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About Jean Hailes
Jean Hailes for Women’s Health is a national not-for-profit organisation
dedicated to improving the knowledge of women’s health. Founded
in 1992, Jean Hailes reflects the enduring legacy that Dr Jean Hailes
made to women’s health. Jean had a far-sighted vision to improve the
quality of women’s lives and give them practical information based on
the best available evidence. Today, Jean Hailes for Women’s Health
is a leading trusted women’s health organisation combining clinical
care, evidence-based research and practical education for women and
health professionals. It aims to translate the latest scientific and medical
evidence in order to inspire positive change in women by improving
their physical and emotional health and wellbeing.
Jean Hailes gratefully acknowledges the support of the
Australian Government.
Visit the Jean Hailes website for more information about each of
the topics covered in this workbook.
Welcome and introduction
We know that women think about their health and the health of their
families almost every day.
The Jean Hailes Women’s Health Week is a week dedicated to all
women across Australia. It’s a week to focus on your health, learn more
and take action. This year we are launching our new campaign No
more elephants! It’s time to get rid of the elephant in the room and get
talking about women’s health. For the first time, we are supplying this
workbook for you to use throughout the week.
The workbook is divided into the 5 days of Women’s Health Week:
Monday 7 September: 	 What do women want to know?
Tuesday 8 September: 	 Myths – natural therapies fact or fiction?
Wednesday 9 September: 	 Mental health & silent topic – what’s not being	
			talked about?
Thursday 10 September: 	 Managing your health and cardiovascular 		
			 disease – who & what to ask?
Friday 11 September: 	 Healthy living – tell us your pledge
You will find questions to think about, activities to do, quizzes, quotes
and suggestions for you to be the healthiest you can be. Please feel
free to just read and think about the information, or fill in the activities
if you would like to. There are no right or wrong ways of doing things
and the information you provide will remain as confidential as you want
it to be. Let’s get started!
Dr Mandy Deeks
Head of Translation, Education & Communication
Women’s Health Week Workbook
Day 1 What do women want to know?
Today is all about what women worry about. To begin the week we
want to get you thinking about your health: what areas of your health
would you like to work on, what are your goals for living a healthy life
and what do you do to take care of yourself.
Activity How’s your health?
Ask yourself the following 13 questions about your health. This is
not a test that will give you a total health score, instead these questions
will help you to think about your health and whether there are some
aspects of your physical and/or mental health that you might like to
seek more information or help on.
General health
1.	 How is your health in general?
Very good Good Fair Bad Very bad
2.	 Do you have any long-standing illnesses or health problems?
	 īą	Yes	 īą	No
3.	 For at least the past six months have you been limited in activities you
usually do because of a health problem?
	 īą	Yes	 īą	No
4.	 For at least the past three months have you been feeling run down and/
or out of sorts?
	 īą	Yes	 īą	No
Mental & emotional health
5.	 During the last month, have you often been bothered by feeling down,
depressed or hopeless?
	 īą	Yes	 īą	No
6.	 During the last month, have you often been bothered by having little
interest or pleasure in doing things?
	 īą	Yes	 īą	No
7.	 During the last month, have you been bothered by feeling excessively
worried or concerned?
	 īą	Yes	 īą	No
8.	 Do you feel good when you think of what you have achieved in the past?
	 īą	Yes	 īą	No
9.	 Do you feel good when you think of what you want to achieve in the
	 īą	Yes	 īą	No
10.	 Would you say that you generally eat a balanced and healthy diet
(including 5 serves of vegetables per day, 2 pieces of fruit and a range
of wholegrains, proteins, and an occasional sweet treat)?
	 īą	Yes	 īą	No
11.	 Are you physically active at least 3 times per week for at least 30
	 īą	Yes	 īą	No
12.	 Do you have no more than 2 standard drinks of alcohol per day?
	 īą	Yes	 īą	No
13.	 Do you smoke?
	 īą	Yes	 īą	No
If any of your answers to these questions concern you or have shown
you that there are aspects of your health that are worrying to you,
please make an appointment to talk with your doctor.
Women’s Health Week Workbook
Activity Health goals
In the following two pages, please write down or think about the
goals you have for your health. For a goal to be successful it’s better
if it’s important to you, specific and achievable. The last thing you
want to do is set yourself up for failure, so think about things that are
important and mean something to you, that you know you can do if
you set your mind to it, and if you don’t get them done it’s easy to turn
around and have another go.
What is your health goal?
It might be to include at least 5 vegetables per day, to take a short walk,
a long walk, to phone a friend, to learn yoga, take up a new courseâ€Ļ
What are your health goals for today?
What are your health goals for the week?
What are your health goals for the next 6 months?
What are your health goals for the next 12 months?
How confident are you that you
can achieve this goal?
Give yourself a score out of 5
How important to you is this goal?
Give yourself a score out of 5
Women’s Health Week Workbook
Activity		 Draw a picture of yourself or some way that you took care
		 of your health today
Activity Thinking about today...
1.	 What did you learn about yourself today?
2.	 What were the best things about today?
3.	 List three things that gave you great satisfaction today.
(Hint – this could be making someone a cup of tea, paying a bill, giving a talk, finishing a piece of workâ€Ļ)
4.	 What is one thing you would change about today?
5.	 What is the best health tip you have ever heard and put into practice?
Do something today
that your future self
would thank you for.
Activity	 What stops you from being healthy?
Yes No
Lack of time
Lack of motivation
Lack of money
Don’t feel good about myself
Unsure what to do
Can’t find information relevant to me
Unsupportive partner
Lack of childcare
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Daily journal	 Day 1
Each day you can use this space to write about anything you want.
