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Volume 11

Metastatic carcinoma----------Case 225-248 & 1107-1121
Carcinoma To
Metastatic Carcinoma to Bone
    One of the major complications of carcinoma in the adult human
being is its potential to metastasize to bone. The incidence of
metastatic carcinoma to bone is fifteen times greater than the
incidence of primary sarcomas of all types. This amounts to
approximately 300,000 new cases each year. It has been stated that
about 70% of all patients who die of advanced carcinoma will
demonstrate evidence of metastatic lesions in bone at time of
autopsy. The two most common metastatic tumors that go to bone
include breast in females and prostate in males, followed next by
kidney, thyroid and lung. Carcinomas that are least likely to go to
bone include skin cancers, oral carcinoma, esophageal, cervical,
stomach and colon carcinomas. The spine is by far the most common
site for metastatic disease, followed next by the pelvis, femur, ribs,
proximal humerus and skull. It is very unusual to find metastatic
lesions distal to the knee or elbow but, if they are found there, the
most common etiology would be lung carcinoma. Only 9% of
metastatic lesions to bone will be solitary in nature.
    Breast cancer is by far the most common cause of metastatic
disease to bone in females, accounting for about 50% of all met-
astatic carcinomas. Radiographically, the lesions appear as a
primary lytic focal destruction within the bone, frequently
associated with a ring of reactive bone seen at the periphery of the
lytic process, giving a mixed lytic and blastic appearance.
Generally, the more lytic the process is, the more likely a pathologic
fracture and a worse prognosis. Likewise, with therapeutic
approaches including hormones, chemotherapy and radiation
therapy, the lytic component will decrease in volume and the
blastic component will increase. This decreases the chance for
fracture and decreases pain symptoms. With prostate carcinoma,
lesions are usually more blastic in nature and pain is not a problem,
and the incidence of pathological fracture is also reduced. How-
ever, not all prostate metastases are blastic in nature. In the case
of lytic prostate carcinoma metastases, patients have more pain, the
incidence of pathological fracture is greater, and the prognosis is
    Many carcinomas induce a hyperemic response in the surrounding
host tissue, creating an aneursymal appearance on the radiographic
examination. This is the case with many renal cell carcinomas, as
well as multiple myelomas. Much of the hemorrhagic lytic
destruction of bone is the result of the tumor cell activating osteo-
clastic destruction in the surrounding bone, similar to what occurs
in hyperparathyroidism, and thus a significant medical treatment for
this lytic process is to inhibit the osteoclastic activity by the use of
bisphosphonate therapy, especially “Aredia,” which is given intra-
venously on a monthly basis during the active phase of the disease.
Mechanically speaking, it is sometimes advisable to use prophylactic
embolization therapy to the hyperemic lesions prior to any surgical
procedures, especially with lesions that have not been previously
irradiated. This will markedly reduce the chance of excessive bleeding
at the time of surgical reconstruction.
    The staging process designed to discover the primary source of
the metastatic lesion of bone should include a routine CT scan of
the chest and abdomen, looking for primaries in the lung,
abdominal visera, along with a total skeletal bone isotope survey
to look for multifocal disease that frequently is characteristic for
metastatic carcinoma. In the case of spine metastases, routine
radiographs are notorious for not picking up early medullary
lesions, whereas a bone isotope scan is very sensitive for lesions
in the spine. Likewise, lesions in the rib cage are also difficult to
pick up on routine radiographs.
    The prognosis for survival following a pathological fracture
through a metastatic lesion is variable with the best prognosis seen
in prostate carcinoma, with an average survival of about three years.
Next would be breast carcinoma with an average survival of about
two years. Renal cell carcinoma averages a one year survival and
lung is the worse prognosis of all with only a six month survival.
A common form of nonsurgical treatment consists of radiation
to the metastatic area which gives the best clinical response in
prostate carcinoma, an intermediate response with breast cancer,
and the worse response is seen with renal and gastrointestinal
carcinomas. Hormonal therapy is a common adjuvant treatment
for prostate and breast cancer. Tamoxafin is a common anti-
estrogen agent used for the treatment of breast carcinoma; it is
effective in 30% of all cases. Cytotoxic chemotherapy is now
commonly used for metastatic carcinoma, especially in the middle-
aged group that can tolerate this aggressive systemic protocol.
    Surgical treatment for metastatic cancer to bone can be used in
more advanced cases that do not respond to medical or radiation
therapy. It usually consists of either a prophylactic metallic fixation,
with or without bone cement, or open reduction, internal fixation of
a fracture at the time of admission through the emergency room
with an acute pathological fracture. One of the most common
areas for a pathological fracture is in the hip where bipolar or total
hip prostheses can be implanted with bone cement, which allows
for immediate weight bearing. The patients will usually undergo
radiation therapy postoperatively and therefore porous ingrowth
devices should not be used. The femoral shaft is an other common
area for pathological fracture and interlocking intramedullary nails
work well. If there is a large lytic defect, these devices should also
be augmented with bone cement to avoid problems with subsidence
and breakdown of the interlocking system. If spinal metastases are
picked up early, radiation therapy will usually reduce the pain and
prevent spinal cord compression. However, if the disease progresses
and the cord is compromised, surgical intervention is indicated.
Simple posterior laminectomy decompression is not advisable because
of further kyphotic collapse with the destabilizing effect of the
posterior element resection. Most spinal lesions are best approached
surgically anteriorly where stabilization is obtained with either
bone cement, allograft or metallic devices such as cages or anterior
buttress plates. A recent approach to this problem is by means of a
percutaneous technology with a vertebroplasty injection of bone
cement into the vertebral body tumor site. This can be used
prophylactically to avoid compression fracture or, in some cases,
to restore height after a compression fracture.
 Case #225

