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Uso de las TIC y herramientas 2.0 en
Fisioterapia y ENFERMERÍA
10 Abril 2015
2.638 millones de personas
conectadas en 2014
10 Abril 2015
2.638 millones de personas
conectadas en 2014
30% nativos digitales
“la población de jóvenes conectados de 15 a 24 años de
edad, con cinco o más años de experiencia en línea”
Unión internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT).
Naciones Unidas
10 Abril 2015
V Estudio Anual de Redes Sociales de IAB Spain Enero 2014
10 Abril 2015
V Estudio Anual de Redes Sociales de IAB Spain Enero 2014
76,2%de las Personas en España
entre 16 y 74 años
Usan internet
10 Abril 2015
10 Abril 2015
#TICsFTPyENFV Estudio Anual de Redes Sociales de IAB Spain Enero 2014
Usan redes sociales a diario
Los ciudadanos ante la e-sanidad. Instituto ONTSI. Julio de 2012
48,3%Internautas buscaron
sobre SALUD
“Una Revolución no se produce cuando
la sociedad adopta nuevas herramientas,
ocurre cuando la sociedad adopta nuevos
Clay Shirky
10 Abril 2015
#TICsFTPyENFHesse B, Moser R, Rutten L. Surveys of Physicians and Electronic HealthInformation. NEJM 2010 Mar 4;362(9):859-60
Lo primero que se consulta es internet.
10 Abril 2015
#TICsFTPyENFGráfico original de Los ciudadanos ante la e-sanidad. Instituto ONTSI. Julio de 2012
Tipos de INFORMACIÓN que buscan los pacientes
10 Abril 2015
#TICsFTPyENFJ Med Internet Res 2014 vol. 16 issue. 8
Original Paper
Representation of Health Conditions on Facebook: Content
Analysis and Evaluation of User Engagement
Timothy M Hale1
, PhD; Akhilesh S Pathipati2
, BA; Shiyi Zan1
, BS; Kamal Jethwani1
Center for Connected Health, Partners HealthCare, Inc, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, United States
Corresponding Author:
Timothy M Hale, PhD
Center for Connected Health
Partners HealthCare, Inc
Harvard Medical School
25 New Chardon Street, Suite 300
Boston, MA, 02114
United States
Phone: 1 617 643 9852
Fax: 1 617 726 7530
Background: A sizable majority of adult Internet users report looking for health information online. Social networking sites
(SNS) like Facebook represent a common place to seek information, but very little is known about the representation and use of
health content on SNS.
Objective: Our goal in this study was to understand the role of SNS in health information seeking. More specifically, we aimed
to describe how health conditions are represented on Facebook Pages and how users interact with these different conditions.
Methods: We used Google Insights to identify the 20 most searched for health conditions on Google and then searched each
of the resulting terms on Facebook. We compiled a list of the first 50 Facebook “Pages” results for each health condition. After
filtering results to identify pages relevant to our research, we categorized pages into one of seven categories based on the page’s
primary purpose. We then measured user engagement by evaluating the number of “Likes” for different conditions and types of
Results: The search returned 50 pages for 18 of the health conditions, but only 48 pages were found for “anemia” and 5 pages
were found for “flu symptoms”, yielding a total of 953 pages. A large number of pages (29.4%, 280/953) were irrelevant to the
health condition searched. Of the 673 relevant pages, 151 were not in English or originated outside the United States, leaving
522 pages to be coded for content. The most common type of page was marketing/promotion (32.2%, 168/522) followed by
10 Abril 2015
#TICsFTPyENFJ Med Internet Res 2014 vol. 16 issue. 8
Original Paper
Representation of Health Conditions on Facebook: Content
Analysis and Evaluation of User Engagement
Timothy M Hale1
, PhD; Akhilesh S Pathipati2
, BA; Shiyi Zan1
, BS; Kamal Jethwani1
Center for Connected Health, Partners HealthCare, Inc, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, United States
Corresponding Author:
Timothy M Hale, PhD
Center for Connected Health
Partners HealthCare, Inc
Harvard Medical School
25 New Chardon Street, Suite 300
Boston, MA, 02114
United States
Phone: 1 617 643 9852
Fax: 1 617 726 7530
Background: A sizable majority of adult Internet users report looking for health information online. Social networking sites
(SNS) like Facebook represent a common place to seek information, but very little is known about the representation and use of
health content on SNS.
