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CRO Seminar
Conversion Rate Optimisation
Thursday 2nd
April, 2015 10:00am – 12:00pm
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Matt Lynch
• General Manager of Vorian Agency – Delivering integrated online and offline marketing solutions
to business wrestling with how to market in today’s changing environment.
• With over 22 years Online Marketing & Information Technology experience, Matt’s primary
speciality is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Matt is a highly experienced senior digital
marketing specialist working both within agency and in-house roles. Matt is also a certified
Google Adwords and Bing Ads Professional.
• Enjoys keeping up with the 'bleeding edge' of technology advancements and social media
evolvement to ensure current knowledge in an ever changing landscape, leading to early
adoption and determination of opportunity for marketing enhancement.
• Local, national and international project experience particularly in the field of Travel for over 10
years with companies such as Trafalgar Tours, The Travel Corporation brand and travel
properties, Stella Travel and Best Flights. Matt has earned a reputation as an online marketing
expert and search evangelist for thoroughness, quality, technical knowledge and success driven
results. Matt's previous role was as the Global Online Marketing Manager for Trafalgar,
coordinating the online marketing efforts with international teams for this global brand.
Your Presenter: Vorian Agency General Manager
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Add Matt to your circles…
About Me:
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Connect with Vorian Agency
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Interactive Questions?
During today’s session, you are welcome to tweet
questions to our Vorian Agency Twitter Account
@vorianagency using the hashtag #voriantraining
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Before we start, please note the following:
• Exits
• Toilets
• Mobile Phones on Silent
• Question & Answer session at end of the Presentation
• A link to the Presentation Slide Notes will be emailed to you
• Vorian Agency info packs are provided to showcase our service offering
• Vorian staff are available to arrange an appointment or answer specific questions
• Please provide your feedback on today’s seminar on the supplied questionnaire
• Please invite others you may know to register for our free seminar series
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Setting the Scene
Australian online retail spending is now valued at $15.6 billion for the year ending July 2014. Growth in online retail
sales outpaced growth in traditional retail sales (0.9% versus 0.1%). The proportion of Australians online now stands at
81%, putting us behind only a few countries – the UK, Canada, Germany, France, the UAE and South Korea.
But the actual amount of time spent online is among the lowest internationally, with Australian internet users spending
an average of 4.5 hours per day on their laptop or desktop compared to 5.2 hours in the US and 6.1 hours in Brazil.
Although many factors are at play here (historically – broadband speed and connectivity, comparative economic
isolation, and distance from more mature American and European digital markets) Australia has unquestionably lagged
in digital adoption overall, both retailer-side and consumer side.
Many traditional brick and mortar retailers have been slow to invest in their digital assets (Harvey Norman, Woolworths,
David Jones, Myer) which only perpetuates the desire for consumers to either continue beating the streets, or shop with
the early digital adopters (ASOS, The Iconic, and Net-A-Porter, to name a few).
One of the biggest barriers to consumer adoption in the growing digital segment is a lousy online experience for the
user. Poorly designed websites, blatantly lacking navigation options, crappy little images, dead ends, broken links and
ambiguous information all add up to woeful user experience (UX) and a highly frustrated audience who will likely never
return. The customer journey and experience online should be as seamless, inspiring and enjoyable as the retailer
would aim an in-store visit to be, with as much thought and investment going into the visual merchandising of products.
In a less mature digital market such as Australia, there is less inherent trust from new online shoppers, so retailers need
to work even harder to win trust, and feed new habits of browsing or shopping online. The imagery of online product
should be of such high quality, be so crisp, clear and interactive – that customers feel they can practically touch the
product, closing the all-important gap from the tactile experience of brick and mortar.
Reference: Castleford Media 08/10/2014 - Ultimate Conversion Guide
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The Math of CRO
• A video introduction on the Math of CRO by Rick Perreault. Rick is the cofounder
and CEO of Unbounce is a platform that allows marketers to
create A/B test landing pages without having to rely on IT.
Reference: Moz (formerly SEOMoz) The Math of CRO - Whiteboard Friday 23/02/2014
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What is CRO?
• CRO is the abbreviation for Conversion Rate Optimisation
• What is involved with CRO?
– Having a structured and systematic approach to improve the performance of a
website or landing page
– CRO actions are informed by insights; from website analytics and user
– CRO needs to start with defined goals/objectives for your website’s unique
objectives and needs (KPIs)
– CRO involves taking the current traffic to your website and making better use
of it!
• Landing pages appear after an online advert (PPC/Banner), email link, social
media link, search result or specific promotional URL (Online or Offline: QR code,
Shortened URL). This is the first opportunity to convince a motivated consumer to
pursue the purchase process with you.
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So what is a conversion?
• A conversion is when a visitor to your website takes an action that you want them
to perform. In Google Analytics we measure these with Goal and Event tracking.
• Conversions could be completing a Quote Request form, purchasing a product
from your online store, registering for an email newsletter, downloading a .pdf
document from the site, or something else entirely.
• Whatever it is you want your visitors to do, this action is what you are going to
measure and what you are looking to optimise.
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How to Measure Conversions
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Setting Conversion Goals
You can easily add a goal in order to:
• Measure sales
• Measure lead generation from your website
• Measure product or file downloads
• Measure the number of signups to a newsletter
• Measure visitor loyalty and recency (Return Users compared to Unique Visitors)
• Measure who pauses or fast forward on a video
• See who clicks your ads
• How many errors a visitor encounters during the checkout process
• How many users visit a specific page on your website
• Measure engagement such as achieving a specific Time on Site
• … what else?
• Now, for each of the above goal types you can also assign goal values and this is the
most interesting part, because you are able to actually measure in $$$ how well your
metrics perform.
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Let’s do some maths
• With CRO, we want to improve Conversion Rates! Simple really.
• Your Total Conversions is number of people who did whatever it is defined as
converting (submitted a form, made a purchase...).
• To get your Conversion Rate, you divide the total number of conversions by the
number of visitors to your site.
Conversion Rate = Number of leads/sales forms filled up/Number or visitors X 100.
• For example, a site with 5,000 visitors and 50 conversions has a conversion rate of
• There’s nothing wrong with aiming for a perfect, 0% bounce rate – it keeps you
thinking of new, more effective ways to engage your visitors
– Your ideal bounce rate should be somewhere between the perfect bounce rate and a maximum of 20%.
Having a 50% bounce rate means that 1 in 2 people are leaving your site without conversions, whereas
with a 20% bounce rate, only 1 in 5 people leave your site without fulfilling any form of conversion. You
need to stay within the ideal bounce rate to get the maximum conversions from your traffic.
