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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in
Unit 01:
Analyzing Media Products and Audiences
Name: Courtney Anne Edwards
Candidate Number: 3042
Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic School
Center Number: 64135
Set Brief - Print
Project/Brief –
Music Magazine & Promotion
LO1: Understanding different types of media companies and the product they
create. ( slides 3-26)
 Publisher and product (slide 4)
 Genre of magazine (slide 5)
 Ownership structure ( slide 6)
 Ownership Model ( slide 7)
 Brand Ideology/Ethos ( slide 8)
 Technological convergence ( slide 9-11)
 Associated Products ( slide 12)
 Market Position ( slide 13)
 Competitors ( slide 14)
 Publisher competitors ( slide 15)
 Magazine competitors (slide 16)
 Purpose and meaning ( slide 17)
 Front Cover Analysis ( slide 18)
 Double page spread ( slide 19)
 Content ( slide 20 &21)
 Genre ( slide 22)
 Production process (slide 23- 25)
 Form & Style ( slide 26)
 The BBC was first set up on the 18th of
October 1922.
 The very first person who set up the BBC
was john Reith.
 The BBC is set up in London and it
headquarters can be found at Portland
 The BBC is expected to be £8 billion per
 The BBC has own many awards such as
the best conference paper.
 The BBC is a large company that won lost
of TV companies , such as BBC one and
two. They also own ITV, channel 4 and 5.
 The “Top of the Pops” magazine was
released in February 1995 by the BBC.
 The first person who was the editor of
“Top of the Pops” was peter Lorrain.
 The “Top of the Pops” magazine was also
set up in London and it headquarters can
be found at vineyard, which is also in
 The Top of the Pops magazine is worth
£5.45 per issue.
 The top of the pops has set up awards for
other artist and vloggers .Such as the
teen awards with radio one.
 Top of the pops magazine was originally a
tv show but was cancelled in 2006.
Music magazine
Immediate media was
founded in 2011 , they have
two branches one in London
and the other in Bristol.
Immediate company has many
other magazine under it
name, such as wedding
The first magazine that the
Immediate released were
such magazine as radio time
and history magazine
Brand Ideology/Ethos
• Slogan : The BBC has several slogans such as "Britain's most watched news channel“ and "Whenever you need to
know“. This connotes that the BBC wants the readers to known since they are a multinational, they are trustworthy
and will not give fouls information to there watchers and readers.
• Connotations: By looking at the BBC in a deeper level there main priority, is getting you the information on a natural
disaster or famous celebration before any other news sources can .
• Values: Trust is the foundation of the BBC: we are independent, impartial and honest. Also Audiences are at the heart
of everything we do. We take pride in delivering quality and value for money. Also Creativity is the lifeblood of our
organisation. We respect each other and celebrate our diversity so that everyone can give their best. Finally We are
one BBC: great things happen when we work together
• History: The history of the BBC goes all the way back to the 1920’s where at first the BBC was a radio show. It was not
until the 1930’s that the BBC broadcasted it first show on TV due to the war. In the 1940’s the BBC started to broadcast
post-war programs such as the Olympic games and children programs started to be shown. The 1950’s celebrated the
coronation and radio soap opera was born in this era ,as well as that children shows such as blue peter was first air
which is still being show to this day. In the 1960’s the BBC started to explore other areas of media such as drama
productions, this was also the period of when TV changed from black and white to colors pictures. Many shows where
now broadcasted by satellite across the world during this time. They BBC was now becoming a big success over the
decades as they now in the 1970’s where introducing comedy to they world, and letting people fall in love with the
funny comedies such as Vic reeves and many others. The 80’s where the years of conflicted and the BBC was on the
case to get all the information for the BBC views. The 90’s experience tragedy as princess Diana not only got divorced
by ended up dead later on in the year, nearly nineteen million people turned over to watch the funeral of there
beloved princess on the BBC channel, also later on the magazine “top of the pops” came out for people to read. The
21st century was the year of tech and publicity for the BBC as access to the BBC became a lot more easier by having the
red button, BBC iplayer and 3D TV’s.
• Associated Products: The BBC are owners of many products ranging from the classic BBC one to micro-bite below
are just a few more products that are under the BBC :
Technological convergence
• Technological convergence means the coming together of technology such as, social media
and print media to produces and distribute a product such as a music magazine.
• The “Top of the Pops” magazine does have a description online the magazine cost £5.49 per
• To find the “Top of the Pop” mag you just type in “Top of the Pops magazine” into google
• The top of the pops magazine can be bought online print copy and it does not have any
special offers .
• The “Top of the Pops” magazine can be found on two website the first one is a sneak peak to
what can be found in the magazine and the second one is where you can buy the magazine.
Technological convergence
Media of “top of the pops”:
• Facebook
• Twitter
• LinkedIn
Media of the BBC:
• Twitter
• YouTube
• Instagram
• LinkedIn
bc news/
The reason why big companies such as the BBC and magazines such
as Top of the Pops ,have social media site to help promote and get
more publicity to make the product more popular. This will gain more
profit by the reader buying the product e.g. the magazine.
Technological convergence
BBC twitter page : The BBC
twitter page has messages
and tweets from viewers who
may have question that the
want answered straight away.
BBC YouTube page: The BBC
YouTube website has videos
of latest news and other
projects that the BBC are
currently working on .
Associated Products
Immediate Media has many
other brands beside “Top of the
Pop” magazine . These magazines
could have been brought out
before it became a radio show or
TV show .
Digital products
Immediate Media also
have people working on
magazines that are still
currently on the air .
These are all available on
line as well on any
device that you may
Some Radio shows
have there own
magazine, as well as
being on the air
Market Position
Time Inc
American media
Magazine Value
1 2 3
Key :
Dark red: Hard copies
Light red: internet copies
Music Magazines Magazine Publishers
The chart shows that the magazine Mojo is the
most popular magazine to be bought in shops.
Also the magazine publisher Hearts is the
publisher with the greatest market share.
The Bauer media was founded
in 1875. The head of Bauer
was a man named Ludolph
Bauer. The company is
suspected to worth 2.4 billion
errors . The company current
CEO is Yvonne Bauer.
The company was
founded in 1909.
first magazine which
was sold was vogue
which is popular
magazine in todays
world. The head of
Conde nast was
conde Montrose
nast. The CEO is
Robert .A.Suerberg.
Time Inc. was
founded in 1922 by
Henry luce Briton
hadden. It is a world
wide company which
is in constant
competition with
other companies.
Publisher competition
Lynne Segall: Billboard
magazine publisher.
Lynne Segall also worked
on “The Hollywood
report”, as well as
billboard magazine.
Publisher of The Shout
magazine. DC
Thomson is a family
business which was
founded in 1905. DC
Thomson publish
other magazines as
well, such as The
Publisher of classic pop
and other retro pop
magazines . Anthem
Publishing is an
independent company.
Anthem publishing have
also published other types
of magazine from food
magazines, to collection
editions of Elvis the king of
Lynne Segall
Promoted to EVP,
Group Publisher of
Hollywood Reporter
and Billboard |
Hollywood Reporter
Magazine competition
https://www.shoutm is released
weekly and is America
magazine. The founder
of this magazine was
William Donaldson
and the editor is Mike
Bruno. The billboard
magazine cost £6.91
and there are 13
magazines published
in three months in
Classic pop is
monthly. Classic
pop publisher is
publisher. This
magazine cost
£4.50 per
Shout magazine is
released every
fortnight on a
Thursday. The
publisher is DC
Thomson. Shout
magazine has the
same cost as
classic pop which
is £4.50 per issue.
Top of the Pops was originally a music TV show aired in 1964 and was cancelled
in 2006. The music magazine was first published in February 1995 to keep
young teens up to date with the latest music up until the next show of Top of
the Pops. The circulation of this magazine reached an amazing 64,824 copies in
June 2013 this has double since then. Top of the Pops has had several editors
over the years, including Peter Lorraine, Corinna Schaffer and Rosalie Snaith,
and contributing editors including Adam Tanswell. Its current editor is Peter
The purpose of this magazine is to ‘inform and educate’ (Katz) young teenage
girls on fashion trends and latest music. An example of this by having a whole
page with just images of music albums and clothing .Top of the Pops magazine
does not have a strapline but their main aim is to get more people to read their
magazine, than any other teenage girl magazine on the market.
Purpose and meaning
Main image: by the use of the front cover it
clearly illustrates, that the picture of zoella
(a.k.a Zoë sugg ) is the main focus of this issue
,of Top of the Pops magazine. Zoella is an
international global sensation as she has
recently reached 11 million subscribers, so
many people would be drawn to this magazine
to find out the latest gossip .
Strapline: The
Banner of each issue of “Top of
the Pops” magazine changes,
to make each individual special
to the reader. So by the
strapline “ Emoji lookalike”
make the reader more
interested to find out which
emoji look like there favorite
celebrate. Unfortunately Top
of the Pops does not have a
Convergence, barcode , price and month of issue.
Masthead: By making
the logo bright and
colorful, it attracts
more reader to pick up
their magazine. Also
the masthead is big
and bold so it stands
out from other
magazines .
Main headline: The type of text used for the
main headline is a puff. This makes the
headline stand out and link effectively to the
main picture, as everyone knows Zoë is a
kind and loving vlogger who is always kind
to her fans. So by putting the main headline
in a pink heart really reflect to her.
