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Digital Graphic Narrative
Shape Task
Shape Task
What did you like about your image?
What I like about the image is the details I put in to the shark,
I generally used a mixture of shapes such as circles and
triangles for the sharks body, teeth and fins. I also like the two
different shades of colour on the sharks body, this really
makes the shark stands out.
I like how the house Image has some texture on the roof, this
makes the house a bit more 3dimmnetional and creates some
shades on the roof.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would improve the house bit more by adding some small
shapes like squares to create bricks so the house has bit of
texture. I would also add some more squares to the windows
so it can then look like the windows have some frames.
What did you like about your image?
I really like how the colour overlay worked really well especially
the webbing and the suit colours. I also really like the gradient
overlay of the spider logo, it really look shiny and 3 dimensional.
I also find the polygon tool was really useful when making this
rotoscoping. I did this by tracing some of the areas I needed and
copy the layer.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would find a alternative spider-man photo with his mask on as I
did find doing facial features and colour tone quite difficult when
making this rotoscoping. I would also my try improve by adding a
background so it can give the image some more interesting
atmosphere, I could add a city behind him as he is a superhero.
Film Quotes
Film Quotes
What did you like about your image?
What I like about the Buzz Lightyear quote is that the
rotoscope of the whole character.. I used the lasso tool to go
over the image and duplicate layers to make Buzz look
simpler. I also like the quotes being one part big and second
part small. This make it whole title look fun and creative.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would add bit more shading to the Buzz Lightyear image by
adding bits of dark grey below his foot and arms. I would also
try adding bit more of his original gadgets on such as his
stickers from his arms. I could try making the “And Beyond”
text a bit bigger and bolder so it makes more clear to read.
Text Based
Text Based
Text Based
What did you like about your image?
I like how the clipping mask worked well, the text
stands out perfectly with the space background
image. I also like how the layers styles I use, the
shadow of my text adds my name in more depth.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would improve by making my first image text a bit
less close together and add bit more adjustment
such as using the warping tool to control my text
how I want it to look it also gives a Sci Fi theme to it
Comic Book
Comic Book
Comic Book
What did you like about your image?
I love how the second comic book image of Spider-Man makes
him more like graffiti style. It also makes the image simpler and
could make wall art. I also like the third comic book image of
Spider-man, this makes him more pop arty and the mixture of
blue green colours creates a cool alternative design of Spider-
man’s costume.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would improve the second comic book image to change his
colour adjustment a bit more of higher saturation. I would also
improve the first comic book image of Spider-man as it’s a bit too
dark, I would lighten the threshold so you can see more of
Spider-man’s costume.
Photo Story
Photo Story
Photo Story
What did you like about your image?
What I like about the photo story that is connects well with
plan. I also like some of the image that blurs the background
and focus on the key. I like the whole general idea of the story
which sets something big, it also remind me of a mini horror
film comic.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would improve this photo story by adding some effects and
colour tones such as using black and white and some bright
and contrast.
I would also maybe retake one of images in a better angle so it
can show a piece of the story a bit better.
What did you like about your image?
I like how I drew the eyes and Spider-man’s webbing
which worked well on his face. It took me a lot of tries but
I am proud of it. I also like the colouring of his suit, his
dark blue and red stands out really well. I also like the
pose he’s in, the drawing makes Spider-man more three
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would add a background behind Spider-man and
probably draw a city behind him. I also would draw the
webbing of his suit more neatly to make it connect with
his face webbing.
Narrative Environment
What did you like about your image?
What I like about my picture is that I use mixture of shapes like squares,
circle, rectangles to draw pieces of the environment like the sand, the
saloon, cactus and the mountains.
I like how I used the gradient editor tool to gradient the background like
the sky.
I also like how the texture worked I did this by blending the two the
shape and image.
I like the cactus shadow, I did this by going to edit, transform, and skew
which then I can elongate the shadow and move them.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I think what I could improve this image by adding bit more content such
as another western building, so more cactus and adding another layer of
sand to get a 3 dimensional. I could also improve this image by adding a
bit more texture to the building or adding some texture to the cactus
and give it some spikes.