45 year female
metastatic breast
lumbar spine
Oblique view
Opposite oblique
Lateral view
Lysis spinous
process T-1
Case #226      X-ray             Gross specimen




   Autopsy specimen 45 yr female with metastatic breast
Case #227                      Bone scan

        55 year female with metastatic breast
Case #228

67 year male
metastatic prostate
spine & pelvis
Skeletonized autopsy
specimen prostate
met to L-spine
Photomic showing dense blastic response
Blastic snowball
mets to humerus
and scapula
Case #229

       85 year male with blastic prostate to pelvis
Case #230

     67 year male with lytic type prostate to pelvis
Case #231

70 year male with path fracture prox humerus lytic prostate
Case #232

60 year female
metastatic thyroid
to hand
X-ray showing two
aneurysmal lesions
Photo of large aneurysmal lesion in skull
Large lytic lesion in occiput
CT scan pelvis with large aneurysmal lesion in ilium
Case #232.1           Metastatic Thyroid CA to Pelvis
                                     I -131 isotope scan

        71 year old female with pain in hip for 4 months
Post op internal hemipelvectomy
Case #233


  55 year male with aneurysmal renal CA met to ilium
Photomic of renal cell CA
CT scan abdomen
Case #233.1    Sag T-1            T-2                    Gad
                          Renal cell met

              75 year old female with LBP for 3 months
Axial T-2   Gad
Abdominal CT scan

                    Bone scan
Case #233.2                  Renal cell met to Femur

    48 yr male with pain in distal thigh for 2 mos.
Sag T-1   Gad
Axial T-1   T-2

CT kidneys

             CT lungs
Case #234

56 year female with
metastatic colon to pelvis
with fluffy periosteal
reactive bone formation
Same periosteal
response seen in tibia
Case #234.1         Metastatic Colon

 66 yr old female with pain and swelling in shoulder 2 mos
Axial CT scan
Axial CT liver
Case #234.2                  Esophageal CA to pelvis

 79 yr male with dysphagia
 and hip pain 2 mos.
CT scan   Bone scan
Cor T-1         T-2

Case #236

74 year male
metastatic lung CA
mid finger
Photomic of squamous cell lesion in hand
Primary lung tumor
Case #237

   94 year female with unknown primary mets to foot
AP view
Case #238

55 year male with bilateral path fractures from lung CA mets
Post op x-ray with standard metal devices & radiolucent
Case #239

60 year male
metastatic renal
cell CA to femur
Post op cemented IM nail
Case #239.1            Renal Cell Met to Tibia

              59 year male with pain in leg for 3 months
CT scan abdomen

                  Bone scan
Sag T-1   PD   Gad
Axial T-1   T-2

Case #240

62 year female
post op interlocking
IM nail for metastatic
breast CA
Case #241

72 year female with prior
path fracture from metastatic
breast treated with cemented
IM nail and radiation therapy
Recurrent tumor seen
at distal end of nail

Surgical photo of nail and tumor protruding into knee
medullary canal

Surgical photo after removal of nail and condyles
Reconstruction with long stem cemented prosthesis