Cover line: By having
cover lines it entices the
reader to find out more,
and end up buying the
magazine making profit fo
the company. An example
of a cover line is "little mi
get random!” this could
implies that we find out
more about the group
which we may find very
Front Cover Analysis
Background colors :
“Top Of The Pops” use a
range of different colors
that are stereotypical
amide towards the
female gaze . By using
the colors hot pink,
white , yellow and aqua
green .
Artist font: “ Top of the
Pops use a verity of
different styles of font
instead of using the
same format. The
reason behind this is
simple the average age
of people who read this
magazine are 12-year-
old girls , it need to be
interesting and not
repetitive as this can be
quite boring for a 12-
year-old girl.
Double page spread
The pull quote from the
interview “I’m shaving my
head for charity “ informs the
reader that celebrates will go
to any lengths to help people
in need. By giving to charity
and inspiring us so the reader
wants to do the same.
Page number
This double page spread
uses differentiated
questions and answers.
These are used effectively
as we can see what type of
questions are being asked
for the said celebrate to
answer. It is also clear
layout for the reader to
understand and read .
From this double
spread we can see
that the stand first is
placed underneath
the main title of the
article . Giving us a
short introduction
on what topics that
will be coming up in
the interview. This
gives the reader a
taste of what is to
come in this
The main
image on this
page is of
Jessie J before
she has shaved
her hair. The
illustrates her
about doing
this as it is all
going to a
good cause.
The “Top of the Pops” magazine contains
the latest music and sneak peek of future
projects in the music industry. Not only
does this magazine contain music but also
the latest fashion and tips. Furthermore, it
contains information on your favourite You
Tubers and future projects they have
coming up, they also include readers by
running local competitions for them.
By having a contents page it make it easier
to locate and find a specific story that you
want to read. Also it makes the magazine
seem more organized as the magazine has a
plan route through it before you even start
to read it.
Content continuation Sub-heading: “We love
Boys” connotes that any
young teenager will have
crushes at this time. This
will give them helpful tips
or guide them on how to
tell their crush how they
feel or get over them. Also
it could illustrate people
favourite male celebs and
what there favourite guy is
up to or what he likes.
“Celebs & gossip”
implies that there
will be exclusive
interviews with their
favourite celebs .
Sub-heading: “Wins &
offers” illustrates that there
is a chances to win amazing
prizes ,or even a fantastic
chance to meet one of there
favorite celebs . This brings
the barriers of reader and
magazine closer together, by
giving the readers amazing
chances to meet there idols.
Sub-heading: “all
about you” implies
that there could be
a section where
fans of the
magazine, will have
their photo put in
the magazine. This
could be if they
have won
something, or
written something
and sent it in .
Sub-heading: “We love
shopping” connotes
that every young
teenage girl loves to go
shopping. This could
imply that there is a
whole section in the
magazine that has the
latest trends and what is
hot in fashion at the
The main heading “ inside the mag”
connotes that there is more to possible read
when taking a look inside the magazine.
“The Top of the Pops” magazine genre is Pop.
Inside the magazine there is a mixture of music, fashion and celebrities.
The magazine depicts different types of celebrities from daily vlogger Zoella,
to music artists such as Meghan Trainor.
The chart highlights
that the current
popular music genre is
heavy metal and pop is
Production process
The production process of “Top of the Pops magazine” is split into different categories. For example one team
works on the music articles, and another works on fashion tips.
You have different people who work on this one magazine, making sure it is to perfection before being sold to
the general public.
The categories of these jobs
• Editor : Peter Hart
• Publisher : Pauline Cooke
• Group ad manager: Duncan Carr
• Sale executive: Anna Thompson
And many more are involved to make sure “Top of the Pops” magazine is the one that grabs your attention, and
full of gossip that you want to read .
Still awaiting a reply!
Production process continued
• Date of publication : This mean the date in which the company wish to release the final product to the
general public.
• Managing the schedule: This is a VERY important process that you should not miss out when it comes to
the production of a magazine. Your schedule should be made in such a way that there are no certain
mishaps or even mistakes , you must always meet the given deadline which is why this process is so
• Editorial and budgetary decisions : The editorial decisions involve the magazine’s editorial team deciding
and discussing what topics will be covered in the next issue of the chosen magazine. After deciding which
types of article ideas or topics, news stories, illustrations and photographs will be used in the magazine,
the team now makes the budgetary decisions. They then look at the money that is available to them and
how it will be spent towards the production of the magazine.
• Content acquisition: This is arguably the most important step without content we simply can’t have the
magazine in the first place. There are two ways that content can be found for a magazine. The first is
through in-house staff writers and the second way is through external writers. This is when artwork and
graphics are worked on, as the artwork is depicted as illustrations and pictures that are going to be placed
in the magazine. a lot of research is made by reporters into the topics and events which are being covered.
,also meetings are made with interviewees.
Production process continuation
• Sub-editing: Is the focuses on one major thing, which is quality control there are a virility of thing that
need to be checked such as ………
• The accuracy of all facts in the articles
• Making sure there are no incorrect words
• Grammar and punctuation is used correctly
• All articles follow the house-style
• Working on the page layout
• Page layout :There is a special team responsible for page layouts called the layout staff. Their job is to
typeset and layout the various pages that come together to make the magazine.
• Proofreading: The editorial department will print out a hardcopy of the magazine for the sole purpose of
reading through to find and correct any mistakes in it. It is easier to proofread a hardcopy than it is to
proofread a softcopy as it is quicker to spot mistakes .
• File emailed to printer: After proofreading , the hardcopy of the entire magazine is sent to the printer to
print the magazine. Pre-press is the process of checking all the fonts and images that is needed for the
magazine . Each copy the printer prints is the final finished product of the magazine that readers are going
to have.
• Distribution : The printing company, having finished with the printing of the magazines will package them
neatly and send them to a warehouse. From the warehouse, the magazines are then distributed to shops
around the world so then they can be sold to the public.
Form and style
Top of the Pops magazine has a consistent house style, by having pastel colors such
as pink, yellow and white . The logo has remained the same with a few
modifications to the colour so it will match the rest of the house style. The
magazine consistently displays page numbers on the front cover , so the reader can
find all the gossip before even opening the magazine . The magazine uses a variety
of different fonts to make the magazine stand out in the shop display and is more
inviting to read as it appeals to the younger audiences.
LO2: Understanding the relationship between the media products and there
target audiences. ( slides 28-50)
• Demographics ( slide 29)
• Psychographics ( slide 30)
• Target Audience ( slide 31)
• Uses and gratification theory( Blumler and Katz 1974) ( slide 32)
• Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs ( slide 33)
• Primary research (slide 34-47)
• Secondary research ( slide 48-49)
• Customer review on magazine ( slide 50)
• Top of the pop’s website (slide 52)
• Analysing website (slide 53)
Demographic is different groups of people within the social hierarchy.
Top of the Pops magazine has a social audiences of
students ,as the average age of people who read this
magazine is 12 years old girls .
The average age
for Top of the
Pops magazine.
For my magazine I have considered having a similar
audience but between the ages of 15 to 18. The reason for
this is that it will be affordable for students to buy ,also it
will also hold appropriate content for that age group. It will
also be easier for me to write up ,as I can associate with
what other girls would like in their magazine.
Psychographic is the study of personality, opinion, values,
attitude, interests and lifestyles.
Top of the Pops would be
classed in
“Mainstreamers”as it has
a senses of security and
the value of family brands.
There magazine would
need security as most of
their readers are aged 12
year old girls .
For my magazine it would be classed as
”Aspirers” as my magazine will have
fashion tips as well as music . Also my
magazine is targeted at the younger
generation mainly females .
Target audience
Hartley’s theory:
Age: This magazine is stereotypically targeted at 12-15 year olds but the average age which read
this magazine is age 12.The reason why this could appeal to that target range, is that the colours
which are used will be pastel colours, which is more appealing to the younger audience.
Gender: More young females would read this magazine ,as the magazines main focuses is female
you tubers and fashion, along with your stereotypical music artists such as little mix.
Class: People who would mainly read this magazine would be middle class people, as it is more
appealing to the audiences as they like to hear gossip about their favourite celebrities.
Katz’s theory: Top of the Pops magazine is the type to inform and educate as the audiences is
learning, new information about there favourite celebrity. Also the magazine follows the theory
of diversion as it is away for young people, to escape from there worries and reality so they
dream of having a better life just like there favourite celebs.
Maslow’s theory: Top of the Pops magazine would be found under survivors as the magazine is
safe for young readers to read, and are not exposed to any difficult or wrong use of language.
This is also child friendly as it use friendly colours that will grab the young audiences attention.
Uses and gratification theory( Blumler and Katz 1974)
Blumler & Katz’s uses and gratification theory proposes that
media consumer contributes and have a role in media.
These are the four topics which is used:
• Diversion : This is away for the reader to escape from
everyday problems by bring up distractions. An example of
this is concert dates or albums that are to be realised.
• Personal relationships: Use the media for emotional and
other interaction.
• Personality identify: Reflecting yourself in text , learning
behaviours and values from articles
• Surveillance: Mainly articles or information that could be
useful for everyday living.
Jay Blumler
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is simply the social thing
we need before or after buying a magazine. Maslow
broke up these need’s in five categories they
• Physiological
• Safety
• Social
• Esteem
• Self actualisation
Primary research
Advantages Disadvantages
It’s easy to create and complete a
Larger surveys can be difficult to analyse.
