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Patrick M. Carter, MD
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of Michigan School of Medicine
April 4, 2012 2
Quibik, Wikimedia Commons
 Review key orthopedic injuries of the shoulder, upper arm, elbow,
forearm and wrist
 Fractures
 Dislocations
 Ligamentous Injuries
 Identify key x-ray findings
 Review treatment options for orthopedic disorders of upper
 Review key complications of upper extremity disorders
 Not a complete review of all upper extremity injuries
Gray’s Anatomy, Wikimedia Commons
Sternoclavicular Ligament
Costoclavicular Ligament
 Less than ½ of the medial end of the clavicle usually articulates
with the sternum
 Joint Stability is dependent on the integrity of the surrounding
Gray’s Anatomy, Wikimedia Commons
 Classification
 1st Degree = Sprain
▪ Partial tear of SC and CC ligaments with mild subluxation
 2nd Degree = Subluxation
▪ Complete tear of SC ligament with partial tear of CC
▪ Clavicle subluxates from the manubrium on x-ray
 3rd Degree = Dislocation
▪ Complete tear of SC and CC ligaments
▪ Complete dislocation of clavicle from the manubrium
▪ Anterior > Posterior
▪ Posterior = True Emergency – 25% will have concurrent life-
threatening injuries to adjacent mediastinal structures
 Mechanism of Injury
 Direct force applied to the medial end of the clavicle
 Indirect force to the shoulder with the shoulder rolled either forward or
backward that tears medial ligaments
 Symptoms/Signs
 Pain and swelling over the SC joint
 Pain with movement of shoulder
 Anterior Dislocation = Prominent medial clavicle anterior to sternum
 Posterior Dislocation = Clavicle may not be palpable, may be subtle
 Diagnosis
 X-ray
 CT scan (Diagnostic Study of Choice if concern for underlying
 Treatment
 1st Degree = Sling, Analgesia, Ice
 2nd Degree
▪ Sling or Figure of Eight Clavicular Strap, Orthopedic Follow-up
 3rd Degree
▪ Anterior Dislocation
▪ Uncomplicated anterior dislocations often don’t require reduction
▪ Sling or Figure of Eight, Analgesia and outpatient follow-up
▪ Posterior Dislocation
▪ Reduction often necessary due to underlying injury
▪ Closed reduction in OR
▪ Reduction
 Towel roll between scapula
 Traction applied to arm
 Towel clip on clavicle with traction to reduce
 AC Joint Anatomy
 Mechanism of Injury
 Fall on outstretched arm with
transmission to AC joint
 Fall on shoulder with arm
adducted (most common)
 Scapula and Shoulder girdle
driven inferiorly with clavicle in
normal position
 Signs/Symptoms
 Joint Tenderness
 Swelling over the joint
 Pain with movement of affected
 Displacement of clavicle Coracoclavicular Ligaments
- Coracoacromial ligament
-Trapezoid Coracoclavicular ligament
- Conoid Coracoclavicular ligament
Gray’s Anatomy, Wikimedia Commons
 AC Joint Injury Classification
 Tossy and Allman Classification (Types 1-3)
 Rockwood Classification (Types 4-6)
 Classification
 Type 1 = Sprain = Partial tear of AC ligament, No CC ligament
 Type 2 = Subluxation = Complete tear of AC ligament, CC
ligament stretched or incompletely torn
 Type 3 = Dislocation = Complete tears of AC and CC ligaments
with displacement of clavicle
 Direction of displacement defines types 4-6
▪ Type IV = Posterior displacement in or through trapezius
▪ Type V = Superior displacement (more serious type 3 injury)
▪ Type VI = Inferior displacement of clavicle behind biceps tendon
Source: Steve Oh, 2004
 X-rays
 AP views of clavicle usually sufficient
 Stress views not commonly used anymore and do not alter course of
 Axillary views necessary for posterior dislocation identification (Type 4)
 Findings
▪ Type 1 = Radiographically normal
▪ Type 2 = Increased distance between clavicle and acromion (< 1 cm)
▪ Type 3 = Increased distance between the clavicle and acromion (> 1 cm)
▪ Type 4-6 = Defined by displacement
 Treatment
 Type 1-2 = Sling x 1-2 weeks, Rest, Ice, Analgesia, Early ROM 7-14
 Type 3 = Immobilize in sling, Prompt orthopedic referral
▪ Controversy regarding operative vs. conservative treatment options
▪ Shift towards conservative treatment
 Type 4-6 = Sling, Prompt orthopedic referral, Likely will require surgical
Root4(one), Wikimedia Commons Source Undetermined
 Clavicle
 Provides support and mobility for upper
extremity functions
 Protects adjacent structures
 Mechanism of Injury
 Direct blow to clavicle
 Fall on outstretched shoulder
 Symptoms/Signs
 Pain, Swelling and Deformity
 Arm is held inward and downward and
supported by other extremity
 Open fractures result from severe tenting
and piercing of overlying skin
 Imaging
 CXR or Clavicle films
 Children may have a greenstick fracture
without definite fracture on x-ray imaging
Magnus Manske, Wikimedia Commons
Source Undetermined
 Allman Classification
 Middle 1/3 (80%)
▪ Most common area to fracture
▪ Especially in children
 Distal 1/3 (15%)
▪ Often associated with ruptured
CC joint with medial elevation
▪ May require operative
intervention to avoid non-union
 Medial 1/3 (5%)
▪ Uncommon
▪ Requires strong injury forces
▪ Higher association with
intrathoracic injury
▪ (e.g Subclavian Artery/Vein injury)
Image adapted from Anatomagraphy, Wikimedia
Group III
~Medial 1/3
Group I
~Middle 1/3
Group II
~Distal 1/3
Allman Classification
Source Undetermined
 Emergency Orthopedic Consultation
 Open Fractures
 Fractures with neurovascular injuries
 Fractures with significant tenting at high risk for converting to open
 Indications for Surgical Repair
 Displaced distal third
 Open
 Bilateral
 Neurovascular injury
 Treatment = Sling, Orthopedic Follow-up
 Non-operative management is successful in 90%
 Middle 1/3 Clavicle Non-union risk factors
 Shortening > 2 cm
 Comminuted fracture
 Elderly female
 Displaced fracture
 Significant associated trauma
 Scapula
 Links the axial skeleton to the upper extremity
 Stabilizing platform for the motion of the arm
 1% cases of blunt trauma have scapular fracture
 3-5% of shoulder injuries
 Mechanism of Injury
 Direct blow to the scapula
 Trauma to the shoulder
 Fall on an outstretched arm
 Clinical Presentation
 Localized pain over the scapula
 Ipsilateral arm held in adduction
 Any movement of arm exacerbates pain
 High association with other intrathoracic injuries (>75%)
 Due to high degree of energy required for fracture
 Pulmonary contusion > 50% of cases
 Pneumothorax, Rib fractures commonly associated
Body Neck
Gray’s Anatomy, Wikimedia Commons
 Classification
 Anatomic Location
 Body = 50-60%
 Neck = 25%
 Imaging
 Shoulder/Dedicated
Scapular Series
▪ AP/Lateral/Axillary
 Axillary views help identify
▪ Glenoid fossa
▪ Acromion
▪ Coracoid Process
 Consider CXR/Chest CT to
rule out associated injuries
Gray’s Anatomy, Wikimedia
 Treatment
 Sling, Ice, Analgesia
 Immobilization
 Early ROM exercises
 Orthopedic Referral for ORIF
▪ Glenoid articular surface fractures
with displacement
▪ Scapular neck fractures with
▪ Acromial fractures associated with
rotator cuff injuries
Source Undetermined
 Shoulder dislocation = Most common dislocation in the ED
 Classification
 Anterior (95-97%)
▪ Subcoricoid, Subglenoid, Subclavicular, Intrathroracic
 Posterior (2-3%)
▪ Most commonly missed dislocation in the ED
▪ Association with Seizure, Electric Shock/lightening injuries
 Inferior (Luxatio Erecta)
 Superior (Very Rare)
 Mechanism of Injury
 Anterior = Abduction, Extension and External Rotation with force applied
to shoulder
 Posterior = Indirect force with forceful internal rotation and adduction
 Clinical Presentation
 Severe pain
 “Squared off” Shoulder
 Patient resists abduction and internal
 Humeral head palpable anteriorly
 Must test axillary nerve
 Quebec Decision Rule
 Radiographs needed for:
▪ Age > 40 and humeral ecchymosis
▪ Age > 40 and 1st dislocation
▪ Age < 40 and mechanism other than fall
from standing height or lower
 Failed to be validated due to low
sensitivity (CJEM 2011)
 Recurrent Shoulder dislocations
 Radiographs
 AP/Lateral/Y-view
Source Undetermined
Source Undetermined
 Clinical Presentation
 Medial rotation of the arm.
