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Urinary Incontinence in Women 
A silent epidemic. 
Urinary Incontinence or “Leakage of Urine” is a medical condition resulting 
in inability to hold back urine. Despite the large number of patients suffering 
from this disorder, the condition receives poor public attention and 
education. While most of the patients are women, poor education results i n 
ignorance about the various treatments and their potentials. 
With constant advances in the medical knowledge has ensured that the 
condition is now completely curable. Women patients must now realize that 
they need not suffer from this embarrassing and debilitating condition 
anymore. Today, with so many treatment options, this condition can be 
controlled, leading to a marked improvement in the quality of life.
What is Urinary Incontinence? ................................................................................................2 
Incidence in India and worldwide .........................................................................................2 
Medical reasons for Incontinence.........................................................................................2 
Weakening of the pelvic floor...........................................................................................3 
Intrinsic Sphincter Deficiency (ISD) ...................................................................................3 
Factors that induce and aggravate Incontinence ...................................................................3 
Types of Urinary Incontinence .................................................................................................4 
Stress Urinary Incontinence .................................................................................................4 
Urge Urinary Incontinence ...................................................................................................4 
Overflow Incontinence ........................................................................................................4 
Mixed Urinary Incontinence .................................................................................................4 
Investigations .........................................................................................................................5 
Ultrasonography .................................................................................................................5 
Urodynamics .......................................................................................................................5 
Management Strategies and available options .........................................................................6 
Behavioral / Muscle Therapy ................................................................................................6 
Biofeedback ........................................................................................................................6 
Medication .........................................................................................................................6 
Surgery ...............................................................................................................................6 
Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence ................................................................................6 
Non-surgical Options ...........................................................................................................7 
Electrical Stimulation .......................................................................................................7 
Urethral Plugs .................................................................................................................7 
Vaginal Weights ..............................................................................................................7 
Surgical Options ..................................................................................................................7 
Burch Colposuspension....................................................................................................7 
Tension free Tapes ..........................................................................................................8 
Bulking Agents ................................................................................................................8 
Future trends .........................................................................................................................9 
Epilogue .................................................................................................................................9 
What is Urinary Incontinence? 
Urinary Incontinence refers to an involuntary leakage of urine due to any reason. For 
anatomical reasons, women are more commonly affected by this condition than men. The 
natural structure of female urethra makes it more susceptible for leakage of urine. Besides, 
women undergo stress of pregnancy and labour, apart from being exposed to greater 
hormonal changes than men. These factors make women more vulnerable for insults to the 
pelvic floor. 
Incidence in India and worldwide 
Globally, about 35% of adult female population suffers from a general incidence of urine 
leakage. These are surprisingly high numbers. These shocking statistics were also evident 
amongst the urban population of Pune, where we surveyed a female population between 
ages of 18 to 65 years, as they accompanied other patients in the Hospital Outpatients. 
We interviewed 500 women in this group and found to our dismay that 31% said they had 
experienced leakage of urine in clothes at some stage in life. 11% of the entire group 
accepted that leakage of urine was a problem of severe magnitude that needed medical 
help, although most had not approached a Doctor for solutions. This statistics highlight a 
strikingly high incidence of urinary incontinence in our population and the shy attitude of 
women that prevents them from seeking medical help. 
Medical reasons for Incontinence 
This is a brief introduction to the mechanism of Urinary Incontinence in women. In simple 
words, leakage of urine occurs when the pressure inside bladder is greater than the one 
inside the urethral tube. This generally does not occur during good health, since the control 
muscle (Sphincter) contracts and keeps the urethra closed during the episodes of physical 
stress such as coughing and sneezing. 
Normal alignment of the Organs 
supported by the Pelvic Floor 
Structure of the Pelvic Floor 
Incontinence is caused by malfunction of two important mechanisms. 
Weakening of the pelvic floor 
The muscles of the pelvic floor normally support organs such as bladder and the urethra (the 
tube through which urine exits bladder.) Strength of pelvic floor keeps the urethra in 
position even at time of physical stress. A weakened pelvic floor cannot hold the urethra in 
its correct position and even a bout of cough or sneeze could cause a descent of urethra, 
resulting in leakage of urine. This weakening may occur following multiple pregnancies, 
childbirth injuries and some neurological conditions. 