Have the freedom to choose how to carry
out our research e.g. : paper, phone
survey and online survey.
Cost will rise in team of money and time
carrying out the survey.
It free and quick to carry out . Questions could become irrelevant by the
time you complete your research.
People can remain anonymise . You may get information you don’t want.
Primary research is when someone gathers information from a
focus group to appeal about a particular target audiences about
the product of services.
Evidences of group doing questionnaires on the general
Primary research
Survey monkey
Hand written questionnaire
For my primary research I used two types
of survey or questionnaires . The first way I
used was survey monkey as I was able to
send it to a wider range of people, which
was less time consuming. The second way I
used was hand written questionnaire ,this
way you can get the information you want
by asking people questions and getting
honest opinions.
Primary research continuation
(Question one)
From my research the average of
age of people who took my
questionnaire was 12-15 year
old. So I will make adjustments
so it is appropriate for people
under the age of 18. The reason
why I’m adjusting it is because
the majority of reader where
aged between 12-15.
Primary research continuation
(Question two)
From my survey I found
out that the most
popular genre was pop.
So this fit in perfectly
with my chosen choice
of magazine, as I would
not need to change a
lot of my research in
order to meet the
needs of the people
liking a different genre
of music.
Primary research continuation
(Question three)
The average price people
wanted my magazine to be
was between £2-£3 . I think it
is a suitable price to have but
it depends on the amount of
pages that will be needed to
be printed. If it was to be
made in the industry , every
magazine needs to make a
Primary research continuation
(Question four)
To this day everyone still
prefers to have a hardcopy
of a magazine over a
digitally copy. Which follow
the type of style I wanted
my magazine to be anyway
,I find that by having a
hardcopy feels just right in
some way, as many other
have come to agree with
Primary research continuation
(Question five)
From the chart I have
learned that many people
would like the magazine to
be released monthly. This
is completely different to
my criteria as I wanted to
release it every fortnight . I
will consider this but I still
think that I want to release
it every fortnight.
Primary research continuation
(Question six)
Many people have
said that they want
interviews to play
apart as well as
events. I will be
having these features
in my magazine but
also photos and some
other things as well.
These are essential to
have in a magazine
because if you only
have a fancy cover
and not any good
information to go
inside the magazine
they won’t buy your
magazine again.
Primary research continuation
(Question seven)
Many people said that
it is a much better way
to advertise a new
magazine through
social media. I also
agree that it is a good
way but I must also
consider that many
people may not have
any social media
accounts. So I must
consider at placing
advents as well.
Primary research continuation
(Question eight)
The most popular way to
get anyone to buy a
magazine is by adding a
free gift. Many people
from my results said they
would buy a magazine if
it had a free gift with it. I
personally always buy a
magazine if the free gifts
are of good quality, it the
second thing I look at
before actually buying
the magazine . The first
thing I always look at is
the headlines or sub-
headings in on the cover.
Primary research continuation
(Question nine)
When it comes to
deciding with free gift
would be suitable and
affordable ,there are
many thing that need
to be though about.
Form my result many
people said they would
like make-up as the
free gift , with the book
sample and item of
clothing coming a close
second. I will consider
all of this before
making my final
Primary research continuation
(Question ten)
Finally I have learned that the
majority of people are not
subscribers to other
magazine. This can help me
get an advantage to try and
make my magazine the best
that it can be to gain
subscribers. Many magazine
now do have website for you
to subscribe to but many
people don’t subscribe to
them, as they are only
interested in buying the
Primary research continuation
( Written Questionnaires)
With these hand written
questionnaires we went to
leatherhead town to gather our
information. This produces the
similar results to what can be found
on the survey money . Which makes
it easier to narrow down what
specific information or details our
needed in my magazine, as there is
not too much contradictions on
what would look good or be best for
the magazine.
Secondary research
Advantages Disadvantages
Quick and relatively easy to obtain. Much of the information published is
Can give a good insight into positions of
competitors without spending a lot of
Competitors have access to the
Collecting secondary data leaves more
time for making depth data analysis.
It is not specifically designed for the
required purpose, therefore it is a general
Secondary data can be used for creating
or generating new ideas by providing a
base for some core issues.
You cannot usually trace back to original
source to check accuracy or ask follow up
Secondary research is information that people have
already given to a third party.
Secondary research continuation
Shout magazine review:
Top of the pops :
Billboard magazine review:
Each of theses website are
helpful to other customers
as they have pleased a
review on the said
magazine . It helps give
them better judgement on
whether or not to by the
Customer review on magazine
Top of the Pops website
Link to website:
Brief descriptions : World-wide magazine which is accessible anyway online
and local shops. This website give you information about the magazine that
is to be realised. This magazines is more for the female population as it not
only has music but also fashion tips as well.
Analysing website
Other brand that follow the
same company
Main critters and number of
reader there are .
Other ways to access the
magazine and website
The average age that
reads this magazine.
LO3: Understanding how media products are distributed and
promoted.(slides 55 -62)
• Product advertising & marketing ( slide 55)
• Above the line (slide 56)
• Below the line (slide 57)
• Guerrilla marketing ( slide 58)
• Viral marketing ( slide 59)
• Magazine advertising ( slide 60)
• Relationship between the magazine and the audiences ( slide 61)
• Distribution ( slide 62)
Product advertising & marketing
• Product advertising is the art of building and maintaining product
awareness with potential buyers. A good advertising program educates
potential customers on why they need the product, how it is used and the
benefits derived from its use.
• Product marketing is the process of promoting and selling a product to
the target audience. Product marketing, as opposed to product
management, deals with more outbound marketing or customer-facing
Above the line
Above the line is when it appeal to a generalised audiences.
• Posters
• TV adverts
• Newspaper adverts
• Social media e.g : twitter , Facebook
• Radio
Q magazine use: masthead is included as an album front cover
Below the line
Below the line means it is targeting a more smaller specific
audiences instead of a mass audiences.
• Sending e-mails
• Leaflets
• Product demos
Guerrilla marketing
Guerrilla marketing is an advertisement strategy concept
designed for businesses, to promote their products in an
unconventional way with little money to spend.
Viral marketing
Viral marketing is a marketing technique whereby information
about a company's goods, or services is passed electronically
from one Internet user to another.
An example of this are :…….
Over 1 million view
Magazine advertising
Here are some examples of magazine advertisement:
Most magazines are advertised through news stands and shops not through billboard
Latest fashion trends
that everyone wants
to wear.
Latest magazines
that are the most
popular and have
the hottest fashion
Relationship between the
magazine and the audiences
Top of the pops magazine has a cross media convergence through social
media. The social media outlet lets the audience prosumer so the audiences,
contact directly to top of the pops. Furthermore social media helps Top of
the pops magazine to advertise there products and other merchandise they
may have . Some of the social media outlet is included such as YouTube
subscribers,twiter,facebook and Instagram followers.
Facebook 1324
Twitter 1564
YouTube 2345
Instagram 432
Social media subscription from September 2016
You get 24
which should
be £72.00
however I am
going to give
them a
service for a
year for £60.00
Distribution means the way in something can be shared world-wide and or to
just a number of recipients.
With Top of the pops magazine many people can subscribe to the magazine,
on their website. This where the customer can have the choice to subscribe to
the paper base or digital form, but both forms would have the same
percentage saved. When the customer is subscribed to the magazine they
have to fill out a billing address, where they can chose if they want the
magazine to be delivered to the current address or create a different address.
Most music magazines don’t advertise themselves above the line, as they
would normally self promote themselves on the self of shop. This is important
because they wouldn't promote themselves because of the artist/band on
front or because it is a well known brand of music magazine. Shops like
WHSmith or Sainsbury will sell top of the pops magazine.
LO4: Understand ethical, legal, and regulatory issues associated with media
products.( slide 63-98)
• Top of the pops impacts and effects on the audiences.(slide 65)
• Teen Tribes (slide 66-76)
• Top of the pops magazine tribe? ( slide 77)
• Stereotypes ( slide 78)
• Laura Mulvey’s theory ( slide 79)
• Diana Saco Theory ( slide 80)
• John Berger Theory ( slide 81)
• Racism & sexism ( slide 82)
• Relevant issues on Representation ( slide 83)
• Ethical & legal Issues ( slide 84&91)
• IPSO ( slide 85& 87&88)
• Role of Relevant Regulatory Bodies (slide 86)
• Top of the pops magazine complaint procedure (slide 89)
• ASA ( slide 92 & 93)
• Copyright ( slide 94)
• Royalties ( slide 95)
• Regulatory Issues ( slide 96 & 97)
• Offensive material (slide 98)
Top of the pops impact and effects on the
Top of the pops magazine is targeted at the younger generation around the age of 12 to 15.
The population of people who read Top of the pops magazines are mainly female. Reason
why Top of the pops magazine is so appealing to the young female generation, as it has the
latest gossip on their favourite music artist and other celebrities. By having the latest gossip
on there favourite celebrities it encourages more and more people to buy the magazine, as
they believe if they don’t have this magazine, they won’t be up to date with the latest
gossip and feel insecurities as they want to be cool and keep up with the rest of there
friends. The editor is still currently Peter Hart the main objective of top of the pops
magazine is to bring the readers closer to the stars, by having exclusive interview, pictures
and behind the scenes gossip. Top of the pops magazine can be seen as a hypo dermic
needle as many people believe the information that is exclusive provided in the magazine
about there favourite celebs which is on the front cover. Also Top of the Pops also has
psychographics such as ”Aspirers” the magazine will has fashion tips as well as music. This
links to my magazine as it will feature the “aspirers” and will also have the main focus on
the female population, but it will also focus around some more grown up issues that some
teenagers of today may be facing.
