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City	Logistics	
Working	on	livable	cities	through	
sustainable	city	logistics	
Walther	Ploos	van	Amstel	
Professor	of	City	Logistics	
at	the	Amsterdam	University	of	Applied	Sciences	(HvA)	
Faculty	of	Technology	
Urban	Technology	research	program	
September	2015
1.	 Urban	mobility	
2.		 Measures	for	city	logistics		
3.		 International	research	
4.	 Supply	chain	perspective	
5.	 City	logistics	as	we	head	towards	2050	
6.	 An	integrated	approach	
7.	 Applied	research	
8.	 The	future	of	sustainable	city	logistics	
Walther	Ploos	van	Amstel	
Amsterdam,	2015	
This	relatively	new	discipline	has	several	different	names	in	English,	including	urban	freight	
transport	(UTF),	urban	distribution,	city	distribution,	urban	logistics,	and	city	logistics.		
I	prefer	the	term	"city	logistics”	and	use	that	in	this	lecture	and	otherwise	in	my	work.
Clean	and	sustainable	cities	are	appealing	places	to	live,	to	work,	
to	enjoy	life,	and	–	not	least	–	to	invest	in.	
I	live	right	in	the	very	center	of	Amsterdam	and	look	out	over	the	bustling	square	in	
front	of	Central	Station.	Every	day,	around	the	clock,	trucks	and	delivery	vans	drive	
past	my	door	to	deliver	shoes	and	put	fresh	fish	on	the	table;	they	deliver	packages	
from	web	stores,	they	arrive	with	construction	materials,	and	they	pick	up	lots	and	
lots	of	garbage.	It’s	a	wonderful	sight	if	you	enjoy	transport	as	much	as	I	do.	
My	neighbors	aren’t	quite	as	excited	about	transport,	however.	They	complain	
about	the	poor	air	quality,	the	lack	of	safety,	and	the	inaccessibility	of	the	
neighborhood.	Irritation	is	also	growing	among	the	local	business	owners	
themselves.	Their	customers	are	complaining...	It’s	really	not	much	fun	trying	to	
enjoy	a	cold	beer	at	an	outdoor	café	with	all	those	trucks	and	touring	cars	
chugging	by.	
Good	city	logistics	is	important	for	the	economic	vitality	and	the	appeal	of	cities.	It	
ensures	that	restaurants	can	serve	their	guests,	that	stores	can	offer	the	very	latest	
product	range	and	that	buildings	can	be	renovated	without	delays.	
Urbanization	puts	new	demands	on	urban	mobility.	As	customer	demands	evolve,	
city	logistics	is	becoming	more	and	more	finely	meshed	and	more	often	just-in-time.	
If	no	adjustments	are	made	to	current	policy,	city	logistics	will	continue	to	grow.	
City	logistics	needs	to	become	smarter,	cleaner,	quieter,	and	safer,	with	faster	flows.		
The	City	Logistics	research	program	will	be	conducting	applied	research	on	ways	
to	improve	city	logistics.	In	my	inaugural	lecture	I	will	start	by	giving	an	
impression	of	the	challenges	in	relation	to	city	logistics	in	Amsterdam	and	other	
cities.	I	will	then	give	an	overview	of	the	themes	for	future	research.	In	developing	a	
base	of	practical	knowledge,	we	will	be	making	use	of	an	integrated	approach	on	
the	basis	of	a	city	logistics	concept	and	the	Business	Model	Canvas.	Finally,	I	will	
conclude	by	presenting	the	themes	of	this	new	research	program.	
Walther	Ploos	Amstel	
Amsterdam,	September	2015
1.	 Urban	mobility	
All	around	the	globe,	urban	populations	are	growing.	In	the	Netherlands,	too,	the	
process	 of	 urbanization	 is	 taking	 place	 in	 many	 large,	 medium-size,	 and	 small	
cities	and	in	their	immediate	vicinity.	The	most	highly	urbanized	region	of	the	
Netherlands	 is	 commonly	 referred	 to	 there	 as	 the	 Randstad.	 Encircling	 the	
country’s	rural	“Green	Heart”,	the	Randstad	includes	the	country’s	four	largest	
cities:	 Amsterdam,	 Rotterdam,	 Utrecht,	 and	 The	 Hague	 (PBL,	 2015).	 In	 an	
interview	in	the	Dutch	daily	newspaper	Trouw,	Amsterdam	urban	planner	and	
social	geographer	Zef	Hemel	predicted	that	Amsterdam’s	population	will	reach	
two	million	inhabitants	by	2040	(Hemel,	2015).	As	a	consequence	of	such	growth,	
more	and	more	people	will	need	to	share	the	same	space	in	the	city	(Groen	Links	
Amsterdam,	2011).	
Policy-makers	 around	 the	 world	 are	 facing	 the	 challenge	 of	 keeping	 their	
growing	cities	livable.	Freight	traffic	plays	an	important	role	in	that	connection,	
in	both	a	positive	and	a	negative	sense.	ALICE/ERTRAC	(2015)	estimates	that	
between	10	and	15%	of	all	vehicle	mileage	driven	in	cities	involves	freight	traffic.	
Research	in	the	US	has	shown	a	disproportionately	strong	increase	in	the	share	
of	truck	mileage	driven	within	cities	in	the	past	50	years,	particularly	by	smaller	
trucks:	from	40%	in	1966	to	60%	in	2013.	The	increase	has	been	particularly	
steep	 in	 the	 past	 few	 years	 as	 consumers	 purchase	 more	 and	 more	 online	
(Brookings,	2015).	
Urbanization	is	placing	new	demands	on	urban	mobility:		
between	 10	 and	 15%	 of	 all	 vehicle	 mileage	 driven	 in	 cities	
involves	freight	traffic.	
Mobility	in	Amsterdam	
In	 the	 Uitvoeringsagenda	Mobiliteit	voor	Amsterdam	 (“Implementation	 Agenda	
for	 Mobility	 in	 Amsterdam”)	 from	 April	 2015,	 city	 alderman	 Pieter	 Litjens	
(Gemeente	Amsterdam,	2015b)	wrote	(in	Dutch):		
Throughout	the	centuries,	Amsterdam	has	held	a	special	attraction	for	many	people.	
The	 city’s	 appeal	 has	 brought	 us	 many	 new	 Amsterdammers,	 unprecedented	
dynamism,	and	economic	and	cultural	prosperity.	Its	success	is	astonishing:	each	
year	 more	 and	 more	 people	 come	 to	 live,	 work,	 and	 study	 in	 Amsterdam.	 And	
especially	 since	 the	 recent	 reopening	 of	 the	 city’s	 greatest	 museums,	 more	 and	
more	tourists	are	finding	their	way	to	our	nation’s	capital.		
With	each	new	day,	Amsterdam	is	only	getting	busier	and	busier	–	but	that	also	has	
a	downside.	Cars,	bicyclists,	and	pedestrians	increasingly	find	themselves	in	each	
other’s	 way,	 and	 the	 scarce	 public	 spaces	 in	 or	 near	 the	 city	 center	 are	 nearly	
always	full	of	people.	Both	the	accessibility	and	the	public	spaces	of	Amsterdam	are	
under	 increasing	 pressure.	 To	 keep	 the	 city	 safe	 and	 easy	 to	 reach,	 and	 to	 keep	
public	spaces	accessible	and	appealing,	we	are	going	to	need	to	make	some	choices.	
It	 is	 no	 longer	 workable	 to	 have	 cars	 and	 bikes	 and	 pedestrians	 and	 public	
transport	 going	 everywhere	 at	 the	 same	 time.	 We	 need	 to	 accommodate	 the
increasing	 mobility	 in	 a	 heavily	 urbanized	 area	 such	 as	 Amsterdam	 primarily	 by	
giving	more	room	to	pedestrians,	bicyclists,	and	public	transportation.	
This	Uitvoeringsagenda	lists	a	number	of	measures	aimed	at	creating	more	room	
for	loading	and	unloading	and	for	optimizing	regulations	and	enforcing	those.	It	
mentions	 a	 Supply	 Committee	 (an	 initiative	 of	 the	 trade	 organizations	 MKB	
Amsterdam,	VNO-NCW,	EVO,	and	TLN)	that	will	make	proposals	for	improving	
accessibility	and	ensuring	a	better	flow	in	the	transport	of	goods.	Topics	that	the	
City	of	Amsterdam	would	like	to	gain	more	insight	into	include:	slow	traffic	flows	
(pedestrians	 and	 bicyclists),	 urban	 distribution	 and	 logistics,	 electric	 mobility,	
automated	transport,	and	mobility	behavior.	The	City	of	Amsterdam	is	studying	
these	 themes	 in	 collaboration	 with	 the	 following	 knowledge	 institutions:	 the	
Amsterdam	 Institute	 for	 Advanced	 Metropolitan	 Solutions,	 the	 University	 of	
Amsterdam	 (UvA),	 Vrije	 Universiteit	 Amsterdam	 (VU),	 and	 the	 Amsterdam	
University	of	Applied	Sciences	(HvA).	
In	 its	 Agenda	Duurzaamheid	(“Sustainability	 Agenda”),	 the	 City	 of	 Amsterdam	
states	 its	 intention	 to	 improve	 the	 city’s	 air	 quality	 by	 stimulating	 the	 use	 of	
zero-emission	 vehicles	 and	 introducing	 low-emission	 zones	 (Gemeente	
Amsterdam,	2015a).	A	more	regional	focus	in	the	distribution	of	products	or	an	
expansion	of	the	separate	collection	of	waste	streams	will	mean	more	mileage	
for	trucks.	But	that	would	come	at	the	expense	of	greater	accessibility	and	better	
air	 quality,	 and	 it	 will	 call	 for	 new	 forms	 of	 urban	 distribution	 and	 the	
consolidation	of	waste	collection	trips	in	the	city.	Agreements	will	be	made	with	
trade	organizations	about	ways	to	achieve	zero-emission	mobility.	The	subsidies	
that	are	intended	to	stimulate	zero-emission	mobility	will	be	continued	to	make	
it	possible	to	meet	the	air-quality	standards.	
The	 Stad	 in	 Balans	 (“City	 in	 Balance”)	 memorandum	 (Gemeente	 Amsterdam,	
2015c)	has	also	made	the	case	for	paying	closer	attention	to	city	logistics.	It	calls	
for	smart,	small-scale,	and	zero-emission	urban	distribution,	including	a	greater	
use	of	waterways.
Freight	traffic	is	only	one	of	the	transport	flows	in	the	city,	of	course.	It	shares	
the	infrastructure	with	pedestrians,	bicyclists	and	other	two-wheeled	vehicles,	
private	cars,	taxis,	and	public	transportation,	and	it	shares	the	water	with	canal	
excursion	boats	and	pleasure	craft.	
Recent	 traffic	 surveys	 held	 on	 Amsterdam’s	 Ferdinand	 Bolstraat	 (Hogeschool	
van	 Amsterdam,	 2015a)	 show	 that	 some	 80%	 of	 the	 freight	 traffic	 consists	 of	
delivery	vans	(the	remaining	20%	concerns	larger	trucks	and	garbage	trucks).	
The	main	categories	are	(in	order	of	importance)	construction	and	installation,	
hospitality	 and	 food	 service,	 and	 waste.	 There	 are	 also	 many	 parcel	 and	 store	
deliveries.	In	addition	there	are	the	combined	flows	of	people	and	material	such	
as	 service	 technicians,	 builders,	 and	 installers	 (Hogeschool	 van	 Amsterdam,	
2015a).	In	Amsterdam’s	bustling	Haarlemmerstraat	neighborhood,	freight	traffic	
account	for	as	much	as	40%	of	rush-hour	traffic,	both	in	the	mornings	and	in	the	
evenings	(Hogeschool	van	Amsterdam,	2015f).	
Most	of	the	deliveries	in	the	city	are	still	made	using	carriers	on	own	account	or	
dedicated	 outsourcing.	 City	 logistics,	 whereby	 a	 logistics	 service	 provider	
consolidates	freight	flows	from	multiple	shippers,	is	limited.	The	carriers	on	own	
account	 enters	 the	 city	 from	 relatively	 short	 distances:	 about	 25	 miles	 on	
average.	 In	 contrast,	 professional	 freight	 transport	 takes	 place	 over	 longer	
distances:	 an	 average	 of	 56	 miles	 according	 to	 the	 transport	 statistics	 of	 CBS.	
Studies	 on	 public	 procurement	 confirm	 these	 figures	 (Hogeschool	 van	
Amsterdam,	2014,	2015c;	Balm	et	al.,	2015).	
Amsterdam	and	innovations	in	mobility	
Since	July	2014,	the	City	of	Amsterdam	has	had	a	chief	technology	officer	(CTO).	
As	an	advisor	and	facilitator,	the	CTO	has	a	flywheel	effect,	helping	the	city	to	
comprehend	complex	urban	issues,	to	choose	a	focus,	to	connect	different	parties,	
and	to	formulate	an	approach	and	strategies	in	the	area	of	smart	mobility,	among	
Cities	are	under	increasing	pressure.	People	are	migrating	to	the	cities,	where	
they	are	eager	to	live,	work,	and	enjoy	themselves.		This	growth	means	added	
pressure	 on	 the	 traffic	 and	 transport	 both	 within	 and	 to	 and	 from	 the	 city.	
Amsterdam	will	continue	to	grow	in	the	coming	years,	and	so	will	the	traffic	and	
transport	there.	As	CTO	Ger	Baron	puts	it:	“The	big	challenge	is:	how	do	we	keep	
Amsterdam	 accessible,	 ensure	 good	 air	 quality,	 and	 keep	 the	 public	 spaces	
attractive,	 so	 that	 the	 quality	 of	 life	 in	 the	 city	 and	 the	 draw	 of	 the	 city	 will	
improve?”	(translated	from	the	Dutch;	source:	Gemeente	Amsterdam,	2015d).	
As	the	most	important	trends,	the	CTO	sees:	the	Internet	of	Things,	the	rise	of	
connected	 vehicles	 and	 smart	 infrastructure,	 capacity	 sharing,	 using	 real	 time	
(open)	data	for	precision-guided	logistics	alternative	fuels.	
The	CTO	matches	urban	mobility	issues	with	the	knowledge	already	present	in	
the	 city	 in	 projects	 such	 as	 the	 urban	 mobility	 lab	 (AMS	 Institute),	 ALLEGRO,	
SELF	STAD	self-driving	cars	and	bicycles.	The	Amsterdam	University	of	Applied	
Sciences	(HvA)	is	involved	in	a	number	of	these	studies	as	a	knowledge	partner.	
European	perspective
The	 future	 of	 city	 logistics	 is	 being	 carefully	 considered	 at	 the	 European	 level	
(ALICE/ERTRAC,	2015).	Europe	is	a	largely	urban	continent;	some	359	million	
people	(72%	of	the	total	EU	population)	currently	live	in	urbanized	areas.	The	
share	of	the	population	that	lives	in	cities	continues	to	grow	and	will	reach	as	
much	as	80%	by	2020.	Cities	are	not	only	the	places	where	goods	are	delivered,	
but	also	where	shipments	originate.	Outgoing	transport	represents	between	20	
and	25%	of	the	transport	mileage	in	urban	areas,	incoming	freight	amounts	to	
between	40	and	50%,	and	the	rest	both	originates	in	and	is	delivered	to	locations	
within	 the	 city	 itself	 (ALICE/ERTRAC,	 2015).	 Waste	 transport	 also	 forms	 a	
significant	share	of	city	logistics.		
The	transport	of	freight	in	cities	leads	to	congestion,	poorer	air	
quality,	problems	with	noise	and	a	lack	of	safety.		
The	 transport	 of	 freight	 in	 cities	 with	 trucks	 and	 delivery	 vans	 leads	 to	
congestion.	 Other	 problems	 include:	 poorer	 air	 quality,	 noise	 pollution,	 and	 a	
lack	 of	 safety	 (MDS	 Transmodal,	 2012;	 Taniguchi	 et	 al.,	 2015).	 In	 Europe,	 city	
logistics	is	responsible	for	25%	of	the	transport-related	CO2	emissions	and	30	to	
50%	of	the	remaining	transport-related	air	pollution	(PM,	NOx,	etc.)	Within	the	
OECD,	the	transport	sector	is	the	largest	consumer	of	energy	in	general	and	of	oil	
in	particular	(OECD,	2015).	
Even	though	the	number	of	freight	vehicles	is	limited,	they	are	relatively	more	
often	 involved	 in	 accidents	 with	 pedestrians	 and	 bicyclists.	 As	 city	 logistics	 is	
responsible	 for	 a	 significant	 share	 of	 the	 ambient	 noise	 in	 cities,	 it	 also	
inconveniences	 residents	 during	 the	 night.	 The	 utilization	 rate	 of	 city	 logistics
vehicles	is	low.	According	to	Transport	for	London,	for	example,	delivery	vans	in	
that	 city	 have	 an	 average	 utilization	 rate	 of	 about	 38%.	 	 These	 negative	
consequences	of	city	logistics	have	a	direct	impact	on	the	appeal	and	livability	of	
cities	(ALICE/ERTRAC,	2015).		
Smart	and	zero-emission	city	logistics	should	contribute	to	more	
livable	 and	 appealing	 cities	 with	 cleaner	 vehicles	 that	 better	
match	the	size	of	the	city,	but	also	to	the	consolidation	of	freight	
flows	 and	 the	 use	 of	 waterways	 for	 transporting	 goods	 to	 and	
from	the	city.	
A	more	finely	meshed	network	
The	urgency	to	promote	smart	and	zero-emission	city	logistics	is	growing.	City	
logistics	is	becoming	more	finely	meshed	and	more	frequent	(Taniguchi	et	al.,	
2015).	 And	 that,	 in	 turn,	 is	 putting	 increasing	 pressure	 on	 the	 city:	 there	 are	
more	shipments,	involving	more	vehicles.	A	more	finely	meshed	network	is	the	
result	of	developments	such	as	the	following:	
• The	 growth	 of	 omnichannel	 retailing,	 with	 home	 delivery	 and	 pick-up	
points,	the	increase	in	sales	transacted	between	consumers	themselves,	
and	the	sharing	economy	(Weltevreden	&	Rotem-Mindali,	2009;	Visser	et	
al.,	 2014).	 Consumers	 who	 also	 want	 shorter	 delivery	 times	 and	 more	
delivery	options.	
• The	growth	of	e-commerce	in	B2B	markets	(Forrester,	2015).	
• The	return	of	stores	from	the	outskirts	of	town	to	inside	the	city.	Among	
others,	IKEA	and	Praxis	are	opening	stores	in	the	city	(NOS,	2015).	
• The	 faster	 exchanges	 of	 collections	 in	 retail	 stores,	 especially	 in	 the	
fashion	branch	(Barnes	&	Lea-Greenwood,	2010).	
• The	 rise	 of	 nano	 stores	 such	 as	 Albert	 Heijn	 To	 Go	 (Blanco	 &	 Fransoo,	
• The	growth	of	the	inner-city	renovation	market	in	the	construction	sector	
(RESIDE,	2015).	