 Prominence of posterior shoulder
 Anterior flatness
 Unable to externally rotate or abduct the
affected arm
 Radiography
 AP Radiograph
▪ “Light Bulb Sign”
▪ Internal rotation of the humerus
 Y view
▪ Diagnostic for posterior dislocation
Source Undetermined
Source Undetermined
 Inferior Shoulder Dislocation
 Hyperabduction force
 Levers humerus against the acromion
tearing inferior capsule
 Forces humeral head out inferiorly
 Clinical Presentation
 Humerus is fully abducted, elbow
flexed, hand behind the head
 Humeral head palpated on lateral chest
 Frequently associated with:
 Soft tissue injuries/rotator cuff tears
 Fractures of humeral head
 Neurovascular compression injury is
Source Undetermined
 Treatment
 Reduction using a variety of techniques
▪ Success rate = 70-96% regardless of
 Shoulder dislocation with associated
humeral head fracture typically require
orthopedic consultation and may require
operative repair
 Neurovascular exam pre- and post
 Procedural Sedation if initial attempts
 Intra-articular injection of 10-20 cc
lidocaine alternative to procedural
 After reduction, patient should be placed
in shoulder immobilizer and orthopedic
follow-up arranged
Nevit Dilman, Wikimedia Commons
 External Rotation
 Hennepin Technique
 Gentle external rotation
 Followed by slow
abduction of arm
 Reduction typically
complete prior to reaching
coronal plane
 78% success rate
 Procedural sedation rarely
Source: University of Hawaii School of Medicine
 Modified Hippocratic or Traction-Countertraction Technique
Source: University of Hawaii School of Medicine
 Scapular Manipulation
 Technique
▪ Seated Position
▪ Steady forward traction on wrist
parallel to floor
▪ Rotate inferior tip of scapula
medially and superior aspect
 96% Success rate
 Requires two people
 Borders of scapula can be
difficult to identify in obese
 Rarely requires sedation
Source: University of Hawaii School of Medicine
Source: University of Hawaii School of Medicine
 Stimpson or Hanging Weight Technique
Source: University of Hawaii School of Medicine
 Complications
 Recurrent dislocation (Most Common)
▪ < 20 years old: > 90%
▪ > 40 years old: 10-15%
 Bony Injuries
▪ Hill-Sachs Deformity
▪ Compression fracture or groove of posterolateral aspect of humeral head
▪ Results from impact of humeral head on the anterior glenoid rim as it dislocates or reduces
▪ Avulsion of greater tuberosity (Higher incidence > 45 years old)
▪ Bankart’s Fracture = Fracture of the anterior glenoid lip
 Nerve Injuries (10-25% dislocations)
▪ Most often are traction related neuropraxias and resolve spontaneously
▪ Axillary nerve (most common) or Musculocutaneous nerve
 Rotator Cuff Tears
▪ 86% of patients > 40 years will have associated rotator cuff tear
 Axillary Artery Injury (rare)
▪ Elderly patients with weak pulse
▪ Rapidly expanding hematoma
 Hill Sachs Deformity  Bankart’s Lesion/Fracture
Hellerhoff, Wikimedia Commons
RSatUSZ, Wikimedia Commons
 Rotator cuff = 4 muscles that insert tendons into the greater and lesser tuberosity
 SITS MUSCLES = Subscapularis, Supraspinatous, Infraspinatous, Teres minor
 Mechanisms of Injury
 Acute tear = Forceful abduction of the arm against resistance (e.g. fall on outstretched arm)
 Chronic teat = 90% = Results from subacromial impingement and decreased blood supply to
the tendons (worsens as patient ages)
 Clinical Picture
 Typically affects males at 40 y/o or later
 Pain over anterior aspect of shoulder, tearing quality to pain, typically worse at night
 PE with weak and painful abduction or inability to initiate abduction (if complete tear)
 Tenderness on palpation of supraspinatous over greater tuberosity
 Imaging
 In ED, plain film x-rays indicated to exclude fracture and may show degenerative changes
and superior displacement of humeral head
 MRI is diagnostic (not typically done in ED setting)
 Treatment
 Sling Immobilization, Analgesia, Ortho Referral
 Complete tears require early surgical repair (< 3 weeks)
 Chronic tears are managed with immobilization, analgesia and orthopedic follow-up for
rehabilitation exercises and possible steroid injection
 Proximal Humerus Fractures
 Common in elderly patients with osteoporosis
 Mechanism of Injury = Fall on outstretched hand with elbow extended
 Clinical Presentation
▪ Pain, swelling and tenderness around the shoulder
▪ Brachial plexus and axillary arteries injuries
▪ Higher incidence (>50%) in displaced fractures
 Neer Classification guides treatment
▪ Fractures separate humerus into 4 fragments by epiphyseal lines
▪ Displacement > 1 cm or angulation > 45 degrees defines a fragment as a
“separate part” when fractures occur
▪ If none of fragments are displaced > 1cm, fracture is termed 1 part
 Treatment
▪ One part fractures (85%) = immobilization in sling/swathe, ice, analgesics,
orthopedic referral
▪ Two/Three/Four part fractures = Orthopedic Consultation
Fragments of Humerus Head
Articular surface of humeral head
Greater tubercle
Lesser tubercle
Shaft of humerus
James Heilman, MD, Wikimedia Commons
Gray’s Anatomy,
Wikimedia Commons
 Typically involve middle 1/3 of the humeral shaft
 Mechanism of Injury
 Direct Blow (Most common)
 Fall on outstretched arm or elbow
 Pathologic Fracture (e.g. breast cancer)
 Clinical Presentation
 Pain and deformity over affected region
 Associated Injuries
▪ Radial Nerve injury = Wrist Drop (10-20%)
▪ Neuropraxia will often resolve spontaneously
▪ Nerve palsy after manipulation or splinting is due to nerve entrapment and must be
immediately explored by orthopedic surgery
▪ Ulnar and Median nerve injury (less common)
▪ Brachial Artery Injury
 Most of the time is Conservative
 Closed Reduction in upright position followed by application of U
shaped Slab of POP or Cylinder cast
 Few weeks later or initially in stable fractures Functional Brace
may be used
 Failure to reduce fracture conservatively
 Bilateral humeral fractures
 Open fracture with radial nerve Injury
 Unconscious patient
 Delayed-Union, Non-Union and Mal-Union
 Imaging = Standard x-ray imaging
 Treatment
 Non-operative Management (most common)
▪ Simple Sling and Swath adequate for ED patients
▪ Closed treatment options
▪ Coaptation splint (sugar tong)
▪ Hanging cast
▪ External fixation
 Operative management
▪ Neurovascular compromise, pathologic fractures
 Complications
 Neurovascular injury
 Delayed union
 Adhesive capsulitis
Bill Rhodes, Wikimedia Commons
 Proximal or distal biceps tendon rupture
 Mechanism of Injury = Sudden or prolonged
contraction against resistance in middle aged
or elderly patients
 Clinical Presentation
 “Snap” or “Pop” typically described
 Pain, swelling, tenderness over site of tendon
 Flexion of elbow = Mid-arm ball
 Loss of strength sometimes minimal
 X-rays to exclude avulsion fracture
 ED Treatment
 Sling, Ice, Analgesia, Orthopedic referral
 Surgical repair for young, active patients
Patenthalse, Wikimedia Commons
Gray’s Anatomy, Wikimedia
Source Undetermined
Anterior Fat Pad
“Sail Sign”
Posterior Fat Pad
(Never normal)
Anterior Humeral Line
• Normal = Middle of capitellum
• Abnormal = Anterior 1/3 of
capitellum or completely anterior
Radial-Capitellar Line
•Normal =Transects
middle of capitellum
Hellerhoff, Wikimedia Commons
Source Undetermined
Source Undetermined
 Supracondylar Extension Fractures
 Most Common Type
 Mechanism of injury
▪ Fall on outstretched arm with elbow in extension
 Imaging
▪ Distal humerus fractures and humeral fragment displaced posteriorly
▪ Sharp fracture fragments displaced anteriorly with potential for injury
of brachial artery and median nerve
 Treatment
▪ Non-displaced fracture (Rare) = Immobilization in posterior splint
▪ May be discharged home with close follow-up
▪ Displaced fracture
▪ Orthopedic Consultation and reduction
▪ Patients with displaced fractures or significant soft tissue swelling require
admission for observation
 Supracondylar Flexion Fractures (rare)
 Mechanism of Injury
▪ Direct blow to posterior aspect of flexed elbow
 Fractures are frequently open
 Imaging = Distal humerus fracture displaced anteriorly
 Treatment
▪ Non-displaced fractures
▪ Splint immobilization and early orthopedic follow-up
▪ Displaced fractures
▪ Orthopedic consultation for reduction