Intrinsic Sphincter Deficiency (ISD) 
The sphincter muscles hold the urethra closed until it is time to urinate, when they relax 
their grip and allow urine to flow. Women with ISD have weakness in the sphincter muscles 
and cannot contain urine in the bladder. The urine thus leaks out during movements that 
put pressure on the bladder. 
Recent laboratory research suggests that women suffering from Stress Urinary Incontinence 
have a deficiency of collagen, a substance that keeps the tissues together. The theory of 
pelvic floor muscles producing a hammock has also gained acceptance in the medical 
The Mechanism of Urinary Incontinence in Women 
Factors that induce and aggravate Incontinence 
As mentioned earlier, multiple vaginal deliveries and injuries will predispose women to 
urinary incontinence. Advancing age and postmenopausal changes can reduce the strength 
of pelvic floor muscles and fascial supports of the pelvic organs, leading to an increase in the 
incidence of urinary incontinence in women. Chronic cough (and smoking) is known to 
worsen the problem of incontinence for the obvious reasons. Obesity and other debilitating 
illnesses too have similar effects on the control of the bladder. Stress Urinary Incontinence 
can also occur in young women before childbirth, although the incidence is quite low. 
Types of Urinary Incontinence 
Urinary Incontinence is categorized in four distinct types. Apart from these types, several 
temporary and reversible reasons cause both stress and urge incontinence. 
Stress Urinary Incontinence 
Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) is the unintentional leakage of urine during physical 
activities. Leakage of urine during coughing, sneezing, walking, exercising, shouting, bending 
down, getting up from bed or seat all indicate Stress Urinary Incontinence. Patients of this 
condition may have to use toilet more frequently during day to avoid accidental leakage. 
Stress incontinence can affect women of any age. The condition is most often caused by 
weakness in the pelvic floor resulting from multiple childbirths, pelvic surgery or 
menopause. It is interesting to note that Stress Urinary Incontinence may also affect young 
women without any of the above causes. 
Urge Urinary Incontinence 
Patients with Urge Urinary Incontinence may leak urine as soon as they feel a strong need to 
urinate. While women with this condition have to rush to the toilet, they may not make it in 
time. Unlike Stress Urinary Incontinence, Urge Incontinence is caused by an overactive 
bladder rather than a weakness in the pelvic floor. 
Overflow Incontinence 
Patients affected by Overflow Incontinence have their bladder remaining full as they are 
unable to evacuate it completely. This results in excess quantity of urine leaking away as an 
overflow. This condition is usually associated with partial blockage to the passage of urine 
for some reason, because of which the person is not able to empty the bladder. 
Mixed Urinary Incontinence 
This medical term describes a combination of both stress and urges incontinence. These 
conditions often coexist and are indistinguishable from each other based on the patient’s 
Abnormal connections between the bladder and the vagina (such condition can occur rarely 
as a complication of surgery over these organs) can produce leakage due to bypassing of the 
normal control mechanism of the urethra. 
Traces of Urodynamics Investigation 
View of Urodynamics Laboratory 
A thorough study of patient’s clinical history is very important to determine the exact type of 
incontinence and its severity. This should also include a note of effect of incontinence on 
the patient’s lifestyle. This study facilitates the correct choice of treatment for that particular 
Thorough clinical examination will confirm the presence and type of incontinence. The 
examination will also note any prolapse of pelvic organs and other associated abnormalities. 
Ultrasonography of urinary tract confirms the normal anatomy of pelvic organs as well as 
completeness of bladder evacuation while emptying. 
The clinical interrogation, examination and imaging may leave some questions unanswered. 
For instance, stress and urge incontinence may coexist and distinguishing one from another 
may not be easy. Besides, the bladder function may be weak and may not empty completely. 
These situations lead to difficulties in advising surgical treatment for incontinence. 
Clearly another objective test is necessary to confirm the correct diagnosis in these patients. 
Urodynamics is a test that investigates flow and pressure of urinary system. Urodynamics 
investigation is generally advisable before a surgical treatment is considered. 
This sophisticated investigation involves passage of catheters in the bladder and making 
accurate measurement of bladder pressure, urinary flow etc. Urodynamics investigation, 
although invasive, has made diagnosis of various conditions more accurate, thus allowing 
precise choices of management for every individual.
