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Social networking: Citizen engagement

Web 2.0 – hype or helpful?
NIGEL LANCASTER discusses how Web 2.0                                (, which focuses on fantasy and sci-fi and has
                                                                     an estimated 185,000 registered users. LibraryThing, a site
and social networking tools can promote
                                                                     for booklovers, boasts 400,000 users ( In
libraries and their resources to a wider                             an indication of the growth in popularity of such sites, News
audience.                                                            Corp paid $580m for the parent company of MySpace in 2005
                                                                     when it was just taking off and had a mere 17m members.

W        eb 2.0 and social networking have been increasingly
         persistent buzzwords in the technology world since Tim
O’Reilly and Dale Dougherty coined the term in 2004 (O’Reilly,
                                                                     Just two years later in 2007, Facebook was valued at an
                                                                     estimated $15bn (Waters, 2008). It is the UK’s number one
                                                                     social network with over 8 million users (BBC, 2008).
2005). IT industry analyst Forrester recently identified seven
Web 2.0 categories (Shiels, 2008): blogs, mashups,                   How libraries use social networking sites
podcasting, RSS, social networking, widgets and wikis, all of        A recent survey reviewed the use of mega-internet sites by
which could be included in the arsenal of public library             libraries in the US and other countries, including the UK
communication. It predicted that social networking would             (Primary Research Group, 2008). 23.9 per cent of the 120
attract the greatest levels of investment. In the business
                                                                     libraries surveyed were from the public sector. Presence on
environment it is predicted that ‘enterprise 2.0’ will spend
                                                                     social networks such as Facebook is growing. The survey
almost $5bn on social networking tools by 2013 (Shiels, 2008).
                                                                     snapshot showed that 6.9 per cent of the public libraries and
    In the library field today there are myriad events on the Web
                                                                     17.36 per cent of the survey population already had a presence
2.0 theme. One of the key themes at the Public Library
                                                                     on Facebook, with a further 27.59 per cent of respondents
Authorities Conference in October is connecting people
                                                                     planning a presence. Early in 2008 East Renfrewshire Council
through such digital technologies. Library usage is moving
                                                                     became the first public library service to use Facebook for
from traditional face-to-face activity to new forms of electronic
                                                                     publicity purposes. Its page provides details of services, as well
interaction, enabling libraries to build closer relationships with
                                                                     as a space for engaging in discussion or asking advice
existing users and to forge new virtual relationships and
                                                                     (Bradley, 2008; Browne, 2008). Others such as Harrogate
communities with those who do not currently use the library
                                                                     Library have followed suit (Harrogate Library Project, 2008).
service. Libraries can improve communications with
                                                                         Public library presence was higher on MySpace with 31 per
customers by using Web 2.0 to foster and create new citizen
                                                                     cent of the survey already having taken this step and 27.5 per
interfaces, discussion groups and online activities, following
                                                                     cent planning coverage on that site. UK users include
the example of mainstream social networking sites.
                                                                     Newcastle City Library, whose site includes videos, music and
    Web 2.0 allows users to publish their own content on the
                                                                     blogs (Newcastle City Library Service, 2008). In addition, 24.14
web and opens up a world of social networking facilities such as
                                                                     per cent of public libraries have one or more YouTube accounts,
the ability to share text, video and audio outputs. The popularity
                                                                     with 17.24 per cent planning to have a presence in the next
of social networking sites has grown enormously over the past
                                                                     year. UK proponents include the National Library of Scotland,
decade. The website says:
                                                                     which uses it to help publicise the John Murray archive (The
   “Social networking websites function like an online
                                                                     Scottish Government, 2007), and Southwark Libraries, which
   community of internet users. Depending on the website in
                                                                     used it to promote the launch of its Latin American collection
   question, many of these online community members share
                                                                     (Imagen Latina Television, 2008). The survey also showed that
   a common interest such as hobbies, religion, or politics.