▪ Patients with displacement and soft tissue swelling require admission
 Absolute Emergency
 Should de done under G A by experienced doctor as soon as
 In the past the arm was held in flexed elbow position in back-slab
POP after reduction
 At present time Percutaneous K wire fixation is ALWAYS carried
out after reduction
ExtensionType Fracture FlexionType Fracture
Source Undetermined Source Undetermined Source Undetermined
 Early Complications
 Neurologic (7%)
▪ Results from traction, direct trauma or nerve ischemia
▪ Radial Nerve (Posterior-medial displacement)
▪ Median Nerve (Posterior-lateral displacement)
▪ Ulnar Nerve (Uncommon)
▪ Anterior Interosseous Nerve Injuries
▪ High incidence with supracondylar fractures
▪ No sensory component, Motor component must be tested (“OK sign”)
 Vascular Entrapment (Brachial Artery)
 Late Complications
 Non-union/Mal-union
 Loss of mobility
A. Early= Compartment syndrome
Brachial Artery injury ( Acute
Volkmann's Ischemia )
Nerve Injury : Median, Ulnar or Radial
B. Late= Stiffness
Volkmann's Ischemic contracture
Heterotopic Calcification
Mal-Union ( Cubitus Valgus or varus)
 Compartment syndrome of the forearm
 Complication of elbow/forearm fractures
 Increased compartment pressure results in ischemia of muscles of
forearm, typically flexor compartment
 Patient complains of pain out of proportion of injury, digit swelling
and paresthesias
 Also consider in any patient presenting with pain and numbness in
hand after casting has been performed
 Irreversible damage in 6 hours (see image)
 Treatment
 Removal of cast
 Surgical decompression with fasciotomy
Source Undetermined
 Most common fractures of the elbow
 Mechanism of Injury = Fall on outstretched hand
 Clinical Finding = Tenderness and swelling over the radial head
 Imaging
 May not be seen on initial x-ray or may be subtle on x-ray
 Evaluate for anterior or posterior fat pad which suggests diagnosis
 Associated Injuries
 Essex-Lopresti Lesion
▪ Disruption of fibrocartilage of the wrist and interosseus membrane
▪ Distal radial-ulnar dissociation
 Articular surface of capitellum frequently also injured
 Treatment
 Non-displaced = Sling, Ortho follow-up
 Comminuted/Displaced Fractures require urgent orthopedic referral
within 24 hours
Source Undetermined
 Nursemaid’s elbow = Subluxation of
radial head beneath the annular
 Mechanism of injury = Longitudinal
traction on hand or forearm with
arm in pronation
 X-rays not necessary
 Treatment = Reduction
 Thumb over radial head with
concurrent supination of forearm and
flexion of elbow
 Extension and pronation (another
option for reduction)
David Tan, Flickr
Therese Clutario, Wikimedia Commons
hyperpronation supination
 Third most common joint dislocation
 Posterolateral (90%)
 Mechanism of Injury = Fall on outstretched hand
 Clinical Findings
▪ Marked swelling with loss of landmarks
▪ Posterior prominence of olecranon
 Immediate consideration must be given to neurovascular status
▪ Ulnar or Median Nerve injury common (8-21%)
▪ Brachial artery injury (5-13%)
 Associated fractures (30-60%) of coronoid process and radial head
 Terrible triad injury = elbow dislocation + radial head and coronoid
fracture (unstable)
 Anterior (Uncommon)
 Mechanism of Injury = Blow to Olecranon with elbow in flexion
 Associated Injuries = Much higher incidence of vascular impingement
Anterior Elbow Dislocation Posterior Elbow Dislocation
Source Undetermined Source Undetermined
 Elbow Reduction
 Immobilize humerus
 Apply traction at wrist
 Slight flexion of the elbow
 Posterior pressure on olecranon
 Post-Reduction
 Long Term Complications
 Post-traumatic arthritis
 Joint instability
 Fracture of both ulnar and radius
 Usually displaced fracture
 Mechanism of Injury
 Direct blow to forearm
 Associated Injury
 Peripheral Nerve Deficits
▪ Uncommon in most closed injuries
▪ More common with open fractures
 Development of compartment syndrome
 Treatment
 Displaced – ORIF
 Complications
 Compartment Syndrome
 Malunion
Source Undetermined
 Isolated fracture of ulnar
 Mechanism
 Direct blow to ulna
 Patient raising forearm to
protect face
 Treatment
 Non-displaced
▪ Immobilization in splint
 Displaced
▪ >10 degrees angulation
▪ Displacement > 50% of ulna
▪ Orthopedic consultation - ORIF
Source Undetermined
 Distal Radius Fracture
 Distal radio-ulnar
 Reverse Monteggia’s fx
 Mechanism of Injury
 Direct blow to back of wrist
 Fall on outstretched hand
 Complication = Ulnar
nerve injury
 Treatment = ORIF
Th. Zimmermann, Wikimedia Commons
 Proximal 1/3 Ulnar Fracture
 Dislocation of radial head
 Mechanism of Injury = Direct blow
to posterior aspect of ulna
 Fall on outstretched hand
 Imaging
 Elbow/Forearm x-rays
 Radial head dislocation missed in
25% of cases
 Carefully examine the alignment of
radial head
 Associated Injury = Radial Nerve
 Treatment
 Closed Reduction/Splinting
Jane Agnes, Wikimedia Commons
Radial Fracture
Ulnar Fracture
Patrick Carter, University of Michigan
Patrick Carter, University of Michigan
 Transverse fracture of distal radius with dorsal displacement of distal
 Mechanism = Fall on outstretched hand
 Most common fracture in adults > 50 years old
 Exam = Classic Dinner Fork Deformity
 Associated Injuries
 Ulnar styloid fracture
 Median Nerve Injury
 Unstable Fractures
 >20 degrees angulation, intra-articular involvement, comminuted fractures or
> 1 cm of shortening
 Treatment
 Non-displaced Fracture
▪ Sugar Tong Splint, Referral to Orthopedic Surgery
 Displaced Fracture
▪ Reduction – Finger traps and manipulation under procedural sedation or with
hematoma block
▪ Immobilization in Sugar tong splint
▪ Referral to Orthopedic Surgery
 Transverse fracture of distal
radius with volar displacement
 Mechanism = Fall on
outstretched arm with forearm
in supination
 Associated Injury = Median
Nerve Injury
 Treatment
 Reduction with finger traps and
 Immobilization in sugar tong or
long arm splint
 Orthopedic referral
 Colles Fracture  Smith Fracture
Goals of Reduction:
* Restore volar tilt
* Radial Inclination
* Proper radial length 73
Lucien Monfils, Wikimedia Commons
Source Undetermined
 Carpal tunnel (CTS)
 result from repetitive stress
to tissue
 64% of work injuries
 Compressive neuropathy
 Wrist flexion/ext and finger
 Risk factors
 exertion
 repetitive stress
 posture
 localized contact
 cold
Markiewitz AD, Andrish JT. Hand and wrist injuries in the preadolescent and adolescent athlete. Clin in Sport Med. 11(1):203-25,
Source Undetermined
 Carpal fractures
 compressive loads to
hyperextended wrist
 hyper flexion
 rotation loading
against a fixed wrist
 Scaphoid
▪ 60-70%
 Lunate
Markiewitz AD, Andrish JT. Hand and wrist injuries in the preadolescent and adolescent athlete. Clin in Sport Med. 11(1):203-25,
 Thumb: essential to
 Sprain: skiers thumb
 fall with thumb in abducted
 tensile loads on MCL
 Hyperextension
 Bennets fracture (fighting)
 Bowler’s thumb: ulnar digital
nerve trauma
 tingling, sensitivity
Markiewitz AD, Andrish JT. Hand and wrist injuries in the preadolescent and adolescent athlete. Clin in Sport Med. 11(1):203-25,
 Metacarpal &
phalangeal injuries
 Fractures
 Boxers
 Dislocations
Markiewitz AD, Andrish JT. Hand and wrist injuries in the preadolescent and adolescent athlete. Clin in Sport Med. 11(1):203-25,
 Scaphoid Fracture
 Most common carpal bone fracture
 Mechanism = fall on outstretched hand or axial load to thumb
 2/3 of fracture in waist of scaphoid
 Imaging – Initial x-rays may fail to demonstrate fracture
▪ > 10% of cases
▪ Repeat Imaging in 2 weeks will often show fracture
 Clinical findings = tenderness in anatomical snuff box
 Treatment
▪ Non-displaced or clinically suspected fracture
▪ Thumb spica Splint
▪ Displaced fractures will require ORIF
▪ Complications
▪ Avascular necrosis of proximal fragment -> arthritis
▪ Delayed union or malunion
Gilo1969, Wikimedia Commons
 Triquetrum Fracture (2nd most common)
 Mechanism = Fall on outstretched hand
 Body fracture or avulsion chip fractures
 Exam = Tenderness on palpation distal to ulnar styloid on dorsal aspect of
wrist, painful flexion
 Avulsion fracture best visualized on lateral or oblique view of wrist
 Treatment = Volar splint, Orthopedic referral
 Lunate Fracture