• The	linking	of	return	flows	from	the	city	with	the	circular	economy	(Soto	
et	al.,	2015).	
• The	 servicification	 of	 products,	 which	 leads	 to	 more	 service	 provision.	
(Eckerdal,	2012).	
• The	growth	of	3D	printing,	which	leads	to	local	production,	which	in	turn	
needs	raw	materials	in	small	amounts	(Janssen,	2014;	Taniguchi,	2015).	
• The	growing	number	of	urban	seniors	who	need	home	care	(Hogeschool	
van	Amsterdam,	2015b).
2.		 Measures	for	city	logistics		
Local	 and	 national	 authorities	 play	 an	 active	 role	 in	 regulating,	 coordinating,	
facilitating,	 and	 stimulating	 city	 logistics	 (MDS	 Transmodal,	 2012;	 Vlaamse	
Ministerie	van	Mobiliteit	en	Openbare	Werken,	2013;	Quak	et	al.,	2014b).	Table	1	
shows	the	measures	that	such	authorities	can	take.	Research	is	being	done	at	the	
European	 level	 on	 the	 effectiveness	 of	 measures	 for	 the	 various	 different	
stakeholders	(MDS	Transmodal,	2015).		
Measures	 Examples	
Regulation	 Delivery	windows	
Vehicle	restrictions	
Low-emission	zones	
Market	forces	 Internalization	of	external	costs:	
- pricing	
- mobility	points	
- time-based	charges	(vignettes)	
Subsidies	for	zero-emission	vehicles,	bicycle	couriers,	and	
transport	by	water	or	rail	
Fiscal	policy	
Spatial	planning	 Redevelopment	of	(new)	areas	
Creation	of	pick-up	points	for	e-commerce	shipments	
Loading	and	unloading	facilities	
Access	for	transport	by	water	and	rail	
Facilitating	urban	consolidation	centers	
Charging	infrastructure	for	electric	vehicles	
Infrastructure	 Loading	and	unloading	facilities	on	the	street	
Loading	and	unloading	facilities	on	the	water	or	the	rails	
Parking	locations	for	heavy	construction	traffic	
Technology	 Intelligent	transport	systems	
Dynamic	traffic	management	
Green	wave	traffic	signaling	for	heavy	traffic	
Virtual	loading	and	unloading	bays	
Open	data	and	local	traffic	control	data	
Other	 Granting	of	privileges	
Consolidation	of	demand	via	urban	consolidation	centers	and	
coordinated	(public)	procurement	
Certification	of	carriers	
Management	of	construction	logistics	using	the	accessibility,	
livability,	safety,	and	communications	(ALSC)	framework	
Subsidies	for	urban	consolidation	centers	
Early-morning	and	late-night	deliveries	and	stimulating	silent	
Preferred	routes	for	heavy	freight	traffic	
Incentives	for	research	programs,	expertise	development,	and	
business	networks	
Public-private	partnerships	
Table	1.	Government	measures	with	regard	to	city	logistics	
The	 following	 are	 all	 stakeholders	 in	 sustainable	 city	 logistics	 (Macharis	 &	
Bernardini,	2015):	
• residents,	who	want	to	have	clean	air,	safety,	and	no	undue	noise	
• visitors,	 who	 come	 to	 the	 cities	 for	 recreation	 and	 do	 not	 want	 to	 find	
streets	filled	with	freight	traffic	
• companies,	 which	 depend	 on	 smooth	 logistics	 in	 order	 to	 run	 their	
• shippers	 and	 transport	 companies,	 who	 bring	 goods	 into	 the	 cities	 day	
after	day,	preferably	at	the	lowest	possible	cost	
• the	 government,	 which	 is	 responsible	 for	 the	 making	 sure	 the	 carries	
responsibility	for	the	draw	of	the	city	
• real	estate	owners,	project	developers	and	investors,	who	want	to	receive	
a	decent	return	on	their	investments	in	homes	and	commercial	properties	
• politicians,	who	want	to	be	re-elected	every	four	years.	
City	logistics	in	a	historical	perspective	
The	first	plans	for	urban	distribution	centers	in	the	Netherlands	were	developed	
in	the	early	1990s.	The	consulting	firm	Coopers	&	Lybrand	(Coopers	&	Lybrand,	
1991;	 Van	 Aken	 et	 al.,	 1993)	 did	 research	 on	 urban	 distribution	 centers	 in	
Maastricht,	 Amsterdam,	 and	 Alkmaar,	 among	 other	 locations.	 In	 subsequent	
years,	those	studies	were	followed	by	stacks	of	reports	on	other	municipalities,	
including	 Breda,	 Oosterhout,	 Utrecht,	 and	 Amersfoort,	 on	 the	 Stadsbox	 (“City	
box”)	initiative	(Groothedde	&	Rustenburg,	2003),	on	a	cargo	tram,	beer	boats,	
and	freight	transport	by	canal	in	Amsterdam,	on	the	work	of	Binnenstadservice	
(a	 city	 logistics	 service	 center)	 in	 various	 municipalities,	 and	 on	 subsidies	 for	
electric	vehicles.		
Quak’s	dissertation	(2008)	provides	an	overview	of	the	most	important	Dutch	
initiatives	and	literature	in	this	regard.	He	concludes	(in	Dutch):		
The	 extent	 to	 which	 initiatives	 will	 be	 successful	 in	 practice	 depends	 on	 the	
relationship	 between	 the	 initiators,	 the	 incentive	 to	 participate	 in	 initiatives,	 and	
the	dominant	actors.	If	the	initiator	is	not	the	most	dominant	actor,	an	initiative	can	
only	be	implemented	successfully	in	practice	if	the	actor	who	is	supposed	to	change	
his	behavior	actually	stands	to	benefit	from	it.	Another	option	is	to	legally	oblige	
that	 actor	 to	 adapt	 his	 behavior.	 Among	 local	 authorities,	 there	 is	 only	 limited	
knowledge	of	the	logistics	operations	of	transporters.	In	the	same	way,	transporters	
know	 little	 about	 the	 issues	 regarding	 sustainability	 in	 cities.	 Moreover,	 the	 near	
lack	of	any	communication	between	transporters	and	local	authorities	means	that	
these	 public	 and	 private	 actors	 rarely	 ever	 get	 any	 real	 insight	 into	 each	 other’s	
problems.	 An	 initiative	 is	 doomed	 to	 fail	 if	 its	 initiator	 is	 unable	 to	 estimate	 the	
consequences	of	the	initiative	beyond	the	scope	that	he	defined	for	it.	Higher	levels	
of	government	are	hardly	ever	involved	in	initiatives	for	a	sustainable	distribution	
of	goods.	The	initiatives	described	in	the	academic	literature	have	not	always	been	
successful	in	practice.	
Cargohopper	Amsterdam
In	 its	 first	 nine	 months,	 the	 four	 electric	 delivery	 trucks	 of	 Cargohopper	
Amsterdam	managed	to	deliver	more	than	a	million	kilograms	of	freight,	saving	
the	company	7,000	liters	of	diesel	fuel.	
“We	 are	 very	 happy	 with	 this	 result,”	 says	 Ron	 Klein	 Tiessink,	 director	 of	
Cargohopper,	 on	 the	 website	 of	 trade	 journal	 Truck	&	Transportmanagement.	
Since	 the	 delivery	 service	 began	 using	 electric	 trucks	 in	 March	 2014,	 the	
company	 has	 made	 nearly	 34,000	 deliveries.	 In	 the	 process,	 the	 concept	 has	
more	than	proved	itself,	according	to	Klein	Tiessink.	
The	electric	urban	distribution	has	prevented	the	emission	of	18,400	kilograms	
of	 CO2.	 At	 the	 same	 time,	 the	 emissions	 of	 particulate	 matter	 and	 nitrogen	
compounds	 (NOx)	 have	 been	 reduced.	 Since	 Cargohopper	 consolidates	 its	
shipments	 in	 a	 smart	 way,	 the	 company	 also	 manages	 to	 reduce	 the	 average	
distance	driven	for	each	individual	delivery.	That	means	that	the	actual	savings	
in	terms	of	fuel	consumption	and	emissions	are	even	higher.	
Klein	 Tiessink	 thinks	 it’s	 a	 shame	 that	 there	 are	 still	 only	 seven	 of	 the	
Cargohopper	 trucks	 he	 developed	 being	 used	 in	 Amsterdam,	 Enschede,	 and	
Utrecht.	He	is	pleased	with	all	the	attention	it	has	received,	but	he	would	prefer	
to	see	the	market	speed	up	its	development.	“Zero-emission	urban	distribution	is	
only	going	to	work	when	it	stops	being	something	out	of	the	ordinary.	The	latest	
generation	of	heavier	electric	vehicles	should	be	available	for	purchase	from	a	
If	the	market	would	have	a	need	for	700	trucks,	it	would	already	be	possible	to	
scale	 up	 to	 series	 production,	 says	 Klein	 Tiessink.	 That	 is	 an	 absolute	
prerequisite.	 Only	 then	 can	 the	 price	 come	 down	 far	 enough	 that	 companies	
would	be	able	to	buy	such	a	truck	without	a	subsidy.	
The	 Cargohopper	 director	 hopes	 that	 cities	 both	 in	 the	 Netherlands	 and	
internationally	 will	 begin	 pursuing	 a	 common	 policy.	 “Only	 then	 will	 there	 be	
sufficient	 demand	 for	 the	 right	 heavier	 electric	 trucks,	 which	 would	 make	 it	
interesting	for	the	industry	to	develop	those.	
Source:	Truck	&	Transportmanagement,	January	23,	2015
3.		 International	research	
On	the	European	level,	research	is	being	conducted	in	programs	such	as	Bestuffs,	
Bestfact,	 Straightsol,	 Sugar,	 Smartfusion,	 Citylog,	 Civitas,	 Frevue	 (on	 electric	
transport),	 CoE-SUFS,	 Lamilo,	 ALICE/ERTRAC	 and	 Smartset.	 Also	 elsewhere	
around	the	world	there	are	comprehensive	research	programs.	
With	 regard	 to	 the	 evaluation	 of	 European	 pilot	 projects,	 Balm	 et	 al.	 (2014)	
The	number	of	initiatives	that	aim	to	improve	urban	freight	transport	grow	(sic)	
rapidly.	To	make	sure	that	the	obtained	results	grow	(sic)	as	fast	as	well,	we	should	
make	sure	that	we	do	the	right	things	and	that	we	know	how	(sic).	To	avoid	wasting	
money,	 effort,	 and	 time	 on	 implementing	 measures	 and	 initiatives	 that	 will	 not	
(likely)	 be	 successful	 in	 the	 future,	 knowledge	 transfer	 across	 cities	 is	 very	
important.	The	knowledge	should	be	based	on	a	transparent	evaluation,	identifying	
the	relevant	impacts	and	measurable	indicators	that	represent	the	key	objectives	of	
all	 stakeholders.	 As	 there	 is	 not	 one	 problem	 owner	 of	 urban	 freight	 transport	
issues	(sic),	such	a	thorough	evaluation	is	often	lacking.	
On	the	evaluation	of	projects,	Quak	et	al.	(2014)	claim:		
Small	scale,	local	demonstrations	of	which	the	outcomes	are	considered	to	be	only	
appropriate	within	a	specific	context	occur	quite	often	in	the	field	of	city	logistics.	
Various	 local	 demonstrations	 usually	 show	 a	 solution’s	 technical	 and	 operational	
feasibility.	These	often	subsidized	demonstrations	do	not	have	long-term	potential	
due	to	the	lack	of	thought	on	(sic)	their	business	models,	i.e.	the	financial	feasibility.	
To	make	a	solution	really	work	in	practice	a	viable	business	model	is	required.	
Vahrenkamp	et	al.	(2013)	conclude:	
As	a	main	result	of	the	city	logistic	(sic)	projects	over	the	past	25	years	one	has	to	
state	 that	 traffic	 reduction	 and	 economic	 gains	 of	 consolidation	 were	 only	 small	
(sic).	The	gains	do	not	cover	the	costs	the	projects	impose.	To	make	the	projects	
economic	(sic)	feasible	the	cities	had	to	carry	a	share	of	the	cost.	This	was	the	case	
for	all	Urban	Consolidation	Centre	(UCC)	solutions	in	the	UK,	France,	Netherlands	
and	 Italy.	 The	 weak	 position	 of	 UCC	 became	 evident	 when	 public	 money	 was	
canceled	and	the	UCC	had	to	stop.	
Many	 initiatives	 for	 city	 logistics	 started	 out	 with	 government	
subsidies.	 When	 the	 government	 funding	 dried	 up,	 that	 would	
often	mean	the	end	of	the	initiative	as	well.
Many	projects	failed	
Unfortunately,	 most	 of	 city	 logistics	 projects	 have	 been	 unsuccessful	 and	 have	
ended	 up	 dying	 a	 premature,	 quiet	 death.	 Generally	 speaking,	 there	 are	 five	
reasons	for	this:	
1. They	were	developed	on	the	basis	of	the	wrong	data	about	city	logistics.	
Many	initiatives	focused	on	retail	distribution,	which	accounts	for	only	a	
small	share	of	city	logistics	and	often	already	involves	consolidation.	Until	
a	few	years	ago,	the	major	flows	such	as	construction	materials,	waste,	
and	 catering	 supplies	 remained	 out	 of	 the	 picture,	 which	 essentially	
meant	 that	 no	 visible	 results	 were	 achieved	 in	 terms	 of	 improving	 city	
2. The	proposed	solutions	were	unattractive	for	the	customers.	As	a	result	of	
logistics	 consolidation	 centers	 (such	 as	 urban	 distribution	 centers)	 the	
delivery	ended	up	taking	longer.		
3. The	city	logistics	solution	ended	up	being	more	expensive	for	the	shippers	
than	the	existing	solution.	The	entire	chain	–	from	the	distribution	center	
all	the	way	to	the	delivery	in	the	city	–	was	not	well	thought	out.	Solutions	
were	often	only	developed	for	the	last	mile	on	entering	the	city.	
4. The	 business	 model	 for	 city	 logistics	 was	 not	 sound.	 And	 because	 the	
business	model	was	not	sound,	a	critical	mass	was	never	achieved.	
5. The	local	political	situation	proved	volatile,	which	meant	the	local	playing	
field	for	city	logistics	changed	every	four	years.	
This	 brief	 analysis	 of	 the	 bottlenecks	 for	 city	 logistics	 also	 indicates	 the	
conditions	for	successful	future	solutions:	
1. Focus	solutions	on	the	major	flows	of	goods	within	cities.	
2. The	receiving	party	should	never	be	worse	off	in	any	case.	
3. The	solution	should	not	be	more	expensive	for	the	chain.	
4. There	 needs	 to	 be	 a	 sound	 business	 model	 for	 city	 logistics	 service	
5. There	needs	to	be	continuity	in	local	and	national	policy	in	terms	of	city	
European	vision	for	2050	
On	the	one	hand,	Europe	needs	to	provide	for	the	still-growing	need	for	mobility	
and	freight	transport,	but	on	the	one	hand,	it	also	needs	to	ensure	a	substantial	
reduction	in	greenhouse	gases	and	other	harmful	emissions	as	well	as	in	noise	
pollution	 (European	 Commission,	 2011).	 The	 dependence	 on	 oil	 must	 be	
decreased,	while	at	the	same	time	maintaining	a	high	level	of	efficiency	in	the	
transport	system.	This	calls	for	radical	changes	in	the	system,	based	on	smarter,	
cleaner,	and	safer	transport	solutions.	
ERTRAC	 (European	 Road	 Transport	 Research	 Advisory	 Council)	 and	 ALICE	
(Alliance	 for	 Logistics	 Innovation	 through	 Collaboration	 in	 Europe)	 have	 put	
together	 a	 roadmap	 for	 research	 on	 city	 logistics	 (ALICE/ERTRAC,	 2015).	 The	
aim	of	this	roadmap	is	to	set	the	research	priorities	in	relation	to	city	logistics.	In
the	 logistics	 vision	 of	 ALICE,	 which	 covers	 the	 period	 until	 2050,	 the	 main	
ambition	 is	 the	 development	 of	 the	 so-called	 Physical	 Internet	 (Ballot	 et	 al.,	
2014).	To	achieve	that	ambition,	two	proposed	lines	of	research	form	the	basis	
for	the	logistics	projects	within	the	EU	Horizon	2020	research	program.	These	
are:	a)	sustainable	and	safe	supply	chains,	and	b)	coordination	and	collaboration	
in	 global	 supply	 networks.	 The	 research	 will	 focus	 on	 corridors,	 hubs	 and	
synchromodality,	city	logistics,	and	information	systems	for	connecting	logistics	
systems	 within	 the	 chain.	 The	 participants	 in	 ALICE	 are	 companies,	 research	
institutes,	 national	 governments,	 and	 innovation	 partners.	 The	 roadmap	
(ALICE/ERTRAC,	2015)	has	four	objectives:	
1. Decarbonization:	 energy	 efficiency	 can	 be	 achieved	 by	 making	 city	
logistics	more	efficient	(for	example	by	consolidation	deliveries)	and	by	
using	zero-emission	and	energy-efficient	vehicle	technology	(Stanislaw	et	
al.,	 2014).	 One	 condition	 for	 the	 introduction	 of	 electric	 vehicles	 is	 the	
implementation	of	a	charging	infrastructure	with	rapid	charging	points.	
Smart	city	logistics	concepts	can	compensate	for	the	extra	costs	of	using	
electric	vehicles	for	the	transportation	of	goods	by	raising	the	utilization	
rate,	by	reducing	the	number	of	miles	driven	and	the	number	of	empty	
runs	made,	and	by	preventing	hours	from	being	lost.		
2. Livability	and	the	quality	of	the	environment:	the	research	is	expected	to	
help	improve	the	air	quality	in	European	cities	and	to	reduce	noise	levels.	
The	factors	contributing	to	local	air	pollution	can	differ	significantly	from	
city	to	city,	just	as	the	relative	share	of	transport	as	a	cause	of	urban	air	
pollution	also	varies	from	place	to	place.	The	goal	is	to	reduce	particulate	
matter	by	80%	and	NOx	by	90%	in	the	period	from	2010	until	2030.	It	is	
possible	to	improve	air	quality	by	reducing	the	emissions	of	the	vehicles	
themselves	 by	 applying	 higher	 emission	 standards,	 by	 using	 smart	 city	
logistics	concepts,	and	by	local	traffic	management.	The	reduction	of	noise	
emissions	in	connection	with	city	logistics	is	important	due	to	its	impact	
on	 the	 health	 of	 the	 citizens.	 Quieter	 vehicles	 will	 make	 it	 possible	 to	
make	 deliveries	 at	 night.	 This	 will	 require	 not	 only	 a	 reduction	 of	 the	
noise	 level	 of	 the	 vehicles	 themselves,	 but	 also	 of	 the	 noise	 from	 the	
loading	and	unloading	of	goods.		
