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MAY 2010
Women’s Health
Tips to take care,
live longer
His & hers:
how it’s different
10Essentialsfor health and wellness
Good health is a gift to be treasured and
nurtured every day. TriVita joyfully shares
these keys to helping you experience
wellness®: the 10 Essentials of physical,
emotional and spiritual health.	
	 1.	Breathe Deeply
Let your lungs fill deep down, hold,
then exhale toxins and stress.
	 2.	Drink Water
Nature’s best beverage not only quenches
thirst, but also enhances energy.
	 3.	Sleep Peacefully
Every body needs the rest and repair
that comes with a regular sleep routine.
	 4.	Eat Nutritiously
Feed both body and mind with
healthy, nourishing food for life.
	 5.	Enjoy Activity
Let an active lifestyle move you to
improved health and wellness in all ways.
	 6.	Give and Receive Love
Offer and accept the greatest gift, and you
can enhance your immune system.
	 7.	Be Forgiving
When you let go of old grudges, your hands
are open to accept feelings of peace.
	 8.	Practice Gratitude
A thankful heart releases stress, making
room for greater happiness and health.
	 9.	Develop Acceptance
If you can’t change it, accept it and move
on. Worry will shrink, serenity will grow.
10.	Develop a Relationship with God
Nurture the spiritual aspect of your life
to achieve complete well-being.
Article from Michael Ellison continued on page 21...
Wonderful stories are shared with me every day from people who have
these incredible wellness experiences from Nopalea. I recently went into
a restaurant to have lunch. The server looked at me rather curiously and
asked if I was connected with TriVita. I acknowledged I was and then
introduced myself. Bobby was the server’s name and he began sharing
about his experience with Nopalea. I guessed Bobby to be in his mid-
twenties, but he had a serious inflammatory condition that resulted in
nodules on his vocal chords, as well as other areas in his throat. He said because he had heard Nopalea
lowered inflammation, he thought he would give it a try. However, Bobby didn’t have much hope
for this serious and painful condition. To his amazement, the nodules shrank, no longer affecting
him as they had done in the past. He told me he couldn’t believe it so he went off Nopalea, and sure
enough the nodules came back. So “back on Nopalea for life” was his comment. He was so excited and
appreciative of his new quality of life.
I recently received a testimonial from a woman who has had an extremely painful condition in her feet
— so much that she couldn’t wear her normal shoes when the inflammatory condition intensified at
various times. She took six ounces a day for just a few days and experienced complete relief.
If you or others you know are experiencing undesirable conditions caused by chronic inflammation
and it is robbing you of quality of life, give Nopalea, our anti-inflammatory wellness drink, a chance.
There are many other benefits you might not feel but are so important, such as lowering your
C-reactive protein level. Be sure to ask to have this checked at your next blood workup. It is an
important marker of your cardiovascular inflammation, and having a high number is dangerous
to your health.
I can also attest to the wonderful results that Nopalea has brought to my wife Susan. To see her now
in optimal wellness — doing her workouts on the treadmill without pain and enjoying life — would
have been worth all the effort and expense of bringing Nopalea to market just for her. Read her story
on page 25 because not only does she tell about the wonderful benefits of Nopalea, but Susan also
offers the latest joyful report on the bone-building results she has received from Bone Growth Factor.
Our mission at TriVita is to formulate highly absorbable and effective products, along with suggesting
the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness (left), giving anyone the opportunity to optimize their health
and wellness. The body has an amazing ability to heal itself when given the proper nutrients and
nurturing. That does not minimize the need for our medical professionals and their wonderful service.
Wellness is best experienced when the body is cared for, which also includes prevention and treatment
methods, but it is designed to function best with proper nutrients and nurturing practices.
This month of May has been the month we feature products that best support women’s health. You
will find special pricing this month on featured products on page 13 and the back cover. Feel free
to give our Wellness Consultants a call, and they may help you with your selection of products and
special pricing. We are here to serve you in your wellness program.
“Wellness is best experienced when the body is cared for, which also includes
prevention and treatment methods, but it is designed to function best with
proper nutrients and nurturing practices.”
Nopalea™ is creating
profound and astonishing
wellness experiences!
by Michael R. Ellison, CEO & Founder of TriVita®, Inc.
n celebration of Mother’s Day earlier this
month, I’d like to focus one last column
on paying tribute to my own mother, who
recently passed away. Many of you may have
read past articles where I have shared touching
stories about my mom and her amazing life of
wellness. She would have been 97 next month.
As I wrote her obituary recently, I was astounded
as I recapped the fact that she had 5 children, 13
grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and even 3
My siblings and I were fortunate in that we were
able to say our goodbyes to Mother before she
passed. With her age being what it was, each time
we visited her these past few years, we wondered
if that would be the last time we would see her.
Every day that passed would be a gift and Mother
knew that.
Last year for her birthday I created a memory
book where we gathered favorite stories or
memories from our family, and I bound it
together with photos. At her 96th birthday
party, each of us read aloud our favorite memory,
and we all laughed and cried together as we
reminisced about a lifetime of love, hardship,
laughter and more love. It was an amazing time,
and I am so thankful that we were able to honor
her while she was alive.
During the last few days Mother was alive and
fighting hard to hold on, one of her nurses told
us that women, in particular mothers, often hold
on the longest as it is in their nature to always
be there for their families. She was a fighter her
entire life, so why would we expect anything else
from her even in death?
One by one, each of us “released” Mother by
telling her we were all together and ensuring her
that we would all be just fine. As the youngest, it
was probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever
had to do – letting my mother go and telling her
it was ok to stop fighting. Mother passed away
the next day, and although we miss her terribly,
she had a life worth celebrating, which is exactly
what her family has done in her passing.
On My Mind is continued on page 21...
20	 Are You Feeling Too
Much Love?
Great ways to lose your “love
	23	 Becoming a Confident
Pastor Judith Crist explains how
to gain confidence through faith
in everyday life.
	26	 Eat Your Way to
Good Health
It can help bolster women’s
health in so many ways.
1-800-991-7116	 May 2010  l  3
Get the right nutrients to beat stress
and boost mood. 26
Exercises to lose the bulk. 20
The information in this VitaJournal may contain
errors or inaccuracies. We reserve the right to
change prices, selections, update information
and limit quantities without prior notice.
	 4	 Women, Make Health Your
Top Priority
It all starts with better self care.
	 8	 The Different Faces of Pain
What everyone needs to
understand about pain and
its treatment.
	12	 The ABCs of Food Allergies
How to protect yourself and your
loved ones.
15		 The Miracle of Metabolism
It creates the vital energy that
powers life.	
16		 Amazing Stories from
Nopalea Wellness
Challenge Participants
Scores of people are taking the
Challenge and feeling
the difference.
Keep your eyes
on vision health. 18
nly a few years ago the life
expectancy for women
reached a peak in modern
history with most women living to an
average 79 years of age! What a change
from 100 years ago when the average
life expectancy for women was a mere
47 years of age. However, these added
years of life have created additional
health challenges that women from a
century ago simply didn’t have to face.
I’d like to discuss a few of these issues
and the strategies needed to meet this
new future of longevity and vitality.
Heart disease
Heart disease kills more women than any other
condition. With all we know about heart health
this shouldn’t be happening. North America
offers one of the best emergency medical systems
in the world. So, it would seem that a woman’s
chance of surviving a heart attack would be good.
Unfortunately, this is not the reality. Women
have a death rate from heart attacks that is 70%
higher than men. There are two reasons for this:
One is that a heart attack in a man does not
look like a heart attack in a woman. The second
is that women’s heart attack symptoms are often
misdiagnosed in the emergency room (ER).
How women keep healthy hearts
The key to heart health is to recognize our
need for nutrients and nurturing. Women of
average size should eat seven servings of fruit
and vegetables every day and sleep from 7 ½ to
9 hours every night. And women need exercise,
too. This is not just for weight control – though
it certainly helps. It is for cardiovascular
health. Women should engage in purposeful
activity for a minimum of 30 minutes, most
days of the week. Weight-bearing exercises are
important, too.
Bone health
Another risk that comes with the blessing of a
longer life is osteoporosis: thinning bones.
Remember the saying: an ounce of prevention
is worth a pound of cure. Get 20 minutes of
morning or evening sunshine every day over most
of your body to get Vitamin D, an essential part
of bone health. Be careful! Never get sunburned
because this increases the risk for skin cancer.
Take a good absorbing calcium/Vitamin D
supplement as well. Eat calcium-rich foods –
especially fruits and vegetables.
Weight-bearing exercise is also critical for bone
health. The strain of the extra weight increases
bone metabolism and draws nutrients to the
weakest areas of bone to strengthen them.
Whereas you need aerobic exercise for 30 minutes
on most days of the week, you only need weight
training two to five days per week, depending on
your metabolism.
Dealing with menopausal symptoms
At a certain age a woman ceases to be fertile and
her periods stop. Menopause is a new experience
this century for women in our culture. A hundred
years ago most women simply did not live long
enough to experience menopause. Symptoms
associated with menopause should not be
accepted as “normal.” Find expert healthcare
providers who can guide you through these
changes with a maximum focus on nutrients and
nurturing and a minimum focus on medications.
With proper care, heart health and bone health
can be improved and menopausal symptoms
may be reduced or even eliminated. Getting
the physical and emotional nourishment and
nurturing we need will prevent much suffering.
Taking the appropriate supplements can help us
face our increased longevity with enthusiasm
and vitality.
make health your top priority
Taking care of yourself is essential to living a longer, healthier life
By Dr. Tammy Pon
A functional medicine physician, Dr. Pon
received her medical degree from the
University of Texas in Houston. She completed
specialty training in Age Management.
Tammy Pon, M.D.
1-800-991-7116	 May 2010  l  5
MAY 2010
Dig in to fruits and
veggies. The more you
eat them daily (at least
five), the more you
may reduce the risk of
serious disease.
Count your blessings.
Blessed with love, health,
work, opportunity, life?
Make a list; you’ll feel great
and reduce stress, too.
“Burden” your bones.
Walk, work in the garden,
dance… weight-bearing
activity helps promote
bone strength.
Feed your soul.
For complete well-being,
nurture the spiritual
aspect of your life.
Spend time in prayer
and meditation.
Look out for “low fat.”
Food packages that say
“low fat” often replace fat
with sugar and salt. Read
those nutrition labels!
Schedule screenings.
Are you due for a physical,
vision or dental exam?
Make a date with health
and get examined.
Tune in to TV fitness.
Get up to change the TV
channels. Even better:
march in place or stretch
during commercials.
Hydrate and feel great.
Quench your thirst, boost
your energy, even quiet
your appetite: drink lots of
cool, clear water.
Remember Mom.
Give back some love on
Mother’s Day: call or visit
your mom or a special
mother in your life.
Use your “free” gym
club. Take the stairs, park
farther from the store,
walk around the office
instead of emailing – it
doesn’t cost, it pays.
Sleep well. Kick the TV
out of your bedroom,
avoid exercise just before
bedtime, keep the room
cool and dark.
Take time for you.
Soak in the tub, listen to
music, read for pleasure –
do something pleasant
just for you today.
Out with the bad air.
Fight stress and fatigue
with deep breathing: fill
your lungs deep down,
hold, then exhale.
Snack smart.
Ditch sugary, processed
snacks and reach for
raisins, apples, carrots,
pumpkin seeds or plain,
unsalted popcorn.
Clean up your act.
Washing your hair or skin
with industrial solvents?
Read the product labels to
see what’s really inside.
(For)give yourself a
break. Old grudge
gnawing at you? Let it go
and welcome a feeling
of peace.
Dish up moderation.
Avoid mealtime second-
helpings by keeping food
bowls and platters off
the table.
Take your supplements.
Make sure you get all the
nutrients you need with
quality TriVita products,
every day.
Live your faith. Show a
kindness, do a favor,
help the needy, make
a difference.
Count your calories.
Just for today, count up all
the calories you take in.
Then look up your ideal
range. Surprised?
Spend time with
positive people.
Toxic people can be
energy-suckers, so
surround yourself with
friends who build, rather
than tear down.
Someday is now.
“Someday” you’ll take up
yoga, volunteer at your
church, learn to play an
instrument. Make this the
day you start.
Exercise your brain.
Active minds make for
healthy brains: try puzzles,
games like chess, new
kinds of reading… and
don’t forget TriVita
Sublingual B-12.
Take the pressure off.
Processed foods
(including many sweets)
are loaded with salt that
contributes to high blood
pressure. Choose
something healthier.
Skip the soda. Most
carbonated, sugary
beverages leach the
strength (calcium) right
out of your bones. Why
pay for that?
Relax and trim down.
Stress has been linked
with obesity, so do what
you can to manage stress
(exercise helps!).
Take care.
Children, partner, friends,
family – you take care of
so many, don’t forget you:
your health and well-
being matter.
The right energy drink.
Say no to massive
amounts of caffeine and
sugar in so-called “energy”
drinks. Water is the real,
healthy thing.
Good health looks good.
Nothing is more flattering
than robust, energetic
health. What can you do to
build yours today?
Forget fatty meat.
Picture all the fat in
beef and other meat
products building up
in your arteries. Grilled
fish, anyone?
Experience wellness®.
Live the 10 Essentials (see
page 2) every day.
Mother’s Day
Memorial Day
Cinco de Mayo
Make a date with wellness
A month of tips for healthy living
Every day is a great day to experience wellness®, so in celebration of
women’s health, the VitaJournal offers this calendar of tips to help women
thrive (men, you can benefit, too!).
For every day in May, there’s a simple tip to enhance physical, emotional
and spiritual wellness. In any and every month of the year, you can use
these pointers to be your best.
Drinking away your B vitamins?
Why women are especially at risk
by Dr. Scott Conard
s we pay special attention to
women’s health this month,
I’d like to focus on how my
favorite topic – B vitamins – can be
affected by women’s use of alcohol.
B vitamins, as you may know, are
crucial to optimal health for everyone.
Since alcohol depletes the body of
B vitamins, and alcohol affects women
differently than men, this is an area
of particular concern.
Research indicates that while men are more
likely to drink alcohol and in larger amounts,
gender differences in body structure and
chemistry cause women to absorb more alcohol.
Women also take longer to break it down and
remove it from their bodies (to metabolize it).
So, although they might drink equal amounts,
women have higher alcohol levels in their blood
than men, and the immediate effects occur
faster and last longer. These differences also
make women more vulnerable to alcohol’s
long-term effects on their health.
I’d like to note that in discussing the negative
effects of alcohol, we’re talking about excessive
drinking. For women, this means more than one
drink per day, on average (a drink is 12 ounces
of beer, 5 ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of
distilled liquor). For men, excessive drinking is
defined as more than two drinks per day. While
there is medical evidence that low to moderate
alcohol intake may actually benefit health, this
is not a reason for non-drinkers to start
using alcohol.
What alcohol can do
The health risks of excessive drinking are
greater for women than for men. According to
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), these are the major risk areas:
•	Liver disease: The risk of cirrhosis and
other alcohol-related liver diseases is higher
for women than for men.
•	 Impact on the brain: Excessive drinking
may result in memory loss and brain
erosion. Research suggests that women are
more vulnerable than men to the brain-
damaging effects of too much alcohol. This
makes it especially important for women to
make sure they get enough Vitamin B-12,
since it supports memory, mood and clear
mental functioning.
•	 Impact on the heart: Studies have shown
that women who drink excessively are at
higher risk for damage to the heart muscle
than men.
•	 Tumors: Alcohol consumption increases
the risk of tumors of the mouth, throat,
esophagus, liver, colon and breast
among women.
•	 Sexual assault: Binge drinking is a risk
factor for sexual assault, especially among
young women in college settings. Each year,
about 1 in 20 college women are sexually
assaulted. Research suggests that there is an
increase in the risk of sexual assault when
both the attacker and victim have been
using alcohol.
Scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth,
an organization of medical doctors in primary
care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles
to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered
a national expert on disease prevention.
TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials.
Scott Conard, M.D.
Founder, TienaHealth
B-12 Update
“TriVita’s Super
B-12 is a great and
natural way to boost
your energy levels.”
“A friend of mine referred
TriVita’s Super Sublingual
B-12 to me to try. I am 42 years old, very active
and have been involved in the health and
fitness industry for about 19 years. I am not
one of those people who drink coffee in the
morning for a boost, so the possible boost
from the B-12 was appealing to me.
I have very long days, which tend to leave me
feeling lethargic and bottomed out. I needed
something other than an ‘energy drink,’ and
Sublingual B-12 proved to be a great choice! I
noticed the increased energy the first day and
the days I don’t take it, I can feel a difference.
When I run out, I want more – so, I’ll be
stocking up!
I deal with healthy and not-so-healthy people
every day. This is definitely a product that
everyone can benefit from and I have already
started telling clients, friends and family
about it. My 14-year-old son plays football
and was lacking in his energy levels. So, I gave
him the Super B-12 on a few occasions and
he loved it! TriVita’s Super B-12 is a great and
natural way to boost your energy levels and
help you to stay focused on the tasks ahead!”
Joe G., Affiliate Member – Milpitas, CA
success stories
Faster-acting, longer-lasting and more potent
than ever before with three times the Vitamin B-12
TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 helps you achieve:
•	 Sustained mental energy, stamina and alertness
•	 Improved mood with a more positive outlook on life
•	 Greater mental focus, clarity and concentration
•	 Sharper memory with less forgetfulness
Plus, Super Sublingual B-12 gives your brain and nerves
the essential nutrients they need to help replenish brain
fuel and help repair damaged nerves. And all this is yours
with a convenient, once-a-day tablet.
Alfred Libby, M.D. – Inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid
Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of patients feel
better every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby
developed this unique, sublingual delivery system for his own patients. It was
known to give similar mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the
shots’ added pain and expense.Alfred Libby, M.D.
TRIVITAFor maximum sustained
mental energy take
TriVita Super
Sublingual B-12
Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116
or visit us at
TriVita Super
Sublingual B-12
Non-Member $28.99
Member $22.99
Redeem with 230 VitaPoints
•	 Reproductive issues. Drinking during
pregnancy increases the risk of birth
defects, miscarriage and Sudden Infant
Death Syndrome. Alcohol may disrupt the
menstrual cycle, and increase the risk of
infertility, stillbirth and premature delivery.
Clearly, excessive alcohol use is a major health
issue for women. Women who use alcohol should
be especially careful to make sure they get all
the B-12 they need. This powerhouse vitamin
helps protect against brain erosion and memory
problems, moodiness and fatigue, while
improving mental energy, stamina and concen-
tration. With the superior absorbability and
quality of TriVita’s Sublingual B-12, it’s my
recommendation for both women and men. 
1-800-991-7116	 May 2010  l  7
His, hers and
the elderly
ain is “a more terrible lord
of mankind than even
death itself,” decreed
Albert Schweitzer, the famed
medical missionary. It’s been
called the universal disorder,
but pain doesn’t seem to affect
everyone universally. Emerging
research reports that there are
gender and age differences in
how pain affects us.
As noted in Part 1 of this VitaJournal special
feature, pain can be broadly divided into two
types: acute and chronic. Acute pain is mostly
triggered by disease, inflammation or injury. It
comes on suddenly (after an accident or surgery,
for example), and is usually limited to a certain
period of time. Chronic pain persists after the
cause has been removed, or because the cause
is itself a chronic condition. Based on material
from the National Institute of Neurological
Diseases and Stroke, this month’s issue looks at
pain, gender, age and treatments.
Hundreds of pain syndromes or disorders make
up the spectrum of pain. There are the quick,
mostly harmless sensations of pain, such as a
pinprick. There is the pain of childbirth, the
pain of a heart attack and the pain that some-
times follows amputation of a limb. There is also
pain accompanying disease and the pain that
follows severe injury.
Gender factors inside and outside the body
It is important for us to understand why we hurt.