It might be your thoughts, feelings, activities that happened
throughout today, or it might be something that you want to write
about because you just want to get it out. Alternatively you may not
want to write anything formal, just a dot-point list or a word or two.
It’s your space – do with it what feels right for you
List three ways you took care of yourself today:
1.	 ......................................................................................................
2.	 ......................................................................................................
3.	 ......................................................................................................
Women’s Health Week Workbook
Day 2	 Natural therapies:
	 	 sorting	 fact from fiction
Today we’re looking at the safety and effectiveness of natural
therapies. Natural therapies covers many approaches including, for
example, acupuncture, herbal treatments, massage and traditional
Chinese medicine. There are questions to ask yourself before you use
natural therapies, tips for healthier living and what you should tell your
doctor if you are using natural therapies.
Activity Questions to ask before/if you use natural therapies
With so many women using natural therapies and keen to keep taking
them, there are some things you can do to make sure you are being
safe and taking something that is effective. Before using a natural
therapy such as a supplement or herb ask yourself:
1.	 Why are you taking the supplement/herb?
2.	 Where did you get your information from? Is it a reliable source? Is it
marketing hype?
3.	 Is the person suggesting them appropriately trained in nutrition or herbal
	 īą	Yes	 īą	No
4.	 Can the person make money from selling this product to you?
	 īą	Yes	 īą	No
5.	 Does the product meet the australian standards for quality? How do
you know? Hint: look for ‘listed aust l’ or ‘registered aust r’ on the
label, which shows the product has been licensed by the therapeutic
goods administration.
6.	 Are there any side effects or interactions with medicines you may be
7.	 How long should you take the medicine?
8.	 What about the dose? Is it the right dose? Is the dose right for you with
your health history, your weight, your height?
Jean Hailes naturopath, Sandra Villella urges
us to “Respect natural therapies as if they
are medicine and tell your doctor ALL the
medicines you are taking”
Tip 	 What you should tell your doctor if you are using any
	 supplements or medicines
zz The type and name of any medicines you are taking
zz The type and name of any natural therapies you are taking
zz The dose of the medicine/natural therapy
zz How often you take it
zz How long you have been taking it for
zz Whether you think the medicine has worked for you
zz The name and contact details of the health professional who
prescribed the medicine/natural therapy
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Your body
so take care of it.
Tip Healthier living
It is a message heard almost daily but eating more vegetables is a very
good, safe and effective way to get your nutrients; it’s much better
than taking a supplement. Try to include around 5 serves of different
vegetables per day. Try to include green leafy vegetables rich in folic
acid and a variety of other colours such as orange, red and purple.
Some herbs and spices can be good for your health and our Jean
Hailes naturopaths suggest some of the following to get more variety
and nutrients into your diet:
zz Turmeric: an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory; it can be added
into your oil and combined with black pepper to aid absorption
zz Ginger: anti-inflammatory, aids digestion and circulation; it can be
helpful when feeling nauseous
zz Pestos: for variety, try coriander and brazil nut
zz Parsley: high in minerals and Vitamin K; it freshens breath
zz Cinnamon: aids digestion and circulation; sprinkle some cinnamon
powder on your porridge or muesli or add a teaspoon to your
zz Make your own herb oil: use as a salad dressing or savoury garnish;
blend basil leaves, olive oil and a pinch of salt
zz Oregano: boosts immunity and helps to balance the good and bad
bacteria in your digestive system; add it to tomato-based sauces
zz Fennel seeds: helps digestion (especially if gas is an issue); add a
teaspoon when making soups or stews
zz Thyme: a thyme tea is excellent for sore throats, helps the immune
system; it contains beneficial essential oils
zz Add a bunch of mint to bean salad
zz Real chai: warming to the digestive system; it helps your circulation
if you get cold hands and feet
always seek advice on using herbs as a treatment from an accredited naturopath
Women’s Health Week Workbook
Daily journal	 Day 2
Below is space for you to write your thoughts on anything you
want. As a prompt if you like, you could answer the following question:
what do you do to work out if you can trust the advice you have been
It’s your space – do with it what feels right for you
List three ways you took care of yourself today:
1.	 ......................................................................................................
2.	 ......................................................................................................
3.	 ......................................................................................................
Day 3	 Mental health: a silent topic
Today, we explore questions to help you think about you and your
mental health, what you feel comfortable talking about, what
makes you anxious, and we explore how you make decisions. The
activities will also help you to think about your thinking – are you a
negative thinker, do you jump to conclusions or are you able to see
that it’s okay to challenge those daily worries?
Activity	 Some questions to start off
1.	 What don’t you like talking about?
2.	 What did you learn about yourself today?
3.	 What did you learn from others today?
4.	 What makes you feel safe and secure?
5.	 What does being anxious feel like for you?
Women’s Health Week Workbook
Tip Express yourself
If you are sad or anxious about something it’s helpful to stop the
thoughts from spinning and swirling through your head. Getting them
out will give your brain some space and stop them building up inside
you, growing larger than they need to be. There are many different
ways to do this. One way may suit you more than others or you may
have your own method of expressing yourself. These are some options:
A journal
There are no rules about how often you should write, just when you
feel like it or need to get your worries or anxieties out of your head.
Your story
You have a story about the roads you have taken that have helped
you reach this point and how it feels to be here. Writing that story can
help get out all of the thoughts swirling around in your head and into a
personal kind of order.
Being creative and making things is another way of expressing yourself.
This could be by drawing, painting, gardening, knitting, sewing,
scrapbookingâ€Ļ any way that you choose to create.
Today, we are also focusing on domestic violence
Jane Fisher, psychologist and Jean Hailes Professor of Women’s
Health at Monash University says, “Intimate partner violence is
associated with increased risk of mental health problems, including
depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, suicidal ideas
and behaviours, and substance abuse among women”.
