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• Alternative medical system is an umbrella
term for a number of practices beyond the
scope of conventional medicine.
• These forms of alternative medicine are built
upon a complete system of ideas and practice
and may have evolved in Western or non-
Western cultures.
• There are so many alternatives ways of
treatment in whole world other than
• Alternative medicine includes various
healing approaches and therapies that
originate from around the world.
• Ayurveda, Chiropractic, Homeopathy,
Naturopathic medicine, Osteopathy, and
Traditional Chinese medicine.
These practices are popular, and some
are used in hospital patient are most
likely to seek alternative medicine for
conditions such as chronic low back-
pain, stress, migraine, headaches,
menopausal symptoms, cancer and
• Alternative medicines are intervention
that differs from the conventional bio-
medical treatment of disease.
Allopathic medicine has
been dominant 100 years.
Allopathic medical care is
particularly effective when
aggressive treatment
needed in emergency
Allopathic has not been
very effective in dealing
with chronic illness.
• Complementary and
alternative medicine
(CAM) includes various
healing approaches and
therapies that originate from
around the world and that are
not based on conventional
Western medicine. These
therapies are called
alternative medicine when
they are used alone and
complementary medicine
when they are used with
conventional medicine.
Complementary Therapy
Complementary therapy is
that therapy used in
addition to conventional
treatment recommend by
the person's health care
Alternative Therapy
It includes the same
intervention as
complementary therapies
but frequently becomes
the primary treatment that
replaces allopathic
medical care.
Relieve tension and other
 Relax, revitalize and
nurture Improve
circulation and revitalize
 Support psycho neuron
immunological response.
 Release negativity and
reaffirm positivity
• Illness occurs if the body is out of
• Body can heal itself and maintain a
healthy state if given the right condition.
• The whole person should be treated not
just the disease or the symptoms,
• The gentlest therapies must be tried first
before the harsher ones.
• There is no quick-fix since healing takes
• Natural products are preferable to
synthetic ones.
• Complementary and alternative
therapies are based on the body's innate
ability to heal itself.
• Natural alternative medicines do not
rely on prescription drugs, surgery, and
other conventional medical procedures.
Reason to use the alternative
 Reduce the side effect of treatment.
 Reduce the side effect of disease
 Suggestion is family friends and society.
 Philosophical or cultural orientation.
 Less expensive
 Easier to asses in food stores then physician.
 Desire to treat the disease in natural way.
 Improve the immune system.
 Improve the immune system
 Improve the quality of life.
Alternative medicine system
 Acupuncture
 Ayurveda
 Homeopathy
 Latine American
 Native American
 Naturopathic
 Biologically
based therapy
 Aroma therapy
 Macrobiotics
 Orthomolecula
r diet
 European
 Traditional
chinese herbal
 Ayrvedic herbs
Manipulative and
body-based methods
Chiropractic medicine
Feldenkrais method
Tai chi
Messages therapy
Simple touch
Mind body
Art therapy
Music therapy
Energy therapy
•Therapeutic touch
•Bioelectric magnetic
 Ayurveda is a system of medicine with
historical roots in the Indian subcontinent
Globalized and modernized.
 Ayurveda has a long tradition behind it,
having originated in India perhaps as much
as 3,000 years ago.
 Ayurvedic medicine, is an example of a
well-organized system of traditional health
care, both preventive and curative, that is
widely practiced in parts of Asia.
Basic Principles of Ayurveda
1. The TriGunas-
Three Fundamental universal
energies: viz - Satva
,Rajas and Tamas
2. The Panca-Mahabhutas -
Five basic elements viz.-
Akasha (Space),Vayu (Air),Teja o
r Agni(Fire),Jala(Water)
and Prithvi (Earth)
3. The TriDosas -
Three Body Humours viz.-
Vata,Pitta and Kapha
4.The SaptaDhatus -
Seven types of body tissues :viz.-
Rasa (fluid) Dhatu, Rakta(blood)
Dhatu, Mamsa
Dhatu,Majja Dhatu and Sukra
5.The TrayodosaAgni -
Thirteen types of digestive fires
: viz.-Jatharagni (gastric
fire), SaptaDhatvagni and PancaB
6.The TriMalas -
Three types of Body Wastes :viz.-
Purisa (faeces),Mutra (urine)
and Sveda (sweat)
Examination of the patient, i.e. Rogi-pareeksha there are five
influential criteria for diagnosis of disease that are identified.
 Samvida pareeksha) comprising of constitution arakriti),
 Disease susceptibility (vikriti),
 Essence sara),
 Compactness (samhanana),
 Anthropometry oramana),
 Compatibility (satmya),
 Mind (sattwa),
 Digestion capacity of food (aharasakti),
 Physical strength (vyayamasakti),
 And age (vaya),
 Physical urine, pulse, feces, tongue, eyes, skin, ear and examination
of the functions.
Therapeutic streams are as follows:
Therapies with inexplicable mode of action
(Daivavyapasraya chikitsa)
Rationale treatment (Yukti vyapasraya chikitsa)
Preventive and remedial measures to psychic disorders
(Satwavajaya chikitsa).
Rely heavily on plant materials. Botanicals are mixed
with metals minerals or other naturally occurring
The diet regimen is as important as remedies.
Prescribe doses of medicine are taken to cure them
effectively Ayurvedic medicines do not cause any side
Department of AYUSH in INDIA
• The Ministry of AYUSH was formed with effect from 9
November 2014 ,Department of AYUSH
• It was created in March 1995 as the Department of Indian
Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy (ISM&H).
• AYUSH received its current name in March 2003. That time
it was operated under the Ministry of Health and Family
• The Indian Government has decided to introduce
International Yoga Award Scheme.