Management Strategies and available options 
Behavioral / Muscle Therapy 
Behavioral / Muscle therapy teaches patients various ways to control their bladder and the 
muscles involved in urination. The first line therapy is usually Kegel exercises, which are used 
to strengthen the pelvic muscles. Besides, lifestyle changes such as modifying water intake 
and avoiding caffeine beverages also help to a large extent. Other methods can be used 
alone or in combination with the following therapies. 
This process works by improving patient’s awareness of the (otherwise unperceivable) 
bladder and muscle activities and help gain control over their bodily function by making 
voluntary effort to control these activities. 
Treatment of urge incontinence is largely medical. Drugs such as Oxybutynine, Solifenacin 
and Tolterodine control overactivity of the bladder. These drugs are marketed under various 
brand names and are available freely in the market. These drugs should be taken only under 
medical supervision and it is necessary to take them for a very long period. 
Very recently Serotonin related drugs have shown promise in improving contracti le capacity 
of the sphincter muscles. These drugs are marketed in India only recently, hence the extent 
of benefit as well as long –term effects of these formulations is yet to be established. 
Such medication can potentially augment the closure of the urethral sphincter. 
However Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) does not commonly respond to drug therapy. 
Only in some cases where SUI is associated with hormone deficiency, it may be treated with 
hormone replacement therapy such as estrogen vaginal cream. For patients who do not 
respond to these drugs may need endoscopic injections in the bladder wall. 
In extreme and intractable cases, surgery to increase the bladder capacity (Augmentation 
Cystoplasty) may also be necessary. Treatment of overflow incontinence is mainly directed 
to relieve blockage of the urinary passage. Fistulas usually require surgical correction and are 
associated with excellent results. 
Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence 
Non-surgical treatment options are of four distinct types. These treatments have a limited 
success but can be offered to patients who are either frail to undergo surgical correction or 
have a very mild incontinence. The three surgical options are mentioned below. 
Non-surgical Options 
Electrical Stimulation 
Electrical stimulation restores the activities of the muscles that have weakened as a result of 
injury or fatigue. Pelvic floor muscles can potentially be strengthened by electrical 
A number of newer methods and devices have been proposed to control the leakage of 
urine in women. 
Urethral Plugs 
These Urethral Plugs may temporarily close off the urethral opening and prevent leakage of 
A Pessary inside the vagina can raise the urethra and suspend it in the raised position as 
long as it is in place. 
Vaginal Weights 
These weights can be held inside the vagina by sustained contraction of the relevant 
Surgical Options 
Where conservative treatment fails or when the leakage becomes bothersome, patients will 
require surgery to manage their SUI. 
With advancement in technology, surgery has become minimally invasive and requires 
limited hospitalization. A number of procedures have evolved in the past 60 years to t reat 
the condition of SUI. 
Although large numbers of operative procedures are available to treat this condition, the 
following three operations are performed commonly in modern medicine. 
Burch Colposuspension 
This is an established surgical procedure in modern 
Urology and has stood the test of time. Although very 
effective, it involves a cut on the abdomen and stay in 
the hospital for 3 to 5 days. 
Tension free Tapes 
Tension Free Tapes have become popular over the past 
15 years for surgery to correct Urinary Incontinence. This 
surgery involves insertion of a tape made of Prolene 
Mesh beneath the Urethra through a small vaginal 
incision. During surgery, the mesh is positioned in the 
correct place. 
There are a number of variations of this procedure, all of 
which are simple to perform. The tapes are slightly 
expensive but these procedures ensure least patient 
Tension free Tape in place Tension Free Tape in place : an Alternative Route 
discomfort and a very short hospital stay. 
The tapes are commonly known as TVT, TVTO, TVT Abbrevo etc. They have caused a 
revolution in the surgery for SUI in women. 
Bulking Agents 
These are useful in old fragile women where the muscle tissue has become very weak. 
Although not as effective as a tape, it can largely control the problem of leakage in women, 
who are not fit to undergo even a small operating procedure.
Future trends 
With the current level of technology, surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence for women has 
evolved into a minimally invasive procedure for the patients. These surgeries are simple to 
perform and affordable to the Indian population. The modern Tapes are shorter in length 
and cause even less discomfort to the patient. Advances in the medical field continue to 
search for treatments that are even less invasive, more effective and affordable. In the near 
future, insertion of tapes may get replaced with injections behind the pubic bone, which can 
potentially have the same effect as a tape. 