Initial Ideas
Idea Generation
The Panther
The style
• Nemo style
• solid bright colors
The Characters
• Shark
• The Fish Family
Dad fish, Mom fish. Two child fish
• Sea Creatures
Turtle, Dolphin, Swordfish, Starfish
The Location
• Fish house
• The Ocean
• The Sea Bed
The plot
The shark dresses up of the fishes
mother. This would work by
drawing a shark with a wig and
some lip stick impersonating a the
mother fish. The sea creatures will
give gifts to the fish children so
they get rid of the shark.
The Panther story is
like the bad wolf in
the red riding hood.
Idea Generation
The Jellyfish
The style
• Japanese style
• solid bright colors
The Characters
• Jellyfish
• Dragon King
• Dragon Queen
• The Monkey
The Location
• The Dragons
• The Sea
• Tropical forest
• Jungle with trees
The plot
The Jellyfish goes off a quest as the
Dragon Kind is not well and wants
a special soup for him to eat. The
soup requires monkey’s fur to
complete the ingredients. The
Jellyfish goes find the monkey and
gets tricked.
This is a Japanese
Folk tale story
Idea Generation
The Dragon
The style
• Chinese
environment style
• solid bright colors
The Characters
• The Firefly
• The Scholar
• The Dragon
The Location
• A Scholars House
with a fireplace and
• Outside area
Chinese theme
The plot
Its about a scholar who reads his
book and a fire fly lands on his
book and burns his book. So he
takes it outside. The firefly won’t
move so the Scholar goes back to
his house, puts on his robes and
bows. The firefly transform's in to a
large dragon and then flies away.
The Moral of the
story is about
Mood board of chosen idea
10 pages and the page size will be A4, landscape.
Story Overview
The story overview is about a intelligent Chinese scholar who reads his book in a rainy
night. The scholar gets distracted when a fire fly lands on his book. As the scholar takes
the firefly outside, he relies that he has forgotten his morals. The scholar goes back to
his house, puts on his robes and bows. The firefly transform's in to a large dragon and
then flies away. This is meant to represent a be a moral story to respect any creature
even if its small.
Export Format
The Export format will be PDF
Advantages: PDF is very high quality, it cant be altered by another reader and if the
printer doesn't have the chosen font it will still print the font I chose.
Disadvantages: it can’t usually be edited by the reader. If there was a mistake during the
printing process then the printer might not be able to edit it, the original would have to
be edited. This will use up a lot of time.
The deadline of the storybook is the 7th of April.
My target audience is going to be a younger age group of 4 to 7, I find that my story could
relate with the moral of respecting each creature. I find this to be useful so it can influence
kids when they get older to respect things that are small to them. The gender of my audience
is male and female as the story can influence all people even with high or low social class. This
storybook is sort of cultural which would relate to Chinese culture as the story is also set in
China and its part of a Chinese folk tale. The language of the story will be English as the story is
being created in a English country.
Production Methods
For the production method I would want to use a mixture of rotoscoping and shapes tasking. I find using these techniques will becomes
useful and easier when producing my art work for my book. What I like about rotoscoping is that it allows you to transform any image into a
simple cartoon, even transforming a real life photo of a person or an object into a cartoon.
Using rotoscoping I would first use and start with either a magic wand tool or a lasso tool. I then highlight around of an existing image, I
would duplicate the highlighted piece into a separate layer. Then I can experiment the layer by changing the colours. I could change the
colours by double clicking on the layer options. This can give me a few options to add a gradient colour, stroke, shadows or texture, adding
these options can add some depth to the image.
I find shape tasking helps you to create a original images in your own original form unlike rotoscoping as rotoscoping is more copying
somebody's else illustration. Using shape tasking I would select the shape tools, this will give me a option of the different types shapes I can
use. As I am creating a character I would start with a circle, the circle shape is ideal for the round parts of my character body's such as its
face. The shape tool will also have a automatic colour option so it saves time than colouring a image. Once I lay down my shape, I would
then use a warp tool. The warp tool will allow to customise the shape into any from you want.