 Mechanism = Fall on outstretched hand
 Exam = Pain over mid-dorsum of wrist increased with axial loading of 3rd
 Vascular supply is through distal end of bone -> high risk for avascular
necrosis of the proximal portion
 Plain x-rays are often normal
 Treatment = Immobilization in thumb spica splint, orthopedic referral
 Complications
▪ Kienbock’s disease = Avascular necrosis of proximal segment
▪ Chronic pain, decreased grip strength, osteoarthritis
 Triquetrum Fracture  Lunate Fracture
Hellerhoff, Wikimedia Commons
Source Undetermined
 Lunate is at the center of the carpal bones
 Majority of ligamentous injuries are centered on the lunate
 Injuries are from forceful dorsiflexion of wrist
 Degree of force determines severity of injury
▪ Spectrum from isolated tear to dislocations
 Spectrum of ligamentous injuries
 Scapholunate ligament instability
 Triquetrolunate ligament instability
 Perilunate and Lunate dislocations
 Scapholunate ligament binds the scaphoid and lunate together
 Most common ligamentous injury of hand
 Commonly missed
 Pain with wrist hyperextension, snapping or clicking sensation with
radial/ulnar deviation
 Radiographic signs
 Scaphoid is foreshortened and has a dense ring shaped image around
its distal edge (signet or cortical ring sign)
 Widening of space between the lunate/scaphoid
▪ > 3 mm, Terry Thomas sign
 Treatment
 Thumb spica or radial gutter splint
 Orthopedic Referral
 Terry Thomas and Signet Ring Sign
Source Undetermined
 Perilunate and lunate dislocations are the result of the most severe
carpal ligamentous injury
 Mechanism of Injury = Violent Hyperextension usually combined with a
fall from height or motor vehicle crash
 Clinical examination
 Generalized swelling, pain and tenderness over wrist
 May be deceiving with no evidence of gross deformity
 Radiographic evaluation is key to diagnosis
 Treatment = Orthopedic Consultation
 Treatment is dependent on severity of injury
 Closed reduction and long-arm immobilization if possible
 Open, unstable and irreducible dislocations require OR
 Some orthopedists take all dislocations to OR
 Complications
 Degenerative Arthritis
 Delayed union/Malunion/Non-union
 Avascular necrosis
 4 C’s Need to line up on normal x-ray
Source Undetermined
 Lunate Dislocation
 Capitate is centered over the
radius and the lunate is tilted out
 Spilled Tea cup deformity
 Peri-lunate Dislocation
 Lunate is centered over the
radius and capitate is tilted out
 Associated with scaphoid fx
Source: Radiology
Source: Radiology
 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
 Entrapment of Median nerve
 Tinel’s sign = Tapping over volar wrist produces paresthesias
 Phalen’s sign = Hyperflexion of wrist = Paresthesias
 Risk Factors = Pregnancy, Hypothyroid, DM, RA
 Treatment = Splinting, Rest, Surgical Decompression
 DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis
 Overuse syndrome with inflammation of extensor tendons of thumb
 Characterized by pain along radial aspect of wrist that is exacerbated with
use of thumb
 Finkelstein’s test = Ulnar deviation of fisted hand produces pain
 Treatment = NSAIDS, Splint, Rest
 Guyon’s Canal Syndrome
 Ulnar nerve entrapment syndrome
 Numbness and tingling in ring and small finger
 Causes = repetitive trauma (handle bar neuropathy), cyst
 Treatment = Splint, Surgical Decompression
Upper extrimity injuries Frank

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Upper extrimity injuries Frank

  • 2. Patrick M. Carter, MD Instructor Department of Emergency Medicine University of Michigan School of Medicine April 4, 2012 2 Quibik, Wikimedia Commons 8/30/2021
  • 3.  Review key orthopedic injuries of the shoulder, upper arm, elbow, forearm and wrist  Fractures  Dislocations  Ligamentous Injuries  Identify key x-ray findings  Review treatment options for orthopedic disorders of upper extremity  Review key complications of upper extremity disorders  Not a complete review of all upper extremity injuries 3 8/30/2021
  • 4. 4 Gray’s Anatomy, Wikimedia Commons 8/30/2021
  • 5. Sternoclavicular Ligament Costoclavicular Ligament  Less than ½ of the medial end of the clavicle usually articulates with the sternum  Joint Stability is dependent on the integrity of the surrounding ligaments 5 Gray’s Anatomy, Wikimedia Commons 8/30/2021
  • 6.  Classification  1st Degree = Sprain ▪ Partial tear of SC and CC ligaments with mild subluxation  2nd Degree = Subluxation ▪ Complete tear of SC ligament with partial tear of CC ligament ▪ Clavicle subluxates from the manubrium on x-ray  3rd Degree = Dislocation ▪ Complete tear of SC and CC ligaments ▪ Complete dislocation of clavicle from the manubrium ▪ Anterior > Posterior ▪ Posterior = True Emergency – 25% will have concurrent life- threatening injuries to adjacent mediastinal structures 6 8/30/2021
  • 7.  Mechanism of Injury  Direct force applied to the medial end of the clavicle  Indirect force to the shoulder with the shoulder rolled either forward or backward that tears medial ligaments  Symptoms/Signs  Pain and swelling over the SC joint  Pain with movement of shoulder  Anterior Dislocation = Prominent medial clavicle anterior to sternum  Posterior Dislocation = Clavicle may not be palpable, may be subtle  Diagnosis  X-ray  CT scan (Diagnostic Study of Choice if concern for underlying structures) 7 8/30/2021
  • 8.  Treatment  1st Degree = Sling, Analgesia, Ice  2nd Degree ▪ Sling or Figure of Eight Clavicular Strap, Orthopedic Follow-up  3rd Degree ▪ Anterior Dislocation ▪ Uncomplicated anterior dislocations often don’t require reduction ▪ Sling or Figure of Eight, Analgesia and outpatient follow-up ▪ Posterior Dislocation ▪ Reduction often necessary due to underlying injury ▪ Closed reduction in OR ▪ Reduction  Towel roll between scapula  Traction applied to arm  Towel clip on clavicle with traction to reduce 8 8/30/2021
  • 9.  AC Joint Anatomy  Mechanism of Injury  Fall on outstretched arm with transmission to AC joint  Fall on shoulder with arm adducted (most common)  Scapula and Shoulder girdle driven inferiorly with clavicle in normal position  Signs/Symptoms  Joint Tenderness  Swelling over the joint  Pain with movement of affected extremity  Displacement of clavicle Coracoclavicular Ligaments - Coracoacromial ligament -Trapezoid Coracoclavicular ligament - Conoid Coracoclavicular ligament Acromioclavicular Ligament 9 Gray’s Anatomy, Wikimedia Commons 8/30/2021
  • 10.  AC Joint Injury Classification  Tossy and Allman Classification (Types 1-3)  Rockwood Classification (Types 4-6)  Classification  Type 1 = Sprain = Partial tear of AC ligament, No CC ligament injury  Type 2 = Subluxation = Complete tear of AC ligament, CC ligament stretched or incompletely torn  Type 3 = Dislocation = Complete tears of AC and CC ligaments with displacement of clavicle  Direction of displacement defines types 4-6 ▪ Type IV = Posterior displacement in or through trapezius ▪ Type V = Superior displacement (more serious type 3 injury) ▪ Type VI = Inferior displacement of clavicle behind biceps tendon 10 8/30/2021
  • 11. 11 Source: Steve Oh, 2004 8/30/2021
  • 12.  X-rays  AP views of clavicle usually sufficient  Stress views not commonly used anymore and do not alter course of treatment  Axillary views necessary for posterior dislocation identification (Type 4)  Findings ▪ Type 1 = Radiographically normal ▪ Type 2 = Increased distance between clavicle and acromion (< 1 cm) ▪ Type 3 = Increased distance between the clavicle and acromion (> 1 cm) ▪ Type 4-6 = Defined by displacement  Treatment  Type 1-2 = Sling x 1-2 weeks, Rest, Ice, Analgesia, Early ROM 7-14 days  Type 3 = Immobilize in sling, Prompt orthopedic referral ▪ Controversy regarding operative vs. conservative treatment options ▪ Shift towards conservative treatment  Type 4-6 = Sling, Prompt orthopedic referral, Likely will require surgical management 12 8/30/2021
  • 13. 13 Root4(one), Wikimedia Commons Source Undetermined 8/30/2021
