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Unleashing the Power of
Artificial Intelligence to
Transform Your
Presented by: Tapp Network
Joe DiGovanni, Kyle Barkins & Tareq Monuar
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Joe DiGiovanni
Tapp Network
Kyle Barkins
Tapp Network
Tareq Monuar
Web Designer
Tapp Network
A Mission-Driven Marketing and
Technology Agency
Empowering Organizations for Good
Tapp Network is a mission-driven digital marketing and
technology agency serving organizations that seek to
accelerate their digital transformation to make the world a
better place.
In partnership with TechSoup, Tapp provides website
development and digital marketing support services for
nonprofits around the globe as they strive to increase their
capacity building, fundraising, and community impact in
these challenging times.
• What is AI?
• How is AI beneficial for nonprofits?
• AI use cases and prompts for nonprofits
• Which AI tools your nonprofit can utilize
for your organizational goals
• Live demos
What is AI?
• Artificial intelligence (AI) is a wide-ranging
branch of computer science concerned with
building smart machines capable of
performing tasks that typically require
human intelligence.
• AI is a set of technologies that enable
computers to perform a variety of advanced
functions, including the ability to see,
understand and translate spoken and
written language, analyze data, make
recommendations, and more.
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Common AI Applications
It’s easy to be overwhelmed by AI and the thought of the technology of the future. However, AI
is already being utilized in many of the systems we use every day.
• Unlocking your phone with Face ID: uses machine learning algorithms to compare the
scan of your face with what it has stored about your face to determine if the person trying
to unlock the phone is you or not
• Social Media: AI works behind the scenes to personalize what you see on your feeds,
figuring out friend suggestions, identifying and filtering out fake news.
• Google search: Search engines couldn’t scan the entire internet and deliver what you
want without the assistance of artificial intelligence
• Advertising: Those ads that seem to follow you around? Yep, those are enabled by AI,
are based on your search history and are personalized to you with the goal of getting
items in front of you that the algorithms believe you will value.
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Common AI Applications
• Commuting to work: The travel aids enabled by artificial intelligence include more than
maps. Google maps and other travel apps use AI to monitor traffic to give you real-time
traffic and weather conditions as well as suggest ways to avoid gridlock.
• Banking: If you deposit a check by scanning it with your phone, get a low-balance alert,
or even log on to your online banking account, AI is at work behind the scenes.
• Netflix: The company's recommendation engine is powered by artificial intelligence and
uses your past viewing history to deliver suggestions for what you might want to watch
(including genres, actors, time periods, and more). Its tool gets as specific as what time of
day you were watching and what you traditionally like during that time frame. In fact, 80%
of what we're watching is driven by Netflix's recommendations.
• Digital Assistants: Anytime you have said “Hey Siri,” “Hey Google,” “Hey Alexa,” or
whoever your robot of choice is, you are tapping into AI to scan answers. These
technologies learn your habits and patterns to better serve you.
• Hubspot Marketing Automation. Personalized campaign workflows.
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Types of AI Tools
Machine Learning Tools: These tools use algorithms to learn from data and improve their
performance over time. They are often used for tasks such as image recognition, natural
language processing, and predictive analytics. Examples: Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Keras,
PyTorch, Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Tools: These tools analyze and process human
language, allowing computers to understand and respond to natural language queries. They
are often used for chatbots, virtual assistants, and sentiment analysis. Examples: NLTK
(Natural Language Toolkit), spaCy, GPT-3, BERT, Google Cloud Natural Language API
Cognitive Computing Tools: These tools simulate human thought processes and can
perform tasks such as decision-making, reasoning, and problem-solving. Examples: IBM
Watson, Google Cloud AI, Amazon AI, Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, Pega Platform
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Popular AI Tools
• GPT-3: Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 is a
language model developed by OpenAI that can
perform a variety of natural language processing
tasks such as language translation,
question-answering, and text completion.
• BERT: Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
Transformers is a language model developed by
Google that has shown significant improvement in
natural language understanding tasks such as
sentiment analysis and question-answering.
• AlphaGo/AlphaZero: Deep learning models
developed by Google's DeepMind that have
demonstrated superior performance in the complex
strategy game Go and other games like Chess and
• DALL-E 2: An image generation AI tool developed
by OpenAI that can generate images from textual
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Fundraising Operations
How Can Nonprofits Utilize AI?
AI for Fundraising
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How to leverage AI for Fundraising
Nonprofits can use AI to analyze donor data and predict which supporters are likely to make a
donation. This can help organizations personalize their fundraising efforts and increase the chances
of success.
