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I am a member of Dark Bloom Productions and our production company has been outsourced to by the
BBC for their research and development department. I have been asked by the BBC to research idents and
their purpose by looking at existing idents and analysing them.
In this presentation I will analyse 3 existing BBC idents, and compare them to each other. I will then look at
the history of BBC idents and how they have developed. After that I will look at an ident not related to the
BBC and compare it and its purposes to a BBC ident, allowing us to find out how different idents can be
across different institutions. I will then finally look at how marketing is implemented into some idents.
What is an ident?
ATV ident (Bull, S. 2012) is a short video that is played to bridge the gap between the end of one
programme and the start of another.They are both informative and entertaining. Each channel has
their own ident(s) which have been designed to show the identity of the channel in a visual form.
An ident can fulfil many purposes – some of which are in all and others which are a bit more specific
to the channels.The most obvious purpose of all idents is to give some clarity to the viewers of
what’s coming up next. By providing this smooth transition, it allows the correct tone to be set for
the programme viewers will watch next, allowing them to acclimate rather than being thrown
straight into a jarring experience.
Another purpose of an ident is to provide the viewers with visual content that is engaging.Any
audience retention that the previous programme generated quickly evaporates once it is past its
climax, leaving the slot where the idents go as the perfect opportunity for them to switch channels
or turn off theTV completely.This is not what the channels want as a higher viewer count
determines the channels success and profits. Idents try to counter this by using visual content that
engages the audience and retains their viewership.
Idents are also used to maintain scheduling. Sometimes programmes run on too long, or not long
enough, meaning that it needs to get back on track somehow. If it is behind schedule then a very
short ident will be used in-order to get on with the programme as fast as possible, whilst a longer
ident is used on the contrary.
(Red Bee (2016)
(PRES BITS from, 2011))
What is an ident?
An ident is essentially a visual representation of the channels identity and what they stand for.They
are designed in a way that allows viewers to almost immediately understand the essence of the
channel. By doing this it means that any viewers who are not familiar with the channel get a taste of
what is to come, potentially sticking around. Linking into this, it is also used as a form of corporate
branding. By being used over and over, it is what people associate the channel with –The logo and
the content become synonymous with each other.This allows for them to be used in the physical
realm too for any purposes needed.This can be very useful, as it allows for newer projects to be
kickstarted simply from brand recognition. It can create brand loyalty in viewers, making them want
to come back to the channel – and potentially, much like seeing a fast-food logo can make you crave
that food, seeing the channel branding may make somebody want to watch television. Branding can
go further than just a channel – it can go for different types of content too. For example, a channel
may have different branding and idents for the sports and news sections of their programming.This
allows them to be more flexible, as it allows them to cultivate different, more specific audiences for
each show.
One more way that an ident can be used - that isn’t conventional to all of them - is as a form of
marketing.This generally takes place on channels which don’t have advertisements, and therefore
need to be creative in how they generate interest for their programmes (Such as the BBC) – however
it can also appear on channels with advertisements too, which allows them to fit as much marketing
in as possible.This has to be done in a fairly subtle manner, so that the main purposes of the ident (to
inform of the next program and to create identity/branding) are not overshadowed.
(Presentation Archive, 2015, BBC2 Dog ident)
(The Ident Gallery, 2016, Cars ident)
BBC ident 1 – 2009 Capes ident
The first BBC ident that I will look at is the BBC One 2009 capes ident (The Ident Gallery,2009). As an overview of the channel, on
BBC One you'll find news and current affairs, drama, comedy and entertainment programmes (BBC, 2018).
The first thing that you notice about this ident is the various shot types that are included, such as the close up seen in screencap 1,
or the aerial establishing shot seen in screencap 2. At face-value, this variety of shot types makes this ident visually interesting.This
in turn stops the audience from having a reason to change channels, and therefore retains viewership – which as discussed
previously is positive for a channel’s success. Looking more in-depth at the shot types, the variety of them could be used to
represent the variety of content that the channel provides, such as the news, drama, comedy (Bintro, 2015), etc that the channel
provides. It tells viewers that this channel has a lot to offer. It allows you to infer the viewpoints that this channel will provide in its
content. For example, the close-up of the child (screencap 1) suggests that the content will have a personal, human touch to it
which viewers can relate to, whilst the aerial establishing shot suggests that the content will also show the bigger picture and give
you the whole story. It is important that the ident shows this, as the channel is one where you can find news and political affairs in
which people want to be fully informed.This is one way that the ident reinforces the identity of the channel, which as discussed
earlier allows people to get an essence of the channel and decide whether to stick around or not.
In this ident, colour is used to fulfil multiple purposes.The majority of this ident focuses on lots of people, with many different
bright coloured capes, cycling around on bikes.Visually, this creates an interesting experience for the viewer, which will – once
again – retain their viewership.The way that muted, grey colours have been used for the backgrounds, whilst the colourful capes
are in the centre of the shots (as seen on screencap 2) once again represents the range that the channel has.The muted colours
represent the more serious content, such as the news, whilst the colour represents the comedy and entertainment programmes.
Furthermore, the actual colours used connote the kinds of emotions and tones that the programmes on BBC One will provide. For
example, the red suggests that you may experience anger or dangerous situations: the blue could suggest feelings of
sadness/melancholy; and the green could suggest feelings of happiness and a positive tone.This, once again, all links in showing
the identity of the channel and what it has to offer to the viewer – allowing them to understand what is in store for them.
Screencap 1 (The Ident Gallery, 2009)
Screencap 2 (The Ident Gallery, 2009)
BBC ident 1 – 2009 Capes ident
A convention that is in every single ident is the use of branding. The BBC One channel does this by inserting their logo into the
centre of the screen.They have paired this with the circle theme that they have going on within almost all of their idents from this
time period – as seen in screencaps 2 and 3. As discussed earlier, branding is important as it allows for it to be used on other things
elsewhere in the world – giving instant recognition towards it from viewers of the channel . It also creates brand loyalty, which
means that viewers will keep coming back to view programming that is related to that brand – which of course increases the
audience size, and therefore success of a channel. In this specific ident, the BBC have been bold; throughout the whole ident the
logo is in the centre of the screen which is where most attention will be focused on. It therefore really reinforces the branding to
viewers, but almost suggests that this channel has confidence in itself too. It has the effect on the viewers that this channel is
important, and that they should stick around for what is coming up next.The circle theme (as seen in screencaps 2 and 3) works
with this , as it surrounds the logo- further drawing attention to it. A circle is like the shape of a camera lens, so by using all of these
interesting ways to create a circle it suggests that the content will have captured interesting perspectives.
The use of weather in the ident acts as a pathetic fallacy. It starts off raining and towards the end, as everything focuses on the BBC
One logo, it turns sunny – this sends the message that in watching this channel your mood will improve and it will be a positive
experience. It also suggests that the reporters will not shy away from a situation, no matter the weather, and therefore the news
will provide everything that viewers need to know – once again reinforcing channel identity.