  • 14.  Clavicle  Provides support and mobility for upper extremity functions  Protects adjacent structures  Mechanism of Injury  Direct blow to clavicle  Fall on outstretched shoulder  Symptoms/Signs  Pain, Swelling and Deformity  Arm is held inward and downward and supported by other extremity  Open fractures result from severe tenting and piercing of overlying skin  Imaging  CXR or Clavicle films  Children may have a greenstick fracture without definite fracture on x-ray imaging 14 Magnus Manske, Wikimedia Commons Source Undetermined 8/30/2021
  • 15.  Allman Classification  Middle 1/3 (80%) ▪ Most common area to fracture ▪ Especially in children  Distal 1/3 (15%) ▪ Often associated with ruptured CC joint with medial elevation ▪ May require operative intervention to avoid non-union  Medial 1/3 (5%) ▪ Uncommon ▪ Requires strong injury forces ▪ Higher association with intrathoracic injury ▪ (e.g Subclavian Artery/Vein injury) 15 Image adapted from Anatomagraphy, Wikimedia Commons Group III ~Medial 1/3 ~3%-6% Group I ~Middle 1/3 ~69%-85% Group II ~Distal 1/3 ~12%-28% Allman Classification 8/30/2021
  • 17.  Emergency Orthopedic Consultation  Open Fractures  Fractures with neurovascular injuries  Fractures with significant tenting at high risk for converting to open  Indications for Surgical Repair  Displaced distal third  Open  Bilateral  Neurovascular injury  Treatment = Sling, Orthopedic Follow-up  Non-operative management is successful in 90%  Middle 1/3 Clavicle Non-union risk factors  Shortening > 2 cm  Comminuted fracture  Elderly female  Displaced fracture  Significant associated trauma 17 8/30/2021
  • 18.  Scapula  Links the axial skeleton to the upper extremity  Stabilizing platform for the motion of the arm  1% cases of blunt trauma have scapular fracture  3-5% of shoulder injuries  Mechanism of Injury  Direct blow to the scapula  Trauma to the shoulder  Fall on an outstretched arm  Clinical Presentation  Localized pain over the scapula  Ipsilateral arm held in adduction  Any movement of arm exacerbates pain  High association with other intrathoracic injuries (>75%)  Due to high degree of energy required for fracture  Pulmonary contusion > 50% of cases  Pneumothorax, Rib fractures commonly associated Glenoid Body Neck 18 Gray’s Anatomy, Wikimedia Commons 8/30/2021
  • 19.  Classification  Anatomic Location  Body = 50-60%  Neck = 25%  Imaging  Shoulder/Dedicated Scapular Series ▪ AP/Lateral/Axillary  Axillary views help identify fractures: ▪ Glenoid fossa ▪ Acromion ▪ Coracoid Process  Consider CXR/Chest CT to rule out associated injuries 19 Gray’s Anatomy, Wikimedia Commons 8/30/2021
  • 20.  Treatment  Sling, Ice, Analgesia  Immobilization  Early ROM exercises  Orthopedic Referral for ORIF ▪ Glenoid articular surface fractures with displacement ▪ Scapular neck fractures with angulation ▪ Acromial fractures associated with rotator cuff injuries 20 Source Undetermined 8/30/2021
  • 21.  Shoulder dislocation = Most common dislocation in the ED  Classification  Anterior (95-97%) ▪ Subcoricoid, Subglenoid, Subclavicular, Intrathroracic  Posterior (2-3%) ▪ Most commonly missed dislocation in the ED ▪ Association with Seizure, Electric Shock/lightening injuries  Inferior (Luxatio Erecta)  Superior (Very Rare)  Mechanism of Injury  Anterior = Abduction, Extension and External Rotation with force applied to shoulder  Posterior = Indirect force with forceful internal rotation and adduction 21 8/30/2021
  • 22.  Clinical Presentation  Severe pain  “Squared off” Shoulder  Patient resists abduction and internal rotation  Humeral head palpable anteriorly  Must test axillary nerve function/sensation  Quebec Decision Rule  Radiographs needed for: ▪ Age > 40 and humeral ecchymosis ▪ Age > 40 and 1st dislocation ▪ Age < 40 and mechanism other than fall from standing height or lower  Failed to be validated due to low sensitivity (CJEM 2011)  Recurrent Shoulder dislocations  Radiographs  AP/Lateral/Y-view 22 Source Undetermined Source Undetermined 8/30/2021
  • 23.  Clinical Presentation  Medial rotation of the arm.  Prominence of posterior shoulder  Anterior flatness  Unable to externally rotate or abduct the affected arm  Radiography  AP Radiograph ▪ “Light Bulb Sign” ▪ Internal rotation of the humerus  Y view ▪ Diagnostic for posterior dislocation 23 Source Undetermined Source Undetermined 8/30/2021
  • 24.  Inferior Shoulder Dislocation  Hyperabduction force  Levers humerus against the acromion tearing inferior capsule  Forces humeral head out inferiorly  Clinical Presentation  Humerus is fully abducted, elbow flexed, hand behind the head  Humeral head palpated on lateral chest wall  Frequently associated with:  Soft tissue injuries/rotator cuff tears  Fractures of humeral head  Neurovascular compression injury is common 24 Source Undetermined 8/30/2021
  • 25.  Treatment  Reduction using a variety of techniques ▪ Success rate = 70-96% regardless of technique  Shoulder dislocation with associated humeral head fracture typically require orthopedic consultation and may require operative repair  Neurovascular exam pre- and post reduction  Procedural Sedation if initial attempts unsuccessful  Intra-articular injection of 10-20 cc lidocaine alternative to procedural sedation  After reduction, patient should be placed in shoulder immobilizer and orthopedic follow-up arranged 25 Nevit Dilman, Wikimedia Commons 8/30/2021
  • 26.  External Rotation  Hennepin Technique  Gentle external rotation  Followed by slow abduction of arm  Reduction typically complete prior to reaching coronal plane  78% success rate  Procedural sedation rarely needed 26 Source: University of Hawaii School of Medicine 8/30/2021
  • 28.  Modified Hippocratic or Traction-Countertraction Technique 28 Source: University of Hawaii School of Medicine 8/30/2021
  • 30.  Scapular Manipulation  Technique ▪ Seated Position ▪ Steady forward traction on wrist parallel to floor ▪ Rotate inferior tip of scapula medially and superior aspect laterally  96% Success rate  Requires two people  Borders of scapula can be difficult to identify in obese patients  Rarely requires sedation 30 Source: University of Hawaii School of Medicine Source: University of Hawaii School of Medicine 8/30/2021
  • 31.  Stimpson or Hanging Weight Technique 31 Source: University of Hawaii School of Medicine 8/30/2021
  • 32.  Complications  Recurrent dislocation (Most Common) ▪ < 20 years old: > 90% ▪ > 40 years old: 10-15%  Bony Injuries ▪ Hill-Sachs Deformity ▪ Compression fracture or groove of posterolateral aspect of humeral head ▪ Results from impact of humeral head on the anterior glenoid rim as it dislocates or reduces ▪ Avulsion of greater tuberosity (Higher incidence > 45 years old) ▪ Bankart’s Fracture = Fracture of the anterior glenoid lip  Nerve Injuries (10-25% dislocations) ▪ Most often are traction related neuropraxias and resolve spontaneously ▪ Axillary nerve (most common) or Musculocutaneous nerve  Rotator Cuff Tears ▪ 86% of patients > 40 years will have associated rotator cuff tear  Axillary Artery Injury (rare) ▪ Elderly patients with weak pulse ▪ Rapidly expanding hematoma 32 8/30/2021
  • 33.  Hill Sachs Deformity  Bankart’s Lesion/Fracture l/18712/935613.jpg 33 Hellerhoff, Wikimedia Commons RSatUSZ, Wikimedia Commons 8/30/2021
  • 34.  Rotator cuff = 4 muscles that insert tendons into the greater and lesser tuberosity  SITS MUSCLES = Subscapularis, Supraspinatous, Infraspinatous, Teres minor  Mechanisms of Injury  Acute tear = Forceful abduction of the arm against resistance (e.g. fall on outstretched arm)  Chronic teat = 90% = Results from subacromial impingement and decreased blood supply to the tendons (worsens as patient ages)  Clinical Picture  Typically affects males at 40 y/o or later  Pain over anterior aspect of shoulder, tearing quality to pain, typically worse at night  PE with weak and painful abduction or inability to initiate abduction (if complete tear)  Tenderness on palpation of supraspinatous over greater tuberosity  Imaging  In ED, plain film x-rays indicated to exclude fracture and may show degenerative changes and superior displacement of humeral head  MRI is diagnostic (not typically done in ED setting)  Treatment  Sling Immobilization, Analgesia, Ortho Referral  Complete tears require early surgical repair (< 3 weeks)  Chronic tears are managed with immobilization, analgesia and orthopedic follow-up for rehabilitation exercises and possible steroid injection 34 8/30/2021