• Automated Fundraising: Automate fundraising
efforts, such as setting up recurring donations
and sending targeted fundraising emails. This
can save time and reduce administrative burden.
For example, the nonprofit organization charity:
water uses an AI-powered tool called "Rally" to
automate their peer-to-peer fundraising
• Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots answer common
donor questions and provide personalized
support to potential donors. This can help reduce
the workload on fundraising staff and increase
the efficiency of the fundraising process. For
example, the nonprofit org Save the Children
uses an AI-powered chatbot called "Fara" to
provide support to their donors.
• Predictive analytics: Analyze data on donor
behavior (giving history, demographics,
communication preferences) to predict which
donors are most likely to give in the future. Prioritize
outreach efforts and personalize messaging to
increase the chances of success. For example, St.
Jude Children's Research Hospital uses
AI-powered predictive analytics to forecast future
giving patterns and identify high-potential
• Donor segmentation: AI can help segment donors
based on their interests and giving patterns. This
can help tailor fundraising appeals and engagement
strategies to each group, resulting in more effective
communication and engagement.For example,
UNICEF uses an AI-powered tool called "Pareto" to
segment their donor base and develop targeted
fundraising campaigns.
Here are a couple of AI tools that can be helpful for fundraising
1. Chatgpt
2. donately
3. Google Ads
4. DonorSearch
5. Fundraise Up
6. Textio
7. Benevity
AI Fundraising Tools
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AI Fundraising Tools
• Google Ads: The Google AdWords platform
uses machine learning to optimize ad
performance, making it easier for nonprofits to
reach potential donors and supporters.
• DonorSearch: DonorSearch is an AI-powered
prospect research tool that helps nonprofits
identify potential major donors based on wealth
and philanthropic history. The tool uses machine
learning algorithms to analyze donor data from
multiple sources and provide actionable insights
for donor engagement.
• Textio: Textio is an AI-powered writing platform
that uses machine learning to suggest
improvements to written content, such as emails,
grant applications, and fundraising appeals.
Nonprofits can use Textio to improve their written
communication and increase engagement with
their donors and supporters.
• Benevity: Benevity is a corporate social
responsibility platform that uses AI to help
nonprofits engage with donors and employees. The
platform can help nonprofits create custom giving
campaigns, match donations from corporate
partners, and analyze data to track impact.
• Donately: Donately is an AI-powered donation
processing platform that uses machine learning to
identify and prevent fraudulent transactions, as well
as optimize the donation experience for higher
conversion rates. The platform can also help
nonprofits analyze donation data and create custom
• Fundraise Up: Fundraise Up is an AI-powered
donation platform that uses machine learning
algorithms to optimize the donation experience for
higher conversion rates. The platform can also
personalize donation asks based on donor behavior
and history, increasing engagement and donations.
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Using ChatGPT for Fundraising
Use Cases ChatGPT Prompts
• Writing Donation Page Copy
• Writing Targeted Email Outreach
• Generating Social Media Content
• Writing Grant Proposals
• Finding new ideas
• Identifying Buyer persona
• Creating chatbot using Chatgpt
“Write a thank you letter to send to donors for [NPO
“Write an automated Follow up thank-you email that is
sent to donors after their first gift is made.”
"What are the common pain points that someone might
have, who is looking to Donate [NPO Name]?"
“Write a copy for a [nonprofit] online donation page”
“Write an LOI for a nonprofit focused on [NPO Industry]”
“Write a social media post for [NPO name] Fundraising
AI for Operations
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How to leverage AI for Operations
Nonprofit organizations can use AI to automate routine tasks, such as data entry and scheduling, and
to predict future demands and resource needs. By doing so, nonprofits can streamline their internal
operations, reduce administrative time, and allocate resources more efficiently.
• Natural language processing: Nonprofits can
use natural language processing to analyze
large volumes of text-based data, such as emails
and social media messages. This can help them
identify trends and patterns that can inform their
decision-making. For example, the nonprofit
organization Crisis Text Line uses natural
language processing to analyze the text
messages they receive from people in crisis.
• Fraud detection: Nonprofits can use
AI-powered fraud detection tools to identify
fraudulent transactions and prevent financial
losses. For example, the nonprofit organization
Mercy Corps uses an AI-powered fraud detection
tool called "" to protect their
financial transactions.
• Automating routine tasks: Nonprofits can use
AI-powered tools to automate routine tasks such
as data entry, scheduling, and invoicing. This can
save time and reduce errors. For example, the
nonprofit organization Feeding America uses an
AI-powered tool called "Givful" to automate
their donation processing.
