspects of 'the women question?" for instance what are women like? What do they want? What is their proper sphere? You may wish to comment upon how the film works as a film for instance framing images, music, and characterization. Etc. Made in Dagenham The film "Made in Dagenham" directed by Nigel Cole is based on a true story but is not completely accurate with politically history. East London, Essex, on June 8 1968, 187 women machinist's workers when on strike for equality. They went on strike for three weeks, the ford plant at which they worked at had to stop production, of the product due to the lack of sew seats. They were successful in getting rid of their lower rates of pay. It was only ... Show more content on ... This strike helped empower other women in the same situation to fight for rights in the work force. The second reading of the debate of the bill, machinists got be to cited next to MP Shirley Summerskill due to playing an important part in history for the struggle of equal pay. When the UK joined the European union in 1973, became under the subject of article 119 of the 1957 treaty of Rome. That specifies that men and women should receive equal pay for equal work. All the women were in the union; it was a strong force to backed them up. In 1983, the "Equal Value Amendment Regulations" passed as an amendment to the Equal Pay Act. The European Court of Justice had found that UK legislation was not sufficient to provide for equal work for equal value for all employees. The new legislation gave women the right to go to an employment tribunal on a new ground: that they felt their work was of equal value to men in the same organization. The women at Ford used this to challenge Ford's discriminatory job evaluation scheme, but the employment tribunal ruled against them and turned down their appeal in 1984. With their renewed hopes once again unfulfilled by the law, the women at Ford took strike action in December 1984. (Source 4) Did the men support them? Some workingmen helped the women in the strike. The husbands that worked in the ford plant supported their wife's throughout the strike. ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Labor Relations Paper A union is an organization of workers who join together in order to have a voice in improving their jobs and the quality of work within the organization. In many occasions, unions help employees of an organization negotiate pay, benefits, flexible hours and other work conditions that may arise. Unions have a role because some degree of conflict is inevitable between workers and management (Noe, 2003). In this paper, I will be discussing the impact of unions and labor relations within an organization. Labor Unions Labor unions represent workers interests and the collective bargaining process provides a way to manage the conflict (Noe, 2003). More than ever, union employees have come to see unionizing as a way to achieve an... Show more content on ... In most cases, bargaining agreements governs wages, benefits, and the working conditions for the union coalition employees. The agreements also set common goals and ground rules for the employee 's and management. When management and labor employees have a difficulty coming into agreements, the bargaining process breaks down. To bring difficult negotiations to an end, unions may possibly decide to strike. Strikes A strike is a collective decision of the union members not to work until certain demands or conditions are met (Noe, 2003). If the majority of the union members vote to strike, the union will strike. Most strikes usually have union employees not show up to work to perform his/her day–to–day duties but rather have the union employees picket outside the organization. While the union employee is on strike, the employer does not pay the employee his/her wage. In many strikes, the unions help the employees compensate their wages while they are on strike. The purpose of a strike is to make the employer lose production because the regular employee 's do not show up to work. The vast majority of labor–management negotiations do not result in a strike, and the number of strikes has plunged since the 1950s (Noe, 2003). Are unions still relevant in the United States? Unions are still very relevant in the United States. Labor relations remain an important competency for HR professionals despite the long–term ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Importance Of Unio Strikes In Canada In general, a strike is when workers intentionally stop all processes of work to try to force their employer to agree on a certain set of demands. The worker has all power to do this because the worker is essentially selling their labour in return for a wage from the employer and if these wages (as one example), are deemed not sufficient by the employee, they go on strike. This results in a halt of productivity/production which is detrimental for the employer. Employers also have some leverage against employees and can undergo a lockout, which prevents workers from going to work. Employees not going to work means that they won't get paid. This forces employees to usually agree to conditions set by the employers but said conditions is typically not in favour of the employees. The entire of action of going on strike is not necessarily liked for both sides as employees are left unpaid and employers have their overall production put to a halt. For a strike to occur, it must take place after the union contract or agreement has expired and if the union leader approves of a strike. In the case that a... Show more content on ... The industrialization of the early 1900s made it so that machines can do what artisans did at a much faster rate for a lot less money, which made companies more profit. The biggest strike happened in the post WW1 era of 1919 where the building and metal trades workers of Winnipeg went on a general strike. This was different from a regular strike as this strike consisted of a multitude of workers from all different areas of that field. Although the strike failed, it displayed the potential that a union has when a group solidarity is formed. With the amount of strikes peaking in the mid 1970s, the recession of the 1980s and 1990s weakened the overall number of strikes as recessions normally discouraged workers from ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Reasons Why Junior Doctors Are Striking Seven days a week. More unsociable working hours. Extra premiums on weekends will be lowered. These are the main reasons why junior doctors are striking. This is only a handful of the drastic changes that the Secretary of Health, Jeremy Hunt has imposed since being appointed in 2012. It is very transparent as to why junior doctors choose to strike however there are drawbacks to doctors striking. This project will help to uncover how this new working contract is affecting junior doctors to an extent where they feel as though striking is appropriate. There will be an evaluation of whether the striking is worth taking part in and whether it is a dangerous to strike on working days. Finally, a conclusion will be draw alongside a solution for both parties: the Government and junior doctors. The primary issue of the newly proposed contracts is the increase in working hours and the cuts on extra premiums. For instance, currently in the normal contract, sociable hours are 7am–7pm Monday to Friday. The new proposal by the government extends sociable hours to Monday to Friday 7am–8pm and on Saturday an additional 7am–5pm shift. Altogether that accumulates to 11 extra hours of work in one week. However, there has been an increase in basic salary by 13.5%. Nonetheless, junior doctors believe that this has very little benefit to them. Rather the new contract is making them feel more fatigued. Dagan Lonsdale who is a junior doctor believes, "tired doctors make mistakes." He thinks ... Get more on ...