Research suggests it’s likely that someone you know will have
experienced some form of domestic violence. Our ‘What do
women want to know’ survey showed that women and health
professionals wanted to know more about the prevention of
domestic violence and also where to access help and support.
Activity 6 emotions
From the list of six emotions below, which did you experience today?
You might circle more than one or even all of them.
Joy Surprise Fear Anger Sadness Disgust
Activity Decision making
How do you make decisions and cope when things get tough? This is
an exercise for you to think about what you do when you’re faced with
a decision. There are no right or wrong answers, but hopefully your
answers will help you to see what affects your decision making.
I consider all the options and take my time to make a decision
When I am faced with a difficult situation I have a usual
way of coping (eg it might be telling someone what you are
thinking, walking away, taking slow deep breaths)
My way of coping works every time
Whenever I face a difficult decision I feel very negative about
finding the right solution
I like to talk with a lot of people before I make a decision
I rely on my gut feeling and don’t really consult with others
to make my decisions
I would rather let others make the decisions
Even after I have made a decision I don’t always act on it
Women’s Health Week Workbook
Tip Problem solving
Problem solving techniques work in all sorts of scenarios, including for
any worry and anxiety you may experience throughout day-to-day life.
The following steps are a tried and true process.
1.	 Identify what you’re worried or anxious about – exactly – and write
it down
2.	 Think about, and write down, some things that might counteract or
provide solutions to your worry and will help it to lessen or go away
3.	 Go through each of the solutions and evaluate them:
zz What will make the solution work?
zz What will stop it from working?
zz Will it really help?
zz What do you need to do to make the solution work?
zz Is that do-able?
zz Will the solution last long enough for you to feel better?
4.	 Pick the most appropriate solution
5.	 Plan how you can make this solution work
6.	 Take some action and try the solution
7.	 Review how well the solution worked
8.	 Has your worry or anxiety gone away or reduced?
9.	 If not, choose another appropriate solution and see if that helps
Sometimes you may not be able to eliminate the worry or anxiety
completely, but you may have some strategies to reduce it. It can also
be helpful to talk over these steps with someone whose opinion you
value and trust.
Activity What are you thinking?
Mental health can be affected by ‘unhelpful’ or ‘faulty’ thinking. We
all have unhelpful ways of thinking, but it’s when they start to interfere
with daily life that they become a problem.
In the table below you will see six unhelpful ways of thinking. Read
the different unhelpful ways of thinking and then choose the ones you
think you might do (either sometimes or often). Then when you next
feel worried or anxious you can try and identify which unhelpful way of
thinking contributed to your worry or anxiety, and try to challenge it.
Unhelpful way
of thinking
What this means
Do you
do this?
All or nothing
Thinking is black or white, good or bad. In
doing this you forget there is often a grey
Negative focus
You focus on all the things that are wrong
and forget about any positives, or any of
your strengths
Having rigid
rules that you
live by
Your thoughts have words like “should”
“can’t” and “must” in them, eg “I should
do this or I will feel guilty”
The worst possible thing will happen.
You focus on how awful and unpleasant
something is, and it will end in disaster
Jumping to
This is when you think you know what will
happen – and it is bad. You try and predict
the future and read minds
When you think something bad has happened
or it has actually happened, you think you
are to blame
Women’s Health Week Workbook
Daily journal	 Day 3
Write whatever you want in the space below. Or as a prompt for
today’s journal you might like to answer this question: when someone
does something you don’t like, what do you usually do?
It’s your space – do with it what feels right for you
List three ways you took care of yourself today:
1.	 ......................................................................................................
2.	 ......................................................................................................
3.	 ......................................................................................................
Day 4 Managing your health:
		Where to get your health information?
		Cardiovascular disease
Day 4 is all about managing your health, talking about the
difficult topics and understanding where women get their health
information. Also, our survey told us the number one topic women
didn’t really understand but was very important to them – recognising
the symptoms of heart disease, heart attack and stroke in women.
Activity Questions to get you started
1.	 What topic makes you feel uncomfortable and you don’t like to talk
about? (You don’t have to write it down you can just think about it if you like)
2.	 What do you think it is about the topic that makes it uncomfortable to
talk about?
3.	 List a few important points that you would like to discuss about this
topic, if you had the chance and felt comfortable to do so.
4.	 What would stop you from bringing up this topic for discussion?
Women’s Health Week Workbook
5.	 What would help you to bring up this topic for discussion?
6.	 What topic is easy for you to talk about?
7.	 What helps you to bring up that topic for discussion?
8.	 What is the first thing you say about that topic?
9.	 Think about a time when you expected something bad to happen and it
didn’t? What happened and what did you learn from this?
Info Be aware of the symptoms of stroke
When the blood supply to the brain is interrupted this may
result in a stroke. The following symptoms may be the signs of a
zz blurred vision
zz numbness
zz weakness
zz fatigue
zz trouble speaking or understanding
zz loss of consciousness
Tip Who can I talk with?
When choosing who to talk with, make sure it’s someone you feel:
zz you can connect with
zz understands you and your life
zz will listen
zz you can trust
zz won’t judge you
zz won’t tell you what to do
If you would like to talk with a health professional there are options:
zz your GP or local doctor
zz your community health centre (go to the website of your local
council to find yours)
zz a psychologist – because they are registered mental health
professionals, you can get a Medicare rebate for 10 sessions per
year with a psychologist
zz a counsellor – look for a registered counsellor, which means you are
seeing someone who has done an approved course in counselling
zz a social worker
“People will forget what you said, people will
forget what you did, but people will never
forget how you made them feel.”