• Predictive analytics: Nonprofits can use
predictive analytics to forecast future demands
and resource needs. This can help them allocate
resources more efficiently and reduce waste. For
example, the nonprofit organization Charity: Water
uses predictive analytics to forecast future
fundraising revenue and water project costs.
Here are a couple of AI tools that can be helpful for Operations
1. Chatgpt
2. Donately
3. Google Bard
4. Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud
AI Operations Tools
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Operations with Ai
• Donately: Donately is an AI-powered donation
processing platform that uses machine learning
to identify and prevent fraudulent transactions,
as well as optimize the donation experience for
higher conversion rates. The platform can also
help nonprofits analyze donation data and create
custom reports.
• Google Bard AI: In addition to Google Ad
Grants, Google Bard can brainstorm ideas,
develop a plan, or find different ways to get
things done, get a quick, easy to understand
summary of more complex topics, and create
first drafts of outlines, emails, blog posts, poems,
and much more
• is an AI platform that
allows nonprofits to create their own predictive
models without needing in-house data science
expertise. The platform can help nonprofits analyze
donor data, forecast fundraising revenue, and even
predict the impact of their programs.
• Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud: Salesforce Nonprofit
Cloud is a CRM platform designed specifically for
nonprofits. The platform uses AI to help nonprofits
manage donor data, automate fundraising tasks,
and analyze data to make informed decisions.
• Notion Ai: Notion AI is a writing assistant that can
help you write, brainstorm, edit, summarize, and
more. Consider Notion AI your partner. It augments
your thinking — helping you save time or spend it
more wisely.
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Using Notion templates for Operations
Donation management
Board management
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Using ChatGPT for Operations
Use Cases ChatGPT Prompts
• Generating reports and statistics
• Creating a chatbot using Chatgpt
• Create predictive models for nonprofit
• Creating mission & vision statements
“Write a predictive models for [NPO Name]”
“Write a Mission Statement for [NPO Name]”
“Create a [Type of report] for [purpose and audience]”
AI for Volunteer Management
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How to leverage AI for Volunteer Management
Nonprofit organizations can use AI to match volunteers with opportunities that align with their skills
and interests, and to automate routine tasks such as scheduling and communication. By doing so,
nonprofits can improve volunteer engagement and retention, and increase their impact.
• Sentiment Analysis: Use AI-powered sentiment
analysis tools to monitor social media and other
online channels for feedback from volunteers.
This can help identify areas for improvement and
address concerns in a timely manner. For
example, the nonprofit organization United Way
uses an AI-powered sentiment analysis tool
called "Social Studio" to monitor social media
feedback from volunteers.
• Retention Strategies: Identify patterns and
trends in volunteer behavior and develop
retention strategies accordingly. For example,
the nonprofit organization uses
AI-powered tools to analyze volunteer behavior
and develop targeted retention strategies.
• Personalized Matching: Match volunteers with
opportunities that align with their skills and
interests. This can help improve the volunteer
experience and increase engagement. For
example, the nonprofit organization Idealist uses
an AI-powered tool called "Neon One" to match
volunteers with organizations based on their
skills and interests.
• Automated Scheduling: Automate routine
volunteer management tasks such as scheduling
and communication. This can save time and
reduce administrative burden. For example, the
nonprofit organization Habitat for Humanity uses
an AI-powered tool called "Volunteer Hub" to
manage their volunteer scheduling and
Here are a couple of AI tools that can be helpful
1. Microsoft Volunteer Management and Volunteer Engagement
3. Chatgpt
Volunteer Management with Tools
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Volunteer Management with Ai
Notion templates for nonprofits
• Taskade for Nonprofits: Enhance your nonprofit
organization with Taskade AI—the intelligent,
all-in-one workspace that streamlines tasks, mind
maps, and notes. Equipped with built-in video chat
and smart features, Taskade AI is purpose-built to
elevate your team's productivity and advance your
• Microsoft Volunteer Management and Volunteer
Engagement : The latest Microsoft Cloud for
Nonprofit solutions will help you to recruit, onboard,
and engage volunteers so you can deliver effective
• Notion Ai: Notion AI is a writing assistant that can
help you write, brainstorm, edit, summarize, and
more. Consider Notion AI your partner. It augments
your thinking — helping you save time or spend it
more wisely.
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Using ChatGPT for Volunteer Management
Use Cases ChatGPT Prompts
• Volunteer recruitment
• Volunteer scheduling
• Volunteer training
• Volunteer communication
• Volunteer feedback
“Write an informal appeal letter to former volunteers
about donating to my [NPO Name]”
“Write write a job description for Volunteer recruitment
for [NPO Name].”
" Create a schedule template for volunteers for shifts
and events [NPO Name]?"
