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Holistic Development and The Role of Education
Universal Human Values
Whatever is said is a Proposal (Do not assume it to be true or false) Verify it on Your
Own Right – on the basis of your Natural Acceptance
It is a process of Dialogue
A dialogue between me and you, to start with
It soon becomes a dialogue within your own self
between what you are and what you really want to be (your natural
The purpose of this session is to initiate this internal dialogue
(about harmony at various levels
for your self-exploration)
- Harmony in Human Being
- Harmony in Family
- Harmony in Society
- Harmony in Nature/Existence
Self-exploration, self-verification
Desired Achievement
Individual Transformation
– Right Understanding
(Understanding Harmony)
– Happiness & Prosperity
(Living in Harmony)
Societal Transformation
– Humane Society
Workshop/Course Content Process
What We Really Want to Be
Do we want to be happy?
Do we want to be prosperous?
Do we want the continuity of
happiness and prosperity?
Do we want to be happy?
Do we want to be prosperous?
Do we want the continuity of happiness and
Are we happy?
Are we prosperous?
Is there continuity of our happiness and
What We Really Want to Be What We Are
Why this gap?
- between what we really want to be and what we are
What are we doing to fill this gap? Is it getting filled up or getting wider?
We will explore into this
Do we want to be happy?
Do we want to be prosperous?
Do we want the continuity of happiness and
What We Really Want to Be Effort
Have we assumed that happiness and prosperity will be ensured
when we have enough physical facility?
What effort are we making, other than accumulation of physical facility?
Is our effort :
– To understand the true meaning of
happiness and prosperity and ensure it?
– or
– Just for accumulation of physical facility?
Physical Facility is Necessary…
When an animal has lack of physical facility it becomes uncomfortable, when it gets physical
facility it becomes comfortable
Eg. When a cow gets a stomach-full of grass, it becomes comfortable, sits and chews the cud
When a human being has lack of physical facility, he becomes uncomfortable and unhappy
But once he gets the physical facility, he forgets about it and starts thinking about hundred other
(Check for yourself if you feel happy every day that you are getting enough to eat?)
Something more is required (over and above physical facility)
Physical facility is necessary for human being
something more is also required
Basic Human Aspiration
Basic Human Aspiration
= Happiness and Prosperity  Continuous
= To be in a state of Harmony
= The feeling of having more than required Physical Facility
Some Prevailing Notions related to Prosperity
 Accumulation of Wealth = Prosperity?
 The richer you are, the more prosperous you are, i.e. the more you have accumulated, the
more prosperous you are
Some Prevailing Notions of Happiness
Owning / accumulating physical facility
Physical facility is required, but it alone does not suffice for human being
Dependence on physical facility, can’t be continuous
Pleasure (from favourable sensation)
Sound, Touch, Form, Taste, Smell – Through the Body
Dependence on sensation, can’t be continuous
Attention, appreciation… (favourable feelings) from others
Dependence on the other, can’t be continuous
Sometimes “happiness” i.e. excitement…
Sometimes “unhappiness” i.e. depression…
To find out what else is required (over and above physical facility)
Check: Is the unhappiness in our families
 More due to lack of physical facility or
 More due to lack of fulfillment in relationship?
To find out what else is required (over and above physical facility)
How much time and effort are we investing:
 For physical facility
 For fulfillment in relationship
The unhappiness is more due to lack of fulfillment in relationship
Most of the time and effort is spent for physical facility
For Human Being, Relationship is also Necessary
For human being physical facility is necessary but relationship is also necessary
On examining carefully, we find that this is a fundamental difference between animals and
human being
Physical facility is necessary for animals and necessary for human being also
For animals physical facility is necessary as well as largely adequate
For human being physical facility is necessary but not adequate
with human being
With nature
For human beings:
necessary but not
For animals:
necessary & largely
In Addition to Physical Facility, Relationship is Necessary for Human Being
For human beings physical facility is necessary but relationship is also necessary
Although we have Recognised the need for Relationship…
We do get into arguments, opposition and fights… even in the family, with close friends, with
colleagues at work… in the marketplace…
Every time we have a fight, we want to resolve it…
We say sorry, patch up and promise not to fight in future but…
Even though we don’t want to, a fight does take place once again
(we want the other to improve… and the other wants us to improve…)
Is this happening?
Are incidences of reaction… not speaking to the other… arguments… debates… divorce…
increasing or decreasing?
Explore your close relationships – in the family, with friends, in the workplace, in the society
In spite of our acceptance for relationship, why is it happening?
Let’s check our Perspective about Relationship
Let us find out if
1. We want to live in relationship (harmony) with others or
2. We want to live in opposition with others or
3. We believe living has to be necessarily in opposition with others, i.e. There is 'struggle for
survival' , ‘survival of the fittest’ and check if we feel happy living this way?
‘struggle for survival’, ‘survival of the fittest’
What is our present perspective? Which view do we promote?
(at home, in the family… in schools and colleges… and in the society)
Is it the naturally acceptable view?
Right Understanding is also Essential for Human Being
For fulfilment in relationship, it is necessary to have right understanding about relationship
i.e. Right understanding is also necessary for human being
With right understanding:
 We have clarity about relationship with human being; we are able to fulfil relationship
 We also have clarity about how much physical facility we need
Human Consciousness
with human
with rest of nature
in the self
- Trust
- Respect
- …
If we are living with
all three
(right understanding,
relationship and
physical facility, in
that priority order)
then we are living
with human
Human being can
be fulfilled
(be happy and
on the basis of
these three
Animal Consciousness
with human
with rest of nature
in the self
Making others Unhappy
Exploiting and
Depriving others
If our living is only for
physical facility, then we
are living with animal
Animals live only for
physical facility and can be
fulfilled by that
Human being can not be
fulfilled on the basis of
physical facility alone
Animals living with
animal consciousness
they are in harmony this is fine
Human being living with
human consciousness
they are in harmony this is fine
Human being living with
animal consciousness
they are in disharmony this is the
Since we generally don’t have clarity about our physical needs…
In the society, we can observe two categories of human beings
1. Lacking physical facility, unhappy deprived
2. Having physical facility, unhappy deprived
While we want to be –
3. Having physical facility, happy prosperous
Find out
 Where are we now – at 1, 2 or 3 and
 Where do we want to be?
Role of Education-Sanskar: To Enable Transformation
Holistic development is transformation to Human Consciousness
The role of education-sanskar is to enable this transformation by way of ensuring the
development of the competence to live with human consciousness and definite human
For this, it has to ensure
1. Right understanding in every child
2. The capacity to live in relationship with the other human being
3. The capacity to identify the need of physical facility,
the skills and practice for sustainable production of more than what is required – leading to
the feeling of prosperity
1. Right understanding in every child
2. The capacity to live in relationship with
the other human being
3. The capacity to identify the need of
physical facility,
the skills and practice for sustainable
production of more than what is required
right utilisation of physical facility
leading to the feeling of prosperity
Identification of need of physical facility is
The willingness to produce by way of labour
is also missing
The right utilization is also largely missing
The core feeling generated is
to accumulate more & more,
to consume more & more,
(rather than to produce what is required
and utilize it rightly…)
Required for Transformation Present State?