For over a decade, medical science has known
that pain has a gender gap: men and women
receive its signals differently. While the sex
hormones estrogen and testosterone do play a
role in this difference, factors outside the body –
culture and psychology – are also involved to
some extent.
For example, young children may learn to
respond to pain based on how they’re treated
when they cut a finger or scrape a knee. When
an injury brings adult attention and sympathy, a
child might dwell on every “boo-boo” (and who
hasn’t seen a child react more strongly to a
stubbed toe when he knows someone is
watching?) On the other hand, children who
are encouraged to be “tough” and move past
the pain may learn to dismiss it.
On a strictly biological basis, though, researchers
have landed on common ground when it comes
to pain and gender. Women, they seem to agree,
are less likely to let pain control their lives than
men are: they recover from pain faster, and are
also quicker to seek help. Women are also more
likely than men to fight pain with coping skills,
support and distraction. Men, however, may
have a higher tolerance for pain, if research is
an indicator. Animals injected with estrogen, a
female sex hormone, seemed to experience a
lowered tolerance for pain. When injected with
testosterone, a male sex hormone, animals
appeared to have a higher pain tolerance.
When pain strikes the elderly
According to the National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the number
one complaint of older Americans is pain.
What’s more, one in five older Americans take
a painkilling product regularly. This can be a
problem, because stomach irritation and internal
bleeding can result from the use of aspirin,
ibuprofen and other NSAIDs (non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs).
Because of these side effects, non-drug treatments
for pain have been investigated. The American
Geriatrics Society, for example, recommends
Part 2 of 2 / Pain
By Brazos Minshew,
TriVita Chief Science Officer
Brazos Minshew
1-800-991-7116	 May 2010  l  9
alternate strategies like exercise whenever possible
to ease pain in older adults.
Different treatments, a common goal
Pain is much more than a minor or occasional
health issue. According to the American Pain
Foundation, pain affects more Americans than
diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. As
many know, the study and treatment of pain is a
fully-recognized medical specialty.
While there are many approaches to managing
pain, they all share one goal: finding relief. Here
are some of the commonly-used approaches
that are practiced today.
Acupuncture – This ancient practice of applying
needles to specific points on the body goes back
2,500 years.
Anti-depressant drugs – Anti-depressant and
anti-anxiety drugs are sometimes used for pain,
prescribed by doctors when analgesics (painkillers
like aspirin) haven’t been effective.
Biofeedback – Common pain problems such as
headache and back pain are frequently addressed
with this method. Using a special electronic
machine, a person is trained to become aware of
and gain control over certain bodily functions,
such as muscle tension and heart rate. Often used
in combination with relaxation techniques.
Chiropractic care – Involves “hands-on” therapy
to manipulate the spine and other areas. Used
mostly for back and neck pain, headaches, and
musculoskeletal conditions.
Exercise – Since there is a connection between
tense, weak muscles and many types of chronic
pain, some healthcare professionals now recom-
mend even light to moderate exercise, such as
walking or swimming, for some people with pain.
Hypnosis – First approved for medical use by the
American Medical Association in 1958, it is still
unknown exactly how hypnosis works on pain. It
may bring relief by acting on chemicals in the
nervous system.
Opioids – Among the oldest drugs known to
mankind, this class of painkillers includes codeine
and morphine. They’re called narcotics because of
their narcotic effect: they work as sedatives as well
as pain relievers, and can be addicting.
Over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers – Most
are in a class of drugs called “analgesics” (from
the Greek meaning to reduce or stop pain), and
include aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen.
They work by lessening inflammation. Many
of these drugs irritate the stomach, and so are
usually taken with food.
Physical therapy – Since ancient times, people
have sought relief from pain using physical
techniques and methods, such as heat, cold,
exercise, massage and manipulation.
R.I.C.E. – This acronym stands for “Rest, Ice,
Compression and Elevation.” These are the
four elements of pain relief recommended for
temporary sprains or strains by orthopedists,
coaches, nurses and other professionals.
Surgery – Not always an option, but often
used for back problems or serious musculo-
skeletal injuries.
Research is ongoing to achieve a better
understanding of pain and its treatment.
For the “terrible lord of mankind,” the quest
for relief continues.
Source: National Institute of Neurological
Diseases and Stroke.
Have you taken the Nopalea Wellness
Challenge? Find out how on page 11.
TriVita had its own Nopalea™
Wellness Challenge among its
employees to demonstrate how a
Loading Phase of Nopalea could
truly deliver benefits. Each partici-
pant drank six ounces a day.
The results our employees had
were so incredible that we wanted
to share them with you. This
Challenge story comes from
Deborah Stec in Finance.
When Deborah Stec took the Nopalea Wellness
Challenge, she wasn’t in pain. She didn’t have
swollen joints or nagging pain or any of the
ailments that typically bring so many people to
Nopalea. But very much like people everywhere,
she was a little tired at the end of the day.
She had no idea, when the Employee Challenge
occurred just before the Christmas season last
year, what a “gift” she was about to give herself.
“I had been taking just one ounce a day of
Nopalea for a while, and while I felt fine, by the
time I got home from work I wanted to relax.”
Her demanding work as TriVita’s Controller
keeps her going all day, especially toward year-
end, and she took the Challenge just to see what
effect the Loading Phase would have.
The effect was dramatic, to say the least. “I
had such alertness and energy! Not that jittery
energy you typically get with caffeine,” Deborah
says, “but a subtle, very relaxed alertness.”
Suddenly, instead of ending her day when she
got home from work, she kept going. “I was
buzzing around getting Christmas decorations
up, wrapping presents, baking cookies – all the
things I love to do to really embrace the joy of
the season.”
“Feeling a level of health that I didn’t know I
didn’t have.”
“Before, I would be ready to sleep by 10 p.m., but
I found myself going until midnight. And when I
went to bed, I slept great. I woke up at 5 a.m.
raring to go. It’s like having an extra half a day
in the same day!” (Brazos Minshew, TriVita’s
Chief Science Officer, notes that the alertness
and energy Deborah experiences likely comes
from the detoxifying effects of Nopalea.) After
completing the Challenge, Deborah went back
to taking about two ounces of Nopalea daily, but
she hasn’t gone back to that end-of-day fatigue.
“I’m feeling a level of health that I didn’t know I
didn’t have,” she reports.
The benefits are shared by Deborah’s teenaged
daughter, an honors student active in the cheer-
ing squad who puts in 12-hour days between
school and practice. Last year, the high school
junior missed over three weeks of school due to
a chronic health issue. So Deborah started her
daughter on Nopalea while she herself was
completing the Loading Phase. The results have
truly been something to cheer about.
“This year, my daughter has missed just two days
of school; it’s a huge blessing for her to be able to
be so physically and mentally alert, and yet not
have the fatigue issues she’s had.”
“Nopalea has been great for our family,” says
Deborah, and not just because of the results she
can experience in her daily life. Nopalea was
developed to also protect against premature
aging, and Deborah affirms “I want to have that
assurance, that ‘insurance’ that I’m protecting
myself against aging and inflammation, and
doing all I can for my health, right down to the
cellular level.”
Deborah’s advice to others
who haven’t yet enjoyed
the benefits of the Nopalea
Wellness Challenge? “As a
finance person, I’d say
‘Make that investment
in yourself.’”
Experiencing Wellness within TriVita
This financial pro banks on Nopalea™
for boundless vitality
Deborah Stec
Controller, Finance
With TriVita since 2006
1-800-991-7116	 March 2010  l  11
f you have yet to experience the
incredible benefits Nopalea can
have on your health, you may want
to step up to the Nopalea Wellness
Challenge! We’ve received so many
powerful stories about people who have
taken the Challenge and experienced
amazing results.
Nopalea, of course, is the astonishing wellness
drink that has helped many people get relief
from the damaging effects of chronic inflamma-
tion. If you haven’t tried it yet, consider these
important questions:
• Do you deal with pain on a constant basis?
• Does anyone in your family or group of friends
complain of chronic pain?
• Do you, or anyone you know, have allergy-
related breathing problems?
• Are you concerned about premature aging?
• Are daily toxins wreaking havoc on your body?
These symptoms can all be linked to chronic
inflammation – precisely the problem that
Nopalea was developed to help address.
Put out the “fire” of inflammation
If you haven’t yet tried Nopalea for yourself,
there’s no time like the present. The Nopalea
Wellness Challenge was created to show the
power of Nopalea in helping the body reduce
chronic inflammation quickly. One of the most
exciting ingredients in Nopalea is Betalains, a
rare and potent class of natural antioxidants.
They’re found in only a few of the world’s plants,
including the Nopal cactus. The Nopal fruit,
from which Nopalea is made, contains one of the
highest amounts of Betalains in all of nature.
The “secret” damage of chronic inflammation
When you start your Challenge, be sure to read
The Secret Killer Health Alert. You’ll find out
about chronic inflammation – what happens
when our bodies get “stuck” in defense mode
against injury or infection – and how this kind
of inflammation is on the increase. The Secret
Killer details the sad results: chronic pain,
discomfort and poor health that may lead to
serious conditions.
One million lives pain-free?
Take 4 easy steps and find out
TriVita wants to help you and a million others
enjoy the benefits of greater wellness. That’s why
we encourage everyone to take the Nopalea
Wellness Challenge and tell others about it, too.
Here’s how the Challenge works:
1. Drink 3 to 6 ounces of chilled
Nopalea each day for 30 days.
2. Fill out the Nopalea Challenge Form,
which will be included in your first
Nopalea order, to track your
progress during the Challenge.
3. Read The Secret Killer Health Alert,
also included in your first order.
4. Share your Nopalea experience
by emailing to:
Take the Nopalea™
Wellness Challenge
and thrive!
Why a Nopalea Loading Phase?
Non-Member $49.99
Member $39.99
Non-Member $199.96
Member $139.99
Try this delicious wellness drink, with an exclusive blend
of rare antioxidants called Betalains and other healthful
nutrients. Taking Nopalea daily can help your body:
•	 Lessen inflammation	 •	 Promote optimal health
which causes pain		 right down to your cells
•	 Cleanse itself 	 •	 Protect against
of daily toxins		 premature aging
Drink it and thrive!
Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116.
hat if you started eating
dinner and suddenly, your lips
started swelling up, or it
became harder and harder to breathe?
This is what 3.7% of U.S. adults have to
worry about when they eat. And the
parents of 6-8% of U.S. children have to
be constantly vigilant about their chil-
dren’s diets for the same reason:
Accidental exposures to allergy-inducing
foods are the major causes of
allergic reactions to foods.
What is a food allergy?
Food allergy is an abnormal
response to a food by your body’s
immune system, according to the
National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
Allergic reactions to food can
include everything from itching to
loss of consciousness.
Some people experience the symp-
toms of food allergy but have what is
called “food intolerance.” These
symptoms are not caused by the immune system.
However, it is important to work with your
healthcare provider to determine if you have
food allergies, and which foods you’re allergic to.
Common food allergies
The foods that most commonly cause allergic
reactions in adults include:
Shellfish (lobster, shrimp, crab, etc.), peanuts,
tree nuts (almonds, pecans, walnuts, etc.), fish
and eggs.
In children, the most common allergy-inducing
foods include:
Eggs, milk, peanuts and tree nuts.
Adults are unlikely to lose their allergies
but children can sometimes outgrow them,
particularly milk, egg and soy allergies.
Promising new studies have shown that
by slowly increasing peanut consumption,
children may be able to build a tolerance,
although more research is necessary and
experts advise against trying it without the
supervision of a healthcare provider.
Signs and symptoms of a
food allergy
According to the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration, symptoms
of a food allergy usually occur
within an hour of eating the
food and include:
• Hives, itching or skin rash
• Swelling of the lips, face,
tongue and throat or other
parts of the body
• Wheezing, nasal congestion
or difficulty with breathing
• Abdominal pain, diarrhea,
nausea or vomiting
• Dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting
An extreme allergic reaction, called anaphy-
laxis, may result in increased intensity of the
symptoms above or may result in life-threat-
ening signs and symptoms such as:
• Swelling of the throat and air passages that
makes it difficult to breathe
• Shock, with a severe drop in blood pressure
• Rapid, irregular pulse
• Loss of consciousness
Each year in the United States, there are
approximately 30,000 episodes of food-induced
anaphylaxis, associated with 100 to 200 deaths.
Peanuts and tree nuts are the foods most likely
to cause anaphylaxis.
How to protect yourself and your children
The best ways to protect yourself and your
loved ones from an allergic reaction is to avoid
the foods you are allergic to and to be prepared
for an accidental exposure.
•	 Carefully read food labels – The U.S.’s Food
Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection
Act (FALCPA) requires manufacturers to
clearly state if the product contains a major
food allergen or contains protein from a
major food allergen (identified as milk, eggs,
fish, Crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts,
wheat and soybeans). Also, if the allergen is
a tree nut, fish, or Crustacean shellfish,
manufacturers must declare the specific type
(e.g., almonds, cod, lobster).
•	 Avoid restaurant-prepared meals – Unless
the menu specifies it, there is no way to
determine if their food contains allergens.
• Be prepared – Follow these tips from the
NIAID to protect yourself in the event of an
unintentional exposure:
•	Wear a medical alert bracelet or
necklace stating that you have a food
allergy and are subject to severe reactions.
•	 Carry an auto-injector device containing
epinephrine (adrenaline), that you can
get by prescription and give to yourself
if you think you are getting a food
allergic reaction.
•	 Seek medical help immediately, even
if you have already given yourself
epinephrine, by either calling the
rescue squad or by getting transported
to an emergency room.
Have you taken the Nopalea Wellness
Challenge? — See page 11 for details.
The ABCs of
food allergies
1-800-991-7116	 May 2010  l  13
“...Bone Growth
Factor was right
for me.”
“About a month and a
half ago I started taking
the Bone Growth Factor. I
read about the differences between regular
calcium supplements and Bone Growth
Factor, and I decided that the Bone Growth
Factor was right for me. After just one trip
around the grocery store, my hip used to
really hurt. Now I don’t have that pain! I’m
anxious to see what the next bone density
test shows!
Nancy B., Member – Lowell, MI
success stories
“...within one
month, my meno-
pause symptoms
went away!”
“I was going through
menopause and had
problems with hot flashes and mood swings.
My doctor put me on hormones, but I didn’t
really like using them because of the bad side
effects. Then I started taking Balanced Woman,
and within just one month, my menopause
symptoms went away! Now I feel normal, I
sleep better and my mood swings and hot
flashes are gone!”*
Angela S., Member – Ripley, TN
success stories
Buy one featured women’s product,
get second same one 50% off
•  Unique formula: Bone Growth Factor contains a
proprietary blend of nutrients that facilitates
healthy, new bone growth while strengthening
existing bone, including a highly absorbable form
of calcium.
•  Scientifically proven: In a 2005 university-controlled
study, subjects who took Bone Growth Factor for
6 months experienced an average 6% improvement
in bone density.
•  Helps increase bone
density: Bone Growth
Factor activates the
cells responsible for
building new bone.
Your bones’ rebuilding
process should increase
with consistent use.
•  Helps decrease hormone imbalance symptoms,
including: night sweats, hot flashes, and
breast tenderness.
•  Clinically proven: In a study of women age 43-68,
those who took Balanced Woman experienced
a significant decrease in hormone imbalance
symptoms. They also showed estrogen levels in
the healthy range, unlike the women who didn’t
take Balanced Woman.
•  Supports healthy
hormones: Balanced
Woman helps the body
make, use and eliminate
excess hormones.
Bone Growth
Factor™ #30600
Non-Member $43.99
Member $34.99
Redeem with 350 VitaPoints
Woman™ #30240
Non-Member $31.99
Member $24.99
Redeem with 250 VitaPoints
Help increase bone density with Bone Growth Factor™
And protect bones against getting weak, porous and brittle
Help get relief from hot flashes, night sweats and irritability
Balanced Woman® is clinically proven to balance hormones naturally
* You should not stop taking any medication without
first consulting with your healthcare provider.
High-fat diets could mean higher stroke risk for women
San Antonio, Texas
Post-menopausal women who reported eating the most daily dietary fat had a 40% higher incidence of stroke
caused by blood clots than women who ate the least amount, according to research presented at the 2010
American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference.
Using data from the Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study, sponsored by the National Institutes of
Health and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, researchers analyzed food questionnaires from 87,230
women who were followed for an average of 7.6 years.
In addition to an increased incidence of stroke in those who consumed more dietary fat, it was found that
stroke incidence also increased in those who consumed the highest amount of trans fats (found in processed
and fried foods).
Exercise in midlife can lead to a healthier older age
Boston, Massachusetts
The more you exercise in midlife, the healthier you may be at an older age, according to a study in the January
2010 Archives of Internal Medicine.
Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health analyzed data from the Nurses’ Health Study (a long-
term study funded by the National Institutes of Health) and found that higher levels of activity in midlife are
“associated with exceptional health status among women who survive to older ages….”
“Exceptional health status” was defined as having no history of 10 major chronic diseases or coronary bypass graft
surgery as well as no mental and physical impairments. Included in the analysis were a total of 13,535 women who
were free of major chronic diseases in 1986 and had lived to 70 years or older as of 1995-2001.
Forget the small talk: deep conversations may make you happier
Tucson, Arizona
Happiness may stem from a social and conversationally deep life, rather than a solitary and superficial one,
it was recently reported in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.
Researchers from the University of Arizona and Washington University in St. Louis recruited volunteers
to determine if happy and unhappy people differ in the types of conversations they have. Participants
wore a recording device for four days as they went about their lives and completed personality and
well-being assessments.
The device recorded 30 seconds of sounds every 12.5 minutes, resulting in a total of 20,000 recordings.
Researchers listened to the recordings to determine which conversations were substantive and which
were small talk.
Based on the recordings and assessments, it was found that the happiest participants spent 25% less time
alone and 70% more time talking than the unhappiest participants. Additionally, the happiest people had
twice as many substantive conversations and one third as much small talk as the unhappy people.  
Research Desk
New findings in health and wellness
1-800-991-7116	 May 2010  l  15
How the miracle of
metabolism works
This special feature is Part 4 of the VitaJournal’s
5-part series on the major systems of the body.
By Dr. Linda Wright
Body Systems 101–Part4
hen we
eat and
breathe deeply,
sleep peacefully,
enjoy activity and
even share love,
we’re using the
body system called “metabo-
lism” to create the energy of
life. Metabolism is all about
energy, and the word itself
comes from the Greek, meaning
“to change.” So, metabolism is
the umbrella term for every-
thing the body does to create
the energy that powers life.
Every single cell in our body takes
part in metabolism, because every cell
produces energy. Structures within the
cells called “mitochondria” are like
little factories churning out energy for
the cell so it can do its work. Some
cells, such as muscle cells, have more
mitochondria than others. That’s why
healthy, strong muscles help us feel
more energetic: there are more mito-
chondria pumping out more energy.
Our multi-tasking hormones
Glands within our body govern the energy
produced from the cells. These include the
thyroid, hypothalamus and pituitary glands.
The hypothalamus takes our thoughts and
feelings and converts them into hormones.
The pituitary uses these hormones to send
instructions to the thyroid to produce energy.
Once the thyroid signals that it has received
the instruction and has energy available, the
pituitary then signals the rest of the body that
it can carry on its work. And what an amazing
array of work it is: the digestive tract digests
food, the muscles and bones repair and build up
new tissue, the reproductive tract balances the
hormones, the pancreas and liver balance blood
sugar, and the brain, spine and nerves balance
brain chemistry.
When this complex interplay works well, you
feel vital and healthy. But when something is
lacking or out of balance, there can be trouble.
For example, if you don’t get the nutrients you
need, or if you tend to think negative thoughts,
your metabolism will reflect this imbalance
with a lack of vitality. Your body will prepare for
“fight or flight:” Your adrenal glands will release
adrenaline, cortisol and other “emergency”
hormones. These hormones are supposed to
kick in when we’re faced with a crisis; they
give us the energy we need to meet the crisis
and survive.