Objective: Our goal in this study was to understand the role of SNS in health information seeking. More specifically, we aimed
to describe how health conditions are represented on Facebook Pages and how users interact with these different conditions.
Methods: We used Google Insights to identify the 20 most searched for health conditions on Google and then searched each
of the resulting terms on Facebook. We compiled a list of the first 50 Facebook “Pages” results for each health condition. After
filtering results to identify pages relevant to our research, we categorized pages into one of seven categories based on the page’s
primary purpose. We then measured user engagement by evaluating the number of “Likes” for different conditions and types of
10 Abril 2015
#TICsFTPyENFJ Med Internet Res 2014 vol. 16 issue. 8
Original Paper
Representation of Health Conditions on Facebook: Content
Analysis and Evaluation of User Engagement
Timothy M Hale1
, PhD; Akhilesh S Pathipati2
, BA; Shiyi Zan1
, BS; Kamal Jethwani1
Center for Connected Health, Partners HealthCare, Inc, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, United States
Corresponding Author:
Timothy M Hale, PhD
Center for Connected Health
Partners HealthCare, Inc
Harvard Medical School
25 New Chardon Street, Suite 300
Boston, MA, 02114
United States
Phone: 1 617 643 9852
Fax: 1 617 726 7530
Background: A sizable majority of adult Internet users report looking for health information online. Social networking sites
(SNS) like Facebook represent a common place to seek information, but very little is known about the representation and use of
health content on SNS.
Objective: Our goal in this study was to understand the role of SNS in health information seeking. More specifically, we aimed
to describe how health conditions are represented on Facebook Pages and how users interact with these different conditions.
Methods: We used Google Insights to identify the 20 most searched for health conditions on Google and then searched each
of the resulting terms on Facebook. We compiled a list of the first 50 Facebook “Pages” results for each health condition. After
filtering results to identify pages relevant to our research, we categorized pages into one of seven categories based on the page’s
primary purpose. We then measured user engagement by evaluating the number of “Likes” for different conditions and types of
No tenían nada que ver
sobre la condición de
10 Abril 2015
#TICsFTPyENFJ Med Internet Res 2014 vol. 16 issue. 8
Original Paper
Representation of Health Conditions on Facebook: Content
Analysis and Evaluation of User Engagement
Timothy M Hale1
, PhD; Akhilesh S Pathipati2
, BA; Shiyi Zan1
, BS; Kamal Jethwani1
Center for Connected Health, Partners HealthCare, Inc, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, United States
Corresponding Author:
Timothy M Hale, PhD
Center for Connected Health
Partners HealthCare, Inc
Harvard Medical School
25 New Chardon Street, Suite 300
Boston, MA, 02114
United States
Phone: 1 617 643 9852
Fax: 1 617 726 7530
Background: A sizable majority of adult Internet users report looking for health information online. Social networking sites
(SNS) like Facebook represent a common place to seek information, but very little is known about the representation and use of
health content on SNS.
Objective: Our goal in this study was to understand the role of SNS in health information seeking. More specifically, we aimed
to describe how health conditions are represented on Facebook Pages and how users interact with these different conditions.
Methods: We used Google Insights to identify the 20 most searched for health conditions on Google and then searched each
of the resulting terms on Facebook. We compiled a list of the first 50 Facebook “Pages” results for each health condition. After
filtering results to identify pages relevant to our research, we categorized pages into one of seven categories based on the page’s
primary purpose. We then measured user engagement by evaluating the number of “Likes” for different conditions and types of
No tenían nada que ver
sobre la condición de
168 32,2% Del resto, sólo de MARKETING
10 Abril 2015
#TICsFTPyENFGráfico original de Los ciudadanos ante la e-sanidad. Instituto ONTSI. Julio de 2012
Barreras de INTERNET como fuente de información en SALUD
10 Abril 2015
#TICsFTPyENFGráfico original de Los ciudadanos ante la e-sanidad. Instituto ONTSI. Julio de 2012
Barreras de INTERNET como fuente de información en SALUD
content curation
¿Cómo afecta la
61%Pacientes de
Atención Primaria
buscaron en Internet
Marin-Torres V, et al. Internet como fuente de información sobre salud
en pacientes de atención primaria y su influencia en la relación médico-
paciente. Aten Primaria.Volume 45, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 46–53
respuesta a sus dudas
Marin-Torres V, et al. Internet como fuente de información sobre salud en pacientes de atención primaria y su influencia en la relación médico-paciente. Aten Primaria. 2012.