“Write a Volunteer training guide for NPO Name].”
“Write A Volunteer Thank You Letter [NPO Name]”
AI for Marketing and Outreach
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How to leverage AI for Marketing and Outreach
Nonprofits can use machine learning algorithms to analyze donor behavior and create personalized
marketing campaigns, using chatbots to provide quick and personalized responses to donor inquiries,
and using AI to segment donors and create targeted campaigns to engage with them.
• Social Media Management: Nonprofits can use
AI to manage their social media presence by
analyzing social media data and creating
targeted social media campaigns. For example,
Save the Children used AI to identify social
media influencers and create a social media
campaign that resulted in a 10% increase in
• Donor Segmentation: Nonprofits can use AI to
segment donors based on various factors such
as donation history, demographics, and interests.
For example, the ALS Association used AI to
segment donors based on their past giving
history and demographics and created targeted
campaigns that resulted in a 19% increase in
• Personalized Marketing: Nonprofits can use AI
tools to create personalized marketing campaigns
based on data collected from donors and
supporters. For example, charity: water used
machine learning algorithms to create
personalized campaigns that resulted in a 56%
increase in donations.
• Chatbots: Nonprofits can use AI-powered
chatbots to provide quick and personalized
responses to donor and supporter inquiries. For
example, UNICEF used chatbots to engage with
supporters during their "Trick or Treat for UNICEF"
campaign and resulted in a 29% increase in
Here are a couple of AI tools that can be helpful for Operations
1. Chatgpt
2. Google Bard
3. Synthesia
4. Canva
and more…
Marketing and Outreach with AI Tools
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Marketing and Outreach with AI
Voice AI Tools
• microsoft voice
• for cloning and dubbing voices
• best value for money ai
voice software
• Soundraw AI
Video AI Tools
• - AI Avatar
• - AI Video
• for creating animation video
Brainstorming and Writing AI
• Notion ai: help teams collaborate more effectively,
streamline project management, and automate tasks
like data entry and research.
• generate new content and ideas for
marketing campaigns, such as blog posts, social
media updates, and product descriptions.
• Canva AI: create visually appealing designs more
efficiently and effectively, such as social media
graphics, advertisements, and presentations.
• HubSpot: manage and schedule social media posts
across multiple platforms from a single dashboard,
track social media engagement and analytics, and
collaborate with team members.
• create and optimize digital ad
campaigns across multiple channels, using machine
learning to improve targeting and ad performance, and
generate new ad creatives.
• Google Bard: analyze and transcribe audio data from
customer calls, webinars, and other sources, allowing
businesses to better understand customer behavior
and preferences, and improve marketing messaging
and strategy.
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Using ChatGPT for Marketing and Outreach
Use Cases ChatGPT Prompts
• Landing pages and event ticketing
forms promoting the event.
• Formal or informal event invitations
and save the dates.
• Event scripts, such as a welcome
speech or a fundraising appeal.
• Generating emails and phone
• Creating effective marketing
"I'm looking for a [type of email] that will convince my [ideal
persona] to sign up for my [program/subscription] by
explaining the value it brings and the benefits they'll receive."
"I need a [type of email] that will make my [ideal customer
persona] feel [emotion] about my [product/service] and
convince them to take [desired action]."
“Can you generate a social media content calendar for my
[target audience] that aligns with my brand messaging and
promotes my [product/service]?”
"Can you write sales copy describing the unique features and
benefits of [product/service] that sets it apart from the
competition and makes it a must-have for [target audience]?"
Live Demo
How to Use AI Tools to 10X Your Productivity
Marketing and Web Support
Provided by Tapp Network in partnership with TechSoup
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Digital Marketing Services
Starting at
Digital Marketing Services: Essentials is a TechSoup
subscription service for designing and building deliverables
to support your marketing. The following are examples of
requests you can make with this subscription.
• Search engine, social media, retargeting and display
• Analytics and reporting
• Branding and custom graphics
• Marketing collateral and content
• Email marketing and communications
• Virtual events
Account Manager
9am–8pm EST
No Contract.
Cancel Anytime.
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Website Maintenance Services
Starting at
Keeping a website running smoothly is not an easy job! Our
website maintenance services are designed to ensure your
site is always performing at its best. From broken links to
building new pages for your fundraising event, you’ll have
access to the technical experts and can submit requests to
make those repairs or turn that creative website idea into a
Your dedicated Account Manager will ensure the successful
delivery of requests. Requests are managed through our
ticketing system and timelines will be provided within 48
hours of receiving any request.
Account Manager
9am–8pm EST
No Contract.
Cancel Anytime.