The length of this ident varies, as there are different versions.The version which I have referenced here lasts 16 seconds, however
there are others of slightly different lengths – for example one is 9 seconds long. As a whole, all versions of this ident are still fairly
short.When it comes to scheduling, this means that this ident is likely to be used more commonly when they are trying to get back
time if they are running behind. It is a short, snappy and gets to the point which makes it effective in situations like this.The 9
second version is even more effective at this, and is likely to be used when the schedule is severely behind.
Screencap 3 (The Ident Gallery, 2009)
Screencap 4 (The Ident Gallery, 2009)
BBC ident 1 – 2009 Capes ident
In this ident, both diegetic and non-diegetic sound are used.The only diegetic sound used is sound effects, for example you can hear rain and the ding of a bicycle bell as they
appear on screen. Diegetic sound is used very subtly , not overpowering the non-diegetic sound. If it were not present then there would be a disconnect between the viewer
and the visuals that the viewer is seeing. By adding them it stops it from being a weird jarring experience which may make the viewers uncomfortable and want to change
channels. In terms of non-diegetic sound, music is used.This music is the conventional BBC One music. It is used throughout almost all of the idents, and is synonymous with
the channel much like the logo is. By using it in the ident it evokes a sense of familiarity and comfort to the viewer which, once again, will make them less likely to switch
channels and in turn retain viewership. Other non-diegetic sound is a voice-over.The voice-over is conventional to all idents; they fulfil the purpose of the ident which it to
inform the viewer of programming information. It allows the correct tone to be set up for the upcoming programme and helps to prevent any confusion that the viewers may
One strength of this ident is the fact that use of colour makes it easy to discern what is happening.The bland background and colourful capes contrast heavily meaning that
viewers can see every single aspect of the ident in motion.This is very important as the ident only lasts a short amount of time – 16 seconds – and thus it is crucial that every
second gets the intended message across.
Another strength of this ident is that the identity of the channel and branding is clear throughout; the colours and shot types all make it very clear that this channel hosts a
large variety of types of programming, allowing anybody to identify whether they would like to continue watching the channel or not.The heavy use of the BBC one logo then
reinforces the channel branding to anybody that does stick around to watch
A weakness of this ident is the fact that it doesn’t contain any marketing.Whilst it is the BBC who are known to not show adverts, they could have sneakily put something in
this ident that generated interest for one of their shows at the time. By not doing so it is a wasted opportunity and the channel would have missed out on some potential
One more weakness of this ident is that all of the versions of it, even the longer ones, are still very short.This means that, if scheduling was ahead, it doesn’t have the
flexibility of being used to fill up time – therefore meaning the channel will have to find a different one.
BBC Ident 2 – 2015 Predator ident
The second BBC ident that I will look at is BBCTwo 2015 Predator ident. (The Ident Gallery, 2015). As an overview
of the channel, factual programmes are at the heart of BBC Two, including arts, history, science and human
interest documentaries (BBC, 2018).
This whole ident is one whole mid shot (as seen in screencap 5), with backwards camera movement.The fact that
it is all just one shot tells the viewers that the content on this channel will focus on topics in great detail.The
camera movement adds to this, as it gives the effect of you actually being there in the jungle. This instantly
reinforces the identity of this channel, which is of one that provides informative programmes. As explained
multiple times prior, a clear channel identity allows viewers to quickly pick out the content that they want to
watch, even from a very small of an ident.The camera movement also helps to make the ident visually interesting,
as just the one shot by itself would get uninspiring very quickly.This in turn helps to keep viewer retention, which
as discussed earlier is important for a channels success.
The main colour used in this ident is green (as seen in screencaps 5 and 6), however there are other colours such as
blue, yellow, white and red.These colours are all very deep and rich and give off a very exotic vibe. It has been used
to transport the average viewer to a world unlike their own.The colour green has very strong connotations with
nature and plant life – and that is what it is used for in this ident. By doing this the ident is really showing off the
fact that this channels identity is anchored in its factual programmes and documentaries, quite a lot of which
probably take place in nature. It means that whenever a viewer not familiar with the channel sees this ident, within
a few seconds they will easily have a grasp on what this channel is about – meaning that if anybody who is
interested in this content is watching then they are likely to stay.This is taken even further with the way that the
branding is incorporated.The number 2 is displayed as a butterfly-like-creature which then gets eaten by aVenus
fly trap in the shape of a number .This is very effective as it means that the identity of the channel is pushed even
further, whilst also meaning that all attention is focused on the branding – the number 2. The branding is also
included in the conventional form of a logo, which is near the bottom right corner, out of the way. Both of these
pieces of branding allow for brand loyalty, which has already been discussed previously.
Screencap 5 (The Ident Gallery, 2015)
Screencap 6(The Ident Gallery, 2015)
BBC Ident 2 – 2015 Predator ident
Sometimes the purpose of a specific ident can be to make scheduling work, as discussed previously.This ident lasts
22 seconds. For an ident this is a fairly average amount of time, and so it is likely that this on would only be used
when everything is running on time.
The diegetic sound in this ident is crucial to it having the correct tone and feeling. Diegetic sounds in this ident are
all ambient sounds of jungle creatures and plants blowing in the wind.This is very important as without it the
viewers would realise they are just looking at aTV screen. With it, the viewers feel immersed and like they are
actually there, creating excitement and engagement. Some non-diegetic sound is some very faint music. It blends
in with the ambient noise and so it is hard to tell it is there.This is very effective in creating an immersive
experience, as the lack of music makes you feel like you are ages away from civilization, which once again
reinforces the idea of identity in the channel. Conventionally, there is a voice-over.This is much like the voiceover
in the previous ident analysed. It is informative, letting the viewer know what is coming up next.This is important
in allowing the ident to fulfil part of its purpose which is to give the viewers clarity as to the programming being
One strength of this ident is the use of its shot types, colours and visual scenery to really show off the identity of
the channel. Almost any viewer will be able to grasp the sort of content that you will find on BBC 2 after watching
that ident.
Another strength of this ident is the use of colour to create a visually engaging experience which will help to retain
viewership numbers, meaning that the channel is more successful.
A weakness of this ident is the fact that not marketing is included.This is a missed opportunity which could have
been used to generate interest for any of their up-coming shows, and in-turn boost the numbers of viewers on the
channel. This is understandable though as the BBC are know not to commonly market, and do not advertise at all.
Screencap 5 (The Ident Gallery, 2015)
Screencap 6 (The Ident Gallery, 2015)
BBC Ident 3 – 2016 Ident 1
The third BBC ident that I will look at is BBCThree (The Ident Gallery, 2016). To give context to the channel, BBCThree is their
youngest channel and it “is never afraid to try new things, broadcasting comedy, entertainment, and docs.” (BBC, 2018).
This ident is very fast paced and in your face. It immediately starts off with some branding by using the logo, as seen in screencap 7.
The effect that this has is by surprising the viewer it makes them more likely to remember it, this paired with the fact that the logo
uses a very simple colour scheme and design - which means that it is easy to digest – makes sure that it sticks in your head, creating
brand awareness, which is important as it means people start to associate the channel with that branding.