There are other production options I could use to create my storybook, for example illustration, sketching my story and scanning into the
computer. I personally think rotoscoping and shape tasking is right and appropriate production method to use for this task as its easier to
create and it saves a lot of production time.
The software tool I will use for both these production techniques is Photoshop.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
One strength of the proposal is the eastern theme
running through it that has strong elements of
respect and honour within it. This would be very
beneficial to the target audience as they are at a
vulnerable age and so teaching them this is
An area of the proposal that could do with further
work is the fact that it’s context in regards to being
set in china with Chinese customs and values may
end up being a little complicated for a child of the
age of 3-6 years.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
A strength of the idea generation is that there is a
consistent theme of morals in it which means there
will be a beneficial message regardless of which
story you choose to do.
Your idea generation could be developed by adding
a bigger variety of themes from different areas of
the world because different places woll have
different kinds of folk tales which talk about different
messages. It would have been nice to see some
involvement of other cultures.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
You have a strong sense of who you want you book
to appeal too. It is clearly thought about your
audience and how not only the visual style but also
the theme/message of the book will appeal to them
as well.
You could explain your story overview differently
just make it clearer like you have done with your
overview in your idea generation.
Also you could explain why you have chosen to
make it A4 as opposed to anything smaller.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
They are highly detailed and not only gave you
broken it down into different sections for characters
and locations you have also included another slide
for the font/text. This overall visually helps to
explain your story.
I like the fact that you have mentioned the moral.
Adding a bit more detail in your writing would just
further emphasise the point that you are trying to
convey visually. More so with the characters and
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
You know how you want to produce your book and
how to make your characters. Another strength I
think is that you’ve explained why the book is for
the target audience it is. The fact that you know
why you want the story and what you want it do to
the young children.
I think overall your proposal is good and you
understand what you want to do but I feel as if your
proposal needs more detail espacailly your story as
im not too sure whats happening. But overall the
only thing I think you need to add to your proposal it
detail to help people understand what it is your fully
wanting to accomplish.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
I feel as if you know what it is your wanting to do
and you have it all in your head. But I feel as if your
strength lies more with your mood boards as you’ve
got a good range of photos to help you and a good
range of fonts that you can end up using.
Yet again I feel like you need to go into more detail
so that we can understand more of what it is your
wanting to accomplish. As you havent got into a
large range of detail of what your wanting to do and
what really happens in the story.
Feedback Summary
Sum up your feedback.
I have some really positive and supportive feedback that I agree and disagree with my
work. They some parts that I could add some improvements to my proposal but are
parts that I don’t need to add any more details to my work such as the idea generation.
Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?
I agree that my idea generation is highly detailed, I have added a lot great concepts such
as characters of dragons, fonts and background. I agree that I can add a bit more
expiation of why I'm using A4 page for my story book size.
Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?
I don’t agree that the context being complicated for my younger audience, I think the
whole idea of sharing Chinese culture and values to a younger audience is that it can
start young and teach kids to become respectful people and also learns to explore
different cultures.
Original Script
The Dragon After His Winter Sleep
Once there was a scholar who was reading in the upper story of his house. It was a rainy, cloudy
day and the weather was gloomy. Suddenly he saw a little thing which shone like a fire-fly. It
crawled upon the table, and wherever it went it left traces of burns, curved like the tracks of a rain
worm. Gradually it wound itself about the scholar’s book and the book, too, grew black. Then it
occurred to him that it might be a dragon. So he carried it out of doors on the book. There he stood
for quite some time; but it sat uncurled, without moving in the least.
Then the scholar said: “It shall not be said of me that I was lacking in respect.” With these words he
carried back the book and once more laid it on the table. Then he put on his robes of ceremony,
made a deep bow and escorted the dragon out on it again.
No sooner had he left the door, than he noticed that the dragon raised his head and stretched
himself. Then he flew up from the book with a hissing sound, like a radiant streak. Once more he
turned around toward the scholar, and his head had already grown to the size of a barrel, while his
body must have been a full fathom in length. He gave one more snaky twist, and then there was a
terrible crash of thunder and the dragon went sailing through the air.