– Bounce rates and conversions are inversely proportional to each other; that is, if your bounce rate is
high, then your landing page is likely irrelevant to your visitors. As a result, conversions are likely to be
lower. Slide: 13
Why CRO Matters
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Data Analysis
• Data analysis goes hand in hand with CRO. Once you have outlined your website’s
problems along with the possible solutions to solve them, there is one step left:
• The first testing method is A/B testing, followed by the more sophisticated
Multivariate testing.
• For instance, data analysis provides with insights about the most performing
segments of traffic. You could identify the VIP customers, which are spending 5x
more per order than the average, and make them as happy as possible.
• Another important thing to mention here is the communication strategy. Make sure
that you have a clear USP (Unique Selling Proposition) that tells people why
should they care about you. Have two or three versions of your USP and test them
with an A/B testing software. Then, all your website’s copy should be created
around the USP.
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Common Aspects to Abandonment
• Slow load time – test it with speed testing tools
• Product descriptions – basic copywriting knowledge and an A/B testing tool should
be enough
• Customer service – enhanced option to VIPs
• Ineffective search – people who use the search field convert better than the ones
who don’t use it.
• Lack of trust – what is missing from the website’s design and trust elements?
• Delivery and returns policy – if you afford offering free shipping, do it and let people
know. Place “Free shipping” near the product’s name, as visible as possible
• Out of stock products on the homepage – don’t do it!
• Too many ads and offers on the homepage – where do I have to go now? It can
get very confusing for shoppers.
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A Google Analytics Account
Go to:
Create a Google Property account – for example Gmail, then create a Google Analytics
account. Put the GA code into your website (Google Tag Manager implementation)
and you are up and running starting to collect data on your website traffic!
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Glossary of GA Terms
• Looking at your Bounce and Exit Rates, as well as your Engagement Metrics, is
the first step in making sense of your conversion rate.
• Visits (Total number of visits to your site)
– This metric is a count of sessions that have been active on your site for the selected date range.
– If a user is inactive on your site for 30 minutes or more, any future activity is attributed to a new session.
– Users that leave your site and return within 30 minutes are counted as part of the original session.
• Unique Visitors (Total number of unique visitors to your site)
– Unique visitors are those that haven’t been previously recorded coming to your site (cookies/device)
• Bounce Rate (Percent of single-page visits)
– The Bounce Rate is the percentage of bounced visits to your site. A high bounce rate is not a good thing–
for whatever reason, people aren’t finding what they’re looking for so they leave almost immediately
– A bounce is calculated as a single-page view or single-event trigger in a session or visit.
– The following situations qualify as bounces:
• A user clicks A link deep into your site sent by A friend, reads the information on the page and closes
the browser.
• A user comes to your homepage, looks around for A minute or two and immediately leaves.
• A user comes directly to A reference page on your site from A web search, leaves the page available
in the browser while completing other tasks in other browser windows and the session times out.
• Exit Rate
– You also have a specific Exit Rate for each page; it’s the percentage of people who leave after viewing the
page. Your exit rate lets you know the last page that users view before they move on. A very high exit rate
on a specific page can be a red flag to an area of concern. Slide: 18
GA Glossary continued…
• Pageviews (Total number of pages viewed on your site)
– A pageview is an instance of a page being loaded by a browser.
– The Pageviews metric is the total number of pages viewed;
• Repeated views of a single page are also counted.
– Google Analytics logs a pageview each time the tracking code is executed on a web page.
• Pages per Visit (Average number of pages viewed per visit)
– The Pages/Visit (Average Page Depth) metric displays the average number of pages viewed per visit to
your site. More page views can mean engagement but also can mean a lack of clarity in your conversion
funnel, if there is no conversion.
– Repeated views of a single page are counted in this calculation.
– This metric is useful both as an aggregate total as well as when it is viewed with other dimensions, such as
country, visitor type or mobile operating system.
• Average Time on Site (Average time on site for each visitor)
– The average duration of visits (sessions) to your site for the selected time frame. A high bounce rate means
a low average time on site—visitors aren’t sticking around long enough to do whatever it is you want them to
– Session time is calculated by adding up time on page for each page in the session except for the last page
in the session.
– The average time on site is determined by dividing the total time on site by the number of sessions for the
selected time frame.
– Time on site calculations do not include the amount of time that visitors spend on the last page in the
session, because there is no way to determine how long the visitor spent on the last page.
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Google Analytics - Flow
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Goals - Funnel Visualisation
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Goals – Reverse Goal Path
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Conversion Funnel
• Conversion Funnel: It is a technical term used
to describe the route taken by the visitor to
complete your goal. Let’s say, a visitor came in
from an advertisement or a search engine,
surfed through the website and finally placed an
order. So, this is the conversion funnel.
• The core part of a CRO strategy is establishing
a conversion funnel that succeeds. It starts with
Landing Page Optimization (LPO). You can test
after identifying top-performing landing pages
and beginning a funnel for conversion.
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Multi-Channel Funnels – Time Lag
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Top Conversion Paths
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Assisted Conversions
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Setting up GA Experiments
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• Google Analytics Content Experiments
can help you test how well various
pages work in getting your visitors to
accomplish a specific goal – such as
purchase a product.
• Google Analytics Content Experiments
allows you to test variations of the
pages on your website to see how this
changes the behavior of your site’s
visitors – allowing you to improve your
pages to increase conversions,
newsletter sign-up, or whatever your
online goals.
• With Google Analytics Content
Experiments, you can:
– Compare how different web pages perform
using a random sample of your visitors.
– Choose what type of goal you’d like to test.
– Specify how much of your site’s traffic should
be involved in your experiment.
In-Page Analytics
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Site-Speed Analysis
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Landing Page Optimisation
• Every small detail has the capability of creating a strong impact in the users’ mind,
propelling them to take the required action. These are the sorts of details that you
need to keep in mind so that the user is attracted to take the required action on
your site:
• Size and Shape of the buttons for call to action (CTA)
• Color of the webpage and the associated elements
• Speed of the webpage at which it downloads
• Layout
• Sharp and Clear
• Proximity
• Contrast of the colors scheme
• Flow of the content
• Alignment
• Benefits to the customers
• Appropriate Call to Action message
• Fields to be filled up
• Winning Trust
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Webpage Design
• The design of your landing page should help convey your message and encourage
users to take action.
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Webpage Copy
• The text on your webpage landing page, should be there to influence the user to
take action.