The use of colours overall in this ident is very minimalistic, sticking to mostly monochrome, as seen in screencap 8.There are some
points in which colour is used - mostly pink and green – which really bursts out at you due to its contrast. By using darker colours in
this way, it gives the ident a rebellious, edgy feeling.This fits in perfectly with the channel’s ideology of being “never afraid to try
new things” (BBC 2018). It is almost as if the youngest channel is acting like a teenager.Thus, this use of colours is very effective at
showing off the identity of the channel – the importance of which has been explained many times over. Looking at it from a simpler
perspective, this use of colour (or lack of) also makes it visually interesting which will help to keep viewers engaged, and as
previously explained, retain their viewership.
The length of this ident is 20 seconds long.Whilst this is fairly short, it is not the shortest to exist. It means that this ident will likely
be used at points in time where the scheduling is ever so slightly behind what it is supposed to be, and needs to catch up some time.
This makes the ident useful in specific situations, however it means it is less likely to be used in most other situations, for example
when scheduling is running on time, or even ahead.
The music used in this ident is quite calm.This perhaps wouldn’t be expected due to the fast-paced nature at which the visual
content passes on the screen, however it provides a nice balance. It allows you to concentrate on what you are seeing, as well as the
voice-over, where-as if it was too fast then it wouldn’t match up to the pace of talking in the voice-over, meaning it isn’t coherent
and hard to understand. Which is the complete opposite of what you want in in ident – in which you have a very short amount of
time to tell quite a large message.The talking in the voice over has a very exaggerated and chatty style.This makes the channel feel
more friendly and welcoming, rather than being serious and perhaps intimidating.This could potentially draw more viewers in, who
prefer the more chilled out style. Once again, it helps create this youthful-teenager-channel identity.
Screencap 7 (The Ident Gallery, 2016)
Screencap 8 (The Ident Gallery, 2016)
BBC Ident 3 – 2016 Ident 1
Throughout the ident lots of items are shown, as seen in screencaps 9 and 10. In screencap 9 these items seem to be those used in
exploration and science, such as a thermometer, a periscope and a height map.Things such as this hints at the content that you can
expect to see. It suggests that you will discover things on this channel and that it will show you the most extreme places, whether
that is extreme heat, cold, at the bottom of the ocean or the top of a mountain. This links into the fact that some of the
programming on this channel is documentaries. Similarly the items in screencap 10 are a scalpel, scissors and a needle. What this
suggests is that you will learn a great deal about the human body, and that the channel may tackle more sensitive topics, such as
drug use in detail.This fits in with the channels identity, which is never being afraid to try new things and include documentaries as
one of their forms of content. (BBC, 2018). As explained many times before, by showing this identity it lets viewers know what
content to expect from just a glance.
A strength of this ident is the large variety of visual content that it offers up in a short space of time.Visual content get across a
message much faster than that of textual or audio, and thus it means that this ident tells the audience a great deal about the
channel in just 20 seconds.
Another strength of this ident is its use of colour in a very unique way.The monochromatic look with just a few hints of colour at
certain points helps to create something that stands out from the rest. Not only is it visually appealing, engaging the audience, but
it is also far more successful at creating identity and branding for the channel, compared to others which resort commonly to much
similar styles.
A weakness of this ident is its length, and the fact that it doesn’t have any versions which are slightly longer. Because of this, it
means it can only really be used in the scheduling when the channel is running behind, and not when it is on time or ahead of
schedule.This means that the messages that this ident send may not be received by the audience very often at all, depending on
the scheduling circumstances. Had it been a bit longer then it would have been much more flexible in terms of when it could be
Another weakness is the fact that no subtle marketing was used to promote a show on the channel, as they can have actual
advertisements on the BBC. Effective placement could have increased viewership levels for a show.
Screencap 9 (The Ident Gallery, 2016)
Screencap 10 (The Ident Gallery, 2016)
Comparing BBC idents
In terms of colour the capes ident for BBC One (The Ident Gallery 2009) went for a mixture. About half of the visuals were a muted-grey
colour, whilst the other half were very bright colours - such as blue, yellow and red.The BBC 3 ident (The Ident Gallery, 2016) went for a
monochrome colour scheme, and BBC 2 went for the opposite with its predator ident (The Ident Gallery, 2015) It is clear why each
channel did what it did. For example BBC One is a channel which features news and current affairs, drama, comedy and entertainment
programmes (BBC,2018). This is a very wide range of programme types, and the ident had to somehow represent each and every one
of them as part of its identity. It accomplished this by using a variety of bright and dull colours, with the dull representing the more
serious side, such as the news, and the colour the more relaxed side, such as comedy. Had they gone for BBCTwo’s colour scheme then
it would have been too bright to represent the channel, too dark if it had the colour scheme of BBCThree’s ident. Each channel has
picked a colour scheme which conveys the feelings and connotations that match their identity. It is not a one size fits all, and as such
you can see why these choices were made.
Throughout each ident analysed, there is a constant convention – the use of the logo.The logo is the core to the branding of the
channel, it is what becomes synonymous with the content that people are watching. By including it in, it helps people to make the
connection between it and the channel, and can start to build brand loyalty – which can only be a good thing.The way each logo is
used is different, however. In the BBC One ident the logo is dead in the centre, big and bold. It is the focus of the shot – showing that
the channel is important.This can be seen on screencap 11. Compared to this, BBCTwo takes a more subtle approach. As you can see
on screencap 12 it is located in the corner.This is because the visual content happening in the centre is acting as branding too.
Potentially it could have been placed there almost as if it is hiding from theVenus fly trap that the audience are watching.This could
have been done to represent the fact that the content the channel largely shows is documentaries, in which the audience will be
stepping back and watching from afar. Between the two you can see how the different approaches fit both channels. As for BBC Three
ident (Screencap 13) it is fairly similar to the BBC One ident’s logo usage. It is central and steals the show.The actual look of the logo,
however, incorporates colour unlike BBC One’s. It uses the colour pink which is a warm and welcoming colour (Bourn 2010). This is
perhaps due to the channel’s more carefree attitude compared to the sleek and professional attitude BBC One are trying to cultivate
Screencap 11 (The Ident Gallery, 2009)
Screencap 12 (The Ident Gallery, 2015)
Screencap 13 (The Ident Gallery, 2016)
Comparing BBC idents
Another thing that is conventional between all of the idents is the voice-over.The voice over in the BBC One Ident and the BBC Two
ident are both fairly similar.This is because, although the types of content they show are different, their attitudes towards how they
convey themselves are both similar – be professional.What this means is that the language is more formal than that of an average
conversation. If it was informal then it would make the way people view the channel significantly change – people may see it as more
carefree and likely to get things wrong, which isn’t what people want when watching the news or a documentary.The BBCThree ident
is different in that the voice-over has a much more chatty and carefree attitude.This is actually a positive thing for this channel as it fits
it’s ideology and style which is to be a bit different and to push the boundaries. If this channel had the voice-over style of BBC One and
Two then it wouldn’t work as effectively, and vice versa.
What is interesting is how despite the fact these channels are all from the same institution, they all have their own very unique spin on
how they present themselves. It is good for television that this happens, as if every channel was a clone of the other then
entertainment would be bland and the global audience much smaller.