• The Bharatiya Janata Party in its election manifesto, said it
would increase public investment to promote AYUSH and
start Integrated Courses for Indian system of Medicines and
Modern Medicine
Yoga is science which helps to co-ordinate body and
mind more effectively. It promotes mental,
physical, social, spiritual health. It is also helps in
prevention and cure of various psychosomatic
disorders, psychic and physical disorders.
The Origin:-Yoga is originated from Veda, oldest
India (4000B.C.) and systematically presented by
Patanjali Yoga sutra in around 150 B.C.
According to Yoga sutra of
Patanjali-“Yoga is restraints of the activities of the
 Maintaining physical posture.
 Breathing exercise.
 Restraining of sense of organs.
 Restraints in every sphere of
 Contemplation
 Meditation &All round fitness.
 Smadhi.
 Builds muscle strength
 Betters your bone health
 Increase blood flow
 Drops blood pressure
 Protect spine
 Weight loss
 Stress relief
 Help in focus
 Boosts your immune system
 Helps in deeper sleep
 Inner peace
 Improvement in personal, social
 Better circulation of oxygenated
blood in the body.
Unnani system
The Unnani System of Medicine has a long and
impressive record in India. It was introduced in India by the
Arabs sometime around the eleventh century.
The Origin:-
The Unnani System of Medicine has its origin in
Greece before Christ under the Hippocrates(377-460Bc) it
has been taken to various countries such as Arabia, Iran,
China, and India. There are four Hormone theory of
i. Blood
ii. Phlegm
iii. Yellow bile
iv. Black bile
Unnani system of medicine
The hormones are assigned temperature i.e; blood is hot and moist, phlegm is cold and moist,
yellow bile is hot and dry, black bile is cold and dry. As long as hormone are in balance
The individual remain healthy. Any imbalance and disturbance in hormones result in disease
The diagnosis of a disease is done by feeling pulse, observation of urine, stool, color of skin and
gait etc.
The treatment comprises 3 components namely Preventive, Pro-motive and Curative.
Treatment is carried out in 3 forms i.e; Pharmacy therapy, Diet therapy. Regimental Therapy and
Pharmacy therapy makes the natural drugs mainly herbal includes
 Animals,
 Minerals
 marine drugs.
It has 12 methods for specific and complicated diseases and
include methods like cupping, leeching. For the prevention and promotion
of health, the Unnani System of Medicine lays emphasis on developing
defense mechanism of the body and advocate 6 essential.
i. Exercise
ii. Rest, Sleep
iii. Psychic movements
iv. Sleep
v. Wakefulness
vi. Evacuation
vii. Retention
viii. Siddha
System of Medicine in an ancient science, which belongs to Dravidian
culture. It is very useful in maintenance and restoration of good
health. Siddha system accounted for total 4448 disease symptoms
and its cure. Thousand of herbs and mineral were Included in Siddha
system providing good and easy management of chronic to
degenerative, viral to cardiac disease.
The Origin:-Its origin is also traced to mythological sources belonging
to the Shiva tradition. According to the tradition, lord Shiva
conveyed the knowledge of medicine to his wife Parvati. The
knowledge was passed from her to Nandi and finally it was given to
Siddhas. Siddha is largely practiced in Tamil nadu.
The basic principle of Siddha is that there is an intimate link
between man and environment.The equilibrium of humor is
considered health and its dis-balance is disease.
Based on principle of Triguna-
Body are composed of these elements:-  Earth 
Water  Fire  Space  Air  Ether.
Food is the basic building material of the body
which gets processed into 3 doshas, 7 dhatus, 3
malas. The equilibrium of humor is considered
health and its misbalanced is disease.
The diagnosis of disease involves identifying its
cause. Causative factors are identified by examination of
Pulse, eyes, color of body, tongue, status of digestive
system, urine and study of voice.
Treatment based on all the diagnostic character of
patient. Treatment takes into account about environment
age, sex, race , habit , diet ,appetite ,physical and
physiological condition. Vaidya has the knowledge of herbs
and its effectiveness. Siddha system extensively use drug of
vegetable source as well as mineral origin. Use of metal like
gold, silver, sulphur, zinc, mica etc is only seen in Siddha
system of medicine.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine created in 1796 by Samuel.
The Origin: - Homeopathy has been in practice for 170 years by
thousand of practitioners and there are over 100.
Homeopathy is highly scientific, logical, safe, quick, and extremely
effective method of healing. It offers long lasting to permanent cure,
treating the disease from its roots.
Homeopathy is the system of treatment based on some laws and
Principles, which are-
 The law of Direction of cure
 The Law of Single Remedy
 The law of Minimum
 The Law of Chronic Disease
Causative factors are identified by
 examination of Pulse,
 eyes,
 color of body,
 tongue,
 status of digestive system,
 urine
The practitioner considers all Mental,
Physical, and Emotional aspects.
Homeopathy has effective treatment for
individuals with chronic disease such
as diabetes, arthritis, bronical asthma,
skin, allergic, and immune system
disorder, mental disorder and other
several disorders. The remedies are
prepared from plants, animals, metal
and mineral substance
Homeopathic diagnosis
lies in holistic approach
Sowa-Rigpa means 'science of healing' and the
practitioners of this medicine are known as Amchi
superior to all.
it Originated from India this system of
medicine has been popularly practiced in Ladakh
and Paddar-Pangay regions of Jammu and
Kashmir, and also in Himachal Pradesh,
Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Darjeeling
Kalingpong (WB), and now in Tibetan
settlements all were India and abroad.