                                                                     library websites were becoming increasingly important, with
   Once you are granted access to a social networking
                                                                     18.3 per cent having spent some time thinking about search
   website you can begin to socialise. This socialisation may
                                                                     engine optimisation for the library, 8.33 per cent having spent
   include reading the profile pages of other members and
                                                                     considerable time and 1.67 per cent having used a consultant
   possibly even contacting them… While there are a number
                                                                     or freelancer to help optimise their rankings.
   of social networking websites that focus on particular
   interests, there are others that do not. The websites without
   a main focus are often referred to as ‘traditional’ social
                                                                     How libraries can integrate Web 2.0 into
   networking websites and usually have open memberships.            their own online presence
   This means that anyone can become a member, no matter             Libraries are increasingly seeking to integrate social
   what their hobbies, beliefs, or views are. However, once          interaction and networking into their services and to
   you are inside this online community, you can begin to            encourage their users to form groups around topics, authors
   create your own network of friends and eliminate members          or books of interest. With the development of Web 2.0 and
   that do not share common interests or goals.” (What is            the growth of social networks, community-created data and
   Social, 2006)                                      many-to-many publishing, users and service providers are
                                                                     starting to believe that information provision works best as an
   Wikipedia lists 120 ‘major’ social networking sites, ranging      interactive, two-way activity. Users expect to be able to
from ‘traditional’ sites such as MySpace ( with      provide and receive feedback on data; this may take the form
an estimated 110 million users (Swartz, 2008), to the                of peer reviews, gaining insight from other experienced users
relatively obscure and specialist such as Elftown                    in the community, or even updating incorrect or outdated

6    PUBLIC LIBRARY JOURNAL       Autumn 08
“Library chiefs need to focus on increasing their
                                   status within the local authority, as well as on
                                       embracing new ways of working and new
                                  technology, if they are to make the most of the
                                   opportunities offered by Web 2.0.” Nigel Lancaster
information themselves. Such services will help to encourage             plan aimed to “discover the newest technology – that
library patrons to use library websites as one of their top              extends, expands and enhances our services, while ensuring
online sources, rather than turning to large search engines as           equitable access to information.” (St. Joseph County Public
the answer to their prayers.                                             Library, 2005). In the UK library world, a recent report for
    Public library authorities can use Web 2.0 software to offer         CILIP implies that consideration should be given to new
service promotion via tools such as expert reviews, recent               methods of service delivery (Conway, 2008).
searches, library-generated ratings, recommendations and tag                 Such moves are already afoot in the UK academic library field
clouds. Jerk Sintorn, CEO of IT systems and services                     where “library curators post their own blogs, libraries podcast,
company Axiell Library Group, points out, “Google brings up a            and learners are urged to post interpretative content around
huge number of hits and the number of hits is increasing                 library collections and catalogue entries.” In addition, “social
exponentially. What Google doesn’t do is to alert users to the           bookmarking enables students to flag up online academic
most relevant or the highest quality hits. That’s where                  resources that they found especially useful. Comments can be
librarians can really add value.” Most would agree that                  added and shared with their peers – the equivalent of writing
librarians should be promoting the use of the hand-picked and            notes in the margins of a book.” (Midgley, 2008).
often expensive quality information sources they offer, rather
than offering instruction in use of the Google search engine,            Libraries at the centre of local authority
as reported by 69 per cent of libraries in a 2008 survey                 information
(Primary Research Group, 2008).                                          The move towards integrated, personalised information
    Related resources could be integrated into the OPAC search           operates at an organisational level, as well as at an individual
or other library search engine, perhaps in the form of automatic         level. Local authorities want a 360° view of citizens.
searching of local authority and national websites and paid-for          Integration of information through a CRM (Customer
services. Reader development services such as book reviews,              Relationship Management) system will allow staff to better
discussion groups, ratings and suggestions could be included as          serve their citizens by being able to see all relevant service
part of the library’s online presence. Local information or              and demographic information for each resident in a single
‘community-owned information’, such as materials from                    place, with the ability to cross-reference. Cross-department
archives, clubs and societies, record offices and picture libraries,     co-ordination of activities becomes possible: for example,
could appear on the site in addition to provision in leaflet form.       Libraries and Social Services directorates would be aware of
Personalisation is a key part of the new online Web 2.0                  an older person moving temporarily into a respite care home,
‘revolution’ and users will expect the library site to offer features    and would thus be able to reroute services accordingly. A
such as user-generated ratings; peer reviews; tagging; debate            single account and payment interface is also possible,
and discussion fora, as found on traditional social networking           making service payments more efficient for the citizen and
sites; and ‘my library’ functions: the creation and publication of       allowing the local authority to address social inclusion,
personal libraries, which could be supplemented automatically            poverty and debt collection in an holistic manner.