Screencap 11 (The Ident Gallery, 2009)
Screencap 12 (The Ident Gallery, 2015)
Screencap 13 (The Ident Gallery, 2016)
Key points in the history of BBC idents
First BBC ident: 1953 – 1960
(BBC News, 2013)
First BBC Globe ident: 1964
(BBC, 2002)
First BBC colour ident: 1969
(BBC, 2002)
First computer generated
image ident: 1985 (BBC, 2002)
New style of ident, filmed videos: 1997
(BBC, 2002)
New style of BBC idents, theme of
rhythm: 2002 (BBC, 2002)
How and why the BBC changed their idents
Over the years the BBC has had a large selection of idents which they have used.The first ident was used in 1953. Only in black
and white, it was extremely simple.The technology behind it was very basic meaning that they were limited in what they could
achieve. In 1964 the BBC released their first ident that was part of a theme – a globe. As idents went through changes, one
thing stayed consistent, the presence of a globe.The reason for this was that by changing up the idents it allowed the BBC to
stop them from becoming stale and improving the idents once new technology and software became available. For example,
in 1969 the BBC released the first colour ident for colourTVs. It then went on to use many different variations of a coloured
Another technological advance by 1985 meant that the idents could advance even more – the first completely computer
generated ident was used. Whilst the technique and processes of making the ident significantly changed, the usage of a globe
was still present.
After a few more iterations, in 1997 the BBC used a filmed ident of a hot air balloon globe. What they did differently this time
was that they created multiple versions so that they had a selection to choose from.This allows for the ident to be used for an
even longer time, as it takes a lot longer before the audience have been saturated with it.
In 2002 the BBC made a huge leap. They finally got rid of the conventional globe and swapped it out for high energy videos of
people dancing which had been used for over 33 years. What this allowed for was an opportunity for the BBC to change how
people viewed them and their branding, as once it is set in place it is hard to move from.The BBC have continued to use idents
similar to these since.
 This ident is for ITV 4. ITV 4 is “ITV4 is a haven of sport and action, providing entertainment that is a glorious escape
from everyday life.”
 This ident clearly follows this ideology of a “Glorious escape from life”.The Ident focuses on two average men jumping
about in a forest kung foo fighting (Screencap 14 and 15). It has been done to be purposely silly, and doesn’t take itself
seriously – this is clear from the fact that the ropes that the men are using to float about are clearly visible in the shot.
This helps to create the identity of the channel as a place where you can just sit back and enjoy the entertainment. It
tells people that the content that you will see on the channel is not heavy and doesn’t really require much investment –
unlike news channels for example. This ident also encapsulates the “action” that will be shown on the channel, by using
a kung foo fight as the premise.This is all further consolidated by it being one ident in a theme of many idents like this
one – all being set in a place you would expect to find action but being silly.
 A convention used in the ident is the use of the ITV 4 logo.This branding allows people familiar with the ITV 4 logo to
immediately recognise the channel, whilst consolidating it into people’s mind who aren’t as familiar with it.This specific
logo follows the theme of the ident, by being stylised to look like text you’d find on an action flick, whilst at the same
time keeping its core design. What this tells people is that the channel is versatile and you can find a good mix of
content.This is different to how the BBC do branding, as the BBC will always show an un-altered logo.This means that,
whilst it is more easily recognisable, it may not fit the theme of the ident as well as the stylised ITV4 one does.
 The two biggest purposes of this ident is to provide a voice-over which explains what programmes are coming on next.
This is conventional and without this it would cause confusion to the viewers.The second purpose is to entertain the
viewers and make them laugh. Whilst both institutions will pretty much share the same purposes of their idents, the
BBC seem to focus on solid branding rather than trying to provide entertainment through the idents.This is clear from
the way that their logos are always consistent and the content of the idents isn’t silly.The reason for this is likely due to
the content that the BBC show. Since BBC One generally has more serious topics, such as the news, they will want to be
viewed in a much more professional way, whereas ITV want to be seen as a channel that you can you chill out watching,
hence why the idents between channels tend to prioritise their purposes differently.
Screencap 14 (The Ident Gallery, 2013)
Screencap 15 (The Ident Gallery, 2013)
Marketing idents
(Doctor Who 24/7, 2017) (The Ident Gallery, 2015)
Here are 2 examples of marketing within an ident.The one on the left is marketing by BBC for DoctorWho, in which a Dalek can be heard talking.The second
indent is from ITV. ITV has the sole rights to the rugby world cup, and so when that is on it has unique idents that remind people of it. In this one you can see
rugby balls and children cleaning their rugby boots.
Why do channels use idents as marketing
There are a few reasons that channels use idents as marketing tools. For some of them, such as the BBC, it is the
only opportunity that they get to advertise any of their programmes. This is because the BBC does not run adverts
as it is a government funded institution. This therefore means that when a big show, such as Doctor who, is coming
out it is harder to gain promotion for it.Therefore the idents provide a legal opportunity to do that in a subtle way,
as long as the advertisement isn’t the main focus of the ident.
Another reason that idents are used as a way for marketing is the fact that they are short and very common.
Because of this, it means that people see these idents repeatedly over only a few hours of watching television. This
implants the knowledge of the upcoming program into their head, therefore making it more likely for them to
watch it. It is perhaps even more effective than one very long advert that people only see once.
Using idents as marketing is also a lot cheaper than actual marketing. This is because you do not have to pay for a
full blown advertisement production, as well as the fact that you do not have to pay for the advertisement slots,
which can be very expensive during prime timeTV. By using the section where idents go, you do not have to pay
for it to go on air.
• Bull, S. (2012) Design and purpose of television idents.Available online: [Accessed 17/09/2018]
• Presentation Archive (2015) BBC 2 dog ident 2015 [Photograph] Available online: [Accessed 20/09/2018]
• PRES BITS from (2011) BBC two ident 2007 to 2009 – seascape [Video]Available online:
[Accessed 20/09/2018]
• Red Bee (2016) BBC One – Hippos ident [Video] Available online: [Accessed 20/09/2018]
• The Ident Gallery (2016) Cars ident [Photograph] Available online: [Accessed 20/09/2018]
• The Ident Gallery (2009) BBCOne : 2009 Idents capes (Full) [Video]Available online: [Accessed
• BBC (2018) Inside the BBC.Available online: [Accessed 21/09/2018]
• The Ident Gallery (2015) BBCTWO : 2015 Idents predator ident. [Video]Available online:
muxed [Accessed 21/09/2018]
• The Ident Gallery (2016) BBCTHREE : Current idents ident 1. [Video]Available online: [Accessed
 Bourn, J. (2010) Colour meaning: meaning of the colour pink.Available online: [Accessed 21/09/2017]
 BBC News (2013) Bbc tv history: 60 years of idents [Video]Available online: [Accessed 21/09/2018]
 BBC (2002) History of the BBC one idents.Available online: [Accessed 21/09/2018]
 The Ident Gallery (2013) ITV4 : 2013 idents kung fu ident [Video]Available online: [Accessed
 ITV (2018) Itv4 feeding your inner fan. Available online: [Accessed 21/09/2018]
 DoctorWho 24/7 (2017) BBC One Ident -Announcer Gets An Upgrade! - DoctorWho:The Doctor Falls. [Video]Available online: [Accessed 21/09/2018]
 The Ident Gallery (2015) 2015 rugby world cup. [Video]Available online: [Accessed 21/09/2018]

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Bbc ident research v4

  • 1. BBC IDENT RESEARCH I am a member of Dark Bloom Productions and our production company has been outsourced to by the BBC for their research and development department. I have been asked by the BBC to research idents and their purpose by looking at existing idents and analysing them. In this presentation I will analyse 3 existing BBC idents, and compare them to each other. I will then look at the history of BBC idents and how they have developed. After that I will look at an ident not related to the BBC and compare it and its purposes to a BBC ident, allowing us to find out how different idents can be across different institutions. I will then finally look at how marketing is implemented into some idents.