• Show Urgency: It’s great if you’ve fixed all these things but if you don’t give the
impression to buy now, then you might lose the sale to your competitor!
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FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out
• Outline The Drawbacks If They Don’t Take Action
• This taps into consumer FOMO, or “fear of missing out.” People don’t like feeling
like that aren’t going to have or know something that everyone else around them
has or knows.
• As Psychology Today points out, our relationship with our smartphones has only
worsened this fear, as it now translates to making sure we stay up-to-date with
everything we can so we aren’t in the dark about something we shouldn’t be.
• FOMO is playing a part not only in our social lives, but our professional ones as
well, as we utilize social media, RSS readers, e-books, and more to make sure we
are staying relevant in our industry. Web designers and marketers can play into
this fear by outlining what a user is missing out on if they don’t complete the action.
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Webpage Images
• The psychology behind images has a big impact on user behaviour.
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• Video is one of the most influential forms of content for landing pages. Video
closes the gap even further in terms of a tactile, multi-sensory interaction with a
physical product.
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Trust Signals
• Develop trust in your brand, your interactions, your processes.
• Remove Anxiety: Let people know in subtle ways that you are trusted source, have
you been in the press? Do you have reviews? Show them!
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Call to Action (CTA)
• The primary button, link or other
user interface element that asks
the user to take an action that
leads to (or towards) a conversion.
A “Buy Now” button on, a “Sign Up” button
on an email registration field, a
“Download Now” on an app
landing page are examples of
different Calls to Action.
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Calls to Action
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Remove Distractions
• Create a direct path to the conversion.
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A/B or Split Testing
• The testing of one version of a page or
interface element against another
version of the same thing. Each element
is measured by its effectiveness in
comparison to the other. For example, a
red button measured in effectiveness to
a green button. In A/B testing only one
thing is tested at a time.
• Any changes that you make to your
website should be tested and seen if they
meet the taste of your customers. Your
bounce rate will go down magically, once
you implement the Strategies of the CRO
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Multivariate Testing (MVT)
• The testing of multiple variations of many different page elements in various
combinations to determine the best performing elements and combinations. For
example, a multivariate landing test may test many variations of the pictures, copy,
and calls to action used on the page in many combinations to find the best
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Don’t Damage your SEO
• Watch out for Duplicate Content
• If you’re performing a standard A|B test, where you’re testing one page layout
against another, you may have two separate pages with separate URLs you’re
testing: “Page A” and “Page B.” If you’re using Google Analytics Experiments, then
Page A houses the code that selects which version of the page the visitor will see,
redirecting that person to Page B in certain situations.
• When considering SEO for that page, the content for Page A and Page B may be
identical, only varying layout design or the images on the page. This type of test
can accidentally lead to duplicate content being listed in Search Engines because
Google Analytics Experiments, does not automatically block search engines from
indexing test pages.
• That means there is a likelihood that you can have the same page ranked twice,
essentially with the same content.
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Don’t Damage your SEO
• Inadvertently Removing Pages
• In other tests you may run, you may have to rework the paths that visitors take
through the site to decrease the number of steps it takes for a visitor to reach
specific content, reducing the clicks to potentially useless pages.
• However, in a test like this, removing pages from a path during a test can also
inadvertently remove them from your, sitemap, bread crumb path navigation and
the Search Engines.
• What happens to those pages that you remove if they have also been specifically
optimised for particularly keywords as part of the overall website approach and
distribution of keywords sitewide, if they are now no longer included in a test path?
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Don’t Damage your SEO
• Having the Wrong Page Ranked
• If you’re running longer term testing, there can definitely be problems generated for
SEO. For example, what happens if the test page becomes more popular with
inbound links than the original page? In a way, that’s a positive! But what if the test
page doesn’t convert as well? That could be a problem.
• The Solution to each of the issues outlined to avoid damaging your SEO is the
implementation of the Canonical Tag & 301 Redirects. Setting the Canonical
reference in the <meta> will determine the index reference page for the SEs.
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Useful WP Tools• A/B testing WordPress plugins
– AB Press Optimizer. A great low-cost built-in A/B testing plugin that lets you test a variety of page elements.
– A/B Theme Tester. An outstanding free plugin- actually lets you A/B test which themes convert best, with built in stats.
– Nelio A/B Testing. More of a fully fledged WordPress A/B testing tool similar to Visual Website Optimizer – requires a monthly
fee to use though.
– Simple Page Tester. For those looking for a free plugin with real simple A/B testing options, this is perfect.
– King Sumo Headlines. Headlines are very important parts of a website to test to increase engagement – and this plugin is
– Title Experiments Free. For those looking for a simpler and free way to test their WordPress headlines, this plugin is ideal.
• Landing page creation and testing WordPress plugins
– WordPress Landing Pages. A great free WordPress plugin for quickly building landing pages, with many built in features.
– Optimize Press. One of the best low cost plugin solutions for creating a huge variety of landing pages – from webinar pages to
sales pages.
– Lead Pages. Another outstanding plugin for creating landing pages – has the most features, but comes at a higher cost.
– Thrive Landing Pages. A cheaper alternative WordPress plugin to the other landing page creation ones mentioned above.
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Useful WP Tools…• Analytics and visitor tracking WordPress plugins
– Wordpress Leads. A fantastic free plugin that helps you much better analyze your lead/opt-in performance.
– Google Analytics by Yoast. A great Google Analytics plugin made by the same creators as the excellent Yoast SEO plugin.
– WP Google Analytics. Another great option for setting up and using Google Analytics directly in your WordPress admin.
– ExtraWatch. Helps you form great CRO insights and test ideas by showing you visitor click maps of your WordPress pages.
• Visitor Surveying and Feedback WordPress plugins
– Visitor Engage. A great free plugin for installing visitor feedback options, including modern looking sticky feedback tabs.
– Total Feedback. I’m a big fan of this free plugin to quickly setup single page surveys (like a scaled back version of the
Qualaroo tool).
– UserNoise. Similar to a free version of UserVoice, this plugin lets you easily capture visitor feedback using popups.
– WordPress Simple Survey. A great tool for helping you create surveys on your website directly in your WordPress admin.
• Other conversion rate optimization WordPress plugins
– WordPress Calls-to-action. Nifty little plugin for letting you create engaging and customizable call-to-action buttons in
WordPress pages.
– WP Total Cache. Speeding up page load times helps reduce bounce rates (and makes Google happier!) – this is a great free
plugin to help with this. Slide: 47
Useful Tools…– CrazyEgg
CrazyEgg offers a range of tools, but the best tool to optimize your website is the heat map. The heat map allows you to see
where visitors click on your website. This lets you identify pain points on a page that show where visitors are clicking and
where they are not clicking.