Worldwide, Urinary Incontinence remains a common problem for women. Its magnitude in 
Indian population is very large and significantly affects the quality of life. Among women, the 
real problem appears to be lack of awareness about the treatment options. I f correctly 
investigated and treated, this condition is completely curable for life. The present challenge 
is to create and spread the awareness about this widespread medical condition and its 
treatment to the society at large.

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Urinary incontinenece in women

  • 1. Dr. Shirish Yande email : Urinary Incontinence in Women A silent epidemic. Urinary Incontinence or “Leakage of Urine” is a medical condition resulting in inability to hold back urine. Despite the large number of patients suffering from this disorder, the condition receives poor public attention and education. While most of the patients are women, poor education results i n ignorance about the various treatments and their potentials. With constant advances in the medical knowledge has ensured that the condition is now completely curable. Women patients must now realize that they need not suffer from this embarrassing and debilitating condition anymore. Today, with so many treatment options, this condition can be controlled, leading to a marked improvement in the quality of life.
  • 2. Content What is Urinary Incontinence? ................................................................................................2 Incidence in India and worldwide .........................................................................................2 Medical reasons for Incontinence.........................................................................................2 Weakening of the pelvic floor...........................................................................................3 Intrinsic Sphincter Deficiency (ISD) ...................................................................................3 Factors that induce and aggravate Incontinence ...................................................................3 Types of Urinary Incontinence .................................................................................................4 Stress Urinary Incontinence .................................................................................................4 Urge Urinary Incontinence ...................................................................................................4 Overflow Incontinence ........................................................................................................4 Mixed Urinary Incontinence .................................................................................................4 Investigations .........................................................................................................................5 History................................................................................................................................5 Ultrasonography .................................................................................................................5 Urodynamics .......................................................................................................................5 Management Strategies and available options .........................................................................6 Behavioral / Muscle Therapy ................................................................................................6 Biofeedback ........................................................................................................................6 Medication .........................................................................................................................6 Surgery ...............................................................................................................................6 Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence ................................................................................6 Non-surgical Options ...........................................................................................................7 Electrical Stimulation .......................................................................................................7 Urethral Plugs .................................................................................................................7 Pessaries.........................................................................................................................7 Vaginal Weights ..............................................................................................................7 Surgical Options ..................................................................................................................7 Burch Colposuspension....................................................................................................7 Tension free Tapes ..........................................................................................................8 Bulking Agents ................................................................................................................8 Future trends .........................................................................................................................9 Epilogue .................................................................................................................................9 1
  • 3. What is Urinary Incontinence? Urinary Incontinence refers to an involuntary leakage of urine due to any reason. For anatomical reasons, women are more commonly affected by this condition than men. The natural structure of female urethra makes it more susceptible for leakage of urine. Besides, women undergo stress of pregnancy and labour, apart from being exposed to greater hormonal changes than men. These factors make women more vulnerable for insults to the pelvic floor. Incidence in India and worldwide Globally, about 35% of adult female population suffers from a general incidence of urine leakage. These are surprisingly high numbers. These shocking statistics were also evident amongst the urban population of Pune, where we surveyed a female population between ages of 18 to 65 years, as they accompanied other patients in the Hospital Outpatients. We interviewed 500 women in this group and found to our dismay that 31% said they had experienced leakage of urine in clothes at some stage in life. 11% of the entire group accepted that leakage of urine was a problem of severe magnitude that needed medical help, although most had not approached a Doctor for solutions. This statistics highlight a strikingly high incidence of urinary incontinence in our population and the shy attitude of women that prevents them from seeking medical help. Medical reasons for Incontinence This is a brief introduction to the mechanism of Urinary Incontinence in women. In simple words, leakage of urine occurs when the pressure inside bladder is greater than the one inside the urethral tube. This generally does not occur during good health, since the control muscle (Sphincter) contracts and keeps the urethra closed during the episodes of physical stress such as coughing and sneezing. Normal alignment of the Organs supported by the Pelvic Floor 2 Structure of the Pelvic Floor Muscles