  • 2. What is an ident? ATV ident (Bull, S. 2012) is a short video that is played to bridge the gap between the end of one programme and the start of another.They are both informative and entertaining. Each channel has their own ident(s) which have been designed to show the identity of the channel in a visual form. An ident can fulfil many purposes – some of which are in all and others which are a bit more specific to the channels.The most obvious purpose of all idents is to give some clarity to the viewers of what’s coming up next. By providing this smooth transition, it allows the correct tone to be set for the programme viewers will watch next, allowing them to acclimate rather than being thrown straight into a jarring experience. Another purpose of an ident is to provide the viewers with visual content that is engaging.Any audience retention that the previous programme generated quickly evaporates once it is past its climax, leaving the slot where the idents go as the perfect opportunity for them to switch channels or turn off theTV completely.This is not what the channels want as a higher viewer count determines the channels success and profits. Idents try to counter this by using visual content that engages the audience and retains their viewership. Idents are also used to maintain scheduling. Sometimes programmes run on too long, or not long enough, meaning that it needs to get back on track somehow. If it is behind schedule then a very short ident will be used in-order to get on with the programme as fast as possible, whilst a longer ident is used on the contrary. (Red Bee (2016) (PRES BITS from, 2011))
  • 3. What is an ident? An ident is essentially a visual representation of the channels identity and what they stand for.They are designed in a way that allows viewers to almost immediately understand the essence of the channel. By doing this it means that any viewers who are not familiar with the channel get a taste of what is to come, potentially sticking around. Linking into this, it is also used as a form of corporate branding. By being used over and over, it is what people associate the channel with –The logo and the content become synonymous with each other.This allows for them to be used in the physical realm too for any purposes needed.This can be very useful, as it allows for newer projects to be kickstarted simply from brand recognition. It can create brand loyalty in viewers, making them want to come back to the channel – and potentially, much like seeing a fast-food logo can make you crave that food, seeing the channel branding may make somebody want to watch television. Branding can go further than just a channel – it can go for different types of content too. For example, a channel may have different branding and idents for the sports and news sections of their programming.This allows them to be more flexible, as it allows them to cultivate different, more specific audiences for each show. One more way that an ident can be used - that isn’t conventional to all of them - is as a form of marketing.This generally takes place on channels which don’t have advertisements, and therefore need to be creative in how they generate interest for their programmes (Such as the BBC) – however it can also appear on channels with advertisements too, which allows them to fit as much marketing in as possible.This has to be done in a fairly subtle manner, so that the main purposes of the ident (to inform of the next program and to create identity/branding) are not overshadowed. (Presentation Archive, 2015, BBC2 Dog ident) (The Ident Gallery, 2016, Cars ident)
  • 4. BBC ident 1 – 2009 Capes ident The first BBC ident that I will look at is the BBC One 2009 capes ident (The Ident Gallery,2009). As an overview of the channel, on BBC One you'll find news and current affairs, drama, comedy and entertainment programmes (BBC, 2018). The first thing that you notice about this ident is the various shot types that are included, such as the close up seen in screencap 1, or the aerial establishing shot seen in screencap 2. At face-value, this variety of shot types makes this ident visually interesting.This in turn stops the audience from having a reason to change channels, and therefore retains viewership – which as discussed previously is positive for a channel’s success. Looking more in-depth at the shot types, the variety of them could be used to represent the variety of content that the channel provides, such as the news, drama, comedy (Bintro, 2015), etc that the channel provides. It tells viewers that this channel has a lot to offer. It allows you to infer the viewpoints that this channel will provide in its content. For example, the close-up of the child (screencap 1) suggests that the content will have a personal, human touch to it which viewers can relate to, whilst the aerial establishing shot suggests that the content will also show the bigger picture and give you the whole story. It is important that the ident shows this, as the channel is one where you can find news and political affairs in which people want to be fully informed.This is one way that the ident reinforces the identity of the channel, which as discussed earlier allows people to get an essence of the channel and decide whether to stick around or not. In this ident, colour is used to fulfil multiple purposes.The majority of this ident focuses on lots of people, with many different bright coloured capes, cycling around on bikes.Visually, this creates an interesting experience for the viewer, which will – once again – retain their viewership.The way that muted, grey colours have been used for the backgrounds, whilst the colourful capes are in the centre of the shots (as seen on screencap 2) once again represents the range that the channel has.The muted colours represent the more serious content, such as the news, whilst the colour represents the comedy and entertainment programmes. Furthermore, the actual colours used connote the kinds of emotions and tones that the programmes on BBC One will provide. For example, the red suggests that you may experience anger or dangerous situations: the blue could suggest feelings of sadness/melancholy; and the green could suggest feelings of happiness and a positive tone.This, once again, all links in showing the identity of the channel and what it has to offer to the viewer – allowing them to understand what is in store for them. Screencap 1 (The Ident Gallery, 2009) Screencap 2 (The Ident Gallery, 2009)
  • 5. BBC ident 1 – 2009 Capes ident A convention that is in every single ident is the use of branding. The BBC One channel does this by inserting their logo into the centre of the screen.They have paired this with the circle theme that they have going on within almost all of their idents from this time period – as seen in screencaps 2 and 3. As discussed earlier, branding is important as it allows for it to be used on other things elsewhere in the world – giving instant recognition towards it from viewers of the channel . It also creates brand loyalty, which means that viewers will keep coming back to view programming that is related to that brand – which of course increases the audience size, and therefore success of a channel. In this specific ident, the BBC have been bold; throughout the whole ident the logo is in the centre of the screen which is where most attention will be focused on. It therefore really reinforces the branding to viewers, but almost suggests that this channel has confidence in itself too. It has the effect on the viewers that this channel is important, and that they should stick around for what is coming up next.The circle theme (as seen in screencaps 2 and 3) works with this , as it surrounds the logo- further drawing attention to it. A circle is like the shape of a camera lens, so by using all of these interesting ways to create a circle it suggests that the content will have captured interesting perspectives. The use of weather in the ident acts as a pathetic fallacy. It starts off raining and towards the end, as everything focuses on the BBC One logo, it turns sunny – this sends the message that in watching this channel your mood will improve and it will be a positive experience. It also suggests that the reporters will not shy away from a situation, no matter the weather, and therefore the news will provide everything that viewers need to know – once again reinforcing channel identity. The length of this ident varies, as there are different versions.The version which I have referenced here lasts 16 seconds, however there are others of slightly different lengths – for example one is 9 seconds long. As a whole, all versions of this ident are still fairly short.When it comes to scheduling, this means that this ident is likely to be used more commonly when they are trying to get back time if they are running behind. It is a short, snappy and gets to the point which makes it effective in situations like this.The 9 second version is even more effective at this, and is likely to be used when the schedule is severely behind. Screencap 3 (The Ident Gallery, 2009) Screencap 4 (The Ident Gallery, 2009)