Understanding Human being as the Co-existence of the Self and the Body
Harmony in the Human Being
Human Being Self Body
Are these needs are of different types or of same type?
Are both types of needs important / Do we want fulfillment of both types of needs?
Are we working to fulfill both types of needs?
Human Being Self Co-exis tence Body
Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food)
In Time Continuous Temporary
In Quantity Qualitative (is Feeling) Quantitative (Required in
Limited Quantity)
The needs of the Body can not be fulfilled by Right Understanding, Right Feelings alone
The needs of the Self can not be fulfilled by Physio-Chemical Things
Both type of needs have to be understood separately
Both type of needs have to be fulfilled separately
In living, what is the priority?
How much time & effort is spent for right understanding & right feelings?
How much time & effort is spent for physical facility?
Human Being Self Co-exis tence Body
Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food)
In Time Continuous Temporary
In Quantity Qualitative (is Feeling) Quantitative (Required in
Limited Quantity)
Fulfilled By Right Understanding &
Right Feeling
Physio-chemical Things
Sum Up
Human being is the co-existence of Self and Body
Self is consciousness. Its needs are feelings in consciousness (like happiness) and these needs are
fulfilled by activity of consciousness, i.e. Right Understanding and Right Feeling
Body is material. Its needs are material (like food) and these needs are fulfilled by material, i.e. Physio
chemical things
The needs of consciousness can not be fulfilled by material
The needs of material can not be fulfilled by consciousness alone
eam (
Understanding the Sources of Imagination in the Self
Harmony in the Self
Human Being Self Co-exis tence Body
Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food)
In Time Continuous Temporary
In Quantity Qualitative (is Feeling) Quantitative (Required in
Limited Quantity)
Fulfilled By Right Understanding &
Right Feeling
Physio-chemical Things
Activity Imagination (Desire,
Thought, Expectation)…
Eating, Walking…
In Time Continuous Temporary
Response Choice
based on acceptances
Consciousness Material
Activities of Self
Natural Acceptance
Behaviour Work
To be happy
To keep body healthy
To live in relationship
I want to be respected…
need some more…
Have to show them…
take revenge…
State of Imagination – Random and Disorganised
If the imagination is random and disorganised
It indicates a state of confusion
Many of these imaginations may be
contrary to each other and contrary to the natural acceptance
If we observe carefully, we realize that we have accumulated a lot of desires, which are resulting
in numerous thoughts and expectations
Harmony in the Self is realised when there are no contradictions in the imagination and all
imagination is in accordance with our natural acceptance
Assignment for Today…
C. The Self
1.Take the same list of your desires. Now find out what is the source of the desire:
preconditioning (PC) or sensation (S) or natural acceptance (NA):
S.No. Desire Purpose Preconditioning Sensation Natural
1 Money a. Physical Facilities to
take care of Body
b. Status √
c. Merry making √
2 Name, fame Attention from others √
3 Good food Health of Body √
Taste √
4 Car a. To save energy of
Body in transportation
b. Respect in society √
c. To look good √
5 Peace of mind For the Self √
Sum Up
Imagination is going on in the Self continuously
Behaviour/Work is an expression/outcome of Imagination
The Self has the faculty of Natural Acceptance – it is innate, invariant and uncorrupted,
but may or may not be presently the motivation for imagination
Imagination is motivated by Preconditioning, Sensation or Natural Acceptance
Imagination guided by Natural Acceptance leads to harmony in the Self. This is the state of self-
organization (स्वतंत्रता). This is the state of happiness. In this state, the behaviour/work is also
mutually fulfilling – the conduct is definite (harmonious)
Imagination motivated by preconditioning or sensation may lead to contradiction in the Self. This
is the state of enslavement. This is the state of unhappiness. In this state, the behaviour/work
may or may not be mutually fulfilling – the conduct is not definite
Every human being has the potential to awaken to his/her Natural Acceptance, and be in
Harmony (This is the full human potential at the level of the Self)
The Foundational Value in Relationship
Harmony in the Family
Harmony in the Family
1. Relationship is – between one self and another self
2. There are feelings in relationship – in one self for the other self
3. These feelings can be recognized – they are definite
4. Their fulfilment, evaluation leads to mutual happiness
Feelings in relationship:
2 Respect
3 Affection
4 Care
5 Guidance
6 Reverence
7 Glory
8 Gratitude —
Self Reflection
If you have unconditional, continuous trust on intention (natural acceptance) of the other and if
the other is lacking competence, what will you do:
a) Try to improve his competence
(and also improve your competence)
b) Get irritated
c) Get angry
d) Have a feeling of opposition
How many persons, in your family and friends, do you have trust on intention (natural
acceptance) – unconditional, continuous?
This is fundamental. Trust on intention is the foundation of relationship
You can get an idea of the state of your understanding about relationship from this exploration…
Trust on Intention  Response
Doubt on Intention  Reaction
About your Natural Acceptance
1a. I want to make myself happy
2a. I want to make the other happy
3a. The other wants to make herself/himself
4a. The other wants to make me happy
About your Competence
4b. The other is able to make me always
Trust: To have the clarity that the other intends to make me happy
Intention – Natural Acceptance
What is Naturally Acceptable to You
What You Are
√ 1b. I am able to make myself always happy ?
2b. I am able to make the other always happy?
3b. The other is able to make herself/himself ?
always happy
The other broke a glass
If the other makes a mistake even once…
– I doubt his/her intention
– S(he) makes mistakes intentionally
– I have a feeling of opposition, get irritated,
– I reinforce “The other is bad”, can not improve
The glass broke by accident
Even if I make the same mistake 100 times…
– I never doubt my intention
– I make mistakes by accident
– I have a feeling “I am special”
– I reinforce “I am good”. I do not make effort to
improve my own competence
About the Other About Myself
Doubt on intention is a major reason for problems in relationships
Being able to see that all human beings have
the same natural acceptance (intention) as me
Trust on intention is founded on understanding
(not based on events)
It does not keep changing with time or person.
So it can be unconditional and continuous
Of course, the competence may or may not be
there – in me or in the other
“Trust” on competence is based on events –
can keep changing
The last 5 times I lent her money, she returned
it on time… so I can trust her
He said he will reach at 11, but look it is after
12 now… he always comes late… so how can
I trust him to be on time?
Here we are not looking at the natural
acceptance (intention). We are only seeing the
Understanding Trust Assuming Trust
Trust is to have the clarity that the other wants to make me happy & prosperous.