Sowa-Rigpa is a rich accumulation of science, art and
philosophy with history of continuous practice and Progress
for more than 2,500 years.
 It is a science because understanding the body, disease and
its relationship h based on systematical and logical
framework of with the environment.
 It is an art because the diagnostic techniques and
composition of medicine, etc. are based the creativity,
immensity, delicacy and compassion medical practitioner.
 It se it follows the key Buddhist principles of self-r karma
and ethics, etc.
 Diagnosis
Visual diagnosis – tongue examination and
urinalysis diagnosis touch, pulse preparatory conduct,
proper time for examination, place, pressure of
physician finger, technique, constitutional pulse
astonishing pulse, death pulse) temperature, diagnosis
by questioning – history of case present condition,
family background and changes in body.
 Treatment
Diet, behavior, medicine, accessory / external
therapies, minor ailment with regulation of diet and
behavior. Medium state of condition can be treated with
medicine, like decoction, powder, pills, purgatives,
emetics etc.
• Cooking Methods According to Various
– In spring lightly fermented, greens, steaming
– In summer: Lighter quality, greens, sweet corn, light
grain, barley, summer pumpkin, steaming, etc.
– In autumn: Food with more concentrated quality, root
vegetables, heavier grains, likes millet and sweet rice.
– In winter: Food with stronger and concentrated
quality, round vegetables and roots, pickles, oilseeds,
fried rice, and heavier grain.
 It has the same principles like acupuncture but without using
 It is a traditional Chinese medical theory describing special
acupoints or acupressure points that lie along the meridians or
channels in your body.
 It is believed that through these invisible channels How vital
energy or a life force called Qi.
 It is also believed that 12 major meridians conne to specific organ
or network of organs organizing a communication throughout your
body, finger connect to your beannd then connect to an organ
associated with certain meridians.
 If any one of the meridians is blocked or out of balance,
illness can occur and acupressure cart restore the balance.
Instruments Used for Acupressure
• Acuball
• Energy roller
• Power mat/pyramid mat
• Spine roller
Acupressure wrist band for motion sickness
Postoperative nausea
Low back pain
Large intestine: LR4
Liver: LR3
Spleen: SP6.
These comprise the use of plants as medicine based on
traditional wisdom or understanding with scientific
The vital force and healing power of nature
The treatment is not on the disease.
It is whole patient-centered approach in which the patient
rather than the disease is the focus of the practitioner.
Background data of the client is collected by history
taking (family, health, personal lifestyle)
Therapy is directed on cause and not on symptoms. It is a
whole patient-centered approach in which
Duration of Treatment
Depends on individuals and their conditions
Improvement in symptoms should be noted in an hour or a
day for flu-like symptoms and 4-6 weeks in case of
chronic illness.
Phytomedicine is Safe
It is very safe if prescribed by a fully qualified practitioner
Menstrual disorder
Herat disease
Traditional Chinese medicine
The system of herbal medicine makes almost an exclusive
use of herbal combinations. This system is not designed
to treat a specific illness. It is rather designed to treat an
It is mainly in treatment of
 Liver Disease
 Sexual Dysfunction In Male
 Infertility Among Women
 Insomnia
 Cold And Flu
 Diabetes Mellitus
 Asthma,
 Osteoarthritis
 Irregular Menstruation
 Cancer
 Constipation
It is a branch of the healing
art, which is concerned
with human health and
prevention of disease.
Chiropractic medicine pays
special attention to spinal
neurological, vascular and
nutritional relationship.
Evolution It was developed
by Daniel David Palmer in
Lowa in 1895.
According to chiropractic medicine pathology
disease may be influenced by-
 Disturbances in the nervous system
 Improper rest and lack of exercise
 Genetic/hereditary factor
 Inadequate or improper nutrition
 Food tainted by fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides
preservatives, etc.
 Air/water pollution
 Stress and bodily trauma
 Palmer felt that the task of chiropractic was not to
he condition but to remove the nerve interferon
caused by subluxation, so that the body's inherent
capacity to heal itself would be restored.
Physical examination
Neuromuscular examination
Biochemical/X-ray test
Menstrual history
Behavioral history
Clinical Application:-
Osteology: Neck and jaw pain[, low back pain,
osteoporosis, fracture, sprain
Joints: Athritis, sports injury Vascular: HTN,
Arrhythmia, Raynaud's disease
Digestive: Colic, hiccups
Respiratory: Asthma, common cold, sinusitis
Urinary: Bed-wetting Reproductive: Menorrhagia,
Skin: Postsurgical scar cucet Depression, sleep
It is an unique and practical way to realize our potential fully.It
is based on establishment of good self image through awareness
and correction of body movements that will enhance functioning.
It is named after its orignator Moshe feldenkrias an engineer and
physicist as well as a judo teacher
 Relief from tension and muscles pain
 Eases breathing
 Greater relaxation and well being
 Improved performance in music , drama, sports, and dance
 Eases every day activity
 Increase vitality
It is an ancient
system of exercise that
incorporates slow and
graceful movement
integrated with focused
breathing and
visualization to stimulate
the flow of OL which
further leads to increased
self-awareness, vitality,
oxygenation of blood,
resistance to disease and
improved sleep.
It consists of sequence of
standardized movements
known as 'form'.
The movement is precise and
synchronized with breathing.
It is done in slow velocity
without use of special
Promotion of relaxation and
better spinal flexibility
Reduce pain
Improve posture
Increase balance and decrease
Massage therapy is manipulates the muscles and other soft a
trained therapist presses, rubs tissues of the body. He often uses his
hands and fingers. He may also use elbow forearm and feet
It evolved around 1000 years back in India. Egypt and Greece
.In 1850s, two American In 1850, two American physicians studied
in Sweden and introduced massage therapy in USA.
i. Sports massage
ii. Swedish massage: Uses long strokes, kneading deep circular
movements, vibration and tapping.
iii. Deep tissue massage:
Focuses on myo-fascial trigger points.