Lateral photo of knee reconstruction
old fracture

Lateral x-ray 6 months later
   radiolucent cement
Case #241.1          Metastatic Merkel cell Carcinoma

37 yr old male with
pain and swelling
in knee for 3 mos
Cor T-1   T-2   Gad
Chest x-ray
CT scan
Case #242

    73 year female with extensive metastatic disease
                 pelvis and right hip
Photo after resection
of periacetabular tumor
with exposed remaining
solid iliac bone at notch
level for placement of
cemented Steinman pins
Placement of 3 cemented
Steinman pins
Completion of 2nd
batch of cement with
all poly cup for THA
Pain free 5 yrs later with stable radiolucent cement
Case #243


      50 year female with periacetabular lung met
Steinman pins

Post op x-ray
Case #243.1

 57 year male with painful metastatic lung CA to pelvis
Bone scan
CT scan
X-ray following internal hemipelvectomy and THA



   screw entry sites

         sciatic notch
6.5 mm screws (11 cm)

       sciatic notch




Case #244

45 year male
metastatic lung
to humerus
2 years later after
radiolucent cemented

Case #245

46 year female
metastatic breast and
humeral fracture
fixed with cemented
Steinman pins
Case #246

42 year female with
large aneurysmal
metastatic renal lesion
humeral head & neck
Post op cemented long
stem Neer prosthesis
Case #247

74 year female with
paraplegia 2nd to metastatic
colon CA to T-3 on 4


CT scan at T-4 level with vertebral canal filled with tumor

Photo at time of laminectomy decompression
Posterior stabilization Steinman pins & sublaminar wires
                 prior to cementation
cement cover

Cementation completed
5 years later
without paraplegia
Case #248

54 year female with
path compression fracture
from metastatic breast
at T-12 level
Sagittal T-2 MRI
Macro section of
autopsy specimen of
another case with
metastatic breast bulging
into floor of canal
Diagram of planned anterior reconstruction
Photo of distraction rods

Distraction rod in position ready for cementation

Cementation completed
Post op x-ray
Case #1107

14 year female with metastatic breast to right periacetabulum
3 months following local radiation therapy
Close up showing excellent sclerotic response to RT
L   R

Bone scan

        Coronal T-1 MRI
Axial T-1 MRI
Axial PD MRI
Case #1108

53 year female with
metastatic breast to
acetabulum with pathologic
Surgical exposure
of bone deficient
Tronzo hip arthroplasty system
Tronzo cup in
position prior
to cementation
Placement of
radiolucent cement
Post op x-ray with
radiolucent cement
Case #1109

52 year female with
metastatic breast CA
and pathologic fracture
distal femur
TKA reconstruction
Case #1110

58 yr female with metastatic breast distal femur with prior treat-
  ment with prophylactic device with current failure proximal
Removal distal femur with failed fixation device
Distal femoral resection specimen
Reconstructed with distal femoral resection TKA
Case #1111

     46 year female with metastatic breast to pelvis
19 months post radiation therapy
Case #1112

      45 year female with metastatic breast to pelvis
Case #1113

62 year female with
blastic and lytic
metastases to L-spine
and pelvis
Case #1114

54 year female with
metastatic breast to distal
Lateral view
Reconstruction with
cemented IM nail
Case #1115

67 year female with
metastatic breast to femur
Lateral view
Macro section of
resected specimen
Case #1116

60 year female with
metastatic breast
proximal tibia
Lateral view
Case #1117

56 year female with
metastatic breast to
mid dorsal spine with
vertebral body collapse
and complete myelographic
block posterior
AP view   block
Laminectomy decompression
and Harrington rod fixation
with autogenous cancellous
iliac bone graft


Post op x-ray
Case #1118

62 year female with
metastatic breast to
lower cervical spine
Case #1119

 68 year female with metastatic breast to distal humerus
Triceps spliting posterior approach


Completion of internal fixation with rods and cement
Post op x-ray
Case #1120

40 year male with metastatic breast to clavicle & path fracture
Several months later

Coronal T-1 MRI
Coronal PD MRI
Case #1121

  41 year male with metastatic renal cell CA to scapula
Similar lesion in opposite proximal humerus
R               L

    Bone scan
CT showing renal tumor
Humeral head and
neck resection
specimen cut in
path lab
Photomic showing clear cell pathology