  • 4. Incontinence is caused by malfunction of two important mechanisms. Weakening of the pelvic floor The muscles of the pelvic floor normally support organs such as bladder and the urethra (the tube through which urine exits bladder.) Strength of pelvic floor keeps the urethra in position even at time of physical stress. A weakened pelvic floor cannot hold the urethra in its correct position and even a bout of cough or sneeze could cause a descent of urethra, resulting in leakage of urine. This weakening may occur following multiple pregnancies, childbirth injuries and some neurological conditions. Intrinsic Sphincter Deficiency (ISD) The sphincter muscles hold the urethra closed until it is time to urinate, when they relax their grip and allow urine to flow. Women with ISD have weakness in the sphincter muscles and cannot contain urine in the bladder. The urine thus leaks out during movements that put pressure on the bladder. Recent laboratory research suggests that women suffering from Stress Urinary Incontinence have a deficiency of collagen, a substance that keeps the tissues together. The theory of pelvic floor muscles producing a hammock has also gained acceptance in the medical literature. The Mechanism of Urinary Incontinence in Women Factors that induce and aggravate Incontinence As mentioned earlier, multiple vaginal deliveries and injuries will predispose women to urinary incontinence. Advancing age and postmenopausal changes can reduce the strength of pelvic floor muscles and fascial supports of the pelvic organs, leading to an increase in the incidence of urinary incontinence in women. Chronic cough (and smoking) is known to worsen the problem of incontinence for the obvious reasons. Obesity and other debilitating illnesses too have similar effects on the control of the bladder. Stress Urinary Incontinence 3
  • 5. can also occur in young women before childbirth, although the incidence is quite low. Types of Urinary Incontinence Urinary Incontinence is categorized in four distinct types. Apart from these types, several temporary and reversible reasons cause both stress and urge incontinence. Stress Urinary Incontinence Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) is the unintentional leakage of urine during physical activities. Leakage of urine during coughing, sneezing, walking, exercising, shouting, bending down, getting up from bed or seat all indicate Stress Urinary Incontinence. Patients of this condition may have to use toilet more frequently during day to avoid accidental leakage. Stress incontinence can affect women of any age. The condition is most often caused by weakness in the pelvic floor resulting from multiple childbirths, pelvic surgery or menopause. It is interesting to note that Stress Urinary Incontinence may also affect young women without any of the above causes. Urge Urinary Incontinence Patients with Urge Urinary Incontinence may leak urine as soon as they feel a strong need to urinate. While women with this condition have to rush to the toilet, they may not make it in time. Unlike Stress Urinary Incontinence, Urge Incontinence is caused by an overactive bladder rather than a weakness in the pelvic floor. Overflow Incontinence Patients affected by Overflow Incontinence have their bladder remaining full as they are unable to evacuate it completely. This results in excess quantity of urine leaking away as an overflow. This condition is usually associated with partial blockage to the passage of urine for some reason, because of which the person is not able to empty the bladder. Mixed Urinary Incontinence This medical term describes a combination of both stress and urges incontinence. These conditions often coexist and are indistinguishable from each other based on the patient’s symptoms. Fistulas Abnormal connections between the bladder and the vagina (such condition can occur rarely as a complication of surgery over these organs) can produce leakage due to bypassing of the normal control mechanism of the urethra. 4
  • 6. Traces of Urodynamics Investigation View of Urodynamics Laboratory 5 Investigations History A thorough study of patient’s clinical history is very important to determine the exact type of incontinence and its severity. This should also include a note of effect of incontinence on the patient’s lifestyle. This study facilitates the correct choice of treatment for that particular patient. Examination Thorough clinical examination will confirm the presence and type of incontinence. The examination will also note any prolapse of pelvic organs and other associated abnormalities. Ultrasonography Ultrasonography of urinary tract confirms the normal anatomy of pelvic organs as well as completeness of bladder evacuation while emptying. Urodynamics The clinical interrogation, examination and imaging may leave some questions unanswered. For instance, stress and urge incontinence may coexist and distinguishing one from another may not be easy. Besides, the bladder function may be weak and may not empty completely. These situations lead to difficulties in advising surgical treatment for incontinence. Clearly another objective test is necessary to confirm the correct diagnosis in these patients. Urodynamics is a test that investigates flow and pressure of urinary system. Urodynamics investigation is generally advisable before a surgical treatment is considered. This sophisticated investigation involves passage of catheters in the bladder and making accurate measurement of bladder pressure, urinary flow etc. Urodynamics investigation, although invasive, has made diagnosis of various conditions more accurate, thus allowing precise choices of management for every individual.