Effects of Massage It has two types of responses
1. Mechanical response: Results from pressure and
movements as soft tissues are manipulated
2. Reflex response: Stimulates the nerves.
Effects on Muscular System
 Relieves muscle tightness, stiffness, spasm
 Increases flexibility in muscle due to muscular
relaxation .
 Increases blood circulation, bringing more
oxygen and nutrients to muscles.
 Promotes removal of toxins and waste products
from the body.
Effects on CVs
Improves circulation by promoting
venous drainage.
 Dilate blood vessels and helping
them to work more efficiently
Temporary decrease of blood
pressure by dilating capillaries
Decreases heart rate due to
 Reduces ischemia
 Enhances blood flow, deliver fresh
oxygen and nutrients to tissue,
remove CO2 and toxins
This therapy helps people manage their physical emotional
problems by using creative activities express emotions. increase self
awareness and express unspoken and often unconscious concerns
about their illness and their lives.
It May be expressed by dance and other movements, drama,
poetry, phototherapy and art methods.
The connection between art and mental health was first
recognized in 1800. In 1922, a book was published - Artistry of
Mentally Ill. In 1940, ideas from psychoanalysis and art were
combined to release unconscious thoughts. In 1969, American Art
Therapy Association was established.
• It helps the people express their hidden emotions
fears, anxiety and provides a sense of freedom.
•The art therapist works with patients individually or
in groups. His job is to help patients express
themselves through their creation and also to talk
to the patients about their emotions related to the
Bone marrow transplant patient People with eating
Emotionally impaired young people
Disabled people
Chronic illness
Chemical addiction
Sexually abused adolescents
• The word 'Biofeedback ' was coined in the late
1940s to describe laboratory procedure being
used then to train experimental research
subject to altered brain activity, blood pressure,
heart rate and other bodily functions, which are
• Electromechanical instruments are used to
measure or to provide information about
neuromuscular and autonomic nervous system
activity. Then the therapist help the individual
to control his physiologic effect.
• Biofeedback is often aimed at changing
habitual reaction to stress that can cause pain
or disease.
• Skin temperature and muscle tone provide
information about relaxed state.Instruments
used are: EEG, ECG, EMG and galvanic skin
response. Desired physiologic state can be
achieved by following relaxation techniques,
imagery, etc.
Clinical Application
Anxiety or tension statue
Stress disorder
Chronic pain
Drug abuse
It does not require any
trained therapist or
It helps in increasing oxygen
uptake, reduction in blood
pressure/heart rate,
decreases muscle tone,
improves memory,
increases immune
response and enhances
peaceful state of mind.
Limitation Regular practice
is necessary.
This technique uses the conscious
mind to create mental images to
stimulate physical changes in the
body or to create a desired state.
Desired state may include relaxation,
enhanced sports performance, pain
relief and immune modulation.
It is a kind of relaxation training. It is divided into
Self-directed: Where individuals create their own mental
Guided: In which a practitioner leads an individual to be
through a particular scenario.
It begins with slow abdominal breathing.
-It directs the client to visualize ocean wave coming to share
with each inspiration and receding with each expiration
-Notice smell, sound and temperature that he/she is
Clinical Application
Functional urinary disorder
Irritable bowel syndrome
Chronic pain.
Limitation Sometimes this may develop day-
It is a listening therapy, specially filtered classical music to
improve eat, brain functions. A link is established between
the sound we hear and our functioning in Speech, learning,
energy and stress.
The classical music
• Improving ear functioning
• Recharging the cortex
Action:- According to biochemical theory, music is a sensory
stimulus that is processed through the sense of hearing.
Sound vibrations are chemically changed into nervous
impulses that activate either the sympathetic or
parasympathetic nervous system.
Dos:- to in Listening to it in a relaxed position, like lying down/sitting with
headphone is effective. Listening to music for 20-30 minutes everyday for
6-8 weeks before going to bed is having a good healing effect
Don'ts;-Listen to driving, eating, working. Listen to music while cooking,
Clinical Application
 Decreases stress, anxiety and pain.
 Improves cognitive functioning.
 Alters mood states.
 Promotes relaxation and sleep,
 Enhances alertness.
 Preoperatively music can be used to decrease anxiety.
 During surgery or any procedure,
It is derived from two
words, i.e. 'psyche' meaning
spirit, breath or soul, and
'therapia' meaning healing/
medical treatment.
It is a trained therapeutic
intervention contract between
professional and client family.
Book references:-
“Dash Bijaylashami” A Comprehensive Textbook Of Community
Health Nursing, Ist edition,Jeypee Brothers Medical
Publication , page no.421-438
“Ravi Prakash Saxena” textbook of Community health nursing –
II” 2nd edition , Lotus Publishers page no.80
a “Dr. T.Vasundhara Tulasi & Dr.G.Gnana Prasuna” A text book of
Community Health Nursing-II” 2nd edition , Frontline
Publication page no. 205-207.
“K Park” textbook of Park’s textbook of preventive and social
medicine 22st edition , M/S Banarsudas Bhanot publication
page no.536
Net references-
Net reference
alternative system of medicine

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alternative system of medicine

  • 1. INTRODUCTION • Alternative medical system is an umbrella term for a number of practices beyond the scope of conventional medicine. • These forms of alternative medicine are built upon a complete system of ideas and practice and may have evolved in Western or non- Western cultures.