However, when our lifestyle is stressful, or we
don’t get all the nutrients we need, the adrenal
glands take over too often, or for too long. In
order to maintain a state of emergency prepared-
ness, the adrenals will turn off the thyroid and
digestion, blood sugar control and hormone
balance. They rob sugar from the muscles and
minerals from the bones. They take energy from
all of the other systems and focus it on what
appears to be a constant crisis. That’s why
people under stress have such bad digestion and
high cholesterol, problems with the reproductive
system, depression and other health challenges.
The 10 Essentials can help
An over-stressed, over-worked metabolism
cannot support vibrant, healthy living. That’s
why TriVita’s “10 Essentials for Health and
Wellness” (see page 2) focus on the keys to
physical, emotional and spiritual health.
Remarkable though the metabolism is, it can’t
function well unless its needs are met: the needs
of the body (healthy food, sleep, exercise and
more), mind (giving and receiving love and
practicing gratitude) and spirit (nurturing the
spiritual aspect of life). That’s why, by living
the 10 Essentials and supplementing with the
proper nutrients, TriVita urges everyone to
“experience wellness™.”  
Linda Wright, M.D. is board certified in Internal Medicine.
She graduated from the University of Colorado, completed
medical school at University of Colorado Health Sciences
Center and internal medicine residency at Saint Joseph
Hospital in Denver, Colorado. Dr. Wright has completed
thousands of hours of training with internationally
recognized leaders in the conventional and alternative
medical fields.
Dr. Linda Wright
The Nopalea Wellness Challenge
Amazing stories from NopaleaW
Take the Challenge and feel the
difference in your own health Tami S. – Lincoln, NE Curt M. – St. Paul, MN
hese are just some of the
inspiring testimonials
from Wellness Challenge
participants. We invite you to take
the Challenge and start living a
pain-free life.
“For the past five months I’ve hardly had any
pain and inflammation when I run.”
“Taking care of my family’s health is a top
priority. With TriVita this has been easier than
ever! After the first month of taking Nopalea, I
was amazed. My weekly migraines were gone! I
now hardly ever get a headache, instead of one
every week. To be able to combat a headache
naturally has made me feel so much better. Also,
before I started taking Nopalea I had pain and
swelling in my knee due to running. My doctor
told me to stop running and gave me an anti-
inflammatory medication. The medication was
later recalled because of damaging side effects. I
tried something else, but it was not effective. So
I simply stopped running. After taking Nopalea
the constant pain I had in my knee was gone. I
decided I would try running again to see how it
went. For the past five months, I’ve hardly had
any pain and inflammation after my daily run.
Many of my family members, close friends and
their family members have also found relief from
Nopalea. My main goal in taking Nopalea, aside
from pain relief, is protecting against long-term
health problems. I want to be around and feel
well for my family for many years. I feel better
now than I ever have!”*
Tami S., Affiliate Member – Lincoln, NE
“Thanks to Nopalea I can now breathe and
sleep easier, and have a lot more energy.”
“This year for the first time in 35 years I was able
to give my wife a beautiful bouquet of red roses
for Valentine’s Day. And I owe it all to Nopalea.
I have suffered with chronic breathing problems
and allergies for so long that I can’t remember
the last time that we had any flowers in our
house. I was allergic to all flowers, perfume,
dogs and even cats.
When I would have a severe sinus attack, my nose
would run, I would sneeze and cough and my
whole body would get cold. I would have to crawl
into bed to warm up to get relief from the attack.
I used various inhalers, nasal sprays and over-the-
counter medicines for years but received only
temporary relief.
Everything changed for the better once I started
taking Nopalea!
An Affiliate Member introduced me to TriVita
and its wonderful products. Last year, I started to
take Nopalea. After taking this delicious wellness
drink for about three weeks I noticed that my
nose didn’t run and I hadn’t coughed or sneezed
for a week. I then realized that Nopalea was
providing long-term help for my chronic
breathing condition and allergies. I even went to
a floral shop and breathed in the scents directly
from the flowers. I had no reaction at all. This test
proved that I’m free of my allergies. Thanks to
Nopalea I can now breathe and sleep easier, and
have a lot more energy.
Now I want to tell everybody about TriVita’s
Nopalea and what it’s done for me.”
Curt M., Affiliate Member – St. Paul, MN
“Nopalea has given me back my life.”
“I am a wife, mother, grandmother and a self-
admitted ‘Nopaleaholic.’ I have had numerous
surgeries; one of the most severe was a tumor
that was removed from my spinal cord. Although
the surgery was a success, it had left me with an
enormous amount of pain. I also have had two
knees and a hip replaced, and now I have been
diagnosed with a very painful bone disease
that has no known cure. In the past I tried a
wide variety of prescription medications with
poor results.
A dear friend of over 40 years suggested that my
husband and I attend the Nopalea tour in
Calgary. The Nopalea tasted very delicious, but
our bottle of Nopalea sat in our cupboard for a
week before we started using it. Well, soon after I
started taking Nopalea I didn’t have to take even
one pain pill. Nopalea has given me back my life.
Any time I feel pain I just reach for the bottle and
1-800-991-7116	 May 2010  l  17
ellness Challenge participants
What is the Nopalea Wellness Challenge?
The Nopalea Wellness Challenge was created
to show the power of Nopalea in helping the
body reduce chronic inflammation quickly.
Completing a Nopalea Loading Phase can
help ease the “fire” raging in our bodies. Put
yourself to the Challenge today!
•	 Drink 3 to 6 ounces of chilled Nopalea
each day for 30 days.
•	 Fill out the Nopalea Challenge Form,
which will be included in your order, to
track your progress during the Challenge.
•	 Read The Secret Killer Health Alert, also
included in your first Nopalea order.
•	 Experience incredible wellness. Call and
share your story with us by emailing to:
Elaine W. – Sun City, AZ Jean O. – Orlando, FL Kimberly M. – Mechanicsville, VA
have a few ounces every day. Thank you TriVita
for bringing us Nopalea.”*
Elaine W., Affiliate Member – Sun City, AZ
“My energy is now about 200 times better
than before!”
“Three years ago I had triple bypass surgery (at
age 55); and just last September, a stent was
placed into my heart. Since that time, I have
really had to push myself to do daily tasks. My
energy level was always real low.
Approximately one month ago, my husband
brought home two bottles of Nopalea. He
suggested that we both try it. I loved it! The taste
is fantastic, and I find myself looking at the clock
to see if it is time to enjoy another delicious
serving. After a couple of weeks on Nopalea, I
noticed that I had much more energy. In fact, my
energy is now about 200 times better than before!
Just yesterday, I planted about 50 plants in my
yard. I have not added any other items to my
nutritional regimen, just Nopalea. Therefore,
I know that Nopalea deserves all of the credit.
Many thanks, from the bottom of my heart. I
have so much energy now that my husband has
to remind me to sit down. I just ordered a
Nopalea 4-Pack and can’t wait until it arrives.”
Jean O., Member – Orlando, FL
“When I went skiing again after about six
weeks of taking Nopalea, there was no pain
at all in my ankles.”
“I suffered from pain in my knees for about nine
months and pain in my ankles for about six
months before I began the Nopalea Wellness
Challenge. The pain was interfering with my
work and personal life. After starting the
Nopalea Loading Phase my pain was cut in half.
By the time I was halfway through the second
bottle, the pain in my knees and ankles had
disappeared. Nopalea tastes so wonderful that
it was hard to go from the Loading Phase of
3-6 ounces to the regular maintenance amount
of 1-3 ounces.
Before I started Nopalea, I went skiing and
my ankles hurt much of the time. But when I
went skiing again after about six weeks of taking
Nopalea, there was no pain at all in my ankles
and I had a wonderful ski experience. I have
encouraged my family and friends who suffer
from joint pain and other inflammatory condi-
tions to try Nopalea. Thank you again for this
amazing product!”
Kimberly M., Member – Mechanicsville, VA
*You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider.
he eyes may be the windows
to the soul, but they are also
your windows on the world.
However, many of us take vision
for granted until we start to have
problems. More than 11 million
Americans have uncorrected refrac-
tive errors (common, correctable
conditions that include nearsighted-
ness, farsightedness and astigmatism),
and millions more suffer from eye
diseases such as age-related macular
degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic
retinopathy and cataract.
Don’t wait for vision problems to
occur; keep your eyes healthy with
these tips from the National
Eye Institute:
Have a comprehensive dilated eye exam
You might think your vision is fine or your eyes
are healthy, but visiting an eye care professional
for a comprehensive exam is the only way to be
sure. Some people don’t realize they aren’t seeing
as well as they could with glasses or contact
lenses. Plus, many common eye diseases often
have no warning signs.
Know your family’s eye health history
It’s important to know if anyone has been
diagnosed with a disease or condition as many
are hereditary. This will help you determine
if you are at higher risk for an eye disease
or condition.
Eat right to protect your sight
Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables,
particularly dark leafy greens, is important for
keeping your eyes healthy. Research has also
shown that there are eye health benefits from
eating fish high in omega-3 fatty acids.
Maintain a healthy weight
Being overweight or obese increases your risk of
developing diabetes and other systemic condi-
tions which can lead to vision loss, such as
diabetic eye disease or glaucoma.
Wear protective eyewear
Wear protective eyewear when playing sports
or doing activities around the home. Protective
eyewear includes safety glasses and goggles,
safety shields and eye guards specially
designed to provide the correct protection
for a certain activity.
Quit smoking or never start
Smoking is as bad for your eyes as it is for the
rest of your body. Research has linked smoking
to increased risk of developing age-related
macular degeneration, cataract and optic nerve
damage, all of which can lead to blindness.
Wear your shades
Sunglasses protect your eyes from the sun’s
ultraviolet rays. When purchasing sunglasses,
look for ones that block out 99-100% of both
UV-A and UV-B radiation
Give your eyes a rest
If you spend a lot of time at the computer or
focusing on any one thing, your eyes can get
fatigued and you sometimes forget to blink. Try
the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look away
about 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds. This
can help reduce eyestrain.
Take care of your eyes – they’re the only ones
you have!  
Take action now to protect your eyes
Keep your eyes
on vision health
1-800-991-7116	 May 2010  l  19
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Good health habits and good genes help some people live longer
hen the oldest person in the world
recently died at the age of 115,
researchers discovered that she
had almost none of the physical or mental
ailments associated with aging. She
supported herself financially until she was
105. Upon her death, she was more alert and
engaged than people half her age. Also,
when anatomists counted her neurons, they
discovered she had the brain of a woman
who was 50 years younger. The secret of her
longevity may have had as much to do with
the woman’s genes as her healthy lifestyle.
Based on animal experiments, medical experts on
aging believe that a key to a healthy, longer lifespan
can be found in a few master genes that affect
cellular responses to a variety of survival stresses.
The more active these genes are, the longer an
organism seems to survive. Some researchers are also
convinced that some genes protect us against the
risks of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and dementia.
Exciting research into longevity
Instead of focusing on what goes wrong when we
age, researchers are trying to understand why
some people live so long without getting very sick.
If they succeed, scientists may be able to dramati-
cally increase the normal life span and delay
age-related diseases.
Right now, a lot of work needs to be done to get
more people to live past the century mark. Even
fewer can do so without suffering a wide variety of
chronic ills. According to the Los Angeles
Gerontology Research Group, there are only 79
men and women alive today who are 110 years
or older.
To pinpoint hereditary sources of longevity,
researchers at the Scripps Research Institute in
La Jolla, California recruited 2,000 healthy people
over 80. They compared the genetic makeup of
these “wellderly” people to those who died of
common age-related illnesses before they reached
80. Researchers discovered that many people
carry the genes that cause heart attacks, cancer
and other diseases. Yet some people have
“modifier” genes that cancel out their risk. They
actually have an inborn protection from aging.
Researchers concluded that nature has found a
solution in certain individuals to combat certain
disease risks.
Healthy habits are equally important
Still, there are wide disparities in longevity. For
example, in the United States, Asian-American
women in New Jersey live on average to be 91,
while Native American men in South Dakota
live only to be 58, according to Harvard
University researchers.
Most researchers and scientists agree that life-
style, diet, education, exercise and healthcare are
critical to a long life.
Researchers at the University of Cambridge in
the United Kingdom, reported that people who
exercise regularly, don’t smoke, limit their alcohol
intake and eat at least five servings of fruit and
vegetables a day live an average 14 years longer
than people who don’t. So, good genes are a plus,
but healthy habits – especially nurturing your
body with the proper nutrients – help even more. 
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Bag of
Are you feeling
too much love?
Losing your “love handles”
t some point, it happens to just
about everyone: One day, you
notice that your pants are a little
tighter around the waist. Perhaps your
waist even hangs over the top of your
clothes. Although whimsically called
“love handles” or “muffin top,” no one
is smitten with this extra bulk.
Calories in, calories out
The bad news is that no amount of abdominal
exercises alone will “whittle” your middle. Layers
of fat above the muscle will remain unless you
burn more calories than you consume. So the
good news is that with proper exercise and diet,
you can help reduce your waistline.
According to the Dietary Guidelines for
Americans from the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, in order to manage body weight
and prevent gradual weight gain, adults
should engage in around 60 minutes of
moderate-to vigorous-intensity activity on
most days of the week while not exceeding
caloric intake requirements.
That being said, there are exercises which
can help strengthen and tone the muscles
under your waistline (called the obliques).
Try adding some of these exercises to your
regular workout routine.
1.	 Lie face-up on the floor and support your head
with your hands.
2.	 Lifting the shoulder blades off the floor, bring
your knees in toward your chest.
3.	 Straighten your left leg while bringing the left
elbow toward the right knee.
4.	 Switch sides, straightening your right leg and
bringing your right elbow to the left knee.
5.	 Do 12-16 repetitions for each side.
Side bends
1.	 Stand with feet shoulder-width apart with
arms by sides.
2.	 Put your right hand on your hip or behind
your head.
3.	 Bending from the waist, bend to your left side,
staying straight over your hips.
4.	 Return to the starting position and bend to
your right; continue, moving from side to side
for 15-20 repetitions.
5.	 Change arm positions and bend from side to
side for 15-20 repetitions.
Spinal rotation
1.	 Stand with feet hip-width apart, toes pointing
forward, arms raised to shoulder level, elbows
bent, fists touching in front at elbow level.
2.	 Without moving hips, turn upper body to the
right as a unit, keeping bellybutton, hands and
nose in a line.
3.	 Return to starting position and repeat to
the left.
4.	 Do 10-12 repetitions for each side.
Weight Loss Fact or Fiction
True or False:
1.		About one-third of Americans
are obese.
2.	Protein- and fiber-rich snacks will help
you feel full longer.
3.	Salad is the best option when dining out.
4.	Exercise can reduce your risk of
chronic disease.
1)	True: An estimated 33% of Americans are
obese, according to the The Journal of the
American Medical Association.
2)	True: Protein and fiber are digested slowly,
so you feel fuller longer.
3)	False: Salads often contain hidden calories
in toppings – especially dressing.
4)	True: The USDA’s Dietary Guidelines for
Americans suggests at least 30 minutes of
moderate-intensity physical activity most
days of the week to reduce the risk of
chronic disease in adulthood.
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Article from Michael Ellison
continued from page 2...
May is also Mother’s Day and a time when we pay tribute to how
important and special they are in our lives. For me, my mother has
always offered encouragement; always sharing a belief she had for
my life that God would use me to help people experience a greater
quality of life through physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. I
believe TriVita is the ultimate expression of that prayer and belief
she has had since I was born.
I would like to offer a poem in honor of mothers and the role they
play in shaping the belief and destiny of a child’s life. This poem is
written by Nancy Sims:
Don’t undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because
we are different that each of us are special. Don’t set your goals by what other
people deem as important. Only do what is best for you.
Don’t take for granted the things closest to your heart. Cling to them as you
would to your life. For without them life is meaningless.
Don’t let life slip through your fingers by living in the past or in the future.
By living one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over
until the moment you stop trying.
Don’t be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect. It is the fragile thread
that binds us to each other.
Don’t be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn to
be brave.
Don’t shut love out of your life by saying it is impossible. The fastest way to
lose love is to hold to it tightly, and the best way to keep love is to give it wings.
Don’t dismiss your dreams. To be without dreams is to be without hope, to be
without hope is to be without purpose.
Don’t run through life so fast that you forget not only where you have been but
also where you are going. Life is not a race but a journey to be savored each
step of the way.
I want to thank all the wonderful mothers who have offered similar
advice and inspiration to those special people in their lives.
Pursue wellness with passion.
Michael R. Ellison
If you’re fortunate enough to still have your mother in your life, let me
encourage you to follow some of TriVita’s 10 Essentials for Health and
Wellness: (#8) Practice Gratitude: Thank God every day for her and tell
her how much you appreciate all she’s done for you; (#6) Give and Receive
Love: Go visit your mother or pick up the phone and tell her how much you
love her. If you’ve not been receptive to love that she has tried to extend,
open up your heart and Be Forgiving (#7). If she’s passed, then (#9) Develop
Acceptance: Don’t live with regrets of what you did or didn’t do. Accept
things, move on and try to live every day a better person, changing the
things you can.
My mother’s legacy will live on through all of those left behind who
were fortunate enough to have been touched by her amazing life. I am
truly honored to be one of them and thank God that He chose her to
be my mother.
I encourage each of you to celebrate the mother or “mother-figure” in your
life. Wellness doesn’t always come easy for everyone, but doing your part to
create optimal wellness will definitely pay off – it certainly did for my mom.
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Want to make a difference?
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You can mail your donation to:
House of Giving
16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop
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You can make a
lasting difference
Your contribution will touch countless lives
ON MY MIND continued from page 3...
1-800-991-7116	 April 2010  l  21
We value your feedback.
Please send your comments to:
or mail to Editor, c/o TriVita, Inc., 16100 N. Greenway
Hayden Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
ased on my
work, and
after updating
myself on the
latest research on
this month’s topic,
I am personally convinced that
a woman must “think of herself
first” before she thinks of
anyone else.
The majority of women are people pleasers
Looking at the statistics, it is estimated that 57%
of all women have obsessive “people pleasing”
behavior. That is a staggering number of women.
That’s in the millions, states Dr. Harriet Braiker
in her book, The Disease to Please. This tells
me that more women than not are hurting
themselves by neglecting their own health
and well-being.
This condition causes stress, anxiety, worry,
high blood pressure, low self-worth, depression,
headaches, digestive disorders and more. It even
undermines and destroys relationships.
Yet, in our culture, much of what a woman as a
wife and mother does is to please others. She has
an innate need to be concerned with the welfare
and happiness of her children. With all a woman
does for her husband, her children, her relatives,
and her friends, a woman can often overlook her
own needs to her own harm.
Assess if your need to please is
healthy or harmful
So how do you determine if you have a healthy
need to please or have obsessive people-pleasing
behaviors? Dr. Annie Kaszina, an emotional
abuse coach, recommends asking yourself the
following questions:
	 1. Do you say “yes” when you really want to
say “no”?
	 2. Do you put the needs of others first, even at
the expense of your own wants and needs?
	 3. When you give 100% to others and get
nothing in return, do you feel resentment?
If you answered yes to even one of these questions
you may have an obsessive or chronic need to
“please others.”
You can change, and it’s easier than
you think
You can break out of this cycle, and it’s easier
than you think. Making even small changes will
cause a dramatic, positive and long-lasting change
in your life.
First, practice saying “NO.” Practice saying “no”
many times a day just to hear the word come out
of your mouth. You have to stop saying “YES” to
every request. Take a pause or a breath before
answering, and if it’s more comfortable, you might
say, “I need to think about this first,” or “Let me
check my schedule and I’ll get back to you.” Use
any phrase that gives you time before automati-
cally answering “yes” under pressure.