3. Reliability:	city	logistics	is	only	effective	when	the	goods	are	delivered	to	
the	 expected	 delivery	 point	 and	 at	 the	 expected	 delivery	 time.	 With	
regard	 to	 business-to-business	 (B2B),	 the	 percentage	 of	 effective	
deliveries	 is	 already	 around	 95%.	 For	 business-to-consumer	 (B2C)	
deliveries	in	the	urban	environment,	that	is	currently	only	70%	to	75%.	
The	reliability	will	need	to	improve	substantially	with	an	eye	to	the	fast	
growth	of	e-commerce	(Van	Duin	et	al.,	2015;	EY,	2015).	
4. Safety:	 there	 is	 growing	 concern	 about	 the	 number	 of	 injuries	 and	
fatalities	involving	trucks	and	more	vulnerable	road	users	in	the	urban	
environment.	 The	 European	 Union	 has	 ambitious	 goals	 in	 relation	 to	
traffic	safety.	Some	cities	have	already	adopted	Vision	Zero	as	their	policy	
objective.	The	roadmap	focuses	research	on	infrastructure,	vehicles,	and	
human	 behavior.	 Besides	 traffic	 safety,	 there	 is	 also	 attention	 for	 safe	
deliveries	with	less	theft	and	damage.
4.	 Supply	chain	perspective	
In	the	effort	to	realize	these	objectives,	city	logistics	should	be	seen	as	a	link	in	
the	logistics	chain,	with	the	end	user	as	the	primary	end	point	(which,	based	on	
the	 notion	 of	 circularity,	 is	 also	 a	 potential	 new	 starting	 point).	 A	 holistic	
approach	should	be	followed	in	order	to	understand	what	can	be	done	upstream	
to	optimize	the	logistics	chain	and	to	have	it	link	up	with	city	logistics.		
City	logistics	lies	at	the	end	of	an	integrated	logistics	chain:	from	
field	to	fork.	
Three	 technological	 developments	 in	 transport	 and	 distribution	 are	 going	 to	
fundamentally	 change	 the	 existing	 distribution	 networks:	 the	 Trans-European	
Transport	Networks	(TEN-T),	the	autonomous	trucks	that	will	carry	goods	safely	
and	reliably	across	the	TEN-T,	and	the	innovations	in	warehouse	automation.	
1. TEN-T:	international	transport	links.		
	 In	the	framework	of	the	TEN-T	program,	the	European	Commission	has	
designated	ten	international	transport	links	–	the	“core	network	corridors”	
–	that	are	to	be	fully	built	up	and	improved	with	EU	funding	through	2030.	
These	concern	innovative	transport	links	on	water,	rails,	and	roads.	
	 The	aim	is	to	further	strengthen	the	European	transport	infrastructure	–	
and	 the	 intelligent	 transport	 and	 traffic	 management	 systems	 that	 go	
along	with	that	–	and	to	lower	transport	costs	in	the	process.	On	these	
safe	 and	 robust	 core	 network	 corridors,	 goods	 can	 find	 their	 way	 –	
uninterrupted,	 but	 especially	 also	 reliably	 –	 between	 Europe’s	 major	
production	and	consumption	areas.	This	is	the	preferred	network	of	the	
2. Platooning:	autonomous	driving.		
	 Unmanned	 trucks	 are	 getting	 closer	 and	 closer.	 The	 use	 of	 wireless	
technology	to	connect	to	a	road	train	–	a	manually	steered	lead	truck	with	
a	column	of	vehicles	behind	it	–	is	already	technically	possible.	These	road	
trains	are	going	to	need	to	have	sufficient	volume	and	frequency.	That	will	
require	enormous	distribution	centers	where	logistics	service	providers	
can	 consolidate	 transport	 flows	 from	 different	 sectors	 of	 industry	 to	
deliver	 –	 with	 a	 high	 frequency	 and	 great	 reliability	 –	 to	 distribution	
centers	 downstream	 in	 the	 chain,	 closer	 to	 major	 consumption	 centers:	
urban	 consolidation	 centers.	 Those	 DCs	 will	 need	 to	 be	 strategically	
connected	with	these	nodes	of	the	TEN-T	network.	
3. Dark	stores:	robots	in	warehouses.		
	 Faster,	 more	 frequent	 and	 more	 finely	 meshed	 delivery	 calls	 for	 the	
mechanization	 of	 order-picking	 activities	 in	 distribution	 centers:	 dark	
stores.	With	new	technology	such	as	Amazon’s	picking	robots,	automatic	
case	picking,	RFID,	GS1	standards	for	things	like	pallet	labels,	dock-and-
roll,	 and	 pick-by-voice,	 the	 productivity	 in	 distribution	 centers	 is	
increasing	 in	 leaps	 and	 bounds.	 Distribution	 centers	 where	 employees	
gather	900	to	1,200	order	lines	an	hour	are	no	longer	exceptions.	Those	
investments	 can	 only	 be	 earned	 back	 in	 distribution	 centers	 with	
sufficient	scale.	
	 Ten	years	ago,	experts	still	thought	that	distribution	centers	couldn’t	be	
any	larger	than	50,000	square	meters.	Warehouses	larger	than	that	were	
thought	 to	 be	 less	 efficient.	 In	 the	 meantime,	 recent	 examples	 from	
Zalando,	 Action,	 Nike,	 and	 Zara	 have	 shown	 that	 efficient	 distribution	
centers	can	easily	be	as	big	as	150,000	to	300,000	square	meters.	
The	distribution	centers	of	the	future	will	be	located	at	strategic	points	within	
the	TEN-T	network.	They	will	consolidate	freight	flows	from	many	shippers	and	
have	 fully	 mechanized	 internal	 processes.	 The	 distribution	 centers	 will	 be	
interconnected	with	advanced	systems	for	the	minute-by-minute	planning	and	
steering	 of	 the	 operational	 processes	 with	 transport	 management,	 warehouse	
management,	and	traffic	management:	sense	and	respond.	Control	towers	will	
see	 to	 the	 tactical	 coordination	 of	 the	 flows	 of	 goods	 and	 capacities	 in	 the	
distribution	network:	predict	and	prepare.		
These	developments	will	have	consequences	for	the	city	logistics	at	the	end	of	
the	logistics	chain	and	thus	also	for	local	spatial	planning	(Dablanc,	2014).	More	
and	more	often,	urban	consolidation	centers	on	the	edges	of	cities	will	be	the	
points	where	slow	mobility,	aimed	at	efficiently	consolidated	freight	flows,	turns	
into	valuable	personalized	mobility,	aimed	at	the	needs	of	the	receiver.		
The	pressure	to	improve	the	air	quality	in	urban	areas	is	an	important	incentive	
for	 the	 use	 of	 electric	 vehicles.	 That	 means	 that	 more	 shipments	 are	 being	
transferred	to	these	electric	vehicles	at	consolidation	centers	within	or	around	
the	city.		
An	urban	consolidation	centers	functions	as	a	lynch	pin	and	pivot	point	in	the	
logistics	chain	for	physical,	information,	and	financial	flows,	but	that	only	works	
properly	with	a	corresponding	organizational	structure.	Important	ingredients	
for	 the	 organization	 model	 are	 the	 neutral	 director’s	 role	 that	 can	 serve	 the
interests	of	every	shipper,	transporter,	distributor,	and	receiver,	and	the	national	
coverage	 of	 uniform	 services	 combined	 with	 local	 situation	 (Guis,	 2014). This	
transfer-of-goods	 function	 needs	 to	 be	 integrated	 into	 the	 logistics	 chain	 with	
multiple	parties.	Different	business	models,	new	processes,	and	technologies	will	
need	 to	 be	 investigated	 and	 implemented.	 The	 city	 logistics	 systems	 are	
becoming	 more	 and	 more	 integrated	 with	 both	 horizontal	 and	 vertical	
collaboration	between	parties.	Such	a	development	needs	to	have	attention	for	
intermodal	and	multimodal	solutions	for	city	logistics	(for	example	the	shipping	
of	products	via	inland	waterways	to	the	edges	of	the	city).	
More	and	more	vehicles	are	connected	with	each	other	and	with	road	authorities,	
for	 example	 via	 cooperative	 intelligent	 transportation	 systems	 (ITS-C).	 With	
traffic	management,	this	can	result	in	better	freight	traffic	flows.		
Finally	one	should	not	forget	that	the	freight	traffic	in	cities	is	the	result	of	the	
behavior	 of	 customers	 in	 those	 cities.	 The	 development	 of	 the	 city	 and	 the	
lifestyle	of	the	people	who	live	there	both	have	a	major	impact	on	city	logistics.	
Factors	such	as	the	development	of	teleworking,	an	aging	population,	housing,	
and	the	growth	of	omnichannel	retail	have	major	consequences	for	city	logistics	
(ALICE/ERTRAC,	 2015).	 Digitization	 may	 also	 offer	 opportunities	 to	 put	 the	
client	 behind	 the	 steering	 wheel	 in	 organizing	 city	 logistics	 more	 efficiently.	 allows	 customers	 to	 choose	 a	 delivery	 time	 themselves.	 By	 charging	
different	prices	for	the	different	delivery	times	(ranging	from	€4.95	to	€12.95),	leads	its	customers	by	the	hand	through	the	logistics	process.	And	in	doing	
so,	 is	 managing	 to	 optimize	 its	 own	 home-delivery	 process	 quietly	 and	
5.	 City	logistics	as	we	head	towards	2050	
The	ALICE/ERTRAC	(2015)	report	contains	12	roadmaps	that	were	developed	
for	the	research	themes	for	the	coming	decades:	
1. Identifying	and	assessing	opportunities	in	urban	freight.	
2. Towards	 a	 more	 efficient	 integration	 of	 urban	 freight	 in	 the	 urban	
transport	system.	
3. Understanding	the	impact	of	land	use	on	urban	freight	activities.	
4. Enabling	more	efficient	movements	of	goods	through	the	management	of	
the	infrastructure.	
5. Improving	 the	 interaction	 between	 long	 distance	 freight	 transport	 and	
urban	freight.	
6. Better	adapting	the	vehicles	to	innovative	urban	freight	delivery	systems.	
7. Value	creation	logistics	services	and	more	efficient	operations.	
8. E-commerce	 implications:	 Direct	 to	 consumer	 deliveries	 and	 functional	
logistics	services.	
9. Reverse	logistics	and	transport	of	waste	and	recycling	material.	
10. Designing	and	operating	urban	freight	delivery	infrastructures.	
11. Safety	and	security	in	urban	freight.	
12. Cleaner	and	more	efficient	vehicles.	
Netherlands	2020–2025:	Green	Deal	Zero	Emission	Urban	Logistics	
The	Top	Sector	Logistics’	2016–2020	multiyear	program	(Topsector	Logistiek,	
2015)	 also	 gives	 attention	 to	 city	 logistics.	 The	 collaboration	 between	 all	 the	
different	 parties	 involved	 in	 city	 logistics	 is	 currently	 most	 evident	 within	 the	
Green	 Deal	 Zero	 Emission	 Urban	 Logistics	 (GDZES)	 program.	 The	 basis	 of	 the	
GDZES	lies	in	the	Agreement	on	Energy	for	Sustainable	Growth.		That	 Agreement	
states	(in	Dutch):	“In	2014,	parties	intend	[...]	to	conclude	a	Green	Deal	about	
zero-emission	 city	 logistics	 that	 will	 facilitate	 and	 give	 direction	 to	 regional	
pilots.”	 In	 this	 context,	 zero-emission	 city	 logistics	 refers	 in	 any	 case	 to	 the	
reduction	of	CO2	emissions	resulting	from	city	logistics	to	zero,	but	preferably	
also	to	the	reduction	of	NOx,	particulate	matter,	and	noise	emissions	in	the	city	
centers	resulting	from	city	logistics	to	practically	zero.	
Parties	to	the	GDZES	have	the	goal	of	achieving	emission-free	deliveries	in	city	
centers	 by	 2025.	 These	 parties	 include	 the	 Dutch	 national	 government,	
municipalities,	industry	associations,	knowledge	institutions,	shippers,	transport	
and	distribution	companies,	fuel	suppliers,	and	vehicle	producers.		By	means	of	
Living	Labs,	parties	are	working	together	to	come	up	with	workable	operational	
solutions.	The	projects	have	to	do	with	vehicle	technology,	the	use	and	loading	of	
trucks,	and	the	initiation	of	innovative	city	logistics	projects.	
With	its	action	line	for	city	logistics,	the	Top	Sector	Logistics	wants	to	connect	
with	this	Green	Deal.	Considering	that	city	logistics	has	a	major	impact	on	the	
accessibility	and	the	broader	quality	of	life	in	the	city,	both	of	which	form	the	
focus	 of	 the	 current	 Dutch	 government’s	 Agenda	 Stad	 (“Urban	 Agenda”),	 the	
action	line	for	city	logistics	will	form	a	link	to	that	agenda.
While	there	has	been	no	large-scale	production	of	zero-emission	vehicles	to	date,	
electric	delivery	vans	are	already	available	and	the	first	heavier,	custom-made	
zero-emission	 trucks	 are	 already	 in	 use.	 In	 addition,	 prototypes	 of	 hybrid	
vehicles	are	being	developed	that	can	use	conventional	fuels	on	the	motorways	
but	 travel	 emission-free	 for	 the	 “last	 mile”	 within	 the	 city.	 Despite	 the	 great	
diversity	in	load	types	and	the	resulting	diversity	of	technical	specifications	for	
vehicles,	relevant	developments	are	currently	under	way	for	all	types	of	supply	
vehicles	that	are	being	used	on	a	large	scale,	each	one	proceeding	at	its	own	pace.	
As	 logistics	 concepts	 are	 scaled	 up	 further,	 the	 parties	 to	 the	 GDZES	 want	 to	
boost	the	development,	availability,	reliability,	and	affordability	of	zero-emission	
vehicles.	By	now	there	are	many	opportunities	for	electric	vehicles	in	connection	
with	 city	 logistics	 (Stanislaw	 et	 al.,	 2014)	 and	 their	 use	 is	 being	 monitored	
(Nesterova	et	al.,	2013;	Pelletier	et	al.,	2014;	Hogeschool	van	Amsterdam,	2015d).	
Besides	the	use	of	zero-emission	vehicles,	a	reduction	in	the	number	of	vehicles	
needed	to	bring	supplies	to	the	city	is	another	important	objective.	Some	goods	
already	enter	the	city	in	efficient	ways.	That	is	especially	the	case	where	logistics	
professionals	and	companies	have	organized	the	(consolidation	of)	freight	flows	
with	transport	on	their	own	account,	as	with	the	stocking	of	supermarkets	and	
chain	stores.	Also	the	distribution	of	e-commerce	shipments	is	continually	being	
optimized	by	the	larger	logistics	parties,	thanks	in	part	to	the	sound	agreements	
that	are	being	made	with	receivers	(Van	Duin	et	al.,	2015).	
In	contrast	to	the	efficient	flows,	by	far	most	transport	movements	are	known	to	
work	with	a	low	utilization	rate	or	only	enter	the	city	to	deliver	small	shipments.	
New	 city	 logistics	 concepts	 and	 more	 extensive	 consolidation	 make	 the	 use	 of	
zero-emission	vehicles	and/or	the	use	of	clean	vehicles	with	a	high	utilization	
rate	in	lieu	of	low	emissions	for	those	transport	movements	potentially	feasible	
and	are	therefore	in	line	with	the	GDZES	objectives.	Amsterdam	has	it’s	own	deal	
with	local	business	organization	and	research	institutions	called	‘Slim	en	Schoon’.
The	action	line	for	city	logistics	aims	to	reduce	CO2	emissions	by	5,000	kilotons	
of	CO2	per	year.	Achieving	zero-emission	city	logistics	through	a	combination	of	
better	 technology	 and	 more	 efficient	 logistics	 will	 require	 organizational,	
technological,	social,	financial,	and	legal	adjustments.	This	variety	of	factors	to	be	
overcome,	 in	 combination	 with	 the	 many	 different	 interests	 of	 stakeholders,	
demands	an	innovative	approach.		
The	first	phase	will	start	the	moment	the	Green	Deal	enters	into	force	and	run	
until	2020.	In	this	initial	phase,	the	Green	Deal	will	focus	on	demonstrating	or	at	
least	 making	 plausible,	 via	 Living	 Labs,	 that	 zero-emission	 city	 logistics	 is	
feasible,	from	a	technical,	economic,	and	enforcement	perspective,	for	a	specific	
logistics	flow.	In	the	second	phase,	which	runs	until	2025,	the	Green	Deal	will	
focus	on	scaling	up	the	demonstrated	concepts.		
There	are	also	links	with	other	part	of	the	Top	Sector	such	as	the	application	of	
knowledge	 from	 the	 4C	 roadmap	 (for	 cross	 chain	 control	 centers),	 the	
development	 of	 new	 business	 models,	 and	 the	 implementation	 of	 digital	
exchanges	 of	 logistics	 information	 with	 the	 Neutral	 Logistic	 Information	
Platform	or	NLIP	(Topsector	Logistiek,	2015).
6.	 An	integrated	approach	
Considering	 the	 Dutch	 and	 European	 ambitions,	 a	 lot	 of	 innovation	 will	 be	
required	 of	 shippers,	 receivers,	 logistics	 service	 providers,	 and	 governments	
when	 it	 comes	 to	 city	 logistics.	 In	 practice,	 the	 integrated	 logistics	 concept	 is	
often	used	in	dealing	with	such	innovative	logistics	issues	(Van	Goor	et	al.,	2014).	
Local	and	supralocal	government	policy	is	another	key	factor	in	city	logistics.	For	
that	reason,	government	policy	has	been	added	to	the	integrated	approach	of	city	
logistics	(see	Fig.	1).		
Figure	1:	Integrated	approach	to	city	logistics	(based	on	Van	Goor	et	al.,	2014).	
External	and	internal	objectives	
In	 terms	 of	 the	 external	 objectives,	 it	 concerns	 linking	 up	 with	 the	 logistical	
needs	 of	 the	 receiving	 party	 during	 the	 customer-experience	 cycle	 (pre-sales,	
sales,	and	aftersales).	In	terms	of	the	internal	objectives,	it	concerns	the	costs	
and	the	working	capital	that	are	involved	in	supplying	the	customers	in	the	chain.	
These	are	the	framework	conditions	for	setting	up	a	distribution	network.		
Especially	 as	 a	 result	 of	 the	 digitization	 of	 customers	 and	 the	 changes	 in	
customer	 behavior,	 these	 external	 objectives	 are	 changing	 (Shopping2020,	
2014).	 Consumers	 are	 buying	 more	 online.	 With	 the	 advent	 of	 nano	 stores	
(Blanco	 &	 Fransoo,	 2013),	 shops	 are	 receiving	 smaller	 and	 smaller	 shipments	
more	and	more	often.	To	be	able	to	compete	with	web	stores,	fashion	retailers	
are	presenting	new	collections	more	and	more	often.		E-commerce	in	the	B2B	
market	is	only	now	really	starting	to	develop.	As	construction	sites	in	cities	get	
smaller	 and	 smaller,	 supplies	 need	 to	 be	 brought	 in	 more	 often	 and	 delivered
right	 on	 time.	 In	 the	 future,	 seniors	 who	 want	 to	 keep	 living	 at	 home	 will	 get	
customized	healthcare	logistics	at	home.	