Teen tribes
A teen tribe mean a type of group teens mainly
16-24 year olds are typically categorized based
on there attitude or even there hobbies. Also
brands they many like this was put together and
commissioned by channel four.
Teen Tribes (Alternative)
Types of teens tribes in the alt :
• Young alts: There main interest is music
• Skaters: have many interests and thing they are passionate about.
• Hardcore: enjoy slam dancing , having straight edge ethics and tattoos adorned hands.
• Hardcore games: contributed to anything game related by going to conventions about old
games coming back into fashion e.g.: dungeons and dragons.
• Superfans: The people who write fan fiction or are Tumblr- managers who geek out when
online following their passions minute by minute
• Metallers: Are people who like head banging bands and loud music.
• Punks: like taking on the music, politics and fashion cues of the scene.
• Geeks: in todays world being a geek is cool as they want to be informed and have knowledge
to share. Shows like the big bang theory and brain cox have brought the geek to the fore.
• Cosplayers: Are people who are Japanese obsessed from gaming, anime, role play and manga
. People tend to dress up and go to conventions as their Japanese character.
Niche alts:
• Sea punks: originally stemmed from social media and nostalgia, are connected to nightlife,
have web parody, commonly have neon blue hair, hippy iconography and link with digital arts.
• Hackers: can only be found online , made famous for the dark net, mostly are hacking in their
bedrooms and are extremely intelligent in the world of technology.
• Ghetto Goths: have a mixed hardcore alt Goth style with urban street wear.
Teen Tribes (Alternative images)
Teen Tribes (Mainstream)
Types of teens tribes in the mainstream:
• Chavers: These people tend to go out a lot drinking ,dancing, drugs and getting smashed
with their mates.
• Fan girl: The fan girl tends to be obsessed with there celebrities crushes and want to find
out everything about them before anyone else.
• Chavs: They need no introduction as their image becomes increasingly co-opted as the chav
look inspires leading edge trends.
• Sport junkies: theses people are dedicated to sporting achievement and prepared to cut out
friends and habits that stand in the way.
• Blingers: They are living the local high life as it is all about towie inspired bodycon,fake tan
and VIP service.
• Townies: These are people who are at the bottom of the influence pyramid but they are
open or all people who want to play.
• Boy racers: tends to be a predominately male who is stronghold focused around motorsport
and cars.
• Makers: being creative such as photography,art,craft,music,film and blogging everyone is
curating online.
• Rahs: These people are stereotype as being well connected and well schooled, they are
living the high life at society events and wearing only heritage brands.
Teen Tribes (Mainstream images)
Teen Tribes (Leading edge)
Types of teens tribes in the leading edge:
• Activists: These people are passionate about inequality and social changes
, they make protests , campaign and tend to squat and sit-in.
• Creatives: These people are tech savvy self-starters that bring culture to
life, they do many things like produces music , promote club nights and
create festival stages.
• Uban Artists: These people are music and fashion influences are so
pervasive and influential across UK youth cutler.
• DIYers: These people are tech savvy self-starters that bring culture to life,
they do many things like produces music , promote club nights and create
festival stages.
• Scenesters: These people encapsulate everything that hipsterdom has
failed to in recent years.
Teen Tribes (Leading edge images)
Teen Tribes (Urban)
Types of teens tribes in the urban:
• Get paid crew: These people are highly aspirational and
driven by money and being their own boss.
• Stylers: These people are represented by status and style, as
it is all about partying ,looking good and staying ahead of
being cool.
• Trackies: These people are laid back enthusiasts motivated by
the need to chill, whether that’s gaming, watching films or
even listening to music.
• Wasteman: These people tend to be rebellious, loud and a bit
Teen Tribes (Urban images)
Teen Tribes (Aspirant)
Types of teens tribes in the aspirant:
• Trendies: These people are driven by beautiful things and beautiful people, they
also tend to love fashion as they are always looking for the next big trend.
• Vloggers: These people are the most recognized tribe as these people are vlogging
about their life and what they get up to day by day. These people have a huge
impact on the youth culter of today, examples of vloggers are people like zoella
(Zoë sugg) and sprinkle of glitter (Louise pentland) who have over thousands of
subscribers .
• New Casuals: These people mainly men are crazy football lads with a love for
underground club music and understated fashion, but they will move to the next
thing once it becomes predictable.
• Hypebeasts: These are people who love hip-hop and electronic, niche knowledge,
luxury sportswear and limited editions.
• Hipsters: These people are the iconic skinny jeans, glasses and obsession with
Bergheim which has made hipsters a stereotype and an insult for the original
Teen Tribes (Aspirant images)
Top of the pops magazine tribe?
Top of the Pops magazine is made up of music, gossip
and fashion. So the Top of the Pops can fall under these
categories Fan girl, Uban Artists, Makers and Trendies.
The reason why it would fall under these categories is it
meets the criteria of the people who would end up
reading this magazine.
Stereotyping means that a person is judged on the way they act or look, example of
this is the teen tribes as they are different class of people.
In the pop world of magazines there is no difference. People are drawn to artist that
they are familiar with more, than new artist they have never heard of. For example
magazines such as “Top of the pops” draws the attention of 12-15 year old , as the
magazine is fun and bubble and does not hit at anything negative in the magazine.
However magazine such as “shout” or “billboard” have the focuses of the negative
and the positive of the music industry and doesn’t sugar coat it as much as the Top of
the pops magazine. This links to my magazine as it does feature a new artist that may
through people off from buying the magazine but it also has other well know artist
that may interest the reader to by the magazine. My magazine would appeal to 15 to
18 year olds as it will hold mature content and will attract parental buyers to buy my
magazine as they will be able to connect to the magazine.
Laura Mulvey Theory ( male gaze)
• In films the camera focuses on a women's curves normally put into slow motion, the camera
is representing a males gaze and put you the viewer in the eyes of a male. Females often
slow the narrative down as they at as inspiration for men to act. Males on the other hand
push the narrative forwards and make things happen and are seen as active. Common films
that have the male gaze is James bond films
• Often a female character has no real importance herself , it is just purely how she makes the
male feel or act that is importance, females only exist in relation to the male
• The theory suggests that women are only seen as object to the male gaze as there sole value
is to be enjoyed or possessed by the voyeur.
• Mulvey states that there are two functions to the female character. They are as an erotic
object for the characters within the narrative to view, reason two as an erotic object for the
spectators within the cinema to view.
• The worry about this is a passive audience will be influenced by this representation of reality
and copy it and it will actually become reality if it hasn’t all ready.
Diana Saco Theory 1994 ( female
The Female Gaze is a Feminist film theoretical
term representing the gaze of the female viewer.
It is a response to Laura Mulvey's term, "the
male gaze," which represents not only the gaze
of the male viewer but also the gaze of the male
character and the male creator of the film.
John Berger Theory 1972
John Berger theory highlights the manner in which men and women are culturally
“ways of seeing men act, women appear”. Men look at women and women watch
themselves being looked at. Berger looked at art and how historic painting have
adapted to modern day imagery . The idea spectator is always assumed to be male
and the image of the women is designed to flatter him.
Berger agrees with Laura Mulvey’s theory that women are treated as objects by the
way men look at them with desire and seek pleasure from.
Racism and sexism
Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed
against someone of a different race based on the belief that
one's own race is superior.
Sexism: prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically
against women on the basis of sex.
With Top of the Pops magazine they use the form of sexism on
their front covers and on there DPS . The know that more people
would pick up a magazine with a male on the front cover as the
magazine is marketed towards the female population. They also
use the form of racism as it is very rare to find a Top of the Pops
magazine featuring a singer or band of the opposite colour.
Relevant issues on Representation
In certain types of magazine they applies to either the male gaze
(Laura Mulvey ) or the female gaze (Diana Saco) which is another
form of stereotyping. For example such magazine like “MALE”
and “men fitness” tend to have image of women in skimpy
outfits that would not applies to the female gaze, it also sets
higher standers as men would search for women how look like
the women on their magazines. This also applies to women as
they tend to pick up magazine depending on the type of man
that is on the front cover and their double page spread. John
Berger (1972) once said that “men act, women appear” .
Ethical & legal Issues
From this I recognize that all complaints are handled by a regulator body as the
screenshot explains how all are switched to IPSO that now handle all complaints .
• What is IPSO?:
The Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) is the independent regulator for the
newspaper and magazine industry in the UK. We hold newspapers and magazines to
account for their actions, protect individual rights, uphold high standards of journalism and
help to maintain freedom of expression for the press.
• What does IPSO do?:
The IPSO make sure that all members that are involved in some form of media follow the
editors code. The IPSO main job is to investigate the complaints that have been made and
that may break the editors code as well. The IPSO can change or correct any work that may
break the editors code. The IPSO can also investigate the standards that are failing and
they can fine publishers up to £1 million they also operate a 24 hour anti-harassment
advice line. The IPSO can also provide advice for editor and journalists, they also provide
training and guidance for journalists so they can uphold the highest possible standards.