Often women who “need to please” feel guilty if
they do something for themselves that they
simply just want to do. For example, you may like
to read a magazine with a cup of coffee, watch a
video of your choosing, go to a park, take a
luxurious bubble bath or listen to music. Give
yourself the permission to take care of your needs
first by doing those things and enjoying them.
Be honest with yourself. It’s important for your
physical and emotional health to be aware of how
you think and feel; they are a part of who you are.
And then try saying what you think and feel
more often. You deserve to have “ME time,” to say
“NO,” and take care of yourself without feeling
guilty. Change is within your reach, taking one
step at a time.
A woman’s
need to
by Dr. Judy
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference
– Reinhold Niebuhr
Judy Ellison, Ph.D.
Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a psychologist, author and
motivational speaker. She has inspired people around
the world to reach within and find their passionate
purpose to live a more meaningful life.
your body, His Temple – 1 Cor. 6:19-20
Becoming a confident woman:
A discovery of truth
By Chaplain Gene Henderson
Gene Henderson
“I want you woven into a
tapestry of love, in touch with
everything there is to know of
God. Then you will have
minds confident and at rest,
focused on Christ, God’s great
mystery.” – Colossians 2:2
As we focus on women’s
health this month, I’m pleased to welcome back
Pastor Judith Crist to my column. Here she
shares a woman’s perspective on becoming a
confident woman, and how that confidence can
manifest itself in everyday life.
Judith Crist has served
alongside her husband,
Dr. Terry Crist, as one of the
Executive Pastors of City of
Grace Church in Arizona
since it was founded.
Chaplain Gene: Let’s start with a definition.
What does it mean to be a confident woman?
Pastor Judith: Being a confident woman means
that you know yourself — a woman who believes
in her true God-given value and the power of
her contribution to make a difference. If you
know that you have core value and purpose,
then what you know colors your perspective,
both internally and externally. Confidence
comes from the discovery process of asking the
most important questions in life: Who am I?
What’s my purpose in life? Where will I be
when this life is over? Answering these questions
opens us up to discover truth – the truth that
we are created in the image of an amazing,
loving God.
Chaplain Gene: How can we spot a confident
woman? What sets her apart?
Pastor Judith: I believe a confident woman acts
differently, carries herself differently. Women
have so many beautiful personalities: the bold,
spirited women and the quiet, demure women
who all share inner core strength. A confident
woman can be spotted by her contentment
despite circumstances. She demonstrates
patience through seasons and processes. She has
a boldness to stand up, speak up, and join in
when her contribution can make a difference.
A woman with confidence is comfortable giving
respect and deference to the leaders in her life.
Whatever her personality, a confident woman
knows how to give honor and affirmation to
others without strings attached. She is also
willing to make needed changes in order to
accomplish greater purposes. A confident
woman is more likely to make wise choices
based on a positive outlook in life.
A good example of a confident woman is found
in the New Testament. Priscilla developed her
gifting, served God’s cause, respected and
followed her husband’s leadership, and instructed
the apostles with confidence.
It’s important to also note that a confident
woman takes care of herself, looking after all
aspects of her health: mental, physical, and
relational (this includes spirituality). An insecure
person, one who lacks confidence, might ignore
signs of a need to take care. A confident woman,
though, doesn’t feel selfish about self-care. She
realizes the need for being the best she can be,
for herself, and for others, as well.
Chaplain Gene: You’ve encouraged women to
“live in confidence in our relationship with
God.” Is that the same thing as becoming a
confident woman?
Pastor Judith: Living in confidence in our
relationship with God will bring confidence in
every other area of our lives. Once we realize
that God made us on purpose, for a purpose, we
can have confidence rather than comparing
ourselves with others. If we think God just
initiated the process of Creation, and doesn’t
value us as individuals, we won’t have a relation-
ship with Him that is personal and that develops
the uniqueness of each one of us. When we
realize that God is big enough to know us all
individually, then we can also know that our
personalities are gifts from God.
Living in relationship with God is what gives us
the confidence to discover our worth and value,
to navigate the stresses of life in which we must
grow and change without losing our sense of
worth. God, our Creator, is the One who knows
the most about us and only through relationship
with Him can we truly understand ourselves.
Chaplain Gene: Do women need to build up
their confidence more than men might?
Pastor Judith: Historically, yes. Building
confidence can be more of a challenge for
women, but it depends on the society and family
environment in which they live. Of course, men
also struggle with insecurities on a deep level:
It’s the human condition. In order to build
confidence, we can’t compare ourselves with
the other gender. We must build on our unique
feminine qualities to develop positive character
traits, such as leadership.
Scripture has several examples of unique women
who demonstrate leadership, such as Deborah in
the Old Testament Book of Judges. During a
time when Israel lacked central male leadership,
Deborah served as a judge because she was
recognized by all to have wisdom, discernment
and courage. When the men feared going into
battle with their enemy, they came to Deborah,
who rallied them to victory.
In my life, I’ve met many women who wished
they weren’t women. They take on labels like
“second-class citizens,” or accept the view that
they’re more emotional and somehow “less than”
men. This shows a misunderstanding of our
value: We matter, and we matter uniquely. It’s
not accident that we are born as women in this
time in history, in which there are more oppor-
tunities, but yet so many responsibilities. 
1-800-991-7116	 April 2010  l  23
Judith Crist
See what Members like you have to say about TriVita®
Real Stories	 from real people
*You should consult with a healthcare provider before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication or if you suspect you might have a heart
problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider.
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I tried many prescriptions with little help, and one of
them made me gain weight.
I was reluctant to try Nopalea because I believed
more in the medical approach. My daughter-in-
law convinced me to give it a try and I am so very
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Nopalea has made in my life. My pain is minimal
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Pauline C., Affiliate Member – Glenburn, ME
“…my x-rays showed
I no longer have
brittle bones!”
“I was in a lot of pain
when I was diagnosed
with brittle bones a few
years ago. It was so severe
my doctor wanted me to
self-administer shots in my stomach every day. But
I always preferred natural products, so I started
taking Bone Growth Factor instead. Six months later,
I could bend, stoop and walk without pain. And
after my last exam, my x-rays showed I no longer
have brittle bones! Thank you, TriVita, for Bone
Growth Factor.”*
Teri A., Affiliate Member – Phoenix, AZ
“I have switched to the stronger,
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“I am now 71 and at the age of 35 my family doctor
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me with a bad taste in my mouth. So finding TriVita
Sublingual B-12 improved my life immeasurably
because now I can control how much I need and
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Norma H. – Member – Downey, CA
“Thanks Sublingual B-12. You are my
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“I purchased TriVita Sublingual B-12 and after
taking it for a few days, I was excited to find that it
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Thank goodness for this product. It helps me keep
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Sheila S., Member – North Augusta, SC
“It has really helped
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“Adaptogen 10 Plus is a
great product! At the early
age of 40, I had a stress
test and upon comple-
tion I went into cardiac arrest. I was lucky to have
survived and the doctors were amazed. When I
woke up several days later, I was informed that a
defibrillator had been placed into my chest. I have
been an athlete my entire life. Even now at 46, I
am a regular in the gym and continue to do boxing
conditioning. At first, I had doctors prescribe anti-
depressants to help me deal with some of the mild
depression I was feeling because of my heart prob-
lems. I am thankful for my health – my cardiologist
gives me an A+ every time I see him.
I am also thankful for the Adaptogen 10 Plus!
It has really helped with my stress level and I
definitely feel a difference. I also don’t need to
take anti-depressants any more. Knowing that
Adaptogen is great to protect against the toxins
and harmful daily elements we expose our
bodies to is so important to me and my health. I
LOVE Adaptogen 10 Plus with Nopalea and Super
Sublingual B-12. If you have not tried this combina-
tion, you are missing out. I highly recommend it.
Thank you TriVita, for products that enhance my
health, my lifestyle and my energy levels.”*
Erik C., Affiliate Member – Chandler, AZ
“TriVita’s Leanology
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“The Leanology Chocolate
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I’ve never had such a
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I learned a long time ago that there is a ‘window
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10-15 minutes post workout, the body is ‘hungry’
and open to receiving essential nutrients. So I’ve
ventured on a product odyssey to find the most
action-packed, nutrient-rich product, without
all the unwanted fillers. I found that TriVita’s
Leanology Shakes meet my needs and exceed
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which makes it that much more of a pleasure
to drink. I’m happily hooked on the Chocolate
Leanology Shakes.”
Philip D., Member – Crownsville, MD
1-800-991-7116	 May 2010  l  25
t’s a glorious thing to overcome
weakening bones. It’s an amazing
thing to triumph over breast
tumors. Susan Ellison has done both,
and for one of these victories, she
credits TriVita’s Bone Growth Factor.
The two issues – bone health and breast health
– are connected for many women, as they are for
Susan, co-founder of TriVita and wife of TriVita
CEO Michael Ellison. “I’ve been on a hormone-
blocker for nine years for the breast tumors,
and this hormone reduction can contribute to
having weak, brittle bones,” she relates. So,
when she was first diagnosed at a world-
renowned medical clinic in Arizona, her
doctors were concerned about possible loss
of bone strength.
“My doctors found that I was already in the early
stage of bone weakness, and they wanted me to
go on a prescription medication,” Susan recalls.
Instead, she began taking Bone Growth Factor,
and rigorously kept up her healthy living habits.
Just one year later, her bone scan showed some
improvement. Then, when Susan had a full bone
density test performed in early 2010, the results
were astounding.
“I went from weakening bones to
normal bones”
“My bone loss reversed!” she exclaims. “I went
from weakening bones to normal bones. All three
of my bone density scores, in the spine, hip and
wrist, are now in the normal range. There is no
loss of bone strength. What’s more, this happened
while I’m taking a hormone blocker.”
Her doctor was impressed and curious. When
Susan went to the clinic for her follow-up
appointment, “Her very first words were,
‘Concerning your bone density test, I don’t know
what you’ve been doing, but keep doing it.’” The
doctor wanted to know all about Bone Growth
Factor, so Susan sent her a bottle, along with the
scientific papers that backed up
its development.
“My doctor is thrilled for me, and for
what Bone Growth Factor may mean
to other women,” Susan says.
Treatments for bone weakness can
have unwanted side effects for some, so the
possibility of an option without side effects is
something her doctor found very exciting. “It
really is incredible: I reversed bone loss without
prescription drugs. And it’s all thanks to Bone
Growth Factor,” Susan says.
Well, almost all: Susan has always been
proactive about her health, and takes the
smart, everyday actions needed to protect her
bones. She works out regularly on a treadmill,
knowing that such weight-bearing exercise
is key to bone health. She eats wholesome
foods like calcium-rich spinach (a bag a week),
enjoys the Arizona sun with its rays full of
Vitamin D, and receives the physical and
mental benefits of yoga.
“I feel absolutely awesome,” she reports. “I’m in
good health, I have good energy, and I attribute
so much of this to TriVita’s products.” She notes
that it’s important to take Bone Growth Factor
just as the label advises: two tablets, three times
per day. For her, that means at breakfast, lunch
and dinner, though Bone Growth Factor can be
taken on an empty stomach. “I never miss
taking it; why would I?” she notes, adding that
the product has calcium, so she doesn’t need to
take an additional calcium supplement.
“Bone Growth Factor and Nopalea™: Don’t
take those two away from me”
As many in the TriVita family are aware, Susan
was an early adopter of another TriVita break-
through: Nopalea. Before the product was
formally introduced last year, she began taking
the wellness drink to try to reduce crippling
inflammation and pain in her feet. Resisting the
idea of surgery to fuse the troublesome joints in
her left foot, she started on Nopalea. Within
just weeks, the redness, swelling and pain
virtually disappeared.
“Before Nopalea I was hobbling with a cane like
a little old lady. Now, I’m back on my treadmill,
doing two and one-half miles a day. I told
Michael he could put me on the sidewalk with a
sign and I could sell Nopalea.” She sums up,
“Bone Growth Factor and Nopalea: Don’t take
those two away from me.”
Thanks to TriVita products and her own
healthy lifestyle, Susan is living proof that
you can, as the company slogan states,
“experience wellness.™”  
Reverse bone loss
without a prescription?
That’s Susan’s experience – thanks to
healthy habits and Bone Growth Factor™
Member Spotlight
women.”– Susan
1: Heart Health
Heart health is a game of
good fat, bad fat. Omega-3
fatty acids are an essential
supplementation for any
heart-healthy diet.
Molecularly distilled fish oil,
cod liver oil and krill oil are
all exceptional and necessary
supplements. It is also
important to eat other foods high in Omega-3s
like flaxseed, hemp seeds, chia seeds, walnuts and
fatty, cold water fish like salmon, tuna, herring
and mackerel. Avoid margarine, trans fats,
hydrogenated oils and shortening at all costs.
Instead, incorporate monounsaturated oils like
olive, canola, sesame and avocado.
2: Breast Health
Antioxidants are most helpful to maximize breast
health. There are direct and indirect antioxi-
dants. Direct antioxidants come from Vitamin E
and Vitamin C. While these nutrients are helpful,
they act much like a bee does, dying after it
stings. Immediately after ingestion, C and E zap
free radicals and then wear off. Indirect antioxi-
dants actually promote our body’s own production
of antioxidants for hours after they have been
eaten. They are found predominantly in organic
berries (anthocyanins), curcumin found in the
root tumeric which is found in Indian curry and
broccoli sprouts (sulforane), found in the sprout
section of your health food store. Many vegetables
in the cabbage family (broccoli, cauliflower, kale,
cabbage, bok choy) also contain these powerful
indirect antioxidants.
3: Bone Health
When it comes to bone health, dairy products are
not the answer. As a nation, we consume an
incredibly high amount of dairy products, yet we
still have a 25% rate of weak, brittle bones. This
means that the calcium we are taking or drinking
is not reaching our bones, but is likely instead
getting deposited in our soft tissue. That
combines with things that leach calcium from
bones, like soda and carbonated beverages, sugar,
white flour products, an excess of animal protein,
and lack of vegetables and fruit. Alkalizing foods
and a low-stress life are the answer. The top
alkalizing foods are dark leafy greens like kale,
collard greens and broccoli. Lemon and lime have
an alkalizing effect in the body, as do raspberries,
mango, sea vegetables, daikon radishes, lentils,
sweet potatoes and yams, garlic, onion and apple
cider vinegar.
4: Prolonged Sadness
Sometimes the “feel good” neurotransmitter
called serotonin gets too low. When this happens,
we may find it difficult to experience happiness
and optimism. Instead, we may feel sad, hopeless
and lethargic and we may begin to crave
carbohydrates and sweets. We may also
experience digestive disturbances. To improve our
serotonin, we must feed the body the foods it
needs to convert the amino acid tryptophan into
serotonin. Fantastic food-based sources of
tryptophan are baked potatoes with the skin on,
bananas, beans, eggs, fish, hazelnuts, hummus,
lentils, kelp, animal meat, brown rice and roasted
pumpkin seeds.
5: Immune System Health
In my experience, there’s often a direct parallel
between immune system health and digestive
health. Most of the time, those with immune
system issues need to do some digestive system
repair because they have a problem with a leaky
lining of the intestines. To support intestinal
lining naturally, first I use the amino acid 	
l-glutamine combined with licorice and aloe
vera. The second step is to know and avoid foods,
allergies and sensitivities. Then we add in
powerhouse foods to support the immune system
like local bee pollen, medicinal mushrooms like
shitake and maitake, oregano and garlic. Foods
high in zinc are necessary like lean red meat.
Three ounces once a week is enough. If you are
not a red meat eater, you can get dietary zinc from
poultry, pork, yogurt and especially from oysters.
By Christa Orecchio, Clinical Nutritionist and
Holistic Health Counselor
Christa Orecchio
Heat oil in a large pan over medium heat. Add
turkey, salt, mustard, sea vegetable flakes, oregano
and black pepper. Combine well and stir frequently.
Cook for 4-5 minutes. Add the onion and stir in the
meat. You may add more oil if too dry. Cover and
cook until turkey turns white, approximately
10 minutes.
In a separate pan, sauté a few sliced mushrooms
(shitake, maitake and crimini) in grapeseed oil.
Add oregano (dried or fresh), cayenne pepper, 2-3T
of red wine and a few pieces of garlic (thinly sliced).
Add to basic turkey mixture and drizzle with extra
virgin olive oil. Serve with your choice of grain or
whole grain pasta.
½ lb Ground turkey breast (free-range/organic)
1 medium yellow onion
Sea salt
2 T grapeseed oil
3 T red wine
10-12 mushrooms (shitake, maitake and crimini)
1 tsp stone ground mustard or mustard powder
½ tsp sea veggies flakes (any kind – kelp,
dulse, nori)
1 tsp dried or fresh oregano
Black pepper (optional)
Recipe of the month
Mediterranean Turkey with Mushrooms and Red Wine
ow many hairs does the average
person have on their head? The
answer may surprise you:
100,000! Each hair has an average scalp
life of 4.5 years, growing about one-half
inch every month. You lose an average
of 50–100 hairs per day; most times,
that hair is replaced within six months.
But for some people, it isn’t. This can
result in thinning hair and even bald-
ness. However, there are many reasons
for, and types of, hair loss.
Most hair loss is a result of aging,
heredity and hormones. But stress,
medications, infection and disease are
also culprits.
Male and female pattern baldness
This most common form of baldness, called
androgenetic alopecia, is typically permanent. It is
caused by a combination of genetics and the
hormone testosterone and affects more men than
women: 25% of men start to bald by age 30 and
about two-thirds are either bald or have a balding
pattern by age 60. The pattern usually starts as a
receding hairline and thinning around the crown,
eventually leading to bald spots. Female pattern
baldness typically occurs after menopause and
involves thinning throughout the scalp.
Stress-related hair loss
Stress-induced hair loss, called Telogen effluvium,
is a temporary condition that can result in loss of
anywhere from one-half to three-quarters of scalp
hair. Unlike pattern baldness, which occurs over
time, hair can fall out in handfuls. It can be
caused by:
•	Emotional distress
•	Infection
•	Childbirth
•	Major surgery or illness
•	Extreme diets
•	Sudden or excessive weight loss
•	Medications including birth control pills,
certain anti-depressants and beta-blockers
Though the hair most likely will grow back, it
often takes several months.
Disease-related hair loss
Alopecia areata is considered an autoimmune
disease and attacks hair follicles. Hair typically
falls out in small, round patches. There is no
pattern to hair loss and regrowth in this disease:
some will grow and lose hair repeatedly, others
will lose all their hair permanently and still others
may lose hair, and then have a permanent
regrowth. Presently, there is no cure for
alopecia areata.
Additional causes
Other causes of hair loss may include poor
nutrition (especially a diet low in iron and
protein), thyroid diseases, autoimmune conditions
such as lupus, chemotherapy and/or radiation
treatments, hormonal changes, or a scalp infec-
tion such as ringworm. Typically, hair will grow
back after these situations have been resolved.
If you are personally experiencing hair loss,
consult your healthcare provider if you lose hair
in an unusual pattern, have pain or itching, or
the skin on your scalp is red, scaly or otherwise
Combing over the causes of hair loss
Hair today,
gone tomorrow
Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at
Feed your body the nutrients it may lack from an average diet:
take Sonoran Bloom Wellavoh, the complete multi-nutrient
complex. Wellavoh’s customized men’s and women’s
formulas give you 22 different vitamins and minerals.
•	 The men’s formula supports optimal prostate,
cholesterol and blood sugar health.
•	 The women’s formula supports optimal bone,
skin, hormone and breast health.