For	 deliveries	 to	 customers	 in	 cities,	 there	 are	 several	 types	 of	 possible	
distribution	networks:		
• Directly	from	the	shippers	to	the	customer(s)	
• Consolidation	of	freight	flows	of	shippers	upstream	in	the	logistics	chain.	
• Consolidation	 of	 freight	 flows	 of	 multiple	 shippers	 and	 logistics	 service	
providers	downstream	through	urban	consolidation	centers	
• Consolidation	 of	 freight	 flows	 of	 multiple	 shippers	 and	 logistics	 service	
providers	downstream	through	urban	consolidation	centers	
• Consolidation	of	freight	flows	of	multiple	shippers	via	stores	or	pick-up	
points	within	an	urban	area.	
As	 an	 example,	 the	 possibilities	 for	 construction	 logistics	 are	 given	 in	 Table	 2	
(Quak	et	al.,	2011).	
Load	characteristics	 Transport	
thick	flows	
Initial	phase	of	
construction	projects	
Sand,	gravel,	prefab	
Direct	delivery;	
Out	full,	empty	
Preferred	network	for	
construction	traffic;	
Consolidation	of	extra-
urban	traffic;	
Integrated	distribution	
thin	flows	
Pallets	(load	carrier)	 Trucks	not	fully	
loaded	(low	
utilization	rate)	
Innovative	construction;	
Consolidation	at	the	
Consolidation	at	an	urban	
consolidation	center;	
Outsourcing	of	
construction	logistics	
Parcels	 Parcels	 Trucks	not	fully	
loaded	(low	
utilization	rate)	
Consolidation	at	the	
Consolidation	at	an	urban	
consolidation	center;	
Outsourcing	of	
construction	logistics;	
Mobile	storage	container	
(construction	finishing	
Rush	orders	 Parcels	 Ad	hoc,	rush	
(very	low	
utilization	rate)	
Outsourcing	to	courier;	
Collection	points	
Returns	 Clay,	rubble,	
construction	waste	
Out	empty,	back	
Preferred	network	for	
construction	traffic;	
Consolidation	of	extra-
urban	traffic;
Integrated	distribution	
Combicontainer	for	
moving	things	to	and	
from	the	site.	
Table	2.	Distribution	networks	for	construction	logistics	(Quak	et	al.,	2011).	
Then	there	is	the	question	of	which	modality	or	modalities	are	used	for	transport	
within	the	distribution	network	(e.g.	cargo	tricycle,	delivery	van,	truck,	or	boat)	
and	which	fuel	technology	is	used.	
Important	 factors	 in	 setting	 up	 a	 distribution	 network	 include:	 the	 company’s	
strategy,	 the	 customer	 demands	 that	 the	 company	 wants	 to	 respond	 to,	 the	
desired	degree	of	flexibility,	the	margin	on	products,	the	production	cycle,	and	
the	 product	 characteristics	 such	 as	 value	 density	 and	 packing	 density	 that	
determine	the	distribution	costs	(Van	Goor	et	al.,	2014).	
Planning	and	control	
Tactical	and	operational	planning	and	control	ensure	that	the	shipments	reach	
the	 receiver	 on	 time	 and	 with	 the	 appropriate	 use	 of	 resources.	 Planning	 and	
control	 concerns	 decisions	 about	 the	 deployment	 of	 personnel	 and	 the	
scheduling	of	vehicles	and	warehouse	processes,	but	also	about	the	charging	of	
electric	vehicles.	In	terms	of	city	logistics,	this	planning	and	control	covers	the	
entire	chain,	often	involving	multiple	parties	that	work	together.	Data	alignment	
in	logistics	chains	is	a	condition	for	the	sharing	of	planning	data.	
Information	and	communications	technology	
The	 tactical	 and	 operational	 planning	 and	 control	 requires	 data	 about	 the	
shipments,	 the	 available	 capacities,	 and	 the	 routes:	 transport	 management
systems	(TMS).	These	systems	are	increasingly	linked	with	local	traffic	systems	
of	the	government	that	give	relevant	information	about	traffic	using	open	data.	
Giving	 road	 users	 tailored	 driving	 recommendations	 can	 contribute	 towards	 a	
better	flow	of	traffic,	and	road	users	will	also	be	prepared	to	adjust	their	driving	
style	on	the	basis	of	those	recommendations.	Soon	the	receiver	will	get	real-time	
information	 about	 the	 shipment	 and	 its	 expected	 arrival	 time	 and	 can	 even	
change	the	delivery	address	while	the	shipment	is	already	under	way.		
A	trend	in	the	development	of	ICT	is	the	advent	of	location-based	applications,	
agent-based	 software,	 and	 systems	 for	 the	 exchange	 of	 freight	 between	
companies	 (and	 increasingly	 also	 between	 private	 individuals).	 Well-known	
applications	include	Uber	and	GoGoVan.		
Logistics	organization	
In	terms	of	the	logistics	organization,	it	concerns	the	way	in	which	the	tasks	for	
the	planning	and	control	of	the	transport	flows	are	anchored	in	the	organization,	
the	 competencies	 of	 the	 employees	 involved,	 and	 how	 parties	 in	 the	 logistics	
chain	work	together.		
Local	government	policy	
Local	 government	 policy	 determines	 the	 playing	 field	 by	 means	 of	 delivery	
windows,	 vehicle	 restrictions,	 the	 arrangement	 of	 public	 spaces	 (including	
loading	 and	 unloading	 bays),	 late	 night	 and	 early	 morning	 distribution,	 low-
emission	zones,	the	amount	of	space	that	is	available	for	logistics	consolidation	
centers,	the	available	charging	infrastructure	for	electric	vehicles,	the	number	of	
quays	that	are	available	for	the	loading	and	unloading	of	boats,	and	the	open	data	
that	is	made	available	for	local	traffic	control	and	dynamic	traffic	management	
aimed	at	improving	the	flow.	
Supralocal	government	policy	
Among	other	things,	supralocal	government	policy	determines	hours-of-service	
regulations,	vehicle	specifications,	and	the	availability	of	open	data	for	dynamic	
traffic	management.	
An	 integrated	 approach	 to	 city	 logistics	 also	 requires	 a	 careful	
consideration	 of	 the	 business	 model.	 There	 is	 no	 future	 for	
solutions	based	entirely	on	subsidies.	
Earning	money	with	city	logistics	
One	of	the	problems	in	the	implementation	of	new	concepts	for	city	logistics	is	
the	lack	of	a	business	model:	they	don’t	earn	any	money.	As	Quak	&	Balm	(2014)	
put	it:
Small	scale,	local	demonstrations	of	which	the	outcomes	are	considered	to	be	only	
appropriate	within	a	specific	context	occur	quite	often	in	the	field	of	city	logistics.	
Various	 local	 demonstrations	 usually	 show	 a	 solution’s	 technical	 and	 operational	
feasibility.	These	often	subsidized	demonstrations	do	not	have	long-term	potential	
due	to	the	lack	of	thought	on	their	business	models,	i.e.	the	financial	feasibility.	To	
make	a	solution	really	work	in	practice	a	viable	business	model	is	required.	
The	 use	 of	 business	 models	 such	 as	 Canvas	 (Osterwalder	 &	 Pigneur,	 2010;	
Turblog,	2011;	Pauli,	2014)	can	support	the	development	of	a	business	model.	
The	 Business	 Model	 Canvas	 is	 a	 powerful	 instrument	 to	 identify	 the	 business	
model	 in	 a	 transparent	 and	 comprehensible	 way	 (see	 Fig.	 2).	 In	 city	 logistics,	
these	 business	 models	 also	 often	 have	 characteristics	 of	 public-private	
Figure	2.	Business	Model	Canvas	(Quak	&	Balm,	2014).
Checklist	for	the	Business	Model	Canvas	
1.	Customer	Segments	
What	specific	customer	groups	does	the	company	want	to	serve?	What	are	the	
needs	of	those	customer	groups?	
2.	Value	Proposition	
What	 distinctive	 value	 does	 the	 company	 offer?	 What	 problems	 does	 the	
company	help	to	solve?	Those	can	be	both	the	current	and	the	future	needs.	Why	
should	these	customers	do	business	with	the	company	(and	not	with	someone	
else)?	This	is	the	value	proposition.	
3.	Customer	Relationships	
How	does	the	company	maintain	contact	with	the	various	customer	segments?	
How	 does	 each	 aspecific	 customer	 segment	 want	 the	 company	 to	 maintain	
contact	 with	 them?	 Which	 type	 of	 contact	 is	 the	 right	 one	 and	 the	 most	 cost-
effective	for	each	segment?	
4.	Channels	
How	 are	 (groups	 of)	 customers	 kept	 abreast	 of	 the	 range	 of	 services	 offered?	
How	do	they	best	experience	the	value	proposition?	How	can	they	buy	and	get	
the	range	of	services	offered?	
5.	Revenue	Streams	
How	 does	 the	 company	 earn	 money?	 And	 in	 the	 future?	 How	 can	 it	 develop	
supplementary	sources	of	income?	
6.	Key	Resources	
Which	 resources	 are	 essential	 to	 create	 the	 value	 proposition?	 To	 maintain	
customer	relationships?	To	get	new	customers?	
7.	Key	Activities	
Which	core	activities	are	essential	to	create	or	strengthen	the	value	proposition?	
To	maintain	customer	relationships?	To	get	new	customers?	
8.	Partners	
Which	 private	 and	 public	 partnerships	 are	 essential	 to	 make	 or	 co-create	 the	
offer	?	Which	partners	are	crucial	to	ensure	even	more	success?	
9.	Cost	Structure	
Which	costs	are	essential	to	ensure	that	the	business	model	will	work?	Which	
resources	 and	 core	 activities	 are	 the	 most	 costly?	 Which	 costs	 are	 fixed,	 and	
which	are	variable?
7.	 Applied	research	
The	 Faculty	 of	 Technology	 at	 the	 Amsterdam	 University	 of	 Applied	 Sciences	
(HvA)	 has	 a	 research	 program	 that	 extends	 beyond	 the	 faculty	 itself:	 Urban	
Technology.	 As	 one	 of	 the	 spearhead	 programs	 of	 the	 HvA,	 Urban	 Technology	
focuses	 on	 researching,	 designing,	 and	 realizing	 smart	 solutions	 for	 the	
challenges	 that	 major	 cities	 will	 face	 in	 the	 future.	 In	 this	 broad	 research	
program,	the	Faculty	of	Technology	works	together	with	two	other	faculties	at	
the	HvA:	Economics	and	Management	and	Digital	Media	and	Creative	Industries.	
The	broader	Logistics	research	program	focuses	on	two	themes	that	are	closely	
connected	with	Metropoolregio	Amsterdam	(MRA),	the	umbrella	organization	of	
municipalities	that	form	the	Amsterdam	metropolitan	area:	Mainport	Logistics	
and	 City	 Logistics.	 The	 Logistics	 research	 program	 at	 the	 HvA	 is	 closely	
connected	to	the	national	Centre	of	Expertise	Logistiek	(“Center	of	Expertise	for	
Logistics”),	of	which	the	HvA	fulfills	the	role	of	secretary,	and	with	the	regional	
KennisDC	(“Knowledge	Distribution	Center”)	in	Amsterdam.			
Within	 the	 Urban	 Technology	 research	 program,	 the	 City	 Logistics	 research	
program	is	linked	to	the	research	theme	of	Smart	Mobility	&	Logistics.	The	focus	
lies	on	designing	technological	solutions	for	sustainable	mobility	to	ensure	the	
city	remains	accessible	and	connected.	The	research	program	is	also	linked	to	
the	showcase	project	E-mobility	and	City	Logistics,	in	which	researchers	in	the	
Smart	 Mobility	 &	 Logistics	 and	 Smart	 Energy	 Systems	 programs	 are	 working	
together	 on	 the	 smart	 use	 of	 electric	 vehicles	 for	 urban	 distribution	 in	 the	
Amsterdam	metropolitan	area.		
Applied	research	within	the	Faculty	of	Technology	
Technology	helps	to	create	the	world	of	tomorrow.	That	will	require	research	
that	 is	 related	 to	 practical	 applications	 and	 problems	 in	 practice.	 Applied	
research	contributes	to	the	improvement	and	innovation	of	professional	practice,	
to	 the	 quality	 of	 professional	 education,	 and	 to	 the	 quality	 of	 teachers	 and	
students.	In	addition	to	preparing	students	to	be	knowledgeable	professionals,	
conducting	 applied	 research	 is	 one	 of	 the	 core	 activities	 through	 which	 the	
Faculty	of	Technology	at	the	HvA	is	helping	to	create	the	world	of	tomorrow.		
Applied	research	differs	from	classic	theoretical	research	in	that	it	investigates	
practical	 issues	 from	 the	 field	 and	 involves	 a	 close	 cooperation	 with	 the	
professional	practice.	The	research	is	nevertheless	methodologically	sound	and	
in	 line	 with	 academic	 knowledge.	 Indeed,	 the	 added	 value	 of	 applied	 research	
lies	in	the	fact	that	bridges	the	gap	between	theoretical	knowledge	and	day-to-
day	professional	practice.
Applied	research	has	four	characteristics:	
1. It	is	rooted	in	professional	practice	
The	strength	of	applied	research	lies	in	large	part	in	the	way	it	is	set	
up	and	carried	out:	in	close	cooperation	with	professional	practice	via	
networks	and	collaborative	relationships.	The	research	being	done	at	
the	 Amsterdam	 University	 of	 Applied	 Sciences	 (HvA)	 has	 a	 clearly	
recognizable	regional	dimension	thanks	to	its	connection	with	MRA’s	
Kennis-	en	Innovatieagenda	(“Knowledge	and	Innovation	Agenda”).	
2. It	forms	a	bridge	between	science	and	professional	practice	
One	 of	 the	 objectives	 of	 applied	 research	 is	 to	 translate	 scientific	
knowledge	into	professional	practice.	It	is	through	research	that	the	
practical	applicability	of	scientific	insights	is	put	to	the	test	and	made	
concrete.	 As	 such,	 applied	 research	 plays	 an	 important	 role	 in	
increasing	 the	 readiness	 of	 new	 technologies	 with	 an	 eye	 to	 their	
market	introduction.	In	the	process,	applied	research	not	only	draws	
from	the	body	of	knowledge	but	also	adds	new	knowledge	to	that.		
3. It	is	methodologically	sound	
Applied	 research	 uses	 sound	 methods	 and	 meets	 the	 current	
standards	 in	 terms	 of	 validity	 and	 reliability.	 In	 addition,	 it	 tries	 to	
make	 the	 results	 generalizable	 as	 much	 as	 possible.	 Part	 of	 the	
research	takes	place	in	collaboration	with	research	universities,	other	
universities	 of	 applied	 sciences,	 and	 knowledge	 institutions	 such	 as	
the	Netherlands	Organisation	for	Applied	Scientific	Research	(TNO).	
4. It	has	an	impact	on	society	
Applied	research	contributes	to	the	professionalization	and	innovative	
force	of	industry	and	government	bodies.	This	active	contribution	has	
a	visible	impact	that	underscores	the	social	engagement	of	the	Faculty	
of	Technology	at	the	HvA.		
Research	also	takes	place	in	the	classroom	setting.	
In	the	Faculty	of	Technology,	research	is	carried	out	by	professors,	teachers	with	
a	research	task,	doctoral	candidates,	and	students,	in	collaboration	with	and	at	
the	request	of	professionals	in	the	field.
Research	on	City	Logistics	
The	City	Logistics	research	program	focuses	on	the	following	themes:		
E-mobility	and	City	Logistics	
In	 the	 framework	 of	 the	 showcase	 project	 E-mobility	 and	 City	 Logistics,	
potentially	 promising	 sectors	 are	 being	 identified	 in	 terms	 of	 the	 electric	
transport	 of	 both	 goods	 and	 people.	 For	 city	 logistics,	 for	 example,	 the	
possibilities	 for	 parcel	 deliveries	 and	 the	 distribution	 of	 goods	 to	 hotels,	
restaurants,	and	cafés	are	being	studied.	Researchers	are	looking	into	which	type	
of	charging	infrastructure	is	needed	to	facilitate	and	encourage	businesses	to	use	
electric	transport,	but	also	investigating	how	best	to	achieve	that.	In	addition,	the	
day-to-day	use	of	electric	transport	by	businesses	is	being	monitored.	
E-mobility	and	City	Logistics	research	project	
The	 rise	 and	 necessity	 of	 electric	 transportation	 is	 dependent	 on	 numerous	
factors	such	as	technical	possibilities,	acceptance,	government	policy,	costs	and	
benefits,	the	environment,	business	risks,	and	data.	For	that	reason,	the	project	
focuses	on	various	aspects	within	five	different	work	packages	(WPs).	
WP1.	Inventory	of	transport	flows	
Which	types	of	vehicles	deserve	to	have	priority	(with	an	eye	to	achieving	better	
air	quality)?	And	in	which	transport	flows	are	those	vehicles	used?	Those	flows	
include	 the	 delivery	 of	 supplies	 to	 restaurants,	 cafés,	 and	 hotels,	 parcel	
deliveries,	the	collection	of	waste,	the	stocking	of	retail	stores,	and	the	provision	
of	maintenance	services	and	municipal	services,	but	also	construction	logistics	
flows.	 It	 makes	 sense	 to	 distinguish	 between	 and	 prioritize	 the	 different	
transport	flows	on	the	basis	of	local	bottlenecks	within	the	city.	Result:	a	multi-
criteria	table	including	a	ranking	of	transport	flows.		
WP2.	Feasibility	analysis	in	case	studies	
What	are	the	opportunities,	obstacles,	and	conditions	for	electric	transport	for	
the	important	sectors	based	on	their	supply	profile,	costs	and	benefits,	and	user
experience,	among	other	things?	Result:	detailed	insight	into	the	opportunities,	
obstacles,	and	conditions	for	a	successful	transition	to	electric	transport.	
WP3.	Development	of	a	charging	infrastructure	for	city	logistics		
What	 type	 of	 charging	 infrastructure	 will	 be	 necessary	 in	 the	 Amsterdam	
metropolitan	area	to	facilitate	and	encourage	the	use	of	electric	transportation?	
To	what	extent	can	a	substantial	part	of	city	logistics	(electric	transportation)	be	
serviced	 with	 a	 limited	 basic	 infrastructure	 (i.e.	 hotspots)?	 Where	 are	 those	
hotspots	situated?	Which	requirements	do	the	hotspot	charging	points	need	to	
meet?	 Result:	 maps	 of	 hotspots	 in	 Amsterdam	 (based	 on	 various	 growth	
scenarios)	and	a	specification	of	requirements	for	hotspot	charging	points.	