The scholar then returned and looked to see which way the little creature had come. And he could
follow his tracks hither and thither, to his chest of books.
Story Breakdown
Showing the outside of the Scholar’s house
The Scholar Reading His Book
The Firefly flies from bookcase
The firefly burns a tip of the scholar book
The Scholar takes the Firefly outside with the book
The Scholar looks at the firefly
The Scholar goes back inside and wear his robe
The Scholar bows to the firefly
The firefly's transform into a dragon
The Dragon flies away to the moonlight
Draft Script
draft script goes here.
In a Chinese Folk Town, there lived a Scholar who loved to read his books.
The Scholar was reading one his favourite
Suddenly he saw a little thing which shone like a fire-fly.
It crawled from the table, and left traces of burns on the Scholar’s page.
The Scholar then took the creature and the book outside. The Scholar looked at this small creature
and realized what he had done.
The Scholar said to him self “I am lacking respect”. The Scholar went back inside and put his robes of
The Scholar bowed to the creature.
Suddenly the small creature transform in to a huge dragon.
No matter how small, big or different you are, you should always respect anything that is in front of
The Dragon smiled at the Scholar and then flew away until the next winter.
Final Script
On a rainy night in a Chinese Town, there lived a scholar who loved to read his books.
The scholar has a room full of books, books that have old stories and old legends.
The scholar was reading one of his favourite, a book about a legendary dragon.
While the scholar was reading his book a little insect shone bright like a fire-fly.
It crawled from the table, and left traces of burns on the scholar’s page.
The scholar then took the creature and the book outside. The scholar realised what he
had done and said to himself, “I am lacking respect”.
The scholar went back inside and put on his robes of ceremony.
The scholar bowed to the creature.
Suddenly the small creature transformed into a huge dragon.
No matter how small, big or different you are, you should always respect anything that
is in front of you.
The dragon smiled at the scholar and then flew away until the next winter.
Sketch Flat Plans
Digital Flat Plans
One Day Text for the story book Text for the story book
Text for the story book Text for the story book Text for the story book
Text for the story book Text for the story book
Text for the story book Text for the story book

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Development pro format updated

  • 4. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What I like about the image is the details I put in to the shark, I generally used a mixture of shapes such as circles and triangles for the sharks body, teeth and fins. I also like the two different shades of colour on the sharks body, this really makes the shark stands out. I like how the house Image has some texture on the roof, this makes the house a bit more 3dimmnetional and creates some shades on the roof. What would you improve if you did it again? I would improve the house bit more by adding some small shapes like squares to create bricks so the house has bit of texture. I would also add some more squares to the windows so it can then look like the windows have some frames.
  • 6. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I really like how the colour overlay worked really well especially the webbing and the suit colours. I also really like the gradient overlay of the spider logo, it really look shiny and 3 dimensional. I also find the polygon tool was really useful when making this rotoscoping. I did this by tracing some of the areas I needed and copy the layer. What would you improve if you did it again? I would find a alternative spider-man photo with his mask on as I did find doing facial features and colour tone quite difficult when making this rotoscoping. I would also my try improve by adding a background so it can give the image some more interesting atmosphere, I could add a city behind him as he is a superhero.
  • 9. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What I like about the Buzz Lightyear quote is that the rotoscope of the whole character.. I used the lasso tool to go over the image and duplicate layers to make Buzz look simpler. I also like the quotes being one part big and second part small. This make it whole title look fun and creative. What would you improve if you did it again? I would add bit more shading to the Buzz Lightyear image by adding bits of dark grey below his foot and arms. I would also try adding bit more of his original gadgets on such as his stickers from his arms. I could try making the “And Beyond” text a bit bigger and bolder so it makes more clear to read.