38 Copyright © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved.
Ready to get started?
Book a consultation!
Web Services
Digital Marketing Services
Any Questions?
Thank You!

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  • 1. Unleashing the Power of Artificial Intelligence to Transform Your Nonprofit Presented by: Tapp Network Joe DiGovanni, Kyle Barkins & Tareq Monuar 04.04.2023
  • 2. Housekeeping How to Communicate with Us • During live event: zoom chat or raise hands for talking • Email: Recording of the Live Event • The event will be recorded • You can choose to turn on/off your audio/video
  • 3. 3 © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. Introductions Joe DiGiovanni Co-Founder Tapp Network Kyle Barkins Co-Founder Tapp Network Tareq Monuar Web Designer Tapp Network
  • 4. A Mission-Driven Marketing and Technology Agency Empowering Organizations for Good Tapp Network is a mission-driven digital marketing and technology agency serving organizations that seek to accelerate their digital transformation to make the world a better place. In partnership with TechSoup, Tapp provides website development and digital marketing support services for nonprofits around the globe as they strive to increase their capacity building, fundraising, and community impact in these challenging times.
  • 5. Agenda • What is AI? • How is AI beneficial for nonprofits? • AI use cases and prompts for nonprofits • Which AI tools your nonprofit can utilize for your organizational goals • Live demos
  • 6. What is AI? • Artificial intelligence (AI) is a wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. • AI is a set of technologies that enable computers to perform a variety of advanced functions, including the ability to see, understand and translate spoken and written language, analyze data, make recommendations, and more.
  • 7. 7 Copyright © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. Common AI Applications It’s easy to be overwhelmed by AI and the thought of the technology of the future. However, AI is already being utilized in many of the systems we use every day. • Unlocking your phone with Face ID: uses machine learning algorithms to compare the scan of your face with what it has stored about your face to determine if the person trying to unlock the phone is you or not • Social Media: AI works behind the scenes to personalize what you see on your feeds, figuring out friend suggestions, identifying and filtering out fake news. • Google search: Search engines couldn’t scan the entire internet and deliver what you want without the assistance of artificial intelligence • Advertising: Those ads that seem to follow you around? Yep, those are enabled by AI, are based on your search history and are personalized to you with the goal of getting items in front of you that the algorithms believe you will value.
  • 8. 8 Copyright © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. Common AI Applications • Commuting to work: The travel aids enabled by artificial intelligence include more than maps. Google maps and other travel apps use AI to monitor traffic to give you real-time traffic and weather conditions as well as suggest ways to avoid gridlock. • Banking: If you deposit a check by scanning it with your phone, get a low-balance alert, or even log on to your online banking account, AI is at work behind the scenes. • Netflix: The company's recommendation engine is powered by artificial intelligence and uses your past viewing history to deliver suggestions for what you might want to watch (including genres, actors, time periods, and more). Its tool gets as specific as what time of day you were watching and what you traditionally like during that time frame. In fact, 80% of what we're watching is driven by Netflix's recommendations. • Digital Assistants: Anytime you have said “Hey Siri,” “Hey Google,” “Hey Alexa,” or whoever your robot of choice is, you are tapping into AI to scan answers. These technologies learn your habits and patterns to better serve you. • Hubspot Marketing Automation. Personalized campaign workflows.
  • 9. 9 © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. Types of AI Tools Machine Learning Tools: These tools use algorithms to learn from data and improve their performance over time. They are often used for tasks such as image recognition, natural language processing, and predictive analytics. Examples: Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio Natural Language Processing (NLP) Tools: These tools analyze and process human language, allowing computers to understand and respond to natural language queries. They are often used for chatbots, virtual assistants, and sentiment analysis. Examples: NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit), spaCy, GPT-3, BERT, Google Cloud Natural Language API Cognitive Computing Tools: These tools simulate human thought processes and can perform tasks such as decision-making, reasoning, and problem-solving. Examples: IBM Watson, Google Cloud AI, Amazon AI, Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, Pega Platform
  • 10. 10 © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. Popular AI Tools • GPT-3: Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 is a language model developed by OpenAI that can perform a variety of natural language processing tasks such as language translation, question-answering, and text completion. • BERT: Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers is a language model developed by Google that has shown significant improvement in natural language understanding tasks such as sentiment analysis and question-answering. • AlphaGo/AlphaZero: Deep learning models developed by Google's DeepMind that have demonstrated superior performance in the complex strategy game Go and other games like Chess and Shogi. • DALL-E 2: An image generation AI tool developed by OpenAI that can generate images from textual descriptions.