Cost: Free 30 day trial
– Clicktale
Clicktale Analytics now comes in a freemium package that tracks up to 5,000 recordings per month. Clicktale records website
visitors but will hide any sensitive information for user privacy. You can watch website visitors take action on your website and
understand how they use the site, or what issues they run into when navigating.
Cost: Free up to 5,000 visitors
– Mixpanel
Mixpanel is an advanced analytics platform for mobile and web. While Google Analytics measures pageviews, Mixpanel helps
you analyze visitors’ actions and optimize funnels. For example, an action can be uploading a picture, watching a video, or
sharing a blog post. This platform allows you to understand exactly how people interact with any web page and how they
navigate through your site.
Cost: Free for up to 25,000 data points
– Formisimo
Formisimo is an advanced form analytics tool that records how a user interacts with a web form and checkout fields.
Formisimo records how users engage with the form, the fields they do not complete, and when they use autocomplete versus
manually entering their information. This information helps you eliminate fields that cause friction.
Cost: Free 14 day free trial
– Peek (by
Launched earlier this year, Peek provides you with a free five-minute usability test. You simply enter your website URL, and
the test participants will review your website. Having a tester browse your website and complete “simple” actions will unlock
plenty of hidden usability issues that you can work on to improve the user experience and boost conversion rates.
Cost: Free Slide: 48
Useful Tools…– i-Perceptions
The i-Perceptions has been endorsed by Google Analytics Evangelist, Avinash Kaushik, and it’s a pop up that asks three
simple questions to website visitors. The three questions include:
•“How would you rate your site experience?”
•“What describes the primary purpose of visit?”
•“Were you able to complete the purpose of your visit today?”
You can use the feedback to understand how people engage with your website and find opportunities for improvement.
Cost: Free
– Survey Monkey
Collecting customer feedback is essential to understanding what turns a website visitor into a customer. Survey Monkey
allows you to ask up to 10 questions and collect up to 100 responses for free, which means you can ask questions such as:
•What made you buy [product]?
•What’s the best thing you like about [service]?
•How would you describe [brand] to your friends?
Answers to these questions will give you great insight into how your customers view your brand.
Cost: Free for up to 100 responses
– Cross Browser Testing
Cross Browser Testing allows you to view your website in real-time through a wide range of browsers and operating systems.
This tool helps you to identify why some browsers convert better than others.
For example, if you find that the latest version of Chrome converts better than IE9, then you might want to look at how IE9 is
being displayed to your visitors. Using the Cross Browser Testing tool, you can see exactly how it is displayed and what to fix.
Cost: Free trial for 60 minutes
– VWO (Visual Website Optimizer)
VWO offers split testing for as little as $49 per month, but the free trial allows you to test for up to 30 days for 1,000 visits. You
can edit, modify, and remove elements on your web pages through the VWO editor; and you can test images, copy, design,
and web-forms. At the end of your tests, you can see which test won and then implement the changes directly onto your
Cost: Free for up to 1,000 visitors Slide: 49
Useful Tools…– Fivesecondtest
Fivesecondtest allows you to ask for community feedback on new landing page designs, without having to change any
elements on your website. Your new design will be displayed for five seconds and then a series of questions are asked to the
user. Feedback comes in the form of answers and a word cloud, to identify the most prominent elements that the user
Cost: Free for 20 responses
– Unbounce
Unbounce is an easy-to-use landing page platform that allows anyone to build great landing pages without the need for a
designer or IT. You can create landing pages from scratch or choose one of the many landing page templates. You can use
Unbounce to create landing pages for your paid search campaigns or to quickly test out new web page designs.
Cost: Free trial
– Screenpopper
Screenpopper helps you convert more users through a pop-up appearing on top of a web page, with the goal of promoting a
single call-to-action. The benefit is you get the visitors immediate attention, which can be used to for conversion purposes. If
your goal is to get more newsletter sign ups, you can use the pop-up to offer an incentive in exchange for an email address.
Cost: Free 14 day trial
– Hellobar
Hellobar is an optimization tool, which displays a visible bar that sits at the top of a web page to draw the web visitors’
attention. Hellobar acts as a primary website call-to-action. You can include Hellobar on one page, several pages, or across
your entire website. For example, if you are launching a new eBook, you use Hellobar to include a simple message to promote
Cost: Free
Reference: SearchEngineJournal 26/09/2014
Slide: 50
Conduct User Testing• Record the screen AND record the user’s face, whilst they interact on your website,
as part of a selected user group experiment with Camtasia
• Remove Distractions: Go through the whole checkout process, watch OTHER
people do it – look for things that are causing them to slow down and try to fix
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Google Adwords
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Keep Connected
After today’s session, I encourage you review your website for
CRO improvements. Please feel free to connect with me if
you have additional questions:
Don’t forget to follow Vorian Agency on LinkedIn:
All of my other Social Media links are available on About.Me:
Email: Slide: 53
Please… invite others
We would like to thank you for your attendance
to today’s seminar on CRO
• A link to the Presentation Slide Notes will be emailed to you
• Vorian Agency info packs are provided to showcase our key business areas
• Vorian staff are available to arrange an appointment to assist your specific needs
• Special Offer: 10% discount on SEO services
for a limited time to attendees of our CRO seminar
• Please provide your feedback and hand-in the supplied questionnaire
• Please leave a review for us on Facebook, Yelp or Google My Business
• Please invite others you may know to register for our free seminar series and forward
them a copy of today’s seminar email.