......................................................... Maya Angelou
Women’s Health Week Workbook
Tip How can I help?
If someone you know is upset, troubled, depressed, anxious or
generally not themselves it’s helpful to know what you can say and do
to help.
zz Talk – find a private place and the right time for them to talk free
of distractions. Be calm, respectful, admit you don’t know exactly
what they’re feeling but want to be there for them
zz Listen rather than talk at them. They may not need your advice,
they may just need you to listen
zz Use open-ended questions rather than a question that requires
a yes or no answer. You could say “Tell me aboutâ€Ļ” or “What’s
going on for you?”
zz Just spend time together – you may not have to talk, but just be
there with them
zz Suggest they seek support and that you’ll go with them if they
would like that
Info Common symptoms of heart attack in women
Common symptoms
of heart attack
include feelings of:
These may be felt in the: You may also feel:
pain chest short of breath
pressure neck nauseous (sick)
tightness jaw a cold sweat
heaviness arm(s) dizzy
Activity 3 questions
Sometimes we leave an appointment and then think of all the
questions we wish we had asked. Now is a good time to think about
those questions. If you were seeing your doctor/health professional
today, what are three questions you wish you could ask?
1.	 ............................................................................................................
2.	 ............................................................................................................
3.	 ............................................................................................................
Women’s Health Week Workbook
Daily journal	 Day 4
You can write about anything you want below. Or, as a prompt, you
might like to write about a time you shared a secret with someone.
It’s your space – do with it what feels right for you
List three ways you took care of yourself today:
1.	 ......................................................................................................
2.	 ......................................................................................................
3.	 ......................................................................................................
Day 5 Healthy living: now what?
Women told us that one of the top four things they worried about
was how to live a healthy life. This included things like managing
their weight, eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise. The
following questions and activities are aimed at getting you thinking
about your diet, exercise and what you would like to change.
Activity Your top threes
What are three things you do to eat a healthy nutritious diet?
For example it might be to plan your meals ahead of time, to shop for seasonal produce at the
market, or to try and include 5 serves of vegetables in your daily food intake.
1.	 ............................................................................................................
2.	 ............................................................................................................
3.	 ............................................................................................................
What are three things you do to make sure you are physically active?
This might be to take your runners to work so you can walk at lunch time, or put your gym clothes
next to the door, or get up 30 minutes earlier to go for a walk.
1.	 ............................................................................................................
2.	 ............................................................................................................
3.	 ............................................................................................................
What are three things you do for your mental and emotional health?
Perhaps you plan time out for you during the week, do something nurturing like a walk with a friend,
or write in a journal?
1.	 ............................................................................................................
2.	 ............................................................................................................
3.	 ............................................................................................................
Women’s Health Week Workbook
Activity Your strengths
1.	 What are your strengths to help you live a healthy life?
2.	 Do you acknowledge these strengths or are you more likely to focus on
the things you do wrong?
3.	 Think of someone who you admire who is fit and healthy. What do they
do that you would like to try?
4.	 What aspect of healthy living do you think you know the most about?
5.	 List three things that you are most proud of in your life:
Activity If you were to make one change...
1.	 If you could change one health habit, what would it be?
2.	 What has stopped you making changes in the past?
3.	 What would need to happen for this change to occur?
Activity How much time do you have for health?
How much Current time Ideal time
Quiet time
Thinking time
Physical activity
Planning and cooking healthy meals
Seeing friends and family
“People who cannot find time for
recreation are obliged sooner or
later to find time for illness”
............................................ John Wanamaker
Women’s Health Week Workbook
Activity The week I had
Look back over the week that’s been and think about your daily
activities, the foods you ate, your moods, thoughts, feelings and
who you saw during the week. This activity is designed to help you
think about your lifestyle, whether there are any patterns to your mood
and thinking and how the people you see in your life might affect you.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Food I ate
Physical activity
Thoughts I had
Feelings I had
My mood
Who I saw
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
“Whoever says to themselves, ‘I will succeed’
will reach their goal. But if you think ‘It’s
impossible, I will never manage’, then you will
........................................................... Dalai Lama, Daily Advice 103
Women’s Health Week Workbook
Daily journal	 Day 5
You can write about anything you want below. Or, as a prompt,
write about a time you made a healthy change to your life and what
that felt like.
It’s your space – do with it what feels right for you
List three ways you took care of yourself today:
1.	 ......................................................................................................
2.	 ......................................................................................................
3.	 ......................................................................................................
The five freedoms
The freedom to...
see and hear what is here, instead of what should
be, was, or will be
The freedom to...
say what one feels and thinks instead of what one
The freedom to... feel what one feels instead of what one ought
The freedom to...
ask for what one wants, instead of always waiting
for permission
The freedom to...t
take risks on one’s own behalf, instead of choosing
to be only “secure” and not rocking the boat
....................................................................................... Virginia Satir Day
Thank you for being part of Women’s Health Week 2015!
We hope you have enjoyed learning a bit more about your health,
and are now motivated to take action if you need to.
Most importantly, by being part of the week you have taken some
valuable time out to think about you and your health, which is
fantastic. We look forward to having you as part of Women’s
Health Week 2016.