WP4.	Monitoring		
A	 thorough	 evaluation	 will	 be	 essential	 in	 order	 to	 be	 able	 to	 identify	 the	
obstacles,	the	opportunities,	and	the	conditions	for	success	in	terms	of	the	use	of	
electric	 transport.	 It	 will	 contribute	 to	 the	 accumulation	 and	 transfer	 of	
knowledge.	 What	 are	 the	 experiences	 of	 companies,	 drivers,	 automobile	
manufacturers,	and	municipalities?	How	should	we	record	and	share	the	lessons	
learned?	Considering	the	growth	in	the	number	of	electric	transport	pilots	in	the	
logistics	 sector	 (including	 PostNL,	 Nissan,	 and	 Heineken),	 the	 need	 for	
(consistent)	 monitoring	 for	 the	 sake	 of	 evaluation	 and	 the	 exchange	 of	
knowledge	 is	 great.	 Research	 question:	 How	 do	 you	 set	 up	 a	 consistent	
monitoring	 framework?	 Can	 we	 develop	 a	 standard	 protocol?	 In	 addition,	 the	
existing	capacity	for	monitoring	(the	use	of	charging	points)	can	be	used	to	study	
and	 optimize	 the	 charging	 behavior	 of	 logistics	 service	 providers.	 Result:	 a	
monitoring	protocol	and	multiple	evaluative	studies.		
WP5.	Design	studies	
How	will	the	design	of	vehicles,	charging	solutions,	and	logistics	concepts	look	in	
the	 future?	 This	 comprises	 multiple	 subprojects	 dealing	 with	 subquestions	
stemming	 from	 WP2,	 WP3,	 and	 WP4.	 	 Result:	 the	 design	 and	 construction	 of	
prototypes	in	MRA’s	own	testing	ground.		
Public	procurement	
Local	 authorities	 are	 among	 the	 largest	 employers	 in	 the	 Netherlands.	 Their	
training	 courses,	 departments,	 and	 services	 are	 spread	 across	 hundreds	 of	
locations	throughout	their	territory.	Every	day,	those	locations	are	supplied	with	
paper	for	printers,	food	and	beverages,	maintenance	products,	cleaning	supplies,	
paving	stones	for	sidewalks,	and	much,	much	more	(Balm	et	al.,	2015).	And	every	
day,	those	locations	also	produce	considerable	waste	flows.	This	leads	to	a	huge	
number	of	small-scale	deliveries	in	cities	and	many	trucks	and	delivery	vans	at	
the	door.	Some	5	to	10%	of	the	deliveries	in	cities	are	thought	to	have	a	public	
institution	as	their	destination.	
This	 research	 project	 analyzes	 whether	 or	 not	 that	 supply	 could	 be	 made	
smarter	and	cleaner	by	consolidation	freight	flows	at	the	suppliers’	or	at	urban	
distribution	 centers,	 by	 having	 them	 delivered	 at	 night	 or	 by	 organizing
deliveries	 by	 boat	 via	 canals.	 The	 focal	 points	 of	 this	 project	 on	 public	
procurement	are	the	collaboration	with	suppliers,	the	kinds	of	information	that	
are	 provided	 to	 support	 the	 decision-making	 process,	 and	 the	 purchasing	
behavior	of	public	organizations	(Hogeschool	van	Amsterdam,	2014	and	2015c).	
This	 research	 project	 is	 being	 carried	 out	 in	 collaboration	 with	 the	 UvA/HvA	
Facility	Services,	the	City	of	Rotterdam,	and	the	City	of	Amsterdam.	
Construction	logistics	
To	 facilitate	 further	 research	 on	 smart,	 zero-emission	 construction	 logistics,	 a	
number	of	research	topics	have	been	formulated	(Van	Merrienboer,	2013):		
• The	development	of	calculation	models	that	contractors	and	bidders	can	
use	to	compare	alternative	distribution	network	during	the	bidding	phase	
and	during	the	collaboration	with	subcontractors,	suppliers,	and	logistics	
service	providers.		
• The	 realization	 of	 paperless	 processes	 in	 the	 chain	 of	 contractors,	
subcontractors,	suppliers,	and	logistics	service	providers	(and	principals).	
• Gain-sharing	 and	 cost-sharing	 models	 between	 contractors,	
subcontractors,	and	suppliers	in	connection	with	joint	logistics	operations	
such	as	logistics	hubs	and	outsourcing	to	logistics	service	providers.		
• The	linking	of	the	Building	Information	Model	(BIM)	to	the	tactical	and	
operational	logistics	planning	in	the	construction	chain.		
• Using	the	most	economically	advantageous	tender	(MEAT)	procedure.	
This	research	program	is	taking	place	in	collaboration	with	the	Utrecht	
University	of	Applied	Sciences,	the	UvA/HvA	Facility	Services,	TNO,	Amsterdam	
Smart	 City,	 and	 construction-industry	 trade	 organization	 Bouwend	 Nederland,	
among	others.	
Food	for	the	City		
In	 collaboration	 with	 the	 Mainport	 Logistics	 research	 program,	 a	 research	
program	 dealing	 with	 food	 has	 been	 developed.	 The	 themes	 covered	 in	 this	
program	 include	 the	 sustainable	 logistics	 and	 processing	 of	 food	 in	 the
Amsterdam	 metropolitan	 area,	 closing	 food	 systems	 loops,	 making	 urban	
farming	initiatives	more	effective,	and	doing	spatial	planning	for	urban	farming	
(Van	der	Schrier	&	Levelt,	2015).	Topics	that	are	also	relevant	but	that	will	only	
be	dealt	with	in	a	later	phase	include	how	the	demand	for	food	will	look	in	the	
future	(considering	demographic	developments	and	consumer	trends)	and	how	
food	security	can	be	guaranteed	in	the	event	of	disasters	or	other	emergencies	in	
the	region.		
The	 effects	 of	 web	 stores	 on	 urban	 mobility	 are	 currently	 being	 studied	 in	 a	
collaboration	with	the	Online	Entrepreneurship	research	group	of	the	Faculty	of	
Economics	and	Management	(Weltevreden	&	Rotem-Mindali,	2009).	
Dealing	with	stakeholders	
When	 it	 comes	 to	 traffic	 in	 the	 city,	 everyone	 is	 an	 expert	 with	 an	 often	
unvarnished	opinion.	When	the	plans	for	the	“shared	space”	setup	for	bicyclists	
and	pedestrians	behind	Amsterdam’s	Central	Station	were	presented	in	August	
2015,	 for	 example,	 more	 than	 88%	 of	 the	 local	 Amsterdam	 TV	 channel	 (AT5)	
viewer	 though	 it	 was	 a	 bad	 idea.	 Even	 the	 experts	 were	 divided	 as	 to	 the	
effectiveness	of	the	setup	and	where	best	to	apply	the	principle.	That	is	hardly	
very	promising.	Amsterdam	is	getting	more	and	more	crowded.	To	maintain	a	
balance	in	Amsterdam	we	will	need	to	learn	to	share	the	space	with	each	other	–	
and	with	our	guests.		Since	actual	practice	involves	so	many	different	actors,	a	
good	 balance	 must	 be	 found,	 when	 weighing	 possible	 solutions,	 between	
seemingly	conflicting	interests.		
The	Multi-actor,	Multi-Criteria	Analysis	(MAMCA)	enables	researchers	and	policy	
makers	 to	 evaluate	 various	 different	 alternatives	 (policy	 measures,	 scenarios,	
technologies,	etc.)	in	relation	to	the	objectives	of	the	various	different	actors	who	
are	 involved	 in	 the	 decision-making	 process.	 In	 this	 way,	 actors	 are	 explicitly	
included	in	the	analysis.	As	developed	by	Macharis	(2000,	2005,	and	2007)	and	
Macharis	et	al.	(2016),	the	MAMCA	method	makes	explicit	the	objectives	of	the	
various	parties	involved,	which	leads	to	a	better	understanding	of	preferences	of
all	 those	 parties.	 Involving	 important	 actors	 in	 the	 analysis	 will	 increase	 the	
chances	that	the	proposed	solution	will	be	accepted	at	the	end	of	the	evaluation	
process	(Van	Duin,	2012).		
Since	 actual	 practice	 involves	 so	 many	 different	 actors,	 a	 good	
balance	 must	 be	 found,	 when	 weighing	 possible	 solutions,	
between	seemingly	conflicting	interests.	
The	MAMCA	consists	of	two	phases	(Macharis,	2005).	The	first	phase	is	primarily	
analytical	with	the	goal	of	gathering	any	information	that	is	needed	to	carry	out	
the	analyses.	The	second	phase	is	the	synthetic	or	operational	phase	and	consists	
of	 the	 actual	 analysis.	 The	 result	 is	 an	 evaluation	 of	 the	 various	 different	
alternatives	on	the	basis	of	the	preferences	of	the	actors	involved.	The	analysis	
provides	a	clear	sense	of	the	advantages	or	disadvantages	of	certain	measures	or	
concepts	 from	 the	 perspective	 of	 the	 different	 groups	 of	 actors.	 This	 provides	
very	 relevant	 information	 for	 implementation	 strategies	 and	 guidelines	 when	
dealing	 with	 projects	 and	 problems	 related	 to	 mobility	 and	 transport.	 The	
MAMCA	method	is	now	widely	used	in	both	research	and	education.
8.	 The	future	of	sustainable	city	logistics	
Clean	and	sustainable	cities	are	appealing	places	to	live,	to	work,	to	enjoy	life,	
and	 –	 not	 least	 –	 to	 invest	 in.	 Sustainable	 city	 logistics	 needs	 to	 contribute	 to	
more	livable	and	appealing	cities	with	zero-emission	vehicles	that	better	match	
the	size	of	the	city,	but	also	to	the	consolidation	of	freight	flows	and	the	use	of	
waterways	for	the	transport	of	goods	to	and	from	the	city.		
A	 successful	 approach	 will	 assume	 substantial	 flows	 of	 goods	 within	 cities:	
construction,	hospitality,	waste,	and	parcel	deliveries	(to	consumers,	companies,	
and	institutions).	In	the	future	there	will	also	be	a	sharp	rise	in	the	number	of	
deliveries	made	to	seniors	at	home.		
In	designing	city	logistics	solutions,	one	needs	to	have	an	overall	and	integrated	
view	 of	 the	 (different	 actors’)	 objectives	 with	 regard	 to	 city	 logistics,	 the	
distribution	network,	and	the	planning	and	control	of	that	network,	but	also	of	
the	 processes	 and	 the	 information	 and	 communications	 technology	 for	 the	
planning	 and	 of	 who	 does	 what	 in	 the	 organization.	 Local	 and	 supralocal	
government	policy	is	another	key	factor	in	city	logistics.		
Many	initiatives	for	city	logistics	start	out	with	government	subsidies.	However,	
such	initiatives	often	end	as	soon	as	the	government	money	has	been	exhausted.	
An	 integrated	 approach	 to	 city	 logistics	 means	 that	 the	 business	 model	 also	
needs	to	be	carefully	thought	out.	There	is	no	future	for	solutions	based	entirely	
on	subsidies.	
Cleaner	city	logistics	is	about	transport	that	is	not	only	zero	emission,	but	also	
quieter	and	safer.	It	could	involve	electric	cars	and	cargo	tricycles,	for	example;	
50%	 of	 the	 local-for-local	 shipments	 can	 be	 done	 with	 cargo	 tricycles	
(Cyclelogistics,	 2014).	 Logistics	 service	 providers	 are	 placing	 their	 bets	 on	
bicycle	couriers.	Those	won’t	be	cyclists	carrying	bags	on	their	back,	however,	
but	rather	electric	cargo	tricycles	with	considerable	load	capacity.	Some	1,000	to	
2,000	of	those	couriers	will	soon	be	riding	around	in	Amsterdam	and	you	can	
count	on	this	development	generating	as	much	of	a	discussion	as	the	current	one	
about	whether	or	not	motor	scooters	should	still	be	allowed	to	use	bicycle	lanes.		
Distribution	 by	 water	 is	 also	 a	 cleaner	 form	 of	 city	 logistics.	 PostNL	 is	 busy	
developing	 floating	 depots	 that	 can	 enter	 Amsterdam	 by	 water,	 enabling	
deliveries	by	cargo	tricycle	or	small	electric	vehicles	to	customers	in	the	city.	Van	
Keulen,	an	innovative	construction	materials	wholesaler	in	Amsterdam,	wants	to	
team	up	with	Mokum	Mariteam	and	Blom	Dekschuitenverhuur	(a	barge	rental	
company)	to	supply	construction	sites	from	the	water.	
More	 than	 anything,	 sustainable	 city	 logistics	 is	 connected:	 the	 vehicles	 are	
connected	via	the	Internet	of	Things.	There	is	currently	a	lot	of	experimentation	
going	on	with	dynamic	traffic	management	systems.	The	metropolitan	areas	of	
Amsterdam,	Assen,	and	Helmond-Eindhoven	are	leading	the	way	in	that	regard.	
With	“connected	navigation”,	trucks	and	delivery	vans	are	provided	with	real-
time	information	about	traffic	congestion	and	green	waves	to	entice	them	to	opt	
for	 particular	 routes	 that	 will	 result	 in	 fewer	 emissions	 and	 less	 nuisance	 for	
residents.	Traditional	loading	and	unloading	bays	in	a	street,	often	occupied	by	
vehicles	that	don’t	belong	there,	can	be	replaced	by	virtual	loading	and	unloading	
bays	along	the	side	of	the	street.	Those	would	only	become	actual	bays	if	vehicles	
that	are	logged	in	to	the	traffic	management	systems	request	them.	That	would	
prevent	loading	and	unloading	from	taking	place	in	the	street	and	stopping	the	
flow	of	traffic.		
And	 while	 there	 is	 certainly	 room	 for	 debate	 about	 the	 rise	 of	 companies	 like	
Uber,	one	thing	that	sort	of	company	is	very	good	at	is	using	data	and	intelligent	
algorithms	to	determine	where	the	hotspots	in	a	city	are	and	where	to	position	
cars	 or	 have	 them	 drive	 to	 limit	 the	 amount	 of	 empty	 mileage	 as	 much	 as	
possible.	 This	 ensures	 more	 efficient	 deliveries	 and	 less	 mileage.	 A	 lot	 can	 be	
learned	from	such	companies	when	it	comes	to	sustainable	city	logistics.	
New	city	logistics	concepts	need	to	be	developed	that	will	make	customers	feel	
they	 are	 getting	 better	 service.	 Companies	 are	 actively	 working	 on	 that.	 	 In	
addition,	 the	 technology	 involved	 in	 both	 vehicles	 and	 traffic	 management	
systems	needs	to	be	developed	further.		There,	too,	hopeful	developments	can	be	
seen.	 And,	 finally,	 these	 concepts	 and	 techniques	 also	 need	 to	 be	 able	 to	 be	
applied.	There	needs	to	be	room	for	that,	and	–	most	of	all	–	there	needs	to	be	
consistent	government	policy.		
Market	 parties	 make	 investments	 in	 this	 kind	 of	 innovation	 for	 a	 period	 of	 at	
least	ten	years.	Policy	changes	along	with	the	changing	of	the	guard,	and	even	
then,	a	city	alderman	might	dilute	ambitions	under	pressure	from	city	council	
members	 or	 complaining	 neighbors.	 Or	 ambitious	 policy	 may	 get	 throttled	 as	
plans	become	more	concrete.	In	Amsterdam,	for	example,	a	policy	plan	aimed	at	
getting	25%	of	the	freight	transports	to	take	place	by	boats	on	canals	became	
impossible	 to	 implement	 as	 a	 result	 of	 the	 Bestemmingsplan	Water	(the	 city’s	
zoning	plan	for	water),	which	precluded	any	expansion	of	transport	by	water.	
And	in	a	number	of	cities,	proposed	low-emission	zones	were	ultimately	either	
postponed	or	never	even	designated	as	such.
In	the	end,	the	key	to	future-oriented	city	logistics	lies	in	enticing,	encouraging,	
and	sometimes	even	pushing	the	market	and	in	responding	with	an	open	mind	to	
whatever	innovations	may	emerge	from	the	market.	And	that	particular	key	is	in	
the	hands	of	the	government.	
Since	in	practice	many	different	actors	are	involved,	it	is	necessary	to	find	a	good	
balance	 between	 seemingly	 conflicting	 interests	 when	 weighing	 possible	
solutions.	 Businesses	 are	 more	 than	 eager	 to	 work	 on	 improving	 urban	
distribution.	A	timely	and	unimpeded	transport	of	goods	to	and	from	cities	for	
stores,	hotels,	restaurants,	and	cafés,	construction	sites,	and	residents	will	only	
be	 possible	 as	 the	 result	 of	 a	 joint	 effort	 by	 the	 business	 community	 and	
government	bodies.	Companies	with	a	lot	of	activities	in	city	centers	should	meet	
more	often	with	the	municipalities	so	that	knowledge	about	just-in-time	urban	
distribution	can	be	included	in	policymaking	and	spatial	planning,	in	the	creation	
of	 low-emission	 zones,	 in	 the	 formulation	 of	 new	 traffic	 regulations,	 or	 when	
measures	are	taken	to	reduce	emissions	of	particulate	matter.
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About	the	author	
Dr.	Walther	Ploos	van	Amstel	(born	in	1962)	is	the	professor	of	city	logistics	at	
the	Amsterdam	University	of	Applied	Sciences	(HvA).	From	2002	through	2009	
he	was	a	professor	of	logistics	at	the	Netherlands	Defence	Academy	(NLDA)	in	
Breda	and	Den	Helder.		
For	over	25	years	he	as	been	active	as	a	management	consultant	in	the	field	of	
logistics,	 supply	 chain	 management	 and	 international	 distribution.	 He	 is	
primarily	 concerned	 with	 logistics	 process	 innovations,	 the	 introduction	 of	
supply	 chain	 concepts	 into	 practice,	 intermodal	 distribution	 networks,	
cooperation	within	logistics	chains	and	networks,	service	logistics,	sustainable	
logistics,	chain	management,	intelligent	logistics	concepts	and	risk	management	
in	 logistics	 chains.	 He	 completed	 his	 doctoral	 research	 on	 the	 performance	 of	
logistics	managers	at	Vrije	Universiteit	Amsterdam	in	2002.		
Among	the	other	honorary	positions	he	holds,	he	was	chairman	of	the	jury	of	the	
Dutch	 Logistics	 Award	 of	 the	 Logistics	 Management	 Association	 (VLM),	 a	
member	of	the	jury	of	the	Thuiswinkel	Awards,	a	member	of	the	expert	group	of	
the	Council	for	the	Environment	and	Infrastructure	(RLI)	and	a	specialist	partner	
at	the	Inventory	Management	Competence	Centre	(IMCC).	He	also	serves	on	the	
board	of	a	number	of	logistics	service	providers.	