Slide: 55
Vorian Agency SEO ServicesSearch Marketing
– SEO - Search Engine Optimisation
– SEO Services
– Local SEO
– International SEO
– Mobile SEO Marketing
– Technical SEO
– Forensic SEO
– Ethical SEO
– Negative SEO Monitoring
– Build an In-house SEO Program
– Google Algorithm Updates - Panda, Penguin , Pirate & Hummingbird
– Google Manual Penalty Recovery
– Reputation Management/Brand Management/PR
SEO Packages
– SEO Audits
– SEO for Site Redesigns/Migrations
– SEO Consultation Service
– Starter SEO Package
– SEO Packages
Link Building
– Link Building Packages
Google My Business (Google Places)
– Google Trusted Agency & Photography
– Still Photos
– Panoramic Photos
– Virtual Tours
Bing Places
Content Marketing
Copy Writing Services
Slide: 56

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Vorian Agency Conversion Rate Optimisation Seminar 2015

  • 1. CRO Seminar Conversion Rate Optimisation Thursday 2nd April, 2015 10:00am – 12:00pm Slide: 1
  • 2. Matt Lynch • General Manager of Vorian Agency – Delivering integrated online and offline marketing solutions to business wrestling with how to market in today’s changing environment. • With over 22 years Online Marketing & Information Technology experience, Matt’s primary speciality is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Matt is a highly experienced senior digital marketing specialist working both within agency and in-house roles. Matt is also a certified Google Adwords and Bing Ads Professional. • Enjoys keeping up with the 'bleeding edge' of technology advancements and social media evolvement to ensure current knowledge in an ever changing landscape, leading to early adoption and determination of opportunity for marketing enhancement. • Local, national and international project experience particularly in the field of Travel for over 10 years with companies such as Trafalgar Tours, The Travel Corporation brand and travel properties, Stella Travel and Best Flights. Matt has earned a reputation as an online marketing expert and search evangelist for thoroughness, quality, technical knowledge and success driven results. Matt's previous role was as the Global Online Marketing Manager for Trafalgar, coordinating the online marketing efforts with international teams for this global brand. Your Presenter: Vorian Agency General Manager Slide: 2
  • 3. Add Matt to your circles… Google+: Twitter: LinkedIn: Facebook: About Me: SlideShare: Pinterest: Instagram: YouTube: Vimeo: Vine: Yelp: FourSquare: Klout: Email: Slide: 3
  • 4. Connect with Vorian Agency Slide: 4
  • 5. Interactive Questions? During today’s session, you are welcome to tweet questions to our Vorian Agency Twitter Account @vorianagency using the hashtag #voriantraining Slide: 5
  • 6. Housekeeping Before we start, please note the following: • Exits • Toilets • Mobile Phones on Silent • Question & Answer session at end of the Presentation • A link to the Presentation Slide Notes will be emailed to you • Vorian Agency info packs are provided to showcase our service offering • Vorian staff are available to arrange an appointment or answer specific questions • Please provide your feedback on today’s seminar on the supplied questionnaire • Please invite others you may know to register for our free seminar series Slide: 6
  • 7. Setting the Scene Australian online retail spending is now valued at $15.6 billion for the year ending July 2014. Growth in online retail sales outpaced growth in traditional retail sales (0.9% versus 0.1%). The proportion of Australians online now stands at 81%, putting us behind only a few countries – the UK, Canada, Germany, France, the UAE and South Korea. But the actual amount of time spent online is among the lowest internationally, with Australian internet users spending an average of 4.5 hours per day on their laptop or desktop compared to 5.2 hours in the US and 6.1 hours in Brazil. Although many factors are at play here (historically – broadband speed and connectivity, comparative economic isolation, and distance from more mature American and European digital markets) Australia has unquestionably lagged in digital adoption overall, both retailer-side and consumer side. Many traditional brick and mortar retailers have been slow to invest in their digital assets (Harvey Norman, Woolworths, David Jones, Myer) which only perpetuates the desire for consumers to either continue beating the streets, or shop with the early digital adopters (ASOS, The Iconic, and Net-A-Porter, to name a few). One of the biggest barriers to consumer adoption in the growing digital segment is a lousy online experience for the user. Poorly designed websites, blatantly lacking navigation options, crappy little images, dead ends, broken links and ambiguous information all add up to woeful user experience (UX) and a highly frustrated audience who will likely never return. The customer journey and experience online should be as seamless, inspiring and enjoyable as the retailer would aim an in-store visit to be, with as much thought and investment going into the visual merchandising of products. In a less mature digital market such as Australia, there is less inherent trust from new online shoppers, so retailers need to work even harder to win trust, and feed new habits of browsing or shopping online. The imagery of online product should be of such high quality, be so crisp, clear and interactive – that customers feel they can practically touch the product, closing the all-important gap from the tactile experience of brick and mortar. Reference: Castleford Media 08/10/2014 - Ultimate Conversion Guide Slide: 7
  • 8. The Math of CRO • A video introduction on the Math of CRO by Rick Perreault. Rick is the cofounder and CEO of Unbounce is a platform that allows marketers to create A/B test landing pages without having to rely on IT. Reference: Moz (formerly SEOMoz) The Math of CRO - Whiteboard Friday 23/02/2014 Slide: 8
  • 9. What is CRO? • CRO is the abbreviation for Conversion Rate Optimisation • What is involved with CRO? – Having a structured and systematic approach to improve the performance of a website or landing page – CRO actions are informed by insights; from website analytics and user feedback – CRO needs to start with defined goals/objectives for your website’s unique objectives and needs (KPIs) – CRO involves taking the current traffic to your website and making better use of it! • Landing pages appear after an online advert (PPC/Banner), email link, social media link, search result or specific promotional URL (Online or Offline: QR code, Shortened URL). This is the first opportunity to convince a motivated consumer to pursue the purchase process with you. Slide: 9
  • 10. So what is a conversion? • A conversion is when a visitor to your website takes an action that you want them to perform. In Google Analytics we measure these with Goal and Event tracking. • Conversions could be completing a Quote Request form, purchasing a product from your online store, registering for an email newsletter, downloading a .pdf document from the site, or something else entirely. • Whatever it is you want your visitors to do, this action is what you are going to measure and what you are looking to optimise. Slide: 10
  • 11. How to Measure Conversions Slide: 11
  • 12. Setting Conversion Goals You can easily add a goal in order to: • Measure sales • Measure lead generation from your website • Measure product or file downloads • Measure the number of signups to a newsletter • Measure visitor loyalty and recency (Return Users compared to Unique Visitors) • Measure who pauses or fast forward on a video • See who clicks your ads • How many errors a visitor encounters during the checkout process • How many users visit a specific page on your website • Measure engagement such as achieving a specific Time on Site • … what else? • Now, for each of the above goal types you can also assign goal values and this is the most interesting part, because you are able to actually measure in $$$ how well your metrics perform. Slide: 12