The Women’s Health Week team
Translation, Communication & Education Unit
Jean Hailes for Women’s Health
Box 33314, Domain LPO
Melbourne VIC 3004
Phone: 1800 JEAN HAILES (532 642)
Email: This workbook is designed to be informative and educational. It is not
intended to provide specific medical advice or replace advice from your health
practitioner. Š Jean Hailes for Women's Health 2015

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2015 Women's Health Week Workbook

  • 2. About Jean Hailes Jean Hailes for Women’s Health is a national not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving the knowledge of women’s health. Founded in 1992, Jean Hailes reflects the enduring legacy that Dr Jean Hailes made to women’s health. Jean had a far-sighted vision to improve the quality of women’s lives and give them practical information based on the best available evidence. Today, Jean Hailes for Women’s Health is a leading trusted women’s health organisation combining clinical care, evidence-based research and practical education for women and health professionals. It aims to translate the latest scientific and medical evidence in order to inspire positive change in women by improving their physical and emotional health and wellbeing. Jean Hailes gratefully acknowledges the support of the Australian Government. FOR MORE INFORMATION Visit the Jean Hailes website for more information about each of the topics covered in this workbook.
  • 3. Welcome and introduction We know that women think about their health and the health of their families almost every day. The Jean Hailes Women’s Health Week is a week dedicated to all women across Australia. It’s a week to focus on your health, learn more and take action. This year we are launching our new campaign No more elephants! It’s time to get rid of the elephant in the room and get talking about women’s health. For the first time, we are supplying this workbook for you to use throughout the week. The workbook is divided into the 5 days of Women’s Health Week: Monday 7 September: What do women want to know? Tuesday 8 September: Myths – natural therapies fact or fiction? Wednesday 9 September: Mental health & silent topic – what’s not being talked about? Thursday 10 September: Managing your health and cardiovascular disease – who & what to ask? Friday 11 September: Healthy living – tell us your pledge You will find questions to think about, activities to do, quizzes, quotes and suggestions for you to be the healthiest you can be. Please feel free to just read and think about the information, or fill in the activities if you would like to. There are no right or wrong ways of doing things and the information you provide will remain as confidential as you want it to be. Let’s get started! Dr Mandy Deeks Head of Translation, Education & Communication WelcomeDay1Day2Day3Day5Day4 1
  • 4. Women’s Health Week Workbook Day 1 What do women want to know? Today is all about what women worry about. To begin the week we want to get you thinking about your health: what areas of your health would you like to work on, what are your goals for living a healthy life and what do you do to take care of yourself. Activity How’s your health? Ask yourself the following 13 questions about your health. This is not a test that will give you a total health score, instead these questions will help you to think about your health and whether there are some aspects of your physical and/or mental health that you might like to seek more information or help on. General health 1. How is your health in general? Very good Good Fair Bad Very bad 2. Do you have any long-standing illnesses or health problems? īą Yes īą No 3. For at least the past six months have you been limited in activities you usually do because of a health problem? īą Yes īą No 4. For at least the past three months have you been feeling run down and/ or out of sorts? īą Yes īą No Mental & emotional health 5. During the last month, have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed or hopeless? īą Yes īą No 2
  • 5. 6. During the last month, have you often been bothered by having little interest or pleasure in doing things? īą Yes īą No 7. During the last month, have you been bothered by feeling excessively worried or concerned? īą Yes īą No 8. Do you feel good when you think of what you have achieved in the past? īą Yes īą No 9. Do you feel good when you think of what you want to achieve in the future? īą Yes īą No Lifestyle 10. Would you say that you generally eat a balanced and healthy diet (including 5 serves of vegetables per day, 2 pieces of fruit and a range of wholegrains, proteins, and an occasional sweet treat)? īą Yes īą No 11. Are you physically active at least 3 times per week for at least 30 minutes? īą Yes īą No 12. Do you have no more than 2 standard drinks of alcohol per day? īą Yes īą No 13. Do you smoke? īą Yes īą No If any of your answers to these questions concern you or have shown you that there are aspects of your health that are worrying to you, please make an appointment to talk with your doctor. Day1Day2Day3Day5Day4 3
  • 6. Women’s Health Week Workbook Activity Health goals In the following two pages, please write down or think about the goals you have for your health. For a goal to be successful it’s better if it’s important to you, specific and achievable. The last thing you want to do is set yourself up for failure, so think about things that are important and mean something to you, that you know you can do if you set your mind to it, and if you don’t get them done it’s easy to turn around and have another go. What is your health goal? It might be to include at least 5 vegetables per day, to take a short walk, a long walk, to phone a friend, to learn yoga, take up a new courseâ€Ļ What are your health goals for today? .............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................... What are your health goals for the week? ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... What are your health goals for the next 6 months? ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... What are your health goals for the next 12 months? ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... 4
  • 7. How confident are you that you can achieve this goal? Give yourself a score out of 5 How important to you is this goal? Give yourself a score out of 5 ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ..................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ..................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... Day1Day2Day3Day5Day4 5
  • 8. Women’s Health Week Workbook Activity Draw a picture of yourself or some way that you took care of your health today 6
  • 9. Activity Thinking about today... 1. What did you learn about yourself today? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 2. What were the best things about today? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 3. List three things that gave you great satisfaction today. (Hint – this could be making someone a cup of tea, paying a bill, giving a talk, finishing a piece of workâ€Ļ) 1.......................................................................................................... 2.......................................................................................................... 3.......................................................................................................... 4. What is one thing you would change about today? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 5. What is the best health tip you have ever heard and put into practice? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ Day1Day2Day3Day5Day4 7 Do something today that your future self would thank you for.