  • 13. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like how the clipping mask worked well, the text stands out perfectly with the space background image. I also like how the layers styles I use, the shadow of my text adds my name in more depth. What would you improve if you did it again? I would improve by making my first image text a bit less close together and add bit more adjustment such as using the warping tool to control my text how I want it to look it also gives a Sci Fi theme to it too.
  • 17. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I love how the second comic book image of Spider-Man makes him more like graffiti style. It also makes the image simpler and could make wall art. I also like the third comic book image of Spider-man, this makes him more pop arty and the mixture of blue green colours creates a cool alternative design of Spider- man’s costume. What would you improve if you did it again? I would improve the second comic book image to change his colour adjustment a bit more of higher saturation. I would also improve the first comic book image of Spider-man as it’s a bit too dark, I would lighten the threshold so you can see more of Spider-man’s costume.
  • 21. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What I like about the photo story that is connects well with plan. I also like some of the image that blurs the background and focus on the key. I like the whole general idea of the story which sets something big, it also remind me of a mini horror film comic. What would you improve if you did it again? I would improve this photo story by adding some effects and colour tones such as using black and white and some bright and contrast. I would also maybe retake one of images in a better angle so it can show a piece of the story a bit better.
  • 23. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like how I drew the eyes and Spider-man’s webbing which worked well on his face. It took me a lot of tries but I am proud of it. I also like the colouring of his suit, his dark blue and red stands out really well. I also like the pose he’s in, the drawing makes Spider-man more three dimensional. What would you improve if you did it again? I would add a background behind Spider-man and probably draw a city behind him. I also would draw the webbing of his suit more neatly to make it connect with his face webbing.
  • 25. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What I like about my picture is that I use mixture of shapes like squares, circle, rectangles to draw pieces of the environment like the sand, the saloon, cactus and the mountains. I like how I used the gradient editor tool to gradient the background like the sky. I also like how the texture worked I did this by blending the two the shape and image. I like the cactus shadow, I did this by going to edit, transform, and skew which then I can elongate the shadow and move them. What would you improve if you did it again? I think what I could improve this image by adding bit more content such as another western building, so more cactus and adding another layer of sand to get a 3 dimensional. I could also improve this image by adding a bit more texture to the building or adding some texture to the cactus and give it some spikes.
  • 27. Idea Generation The Panther story The style • Nemo style characters • solid bright colors The Characters • Shark • The Fish Family Dad fish, Mom fish. Two child fish • Sea Creatures Turtle, Dolphin, Swordfish, Starfish The Location • Fish house • The Ocean • The Sea Bed The plot The shark dresses up of the fishes mother. This would work by drawing a shark with a wig and some lip stick impersonating a the mother fish. The sea creatures will give gifts to the fish children so they get rid of the shark. The Panther story is like the bad wolf in the red riding hood.
  • 28. Idea Generation The Jellyfish story The style • Japanese style characters • solid bright colors The Characters • Jellyfish • Dragon King • Dragon Queen • The Monkey The Location • The Dragons Castle • The Sea • Tropical forest • Jungle with trees The plot The Jellyfish goes off a quest as the Dragon Kind is not well and wants a special soup for him to eat. The soup requires monkey’s fur to complete the ingredients. The Jellyfish goes find the monkey and gets tricked. This is a Japanese Folk tale story
  • 29. Idea Generation The Dragon story The style • Chinese environment style • solid bright colors The Characters • The Firefly • The Scholar • The Dragon The Location • A Scholars House with a fireplace and books. • Outside area Chinese theme garden The plot Its about a scholar who reads his book and a fire fly lands on his book and burns his book. So he takes it outside. The firefly won’t move so the Scholar goes back to his house, puts on his robes and bows. The firefly transform's in to a large dragon and then flies away. The Moral of the story is about respecting everything
  • 30.