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For a full list of ingredients visit
formulated for
formulated for
Wellavoh is not your ordinary multi-vitamin
Hair Loss Myths
•	Wearing hats can cause hair loss
•	Brushing your hair will make it thicker
•	Dandruff causes permanent hair loss
•	Hair loss doesn’t affect people in their teens
and early 20s
•	Cutting/shaving hair makes it grow back
•	Clogged pores cause male pattern baldness
•	A man can determine if he’ll bald based on
his father’s experience
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V0510 vita-journal

  • 1. Read theirpowerful Nopalea WellnessStories Insideonpage16-17 MAY 2010 They’rethrilledwith Nopalea:Youcanbetoo! Women’s Health Tips to take care, live longer Pain His & hers: how it’s different Women’sHealthSavings:BuyOne,GetOne50%Off
  • 2. 10Essentialsfor health and wellness Good health is a gift to be treasured and nurtured every day. TriVita joyfully shares these keys to helping you experience wellness®: the 10 Essentials of physical, emotional and spiritual health. Physical 1. Breathe Deeply Let your lungs fill deep down, hold, then exhale toxins and stress. 2. Drink Water Nature’s best beverage not only quenches thirst, but also enhances energy. 3. Sleep Peacefully Every body needs the rest and repair that comes with a regular sleep routine. 4. Eat Nutritiously Feed both body and mind with healthy, nourishing food for life. 5. Enjoy Activity Let an active lifestyle move you to improved health and wellness in all ways. Emotional 6. Give and Receive Love Offer and accept the greatest gift, and you can enhance your immune system. 7. Be Forgiving When you let go of old grudges, your hands are open to accept feelings of peace. 8. Practice Gratitude A thankful heart releases stress, making room for greater happiness and health. 9. Develop Acceptance If you can’t change it, accept it and move on. Worry will shrink, serenity will grow. Spiritual 10. Develop a Relationship with God Nurture the spiritual aspect of your life to achieve complete well-being. 2  l  VITAJOURNAL Article from Michael Ellison continued on page 21... Wonderful stories are shared with me every day from people who have these incredible wellness experiences from Nopalea. I recently went into a restaurant to have lunch. The server looked at me rather curiously and asked if I was connected with TriVita. I acknowledged I was and then introduced myself. Bobby was the server’s name and he began sharing about his experience with Nopalea. I guessed Bobby to be in his mid- twenties, but he had a serious inflammatory condition that resulted in nodules on his vocal chords, as well as other areas in his throat. He said because he had heard Nopalea lowered inflammation, he thought he would give it a try. However, Bobby didn’t have much hope for this serious and painful condition. To his amazement, the nodules shrank, no longer affecting him as they had done in the past. He told me he couldn’t believe it so he went off Nopalea, and sure enough the nodules came back. So “back on Nopalea for life” was his comment. He was so excited and appreciative of his new quality of life. I recently received a testimonial from a woman who has had an extremely painful condition in her feet — so much that she couldn’t wear her normal shoes when the inflammatory condition intensified at various times. She took six ounces a day for just a few days and experienced complete relief. If you or others you know are experiencing undesirable conditions caused by chronic inflammation and it is robbing you of quality of life, give Nopalea, our anti-inflammatory wellness drink, a chance. There are many other benefits you might not feel but are so important, such as lowering your C-reactive protein level. Be sure to ask to have this checked at your next blood workup. It is an important marker of your cardiovascular inflammation, and having a high number is dangerous to your health. I can also attest to the wonderful results that Nopalea has brought to my wife Susan. To see her now in optimal wellness — doing her workouts on the treadmill without pain and enjoying life — would have been worth all the effort and expense of bringing Nopalea to market just for her. Read her story on page 25 because not only does she tell about the wonderful benefits of Nopalea, but Susan also offers the latest joyful report on the bone-building results she has received from Bone Growth Factor. Our mission at TriVita is to formulate highly absorbable and effective products, along with suggesting the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness (left), giving anyone the opportunity to optimize their health and wellness. The body has an amazing ability to heal itself when given the proper nutrients and nurturing. That does not minimize the need for our medical professionals and their wonderful service. Wellness is best experienced when the body is cared for, which also includes prevention and treatment methods, but it is designed to function best with proper nutrients and nurturing practices. This month of May has been the month we feature products that best support women’s health. You will find special pricing this month on featured products on page 13 and the back cover. Feel free to give our Wellness Consultants a call, and they may help you with your selection of products and special pricing. We are here to serve you in your wellness program. “Wellness is best experienced when the body is cared for, which also includes prevention and treatment methods, but it is designed to function best with proper nutrients and nurturing practices.” Nopalea™ is creating profound and astonishing wellness experiences! by Michael R. Ellison, CEO & Founder of TriVita®, Inc.
  • 3. ON MY MIND EDITOR’s NOTE I n celebration of Mother’s Day earlier this month, I’d like to focus one last column on paying tribute to my own mother, who recently passed away. Many of you may have read past articles where I have shared touching stories about my mom and her amazing life of wellness. She would have been 97 next month. As I wrote her obituary recently, I was astounded as I recapped the fact that she had 5 children, 13 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and even 3 great-great-grandchildren! My siblings and I were fortunate in that we were able to say our goodbyes to Mother before she passed. With her age being what it was, each time we visited her these past few years, we wondered if that would be the last time we would see her. Every day that passed would be a gift and Mother knew that. Last year for her birthday I created a memory book where we gathered favorite stories or memories from our family, and I bound it together with photos. At her 96th birthday party, each of us read aloud our favorite memory, and we all laughed and cried together as we reminisced about a lifetime of love, hardship, laughter and more love. It was an amazing time, and I am so thankful that we were able to honor her while she was alive. During the last few days Mother was alive and fighting hard to hold on, one of her nurses told us that women, in particular mothers, often hold on the longest as it is in their nature to always be there for their families. She was a fighter her entire life, so why would we expect anything else from her even in death? One by one, each of us “released” Mother by telling her we were all together and ensuring her that we would all be just fine. As the youngest, it was probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do – letting my mother go and telling her it was ok to stop fighting. Mother passed away the next day, and although we miss her terribly, she had a life worth celebrating, which is exactly what her family has done in her passing. On My Mind is continued on page 21... 20 Are You Feeling Too Much Love? Great ways to lose your “love handles.” 23 Becoming a Confident Woman Pastor Judith Crist explains how to gain confidence through faith in everyday life. 26 Eat Your Way to Good Health It can help bolster women’s health in so many ways. May2010 Inside 1-800-991-7116 May 2010  l  3 Get the right nutrients to beat stress and boost mood. 26 Exercises to lose the bulk. 20 The information in this VitaJournal may contain errors or inaccuracies. We reserve the right to change prices, selections, update information and limit quantities without prior notice. 4 Women, Make Health Your Top Priority It all starts with better self care. 8 The Different Faces of Pain What everyone needs to understand about pain and its treatment. 12 The ABCs of Food Allergies How to protect yourself and your loved ones. 15 The Miracle of Metabolism It creates the vital energy that powers life. 16 Amazing Stories from Nopalea Wellness Challenge Participants Scores of people are taking the Challenge and feeling the difference. Keep your eyes on vision health. 18
  • 4. 4  l  VITAJOURNAL O nly a few years ago the life expectancy for women reached a peak in modern history with most women living to an average 79 years of age! What a change from 100 years ago when the average life expectancy for women was a mere 47 years of age. However, these added years of life have created additional health challenges that women from a century ago simply didn’t have to face. I’d like to discuss a few of these issues and the strategies needed to meet this new future of longevity and vitality. Heart disease Heart disease kills more women than any other condition. With all we know about heart health this shouldn’t be happening. North America offers one of the best emergency medical systems in the world. So, it would seem that a woman’s chance of surviving a heart attack would be good. Unfortunately, this is not the reality. Women have a death rate from heart attacks that is 70% higher than men. There are two reasons for this: One is that a heart attack in a man does not look like a heart attack in a woman. The second is that women’s heart attack symptoms are often misdiagnosed in the emergency room (ER). How women keep healthy hearts The key to heart health is to recognize our need for nutrients and nurturing. Women of average size should eat seven servings of fruit and vegetables every day and sleep from 7 ½ to 9 hours every night. And women need exercise, too. This is not just for weight control – though it certainly helps. It is for cardiovascular health. Women should engage in purposeful activity for a minimum of 30 minutes, most days of the week. Weight-bearing exercises are important, too. Bone health Another risk that comes with the blessing of a longer life is osteoporosis: thinning bones. Remember the saying: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Get 20 minutes of morning or evening sunshine every day over most of your body to get Vitamin D, an essential part of bone health. Be careful! Never get sunburned because this increases the risk for skin cancer. Take a good absorbing calcium/Vitamin D supplement as well. Eat calcium-rich foods – especially fruits and vegetables. Weight-bearing exercise is also critical for bone health. The strain of the extra weight increases bone metabolism and draws nutrients to the weakest areas of bone to strengthen them. Whereas you need aerobic exercise for 30 minutes on most days of the week, you only need weight training two to five days per week, depending on your metabolism. Dealing with menopausal symptoms At a certain age a woman ceases to be fertile and her periods stop. Menopause is a new experience this century for women in our culture. A hundred years ago most women simply did not live long enough to experience menopause. Symptoms associated with menopause should not be accepted as “normal.” Find expert healthcare providers who can guide you through these changes with a maximum focus on nutrients and nurturing and a minimum focus on medications. With proper care, heart health and bone health can be improved and menopausal symptoms may be reduced or even eliminated. Getting the physical and emotional nourishment and nurturing we need will prevent much suffering. Taking the appropriate supplements can help us face our increased longevity with enthusiasm and vitality. Women, make health your top priority Taking care of yourself is essential to living a longer, healthier life By Dr. Tammy Pon A functional medicine physician, Dr. Pon received her medical degree from the University of Texas in Houston. She completed specialty training in Age Management. Tammy Pon, M.D.
  • 5. 1-800-991-7116 May 2010  l  5 MAY 2010 1 Dig in to fruits and veggies. The more you eat them daily (at least five), the more you may reduce the risk of serious disease. 2 Count your blessings. Blessed with love, health, work, opportunity, life? Make a list; you’ll feel great and reduce stress, too. 3 “Burden” your bones. Walk, work in the garden, dance… weight-bearing activity helps promote bone strength. 4 Feed your soul. For complete well-being, nurture the spiritual aspect of your life. Spend time in prayer and meditation. 5 Look out for “low fat.” Food packages that say “low fat” often replace fat with sugar and salt. Read those nutrition labels! 6 Schedule screenings. Are you due for a physical, vision or dental exam? Make a date with health and get examined. 7 Tune in to TV fitness. Get up to change the TV channels. Even better: march in place or stretch during commercials. 8 Hydrate and feel great. Quench your thirst, boost your energy, even quiet your appetite: drink lots of cool, clear water. 9 Remember Mom. Give back some love on Mother’s Day: call or visit your mom or a special mother in your life. 10 Use your “free” gym club. Take the stairs, park farther from the store, walk around the office instead of emailing – it doesn’t cost, it pays. 11 Sleep well. Kick the TV out of your bedroom, avoid exercise just before bedtime, keep the room cool and dark. 12 Take time for you. Soak in the tub, listen to music, read for pleasure – do something pleasant just for you today. 13 Out with the bad air. Fight stress and fatigue with deep breathing: fill your lungs deep down, hold, then exhale. 14 Snack smart. Ditch sugary, processed snacks and reach for raisins, apples, carrots, pumpkin seeds or plain, unsalted popcorn. 15 Clean up your act. Washing your hair or skin with industrial solvents? Read the product labels to see what’s really inside. 16 (For)give yourself a break. Old grudge gnawing at you? Let it go and welcome a feeling of peace. 17 Dish up moderation. Avoid mealtime second- helpings by keeping food bowls and platters off the table. 18 Take your supplements. Make sure you get all the nutrients you need with quality TriVita products, every day. 19 Live your faith. Show a kindness, do a favor, help the needy, make a difference. 20 Count your calories. Just for today, count up all the calories you take in. Then look up your ideal range. Surprised? 21 Spend time with positive people. Toxic people can be energy-suckers, so surround yourself with friends who build, rather than tear down. 22 Someday is now. “Someday” you’ll take up yoga, volunteer at your church, learn to play an instrument. Make this the day you start. 23 Exercise your brain. Active minds make for healthy brains: try puzzles, games like chess, new kinds of reading… and don’t forget TriVita Sublingual B-12. 24 Take the pressure off. Processed foods (including many sweets) are loaded with salt that contributes to high blood pressure. Choose something healthier. 25 Skip the soda. Most carbonated, sugary beverages leach the strength (calcium) right out of your bones. Why pay for that? 26 Relax and trim down. Stress has been linked with obesity, so do what you can to manage stress (exercise helps!). 27 Take care. Children, partner, friends, family – you take care of so many, don’t forget you: your health and well- being matter. 28 The right energy drink. Say no to massive amounts of caffeine and sugar in so-called “energy” drinks. Water is the real, healthy thing. 29 Good health looks good. Nothing is more flattering than robust, energetic health. What can you do to build yours today? 30 Forget fatty meat. Picture all the fat in beef and other meat products building up in your arteries. Grilled fish, anyone? 31 Experience wellness®. Live the 10 Essentials (see page 2) every day. Mother’s Day Memorial Day Cinco de Mayo Make a date with wellness A month of tips for healthy living Every day is a great day to experience wellness®, so in celebration of women’s health, the VitaJournal offers this calendar of tips to help women thrive (men, you can benefit, too!). For every day in May, there’s a simple tip to enhance physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. In any and every month of the year, you can use these pointers to be your best.
  • 6. Drinking away your B vitamins? Why women are especially at risk by Dr. Scott Conard A s we pay special attention to women’s health this month, I’d like to focus on how my favorite topic – B vitamins – can be affected by women’s use of alcohol. B vitamins, as you may know, are crucial to optimal health for everyone. Since alcohol depletes the body of B vitamins, and alcohol affects women differently than men, this is an area of particular concern. Research indicates that while men are more likely to drink alcohol and in larger amounts, gender differences in body structure and chemistry cause women to absorb more alcohol. Women also take longer to break it down and remove it from their bodies (to metabolize it). So, although they might drink equal amounts, women have higher alcohol levels in their blood than men, and the immediate effects occur faster and last longer. These differences also make women more vulnerable to alcohol’s long-term effects on their health. I’d like to note that in discussing the negative effects of alcohol, we’re talking about excessive drinking. For women, this means more than one drink per day, on average (a drink is 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of distilled liquor). For men, excessive drinking is defined as more than two drinks per day. While there is medical evidence that low to moderate alcohol intake may actually benefit health, this is not a reason for non-drinkers to start using alcohol. What alcohol can do The health risks of excessive drinking are greater for women than for men. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these are the major risk areas: • Liver disease: The risk of cirrhosis and other alcohol-related liver diseases is higher for women than for men. • Impact on the brain: Excessive drinking may result in memory loss and brain erosion. Research suggests that women are more vulnerable than men to the brain- damaging effects of too much alcohol. This makes it especially important for women to make sure they get enough Vitamin B-12, since it supports memory, mood and clear mental functioning. • Impact on the heart: Studies have shown that women who drink excessively are at higher risk for damage to the heart muscle than men. • Tumors: Alcohol consumption increases the risk of tumors of the mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, colon and breast among women. • Sexual assault: Binge drinking is a risk factor for sexual assault, especially among young women in college settings. Each year, about 1 in 20 college women are sexually assaulted. Research suggests that there is an increase in the risk of sexual assault when both the attacker and victim have been using alcohol. Scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth, an organization of medical doctors in primary care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered a national expert on disease prevention. TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials. Scott Conard, M.D. Founder, TienaHealth B-12 Update 6  l  VITAJOURNAL
  • 7. “TriVita’s Super B-12 is a great and natural way to boost your energy levels.” “A friend of mine referred TriVita’s Super Sublingual B-12 to me to try. I am 42 years old, very active and have been involved in the health and fitness industry for about 19 years. I am not one of those people who drink coffee in the morning for a boost, so the possible boost from the B-12 was appealing to me. I have very long days, which tend to leave me feeling lethargic and bottomed out. I needed something other than an ‘energy drink,’ and Sublingual B-12 proved to be a great choice! I noticed the increased energy the first day and the days I don’t take it, I can feel a difference. When I run out, I want more – so, I’ll be stocking up! I deal with healthy and not-so-healthy people every day. This is definitely a product that everyone can benefit from and I have already started telling clients, friends and family about it. My 14-year-old son plays football and was lacking in his energy levels. So, I gave him the Super B-12 on a few occasions and he loved it! TriVita’s Super B-12 is a great and natural way to boost your energy levels and help you to stay focused on the tasks ahead!” Joe G., Affiliate Member – Milpitas, CA success stories Faster-acting, longer-lasting and more potent than ever before with three times the Vitamin B-12 TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 helps you achieve: • Sustained mental energy, stamina and alertness • Improved mood with a more positive outlook on life • Greater mental focus, clarity and concentration • Sharper memory with less forgetfulness Plus, Super Sublingual B-12 gives your brain and nerves the essential nutrients they need to help replenish brain fuel and help repair damaged nerves. And all this is yours with a convenient, once-a-day tablet. Alfred Libby, M.D. – Inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of patients feel better every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby developed this unique, sublingual delivery system for his own patients. It was known to give similar mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the shots’ added pain and expense.Alfred Libby, M.D. SUP ER SUBLINGUAL B-12 AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVELY FR O M TRIVITAFor maximum sustained mental energy take TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 #33356 Non-Member $28.99 Member $22.99 Redeem with 230 VitaPoints SPECIALPRICE • Reproductive issues. Drinking during pregnancy increases the risk of birth defects, miscarriage and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Alcohol may disrupt the menstrual cycle, and increase the risk of infertility, stillbirth and premature delivery. Clearly, excessive alcohol use is a major health issue for women. Women who use alcohol should be especially careful to make sure they get all the B-12 they need. This powerhouse vitamin helps protect against brain erosion and memory problems, moodiness and fatigue, while improving mental energy, stamina and concen- tration. With the superior absorbability and quality of TriVita’s Sublingual B-12, it’s my recommendation for both women and men.  1-800-991-7116 May 2010  l  7
  • 8. 8  l  VITAJOURNAL His, hers and the elderly P ain is “a more terrible lord of mankind than even death itself,” decreed Albert Schweitzer, the famed medical missionary. It’s been called the universal disorder, but pain doesn’t seem to affect everyone universally. Emerging research reports that there are gender and age differences in how pain affects us. As noted in Part 1 of this VitaJournal special feature, pain can be broadly divided into two types: acute and chronic. Acute pain is mostly triggered by disease, inflammation or injury. It comes on suddenly (after an accident or surgery, for example), and is usually limited to a certain period of time. Chronic pain persists after the cause has been removed, or because the cause is itself a chronic condition. Based on material from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke, this month’s issue looks at pain, gender, age and treatments. Hundreds of pain syndromes or disorders make up the spectrum of pain. There are the quick, mostly harmless sensations of pain, such as a pinprick. There is the pain of childbirth, the pain of a heart attack and the pain that some- times follows amputation of a limb. There is also pain accompanying disease and the pain that follows severe injury. Gender factors inside and outside the body It is important for us to understand why we hurt. For over a decade, medical science has known that pain has a gender gap: men and women receive its signals differently. While the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone do play a role in this difference, factors outside the body – culture and psychology – are also involved to some extent. For example, young children may learn to respond to pain based on how they’re treated when they cut a finger or scrape a knee. When an injury brings adult attention and sympathy, a child might dwell on every “boo-boo” (and who hasn’t seen a child react more strongly to a stubbed toe when he knows someone is watching?) On the other hand, children who are encouraged to be “tough” and move past the pain may learn to dismiss it. On a strictly biological basis, though, researchers have landed on common ground when it comes to pain and gender. Women, they seem to agree, are less likely to let pain control their lives than men are: they recover from pain faster, and are also quicker to seek help. Women are also more likely than men to fight pain with coping skills, support and distraction. Men, however, may have a higher tolerance for pain, if research is an indicator. Animals injected with estrogen, a female sex hormone, seemed to experience a lowered tolerance for pain. When injected with testosterone, a male sex hormone, animals appeared to have a higher pain tolerance. When pain strikes the elderly According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the number one complaint of older Americans is pain. What’s more, one in five older Americans take a painkilling product regularly. This can be a problem, because stomach irritation and internal bleeding can result from the use of aspirin, ibuprofen and other NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Because of these side effects, non-drug treatments for pain have been investigated. The American Geriatrics Society, for example, recommends Part 2 of 2 / Pain By Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science Officer Pain Thedifferent facesof Brazos Minshew
  • 9. 1-800-991-7116 May 2010  l  9 alternate strategies like exercise whenever possible to ease pain in older adults. Different treatments, a common goal Pain is much more than a minor or occasional health issue. According to the American Pain Foundation, pain affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. As many know, the study and treatment of pain is a fully-recognized medical specialty. While there are many approaches to managing pain, they all share one goal: finding relief. Here are some of the commonly-used approaches that are practiced today. Acupuncture – This ancient practice of applying needles to specific points on the body goes back 2,500 years. Anti-depressant drugs – Anti-depressant and anti-anxiety drugs are sometimes used for pain, prescribed by doctors when analgesics (painkillers like aspirin) haven’t been effective. Biofeedback – Common pain problems such as headache and back pain are frequently addressed with this method. Using a special electronic machine, a person is trained to become aware of and gain control over certain bodily functions, such as muscle tension and heart rate. Often used in combination with relaxation techniques. Chiropractic care – Involves “hands-on” therapy to manipulate the spine and other areas. Used mostly for back and neck pain, headaches, and musculoskeletal conditions. Exercise – Since there is a connection between tense, weak muscles and many types of chronic pain, some healthcare professionals now recom- mend even light to moderate exercise, such as walking or swimming, for some people with pain. Hypnosis – First approved for medical use by the American Medical Association in 1958, it is still unknown exactly how hypnosis works on pain. It may bring relief by acting on chemicals in the nervous system. Opioids – Among the oldest drugs known to mankind, this class of painkillers includes codeine and morphine. They’re called narcotics because of their narcotic effect: they work as sedatives as well as pain relievers, and can be addicting. Over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers – Most are in a class of drugs called “analgesics” (from the Greek meaning to reduce or stop pain), and include aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen. They work by lessening inflammation. Many of these drugs irritate the stomach, and so are usually taken with food. Physical therapy – Since ancient times, people have sought relief from pain using physical techniques and methods, such as heat, cold, exercise, massage and manipulation. R.I.C.E. – This acronym stands for “Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.” These are the four elements of pain relief recommended for temporary sprains or strains by orthopedists, coaches, nurses and other professionals. Surgery – Not always an option, but often used for back problems or serious musculo- skeletal injuries. Research is ongoing to achieve a better understanding of pain and its treatment. For the “terrible lord of mankind,” the quest for relief continues. Source: National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke. Have you taken the Nopalea Wellness Challenge? Find out how on page 11.