  • 10. Activity What stops you from being healthy? Yes No Lack of time Lack of motivation Lack of money Don’t feel good about myself Unsure what to do Can’t find information relevant to me Unsupportive partner Lack of childcare Choice Capital is the trading name of Choice Capital Mortgages Pty Ltd ABN: 73158355 Australian Credit Licence 39212 & Choice Financial Advisors Pty Ltd ABN: 83086835832 AFSL 324987. 66 Greville St, Prahran, Victoria, 3182
  • 11. Daily journal Day 1 Each day you can use this space to write about anything you want. It might be your thoughts, feelings, activities that happened throughout today, or it might be something that you want to write about because you just want to get it out. Alternatively you may not want to write anything formal, just a dot-point list or a word or two. Activity It’s your space – do with it what feels right for you ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................... List three ways you took care of yourself today: 1. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 2. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 3. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 9 Day1Day2Day3Day5Day4
  • 12. Women’s Health Week Workbook Day 2 Natural therapies: sorting fact from fiction Today we’re looking at the safety and effectiveness of natural therapies. Natural therapies covers many approaches including, for example, acupuncture, herbal treatments, massage and traditional Chinese medicine. There are questions to ask yourself before you use natural therapies, tips for healthier living and what you should tell your doctor if you are using natural therapies. Activity Questions to ask before/if you use natural therapies With so many women using natural therapies and keen to keep taking them, there are some things you can do to make sure you are being safe and taking something that is effective. Before using a natural therapy such as a supplement or herb ask yourself: 1. Why are you taking the supplement/herb? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 2. Where did you get your information from? Is it a reliable source? Is it marketing hype? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 3. Is the person suggesting them appropriately trained in nutrition or herbal medicine? īą Yes īą No 10
  • 13. 4. Can the person make money from selling this product to you? īą Yes īą No 5. Does the product meet the australian standards for quality? How do you know? Hint: look for ‘listed aust l’ or ‘registered aust r’ on the label, which shows the product has been licensed by the therapeutic goods administration. ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 6. Are there any side effects or interactions with medicines you may be taking? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................... 7. How long should you take the medicine? ........................................................................................................... 8. What about the dose? Is it the right dose? Is the dose right for you with your health history, your weight, your height? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................... Jean Hailes naturopath, Sandra Villella urges us to “Respect natural therapies as if they are medicine and tell your doctor ALL the medicines you are taking” Day2Day3Day5Day4 11
  • 14. Tip What you should tell your doctor if you are using any supplements or medicines zz The type and name of any medicines you are taking zz The type and name of any natural therapies you are taking zz The dose of the medicine/natural therapy zz How often you take it zz How long you have been taking it for zz Whether you think the medicine has worked for you zz The name and contact details of the health professional who prescribed the medicine/natural therapy *Valid until 31.10.15. New members only. Women +18yrs.Cannot be sold or exchanged for cash. Cannot be redeemed against Curves products. Only one voucher per person. Must be used in one transaction at the same club. At participating Clubs. Membership Terms apply. Ask in Club for details. Š Curves Curves MEMBERSHIP* your enjoy Hurry!Validuntil31Oct2015 $100OFF Fitness or Complete 30 Minute Fitness and Weight Loss Centre Designed for Women possession Your body IS YOUR PRICELESS so take care of it.
  • 15. Tip Healthier living It is a message heard almost daily but eating more vegetables is a very good, safe and effective way to get your nutrients; it’s much better than taking a supplement. Try to include around 5 serves of different vegetables per day. Try to include green leafy vegetables rich in folic acid and a variety of other colours such as orange, red and purple. Some herbs and spices can be good for your health and our Jean Hailes naturopaths suggest some of the following to get more variety and nutrients into your diet: zz Turmeric: an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory; it can be added into your oil and combined with black pepper to aid absorption zz Ginger: anti-inflammatory, aids digestion and circulation; it can be helpful when feeling nauseous zz Pestos: for variety, try coriander and brazil nut zz Parsley: high in minerals and Vitamin K; it freshens breath zz Cinnamon: aids digestion and circulation; sprinkle some cinnamon powder on your porridge or muesli or add a teaspoon to your smoothie zz Make your own herb oil: use as a salad dressing or savoury garnish; blend basil leaves, olive oil and a pinch of salt zz Oregano: boosts immunity and helps to balance the good and bad bacteria in your digestive system; add it to tomato-based sauces zz Fennel seeds: helps digestion (especially if gas is an issue); add a teaspoon when making soups or stews zz Thyme: a thyme tea is excellent for sore throats, helps the immune system; it contains beneficial essential oils zz Add a bunch of mint to bean salad zz Real chai: warming to the digestive system; it helps your circulation if you get cold hands and feet always seek advice on using herbs as a treatment from an accredited naturopath Day2Day3Day5Day4 13
  • 16. Women’s Health Week Workbook Daily journal Day 2 Below is space for you to write your thoughts on anything you want. As a prompt if you like, you could answer the following question: what do you do to work out if you can trust the advice you have been given? It’s your space – do with it what feels right for you ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................... List three ways you took care of yourself today: 1. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 2. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 3. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 14
  • 17. Day 3 Mental health: a silent topic Today, we explore questions to help you think about you and your mental health, what you feel comfortable talking about, what makes you anxious, and we explore how you make decisions. The activities will also help you to think about your thinking – are you a negative thinker, do you jump to conclusions or are you able to see that it’s okay to challenge those daily worries? Activity Some questions to start off 1. What don’t you like talking about? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 2. What did you learn about yourself today? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 3. What did you learn from others today? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 4. What makes you feel safe and secure? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 5. What does being anxious feel like for you? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ Day3Day5Day4 15