Trust is the foundation of relationship
If I am aware of my natural acceptance, I have trust on intention
I feel related to the other (I accept the relationship)
When I make a program with the other, it is based on right evaluation of our mutual competence
 In case the other is lacking in competence
 I make effort to assure the other
 I make effort to improve his competence once he is assured in relationship (and not before that)
 If I lack competence, I become ready to take help from the other to improve my competence
If I am unaware of my natural acceptance, I may have doubt on intention
 I evaluate the other on the basis of his competence and assume the lack of competence to be the
lack of intention; and thus feel opposed to him (while I evaluate myself on intention)
 This feeling of opposition shows up as irritation or anger (and it may further lead to fighting, struggle
and war)
Respect and Types of Evaluation
Over evaluation
Under evaluation
– to evaluate for more than what it is
– to evaluate for less than what it is
Otherwise evaluation – to evaluate for other than what it is
Not naturally acceptable. Whenever the evaluation is not right, it is disrespect
Check for yourself in every interaction with others whether it is respect or disrespect. i.e.
 It is right evaluation or
 It is over / under / otherwise evaluation
Other Feelings in Relationship
Love – The basis for Undivided Family
The feeling of being related to the other
(acceptance of the other as one’s relative, the other is like me)
One has the responsibility and commitment for mutual fulfilment in the relationship
Opposition, jealousy... are an indication of the absence of affection
Feeling of responsibility toward the body of my
The responsibility & commitment for nurturing
and protection of the Body of my relative
Feeling of responsibility toward
the self of my relative
The responsibility & commitment
for ensuring Right
Understanding and Right
Feeling in the self of my relative
Care Guidance
Care & Guidance are a natural outcome ofAffection
Do we ensure both care as well as guidance or are we mostly focused on care?
E.g. while taking care of the body, like while feeding the child, are we
concerned about both the body as well as the self?
The feeling of acceptance for excellence
Excellence : Completeness of Right Understanding
Working for Excellence and competing with each other is not the same thing.
In excellence, one helps to bring the other to his level
In competition, he hinders the other from reaching to his level
Not other – only me
I am different/more than the other
Feelings are based on preconditioning
(indefinite, keeps changing)
Conditional relationship
May nurture or exploit others
Stops the other to come to his level -
effort to accentuate the difference,
to dominate, manipulate, exploit
Relative (no definite completion point)
The other is like me
We are complementary
Feelings are based on right
understanding (definite,
Unconditional relationship
Nurtures others
Helps the other to come to his level
Absolute (definite completion point)
Effort for Excellence Effort for Competition
Feeling for those who have made effort for
Feeling for those who have made
effort for my excellence
Glory Gratitude
Feeling for those who have made effort for my excellence
I can see that the other has a feeling of care, affection, trust.. in behaviour with me. I can also
see that the other
a) has helped me in developing right understanding & right feeling in me
b) Has provided me with the necessary physical facility
Gratitude is significant in the development of relationship
Self Reflection
Check whether you have a feeling of gratitude for those who have
made effort for you in your life…
1. Are you able to appreciate both –”what has been done” as well
as ”what has not been done” (the complete picture)?
are you mostly focused on “what has not been done”?
2. Do you have a feeling of gratitude for the other – continuous
the feeing of gratitude comes and goes?
3. Are you making effort for “ensuring the right feelings in
yourself and expressing them to the other”
are you “expecting these feelings from the other”?
Respect, Reverence, Glory and Gratitude
Basic human aspiration = Continuous happiness
= To achieve excellence
Understanding Harmony &
Living in Harmony
Continuous Happiness
Trust, Respect– For all
Reverence – For those who have achieved excellence
Glory – For those who have made effort for excellence
Gratitude – For those who have made effort for my excellence
at all 4 levels
1. In the Human Being
2. In Family
3. In Society
4. In Nature/Existence
Opposition, Affection and Love
Verify on the basis of your natural acceptance if you want to be related to:
Many  The feeling of being related to many
 The feeling of being related to all
Affection – The feeling of being related to the other
(acceptance of the other as one’s relative)
Love – The feeling of being related to all (Complete Value)
X  The feeling of being related to none – in opposition to all
√  The feeling of being related to one
Everyone √
Preconditioning Related to Love – Common misunderstandings
Excitement (from sensation, preconditioning) is confused for feeling
Sensation –
Lust, getting from the other
Continuity not possible
Preconditioning –
1. Love at First Sight?
2. By this age, I must have GF/BF?
3. The other has 4 GF/BF; I have only one?
Continuity not possible
Right understanding (natural acceptance) –
Love (प्रेम) = feeling of being related to all, responsible towards all, giving to all
Once trust, respect, affection, care, guidance… are ensured within, then
the feeling of being related to all follows naturally
Infatuation, Lust
(in the Self) Love
Preconditioning Related to Love
This is certainly not Love!
The feeling of love needs to be
understood rightly by all,
particularly by youth
Love– The feeling of being related to all (Complete Value)
It all starts with identifying that one is related to other human being (Affection) and it slowly
expands to the feeling of being related to all human beings and then to all, each & every unit in
nature (human being as well as other units) (Love)
Feeling of Love is expressed in the form of kindness, beneficence and compassion. The feeling
is for all, and it is expressed to those who come in contact
The feeling of Love is the foundation of Undivided Society
Harmony in the Society
From Family Order to World Family Order
(Universal Human Order)
We saw that the family is the basic unit or building block of human organisation
The society is the next larger order
Society is composed of many families living together making collective effort for a common goal We will
1. Goal of human being living in society (human goal)
2. The dimensions or systems required to achieve the human goal
3. Scope of the systems
What is Desirable and Where are we today?
Families living together, in a relationship of mutual fulfillment
(common goal)
People living together, but not in relationship of mutual fulfillment
(differing goals)
People living separately, in opposition / struggle
(conflicting goals)
We will explore harmony in society – The base of harmony in society is harmony in family for which the
base is harmony in human being
Harmony in the Society
Human Goal
If all 4 are achieved, would anything else be required?
Are we working for all 4? In the family? In the society? Where
do we start from?
1 2 3
Are all 4 required, desirable or we can leave something out?
Right Understanding &
Right Feeling
In Every Individual
In Every Family
In Society
(mutual fulfilment)
In Nature/
Current State – Have we understood our Goal?
Human Goal
Gross Misunderstanding (
Right Understanding &
Right Feeling
In Every Individual
In Every Family
In Society
(mutual fulfilment)
In Nature/
Assumptions (eg.
Money is everything)
In Every Individual
By Any Means
In few Individuals
Domination ,
Exploitation, Fear
In Society
Mastery &
Over Nature
Obsession for Consumption
“ for Profit
“ for Sensual Pleasure
Resource Depletion
What You Are
2 Sensation
Preconditioning 1
(mutual fulfilment)
In Nature/
Harmony in the Society
Human Goal
Human Order
Systems / Dimensions
1. Education – Sanskar  Foundational System
2. Health – Self-regulation
3. Production – Work
5. Exchange – Storage
Right Understanding &
Right Feeling
In Every Individual
In Every Family
In Society
2 3
4. Justice 3 – Preservation 4
1 2 3 4
Education = Developing Right Understanding
Sanskar = Commitment/ Preparation/ Practice for Right Living Preparation
includes Learning Right Skills & Technology
Development of the competence to live with Definite Human Conduct Discipline to
Self Discipline
1. Right understanding, i.e. wisdom or clarity about what to do as a human being – in oneself, family, society,
2. Right feeling – the capacity to live in relationship with the other human beings – in family, society…
3. Right skills for prosperity, i.e.
 The capacity to identify the need of physical facility
 The skills & practice for sustainable production of more than what is required (by way of labour, using cyclic, mutually
enriching process)
 The feeling of prosperity
Sum Up
A society is composed of families living together, in a relationship of mutual fulfillment. They have a common
goal, which is:
1. Right understanding & right feeling (happiness) in every individual
2. Prosperity in every family
3. Fearlessness (Trust) in society
4. Co-existence in nature/existence
human goal is fulfilled for all
– from family order to world family order
– generation after generation
The family is the basic unit in society, i.e. society is composed of family, group of families, village family, group of
village families, town family… and so on, where every individual is responsible or self- disciplined and self
motivated by common values, participating in the larger order toward a common human goal
Through the participation of every family in the society, in the 5 dimensions or social systems, the common
1. Education – Sanskar
[the current civilization is largely based on the assumption that human being = body, happiness is derived primarily from
sensual pleasure & feeling from other; and hence accumulation of physical facility, domination and exploitation is at
the core of the socio-economic systems]
2. Health – Self-regulation
3. Production – Work
4. Justice – Preservation
5. Exchange – Storage
Harmony in Nature
Interconnectedness, Self-regulation and Mutual Fulfillment among
the Four Orders of Nature
So far we have explored our Natural Acceptance
Our Natural Acceptance is for living in Harmony – as an Individual, as a Family, as a Society…
Is there provision in Nature/Existence for living in accordance with our Natural Acceptance? Is it possible
to live in harmony as an Individual, as a Family, as a Society…?
Is co-existence, mutual fulfillment inherent in Nature? Or
Is the design of nature/existence by way of opposition, struggle, survival of the fittest…?
We will explore the underlying design of Nature/Existence with these questions…
Nature = Collection of Units
Water Trees
Animal body
Birds Animals Human body
Human Beings
Earth Sun
Moon Metals
Nature = Collection of Units = 4 Orders
All units can be categorised into 4 orders
Animal Order
Animals, Birds
Soil, Metal
Bio Order
Plants, Trees
Human Order
Human Being
Relationship of Mutual Fulfillment
Physical Order, Bio Order and Animal Order are enriching for Human Order, but Human Order (without right
understanding) is not fulfilling for any of the 4 orders
Human beings have
natural acceptance
to be mutually fulfilling
Once human beings understand, they
can be fulfilling for all four orders
Animal Order
Animals, Birds
Soil, Metal
Bio Order
Plants, Trees
Human Order
Human Being
? ?
Present-day Problems are largely due to Lack of Understanding
Resource Depletion – The resource is used at a rate which is faster than the rate at which it is produced in
Pollution – The product is such that
1. It does not return to the cycle in nature or
2. It is produced at a rate that is faster than the rate at which it can return to the cycle in nature
Harmony in Nature
 Quantity of units in each order
Physical >> Plant >> Animal >> Human
Quantity as per overall enrichment of the whole; and availability of sustaining resources
 Dependence of each order is on all
previous orders
Survival of Human Order is
dependent on all the three orders.
Animal Order
Bio Order
Physical Order
Harmony in Nature
All orders have definite conduct – except human order without right understanding
In human being, the Body has a definite conduct
The Self (I) operating on assuming without knowing is the source of indefiniteness, problem
The solution is to ensure knowing
(understanding harmony)
Human beings inherently have a
natural acceptance to know,
to be in harmony
For this,
human education-sanskar Is
Animal Order
Bio Order
Physical Order
Sum Up
1. Physical order
2. Bio order
3. Animal order
4. Human order
– soil, metals etc.
– trees, plants etc.
– animals, birds etc.
– human beings
There is a relationship of mutual fulfilment (harmony) amongst these 4 orders. The first 3 orders are mutually
fulfilling for each other. They are fulfilling for human being also. It is naturally acceptable to human beings to be
fulfilling for all the orders
The role of human being is to realize this mutual fulfilment – For this, all that human beings need to do is:
1. To understand that mutual fulfilment (harmony) is inherent in nature – we do not have to create it
2. To live accordingly – then the mutual fulfilment amongst the 4 orders will be realised
and there is provision in nature for living with mutual fulfilment (harmony)
Nature = Collection of Units
= 4 Orders
Relationship of mutual
fulfilment (harmony)
The Holistic Perception of Harmony in Existence
Realizing Existence as Co-
existence at All Levels
Relationship / Potential
Level. Name
Co-existence in Existence
Potential for human being to Realize Co-existence
4b. Existence
Harmony among four orders of Nature Potential for
human being to Understand Harmony
Mutual Fulfillment
4a. Nature
Human-Nature relationship
Potential, through participation in various societal systems, to ensure
Undivided Society and Universal Human Order
Right Understanding and
Right Feeling, Prosperity,
Fearlessness (Trust),
3. Society
Human-Human relationship
Potential for right feeling in the Self ensuring Mutual Happiness
Feeling of Co-existence
Trust, Respect … Love
2. Family
Self-Body relationship
Potential for feeling of Self-regulation ensuring Health and
Co-existence of
Self and Body
1b. Individual
Human Being
Will to live with continuous happiness
Potential for right understanding, right feeling and right thought
in the Self ensuring Mutually Fulfilling Behavior, Work and
Participation in the Larger Order
Continuous Happiness =
Happiness, Peace,
Satisfaction, Bliss…
1a. Self
Universal Human Values
Sum Up
Existence is in the form of co-existence. It is ever present
(Existence = Co- Existence = Units submerged in Space)
Every unit in existence is related with every other unit in existence in a mutually fulfilling manner
Synergy is intrinsic to existence, harmony is inherent in existence – we do not have to create it, we do not
have to construct it
The role of Human Being is to realize this co-existence, this harmony, this order in existence. For this, all
that human beings need to do is:
1. To understand the inherent harmony, the co-existence in existence
2. To live accordingly – to live with the feeling of harmony or co-existence (and there is
every provision in existence for living in co-existence)
Self Evaluation and Commitments (about 3-5 minutes each)
1. Your brief introduction
2. Your personal achievement through the session
a. Specific points from the content that you could verify, experiment and understand
– and which made a difference in your life
(Harmony in the Human Being, Family, Society, Nature/Existence was shared in the
form of proposals)
b. Your thoughts before the session and your thoughts now (example of
your ‘thoughts' where you experienced change
between before the session and now)
Universal Human Values (

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Universal Human Values

  • 1. Holistic Development and The Role of Education Universal Human Values
  • 2. Process Whatever is said is a Proposal (Do not assume it to be true or false) Verify it on Your Own Right – on the basis of your Natural Acceptance It is a process of Dialogue A dialogue between me and you, to start with It soon becomes a dialogue within your own self between what you are and what you really want to be (your natural acceptance) The purpose of this session is to initiate this internal dialogue
  • 3. Proposals (about harmony at various levels for your self-exploration) - Harmony in Human Being - Harmony in Family - Harmony in Society - Harmony in Nature/Existence Self-exploration, self-verification Desired Achievement Individual Transformation – Right Understanding (Understanding Harmony) – Happiness & Prosperity (Living in Harmony) Societal Transformation – Humane Society Workshop/Course Content Process
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. What We Really Want to Be Do we want to be happy? Do we want to be prosperous? Do we want the continuity of happiness and prosperity?
  • 8. Do we want to be happy? Do we want to be prosperous? Do we want the continuity of happiness and prosperity? Are we happy? Are we prosperous? Is there continuity of our happiness and prosperity? What We Really Want to Be What We Are Why this gap? - between what we really want to be and what we are What are we doing to fill this gap? Is it getting filled up or getting wider? We will explore into this
  • 9. Do we want to be happy? Do we want to be prosperous? Do we want the continuity of happiness and prosperity? What We Really Want to Be Effort Have we assumed that happiness and prosperity will be ensured when we have enough physical facility? What effort are we making, other than accumulation of physical facility? Is our effort : – To understand the true meaning of happiness and prosperity and ensure it? – or – Just for accumulation of physical facility?
  • 10. Physical Facility is Necessary… When an animal has lack of physical facility it becomes uncomfortable, when it gets physical facility it becomes comfortable Eg. When a cow gets a stomach-full of grass, it becomes comfortable, sits and chews the cud When a human being has lack of physical facility, he becomes uncomfortable and unhappy But once he gets the physical facility, he forgets about it and starts thinking about hundred other things (Check for yourself if you feel happy every day that you are getting enough to eat?)
  • 11. Something more is required (over and above physical facility) Physical facility is necessary for human being but something more is also required
  • 12. Basic Human Aspiration Basic Human Aspiration = Happiness and Prosperity  Continuous Happiness = To be in a state of Harmony Prosperity = The feeling of having more than required Physical Facility
  • 13. Some Prevailing Notions related to Prosperity  Accumulation of Wealth = Prosperity?  The richer you are, the more prosperous you are, i.e. the more you have accumulated, the more prosperous you are
  • 14. Some Prevailing Notions of Happiness Owning / accumulating physical facility Physical facility is required, but it alone does not suffice for human being Dependence on physical facility, can’t be continuous Pleasure (from favourable sensation) Sound, Touch, Form, Taste, Smell – Through the Body Dependence on sensation, can’t be continuous Attention, appreciation… (favourable feelings) from others Dependence on the other, can’t be continuous Sometimes “happiness” i.e. excitement… Sometimes “unhappiness” i.e. depression…
  • 15. To find out what else is required (over and above physical facility) Check: Is the unhappiness in our families  More due to lack of physical facility or  More due to lack of fulfillment in relationship?
  • 16. To find out what else is required (over and above physical facility) How much time and effort are we investing:  For physical facility  For fulfillment in relationship The unhappiness is more due to lack of fulfillment in relationship Most of the time and effort is spent for physical facility
  • 17. For Human Being, Relationship is also Necessary For human being physical facility is necessary but relationship is also necessary On examining carefully, we find that this is a fundamental difference between animals and human being Physical facility is necessary for animals and necessary for human being also However, For animals physical facility is necessary as well as largely adequate For human being physical facility is necessary but not adequate
  • 18. RELATIONSHIP with human being PHYSICAL FACILITY With nature For human beings: necessary but not adequate For animals: necessary & largely adequate In Addition to Physical Facility, Relationship is Necessary for Human Being For human beings physical facility is necessary but relationship is also necessary
  • 19. Although we have Recognised the need for Relationship… We do get into arguments, opposition and fights… even in the family, with close friends, with colleagues at work… in the marketplace… Every time we have a fight, we want to resolve it… We say sorry, patch up and promise not to fight in future but… Even though we don’t want to, a fight does take place once again (we want the other to improve… and the other wants us to improve…) Is this happening? Are incidences of reaction… not speaking to the other… arguments… debates… divorce… increasing or decreasing? Explore your close relationships – in the family, with friends, in the workplace, in the society In spite of our acceptance for relationship, why is it happening?
  • 20. Let’s check our Perspective about Relationship Let us find out if 1. We want to live in relationship (harmony) with others or 2. We want to live in opposition with others or 3. We believe living has to be necessarily in opposition with others, i.e. There is 'struggle for survival' , ‘survival of the fittest’ and check if we feel happy living this way? ‘struggle for survival’, ‘survival of the fittest’ What is our present perspective? Which view do we promote? (at home, in the family… in schools and colleges… and in the society) Is it the naturally acceptable view?
  • 21. Right Understanding is also Essential for Human Being For fulfilment in relationship, it is necessary to have right understanding about relationship i.e. Right understanding is also necessary for human being With right understanding:  We have clarity about relationship with human being; we are able to fulfil relationship  We also have clarity about how much physical facility we need
  • 22. Human Consciousness RELATIONSHIP with human being PHYSICAL FACILITY with rest of nature RIGHT UNDERSTANDING in the self MUTUAL HAPPINESS MUTUAL PROSPERITY 3 2 Human Consciousness 1 Feeling - Trust - Respect - … If we are living with all three (right understanding, relationship and physical facility, in that priority order) then we are living with human consciousness Human being can be fulfilled (be happy and prosperous) on the basis of these three
  • 23. Animal Consciousness RELATIONSHIP with human being PHYSICAL FACILITY with rest of nature ? ? RIGHT UNDERSTANDING in the self UNHAPPINESS Making others Unhappy DEPRIVATION Exploiting and Depriving others Animal Consciousness If our living is only for physical facility, then we are living with animal consciousness Animals live only for physical facility and can be fulfilled by that Human being can not be fulfilled on the basis of physical facility alone ?
  • 24. Animals living with animal consciousness they are in harmony this is fine Human being living with human consciousness they are in harmony this is fine Human being living with animal consciousness they are in disharmony this is the problem
  • 25. Since we generally don’t have clarity about our physical needs… In the society, we can observe two categories of human beings 1. Lacking physical facility, unhappy deprived 2. Having physical facility, unhappy deprived While we want to be – 3. Having physical facility, happy prosperous Find out  Where are we now – at 1, 2 or 3 and  Where do we want to be?
  • 26. Role of Education-Sanskar: To Enable Transformation Holistic development is transformation to Human Consciousness The role of education-sanskar is to enable this transformation by way of ensuring the development of the competence to live with human consciousness and definite human conduct For this, it has to ensure 1. Right understanding in every child 2. The capacity to live in relationship with the other human being 3. The capacity to identify the need of physical facility, the skills and practice for sustainable production of more than what is required – leading to the feeling of prosperity
  • 27. 1. Right understanding in every child 2. The capacity to live in relationship with the other human being 3. The capacity to identify the need of physical facility, the skills and practice for sustainable production of more than what is required right utilisation of physical facility leading to the feeling of prosperity Missing Missing Identification of need of physical facility is missing. The willingness to produce by way of labour is also missing The right utilization is also largely missing The core feeling generated is to accumulate more & more, to consume more & more, (rather than to produce what is required and utilize it rightly…) Required for Transformation Present State?
  • 28. Understanding Human being as the Co-existence of the Self and the Body Harmony in the Human Being
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  • 32. Human Being Self Body Co-existence
  • 33. Are these needs are of different types or of same type? Are both types of needs important / Do we want fulfillment of both types of needs? Are we working to fulfill both types of needs? Human Being Self Co-exis tence Body Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food) In Time Continuous Temporary In Quantity Qualitative (is Feeling) Quantitative (Required in Limited Quantity)
  • 34. The needs of the Body can not be fulfilled by Right Understanding, Right Feelings alone The needs of the Self can not be fulfilled by Physio-Chemical Things Both type of needs have to be understood separately Both type of needs have to be fulfilled separately In living, what is the priority? How much time & effort is spent for right understanding & right feelings? How much time & effort is spent for physical facility? Human Being Self Co-exis tence Body Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food) In Time Continuous Temporary In Quantity Qualitative (is Feeling) Quantitative (Required in Limited Quantity) Fulfilled By Right Understanding & Right Feeling Physio-chemical Things
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  • 38. Sum Up Human being is the co-existence of Self and Body Self is consciousness. Its needs are feelings in consciousness (like happiness) and these needs are fulfilled by activity of consciousness, i.e. Right Understanding and Right Feeling Body is material. Its needs are material (like food) and these needs are fulfilled by material, i.e. Physio chemical things The needs of consciousness can not be fulfilled by material The needs of material can not be fulfilled by consciousness alone
  • 39. UHV T eam ( Understanding the Sources of Imagination in the Self Harmony in the Self
  • 40.
  • 41. Human Being Self Co-exis tence Body Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food) In Time Continuous Temporary In Quantity Qualitative (is Feeling) Quantitative (Required in Limited Quantity) Fulfilled By Right Understanding & Right Feeling Physio-chemical Things Activity Imagination (Desire, Thought, Expectation)… Eating, Walking… In Time Continuous Temporary Response Choice based on acceptances (assuming) Definite Consciousness Material
  • 42. Activities of Self Natural Acceptance Imagination Body Behaviour Work Self Co-existence To be happy To keep body healthy To live in relationship I want to be respected… need some more… Have to show them… take revenge… Guide? Human Being
  • 43. State of Imagination – Random and Disorganised If the imagination is random and disorganised It indicates a state of confusion Many of these imaginations may be contrary to each other and contrary to the natural acceptance If we observe carefully, we realize that we have accumulated a lot of desires, which are resulting in numerous thoughts and expectations Harmony in the Self is realised when there are no contradictions in the imagination and all imagination is in accordance with our natural acceptance
  • 44. 1 Assignment for Today… C. The Self 1.Take the same list of your desires. Now find out what is the source of the desire: preconditioning (PC) or sensation (S) or natural acceptance (NA): Example: S.No. Desire Purpose Preconditioning Sensation Natural Acceptance 1 Money a. Physical Facilities to take care of Body √ b. Status √ c. Merry making √ 2 Name, fame Attention from others √ 3 Good food Health of Body √ Taste √ 4 Car a. To save energy of Body in transportation √ b. Respect in society √ c. To look good √ 5 Peace of mind For the Self √
  • 45. Sum Up Imagination is going on in the Self continuously Behaviour/Work is an expression/outcome of Imagination The Self has the faculty of Natural Acceptance – it is innate, invariant and uncorrupted, but may or may not be presently the motivation for imagination Imagination is motivated by Preconditioning, Sensation or Natural Acceptance Imagination guided by Natural Acceptance leads to harmony in the Self. This is the state of self- organization (स्वतंत्रता). This is the state of happiness. In this state, the behaviour/work is also mutually fulfilling – the conduct is definite (harmonious) Imagination motivated by preconditioning or sensation may lead to contradiction in the Self. This is the state of enslavement. This is the state of unhappiness. In this state, the behaviour/work may or may not be mutually fulfilling – the conduct is not definite Every human being has the potential to awaken to his/her Natural Acceptance, and be in Harmony (This is the full human potential at the level of the Self)
  • 46. ‘Trust’ The Foundational Value in Relationship Harmony in the Family
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  • 48. Harmony in the Family 1. Relationship is – between one self and another self 2. There are feelings in relationship – in one self for the other self 3. These feelings can be recognized – they are definite 4. Their fulfilment, evaluation leads to mutual happiness Feelings in relationship: 1 Trust FOUNDATION VALUE 2 Respect 3 Affection 4 Care 5 Guidance 6 Reverence 7 Glory 8 Gratitude — 9 Love COMPLETE VALUE
  • 49. Self Reflection If you have unconditional, continuous trust on intention (natural acceptance) of the other and if the other is lacking competence, what will you do: a) Try to improve his competence (and also improve your competence) b) Get irritated c) Get angry d) Have a feeling of opposition How many persons, in your family and friends, do you have trust on intention (natural acceptance) – unconditional, continuous? This is fundamental. Trust on intention is the foundation of relationship You can get an idea of the state of your understanding about relationship from this exploration… Trust on Intention  Response Doubt on Intention  Reaction
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  • 51. About your Natural Acceptance 1a. I want to make myself happy 2a. I want to make the other happy 3a. The other wants to make herself/himself happy 4a. The other wants to make me happy About your Competence 4b. The other is able to make me always happy Trust: To have the clarity that the other intends to make me happy Intention – Natural Acceptance What is Naturally Acceptable to You Competence What You Are √ 1b. I am able to make myself always happy ? 2b. I am able to make the other always happy? 3b. The other is able to make herself/himself ? always happy ?? √ √ √
  • 52. The other broke a glass If the other makes a mistake even once… – I doubt his/her intention – S(he) makes mistakes intentionally – I have a feeling of opposition, get irritated, angry… – I reinforce “The other is bad”, can not improve The glass broke by accident Even if I make the same mistake 100 times… – I never doubt my intention – I make mistakes by accident – I have a feeling “I am special” – I reinforce “I am good”. I do not make effort to improve my own competence About the Other About Myself Doubt on intention is a major reason for problems in relationships 11
  • 53. Being able to see that all human beings have the same natural acceptance (intention) as me Trust on intention is founded on understanding (not based on events) It does not keep changing with time or person. So it can be unconditional and continuous Of course, the competence may or may not be there – in me or in the other “Trust” on competence is based on events – can keep changing The last 5 times I lent her money, she returned it on time… so I can trust her He said he will reach at 11, but look it is after 12 now… he always comes late… so how can I trust him to be on time? Here we are not looking at the natural acceptance (intention). We are only seeing the competence Understanding Trust Assuming Trust
  • 54. Trust is to have the clarity that the other wants to make me happy & prosperous. Trust is the foundation of relationship If I am aware of my natural acceptance, I have trust on intention I feel related to the other (I accept the relationship) When I make a program with the other, it is based on right evaluation of our mutual competence  In case the other is lacking in competence  I make effort to assure the other  I make effort to improve his competence once he is assured in relationship (and not before that)  If I lack competence, I become ready to take help from the other to improve my competence If I am unaware of my natural acceptance, I may have doubt on intention  I evaluate the other on the basis of his competence and assume the lack of competence to be the lack of intention; and thus feel opposed to him (while I evaluate myself on intention)  This feeling of opposition shows up as irritation or anger (and it may further lead to fighting, struggle and war)
  • 55. Respect and Types of Evaluation Over evaluation Under evaluation – to evaluate for more than what it is – to evaluate for less than what it is Otherwise evaluation – to evaluate for other than what it is Not naturally acceptable. Whenever the evaluation is not right, it is disrespect Check for yourself in every interaction with others whether it is respect or disrespect. i.e.  It is right evaluation or  It is over / under / otherwise evaluation Disrespect
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  • 57. Other Feelings in Relationship Justice Love – The basis for Undivided Family
  • 58. Affection The feeling of being related to the other (acceptance of the other as one’s relative, the other is like me) One has the responsibility and commitment for mutual fulfilment in the relationship Opposition, jealousy... are an indication of the absence of affection
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  • 61. Feeling of responsibility toward the body of my relative The responsibility & commitment for nurturing and protection of the Body of my relative Feeling of responsibility toward the self of my relative The responsibility & commitment for ensuring Right Understanding and Right Feeling in the self of my relative Care Guidance Care & Guidance are a natural outcome ofAffection Do we ensure both care as well as guidance or are we mostly focused on care? E.g. while taking care of the body, like while feeding the child, are we concerned about both the body as well as the self?
  • 62. Reverence The feeling of acceptance for excellence Excellence : Completeness of Right Understanding Working for Excellence and competing with each other is not the same thing. In excellence, one helps to bring the other to his level In competition, he hinders the other from reaching to his level
  • 63. Not other – only me I am different/more than the other Feelings are based on preconditioning (indefinite, keeps changing) Conditional relationship May nurture or exploit others Stops the other to come to his level - effort to accentuate the difference, to dominate, manipulate, exploit Relative (no definite completion point) The other is like me We are complementary Feelings are based on right understanding (definite, unchanging) Unconditional relationship Nurtures others Helps the other to come to his level Absolute (definite completion point) Effort for Excellence Effort for Competition
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  • 65. Feeling for those who have made effort for excellence Feeling for those who have made effort for my excellence Glory Gratitude
  • 66. Gratitude Feeling for those who have made effort for my excellence I can see that the other has a feeling of care, affection, trust.. in behaviour with me. I can also see that the other a) has helped me in developing right understanding & right feeling in me b) Has provided me with the necessary physical facility Gratitude is significant in the development of relationship
  • 67. Self Reflection Check whether you have a feeling of gratitude for those who have made effort for you in your life… 1. Are you able to appreciate both –”what has been done” as well as ”what has not been done” (the complete picture)? or are you mostly focused on “what has not been done”? 2. Do you have a feeling of gratitude for the other – continuous or the feeing of gratitude comes and goes? 3. Are you making effort for “ensuring the right feelings in yourself and expressing them to the other” or are you “expecting these feelings from the other”?
  • 68. Respect, Reverence, Glory and Gratitude Basic human aspiration = Continuous happiness = To achieve excellence Excellence Understanding Harmony & Living in Harmony Continuous Happiness Trust, Respect– For all Reverence – For those who have achieved excellence Glory – For those who have made effort for excellence Gratitude – For those who have made effort for my excellence at all 4 levels 1. In the Human Being 2. In Family 3. In Society 4. In Nature/Existence
  • 69. Opposition, Affection and Love Verify on the basis of your natural acceptance if you want to be related to: None One Many  The feeling of being related to many  The feeling of being related to all Affection – The feeling of being related to the other (acceptance of the other as one’s relative) Love – The feeling of being related to all (Complete Value) Affection X  The feeling of being related to none – in opposition to all √  The feeling of being related to one 14 Love √ Everyone √
  • 70. Preconditioning Related to Love – Common misunderstandings Excitement (from sensation, preconditioning) is confused for feeling Sensation – Lust, getting from the other Continuity not possible Preconditioning – Infatuation 1. Love at First Sight? 2. By this age, I must have GF/BF? 3. The other has 4 GF/BF; I have only one? Continuity not possible Right understanding (natural acceptance) – Love (प्रेम) = feeling of being related to all, responsible towards all, giving to all Continuity Once trust, respect, affection, care, guidance… are ensured within, then the feeling of being related to all follows naturally Infatuation, Lust Sensation Imagination (in the Self) Love Preconditioning Natural Acceptance
  • 71. Preconditioning Related to Love This is certainly not Love! The feeling of love needs to be understood rightly by all, particularly by youth
  • 72. Love ¼ i z s e ½ Love– The feeling of being related to all (Complete Value) It all starts with identifying that one is related to other human being (Affection) and it slowly expands to the feeling of being related to all human beings and then to all, each & every unit in nature (human being as well as other units) (Love) Feeling of Love is expressed in the form of kindness, beneficence and compassion. The feeling is for all, and it is expressed to those who come in contact The feeling of Love is the foundation of Undivided Society
  • 73. Harmony in the Society From Family Order to World Family Order (Universal Human Order)
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  • 78. Society We saw that the family is the basic unit or building block of human organisation The society is the next larger order Society is composed of many families living together making collective effort for a common goal We will explore: 1. Goal of human being living in society (human goal) 2. The dimensions or systems required to achieve the human goal 3. Scope of the systems
  • 79. What is Desirable and Where are we today? Families living together, in a relationship of mutual fulfillment (common goal) Society People living together, but not in relationship of mutual fulfillment (differing goals) Crowd People living separately, in opposition / struggle (conflicting goals) Battlefield We will explore harmony in society – The base of harmony in society is harmony in family for which the base is harmony in human being
  • 80. Harmony in the Society Human Goal If all 4 are achieved, would anything else be required? Are we working for all 4? In the family? In the society? Where do we start from? 1 2 3 Are all 4 required, desirable or we can leave something out? 4 Right Understanding & Right Feeling In Every Individual Prosperity In Every Family Fearlessness (Trust) In Society Co-Existence (mutual fulfilment) In Nature/ Existence Happiness
  • 81. Current State – Have we understood our Goal? Human Goal Gross Misunderstanding ( Right Understanding & Right Feeling In Every Individual Prosperity In Every Family Fearlessness (Trust) In Society Co-Existence (mutual fulfilment) In Nature/ Existence Assumptions (eg. Money is everything) In Every Individual Accumulation By Any Means In few Individuals Domination , Exploitation, Fear In Society Mastery & Exploitation Over Nature Obsession for Consumption “ for Profit “ for Sensual Pleasure Resource Depletion Pollution T errorism War Happiness
  • 82. Self-reflection COMPETENCE What You Are 2 Sensation 3 Preconditioning 1 Natural Acceptance INTENTION
  • 83. Co-Existence (mutual fulfilment) In Nature/ Existence Harmony in the Society Human Goal Human Order Systems / Dimensions 1. Education – Sanskar  Foundational System 2. Health – Self-regulation 3. Production – Work 5. Exchange – Storage Right Understanding & Right Feeling In Every Individual Prosperity In Every Family Fearlessness (Trust) In Society 4 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4. Justice 3 – Preservation 4 4 1 2 3 4 Happiness
  • 84. Education-Sanskar Education = Developing Right Understanding Sanskar = Commitment/ Preparation/ Practice for Right Living Preparation includes Learning Right Skills & Technology Development of the competence to live with Definite Human Conduct Discipline to Self Discipline 1. Right understanding, i.e. wisdom or clarity about what to do as a human being – in oneself, family, society, nature… 2. Right feeling – the capacity to live in relationship with the other human beings – in family, society… 3. Right skills for prosperity, i.e.  The capacity to identify the need of physical facility  The skills & practice for sustainable production of more than what is required (by way of labour, using cyclic, mutually enriching process)  The feeling of prosperity
  • 85. Sum Up A society is composed of families living together, in a relationship of mutual fulfillment. They have a common goal, which is: 1. Right understanding & right feeling (happiness) in every individual 2. Prosperity in every family 3. Fearlessness (Trust) in society 4. Co-existence in nature/existence human goal is fulfilled for all – from family order to world family order – generation after generation The family is the basic unit in society, i.e. society is composed of family, group of families, village family, group of village families, town family… and so on, where every individual is responsible or self- disciplined and self motivated by common values, participating in the larger order toward a common human goal Through the participation of every family in the society, in the 5 dimensions or social systems, the common 1. Education – Sanskar [the current civilization is largely based on the assumption that human being = body, happiness is derived primarily from sensual pleasure & feeling from other; and hence accumulation of physical facility, domination and exploitation is at the core of the socio-economic systems] 2. Health – Self-regulation 3. Production – Work 4. Justice – Preservation 5. Exchange – Storage
  • 86. Harmony in Nature Interconnectedness, Self-regulation and Mutual Fulfillment among the Four Orders of Nature
  • 87.
  • 88. Introduction So far we have explored our Natural Acceptance Our Natural Acceptance is for living in Harmony – as an Individual, as a Family, as a Society… Is there provision in Nature/Existence for living in accordance with our Natural Acceptance? Is it possible to live in harmony as an Individual, as a Family, as a Society…? Is co-existence, mutual fulfillment inherent in Nature? Or Is the design of nature/existence by way of opposition, struggle, survival of the fittest…? We will explore the underlying design of Nature/Existence with these questions…
  • 89. Nature = Collection of Units Air Water Trees Soil Animal body Birds Animals Human body Self(I) Human Beings Earth Sun Moon Metals
  • 90. Nature = Collection of Units = 4 Orders All units can be categorised into 4 orders Animal Order Animals, Birds Physical Order Soil, Metal Bio Order Plants, Trees Human Order Human Being
  • 91. Relationship of Mutual Fulfillment Physical Order, Bio Order and Animal Order are enriching for Human Order, but Human Order (without right understanding) is not fulfilling for any of the 4 orders Human beings have natural acceptance to be mutually fulfilling Once human beings understand, they can be fulfilling for all four orders Animal Order Animals, Birds Physical Order Soil, Metal Bio Order Plants, Trees Human Order Human Being ? ?
  • 92. Present-day Problems are largely due to Lack of Understanding Resource Depletion – The resource is used at a rate which is faster than the rate at which it is produced in nature Pollution – The product is such that 1. It does not return to the cycle in nature or 2. It is produced at a rate that is faster than the rate at which it can return to the cycle in nature
  • 93. Harmony in Nature  Quantity of units in each order Physical >> Plant >> Animal >> Human Quantity as per overall enrichment of the whole; and availability of sustaining resources  Dependence of each order is on all previous orders Survival of Human Order is dependent on all the three orders. Human Order Animal Order Bio Order Physical Order
  • 94. Harmony in Nature All orders have definite conduct – except human order without right understanding In human being, the Body has a definite conduct The Self (I) operating on assuming without knowing is the source of indefiniteness, problem The solution is to ensure knowing (understanding harmony) Human beings inherently have a natural acceptance to know, to be in harmony For this, human education-sanskar Is essential Human Order Animal Order Bio Order Physical Order
  • 95. Sum Up 1. Physical order 2. Bio order 3. Animal order 4. Human order – soil, metals etc. – trees, plants etc. – animals, birds etc. – human beings There is a relationship of mutual fulfilment (harmony) amongst these 4 orders. The first 3 orders are mutually fulfilling for each other. They are fulfilling for human being also. It is naturally acceptable to human beings to be fulfilling for all the orders The role of human being is to realize this mutual fulfilment – For this, all that human beings need to do is: 1. To understand that mutual fulfilment (harmony) is inherent in nature – we do not have to create it 2. To live accordingly – then the mutual fulfilment amongst the 4 orders will be realised and there is provision in nature for living with mutual fulfilment (harmony) Nature = Collection of Units = 4 Orders Relationship of mutual fulfilment (harmony)
  • 96. The Holistic Perception of Harmony in Existence Realizing Existence as Co- existence at All Levels
  • 97. Details Relationship / Potential Level. Name Co-existence in Existence Potential for human being to Realize Co-existence Co-existence 4b. Existence Harmony among four orders of Nature Potential for human being to Understand Harmony Mutual Fulfillment 4a. Nature Human-Nature relationship Potential, through participation in various societal systems, to ensure Undivided Society and Universal Human Order Right Understanding and Right Feeling, Prosperity, Fearlessness (Trust), Co-existence 3. Society Human-Human relationship Potential for right feeling in the Self ensuring Mutual Happiness Feeling of Co-existence Trust, Respect … Love 2. Family Self-Body relationship Potential for feeling of Self-regulation ensuring Health and Prosperity Co-existence of Self and Body 1b. Individual Human Being Will to live with continuous happiness Potential for right understanding, right feeling and right thought in the Self ensuring Mutually Fulfilling Behavior, Work and Participation in the Larger Order Continuous Happiness = Happiness, Peace, Satisfaction, Bliss… 1a. Self Universal Human Values
  • 98. 6 Sum Up Existence is in the form of co-existence. It is ever present (Existence = Co- Existence = Units submerged in Space) Every unit in existence is related with every other unit in existence in a mutually fulfilling manner Synergy is intrinsic to existence, harmony is inherent in existence – we do not have to create it, we do not have to construct it The role of Human Being is to realize this co-existence, this harmony, this order in existence. For this, all that human beings need to do is: 1. To understand the inherent harmony, the co-existence in existence 2. To live accordingly – to live with the feeling of harmony or co-existence (and there is every provision in existence for living in co-existence)
  • 99. Self Evaluation and Commitments (about 3-5 minutes each) 1. Your brief introduction 2. Your personal achievement through the session a. Specific points from the content that you could verify, experiment and understand – and which made a difference in your life (Harmony in the Human Being, Family, Society, Nature/Existence was shared in the form of proposals) b. Your thoughts before the session and your thoughts now (example of your ‘thoughts' where you experienced change between before the session and now)