  • 6. BBC ident 1 – 2009 Capes ident In this ident, both diegetic and non-diegetic sound are used.The only diegetic sound used is sound effects, for example you can hear rain and the ding of a bicycle bell as they appear on screen. Diegetic sound is used very subtly , not overpowering the non-diegetic sound. If it were not present then there would be a disconnect between the viewer and the visuals that the viewer is seeing. By adding them it stops it from being a weird jarring experience which may make the viewers uncomfortable and want to change channels. In terms of non-diegetic sound, music is used.This music is the conventional BBC One music. It is used throughout almost all of the idents, and is synonymous with the channel much like the logo is. By using it in the ident it evokes a sense of familiarity and comfort to the viewer which, once again, will make them less likely to switch channels and in turn retain viewership. Other non-diegetic sound is a voice-over.The voice-over is conventional to all idents; they fulfil the purpose of the ident which it to inform the viewer of programming information. It allows the correct tone to be set up for the upcoming programme and helps to prevent any confusion that the viewers may have. One strength of this ident is the fact that use of colour makes it easy to discern what is happening.The bland background and colourful capes contrast heavily meaning that viewers can see every single aspect of the ident in motion.This is very important as the ident only lasts a short amount of time – 16 seconds – and thus it is crucial that every second gets the intended message across. Another strength of this ident is that the identity of the channel and branding is clear throughout; the colours and shot types all make it very clear that this channel hosts a large variety of types of programming, allowing anybody to identify whether they would like to continue watching the channel or not.The heavy use of the BBC one logo then reinforces the channel branding to anybody that does stick around to watch A weakness of this ident is the fact that it doesn’t contain any marketing.Whilst it is the BBC who are known to not show adverts, they could have sneakily put something in this ident that generated interest for one of their shows at the time. By not doing so it is a wasted opportunity and the channel would have missed out on some potential viewers. One more weakness of this ident is that all of the versions of it, even the longer ones, are still very short.This means that, if scheduling was ahead, it doesn’t have the flexibility of being used to fill up time – therefore meaning the channel will have to find a different one.
  • 7. BBC Ident 2 – 2015 Predator ident The second BBC ident that I will look at is BBCTwo 2015 Predator ident. (The Ident Gallery, 2015). As an overview of the channel, factual programmes are at the heart of BBC Two, including arts, history, science and human interest documentaries (BBC, 2018). This whole ident is one whole mid shot (as seen in screencap 5), with backwards camera movement.The fact that it is all just one shot tells the viewers that the content on this channel will focus on topics in great detail.The camera movement adds to this, as it gives the effect of you actually being there in the jungle. This instantly reinforces the identity of this channel, which is of one that provides informative programmes. As explained multiple times prior, a clear channel identity allows viewers to quickly pick out the content that they want to watch, even from a very small of an ident.The camera movement also helps to make the ident visually interesting, as just the one shot by itself would get uninspiring very quickly.This in turn helps to keep viewer retention, which as discussed earlier is important for a channels success. The main colour used in this ident is green (as seen in screencaps 5 and 6), however there are other colours such as blue, yellow, white and red.These colours are all very deep and rich and give off a very exotic vibe. It has been used to transport the average viewer to a world unlike their own.The colour green has very strong connotations with nature and plant life – and that is what it is used for in this ident. By doing this the ident is really showing off the fact that this channels identity is anchored in its factual programmes and documentaries, quite a lot of which probably take place in nature. It means that whenever a viewer not familiar with the channel sees this ident, within a few seconds they will easily have a grasp on what this channel is about – meaning that if anybody who is interested in this content is watching then they are likely to stay.This is taken even further with the way that the branding is incorporated.The number 2 is displayed as a butterfly-like-creature which then gets eaten by aVenus fly trap in the shape of a number .This is very effective as it means that the identity of the channel is pushed even further, whilst also meaning that all attention is focused on the branding – the number 2. The branding is also included in the conventional form of a logo, which is near the bottom right corner, out of the way. Both of these pieces of branding allow for brand loyalty, which has already been discussed previously. Screencap 5 (The Ident Gallery, 2015) Screencap 6(The Ident Gallery, 2015)
  • 8. BBC Ident 2 – 2015 Predator ident Sometimes the purpose of a specific ident can be to make scheduling work, as discussed previously.This ident lasts 22 seconds. For an ident this is a fairly average amount of time, and so it is likely that this on would only be used when everything is running on time. The diegetic sound in this ident is crucial to it having the correct tone and feeling. Diegetic sounds in this ident are all ambient sounds of jungle creatures and plants blowing in the wind.This is very important as without it the viewers would realise they are just looking at aTV screen. With it, the viewers feel immersed and like they are actually there, creating excitement and engagement. Some non-diegetic sound is some very faint music. It blends in with the ambient noise and so it is hard to tell it is there.This is very effective in creating an immersive experience, as the lack of music makes you feel like you are ages away from civilization, which once again reinforces the idea of identity in the channel. Conventionally, there is a voice-over.This is much like the voiceover in the previous ident analysed. It is informative, letting the viewer know what is coming up next.This is important in allowing the ident to fulfil part of its purpose which is to give the viewers clarity as to the programming being shown. One strength of this ident is the use of its shot types, colours and visual scenery to really show off the identity of the channel. Almost any viewer will be able to grasp the sort of content that you will find on BBC 2 after watching that ident. Another strength of this ident is the use of colour to create a visually engaging experience which will help to retain viewership numbers, meaning that the channel is more successful. A weakness of this ident is the fact that not marketing is included.This is a missed opportunity which could have been used to generate interest for any of their up-coming shows, and in-turn boost the numbers of viewers on the channel. This is understandable though as the BBC are know not to commonly market, and do not advertise at all. Screencap 5 (The Ident Gallery, 2015) Screencap 6 (The Ident Gallery, 2015)
  • 9. BBC Ident 3 – 2016 Ident 1 The third BBC ident that I will look at is BBCThree (The Ident Gallery, 2016). To give context to the channel, BBCThree is their youngest channel and it “is never afraid to try new things, broadcasting comedy, entertainment, and docs.” (BBC, 2018). This ident is very fast paced and in your face. It immediately starts off with some branding by using the logo, as seen in screencap 7. The effect that this has is by surprising the viewer it makes them more likely to remember it, this paired with the fact that the logo uses a very simple colour scheme and design - which means that it is easy to digest – makes sure that it sticks in your head, creating brand awareness, which is important as it means people start to associate the channel with that branding. The use of colours overall in this ident is very minimalistic, sticking to mostly monochrome, as seen in screencap 8.There are some points in which colour is used - mostly pink and green – which really bursts out at you due to its contrast. By using darker colours in this way, it gives the ident a rebellious, edgy feeling.This fits in perfectly with the channel’s ideology of being “never afraid to try new things” (BBC 2018). It is almost as if the youngest channel is acting like a teenager.Thus, this use of colours is very effective at showing off the identity of the channel – the importance of which has been explained many times over. Looking at it from a simpler perspective, this use of colour (or lack of) also makes it visually interesting which will help to keep viewers engaged, and as previously explained, retain their viewership. The length of this ident is 20 seconds long.Whilst this is fairly short, it is not the shortest to exist. It means that this ident will likely be used at points in time where the scheduling is ever so slightly behind what it is supposed to be, and needs to catch up some time. This makes the ident useful in specific situations, however it means it is less likely to be used in most other situations, for example when scheduling is running on time, or even ahead. The music used in this ident is quite calm.This perhaps wouldn’t be expected due to the fast-paced nature at which the visual content passes on the screen, however it provides a nice balance. It allows you to concentrate on what you are seeing, as well as the voice-over, where-as if it was too fast then it wouldn’t match up to the pace of talking in the voice-over, meaning it isn’t coherent and hard to understand. Which is the complete opposite of what you want in in ident – in which you have a very short amount of time to tell quite a large message.The talking in the voice over has a very exaggerated and chatty style.This makes the channel feel more friendly and welcoming, rather than being serious and perhaps intimidating.This could potentially draw more viewers in, who prefer the more chilled out style. Once again, it helps create this youthful-teenager-channel identity. Screencap 7 (The Ident Gallery, 2016) Screencap 8 (The Ident Gallery, 2016)