by items borrowed or reserved from any library. As well as                   The benefit of this for users is that they will be able to find all
offering new facilities and improved ways of delivering services,        local authority information in one place. In academic libraries,
Web 2.0 tools will hopefully also attract new users.                     “today’s students are used to accessing simple, single and
    In the US libraries have started to introduce such services.         intuitive interfaces such as Google, Yahoo and MSN, but are less
Ann Arbor District Library ( introduced what it             happy struggling with what can be harder-to-use and more
termed its ‘SOPAC’ or Social OPAC back in January 2007.                  ‘clunky’ multiple library interfaces.” (Midgley, 2008). The same can
John Blyberg, Ann Arbor’s then systems administrator and                 be said of public library users, who generally are perhaps even
chief architect of the project, commented:                               less used to dealing with computer interfaces than students.
   “The SOPAC represents a slew of features that I’ve wanted                 The citizen-centric philosophy within local government
   to implement for quite some time now. I’m rather excited to           means that, increasingly, citizens will be able to access both
   see if library users will respond to these tools in an OPAC           service commissioning and personal information through a
   setting as much as Web 2.0 users have to commercial social            single, person-centric local-authority web space. Users will be
   networking sites. I’m fairly confident they will… So what is the      able to check information on any interaction with the
   SOPAC? It’s basically a set of social networking tools                authority. They will be able to move easily from task to task,
   integrated into the AADL catalog. It gives users the ability to       e.g. from library renewals to arranging a refuse collection,
   rate, review, comment-on, and tag items.” (Blyberg, 2007)             without moving from bespoke system to bespoke system, and
                                                                         without needing to log in to each individual system. Local
   St Joseph County Public Library ( is also a   authorities are increasingly providing these services –
pioneer of services delivered over the web. Its website has              typically marketed as the ‘My Council’ function. However, the
included a blog since 2003 (Anderson, 2005) and now                      vision is still lacking as regards information discovery and
includes features such as ‘IM a librarian’, ‘books on iPod’ and          associated social networking for local people. There is a real
the facility to ‘check your email’ on accounts such as AOL and
Yahoo direct from the library site. Its 2005-2007 technology                                                               Continued on page 8

                                                                                               PUBLIC LIBRARY JOURNAL           Autumn 08     7
“Google brings up a huge number of hits and
                                       the number of hits is increasing exponentially.
                                      What Google doesn’t do is to alert users to the
                                      most relevant or the highest quality hits. That’s
                                      where librarians can really add value.” Jerk Sintorn
                                                                               alternative or a complement. Certainly in the US, libraries
Continued from page 7
                                                                               such as Ann Arbor District Library have chosen this route,
opportunity for library and information services to deliver                    preferring to offer users the traditional alongside the new.
services in this space.                                                            Social networking initiatives in the library world are generally
    DS, a specialist management systems supplier for the public                driven by library information professionals in conjunction with
library market, has recently launched its DSArena product, which               the corporate IT team. It is likely that other departments within
will provide these services and complement the OpenGalaxy                      local government will follow, as they see how the library
library management system. David Fay, City Libraries’ Manager                  initiative can complement their offering. Patrick Conway, author
for Newcastle Libraries, Information and Lifelong Learning, is                 of the recent Conway Report for CILIP (Conway, 2008), has
looking into the possibility of using DSArena:                                 warned that “...some local authorities don’t fully recognise that
   “We already use MySpace to generate interest in the library                 the library service can contribute positively to their overall
   from the Generation Y digital natives. DSArena would                        strategic objectives and this may be because the Head of
   provide a natural extension of this to allow us to attract new              Service responsible for public libraries does not have a seat on
   customers who are used to the high degree of                                the council’s top table” (CILIP, 2008). Library chiefs need to
   personalisation and interactivity offered by Web 2.0 sites.                 focus on increasing their status within the local authority, as
   We are also excited about the ability of our customers to                   well as on embracing new ways of working and new
   share information and experience online without needing to                  technology, if they are to make the most of the opportunities
   visit a library. We would also anticipate other user groups,                offered by Web 2.0.
   such as our Silver Surfers, would be fast to adopt Arena.”