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Vol 11

  • 3. Metastatic Carcinoma to Bone One of the major complications of carcinoma in the adult human being is its potential to metastasize to bone. The incidence of metastatic carcinoma to bone is fifteen times greater than the incidence of primary sarcomas of all types. This amounts to approximately 300,000 new cases each year. It has been stated that about 70% of all patients who die of advanced carcinoma will demonstrate evidence of metastatic lesions in bone at time of autopsy. The two most common metastatic tumors that go to bone include breast in females and prostate in males, followed next by kidney, thyroid and lung. Carcinomas that are least likely to go to bone include skin cancers, oral carcinoma, esophageal, cervical, stomach and colon carcinomas. The spine is by far the most common site for metastatic disease, followed next by the pelvis, femur, ribs, proximal humerus and skull. It is very unusual to find metastatic lesions distal to the knee or elbow but, if they are found there, the
  • 4. most common etiology would be lung carcinoma. Only 9% of metastatic lesions to bone will be solitary in nature. Breast cancer is by far the most common cause of metastatic disease to bone in females, accounting for about 50% of all met- astatic carcinomas. Radiographically, the lesions appear as a primary lytic focal destruction within the bone, frequently associated with a ring of reactive bone seen at the periphery of the lytic process, giving a mixed lytic and blastic appearance. Generally, the more lytic the process is, the more likely a pathologic fracture and a worse prognosis. Likewise, with therapeutic approaches including hormones, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, the lytic component will decrease in volume and the blastic component will increase. This decreases the chance for fracture and decreases pain symptoms. With prostate carcinoma, lesions are usually more blastic in nature and pain is not a problem, and the incidence of pathological fracture is also reduced. How- ever, not all prostate metastases are blastic in nature. In the case
  • 5. of lytic prostate carcinoma metastases, patients have more pain, the incidence of pathological fracture is greater, and the prognosis is worse. Many carcinomas induce a hyperemic response in the surrounding host tissue, creating an aneursymal appearance on the radiographic examination. This is the case with many renal cell carcinomas, as well as multiple myelomas. Much of the hemorrhagic lytic destruction of bone is the result of the tumor cell activating osteo- clastic destruction in the surrounding bone, similar to what occurs in hyperparathyroidism, and thus a significant medical treatment for this lytic process is to inhibit the osteoclastic activity by the use of bisphosphonate therapy, especially “Aredia,” which is given intra- venously on a monthly basis during the active phase of the disease. Mechanically speaking, it is sometimes advisable to use prophylactic embolization therapy to the hyperemic lesions prior to any surgical procedures, especially with lesions that have not been previously irradiated. This will markedly reduce the chance of excessive bleeding
  • 6. at the time of surgical reconstruction. The staging process designed to discover the primary source of the metastatic lesion of bone should include a routine CT scan of the chest and abdomen, looking for primaries in the lung, abdominal visera, along with a total skeletal bone isotope survey to look for multifocal disease that frequently is characteristic for metastatic carcinoma. In the case of spine metastases, routine radiographs are notorious for not picking up early medullary lesions, whereas a bone isotope scan is very sensitive for lesions in the spine. Likewise, lesions in the rib cage are also difficult to pick up on routine radiographs. The prognosis for survival following a pathological fracture through a metastatic lesion is variable with the best prognosis seen in prostate carcinoma, with an average survival of about three years. Next would be breast carcinoma with an average survival of about two years. Renal cell carcinoma averages a one year survival and lung is the worse prognosis of all with only a six month survival.