Walther	Ploos	van	Amstel	is	a	regular	columnist	for,	Delaatstemeter	
and	Twinklemagazine,	among	other	media.	You	might	run	into	Walther	working	
as	a	house	music	DJ	in	his	rare	moments	of	free	time.

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Walther Ploos van Amstel: future city logistics

  • 2. 2
  • 3. 3 Content 1. Urban mobility 2. Measures for city logistics 3. International research 4. Supply chain perspective 5. City logistics as we head towards 2050 6. An integrated approach 7. Applied research 8. The future of sustainable city logistics Copyright Walther Ploos van Amstel Amsterdam, 2015 This relatively new discipline has several different names in English, including urban freight transport (UTF), urban distribution, city distribution, urban logistics, and city logistics. I prefer the term "city logistics” and use that in this lecture and otherwise in my work.
  • 4. 4 Clean and sustainable cities are appealing places to live, to work, to enjoy life, and – not least – to invest in. I live right in the very center of Amsterdam and look out over the bustling square in front of Central Station. Every day, around the clock, trucks and delivery vans drive past my door to deliver shoes and put fresh fish on the table; they deliver packages from web stores, they arrive with construction materials, and they pick up lots and lots of garbage. It’s a wonderful sight if you enjoy transport as much as I do. My neighbors aren’t quite as excited about transport, however. They complain about the poor air quality, the lack of safety, and the inaccessibility of the neighborhood. Irritation is also growing among the local business owners themselves. Their customers are complaining... It’s really not much fun trying to enjoy a cold beer at an outdoor café with all those trucks and touring cars chugging by. Good city logistics is important for the economic vitality and the appeal of cities. It ensures that restaurants can serve their guests, that stores can offer the very latest product range and that buildings can be renovated without delays. Urbanization puts new demands on urban mobility. As customer demands evolve, city logistics is becoming more and more finely meshed and more often just-in-time. If no adjustments are made to current policy, city logistics will continue to grow. City logistics needs to become smarter, cleaner, quieter, and safer, with faster flows. The City Logistics research program will be conducting applied research on ways to improve city logistics. In my inaugural lecture I will start by giving an impression of the challenges in relation to city logistics in Amsterdam and other cities. I will then give an overview of the themes for future research. In developing a base of practical knowledge, we will be making use of an integrated approach on the basis of a city logistics concept and the Business Model Canvas. Finally, I will conclude by presenting the themes of this new research program. Walther Ploos Amstel Amsterdam, September 2015
  • 5. 5 1. Urban mobility All around the globe, urban populations are growing. In the Netherlands, too, the process of urbanization is taking place in many large, medium-size, and small cities and in their immediate vicinity. The most highly urbanized region of the Netherlands is commonly referred to there as the Randstad. Encircling the country’s rural “Green Heart”, the Randstad includes the country’s four largest cities: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, and The Hague (PBL, 2015). In an interview in the Dutch daily newspaper Trouw, Amsterdam urban planner and social geographer Zef Hemel predicted that Amsterdam’s population will reach two million inhabitants by 2040 (Hemel, 2015). As a consequence of such growth, more and more people will need to share the same space in the city (Groen Links Amsterdam, 2011). Policy-makers around the world are facing the challenge of keeping their growing cities livable. Freight traffic plays an important role in that connection, in both a positive and a negative sense. ALICE/ERTRAC (2015) estimates that between 10 and 15% of all vehicle mileage driven in cities involves freight traffic. Research in the US has shown a disproportionately strong increase in the share of truck mileage driven within cities in the past 50 years, particularly by smaller trucks: from 40% in 1966 to 60% in 2013. The increase has been particularly steep in the past few years as consumers purchase more and more online (Brookings, 2015). Urbanization is placing new demands on urban mobility: between 10 and 15% of all vehicle mileage driven in cities involves freight traffic. Mobility in Amsterdam In the Uitvoeringsagenda Mobiliteit voor Amsterdam (“Implementation Agenda for Mobility in Amsterdam”) from April 2015, city alderman Pieter Litjens (Gemeente Amsterdam, 2015b) wrote (in Dutch): Throughout the centuries, Amsterdam has held a special attraction for many people. The city’s appeal has brought us many new Amsterdammers, unprecedented dynamism, and economic and cultural prosperity. Its success is astonishing: each year more and more people come to live, work, and study in Amsterdam. And especially since the recent reopening of the city’s greatest museums, more and more tourists are finding their way to our nation’s capital. With each new day, Amsterdam is only getting busier and busier – but that also has a downside. Cars, bicyclists, and pedestrians increasingly find themselves in each other’s way, and the scarce public spaces in or near the city center are nearly always full of people. Both the accessibility and the public spaces of Amsterdam are under increasing pressure. To keep the city safe and easy to reach, and to keep public spaces accessible and appealing, we are going to need to make some choices. It is no longer workable to have cars and bikes and pedestrians and public transport going everywhere at the same time. We need to accommodate the
  • 6. 6 increasing mobility in a heavily urbanized area such as Amsterdam primarily by giving more room to pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transportation. This Uitvoeringsagenda lists a number of measures aimed at creating more room for loading and unloading and for optimizing regulations and enforcing those. It mentions a Supply Committee (an initiative of the trade organizations MKB Amsterdam, VNO-NCW, EVO, and TLN) that will make proposals for improving accessibility and ensuring a better flow in the transport of goods. Topics that the City of Amsterdam would like to gain more insight into include: slow traffic flows (pedestrians and bicyclists), urban distribution and logistics, electric mobility, automated transport, and mobility behavior. The City of Amsterdam is studying these themes in collaboration with the following knowledge institutions: the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, the University of Amsterdam (UvA), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), and the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA). In its Agenda Duurzaamheid (“Sustainability Agenda”), the City of Amsterdam states its intention to improve the city’s air quality by stimulating the use of zero-emission vehicles and introducing low-emission zones (Gemeente Amsterdam, 2015a). A more regional focus in the distribution of products or an expansion of the separate collection of waste streams will mean more mileage for trucks. But that would come at the expense of greater accessibility and better air quality, and it will call for new forms of urban distribution and the consolidation of waste collection trips in the city. Agreements will be made with trade organizations about ways to achieve zero-emission mobility. The subsidies that are intended to stimulate zero-emission mobility will be continued to make it possible to meet the air-quality standards. The Stad in Balans (“City in Balance”) memorandum (Gemeente Amsterdam, 2015c) has also made the case for paying closer attention to city logistics. It calls for smart, small-scale, and zero-emission urban distribution, including a greater use of waterways.
  • 7. 7 Freight traffic is only one of the transport flows in the city, of course. It shares the infrastructure with pedestrians, bicyclists and other two-wheeled vehicles, private cars, taxis, and public transportation, and it shares the water with canal excursion boats and pleasure craft. Recent traffic surveys held on Amsterdam’s Ferdinand Bolstraat (Hogeschool van Amsterdam, 2015a) show that some 80% of the freight traffic consists of delivery vans (the remaining 20% concerns larger trucks and garbage trucks). The main categories are (in order of importance) construction and installation, hospitality and food service, and waste. There are also many parcel and store deliveries. In addition there are the combined flows of people and material such as service technicians, builders, and installers (Hogeschool van Amsterdam, 2015a). In Amsterdam’s bustling Haarlemmerstraat neighborhood, freight traffic account for as much as 40% of rush-hour traffic, both in the mornings and in the evenings (Hogeschool van Amsterdam, 2015f). Most of the deliveries in the city are still made using carriers on own account or dedicated outsourcing. City logistics, whereby a logistics service provider consolidates freight flows from multiple shippers, is limited. The carriers on own account enters the city from relatively short distances: about 25 miles on average. In contrast, professional freight transport takes place over longer distances: an average of 56 miles according to the transport statistics of CBS. Studies on public procurement confirm these figures (Hogeschool van Amsterdam, 2014, 2015c; Balm et al., 2015). Amsterdam and innovations in mobility Since July 2014, the City of Amsterdam has had a chief technology officer (CTO). As an advisor and facilitator, the CTO has a flywheel effect, helping the city to comprehend complex urban issues, to choose a focus, to connect different parties, and to formulate an approach and strategies in the area of smart mobility, among others. Cities are under increasing pressure. People are migrating to the cities, where they are eager to live, work, and enjoy themselves. This growth means added pressure on the traffic and transport both within and to and from the city. Amsterdam will continue to grow in the coming years, and so will the traffic and transport there. As CTO Ger Baron puts it: “The big challenge is: how do we keep Amsterdam accessible, ensure good air quality, and keep the public spaces attractive, so that the quality of life in the city and the draw of the city will improve?” (translated from the Dutch; source: Gemeente Amsterdam, 2015d). As the most important trends, the CTO sees: the Internet of Things, the rise of connected vehicles and smart infrastructure, capacity sharing, using real time (open) data for precision-guided logistics alternative fuels. The CTO matches urban mobility issues with the knowledge already present in the city in projects such as the urban mobility lab (AMS Institute), ALLEGRO, SELF STAD self-driving cars and bicycles. The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA) is involved in a number of these studies as a knowledge partner. European perspective
  • 8. 8 The future of city logistics is being carefully considered at the European level (ALICE/ERTRAC, 2015). Europe is a largely urban continent; some 359 million people (72% of the total EU population) currently live in urbanized areas. The share of the population that lives in cities continues to grow and will reach as much as 80% by 2020. Cities are not only the places where goods are delivered, but also where shipments originate. Outgoing transport represents between 20 and 25% of the transport mileage in urban areas, incoming freight amounts to between 40 and 50%, and the rest both originates in and is delivered to locations within the city itself (ALICE/ERTRAC, 2015). Waste transport also forms a significant share of city logistics. The transport of freight in cities leads to congestion, poorer air quality, problems with noise and a lack of safety. The transport of freight in cities with trucks and delivery vans leads to congestion. Other problems include: poorer air quality, noise pollution, and a lack of safety (MDS Transmodal, 2012; Taniguchi et al., 2015). In Europe, city logistics is responsible for 25% of the transport-related CO2 emissions and 30 to 50% of the remaining transport-related air pollution (PM, NOx, etc.) Within the OECD, the transport sector is the largest consumer of energy in general and of oil in particular (OECD, 2015). Even though the number of freight vehicles is limited, they are relatively more often involved in accidents with pedestrians and bicyclists. As city logistics is responsible for a significant share of the ambient noise in cities, it also inconveniences residents during the night. The utilization rate of city logistics
  • 9. 9 vehicles is low. According to Transport for London, for example, delivery vans in that city have an average utilization rate of about 38%. These negative consequences of city logistics have a direct impact on the appeal and livability of cities (ALICE/ERTRAC, 2015). Smart and zero-emission city logistics should contribute to more livable and appealing cities with cleaner vehicles that better match the size of the city, but also to the consolidation of freight flows and the use of waterways for transporting goods to and from the city. A more finely meshed network The urgency to promote smart and zero-emission city logistics is growing. City logistics is becoming more finely meshed and more frequent (Taniguchi et al., 2015). And that, in turn, is putting increasing pressure on the city: there are more shipments, involving more vehicles. A more finely meshed network is the result of developments such as the following: • The growth of omnichannel retailing, with home delivery and pick-up points, the increase in sales transacted between consumers themselves, and the sharing economy (Weltevreden & Rotem-Mindali, 2009; Visser et al., 2014). Consumers who also want shorter delivery times and more delivery options. • The growth of e-commerce in B2B markets (Forrester, 2015). • The return of stores from the outskirts of town to inside the city. Among others, IKEA and Praxis are opening stores in the city (NOS, 2015). • The faster exchanges of collections in retail stores, especially in the fashion branch (Barnes & Lea-Greenwood, 2010). • The rise of nano stores such as Albert Heijn To Go (Blanco & Fransoo, 2013). • The growth of the inner-city renovation market in the construction sector (RESIDE, 2015). • The linking of return flows from the city with the circular economy (Soto et al., 2015). • The servicification of products, which leads to more service provision. (Eckerdal, 2012). • The growth of 3D printing, which leads to local production, which in turn needs raw materials in small amounts (Janssen, 2014; Taniguchi, 2015). • The growing number of urban seniors who need home care (Hogeschool van Amsterdam, 2015b).
  • 10. 10 2. Measures for city logistics Local and national authorities play an active role in regulating, coordinating, facilitating, and stimulating city logistics (MDS Transmodal, 2012; Vlaamse Ministerie van Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken, 2013; Quak et al., 2014b). Table 1 shows the measures that such authorities can take. Research is being done at the European level on the effectiveness of measures for the various different stakeholders (MDS Transmodal, 2015). Measures Examples Regulation Delivery windows Vehicle restrictions Low-emission zones Market forces Internalization of external costs: - pricing - mobility points - time-based charges (vignettes) Subsidies for zero-emission vehicles, bicycle couriers, and transport by water or rail Fiscal policy Spatial planning Redevelopment of (new) areas Creation of pick-up points for e-commerce shipments Loading and unloading facilities Access for transport by water and rail Facilitating urban consolidation centers Charging infrastructure for electric vehicles Infrastructure Loading and unloading facilities on the street Loading and unloading facilities on the water or the rails Parking locations for heavy construction traffic Technology Intelligent transport systems Dynamic traffic management Green wave traffic signaling for heavy traffic Virtual loading and unloading bays Open data and local traffic control data Other Granting of privileges Enforcement Consolidation of demand via urban consolidation centers and coordinated (public) procurement Certification of carriers Management of construction logistics using the accessibility, livability, safety, and communications (ALSC) framework Subsidies for urban consolidation centers Early-morning and late-night deliveries and stimulating silent vehicles Preferred routes for heavy freight traffic Incentives for research programs, expertise development, and business networks Public-private partnerships Table 1. Government measures with regard to city logistics Stakeholders
  • 11. 11 The following are all stakeholders in sustainable city logistics (Macharis & Bernardini, 2015): • residents, who want to have clean air, safety, and no undue noise • visitors, who come to the cities for recreation and do not want to find streets filled with freight traffic • companies, which depend on smooth logistics in order to run their businesses • shippers and transport companies, who bring goods into the cities day after day, preferably at the lowest possible cost • the government, which is responsible for the making sure the carries responsibility for the draw of the city • real estate owners, project developers and investors, who want to receive a decent return on their investments in homes and commercial properties • politicians, who want to be re-elected every four years. City logistics in a historical perspective The first plans for urban distribution centers in the Netherlands were developed in the early 1990s. The consulting firm Coopers & Lybrand (Coopers & Lybrand, 1991; Van Aken et al., 1993) did research on urban distribution centers in Maastricht, Amsterdam, and Alkmaar, among other locations. In subsequent years, those studies were followed by stacks of reports on other municipalities, including Breda, Oosterhout, Utrecht, and Amersfoort, on the Stadsbox (“City box”) initiative (Groothedde & Rustenburg, 2003), on a cargo tram, beer boats, and freight transport by canal in Amsterdam, on the work of Binnenstadservice (a city logistics service center) in various municipalities, and on subsidies for electric vehicles. Quak’s dissertation (2008) provides an overview of the most important Dutch initiatives and literature in this regard. He concludes (in Dutch): The extent to which initiatives will be successful in practice depends on the relationship between the initiators, the incentive to participate in initiatives, and the dominant actors. If the initiator is not the most dominant actor, an initiative can only be implemented successfully in practice if the actor who is supposed to change his behavior actually stands to benefit from it. Another option is to legally oblige that actor to adapt his behavior. Among local authorities, there is only limited knowledge of the logistics operations of transporters. In the same way, transporters know little about the issues regarding sustainability in cities. Moreover, the near lack of any communication between transporters and local authorities means that these public and private actors rarely ever get any real insight into each other’s problems. An initiative is doomed to fail if its initiator is unable to estimate the consequences of the initiative beyond the scope that he defined for it. Higher levels of government are hardly ever involved in initiatives for a sustainable distribution of goods. The initiatives described in the academic literature have not always been successful in practice. Cargohopper Amsterdam
  • 12. 12 In its first nine months, the four electric delivery trucks of Cargohopper Amsterdam managed to deliver more than a million kilograms of freight, saving the company 7,000 liters of diesel fuel. “We are very happy with this result,” says Ron Klein Tiessink, director of Cargohopper, on the website of trade journal Truck & Transportmanagement. Since the delivery service began using electric trucks in March 2014, the company has made nearly 34,000 deliveries. In the process, the concept has more than proved itself, according to Klein Tiessink. The electric urban distribution has prevented the emission of 18,400 kilograms of CO2. At the same time, the emissions of particulate matter and nitrogen compounds (NOx) have been reduced. Since Cargohopper consolidates its shipments in a smart way, the company also manages to reduce the average distance driven for each individual delivery. That means that the actual savings in terms of fuel consumption and emissions are even higher. Klein Tiessink thinks it’s a shame that there are still only seven of the Cargohopper trucks he developed being used in Amsterdam, Enschede, and Utrecht. He is pleased with all the attention it has received, but he would prefer to see the market speed up its development. “Zero-emission urban distribution is only going to work when it stops being something out of the ordinary. The latest generation of heavier electric vehicles should be available for purchase from a dealer.” If the market would have a need for 700 trucks, it would already be possible to scale up to series production, says Klein Tiessink. That is an absolute prerequisite. Only then can the price come down far enough that companies would be able to buy such a truck without a subsidy. The Cargohopper director hopes that cities both in the Netherlands and internationally will begin pursuing a common policy. “Only then will there be sufficient demand for the right heavier electric trucks, which would make it interesting for the industry to develop those. Source: Truck & Transportmanagement, January 23, 2015
  • 13. 13 3. International research On the European level, research is being conducted in programs such as Bestuffs, Bestfact, Straightsol, Sugar, Smartfusion, Citylog, Civitas, Frevue (on electric transport), CoE-SUFS, Lamilo, ALICE/ERTRAC and Smartset. Also elsewhere around the world there are comprehensive research programs. With regard to the evaluation of European pilot projects, Balm et al. (2014) conclude: The number of initiatives that aim to improve urban freight transport grow (sic) rapidly. To make sure that the obtained results grow (sic) as fast as well, we should make sure that we do the right things and that we know how (sic). To avoid wasting money, effort, and time on implementing measures and initiatives that will not (likely) be successful in the future, knowledge transfer across cities is very important. The knowledge should be based on a transparent evaluation, identifying the relevant impacts and measurable indicators that represent the key objectives of all stakeholders. As there is not one problem owner of urban freight transport issues (sic), such a thorough evaluation is often lacking. On the evaluation of projects, Quak et al. (2014) claim: Small scale, local demonstrations of which the outcomes are considered to be only appropriate within a specific context occur quite often in the field of city logistics. Various local demonstrations usually show a solution’s technical and operational feasibility. These often subsidized demonstrations do not have long-term potential due to the lack of thought on (sic) their business models, i.e. the financial feasibility. To make a solution really work in practice a viable business model is required. Vahrenkamp et al. (2013) conclude: As a main result of the city logistic (sic) projects over the past 25 years one has to state that traffic reduction and economic gains of consolidation were only small (sic). The gains do not cover the costs the projects impose. To make the projects economic (sic) feasible the cities had to carry a share of the cost. This was the case for all Urban Consolidation Centre (UCC) solutions in the UK, France, Netherlands and Italy. The weak position of UCC became evident when public money was canceled and the UCC had to stop. Many initiatives for city logistics started out with government subsidies. When the government funding dried up, that would often mean the end of the initiative as well.