  • 2. • There are so many alternatives ways of treatment in whole world other than allopathic. • Alternative medicine includes various healing approaches and therapies that originate from around the world. • Ayurveda, Chiropractic, Homeopathy, Naturopathic medicine, Osteopathy, and Traditional Chinese medicine.
  • 3. These practices are popular, and some are used in hospital patient are most likely to seek alternative medicine for conditions such as chronic low back- pain, stress, migraine, headaches, menopausal symptoms, cancer and arthritis. • Alternative medicines are intervention that differs from the conventional bio- medical treatment of disease.
  • 4. SYSTEM OF MEDICINE Allopathic medicine has been dominant 100 years. Allopathic medical care is particularly effective when aggressive treatment needed in emergency Allopathic has not been very effective in dealing with chronic illness.
  • 5. • Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) includes various healing approaches and therapies that originate from around the world and that are not based on conventional Western medicine. These therapies are called alternative medicine when they are used alone and complementary medicine when they are used with conventional medicine.
  • 6. Complementary Therapy Complementary therapy is that therapy used in addition to conventional treatment recommend by the person's health care provider. Alternative Therapy It includes the same intervention as complementary therapies but frequently becomes the primary treatment that replaces allopathic medical care.
  • 7. Objectives Relieve tension and other symptoms  Relax, revitalize and nurture Improve circulation and revitalize  Support psycho neuron immunological response.  Release negativity and reaffirm positivity
  • 8. Principles • Illness occurs if the body is out of balance. • Body can heal itself and maintain a healthy state if given the right condition. • The whole person should be treated not just the disease or the symptoms, • The gentlest therapies must be tried first before the harsher ones. • There is no quick-fix since healing takes time. • Natural products are preferable to synthetic ones. • Complementary and alternative therapies are based on the body's innate ability to heal itself. • Natural alternative medicines do not rely on prescription drugs, surgery, and other conventional medical procedures.
  • 9. Reason to use the alternative therapy  Reduce the side effect of treatment.  Reduce the side effect of disease  Suggestion is family friends and society.  Philosophical or cultural orientation.  Less expensive  Easier to asses in food stores then physician.  Desire to treat the disease in natural way.  Improve the immune system.  Improve the immune system  Improve the quality of life.
  • 10. Alternative medicine system  Acupuncture  Ayurveda  Homeopathy  Latine American practice  Native American practice  Naturopathic medicine  Biologically based therapy  Aroma therapy  Macrobiotics diet  Orthomolecula r diet  European phytomedicine  Traditional chinese herbal remedies  Ayrvedic herbs
  • 11. Manipulative and body-based methods Acupressure Chiropractic medicine Feldenkrais method Tai chi Messages therapy Simple touch Mind body intervention Art therapy Biofeedback Meditation Imaginary Music therapy Yoga Psychotherapy Energy therapy •Therapeutic touch •Reiki •Bioelectric magnetic therapy
  • 12. AYURVEDA  Ayurveda is a system of medicine with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent Globalized and modernized.  Ayurveda has a long tradition behind it, having originated in India perhaps as much as 3,000 years ago.  Ayurvedic medicine, is an example of a well-organized system of traditional health care, both preventive and curative, that is widely practiced in parts of Asia.
  • 13. Basic Principles of Ayurveda 1. The TriGunas- Three Fundamental universal energies: viz - Satva ,Rajas and Tamas 2. The Panca-Mahabhutas - Five basic elements viz.- Akasha (Space),Vayu (Air),Teja o r Agni(Fire),Jala(Water) and Prithvi (Earth) 3. The TriDosas - Three Body Humours viz.- Vata,Pitta and Kapha 4.The SaptaDhatus - Seven types of body tissues :viz.- Rasa (fluid) Dhatu, Rakta(blood) Dhatu, Mamsa Dhatu,Meda(fat)Dhatu,Asthi Dhatu,Majja Dhatu and Sukra Dhatu 5.The TrayodosaAgni - Thirteen types of digestive fires : viz.-Jatharagni (gastric fire), SaptaDhatvagni and PancaB hutagni 6.The TriMalas - Three types of Body Wastes :viz.- Purisa (faeces),Mutra (urine) and Sveda (sweat)
  • 14. Diagnosis Examination of the patient, i.e. Rogi-pareeksha there are five influential criteria for diagnosis of disease that are identified.  Samvida pareeksha) comprising of constitution arakriti),  Disease susceptibility (vikriti),  Essence sara),  Compactness (samhanana),  Anthropometry oramana),  Compatibility (satmya),  Mind (sattwa),  Digestion capacity of food (aharasakti),  Physical strength (vyayamasakti),  And age (vaya),  Physical urine, pulse, feces, tongue, eyes, skin, ear and examination of the functions.
  • 15. Treatment Therapeutic streams are as follows: Therapies with inexplicable mode of action (Daivavyapasraya chikitsa) Rationale treatment (Yukti vyapasraya chikitsa) Preventive and remedial measures to psychic disorders (Satwavajaya chikitsa). Rely heavily on plant materials. Botanicals are mixed with metals minerals or other naturally occurring substances. The diet regimen is as important as remedies. Prescribe doses of medicine are taken to cure them effectively Ayurvedic medicines do not cause any side effects.