  • 7. A common form of nonsurgical treatment consists of radiation to the metastatic area which gives the best clinical response in prostate carcinoma, an intermediate response with breast cancer, and the worse response is seen with renal and gastrointestinal carcinomas. Hormonal therapy is a common adjuvant treatment for prostate and breast cancer. Tamoxafin is a common anti- estrogen agent used for the treatment of breast carcinoma; it is effective in 30% of all cases. Cytotoxic chemotherapy is now commonly used for metastatic carcinoma, especially in the middle- aged group that can tolerate this aggressive systemic protocol. Surgical treatment for metastatic cancer to bone can be used in more advanced cases that do not respond to medical or radiation therapy. It usually consists of either a prophylactic metallic fixation, with or without bone cement, or open reduction, internal fixation of a fracture at the time of admission through the emergency room with an acute pathological fracture. One of the most common areas for a pathological fracture is in the hip where bipolar or total
  • 8. hip prostheses can be implanted with bone cement, which allows for immediate weight bearing. The patients will usually undergo radiation therapy postoperatively and therefore porous ingrowth devices should not be used. The femoral shaft is an other common area for pathological fracture and interlocking intramedullary nails work well. If there is a large lytic defect, these devices should also be augmented with bone cement to avoid problems with subsidence and breakdown of the interlocking system. If spinal metastases are picked up early, radiation therapy will usually reduce the pain and prevent spinal cord compression. However, if the disease progresses and the cord is compromised, surgical intervention is indicated. Simple posterior laminectomy decompression is not advisable because of further kyphotic collapse with the destabilizing effect of the posterior element resection. Most spinal lesions are best approached surgically anteriorly where stabilization is obtained with either bone cement, allograft or metallic devices such as cages or anterior buttress plates. A recent approach to this problem is by means of a
  • 9. percutaneous technology with a vertebroplasty injection of bone cement into the vertebral body tumor site. This can be used prophylactically to avoid compression fracture or, in some cases, to restore height after a compression fracture.
  • 10. CLASSIC Case #225 45 year female metastatic breast lumbar spine
  • 15. Case #226 X-ray Gross specimen tumor tumor tumor Autopsy specimen 45 yr female with metastatic breast
  • 17. Case #227 Bone scan 55 year female with metastatic breast
  • 18. Case #228 67 year male metastatic prostate spine & pelvis
  • 20. Photomic showing dense blastic response
  • 21. Blastic snowball mets to humerus and scapula
  • 22. Case #229 85 year male with blastic prostate to pelvis
  • 23. Case #230 67 year male with lytic type prostate to pelvis
  • 24. Case #231 70 year male with path fracture prox humerus lytic prostate
  • 25. Case #232 60 year female metastatic thyroid to hand
  • 27. Photo of large aneurysmal lesion in skull
  • 28. Large lytic lesion in occiput
  • 29. CT scan pelvis with large aneurysmal lesion in ilium
  • 31. Case #232.1 Metastatic Thyroid CA to Pelvis I -131 isotope scan 71 year old female with pain in hip for 4 months
  • 32. Post op internal hemipelvectomy
  • 33. Case #233 tumor 55 year male with aneurysmal renal CA met to ilium
  • 35. Photomic of renal cell CA
  • 37. Case #233.1 Sag T-1 T-2 Gad Renal cell met 75 year old female with LBP for 3 months
  • 38. Axial T-2 Gad
  • 39. Abdominal CT scan Bone scan
  • 40. Case #233.2 Renal cell met to Femur 48 yr male with pain in distal thigh for 2 mos.
  • 41. Sag T-1 Gad
  • 42. Axial T-1 T-2 Gad
  • 43. CT kidneys CT lungs
  • 44. Case #234 56 year female with metastatic colon to pelvis with fluffy periosteal reactive bone formation
  • 47. Case #234.1 Metastatic Colon 66 yr old female with pain and swelling in shoulder 2 mos
  • 50. Case #234.2 Esophageal CA to pelvis 79 yr male with dysphagia and hip pain 2 mos.
  • 51. CT scan Bone scan
  • 52. Cor T-1 T-2 Gad STIR
  • 53. Case #236 74 year male metastatic lung CA mid finger
  • 54. Photomic of squamous cell lesion in hand
  • 56. Case #237 94 year female with unknown primary mets to foot
  • 58. Case #238 55 year male with bilateral path fractures from lung CA mets
  • 59. Post op x-ray with standard metal devices & radiolucent cement
  • 60. Case #239 60 year male metastatic renal cell CA to femur
  • 61. Post op cemented IM nail
  • 62. Case #239.1 Renal Cell Met to Tibia 59 year male with pain in leg for 3 months
  • 63. CT scan abdomen Bone scan
  • 64. Sag T-1 PD Gad
  • 65. Axial T-1 T-2 Gad
  • 66. Case #240 62 year female post op interlocking IM nail for metastatic breast CA
  • 67. Case #241 72 year female with prior path fracture from metastatic breast treated with cemented IM nail and radiation therapy