  • 31. Mood board of chosen idea
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. Proposal Dimensions 10 pages and the page size will be A4, landscape. Story Overview The story overview is about a intelligent Chinese scholar who reads his book in a rainy night. The scholar gets distracted when a fire fly lands on his book. As the scholar takes the firefly outside, he relies that he has forgotten his morals. The scholar goes back to his house, puts on his robes and bows. The firefly transform's in to a large dragon and then flies away. This is meant to represent a be a moral story to respect any creature even if its small. Export Format The Export format will be PDF Advantages: PDF is very high quality, it cant be altered by another reader and if the printer doesn't have the chosen font it will still print the font I chose. Disadvantages: it can’t usually be edited by the reader. If there was a mistake during the printing process then the printer might not be able to edit it, the original would have to be edited. This will use up a lot of time.
  • 35. Deadline The deadline of the storybook is the 7th of April. Audience My target audience is going to be a younger age group of 4 to 7, I find that my story could relate with the moral of respecting each creature. I find this to be useful so it can influence kids when they get older to respect things that are small to them. The gender of my audience is male and female as the story can influence all people even with high or low social class. This storybook is sort of cultural which would relate to Chinese culture as the story is also set in China and its part of a Chinese folk tale. The language of the story will be English as the story is being created in a English country. Production Methods For the production method I would want to use a mixture of rotoscoping and shapes tasking. I find using these techniques will becomes useful and easier when producing my art work for my book. What I like about rotoscoping is that it allows you to transform any image into a simple cartoon, even transforming a real life photo of a person or an object into a cartoon. Using rotoscoping I would first use and start with either a magic wand tool or a lasso tool. I then highlight around of an existing image, I would duplicate the highlighted piece into a separate layer. Then I can experiment the layer by changing the colours. I could change the colours by double clicking on the layer options. This can give me a few options to add a gradient colour, stroke, shadows or texture, adding these options can add some depth to the image. I find shape tasking helps you to create a original images in your own original form unlike rotoscoping as rotoscoping is more copying somebody's else illustration. Using shape tasking I would select the shape tools, this will give me a option of the different types shapes I can use. As I am creating a character I would start with a circle, the circle shape is ideal for the round parts of my character body's such as its face. The shape tool will also have a automatic colour option so it saves time than colouring a image. Once I lay down my shape, I would then use a warp tool. The warp tool will allow to customise the shape into any from you want. There are other production options I could use to create my storybook, for example illustration, sketching my story and scanning into the computer. I personally think rotoscoping and shape tasking is right and appropriate production method to use for this task as its easier to create and it saves a lot of production time. The software tool I will use for both these production techniques is Photoshop.
  • 36. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? One strength of the proposal is the eastern theme running through it that has strong elements of respect and honour within it. This would be very beneficial to the target audience as they are at a vulnerable age and so teaching them this is important. An area of the proposal that could do with further work is the fact that it’s context in regards to being set in china with Chinese customs and values may end up being a little complicated for a child of the age of 3-6 years. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? A strength of the idea generation is that there is a consistent theme of morals in it which means there will be a beneficial message regardless of which story you choose to do. Your idea generation could be developed by adding a bigger variety of themes from different areas of the world because different places woll have different kinds of folk tales which talk about different messages. It would have been nice to see some involvement of other cultures.
  • 37. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? You have a strong sense of who you want you book to appeal too. It is clearly thought about your audience and how not only the visual style but also the theme/message of the book will appeal to them as well. You could explain your story overview differently just make it clearer like you have done with your overview in your idea generation. Also you could explain why you have chosen to make it A4 as opposed to anything smaller. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? They are highly detailed and not only gave you broken it down into different sections for characters and locations you have also included another slide for the font/text. This overall visually helps to explain your story. I like the fact that you have mentioned the moral. Adding a bit more detail in your writing would just further emphasise the point that you are trying to convey visually. More so with the characters and locations.
  • 38. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? You know how you want to produce your book and how to make your characters. Another strength I think is that you’ve explained why the book is for the target audience it is. The fact that you know why you want the story and what you want it do to the young children. I think overall your proposal is good and you understand what you want to do but I feel as if your proposal needs more detail espacailly your story as im not too sure whats happening. But overall the only thing I think you need to add to your proposal it detail to help people understand what it is your fully wanting to accomplish. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? I feel as if you know what it is your wanting to do and you have it all in your head. But I feel as if your strength lies more with your mood boards as you’ve got a good range of photos to help you and a good range of fonts that you can end up using. Yet again I feel like you need to go into more detail so that we can understand more of what it is your wanting to accomplish. As you havent got into a large range of detail of what your wanting to do and what really happens in the story.