  • 16. Department of AYUSH in INDIA • The Ministry of AYUSH was formed with effect from 9 November 2014 ,Department of AYUSH • It was created in March 1995 as the Department of Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy (ISM&H). • AYUSH received its current name in March 2003. That time it was operated under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. • The Indian Government has decided to introduce International Yoga Award Scheme. • The Bharatiya Janata Party in its election manifesto, said it would increase public investment to promote AYUSH and start Integrated Courses for Indian system of Medicines and Modern Medicine
  • 17. Yoga Yoga is science which helps to co-ordinate body and mind more effectively. It promotes mental, physical, social, spiritual health. It is also helps in prevention and cure of various psychosomatic disorders, psychic and physical disorders. The Origin:-Yoga is originated from Veda, oldest India (4000B.C.) and systematically presented by Patanjali Yoga sutra in around 150 B.C.
  • 18. According to Yoga sutra of Patanjali-“Yoga is restraints of the activities of the mind”  Maintaining physical posture.  Breathing exercise.  Restraining of sense of organs.  Restraints in every sphere of life.  Contemplation  Meditation &All round fitness.  Smadhi.  Builds muscle strength  Betters your bone health  Increase blood flow  Drops blood pressure  Protect spine  Weight loss  Stress relief  Help in focus  Boosts your immune system  Helps in deeper sleep  Inner peace  Improvement in personal, social behavior  Better circulation of oxygenated blood in the body.
  • 19. Unnani system The Unnani System of Medicine has a long and impressive record in India. It was introduced in India by the Arabs sometime around the eleventh century. The Origin:- The Unnani System of Medicine has its origin in Greece before Christ under the Hippocrates(377-460Bc) it has been taken to various countries such as Arabia, Iran, China, and India. There are four Hormone theory of Hippocrates: i. Blood ii. Phlegm iii. Yellow bile iv. Black bile
  • 20. Unnani system of medicine The hormones are assigned temperature i.e; blood is hot and moist, phlegm is cold and moist, yellow bile is hot and dry, black bile is cold and dry. As long as hormone are in balance The individual remain healthy. Any imbalance and disturbance in hormones result in disease occurrence. The diagnosis of a disease is done by feeling pulse, observation of urine, stool, color of skin and gait etc. The treatment comprises 3 components namely Preventive, Pro-motive and Curative. Treatment is carried out in 3 forms i.e; Pharmacy therapy, Diet therapy. Regimental Therapy and Surgery.
  • 21. Pharmacy therapy makes the natural drugs mainly herbal includes  Animals,  Minerals  marine drugs. It has 12 methods for specific and complicated diseases and include methods like cupping, leeching. For the prevention and promotion of health, the Unnani System of Medicine lays emphasis on developing defense mechanism of the body and advocate 6 essential. i. Exercise ii. Rest, Sleep iii. Psychic movements iv. Sleep v. Wakefulness vi. Evacuation vii. Retention viii. Siddha
  • 22. System of Medicine in an ancient science, which belongs to Dravidian culture. It is very useful in maintenance and restoration of good health. Siddha system accounted for total 4448 disease symptoms and its cure. Thousand of herbs and mineral were Included in Siddha system providing good and easy management of chronic to degenerative, viral to cardiac disease. The Origin:-Its origin is also traced to mythological sources belonging to the Shiva tradition. According to the tradition, lord Shiva conveyed the knowledge of medicine to his wife Parvati. The knowledge was passed from her to Nandi and finally it was given to Siddhas. Siddha is largely practiced in Tamil nadu. The basic principle of Siddha is that there is an intimate link between man and environment.The equilibrium of humor is considered health and its dis-balance is disease.
  • 23. Based on principle of Triguna- Vatta Pitta Kapha Body are composed of these elements:-  Earth  Water  Fire  Space  Air  Ether. Food is the basic building material of the body which gets processed into 3 doshas, 7 dhatus, 3 malas. The equilibrium of humor is considered health and its misbalanced is disease.
  • 24. The diagnosis of disease involves identifying its cause. Causative factors are identified by examination of Pulse, eyes, color of body, tongue, status of digestive system, urine and study of voice. Treatment based on all the diagnostic character of patient. Treatment takes into account about environment age, sex, race , habit , diet ,appetite ,physical and physiological condition. Vaidya has the knowledge of herbs and its effectiveness. Siddha system extensively use drug of vegetable source as well as mineral origin. Use of metal like gold, silver, sulphur, zinc, mica etc is only seen in Siddha system of medicine. .
  • 25. Homeopathy Homeopathy is a system of medicine created in 1796 by Samuel. The Origin: - Homeopathy has been in practice for 170 years by thousand of practitioners and there are over 100. Homeopathy is highly scientific, logical, safe, quick, and extremely effective method of healing. It offers long lasting to permanent cure, treating the disease from its roots. Homeopathy is the system of treatment based on some laws and Principles, which are-  The law of Direction of cure  The Law of Single Remedy  The law of Minimum  The Law of Chronic Disease
  • 26. Causative factors are identified by  examination of Pulse,  eyes,  color of body,  tongue,  status of digestive system,  urine The practitioner considers all Mental, Physical, and Emotional aspects. Homeopathy has effective treatment for individuals with chronic disease such as diabetes, arthritis, bronical asthma, skin, allergic, and immune system disorder, mental disorder and other several disorders. The remedies are prepared from plants, animals, metal and mineral substance Homeopathic diagnosis lies in holistic approach Treatment
  • 27. SOWA-RIGPA Sowa-Rigpa means 'science of healing' and the practitioners of this medicine are known as Amchi superior to all. it Originated from India this system of medicine has been popularly practiced in Ladakh and Paddar-Pangay regions of Jammu and Kashmir, and also in Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Darjeeling Kalingpong (WB), and now in Tibetan settlements all were India and abroad.