  • 10. BBC Ident 3 – 2016 Ident 1 Throughout the ident lots of items are shown, as seen in screencaps 9 and 10. In screencap 9 these items seem to be those used in exploration and science, such as a thermometer, a periscope and a height map.Things such as this hints at the content that you can expect to see. It suggests that you will discover things on this channel and that it will show you the most extreme places, whether that is extreme heat, cold, at the bottom of the ocean or the top of a mountain. This links into the fact that some of the programming on this channel is documentaries. Similarly the items in screencap 10 are a scalpel, scissors and a needle. What this suggests is that you will learn a great deal about the human body, and that the channel may tackle more sensitive topics, such as drug use in detail.This fits in with the channels identity, which is never being afraid to try new things and include documentaries as one of their forms of content. (BBC, 2018). As explained many times before, by showing this identity it lets viewers know what content to expect from just a glance. A strength of this ident is the large variety of visual content that it offers up in a short space of time.Visual content get across a message much faster than that of textual or audio, and thus it means that this ident tells the audience a great deal about the channel in just 20 seconds. Another strength of this ident is its use of colour in a very unique way.The monochromatic look with just a few hints of colour at certain points helps to create something that stands out from the rest. Not only is it visually appealing, engaging the audience, but it is also far more successful at creating identity and branding for the channel, compared to others which resort commonly to much similar styles. A weakness of this ident is its length, and the fact that it doesn’t have any versions which are slightly longer. Because of this, it means it can only really be used in the scheduling when the channel is running behind, and not when it is on time or ahead of schedule.This means that the messages that this ident send may not be received by the audience very often at all, depending on the scheduling circumstances. Had it been a bit longer then it would have been much more flexible in terms of when it could be used. Another weakness is the fact that no subtle marketing was used to promote a show on the channel, as they can have actual advertisements on the BBC. Effective placement could have increased viewership levels for a show. Screencap 9 (The Ident Gallery, 2016) Screencap 10 (The Ident Gallery, 2016)
  • 11. Comparing BBC idents In terms of colour the capes ident for BBC One (The Ident Gallery 2009) went for a mixture. About half of the visuals were a muted-grey colour, whilst the other half were very bright colours - such as blue, yellow and red.The BBC 3 ident (The Ident Gallery, 2016) went for a monochrome colour scheme, and BBC 2 went for the opposite with its predator ident (The Ident Gallery, 2015) It is clear why each channel did what it did. For example BBC One is a channel which features news and current affairs, drama, comedy and entertainment programmes (BBC,2018). This is a very wide range of programme types, and the ident had to somehow represent each and every one of them as part of its identity. It accomplished this by using a variety of bright and dull colours, with the dull representing the more serious side, such as the news, and the colour the more relaxed side, such as comedy. Had they gone for BBCTwo’s colour scheme then it would have been too bright to represent the channel, too dark if it had the colour scheme of BBCThree’s ident. Each channel has picked a colour scheme which conveys the feelings and connotations that match their identity. It is not a one size fits all, and as such you can see why these choices were made. Throughout each ident analysed, there is a constant convention – the use of the logo.The logo is the core to the branding of the channel, it is what becomes synonymous with the content that people are watching. By including it in, it helps people to make the connection between it and the channel, and can start to build brand loyalty – which can only be a good thing.The way each logo is used is different, however. In the BBC One ident the logo is dead in the centre, big and bold. It is the focus of the shot – showing that the channel is important.This can be seen on screencap 11. Compared to this, BBCTwo takes a more subtle approach. As you can see on screencap 12 it is located in the corner.This is because the visual content happening in the centre is acting as branding too. Potentially it could have been placed there almost as if it is hiding from theVenus fly trap that the audience are watching.This could have been done to represent the fact that the content the channel largely shows is documentaries, in which the audience will be stepping back and watching from afar. Between the two you can see how the different approaches fit both channels. As for BBC Three ident (Screencap 13) it is fairly similar to the BBC One ident’s logo usage. It is central and steals the show.The actual look of the logo, however, incorporates colour unlike BBC One’s. It uses the colour pink which is a warm and welcoming colour (Bourn 2010). This is perhaps due to the channel’s more carefree attitude compared to the sleek and professional attitude BBC One are trying to cultivate Screencap 11 (The Ident Gallery, 2009) Screencap 12 (The Ident Gallery, 2015) Screencap 13 (The Ident Gallery, 2016)
  • 12. Comparing BBC idents Another thing that is conventional between all of the idents is the voice-over.The voice over in the BBC One Ident and the BBC Two ident are both fairly similar.This is because, although the types of content they show are different, their attitudes towards how they convey themselves are both similar – be professional.What this means is that the language is more formal than that of an average conversation. If it was informal then it would make the way people view the channel significantly change – people may see it as more carefree and likely to get things wrong, which isn’t what people want when watching the news or a documentary.The BBCThree ident is different in that the voice-over has a much more chatty and carefree attitude.This is actually a positive thing for this channel as it fits it’s ideology and style which is to be a bit different and to push the boundaries. If this channel had the voice-over style of BBC One and Two then it wouldn’t work as effectively, and vice versa. What is interesting is how despite the fact these channels are all from the same institution, they all have their own very unique spin on how they present themselves. It is good for television that this happens, as if every channel was a clone of the other then entertainment would be bland and the global audience much smaller. Screencap 11 (The Ident Gallery, 2009) Screencap 12 (The Ident Gallery, 2015) Screencap 13 (The Ident Gallery, 2016)
  • 13. Key points in the history of BBC idents First BBC ident: 1953 – 1960 (BBC News, 2013) First BBC Globe ident: 1964 (BBC, 2002) First BBC colour ident: 1969 (BBC, 2002) First computer generated image ident: 1985 (BBC, 2002) New style of ident, filmed videos: 1997 (BBC, 2002) New style of BBC idents, theme of rhythm: 2002 (BBC, 2002)
  • 14. How and why the BBC changed their idents Over the years the BBC has had a large selection of idents which they have used.The first ident was used in 1953. Only in black and white, it was extremely simple.The technology behind it was very basic meaning that they were limited in what they could achieve. In 1964 the BBC released their first ident that was part of a theme – a globe. As idents went through changes, one thing stayed consistent, the presence of a globe.The reason for this was that by changing up the idents it allowed the BBC to stop them from becoming stale and improving the idents once new technology and software became available. For example, in 1969 the BBC released the first colour ident for colourTVs. It then went on to use many different variations of a coloured globe. Another technological advance by 1985 meant that the idents could advance even more – the first completely computer generated ident was used. Whilst the technique and processes of making the ident significantly changed, the usage of a globe was still present. After a few more iterations, in 1997 the BBC used a filmed ident of a hot air balloon globe. What they did differently this time was that they created multiple versions so that they had a selection to choose from.This allows for the ident to be used for an even longer time, as it takes a lot longer before the audience have been saturated with it. In 2002 the BBC made a huge leap. They finally got rid of the conventional globe and swapped it out for high energy videos of people dancing which had been used for over 33 years. What this allowed for was an opportunity for the BBC to change how people viewed them and their branding, as once it is set in place it is hard to move from.The BBC have continued to use idents similar to these since.