  • 11. 11 © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. Fundraising Operations How Can Nonprofits Utilize AI? Volunteer management Marketing and Outreach
  • 13. 13 © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. How to leverage AI for Fundraising Nonprofits can use AI to analyze donor data and predict which supporters are likely to make a donation. This can help organizations personalize their fundraising efforts and increase the chances of success. • Automated Fundraising: Automate fundraising efforts, such as setting up recurring donations and sending targeted fundraising emails. This can save time and reduce administrative burden. For example, the nonprofit organization charity: water uses an AI-powered tool called "Rally" to automate their peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns. • Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots answer common donor questions and provide personalized support to potential donors. This can help reduce the workload on fundraising staff and increase the efficiency of the fundraising process. For example, the nonprofit org Save the Children uses an AI-powered chatbot called "Fara" to provide support to their donors. • Predictive analytics: Analyze data on donor behavior (giving history, demographics, communication preferences) to predict which donors are most likely to give in the future. Prioritize outreach efforts and personalize messaging to increase the chances of success. For example, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital uses AI-powered predictive analytics to forecast future giving patterns and identify high-potential donors. • Donor segmentation: AI can help segment donors based on their interests and giving patterns. This can help tailor fundraising appeals and engagement strategies to each group, resulting in more effective communication and engagement.For example, UNICEF uses an AI-powered tool called "Pareto" to segment their donor base and develop targeted fundraising campaigns.
  • 14. Here are a couple of AI tools that can be helpful for fundraising 1. Chatgpt 2. donately 3. Google Ads 4. DonorSearch 5. Fundraise Up 6. Textio 7. Benevity AI Fundraising Tools
  • 15. 15 © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. AI Fundraising Tools • Google Ads: The Google AdWords platform uses machine learning to optimize ad performance, making it easier for nonprofits to reach potential donors and supporters. • DonorSearch: DonorSearch is an AI-powered prospect research tool that helps nonprofits identify potential major donors based on wealth and philanthropic history. The tool uses machine learning algorithms to analyze donor data from multiple sources and provide actionable insights for donor engagement. • Textio: Textio is an AI-powered writing platform that uses machine learning to suggest improvements to written content, such as emails, grant applications, and fundraising appeals. Nonprofits can use Textio to improve their written communication and increase engagement with their donors and supporters. • Benevity: Benevity is a corporate social responsibility platform that uses AI to help nonprofits engage with donors and employees. The platform can help nonprofits create custom giving campaigns, match donations from corporate partners, and analyze data to track impact. • Donately: Donately is an AI-powered donation processing platform that uses machine learning to identify and prevent fraudulent transactions, as well as optimize the donation experience for higher conversion rates. The platform can also help nonprofits analyze donation data and create custom reports. • Fundraise Up: Fundraise Up is an AI-powered donation platform that uses machine learning algorithms to optimize the donation experience for higher conversion rates. The platform can also personalize donation asks based on donor behavior and history, increasing engagement and donations.
  • 16. 16 © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. Using ChatGPT for Fundraising Use Cases ChatGPT Prompts • Writing Donation Page Copy • Writing Targeted Email Outreach Campaigns • Generating Social Media Content • Writing Grant Proposals • Finding new ideas • Identifying Buyer persona • Creating chatbot using Chatgpt “Write a thank you letter to send to donors for [NPO Name]” “Write an automated Follow up thank-you email that is sent to donors after their first gift is made.” "What are the common pain points that someone might have, who is looking to Donate [NPO Name]?" “Write a copy for a [nonprofit] online donation page” “Write an LOI for a nonprofit focused on [NPO Industry]” “Write a social media post for [NPO name] Fundraising event”
  • 18. 18 © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. How to leverage AI for Operations Nonprofit organizations can use AI to automate routine tasks, such as data entry and scheduling, and to predict future demands and resource needs. By doing so, nonprofits can streamline their internal operations, reduce administrative time, and allocate resources more efficiently. • Natural language processing: Nonprofits can use natural language processing to analyze large volumes of text-based data, such as emails and social media messages. This can help them identify trends and patterns that can inform their decision-making. For example, the nonprofit organization Crisis Text Line uses natural language processing to analyze the text messages they receive from people in crisis. • Fraud detection: Nonprofits can use AI-powered fraud detection tools to identify fraudulent transactions and prevent financial losses. For example, the nonprofit organization Mercy Corps uses an AI-powered fraud detection tool called "" to protect their financial transactions. • Automating routine tasks: Nonprofits can use AI-powered tools to automate routine tasks such as data entry, scheduling, and invoicing. This can save time and reduce errors. For example, the nonprofit organization Feeding America uses an AI-powered tool called "Givful" to automate their donation processing. • Predictive analytics: Nonprofits can use predictive analytics to forecast future demands and resource needs. This can help them allocate resources more efficiently and reduce waste. For example, the nonprofit organization Charity: Water uses predictive analytics to forecast future fundraising revenue and water project costs.