  • 10. TriVita had its own Nopalea™ Wellness Challenge among its employees to demonstrate how a Loading Phase of Nopalea could truly deliver benefits. Each partici- pant drank six ounces a day. The results our employees had were so incredible that we wanted to share them with you. This Challenge story comes from Deborah Stec in Finance. When Deborah Stec took the Nopalea Wellness Challenge, she wasn’t in pain. She didn’t have swollen joints or nagging pain or any of the ailments that typically bring so many people to Nopalea. But very much like people everywhere, she was a little tired at the end of the day. She had no idea, when the Employee Challenge occurred just before the Christmas season last year, what a “gift” she was about to give herself. “I had been taking just one ounce a day of Nopalea for a while, and while I felt fine, by the time I got home from work I wanted to relax.” Her demanding work as TriVita’s Controller keeps her going all day, especially toward year- end, and she took the Challenge just to see what effect the Loading Phase would have. The effect was dramatic, to say the least. “I had such alertness and energy! Not that jittery energy you typically get with caffeine,” Deborah says, “but a subtle, very relaxed alertness.” Suddenly, instead of ending her day when she got home from work, she kept going. “I was buzzing around getting Christmas decorations up, wrapping presents, baking cookies – all the things I love to do to really embrace the joy of the season.” “Feeling a level of health that I didn’t know I didn’t have.” “Before, I would be ready to sleep by 10 p.m., but I found myself going until midnight. And when I went to bed, I slept great. I woke up at 5 a.m. raring to go. It’s like having an extra half a day in the same day!” (Brazos Minshew, TriVita’s Chief Science Officer, notes that the alertness and energy Deborah experiences likely comes from the detoxifying effects of Nopalea.) After completing the Challenge, Deborah went back to taking about two ounces of Nopalea daily, but she hasn’t gone back to that end-of-day fatigue. “I’m feeling a level of health that I didn’t know I didn’t have,” she reports. The benefits are shared by Deborah’s teenaged daughter, an honors student active in the cheer- ing squad who puts in 12-hour days between school and practice. Last year, the high school junior missed over three weeks of school due to a chronic health issue. So Deborah started her daughter on Nopalea while she herself was completing the Loading Phase. The results have truly been something to cheer about. “This year, my daughter has missed just two days of school; it’s a huge blessing for her to be able to be so physically and mentally alert, and yet not have the fatigue issues she’s had.” “Nopalea has been great for our family,” says Deborah, and not just because of the results she can experience in her daily life. Nopalea was developed to also protect against premature aging, and Deborah affirms “I want to have that assurance, that ‘insurance’ that I’m protecting myself against aging and inflammation, and doing all I can for my health, right down to the cellular level.” Deborah’s advice to others who haven’t yet enjoyed the benefits of the Nopalea Wellness Challenge? “As a finance person, I’d say ‘Make that investment in yourself.’” Experiencing Wellness within TriVita This financial pro banks on Nopalea™ for boundless vitality “Likehavinganextrahalf-day inthesameday” Deborah Stec Controller, Finance With TriVita since 2006 10  l  VITAJOURNAL
  • 11. 1-800-991-7116 March 2010  l  11 I f you have yet to experience the incredible benefits Nopalea can have on your health, you may want to step up to the Nopalea Wellness Challenge! We’ve received so many powerful stories about people who have taken the Challenge and experienced amazing results. Nopalea, of course, is the astonishing wellness drink that has helped many people get relief from the damaging effects of chronic inflamma- tion. If you haven’t tried it yet, consider these important questions: • Do you deal with pain on a constant basis? • Does anyone in your family or group of friends complain of chronic pain? • Do you, or anyone you know, have allergy- related breathing problems? • Are you concerned about premature aging? • Are daily toxins wreaking havoc on your body? These symptoms can all be linked to chronic inflammation – precisely the problem that Nopalea was developed to help address. Put out the “fire” of inflammation If you haven’t yet tried Nopalea for yourself, there’s no time like the present. The Nopalea Wellness Challenge was created to show the power of Nopalea in helping the body reduce chronic inflammation quickly. One of the most exciting ingredients in Nopalea is Betalains, a rare and potent class of natural antioxidants. They’re found in only a few of the world’s plants, including the Nopal cactus. The Nopal fruit, from which Nopalea is made, contains one of the highest amounts of Betalains in all of nature. The “secret” damage of chronic inflammation When you start your Challenge, be sure to read The Secret Killer Health Alert. You’ll find out about chronic inflammation – what happens when our bodies get “stuck” in defense mode against injury or infection – and how this kind of inflammation is on the increase. The Secret Killer details the sad results: chronic pain, discomfort and poor health that may lead to serious conditions. One million lives pain-free? Take 4 easy steps and find out TriVita wants to help you and a million others enjoy the benefits of greater wellness. That’s why we encourage everyone to take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and tell others about it, too. Here’s how the Challenge works: 1. Drink 3 to 6 ounces of chilled Nopalea each day for 30 days. 2. Fill out the Nopalea Challenge Form, which will be included in your first Nopalea order, to track your progress during the Challenge. 3. Read The Secret Killer Health Alert, also included in your first order. 4. Share your Nopalea experience by emailing to: Take the Nopalea™ Wellness Challenge and thrive! Why a Nopalea Loading Phase? WhentakingNopaleaforthefirsttime,drink3to6ounceseachday,for 30days.ThisLoadingPhaseissuggestedtohelpyourbodycontainand controltheinflammationithasaccrued.Afterall,yourbody’sstateof inflammationdidnothappenovernight. Imaginethatexcessinflammationisspreadinglikeaforestfireinyour body,andit’soutofcontrol.BycompletingaLoadingPhaseofNopalea, youcanhelpeasethefireofinflammationmorequicklybyaccelerating thecleansinganddetoxificationprocess,thereforehelpingtocontain theinflammation.Formaintenance,drink1to3ounceseachday,but again,thisdependsuponyourbody’sinflammation-fightingneeds. Nopaleaisfoodbased,sotakingmorecanbebeneficialtoyou,as youarefeedingyourbodythenutrientsitneedstohelpreduce runawayinflammation. Nopalea,abreakthroughinwellnessdrinks Nopalea™ #30710 Non-Member $49.99 Member $39.99 Nopalea™ 4-Pack #33400 Non-Member $199.96 Member $139.99 Try this delicious wellness drink, with an exclusive blend of rare antioxidants called Betalains and other healthful nutrients. Taking Nopalea daily can help your body: • Lessen inflammation • Promote optimal health which causes pain right down to your cells • Cleanse itself • Protect against of daily toxins premature aging Drink it and thrive! Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116.
  • 12. W hat if you started eating dinner and suddenly, your lips started swelling up, or it became harder and harder to breathe? This is what 3.7% of U.S. adults have to worry about when they eat. And the parents of 6-8% of U.S. children have to be constantly vigilant about their chil- dren’s diets for the same reason: Accidental exposures to allergy-inducing foods are the major causes of allergic reactions to foods. What is a food allergy? Food allergy is an abnormal response to a food by your body’s immune system, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Allergic reactions to food can include everything from itching to loss of consciousness. Some people experience the symp- toms of food allergy but have what is called “food intolerance.” These symptoms are not caused by the immune system. However, it is important to work with your healthcare provider to determine if you have food allergies, and which foods you’re allergic to. Common food allergies The foods that most commonly cause allergic reactions in adults include: Shellfish (lobster, shrimp, crab, etc.), peanuts, tree nuts (almonds, pecans, walnuts, etc.), fish and eggs. In children, the most common allergy-inducing foods include: Eggs, milk, peanuts and tree nuts. Adults are unlikely to lose their allergies but children can sometimes outgrow them, particularly milk, egg and soy allergies. Promising new studies have shown that by slowly increasing peanut consumption, children may be able to build a tolerance, although more research is necessary and experts advise against trying it without the supervision of a healthcare provider. Signs and symptoms of a food allergy According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, symptoms of a food allergy usually occur within an hour of eating the food and include: • Hives, itching or skin rash • Swelling of the lips, face, tongue and throat or other parts of the body • Wheezing, nasal congestion or difficulty with breathing • Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting • Dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting An extreme allergic reaction, called anaphy- laxis, may result in increased intensity of the symptoms above or may result in life-threat- ening signs and symptoms such as: • Swelling of the throat and air passages that makes it difficult to breathe • Shock, with a severe drop in blood pressure • Rapid, irregular pulse • Loss of consciousness Each year in the United States, there are approximately 30,000 episodes of food-induced anaphylaxis, associated with 100 to 200 deaths. Peanuts and tree nuts are the foods most likely to cause anaphylaxis. How to protect yourself and your children The best ways to protect yourself and your loved ones from an allergic reaction is to avoid the foods you are allergic to and to be prepared for an accidental exposure. • Carefully read food labels – The U.S.’s Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA) requires manufacturers to clearly state if the product contains a major food allergen or contains protein from a major food allergen (identified as milk, eggs, fish, Crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat and soybeans). Also, if the allergen is a tree nut, fish, or Crustacean shellfish, manufacturers must declare the specific type (e.g., almonds, cod, lobster). • Avoid restaurant-prepared meals – Unless the menu specifies it, there is no way to determine if their food contains allergens. • Be prepared – Follow these tips from the NIAID to protect yourself in the event of an unintentional exposure: • Wear a medical alert bracelet or necklace stating that you have a food allergy and are subject to severe reactions. • Carry an auto-injector device containing epinephrine (adrenaline), that you can get by prescription and give to yourself if you think you are getting a food allergic reaction. • Seek medical help immediately, even if you have already given yourself epinephrine, by either calling the rescue squad or by getting transported to an emergency room. Have you taken the Nopalea Wellness Challenge? — See page 11 for details. The ABCs of food allergies 12  l  VITAJOURNAL
  • 13. 1-800-991-7116 May 2010  l  13 “...Bone Growth Factor was right for me.” “About a month and a half ago I started taking the Bone Growth Factor. I read about the differences between regular calcium supplements and Bone Growth Factor, and I decided that the Bone Growth Factor was right for me. After just one trip around the grocery store, my hip used to really hurt. Now I don’t have that pain! I’m anxious to see what the next bone density test shows! Nancy B., Member – Lowell, MI success stories “...within one month, my meno- pause symptoms went away!” “I was going through menopause and had problems with hot flashes and mood swings. My doctor put me on hormones, but I didn’t really like using them because of the bad side effects. Then I started taking Balanced Woman, and within just one month, my menopause symptoms went away! Now I feel normal, I sleep better and my mood swings and hot flashes are gone!”* Angela S., Member – Ripley, TN success stories Buy one featured women’s product, get second same one 50% off • Unique formula: Bone Growth Factor contains a proprietary blend of nutrients that facilitates healthy, new bone growth while strengthening existing bone, including a highly absorbable form of calcium. • Scientifically proven: In a 2005 university-controlled study, subjects who took Bone Growth Factor for 6 months experienced an average 6% improvement in bone density. • Helps increase bone density: Bone Growth Factor activates the cells responsible for building new bone. Your bones’ rebuilding process should increase with consistent use. • Helps decrease hormone imbalance symptoms, including: night sweats, hot flashes, and breast tenderness. • Clinically proven: In a study of women age 43-68, those who took Balanced Woman experienced a significant decrease in hormone imbalance symptoms. They also showed estrogen levels in the healthy range, unlike the women who didn’t take Balanced Woman. • Supports healthy hormones: Balanced Woman helps the body make, use and eliminate excess hormones. Bone Growth Factor™ #30600 Non-Member $43.99 Member $34.99 Redeem with 350 VitaPoints Balanced Woman™ #30240 Non-Member $31.99 Member $24.99 Redeem with 250 VitaPoints Help increase bone density with Bone Growth Factor™ And protect bones against getting weak, porous and brittle Help get relief from hot flashes, night sweats and irritability Balanced Woman® is clinically proven to balance hormones naturally * You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting with your healthcare provider.