Link :
Role of Relevant Regulatory Bodies
The editor’s code is a set of rules that
newspaper and magazine industry members
have agreed to accept. It sets the standards that
newspapers and magazines can be held to
account by IPSO and is part of the contract
between IPSO and the newspapers and
magazines it regulates.
IPSO Continuation
• Accuracy:
The press have to follow the following things they must take care
when not to publish inaccurate or misleading information that is not
supported by the text. If there is misleading text they must be
corrected followed by an apology when re-published. Fair
opportunity to reply to significant inaccuracies should be given when
reasonably called for. The press must distinguish clearly between
comments and facts. A publication must be reported accurately with
the outcome of an action for defamation to be a party, unless an
agreed settlement states .
• Privacy:
Everyone has the right to respect his/her privacy and the family life.
The editor will b expected to justify intrusion into any individual’s
private life without consent. It is also unacceptable to have
photographs of the individual without their permission in a public or
private place.
• Harassment:
Journalist must not engage in intimidation, harassment or persistent
pursuit. There must not be any persist in questions , calls, pursuing or
photographing individuals when not given permission. When they are
asked to identify themselves they must and say who they represent.
The editor must insure these principles are followed and observe
those who are working for them and take care not to use non-
compliant material form other sources.
Making a complaint to IPSO
The complaint
and claim was
not upheld in
court .
Top of the pops magazine
complaint procedure
Ethical & legal Issues
Ethical and legal issues means a problem or
situation that requires a person or organization,
to choose between alternatives that must be
evaluated as right or wrong.
Ethical & legal Issues
In the magazine top of the pops the stereotypical audiences are
girls between the ages of 12-15, these type of people are
represented by there website as they illustrate girls singing and
playing guitar as they want to be famous one day when they
grow-up. Also else where in the magazine they have a whole
page dedicated to there readers , where they show they with
there magazines or using the free gift that came with it, there
girls in the photos look no older than 12 and it has there name
,age and reason why they like the magazine so much under their
Advertising standers authority (ASA)
Complaints about your ADs
Making a complaint (ASA)
Copyright and IP
Copyright is legal right that protects the use of your work
once your idea has been physically expressed. The
current copyright legislation in the UK is the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act 1988. IP is Intellectual property
refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions;
literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names
and images used in commerce.
This links to my magazine as the company of the
magazine will have legal right to the magazine and logos
that could be used. So no one can take right with out the
companies consent.
Royalties is when a magazine has included
content which is copyrighted and if someone
else includes this information then they have to
pay the original magazine.
This relates to “Top of the Pops” as there are
many articles that use similar information in
there articles as “Top of the Pops” so the said
writer or journalists would have to pay “Top of
the Pops” as they have used similar information.
Regulatory Issues
Content that usually has copyright can be referred to as Intellectual Property (IP) and
this is protected by the law. IP can be divided into two categories; Industrial Property
and Copyright. As well as IP on printed work, you can get a digital watermark which
protects any copyrighted content from any magazine online and in any digital format.
It is important to have this because it means people will have to pay you to use your
information/ ideas. The best way to protect your IP is to acquire a patent. However,
this can take several years to get and costs over $7000 in fees.
This relates to “Top of the Pops” as they have certain areas in their magazine that
belong to them E.g. logo, slogan, etc.. This area are protected by the company as they
have copyright rights , which prevent other companies from using the logo, slogan,
etc...unless they are willing to give the company the profits they make in the sales.
Data Protection Act 1988
The Data Protection Act controls how your personal
information is used by organisations, businesses or the
government. They must make sure the information is
used fairly and lawfully. used for limited, specifically
stated purposes.
This links to my magazine as the information is used
fairly and is limited for the specific purpose the magazine
is aimed at.
Offensive material
Offensive material that could be found in a
magazine is the miss use of langue such as using
words that are too mature for audiences which
the magazine is targeted to. Another thing that
can be seen as offensive material are the types
of images which are used for example it would
seem inappropriate to have a sexual pose on the
front of a kids magazine.

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Unit 1

  • 1. OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 01: Analyzing Media Products and Audiences Evidence Name: Courtney Anne Edwards Candidate Number: 3042 Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic School Center Number: 64135 Set Brief - Print Project/Brief – Music Magazine & Promotion
  • 2.
  • 3. LO1: Understanding different types of media companies and the product they create. ( slides 3-26)  Publisher and product (slide 4)  Genre of magazine (slide 5)  Ownership structure ( slide 6)  Ownership Model ( slide 7)  Brand Ideology/Ethos ( slide 8)  Technological convergence ( slide 9-11)  Associated Products ( slide 12)  Market Position ( slide 13)  Competitors ( slide 14)  Publisher competitors ( slide 15)  Magazine competitors (slide 16)  Purpose and meaning ( slide 17)  Front Cover Analysis ( slide 18)  Double page spread ( slide 19)  Content ( slide 20 &21)  Genre ( slide 22)  Production process (slide 23- 25)  Form & Style ( slide 26)
  • 4.  The BBC was first set up on the 18th of October 1922.  The very first person who set up the BBC was john Reith.  The BBC is set up in London and it headquarters can be found at Portland place.  The BBC is expected to be £8 billion per year.  The BBC has own many awards such as the best conference paper.  The BBC is a large company that won lost of TV companies , such as BBC one and two. They also own ITV, channel 4 and 5.  The “Top of the Pops” magazine was released in February 1995 by the BBC.  The first person who was the editor of “Top of the Pops” was peter Lorrain.  The “Top of the Pops” magazine was also set up in London and it headquarters can be found at vineyard, which is also in London.  The Top of the Pops magazine is worth £5.45 per issue.  The top of the pops has set up awards for other artist and vloggers .Such as the teen awards with radio one.  Top of the pops magazine was originally a tv show but was cancelled in 2006. Publishe r Product
  • 6. Immediate media was founded in 2011 , they have two branches one in London and the other in Bristol. Immediate company has many other magazine under it name, such as wedding magazines. The first magazine that the Immediate released were such magazine as radio time and history magazine terminology.Link: m/media/2011/aug/16/bbc- completes-magazines-sell-off http://www.immedia
  • 8. Brand Ideology/Ethos • Slogan : The BBC has several slogans such as "Britain's most watched news channel“ and "Whenever you need to know“. This connotes that the BBC wants the readers to known since they are a multinational, they are trustworthy and will not give fouls information to there watchers and readers. • Connotations: By looking at the BBC in a deeper level there main priority, is getting you the information on a natural disaster or famous celebration before any other news sources can . • Values: Trust is the foundation of the BBC: we are independent, impartial and honest. Also Audiences are at the heart of everything we do. We take pride in delivering quality and value for money. Also Creativity is the lifeblood of our organisation. We respect each other and celebrate our diversity so that everyone can give their best. Finally We are one BBC: great things happen when we work together • History: The history of the BBC goes all the way back to the 1920’s where at first the BBC was a radio show. It was not until the 1930’s that the BBC broadcasted it first show on TV due to the war. In the 1940’s the BBC started to broadcast post-war programs such as the Olympic games and children programs started to be shown. The 1950’s celebrated the coronation and radio soap opera was born in this era ,as well as that children shows such as blue peter was first air which is still being show to this day. In the 1960’s the BBC started to explore other areas of media such as drama productions, this was also the period of when TV changed from black and white to colors pictures. Many shows where now broadcasted by satellite across the world during this time. They BBC was now becoming a big success over the decades as they now in the 1970’s where introducing comedy to they world, and letting people fall in love with the funny comedies such as Vic reeves and many others. The 80’s where the years of conflicted and the BBC was on the case to get all the information for the BBC views. The 90’s experience tragedy as princess Diana not only got divorced by ended up dead later on in the year, nearly nineteen million people turned over to watch the funeral of there beloved princess on the BBC channel, also later on the magazine “top of the pops” came out for people to read. The 21st century was the year of tech and publicity for the BBC as access to the BBC became a lot more easier by having the red button, BBC iplayer and 3D TV’s. • Associated Products: The BBC are owners of many products ranging from the classic BBC one to micro-bite below are just a few more products that are under the BBC :
  • 9. Technological convergence • Technological convergence means the coming together of technology such as, social media and print media to produces and distribute a product such as a music magazine. • The “Top of the Pops” magazine does have a description online the magazine cost £5.49 per issue • To find the “Top of the Pop” mag you just type in “Top of the Pops magazine” into google • The top of the pops magazine can be bought online print copy and it does not have any special offers . • The “Top of the Pops” magazine can be found on two website the first one is a sneak peak to what can be found in the magazine and the second one is where you can buy the magazine. 1 2
  • 10. Technological convergence continuation Media of “top of the pops”: • Facebook • Twitter • LinkedIn Media of the BBC: • Twitter • YouTube • Instagram • LinkedIn Https:// m/immediate-media/ Https:// Https:// ny/immediate- media-co-/ Https://mobile.twi https://www.yout C Https://ww m/company /bbcHttps:// bc news/ The reason why big companies such as the BBC and magazines such as Top of the Pops ,have social media site to help promote and get more publicity to make the product more popular. This will gain more profit by the reader buying the product e.g. the magazine.