  • 35.  Proximal Humerus Fractures  Common in elderly patients with osteoporosis  Mechanism of Injury = Fall on outstretched hand with elbow extended  Clinical Presentation ▪ Pain, swelling and tenderness around the shoulder ▪ Brachial plexus and axillary arteries injuries ▪ Higher incidence (>50%) in displaced fractures  Neer Classification guides treatment ▪ Fractures separate humerus into 4 fragments by epiphyseal lines ▪ Displacement > 1 cm or angulation > 45 degrees defines a fragment as a “separate part” when fractures occur ▪ If none of fragments are displaced > 1cm, fracture is termed 1 part  Treatment ▪ One part fractures (85%) = immobilization in sling/swathe, ice, analgesics, orthopedic referral ▪ Two/Three/Four part fractures = Orthopedic Consultation 35 8/30/2021
  • 36. Fragments of Humerus Head Articular surface of humeral head Greater tubercle Lesser tubercle Shaft of humerus 36 3 1 2 James Heilman, MD, Wikimedia Commons Gray’s Anatomy, Wikimedia Commons 8/30/2021
  • 39.  Typically involve middle 1/3 of the humeral shaft  Mechanism of Injury  Direct Blow (Most common)  Fall on outstretched arm or elbow  Pathologic Fracture (e.g. breast cancer)  Clinical Presentation  Pain and deformity over affected region  Associated Injuries ▪ Radial Nerve injury = Wrist Drop (10-20%) ▪ Neuropraxia will often resolve spontaneously ▪ Nerve palsy after manipulation or splinting is due to nerve entrapment and must be immediately explored by orthopedic surgery ▪ Ulnar and Median nerve injury (less common) ▪ Brachial Artery Injury 39 8/30/2021
  • 40.  Most of the time is Conservative  Closed Reduction in upright position followed by application of U shaped Slab of POP or Cylinder cast  Few weeks later or initially in stable fractures Functional Brace may be used
  • 43.  Failure to reduce fracture conservatively  Bilateral humeral fractures  Open fracture with radial nerve Injury  Unconscious patient  Delayed-Union, Non-Union and Mal-Union
  • 46.  Imaging = Standard x-ray imaging  Treatment  Non-operative Management (most common) ▪ Simple Sling and Swath adequate for ED patients ▪ Closed treatment options ▪ Coaptation splint (sugar tong) ▪ Hanging cast ▪ External fixation  Operative management ▪ Neurovascular compromise, pathologic fractures  Complications  Neurovascular injury  Delayed union  Adhesive capsulitis 46 Bill Rhodes, Wikimedia Commons 8/30/2021
  • 47.  Proximal or distal biceps tendon rupture  Mechanism of Injury = Sudden or prolonged contraction against resistance in middle aged or elderly patients  Clinical Presentation  “Snap” or “Pop” typically described  Pain, swelling, tenderness over site of tendon rupture  Flexion of elbow = Mid-arm ball  Loss of strength sometimes minimal  X-rays to exclude avulsion fracture  ED Treatment  Sling, Ice, Analgesia, Orthopedic referral  Surgical repair for young, active patients 47 Patenthalse, Wikimedia Commons Gray’s Anatomy, Wikimedia Commons 8/30/2021
  • 49. Anterior Fat Pad “Sail Sign” Posterior Fat Pad (Never normal) Anterior Humeral Line • Normal = Middle of capitellum • Abnormal = Anterior 1/3 of capitellum or completely anterior Radial-Capitellar Line •Normal =Transects middle of capitellum 49 Hellerhoff, Wikimedia Commons Source Undetermined Source Undetermined 8/30/2021
  • 50.  Supracondylar Extension Fractures  Most Common Type  Mechanism of injury ▪ Fall on outstretched arm with elbow in extension  Imaging ▪ Distal humerus fractures and humeral fragment displaced posteriorly ▪ Sharp fracture fragments displaced anteriorly with potential for injury of brachial artery and median nerve  Treatment ▪ Non-displaced fracture (Rare) = Immobilization in posterior splint ▪ May be discharged home with close follow-up ▪ Displaced fracture ▪ Orthopedic Consultation and reduction ▪ Patients with displaced fractures or significant soft tissue swelling require admission for observation 50 8/30/2021
  • 53.  Supracondylar Flexion Fractures (rare)  Mechanism of Injury ▪ Direct blow to posterior aspect of flexed elbow  Fractures are frequently open  Imaging = Distal humerus fracture displaced anteriorly  Treatment ▪ Non-displaced fractures ▪ Splint immobilization and early orthopedic follow-up ▪ Displaced fractures ▪ Orthopedic consultation for reduction ▪ Patients with displacement and soft tissue swelling require admission 53 8/30/2021
  • 54.  Absolute Emergency  Should de done under G A by experienced doctor as soon as possible  In the past the arm was held in flexed elbow position in back-slab POP after reduction  At present time Percutaneous K wire fixation is ALWAYS carried out after reduction
  • 55. ExtensionType Fracture FlexionType Fracture 55 Source Undetermined Source Undetermined Source Undetermined 8/30/2021
  • 56.  Early Complications  Neurologic (7%) ▪ Results from traction, direct trauma or nerve ischemia ▪ Radial Nerve (Posterior-medial displacement) ▪ Median Nerve (Posterior-lateral displacement) ▪ Ulnar Nerve (Uncommon) ▪ Anterior Interosseous Nerve Injuries ▪ High incidence with supracondylar fractures ▪ No sensory component, Motor component must be tested (“OK sign”)  Vascular Entrapment (Brachial Artery)  Late Complications  Non-union/Mal-union  Loss of mobility 56 8/30/2021
  • 57. A. Early= Compartment syndrome Brachial Artery injury ( Acute Volkmann's Ischemia ) Nerve Injury : Median, Ulnar or Radial B. Late= Stiffness Volkmann's Ischemic contracture Heterotopic Calcification Mal-Union ( Cubitus Valgus or varus)
  • 58.  Compartment syndrome of the forearm  Complication of elbow/forearm fractures  Increased compartment pressure results in ischemia of muscles of forearm, typically flexor compartment  Patient complains of pain out of proportion of injury, digit swelling and paresthesias  Also consider in any patient presenting with pain and numbness in hand after casting has been performed  Irreversible damage in 6 hours (see image)  Treatment  Removal of cast  Surgical decompression with fasciotomy 58 Source Undetermined 8/30/2021
  • 60.  Most common fractures of the elbow  Mechanism of Injury = Fall on outstretched hand  Clinical Finding = Tenderness and swelling over the radial head  Imaging  May not be seen on initial x-ray or may be subtle on x-ray  Evaluate for anterior or posterior fat pad which suggests diagnosis  Associated Injuries  Essex-Lopresti Lesion ▪ Disruption of fibrocartilage of the wrist and interosseus membrane ▪ Distal radial-ulnar dissociation  Articular surface of capitellum frequently also injured  Treatment  Non-displaced = Sling, Ortho follow-up  Comminuted/Displaced Fractures require urgent orthopedic referral within 24 hours 60 Source Undetermined 8/30/2021
  • 61.  Nursemaid’s elbow = Subluxation of radial head beneath the annular ligament  Mechanism of injury = Longitudinal traction on hand or forearm with arm in pronation  X-rays not necessary  Treatment = Reduction  Thumb over radial head with concurrent supination of forearm and flexion of elbow  Extension and pronation (another option for reduction) 61 David Tan, Flickr 8/30/2021
  • 62. 62 Therese Clutario, Wikimedia Commons hyperpronation supination flexion 8/30/2021
  • 63.  Third most common joint dislocation  Posterolateral (90%)  Mechanism of Injury = Fall on outstretched hand  Clinical Findings ▪ Marked swelling with loss of landmarks ▪ Posterior prominence of olecranon  Immediate consideration must be given to neurovascular status ▪ Ulnar or Median Nerve injury common (8-21%) ▪ Brachial artery injury (5-13%)  Associated fractures (30-60%) of coronoid process and radial head  Terrible triad injury = elbow dislocation + radial head and coronoid fracture (unstable)  Anterior (Uncommon)  Mechanism of Injury = Blow to Olecranon with elbow in flexion  Associated Injuries = Much higher incidence of vascular impingement 63 8/30/2021
  • 64. anjenli/article?mid=776&prev=778&next=774&l=f&fid=79 Anterior Elbow Dislocation Posterior Elbow Dislocation 64 Source Undetermined Source Undetermined 8/30/2021
  • 65.  Elbow Reduction  Immobilize humerus  Apply traction at wrist  Slight flexion of the elbow  Posterior pressure on olecranon  Post-Reduction  Long Term Complications  Post-traumatic arthritis  Joint instability 65 8/30/2021