  • 28. Concept Sowa-Rigpa is a rich accumulation of science, art and philosophy with history of continuous practice and Progress for more than 2,500 years.  It is a science because understanding the body, disease and its relationship h based on systematical and logical framework of with the environment.  It is an art because the diagnostic techniques and composition of medicine, etc. are based the creativity, immensity, delicacy and compassion medical practitioner.  It se it follows the key Buddhist principles of self-r karma and ethics, etc.
  • 29.  Diagnosis Visual diagnosis – tongue examination and urinalysis diagnosis touch, pulse preparatory conduct, proper time for examination, place, pressure of physician finger, technique, constitutional pulse astonishing pulse, death pulse) temperature, diagnosis by questioning – history of case present condition, family background and changes in body.  Treatment Diet, behavior, medicine, accessory / external therapies, minor ailment with regulation of diet and behavior. Medium state of condition can be treated with medicine, like decoction, powder, pills, purgatives, emetics etc.
  • 30. Diet • Cooking Methods According to Various Seasons – In spring lightly fermented, greens, steaming – In summer: Lighter quality, greens, sweet corn, light grain, barley, summer pumpkin, steaming, etc. – In autumn: Food with more concentrated quality, root vegetables, heavier grains, likes millet and sweet rice. – In winter: Food with stronger and concentrated quality, round vegetables and roots, pickles, oilseeds, fried rice, and heavier grain.
  • 32. ACUPRESSURE  It has the same principles like acupuncture but without using needles.  It is a traditional Chinese medical theory describing special acupoints or acupressure points that lie along the meridians or channels in your body.  It is believed that through these invisible channels How vital energy or a life force called Qi.  It is also believed that 12 major meridians conne to specific organ or network of organs organizing a communication throughout your body, finger connect to your beannd then connect to an organ associated with certain meridians.
  • 33.  If any one of the meridians is blocked or out of balance, illness can occur and acupressure cart restore the balance. Instruments Used for Acupressure • Acuball • Energy roller • Power mat/pyramid mat • Spine roller Uses Acupressure wrist band for motion sickness Postoperative nausea Low back pain Large intestine: LR4 Liver: LR3 Spleen: SP6.
  • 34. EUROPEAN PHYTOMEDICINES These comprise the use of plants as medicine based on traditional wisdom or understanding with scientific Concepts The vital force and healing power of nature The treatment is not on the disease. Practice It is whole patient-centered approach in which the patient rather than the disease is the focus of the practitioner. Background data of the client is collected by history taking (family, health, personal lifestyle) Therapy is directed on cause and not on symptoms. It is a whole patient-centered approach in which
  • 35. Duration of Treatment Depends on individuals and their conditions Improvement in symptoms should be noted in an hour or a day for flu-like symptoms and 4-6 weeks in case of chronic illness. Phytomedicine is Safe It is very safe if prescribed by a fully qualified practitioner Uses Menstrual disorder Herat disease Traditional Chinese medicine The system of herbal medicine makes almost an exclusive use of herbal combinations. This system is not designed to treat a specific illness. It is rather designed to treat an individual.
  • 36. It is mainly in treatment of  Liver Disease  Sexual Dysfunction In Male  Infertility Among Women  Insomnia  Cold And Flu  Diabetes Mellitus  Asthma,  Osteoarthritis  Irregular Menstruation  Cancer  Constipation
  • 37. CHIROPRACTIC MEDICINE It is a branch of the healing art, which is concerned with human health and prevention of disease. Chiropractic medicine pays special attention to spinal biomechanics, musculoskeletal neurological, vascular and nutritional relationship. Evolution It was developed by Daniel David Palmer in Lowa in 1895.
  • 38. Principles According to chiropractic medicine pathology disease may be influenced by-  Disturbances in the nervous system  Improper rest and lack of exercise  Genetic/hereditary factor  Inadequate or improper nutrition  Food tainted by fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides preservatives, etc.  Air/water pollution  Stress and bodily trauma  Palmer felt that the task of chiropractic was not to he condition but to remove the nerve interferon caused by subluxation, so that the body's inherent capacity to heal itself would be restored.
  • 39. Diagnosis:- History Physical examination Neuromuscular examination Biochemical/X-ray test Menstrual history Behavioral history Clinical Application:- Osteology: Neck and jaw pain[, low back pain, osteoporosis, fracture, sprain Joints: Athritis, sports injury Vascular: HTN, Arrhythmia, Raynaud's disease Digestive: Colic, hiccups Respiratory: Asthma, common cold, sinusitis Urinary: Bed-wetting Reproductive: Menorrhagia, impotence Skin: Postsurgical scar cucet Depression, sleep disorder,
  • 40. FELDDENKRAIS METHOD It is an unique and practical way to realize our potential fully.It is based on establishment of good self image through awareness and correction of body movements that will enhance functioning. Evaluation It is named after its orignator Moshe feldenkrias an engineer and physicist as well as a judo teacher Benefits  Relief from tension and muscles pain  Eases breathing  Greater relaxation and well being  Improved performance in music , drama, sports, and dance  Eases every day activity  Increase vitality
  • 41. TAI CHI It is an ancient system of exercise that incorporates slow and graceful movement integrated with focused breathing and visualization to stimulate the flow of OL which further leads to increased self-awareness, vitality, oxygenation of blood, resistance to disease and improved sleep.
  • 42. Principles It consists of sequence of standardized movements known as 'form'. The movement is precise and synchronized with breathing. It is done in slow velocity without use of special cloth/equipment. Application Promotion of relaxation and better spinal flexibility Reduce pain Improve posture Increase balance and decrease fall.