  • 19. Here are a couple of AI tools that can be helpful for Operations 1. Chatgpt 2. Donately 3. Google Bard 4. Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud 5. 6. AI Operations Tools
  • 20. 20 © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. Operations with Ai • Donately: Donately is an AI-powered donation processing platform that uses machine learning to identify and prevent fraudulent transactions, as well as optimize the donation experience for higher conversion rates. The platform can also help nonprofits analyze donation data and create custom reports. • Google Bard AI: In addition to Google Ad Grants, Google Bard can brainstorm ideas, develop a plan, or find different ways to get things done, get a quick, easy to understand summary of more complex topics, and create first drafts of outlines, emails, blog posts, poems, and much more • is an AI platform that allows nonprofits to create their own predictive models without needing in-house data science expertise. The platform can help nonprofits analyze donor data, forecast fundraising revenue, and even predict the impact of their programs. • Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud: Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud is a CRM platform designed specifically for nonprofits. The platform uses AI to help nonprofits manage donor data, automate fundraising tasks, and analyze data to make informed decisions. • Notion Ai: Notion AI is a writing assistant that can help you write, brainstorm, edit, summarize, and more. Consider Notion AI your partner. It augments your thinking — helping you save time or spend it more wisely.
  • 21. 21 © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. Using Notion templates for Operations Donation management Board management
  • 22. 22 © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. Using ChatGPT for Operations Use Cases ChatGPT Prompts • Generating reports and statistics • Creating a chatbot using Chatgpt • Create predictive models for nonprofit • Creating mission & vision statements “Write a predictive models for [NPO Name]” “Write a Mission Statement for [NPO Name]” “Create a [Type of report] for [purpose and audience]”
  • 23. AI for Volunteer Management
  • 24. 24 © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. How to leverage AI for Volunteer Management Nonprofit organizations can use AI to match volunteers with opportunities that align with their skills and interests, and to automate routine tasks such as scheduling and communication. By doing so, nonprofits can improve volunteer engagement and retention, and increase their impact. • Sentiment Analysis: Use AI-powered sentiment analysis tools to monitor social media and other online channels for feedback from volunteers. This can help identify areas for improvement and address concerns in a timely manner. For example, the nonprofit organization United Way uses an AI-powered sentiment analysis tool called "Social Studio" to monitor social media feedback from volunteers. • Retention Strategies: Identify patterns and trends in volunteer behavior and develop retention strategies accordingly. For example, the nonprofit organization uses AI-powered tools to analyze volunteer behavior and develop targeted retention strategies. • Personalized Matching: Match volunteers with opportunities that align with their skills and interests. This can help improve the volunteer experience and increase engagement. For example, the nonprofit organization Idealist uses an AI-powered tool called "Neon One" to match volunteers with organizations based on their skills and interests. • Automated Scheduling: Automate routine volunteer management tasks such as scheduling and communication. This can save time and reduce administrative burden. For example, the nonprofit organization Habitat for Humanity uses an AI-powered tool called "Volunteer Hub" to manage their volunteer scheduling and communication.
  • 25. Here are a couple of AI tools that can be helpful 1. Microsoft Volunteer Management and Volunteer Engagement 2. 3. Chatgpt 4. Volunteer Management with Tools
  • 26. 26 © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. Volunteer Management with Ai Notion templates for nonprofits • Taskade for Nonprofits: Enhance your nonprofit organization with Taskade AI—the intelligent, all-in-one workspace that streamlines tasks, mind maps, and notes. Equipped with built-in video chat and smart features, Taskade AI is purpose-built to elevate your team's productivity and advance your mission. • Microsoft Volunteer Management and Volunteer Engagement : The latest Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit solutions will help you to recruit, onboard, and engage volunteers so you can deliver effective programming. • Notion Ai: Notion AI is a writing assistant that can help you write, brainstorm, edit, summarize, and more. Consider Notion AI your partner. It augments your thinking — helping you save time or spend it more wisely.