  • 18. Women’s Health Week Workbook Tip Express yourself If you are sad or anxious about something it’s helpful to stop the thoughts from spinning and swirling through your head. Getting them out will give your brain some space and stop them building up inside you, growing larger than they need to be. There are many different ways to do this. One way may suit you more than others or you may have your own method of expressing yourself. These are some options: A journal There are no rules about how often you should write, just when you feel like it or need to get your worries or anxieties out of your head. Your story You have a story about the roads you have taken that have helped you reach this point and how it feels to be here. Writing that story can help get out all of the thoughts swirling around in your head and into a personal kind of order. Art Being creative and making things is another way of expressing yourself. This could be by drawing, painting, gardening, knitting, sewing, scrapbookingâ€Ļ any way that you choose to create. Today, we are also focusing on domestic violence Jane Fisher, psychologist and Jean Hailes Professor of Women’s Health at Monash University says, “Intimate partner violence is associated with increased risk of mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, suicidal ideas and behaviours, and substance abuse among women”. Research suggests it’s likely that someone you know will have experienced some form of domestic violence. Our ‘What do women want to know’ survey showed that women and health professionals wanted to know more about the prevention of domestic violence and also where to access help and support. 16
  • 19. Activity 6 emotions From the list of six emotions below, which did you experience today? You might circle more than one or even all of them. Joy Surprise Fear Anger Sadness Disgust Activity Decision making How do you make decisions and cope when things get tough? This is an exercise for you to think about what you do when you’re faced with a decision. There are no right or wrong answers, but hopefully your answers will help you to see what affects your decision making. Yes/No I consider all the options and take my time to make a decision When I am faced with a difficult situation I have a usual way of coping (eg it might be telling someone what you are thinking, walking away, taking slow deep breaths) My way of coping works every time Whenever I face a difficult decision I feel very negative about finding the right solution I like to talk with a lot of people before I make a decision I rely on my gut feeling and don’t really consult with others to make my decisions I would rather let others make the decisions Even after I have made a decision I don’t always act on it Day3Day5Day4 17
  • 20. Women’s Health Week Workbook Tip Problem solving Problem solving techniques work in all sorts of scenarios, including for any worry and anxiety you may experience throughout day-to-day life. The following steps are a tried and true process. 1. Identify what you’re worried or anxious about – exactly – and write it down 2. Think about, and write down, some things that might counteract or provide solutions to your worry and will help it to lessen or go away 3. Go through each of the solutions and evaluate them: zz What will make the solution work? zz What will stop it from working? zz Will it really help? zz What do you need to do to make the solution work? zz Is that do-able? zz Will the solution last long enough for you to feel better? 4. Pick the most appropriate solution 5. Plan how you can make this solution work 6. Take some action and try the solution 7. Review how well the solution worked 8. Has your worry or anxiety gone away or reduced? 9. If not, choose another appropriate solution and see if that helps Sometimes you may not be able to eliminate the worry or anxiety completely, but you may have some strategies to reduce it. It can also be helpful to talk over these steps with someone whose opinion you value and trust. 18
  • 21. Activity What are you thinking? Mental health can be affected by ‘unhelpful’ or ‘faulty’ thinking. We all have unhelpful ways of thinking, but it’s when they start to interfere with daily life that they become a problem. In the table below you will see six unhelpful ways of thinking. Read the different unhelpful ways of thinking and then choose the ones you think you might do (either sometimes or often). Then when you next feel worried or anxious you can try and identify which unhelpful way of thinking contributed to your worry or anxiety, and try to challenge it. Unhelpful way of thinking What this means Do you do this? All or nothing Thinking is black or white, good or bad. In doing this you forget there is often a grey area Negative focus You focus on all the things that are wrong and forget about any positives, or any of your strengths Having rigid rules that you live by Your thoughts have words like “should” “can’t” and “must” in them, eg “I should do this or I will feel guilty” Catastrophising The worst possible thing will happen. You focus on how awful and unpleasant something is, and it will end in disaster Jumping to conclusions This is when you think you know what will happen – and it is bad. You try and predict the future and read minds Personalising When you think something bad has happened or it has actually happened, you think you are to blame Day3Day5Day4 19
  • 22. Women’s Health Week Workbook Daily journal Day 3 Write whatever you want in the space below. Or as a prompt for today’s journal you might like to answer this question: when someone does something you don’t like, what do you usually do? It’s your space – do with it what feels right for you ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................... List three ways you took care of yourself today: 1. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 2. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 3. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 20
  • 23. Day 4 Managing your health: Where to get your health information? Cardiovascular disease Day 4 is all about managing your health, talking about the difficult topics and understanding where women get their health information. Also, our survey told us the number one topic women didn’t really understand but was very important to them – recognising the symptoms of heart disease, heart attack and stroke in women. Activity Questions to get you started 1. What topic makes you feel uncomfortable and you don’t like to talk about? (You don’t have to write it down you can just think about it if you like) ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 2. What do you think it is about the topic that makes it uncomfortable to talk about? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 3. List a few important points that you would like to discuss about this topic, if you had the chance and felt comfortable to do so. ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 4. What would stop you from bringing up this topic for discussion? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ Day5Day4 21
  • 24. Women’s Health Week Workbook 5. What would help you to bring up this topic for discussion? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 6. What topic is easy for you to talk about? ............................................................................................................ 7. What helps you to bring up that topic for discussion? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 8. What is the first thing you say about that topic? ............................................................................................................ 9. Think about a time when you expected something bad to happen and it didn’t? What happened and what did you learn from this? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ Info Be aware of the symptoms of stroke When the blood supply to the brain is interrupted this may result in a stroke. The following symptoms may be the signs of a stroke: zz blurred vision zz numbness zz weakness zz fatigue zz trouble speaking or understanding zz loss of consciousness 22
  • 25. Tip Who can I talk with? When choosing who to talk with, make sure it’s someone you feel: zz you can connect with zz understands you and your life zz will listen zz you can trust zz won’t judge you zz won’t tell you what to do If you would like to talk with a health professional there are options: zz your GP or local doctor zz your community health centre (go to the website of your local council to find yours) zz a psychologist – because they are registered mental health professionals, you can get a Medicare rebate for 10 sessions per year with a psychologist zz a counsellor – look for a registered counsellor, which means you are seeing someone who has done an approved course in counselling zz a social worker Day5Day4 “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ......................................................... Maya Angelou 23