  • 13. Let’s do some maths • With CRO, we want to improve Conversion Rates! Simple really. • Your Total Conversions is number of people who did whatever it is defined as converting (submitted a form, made a purchase...). • To get your Conversion Rate, you divide the total number of conversions by the number of visitors to your site. Conversion Rate = Number of leads/sales forms filled up/Number or visitors X 100. • For example, a site with 5,000 visitors and 50 conversions has a conversion rate of 1.0%. • There’s nothing wrong with aiming for a perfect, 0% bounce rate – it keeps you thinking of new, more effective ways to engage your visitors – Your ideal bounce rate should be somewhere between the perfect bounce rate and a maximum of 20%. Having a 50% bounce rate means that 1 in 2 people are leaving your site without conversions, whereas with a 20% bounce rate, only 1 in 5 people leave your site without fulfilling any form of conversion. You need to stay within the ideal bounce rate to get the maximum conversions from your traffic. – Bounce rates and conversions are inversely proportional to each other; that is, if your bounce rate is high, then your landing page is likely irrelevant to your visitors. As a result, conversions are likely to be lower. Slide: 13
  • 15. Data Analysis • Data analysis goes hand in hand with CRO. Once you have outlined your website’s problems along with the possible solutions to solve them, there is one step left: testing. • The first testing method is A/B testing, followed by the more sophisticated Multivariate testing. • For instance, data analysis provides with insights about the most performing segments of traffic. You could identify the VIP customers, which are spending 5x more per order than the average, and make them as happy as possible. • Another important thing to mention here is the communication strategy. Make sure that you have a clear USP (Unique Selling Proposition) that tells people why should they care about you. Have two or three versions of your USP and test them with an A/B testing software. Then, all your website’s copy should be created around the USP. Slide: 15
  • 16. Common Aspects to Abandonment • Slow load time – test it with speed testing tools • Product descriptions – basic copywriting knowledge and an A/B testing tool should be enough • Customer service – enhanced option to VIPs • Ineffective search – people who use the search field convert better than the ones who don’t use it. • Lack of trust – what is missing from the website’s design and trust elements? • Delivery and returns policy – if you afford offering free shipping, do it and let people know. Place “Free shipping” near the product’s name, as visible as possible • Out of stock products on the homepage – don’t do it! • Too many ads and offers on the homepage – where do I have to go now? It can get very confusing for shoppers. Slide: 16
  • 17. A Google Analytics Account Go to: Create a Google Property account – for example Gmail, then create a Google Analytics account. Put the GA code into your website (Google Tag Manager implementation) and you are up and running starting to collect data on your website traffic! Slide: 17
  • 18. Glossary of GA Terms • Looking at your Bounce and Exit Rates, as well as your Engagement Metrics, is the first step in making sense of your conversion rate. • Visits (Total number of visits to your site) – This metric is a count of sessions that have been active on your site for the selected date range. – If a user is inactive on your site for 30 minutes or more, any future activity is attributed to a new session. – Users that leave your site and return within 30 minutes are counted as part of the original session. • Unique Visitors (Total number of unique visitors to your site) – Unique visitors are those that haven’t been previously recorded coming to your site (cookies/device) • Bounce Rate (Percent of single-page visits) – The Bounce Rate is the percentage of bounced visits to your site. A high bounce rate is not a good thing– for whatever reason, people aren’t finding what they’re looking for so they leave almost immediately – A bounce is calculated as a single-page view or single-event trigger in a session or visit. – The following situations qualify as bounces: • A user clicks A link deep into your site sent by A friend, reads the information on the page and closes the browser. • A user comes to your homepage, looks around for A minute or two and immediately leaves. • A user comes directly to A reference page on your site from A web search, leaves the page available in the browser while completing other tasks in other browser windows and the session times out. • Exit Rate – You also have a specific Exit Rate for each page; it’s the percentage of people who leave after viewing the page. Your exit rate lets you know the last page that users view before they move on. A very high exit rate on a specific page can be a red flag to an area of concern. Slide: 18
  • 19. GA Glossary continued… • Pageviews (Total number of pages viewed on your site) – A pageview is an instance of a page being loaded by a browser. – The Pageviews metric is the total number of pages viewed; • Repeated views of a single page are also counted. – Google Analytics logs a pageview each time the tracking code is executed on a web page. • Pages per Visit (Average number of pages viewed per visit) – The Pages/Visit (Average Page Depth) metric displays the average number of pages viewed per visit to your site. More page views can mean engagement but also can mean a lack of clarity in your conversion funnel, if there is no conversion. – Repeated views of a single page are counted in this calculation. – This metric is useful both as an aggregate total as well as when it is viewed with other dimensions, such as country, visitor type or mobile operating system. • Average Time on Site (Average time on site for each visitor) – The average duration of visits (sessions) to your site for the selected time frame. A high bounce rate means a low average time on site—visitors aren’t sticking around long enough to do whatever it is you want them to do. – Session time is calculated by adding up time on page for each page in the session except for the last page in the session. – The average time on site is determined by dividing the total time on site by the number of sessions for the selected time frame. – Time on site calculations do not include the amount of time that visitors spend on the last page in the session, because there is no way to determine how long the visitor spent on the last page. Slide: 19
  • 20. Google Analytics - Flow Slide: 20
  • 21. Goals - Funnel Visualisation Slide: 21
  • 22. Goals – Reverse Goal Path Slide: 22
  • 23. Conversion Funnel • Conversion Funnel: It is a technical term used to describe the route taken by the visitor to complete your goal. Let’s say, a visitor came in from an advertisement or a search engine, surfed through the website and finally placed an order. So, this is the conversion funnel. • The core part of a CRO strategy is establishing a conversion funnel that succeeds. It starts with Landing Page Optimization (LPO). You can test after identifying top-performing landing pages and beginning a funnel for conversion. Slide: 23
  • 24. Multi-Channel Funnels – Time Lag Slide: 24
  • 27. Setting up GA Experiments Slide: 27 • Google Analytics Content Experiments can help you test how well various pages work in getting your visitors to accomplish a specific goal – such as purchase a product. • Google Analytics Content Experiments allows you to test variations of the pages on your website to see how this changes the behavior of your site’s visitors – allowing you to improve your pages to increase conversions, newsletter sign-up, or whatever your online goals. • With Google Analytics Content Experiments, you can: – Compare how different web pages perform using a random sample of your visitors. – Choose what type of goal you’d like to test. – Specify how much of your site’s traffic should be involved in your experiment.