  • 27. 27 © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. Using ChatGPT for Volunteer Management Use Cases ChatGPT Prompts • Volunteer recruitment • Volunteer scheduling • Volunteer training • Volunteer communication • Volunteer feedback “Write an informal appeal letter to former volunteers about donating to my [NPO Name]” “Write write a job description for Volunteer recruitment for [NPO Name].” " Create a schedule template for volunteers for shifts and events [NPO Name]?" “Write a Volunteer training guide for NPO Name].” “Write A Volunteer Thank You Letter [NPO Name]”
  • 28. AI for Marketing and Outreach
  • 29. 29 © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. How to leverage AI for Marketing and Outreach Nonprofits can use machine learning algorithms to analyze donor behavior and create personalized marketing campaigns, using chatbots to provide quick and personalized responses to donor inquiries, and using AI to segment donors and create targeted campaigns to engage with them. • Social Media Management: Nonprofits can use AI to manage their social media presence by analyzing social media data and creating targeted social media campaigns. For example, Save the Children used AI to identify social media influencers and create a social media campaign that resulted in a 10% increase in donations. • Donor Segmentation: Nonprofits can use AI to segment donors based on various factors such as donation history, demographics, and interests. For example, the ALS Association used AI to segment donors based on their past giving history and demographics and created targeted campaigns that resulted in a 19% increase in donations. • Personalized Marketing: Nonprofits can use AI tools to create personalized marketing campaigns based on data collected from donors and supporters. For example, charity: water used machine learning algorithms to create personalized campaigns that resulted in a 56% increase in donations. • Chatbots: Nonprofits can use AI-powered chatbots to provide quick and personalized responses to donor and supporter inquiries. For example, UNICEF used chatbots to engage with supporters during their "Trick or Treat for UNICEF" campaign and resulted in a 29% increase in donations.
  • 30. Here are a couple of AI tools that can be helpful for Operations 1. Chatgpt 2. Google Bard 3. Synthesia 4. Canva and more… Marketing and Outreach with AI Tools
  • 31. 31 © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. Marketing and Outreach with AI Voice AI Tools • microsoft voice • for cloning and dubbing voices • best value for money ai voice software • • • • • Soundraw AI Video AI Tools • • • • - AI Avatar • - AI Video • for creating animation video Brainstorming and Writing AI • Notion ai: help teams collaborate more effectively, streamline project management, and automate tasks like data entry and research. • generate new content and ideas for marketing campaigns, such as blog posts, social media updates, and product descriptions. • Canva AI: create visually appealing designs more efficiently and effectively, such as social media graphics, advertisements, and presentations. • HubSpot: manage and schedule social media posts across multiple platforms from a single dashboard, track social media engagement and analytics, and collaborate with team members. • create and optimize digital ad campaigns across multiple channels, using machine learning to improve targeting and ad performance, and generate new ad creatives. • Google Bard: analyze and transcribe audio data from customer calls, webinars, and other sources, allowing businesses to better understand customer behavior and preferences, and improve marketing messaging and strategy.
  • 32. 32 © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. Using ChatGPT for Marketing and Outreach Use Cases ChatGPT Prompts • Landing pages and event ticketing forms promoting the event. • Formal or informal event invitations and save the dates. • Event scripts, such as a welcome speech or a fundraising appeal. • Generating emails and phone scripts • Creating effective marketing strategies "I'm looking for a [type of email] that will convince my [ideal persona] to sign up for my [program/subscription] by explaining the value it brings and the benefits they'll receive." "I need a [type of email] that will make my [ideal customer persona] feel [emotion] about my [product/service] and convince them to take [desired action]." “Can you generate a social media content calendar for my [target audience] that aligns with my brand messaging and promotes my [product/service]?” "Can you write sales copy describing the unique features and benefits of [product/service] that sets it apart from the competition and makes it a must-have for [target audience]?"
  • 33. Live Demo How to Use AI Tools to 10X Your Productivity
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  • 36. Digital Marketing Services Starting at $499/mo Digital Marketing Services: Essentials is a TechSoup subscription service for designing and building deliverables to support your marketing. The following are examples of requests you can make with this subscription. • Search engine, social media, retargeting and display Advertising • Analytics and reporting • Branding and custom graphics • Marketing collateral and content • Email marketing and communications • Virtual events Dedicated Account Manager Available 9am–8pm EST No Contract. Cancel Anytime.
  • 37. 37 © TechSoup Global. All Rights Reserved. Website Maintenance Services Starting at $499/mo Keeping a website running smoothly is not an easy job! Our website maintenance services are designed to ensure your site is always performing at its best. From broken links to building new pages for your fundraising event, you’ll have access to the technical experts and can submit requests to make those repairs or turn that creative website idea into a reality. Your dedicated Account Manager will ensure the successful delivery of requests. Requests are managed through our ticketing system and timelines will be provided within 48 hours of receiving any request. Dedicated Account Manager Available 9am–8pm EST No Contract. Cancel Anytime.
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