  • 39. Feedback Summary Sum up your feedback. I have some really positive and supportive feedback that I agree and disagree with my work. They some parts that I could add some improvements to my proposal but are parts that I don’t need to add any more details to my work such as the idea generation. Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why? I agree that my idea generation is highly detailed, I have added a lot great concepts such as characters of dragons, fonts and background. I agree that I can add a bit more expiation of why I'm using A4 page for my story book size. Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why? I don’t agree that the context being complicated for my younger audience, I think the whole idea of sharing Chinese culture and values to a younger audience is that it can start young and teach kids to become respectful people and also learns to explore different cultures.
  • 40. Original Script The Dragon After His Winter Sleep Once there was a scholar who was reading in the upper story of his house. It was a rainy, cloudy day and the weather was gloomy. Suddenly he saw a little thing which shone like a fire-fly. It crawled upon the table, and wherever it went it left traces of burns, curved like the tracks of a rain worm. Gradually it wound itself about the scholar’s book and the book, too, grew black. Then it occurred to him that it might be a dragon. So he carried it out of doors on the book. There he stood for quite some time; but it sat uncurled, without moving in the least. Then the scholar said: “It shall not be said of me that I was lacking in respect.” With these words he carried back the book and once more laid it on the table. Then he put on his robes of ceremony, made a deep bow and escorted the dragon out on it again. No sooner had he left the door, than he noticed that the dragon raised his head and stretched himself. Then he flew up from the book with a hissing sound, like a radiant streak. Once more he turned around toward the scholar, and his head had already grown to the size of a barrel, while his body must have been a full fathom in length. He gave one more snaky twist, and then there was a terrible crash of thunder and the dragon went sailing through the air. The scholar then returned and looked to see which way the little creature had come. And he could follow his tracks hither and thither, to his chest of books.
  • 41. Story Breakdown Showing the outside of the Scholar’s house The Scholar Reading His Book The Firefly flies from bookcase The firefly burns a tip of the scholar book The Scholar takes the Firefly outside with the book The Scholar looks at the firefly The Scholar goes back inside and wear his robe The Scholar bows to the firefly The firefly's transform into a dragon The Dragon flies away to the moonlight
  • 42. Draft Script draft script goes here. In a Chinese Folk Town, there lived a Scholar who loved to read his books. The Scholar was reading one his favourite Suddenly he saw a little thing which shone like a fire-fly. It crawled from the table, and left traces of burns on the Scholar’s page. The Scholar then took the creature and the book outside. The Scholar looked at this small creature and realized what he had done. The Scholar said to him self “I am lacking respect”. The Scholar went back inside and put his robes of ceremony. The Scholar bowed to the creature. Suddenly the small creature transform in to a huge dragon. No matter how small, big or different you are, you should always respect anything that is in front of you. The Dragon smiled at the Scholar and then flew away until the next winter.
  • 43. Final Script On a rainy night in a Chinese Town, there lived a scholar who loved to read his books. The scholar has a room full of books, books that have old stories and old legends. The scholar was reading one of his favourite, a book about a legendary dragon. While the scholar was reading his book a little insect shone bright like a fire-fly. It crawled from the table, and left traces of burns on the scholar’s page. The scholar then took the creature and the book outside. The scholar realised what he had done and said to himself, “I am lacking respect”. The scholar went back inside and put on his robes of ceremony. The scholar bowed to the creature. Suddenly the small creature transformed into a huge dragon. No matter how small, big or different you are, you should always respect anything that is in front of you. The dragon smiled at the scholar and then flew away until the next winter.
  • 45. Digital Flat Plans One Day Text for the story book Text for the story book Text for the story book Text for the story book Text for the story book
  • 46. Text for the story book Text for the story book Text for the story book Text for the story book