  • 30. Landing Page Optimisation • Every small detail has the capability of creating a strong impact in the users’ mind, propelling them to take the required action. These are the sorts of details that you need to keep in mind so that the user is attracted to take the required action on your site: • Size and Shape of the buttons for call to action (CTA) • Color of the webpage and the associated elements • Speed of the webpage at which it downloads • Layout • Sharp and Clear • Proximity • Contrast of the colors scheme • Flow of the content • Alignment • Benefits to the customers • Appropriate Call to Action message • Fields to be filled up • Winning Trust Slide: 30
  • 31. Webpage Design • The design of your landing page should help convey your message and encourage users to take action. Slide: 31
  • 33. Webpage Copy • The text on your webpage landing page, should be there to influence the user to take action. • Show Urgency: It’s great if you’ve fixed all these things but if you don’t give the impression to buy now, then you might lose the sale to your competitor! Slide: 33
  • 34. FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out • Outline The Drawbacks If They Don’t Take Action • This taps into consumer FOMO, or “fear of missing out.” People don’t like feeling like that aren’t going to have or know something that everyone else around them has or knows. • As Psychology Today points out, our relationship with our smartphones has only worsened this fear, as it now translates to making sure we stay up-to-date with everything we can so we aren’t in the dark about something we shouldn’t be. • FOMO is playing a part not only in our social lives, but our professional ones as well, as we utilize social media, RSS readers, e-books, and more to make sure we are staying relevant in our industry. Web designers and marketers can play into this fear by outlining what a user is missing out on if they don’t complete the action. Slide: 34
  • 35. Webpage Images • The psychology behind images has a big impact on user behaviour. Slide: 35
  • 36. Video • Video is one of the most influential forms of content for landing pages. Video closes the gap even further in terms of a tactile, multi-sensory interaction with a physical product. Slide: 36
  • 37. Trust Signals • Develop trust in your brand, your interactions, your processes. • Remove Anxiety: Let people know in subtle ways that you are trusted source, have you been in the press? Do you have reviews? Show them! Slide: 37
  • 38. Call to Action (CTA) • The primary button, link or other user interface element that asks the user to take an action that leads to (or towards) a conversion. A “Buy Now” button on, a “Sign Up” button on an email registration field, a “Download Now” on an app landing page are examples of different Calls to Action. Slide: 38
  • 40. Remove Distractions • Create a direct path to the conversion. Slide: 40
  • 41. A/B or Split Testing • The testing of one version of a page or interface element against another version of the same thing. Each element is measured by its effectiveness in comparison to the other. For example, a red button measured in effectiveness to a green button. In A/B testing only one thing is tested at a time. • Any changes that you make to your website should be tested and seen if they meet the taste of your customers. Your bounce rate will go down magically, once you implement the Strategies of the CRO Slide: 41
  • 42. Multivariate Testing (MVT) • The testing of multiple variations of many different page elements in various combinations to determine the best performing elements and combinations. For example, a multivariate landing test may test many variations of the pictures, copy, and calls to action used on the page in many combinations to find the best performer. Slide: 42
  • 43. Don’t Damage your SEO • Watch out for Duplicate Content • If you’re performing a standard A|B test, where you’re testing one page layout against another, you may have two separate pages with separate URLs you’re testing: “Page A” and “Page B.” If you’re using Google Analytics Experiments, then Page A houses the code that selects which version of the page the visitor will see, redirecting that person to Page B in certain situations. • When considering SEO for that page, the content for Page A and Page B may be identical, only varying layout design or the images on the page. This type of test can accidentally lead to duplicate content being listed in Search Engines because Google Analytics Experiments, does not automatically block search engines from indexing test pages. • That means there is a likelihood that you can have the same page ranked twice, essentially with the same content. Slide: 43
  • 44. Don’t Damage your SEO • Inadvertently Removing Pages • In other tests you may run, you may have to rework the paths that visitors take through the site to decrease the number of steps it takes for a visitor to reach specific content, reducing the clicks to potentially useless pages. • However, in a test like this, removing pages from a path during a test can also inadvertently remove them from your, sitemap, bread crumb path navigation and the Search Engines. • What happens to those pages that you remove if they have also been specifically optimised for particularly keywords as part of the overall website approach and distribution of keywords sitewide, if they are now no longer included in a test path? Slide: 44
  • 45. Don’t Damage your SEO • Having the Wrong Page Ranked • If you’re running longer term testing, there can definitely be problems generated for SEO. For example, what happens if the test page becomes more popular with inbound links than the original page? In a way, that’s a positive! But what if the test page doesn’t convert as well? That could be a problem. • The Solution to each of the issues outlined to avoid damaging your SEO is the implementation of the Canonical Tag & 301 Redirects. Setting the Canonical reference in the <meta> will determine the index reference page for the SEs. Slide: 45
  • 46. Useful WP Tools• A/B testing WordPress plugins – AB Press Optimizer. A great low-cost built-in A/B testing plugin that lets you test a variety of page elements. – A/B Theme Tester. An outstanding free plugin- actually lets you A/B test which themes convert best, with built in stats. – Nelio A/B Testing. More of a fully fledged WordPress A/B testing tool similar to Visual Website Optimizer – requires a monthly fee to use though. – Simple Page Tester. For those looking for a free plugin with real simple A/B testing options, this is perfect. – King Sumo Headlines. Headlines are very important parts of a website to test to increase engagement – and this plugin is excellent. – Title Experiments Free. For those looking for a simpler and free way to test their WordPress headlines, this plugin is ideal. • Landing page creation and testing WordPress plugins – WordPress Landing Pages. A great free WordPress plugin for quickly building landing pages, with many built in features. – Optimize Press. One of the best low cost plugin solutions for creating a huge variety of landing pages – from webinar pages to sales pages. – Lead Pages. Another outstanding plugin for creating landing pages – has the most features, but comes at a higher cost. – Thrive Landing Pages. A cheaper alternative WordPress plugin to the other landing page creation ones mentioned above. Slide: 46
  • 47. Useful WP Tools…• Analytics and visitor tracking WordPress plugins – Wordpress Leads. A fantastic free plugin that helps you much better analyze your lead/opt-in performance. – Google Analytics by Yoast. A great Google Analytics plugin made by the same creators as the excellent Yoast SEO plugin. – WP Google Analytics. Another great option for setting up and using Google Analytics directly in your WordPress admin. – ExtraWatch. Helps you form great CRO insights and test ideas by showing you visitor click maps of your WordPress pages. • Visitor Surveying and Feedback WordPress plugins – Visitor Engage. A great free plugin for installing visitor feedback options, including modern looking sticky feedback tabs. – Total Feedback. I’m a big fan of this free plugin to quickly setup single page surveys (like a scaled back version of the Qualaroo tool). – UserNoise. Similar to a free version of UserVoice, this plugin lets you easily capture visitor feedback using popups. – WordPress Simple Survey. A great tool for helping you create surveys on your website directly in your WordPress admin. • Other conversion rate optimization WordPress plugins – WordPress Calls-to-action. Nifty little plugin for letting you create engaging and customizable call-to-action buttons in WordPress pages. – WP Total Cache. Speeding up page load times helps reduce bounce rates (and makes Google happier!) – this is a great free plugin to help with this. Slide: 47