                                                                                  Nigel Lancaster is Sales Director, DS.; 0115 900 8000
   Libraries would probably want to keep a dedicated OPAC                         DS is the market leader in technology solutions for UK public libraries and archives and
                                                                                  has over 30 years experience in developing generations of systems for its customers. DS is
for more traditional users, with Web 2.0 services offering an
                                                                                  a member of the Axiell Library Group.

References                                                                    =232900729 [Accessed July 2008]
Anderson, J. (2005). St. Joseph County (IN) Public Library:                   O’Reilly, T. (2005). What is Web 2.0 [Online]. Sebastopol,
how do you spell ‘blog’? [Online]. Dublin, Ohio: WebJunction.                 California: O’Reilly Media. [Accessed 26 July 2008]
BBC (2008). ‘Facebook ‘sees decline in users.’ BBC [Online].                  [Accessed 26 July 2008]
21 February 2008              Primary Research Group (2008). Libraries and the Mega-
[Accessed 26 July 2008]                                                       Internet Sites: a survey of how libraries use and relate to
Blyberg, J. (2007). goes social [Online]. Darien,                    Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Ebay, Amazon, Facebook, YouTube
Connecticut: John F. Blyberg.       and other mega-internet sites. New York: Primary Research
[Accessed 26 July 2008]                                                       Group.
Bradley, P. (2008). East Renfrewshire Libraries on Facebook                   Shiels, M. (2008). ‘Web 2.0 is set for spending boom’. BBC
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Browne, A. (2008). East Renfrewshire Council – Community                      St. Joseph County Public Library (2005). Technology Plan
Services [Online]. Palo Alto, California: Facebook.                           2005-2007 [Online]. South Bend, Indiana: St. Joseph County [Accessed 26 July 2008]            Public Library.
CILIP (2008). Public libraries are at risk, claims CILIP [Online].  
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in England [Online]. San Bruno, California: YouTube.                          Waters, R. (2008). ‘LinkedIn networking site joins $1bn club’. [Accessed 26 July 2008]                   Financial Times [Online]. 18 June 2008.
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8     PUBLIC LIBRARY JOURNAL              Autumn 08

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Web 2.0 -_hype_or_helpful

  • 1. Social networking: Citizen engagement Web 2.0 – hype or helpful? NIGEL LANCASTER discusses how Web 2.0 (, which focuses on fantasy and sci-fi and has an estimated 185,000 registered users. LibraryThing, a site and social networking tools can promote for booklovers, boasts 400,000 users ( In libraries and their resources to a wider an indication of the growth in popularity of such sites, News audience. Corp paid $580m for the parent company of MySpace in 2005 when it was just taking off and had a mere 17m members. W eb 2.0 and social networking have been increasingly persistent buzzwords in the technology world since Tim O’Reilly and Dale Dougherty coined the term in 2004 (O’Reilly, Just two years later in 2007, Facebook was valued at an estimated $15bn (Waters, 2008). It is the UK’s number one social network with over 8 million users (BBC, 2008). 2005). IT industry analyst Forrester recently identified seven Web 2.0 categories (Shiels, 2008): blogs, mashups, How libraries use social networking sites podcasting, RSS, social networking, widgets and wikis, all of A recent survey reviewed the use of mega-internet sites by which could be included in the arsenal of public library libraries in the US and other countries, including the UK communication. It predicted that social networking would (Primary Research Group, 2008). 23.9 per cent of the 120 attract the greatest levels of investment. In the business libraries surveyed were from the public sector. Presence on environment it is predicted that ‘enterprise 2.0’ will spend social networks such as Facebook is growing. The survey almost $5bn on social networking tools by 2013 (Shiels, 2008). snapshot showed that 6.9 per cent of the public libraries and In the library field today there are myriad events on the Web 17.36 per cent of the survey population already had a presence 2.0 theme. One of the key themes at the Public Library on Facebook, with a further 27.59 per cent of respondents Authorities Conference in October is connecting people planning a presence. Early in 2008 East Renfrewshire Council through such digital technologies. Library usage is moving became the first public library service to use Facebook for from traditional face-to-face activity to new forms of electronic publicity purposes. Its page provides details of services, as well interaction, enabling libraries to build closer relationships with as a space for engaging in