  • 14. 14  l  VITAJOURNAL High-fat diets could mean higher stroke risk for women San Antonio, Texas Post-menopausal women who reported eating the most daily dietary fat had a 40% higher incidence of stroke caused by blood clots than women who ate the least amount, according to research presented at the 2010 American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference. Using data from the Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study, sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, researchers analyzed food questionnaires from 87,230 women who were followed for an average of 7.6 years. In addition to an increased incidence of stroke in those who consumed more dietary fat, it was found that stroke incidence also increased in those who consumed the highest amount of trans fats (found in processed and fried foods). Exercise in midlife can lead to a healthier older age Boston, Massachusetts The more you exercise in midlife, the healthier you may be at an older age, according to a study in the January 2010 Archives of Internal Medicine. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health analyzed data from the Nurses’ Health Study (a long- term study funded by the National Institutes of Health) and found that higher levels of activity in midlife are “associated with exceptional health status among women who survive to older ages….” “Exceptional health status” was defined as having no history of 10 major chronic diseases or coronary bypass graft surgery as well as no mental and physical impairments. Included in the analysis were a total of 13,535 women who were free of major chronic diseases in 1986 and had lived to 70 years or older as of 1995-2001. Forget the small talk: deep conversations may make you happier Tucson, Arizona Happiness may stem from a social and conversationally deep life, rather than a solitary and superficial one, it was recently reported in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. Researchers from the University of Arizona and Washington University in St. Louis recruited volunteers to determine if happy and unhappy people differ in the types of conversations they have. Participants wore a recording device for four days as they went about their lives and completed personality and well-being assessments. The device recorded 30 seconds of sounds every 12.5 minutes, resulting in a total of 20,000 recordings. Researchers listened to the recordings to determine which conversations were substantive and which were small talk. Based on the recordings and assessments, it was found that the happiest participants spent 25% less time alone and 70% more time talking than the unhappiest participants. Additionally, the happiest people had twice as many substantive conversations and one third as much small talk as the unhappy people.   The Research Desk New findings in health and wellness
  • 15. 1-800-991-7116 May 2010  l  15 Creatingthe energyforlife How the miracle of metabolism works This special feature is Part 4 of the VitaJournal’s 5-part series on the major systems of the body. By Dr. Linda Wright Body Systems 101–Part4 W hen we eat and drink, breathe deeply, sleep peacefully, enjoy activity and even share love, we’re using the body system called “metabo- lism” to create the energy of life. Metabolism is all about energy, and the word itself comes from the Greek, meaning “to change.” So, metabolism is the umbrella term for every- thing the body does to create the energy that powers life. Every single cell in our body takes part in metabolism, because every cell produces energy. Structures within the cells called “mitochondria” are like little factories churning out energy for the cell so it can do its work. Some cells, such as muscle cells, have more mitochondria than others. That’s why healthy, strong muscles help us feel more energetic: there are more mito- chondria pumping out more energy. Our multi-tasking hormones Glands within our body govern the energy produced from the cells. These include the thyroid, hypothalamus and pituitary glands. The hypothalamus takes our thoughts and feelings and converts them into hormones. The pituitary uses these hormones to send instructions to the thyroid to produce energy. Once the thyroid signals that it has received the instruction and has energy available, the pituitary then signals the rest of the body that it can carry on its work. And what an amazing array of work it is: the digestive tract digests food, the muscles and bones repair and build up new tissue, the reproductive tract balances the hormones, the pancreas and liver balance blood sugar, and the brain, spine and nerves balance brain chemistry. When this complex interplay works well, you feel vital and healthy. But when something is lacking or out of balance, there can be trouble. For example, if you don’t get the nutrients you need, or if you tend to think negative thoughts, your metabolism will reflect this imbalance with a lack of vitality. Your body will prepare for “fight or flight:” Your adrenal glands will release adrenaline, cortisol and other “emergency” hormones. These hormones are supposed to kick in when we’re faced with a crisis; they give us the energy we need to meet the crisis and survive. However, when our lifestyle is stressful, or we don’t get all the nutrients we need, the adrenal glands take over too often, or for too long. In order to maintain a state of emergency prepared- ness, the adrenals will turn off the thyroid and digestion, blood sugar control and hormone balance. They rob sugar from the muscles and minerals from the bones. They take energy from all of the other systems and focus it on what appears to be a constant crisis. That’s why people under stress have such bad digestion and high cholesterol, problems with the reproductive system, depression and other health challenges. The 10 Essentials can help An over-stressed, over-worked metabolism cannot support vibrant, healthy living. That’s why TriVita’s “10 Essentials for Health and Wellness” (see page 2) focus on the keys to physical, emotional and spiritual health. Remarkable though the metabolism is, it can’t function well unless its needs are met: the needs of the body (healthy food, sleep, exercise and more), mind (giving and receiving love and practicing gratitude) and spirit (nurturing the spiritual aspect of life). That’s why, by living the 10 Essentials and supplementing with the proper nutrients, TriVita urges everyone to “experience wellness™.”   Linda Wright, M.D. is board certified in Internal Medicine. She graduated from the University of Colorado, completed medical school at University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and internal medicine residency at Saint Joseph Hospital in Denver, Colorado. Dr. Wright has completed thousands of hours of training with internationally recognized leaders in the conventional and alternative medical fields. Dr. Linda Wright
  • 16. 16  l  VITAJOURNAL The Nopalea Wellness Challenge Amazing stories from NopaleaW Take the Challenge and feel the difference in your own health Tami S. – Lincoln, NE Curt M. – St. Paul, MN T hese are just some of the inspiring testimonials from Wellness Challenge participants. We invite you to take the Challenge and start living a pain-free life. “For the past five months I’ve hardly had any pain and inflammation when I run.” “Taking care of my family’s health is a top priority. With TriVita this has been easier than ever! After the first month of taking Nopalea, I was amazed. My weekly migraines were gone! I now hardly ever get a headache, instead of one every week. To be able to combat a headache naturally has made me feel so much better. Also, before I started taking Nopalea I had pain and swelling in my knee due to running. My doctor told me to stop running and gave me an anti- inflammatory medication. The medication was later recalled because of damaging side effects. I tried something else, but it was not effective. So I simply stopped running. After taking Nopalea the constant pain I had in my knee was gone. I decided I would try running again to see how it went. For the past five months, I’ve hardly had any pain and inflammation after my daily run. Many of my family members, close friends and their family members have also found relief from Nopalea. My main goal in taking Nopalea, aside from pain relief, is protecting against long-term health problems. I want to be around and feel well for my family for many years. I feel better now than I ever have!”* Tami S., Affiliate Member – Lincoln, NE “Thanks to Nopalea I can now breathe and sleep easier, and have a lot more energy.” “This year for the first time in 35 years I was able to give my wife a beautiful bouquet of red roses for Valentine’s Day. And I owe it all to Nopalea. I have suffered with chronic breathing problems and allergies for so long that I can’t remember the last time that we had any flowers in our house. I was allergic to all flowers, perfume, dogs and even cats. When I would have a severe sinus attack, my nose would run, I would sneeze and cough and my whole body would get cold. I would have to crawl into bed to warm up to get relief from the attack. I used various inhalers, nasal sprays and over-the- counter medicines for years but received only temporary relief. Everything changed for the better once I started taking Nopalea! An Affiliate Member introduced me to TriVita and its wonderful products. Last year, I started to take Nopalea. After taking this delicious wellness drink for about three weeks I noticed that my nose didn’t run and I hadn’t coughed or sneezed for a week. I then realized that Nopalea was providing long-term help for my chronic breathing condition and allergies. I even went to a floral shop and breathed in the scents directly from the flowers. I had no reaction at all. This test proved that I’m free of my allergies. Thanks to Nopalea I can now breathe and sleep easier, and have a lot more energy. Now I want to tell everybody about TriVita’s Nopalea and what it’s done for me.” Curt M., Affiliate Member – St. Paul, MN “Nopalea has given me back my life.” “I am a wife, mother, grandmother and a self- admitted ‘Nopaleaholic.’ I have had numerous surgeries; one of the most severe was a tumor that was removed from my spinal cord. Although the surgery was a success, it had left me with an enormous amount of pain. I also have had two knees and a hip replaced, and now I have been diagnosed with a very painful bone disease that has no known cure. In the past I tried a wide variety of prescription medications with poor results. A dear friend of over 40 years suggested that my husband and I attend the Nopalea tour in Calgary. The Nopalea tasted very delicious, but our bottle of Nopalea sat in our cupboard for a week before we started using it. Well, soon after I started taking Nopalea I didn’t have to take even one pain pill. Nopalea has given me back my life. Any time I feel pain I just reach for the bottle and
  • 17. 1-800-991-7116 May 2010  l  17 ellness Challenge participants What is the Nopalea Wellness Challenge? The Nopalea Wellness Challenge was created to show the power of Nopalea in helping the body reduce chronic inflammation quickly. Completing a Nopalea Loading Phase can help ease the “fire” raging in our bodies. Put yourself to the Challenge today! • Drink 3 to 6 ounces of chilled Nopalea each day for 30 days. • Fill out the Nopalea Challenge Form, which will be included in your order, to track your progress during the Challenge. • Read The Secret Killer Health Alert, also included in your first Nopalea order. • Experience incredible wellness. Call and share your story with us by emailing to: Elaine W. – Sun City, AZ Jean O. – Orlando, FL Kimberly M. – Mechanicsville, VA have a few ounces every day. Thank you TriVita for bringing us Nopalea.”* Elaine W., Affiliate Member – Sun City, AZ “My energy is now about 200 times better than before!” “Three years ago I had triple bypass surgery (at age 55); and just last September, a stent was placed into my heart. Since that time, I have really had to push myself to do daily tasks. My energy level was always real low. Approximately one month ago, my husband brought home two bottles of Nopalea. He suggested that we both try it. I loved it! The taste is fantastic, and I find myself looking at the clock to see if it is time to enjoy another delicious serving. After a couple of weeks on Nopalea, I noticed that I had much more energy. In fact, my energy is now about 200 times better than before! Just yesterday, I planted about 50 plants in my yard. I have not added any other items to my nutritional regimen, just Nopalea. Therefore, I know that Nopalea deserves all of the credit. Many thanks, from the bottom of my heart. I have so much energy now that my husband has to remind me to sit down. I just ordered a Nopalea 4-Pack and can’t wait until it arrives.” Jean O., Member – Orlando, FL “When I went skiing again after about six weeks of taking Nopalea, there was no pain at all in my ankles.” “I suffered from pain in my knees for about nine months and pain in my ankles for about six months before I began the Nopalea Wellness Challenge. The pain was interfering with my work and personal life. After starting the Nopalea Loading Phase my pain was cut in half. By the time I was halfway through the second bottle, the pain in my knees and ankles had disappeared. Nopalea tastes so wonderful that it was hard to go from the Loading Phase of 3-6 ounces to the regular maintenance amount of 1-3 ounces. Before I started Nopalea, I went skiing and my ankles hurt much of the time. But when I went skiing again after about six weeks of taking Nopalea, there was no pain at all in my ankles and I had a wonderful ski experience. I have encouraged my family and friends who suffer from joint pain and other inflammatory condi- tions to try Nopalea. Thank you again for this amazing product!” Kimberly M., Member – Mechanicsville, VA *You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider.
  • 18. 18  l  VITAJOURNAL T he eyes may be the windows to the soul, but they are also your windows on the world. However, many of us take vision for granted until we start to have problems. More than 11 million Americans have uncorrected refrac- tive errors (common, correctable conditions that include nearsighted- ness, farsightedness and astigmatism), and millions more suffer from eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and cataract. Don’t wait for vision problems to occur; keep your eyes healthy with these tips from the National Eye Institute: Have a comprehensive dilated eye exam You might think your vision is fine or your eyes are healthy, but visiting an eye care professional for a comprehensive exam is the only way to be sure. Some people don’t realize they aren’t seeing as well as they could with glasses or contact lenses. Plus, many common eye diseases often have no warning signs. Know your family’s eye health history It’s important to know if anyone has been diagnosed with a disease or condition as many are hereditary. This will help you determine if you are at higher risk for an eye disease or condition. Eat right to protect your sight Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, particularly dark leafy greens, is important for keeping your eyes healthy. Research has also shown that there are eye health benefits from eating fish high in omega-3 fatty acids. Maintain a healthy weight Being overweight or obese increases your risk of developing diabetes and other systemic condi- tions which can lead to vision loss, such as diabetic eye disease or glaucoma. Wear protective eyewear Wear protective eyewear when playing sports or doing activities around the home. Protective eyewear includes safety glasses and goggles, safety shields and eye guards specially designed to provide the correct protection for a certain activity. Quit smoking or never start Smoking is as bad for your eyes as it is for the rest of your body. Research has linked smoking to increased risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, cataract and optic nerve damage, all of which can lead to blindness. Wear your shades Sunglasses protect your eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. When purchasing sunglasses, look for ones that block out 99-100% of both UV-A and UV-B radiation Give your eyes a rest If you spend a lot of time at the computer or focusing on any one thing, your eyes can get fatigued and you sometimes forget to blink. Try the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look away about 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds. This can help reduce eyestrain. Take care of your eyes – they’re the only ones you have!   Take action now to protect your eyes Keep your eyes on vision health
  • 19. 1-800-991-7116 May 2010  l  19 Nourish your heart, brain, skin, joints and glands with Essential Fatty Acids! OmegaPrime® : Your PRIME source for Essential Fatty Acids Premier blend of Essential Fatty Acids from four sources – fish, flaxseed, evening primrose and perilla seed oils Right balance of Omega-3s and Omega-6s Inflammation-fighting formula Mercury/contaminant-free fish oil Evening primrose and perilla seed oils – the most potent EFAs for inflammation Give your body the support it needs with TriVita OmegaPrime! OmegaPrime® #30520 Non-Member $24.99 Member $19.99 Redeem with 200 VitaPoints Good health habits and good genes help some people live longer W hen the oldest person in the world recently died at the age of 115, researchers discovered that she had almost none of the physical or mental ailments associated with aging. She supported herself financially until she was 105. Upon her death, she was more alert and engaged than people half her age. Also, when anatomists counted her neurons, they discovered she had the brain of a woman who was 50 years younger. The secret of her longevity may have had as much to do with the woman’s genes as her healthy lifestyle. Based on animal experiments, medical experts on aging believe that a key to a healthy, longer lifespan can be found in a few master genes that affect cellular responses to a variety of survival stresses. The more active these genes are, the longer an organism seems to survive. Some researchers are also convinced that some genes protect us against the risks of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and dementia. Exciting research into longevity Instead of focusing on what goes wrong when we age, researchers are trying to understand why some people live so long without getting very sick. If they succeed, scientists may be able to dramati- cally increase the normal life span and delay age-related diseases. Right now, a lot of work needs to be done to get more people to live past the century mark. Even fewer can do so without suffering a wide variety of chronic ills. According to the Los Angeles Gerontology Research Group, there are only 79 men and women alive today who are 110 years or older. To pinpoint hereditary sources of longevity, researchers at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California recruited 2,000 healthy people over 80. They compared the genetic makeup of these “wellderly” people to those who died of common age-related illnesses before they reached 80. Researchers discovered that many people carry the genes that cause heart attacks, cancer and other diseases. Yet some people have “modifier” genes that cancel out their risk. They actually have an inborn protection from aging. Researchers concluded that nature has found a solution in certain individuals to combat certain disease risks. Healthy habits are equally important Still, there are wide disparities in longevity. For example, in the United States, Asian-American women in New Jersey live on average to be 91, while Native American men in South Dakota live only to be 58, according to Harvard University researchers. Most researchers and scientists agree that life- style, diet, education, exercise and healthcare are critical to a long life. Researchers at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, reported that people who exercise regularly, don’t smoke, limit their alcohol intake and eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day live an average 14 years longer than people who don’t. So, good genes are a plus, but healthy habits – especially nurturing your body with the proper nutrients – help even more.  Unlocking the secrets of the “Wellderly”
  • 20. Leanology® 3-Step Value Pack Member $139.99 Redeem with 1400 VitaPoints SAVE $34.97! One FREE Bag of Chews 20  l  VITAJOURNAL Are you feeling too much love? Losing your “love handles” A t some point, it happens to just about everyone: One day, you notice that your pants are a little tighter around the waist. Perhaps your waist even hangs over the top of your clothes. Although whimsically called “love handles” or “muffin top,” no one is smitten with this extra bulk. Calories in, calories out The bad news is that no amount of abdominal exercises alone will “whittle” your middle. Layers of fat above the muscle will remain unless you burn more calories than you consume. So the good news is that with proper exercise and diet, you can help reduce your waistline. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in order to manage body weight and prevent gradual weight gain, adults should engage in around 60 minutes of moderate-to vigorous-intensity activity on most days of the week while not exceeding caloric intake requirements. That being said, there are exercises which can help strengthen and tone the muscles under your waistline (called the obliques). Try adding some of these exercises to your regular workout routine. Bicycle 1. Lie face-up on the floor and support your head with your hands. 2. Lifting the shoulder blades off the floor, bring your knees in toward your chest. 3. Straighten your left leg while bringing the left elbow toward the right knee. 4. Switch sides, straightening your right leg and bringing your right elbow to the left knee. 5. Do 12-16 repetitions for each side. Side bends 1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart with arms by sides. 2. Put your right hand on your hip or behind your head. 3. Bending from the waist, bend to your left side, staying straight over your hips. 4. Return to the starting position and bend to your right; continue, moving from side to side for 15-20 repetitions. 5. Change arm positions and bend from side to side for 15-20 repetitions. Spinal rotation 1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward, arms raised to shoulder level, elbows bent, fists touching in front at elbow level. 2. Without moving hips, turn upper body to the right as a unit, keeping bellybutton, hands and nose in a line. 3. Return to starting position and repeat to the left. 4. Do 10-12 repetitions for each side. Weight Loss Fact or Fiction True or False: 1. About one-third of Americans are obese. 2. Protein- and fiber-rich snacks will help you feel full longer. 3. Salad is the best option when dining out. 4. Exercise can reduce your risk of chronic disease. 1) True: An estimated 33% of Americans are obese, according to the The Journal of the American Medical Association. 2) True: Protein and fiber are digested slowly, so you feel fuller longer. 3) False: Salads often contain hidden calories in toppings – especially dressing. 4) True: The USDA’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggests at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity most days of the week to reduce the risk of chronic disease in adulthood. Mix‘n’MatchSpecial! BuyanyLeanologyitem, getanysecondLeanology itemat50%OFF!* STEP 1: Fat burning capsules for “losing the bulge” Leanology® Weight Loss Capsules (180 ct.) #33325 Non-Member $74.99 Member $59.99 Redeem with 600 VitaPoints STEP 2: Tasty chews for snack replacement and appetite control Leanology® Appetite Control Chews (60 soft chews) Flavor: Chocolate Mocha #30690 Non-Member $37.99 Member $29.99 Redeem with 300 VitaPoints STEP 3: Delicious shakes for low calorie meal substitution Leanology® Nutritional Shake (2 lbs – 30 servings) Flavors: Chocolate and Vanilla Non-Member $68.99 Member $54.99 Redeem with 550 VitaPoints VALUE PACK The Value Pack includes: • 1bottleofWeightLossCapsules • 1container(30servings)of NutritionalShake(chooseflavor) • 2bags(1FREE)of AppetiteControlChews Limited Timeonly! *Good on single Leanology products only (3-Step Value Pack excluded). Second item at 50% savings must be of equal or lesser value. Want your Leanology story to be featured in an upcoming publication? Here’s how: Email your story to: If we use you as a “feature” testimonial, you will be eligible to receive $250 in TriVita gift cards along with your own photo session!