Cambios en el comportamiento entre los pacientes que utilizan internetcomo fuente de información de salud
53,5% Refiere haber cambiadoalgúna vez
la forma de pensar y en el 30% la de comportarse:
¿Por qué parece
entonces que nos
cuesta adaptarnos?
10 Abril 2015
Systematic Review of Factors Influencing the Adoption of
Information and Communication Technologies by Healthcare
Marie-Pierre Gagnon,
Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada, Department of Nursing,
Laval University, Québec City, Canada, Centre de recherche du CHUQ, Hôpital St-François
D’Assise, 10, rue de L’Espinay, D6-734, Québec City, QC G1L 3L5, Canada
Marie Desmartis,
Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada
Michel Labrecque,
Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada, Department of Family and
Emergency Medicine, Laval University, Québec City, Canada
Josip Car,
Department of Primary Care and Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London
London, UK
Claudia Pagliari,
Centre for Population Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Pierre Pluye,
Department of Family Medicine, McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Pierre Frémont,
Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada, Department of
J Med Syst. 2012 February ; 36(1): 241–277. doi:10.1007/s10916-010-9473-4.
en 101 estudios incluidos
se describen
10 Abril 2015
Systematic Review of Factors Influencing the Adoption of
Information and Communication Technologies by Healthcare
Marie-Pierre Gagnon,
Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada, Department of Nursing,
Laval University, Québec City, Canada, Centre de recherche du CHUQ, Hôpital St-François
D’Assise, 10, rue de L’Espinay, D6-734, Québec City, QC G1L 3L5, Canada
Marie Desmartis,
Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada
Michel Labrecque,
Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada, Department of Family and
Emergency Medicine, Laval University, Québec City, Canada
Josip Car,
Department of Primary Care and Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London,
London, UK
Claudia Pagliari,
Centre for Population Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Pierre Pluye,
Department of Family Medicine, McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Published in final edited form as:
J Med Syst. 2012 February ; 36(1): 241–277. doi:10.1007/s10916-010-9473-4.
1 Factores Relacionados con las TIC
Factores Individuales (conocimientos y actitudes)2
Factores del entorno humano (pacientes)
Factores relacionados con la organización
Systematic Review of Factors Influencing the Adoption of
Information and Communication Technologies by Healthcare
Marie-Pierre Gagnon,
Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada, Department of Nursing,
Laval University, Québec City, Canada, Centre de recherche du CHUQ, Hôpital St-François
D’Assise, 10, rue de L’Espinay, D6-734, Québec City, QC G1L 3L5, Canada
Marie Desmartis,
Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada
Michel Labrecque,
Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada, Department of Family and
Emergency Medicine, Laval University, Québec City, Canada
Josip Car,
Department of Primary Care and Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London,
London, UK
Claudia Pagliari,
Centre for Population Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Pierre Pluye,
Department of Family Medicine, McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Author Manuscript / Manuscrit d'auteur
J Med Syst. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 May 06.
Published in final edited form as:
J Med Syst. 2012 February ; 36(1): 241–277. doi:10.1007/s10916-010-9473-4.
¿Y dónde dices
que puedo
encontrar esa
10 Abril 2015
#TICsFTPyENFInforme Janssen Top Ten en Salud 2.0 2015
¿Cómo estamos repartidos en Twitter?
10 Abril 2015
Busca a los “Influencers” de tu sector
10 Abril 2015
Busca a los “Influencers” de tu sector
10 Abril 2015
Cuest. fisioter. 2014, 43(2):79-88
43,8%De los fisioterapeutas
encuestados (n=189) tenían
perfil en Linked en 2012
10 Abril 2015
  ! !!!
! !
!!! !  !  ! 