discussion or asking advice existing users and to forge new virtual relationships and (Bradley, 2008; Browne, 2008). Others such as Harrogate communities with those who do not currently use the library Library have followed suit (Harrogate Library Project, 2008). service. Libraries can improve communications with Public library presence was higher on MySpace with 31 per customers by using Web 2.0 to foster and create new citizen cent of the survey already having taken this step and 27.5 per interfaces, discussion groups and online activities, following cent planning coverage on that site. UK users include the example of mainstream social networking sites. Newcastle City Library, whose site includes videos, music and Web 2.0 allows users to publish their own content on the blogs (Newcastle City Library Service, 2008). In addition, 24.14 web and opens up a world of social networking facilities such as per cent of public libraries have one or more YouTube accounts, the ability to share text, video and audio outputs. The popularity with 17.24 per cent planning to have a presence in the next of social networking sites has grown enormously over the past year. UK proponents include the National Library of Scotland, decade. The website says: which uses it to help publicise the John Murray archive (The “Social networking websites function like an online Scottish Government, 2007), and Southwark Libraries, which community of internet users. Depending on the website in used it to promote the launch of its Latin American collection question, many of these online community members share (Imagen Latina Television, 2008). The survey also showed that a common interest such as hobbies, religion, or politics. library websites were becoming increasingly important, with Once you are granted access to a social networking 18.3 per cent having spent some time thinking about search website you can begin to socialise. This socialisation may engine optimisation for the library, 8.33 per cent having spent include reading the profile pages of other members and considerable time and 1.67 per cent having used a consultant possibly even contacting them… While there are a number or freelancer to help optimise their rankings. of social networking websites that focus on particular interests, there are others that do not. The websites without a main focus are often referred to as ‘traditional’ social How libraries can integrate Web 2.0 into networking websites and usually have open memberships. their own online presence This means that anyone can become a member, no matter Libraries are increasingly seeking to integrate social what their hobbies, beliefs, or views are. However, once interaction and networking into their services and to you are inside this online community, you can begin to encourage their users to form groups around topics, authors create your own network of friends and eliminate members or books of interest. With the development of Web 2.0 and that do not share common interests or goals.” (What is the growth of social networks, community-created data and Social, 2006) many-to-many publishing, users and service providers are starting to believe that information provision works best as an Wikipedia lists 120 ‘major’ social networking sites, ranging interactive, two-way activity. Users expect to be able to from ‘traditional’ sites such as MySpace ( with provide and receive feedback on data; this may take the form an estimated 110 million users (Swartz, 2008), to the of peer reviews, gaining insight from other experienced users relatively obscure and specialist such as Elftown in the community, or even updating incorrect or outdated 6 PUBLIC LIBRARY JOURNAL Autumn 08
  • 2. “Library chiefs need to focus on increasing their status within the local authority, as well as on embracing new ways of working and new technology, if they are to make the most of the opportunities offered by Web 2.0.” Nigel Lancaster information themselves. Such services will help to encourage plan aimed to “discover the newest technology – that library patrons to use library websites as one of their top extends, expands and enhances our services, while ensuring online sources, rather than turning to large search engines as equitable access to information.” (St. Joseph County Public the answer to their prayers. Library, 2005). In the UK library world, a recent report for Public library authorities can use Web 2.0 software to offer CILIP implies that consideration should be given to new service promotion via tools such as expert reviews, recent methods of service delivery (Conway, 2008). searches, library-generated ratings, recommendations and tag Such moves are already afoot in the UK academic library field clouds. Jerk Sintorn, CEO of IT systems and services where “library curators post their own blogs, libraries podcast, company Axiell Library Group, points out, “Google brings up a and learners are urged to post interpretative content around huge number of hits and the number of hits is increasing library collections and catalogue entries.” In addition, “social exponentially. What Google doesn’t do is to alert users to the bookmarking