  • 14. 14 Many projects failed Unfortunately, most of city logistics projects have been unsuccessful and have ended up dying a premature, quiet death. Generally speaking, there are five reasons for this: 1. They were developed on the basis of the wrong data about city logistics. Many initiatives focused on retail distribution, which accounts for only a small share of city logistics and often already involves consolidation. Until a few years ago, the major flows such as construction materials, waste, and catering supplies remained out of the picture, which essentially meant that no visible results were achieved in terms of improving city logistics. 2. The proposed solutions were unattractive for the customers. As a result of logistics consolidation centers (such as urban distribution centers) the delivery ended up taking longer. 3. The city logistics solution ended up being more expensive for the shippers than the existing solution. The entire chain – from the distribution center all the way to the delivery in the city – was not well thought out. Solutions were often only developed for the last mile on entering the city. 4. The business model for city logistics was not sound. And because the business model was not sound, a critical mass was never achieved. 5. The local political situation proved volatile, which meant the local playing field for city logistics changed every four years. This brief analysis of the bottlenecks for city logistics also indicates the conditions for successful future solutions: 1. Focus solutions on the major flows of goods within cities. 2. The receiving party should never be worse off in any case. 3. The solution should not be more expensive for the chain. 4. There needs to be a sound business model for city logistics service providers. 5. There needs to be continuity in local and national policy in terms of city logistics. European vision for 2050 On the one hand, Europe needs to provide for the still-growing need for mobility and freight transport, but on the one hand, it also needs to ensure a substantial reduction in greenhouse gases and other harmful emissions as well as in noise pollution (European Commission, 2011). The dependence on oil must be decreased, while at the same time maintaining a high level of efficiency in the transport system. This calls for radical changes in the system, based on smarter, cleaner, and safer transport solutions. ERTRAC (European Road Transport Research Advisory Council) and ALICE (Alliance for Logistics Innovation through Collaboration in Europe) have put together a roadmap for research on city logistics (ALICE/ERTRAC, 2015). The aim of this roadmap is to set the research priorities in relation to city logistics. In
  • 15. 15 the logistics vision of ALICE, which covers the period until 2050, the main ambition is the development of the so-called Physical Internet (Ballot et al., 2014). To achieve that ambition, two proposed lines of research form the basis for the logistics projects within the EU Horizon 2020 research program. These are: a) sustainable and safe supply chains, and b) coordination and collaboration in global supply networks. The research will focus on corridors, hubs and synchromodality, city logistics, and information systems for connecting logistics systems within the chain. The participants in ALICE are companies, research institutes, national governments, and innovation partners. The roadmap (ALICE/ERTRAC, 2015) has four objectives: 1. Decarbonization: energy efficiency can be achieved by making city logistics more efficient (for example by consolidation deliveries) and by using zero-emission and energy-efficient vehicle technology (Stanislaw et al., 2014). One condition for the introduction of electric vehicles is the implementation of a charging infrastructure with rapid charging points. Smart city logistics concepts can compensate for the extra costs of using electric vehicles for the transportation of goods by raising the utilization rate, by reducing the number of miles driven and the number of empty runs made, and by preventing hours from being lost. 2. Livability and the quality of the environment: the research is expected to help improve the air quality in European cities and to reduce noise levels. The factors contributing to local air pollution can differ significantly from city to city, just as the relative share of transport as a cause of urban air pollution also varies from place to place. The goal is to reduce particulate matter by 80% and NOx by 90% in the period from 2010 until 2030. It is possible to improve air quality by reducing the emissions of the vehicles themselves by applying higher emission standards, by using smart city logistics concepts, and by local traffic management. The reduction of noise emissions in connection with city logistics is important due to its impact on the health of the citizens. Quieter vehicles will make it possible to make deliveries at night. This will require not only a reduction of the noise level of the vehicles themselves, but also of the noise from the loading and unloading of goods. 3. Reliability: city logistics is only effective when the goods are delivered to the expected delivery point and at the expected delivery time. With regard to business-to-business (B2B), the percentage of effective deliveries is already around 95%. For business-to-consumer (B2C) deliveries in the urban environment, that is currently only 70% to 75%. The reliability will need to improve substantially with an eye to the fast growth of e-commerce (Van Duin et al., 2015; EY, 2015). 4. Safety: there is growing concern about the number of injuries and fatalities involving trucks and more vulnerable road users in the urban environment. The European Union has ambitious goals in relation to traffic safety. Some cities have already adopted Vision Zero as their policy objective. The roadmap focuses research on infrastructure, vehicles, and human behavior. Besides traffic safety, there is also attention for safe deliveries with less theft and damage.
  • 16. 16 4. Supply chain perspective In the effort to realize these objectives, city logistics should be seen as a link in the logistics chain, with the end user as the primary end point (which, based on the notion of circularity, is also a potential new starting point). A holistic approach should be followed in order to understand what can be done upstream to optimize the logistics chain and to have it link up with city logistics. City logistics lies at the end of an integrated logistics chain: from field to fork. Three technological developments in transport and distribution are going to fundamentally change the existing distribution networks: the Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T), the autonomous trucks that will carry goods safely and reliably across the TEN-T, and the innovations in warehouse automation. 1. TEN-T: international transport links. In the framework of the TEN-T program, the European Commission has designated ten international transport links – the “core network corridors” – that are to be fully built up and improved with EU funding through 2030. These concern innovative transport links on water, rails, and roads. The aim is to further strengthen the European transport infrastructure – and the intelligent transport and traffic management systems that go along with that – and to lower transport costs in the process. On these safe and robust core network corridors, goods can find their way – uninterrupted, but especially also reliably – between Europe’s major production and consumption areas. This is the preferred network of the future. 2. Platooning: autonomous driving. Unmanned trucks are getting closer and closer. The use of wireless technology to connect to a road train – a manually steered lead truck with a column of vehicles behind it – is already technically possible. These road trains are going to need to have sufficient volume and frequency. That will require enormous distribution centers where logistics service providers can consolidate transport flows from different sectors of industry to deliver – with a high frequency and great reliability – to distribution centers downstream in the chain, closer to major consumption centers: urban consolidation centers. Those DCs will need to be strategically connected with these nodes of the TEN-T network. 3. Dark stores: robots in warehouses. Faster, more frequent and more finely meshed delivery calls for the mechanization of order-picking activities in distribution centers: dark stores. With new technology such as Amazon’s picking robots, automatic case picking, RFID, GS1 standards for things like pallet labels, dock-and-
  • 17. 17 roll, and pick-by-voice, the productivity in distribution centers is increasing in leaps and bounds. Distribution centers where employees gather 900 to 1,200 order lines an hour are no longer exceptions. Those investments can only be earned back in distribution centers with sufficient scale. Ten years ago, experts still thought that distribution centers couldn’t be any larger than 50,000 square meters. Warehouses larger than that were thought to be less efficient. In the meantime, recent examples from Zalando, Action, Nike, and Zara have shown that efficient distribution centers can easily be as big as 150,000 to 300,000 square meters. The distribution centers of the future will be located at strategic points within the TEN-T network. They will consolidate freight flows from many shippers and have fully mechanized internal processes. The distribution centers will be interconnected with advanced systems for the minute-by-minute planning and steering of the operational processes with transport management, warehouse management, and traffic management: sense and respond. Control towers will see to the tactical coordination of the flows of goods and capacities in the distribution network: predict and prepare. These developments will have consequences for the city logistics at the end of the logistics chain and thus also for local spatial planning (Dablanc, 2014). More and more often, urban consolidation centers on the edges of cities will be the points where slow mobility, aimed at efficiently consolidated freight flows, turns into valuable personalized mobility, aimed at the needs of the receiver. The pressure to improve the air quality in urban areas is an important incentive for the use of electric vehicles. That means that more shipments are being transferred to these electric vehicles at consolidation centers within or around the city. An urban consolidation centers functions as a lynch pin and pivot point in the logistics chain for physical, information, and financial flows, but that only works properly with a corresponding organizational structure. Important ingredients for the organization model are the neutral director’s role that can serve the
  • 18. 18 interests of every shipper, transporter, distributor, and receiver, and the national coverage of uniform services combined with local situation (Guis, 2014). This transfer-of-goods function needs to be integrated into the logistics chain with multiple parties. Different business models, new processes, and technologies will need to be investigated and implemented. The city logistics systems are becoming more and more integrated with both horizontal and vertical collaboration between parties. Such a development needs to have attention for intermodal and multimodal solutions for city logistics (for example the shipping of products via inland waterways to the edges of the city). More and more vehicles are connected with each other and with road authorities, for example via cooperative intelligent transportation systems (ITS-C). With traffic management, this can result in better freight traffic flows. Finally one should not forget that the freight traffic in cities is the result of the behavior of customers in those cities. The development of the city and the lifestyle of the people who live there both have a major impact on city logistics. Factors such as the development of teleworking, an aging population, housing, and the growth of omnichannel retail have major consequences for city logistics (ALICE/ERTRAC, 2015). Digitization may also offer opportunities to put the client behind the steering wheel in organizing city logistics more efficiently. allows customers to choose a delivery time themselves. By charging different prices for the different delivery times (ranging from €4.95 to €12.95), leads its customers by the hand through the logistics process. And in doing so, is managing to optimize its own home-delivery process quietly and dynamically.
  • 19. 19 5. City logistics as we head towards 2050 The ALICE/ERTRAC (2015) report contains 12 roadmaps that were developed for the research themes for the coming decades: 1. Identifying and assessing opportunities in urban freight. 2. Towards a more efficient integration of urban freight in the urban transport system. 3. Understanding the impact of land use on urban freight activities. 4. Enabling more efficient movements of goods through the management of the infrastructure. 5. Improving the interaction between long distance freight transport and urban freight. 6. Better adapting the vehicles to innovative urban freight delivery systems. 7. Value creation logistics services and more efficient operations. 8. E-commerce implications: Direct to consumer deliveries and functional logistics services. 9. Reverse logistics and transport of waste and recycling material. 10. Designing and operating urban freight delivery infrastructures. 11. Safety and security in urban freight. 12. Cleaner and more efficient vehicles. Netherlands 2020–2025: Green Deal Zero Emission Urban Logistics The Top Sector Logistics’ 2016–2020 multiyear program (Topsector Logistiek, 2015) also gives attention to city logistics. The collaboration between all the different parties involved in city logistics is currently most evident within the Green Deal Zero Emission Urban Logistics (GDZES) program. The basis of the GDZES lies in the Agreement on Energy for Sustainable Growth. That Agreement states (in Dutch): “In 2014, parties intend [...] to conclude a Green Deal about zero-emission city logistics that will facilitate and give direction to regional pilots.” In this context, zero-emission city logistics refers in any case to the reduction of CO2 emissions resulting from city logistics to zero, but preferably also to the reduction of NOx, particulate matter, and noise emissions in the city centers resulting from city logistics to practically zero. Parties to the GDZES have the goal of achieving emission-free deliveries in city centers by 2025. These parties include the Dutch national government, municipalities, industry associations, knowledge institutions, shippers, transport and distribution companies, fuel suppliers, and vehicle producers. By means of Living Labs, parties are working together to come up with workable operational solutions. The projects have to do with vehicle technology, the use and loading of trucks, and the initiation of innovative city logistics projects. With its action line for city logistics, the Top Sector Logistics wants to connect with this Green Deal. Considering that city logistics has a major impact on the accessibility and the broader quality of life in the city, both of which form the focus of the current Dutch government’s Agenda Stad (“Urban Agenda”), the action line for city logistics will form a link to that agenda.
  • 20. 20 While there has been no large-scale production of zero-emission vehicles to date, electric delivery vans are already available and the first heavier, custom-made zero-emission trucks are already in use. In addition, prototypes of hybrid vehicles are being developed that can use conventional fuels on the motorways but travel emission-free for the “last mile” within the city. Despite the great diversity in load types and the resulting diversity of technical specifications for vehicles, relevant developments are currently under way for all types of supply vehicles that are being used on a large scale, each one proceeding at its own pace. As logistics concepts are scaled up further, the parties to the GDZES want to boost the development, availability, reliability, and affordability of zero-emission vehicles. By now there are many opportunities for electric vehicles in connection with city logistics (Stanislaw et al., 2014) and their use is being monitored (Nesterova et al., 2013; Pelletier et al., 2014; Hogeschool van Amsterdam, 2015d). Besides the use of zero-emission vehicles, a reduction in the number of vehicles needed to bring supplies to the city is another important objective. Some goods already enter the city in efficient ways. That is especially the case where logistics professionals and companies have organized the (consolidation of) freight flows with transport on their own account, as with the stocking of supermarkets and chain stores. Also the distribution of e-commerce shipments is continually being optimized by the larger logistics parties, thanks in part to the sound agreements that are being made with receivers (Van Duin et al., 2015). In contrast to the efficient flows, by far most transport movements are known to work with a low utilization rate or only enter the city to deliver small shipments. New city logistics concepts and more extensive consolidation make the use of zero-emission vehicles and/or the use of clean vehicles with a high utilization rate in lieu of low emissions for those transport movements potentially feasible and are therefore in line with the GDZES objectives. Amsterdam has it’s own deal with local business organization and research institutions called ‘Slim en Schoon’.
  • 21. 21 The action line for city logistics aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 5,000 kilotons of CO2 per year. Achieving zero-emission city logistics through a combination of better technology and more efficient logistics will require organizational, technological, social, financial, and legal adjustments. This variety of factors to be overcome, in combination with the many different interests of stakeholders, demands an innovative approach. The first phase will start the moment the Green Deal enters into force and run until 2020. In this initial phase, the Green Deal will focus on demonstrating or at least making plausible, via Living Labs, that zero-emission city logistics is feasible, from a technical, economic, and enforcement perspective, for a specific logistics flow. In the second phase, which runs until 2025, the Green Deal will focus on scaling up the demonstrated concepts. There are also links with other part of the Top Sector such as the application of knowledge from the 4C roadmap (for cross chain control centers), the development of new business models, and the implementation of digital exchanges of logistics information with the Neutral Logistic Information Platform or NLIP (Topsector Logistiek, 2015).
  • 22. 22 6. An integrated approach Considering the Dutch and European ambitions, a lot of innovation will be required of shippers, receivers, logistics service providers, and governments when it comes to city logistics. In practice, the integrated logistics concept is often used in dealing with such innovative logistics issues (Van Goor et al., 2014). Local and supralocal government policy is another key factor in city logistics. For that reason, government policy has been added to the integrated approach of city logistics (see Fig. 1). Figure 1: Integrated approach to city logistics (based on Van Goor et al., 2014). External and internal objectives In terms of the external objectives, it concerns linking up with the logistical needs of the receiving party during the customer-experience cycle (pre-sales, sales, and aftersales). In terms of the internal objectives, it concerns the costs and the working capital that are involved in supplying the customers in the chain. These are the framework conditions for setting up a distribution network. Especially as a result of the digitization of customers and the changes in customer behavior, these external objectives are changing (Shopping2020, 2014). Consumers are buying more online. With the advent of nano stores (Blanco & Fransoo, 2013), shops are receiving smaller and smaller shipments more and more often. To be able to compete with web stores, fashion retailers are presenting new collections more and more often. E-commerce in the B2B market is only now really starting to develop. As construction sites in cities get smaller and smaller, supplies need to be brought in more often and delivered
  • 23. 23 right on time. In the future, seniors who want to keep living at home will get customized healthcare logistics at home. Processes For deliveries to customers in cities, there are several types of possible distribution networks: • Directly from the shippers to the customer(s) • Consolidation of freight flows of shippers upstream in the logistics chain. • Consolidation of freight flows of multiple shippers and logistics service providers downstream through urban consolidation centers • Consolidation of freight flows of multiple shippers and logistics service providers downstream through urban consolidation centers • Consolidation of freight flows of multiple shippers via stores or pick-up points within an urban area. As an example, the possibilities for construction logistics are given in Table 2 (Quak et al., 2011). Logistics concept Load characteristics Transport characteristics Solutions FTL thick flows Initial phase of construction projects Sand, gravel, prefab Direct delivery; Out full, empty back Preferred network for construction traffic; Consolidation of extra- urban traffic; Multimodal Integrated distribution network LTL thin flows Pallets (load carrier) Trucks not fully loaded (low utilization rate) Innovative construction; Consolidation at the source; Consolidation at an urban consolidation center; Outsourcing of construction logistics Parcels Parcels Trucks not fully loaded (low utilization rate) Consolidation at the source; Consolidation at an urban consolidation center; Outsourcing of construction logistics; Mobile storage container (construction finishing box) Rush orders Parcels Ad hoc, rush (very low utilization rate) Outsourcing to courier; Collection points Returns Clay, rubble, construction waste Out empty, back full Preferred network for construction traffic; Consolidation of extra- urban traffic;
  • 24. 24 Multimodal Integrated distribution network; Combicontainer for moving things to and from the site. Table 2. Distribution networks for construction logistics (Quak et al., 2011). Then there is the question of which modality or modalities are used for transport within the distribution network (e.g. cargo tricycle, delivery van, truck, or boat) and which fuel technology is used. Important factors in setting up a distribution network include: the company’s strategy, the customer demands that the company wants to respond to, the desired degree of flexibility, the margin on products, the production cycle, and the product characteristics such as value density and packing density that determine the distribution costs (Van Goor et al., 2014). Planning and control Tactical and operational planning and control ensure that the shipments reach the receiver on time and with the appropriate use of resources. Planning and control concerns decisions about the deployment of personnel and the scheduling of vehicles and warehouse processes, but also about the charging of electric vehicles. In terms of city logistics, this planning and control covers the entire chain, often involving multiple parties that work together. Data alignment in logistics chains is a condition for the sharing of planning data. Information and communications technology The tactical and operational planning and control requires data about the shipments, the available capacities, and the routes: transport management
  • 25. 25 systems (TMS). These systems are increasingly linked with local traffic systems of the government that give relevant information about traffic using open data. Giving road users tailored driving recommendations can contribute towards a better flow of traffic, and road users will also be prepared to adjust their driving style on the basis of those recommendations. Soon the receiver will get real-time information about the shipment and its expected arrival time and can even change the delivery address while the shipment is already under way. A trend in the development of ICT is the advent of location-based applications, agent-based software, and systems for the exchange of freight between companies (and increasingly also between private individuals). Well-known applications include Uber and GoGoVan. Logistics organization In terms of the logistics organization, it concerns the way in which the tasks for the planning and control of the transport flows are anchored in the organization, the competencies of the employees involved, and how parties in the logistics chain work together. Local government policy Local government policy determines the playing field by means of delivery windows, vehicle restrictions, the arrangement of public spaces (including loading and unloading bays), late night and early morning distribution, low- emission zones, the amount of space that is available for logistics consolidation centers, the available charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, the number of quays that are available for the loading and unloading of boats, and the open data that is made available for local traffic control and dynamic traffic management aimed at improving the flow. Supralocal government policy Among other things, supralocal government policy determines hours-of-service regulations, vehicle specifications, and the availability of open data for dynamic traffic management. An integrated approach to city logistics also requires a careful consideration of the business model. There is no future for solutions based entirely on subsidies. Earning money with city logistics One of the problems in the implementation of new concepts for city logistics is the lack of a business model: they don’t earn any money. As Quak & Balm (2014) put it:
  • 26. 26 Small scale, local demonstrations of which the outcomes are considered to be only appropriate within a specific context occur quite often in the field of city logistics. Various local demonstrations usually show a solution’s technical and operational feasibility. These often subsidized demonstrations do not have long-term potential due to the lack of thought on their business models, i.e. the financial feasibility. To make a solution really work in practice a viable business model is required. The use of business models such as Canvas (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010; Turblog, 2011; Pauli, 2014) can support the development of a business model. The Business Model Canvas is a powerful instrument to identify the business model in a transparent and comprehensible way (see Fig. 2). In city logistics, these business models also often have characteristics of public-private partnerships. Figure 2. Business Model Canvas (Quak & Balm, 2014).