  • 48. Useful Tools…– CrazyEgg CrazyEgg offers a range of tools, but the best tool to optimize your website is the heat map. The heat map allows you to see where visitors click on your website. This lets you identify pain points on a page that show where visitors are clicking and where they are not clicking. Cost: Free 30 day trial – Clicktale Clicktale Analytics now comes in a freemium package that tracks up to 5,000 recordings per month. Clicktale records website visitors but will hide any sensitive information for user privacy. You can watch website visitors take action on your website and understand how they use the site, or what issues they run into when navigating. Cost: Free up to 5,000 visitors – Mixpanel Mixpanel is an advanced analytics platform for mobile and web. While Google Analytics measures pageviews, Mixpanel helps you analyze visitors’ actions and optimize funnels. For example, an action can be uploading a picture, watching a video, or sharing a blog post. This platform allows you to understand exactly how people interact with any web page and how they navigate through your site. Cost: Free for up to 25,000 data points – Formisimo Formisimo is an advanced form analytics tool that records how a user interacts with a web form and checkout fields. Formisimo records how users engage with the form, the fields they do not complete, and when they use autocomplete versus manually entering their information. This information helps you eliminate fields that cause friction. Cost: Free 14 day free trial – Peek (by Launched earlier this year, Peek provides you with a free five-minute usability test. You simply enter your website URL, and the test participants will review your website. Having a tester browse your website and complete “simple” actions will unlock plenty of hidden usability issues that you can work on to improve the user experience and boost conversion rates. Cost: Free Slide: 48
  • 49. Useful Tools…– i-Perceptions The i-Perceptions has been endorsed by Google Analytics Evangelist, Avinash Kaushik, and it’s a pop up that asks three simple questions to website visitors. The three questions include: •“How would you rate your site experience?” •“What describes the primary purpose of visit?” •“Were you able to complete the purpose of your visit today?” You can use the feedback to understand how people engage with your website and find opportunities for improvement. Cost: Free – Survey Monkey Collecting customer feedback is essential to understanding what turns a website visitor into a customer. Survey Monkey allows you to ask up to 10 questions and collect up to 100 responses for free, which means you can ask questions such as: •What made you buy [product]? •What’s the best thing you like about [service]? •How would you describe [brand] to your friends? Answers to these questions will give you great insight into how your customers view your brand. Cost: Free for up to 100 responses – Cross Browser Testing Cross Browser Testing allows you to view your website in real-time through a wide range of browsers and operating systems. This tool helps you to identify why some browsers convert better than others. For example, if you find that the latest version of Chrome converts better than IE9, then you might want to look at how IE9 is being displayed to your visitors. Using the Cross Browser Testing tool, you can see exactly how it is displayed and what to fix. Cost: Free trial for 60 minutes – VWO (Visual Website Optimizer) VWO offers split testing for as little as $49 per month, but the free trial allows you to test for up to 30 days for 1,000 visits. You can edit, modify, and remove elements on your web pages through the VWO editor; and you can test images, copy, design, and web-forms. At the end of your tests, you can see which test won and then implement the changes directly onto your website. Cost: Free for up to 1,000 visitors Slide: 49
  • 50. Useful Tools…– Fivesecondtest Fivesecondtest allows you to ask for community feedback on new landing page designs, without having to change any elements on your website. Your new design will be displayed for five seconds and then a series of questions are asked to the user. Feedback comes in the form of answers and a word cloud, to identify the most prominent elements that the user remembers. Cost: Free for 20 responses – Unbounce Unbounce is an easy-to-use landing page platform that allows anyone to build great landing pages without the need for a designer or IT. You can create landing pages from scratch or choose one of the many landing page templates. You can use Unbounce to create landing pages for your paid search campaigns or to quickly test out new web page designs. Cost: Free trial – Screenpopper Screenpopper helps you convert more users through a pop-up appearing on top of a web page, with the goal of promoting a single call-to-action. The benefit is you get the visitors immediate attention, which can be used to for conversion purposes. If your goal is to get more newsletter sign ups, you can use the pop-up to offer an incentive in exchange for an email address. Cost: Free 14 day trial – Hellobar Hellobar is an optimization tool, which displays a visible bar that sits at the top of a web page to draw the web visitors’ attention. Hellobar acts as a primary website call-to-action. You can include Hellobar on one page, several pages, or across your entire website. For example, if you are launching a new eBook, you use Hellobar to include a simple message to promote it. Cost: Free Reference: SearchEngineJournal 26/09/2014 Slide: 50
  • 51. Conduct User Testing• Record the screen AND record the user’s face, whilst they interact on your website, as part of a selected user group experiment with Camtasia • Remove Distractions: Go through the whole checkout process, watch OTHER people do it – look for things that are causing them to slow down and try to fix them. Slide: 51
  • 53. Keep Connected After today’s session, I encourage you review your website for CRO improvements. Please feel free to connect with me if you have additional questions: LinkedIn: Don’t forget to follow Vorian Agency on LinkedIn: All of my other Social Media links are available on About.Me: About.Me: Email: Slide: 53
  • 54. Slid
  • 55. Please… invite others We would like to thank you for your attendance to today’s seminar on CRO • A link to the Presentation Slide Notes will be emailed to you • Vorian Agency info packs are provided to showcase our key business areas • Vorian staff are available to arrange an appointment to assist your specific needs • Special Offer: 10% discount on SEO services for a limited time to attendees of our CRO seminar • Please provide your feedback and hand-in the supplied questionnaire • Please leave a review for us on Facebook, Yelp or Google My Business • Please invite others you may know to register for our free seminar series and forward them a copy of today’s seminar email. Slide: 55
  • 56. Vorian Agency SEO ServicesSearch Marketing – SEO - Search Engine Optimisation – SEO Services – Local SEO – International SEO – Mobile SEO Marketing – Technical SEO – Forensic SEO – Ethical SEO – Negative SEO Monitoring – Build an In-house SEO Program – Google Algorithm Updates - Panda, Penguin , Pirate & Hummingbird – Google Manual Penalty Recovery – Reputation Management/Brand Management/PR SEO Packages – SEO Audits – SEO for Site Redesigns/Migrations – SEO Consultation Service – Starter SEO Package – SEO Packages Link Building – Link Building Packages Google My Business (Google Places) – Google Trusted Agency & Photography – Still Photos – Panoramic Photos – Virtual Tours Bing Places Content Marketing Copy Writing Services Slide: 56