  • 66.  Fracture of both ulnar and radius  Usually displaced fracture  Mechanism of Injury  Direct blow to forearm  Associated Injury  Peripheral Nerve Deficits ▪ Uncommon in most closed injuries ▪ More common with open fractures  Development of compartment syndrome  Treatment  Displaced – ORIF  Complications  Compartment Syndrome  Malunion 66 Source Undetermined 8/30/2021
  • 67.  Isolated fracture of ulnar shaft  Mechanism  Direct blow to ulna  Patient raising forearm to protect face  Treatment  Non-displaced ▪ Immobilization in splint  Displaced ▪ >10 degrees angulation ▪ Displacement > 50% of ulna ▪ Orthopedic consultation - ORIF 67 Source Undetermined 8/30/2021
  • 68.  Distal Radius Fracture  Distal radio-ulnar dislocation  Reverse Monteggia’s fx  Mechanism of Injury  Direct blow to back of wrist  Fall on outstretched hand  Complication = Ulnar nerve injury  Treatment = ORIF seoftheweekpix2/cow157lg.jpg 68 Th. Zimmermann, Wikimedia Commons 8/30/2021
  • 69.  Proximal 1/3 Ulnar Fracture  Dislocation of radial head  Mechanism of Injury = Direct blow to posterior aspect of ulna  Fall on outstretched hand  Imaging  Elbow/Forearm x-rays  Radial head dislocation missed in 25% of cases  Carefully examine the alignment of radial head  Associated Injury = Radial Nerve Injury  Treatment  ORIF  Closed Reduction/Splinting 69 Jane Agnes, Wikimedia Commons 8/30/2021
  • 70. Galeazzi Radial Fracture Ulnar Fracture Monteggia G M U R 70 Patrick Carter, University of Michigan Patrick Carter, University of Michigan 8/30/2021
  • 71.  Transverse fracture of distal radius with dorsal displacement of distal fragment  Mechanism = Fall on outstretched hand  Most common fracture in adults > 50 years old  Exam = Classic Dinner Fork Deformity  Associated Injuries  Ulnar styloid fracture  Median Nerve Injury  Unstable Fractures  >20 degrees angulation, intra-articular involvement, comminuted fractures or > 1 cm of shortening  Treatment  Non-displaced Fracture ▪ Sugar Tong Splint, Referral to Orthopedic Surgery  Displaced Fracture ▪ Reduction – Finger traps and manipulation under procedural sedation or with hematoma block ▪ Immobilization in Sugar tong splint ▪ Referral to Orthopedic Surgery 71 8/30/2021
  • 72.  Transverse fracture of distal radius with volar displacement  Mechanism = Fall on outstretched arm with forearm in supination  Associated Injury = Median Nerve Injury  Treatment  Reduction with finger traps and manipulation  Immobilization in sugar tong or long arm splint  Orthopedic referral 72 8/30/2021
  • 73.  Colles Fracture  Smith Fracture Goals of Reduction: * Restore volar tilt * Radial Inclination * Proper radial length 73 Lucien Monfils, Wikimedia Commons Source Undetermined 8/30/2021
  • 74.  Carpal tunnel (CTS)  result from repetitive stress to tissue  64% of work injuries  Compressive neuropathy  Wrist flexion/ext and finger movements  Risk factors  exertion  repetitive stress  posture  localized contact  cold Markiewitz AD, Andrish JT. Hand and wrist injuries in the preadolescent and adolescent athlete. Clin in Sport Med. 11(1):203-25, 1992.
  • 76.  Carpal fractures  compressive loads to hyperextended wrist  hyper flexion  rotation loading against a fixed wrist  Scaphoid ▪ 60-70%  Lunate Markiewitz AD, Andrish JT. Hand and wrist injuries in the preadolescent and adolescent athlete. Clin in Sport Med. 11(1):203-25, 1992.
  • 77.  Thumb: essential to prehension  Sprain: skiers thumb  fall with thumb in abducted position  tensile loads on MCL  Hyperextension  Bennets fracture (fighting)  Bowler’s thumb: ulnar digital nerve trauma  tingling, sensitivity Markiewitz AD, Andrish JT. Hand and wrist injuries in the preadolescent and adolescent athlete. Clin in Sport Med. 11(1):203-25, 1992.
  • 78.  Metacarpal & phalangeal injuries  Fractures  Boxers  Dislocations Markiewitz AD, Andrish JT. Hand and wrist injuries in the preadolescent and adolescent athlete. Clin in Sport Med. 11(1):203-25, 1992.
  • 79.  Scaphoid Fracture  Most common carpal bone fracture  Mechanism = fall on outstretched hand or axial load to thumb  2/3 of fracture in waist of scaphoid  Imaging – Initial x-rays may fail to demonstrate fracture ▪ > 10% of cases ▪ Repeat Imaging in 2 weeks will often show fracture  Clinical findings = tenderness in anatomical snuff box  Treatment ▪ Non-displaced or clinically suspected fracture ▪ Thumb spica Splint ▪ Displaced fractures will require ORIF ▪ Complications ▪ Avascular necrosis of proximal fragment -> arthritis ▪ Delayed union or malunion 79 8/30/2021
  • 81.  Triquetrum Fracture (2nd most common)  Mechanism = Fall on outstretched hand  Body fracture or avulsion chip fractures  Exam = Tenderness on palpation distal to ulnar styloid on dorsal aspect of wrist, painful flexion  Avulsion fracture best visualized on lateral or oblique view of wrist  Treatment = Volar splint, Orthopedic referral  Lunate Fracture  Mechanism = Fall on outstretched hand  Exam = Pain over mid-dorsum of wrist increased with axial loading of 3rd digit  Vascular supply is through distal end of bone -> high risk for avascular necrosis of the proximal portion  Plain x-rays are often normal  Treatment = Immobilization in thumb spica splint, orthopedic referral  Complications ▪ Kienbock’s disease = Avascular necrosis of proximal segment ▪ Chronic pain, decreased grip strength, osteoarthritis 81 8/30/2021
  • 82.  Triquetrum Fracture  Lunate Fracture 82 Hellerhoff, Wikimedia Commons Source Undetermined 8/30/2021
  • 83.  Lunate is at the center of the carpal bones  Majority of ligamentous injuries are centered on the lunate  Injuries are from forceful dorsiflexion of wrist  Degree of force determines severity of injury ▪ Spectrum from isolated tear to dislocations  Spectrum of ligamentous injuries  Scapholunate ligament instability  Triquetrolunate ligament instability  Perilunate and Lunate dislocations 83 8/30/2021
  • 84.  Scapholunate ligament binds the scaphoid and lunate together  Most common ligamentous injury of hand  Commonly missed  Pain with wrist hyperextension, snapping or clicking sensation with radial/ulnar deviation  Radiographic signs  Scaphoid is foreshortened and has a dense ring shaped image around its distal edge (signet or cortical ring sign)  Widening of space between the lunate/scaphoid ▪ > 3 mm, Terry Thomas sign  Treatment  Thumb spica or radial gutter splint  Orthopedic Referral 84 8/30/2021
  • 85.  Terry Thomas and Signet Ring Sign 85 Source Undetermined 8/30/2021
  • 86.  Perilunate and lunate dislocations are the result of the most severe carpal ligamentous injury  Mechanism of Injury = Violent Hyperextension usually combined with a fall from height or motor vehicle crash  Clinical examination  Generalized swelling, pain and tenderness over wrist  May be deceiving with no evidence of gross deformity  Radiographic evaluation is key to diagnosis  Treatment = Orthopedic Consultation  Treatment is dependent on severity of injury  Closed reduction and long-arm immobilization if possible  Open, unstable and irreducible dislocations require OR  Some orthopedists take all dislocations to OR  Complications  Degenerative Arthritis  Delayed union/Malunion/Non-union  Avascular necrosis 86 8/30/2021
  • 87.  4 C’s Need to line up on normal x-ray Lunate 87 Source Undetermined 8/30/2021
  • 88.  Lunate Dislocation  Capitate is centered over the radius and the lunate is tilted out  Spilled Tea cup deformity  Peri-lunate Dislocation  Lunate is centered over the radius and capitate is tilted out  Associated with scaphoid fx 88 Source: Radiology Assistant Source: Radiology Assistant 8/30/2021
  • 89.  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome  Entrapment of Median nerve  Tinel’s sign = Tapping over volar wrist produces paresthesias  Phalen’s sign = Hyperflexion of wrist = Paresthesias  Risk Factors = Pregnancy, Hypothyroid, DM, RA  Treatment = Splinting, Rest, Surgical Decompression  DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis  Overuse syndrome with inflammation of extensor tendons of thumb  Characterized by pain along radial aspect of wrist that is exacerbated with use of thumb  Finkelstein’s test = Ulnar deviation of fisted hand produces pain  Treatment = NSAIDS, Splint, Rest  Guyon’s Canal Syndrome  Ulnar nerve entrapment syndrome  Numbness and tingling in ring and small finger  Causes = repetitive trauma (handle bar neuropathy), cyst  Treatment = Splint, Surgical Decompression 89 8/30/2021