  • 11. Technological convergence continued BBC twitter page : The BBC twitter page has messages and tweets from viewers who may have question that the want answered straight away. BBC YouTube page: The BBC YouTube website has videos of latest news and other projects that the BBC are currently working on .
  • 12. Associated Products Magazine Immediate Media has many other brands beside “Top of the Pop” magazine . These magazines could have been brought out before it became a radio show or TV show . Radio Digital products Immediate Media also have people working on magazines that are still currently on the air . These are all available on line as well on any device that you may have. Some Radio shows have there own magazine, as well as being on the air 24/7. http://www.immediate.
  • 13. Market Position Time Inc 11% Hearts 49% American media inc 40% Magazine Value 1 2 3 Key : Dark red: Hard copies Light red: internet copies 15000 Music Magazines Magazine Publishers The chart shows that the magazine Mojo is the most popular magazine to be bought in shops. Also the magazine publisher Hearts is the publisher with the greatest market share.
  • 14. Competitors http://www.condenast. http://www.timeinc .com/ ource=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_camp aign=Print%20- %20Brand&utm_term=bauer%20magazine &utm_content=Brand%20- %20Bauer%20Magazine%20Subscription The Bauer media was founded in 1875. The head of Bauer was a man named Ludolph Bauer. The company is suspected to worth 2.4 billion errors . The company current CEO is Yvonne Bauer. The company was founded in 1909. first magazine which was sold was vogue which is popular magazine in todays world. The head of Conde nast was conde Montrose nast. The CEO is Robert .A.Suerberg. Time Inc. was founded in 1922 by Henry luce Briton hadden. It is a world wide company which is in constant competition with other companies.
  • 15. Publisher competition Lynne Segall: Billboard magazine publisher. Lynne Segall also worked on “The Hollywood report”, as well as billboard magazine. Publisher of The Shout magazine. DC Thomson is a family business which was founded in 1905. DC Thomson publish other magazines as well, such as The Beano. Publisher of classic pop and other retro pop magazines . Anthem Publishing is an independent company. Anthem publishing have also published other types of magazine from food magazines, to collection editions of Elvis the king of rock. https://www.dcthom Lynne Segall Promoted to EVP, Group Publisher of Hollywood Reporter and Billboard | Hollywood Reporter
  • 16. Magazine competition m/ http://www.classic https://www.shoutm is released weekly and is America entertainment magazine. The founder of this magazine was William Donaldson and the editor is Mike Bruno. The billboard magazine cost £6.91 and there are 13 magazines published in three months in total Classic pop is released monthly. Classic pop publisher is Anthem publisher. This magazine cost £4.50 per magazine. Shout magazine is released every fortnight on a Thursday. The publisher is DC Thomson. Shout magazine has the same cost as classic pop which is £4.50 per issue.
  • 17. Top of the Pops was originally a music TV show aired in 1964 and was cancelled in 2006. The music magazine was first published in February 1995 to keep young teens up to date with the latest music up until the next show of Top of the Pops. The circulation of this magazine reached an amazing 64,824 copies in June 2013 this has double since then. Top of the Pops has had several editors over the years, including Peter Lorraine, Corinna Schaffer and Rosalie Snaith, and contributing editors including Adam Tanswell. Its current editor is Peter Hart. The purpose of this magazine is to ‘inform and educate’ (Katz) young teenage girls on fashion trends and latest music. An example of this by having a whole page with just images of music albums and clothing .Top of the Pops magazine does not have a strapline but their main aim is to get more people to read their magazine, than any other teenage girl magazine on the market. Purpose and meaning
  • 18. Main image: by the use of the front cover it clearly illustrates, that the picture of zoella (a.k.a Zoë sugg ) is the main focus of this issue ,of Top of the Pops magazine. Zoella is an international global sensation as she has recently reached 11 million subscribers, so many people would be drawn to this magazine to find out the latest gossip . Strapline: The Banner of each issue of “Top of the Pops” magazine changes, to make each individual special to the reader. So by the strapline “ Emoji lookalike” make the reader more interested to find out which emoji look like there favorite celebrate. Unfortunately Top of the Pops does not have a strapline. Convergence, barcode , price and month of issue. Masthead: By making the logo bright and colorful, it attracts more reader to pick up their magazine. Also the masthead is big and bold so it stands out from other magazines . Main headline: The type of text used for the main headline is a puff. This makes the headline stand out and link effectively to the main picture, as everyone knows Zoë is a kind and loving vlogger who is always kind to her fans. So by putting the main headline in a pink heart really reflect to her. Cover line: By having cover lines it entices the reader to find out more, and end up buying the magazine making profit fo the company. An example of a cover line is "little mi get random!” this could implies that we find out more about the group which we may find very odd. Front Cover Analysis Background colors : “Top Of The Pops” use a range of different colors that are stereotypical amide towards the female gaze . By using the colors hot pink, white , yellow and aqua green . Artist font: “ Top of the Pops use a verity of different styles of font instead of using the same format. The reason behind this is simple the average age of people who read this magazine are 12-year- old girls , it need to be interesting and not repetitive as this can be quite boring for a 12- year-old girl.
  • 19. Double page spread The pull quote from the interview “I’m shaving my head for charity “ informs the reader that celebrates will go to any lengths to help people in need. By giving to charity and inspiring us so the reader wants to do the same. Page number This double page spread uses differentiated questions and answers. These are used effectively as we can see what type of questions are being asked for the said celebrate to answer. It is also clear layout for the reader to understand and read . From this double spread we can see that the stand first is placed underneath the main title of the article . Giving us a short introduction on what topics that will be coming up in the interview. This gives the reader a taste of what is to come in this interview. The main image on this page is of Jessie J before she has shaved her hair. The image illustrates her confidence about doing this as it is all going to a good cause.
  • 20. Content The “Top of the Pops” magazine contains the latest music and sneak peek of future projects in the music industry. Not only does this magazine contain music but also the latest fashion and tips. Furthermore, it contains information on your favourite You Tubers and future projects they have coming up, they also include readers by running local competitions for them. By having a contents page it make it easier to locate and find a specific story that you want to read. Also it makes the magazine seem more organized as the magazine has a plan route through it before you even start to read it.
  • 21. Content continuation Sub-heading: “We love Boys” connotes that any young teenager will have crushes at this time. This will give them helpful tips or guide them on how to tell their crush how they feel or get over them. Also it could illustrate people favourite male celebs and what there favourite guy is up to or what he likes. Sub-heading: “Celebs & gossip” implies that there will be exclusive interviews with their favourite celebs . Sub-heading: “Wins & offers” illustrates that there is a chances to win amazing prizes ,or even a fantastic chance to meet one of there favorite celebs . This brings the barriers of reader and magazine closer together, by giving the readers amazing chances to meet there idols. Sub-heading: “all about you” implies that there could be a section where fans of the magazine, will have their photo put in the magazine. This could be if they have won something, or written something and sent it in . Sub-heading: “We love shopping” connotes that every young teenage girl loves to go shopping. This could imply that there is a whole section in the magazine that has the latest trends and what is hot in fashion at the moment. The main heading “ inside the mag” connotes that there is more to possible read when taking a look inside the magazine.
  • 22. Genre “The Top of the Pops” magazine genre is Pop. Inside the magazine there is a mixture of music, fashion and celebrities. The magazine depicts different types of celebrities from daily vlogger Zoella, to music artists such as Meghan Trainor. The chart highlights that the current popular music genre is heavy metal and pop is second.
  • 23. Production process The production process of “Top of the Pops magazine” is split into different categories. For example one team works on the music articles, and another works on fashion tips. You have different people who work on this one magazine, making sure it is to perfection before being sold to the general public. The categories of these jobs • Editor : Peter Hart • Publisher : Pauline Cooke • Group ad manager: Duncan Carr • Sale executive: Anna Thompson And many more are involved to make sure “Top of the Pops” magazine is the one that grabs your attention, and full of gossip that you want to read . Still awaiting a reply!
  • 24. Production process continued • Date of publication : This mean the date in which the company wish to release the final product to the general public. • Managing the schedule: This is a VERY important process that you should not miss out when it comes to the production of a magazine. Your schedule should be made in such a way that there are no certain mishaps or even mistakes , you must always meet the given deadline which is why this process is so successful. • Editorial and budgetary decisions : The editorial decisions involve the magazine’s editorial team deciding and discussing what topics will be covered in the next issue of the chosen magazine. After deciding which types of article ideas or topics, news stories, illustrations and photographs will be used in the magazine, the team now makes the budgetary decisions. They then look at the money that is available to them and how it will be spent towards the production of the magazine. • Content acquisition: This is arguably the most important step without content we simply can’t have the magazine in the first place. There are two ways that content can be found for a magazine. The first is through in-house staff writers and the second way is through external writers. This is when artwork and graphics are worked on, as the artwork is depicted as illustrations and pictures that are going to be placed in the magazine. a lot of research is made by reporters into the topics and events which are being covered. ,also meetings are made with interviewees.