BEQ=O0783O.NOE 9gigjelfk`laek^m%ji`gekcmjiekmdlcm@jcmP5Wlhbgkm@khgekfgkmjiekmdlcm@jcO^mjbkcmdlmj_ahgbkbgMhmSm6ldlim@jU
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dlmZmRjfkmkcmdKkmkmghelfhleYmlcmDJYBmAmelhKkm`lfgcmdlmH0YmlcmBCYXmAmelhKkm_lhjimdlmZVVmbjhekbejimdlhefjmdlmiamfld^m h
Cuest. fisioter. 2014, 43(2):79-88
67,5%forman parte de algún
10 Abril 2015
#TICsFTPyENFJournal of Nursing Education • Vol. 50, No. 7, 2011
10 Abril 2015
#TICsFTPyENFJournal of Nursing Education • Vol. 50, No. 7, 2011
10 Abril 2015
#TICsFTPyENFJournal of Nursing Education • Vol. 50, No. 7, 2011
10 Abril 2015
#TICsFTPyENFJournal of Nursing Education • Vol. 50, No. 7, 2011
10 Abril 2015
#TICsFTPyENFJournal of Nursing Education • Vol. 50, No. 7, 2011
10 Abril 2015
#TICsFTPyENFJournal of Nursing Education • Vol. 50, No. 7, 2011
10 Abril 2015
#TICsFTPyENFJournal of Nursing Education • Vol. 50, No. 7, 2011
10 Abril 2015
#TICsFTPyENFJournal of Nursing Education • Vol. 50, No. 7, 2011
10 Abril 2015
10 Abril 2015
10 Abril 2015
10 Abril 2015
10 Abril 2015
10 Abril 2015
10 Abril 2015
10 Abril 2015
10 Abril 2015
10 Abril 2015
10 Abril 2015
10 Abril 2015
10 Abril 2015
10 Abril 2015
Muchas Gracias

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Uso de las TIC en Fisioterapia y Enfermería - UAH

  • 1. @_RaulFerrer Uso de las TIC y herramientas 2.0 en Fisioterapia y ENFERMERÍA #TICsFTPyENF ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE FISIOTERAPIA EN ATENCIÓN PRIMARIA
  • 3. 35% 2.638 millones de personas conectadas en 2014 10 Abril 2015 #TICsFTPyENF
  • 4. 35% 2.638 millones de personas conectadas en 2014 S 9% 30% nativos digitales “la población de jóvenes conectados de 15 a 24 años de edad, con cinco o más años de experiencia en línea” Unión internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT). Naciones Unidas 10 Abril 2015 #TICsFTPyENF
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  • 8. Los ciudadanos ante la e-sanidad. Instituto ONTSI. Julio de 2012 48,3%Internautas buscaron sobre SALUD #TICsFTPyENF
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  • 10. 10 Abril 2015 #TICsFTPyENFHesse B, Moser R, Rutten L. Surveys of Physicians and Electronic HealthInformation. NEJM 2010 Mar 4;362(9):859-60 Lo primero que se consulta es internet.
  • 11. 10 Abril 2015 #TICsFTPyENFGráfico original de Los ciudadanos ante la e-sanidad. Instituto ONTSI. Julio de 2012 Tipos de INFORMACIÓN que buscan los pacientes
  • 12. 10 Abril 2015 #TICsFTPyENFJ Med Internet Res 2014 vol. 16 issue. 8 Original Paper Representation of Health Conditions on Facebook: Content Analysis and Evaluation of User Engagement Timothy M Hale1 , PhD; Akhilesh S Pathipati2 , BA; Shiyi Zan1 , BS; Kamal Jethwani1 , MD, MPH 1 Center for Connected Health, Partners HealthCare, Inc, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States 2 Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, United States Corresponding Author: Timothy M Hale, PhD Center for Connected Health Partners HealthCare, Inc Harvard Medical School 25 New Chardon Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA, 02114 United States Phone: 1 617 643 9852 Fax: 1 617 726 7530 Email: Abstract Background: A sizable majority of adult Internet users report looking for health information online. Social networking sites (SNS) like Facebook represent a common place to seek information, but very little is known about the representation and use of health content on SNS. Objective: Our goal in this study was to understand the role of SNS in health information seeking. More specifically, we aimed to describe how health conditions are represented on Facebook Pages and how users interact with these different conditions. Methods: We used Google Insights to identify the 20 most searched for health conditions on Google and then searched each of the resulting terms on Facebook. We compiled a list of the first 50 Facebook “Pages” results for each health condition. After filtering results to identify pages relevant to our research, we categorized pages into one of seven categories based on the page’s primary purpose. We then measured user engagement by evaluating the number of “Likes” for different conditions and types of pages. Results: The search returned 50 pages for 18 of the health conditions, but only 48 pages were found for “anemia” and 5 pages were found for “flu symptoms”, yielding a total of 953 pages. A large number of pages (29.4%, 280/953) were irrelevant to the health condition searched. Of the 673 relevant pages, 151 were not in English or originated outside the United States, leaving 522 pages to be coded for content. The most common type of page was marketing/promotion (32.2%, 168/522) followed by Hale et alJOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH
  • 13. 10 Abril 2015 #TICsFTPyENFJ Med Internet Res 2014 vol. 16 issue. 8 Original Paper Representation of Health Conditions on Facebook: Content Analysis and Evaluation of User Engagement Timothy M Hale1 , PhD; Akhilesh S Pathipati2 , BA; Shiyi Zan1 , BS; Kamal Jethwani1 , MD, MPH 1 Center for Connected Health, Partners HealthCare, Inc, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States 2 Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, United States Corresponding Author: Timothy M Hale, PhD Center for Connected Health Partners HealthCare, Inc Harvard Medical School 25 New Chardon Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA, 02114 United States Phone: 1 617 643 9852 Fax: 1 617 726 7530 Email: Abstract Background: A sizable majority of adult Internet users report looking for health information online. Social networking sites (SNS) like Facebook represent a common place to seek information, but very little is known about the representation and use of health content on SNS. Objective: Our goal in this study was to understand the role of SNS in health information seeking. More specifically, we aimed to describe how health conditions are represented on Facebook Pages and how users interact with these different conditions. Methods: We used Google Insights to identify the 20 most searched for health conditions on Google and then searched each of the resulting terms on Facebook. We compiled a list of the first 50 Facebook “Pages” results for each health condition. After filtering results to identify pages relevant to our research, we categorized pages into one of seven categories based on the page’s primary purpose. We then measured user engagement by evaluating the number of “Likes” for different conditions and types of pages. Hale et alJOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH
  • 14. 10 Abril 2015 #TICsFTPyENFJ Med Internet Res 2014 vol. 16 issue. 8 Original Paper Representation of Health Conditions on Facebook: Content Analysis and Evaluation of User Engagement Timothy M Hale1 , PhD; Akhilesh S Pathipati2 , BA; Shiyi Zan1 , BS; Kamal Jethwani1 , MD, MPH 1 Center for Connected Health, Partners HealthCare, Inc, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States 2 Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, United States Corresponding Author: Timothy M Hale, PhD Center for Connected Health Partners HealthCare, Inc Harvard Medical School 25 New Chardon Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA, 02114 United States Phone: 1 617 643 9852 Fax: 1 617 726 7530 Email: Abstract Background: A sizable majority of adult Internet users report looking for health information online. Social networking sites (SNS) like Facebook represent a common place to seek information, but very little is known about the representation and use of health content on SNS. Objective: Our goal in this study was to understand the role of SNS in health information seeking. More specifically, we aimed to describe how health conditions are represented on Facebook Pages and how users interact with these different conditions. Methods: We used Google Insights to identify the 20 most searched for health conditions on Google and then searched each of the resulting terms on Facebook. We compiled a list of the first 50 Facebook “Pages” results for each health condition. After filtering results to identify pages relevant to our research, we categorized pages into one of seven categories based on the page’s primary purpose. We then measured user engagement by evaluating the number of “Likes” for different conditions and types of pages. Hale et alJOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH 29% (n=280) No tenían nada que ver sobre la condición de SALUD
  • 15. 10 Abril 2015 #TICsFTPyENFJ Med Internet Res 2014 vol. 16 issue. 8 Original Paper Representation of Health Conditions on Facebook: Content Analysis and Evaluation of User Engagement Timothy M Hale1 , PhD; Akhilesh S Pathipati2 , BA; Shiyi Zan1 , BS; Kamal Jethwani1 , MD, MPH 1 Center for Connected Health, Partners HealthCare, Inc, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States 2 Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, United States Corresponding Author: Timothy M Hale, PhD Center for Connected Health Partners HealthCare, Inc Harvard Medical School 25 New Chardon Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA, 02114 United States Phone: 1 617 643 9852 Fax: 1 617 726 7530 Email: Abstract Background: A sizable majority of adult Internet users report looking for health information online. Social networking sites (SNS) like Facebook represent a common place to seek information, but very little is known about the representation and use of health content on SNS. Objective: Our goal in this study was to understand the role of SNS in health information seeking. More specifically, we aimed to describe how health conditions are represented on Facebook Pages and how users interact with these different conditions. Methods: We used Google Insights to identify the 20 most searched for health conditions on Google and then searched each of the resulting terms on Facebook. We compiled a list of the first 50 Facebook “Pages” results for each health condition. After filtering results to identify pages relevant to our research, we categorized pages into one of seven categories based on the page’s primary purpose. We then measured user engagement by evaluating the number of “Likes” for different conditions and types of pages. Hale et alJOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH 29% (n=280) No tenían nada que ver sobre la condición de SALUD 168 32,2% Del resto, sólo de MARKETING
