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What Is The Best Essay Writing Service
Crafting an essay on the topic "What Is The Best Essay Writing Service" poses a unique
challenge, as it requires a delicate balance of objectivity and subjectivity. The difficulty lies in
navigating the vast landscape of online writing services, each claiming to be the epitome of
excellence. To begin with, one must sift through a plethora of options, scrutinizing customer
reviews, evaluating pricing structures, and assessing the credibility of the platforms.
The task becomes even more intricate when considering the subjective nature of the topic. What
might be deemed the best essay writing service for one individual could fall short for another,
depending on specific needs, preferences, and expectations. The elusive nature of "best" in this
context demands a nuanced approach, considering factors such as quality of work, adherence to
deadlines, customer support, and overall user experience.
Additionally, the potential ethical concerns associated with utilizing essay writing services
introduce another layer of complexity. Determining the ethical implications requires careful
consideration of academic integrity, potential plagiarism, and the responsibility of both the
service providers and the students who seek their assistance.
Despite the challenges, exploring the nuances of the best essay writing service provides an
opportunity for critical thinking and analysis. It encourages a reflection on the evolving
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balance between a subjective assessment and an objective evaluation adds an extra layer of
intricacy to the task.
In conclusion, delving into the topic of the best essay writing service necessitates a thorough
examination of numerous factors, making it a demanding yet intellectually stimulating task. As
with any subjective matter, opinions may vary, and the process requires a careful consideration
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What Is The Best Essay Writing ServiceWhat Is The Best Essay Writing Service
The Impact Of Teenagers In The 1950 s
The 1950 s was a time of great social change. The word, teen ager was recently
coined and applied to people aged thirteen to nineteen. During this decade, people s
perception of youth and adolescents drastically changed as children became more
rebellious. Previous to 1950. society consisted of two main stages of human
development: children and adults. When the Baby Boom started in 1946, producing
more babies, a new eraof music, attitudes, practices, and dancebegan to appeal to
kids that did not feel socially accepted by adults in society. This was the start of the
teenage rebellion. With increased teenager presence came more disapproval because
of rebellious behaviour. Teenagers were pitted against media, parents, and local
authority. Teenagers started disobeying parents, getting expelled from school, and
fighting back against authority. Indeed, the 50s were a time that saw upheavals
towards the impact of the music, change of attitudes, new fashions, and new dances
developed children into teenagers. The impact music had on teenagers was
significant. Teenager s developed a new style of music called Rock n Roll, because
the lyrics reflected and embraced their lives. High school sweethearts, fast cars, and
rebellion against authority resembled what teenagers craved the most. Parents
disliked the message and influence behind the lyrics of Rock n Roll, because they
believed it caused juvenile delinquency. Parents hated the sexuality of the songs, the
Sesame Street, Pinky Dinky Doo And The Electric Company
The American pay television channel, HBO, has raised the stakes by launching a
new Kids section which will directly compete with streaming sites such as Netflix,
Hulu and Amazon. The television network, known for its popular shows such as
Game of Thrones, is adding another category notch to its belt. The move to
include a new Kids section will also be made available to the mobile app as well as
introducing children s programming on its TV network. What are the shows
included? Popular shows like Sesame Street, Pinky Dinky Doo and The Electric
Company are some of the many shows that will air on HBO. The partnership with
Sesame Street in particular is a good move set by the network because of the
prominent changes in the industry.The
My Escape From Home
It is my first day at Westvalley high, and boy was my heart racing. I silently go
over my mother s words in my head. New school, new start, new friends. As much
as I know this is not true, I try and keep my hopes high. Trying my best to deny the
constant feeling of being alone. But the truth is I am not alone... I am standing in a
crowded hallway listening to the sudden groans of students as they realise they are no
longer in the paradise they call home. Unfortunately for me the feelingof loneliness
just won t let go, somehow this school seems even lonelier than the dump I call home.
My mother is never home and maybe that is the reason her words feel so dear to my
heart. Almost every day she slaves away at work barely scraping up enough money to
afford the rent only to be greeted by my ill tempered father. My father is almost never
happy and when he gets into one of his moods it is hard to escape his fury. I guess
you could think of school as an escape from home yet now I feel more like a stranger
than ever before.
Bring! Bring! Oh no! Here comes the first day of torture... I slowly stumble into
the classroom making sure my desk is the closest to the back. I couldn t bear the
thought of sitting in the front again, not after my last class. I sit silently as the roll
is called only opening my mouth to murmur the word present before returning back
to my quiet self. I suppose when it all comes down to it most kids seem alright at the
least, but there is one girl that seems to
A Report On New Zealand Essay
Background Overview New Zealand is an island country with a population of 4.4
million. Auckland is the country s largest city with a population of 1.4 million
people. It is one of the fastest growing cities in Asia Pacific, the on going population
growth in the region will continuously generate economic growth over the short
/medium term. Statistics suggest that Auckland requires between 9000 and 11000
new dwellings every year to meet the latent demand due to population growth.
Auckland has a particularly significant issue on housing affordability because land
supply is tightly confined by a strict urban/rural boundary, development rules and
consents are restrictive, and immigrants (inward and external) are attracted to the
jobs and natural amenities in the region. Rapidly rising rates of house price inflation
have been reflective of a demand supply imbalance. 1.Introduction Auckland is New
Zealand s largest residential property market.There has been a physical shortage of
houses, particularly in Auckland. Strengthening economic growth and migration
inflows as well as loose credit conditions multiplied demand in construction sector.
More recently, the Official Cash Rate (OCR) has been increased from 2.5 percent to
3 percent for the purpose of preventing general inflation pressures in the broader
economy. Housing supply conditions have also started to improve with a recovery in
residential construction, centred in Auckland. These factors are all working to reduce
Measurement Of Ph And Total Dissolved Solids Essay
For the measurement of pH and total dissolved solids, according to Phocaides (2007),
pH increase may increase the level of bicarbonate concentration, which would affect
the uptake of minerals by the plants and thus affecting their metabolism. The level of
pH above 8.5 is often caused by high bicarbonate and carbonate concentrations,
known as alkalinity. And these concentrations of high carbonates cause calcium and
magnesium ions to form insoluble minerals leaving sodium as the dominant ion in
solution (Bauder, 2011).
And for total dissolved solids, according to Arabi et al. (2010), increase in total
dissolved solids in irrigation water affects the soil efficiency, growth and yield of the
It was found that the total dissolved solids were lower than the WHO standards in the
upstream of Thimphu River and met the standard for drinking water but it increased
as it passed through the urban areas (Giri and Singh, 2013). Thus, with rampant
urbanization and development activities happing, the pH and total dissolved solids
needs regular monitoring to check the quality of water for irrigation.
3.3.2Electrical conductivity
The most influential water quality guideline on crop productivity is the water salinity
hazard as measured by electrical conductivity (ECw) (Bauder, 2011).
Higher electrical conductivity means higher salinity which means that plant require
more energy to take nutrients dissolved in water from fertilizer and soil (Tsado et al.,
2014). According to Phocaides
Clocking Cultures By Carol Ezzell Analysis
A science writer by the name of Carol Ezzell is the author of the article called
Clocking Cultures. Since as the early 1990s, Ezzell works as a writer and editor at
Scientific American, a popular American science magazine that focuses on mainly
on biology and technology. Ezzell also work at science related organizations like
Science News, Bio/World and Nature. Ezzell have received an award for her
journalism within the field of science by the National Association of Science
Writers and the Pan American Health Organization. In the year of 2000, Ezzell won
a Science In Society Journalism award for her article Care for a Dying Continent.
The article was about how AIDS has affected the women and girls in Zimbabwe.
Originally, the article was... Show more content on ...
Social scientists have recorded wide differences in the pace of life in various
countries and in how societies view time whenever as an arrow piercing the future
or as a revolving wheel in which past, present, and future cycle endlessly (165).
This is how cultures can view time differently than other cultures. In result,
cultures can have a clear perspective of how time works and have an understanding
of how time is perceived. Estell says that the study of time and society can be
divided into the pragmatic and the cosmological Estell supports the statement by
stating a 1950s anthropologist, Edward T. Hall, JR. Hall wrote about the rules of
social time be apart a silent language for a culture. Hall says The rule might not
always be made explicit, but they exist in thin air... They are either familiar and
comfortable or unfamiliar and wrong (165). This states that different cultures will
have a better understanding of how time works than other people do in the world.
Hall describes how different perspectives of time can lead to misunderstanding
between cultures and people. An ambassador who has been kept waiting for more
than half an hour by foreign visitor needs to understand this if his visitor just mutters
an apology this is not necessarily an insult (165). This is the example of the different
time systems in foreign country.
Comparing the Opening Sequence of The Italian Job
Comparing the Opening Sequence of The Italian Job (1969) and the Opening
Sequence of The Italian Job (2003)
In this essay I will be comparing the opening sequences of The Italian Job (1969)
and its modern day remake The Italian Job (2003). The original was directed by
Peter Collinson and starred famous actors such as Michael Caine. It was a huge
success and gained a massive cult following. The remake in 2003 was directed by
Gary Gray and stared Mark Wahlberg and Seth Green. Again this was a huge
success and introduced the film to a new generation. The opening sequence is a
very important one as it gives the viewer a feel for the movie and what s to be
expected from the film. Keep in mind that the ... Show more content on ...
One minor flaw is the amount of damage actually done to the car, all the paint work
seems to be in immaculate condition with some light body damage not what you
would expect from a massive explosion. You then see Charlie Crocker getting
released from prison. This immediately gives you ideas on this person s personality
as he has been in jail.
In the 2003 version the action is quite different; as the credits are rolling, fast paced
orchestral music is playing in the back ground with shots of plans of what you
presume are for some type of crime. The music builds up to a climax before
stopping and going into the movie. A man in his mid sixties walks out of the shop
on the phone to his daughter as they talk about where he is and if his Parole
Officer knows about it. Within the first few sentences you can tell that the man has
something to do with the plot as he talks about breaking out of prison which makes
the viewer feel suspicious about his past. He informs you that he s in Venice and the
cameras pan towards the trademark features such as the gondolas and Rialto Bridge.
He meets up with work colleagues and they begin to initiate their plan. All of this
creates a sense of anticipation, you are expecting something to happen shortly.
During the boat chase scene, there is a dramatic difference in the music. Loud and
fast paced music is being
Britain And The British Empire
As the British Empire developed into one of the largest in the world, the purpose of
the empire was questioned and how the empire would affect Britain created tension
within Britain. Throughout the eighteenth century, the British focused their efforts
on a commercial and maritime empire that would carry their values of liberty,
equality and rule of law with it. The accounts detail aspects of the first empire with
the mentality and the treatment that the men have regarding their ideas of Britain
and her empire. Ideas that would be challenged by the American Revolution and the
Americans claim against the British, such as repressive and calling the king a tyrant.
This forced the British to adapt the image of themselves and how they dealt with their
empire. In order to understand the changing times that the accounts are documenting,
first the men need to be placed into the society in which they lived. This will be
accomplished through the development of the empire s ideology and forming of the
British identity, and then by looking at the British state building and forms of
nationalism with an emphasis on class and gender within the nation. This will be
followed with the British perspective of the empire and concluded by discussion the
mobility caused by the empire that is demonstrated from the travel accounts. First, the
development of the British imperial ideology and the formation of an identity that
plays an integral role within the narratives and the development of a unique
Critical Thinking--Responsibity of Accident Essay
Table saw accidents are more common than the average person would think.
According to Table Saw Accident Stories and Statistics, 95% of the accidents are
hand, arm, wrist and finger injuries and 5% are eye, face, trunk, and leg with
persons between the ages of 15 64. Three important issues stand out when it come to
the operation of table saws in the work place and in the home; safety, training and
equipment conditions. Mr. John Schmidt was injured on June 7; he seriously injured
his hand while pushing a large piece of wood through a table saw in the production
shop at work. Who is at fault here, the company or Mr. John Schmidt? Problems to
be examined are the functioning of the safety guards presently on the table saw being
used in the... Show more content on ...
The co worker claims that the foreman was informed by them about the safety guard.
After examining, the safety report records state the opposite of what s in the written
maintenance reports. If there was an issue with equipment the foreman is supposed
to report it to the shop manager. Being that the safety guard was poorly designed is
my main reason to why the company is at fault. The company put their employees at
risk when they had knowledge of a safety issue.
Training, secondly, is very important in the operation of table saws. While the safety
guards are in place to protect the operator from hazards, it is still important that
employers have trained their staff properly in operating equipment. Although the
safety guard is intended to protect, it only protects in four directions: from above,
from the rear and form the sides. This puts the operator hands inadvertently
unprotected from the front of the saw. Training records need to be checked and if
they are outdated enroll everyone, including the foreman and the shop managers up
for training classes on equipment. Also the foreman and the shop managers need to
go to manager training on how to handle workplace safety, employee situations and
how to handle incidents reported to them. Also as part of the training, making sure
that the employees or management understand the company handbook and other
policies hoping it will help
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Essay example
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was established in 2000 by its namesake,
Bill Gates, and his wife Melinda. The couple created the foundation to help reduce
inequities in the United States and around the world. 1 It is headquartered in
Seattle, Washing and is co chaired by Bill, Melinda and William Gates Sr. Since its
founding the foundation has accrued an incredible $31.9 billion and has a net worth
of almost $50 billion. With such spending power, the foundation has been able to
make great progress, particularly in the areas of global health. It has also made a
sincere effort to improve many public school systems in the US. The foundation is
organized much like a corporation, with a hierarchy that contains several tiers of...
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The foundation has centered around three main areas, Global Development, Global
Health and domestic issues in the United States. Their Global Development branch
is the newest and smallest of three, having donated just under $30 million in grants
to the cause. The initiative focuses on education and infrastructure in
underprivileged nations. The first grant was issue in May, 2006; $1.2 million was
given to the University of Maryland to help evaluate and improve vaccines by
studying various diseases of young children in third world countries. The most recent
grant was $15 million to Columbia University s Earth Institute, whose goal is
Mobilizing the Sciences and Public Policy to Build a Prosperous and Sustainable
Future. 2 Another notable grant is almost $10 million across five years to help
increase access to safe water and promote better hygiene in Kenya through stimulating
an existing school based education program. Domestic efforts within the United
States were the original initiative of the foundation before it became a multi national
contributor. The main focus of this initiative is to improve school systems within the
nation. They feel that as a nation, we are failing to ensure that all our young people
Game Theory Essay
Game Theory
Picture if you will a group of people making decisions. The decisions that are made
do not have to be significant at all. They have to be just significant to the situation at
hand. This concept is considered to mathematicians as Game Theory. Game Theory
is broken down into tree different types of games. As stated by Thomas S. Ferguson
of UCLA There are three main mathematical models or forms used in the study of
games, the extensive form, the strategic form and the coalitional form . Some games
that are the most popular to being discussed in Game Theory are chess, checkers, and
tic tac toe (Ferguson). There are also different terms that are used in this theory as
well. Some of the major terms are The Nash Equilibrium, ... Show more content on ...
It gave poof that his minimax system worked. He ended up writing a book in 1944
about the subject as well. He manly took what Waldegrave did and made it easier
for people to understand. Game Theory went to the masses in 1950 when a man by
the name of John McDonald. He published game theory in a way that brought it to
the masses. It was revolutionary he was describing that game theory could be
applied to many different games of the time. The game theory he was publishing
was not accurate to what the pervious mathematicians where putting out. He was
saying game theory is a system of how to win any complicated game. Although,
what he was doing is showing what potential game theory was having on the mass
public (Belletto, 2009). Also in 1950 Albert W. Tucker while trying to describe
game theory to psychology majors at Stanford. He came up with what will be now
known as the Prisoners Dilemma (NASAR, 1995). He came up with this while
working on various other mathematical problems of that time. Some of the other
problems where Linear Programming, encouraged John Nash to go with his ideas.
In 1951 John Nash came up with a significant piece of game theory that has been
named in his honor. It is dubbed as the Nash Equilibrium. It manly states that if both
players could see each others moves in the game they would still go with the plan they
Greed In Beowulf
Today, those who acquire abundant talent recurrently attract a lot of attention, and
those who are lucky enough, become famous for their talent. The once humble
person, after acquiring fame, begins to become very popular, and their whole life
changes. That person s personality begins to alter, changing them into arrogant
monsters, and their desire for more fame grows exponentially. Soon, the quest for
fame leads to destruction by unintentionally chasing pride, the fame monster. This is
evident in the epic poem Beowulf, and in the articles The Fame Motive and A
Phenomenology of Fame. Beowulf became a very famous warrior from defeating
monsters. Throughout the story, he kills a demon named Grendal, Grendal s
revengeful mother, and a dragon.... Show more content on ...