  • 25. Production process continuation • Sub-editing: Is the focuses on one major thing, which is quality control there are a virility of thing that need to be checked such as ……… • The accuracy of all facts in the articles • Making sure there are no incorrect words • Grammar and punctuation is used correctly • All articles follow the house-style • Working on the page layout • Page layout :There is a special team responsible for page layouts called the layout staff. Their job is to typeset and layout the various pages that come together to make the magazine. • Proofreading: The editorial department will print out a hardcopy of the magazine for the sole purpose of reading through to find and correct any mistakes in it. It is easier to proofread a hardcopy than it is to proofread a softcopy as it is quicker to spot mistakes . • File emailed to printer: After proofreading , the hardcopy of the entire magazine is sent to the printer to print the magazine. Pre-press is the process of checking all the fonts and images that is needed for the magazine . Each copy the printer prints is the final finished product of the magazine that readers are going to have. • Distribution : The printing company, having finished with the printing of the magazines will package them neatly and send them to a warehouse. From the warehouse, the magazines are then distributed to shops around the world so then they can be sold to the public.
  • 26. Form and style Top of the Pops magazine has a consistent house style, by having pastel colors such as pink, yellow and white . The logo has remained the same with a few modifications to the colour so it will match the rest of the house style. The magazine consistently displays page numbers on the front cover , so the reader can find all the gossip before even opening the magazine . The magazine uses a variety of different fonts to make the magazine stand out in the shop display and is more inviting to read as it appeals to the younger audiences.
  • 27.
  • 28. Content LO2: Understanding the relationship between the media products and there target audiences. ( slides 28-50) • Demographics ( slide 29) • Psychographics ( slide 30) • Target Audience ( slide 31) • Uses and gratification theory( Blumler and Katz 1974) ( slide 32) • Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs ( slide 33) • Primary research (slide 34-47) • Secondary research ( slide 48-49) • Customer review on magazine ( slide 50) • Top of the pop’s website (slide 52) • Analysing website (slide 53)
  • 29. Demographic Demographic is different groups of people within the social hierarchy. Top of the Pops magazine has a social audiences of students ,as the average age of people who read this magazine is 12 years old girls . The average age for Top of the Pops magazine. http://www.i uk/brands/to p-of-the- pops/ For my magazine I have considered having a similar audience but between the ages of 15 to 18. The reason for this is that it will be affordable for students to buy ,also it will also hold appropriate content for that age group. It will also be easier for me to write up ,as I can associate with what other girls would like in their magazine.
  • 30. Psychographics Psychographic is the study of personality, opinion, values, attitude, interests and lifestyles. Top of the Pops would be classed in “Mainstreamers”as it has a senses of security and the value of family brands. There magazine would need security as most of their readers are aged 12 year old girls . For my magazine it would be classed as ”Aspirers” as my magazine will have fashion tips as well as music . Also my magazine is targeted at the younger generation mainly females .
  • 31. Target audience Hartley’s theory: Age: This magazine is stereotypically targeted at 12-15 year olds but the average age which read this magazine is age 12.The reason why this could appeal to that target range, is that the colours which are used will be pastel colours, which is more appealing to the younger audience. Gender: More young females would read this magazine ,as the magazines main focuses is female you tubers and fashion, along with your stereotypical music artists such as little mix. Class: People who would mainly read this magazine would be middle class people, as it is more appealing to the audiences as they like to hear gossip about their favourite celebrities. Katz’s theory: Top of the Pops magazine is the type to inform and educate as the audiences is learning, new information about there favourite celebrity. Also the magazine follows the theory of diversion as it is away for young people, to escape from there worries and reality so they dream of having a better life just like there favourite celebs. Maslow’s theory: Top of the Pops magazine would be found under survivors as the magazine is safe for young readers to read, and are not exposed to any difficult or wrong use of language. This is also child friendly as it use friendly colours that will grab the young audiences attention.
  • 32. Uses and gratification theory( Blumler and Katz 1974) Blumler & Katz’s uses and gratification theory proposes that media consumer contributes and have a role in media. These are the four topics which is used: • Diversion : This is away for the reader to escape from everyday problems by bring up distractions. An example of this is concert dates or albums that are to be realised. • Personal relationships: Use the media for emotional and other interaction. • Personality identify: Reflecting yourself in text , learning behaviours and values from articles • Surveillance: Mainly articles or information that could be useful for everyday living. Jay Blumler Katz
  • 33. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is simply the social thing we need before or after buying a magazine. Maslow broke up these need’s in five categories they are……………………………….. • Physiological • Safety • Social • Esteem • Self actualisation Maslow
  • 34. Primary research Advantages Disadvantages It’s easy to create and complete a questionnaire. Larger surveys can be difficult to analyse. Have the freedom to choose how to carry out our research e.g. : paper, phone survey and online survey. Cost will rise in team of money and time carrying out the survey. It free and quick to carry out . Questions could become irrelevant by the time you complete your research. People can remain anonymise . You may get information you don’t want. Primary research is when someone gathers information from a focus group to appeal about a particular target audiences about the product of services.
  • 35. Evidences of group doing questionnaires on the general public
  • 36. Primary research continuation Survey monkey Hand written questionnaire For my primary research I used two types of survey or questionnaires . The first way I used was survey monkey as I was able to send it to a wider range of people, which was less time consuming. The second way I used was hand written questionnaire ,this way you can get the information you want by asking people questions and getting honest opinions.
  • 37. Primary research continuation (Question one) From my research the average of age of people who took my questionnaire was 12-15 year old. So I will make adjustments so it is appropriate for people under the age of 18. The reason why I’m adjusting it is because the majority of reader where aged between 12-15.
  • 38. Primary research continuation (Question two) From my survey I found out that the most popular genre was pop. So this fit in perfectly with my chosen choice of magazine, as I would not need to change a lot of my research in order to meet the needs of the people liking a different genre of music.
  • 39. Primary research continuation (Question three) The average price people wanted my magazine to be was between £2-£3 . I think it is a suitable price to have but it depends on the amount of pages that will be needed to be printed. If it was to be made in the industry , every magazine needs to make a profit.
  • 40. Primary research continuation (Question four) To this day everyone still prefers to have a hardcopy of a magazine over a digitally copy. Which follow the type of style I wanted my magazine to be anyway ,I find that by having a hardcopy feels just right in some way, as many other have come to agree with me.
  • 41. Primary research continuation (Question five) From the chart I have learned that many people would like the magazine to be released monthly. This is completely different to my criteria as I wanted to release it every fortnight . I will consider this but I still think that I want to release it every fortnight.
  • 42. Primary research continuation (Question six) Many people have said that they want interviews to play apart as well as events. I will be having these features in my magazine but also photos and some other things as well. These are essential to have in a magazine because if you only have a fancy cover and not any good information to go inside the magazine they won’t buy your magazine again.
  • 43. Primary research continuation (Question seven) Many people said that it is a much better way to advertise a new magazine through social media. I also agree that it is a good way but I must also consider that many people may not have any social media accounts. So I must consider at placing advents as well.
  • 44. Primary research continuation (Question eight) The most popular way to get anyone to buy a magazine is by adding a free gift. Many people from my results said they would buy a magazine if it had a free gift with it. I personally always buy a magazine if the free gifts are of good quality, it the second thing I look at before actually buying the magazine . The first thing I always look at is the headlines or sub- headings in on the cover.
  • 45. Primary research continuation (Question nine) When it comes to deciding with free gift would be suitable and affordable ,there are many thing that need to be though about. Form my result many people said they would like make-up as the free gift , with the book sample and item of clothing coming a close second. I will consider all of this before making my final decision
  • 46. Primary research continuation (Question ten) Finally I have learned that the majority of people are not subscribers to other magazine. This can help me get an advantage to try and make my magazine the best that it can be to gain subscribers. Many magazine now do have website for you to subscribe to but many people don’t subscribe to them, as they are only interested in buying the magazine.
  • 47. Primary research continuation ( Written Questionnaires) With these hand written questionnaires we went to leatherhead town to gather our information. This produces the similar results to what can be found on the survey money . Which makes it easier to narrow down what specific information or details our needed in my magazine, as there is not too much contradictions on what would look good or be best for the magazine.
  • 48. Secondary research Advantages Disadvantages Quick and relatively easy to obtain. Much of the information published is historic. Can give a good insight into positions of competitors without spending a lot of money. Competitors have access to the information. Collecting secondary data leaves more time for making depth data analysis. It is not specifically designed for the required purpose, therefore it is a general response. Secondary data can be used for creating or generating new ideas by providing a base for some core issues. You cannot usually trace back to original source to check accuracy or ask follow up questions. Secondary research is information that people have already given to a third party.
  • 49. Secondary research continuation Shout magazine review: https://englishteengirl.wordpress.c om/2011/11/16/shoutreview/ Top of the pops : https://www.uniquemag Pops-Magazine- Subscription-p346143 Billboard magazine review: https://www.uniquemagazine Subscription-p349420 Each of theses website are helpful to other customers as they have pleased a review on the said magazine . It helps give them better judgement on whether or not to by the magazine.
  • 50. Customer review on magazine Pops-Magazine-Subscription-p346143
  • 51. Top of the Pops website Link to website: pops/ Brief descriptions : World-wide magazine which is accessible anyway online and local shops. This website give you information about the magazine that is to be realised. This magazines is more for the female population as it not only has music but also fashion tips as well.
  • 52. Analysing website Other brand that follow the same company Main critters and number of reader there are . Other ways to access the magazine and website The average age that reads this magazine.
  • 53.