  • 7. Management Strategies and available options Behavioral / Muscle Therapy Behavioral / Muscle therapy teaches patients various ways to control their bladder and the muscles involved in urination. The first line therapy is usually Kegel exercises, which are used to strengthen the pelvic muscles. Besides, lifestyle changes such as modifying water intake and avoiding caffeine beverages also help to a large extent. Other methods can be used alone or in combination with the following therapies. Biofeedback This process works by improving patient’s awareness of the (otherwise unperceivable) bladder and muscle activities and help gain control over their bodily function by making voluntary effort to control these activities. Medication Treatment of urge incontinence is largely medical. Drugs such as Oxybutynine, Solifenacin and Tolterodine control overactivity of the bladder. These drugs are marketed under various brand names and are available freely in the market. These drugs should be taken only under medical supervision and it is necessary to take them for a very long period. Very recently Serotonin related drugs have shown promise in improving contracti le capacity of the sphincter muscles. These drugs are marketed in India only recently, hence the extent of benefit as well as long –term effects of these formulations is yet to be established. Such medication can potentially augment the closure of the urethral sphincter. However Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) does not commonly respond to drug therapy. Only in some cases where SUI is associated with hormone deficiency, it may be treated with hormone replacement therapy such as estrogen vaginal cream. For patients who do not respond to these drugs may need endoscopic injections in the bladder wall. Surgery In extreme and intractable cases, surgery to increase the bladder capacity (Augmentation Cystoplasty) may also be necessary. Treatment of overflow incontinence is mainly directed to relieve blockage of the urinary passage. Fistulas usually require surgical correction and are associated with excellent results. Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence Non-surgical treatment options are of four distinct types. These treatments have a limited success but can be offered to patients who are either frail to undergo surgical correction or have a very mild incontinence. The three surgical options are mentioned below. 6
  • 8. Non-surgical Options Electrical Stimulation Electrical stimulation restores the activities of the muscles that have weakened as a result of injury or fatigue. Pelvic floor muscles can potentially be strengthened by electrical stimulation. A number of newer methods and devices have been proposed to control the leakage of urine in women. Urethral Plugs These Urethral Plugs may temporarily close off the urethral opening and prevent leakage of urine. Pessaries A Pessary inside the vagina can raise the urethra and suspend it in the raised position as long as it is in place. Vaginal Weights These weights can be held inside the vagina by sustained contraction of the relevant muscles. Surgical Options Where conservative treatment fails or when the leakage becomes bothersome, patients will require surgery to manage their SUI. With advancement in technology, surgery has become minimally invasive and requires limited hospitalization. A number of procedures have evolved in the past 60 years to t reat the condition of SUI. Although large numbers of operative procedures are available to treat this condition, the following three operations are performed commonly in modern medicine. Burch Colposuspension This is an established surgical procedure in modern Urology and has stood the test of time. Although very effective, it involves a cut on the abdomen and stay in the hospital for 3 to 5 days. 7
  • 9. 8 Tension free Tapes Tension Free Tapes have become popular over the past 15 years for surgery to correct Urinary Incontinence. This surgery involves insertion of a tape made of Prolene Mesh beneath the Urethra through a small vaginal incision. During surgery, the mesh is positioned in the correct place. There are a number of variations of this procedure, all of which are simple to perform. The tapes are slightly expensive but these procedures ensure least patient Tension free Tape in place Tension Free Tape in place : an Alternative Route discomfort and a very short hospital stay. The tapes are commonly known as TVT, TVTO, TVT Abbrevo etc. They have caused a revolution in the surgery for SUI in women. Bulking Agents These are useful in old fragile women where the muscle tissue has become very weak. Although not as effective as a tape, it can largely control the problem of leakage in women, who are not fit to undergo even a small operating procedure.
  • 10. 9 Future trends With the current level of technology, surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence for women has evolved into a minimally invasive procedure for the patients. These surgeries are simple to perform and affordable to the Indian population. The modern Tapes are shorter in length and cause even less discomfort to the patient. Advances in the medical field continue to search for treatments that are even less invasive, more effective and affordable. In the near future, insertion of tapes may get replaced with injections behind the pubic bone, which can potentially have the same effect as a tape. Epilogue Worldwide, Urinary Incontinence remains a common problem for women. Its magnitude in Indian population is very large and significantly affects the quality of life. Among women, the real problem appears to be lack of awareness about the treatment options. I f correctly investigated and treated, this condition is completely curable for life. The present challenge is to create and spread the awareness about this widespread medical condition and its treatment to the society at large.