  • 15. COMPARISONTO NON-BBC IDENT  This ident is for ITV 4. ITV 4 is “ITV4 is a haven of sport and action, providing entertainment that is a glorious escape from everyday life.”  This ident clearly follows this ideology of a “Glorious escape from life”.The Ident focuses on two average men jumping about in a forest kung foo fighting (Screencap 14 and 15). It has been done to be purposely silly, and doesn’t take itself seriously – this is clear from the fact that the ropes that the men are using to float about are clearly visible in the shot. This helps to create the identity of the channel as a place where you can just sit back and enjoy the entertainment. It tells people that the content that you will see on the channel is not heavy and doesn’t really require much investment – unlike news channels for example. This ident also encapsulates the “action” that will be shown on the channel, by using a kung foo fight as the premise.This is all further consolidated by it being one ident in a theme of many idents like this one – all being set in a place you would expect to find action but being silly.  A convention used in the ident is the use of the ITV 4 logo.This branding allows people familiar with the ITV 4 logo to immediately recognise the channel, whilst consolidating it into people’s mind who aren’t as familiar with it.This specific logo follows the theme of the ident, by being stylised to look like text you’d find on an action flick, whilst at the same time keeping its core design. What this tells people is that the channel is versatile and you can find a good mix of content.This is different to how the BBC do branding, as the BBC will always show an un-altered logo.This means that, whilst it is more easily recognisable, it may not fit the theme of the ident as well as the stylised ITV4 one does.  The two biggest purposes of this ident is to provide a voice-over which explains what programmes are coming on next. This is conventional and without this it would cause confusion to the viewers.The second purpose is to entertain the viewers and make them laugh. Whilst both institutions will pretty much share the same purposes of their idents, the BBC seem to focus on solid branding rather than trying to provide entertainment through the idents.This is clear from the way that their logos are always consistent and the content of the idents isn’t silly.The reason for this is likely due to the content that the BBC show. Since BBC One generally has more serious topics, such as the news, they will want to be viewed in a much more professional way, whereas ITV want to be seen as a channel that you can you chill out watching, hence why the idents between channels tend to prioritise their purposes differently. Screencap 14 (The Ident Gallery, 2013) Screencap 15 (The Ident Gallery, 2013)
  • 16. Marketing idents (Doctor Who 24/7, 2017) (The Ident Gallery, 2015) Here are 2 examples of marketing within an ident.The one on the left is marketing by BBC for DoctorWho, in which a Dalek can be heard talking.The second indent is from ITV. ITV has the sole rights to the rugby world cup, and so when that is on it has unique idents that remind people of it. In this one you can see rugby balls and children cleaning their rugby boots.
  • 17. Why do channels use idents as marketing tools? There are a few reasons that channels use idents as marketing tools. For some of them, such as the BBC, it is the only opportunity that they get to advertise any of their programmes. This is because the BBC does not run adverts as it is a government funded institution. This therefore means that when a big show, such as Doctor who, is coming out it is harder to gain promotion for it.Therefore the idents provide a legal opportunity to do that in a subtle way, as long as the advertisement isn’t the main focus of the ident. Another reason that idents are used as a way for marketing is the fact that they are short and very common. Because of this, it means that people see these idents repeatedly over only a few hours of watching television. This implants the knowledge of the upcoming program into their head, therefore making it more likely for them to watch it. It is perhaps even more effective than one very long advert that people only see once. Using idents as marketing is also a lot cheaper than actual marketing. This is because you do not have to pay for a full blown advertisement production, as well as the fact that you do not have to pay for the advertisement slots, which can be very expensive during prime timeTV. By using the section where idents go, you do not have to pay for it to go on air.
  • 18. BIBLIOGRAPHY • Bull, S. (2012) Design and purpose of television idents.Available online: [Accessed 17/09/2018] • Presentation Archive (2015) BBC 2 dog ident 2015 [Photograph] Available online: [Accessed 20/09/2018] • PRES BITS from (2011) BBC two ident 2007 to 2009 – seascape [Video]Available online: [Accessed 20/09/2018] • Red Bee (2016) BBC One – Hippos ident [Video] Available online: [Accessed 20/09/2018] • The Ident Gallery (2016) Cars ident [Photograph] Available online: [Accessed 20/09/2018] • The Ident Gallery (2009) BBCOne : 2009 Idents capes (Full) [Video]Available online: [Accessed 20/09/2018] • BBC (2018) Inside the BBC.Available online: [Accessed 21/09/2018] • The Ident Gallery (2015) BBCTWO : 2015 Idents predator ident. [Video]Available online: muxed [Accessed 21/09/2018] • The Ident Gallery (2016) BBCTHREE : Current idents ident 1. [Video]Available online: [Accessed 21/09/2018]  Bourn, J. (2010) Colour meaning: meaning of the colour pink.Available online: [Accessed 21/09/2017]
  • 19.  BBC News (2013) Bbc tv history: 60 years of idents [Video]Available online: [Accessed 21/09/2018]  BBC (2002) History of the BBC one idents.Available online: [Accessed 21/09/2018]  The Ident Gallery (2013) ITV4 : 2013 idents kung fu ident [Video]Available online: [Accessed 21/09/2018]  ITV (2018) Itv4 feeding your inner fan. Available online: [Accessed 21/09/2018]  DoctorWho 24/7 (2017) BBC One Ident -Announcer Gets An Upgrade! - DoctorWho:The Doctor Falls. [Video]Available online: [Accessed 21/09/2018]  The Ident Gallery (2015) 2015 rugby world cup. [Video]Available online: [Accessed 21/09/2018] BIBLIOGRAPHY