  • 16. 10 Abril 2015 #TICsFTPyENFGráfico original de Los ciudadanos ante la e-sanidad. Instituto ONTSI. Julio de 2012 Barreras de INTERNET como fuente de información en SALUD
  • 17. 10 Abril 2015 #TICsFTPyENFGráfico original de Los ciudadanos ante la e-sanidad. Instituto ONTSI. Julio de 2012 Barreras de INTERNET como fuente de información en SALUD 83,1%
  • 21. 61%Pacientes de Atención Primaria buscaron en Internet Marin-Torres V, et al. Internet como fuente de información sobre salud en pacientes de atención primaria y su influencia en la relación médico- paciente. Aten Primaria.Volume 45, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 46–53 92,4%encontró respuesta a sus dudas #TICsFTPyENF
  • 22. Marin-Torres V, et al. Internet como fuente de información sobre salud en pacientes de atención primaria y su influencia en la relación médico-paciente. Aten Primaria. 2012. Cambios en el comportamiento entre los pacientes que utilizan internetcomo fuente de información de salud 53,5% Refiere haber cambiadoalgúna vez la forma de pensar y en el 30% la de comportarse:
  • 23. ¿Por qué parece entonces que nos cuesta adaptarnos?
  • 24. 10 Abril 2015 #TICsFTPyENF Systematic Review of Factors Influencing the Adoption of Information and Communication Technologies by Healthcare Professionals Marie-Pierre Gagnon, Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada, Department of Nursing, Laval University, Québec City, Canada, Centre de recherche du CHUQ, Hôpital St-François D’Assise, 10, rue de L’Espinay, D6-734, Québec City, QC G1L 3L5, Canada Marie Desmartis, Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada Michel Labrecque, Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada, Department of Family and Emergency Medicine, Laval University, Québec City, Canada Josip Car, Department of Primary Care and Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London London, UK Claudia Pagliari, Centre for Population Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK Pierre Pluye, Department of Family Medicine, McGill University, Montréal, Canada Pierre Frémont, Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada, Department of J Med Syst. 2012 February ; 36(1): 241–277. doi:10.1007/s10916-010-9473-4. nadaAuthorManuscriptPMCCanadaAuthorManuscript 84MOTIVOS en 101 estudios incluidos se describen
  • 25. 10 Abril 2015 #TICsFTPyENF Systematic Review of Factors Influencing the Adoption of Information and Communication Technologies by Healthcare Professionals Marie-Pierre Gagnon, Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada, Department of Nursing, Laval University, Québec City, Canada, Centre de recherche du CHUQ, Hôpital St-François D’Assise, 10, rue de L’Espinay, D6-734, Québec City, QC G1L 3L5, Canada Marie Desmartis, Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada Michel Labrecque, Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada, Department of Family and Emergency Medicine, Laval University, Québec City, Canada Josip Car, Department of Primary Care and Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, London, UK Claudia Pagliari, Centre for Population Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK Pierre Pluye, Department of Family Medicine, McGill University, Montréal, Canada Published in final edited form as: J Med Syst. 2012 February ; 36(1): 241–277. doi:10.1007/s10916-010-9473-4. CanadaAuthorManuscriptPMCCanadaAuthorManuscrip 1 Factores Relacionados con las TIC Factores Individuales (conocimientos y actitudes)2 Factores del entorno humano (pacientes) Factores relacionados con la organización 3 4 Systematic Review of Factors Influencing the Adoption of Information and Communication Technologies by Healthcare Professionals Marie-Pierre Gagnon, Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada, Department of Nursing, Laval University, Québec City, Canada, Centre de recherche du CHUQ, Hôpital St-François D’Assise, 10, rue de L’Espinay, D6-734, Québec City, QC G1L 3L5, Canada Marie Desmartis, Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada Michel Labrecque, Quebec University Hospital Research Centre, Québec City, Canada, Department of Family and Emergency Medicine, Laval University, Québec City, Canada Josip Car, Department of Primary Care and Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, London, UK Claudia Pagliari, Centre for Population Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK Pierre Pluye, Department of Family Medicine, McGill University, Montréal, Canada Author Manuscript / Manuscrit d'auteur J Med Syst. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 May 06. Published in final edited form as: J Med Syst. 2012 February ; 36(1): 241–277. doi:10.1007/s10916-010-9473-4. MCCanadaAuthorManuscriptPMCCanadaAuthorManuscript
  • 26. ¿Y dónde dices que puedo encontrar esa información?