  • 43. MASSAGE THERAPY Massage therapy is manipulates the muscles and other soft a trained therapist presses, rubs tissues of the body. He often uses his hands and fingers. He may also use elbow forearm and feet History It evolved around 1000 years back in India. Egypt and Greece .In 1850s, two American In 1850, two American physicians studied in Sweden and introduced massage therapy in USA. Types i. Sports massage ii. Swedish massage: Uses long strokes, kneading deep circular movements, vibration and tapping. iii. Deep tissue massage: Focuses on myo-fascial trigger points.
  • 44. Effects of Massage It has two types of responses 1. Mechanical response: Results from pressure and movements as soft tissues are manipulated 2. Reflex response: Stimulates the nerves. Effects on Muscular System  Relieves muscle tightness, stiffness, spasm  Increases flexibility in muscle due to muscular relaxation .  Increases blood circulation, bringing more oxygen and nutrients to muscles.  Promotes removal of toxins and waste products from the body.
  • 45. Effects on CVs Improves circulation by promoting venous drainage.  Dilate blood vessels and helping them to work more efficiently Temporary decrease of blood pressure by dilating capillaries Decreases heart rate due to relaxation  Reduces ischemia  Enhances blood flow, deliver fresh oxygen and nutrients to tissue, remove CO2 and toxins
  • 47. ART THERAPY This therapy helps people manage their physical emotional problems by using creative activities express emotions. increase self awareness and express unspoken and often unconscious concerns about their illness and their lives. It May be expressed by dance and other movements, drama, poetry, phototherapy and art methods. History The connection between art and mental health was first recognized in 1800. In 1922, a book was published - Artistry of Mentally Ill. In 1940, ideas from psychoanalysis and art were combined to release unconscious thoughts. In 1969, American Art Therapy Association was established.
  • 48. Principles • It helps the people express their hidden emotions fears, anxiety and provides a sense of freedom. •The art therapist works with patients individually or in groups. His job is to help patients express themselves through their creation and also to talk to the patients about their emotions related to the art. Uses:- Bone marrow transplant patient People with eating disorder Emotionally impaired young people Disabled people Chronic illness Chemical addiction Sexually abused adolescents Complications
  • 49. 'Biofeedback • The word 'Biofeedback ' was coined in the late 1940s to describe laboratory procedure being used then to train experimental research subject to altered brain activity, blood pressure, heart rate and other bodily functions, which are involuntary. • Electromechanical instruments are used to measure or to provide information about neuromuscular and autonomic nervous system activity. Then the therapist help the individual to control his physiologic effect.
  • 50. • Biofeedback is often aimed at changing habitual reaction to stress that can cause pain or disease. • Skin temperature and muscle tone provide information about relaxed state.Instruments used are: EEG, ECG, EMG and galvanic skin response. Desired physiologic state can be achieved by following relaxation techniques, imagery, etc.
  • 51. Clinical Application Anxiety or tension statue Hypertension Irritability Depression Stress disorder Chronic pain Drug abuse Chronic bereavement Merits It does not require any trained therapist or teaching. It helps in increasing oxygen uptake, reduction in blood pressure/heart rate, decreases muscle tone, improves memory, increases immune response and enhances peaceful state of mind. Limitation Regular practice is necessary.
  • 52. IMAGERY (VISUALIZATION) This technique uses the conscious mind to create mental images to stimulate physical changes in the body or to create a desired state. Desired state may include relaxation, enhanced sports performance, pain relief and immune modulation.
  • 53. It is a kind of relaxation training. It is divided into Self-directed: Where individuals create their own mental image. Guided: In which a practitioner leads an individual to be through a particular scenario. It begins with slow abdominal breathing. -It directs the client to visualize ocean wave coming to share with each inspiration and receding with each expiration -Notice smell, sound and temperature that he/she is experiencing.
  • 54. Clinical Application Asthma Hypertension Functional urinary disorder Irritable bowel syndrome Chronic pain. Limitation Sometimes this may develop day- dreaming
  • 55. MUSIC THERAPY It is a listening therapy, specially filtered classical music to improve eat, brain functions. A link is established between the sound we hear and our functioning in Speech, learning, energy and stress. The classical music • Improving ear functioning • Recharging the cortex Action:- According to biochemical theory, music is a sensory stimulus that is processed through the sense of hearing. Sound vibrations are chemically changed into nervous impulses that activate either the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system. .
  • 56. Dos:- to in Listening to it in a relaxed position, like lying down/sitting with headphone is effective. Listening to music for 20-30 minutes everyday for 6-8 weeks before going to bed is having a good healing effect Don'ts;-Listen to driving, eating, working. Listen to music while cooking, chatting Clinical Application  Decreases stress, anxiety and pain.  Improves cognitive functioning.  Alters mood states.  Promotes relaxation and sleep,  Enhances alertness.  Preoperatively music can be used to decrease anxiety.  During surgery or any procedure,
  • 57. PSYCHOTHERAPY It is derived from two words, i.e. 'psyche' meaning spirit, breath or soul, and 'therapia' meaning healing/ medical treatment. It is a trained therapeutic intervention contract between professional and client family.
  • 58. Bibliography Book references:- “Dash Bijaylashami” A Comprehensive Textbook Of Community Health Nursing, Ist edition,Jeypee Brothers Medical Publication , page no.421-438 “Ravi Prakash Saxena” textbook of Community health nursing – II” 2nd edition , Lotus Publishers page no.80 a “Dr. T.Vasundhara Tulasi & Dr.G.Gnana Prasuna” A text book of Community Health Nursing-II” 2nd edition , Frontline Publication page no. 205-207. “K Park” textbook of Park’s textbook of preventive and social medicine 22st edition , M/S Banarsudas Bhanot publication page no.536