  • 27. 27 Checklist for the Business Model Canvas 1. Customer Segments What specific customer groups does the company want to serve? What are the needs of those customer groups? 2. Value Proposition What distinctive value does the company offer? What problems does the company help to solve? Those can be both the current and the future needs. Why should these customers do business with the company (and not with someone else)? This is the value proposition. 3. Customer Relationships How does the company maintain contact with the various customer segments? How does each aspecific customer segment want the company to maintain contact with them? Which type of contact is the right one and the most cost- effective for each segment? 4. Channels How are (groups of) customers kept abreast of the range of services offered? How do they best experience the value proposition? How can they buy and get the range of services offered? 5. Revenue Streams How does the company earn money? And in the future? How can it develop supplementary sources of income? 6. Key Resources Which resources are essential to create the value proposition? To maintain customer relationships? To get new customers? 7. Key Activities Which core activities are essential to create or strengthen the value proposition? To maintain customer relationships? To get new customers? 8. Partners Which private and public partnerships are essential to make or co-create the offer ? Which partners are crucial to ensure even more success? 9. Cost Structure Which costs are essential to ensure that the business model will work? Which resources and core activities are the most costly? Which costs are fixed, and which are variable?
  • 28. 28 7. Applied research The Faculty of Technology at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA) has a research program that extends beyond the faculty itself: Urban Technology. As one of the spearhead programs of the HvA, Urban Technology focuses on researching, designing, and realizing smart solutions for the challenges that major cities will face in the future. In this broad research program, the Faculty of Technology works together with two other faculties at the HvA: Economics and Management and Digital Media and Creative Industries. The broader Logistics research program focuses on two themes that are closely connected with Metropoolregio Amsterdam (MRA), the umbrella organization of municipalities that form the Amsterdam metropolitan area: Mainport Logistics and City Logistics. The Logistics research program at the HvA is closely connected to the national Centre of Expertise Logistiek (“Center of Expertise for Logistics”), of which the HvA fulfills the role of secretary, and with the regional KennisDC (“Knowledge Distribution Center”) in Amsterdam. Within the Urban Technology research program, the City Logistics research program is linked to the research theme of Smart Mobility & Logistics. The focus lies on designing technological solutions for sustainable mobility to ensure the city remains accessible and connected. The research program is also linked to the showcase project E-mobility and City Logistics, in which researchers in the Smart Mobility & Logistics and Smart Energy Systems programs are working together on the smart use of electric vehicles for urban distribution in the Amsterdam metropolitan area. Applied research within the Faculty of Technology Technology helps to create the world of tomorrow. That will require research that is related to practical applications and problems in practice. Applied research contributes to the improvement and innovation of professional practice, to the quality of professional education, and to the quality of teachers and students. In addition to preparing students to be knowledgeable professionals, conducting applied research is one of the core activities through which the Faculty of Technology at the HvA is helping to create the world of tomorrow. Applied research differs from classic theoretical research in that it investigates practical issues from the field and involves a close cooperation with the professional practice. The research is nevertheless methodologically sound and in line with academic knowledge. Indeed, the added value of applied research lies in the fact that bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and day-to- day professional practice.
  • 29. 29 Applied research has four characteristics: 1. It is rooted in professional practice The strength of applied research lies in large part in the way it is set up and carried out: in close cooperation with professional practice via networks and collaborative relationships. The research being done at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA) has a clearly recognizable regional dimension thanks to its connection with MRA’s Kennis- en Innovatieagenda (“Knowledge and Innovation Agenda”). 2. It forms a bridge between science and professional practice One of the objectives of applied research is to translate scientific knowledge into professional practice. It is through research that the practical applicability of scientific insights is put to the test and made concrete. As such, applied research plays an important role in increasing the readiness of new technologies with an eye to their market introduction. In the process, applied research not only draws from the body of knowledge but also adds new knowledge to that. 3. It is methodologically sound Applied research uses sound methods and meets the current standards in terms of validity and reliability. In addition, it tries to make the results generalizable as much as possible. Part of the research takes place in collaboration with research universities, other universities of applied sciences, and knowledge institutions such as the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). 4. It has an impact on society Applied research contributes to the professionalization and innovative force of industry and government bodies. This active contribution has a visible impact that underscores the social engagement of the Faculty of Technology at the HvA. Research also takes place in the classroom setting. In the Faculty of Technology, research is carried out by professors, teachers with a research task, doctoral candidates, and students, in collaboration with and at the request of professionals in the field.
  • 30. 30 Research on City Logistics The City Logistics research program focuses on the following themes: E-mobility and City Logistics In the framework of the showcase project E-mobility and City Logistics, potentially promising sectors are being identified in terms of the electric transport of both goods and people. For city logistics, for example, the possibilities for parcel deliveries and the distribution of goods to hotels, restaurants, and cafés are being studied. Researchers are looking into which type of charging infrastructure is needed to facilitate and encourage businesses to use electric transport, but also investigating how best to achieve that. In addition, the day-to-day use of electric transport by businesses is being monitored. E-mobility and City Logistics research project The rise and necessity of electric transportation is dependent on numerous factors such as technical possibilities, acceptance, government policy, costs and benefits, the environment, business risks, and data. For that reason, the project focuses on various aspects within five different work packages (WPs). WP1. Inventory of transport flows Which types of vehicles deserve to have priority (with an eye to achieving better air quality)? And in which transport flows are those vehicles used? Those flows include the delivery of supplies to restaurants, cafés, and hotels, parcel deliveries, the collection of waste, the stocking of retail stores, and the provision of maintenance services and municipal services, but also construction logistics flows. It makes sense to distinguish between and prioritize the different transport flows on the basis of local bottlenecks within the city. Result: a multi- criteria table including a ranking of transport flows. WP2. Feasibility analysis in case studies What are the opportunities, obstacles, and conditions for electric transport for the important sectors based on their supply profile, costs and benefits, and user
  • 31. 31 experience, among other things? Result: detailed insight into the opportunities, obstacles, and conditions for a successful transition to electric transport. WP3. Development of a charging infrastructure for city logistics What type of charging infrastructure will be necessary in the Amsterdam metropolitan area to facilitate and encourage the use of electric transportation? To what extent can a substantial part of city logistics (electric transportation) be serviced with a limited basic infrastructure (i.e. hotspots)? Where are those hotspots situated? Which requirements do the hotspot charging points need to meet? Result: maps of hotspots in Amsterdam (based on various growth scenarios) and a specification of requirements for hotspot charging points. WP4. Monitoring A thorough evaluation will be essential in order to be able to identify the obstacles, the opportunities, and the conditions for success in terms of the use of electric transport. It will contribute to the accumulation and transfer of knowledge. What are the experiences of companies, drivers, automobile manufacturers, and municipalities? How should we record and share the lessons learned? Considering the growth in the number of electric transport pilots in the logistics sector (including PostNL, Nissan, and Heineken), the need for (consistent) monitoring for the sake of evaluation and the exchange of knowledge is great. Research question: How do you set up a consistent monitoring framework? Can we develop a standard protocol? In addition, the existing capacity for monitoring (the use of charging points) can be used to study and optimize the charging behavior of logistics service providers. Result: a monitoring protocol and multiple evaluative studies. WP5. Design studies How will the design of vehicles, charging solutions, and logistics concepts look in the future? This comprises multiple subprojects dealing with subquestions stemming from WP2, WP3, and WP4. Result: the design and construction of prototypes in MRA’s own testing ground. Public procurement Local authorities are among the largest employers in the Netherlands. Their training courses, departments, and services are spread across hundreds of locations throughout their territory. Every day, those locations are supplied with paper for printers, food and beverages, maintenance products, cleaning supplies, paving stones for sidewalks, and much, much more (Balm et al., 2015). And every day, those locations also produce considerable waste flows. This leads to a huge number of small-scale deliveries in cities and many trucks and delivery vans at the door. Some 5 to 10% of the deliveries in cities are thought to have a public institution as their destination. This research project analyzes whether or not that supply could be made smarter and cleaner by consolidation freight flows at the suppliers’ or at urban distribution centers, by having them delivered at night or by organizing
  • 32. 32 deliveries by boat via canals. The focal points of this project on public procurement are the collaboration with suppliers, the kinds of information that are provided to support the decision-making process, and the purchasing behavior of public organizations (Hogeschool van Amsterdam, 2014 and 2015c). This research project is being carried out in collaboration with the UvA/HvA Facility Services, the City of Rotterdam, and the City of Amsterdam. Construction logistics To facilitate further research on smart, zero-emission construction logistics, a number of research topics have been formulated (Van Merrienboer, 2013): • The development of calculation models that contractors and bidders can use to compare alternative distribution network during the bidding phase and during the collaboration with subcontractors, suppliers, and logistics service providers. • The realization of paperless processes in the chain of contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and logistics service providers (and principals). • Gain-sharing and cost-sharing models between contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers in connection with joint logistics operations such as logistics hubs and outsourcing to logistics service providers. • The linking of the Building Information Model (BIM) to the tactical and operational logistics planning in the construction chain. • Using the most economically advantageous tender (MEAT) procedure. This research program is taking place in collaboration with the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, the UvA/HvA Facility Services, TNO, Amsterdam Smart City, and construction-industry trade organization Bouwend Nederland, among others. Food for the City In collaboration with the Mainport Logistics research program, a research program dealing with food has been developed. The themes covered in this program include the sustainable logistics and processing of food in the
  • 33. 33 Amsterdam metropolitan area, closing food systems loops, making urban farming initiatives more effective, and doing spatial planning for urban farming (Van der Schrier & Levelt, 2015). Topics that are also relevant but that will only be dealt with in a later phase include how the demand for food will look in the future (considering demographic developments and consumer trends) and how food security can be guaranteed in the event of disasters or other emergencies in the region. E-commerce The effects of web stores on urban mobility are currently being studied in a collaboration with the Online Entrepreneurship research group of the Faculty of Economics and Management (Weltevreden & Rotem-Mindali, 2009). Dealing with stakeholders When it comes to traffic in the city, everyone is an expert with an often unvarnished opinion. When the plans for the “shared space” setup for bicyclists and pedestrians behind Amsterdam’s Central Station were presented in August 2015, for example, more than 88% of the local Amsterdam TV channel (AT5) viewer though it was a bad idea. Even the experts were divided as to the effectiveness of the setup and where best to apply the principle. That is hardly very promising. Amsterdam is getting more and more crowded. To maintain a balance in Amsterdam we will need to learn to share the space with each other – and with our guests. Since actual practice involves so many different actors, a good balance must be found, when weighing possible solutions, between seemingly conflicting interests. The Multi-actor, Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA) enables researchers and policy makers to evaluate various different alternatives (policy measures, scenarios, technologies, etc.) in relation to the objectives of the various different actors who are involved in the decision-making process. In this way, actors are explicitly included in the analysis. As developed by Macharis (2000, 2005, and 2007) and Macharis et al. (2016), the MAMCA method makes explicit the objectives of the various parties involved, which leads to a better understanding of preferences of
  • 34. 34 all those parties. Involving important actors in the analysis will increase the chances that the proposed solution will be accepted at the end of the evaluation process (Van Duin, 2012). Since actual practice involves so many different actors, a good balance must be found, when weighing possible solutions, between seemingly conflicting interests. The MAMCA consists of two phases (Macharis, 2005). The first phase is primarily analytical with the goal of gathering any information that is needed to carry out the analyses. The second phase is the synthetic or operational phase and consists of the actual analysis. The result is an evaluation of the various different alternatives on the basis of the preferences of the actors involved. The analysis provides a clear sense of the advantages or disadvantages of certain measures or concepts from the perspective of the different groups of actors. This provides very relevant information for implementation strategies and guidelines when dealing with projects and problems related to mobility and transport. The MAMCA method is now widely used in both research and education.
  • 35. 35 8. The future of sustainable city logistics Clean and sustainable cities are appealing places to live, to work, to enjoy life, and – not least – to invest in. Sustainable city logistics needs to contribute to more livable and appealing cities with zero-emission vehicles that better match the size of the city, but also to the consolidation of freight flows and the use of waterways for the transport of goods to and from the city. A successful approach will assume substantial flows of goods within cities: construction, hospitality, waste, and parcel deliveries (to consumers, companies, and institutions). In the future there will also be a sharp rise in the number of deliveries made to seniors at home. In designing city logistics solutions, one needs to have an overall and integrated view of the (different actors’) objectives with regard to city logistics, the distribution network, and the planning and control of that network, but also of the processes and the information and communications technology for the planning and of who does what in the organization. Local and supralocal government policy is another key factor in city logistics. Many initiatives for city logistics start out with government subsidies. However, such initiatives often end as soon as the government money has been exhausted. An integrated approach to city logistics means that the business model also needs to be carefully thought out. There is no future for solutions based entirely on subsidies. Cleaner city logistics is about transport that is not only zero emission, but also quieter and safer. It could involve electric cars and cargo tricycles, for example; 50% of the local-for-local shipments can be done with cargo tricycles (Cyclelogistics, 2014). Logistics service providers are placing their bets on bicycle couriers. Those won’t be cyclists carrying bags on their back, however, but rather electric cargo tricycles with considerable load capacity. Some 1,000 to 2,000 of those couriers will soon be riding around in Amsterdam and you can count on this development generating as much of a discussion as the current one about whether or not motor scooters should still be allowed to use bicycle lanes. Distribution by water is also a cleaner form of city logistics. PostNL is busy developing floating depots that can enter Amsterdam by water, enabling deliveries by cargo tricycle or small electric vehicles to customers in the city. Van Keulen, an innovative construction materials wholesaler in Amsterdam, wants to team up with Mokum Mariteam and Blom Dekschuitenverhuur (a barge rental company) to supply construction sites from the water. More than anything, sustainable city logistics is connected: the vehicles are connected via the Internet of Things. There is currently a lot of experimentation going on with dynamic traffic management systems. The metropolitan areas of Amsterdam, Assen, and Helmond-Eindhoven are leading the way in that regard. With “connected navigation”, trucks and delivery vans are provided with real-
  • 36. 36 time information about traffic congestion and green waves to entice them to opt for particular routes that will result in fewer emissions and less nuisance for residents. Traditional loading and unloading bays in a street, often occupied by vehicles that don’t belong there, can be replaced by virtual loading and unloading bays along the side of the street. Those would only become actual bays if vehicles that are logged in to the traffic management systems request them. That would prevent loading and unloading from taking place in the street and stopping the flow of traffic. And while there is certainly room for debate about the rise of companies like Uber, one thing that sort of company is very good at is using data and intelligent algorithms to determine where the hotspots in a city are and where to position cars or have them drive to limit the amount of empty mileage as much as possible. This ensures more efficient deliveries and less mileage. A lot can be learned from such companies when it comes to sustainable city logistics. New city logistics concepts need to be developed that will make customers feel they are getting better service. Companies are actively working on that. In addition, the technology involved in both vehicles and traffic management systems needs to be developed further. There, too, hopeful developments can be seen. And, finally, these concepts and techniques also need to be able to be applied. There needs to be room for that, and – most of all – there needs to be consistent government policy. Market parties make investments in this kind of innovation for a period of at least ten years. Policy changes along with the changing of the guard, and even then, a city alderman might dilute ambitions under pressure from city council members or complaining neighbors. Or ambitious policy may get throttled as plans become more concrete. In Amsterdam, for example, a policy plan aimed at getting 25% of the freight transports to take place by boats on canals became impossible to implement as a result of the Bestemmingsplan Water (the city’s zoning plan for water), which precluded any expansion of transport by water. And in a number of cities, proposed low-emission zones were ultimately either postponed or never even designated as such.
  • 37. 37 In the end, the key to future-oriented city logistics lies in enticing, encouraging, and sometimes even pushing the market and in responding with an open mind to whatever innovations may emerge from the market. And that particular key is in the hands of the government. Since in practice many different actors are involved, it is necessary to find a good balance between seemingly conflicting interests when weighing possible solutions. Businesses are more than eager to work on improving urban distribution. A timely and unimpeded transport of goods to and from cities for stores, hotels, restaurants, and cafés, construction sites, and residents will only be possible as the result of a joint effort by the business community and government bodies. Companies with a lot of activities in city centers should meet more often with the municipalities so that knowledge about just-in-time urban distribution can be included in policymaking and spatial planning, in the creation of low-emission zones, in the formulation of new traffic regulations, or when measures are taken to reduce emissions of particulate matter.
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  • 42. 42 About the author Dr. Walther Ploos van Amstel (born in 1962) is the professor of city logistics at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA). From 2002 through 2009 he was a professor of logistics at the Netherlands Defence Academy (NLDA) in Breda and Den Helder. For over 25 years he as been active as a management consultant in the field of logistics, supply chain management and international distribution. He is primarily concerned with logistics process innovations, the introduction of supply chain concepts into practice, intermodal distribution networks, cooperation within logistics chains and networks, service logistics, sustainable logistics, chain management, intelligent logistics concepts and risk management in logistics chains. He completed his doctoral research on the performance of logistics managers at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in 2002. Among the other honorary positions he holds, he was chairman of the jury of the Dutch Logistics Award of the Logistics Management Association (VLM), a member of the jury of the Thuiswinkel Awards, a member of the expert group of the Council for the Environment and Infrastructure (RLI) and a specialist partner at the Inventory Management Competence Centre (IMCC). He also serves on the board of a number of logistics service providers. Walther Ploos van Amstel is a regular columnist for, Delaatstemeter and Twinklemagazine, among other media. You might run into Walther working as a house music DJ in his rare moments of free time.