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  • 30. 10 Abril 2015 #TICsFTPyENF Cuest. fisioter. 2014, 43(2):79-88 43,8%De los fisioterapeutas encuestados (n=189) tenían perfil en Linked en 2012
  • 31. 10 Abril 2015 #TICsFTPyENF ALKLMIPNOFLOQ2QPJIMNJMKQ5ED,QFPJPINOCL7JQHPQGOQNPHQFNM?PKLMJOGQ :LJ/PHLJQPJINPQGMKQ?LKLMIPNOFP@IOKQPKFO<MGPKQ ! !!! ! ! !!! ! ! ! BEQ=O0783O.NOE 9gigjelfk`laek^m%ji`gekcmjiekmdlcm@jcmP5Wlhbgkm@khgekfgkmjiekmdlcm@jcO^mjbkcmdlmj_ahgbkbgMhmSm6ldlim@jU bgkclimlhmlcm-caieflmjclWgjm8fjligjhkcmdlm9gigjelfk`laekimdlm5hdkcabKk^m7LckWk^mEi`k=k ;EQAPNNPN8BPOE 9gigjelfk`laek^m^@^mEheflTKkimP@E675@O^m8fligdlhelmdlmckm5ijbgkbgMhm9gigjelfk`gkm@ghm6ld^m8fjlijfm2geackfmdlm ckm hgTlfigdkdm5aeMhj_kmdlm7kdfgdm@E UHkm@kccl^m7kdfgd^mEi`k=k 3MNNPKFMJHPJCLO, 6lbg[gdjmZVmNahgjmXVZJ 8k[cjm/kTMmk[fk 5bl`ekdjmXFmhjTgl_[flmXVZJ `k[cjdkTjbk[fkW_kgc^bj_ 4NL LJOG ;+!() ;@:?8466; lhmckmkbeakcgdkdmlimahmRlbRjmQalmcjimlhejfhjimX^VmSmckimfldlimijbgkclimdlmaijm`fjligjhkcmilmRkh bjhTlfegdjmlhmahmlcl_lhejm_LimdlhefjmdlmckmTgdkmdlm_abRjimgigjelfk`laeki^m-A@,?milm`fj`jhlmflkcgGkfmahmlieaU dgjmdlibfg`egTjmefkhiTlfikcm`kfkmTlfmckm`lhlefk[gcgdkdmQalYmlhmhjTgl_[flmdlmXVZXYmeglhlmckmfldmijbgkcmHgh;ldghmPH0Omlhefl cjimgigjelfk`laekimli`k=jcli^m =@A:=5B0B1@?8?milmkd_ghgiefkmahmbaliegjhkfgjmdgil=kdjm=8)9?6BkmJX?mgigjelfk`laU ekimQalmkigieglfjhmkmdjimlTlhejimbglheKgbjimflckbgjhkdjimbjhmlhejfhjimX^VYmlhmlcmQalmilmclim`flWahek[kmij[flmiai RL[gejimdlmaegcgGkbgMhmdlmghelfhlemSmfldlimijbgkcliYmSmlhmli`lbgkcmij[flmH0^mA45@=8?BlcmBXYCmAmilmbjhlbek[km_Li dlmZmRjfkmkcmdKkmkmghelfhleYmlcmDJYBmAmelhKkm`lfgcmdlmH0YmlcmBCYXmAmelhKkm_lhjimdlmZVVmbjhekbejimdlhefjmdlmiamfld^m h CBYCmAmflgfgMm_lNjfkfmiamfldmdlmbjhekbejimbj_jm`fghbg`kcmfkGMhm`kfkmdkfilmdlmkcekmlhmH0^mEcm:CYFmAmdlmcjimiaNlU Cuest. fisioter. 2014, 43(2):79-88 67,5%forman parte de algún GRUPO
  • 32. 10 Abril 2015 #TICsFTPyENFJournal of Nursing Education • Vol. 50, No. 7, 2011
  • 33. 10 Abril 2015 #TICsFTPyENFJournal of Nursing Education • Vol. 50, No. 7, 2011
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  • 54.