Editor's Notes

  1. Shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body Due to the increased functional abilities of the shoulder, it is at high risk for injury Shoulder Anatomy Sternoclavicular Joint Clavicle Acromioclavicular Joint Scapula Humerus Glenohumeral joint Muscles/ligaments that attach the shoulder bones, including special rotator cuff muscles
  2. Sternoclavicular Injuries SC joint is most frequently moved, non-axial joint in the body SC joint has the least amount of stability of any major joint because less than ½ of the medial end of the clavicle articulates with the sternum Thus, Joint stability depends on the integrity of surrounding ligaments
  3. SC = Sternoclavicular CC = Costoclavicular
  4. SC Sprains Mechanism of Injury = forcing the shoulder forward suddenly or applying medial directed force to the shoulder  Sprain Symptoms = Pain and swelling localized to the joint Treatment = Ice, Sling, Analgesics ****Remember to think about possible septic arthritis in injection drug users**** SC Dislocations Uncommon injuries requiring significant force to the shoulder usually from motor vehicle crashes Anterior dislocations > Posterior Dislocations Mechanism of injury Anterior Dislocation = Usually the result of either direct or indirect force applied directly to the joint with the should rolled backward at the time of impact Posterior Dislocation = If the shoulder is rolled forward at the time of impact, a posterior dislocation can result from a direct impact or indirect force to the shoulder Symptoms = Severe pain that is exacerbated arm motion Exam Anterior Dislocations = Prominent medial clavicle that is palpable anterior to the sternum Posterior Dislocations = clavicle may not be palpable X-rays views may not be diagnostic and special views or comparison views may be necessary. CT is the diagnostic tool of choice. If concerns for underlying vascular structures, consider IV contrast Treatment Anterior SC Dislocations = Uncomplicated anterior dislocations do not require attempted reduction as injury has little or no impact on function Injury is often unstable, so attempts at reduction will usually be unsuccessful, but reduction can be attempted by placing the patient supine with a towel roll under the scapula - - - traction is applied to the arm with pressure on the medial end of the clavicle Sling, Ice, analgesics and orthopedic referral are recommended Posterior SC Dislocations = May be associated with lifethreatening injuries = = Pneumothorax, compression or laceration of vessels, trachea or esophagus ORTHOPEDIC CONSULTATION Closed reduction should be attempted in the operating room with vascular surgery present If immediate reduction is needed, position the patient the same as for anterior DC dislocations, towel clip is applied to clavicle and pulled upward
  5. Treatment Anterior SC Dislocations = Uncomplicated anterior dislocations do not require attempted reduction as injury has little or no impact on function Injury is often unstable, so attempts at reduction will usually be unsuccessful, but reduction can be attempted by placing the patient supine with a towel roll under the scapula - - - traction is applied to the arm with pressure on the medial end of the clavicle Sling, Ice, analgesics and orthopedic referral are recommended Posterior SC Dislocations = May be associated with lifethreatening injuries = = Pneumothorax, compression or laceration of vessels, trachea or esophagus ORTHOPEDIC CONSULTATION Closed reduction should be attempted in the operating room with vascular surgery present If immediate reduction is needed, position the patient the same as for anterior DC dislocations, towel clip is applied to clavicle and pulled upward **** Figure of 8 clavicular strap is older method of immobilizing. Simple sling is good enough for support, tends to cause less discomfort and the results are equal in studies comparing two techniques. Figure of 8 might be used in places without commercially available slings (e.g. Ghana)
  6. AC = Acromioclavicular CC = Corococlavicular
  7. > 1 cm displacement defines type 3
  8. Body of scapula fracture Associated rib fractures
  9. Mechanism of Injury Anterior = Abduction, Extension and External Rotation Posterior = Seizure or Electric Shock Fall on forward-flexed, adducted and internally rotated arm
  10. (1) age 40 and humeral ecchymosis, (2) age 40 and first dislocation, and (3) age <40 and injury mechanism other than nontrauma or a fall from standing height or lower.
  11. Procedural sedation often necessary
  12. If in seated position, have an assistant stand, facing the patient, and use one arm to firmly grasp the wrist of the dislocated arm. The assistant should then apply steady forward traction parallel to the floor while applying countertraction with the other arm, which is outstretched and resting on the patient's clavicle Use both hands to rotate the inferior tip of the scapula medially and the superior aspect laterally with slight dorsal displacement. The goal is to move the glenoid fossa back into anatomical position.
  13. Hill-Sachs Deformity Compression fracture of posterolateral aspect of humeral head Results from impact of humeral head on the anterior glenoid rim as it dislocates or reduces Bankart’s Fracture = Fracture of the anterior glenoid lip
  14. Displacement of a fracture fragment by 1 cm, or angulation between fracture fragments of 45° or greater, is what defines a fragment as being a "separate" part. Hence, a proximal humerus fractures may be called 2-part, 3-part, or 4-part according to the Neer classification system, depending upon the amount of displacement and angulation seen on x-ray.
  15. Radial Nerve injury = Wrist Drop = Inability of extend wrist, fingers, thumb, Loss of sensation over dorsal web space of 1st digit
  16. Elbow radiographic evaluation can be difficult True Lateral X-ray = Hourglass or Figure of 8 at distal Humerus Fat Pad Signs Posterior Fat Pad Sign = Never seen on normal x-ray imaging Indicates distension of joint capsule by effusion with likely occult fracture Often associated with occult radial head fracture Anterior Fat Pad Sign = Small one may be present on normal x-rays Increased anterior fat pad (sail sign) is abnormal and may indicate fracture Anterior Humeral Line Line drawn along anterior surface of humerus and extending through the elbow Normally, transects the middle of the capitellum but with Supracondylar fractures, transects the anterior 1/3 of the capitellum or passes completely anterior to the capitellum Radial-Capitellar Line Line drawn through the middle of the radius Normally, transects the middle of the capitellum Abnormal line may indicate radial head dislocation or subtle fracture Radial Head Evaluation Carefully inspect the radial head. Fracture may be subtle and only clue may be slight cortical irregularity Distal Humerus Evaluation Careful inspection and evaluation of anterior humeral head line
  17. Posterior Fat Pad Sign = Never seen on normal x-ray imaging Anterior Fat Pad Sign = Small one may be present on normal x-rays Anterior Humeral Line = Line drawn along anterior surface of humerus and extending through the elbow Normally, transects the middle of the capitellum but with Supracondylar fractures, transects the anterior 1/3 of the capitellum or passes completely anterior to the capitellum Radial-Capitellar Line Line drawn through the middle of the radius Normally, transects the middle of the capitellum Abnormal line may indicate radial head dislocation or subtle fracture
  18. Traction distally at wrist with assistant immobilizing the humerus While maintaining traction, flex the elbow and apply posterior pressure to the humerus Post red= Reassess ROM of elbow and neurovascular status Immobilize in long-arm posterior splint in 120 degrees of flexion (i.e. full flexion) Observe for delayed vascular compromise
  19. ORIF = majority, closed red/splinting = may be possible, more commonly in kids