This hunt causes many celebrities to become primarily occupied in their own life
and focused solely on themselves. Celebrities become so egotistical because in a
world where the celebrity is hardly ever told no, a predominantly self centered
orientation can occur (Rockwell and Giles 189). Becoming so narcissistic causes
many to go down the path towards self importance. The desire for pride becomes
addictive on the journey towards fame, and according to Donna Rockwell and David
C. Giles, It becomes difficult for the person to imagine living without
said, I ve been addicted to almost every substance known to man at one point or
another, and the most addiction of them all is fame (Rockwell and Giles 184). It
becomes very difficult for people to tread off the path of selfishness. The drive for a
well known reputation becomes so great that it is too resilient for some to
terminate their quest for this fame. This urge, according to The Fame Motive, It s
like belief in the afterlife in medieval communities, where people couldn t wait to
die and go on to better life, Dr. Brim said. That s how strong it is (Carey, The Fame
Motive ). The motivation for fame is something that many people cannot easily
escape; they will obtain in no matter what the cost is, whether that s losing friends or
family, or losing your
An Examination of Oscar Wilde’s Mockery of
An Examination of Oscar Wilde s Mockery of
Victorian Conventions in The Importance of Being Earnest
In Victorian society, the conventional norms of status, gender roles, and marriage
were closely linked by an institution that men and women were placed with unrealistic
demands and expectations from society. Women were brought up by their parents to
become the perfect housewife, and men were forced into marriages based on status
within the society. In Oscar Wildes play, The Importance of Being Earnest, he mocks
the typical Victorian conventions and ideals of what society held on the individual. I
will be examining the techniques Wilde uses, such as satire, symbolism, and farcical
situations, and showing how he takes those Victorian ... Show more content on ...
He is saying that all Victorian husbands practice Bunburying, and if they do not,
they will not live in bliss with their wife. He also states that, Divorce is made in
heaven (Wilde 1735), inversing the normal idea that marriage is made in heaven.
According to Petrie, The men s expectations pressured women to be the ideal
Victorian woman society expected them to be (Petrie 180). This is true for the
typical Victorian ideal, but in The Importance Importance of Being Earnest Wilde
reverses this idea, having the men get pressured by the expectation of the women.
This is shown exceptionally true when both Jack and Algernon are at Shropshire
and they are planning on getting re christened in order to change their name to
Ernest, as stated by Jack I have just made arrangements with Dr. Chasuble to be
christened at a quarter to six... (Wilde 1766) and Algernon I made arrangements to
be christened at 5:30 (Wilde 1766). When Jack first finds out about Gwendolyn s
obsession over the name Ernest, and asks if she could love him if his name was Jack,
she harshly responds Jack? No, there is very little music in the name Jack, if any at
all, indeed. It does not thrill. It produces absolutely no vibrations... I have known
several Jacks, and they all, without exception, were plain (Wilde 1742). This goes
against the ideal that the
Pit Bull Liability Research
Pit bulls are a breed of dog that are notoriously labeled as being dangerous and as
having a propensity to attack without warning. Statistics gathered from 2005 through
2015 found that Pit bulls accounted for 64.4 percent, or 232, of the 360 deaths of
Americans suffered due to dog bite injuries, while only making up about 6.6 percent
of the total U.S. dogpopulation. Due to these statistics, there are many who defend
enacting statutes that specifically point to incidents involving these dogs needing
strict liability to protect third parties.
The Maryland Court of Appeals, for example, held in Tracey v. Solesky (2012) that
owners and landlords are liable for injuries caused by pit bulls and cross bred pit bull
mixes, describing them as inherently dangerous. The judgment of this court ruling
meant that it was no longer necessary to prove that a pit bull who attacks a person
or that pit bulls in general are dangerous; all pit bull owners are automatically held
to a strict liability standard under Maryland law. This case established a new standard
of liability for a specific breed of dog due to what some would argue is their
aggressive and vicious nature. ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, even if the owner of a wild animal takes significant measures to protect
others from being harmed by their pet, they are still held responsible for any
injuries that do occur. This is due to the fact that wild animals cannot be tamed and
it is assumed that all wild animals naturally have vicious tendencies. Strict liability
laws in regards to possessors of wild animals exist because these kinds of animals
are more dangerous than domestic animals are. A tiger that lives in an individual s
house brings a higher degree of risk than, for example, a house cat would
Penny-Personal Narrative
It all started on the morning of July 26, when I told my dear daughter Penny
Woods to go out and buy the groceries for dinner. She had been so excited to drive
by herself since she had just received her driver s licence. It was hard for me to let
her go to the store without me, but I knew I had to. The weather was nice, it was
sunny and the clouds dotted the sky. It made me feel better letting Penny go off all
alone. I wish I had known that it was the last goodbye I would ever say to her. After
Penny left I did my daily activities, but time had slipped by me. When the clock
struck twelve I thought it was a mistake, since Penny was not home yet. She had left
one hour before and never returned. In the midst of my confusion there came a...
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She came in and started investigating right away, from the floor to the furniture. Her
face looked tired from what seemed like working too many hours. She then asked
me who lives in the house and where they were at that moment. I responded saying
There are four people living in the house currently which include....myself, my
daughter Penny would who is missing sadly, Mr. Tiller who a the father and my
husband, and lastly our maid Beatrice, who went on vacation about two days ago.
Suddenly Dan interrupted our little meeting I hate to uh... disrupt this discussion.
He said sarcastically, but we should probably get to the market so we can find out
if Penny is safe. When he said this, I heard a little happiness in his voice, almost
like he wants to find her hurt. We started off to the area around the corner and
began our search. After we split up to find where she was, I found a note on the
ground in what looked like a blue paper that is indistinguishable from the collection
of paper she got for her birthday. I yelped with so many emotions that had built up
inside me, and took the blue paper to unravel it. The paper said eggs, milk, flour,
red peppers, one whole turkey, and potatoes. After I read the list I screamed so
loudly that I am pretty sure the others could here me from across the store. I was
right and they came over right away, both breathless. What happened, are you hurt or
did you find something. said the investigator with a
Great Depression Cinderella Man
Representation of the Great Depression in Cinderella Man The movie Cinderella
Man was about life in the Great Depression from a boxer s point of view. The focus
of the movie was on the protagonist, James Braddock; a father who had to accept
jobs on the docks and become a boxer again so he could earn money to buy food and
pay the bills. The movie highlighted the conditions for the homeless, the trough in the
economy, and the struggle to support a family. The movie was successful in being a
true and accurate representation of the Great Depression. The movie portrayed the
lives of the homeless in a realistic way. On screen, the homeless were seen sleeping
in hobo jungles , and in one case an automobile. In reality, the homeless did live in
these jungles where thousands of people without jobs would gather to pass their
leisure time. These hobo jungles were seen as dangerous places, where James
friend Mike was trampled by riot police. They were dangerous places in the 1930 s,
where men who slept there would be robbed,... Show more content on
In one scene, James was walking home from the docks and passed a newspaper
that read Unemployed hits record 15,000,000 . About 25% of the American
workforce was unemployed by the end of 1933, so this movie correctly shows the
situation in the economy. In another scene, James was walking by stores where the
lights were off and the windows were empty. This proves that these stores went out
of business, which occurred during the Great Depression because the money that
businesses spent on stocks was lost in the crash. In the scene where Mike and James
were at a bar, they talked about how they lost their money on stocks in the crash, and
how the government took away Mike s house. Many people invested in stocks, and
the crash caused them to lose money, jobs, and homes from this. Given these points,
the movie accurately presented the trough, but also the lives of
The Three Creation Myths
Question One
The signs of miracles and or Magic discussed in the creation myths
Each of the creation myths reveals some form of supernatural power beyond human
understanding. One common magic that is common is creation from nothing . It is
believed that a supreme deity who existed from the beginning of time solely
participated in creation. With the emptiness that existed, the Supreme Being creates
through uttering words or body secretions
(Pinsent, 18). He then organizes the world into the form that it exists presently. It is
also a common belief that the supreme deity has power to give life to human through
his breath. As much as he could engage in physical creation, he also shared the life in
them to humans. Certain creatures are also ... Show more content on
Sumerian myth describes how the gods created black headed people and provided
conducive environment for animals that encouraged procreation. Inupiat myth brings
out the importance of the condemnation of evil and pursuit for peace. It also reveals
the value for humans by ensuring that they get what they need for survival. Good
conduct is also emphasized to ensure that peace and order is maintained. Negritos
myth brings out the ideas that creation took place through thoughts or dreaming. It is
believed that a divine couple, Pedn and Manoid existed in the sun that later created
the Earth. First, nature is valued as the source of the universe and all life forms.
Relations are valued as it is the source of human life (Powell, 34).
Question Three
Nature of cultures
The Sumerian culture portrays the importance of animals as compared to human
This was evident when the gods failed to inform people of the impending floods
(Pinsent, 21).
The Inupiat culture inculcates good human conduct among humans to ensure peace
and sustainability. Evils and evil spirits are greatly condemned as they disrupt peace
and order in
Hybrid Cryptography Using Symmetric Key Encryption
Hybrid cryptography using symmetric key encryption
Sean laurel rex bashyam1, karthik Shankar2 ,Saitheja kadiyala3
Dept. of electrical engineering1,3
Dept. of computer science2
{skadiyal ,sbashyam ,kshankar} professor Abdel shakour
Dept. of computer engineering
University of bridgeport
Bridgeport , CT Abstract Crucial methods are employed to
deploy the majority networks to acquire the data. Modern improvements stores,
transfer data at higher rate. Traditional methods which provide security to the
information. Using single encryption algorithms are more prone to issues and these
are implemented without knowing its shortcomings. This proposed algorithms
provides new step to avoid shortcomings. We resemble some famous algorithms as
follows. Firstly, we create a new algorithms, In order to provide security issue and
time constraint of operation. Secondly, We combine AES using multiplexing of keys,
Improvement of DES key size and blowfish algorithm, then we encrypt data using the
proposed algorithm. This can enhance the security and complicates the Encryption. In
this paper we provide both the encryption and decryption that supports in real time
application and algorithm has a practical value.5
Index Terms Hybrid encryption, Advance Encryption Standard(AES), Data
Encryption Standard(DES), Blowfish, Key length.
Encryption is a method of converting plain text to cipher text using some base keys
Blarney Stone Research Paper
To journey the world requires a traveler to possess qualities that pertain to the culture
and people in which they are attempting to assimilate with, but the traveler must do
their best to lose all the traits and habits that their home has burdened them with and
jump into a new culture with the eagerness to learn new traits and discover what
this new segment of the world has to offer. Over the past summer, I journeyed with a
group of my fellow high school friends to the coasts of Irelandin which for one week,
we travelled and assimilated with the many different cultures that one can find within
the plains of this great country. The discovery of a genuine connection between our
group and the townspeople of Ireland aided us in discerning the... Show more content
on ...
We made our way back to Shannon airport on a hazy June morning, and throughout
the entire flight back, all I could think about was what Cillian had said to us. I had
discovered lifelong friends, magnificent scenery, and, most importantly, a goal set
on my mind to live like Cillian. When we returned to the States, I sparked the idea
of making a shirt that portrays a picture of our group with Cillian and under a
quote in typical Irish letters Live Like Cillian. I will hold onto the shirt for the rest
of my life as a constant reminder that my goal in life should not be riches but rather
to create enduring bonds with those dear to me and enjoy every minute that I spend
with them. Ireland taught me more than I could have ever imagined, and there is no
way I can fully repay her kinsmen for what they instilled in
Essay on Hardships in Birches by Robert Frost
Hardships in Birches by Robert Frost
In any life, one must endure hardship to enjoy the good times.
According to Robert Frost, the author of Birches , enduring life s hardships can be
made easier by finding a sane balance between one s imagination and reality. The
poem is divided into four parts: an introduction, a scientific analysis of the bending of
birch trees, an imaginatively false analysis of the phenomenon involving a New
England farm boy, and a reflective wish Frost makes, wanting to return to his
childhood. All of these sections have strong underlying philosophical meanings.
Personification, alliteration, and other sound devices support these meanings and
Frost supports the theme by using language to seem ... Show more content on ...
Birch trees are naturally very flexible. Frost explains that this is caused by ice
storms placing weight upon the branches: When I see birches bend to left and
right / Across the line of straighter darker trees, / I like to think some boy been
swinging in them. / But swinging doesn t bend them down to stay. / Ice storms do
that. Often you must have seen them . He writes of the difference between
childhood and adulthood in the first two lines of this passage. The comparison is of
the youthful birches with children playing in them to the dark and rigidly
conforming straight tree. The straighter darker trees are the symbol of adulthood, of
the ridiculous redundancy of the private sector. Frost appears to despise this
repetitiveness and for this reason, he becomes a poet. In this occupation he can use
his imagination, and walk the border between the birches and the straight trees. The
theme of the poem refers to finding a balance between realism and imagination, and
that finding this balance would help ease the pains of life downtrodden times. There
is, however, a twist to this theme:
They are dragged to the withered bracken by the load / And they seem not to break;
though one they are bowed / So low for long, they never right themselves: A
traumatic event in one s life, an ice storm in relation to birch trees, will never cease to
exist in the mind,
George Herbert Mead and Erving Goffman
George Herbert Mead and Erving Goffman are two theorists in the study of
sociology that have impacted the way we see sociology today. Their works, when
closely examined, actually share some extreme similarities. Both of these men
seemed very interested in the perception of self in the eyes of others as well as
yourself. Mind, Self, and Society is an article written by Mead which was placed
in the book entitled Social Theory: The Classic Tradition to Post Modernism which
was edited by Farganis with the copyright of McGraw Hill in 2004. This primarily
deals with the development of one s self, or their identity. Presentation of Self in
Everyday Life is an article written by Goffman which was arranged to be in the book
Inner Lives and... Show more content on ...
Deviance is anything not easily recognizable to an audience. It is essentially
anything juxtaposed w/ social norms. In our society, boys wear boy clothes and
girls wear girl clothes. To deviate from that means to go against the social norm and
wear clothes that are not specifically made for your gender. This is an example of a
deviant gender. The movie Bully was made to enlighten the public on the true
horrors that can result from this shockingly common act. The movie follows
several children through their bully related troubles and how they react. One
person who was documented was a sixteen year old lesbian who faced verbal abuse
from the entire town for her sexual deviance. In Presentations of Self in Everyday
Life, Goffman is constantly explaining how everyday life is a dramaturgy. A
dramaturgy is the art of dramatic composition and essentially the production of a
theatrical play. A social situation is much like a play. Every play has a stage, actors,
a script, a set, rehearsals, and practices. In a social situation, the stage is where the
encounter takes place, the actors are the people involved in the encounter, the script
is the social norms of the social encounter, and the set is the environment where the
encounter takes place. It takes practices and
Enlightenment Attitudes Towards Religion Essay
Enlightenment Attitudes Towards Religion
Scientific and philosophical innovations during the 18th century brought about a new
breed of thinkers. Their driving forces of rational and reason shifted the religious
temperament of the elite from enthusiasts to intellectuals. They argued that there was
no divine standard of morality, no afterlife to divert humanity from worldly concerns
(The Western Experience, pg. 657). They were radicals who sought to displace the
authority of religion. Driven by reason, enlightenment thinkers naturally opposed
superstition and attempted to replace religious mysticism with philosophical
standards and scientific formulations. Their shift of focus highlighted reverence for
the Creator and moral teachings ... Show more content on ...
660). Dennis Diderot echoes this sentiment in his encyclopedic definition of the
term irreligious stating that morality is the universal law that the finger of God
has engraved on all our hearts, and that consequently we should not confuse
immortality and irreligion. Mortality can exist without religion; and religion,
perhaps, even exits frequently with immortality (Course Pak, Chapter 2, pg. 157).
Further Diderot sites the Fathers of a council of Toledo in his definition of
intolerance where they state do no violence of any kind to people in order to lead
them back to faith, for God is merciful or severe to whomever he chooses (Course
Pak, Chapter 2, pg. 156). By siting the fathers, Diderot masterfully escapes
censorship while fighting the churches belligerence with its own words. Catholic
Habsurg emperor Joseph II championed the philosophy of tolerance in 1781 in the
Edict of Toleration. The Edict granted Jews and Catholics the same religious and
civil rights, this was the first time such an act was condoned by a Catholic Habsburg
ruler. In addition it also tried to limit the power of the Catholic Church by ordering
the dissolution of numerous monasteries which were useless and corrupt. (The
Western Experience, pg. 660). While tolerance proved to be an important concept of
the enlightenment, deism was indeed the primary religious doctrine. Voltaire, one of
the Enlightenment s most prolific writers was an
Breast Feeding Pros And Cons
When a child is born, it is like a blank piece of paper ready to absorb anything and
everything that they possibly can. From birth they take in the light, the sounds, and
the new environment they were just born into. This is when the great journey
called life begins. This is the moment, moms start to worry about that piece of them
that is now this new being. Mothers will continue to worry for the rest of their child
s life. They only want what is best for their child and will follow all instructions to
ensure their children have a good future. Worrying happens for everyone not only
mothers. Anyone who studies and works in child development also worry about all
the new babies who enter this world. They search, investigate, and find all the
answers to help mothers make the right choices and better prepare their baby for the
future.... Show more content on ...