enables students to flag up online academic most relevant or the highest quality hits. That’s where resources that they found especially useful. Comments can be librarians can really add value.” Most would agree that added and shared with their peers – the equivalent of writing librarians should be promoting the use of the hand-picked and notes in the margins of a book.” (Midgley, 2008). often expensive quality information sources they offer, rather than offering instruction in use of the Google search engine, Libraries at the centre of local authority as reported by 69 per cent of libraries in a 2008 survey information (Primary Research Group, 2008). The move towards integrated, personalised information Related resources could be integrated into the OPAC search operates at an organisational level, as well as at an individual or other library search engine, perhaps in the form of automatic level. Local authorities want a 360° view of citizens. searching of local authority and national websites and paid-for Integration of information through a CRM (Customer services. Reader development services such as book reviews, Relationship Management) system will allow staff to better discussion groups, ratings and suggestions could be included as serve their citizens by being able to see all relevant service part of the library’s online presence. Local information or and demographic information for each resident in a single ‘community-owned information’, such as materials from place, with the ability to cross-reference. Cross-department archives, clubs and societies, record offices and picture libraries, co-ordination of activities becomes possible: for example, could appear on the site in addition to provision in leaflet form. Libraries and Social Services directorates would be aware of Personalisation is a key part of the new online Web 2.0 an older person moving temporarily into a respite care home, ‘revolution’ and users will expect the library site to offer features and would thus be able to reroute services accordingly. A such as user-generated ratings; peer reviews; tagging; debate single account and payment interface is also possible, and discussion fora, as found on traditional social networking making service payments more efficient for the citizen and sites; and ‘my library’ functions: the creation and publication of allowing the local authority to address social inclusion, personal libraries, which could be supplemented automatically poverty and debt collection in an holistic manner. by items borrowed or reserved from any library. As well as The benefit of this for users is that they will be able to find all offering new facilities and improved ways of delivering services, local authority information in one place. In academic libraries, Web 2.0 tools will hopefully also attract new users. “today’s students are used to accessing simple, single and In the US libraries have started to introduce such services. intuitive interfaces such as Google, Yahoo and MSN, but are less Ann Arbor District Library ( introduced what it happy struggling with what can be harder-to-use and more termed its ‘SOPAC’ or Social OPAC back in January 2007. ‘clunky’ multiple library interfaces.” (Midgley, 2008). The same can John Blyberg, Ann Arbor’s then systems administrator and be said of public library users, who generally are perhaps even chief architect of the project, commented: less used to dealing with computer interfaces than students. “The SOPAC represents a slew of features that I’ve wanted The citizen-centric philosophy within local government to implement for quite some time now. I’m rather excited to means that, increasingly, citizens will be able to access both see if library users will respond to these tools in an OPAC service commissioning and personal information through a setting as much as Web 2.0 users have to commercial social single, person-centric local-authority web space. Users will be networking sites. I’m fairly confident they will… So what is the able to check information on any interaction with the SOPAC? It’s basically a set of social networking tools authority. They will be able to move easily from task to task, integrated into the AADL catalog. It gives users the ability to e.g. from library renewals to arranging a refuse collection, rate, review, comment-on, and tag items.” (Blyberg, 2007) without moving from bespoke system to bespoke system, and without needing to log in to each individual system. Local St Joseph County Public Library ( is also a authorities are increasingly providing these services – pioneer of services delivered over the web. Its website has typically marketed as the ‘My Council’ function. However, the included a blog since 2003 (Anderson, 2005) and now vision is still lacking as regards information discovery and includes features such as ‘IM a librarian’, ‘books on iPod’ and associated social networking for local people. There is a real the facility to ‘check your email’ on accounts such as AOL and Yahoo direct from the library site. Its 2005-2007 technology Continued on page 8 PUBLIC LIBRARY JOURNAL Autumn 08 7