  • 68. Recurrent tumor seen at distal end of nail tumor
  • 69. tumor Surgical photo of nail and tumor protruding into knee
  • 70. medullary canal Surgical photo after removal of nail and condyles
  • 71. Reconstruction with long stem cemented prosthesis
  • 72. cement Lateral photo of knee reconstruction
  • 73. old fracture Lateral x-ray 6 months later radiolucent cement
  • 74. Case #241.1 Metastatic Merkel cell Carcinoma 37 yr old male with pain and swelling in knee for 3 mos
  • 75. Cor T-1 T-2 Gad
  • 78. Case #242 73 year female with extensive metastatic disease pelvis and right hip
  • 79. Photo after resection of periacetabular tumor with exposed remaining solid iliac bone at notch level for placement of cemented Steinman pins
  • 80. Placement of 3 cemented Steinman pins
  • 81. Completion of 2nd batch of cement with all poly cup for THA
  • 82. Pain free 5 yrs later with stable radiolucent cement
  • 83. Case #243 tumor 50 year female with periacetabular lung met
  • 84. Steinman pins Post op x-ray cement
  • 85. Case #243.1 57 year male with painful metastatic lung CA to pelvis
  • 88. X-ray following internal hemipelvectomy and THA
  • 89. ilium sacrum acetabulum ischium
  • 90. ilium screw entry sites PSIS sciatic notch acetabulum
  • 91. 6.5 mm screws (11 cm)
  • 92. ilium sciatic notch PSIS ischium
  • 93. ilium cement PSIS ischium
  • 94. Case #244 45 year male metastatic lung to humerus
  • 95. 2 years later after radiolucent cemented nail callous
  • 96. Case #245 46 year female metastatic breast and humeral fracture fixed with cemented Steinman pins
  • 97. Case #246 42 year female with large aneurysmal metastatic renal lesion humeral head & neck
  • 98. Post op cemented long stem Neer prosthesis
  • 99. Case #247 74 year female with paraplegia 2nd to metastatic colon CA to T-3 on 4
  • 100. T-4 tumor CT scan at T-4 level with vertebral canal filled with tumor
  • 101. dura Photo at time of laminectomy decompression
  • 103. Posterior stabilization Steinman pins & sublaminar wires prior to cementation
  • 105. 5 years later without paraplegia
  • 106. Case #248 54 year female with path compression fracture from metastatic breast at T-12 level
  • 108. Macro section of autopsy specimen of another case with metastatic breast bulging into floor of canal met
  • 109. Diagram of planned anterior reconstruction
  • 111. hook Distraction rod in position ready for cementation
  • 113. Post op x-ray cement
  • 114. Case #1107 14 year female with metastatic breast to right periacetabulum
  • 115. 3 months following local radiation therapy
  • 116. Close up showing excellent sclerotic response to RT
  • 117. L R Bone scan
  • 118. tumor Coronal T-1 MRI
  • 122. Case #1108 53 year female with metastatic breast to acetabulum with pathologic fracture
  • 123. Surgical exposure of bone deficient acetabulum
  • 125. Tronzo cup in position prior to cementation
  • 127. Post op x-ray with radiolucent cement
  • 128. Case #1109 52 year female with metastatic breast CA and pathologic fracture distal femur
  • 130. Case #1110 58 yr female with metastatic breast distal femur with prior treat- ment with prophylactic device with current failure proximal
  • 131. Removal distal femur with failed fixation device
  • 133. Reconstructed with distal femoral resection TKA
  • 134. Case #1111 46 year female with metastatic breast to pelvis
  • 135. 19 months post radiation therapy
  • 136. Case #1112 45 year female with metastatic breast to pelvis
  • 137. Case #1113 62 year female with blastic and lytic metastases to L-spine and pelvis
  • 138. Case #1114 54 year female with metastatic breast to distal femur
  • 141. Case #1115 67 year female with metastatic breast to femur
  • 145. Case #1116 60 year female with metastatic breast proximal tibia
  • 147. Case #1117 56 year female with metastatic breast to mid dorsal spine with vertebral body collapse and complete myelographic block posterior
  • 148. AP view block
  • 150. Laminectomy decompression and Harrington rod fixation with autogenous cancellous iliac bone graft graft dura rod
  • 152. Case #1118 62 year female with metastatic breast to lower cervical spine
  • 153. Case #1119 68 year female with metastatic breast to distal humerus
  • 154. Triceps spliting posterior approach elbow cement Completion of internal fixation with rods and cement
  • 156. Case #1120 40 year male with metastatic breast to clavicle & path fracture
  • 161. Case #1121 41 year male with metastatic renal cell CA to scapula
  • 162. Similar lesion in opposite proximal humerus
  • 163. R L Bone scan
  • 165. Humeral head and neck resection specimen cut in path lab
  • 166. Photomic showing clear cell pathology