Whether there are any benefits to breast feeding and what these benefits are. Also,
for how long breast feeding has to occur in order to receive certain benefits. There
has been speculation back and forth whether, any claims can be plausible for either
side of this argument. In the article, posted on LiveScience website, they discuss a
study done in JAMA Pediatrics Journal, in which they found that breast feeding can
bring many cognitive
Geography Of The Indus River
Barrett, EmilyPeriod 6 4/30/15
The Indus River is located on the northwestern part of the sub continent with other
rivers draining into it. Another river called the Ganges River was east of the Indus
River. The climate was tropical and contained seasonal winds called monsoons.
Monsoons during the winter were dry and went from land to the sea, letting little rain
fall on the land. During summer monsoons wet winds go from ocean to land bringing
rain with it. The mountain ranges, the Himalayas and Hindu Kush, were located near
the north.
The first civilization in the sub continent grew around the Indus River; later another
civilization grew around the Ganges River. The rivers would flood and this leaves
behind rich soils which makes plentiful crops that fed the civilization. Agriculture
depends on the summer monsoon. If rain comes, there are no problems, but if it
comes late or not at all crops die and people starve. Since they could not always
depend on the monsoons they made irrigation channels that led to their crops. The
Himalayas and Hindu Kush separated the sub continent from the rest of Asia. Culture
India was the first place that made and used cotton in a piece of clothing called a sari,
which was worn by women. This piece of clothing was long and could be worn in
different ways. Rich women wore saris made of silk. Men wore a long piece of
clothing called a dhoti. Since dhotis were shorter they only covered men s lower
The Importance Of Choices In The Film
The film is explains the context choice and consequences. Moss makes a choice to
take money, to keep the money and furthermore a choice to not surrender even
when his wife might die because of that decision. Such moral choices we do make
and we as a result must suffer and accept consequences of these decisions. Chigurh
allows people to make a choice using a coin: heads or tails. These choices surround
more on the fate or luck of person. These choices, unluckily, have consequences.
However, even Chigurh has the choices too: let an individual live or die. It is about
our moral responsibility, making rightful choices in a world where previous
answers are no director and evil done is overwhelming. Do we surrender to those
evil or do our best to uphold integrity even if we lose everything? This kind of moral
direction is the heart of the... Show more content on ...
He uses a coin to show his viewpoint of life, specifically ways that fate, free will,
and chance function in defining the result of one s life. The fact that he forces his
victims to pick in the coin toss shows the way we can make choices but only
within our limits of mortality. We mostly do not have any control over our death.
The coin explains the chance and choice function towards death. Choosing either
heads or tails is an example of the outcomes of our choices and decisions, which
result to our end. Chigurh uses coin to show that the smallest of all actions toss of
coin can have massive consequences. In requesting Carla and Carson choose
between life and death on a toss of coin... (Theme and analysis, 1). Chigurh uses
the coin to as a tool. The coin decides whether Carla and Carson live or die. This
ends up with Carla dead because of the toss of a coin. It is by random chance, in
my opinion, a coin found its way to Chigurh possession and his victims purely by
random paths, reducing their deaths to a coin flip, randomly like being hit by a bus
or murdered in
The Cause Of The Ice Age
Title The Theory of the Cause of the Ice Age
Background There are many possible reasons for why ice ages form. We aren t
sure which are correct. When there is a period of colder global temperatures and
recurring glacial expansion, it s called an ice age. Ice ages are capable of lasting
hundreds of millions of years. There have been five major that scientists have
recorded: the Huronian, Cryogenian, Andean Saharan, Karoo, and Quaternary.
Thesis Scientists have numerous predictions as to why ice ages happen, some of
which are the distance of the Earth from the sun, the position and height of the
continents, and the fluctuations in ocean currents.
First Subtopic Continental Positions
Topic Sentence Scientists believe that ice ages can be caused by the continents
positions that blocks the flow of warm water that comes from the equator.
The geological record appears to show that ice ages start when the continents are in
positions which block or reduce the flow of warm water from the equator to the
poles and thus allow ice sheets to form. (Raymo, Ruddiman, Froelich, 1988)
Important aspects which contributed to ancient climate regimes are the ocean currents,
which are modified by continent position as well as other factors. (Raymo,
Ruddiman, Froelich, 1988)
The continents positions play a big role. Continents move over time because of the
tectonic plates. Pangaea split over time into the individual continents we have today.
While Pangaea was splitting, there
Argumentative Essay On White Trash
White Trash Bash
I strive for personal happiness in life. Some people would equate their happiness to
money, personal possessions, or even success. While the standard for being happy
will vary based on personal preference, I have noticed that the people that surround
my life can make a significant impact on my overall happiness. For this reason, I
have learned to avoid white trash. Their actions do nothing to increase happiness in
others lives, in fact, in my experience they have done more harm than good. The
term white trash does not necessarily refer to a person who lives in a white. The
stereotype for white trash is typically Caucasian, dressing provocatively, and having
poor hygiene. Furthermore, they are negligent parents, physically violent, and
alcoholics, and they should be avoided. By understanding the key signs through their
appearance and actions, people can avoid them and hopefully keep happiness and joy
a part their lives.
White trash people all exhibit three main characteristics in their appearance. The
first easily noticeable sign is their ethnicity. white trash almost exclusively refers to
Caucasian Americans. white trash is slang used in America to refer to lower
income Caucasian families. This term derives from white trash which came about
in the 1830 s. African American slaves would show an extensive amount of
contempt towards white servants, thus developing the slang term white trash .
Another easy way to spot white trash is their clothing. Due to the low income their
clothes tend to be ill fitting. Over the years, this has transformed into more
revealing clothing for men and women. Men will wear jean shorts, crocs, and
alcohol affiliated baseball hats. In addition, they will wear a soiled a line tank top,
also known as a wife beater , or no shirt at all. Women often wear tops showing
excessive cleavage, midriff, and lower back. It is easy to see a woman s brightly
colored thong peeking out of their skirts, rising along their hips creating what s
called a whale tail . Another important detail in identifying white trash is their poor
physical hygiene. They will normally have greasy hair, oily skin, terrible body odor,
and disastrous teeth. Perhaps they don t see this as an
A Modest Proposal
Table of Contents Purpose Review
of Literature...................................................................................pgs.5 7
Results..................................................................................................pgs.8 11
Conclusion...........................................................................................pgs.12 14
Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to explore how temperature affects the
expansion and contraction of gases using latex balloons. Therefore the research
question is: what is the effect of temperature on the expansion and contraction of
balloons? This would demonstrate how a balloon is able to expand and contract as
the force and frequency of the... Show more content on ...
The amount of insulation an object has will affect the amount of light it will
absorb and the amount of thermal heat conduction an object will reflect. (Lee H.,
2011). Thermal heat conduction is the transfer of internal energy, which is due to
different temperature rates. The color of an object doesn t affect insulation.
Insulation is usually the opposite of colors being absorbed and reflected against
light. Instead, insulation will only affect an object s color depending on the
temperature the object is being pressured by. For example, if an object has a dark
color and there is a high temperature being pressured onto the dark object,the object
will insulate heat inside. If the dark object was being pressured by a lower
temperature the object would not insulate heat inside of the object because dark
colors only insulate high temperatures (The University of
The Program For Homeless Veterans
In January 2014, approximately 49,933 American veterans were homeless on a given
night. This number represents approximately 11% of the entire homeless adult
population in the United States. Of those homeless veterans, 64% were reported to be
sleeping in an emergency shelter or transitional housing and 36% were living on the
streets or other places not meant for human habitation. Today, the federal government
has many programs targeted to end veteran s homelessness; however, the Department
of Veterans Affairs (VA) currently has only one program offering a permanent
supportive housing solution for homeless veterans the U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Supportive Housing program (HUD VASH). With this program HUD provides
eligible homeless veterans with a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV), while
the VA provides clinical case management and supportive services through its health
care system. The purpose of this evaluation synthesis is to assess the HUD VASH
program s effectiveness in targeting limited resources to the needs of homeless
veterans today, as well as to provide specific policy recommendations so as to
improve the overall taxpayer value of this program.
Homelessness has always been a social problem in the United States; however, it
only began to take precedence as an important policy problem to be solved by our
nation s lawmakers in the 1970s and 1980s. Homeless veterans initially
Udacity Course Analysis
In 2011, Stanford professor Sebastian Thrun and research assistant David Stavens
founded Udacity, a for profit platform on which MOOCs (massive open online
courses) would be offered. One of their first classes, CS 373: Programming a Robotic
Car, attracted 160,000 students across 190 countries. In simple terms of enrollment
and global reach, Udacity was an instant success. Perhaps more importantly, Udacity
showed the incredible potential of an online platform that can provide higher
educationto those lacking the resources traditionally required to obtain it. In terms
of sheer numbers, Udacity is not the only example of the success and popularity of
MOOCs. According to a survey conducted by Harvard Business Review in 2015,
over 25 million people have enrolled in a MOOC. This number outpaces the 20.5
million students who were expected to attend American colleges... Show more content
on ...
The answer is simple. They hold many advantages over the traditional mode of
education. For example, the issues of location and language are almost nonexistent
when it comes to MOOCs. Since they are offered online, the courses can be taken
from any location, at any time, and lectures offered by the popular platforms usually
have subtitles available in a multitude of languages. In The Professors Big Stage,
journalist and author Thomas Friedman detailed his friend Michael Sandel s
experience as a MOOC professor. Sandel, who teaches a famous 1,000 student,
Socratic Justice course at Harvard, launched his course on edX, a MOOC
cofounded by MIT and Harvard, in 2013. Sandel had returned from a recent trip to
South Korea, where his course had been translated and broadcast on national
television. The course became so popular that Sandel was asked to throw out a
ceremonial first pitch at a baseball game and was given a free pair of colorful
sneakers. Not only was Sandel able to reach a large international audience, his class
was celebrated by those who experienced
Road To Morocco Sparknotes
1. What is the Middle East like? What is it like compared to the U.S. or Europe?
Road to Morocco depicts the Middle East, as a vast sandy desert, home to few
settlements (Karameesh is shown to be the only city in a vast empty desert) and
only partially inhabited by people, as well as camels. It is depicted as a mysterious,
exotic and erotic place, with Jeff and Orville repeatedly calling it strange due to
their inability to understand it traditions,, which is where most of the film s humor
arises. One of the many times Jeff and Orville call it strange, they take back their
comments because a woman in sheer veils walks by in a midriff baring jewelled bra
and flowing bottom and gives them a longing stare. She is not the only exotic and
sensual... Show more content on ...
This is also evident in Kasim s various rampages through Karameesh in which he
and his men shoot off guns and take women for even celebratory reasons, like
proposing to Shalmar, in the beheaded men in the Palace s old courtroom, which
suggests that the leader was a violent ruler, in the restaurant scene in which guards
watch customers and threaten them with physical force if they do not pay, and in the
fact that Orville is sold into Karameesh s apparently active slave
James Baldwin
AP Language: The Language of Composition
Sample Responses to Questions on A Talk to Teachers by James Baldwin
1. In the opening paragraph, Baldwin establishes his ethos by connecting himself
to his audience as a fellow citizen and fellow American, someone who loves his
country and wants it to be whole and healthy. Though he identifies the chief fear of
his audience as the fear of Communist, he proposes that the ore fearful aspect of
American society of the early 1960s is the bad faith and cruelty of generations.
Baldwin builds credibility with his audience by recognizing teachers as powerful
people who deal with the minds and hearts of young people. His audience senses
that he as a deep respect for what teachers do each day. He ... Show more content on ...
* Empathy for African Americanchildren and their parents who have to enforce the
unfair rules (para 4): his father or mother slaps him and drags him to the back of the
* Pride in one s local area (para 5): tremendous monuments we find all over New
York, contrasted with [i]f he lives in one of those housing projects of which everyone
in New York is so proud ; his appeal to pathos is sardonic in tone
* Sense of the tragic nature of the life of African Americans in poor areas (para 5):
the pimps, the whores, the junkies
4. By showing his firsthand experience of the visible contrast between uptown and
downtown the white world where garbage is collecged, the ownership and pride
those who live downtown experience as opposed to the vision of the housing
projects in paragraph 5 Baldwin convinces the audience further that he knows what
he is talking about. His vivid imagery appeals to the listeners senses. Baldwin
deepens his credibility with his audience of teachers as a person who has lived
through this disparity, and he enables them to see and to feel the shocking difference
between the ghetto and the white neighborhood through his eyes.
7. Baldwin uses quotation marks around the word and states, you called me
Xerox Co. Diversity
How would Xerox define diversity? How has its definition changed over the years?
In business , diversity has seen action in the managing of human resource as essential
capital in fostering businesses at a global scale . Diversity is also seen as a concept
where differences can be a powerful resource . Based on the Case facts, Xerox value
diversity as the most priceless resource to drive the company towards achieving its
According to Xerox Chairman amp; former CEO, Anne M. Mulcahy, diversity is not
just about race, gender, age, sexual orientation or disability. She and the staff believed
that diversity provide an environment for employee to grow for their fullest potential.
Employee with different ways ... Show more content on ...
For instance, women and minorities represent 52% of Xerox workforce and about
42.5% of Xerox senior executives are women or people of color or both.
* Friendly HR policies
Xerox understand that women struggling to balance work and family commitments.
Thus, HR function initiated alternative work schedules and other HR policies as the
company recognizes that family and individual needs affect employee performance.
Besides, Xerox also has a work life programs to ensures that the workforce become
successful in their career and family such as dependent care fund, employee
assistance program and education assistance program.
* Xerox Employee Caucus Groups
A caucus group for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees.
After establishment of this program, the company began to provide domestic partner
benefits for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees.
The groups consist of Asians Coming Together, Black Women s Leadership Council,
GALAXe Pride at work, Hispanic Association for Professional Advancement,
National Black Employee Assosiation and The Women s Alliance.
* CEO roundtables
An annual diversity employee roundtables with senior managers. This program
provide platform for employees to engage in unfiltered
Coca-Cola CSR
Mrs. Betsy Ching
The Coca Cola Company
Mrs. Betsy Ching
The Coca Cola Company
Executive Summary
1. Stakeholders
2. Triple Bottom Line
2.1 Financial
2.2 Social
2.3 Environment
2.3.1 Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection
2.3.2 Sustainable Packaging
2.3.3 Recycling
3. Corporate Social Responsibility
3.1 Ethical CSR
3.2 Altruistic CSR
3.3 Strategic CSR
4. Company s Success
Mrs. Betsy Ching
The Coca Cola Company
Executive Summary
The Coca Cola Company is the most ... Show more content on ...
(Coca Cola
Enterprises, CRS report 13/14, 2013)
Every single stakeholder has different contributions or interests towards the company,
for instance:
Shareholders: Most of the shareholders in The Coca Cola Company are investors
who interest to invest in a long term. It is caused by the company revenue, which in
the long term has always been increasing constantly. Hence, their stock price also
increases accordingly to the growth of the company.
Employees: The Coca Cola company is a major global power company where the
environmental factor that maintains and facilitates productivity, growth, and
development. Each employee is responsible for maintaining a work environment that
reflects mutual respect, equality and absolutely no discrimination.
Customers: Coca Cola distribution and target market is somewhat diverse, but mostly
towards young people and emphasizing densely populated areas. Coca Cola appears
everywhere, from bars, restaurants, from small to large retailers, from the
Mrs. Betsy Ching
The Coca Cola Company
street to the alley just to mention some.
Communities: Coca Cola implements and strategically invests in the community, by
way of complement to the nonprofit environmental organizations. For example, one
of the activity s goals is to
Unit 23
Unit 23 D1
In this section I am going to evaluate the effectiveness of Lay people within the
English Legal System.
Lay people are extremely useful individuals within the civil and criminal courts
within the English legal system. The most influential lay people are the Lay
Magistrates and the Jury who have important roles with the legal system.
Magistrates usually deal with most cases that are heard within the criminal system.
They are the decision makers as to guilt or innocence making 97 99% of all cases
while on the other hand 1% of cases are heard with a jury present. This shows us that
those that are not legally qualified make most decisions regarding the criminal justice
system, which means that they are ordinary people who hail ... Show more content on ...
Magistrates because they are not paid, will have to take time off work to attend
their duties. Now, in a business environment, an employer may be rather annoyed if
an employee had to continuously take time off work to attend their duties and
would thus be difficult for that employee especially if they are not to be paid whilst
they are away. This loss of earning may discourage a person from becoming a
magistrate. Whereas, if a magistrate is an employer or a senior employee in the
business, they will more easily be able to take time off work to attend court. This
relates to how they will be middle aged and middle minded. The training process is
said to have not been adequate or effective enough. They are not in trained in
broader ways and therefore lacking full knowledge. A risk with the magistrates is
that although they may be able to empathise with the defendant, they are prosecution
minded and more likely to believe the police. They may also be heavily reliant upon
the clerk when in reality, the clerk can only advise them on certain aspects and
interpret difficult points of law. A major disadvantage is the fact that there are
inconsistencies within the sentencing of defendants. A defendant in Leeds charged
with the same offence as the defendant in Bristol may receive a more lenient
sentence. Additionally, the workload of the magistrates is incredibly heavy and
would be
Speech On Federal Reserve Policy
Federal Reserve Speech Greetings and salutations to the CEO of the organization.
To help you interpret policies make by the Federal Reserve, I am here as an
interpreter to help you understand the policies that are in place due to the natural
disasters that have happened around the world. In October the Group of 30
International Banking had a seminar located in the nation s capital. The consultation
of the report will discuss the present status of where this country s economy is and
why the economy has been affected. This information allows us to determine the
effects to the corporation s state before and after. In the policy a specific point about
the Federal Funds Rate was made that really affected the corporation. The interest rate
at which banks and other depository institutions lend moneyto each other, usually on
an overnight basis. The law requires banks to keep a certain percentage of their
customer s money on reserve, where the banks earn no interest on it (Bankrate).
Consequently, banks try to stay as close to the reserve limit as possible without
going under it, lending money back and forth to maintain the proper level (Bankrate).
Banks hold the requirement either at the local Fed branch office or in their vaults. If
a bankis short of cash at the end of the day, it borrows from a bank with extra
money (Amadeo). The fed funds rate is what banks charge each other for overnight
loans to meet these reserve balances (Amadeo). The borrowed is known as the
federal funds. The policy states the Federal Reserve plans to return... Show more
content on ...
It s the Most Interesting Interest Rate in the World. The Balance, funds rate definition impact and how it works 3306122. Fed Funds Rate. Federal Funds Rate | Federal Reserve Fed Fund
Rates, rates/federal funds rate.aspx.
Mankiw, N. Gregory, and Laurence M. Ball. Macroeconomics and the Financial
System. Worth Publishers,
The Relationship Between Division Of Labor And The
Adam Smith was a famous philosopher and political thinker known for his work The
Wealth of Nations that revealed the relationship between the division of labor and the
extent of the market. David Ricardo was a prominent philosopher, who majorly
contributed to the field of political economy, namely by one of his works On the
Principles of the Political Economy. Consequently, both political economists wanted
to explain the pattern of economic specialization under free trade. Although, their
perspectives did differ on some aspects. Thus, this paper intends to explain how Smith
understands the relationship between deepening divisions of labor and the extent of
markets, to explore whether Smith is right, and to reveal the distinction in
approaches, provided by Smith and Ricardo.
Smith s Understanding of the Relationship between Division of Labor and the Extent
of Market
In beginning to understand the viewpoints of each individual, it is important to
understand how they each define the relationship between division of labor and the
extent of market. According to Smith, the relationship is direct, as the division of
labor appears in result of the human necessity to exchange (Smith 2000). Hence, this
interdependence leads to the specialization of production and international trade
among nations or individuals. Following Smith s evaluation on the scope of the
division of labor it is preconditioned by the market and human talents that operate
within the system (Smith
Poetry Analysis Of We Real Cool By Gwendolyn Brooks
Poetry Analysis of We Real Cool By Gwendolyn Brooks
We Real Cool, by Gwendolyn Brooks is a fervent short poem that tells a story of
teenage rebellion. This poem is a formal verse ballad which uses simple sentences
that create a steady meter giving the poem a catchy jazz like quality. Although the
poem is short, it packs a powerful message about youth. Gwendolyn Brooks centered
her works predominately around the African Americanconsciousness. During the
1960 s when the poem was written, many teens especially young African American
men felt misunderstood and like the world was set up for them to fail. On the
surface, it appears this poem is a mere description of young adults that are
misjudged. The deeper message of this poem addresses the dangers of peer
pressure, and its detrimental effects to self identity because of the disconnect
between society and youth of that time. Peer pressure can take place whenever
people gather together and spend frequent time together. Most people are subject to
its effects and often experience it because, of shared experiences or they share the
same perspective on life. This becomes dangerous when a group has enough
influence to dictate an individual s way of thinking or behavior. When an individual
is desperate to find a place to belong, they will follow the crowd even if they know
that they are participating in something immoral; this is demonstrated in We Real
Cool. In the opening lines of the poem, the reader
Case Study Of Zara s Differentiation Strategy
Differentiation strategy In differentiation strategies, the emphasis is on creating value
through sustainable uniqueness. This can be achieved through product innovations,
superior quality, or superior service, which is then sustained and leveraged through
creative advertising; brand building and strong supply chain relationships. Another
requirement for a successful differentiation strategy is that customers must be
willing to pay more for the uniqueness of a product or service than the firm paid to
create it. A differentiation strategy will lead to higher firm performance only if
buyers value the attributes that make a product or service unique enough to pay a
higher price for it or if they choose to buy from that firm preferentially. If... Show
more content on ...
(Plantes, Finfrock, 2009) Zara s product differentiation strategy is based on high
quality and low prices. The company wants to be fashionable and desire for
everyone. This is the reason of their strategy (low price and high quality). In
society is such opinion about prices, if the product price is low, it means that the
quality is low. People think that everything with high prices has high quality, but it
is not true. In this case Zara did not want to be seen as a low quality brand. Hence
they create products of high quality. They wanted to be first between fashion
brands and add new designs to their collections twice a week. For customers is not
good to look the same designs two week, the company knows about customers needs
and they remove the products that do not sell well and changes the stores
organization twice a week. Products can be different by their functional aspects, by
the price and the quality. Zara differentiates by these elements. The main point of the
differentiation strategy for Zara is combination of the low price and high quality and
if other companies want to be desirable, they must do the same. Zara tries to decrease
the product in the inventory and increase the number of variable
The History Of Pigs
Pigs is any of the animals in the genus SUS, within the family of the even toed
ungulates. Pigs include the domestic pig and its ancestor, the common Eurasian
wild boar, along with other species. They lived up eight years. Pigs eat many
different things including shrubs, weeds, bird eggs, snakes, grasshoppers, mice,
roots,even manure. Pigs are mammals with stocky bodies, flat snouts, small eyes
and large ears. Pigs are valuable to humans including pork, lard, leather, and a
variety of medicines. Pigs are a very highly intelligent, social animals, and are found
all over the world. Pigs were among the first animals to be domesticated, about six
thousand years ago in China. Pigs usually weigh between three hundred and seven
hundred lbs.
The Evolving Relationship Between The U.s. Government
Chaelee Dalton Burnett Honors World Religions November 7 2014 The Evolving
Relationship Between the U.S. Government and the Mormon Church In 1844, Joseph
Smith, ecclesiastical leader of the Latter day Saints and presidential candidate, was
murdered by an angry mob. This mob was fostered by the release of a newspaper
questioning Smith s practices (including polygamy), qualifications, and intentions for
his potential presidency. More than 150 years later, Mitt Romney, a member of the
LDS Church, launched a presidential campaign and garnered forty two percent of the
popular vote. Although these two candidates share a faith, their political roles and
views are substantially different. This is representative of the significant changes in
the relationship between the Mormon church and the U.S. government. A
homegrown religion originating in the late 1820s, Mormonism arose as a rejection of
the existing Christian sects and a return to what the Mormons considered to be pure
Christianity. Similarly, the members believed their desire for a new kind of
government stemmed from their disillusionment with what they believed was a
corrupt government and a desire for the reestablishment of true American values and
the original intent of the founding fathers. This sentiment is epitomized by Joseph
Smith s presidential platform, which states No honest man can doubt for a moment,
the glory of American liberty is on the wane; and that calamity and confusion will
sooner or later destroy the
The Tyger And The Lamb By William Blake
Everything in the universe has an opposite. This provides a balance, a push and pull,
to the world. Because of this truth, no thing that exists is entirely one thing or the
other. Every animal, object, and event that has ever existed may have had bad effects
in one situation, but good effects for another situation. And every human, by
extension, has aspects about them that can be viewed as both good and evil. In his
poems, The Tyger and, The Lamb , author William Blakeexplores the ideas of duality,
and how each thing must have an equal opposite. He uses both these poems to further
ruminate on this dichotomy and brings up many questions in the context of religion.
He seeks to point out that in the Christian belief system, all things viewed as good
and bad in the world have apparently come from the same thing: God, and yet God is
seen as being entirely good. But if that is the case, then how can God be all good if
all the evil things come from him as well? Is anything then truly evil? Or does it
just seem that way from one perspective? Blake uses these two poems in conjunction
with one another to make the reader question these things and think about what good
and evil actually mean. Blake first published, The Lamb in his poetry collection The
Songs of Innocence, and in this poem he presents a lamb as a metaphor for
innocence and goodness. In the first stanza, the poem repeatedly asks, Little lamb,
who made thee? / Dost thou know who made thee? (LI. 1 2). This question
The Legend Of Robin Hood In Anglo-Saxon Lore
The legend of Robin Hood in Anglo Saxon lore represents the people s hero. The
histories and other few writings focused on the great deeds of high kings, lords and
knights; English folk lore gave little attention to the commoner. That is with the
notable exception of the yeoman Robin Hood. English peasants heard the tale of
Robin Hoods charismatic rebellion against strict hierarchy and rejoiced. Robin was
the original rebel, the original adventurer, and the hero all Englishmen identified
with. For this reason, Robin Hood has remained a key figure in the collective
mythos of the English and of their cultural children. To understand the importance
of Robin Hood and his adventures, one must first appreciate the extremely
mundane lives of the typical English peasant farmer. Born into duty and loyalty,
calcified feudalism forced the serfs to work the land on which they were born for
little profit and gain for a lifetime. Most were illiterate, uneducated, and highly
provincial. A serf s purpose was to remain loyal to his lord and to toil obediently
farming the land until death. Even the prospect of climbing into nobility oneself
was impossible. God had made serfs into serfs and lords into lords. To rebel against
one s station in life was to rebel against God. In other words, serfs had nothing to
strive for in the socioeconomic order of medieval England. These fettered minds gave
birth to a hero that captured the hopes and dreams that themselves they could never
achieve. The
Mahindra Reva vs. Tata Nano
Mahindra REVA vs. TATA nano
Mahindra REVA
Reva cars have been designed to be nimble, simple electric cars for non polluting
urban travel. They have been designed for inner city use, where performance and
long distance driving is not a major requirement. Reva electric cars are small city
cars with seating for two adults and two children.
Depending on model they are capable of top speeds of between 65km/h and 80km
/h (40 50mph) and have a range of up to 75km (48 miles) with lead acid batteries,
and up to 120km (75 miles) with lithium batteries.
The car is fuelled by plugging the car directly into a standard domestic power
socket. An 80% charge takes a little over two hours whilst a 100% charge takes
around 8 hours to complete. ... Show more content on ...
Since it was launched in 1999, the REVA has found some 800 customers in India,
according to the company s Delhi sales manager, mainly in the southern cities of
Bangalore and Hyderabad. Notable owners include Kapil Sibal, Union minister of
state for science and technology and Bob Hoekstra, CEO of the Philips Software
Centre in Bangalore. The company s web site says it has sold 2,000 of the vehicles.
The REVA has certainly won the hearts and mind of environmentally friendly
governments: the Japanese government offers an incentive of $2,600 to anyone
who buys the REVA; in the UK, a GWiz (REVA s local name) buyer gets 1,000
pounds in addition to a waiver for London s congestion tax and there are no charges
for parking.
TATA nano
Tata Nano is the cheapest car in the world. It is sold in home country India around
Rs 1 lakh i.e. approximately USD 2000.
It is manufactured by Tata Motor Limited, the largest to automobile company in
India. It s Chairman, Mr.RatanTata envisions that Tata Nano become a People s
car which is affordable by almost everybody. Tata Nano was first launched in India
on 1st April 2009 and was available in the Indian market by July 2009. Since
launching, it has created a huge buzz all over India. Within the first two days of
lunching, it has received 5500 booking. The figures kept increasing every day since
the launch.
What makes Tata Nano so very cheap?
Basically, by making
Earthly Fathers Research Paper
Growing up I learned by example, learning to speak by mimicking what I heard
and learning to walk by trying what I saw. For most, their first learning examples
are from their parents, and generally boys gravitate towards their father and girls to
their mother. Straight out of the gate I was following this trait, with a dad that s six
foot four with hands bigger than my head ever since I can remember that big strong
guy I call dad has been my role model, and Godintended it this way. God is our
Holy father and we are supposed to look to him for everything, however this is
harder to do when he isn t that big strong guy you see every day, therefore He gave
us earthly fathers, an earthly representation of himself. Why is this important? This
patriarchy that God put in place is important because it gives us an earthly version
of him that we can look to. A role model whose purpose is to provide for our needs,
protect us from harm, and teach how to be a servant of the Lord.
To begin, God is the great provider, therefore earthly fathers are providers for their
family as ... Show more content on ...
Personally, I see my Dad as a perfect example of this. My father is a man who loves
the Lord and lives for him in everything that he does. His daily life provides a
perfect example of how God instructs us to live. Leaping past just giving an
example, my Dad goes of his way to teach and guide us to live for the Lord
ourselves. I think that this is exactly what God intended of an earthly father, a man
not only striving to live for the Lord himself but his closest loved ones to follow
and do so as well. Overall I think this serves as the most important reason that God
created earthly fathers. Without any effort God can rid us of all danger and provide
for any of our needs, however he uses a messenger to create the connection between
the two, tightening our bond between both earthly and heavenly Father and
I Have An Avid Golfer
I have been an avid golfer, ever since I was five years old. I aspired to be like the
profession ladies I would watch golf on TV. Before my eight grade year, I thought it
would be a good idea to attend an LPGA event. At this age, it would be perfect,
because I am young enough that I can get into these tournamentfor free with an adult,
and I am old enough that I would know what to watch for when I am there. The
only problem was, I had to pick a tournament that I could possibly be able to play in
one day. For most tournaments, there are certain requirements you have to meet to
play in. Also, all of the LPGAevents were not close to Nebraska, they are all either on
the coasts of the U.S. or in another country.
The only tournament ... Show more content on ...
For professionals, that already have their tour card, they can enter into this
tournament, along with either being on the top 20 in tournament winnings, top 50 on
the money list/Rolex Rankings, or again have a sponsorship. So, in my dreams I
could possibly qualify and participate in this tournament one day.
There are around 160 players that qualify for this tournament and play on Thursday
and Friday, but to play for the weekend, they have to make the cut. To make the cut,
the players have to shoot four over par, which makes for high competition to make
the cut. This would leave around 70 ladies that would make the cut that get to play
the rest of the weekend.
A few days before my dad and I leave for the tournament, I mentally prepare myself
to know what I m going to look for while I m there, so I can hopefully apply what I
see to improve my game. This would be a great learning experience for me. To watch
the professionals and evaluate their swings, alignment, etc. to apply to my golf game.
So, when I start getting serious about golfing and enter high school or enter into
summer tournaments, I can be ahead of the game. Also, to know what kind of
competition I will have to deal with if I ever enter into this tournament.
So, my dad and I get to our hotel Wednesday night. We settle in before the next day to
go to the tournament. Thursday morning, we wake up bright
Raise The Red Lantern Essay
Raise The Red Lantern is a film that follows the story of Songlian, a young
university student forced to become the concubine of a feudal lord after the death of
her father. Songlian is the fourth mistress to the Master and has the most trouble
assimilating to the domestic life of servitude that is expected of her. The harsh
traditions and expectations present in the manor are made clear through Yimou
Zhang s use of framing. The vastness of the manor is assumed however Zhang
choses to show limited areas neatly framed in geometric symmetry. Characters in the
shot are always framed within a structure of the manor and placed carefully in each
frameso not to disturb the symmetry and order in each shot. The precision of the
camera visually represents the restrictions placed on the mistresses and how Songlian
feels trapped in her new life.
From the very moment she steps foot on the property Songlian is swallowed up by
the overbearing traditions of the manor. Her face is ... Show more content on ...
Songlian does not admit to her own insanity, in fact it is the Master that decides she
is to be treated as such when she accuses him of murdering the third mistress. The
Master was ultimately the one that decided Songlian s condition and sealed her fate
with a curse of eternal isolation. In the ending scene Songlian paces back and forth
in her doorway, framing herself in the window on her right and the window on her
left. This signifies her compliance with her own oppression, which is forced on her
through the idea that her insanity makes her opposition an illogical delusion. Zhang s
use of framing throughout the film serves as a visual metaphor to Songlian s feelings
of imprisonment and oppression. The perfect symmetry and clean lines of the manor
contrast with the corrupted practices and chaotic behavior that ensues

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  • 1. What Is The Best Essay Writing Service Crafting an essay on the topic "What Is The Best Essay Writing Service" poses a unique challenge, as it requires a delicate balance of objectivity and subjectivity. The difficulty lies in navigating the vast landscape of online writing services, each claiming to be the epitome of excellence. To begin with, one must sift through a plethora of options, scrutinizing customer reviews, evaluating pricing structures, and assessing the credibility of the platforms. The task becomes even more intricate when considering the subjective nature of the topic. What might be deemed the best essay writing service for one individual could fall short for another, depending on specific needs, preferences, and expectations. The elusive nature of "best" in this context demands a nuanced approach, considering factors such as quality of work, adherence to deadlines, customer support, and overall user experience. Additionally, the potential ethical concerns associated with utilizing essay writing services introduce another layer of complexity. Determining the ethical implications requires careful consideration of academic integrity, potential plagiarism, and the responsibility of both the service providers and the students who seek their assistance. Despite the challenges, exploring the nuances of the best essay writing service provides an opportunity for critical thinking and analysis. It encourages a reflection on the evolving landscape of education and the role of technology in academic support. However, striking a balance between a subjective assessment and an objective evaluation adds an extra layer of intricacy to the task. In conclusion, delving into the topic of the best essay writing service necessitates a thorough examination of numerous factors, making it a demanding yet intellectually stimulating task. As with any subjective matter, opinions may vary, and the process requires a careful consideration of the ethical dimensions involved. In navigating this complex landscape, one must tread with caution, weighing the benefits against potential pitfalls. For assistance with similar essays and more, one can explore the services provided by What Is The Best Essay Writing ServiceWhat Is The Best Essay Writing Service
  • 2. The Impact Of Teenagers In The 1950 s The 1950 s was a time of great social change. The word, teen ager was recently coined and applied to people aged thirteen to nineteen. During this decade, people s perception of youth and adolescents drastically changed as children became more rebellious. Previous to 1950. society consisted of two main stages of human development: children and adults. When the Baby Boom started in 1946, producing more babies, a new eraof music, attitudes, practices, and dancebegan to appeal to kids that did not feel socially accepted by adults in society. This was the start of the teenage rebellion. With increased teenager presence came more disapproval because of rebellious behaviour. Teenagers were pitted against media, parents, and local authority. Teenagers started disobeying parents, getting expelled from school, and fighting back against authority. Indeed, the 50s were a time that saw upheavals towards the impact of the music, change of attitudes, new fashions, and new dances developed children into teenagers. The impact music had on teenagers was significant. Teenager s developed a new style of music called Rock n Roll, because the lyrics reflected and embraced their lives. High school sweethearts, fast cars, and rebellion against authority resembled what teenagers craved the most. Parents disliked the message and influence behind the lyrics of Rock n Roll, because they believed it caused juvenile delinquency. Parents hated the sexuality of the songs, the performers,
  • 3. Sesame Street, Pinky Dinky Doo And The Electric Company The American pay television channel, HBO, has raised the stakes by launching a new Kids section which will directly compete with streaming sites such as Netflix, Hulu and Amazon. The television network, known for its popular shows such as Game of Thrones, is adding another category notch to its belt. The move to include a new Kids section will also be made available to the mobile app as well as introducing children s programming on its TV network. What are the shows included? Popular shows like Sesame Street, Pinky Dinky Doo and The Electric Company are some of the many shows that will air on HBO. The partnership with Sesame Street in particular is a good move set by the network because of the prominent changes in the industry.The
  • 4. My Escape From Home It is my first day at Westvalley high, and boy was my heart racing. I silently go over my mother s words in my head. New school, new start, new friends. As much as I know this is not true, I try and keep my hopes high. Trying my best to deny the constant feeling of being alone. But the truth is I am not alone... I am standing in a crowded hallway listening to the sudden groans of students as they realise they are no longer in the paradise they call home. Unfortunately for me the feelingof loneliness just won t let go, somehow this school seems even lonelier than the dump I call home. My mother is never home and maybe that is the reason her words feel so dear to my heart. Almost every day she slaves away at work barely scraping up enough money to afford the rent only to be greeted by my ill tempered father. My father is almost never happy and when he gets into one of his moods it is hard to escape his fury. I guess you could think of school as an escape from home yet now I feel more like a stranger than ever before. Bring! Bring! Oh no! Here comes the first day of torture... I slowly stumble into the classroom making sure my desk is the closest to the back. I couldn t bear the thought of sitting in the front again, not after my last class. I sit silently as the roll is called only opening my mouth to murmur the word present before returning back to my quiet self. I suppose when it all comes down to it most kids seem alright at the least, but there is one girl that seems to
  • 5. A Report On New Zealand Essay Background Overview New Zealand is an island country with a population of 4.4 million. Auckland is the country s largest city with a population of 1.4 million people. It is one of the fastest growing cities in Asia Pacific, the on going population growth in the region will continuously generate economic growth over the short /medium term. Statistics suggest that Auckland requires between 9000 and 11000 new dwellings every year to meet the latent demand due to population growth. Auckland has a particularly significant issue on housing affordability because land supply is tightly confined by a strict urban/rural boundary, development rules and consents are restrictive, and immigrants (inward and external) are attracted to the jobs and natural amenities in the region. Rapidly rising rates of house price inflation have been reflective of a demand supply imbalance. 1.Introduction Auckland is New Zealand s largest residential property market.There has been a physical shortage of houses, particularly in Auckland. Strengthening economic growth and migration inflows as well as loose credit conditions multiplied demand in construction sector. More recently, the Official Cash Rate (OCR) has been increased from 2.5 percent to 3 percent for the purpose of preventing general inflation pressures in the broader economy. Housing supply conditions have also started to improve with a recovery in residential construction, centred in Auckland. These factors are all working to reduce the
  • 6. Measurement Of Ph And Total Dissolved Solids Essay For the measurement of pH and total dissolved solids, according to Phocaides (2007), pH increase may increase the level of bicarbonate concentration, which would affect the uptake of minerals by the plants and thus affecting their metabolism. The level of pH above 8.5 is often caused by high bicarbonate and carbonate concentrations, known as alkalinity. And these concentrations of high carbonates cause calcium and magnesium ions to form insoluble minerals leaving sodium as the dominant ion in solution (Bauder, 2011). And for total dissolved solids, according to Arabi et al. (2010), increase in total dissolved solids in irrigation water affects the soil efficiency, growth and yield of the crops. It was found that the total dissolved solids were lower than the WHO standards in the upstream of Thimphu River and met the standard for drinking water but it increased as it passed through the urban areas (Giri and Singh, 2013). Thus, with rampant urbanization and development activities happing, the pH and total dissolved solids needs regular monitoring to check the quality of water for irrigation. 3.3.2Electrical conductivity The most influential water quality guideline on crop productivity is the water salinity hazard as measured by electrical conductivity (ECw) (Bauder, 2011). Higher electrical conductivity means higher salinity which means that plant require more energy to take nutrients dissolved in water from fertilizer and soil (Tsado et al., 2014). According to Phocaides
  • 7. Clocking Cultures By Carol Ezzell Analysis A science writer by the name of Carol Ezzell is the author of the article called Clocking Cultures. Since as the early 1990s, Ezzell works as a writer and editor at Scientific American, a popular American science magazine that focuses on mainly on biology and technology. Ezzell also work at science related organizations like Science News, Bio/World and Nature. Ezzell have received an award for her journalism within the field of science by the National Association of Science Writers and the Pan American Health Organization. In the year of 2000, Ezzell won a Science In Society Journalism award for her article Care for a Dying Continent. The article was about how AIDS has affected the women and girls in Zimbabwe. Originally, the article was... Show more content on ... Social scientists have recorded wide differences in the pace of life in various countries and in how societies view time whenever as an arrow piercing the future or as a revolving wheel in which past, present, and future cycle endlessly (165). This is how cultures can view time differently than other cultures. In result, cultures can have a clear perspective of how time works and have an understanding of how time is perceived. Estell says that the study of time and society can be divided into the pragmatic and the cosmological Estell supports the statement by stating a 1950s anthropologist, Edward T. Hall, JR. Hall wrote about the rules of social time be apart a silent language for a culture. Hall says The rule might not always be made explicit, but they exist in thin air... They are either familiar and comfortable or unfamiliar and wrong (165). This states that different cultures will have a better understanding of how time works than other people do in the world. Hall describes how different perspectives of time can lead to misunderstanding between cultures and people. An ambassador who has been kept waiting for more than half an hour by foreign visitor needs to understand this if his visitor just mutters an apology this is not necessarily an insult (165). This is the example of the different time systems in foreign country.
  • 8. Comparing the Opening Sequence of The Italian Job (1969)... Comparing the Opening Sequence of The Italian Job (1969) and the Opening Sequence of The Italian Job (2003) In this essay I will be comparing the opening sequences of The Italian Job (1969) and its modern day remake The Italian Job (2003). The original was directed by Peter Collinson and starred famous actors such as Michael Caine. It was a huge success and gained a massive cult following. The remake in 2003 was directed by Gary Gray and stared Mark Wahlberg and Seth Green. Again this was a huge success and introduced the film to a new generation. The opening sequence is a very important one as it gives the viewer a feel for the movie and what s to be expected from the film. Keep in mind that the ... Show more content on ... One minor flaw is the amount of damage actually done to the car, all the paint work seems to be in immaculate condition with some light body damage not what you would expect from a massive explosion. You then see Charlie Crocker getting released from prison. This immediately gives you ideas on this person s personality as he has been in jail. In the 2003 version the action is quite different; as the credits are rolling, fast paced orchestral music is playing in the back ground with shots of plans of what you presume are for some type of crime. The music builds up to a climax before stopping and going into the movie. A man in his mid sixties walks out of the shop on the phone to his daughter as they talk about where he is and if his Parole Officer knows about it. Within the first few sentences you can tell that the man has something to do with the plot as he talks about breaking out of prison which makes the viewer feel suspicious about his past. He informs you that he s in Venice and the cameras pan towards the trademark features such as the gondolas and Rialto Bridge. He meets up with work colleagues and they begin to initiate their plan. All of this creates a sense of anticipation, you are expecting something to happen shortly. During the boat chase scene, there is a dramatic difference in the music. Loud and fast paced music is being
  • 9. Britain And The British Empire As the British Empire developed into one of the largest in the world, the purpose of the empire was questioned and how the empire would affect Britain created tension within Britain. Throughout the eighteenth century, the British focused their efforts on a commercial and maritime empire that would carry their values of liberty, equality and rule of law with it. The accounts detail aspects of the first empire with the mentality and the treatment that the men have regarding their ideas of Britain and her empire. Ideas that would be challenged by the American Revolution and the Americans claim against the British, such as repressive and calling the king a tyrant. This forced the British to adapt the image of themselves and how they dealt with their empire. In order to understand the changing times that the accounts are documenting, first the men need to be placed into the society in which they lived. This will be accomplished through the development of the empire s ideology and forming of the British identity, and then by looking at the British state building and forms of nationalism with an emphasis on class and gender within the nation. This will be followed with the British perspective of the empire and concluded by discussion the mobility caused by the empire that is demonstrated from the travel accounts. First, the development of the British imperial ideology and the formation of an identity that plays an integral role within the narratives and the development of a unique
  • 10. Critical Thinking--Responsibity of Accident Essay Table saw accidents are more common than the average person would think. According to Table Saw Accident Stories and Statistics, 95% of the accidents are hand, arm, wrist and finger injuries and 5% are eye, face, trunk, and leg with persons between the ages of 15 64. Three important issues stand out when it come to the operation of table saws in the work place and in the home; safety, training and equipment conditions. Mr. John Schmidt was injured on June 7; he seriously injured his hand while pushing a large piece of wood through a table saw in the production shop at work. Who is at fault here, the company or Mr. John Schmidt? Problems to be examined are the functioning of the safety guards presently on the table saw being used in the... Show more content on ... The co worker claims that the foreman was informed by them about the safety guard. After examining, the safety report records state the opposite of what s in the written maintenance reports. If there was an issue with equipment the foreman is supposed to report it to the shop manager. Being that the safety guard was poorly designed is my main reason to why the company is at fault. The company put their employees at risk when they had knowledge of a safety issue. Training, secondly, is very important in the operation of table saws. While the safety guards are in place to protect the operator from hazards, it is still important that employers have trained their staff properly in operating equipment. Although the safety guard is intended to protect, it only protects in four directions: from above, from the rear and form the sides. This puts the operator hands inadvertently unprotected from the front of the saw. Training records need to be checked and if they are outdated enroll everyone, including the foreman and the shop managers up for training classes on equipment. Also the foreman and the shop managers need to go to manager training on how to handle workplace safety, employee situations and how to handle incidents reported to them. Also as part of the training, making sure that the employees or management understand the company handbook and other policies hoping it will help
  • 11. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Essay example The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was established in 2000 by its namesake, Bill Gates, and his wife Melinda. The couple created the foundation to help reduce inequities in the United States and around the world. 1 It is headquartered in Seattle, Washing and is co chaired by Bill, Melinda and William Gates Sr. Since its founding the foundation has accrued an incredible $31.9 billion and has a net worth of almost $50 billion. With such spending power, the foundation has been able to make great progress, particularly in the areas of global health. It has also made a sincere effort to improve many public school systems in the US. The foundation is organized much like a corporation, with a hierarchy that contains several tiers of... Show more content on ... The foundation has centered around three main areas, Global Development, Global Health and domestic issues in the United States. Their Global Development branch is the newest and smallest of three, having donated just under $30 million in grants to the cause. The initiative focuses on education and infrastructure in underprivileged nations. The first grant was issue in May, 2006; $1.2 million was given to the University of Maryland to help evaluate and improve vaccines by studying various diseases of young children in third world countries. The most recent grant was $15 million to Columbia University s Earth Institute, whose goal is Mobilizing the Sciences and Public Policy to Build a Prosperous and Sustainable Future. 2 Another notable grant is almost $10 million across five years to help increase access to safe water and promote better hygiene in Kenya through stimulating an existing school based education program. Domestic efforts within the United States were the original initiative of the foundation before it became a multi national contributor. The main focus of this initiative is to improve school systems within the nation. They feel that as a nation, we are failing to ensure that all our young people reach
  • 12. Game Theory Essay Game Theory Picture if you will a group of people making decisions. The decisions that are made do not have to be significant at all. They have to be just significant to the situation at hand. This concept is considered to mathematicians as Game Theory. Game Theory is broken down into tree different types of games. As stated by Thomas S. Ferguson of UCLA There are three main mathematical models or forms used in the study of games, the extensive form, the strategic form and the coalitional form . Some games that are the most popular to being discussed in Game Theory are chess, checkers, and tic tac toe (Ferguson). There are also different terms that are used in this theory as well. Some of the major terms are The Nash Equilibrium, ... Show more content on ... It gave poof that his minimax system worked. He ended up writing a book in 1944 about the subject as well. He manly took what Waldegrave did and made it easier for people to understand. Game Theory went to the masses in 1950 when a man by the name of John McDonald. He published game theory in a way that brought it to the masses. It was revolutionary he was describing that game theory could be applied to many different games of the time. The game theory he was publishing was not accurate to what the pervious mathematicians where putting out. He was saying game theory is a system of how to win any complicated game. Although, what he was doing is showing what potential game theory was having on the mass public (Belletto, 2009). Also in 1950 Albert W. Tucker while trying to describe game theory to psychology majors at Stanford. He came up with what will be now known as the Prisoners Dilemma (NASAR, 1995). He came up with this while working on various other mathematical problems of that time. Some of the other problems where Linear Programming, encouraged John Nash to go with his ideas. In 1951 John Nash came up with a significant piece of game theory that has been named in his honor. It is dubbed as the Nash Equilibrium. It manly states that if both players could see each others moves in the game they would still go with the plan they
  • 13. Greed In Beowulf Today, those who acquire abundant talent recurrently attract a lot of attention, and those who are lucky enough, become famous for their talent. The once humble person, after acquiring fame, begins to become very popular, and their whole life changes. That person s personality begins to alter, changing them into arrogant monsters, and their desire for more fame grows exponentially. Soon, the quest for fame leads to destruction by unintentionally chasing pride, the fame monster. This is evident in the epic poem Beowulf, and in the articles The Fame Motive and A Phenomenology of Fame. Beowulf became a very famous warrior from defeating monsters. Throughout the story, he kills a demon named Grendal, Grendal s revengeful mother, and a dragon.... Show more content on ... This hunt causes many celebrities to become primarily occupied in their own life and focused solely on themselves. Celebrities become so egotistical because in a world where the celebrity is hardly ever told no, a predominantly self centered orientation can occur (Rockwell and Giles 189). Becoming so narcissistic causes many to go down the path towards self importance. The desire for pride becomes addictive on the journey towards fame, and according to Donna Rockwell and David C. Giles, It becomes difficult for the person to imagine living without said, I ve been addicted to almost every substance known to man at one point or another, and the most addiction of them all is fame (Rockwell and Giles 184). It becomes very difficult for people to tread off the path of selfishness. The drive for a well known reputation becomes so great that it is too resilient for some to terminate their quest for this fame. This urge, according to The Fame Motive, It s like belief in the afterlife in medieval communities, where people couldn t wait to die and go on to better life, Dr. Brim said. That s how strong it is (Carey, The Fame Motive ). The motivation for fame is something that many people cannot easily escape; they will obtain in no matter what the cost is, whether that s losing friends or family, or losing your
  • 14. An Examination of Oscar Wilde’s Mockery of Victorian... An Examination of Oscar Wilde s Mockery of Victorian Conventions in The Importance of Being Earnest In Victorian society, the conventional norms of status, gender roles, and marriage were closely linked by an institution that men and women were placed with unrealistic demands and expectations from society. Women were brought up by their parents to become the perfect housewife, and men were forced into marriages based on status within the society. In Oscar Wildes play, The Importance of Being Earnest, he mocks the typical Victorian conventions and ideals of what society held on the individual. I will be examining the techniques Wilde uses, such as satire, symbolism, and farcical situations, and showing how he takes those Victorian ... Show more content on ... He is saying that all Victorian husbands practice Bunburying, and if they do not, they will not live in bliss with their wife. He also states that, Divorce is made in heaven (Wilde 1735), inversing the normal idea that marriage is made in heaven. According to Petrie, The men s expectations pressured women to be the ideal Victorian woman society expected them to be (Petrie 180). This is true for the typical Victorian ideal, but in The Importance Importance of Being Earnest Wilde reverses this idea, having the men get pressured by the expectation of the women. This is shown exceptionally true when both Jack and Algernon are at Shropshire and they are planning on getting re christened in order to change their name to Ernest, as stated by Jack I have just made arrangements with Dr. Chasuble to be christened at a quarter to six... (Wilde 1766) and Algernon I made arrangements to be christened at 5:30 (Wilde 1766). When Jack first finds out about Gwendolyn s obsession over the name Ernest, and asks if she could love him if his name was Jack, she harshly responds Jack? No, there is very little music in the name Jack, if any at all, indeed. It does not thrill. It produces absolutely no vibrations... I have known several Jacks, and they all, without exception, were plain (Wilde 1742). This goes against the ideal that the
  • 15. Pit Bull Liability Research Pit bulls are a breed of dog that are notoriously labeled as being dangerous and as having a propensity to attack without warning. Statistics gathered from 2005 through 2015 found that Pit bulls accounted for 64.4 percent, or 232, of the 360 deaths of Americans suffered due to dog bite injuries, while only making up about 6.6 percent of the total U.S. dogpopulation. Due to these statistics, there are many who defend enacting statutes that specifically point to incidents involving these dogs needing strict liability to protect third parties. The Maryland Court of Appeals, for example, held in Tracey v. Solesky (2012) that owners and landlords are liable for injuries caused by pit bulls and cross bred pit bull mixes, describing them as inherently dangerous. The judgment of this court ruling meant that it was no longer necessary to prove that a pit bull who attacks a person or that pit bulls in general are dangerous; all pit bull owners are automatically held to a strict liability standard under Maryland law. This case established a new standard of liability for a specific breed of dog due to what some would argue is their aggressive and vicious nature. ... Show more content on ... Therefore, even if the owner of a wild animal takes significant measures to protect others from being harmed by their pet, they are still held responsible for any injuries that do occur. This is due to the fact that wild animals cannot be tamed and it is assumed that all wild animals naturally have vicious tendencies. Strict liability laws in regards to possessors of wild animals exist because these kinds of animals are more dangerous than domestic animals are. A tiger that lives in an individual s house brings a higher degree of risk than, for example, a house cat would
  • 16. Penny-Personal Narrative It all started on the morning of July 26, when I told my dear daughter Penny Woods to go out and buy the groceries for dinner. She had been so excited to drive by herself since she had just received her driver s licence. It was hard for me to let her go to the store without me, but I knew I had to. The weather was nice, it was sunny and the clouds dotted the sky. It made me feel better letting Penny go off all alone. I wish I had known that it was the last goodbye I would ever say to her. After Penny left I did my daily activities, but time had slipped by me. When the clock struck twelve I thought it was a mistake, since Penny was not home yet. She had left one hour before and never returned. In the midst of my confusion there came a... Show more content on ... She came in and started investigating right away, from the floor to the furniture. Her face looked tired from what seemed like working too many hours. She then asked me who lives in the house and where they were at that moment. I responded saying There are four people living in the house currently which include....myself, my daughter Penny would who is missing sadly, Mr. Tiller who a the father and my husband, and lastly our maid Beatrice, who went on vacation about two days ago. Suddenly Dan interrupted our little meeting I hate to uh... disrupt this discussion. He said sarcastically, but we should probably get to the market so we can find out if Penny is safe. When he said this, I heard a little happiness in his voice, almost like he wants to find her hurt. We started off to the area around the corner and began our search. After we split up to find where she was, I found a note on the ground in what looked like a blue paper that is indistinguishable from the collection of paper she got for her birthday. I yelped with so many emotions that had built up inside me, and took the blue paper to unravel it. The paper said eggs, milk, flour, red peppers, one whole turkey, and potatoes. After I read the list I screamed so loudly that I am pretty sure the others could here me from across the store. I was right and they came over right away, both breathless. What happened, are you hurt or did you find something. said the investigator with a
  • 17. Great Depression Cinderella Man Representation of the Great Depression in Cinderella Man The movie Cinderella Man was about life in the Great Depression from a boxer s point of view. The focus of the movie was on the protagonist, James Braddock; a father who had to accept jobs on the docks and become a boxer again so he could earn money to buy food and pay the bills. The movie highlighted the conditions for the homeless, the trough in the economy, and the struggle to support a family. The movie was successful in being a true and accurate representation of the Great Depression. The movie portrayed the lives of the homeless in a realistic way. On screen, the homeless were seen sleeping in hobo jungles , and in one case an automobile. In reality, the homeless did live in these jungles where thousands of people without jobs would gather to pass their leisure time. These hobo jungles were seen as dangerous places, where James friend Mike was trampled by riot police. They were dangerous places in the 1930 s, where men who slept there would be robbed,... Show more content on ... In one scene, James was walking home from the docks and passed a newspaper that read Unemployed hits record 15,000,000 . About 25% of the American workforce was unemployed by the end of 1933, so this movie correctly shows the situation in the economy. In another scene, James was walking by stores where the lights were off and the windows were empty. This proves that these stores went out of business, which occurred during the Great Depression because the money that businesses spent on stocks was lost in the crash. In the scene where Mike and James were at a bar, they talked about how they lost their money on stocks in the crash, and how the government took away Mike s house. Many people invested in stocks, and the crash caused them to lose money, jobs, and homes from this. Given these points, the movie accurately presented the trough, but also the lives of
  • 18. The Three Creation Myths Question One The signs of miracles and or Magic discussed in the creation myths Each of the creation myths reveals some form of supernatural power beyond human understanding. One common magic that is common is creation from nothing . It is believed that a supreme deity who existed from the beginning of time solely participated in creation. With the emptiness that existed, the Supreme Being creates through uttering words or body secretions (Pinsent, 18). He then organizes the world into the form that it exists presently. It is also a common belief that the supreme deity has power to give life to human through his breath. As much as he could engage in physical creation, he also shared the life in them to humans. Certain creatures are also ... Show more content on ... Sumerian myth describes how the gods created black headed people and provided conducive environment for animals that encouraged procreation. Inupiat myth brings out the importance of the condemnation of evil and pursuit for peace. It also reveals the value for humans by ensuring that they get what they need for survival. Good conduct is also emphasized to ensure that peace and order is maintained. Negritos myth brings out the ideas that creation took place through thoughts or dreaming. It is believed that a divine couple, Pedn and Manoid existed in the sun that later created the Earth. First, nature is valued as the source of the universe and all life forms. Relations are valued as it is the source of human life (Powell, 34). Question Three Nature of cultures The Sumerian culture portrays the importance of animals as compared to human beings. This was evident when the gods failed to inform people of the impending floods (Pinsent, 21). The Inupiat culture inculcates good human conduct among humans to ensure peace and sustainability. Evils and evil spirits are greatly condemned as they disrupt peace and order in
  • 19. Hybrid Cryptography Using Symmetric Key Encryption Hybrid cryptography using symmetric key encryption Sean laurel rex bashyam1, karthik Shankar2 ,Saitheja kadiyala3 Dept. of electrical engineering1,3 Dept. of computer science2 {skadiyal ,sbashyam ,kshankar} professor Abdel shakour Abuzneid Dept. of computer engineering University of bridgeport Bridgeport , CT Abstract Crucial methods are employed to deploy the majority networks to acquire the data. Modern improvements stores, transfer data at higher rate. Traditional methods which provide security to the information. Using single encryption algorithms are more prone to issues and these are implemented without knowing its shortcomings. This proposed algorithms provides new step to avoid shortcomings. We resemble some famous algorithms as follows. Firstly, we create a new algorithms, In order to provide security issue and time constraint of operation. Secondly, We combine AES using multiplexing of keys, Improvement of DES key size and blowfish algorithm, then we encrypt data using the proposed algorithm. This can enhance the security and complicates the Encryption. In this paper we provide both the encryption and decryption that supports in real time application and algorithm has a practical value.5 Index Terms Hybrid encryption, Advance Encryption Standard(AES), Data Encryption Standard(DES), Blowfish, Key length. I. INTRODUCTION Encryption is a method of converting plain text to cipher text using some base keys and
  • 20. Blarney Stone Research Paper To journey the world requires a traveler to possess qualities that pertain to the culture and people in which they are attempting to assimilate with, but the traveler must do their best to lose all the traits and habits that their home has burdened them with and jump into a new culture with the eagerness to learn new traits and discover what this new segment of the world has to offer. Over the past summer, I journeyed with a group of my fellow high school friends to the coasts of Irelandin which for one week, we travelled and assimilated with the many different cultures that one can find within the plains of this great country. The discovery of a genuine connection between our group and the townspeople of Ireland aided us in discerning the... Show more content on ... We made our way back to Shannon airport on a hazy June morning, and throughout the entire flight back, all I could think about was what Cillian had said to us. I had discovered lifelong friends, magnificent scenery, and, most importantly, a goal set on my mind to live like Cillian. When we returned to the States, I sparked the idea of making a shirt that portrays a picture of our group with Cillian and under a quote in typical Irish letters Live Like Cillian. I will hold onto the shirt for the rest of my life as a constant reminder that my goal in life should not be riches but rather to create enduring bonds with those dear to me and enjoy every minute that I spend with them. Ireland taught me more than I could have ever imagined, and there is no way I can fully repay her kinsmen for what they instilled in
  • 21. Essay on Hardships in Birches by Robert Frost Hardships in Birches by Robert Frost In any life, one must endure hardship to enjoy the good times. According to Robert Frost, the author of Birches , enduring life s hardships can be made easier by finding a sane balance between one s imagination and reality. The poem is divided into four parts: an introduction, a scientific analysis of the bending of birch trees, an imaginatively false analysis of the phenomenon involving a New England farm boy, and a reflective wish Frost makes, wanting to return to his childhood. All of these sections have strong underlying philosophical meanings. Personification, alliteration, and other sound devices support these meanings and themes. Frost supports the theme by using language to seem ... Show more content on ... Birch trees are naturally very flexible. Frost explains that this is caused by ice storms placing weight upon the branches: When I see birches bend to left and right / Across the line of straighter darker trees, / I like to think some boy been swinging in them. / But swinging doesn t bend them down to stay. / Ice storms do that. Often you must have seen them . He writes of the difference between childhood and adulthood in the first two lines of this passage. The comparison is of the youthful birches with children playing in them to the dark and rigidly conforming straight tree. The straighter darker trees are the symbol of adulthood, of the ridiculous redundancy of the private sector. Frost appears to despise this repetitiveness and for this reason, he becomes a poet. In this occupation he can use his imagination, and walk the border between the birches and the straight trees. The theme of the poem refers to finding a balance between realism and imagination, and that finding this balance would help ease the pains of life downtrodden times. There is, however, a twist to this theme: They are dragged to the withered bracken by the load / And they seem not to break; though one they are bowed / So low for long, they never right themselves: A traumatic event in one s life, an ice storm in relation to birch trees, will never cease to exist in the mind,
  • 22. George Herbert Mead and Erving Goffman George Herbert Mead and Erving Goffman are two theorists in the study of sociology that have impacted the way we see sociology today. Their works, when closely examined, actually share some extreme similarities. Both of these men seemed very interested in the perception of self in the eyes of others as well as yourself. Mind, Self, and Society is an article written by Mead which was placed in the book entitled Social Theory: The Classic Tradition to Post Modernism which was edited by Farganis with the copyright of McGraw Hill in 2004. This primarily deals with the development of one s self, or their identity. Presentation of Self in Everyday Life is an article written by Goffman which was arranged to be in the book Inner Lives and... Show more content on ... Deviance is anything not easily recognizable to an audience. It is essentially anything juxtaposed w/ social norms. In our society, boys wear boy clothes and girls wear girl clothes. To deviate from that means to go against the social norm and wear clothes that are not specifically made for your gender. This is an example of a deviant gender. The movie Bully was made to enlighten the public on the true horrors that can result from this shockingly common act. The movie follows several children through their bully related troubles and how they react. One person who was documented was a sixteen year old lesbian who faced verbal abuse from the entire town for her sexual deviance. In Presentations of Self in Everyday Life, Goffman is constantly explaining how everyday life is a dramaturgy. A dramaturgy is the art of dramatic composition and essentially the production of a theatrical play. A social situation is much like a play. Every play has a stage, actors, a script, a set, rehearsals, and practices. In a social situation, the stage is where the encounter takes place, the actors are the people involved in the encounter, the script is the social norms of the social encounter, and the set is the environment where the encounter takes place. It takes practices and
  • 23. Enlightenment Attitudes Towards Religion Essay Enlightenment Attitudes Towards Religion Scientific and philosophical innovations during the 18th century brought about a new breed of thinkers. Their driving forces of rational and reason shifted the religious temperament of the elite from enthusiasts to intellectuals. They argued that there was no divine standard of morality, no afterlife to divert humanity from worldly concerns (The Western Experience, pg. 657). They were radicals who sought to displace the authority of religion. Driven by reason, enlightenment thinkers naturally opposed superstition and attempted to replace religious mysticism with philosophical standards and scientific formulations. Their shift of focus highlighted reverence for the Creator and moral teachings ... Show more content on ... 660). Dennis Diderot echoes this sentiment in his encyclopedic definition of the term irreligious stating that morality is the universal law that the finger of God has engraved on all our hearts, and that consequently we should not confuse immortality and irreligion. Mortality can exist without religion; and religion, perhaps, even exits frequently with immortality (Course Pak, Chapter 2, pg. 157). Further Diderot sites the Fathers of a council of Toledo in his definition of intolerance where they state do no violence of any kind to people in order to lead them back to faith, for God is merciful or severe to whomever he chooses (Course Pak, Chapter 2, pg. 156). By siting the fathers, Diderot masterfully escapes censorship while fighting the churches belligerence with its own words. Catholic Habsurg emperor Joseph II championed the philosophy of tolerance in 1781 in the Edict of Toleration. The Edict granted Jews and Catholics the same religious and civil rights, this was the first time such an act was condoned by a Catholic Habsburg ruler. In addition it also tried to limit the power of the Catholic Church by ordering the dissolution of numerous monasteries which were useless and corrupt. (The Western Experience, pg. 660). While tolerance proved to be an important concept of the enlightenment, deism was indeed the primary religious doctrine. Voltaire, one of the Enlightenment s most prolific writers was an
  • 24. Breast Feeding Pros And Cons When a child is born, it is like a blank piece of paper ready to absorb anything and everything that they possibly can. From birth they take in the light, the sounds, and the new environment they were just born into. This is when the great journey called life begins. This is the moment, moms start to worry about that piece of them that is now this new being. Mothers will continue to worry for the rest of their child s life. They only want what is best for their child and will follow all instructions to ensure their children have a good future. Worrying happens for everyone not only mothers. Anyone who studies and works in child development also worry about all the new babies who enter this world. They search, investigate, and find all the answers to help mothers make the right choices and better prepare their baby for the future.... Show more content on ... Whether there are any benefits to breast feeding and what these benefits are. Also, for how long breast feeding has to occur in order to receive certain benefits. There has been speculation back and forth whether, any claims can be plausible for either side of this argument. In the article, posted on LiveScience website, they discuss a study done in JAMA Pediatrics Journal, in which they found that breast feeding can bring many cognitive
  • 25. Geography Of The Indus River Barrett, EmilyPeriod 6 4/30/15 Geography The Indus River is located on the northwestern part of the sub continent with other rivers draining into it. Another river called the Ganges River was east of the Indus River. The climate was tropical and contained seasonal winds called monsoons. Monsoons during the winter were dry and went from land to the sea, letting little rain fall on the land. During summer monsoons wet winds go from ocean to land bringing rain with it. The mountain ranges, the Himalayas and Hindu Kush, were located near the north. The first civilization in the sub continent grew around the Indus River; later another civilization grew around the Ganges River. The rivers would flood and this leaves behind rich soils which makes plentiful crops that fed the civilization. Agriculture depends on the summer monsoon. If rain comes, there are no problems, but if it comes late or not at all crops die and people starve. Since they could not always depend on the monsoons they made irrigation channels that led to their crops. The Himalayas and Hindu Kush separated the sub continent from the rest of Asia. Culture Clothing India was the first place that made and used cotton in a piece of clothing called a sari, which was worn by women. This piece of clothing was long and could be worn in different ways. Rich women wore saris made of silk. Men wore a long piece of clothing called a dhoti. Since dhotis were shorter they only covered men s lower
  • 26. The Importance Of Choices In The Film The film is explains the context choice and consequences. Moss makes a choice to take money, to keep the money and furthermore a choice to not surrender even when his wife might die because of that decision. Such moral choices we do make and we as a result must suffer and accept consequences of these decisions. Chigurh allows people to make a choice using a coin: heads or tails. These choices surround more on the fate or luck of person. These choices, unluckily, have consequences. However, even Chigurh has the choices too: let an individual live or die. It is about our moral responsibility, making rightful choices in a world where previous answers are no director and evil done is overwhelming. Do we surrender to those evil or do our best to uphold integrity even if we lose everything? This kind of moral direction is the heart of the... Show more content on ... He uses a coin to show his viewpoint of life, specifically ways that fate, free will, and chance function in defining the result of one s life. The fact that he forces his victims to pick in the coin toss shows the way we can make choices but only within our limits of mortality. We mostly do not have any control over our death. The coin explains the chance and choice function towards death. Choosing either heads or tails is an example of the outcomes of our choices and decisions, which result to our end. Chigurh uses coin to show that the smallest of all actions toss of coin can have massive consequences. In requesting Carla and Carson choose between life and death on a toss of coin... (Theme and analysis, 1). Chigurh uses the coin to as a tool. The coin decides whether Carla and Carson live or die. This ends up with Carla dead because of the toss of a coin. It is by random chance, in my opinion, a coin found its way to Chigurh possession and his victims purely by random paths, reducing their deaths to a coin flip, randomly like being hit by a bus or murdered in
  • 27. The Cause Of The Ice Age Title The Theory of the Cause of the Ice Age Introduction Background There are many possible reasons for why ice ages form. We aren t sure which are correct. When there is a period of colder global temperatures and recurring glacial expansion, it s called an ice age. Ice ages are capable of lasting hundreds of millions of years. There have been five major that scientists have recorded: the Huronian, Cryogenian, Andean Saharan, Karoo, and Quaternary. Thesis Scientists have numerous predictions as to why ice ages happen, some of which are the distance of the Earth from the sun, the position and height of the continents, and the fluctuations in ocean currents. First Subtopic Continental Positions Topic Sentence Scientists believe that ice ages can be caused by the continents positions that blocks the flow of warm water that comes from the equator. The geological record appears to show that ice ages start when the continents are in positions which block or reduce the flow of warm water from the equator to the poles and thus allow ice sheets to form. (Raymo, Ruddiman, Froelich, 1988) Important aspects which contributed to ancient climate regimes are the ocean currents, which are modified by continent position as well as other factors. (Raymo, Ruddiman, Froelich, 1988) The continents positions play a big role. Continents move over time because of the tectonic plates. Pangaea split over time into the individual continents we have today. While Pangaea was splitting, there
  • 28. Argumentative Essay On White Trash White Trash Bash I strive for personal happiness in life. Some people would equate their happiness to money, personal possessions, or even success. While the standard for being happy will vary based on personal preference, I have noticed that the people that surround my life can make a significant impact on my overall happiness. For this reason, I have learned to avoid white trash. Their actions do nothing to increase happiness in others lives, in fact, in my experience they have done more harm than good. The term white trash does not necessarily refer to a person who lives in a white. The stereotype for white trash is typically Caucasian, dressing provocatively, and having poor hygiene. Furthermore, they are negligent parents, physically violent, and alcoholics, and they should be avoided. By understanding the key signs through their appearance and actions, people can avoid them and hopefully keep happiness and joy a part their lives. White trash people all exhibit three main characteristics in their appearance. The first easily noticeable sign is their ethnicity. white trash almost exclusively refers to Caucasian Americans. white trash is slang used in America to refer to lower income Caucasian families. This term derives from white trash which came about in the 1830 s. African American slaves would show an extensive amount of contempt towards white servants, thus developing the slang term white trash . Another easy way to spot white trash is their clothing. Due to the low income their clothes tend to be ill fitting. Over the years, this has transformed into more revealing clothing for men and women. Men will wear jean shorts, crocs, and alcohol affiliated baseball hats. In addition, they will wear a soiled a line tank top, also known as a wife beater , or no shirt at all. Women often wear tops showing excessive cleavage, midriff, and lower back. It is easy to see a woman s brightly colored thong peeking out of their skirts, rising along their hips creating what s called a whale tail . Another important detail in identifying white trash is their poor physical hygiene. They will normally have greasy hair, oily skin, terrible body odor, and disastrous teeth. Perhaps they don t see this as an
  • 29. A Modest Proposal Table of Contents Purpose Review of Literature...................................................................................pgs.5 7 Results..................................................................................................pgs.8 11 Conclusion...........................................................................................pgs.12 14 Reference Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to explore how temperature affects the expansion and contraction of gases using latex balloons. Therefore the research question is: what is the effect of temperature on the expansion and contraction of balloons? This would demonstrate how a balloon is able to expand and contract as the force and frequency of the... Show more content on ... The amount of insulation an object has will affect the amount of light it will absorb and the amount of thermal heat conduction an object will reflect. (Lee H., 2011). Thermal heat conduction is the transfer of internal energy, which is due to different temperature rates. The color of an object doesn t affect insulation. Insulation is usually the opposite of colors being absorbed and reflected against light. Instead, insulation will only affect an object s color depending on the temperature the object is being pressured by. For example, if an object has a dark color and there is a high temperature being pressured onto the dark object,the object will insulate heat inside. If the dark object was being pressured by a lower temperature the object would not insulate heat inside of the object because dark colors only insulate high temperatures (The University of
  • 30. The Program For Homeless Veterans In January 2014, approximately 49,933 American veterans were homeless on a given night. This number represents approximately 11% of the entire homeless adult population in the United States. Of those homeless veterans, 64% were reported to be sleeping in an emergency shelter or transitional housing and 36% were living on the streets or other places not meant for human habitation. Today, the federal government has many programs targeted to end veteran s homelessness; however, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) currently has only one program offering a permanent supportive housing solution for homeless veterans the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Supportive Housing program (HUD VASH). With this program HUD provides eligible homeless veterans with a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV), while the VA provides clinical case management and supportive services through its health care system. The purpose of this evaluation synthesis is to assess the HUD VASH program s effectiveness in targeting limited resources to the needs of homeless veterans today, as well as to provide specific policy recommendations so as to improve the overall taxpayer value of this program. Background Homelessness has always been a social problem in the United States; however, it only began to take precedence as an important policy problem to be solved by our nation s lawmakers in the 1970s and 1980s. Homeless veterans initially
  • 31. Udacity Course Analysis In 2011, Stanford professor Sebastian Thrun and research assistant David Stavens founded Udacity, a for profit platform on which MOOCs (massive open online courses) would be offered. One of their first classes, CS 373: Programming a Robotic Car, attracted 160,000 students across 190 countries. In simple terms of enrollment and global reach, Udacity was an instant success. Perhaps more importantly, Udacity showed the incredible potential of an online platform that can provide higher educationto those lacking the resources traditionally required to obtain it. In terms of sheer numbers, Udacity is not the only example of the success and popularity of MOOCs. According to a survey conducted by Harvard Business Review in 2015, over 25 million people have enrolled in a MOOC. This number outpaces the 20.5 million students who were expected to attend American colleges... Show more content on ... The answer is simple. They hold many advantages over the traditional mode of education. For example, the issues of location and language are almost nonexistent when it comes to MOOCs. Since they are offered online, the courses can be taken from any location, at any time, and lectures offered by the popular platforms usually have subtitles available in a multitude of languages. In The Professors Big Stage, journalist and author Thomas Friedman detailed his friend Michael Sandel s experience as a MOOC professor. Sandel, who teaches a famous 1,000 student, Socratic Justice course at Harvard, launched his course on edX, a MOOC cofounded by MIT and Harvard, in 2013. Sandel had returned from a recent trip to South Korea, where his course had been translated and broadcast on national television. The course became so popular that Sandel was asked to throw out a ceremonial first pitch at a baseball game and was given a free pair of colorful sneakers. Not only was Sandel able to reach a large international audience, his class was celebrated by those who experienced
  • 32. Road To Morocco Sparknotes 1. What is the Middle East like? What is it like compared to the U.S. or Europe? Road to Morocco depicts the Middle East, as a vast sandy desert, home to few settlements (Karameesh is shown to be the only city in a vast empty desert) and only partially inhabited by people, as well as camels. It is depicted as a mysterious, exotic and erotic place, with Jeff and Orville repeatedly calling it strange due to their inability to understand it traditions,, which is where most of the film s humor arises. One of the many times Jeff and Orville call it strange, they take back their comments because a woman in sheer veils walks by in a midriff baring jewelled bra and flowing bottom and gives them a longing stare. She is not the only exotic and sensual... Show more content on ... This is also evident in Kasim s various rampages through Karameesh in which he and his men shoot off guns and take women for even celebratory reasons, like proposing to Shalmar, in the beheaded men in the Palace s old courtroom, which suggests that the leader was a violent ruler, in the restaurant scene in which guards watch customers and threaten them with physical force if they do not pay, and in the fact that Orville is sold into Karameesh s apparently active slave
  • 33. James Baldwin AP Language: The Language of Composition Sample Responses to Questions on A Talk to Teachers by James Baldwin 1. In the opening paragraph, Baldwin establishes his ethos by connecting himself to his audience as a fellow citizen and fellow American, someone who loves his country and wants it to be whole and healthy. Though he identifies the chief fear of his audience as the fear of Communist, he proposes that the ore fearful aspect of American society of the early 1960s is the bad faith and cruelty of generations. Baldwin builds credibility with his audience by recognizing teachers as powerful people who deal with the minds and hearts of young people. His audience senses that he as a deep respect for what teachers do each day. He ... Show more content on ... * Empathy for African Americanchildren and their parents who have to enforce the unfair rules (para 4): his father or mother slaps him and drags him to the back of the bus * Pride in one s local area (para 5): tremendous monuments we find all over New York, contrasted with [i]f he lives in one of those housing projects of which everyone in New York is so proud ; his appeal to pathos is sardonic in tone * Sense of the tragic nature of the life of African Americans in poor areas (para 5): the pimps, the whores, the junkies 4. By showing his firsthand experience of the visible contrast between uptown and downtown the white world where garbage is collecged, the ownership and pride those who live downtown experience as opposed to the vision of the housing projects in paragraph 5 Baldwin convinces the audience further that he knows what he is talking about. His vivid imagery appeals to the listeners senses. Baldwin deepens his credibility with his audience of teachers as a person who has lived through this disparity, and he enables them to see and to feel the shocking difference between the ghetto and the white neighborhood through his eyes. 7. Baldwin uses quotation marks around the word and states, you called me
  • 34. Xerox Co. Diversity CASE 2 XEROX QUESTION 1 How would Xerox define diversity? How has its definition changed over the years? In business , diversity has seen action in the managing of human resource as essential capital in fostering businesses at a global scale . Diversity is also seen as a concept where differences can be a powerful resource . Based on the Case facts, Xerox value diversity as the most priceless resource to drive the company towards achieving its goals. According to Xerox Chairman amp; former CEO, Anne M. Mulcahy, diversity is not just about race, gender, age, sexual orientation or disability. She and the staff believed that diversity provide an environment for employee to grow for their fullest potential. Employee with different ways ... Show more content on ... For instance, women and minorities represent 52% of Xerox workforce and about 42.5% of Xerox senior executives are women or people of color or both. * Friendly HR policies Xerox understand that women struggling to balance work and family commitments. Thus, HR function initiated alternative work schedules and other HR policies as the company recognizes that family and individual needs affect employee performance. Besides, Xerox also has a work life programs to ensures that the workforce become successful in their career and family such as dependent care fund, employee assistance program and education assistance program. * Xerox Employee Caucus Groups A caucus group for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees. After establishment of this program, the company began to provide domestic partner benefits for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees. The groups consist of Asians Coming Together, Black Women s Leadership Council, GALAXe Pride at work, Hispanic Association for Professional Advancement, National Black Employee Assosiation and The Women s Alliance. * CEO roundtables An annual diversity employee roundtables with senior managers. This program provide platform for employees to engage in unfiltered
  • 35. Coca-Cola CSR Mrs. Betsy Ching The Coca Cola Company I ERCBA211 Mrs. Betsy Ching The Coca Cola Company ERCBA211 Contents Executive Summary II Introduction 1 1. Stakeholders 2 2. Triple Bottom Line 4 2.1 Financial 4 2.2 Social 5 2.3 Environment 6
  • 36. 2.3.1 Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection 6 2.3.2 Sustainable Packaging 6 2.3.3 Recycling 7 3. Corporate Social Responsibility 8 3.1 Ethical CSR 8 3.2 Altruistic CSR 8 3.3 Strategic CSR 9 4. Company s Success 11 Conclusion 13 References 14 Appendices 16 I
  • 37. Mrs. Betsy Ching The Coca Cola Company ERCBA211 Executive Summary The Coca Cola Company is the most ... Show more content on ... (Coca Cola Enterprises, CRS report 13/14, 2013) Every single stakeholder has different contributions or interests towards the company, for instance: Shareholders: Most of the shareholders in The Coca Cola Company are investors who interest to invest in a long term. It is caused by the company revenue, which in the long term has always been increasing constantly. Hence, their stock price also increases accordingly to the growth of the company. Employees: The Coca Cola company is a major global power company where the employee collaboration, contribution and enthusiasm is an essential environmental factor that maintains and facilitates productivity, growth, and development. Each employee is responsible for maintaining a work environment that reflects mutual respect, equality and absolutely no discrimination. Customers: Coca Cola distribution and target market is somewhat diverse, but mostly towards young people and emphasizing densely populated areas. Coca Cola appears everywhere, from bars, restaurants, from small to large retailers, from the 2 Mrs. Betsy Ching
  • 38. The Coca Cola Company ERCBA211 street to the alley just to mention some. Communities: Coca Cola implements and strategically invests in the community, by way of complement to the nonprofit environmental organizations. For example, one of the activity s goals is to