  • 3. “Google brings up a huge number of hits and the number of hits is increasing exponentially. What Google doesn’t do is to alert users to the most relevant or the highest quality hits. That’s where librarians can really add value.” Jerk Sintorn alternative or a complement. Certainly in the US, libraries Continued from page 7 such as Ann Arbor District Library have chosen this route, opportunity for library and information services to deliver preferring to offer users the traditional alongside the new. services in this space. Social networking initiatives in the library world are generally DS, a specialist management systems supplier for the public driven by library information professionals in conjunction with library market, has recently launched its DSArena product, which the corporate IT team. It is likely that other departments within will provide these services and complement the OpenGalaxy local government will follow, as they see how the library library management system. David Fay, City Libraries’ Manager initiative can complement their offering. Patrick Conway, author for Newcastle Libraries, Information and Lifelong Learning, is of the recent Conway Report for CILIP (Conway, 2008), has looking into the possibility of using DSArena: warned that “...some local authorities don’t fully recognise that “We already use MySpace to generate interest in the library the library service can contribute positively to their overall from the Generation Y digital natives. DSArena would strategic objectives and this may be because the Head of provide a natural extension of this to allow us to attract new Service responsible for public libraries does not have a seat on customers who are used to the high degree of the council’s top table” (CILIP, 2008). Library chiefs need to personalisation and interactivity offered by Web 2.0 sites. focus on increasing their status within the local authority, as We are also excited about the ability of our customers to well as on embracing new ways of working and new share information and experience online without needing to technology, if they are to make the most of the opportunities visit a library. We would also anticipate other user groups, offered by Web 2.0. such as our Silver Surfers, would be fast to adopt Arena.” Nigel Lancaster is Sales Director, DS.; 0115 900 8000 Libraries would probably want to keep a dedicated OPAC DS is the market leader in technology solutions for UK public libraries and archives and has over 30 years experience in developing generations of systems for its customers. DS is for more traditional users, with Web 2.0 services offering an a member of the Axiell Library Group. References =232900729 [Accessed July 2008] Anderson, J. (2005). St. Joseph County (IN) Public Library: O’Reilly, T. (2005). What is Web 2.0 [Online]. Sebastopol, how do you spell ‘blog’? [Online]. Dublin, Ohio: WebJunction. California: O’Reilly Media. [Accessed 26 July 2008] BBC (2008). ‘Facebook ‘sees decline in users.’ BBC [Online]. [Accessed 26 July 2008] 21 February 2008 Primary Research Group (2008). Libraries and the Mega- [Accessed 26 July 2008] Internet Sites: a survey of how libraries use and relate to Blyberg, J. (2007). goes social [Online]. Darien, Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Ebay, Amazon, Facebook, YouTube Connecticut: John F. Blyberg. and other mega-internet sites. New York: Primary Research [Accessed 26 July 2008] Group. Bradley, P. (2008). East Renfrewshire Libraries on Facebook Shiels, M. (2008). ‘Web 2.0 is set for spending boom’. BBC [Online]. [Online]. 22 April 2008 east-renfrewshi.html [Accessed 26 July 2008] [Accessed 26 July 2008] Browne, A. (2008). East Renfrewshire Council – Community St. Joseph County Public Library (2005). Technology Plan Services [Online]. Palo Alto, California: Facebook. 2005-2007 [Online]. South Bend, Indiana: St. Joseph County [Accessed 26 July 2008] Public Library. CILIP (2008). Public libraries are at risk, claims CILIP [Online]. CILIP. -2007.pdf [Accessed 26 July 2008] [Accessed 26 July 2008] Swartz, J. (2008). ‘Social-networking sites going global’. USA Conway, P. (2008). Professional Standards of Service [Online]. Today [Online]. 10 February 2008. CILIP. [Accessed 26 July 2008] Harrogate Library Project (2008). Harrogate Library [Online]. networking-global_N.htm [Accessed 26 July 2008] Palo Alto, California: Facebook. The Scottish Government (2007). John Murray Archive [Online]. Harrogate-Library/21503867078 [Accessed 26 July 2008] San Bruno, California: YouTube. Imagen Latina Television (2008). The first Spanish public library [Accessed 26 July 2008] in England [Online]. San Bruno, California: YouTube. Waters, R. (2008). ‘LinkedIn networking site joins $1bn club’. [Accessed 26 July 2008] Financial Times [Online]. 18 June 2008. Midgley, S. (2008). ‘Quiet Revolution’. The Guardian [Online].,,2274841,00.html [Accessed 26 July 2008] [Accessed 26 July 2008] What Is Social (2006). What Is Social Newcastle City Library Service (2008). Newcastle City Library Networking? [Online]. Webster, Texas: What Is Social Service [Online]. Santa Monica, California: MySpace. [Accessed 26 July 2008] 8 PUBLIC LIBRARY JOURNAL Autumn 08