  • 21. Article from Michael Ellison continued from page 2... May is also Mother’s Day and a time when we pay tribute to how important and special they are in our lives. For me, my mother has always offered encouragement; always sharing a belief she had for my life that God would use me to help people experience a greater quality of life through physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. I believe TriVita is the ultimate expression of that prayer and belief she has had since I was born. I would like to offer a poem in honor of mothers and the role they play in shaping the belief and destiny of a child’s life. This poem is written by Nancy Sims: Don’t undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different that each of us are special. Don’t set your goals by what other people deem as important. Only do what is best for you. Don’t take for granted the things closest to your heart. Cling to them as you would to your life. For without them life is meaningless. Don’t let life slip through your fingers by living in the past or in the future. By living one day at a time, you live all the days of your life. Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying. Don’t be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect. It is the fragile thread that binds us to each other. Don’t be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn to be brave. Don’t shut love out of your life by saying it is impossible. The fastest way to lose love is to hold to it tightly, and the best way to keep love is to give it wings. Don’t dismiss your dreams. To be without dreams is to be without hope, to be without hope is to be without purpose. Don’t run through life so fast that you forget not only where you have been but also where you are going. Life is not a race but a journey to be savored each step of the way. I want to thank all the wonderful mothers who have offered similar advice and inspiration to those special people in their lives. Pursue wellness with passion. Michael R. Ellison If you’re fortunate enough to still have your mother in your life, let me encourage you to follow some of TriVita’s 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness: (#8) Practice Gratitude: Thank God every day for her and tell her how much you appreciate all she’s done for you; (#6) Give and Receive Love: Go visit your mother or pick up the phone and tell her how much you love her. If you’ve not been receptive to love that she has tried to extend, open up your heart and Be Forgiving (#7). If she’s passed, then (#9) Develop Acceptance: Don’t live with regrets of what you did or didn’t do. Accept things, move on and try to live every day a better person, changing the things you can. My mother’s legacy will live on through all of those left behind who were fortunate enough to have been touched by her amazing life. I am truly honored to be one of them and thank God that He chose her to be my mother. I encourage each of you to celebrate the mother or “mother-figure” in your life. Wellness doesn’t always come easy for everyone, but doing your part to create optimal wellness will definitely pay off – it certainly did for my mom. TriVita’s House of Giving and Life Outreach International have partnered to provide pure, fresh water for children and their families: • Over 1 billion people throughout the world do not have access to pure, fresh water. • Waterborne illnesses run rampant in these areas. • Just a $4.80 donation can save one person’s life. • With your donation, you can leave a legacy by giving the gift of life. Your tax-deductible gift can be combined with others to create new wells – providing water to thousands of people for a lifetime! Last year, we saved 21,000 lives. This year, our goal is to save even more! Want to make a difference? Call 1-800-991-7116 and a Wellness Consultant will be happy to take your tax-deductible donation along with your order. You can mail your donation to: House of Giving 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop Suite 950 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 You can make a lasting difference Your contribution will touch countless lives ON MY MIND continued from page 3... 1-800-991-7116 April 2010  l  21 We value your feedback. Please send your comments to: or mail to Editor, c/o TriVita, Inc., 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
  • 22. B ased on my professional work, and after updating myself on the latest research on this month’s topic, I am personally convinced that a woman must “think of herself first” before she thinks of anyone else. The majority of women are people pleasers Looking at the statistics, it is estimated that 57% of all women have obsessive “people pleasing” behavior. That is a staggering number of women. That’s in the millions, states Dr. Harriet Braiker in her book, The Disease to Please. This tells me that more women than not are hurting themselves by neglecting their own health and well-being. This condition causes stress, anxiety, worry, high blood pressure, low self-worth, depression, headaches, digestive disorders and more. It even undermines and destroys relationships. Yet, in our culture, much of what a woman as a wife and mother does is to please others. She has an innate need to be concerned with the welfare and happiness of her children. With all a woman does for her husband, her children, her relatives, and her friends, a woman can often overlook her own needs to her own harm. Assess if your need to please is healthy or harmful So how do you determine if you have a healthy need to please or have obsessive people-pleasing behaviors? Dr. Annie Kaszina, an emotional abuse coach, recommends asking yourself the following questions: 1. Do you say “yes” when you really want to say “no”? 2. Do you put the needs of others first, even at the expense of your own wants and needs? 3. When you give 100% to others and get nothing in return, do you feel resentment? If you answered yes to even one of these questions you may have an obsessive or chronic need to “please others.” You can change, and it’s easier than you think You can break out of this cycle, and it’s easier than you think. Making even small changes will cause a dramatic, positive and long-lasting change in your life. First, practice saying “NO.” Practice saying “no” many times a day just to hear the word come out of your mouth. You have to stop saying “YES” to every request. Take a pause or a breath before answering, and if it’s more comfortable, you might say, “I need to think about this first,” or “Let me check my schedule and I’ll get back to you.” Use any phrase that gives you time before automati- cally answering “yes” under pressure. Often women who “need to please” feel guilty if they do something for themselves that they simply just want to do. For example, you may like to read a magazine with a cup of coffee, watch a video of your choosing, go to a park, take a luxurious bubble bath or listen to music. Give yourself the permission to take care of your needs first by doing those things and enjoying them. Be honest with yourself. It’s important for your physical and emotional health to be aware of how you think and feel; they are a part of who you are. And then try saying what you think and feel more often. You deserve to have “ME time,” to say “NO,” and take care of yourself without feeling guilty. Change is within your reach, taking one step at a time. A woman’s need to please by Dr. Judy God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference – Reinhold Niebuhr Judy Ellison, Ph.D. Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a psychologist, author and motivational speaker. She has inspired people around the world to reach within and find their passionate purpose to live a more meaningful life. 22  l  VITAJOURNAL
  • 23. your body, His Temple – 1 Cor. 6:19-20 Becoming a confident woman: A discovery of truth By Chaplain Gene Henderson Gene Henderson “I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know of God. Then you will have minds confident and at rest, focused on Christ, God’s great mystery.” – Colossians 2:2 As we focus on women’s health this month, I’m pleased to welcome back Pastor Judith Crist to my column. Here she shares a woman’s perspective on becoming a confident woman, and how that confidence can manifest itself in everyday life. Judith Crist has served alongside her husband, Dr. Terry Crist, as one of the Executive Pastors of City of Grace Church in Arizona since it was founded. Chaplain Gene: Let’s start with a definition. What does it mean to be a confident woman? Pastor Judith: Being a confident woman means that you know yourself — a woman who believes in her true God-given value and the power of her contribution to make a difference. If you know that you have core value and purpose, then what you know colors your perspective, both internally and externally. Confidence comes from the discovery process of asking the most important questions in life: Who am I? What’s my purpose in life? Where will I be when this life is over? Answering these questions opens us up to discover truth – the truth that we are created in the image of an amazing, loving God. Chaplain Gene: How can we spot a confident woman? What sets her apart? Pastor Judith: I believe a confident woman acts differently, carries herself differently. Women have so many beautiful personalities: the bold, spirited women and the quiet, demure women who all share inner core strength. A confident woman can be spotted by her contentment despite circumstances. She demonstrates patience through seasons and processes. She has a boldness to stand up, speak up, and join in when her contribution can make a difference. A woman with confidence is comfortable giving respect and deference to the leaders in her life. Whatever her personality, a confident woman knows how to give honor and affirmation to others without strings attached. She is also willing to make needed changes in order to accomplish greater purposes. A confident woman is more likely to make wise choices based on a positive outlook in life. A good example of a confident woman is found in the New Testament. Priscilla developed her gifting, served God’s cause, respected and followed her husband’s leadership, and instructed the apostles with confidence. It’s important to also note that a confident woman takes care of herself, looking after all aspects of her health: mental, physical, and relational (this includes spirituality). An insecure person, one who lacks confidence, might ignore signs of a need to take care. A confident woman, though, doesn’t feel selfish about self-care. She realizes the need for being the best she can be, for herself, and for others, as well. Chaplain Gene: You’ve encouraged women to “live in confidence in our relationship with God.” Is that the same thing as becoming a confident woman? Pastor Judith: Living in confidence in our relationship with God will bring confidence in every other area of our lives. Once we realize that God made us on purpose, for a purpose, we can have confidence rather than comparing ourselves with others. If we think God just initiated the process of Creation, and doesn’t value us as individuals, we won’t have a relation- ship with Him that is personal and that develops the uniqueness of each one of us. When we realize that God is big enough to know us all individually, then we can also know that our personalities are gifts from God. Living in relationship with God is what gives us the confidence to discover our worth and value, to navigate the stresses of life in which we must grow and change without losing our sense of worth. God, our Creator, is the One who knows the most about us and only through relationship with Him can we truly understand ourselves. Chaplain Gene: Do women need to build up their confidence more than men might? Pastor Judith: Historically, yes. Building confidence can be more of a challenge for women, but it depends on the society and family environment in which they live. Of course, men also struggle with insecurities on a deep level: It’s the human condition. In order to build confidence, we can’t compare ourselves with the other gender. We must build on our unique feminine qualities to develop positive character traits, such as leadership. Scripture has several examples of unique women who demonstrate leadership, such as Deborah in the Old Testament Book of Judges. During a time when Israel lacked central male leadership, Deborah served as a judge because she was recognized by all to have wisdom, discernment and courage. When the men feared going into battle with their enemy, they came to Deborah, who rallied them to victory. In my life, I’ve met many women who wished they weren’t women. They take on labels like “second-class citizens,” or accept the view that they’re more emotional and somehow “less than” men. This shows a misunderstanding of our value: We matter, and we matter uniquely. It’s not accident that we are born as women in this time in history, in which there are more oppor- tunities, but yet so many responsibilities.  1-800-991-7116 April 2010  l  23 Judith Crist
  • 24. 24  l  VITAJOURNAL See what Members like you have to say about TriVita® products! Real Stories from real people *You should consult with a healthcare provider before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication or if you suspect you might have a heart problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider. “I truly feel I have my life back.” “I am surprised and also very excited about Nopalea because it works. I am 70 years old and a retired nurse. I actually had to retire years early due to constant fatigue and muscle pain. I had suffered terribly to the point where it had taken over my life. I tried many prescriptions with little help, and one of them made me gain weight. I was reluctant to try Nopalea because I believed more in the medical approach. My daughter-in- law convinced me to give it a try and I am so very thankful she did. I cannot express the difference Nopalea has made in my life. My pain is minimal and my energy level has increased greatly. I am also sleeping through the night. I am once again able to do the things I love. I truly feel that I have my life back. I love the taste of Nopalea and more importantly, the results have been excellent! I have encouraged friends and family to give this fantastic product a try. I know they won’t be disappointed.” Pauline C., Affiliate Member – Glenburn, ME “…my x-rays showed I no longer have brittle bones!” “I was in a lot of pain when I was diagnosed with brittle bones a few years ago. It was so severe my doctor wanted me to self-administer shots in my stomach every day. But I always preferred natural products, so I started taking Bone Growth Factor instead. Six months later, I could bend, stoop and walk without pain. And after my last exam, my x-rays showed I no longer have brittle bones! Thank you, TriVita, for Bone Growth Factor.”* Teri A., Affiliate Member – Phoenix, AZ “I have switched to the stronger, Super Sublingual B-12 and I like it even better.” “I am now 71 and at the age of 35 my family doctor diagnosed a painful condition as inflammation of the nervous system. She said, ’Norma, I can send you downstairs to see a neurologist but I happen to know they are treating this with Vitamin B injections and I can do that here in my office for you.’ It started working right away. However, it left me with a bad taste in my mouth. So finding TriVita Sublingual B-12 improved my life immeasurably because now I can control how much I need and when I take it. It works as well as the injections except I never have that bad taste in my mouth. I have switched to the stronger, Super Sublingual B-12 and I like it even better. Thank you for helping me stay healthy.” Norma H. – Member – Downey, CA “Thanks Sublingual B-12. You are my best friend now.” “I purchased TriVita Sublingual B-12 and after taking it for a few days, I was excited to find that it really helped me with my energy at work. Before I felt so sluggish and now I have all-day energy. Thank goodness for this product. It helps me keep up with the physical demands of my job. Thanks Sublingual B-12, you are my best friend now.” Sheila S., Member – North Augusta, SC “It has really helped with my stress level, and I definitely feel a difference.” “Adaptogen 10 Plus is a great product! At the early age of 40, I had a stress test and upon comple- tion I went into cardiac arrest. I was lucky to have survived and the doctors were amazed. When I woke up several days later, I was informed that a defibrillator had been placed into my chest. I have been an athlete my entire life. Even now at 46, I am a regular in the gym and continue to do boxing conditioning. At first, I had doctors prescribe anti- depressants to help me deal with some of the mild depression I was feeling because of my heart prob- lems. I am thankful for my health – my cardiologist gives me an A+ every time I see him. I am also thankful for the Adaptogen 10 Plus! It has really helped with my stress level and I definitely feel a difference. I also don’t need to take anti-depressants any more. Knowing that Adaptogen is great to protect against the toxins and harmful daily elements we expose our bodies to is so important to me and my health. I LOVE Adaptogen 10 Plus with Nopalea and Super Sublingual B-12. If you have not tried this combina- tion, you are missing out. I highly recommend it. Thank you TriVita, for products that enhance my health, my lifestyle and my energy levels.”* Erik C., Affiliate Member – Chandler, AZ “TriVita’s Leanology Shakes meet my needs and exceed my expectations in all categories.” “The Leanology Chocolate Shakes are phenomenal. I’ve never had such a delicious shake, and I’ve tried a great many of them. I like to drink these shakes after I work out. I learned a long time ago that there is a ‘window of nutrient opportunity’ after physical activity. For 10-15 minutes post workout, the body is ‘hungry’ and open to receiving essential nutrients. So I’ve ventured on a product odyssey to find the most action-packed, nutrient-rich product, without all the unwanted fillers. I found that TriVita’s Leanology Shakes meet my needs and exceed my expectations in all categories, especially taste, which makes it that much more of a pleasure to drink. I’m happily hooked on the Chocolate Leanology Shakes.” Philip D., Member – Crownsville, MD
  • 25. 1-800-991-7116 May 2010  l  25 I t’s a glorious thing to overcome weakening bones. It’s an amazing thing to triumph over breast tumors. Susan Ellison has done both, and for one of these victories, she credits TriVita’s Bone Growth Factor. The two issues – bone health and breast health – are connected for many women, as they are for Susan, co-founder of TriVita and wife of TriVita CEO Michael Ellison. “I’ve been on a hormone- blocker for nine years for the breast tumors, and this hormone reduction can contribute to having weak, brittle bones,” she relates. So, when she was first diagnosed at a world- renowned medical clinic in Arizona, her doctors were concerned about possible loss of bone strength. “My doctors found that I was already in the early stage of bone weakness, and they wanted me to go on a prescription medication,” Susan recalls. Instead, she began taking Bone Growth Factor, and rigorously kept up her healthy living habits. Just one year later, her bone scan showed some improvement. Then, when Susan had a full bone density test performed in early 2010, the results were astounding. “I went from weakening bones to normal bones” “My bone loss reversed!” she exclaims. “I went from weakening bones to normal bones. All three of my bone density scores, in the spine, hip and wrist, are now in the normal range. There is no loss of bone strength. What’s more, this happened while I’m taking a hormone blocker.” Her doctor was impressed and curious. When Susan went to the clinic for her follow-up appointment, “Her very first words were, ‘Concerning your bone density test, I don’t know what you’ve been doing, but keep doing it.’” The doctor wanted to know all about Bone Growth Factor, so Susan sent her a bottle, along with the scientific papers that backed up its development. “My doctor is thrilled for me, and for what Bone Growth Factor may mean to other women,” Susan says. Treatments for bone weakness can have unwanted side effects for some, so the possibility of an option without side effects is something her doctor found very exciting. “It really is incredible: I reversed bone loss without prescription drugs. And it’s all thanks to Bone Growth Factor,” Susan says. Well, almost all: Susan has always been proactive about her health, and takes the smart, everyday actions needed to protect her bones. She works out regularly on a treadmill, knowing that such weight-bearing exercise is key to bone health. She eats wholesome foods like calcium-rich spinach (a bag a week), enjoys the Arizona sun with its rays full of Vitamin D, and receives the physical and mental benefits of yoga. “I feel absolutely awesome,” she reports. “I’m in good health, I have good energy, and I attribute so much of this to TriVita’s products.” She notes that it’s important to take Bone Growth Factor just as the label advises: two tablets, three times per day. For her, that means at breakfast, lunch and dinner, though Bone Growth Factor can be taken on an empty stomach. “I never miss taking it; why would I?” she notes, adding that the product has calcium, so she doesn’t need to take an additional calcium supplement. “Bone Growth Factor and Nopalea™: Don’t take those two away from me” As many in the TriVita family are aware, Susan was an early adopter of another TriVita break- through: Nopalea. Before the product was formally introduced last year, she began taking the wellness drink to try to reduce crippling inflammation and pain in her feet. Resisting the idea of surgery to fuse the troublesome joints in her left foot, she started on Nopalea. Within just weeks, the redness, swelling and pain virtually disappeared. “Before Nopalea I was hobbling with a cane like a little old lady. Now, I’m back on my treadmill, doing two and one-half miles a day. I told Michael he could put me on the sidewalk with a sign and I could sell Nopalea.” She sums up, “Bone Growth Factor and Nopalea: Don’t take those two away from me.” Thanks to TriVita products and her own healthy lifestyle, Susan is living proof that you can, as the company slogan states, “experience wellness.™”   Reverse bone loss without a prescription? That’s Susan’s experience – thanks to healthy habits and Bone Growth Factor™ Member Spotlight “Mydoctoristhrilledforme,andforwhat BoneGrowthFactormaymeantoother women.”– Susan
  • 26. 26  l  VITAJOURNAL 1: Heart Health Heart health is a game of good fat, bad fat. Omega-3 fatty acids are an essential supplementation for any heart-healthy diet. Molecularly distilled fish oil, cod liver oil and krill oil are all exceptional and necessary supplements. It is also important to eat other foods high in Omega-3s like flaxseed, hemp seeds, chia seeds, walnuts and fatty, cold water fish like salmon, tuna, herring and mackerel. Avoid margarine, trans fats, hydrogenated oils and shortening at all costs. Instead, incorporate monounsaturated oils like olive, canola, sesame and avocado. 2: Breast Health Antioxidants are most helpful to maximize breast health. There are direct and indirect antioxi- dants. Direct antioxidants come from Vitamin E and Vitamin C. While these nutrients are helpful, they act much like a bee does, dying after it stings. Immediately after ingestion, C and E zap free radicals and then wear off. Indirect antioxi- dants actually promote our body’s own production of antioxidants for hours after they have been eaten. They are found predominantly in organic berries (anthocyanins), curcumin found in the root tumeric which is found in Indian curry and broccoli sprouts (sulforane), found in the sprout section of your health food store. Many vegetables in the cabbage family (broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, bok choy) also contain these powerful indirect antioxidants. 3: Bone Health When it comes to bone health, dairy products are not the answer. As a nation, we consume an incredibly high amount of dairy products, yet we still have a 25% rate of weak, brittle bones. This means that the calcium we are taking or drinking is not reaching our bones, but is likely instead getting deposited in our soft tissue. That combines with things that leach calcium from bones, like soda and carbonated beverages, sugar, white flour products, an excess of animal protein, and lack of vegetables and fruit. Alkalizing foods and a low-stress life are the answer. The top alkalizing foods are dark leafy greens like kale, collard greens and broccoli. Lemon and lime have an alkalizing effect in the body, as do raspberries, mango, sea vegetables, daikon radishes, lentils, sweet potatoes and yams, garlic, onion and apple cider vinegar. 4: Prolonged Sadness Sometimes the “feel good” neurotransmitter called serotonin gets too low. When this happens, we may find it difficult to experience happiness and optimism. Instead, we may feel sad, hopeless and lethargic and we may begin to crave carbohydrates and sweets. We may also experience digestive disturbances. To improve our serotonin, we must feed the body the foods it needs to convert the amino acid tryptophan into serotonin. Fantastic food-based sources of tryptophan are baked potatoes with the skin on, bananas, beans, eggs, fish, hazelnuts, hummus, lentils, kelp, animal meat, brown rice and roasted pumpkin seeds. 5: Immune System Health In my experience, there’s often a direct parallel between immune system health and digestive health. Most of the time, those with immune system issues need to do some digestive system repair because they have a problem with a leaky lining of the intestines. To support intestinal lining naturally, first I use the amino acid l-glutamine combined with licorice and aloe vera. The second step is to know and avoid foods, allergies and sensitivities. Then we add in powerhouse foods to support the immune system like local bee pollen, medicinal mushrooms like shitake and maitake, oregano and garlic. Foods high in zinc are necessary like lean red meat. Three ounces once a week is enough. If you are not a red meat eater, you can get dietary zinc from poultry, pork, yogurt and especially from oysters. By Christa Orecchio, Clinical Nutritionist and Holistic Health Counselor Christa Orecchio Directions Heat oil in a large pan over medium heat. Add turkey, salt, mustard, sea vegetable flakes, oregano and black pepper. Combine well and stir frequently. Cook for 4-5 minutes. Add the onion and stir in the meat. You may add more oil if too dry. Cover and cook until turkey turns white, approximately 10 minutes. In a separate pan, sauté a few sliced mushrooms (shitake, maitake and crimini) in grapeseed oil. Add oregano (dried or fresh), cayenne pepper, 2-3T of red wine and a few pieces of garlic (thinly sliced). Add to basic turkey mixture and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil. Serve with your choice of grain or whole grain pasta. Ingredients ½ lb Ground turkey breast (free-range/organic) 1 medium yellow onion Sea salt 2 T grapeseed oil 3 T red wine 10-12 mushrooms (shitake, maitake and crimini) 1 tsp stone ground mustard or mustard powder ½ tsp sea veggies flakes (any kind – kelp, dulse, nori) 1 tsp dried or fresh oregano Black pepper (optional) Recipe of the month Mediterranean Turkey with Mushrooms and Red Wine Eatingforwomen’shealth: thefivemostcommonissues facingwomeninAmerica
  • 27. 1-800-991-7116 H ow many hairs does the average person have on their head? The answer may surprise you: 100,000! Each hair has an average scalp life of 4.5 years, growing about one-half inch every month. You lose an average of 50–100 hairs per day; most times, that hair is replaced within six months. But for some people, it isn’t. This can result in thinning hair and even bald- ness. However, there are many reasons for, and types of, hair loss. Most hair loss is a result of aging, heredity and hormones. But stress, medications, infection and disease are also culprits. Male and female pattern baldness This most common form of baldness, called androgenetic alopecia, is typically permanent. It is caused by a combination of genetics and the hormone testosterone and affects more men than women: 25% of men start to bald by age 30 and about two-thirds are either bald or have a balding pattern by age 60. The pattern usually starts as a receding hairline and thinning around the crown, eventually leading to bald spots. Female pattern baldness typically occurs after menopause and involves thinning throughout the scalp. Stress-related hair loss Stress-induced hair loss, called Telogen effluvium, is a temporary condition that can result in loss of anywhere from one-half to three-quarters of scalp hair. Unlike pattern baldness, which occurs over time, hair can fall out in handfuls. It can be caused by: • Emotional distress • Infection • Childbirth • Major surgery or illness • Extreme diets • Sudden or excessive weight loss • Medications including birth control pills, certain anti-depressants and beta-blockers Though the hair most likely will grow back, it often takes several months. Disease-related hair loss Alopecia areata is considered an autoimmune disease and attacks hair follicles. Hair typically falls out in small, round patches. There is no pattern to hair loss and regrowth in this disease: some will grow and lose hair repeatedly, others will lose all their hair permanently and still others may lose hair, and then have a permanent regrowth. Presently, there is no cure for alopecia areata. Additional causes Other causes of hair loss may include poor nutrition (especially a diet low in iron and protein), thyroid diseases, autoimmune conditions such as lupus, chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments, hormonal changes, or a scalp infec- tion such as ringworm. Typically, hair will grow back after these situations have been resolved. If you are personally experiencing hair loss, consult your healthcare provider if you lose hair in an unusual pattern, have pain or itching, or the skin on your scalp is red, scaly or otherwise abnormal. Combing over the causes of hair loss Hair today, gone tomorrow Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at Feed your body the nutrients it may lack from an average diet: take Sonoran Bloom Wellavoh, the complete multi-nutrient complex. Wellavoh’s customized men’s and women’s formulas give you 22 different vitamins and minerals. • The men’s formula supports optimal prostate, cholesterol and blood sugar health. • The women’s formula supports optimal bone, skin, hormone and breast health. Wellavoh™ Women #30740 Men #30750 Non-Member $62.99 Member $49.99Redeem with 500 VitaPoints For a full list of ingredients visit Scientifically formulated for MEN Scientifically formulated for WOMEN Wellavoh is not your ordinary multi-vitamin It’sauniquemulti-nutrientcomplexthatsupportswellness,strengthandvitality Hair Loss Myths • Wearing hats can cause hair loss • Brushing your hair will make it thicker • Dandruff causes permanent hair loss • Hair loss doesn’t affect people in their teens and early 20s • Cutting/shaving hair makes it grow back thicker • Clogged pores cause male pattern baldness • A man can determine if he’ll bald based on his father’s experience