  • 54. Content LO3: Understanding how media products are distributed and promoted.(slides 55 -62) • Product advertising & marketing ( slide 55) • Above the line (slide 56) • Below the line (slide 57) • Guerrilla marketing ( slide 58) • Viral marketing ( slide 59) • Magazine advertising ( slide 60) • Relationship between the magazine and the audiences ( slide 61) • Distribution ( slide 62)
  • 55. Product advertising & marketing • Product advertising is the art of building and maintaining product awareness with potential buyers. A good advertising program educates potential customers on why they need the product, how it is used and the benefits derived from its use. • Product marketing is the process of promoting and selling a product to the target audience. Product marketing, as opposed to product management, deals with more outbound marketing or customer-facing tasks.
  • 56. Above the line Above the line is when it appeal to a generalised audiences. Examples: • Posters • TV adverts • Newspaper adverts • Social media e.g : twitter , Facebook • Radio Q magazine use: masthead is included as an album front cover
  • 57. Below the line Below the line means it is targeting a more smaller specific audiences instead of a mass audiences. Examples: • Sending e-mails • Leaflets • Product demos
  • 58. Guerrilla marketing Guerrilla marketing is an advertisement strategy concept designed for businesses, to promote their products in an unconventional way with little money to spend. ed=0ahUKEwj6vI7Hwd_QAhUHqxoKHRCeDAAQjxwIAw&url=http%3A%2F%2F bench-guerrilla-marketing-examples%2F&psig=AFQjCNG1hnrk- rlBUU0Mcltne3VNAfdn6w&ust=1481111755457947 guerilla/
  • 59. Viral marketing Viral marketing is a marketing technique whereby information about a company's goods, or services is passed electronically from one Internet user to another. An example of this are :……. Over 1 million view watch?v=sr6lr_VRsEo ?v=V5QPXhStb5I com/watch?v=bq5SGS CZe4E
  • 60. Magazine advertising Here are some examples of magazine advertisement: Most magazines are advertised through news stands and shops not through billboard marketing. Latest fashion trends that everyone wants to wear. Latest magazines that are the most popular and have the hottest fashion
  • 61. Relationship between the magazine and the audiences Top of the pops magazine has a cross media convergence through social media. The social media outlet lets the audience prosumer so the audiences, contact directly to top of the pops. Furthermore social media helps Top of the pops magazine to advertise there products and other merchandise they may have . Some of the social media outlet is included such as YouTube subscribers,twiter,facebook and Instagram followers. Facebook 1324 Twitter 1564 YouTube 2345 Instagram 432 Social media subscription from September 2016 You get 24 magazines which should be £72.00 however I am going to give them a subscription service for a year for £60.00
  • 62. Distribution Distribution means the way in something can be shared world-wide and or to just a number of recipients. With Top of the pops magazine many people can subscribe to the magazine, on their website. This where the customer can have the choice to subscribe to the paper base or digital form, but both forms would have the same percentage saved. When the customer is subscribed to the magazine they have to fill out a billing address, where they can chose if they want the magazine to be delivered to the current address or create a different address. Most music magazines don’t advertise themselves above the line, as they would normally self promote themselves on the self of shop. This is important because they wouldn't promote themselves because of the artist/band on front or because it is a well known brand of music magazine. Shops like WHSmith or Sainsbury will sell top of the pops magazine.
  • 63.
  • 64. Content LO4: Understand ethical, legal, and regulatory issues associated with media products.( slide 63-98) • Top of the pops impacts and effects on the audiences.(slide 65) • Teen Tribes (slide 66-76) • Top of the pops magazine tribe? ( slide 77) • Stereotypes ( slide 78) • Laura Mulvey’s theory ( slide 79) • Diana Saco Theory ( slide 80) • John Berger Theory ( slide 81) • Racism & sexism ( slide 82) • Relevant issues on Representation ( slide 83) • Ethical & legal Issues ( slide 84&91) • IPSO ( slide 85& 87&88) • Role of Relevant Regulatory Bodies (slide 86) • Top of the pops magazine complaint procedure (slide 89) • ASA ( slide 92 & 93) • Copyright ( slide 94) • Royalties ( slide 95) • Regulatory Issues ( slide 96 & 97) • Offensive material (slide 98)
  • 65. Top of the pops impact and effects on the audience Top of the pops magazine is targeted at the younger generation around the age of 12 to 15. The population of people who read Top of the pops magazines are mainly female. Reason why Top of the pops magazine is so appealing to the young female generation, as it has the latest gossip on their favourite music artist and other celebrities. By having the latest gossip on there favourite celebrities it encourages more and more people to buy the magazine, as they believe if they don’t have this magazine, they won’t be up to date with the latest gossip and feel insecurities as they want to be cool and keep up with the rest of there friends. The editor is still currently Peter Hart the main objective of top of the pops magazine is to bring the readers closer to the stars, by having exclusive interview, pictures and behind the scenes gossip. Top of the pops magazine can be seen as a hypo dermic needle as many people believe the information that is exclusive provided in the magazine about there favourite celebs which is on the front cover. Also Top of the Pops also has psychographics such as ”Aspirers” the magazine will has fashion tips as well as music. This links to my magazine as it will feature the “aspirers” and will also have the main focus on the female population, but it will also focus around some more grown up issues that some teenagers of today may be facing.
  • 66. Teen tribes A teen tribe mean a type of group teens mainly 16-24 year olds are typically categorized based on there attitude or even there hobbies. Also brands they many like this was put together and commissioned by channel four.
  • 67. Teen Tribes (Alternative) Types of teens tribes in the alt : • Young alts: There main interest is music • Skaters: have many interests and thing they are passionate about. • Hardcore: enjoy slam dancing , having straight edge ethics and tattoos adorned hands. • Hardcore games: contributed to anything game related by going to conventions about old games coming back into fashion e.g.: dungeons and dragons. • Superfans: The people who write fan fiction or are Tumblr- managers who geek out when online following their passions minute by minute • Metallers: Are people who like head banging bands and loud music. • Punks: like taking on the music, politics and fashion cues of the scene. • Geeks: in todays world being a geek is cool as they want to be informed and have knowledge to share. Shows like the big bang theory and brain cox have brought the geek to the fore. • Cosplayers: Are people who are Japanese obsessed from gaming, anime, role play and manga . People tend to dress up and go to conventions as their Japanese character. Niche alts: • Sea punks: originally stemmed from social media and nostalgia, are connected to nightlife, have web parody, commonly have neon blue hair, hippy iconography and link with digital arts. • Hackers: can only be found online , made famous for the dark net, mostly are hacking in their bedrooms and are extremely intelligent in the world of technology. • Ghetto Goths: have a mixed hardcore alt Goth style with urban street wear.
  • 69. Teen Tribes (Mainstream) Types of teens tribes in the mainstream: • Chavers: These people tend to go out a lot drinking ,dancing, drugs and getting smashed with their mates. • Fan girl: The fan girl tends to be obsessed with there celebrities crushes and want to find out everything about them before anyone else. • Chavs: They need no introduction as their image becomes increasingly co-opted as the chav look inspires leading edge trends. • Sport junkies: theses people are dedicated to sporting achievement and prepared to cut out friends and habits that stand in the way. • Blingers: They are living the local high life as it is all about towie inspired bodycon,fake tan and VIP service. • Townies: These are people who are at the bottom of the influence pyramid but they are open or all people who want to play. • Boy racers: tends to be a predominately male who is stronghold focused around motorsport and cars. • Makers: being creative such as photography,art,craft,music,film and blogging everyone is curating online. • Rahs: These people are stereotype as being well connected and well schooled, they are living the high life at society events and wearing only heritage brands.
  • 71. Teen Tribes (Leading edge) Types of teens tribes in the leading edge: • Activists: These people are passionate about inequality and social changes , they make protests , campaign and tend to squat and sit-in. • Creatives: These people are tech savvy self-starters that bring culture to life, they do many things like produces music , promote club nights and create festival stages. • Uban Artists: These people are music and fashion influences are so pervasive and influential across UK youth cutler. • DIYers: These people are tech savvy self-starters that bring culture to life, they do many things like produces music , promote club nights and create festival stages. • Scenesters: These people encapsulate everything that hipsterdom has failed to in recent years.
  • 72. Teen Tribes (Leading edge images)
  • 73. Teen Tribes (Urban) Types of teens tribes in the urban: • Get paid crew: These people are highly aspirational and driven by money and being their own boss. • Stylers: These people are represented by status and style, as it is all about partying ,looking good and staying ahead of being cool. • Trackies: These people are laid back enthusiasts motivated by the need to chill, whether that’s gaming, watching films or even listening to music. • Wasteman: These people tend to be rebellious, loud and a bit dodgy.
  • 75. Teen Tribes (Aspirant) Types of teens tribes in the aspirant: • Trendies: These people are driven by beautiful things and beautiful people, they also tend to love fashion as they are always looking for the next big trend. • Vloggers: These people are the most recognized tribe as these people are vlogging about their life and what they get up to day by day. These people have a huge impact on the youth culter of today, examples of vloggers are people like zoella (Zoë sugg) and sprinkle of glitter (Louise pentland) who have over thousands of subscribers . • New Casuals: These people mainly men are crazy football lads with a love for underground club music and understated fashion, but they will move to the next thing once it becomes predictable. • Hypebeasts: These are people who love hip-hop and electronic, niche knowledge, luxury sportswear and limited editions. • Hipsters: These people are the iconic skinny jeans, glasses and obsession with Bergheim which has made hipsters a stereotype and an insult for the original hipster.
  • 77. Top of the pops magazine tribe? