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Television Idents
Shahzaib Yaqoob
Learning Outcome 1 - CRITERIA
Design & Purpose
Learning Outcome 1 - INTRO
• In this section you will discuss and explain the overall issues
regarding the design and purpose of television idents. You are to
respond to the questions set in the template. You are encouraged to
add extra slides where necessary and add images to illustrate your
• You should use your notes to help you formulate your responses,
based on the following areas:
• Design: density of information; space and time; screen tempo; interaction
with viewers; information-led; entertainment-led
• Purpose: identity; branding; marketing; packaging and re-packaging;
scheduling; segmentation within scheduling
Purposes Q1
• Outline the core purposes of television idents [e.g. branding/identity for a
channel, conveying the channel’s personality, retaining viewers, informing
viewers, segmentation of broadcasing]
The purpose of Idents is to inform the viewers what channel there are watching
and to make viewers understand what their brand is. Idents help to show the
brand - who they are and what they represent. Idents show the brands personality,
their themes, for an example the BBC one personality is family related.
Idents also try to make the viewers loyal and retain them to stay on their channel
and watch more of their programs. For example the narrator informs the viewer
when the program ends what the next show is. Idents also suggest to viewers to
visit their secondary channels to retain them.
Purposes Q2
• Explain some of the developments in broadcasting that have led to type of
channel branding and use of idents we see today
In the early days of broadcasting there was only a couple of channels on air on TV
like the BBC. The Idents back then were just simple and standard to keep
audiences informed.
Since then the number of channels has increased and more channels have been
competing at each other to get the most viewers.
Channels have developed their Idents to engage the modern viewer, for example
channels brands have increased its value by using visual effects, animation and
filmed in high tech equipment. Channels have spent millions to get their Idents
right. Channels have improved their creativity with idents over the years to
impress audiences so they stay loyal to the channel. Impressing the audience is
one of the Idents goal and keeping them entertained between programs. For an
example, the BBC idents were grey and static and present day idents are
choreographed, colourful and imaginative.
Present day
• Describe the current BBC1 ident design. How does this reflect the
brand/identity of the channel? Why do you think have chosen to do this? How
does it compare to other channels
BBC1 current ident design is clear and brief, the brand focuses a lot with family,
people and togetherness. I think the meaning behind the idents is representing
diverse people who together are stronger, equal and building a oneness. This
come back to the brands name BBC1, people standing together becomes one
Family and people is the key to BBC1 one brand because the shows are a mix of
family dramas that focus on people and relates to everyone,
The idents use leisure and add a bit of comedy. The brand is speaking the
audiences language by having footage that relates peoples daily life such as
leisure activities.
The Idents have a mixed age group, with one ident they have children doing
something and in another ident have the elderly doing something. The ident
goes back to what the brands represent, equal in all ages.
The BBC1 ident is not abstract but fairly simple, there is not a heavy use of
special effects or filmed in remote location compare to channel 4 or 5.
BBC1 idents has people facing to the camera and looking at the viewers like the
4th wall, compare to the ITV idents which is filmed like a movie where the
people are facing in different direction and not interact with the audiences.
The BBC1 ident is easy to follow and is not puzzling to understand the scene.
• This about the design and style of the BBC 2 idents we discussed,
what do they represent and how does this reflect the channel?
The BBC2 idents has a very bended style, two location blends into one
with using a mix of genres and art styles. The 2 represents back to the
brand two worlds, two places.
The BBC2 idents has a lot of mix genres and themes such as nature,
sports, horror, Sci Fi and family. I think these relate to the mix of
programs that are aired on the same channel so that it engages all
audiences that are fan of the show.
E.g.. The locations are adventures and natural. This relates to the
documenters followers of the audience who like watching programs
that are outdoor and nature.
• Considering the ITV idents we watched, what does this say about the channel? How does
this compare to BBC1 or Channel 4? How have the ITV idents changed since the versions
we watched? Why do you think this is?
The ITV idents are natural and relatable to the audience, each idents are filmed at a different
locations in the British environments, with a homey theme e.g. the fireplace, which makes
the audience feel more cozy and at home. Another example the bus which relates back to the
British audiences daily life. The ITV logo blends with the scene which creates a satisfied
transparent effect. The idents focuses on key objects to the scene and well camera shot.
Compare to the BBC1 idents, ITV has a more slower and smooth pace, the shot angles is are
mix between close ups and median shot. BBC1 idents has more just simple found footage in a
wide angle position.
Another difference between the ITV idents and BBC1 idents is the narrator’s voice, the ITV
narrators is regional but the BBC1 narrator is regularly a British male.
The ITV idents have changed a lot from the past years. Before the idents were mainly focus
on the stars and characters from the show. I think this was change because I think ITV want to
focus more with audience life style so the brand can relate to the viewers. The logo had a
bold yellow box in each ident but now change into a transparent colour that blends with the
scene. I think this was change because the yellow box was too distracting to the audiences
and decide to make it transparent.
Channel 4
• What do you think about the Channel 4 ident designs? How do they reflect the channel’s
identity? What do they convey about the channel?
Channel 4 idents have a abstract mystery, it sets up the scene and builds a jigsaw around the
number 4. The channel 4 ident shows a lot more editing and visuals. The ident doesn't show
the logo directly. I believe the reason for the jigsaw animation is resembling the build of the
audiences excitement to watch their favorite show.
The ident resemble theme theme colour of the tone of the show, for e.g.. Mystery murders
has a black background referencing horror, a comedy show like 40 has a yellow background
better happy mood.
The Channel 4 has a age range that is between 16 and up with programs that reflect mainly
with teens and adults. The idents resemble a lot of the programs genres and themes, for an
example 50 shades of gay uses a rainbow theme ident that resembling the channels show
and the gay community . Channel 4 also uses the Simpsons characters to create a ident by
using 4 is made in to Simpsons parts.
I think the channel main reason behind this idea is the 4 meant to resemble the people, as
you see the the 4 building together, meaning bringing the people together. The channel 4 old
idents is shown in a lot of natural environments this could be deliberate use to make the
audience trigger in their mind to remember the channel number 4.
Channel 5
• What do you think about the Channel 5 ident designs? How do they reflect the
channel’s identity? What do they convey about the channel?
What I think of the Channel 5 idents is that they have a unique message to the
viewers. Most idents have a person seeing something that resemble the number 5
for e.g. 5 parrots, 5 rainbows . I find these indent's designs to be abstract and
clever because the logo is not shown straight to the audiences face but shown in a
different aspect. I think the Channel 5 logo is recombination of the natural
existence, the logo doesn't have to be seen but its all around you that will make
viewers see things different in the outside world. I think they done this to make
audiences recognized that the number 5 is everywhere and helps the audience the
to return to the channel. Channel 5 has a mixed audience age range from kids,
teens to adults. For example kids shows start early in the morning, e.g. 6.00 am,
the ident has a colourful children’s theme with a different name “Milkshake”.
Most parents are getting their kids ready for school. At 9.00 am most kids are at
the school so the idents changes back to the Channel 5 and the programs are
changed to suit parents/households.
Learning Outcome 2 - CRITERIA
Opportunities and Limitations
Learning Outcome 2 - INTRO
Opportunities and Limitations
• This section concerns the opportunities and limitations of onscreen
graphic representations. This section should expand on the points
you made in section 1.
• You should consider more closely the audience and requirements on
the broadcaster to engage with their audience, discussing how they
may have successfully/unsuccessfully achieved this.
• Think about the discussions and examples from the lecture [some
points to consider will be listed in the PP for the lecture]
• Add slides to expand your points and definitely add illustrative stills,
TASK 2 - Learning Outcome 2
• Select 2 different channels to look at, each of these channels should
be aimed at different audiences [for example, E4 and BBC4 or CITV
and BBC1, etc].
• You should:
• Outline the style and design of each set of idents [include examples]
• Comment on the visual elements, such as colour, font, imagery, motion and
composition, for each suite of idents
• Explain how each suite supports it’s intended audience
• Consider the restrictions or challenges in trying to develop a brand/ident
package for the selected channel’s audiences
• Compare the sets of idents, what characterstics are similar or different?
Some starting points
• Which channel uses this ident?
• How long is the ident?
• What are the sounds used within
the ident?
• What is the content of the ident?
• Was the ident created using
animation or live footage?
• Who is the target audience for
the ident?
• What are the
settings/characters/props used
for the ident?
• How does the ident relate to the
TV Company?
• How is the TV Company
• What are the good points about
the ident?
• What are the bad points about
the ident?
• Is the ident effective? Why?
• Does the ident have a hidden
• Outline the style and design of each set of
idents [include examples]
The CBeebies idents has a very bright and bold
style from the characters and the background,
the design is very simple and 2 dimensional.
The reason for this is to be appropriate and
suit the target audiences which is babies / pre-
school age range. The style is very jolly and
happy themed, the bright primary colours
brings joy and excitement. It represent fun and
However the BBC 3 Idents has a very dark
and also bold style. BBC 3 style has a more a
graffiti street themed which reflects back to
the target viewers “teens and young adults”
I also think it represent rebellious and teen
pop culture due to the gritty and messy
splats and the city streets icon at the middle
box. The style is slightly similar to the
Cbeebies due to both being 2 dimensional.
The both idents also use the colour pink
with another colour to suit both gender.
• Comment on the visual elements, such as colour, font, imagery, motion and
composition, for each suite of idents
• The Cbeebies has wobbly font with the same colours as the idents mascots. The
background has two shades of pink with one pink is bright/purple and the other
colour is solid pink. The background uses moving circular curved shapes. They
have done this to make the ident more fun and entertaining for the viewers e.g.
Babies/ pre-school age. The font size and the characters are enlarged so its suits
children's eye sight. The characters are not detailed so it is less complicated for
the child to understand. The motion movements are a slow and smooth pace so
it’s not too fast and rough for the child viewers.
• Comment on the visual elements, such as colour, font, imagery, motion and
composition, for each suite of idents
• The BBC3 has a straight bold font with many of the mix colours. The background
has variety of black and grey with pink and black shapes, the idents uses both
gender teen colours to suit its audience. The background has a lot textures such
as scratches and wall concrete to give the idents a cool street theme to relate to
the target audiences. It uses abstract illustration with a very experimental art
style and comic book effect. The Cbeebies and the BBC3 idents both suit their
audiences. Cbeebies uses eye catching colors to draw children’s attention
however BBC3 idents are more dark less eye catching which suit is audience
because there are at an older age and may not be to bothered with bright
colours. The motion of the ident is reparative and jittery, the ident makes you
think as its very scientific and educational.
• Explain how each suite supports it’s intended audience
Cbeebies suite of idents uses many
conventional to attract its audiences towards
the channel for an example, the use of bright
primary ad secondary colours, the use high
pitch sound effects, the shape shifting
animation, the cartoon characters, the
expression of the character such the smile of
BBC 3 suite of idents uses many
conventional to attract its audiences
towards the channel for an example, the
use of artistic illustration of headphones, I
pad and modern day technology that
relates to teen culture, The electronic video
game sound effects, the buffering
transitions animation to reference internet
• Consider the restrictions or challenges in trying to develop a brand/ident
package for the selected channel’s audiences, write them down here:
If I would create a ident for the Cbeebies,
the challenges I may face is creating
something not too different so it would fit
to the branding but not too similar so it’s
not an exact copy that people have
already watched and I would have to
make sure to use the appropriate colours
and font to make it attractive to my
audiences and fit with brand style.
If I would create a ident for the BBC3, the
challenges I may face is creating
something not too similar to the previous
ident and make sure it suit the continues
theme of the channel branding pop
culture. I would also have to make sure
the ident is appropriate to the viewers
with no offensive symbols that may not
offend anyone.
• Compare the sets of idents, what characteristics are similar or different?
Comparing the Cbeebies and
BBC3 characteristics, The
Cbeebies has a colourful, happy
and exciting idents, with bold
bright colours, bouncy
animation, simple drawn wacky
characters, and with humor to
make target audiences laugh .
Compared to the BBC3, both designs are 2
dimensional but the BBC3 colours is more
dark and dull. The key contents are different,
the BBC3 idents uses modern objects but the
Cbeebies features content that have
humanity and is alive to the viewers. The
BBC3 drawings style are sharper but the
CBeebies drawings are wobbly.
• Which set/suite of idents is the most successful in your opinion? Why
do you think this?
I believe that the Cbeebies idents is more successful because,
the Cbeebies always uses the same character in the same
ident and it brings recognition to the audience and it makes
the channel iconic. Compared to the BBC3, the ident is too
un recognisable, it’s really abstract and I don’t think the
audience would remember the ident really well because
every ident is different and it lack continuous branding with
the style compared to the Cbeebies ident. However the BBC3
idents use some interesting colours and texture with their
illustration but the Cbeebies always keeps it’s structure
simple and similar and that is I believe makes people still
recognise the brands channel and mascot.
• What other issues do you think producers need to consider in their
production of onscreen graphic representation? This could be to do
with duration, for example when continuity announcers are used,
appropriate content, the issues of viewer generated content, etc.?
The producers need to make sure that the idea would work with
time duration, the producer could have a very clever idea but
needs to make it work with the timing of ident. The idents has to
represent anytime so they continue reusing the same ident in
other programs and to conflict with continuity.

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Unit 32 Television Idents

  • 2. Learning Outcome 1 - CRITERIA Design & Purpose
  • 3. Learning Outcome 1 - INTRO • In this section you will discuss and explain the overall issues regarding the design and purpose of television idents. You are to respond to the questions set in the template. You are encouraged to add extra slides where necessary and add images to illustrate your points. • You should use your notes to help you formulate your responses, based on the following areas: • Design: density of information; space and time; screen tempo; interaction with viewers; information-led; entertainment-led • Purpose: identity; branding; marketing; packaging and re-packaging; scheduling; segmentation within scheduling
  • 4. Purposes Q1 • Outline the core purposes of television idents [e.g. branding/identity for a channel, conveying the channel’s personality, retaining viewers, informing viewers, segmentation of broadcasing] The purpose of Idents is to inform the viewers what channel there are watching and to make viewers understand what their brand is. Idents help to show the brand - who they are and what they represent. Idents show the brands personality, their themes, for an example the BBC one personality is family related. Idents also try to make the viewers loyal and retain them to stay on their channel and watch more of their programs. For example the narrator informs the viewer when the program ends what the next show is. Idents also suggest to viewers to visit their secondary channels to retain them.
  • 5. Purposes Q2 • Explain some of the developments in broadcasting that have led to type of channel branding and use of idents we see today In the early days of broadcasting there was only a couple of channels on air on TV like the BBC. The Idents back then were just simple and standard to keep audiences informed. Since then the number of channels has increased and more channels have been competing at each other to get the most viewers. Channels have developed their Idents to engage the modern viewer, for example channels brands have increased its value by using visual effects, animation and filmed in high tech equipment. Channels have spent millions to get their Idents right. Channels have improved their creativity with idents over the years to impress audiences so they stay loyal to the channel. Impressing the audience is one of the Idents goal and keeping them entertained between programs. For an example, the BBC idents were grey and static and present day idents are choreographed, colourful and imaginative. 1955 Present day
  • 6. BBC1 • Describe the current BBC1 ident design. How does this reflect the brand/identity of the channel? Why do you think have chosen to do this? How does it compare to other channels BBC1 current ident design is clear and brief, the brand focuses a lot with family, people and togetherness. I think the meaning behind the idents is representing diverse people who together are stronger, equal and building a oneness. This come back to the brands name BBC1, people standing together becomes one whole. Family and people is the key to BBC1 one brand because the shows are a mix of family dramas that focus on people and relates to everyone, The idents use leisure and add a bit of comedy. The brand is speaking the audiences language by having footage that relates peoples daily life such as leisure activities. The Idents have a mixed age group, with one ident they have children doing something and in another ident have the elderly doing something. The ident goes back to what the brands represent, equal in all ages. The BBC1 ident is not abstract but fairly simple, there is not a heavy use of special effects or filmed in remote location compare to channel 4 or 5. BBC1 idents has people facing to the camera and looking at the viewers like the 4th wall, compare to the ITV idents which is filmed like a movie where the people are facing in different direction and not interact with the audiences. The BBC1 ident is easy to follow and is not puzzling to understand the scene.
  • 7. BBC2 • This about the design and style of the BBC 2 idents we discussed, what do they represent and how does this reflect the channel? The BBC2 idents has a very bended style, two location blends into one with using a mix of genres and art styles. The 2 represents back to the brand two worlds, two places. The BBC2 idents has a lot of mix genres and themes such as nature, sports, horror, Sci Fi and family. I think these relate to the mix of programs that are aired on the same channel so that it engages all audiences that are fan of the show. E.g.. The locations are adventures and natural. This relates to the documenters followers of the audience who like watching programs that are outdoor and nature.
  • 8. ITV • Considering the ITV idents we watched, what does this say about the channel? How does this compare to BBC1 or Channel 4? How have the ITV idents changed since the versions we watched? Why do you think this is? The ITV idents are natural and relatable to the audience, each idents are filmed at a different locations in the British environments, with a homey theme e.g. the fireplace, which makes the audience feel more cozy and at home. Another example the bus which relates back to the British audiences daily life. The ITV logo blends with the scene which creates a satisfied transparent effect. The idents focuses on key objects to the scene and well camera shot. Compare to the BBC1 idents, ITV has a more slower and smooth pace, the shot angles is are mix between close ups and median shot. BBC1 idents has more just simple found footage in a wide angle position. Another difference between the ITV idents and BBC1 idents is the narrator’s voice, the ITV narrators is regional but the BBC1 narrator is regularly a British male. The ITV idents have changed a lot from the past years. Before the idents were mainly focus on the stars and characters from the show. I think this was change because I think ITV want to focus more with audience life style so the brand can relate to the viewers. The logo had a bold yellow box in each ident but now change into a transparent colour that blends with the scene. I think this was change because the yellow box was too distracting to the audiences and decide to make it transparent.
  • 9. Channel 4 • What do you think about the Channel 4 ident designs? How do they reflect the channel’s identity? What do they convey about the channel? Channel 4 idents have a abstract mystery, it sets up the scene and builds a jigsaw around the number 4. The channel 4 ident shows a lot more editing and visuals. The ident doesn't show the logo directly. I believe the reason for the jigsaw animation is resembling the build of the audiences excitement to watch their favorite show. The ident resemble theme theme colour of the tone of the show, for e.g.. Mystery murders has a black background referencing horror, a comedy show like 40 has a yellow background better happy mood. The Channel 4 has a age range that is between 16 and up with programs that reflect mainly with teens and adults. The idents resemble a lot of the programs genres and themes, for an example 50 shades of gay uses a rainbow theme ident that resembling the channels show and the gay community . Channel 4 also uses the Simpsons characters to create a ident by using 4 is made in to Simpsons parts. I think the channel main reason behind this idea is the 4 meant to resemble the people, as you see the the 4 building together, meaning bringing the people together. The channel 4 old idents is shown in a lot of natural environments this could be deliberate use to make the audience trigger in their mind to remember the channel number 4.
  • 10. Channel 5 • What do you think about the Channel 5 ident designs? How do they reflect the channel’s identity? What do they convey about the channel? What I think of the Channel 5 idents is that they have a unique message to the viewers. Most idents have a person seeing something that resemble the number 5 for e.g. 5 parrots, 5 rainbows . I find these indent's designs to be abstract and clever because the logo is not shown straight to the audiences face but shown in a different aspect. I think the Channel 5 logo is recombination of the natural existence, the logo doesn't have to be seen but its all around you that will make viewers see things different in the outside world. I think they done this to make audiences recognized that the number 5 is everywhere and helps the audience the to return to the channel. Channel 5 has a mixed audience age range from kids, teens to adults. For example kids shows start early in the morning, e.g. 6.00 am, the ident has a colourful children’s theme with a different name “Milkshake”. Most parents are getting their kids ready for school. At 9.00 am most kids are at the school so the idents changes back to the Channel 5 and the programs are changed to suit parents/households.
  • 11. Learning Outcome 2 - CRITERIA Opportunities and Limitations
  • 12. Learning Outcome 2 - INTRO Opportunities and Limitations • This section concerns the opportunities and limitations of onscreen graphic representations. This section should expand on the points you made in section 1. • You should consider more closely the audience and requirements on the broadcaster to engage with their audience, discussing how they may have successfully/unsuccessfully achieved this. • Think about the discussions and examples from the lecture [some points to consider will be listed in the PP for the lecture] • Add slides to expand your points and definitely add illustrative stills, etc!
  • 13. TASK 2 - Learning Outcome 2 • Select 2 different channels to look at, each of these channels should be aimed at different audiences [for example, E4 and BBC4 or CITV and BBC1, etc]. • You should: • Outline the style and design of each set of idents [include examples] • Comment on the visual elements, such as colour, font, imagery, motion and composition, for each suite of idents • Explain how each suite supports it’s intended audience • Consider the restrictions or challenges in trying to develop a brand/ident package for the selected channel’s audiences • Compare the sets of idents, what characterstics are similar or different?
  • 14. Some starting points • Which channel uses this ident? • How long is the ident? • What are the sounds used within the ident? • What is the content of the ident? • Was the ident created using animation or live footage? • Who is the target audience for the ident? • What are the settings/characters/props used for the ident? • How does the ident relate to the TV Company? • How is the TV Company advertised? • What are the good points about the ident? • What are the bad points about the ident? • Is the ident effective? Why? • Does the ident have a hidden message?
  • 15. Q1 • Outline the style and design of each set of idents [include examples] The CBeebies idents has a very bright and bold style from the characters and the background, the design is very simple and 2 dimensional. The reason for this is to be appropriate and suit the target audiences which is babies / pre- school age range. The style is very jolly and happy themed, the bright primary colours brings joy and excitement. It represent fun and happiness. However the BBC 3 Idents has a very dark and also bold style. BBC 3 style has a more a graffiti street themed which reflects back to the target viewers “teens and young adults” I also think it represent rebellious and teen pop culture due to the gritty and messy splats and the city streets icon at the middle box. The style is slightly similar to the Cbeebies due to both being 2 dimensional. The both idents also use the colour pink with another colour to suit both gender.
  • 16. Q2 • Comment on the visual elements, such as colour, font, imagery, motion and composition, for each suite of idents • The Cbeebies has wobbly font with the same colours as the idents mascots. The background has two shades of pink with one pink is bright/purple and the other colour is solid pink. The background uses moving circular curved shapes. They have done this to make the ident more fun and entertaining for the viewers e.g. Babies/ pre-school age. The font size and the characters are enlarged so its suits children's eye sight. The characters are not detailed so it is less complicated for the child to understand. The motion movements are a slow and smooth pace so it’s not too fast and rough for the child viewers.
  • 17. Q2 • Comment on the visual elements, such as colour, font, imagery, motion and composition, for each suite of idents • The BBC3 has a straight bold font with many of the mix colours. The background has variety of black and grey with pink and black shapes, the idents uses both gender teen colours to suit its audience. The background has a lot textures such as scratches and wall concrete to give the idents a cool street theme to relate to the target audiences. It uses abstract illustration with a very experimental art style and comic book effect. The Cbeebies and the BBC3 idents both suit their audiences. Cbeebies uses eye catching colors to draw children’s attention however BBC3 idents are more dark less eye catching which suit is audience because there are at an older age and may not be to bothered with bright colours. The motion of the ident is reparative and jittery, the ident makes you think as its very scientific and educational.
  • 18. Q3 • Explain how each suite supports it’s intended audience Cbeebies suite of idents uses many conventional to attract its audiences towards the channel for an example, the use of bright primary ad secondary colours, the use high pitch sound effects, the shape shifting animation, the cartoon characters, the expression of the character such the smile of joy. BBC 3 suite of idents uses many conventional to attract its audiences towards the channel for an example, the use of artistic illustration of headphones, I pad and modern day technology that relates to teen culture, The electronic video game sound effects, the buffering transitions animation to reference internet buffer.
  • 19. Q4 • Consider the restrictions or challenges in trying to develop a brand/ident package for the selected channel’s audiences, write them down here: If I would create a ident for the Cbeebies, the challenges I may face is creating something not too different so it would fit to the branding but not too similar so it’s not an exact copy that people have already watched and I would have to make sure to use the appropriate colours and font to make it attractive to my audiences and fit with brand style. If I would create a ident for the BBC3, the challenges I may face is creating something not too similar to the previous ident and make sure it suit the continues theme of the channel branding pop culture. I would also have to make sure the ident is appropriate to the viewers with no offensive symbols that may not offend anyone.
  • 20. Q5 • Compare the sets of idents, what characteristics are similar or different? Comparing the Cbeebies and BBC3 characteristics, The Cbeebies has a colourful, happy and exciting idents, with bold bright colours, bouncy animation, simple drawn wacky characters, and with humor to make target audiences laugh . Compared to the BBC3, both designs are 2 dimensional but the BBC3 colours is more dark and dull. The key contents are different, the BBC3 idents uses modern objects but the Cbeebies features content that have humanity and is alive to the viewers. The BBC3 drawings style are sharper but the CBeebies drawings are wobbly.
  • 21. Q6 • Which set/suite of idents is the most successful in your opinion? Why do you think this? I believe that the Cbeebies idents is more successful because, the Cbeebies always uses the same character in the same ident and it brings recognition to the audience and it makes the channel iconic. Compared to the BBC3, the ident is too un recognisable, it’s really abstract and I don’t think the audience would remember the ident really well because every ident is different and it lack continuous branding with the style compared to the Cbeebies ident. However the BBC3 idents use some interesting colours and texture with their illustration but the Cbeebies always keeps it’s structure simple and similar and that is I believe makes people still recognise the brands channel and mascot.
  • 22. Q7 • What other issues do you think producers need to consider in their production of onscreen graphic representation? This could be to do with duration, for example when continuity announcers are used, appropriate content, the issues of viewer generated content, etc.? The producers need to make sure that the idea would work with time duration, the producer could have a very clever idea but needs to make it work with the timing of ident. The idents has to represent anytime so they continue reusing the same ident in other programs and to conflict with continuity.

Editor's Notes

  1. Remember, compare contrast, think about intended audience, etc
  2. Remember, compare contrast, think about intended audience, etc
  3. Remember, compare contrast, think about intended audience, etc
  4. Remember, compare contrast, think about intended audience, etc
  5. Remember, compare contrast, think about intended audience, etc