  • 26. Women’s Health Week Workbook Tip How can I help? If someone you know is upset, troubled, depressed, anxious or generally not themselves it’s helpful to know what you can say and do to help. zz Talk – find a private place and the right time for them to talk free of distractions. Be calm, respectful, admit you don’t know exactly what they’re feeling but want to be there for them zz Listen rather than talk at them. They may not need your advice, they may just need you to listen zz Use open-ended questions rather than a question that requires a yes or no answer. You could say “Tell me aboutâ€Ļ” or “What’s going on for you?” zz Just spend time together – you may not have to talk, but just be there with them zz Suggest they seek support and that you’ll go with them if they would like that 24
  • 27. Info Common symptoms of heart attack in women Common symptoms of heart attack include feelings of: These may be felt in the: You may also feel: pain chest short of breath pressure neck nauseous (sick) tightness jaw a cold sweat heaviness arm(s) dizzy back shoulder(s) Activity 3 questions Sometimes we leave an appointment and then think of all the questions we wish we had asked. Now is a good time to think about those questions. If you were seeing your doctor/health professional today, what are three questions you wish you could ask? 1. ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 2. ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 3. ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ Day5Day4 25
  • 28. Women’s Health Week Workbook Daily journal Day 4 You can write about anything you want below. Or, as a prompt, you might like to write about a time you shared a secret with someone. It’s your space – do with it what feels right for you ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................... List three ways you took care of yourself today: 1. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 2. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 3. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 26
  • 29. Day5 Day 5 Healthy living: now what? Women told us that one of the top four things they worried about was how to live a healthy life. This included things like managing their weight, eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise. The following questions and activities are aimed at getting you thinking about your diet, exercise and what you would like to change. Activity Your top threes What are three things you do to eat a healthy nutritious diet? For example it might be to plan your meals ahead of time, to shop for seasonal produce at the market, or to try and include 5 serves of vegetables in your daily food intake. 1. ............................................................................................................ 2. ............................................................................................................ 3. ............................................................................................................ What are three things you do to make sure you are physically active? This might be to take your runners to work so you can walk at lunch time, or put your gym clothes next to the door, or get up 30 minutes earlier to go for a walk. 1. ............................................................................................................ 2. ............................................................................................................ 3. ............................................................................................................ What are three things you do for your mental and emotional health? Perhaps you plan time out for you during the week, do something nurturing like a walk with a friend, or write in a journal? 1. ............................................................................................................ 2. ............................................................................................................ 3. ............................................................................................................ 27
  • 30. Women’s Health Week Workbook Activity Your strengths 1. What are your strengths to help you live a healthy life? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 2. Do you acknowledge these strengths or are you more likely to focus on the things you do wrong? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 3. Think of someone who you admire who is fit and healthy. What do they do that you would like to try? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 4. What aspect of healthy living do you think you know the most about? ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 5. List three things that you are most proud of in your life: 1.......................................................................................................... 2.......................................................................................................... 3.......................................................................................................... 28
  • 31. Activity If you were to make one change... 1. If you could change one health habit, what would it be? ............................................................................................................ 2. What has stopped you making changes in the past? ............................................................................................................ 3. What would need to happen for this change to occur? ............................................................................................................ Activity How much time do you have for health? How much Current time Ideal time Quiet time Thinking time Physical activity Planning and cooking healthy meals Seeing friends and family Day5 “People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness” ............................................ John Wanamaker 29
  • 32. Women’s Health Week Workbook Activity The week I had Look back over the week that’s been and think about your daily activities, the foods you ate, your moods, thoughts, feelings and who you saw during the week. This activity is designed to help you think about your lifestyle, whether there are any patterns to your mood and thinking and how the people you see in your life might affect you. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Food I ate Physical activity Health concerns/ problems Thoughts I had Feelings I had My mood Who I saw 30
  • 33. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday “Whoever says to themselves, ‘I will succeed’ will reach their goal. But if you think ‘It’s impossible, I will never manage’, then you will failâ€Ļ” ........................................................... Dalai Lama, Daily Advice 103 Day5 31
  • 34. Women’s Health Week Workbook Daily journal Day 5 You can write about anything you want below. Or, as a prompt, write about a time you made a healthy change to your life and what that felt like. It’s your space – do with it what feels right for you ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................... List three ways you took care of yourself today: 1. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 2. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 3. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 32
  • 35. The five freedoms The freedom to... see and hear what is here, instead of what should be, was, or will be The freedom to... say what one feels and thinks instead of what one should The freedom to... feel what one feels instead of what one ought The freedom to... ask for what one wants, instead of always waiting for permission The freedom to...t take risks on one’s own behalf, instead of choosing to be only “secure” and not rocking the boat ....................................................................................... Virginia Satir Day Thank you for being part of Women’s Health Week 2015! We hope you have enjoyed learning a bit more about your health, and are now motivated to take action if you need to. Most importantly, by being part of the week you have taken some valuable time out to think about you and your health, which is fantastic. We look forward to having you as part of Women’s Health Week 2016. The Women’s Health Week team
  • 36. Translation, Communication & Education Unit Jean Hailes for Women’s Health Box 33314, Domain LPO Melbourne VIC 3004 Phone: 1800 JEAN HAILES (532 642) Email: This workbook is designed to be informative and educational. It is not intended to provide specific medical advice or replace advice from your health practitioner. Š Jean Hailes for Women's Health 2015