  • 39. Unit 23 Unit 23 D1 In this section I am going to evaluate the effectiveness of Lay people within the English Legal System. Lay people are extremely useful individuals within the civil and criminal courts within the English legal system. The most influential lay people are the Lay Magistrates and the Jury who have important roles with the legal system. Magistrates usually deal with most cases that are heard within the criminal system. They are the decision makers as to guilt or innocence making 97 99% of all cases while on the other hand 1% of cases are heard with a jury present. This shows us that those that are not legally qualified make most decisions regarding the criminal justice system, which means that they are ordinary people who hail ... Show more content on ... Magistrates because they are not paid, will have to take time off work to attend their duties. Now, in a business environment, an employer may be rather annoyed if an employee had to continuously take time off work to attend their duties and would thus be difficult for that employee especially if they are not to be paid whilst they are away. This loss of earning may discourage a person from becoming a magistrate. Whereas, if a magistrate is an employer or a senior employee in the business, they will more easily be able to take time off work to attend court. This relates to how they will be middle aged and middle minded. The training process is said to have not been adequate or effective enough. They are not in trained in broader ways and therefore lacking full knowledge. A risk with the magistrates is that although they may be able to empathise with the defendant, they are prosecution minded and more likely to believe the police. They may also be heavily reliant upon the clerk when in reality, the clerk can only advise them on certain aspects and interpret difficult points of law. A major disadvantage is the fact that there are inconsistencies within the sentencing of defendants. A defendant in Leeds charged with the same offence as the defendant in Bristol may receive a more lenient sentence. Additionally, the workload of the magistrates is incredibly heavy and would be
  • 40. Speech On Federal Reserve Policy Federal Reserve Speech Greetings and salutations to the CEO of the organization. To help you interpret policies make by the Federal Reserve, I am here as an interpreter to help you understand the policies that are in place due to the natural disasters that have happened around the world. In October the Group of 30 International Banking had a seminar located in the nation s capital. The consultation of the report will discuss the present status of where this country s economy is and why the economy has been affected. This information allows us to determine the effects to the corporation s state before and after. In the policy a specific point about the Federal Funds Rate was made that really affected the corporation. The interest rate at which banks and other depository institutions lend moneyto each other, usually on an overnight basis. The law requires banks to keep a certain percentage of their customer s money on reserve, where the banks earn no interest on it (Bankrate). Consequently, banks try to stay as close to the reserve limit as possible without going under it, lending money back and forth to maintain the proper level (Bankrate). Banks hold the requirement either at the local Fed branch office or in their vaults. If a bankis short of cash at the end of the day, it borrows from a bank with extra money (Amadeo). The fed funds rate is what banks charge each other for overnight loans to meet these reserve balances (Amadeo). The borrowed is known as the federal funds. The policy states the Federal Reserve plans to return... Show more content on ... It s the Most Interesting Interest Rate in the World. The Balance, funds rate definition impact and how it works 3306122. Fed Funds Rate. Federal Funds Rate | Federal Reserve Fed Fund Rates, rates/federal funds rate.aspx. Mankiw, N. Gregory, and Laurence M. Ball. Macroeconomics and the Financial System. Worth Publishers,
  • 41. The Relationship Between Division Of Labor And The Extent... Introduction Adam Smith was a famous philosopher and political thinker known for his work The Wealth of Nations that revealed the relationship between the division of labor and the extent of the market. David Ricardo was a prominent philosopher, who majorly contributed to the field of political economy, namely by one of his works On the Principles of the Political Economy. Consequently, both political economists wanted to explain the pattern of economic specialization under free trade. Although, their perspectives did differ on some aspects. Thus, this paper intends to explain how Smith understands the relationship between deepening divisions of labor and the extent of markets, to explore whether Smith is right, and to reveal the distinction in approaches, provided by Smith and Ricardo. Smith s Understanding of the Relationship between Division of Labor and the Extent of Market In beginning to understand the viewpoints of each individual, it is important to understand how they each define the relationship between division of labor and the extent of market. According to Smith, the relationship is direct, as the division of labor appears in result of the human necessity to exchange (Smith 2000). Hence, this interdependence leads to the specialization of production and international trade among nations or individuals. Following Smith s evaluation on the scope of the division of labor it is preconditioned by the market and human talents that operate within the system (Smith
  • 42. Poetry Analysis Of We Real Cool By Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Analysis of We Real Cool By Gwendolyn Brooks We Real Cool, by Gwendolyn Brooks is a fervent short poem that tells a story of teenage rebellion. This poem is a formal verse ballad which uses simple sentences that create a steady meter giving the poem a catchy jazz like quality. Although the poem is short, it packs a powerful message about youth. Gwendolyn Brooks centered her works predominately around the African Americanconsciousness. During the 1960 s when the poem was written, many teens especially young African American men felt misunderstood and like the world was set up for them to fail. On the surface, it appears this poem is a mere description of young adults that are misjudged. The deeper message of this poem addresses the dangers of peer pressure, and its detrimental effects to self identity because of the disconnect between society and youth of that time. Peer pressure can take place whenever people gather together and spend frequent time together. Most people are subject to its effects and often experience it because, of shared experiences or they share the same perspective on life. This becomes dangerous when a group has enough influence to dictate an individual s way of thinking or behavior. When an individual is desperate to find a place to belong, they will follow the crowd even if they know that they are participating in something immoral; this is demonstrated in We Real Cool. In the opening lines of the poem, the reader
  • 43. Case Study Of Zara s Differentiation Strategy Differentiation strategy In differentiation strategies, the emphasis is on creating value through sustainable uniqueness. This can be achieved through product innovations, superior quality, or superior service, which is then sustained and leveraged through creative advertising; brand building and strong supply chain relationships. Another requirement for a successful differentiation strategy is that customers must be willing to pay more for the uniqueness of a product or service than the firm paid to create it. A differentiation strategy will lead to higher firm performance only if buyers value the attributes that make a product or service unique enough to pay a higher price for it or if they choose to buy from that firm preferentially. If... Show more content on ... (Plantes, Finfrock, 2009) Zara s product differentiation strategy is based on high quality and low prices. The company wants to be fashionable and desire for everyone. This is the reason of their strategy (low price and high quality). In society is such opinion about prices, if the product price is low, it means that the quality is low. People think that everything with high prices has high quality, but it is not true. In this case Zara did not want to be seen as a low quality brand. Hence they create products of high quality. They wanted to be first between fashion brands and add new designs to their collections twice a week. For customers is not good to look the same designs two week, the company knows about customers needs and they remove the products that do not sell well and changes the stores organization twice a week. Products can be different by their functional aspects, by the price and the quality. Zara differentiates by these elements. The main point of the differentiation strategy for Zara is combination of the low price and high quality and if other companies want to be desirable, they must do the same. Zara tries to decrease the product in the inventory and increase the number of variable
  • 44. The History Of Pigs Pigs is any of the animals in the genus SUS, within the family of the even toed ungulates. Pigs include the domestic pig and its ancestor, the common Eurasian wild boar, along with other species. They lived up eight years. Pigs eat many different things including shrubs, weeds, bird eggs, snakes, grasshoppers, mice, roots,even manure. Pigs are mammals with stocky bodies, flat snouts, small eyes and large ears. Pigs are valuable to humans including pork, lard, leather, and a variety of medicines. Pigs are a very highly intelligent, social animals, and are found all over the world. Pigs were among the first animals to be domesticated, about six thousand years ago in China. Pigs usually weigh between three hundred and seven hundred lbs.
  • 45. The Evolving Relationship Between The U.s. Government And... Chaelee Dalton Burnett Honors World Religions November 7 2014 The Evolving Relationship Between the U.S. Government and the Mormon Church In 1844, Joseph Smith, ecclesiastical leader of the Latter day Saints and presidential candidate, was murdered by an angry mob. This mob was fostered by the release of a newspaper questioning Smith s practices (including polygamy), qualifications, and intentions for his potential presidency. More than 150 years later, Mitt Romney, a member of the LDS Church, launched a presidential campaign and garnered forty two percent of the popular vote. Although these two candidates share a faith, their political roles and views are substantially different. This is representative of the significant changes in the relationship between the Mormon church and the U.S. government. A homegrown religion originating in the late 1820s, Mormonism arose as a rejection of the existing Christian sects and a return to what the Mormons considered to be pure Christianity. Similarly, the members believed their desire for a new kind of government stemmed from their disillusionment with what they believed was a corrupt government and a desire for the reestablishment of true American values and the original intent of the founding fathers. This sentiment is epitomized by Joseph Smith s presidential platform, which states No honest man can doubt for a moment, the glory of American liberty is on the wane; and that calamity and confusion will sooner or later destroy the
  • 46. The Tyger And The Lamb By William Blake Everything in the universe has an opposite. This provides a balance, a push and pull, to the world. Because of this truth, no thing that exists is entirely one thing or the other. Every animal, object, and event that has ever existed may have had bad effects in one situation, but good effects for another situation. And every human, by extension, has aspects about them that can be viewed as both good and evil. In his poems, The Tyger and, The Lamb , author William Blakeexplores the ideas of duality, and how each thing must have an equal opposite. He uses both these poems to further ruminate on this dichotomy and brings up many questions in the context of religion. He seeks to point out that in the Christian belief system, all things viewed as good and bad in the world have apparently come from the same thing: God, and yet God is seen as being entirely good. But if that is the case, then how can God be all good if all the evil things come from him as well? Is anything then truly evil? Or does it just seem that way from one perspective? Blake uses these two poems in conjunction with one another to make the reader question these things and think about what good and evil actually mean. Blake first published, The Lamb in his poetry collection The Songs of Innocence, and in this poem he presents a lamb as a metaphor for innocence and goodness. In the first stanza, the poem repeatedly asks, Little lamb, who made thee? / Dost thou know who made thee? (LI. 1 2). This question
  • 47. The Legend Of Robin Hood In Anglo-Saxon Lore The legend of Robin Hood in Anglo Saxon lore represents the people s hero. The histories and other few writings focused on the great deeds of high kings, lords and knights; English folk lore gave little attention to the commoner. That is with the notable exception of the yeoman Robin Hood. English peasants heard the tale of Robin Hoods charismatic rebellion against strict hierarchy and rejoiced. Robin was the original rebel, the original adventurer, and the hero all Englishmen identified with. For this reason, Robin Hood has remained a key figure in the collective mythos of the English and of their cultural children. To understand the importance of Robin Hood and his adventures, one must first appreciate the extremely mundane lives of the typical English peasant farmer. Born into duty and loyalty, calcified feudalism forced the serfs to work the land on which they were born for little profit and gain for a lifetime. Most were illiterate, uneducated, and highly provincial. A serf s purpose was to remain loyal to his lord and to toil obediently farming the land until death. Even the prospect of climbing into nobility oneself was impossible. God had made serfs into serfs and lords into lords. To rebel against one s station in life was to rebel against God. In other words, serfs had nothing to strive for in the socioeconomic order of medieval England. These fettered minds gave birth to a hero that captured the hopes and dreams that themselves they could never achieve. The
  • 48. Mahindra Reva vs. Tata Nano Mahindra REVA vs. TATA nano Mahindra REVA Reva cars have been designed to be nimble, simple electric cars for non polluting urban travel. They have been designed for inner city use, where performance and long distance driving is not a major requirement. Reva electric cars are small city cars with seating for two adults and two children. Depending on model they are capable of top speeds of between 65km/h and 80km /h (40 50mph) and have a range of up to 75km (48 miles) with lead acid batteries, and up to 120km (75 miles) with lithium batteries. The car is fuelled by plugging the car directly into a standard domestic power socket. An 80% charge takes a little over two hours whilst a 100% charge takes around 8 hours to complete. ... Show more content on ... Since it was launched in 1999, the REVA has found some 800 customers in India, according to the company s Delhi sales manager, mainly in the southern cities of Bangalore and Hyderabad. Notable owners include Kapil Sibal, Union minister of state for science and technology and Bob Hoekstra, CEO of the Philips Software Centre in Bangalore. The company s web site says it has sold 2,000 of the vehicles. The REVA has certainly won the hearts and mind of environmentally friendly governments: the Japanese government offers an incentive of $2,600 to anyone who buys the REVA; in the UK, a GWiz (REVA s local name) buyer gets 1,000 pounds in addition to a waiver for London s congestion tax and there are no charges for parking. TATA nano Tata Nano is the cheapest car in the world. It is sold in home country India around Rs 1 lakh i.e. approximately USD 2000. It is manufactured by Tata Motor Limited, the largest to automobile company in India. It s Chairman, Mr.RatanTata envisions that Tata Nano become a People s car which is affordable by almost everybody. Tata Nano was first launched in India on 1st April 2009 and was available in the Indian market by July 2009. Since launching, it has created a huge buzz all over India. Within the first two days of lunching, it has received 5500 booking. The figures kept increasing every day since the launch. What makes Tata Nano so very cheap? Basically, by making
  • 49. Earthly Fathers Research Paper Growing up I learned by example, learning to speak by mimicking what I heard and learning to walk by trying what I saw. For most, their first learning examples are from their parents, and generally boys gravitate towards their father and girls to their mother. Straight out of the gate I was following this trait, with a dad that s six foot four with hands bigger than my head ever since I can remember that big strong guy I call dad has been my role model, and Godintended it this way. God is our Holy father and we are supposed to look to him for everything, however this is harder to do when he isn t that big strong guy you see every day, therefore He gave us earthly fathers, an earthly representation of himself. Why is this important? This patriarchy that God put in place is important because it gives us an earthly version of him that we can look to. A role model whose purpose is to provide for our needs, protect us from harm, and teach how to be a servant of the Lord. To begin, God is the great provider, therefore earthly fathers are providers for their family as ... Show more content on ... Personally, I see my Dad as a perfect example of this. My father is a man who loves the Lord and lives for him in everything that he does. His daily life provides a perfect example of how God instructs us to live. Leaping past just giving an example, my Dad goes of his way to teach and guide us to live for the Lord ourselves. I think that this is exactly what God intended of an earthly father, a man not only striving to live for the Lord himself but his closest loved ones to follow and do so as well. Overall I think this serves as the most important reason that God created earthly fathers. Without any effort God can rid us of all danger and provide for any of our needs, however he uses a messenger to create the connection between the two, tightening our bond between both earthly and heavenly Father and
  • 50. I Have An Avid Golfer I have been an avid golfer, ever since I was five years old. I aspired to be like the profession ladies I would watch golf on TV. Before my eight grade year, I thought it would be a good idea to attend an LPGA event. At this age, it would be perfect, because I am young enough that I can get into these tournamentfor free with an adult, and I am old enough that I would know what to watch for when I am there. The only problem was, I had to pick a tournament that I could possibly be able to play in one day. For most tournaments, there are certain requirements you have to meet to play in. Also, all of the LPGAevents were not close to Nebraska, they are all either on the coasts of the U.S. or in another country. The only tournament ... Show more content on ... For professionals, that already have their tour card, they can enter into this tournament, along with either being on the top 20 in tournament winnings, top 50 on the money list/Rolex Rankings, or again have a sponsorship. So, in my dreams I could possibly qualify and participate in this tournament one day. There are around 160 players that qualify for this tournament and play on Thursday and Friday, but to play for the weekend, they have to make the cut. To make the cut, the players have to shoot four over par, which makes for high competition to make the cut. This would leave around 70 ladies that would make the cut that get to play the rest of the weekend. A few days before my dad and I leave for the tournament, I mentally prepare myself to know what I m going to look for while I m there, so I can hopefully apply what I see to improve my game. This would be a great learning experience for me. To watch the professionals and evaluate their swings, alignment, etc. to apply to my golf game. So, when I start getting serious about golfing and enter high school or enter into summer tournaments, I can be ahead of the game. Also, to know what kind of competition I will have to deal with if I ever enter into this tournament. So, my dad and I get to our hotel Wednesday night. We settle in before the next day to go to the tournament. Thursday morning, we wake up bright
  • 51. Raise The Red Lantern Essay Raise The Red Lantern is a film that follows the story of Songlian, a young university student forced to become the concubine of a feudal lord after the death of her father. Songlian is the fourth mistress to the Master and has the most trouble assimilating to the domestic life of servitude that is expected of her. The harsh traditions and expectations present in the manor are made clear through Yimou Zhang s use of framing. The vastness of the manor is assumed however Zhang choses to show limited areas neatly framed in geometric symmetry. Characters in the shot are always framed within a structure of the manor and placed carefully in each frameso not to disturb the symmetry and order in each shot. The precision of the camera visually represents the restrictions placed on the mistresses and how Songlian feels trapped in her new life. From the very moment she steps foot on the property Songlian is swallowed up by the overbearing traditions of the manor. Her face is ... Show more content on ... Songlian does not admit to her own insanity, in fact it is the Master that decides she is to be treated as such when she accuses him of murdering the third mistress. The Master was ultimately the one that decided Songlian s condition and sealed her fate with a curse of eternal isolation. In the ending scene Songlian paces back and forth in her doorway, framing herself in the window on her right and the window on her left. This signifies her compliance with her own oppression, which is forced on her through the idea that her insanity makes her opposition an illogical delusion. Zhang s use of framing throughout the film serves as a visual metaphor to Songlian s feelings of imprisonment and oppression. The perfect symmetry and clean lines of the manor contrast with the corrupted practices and chaotic behavior that ensues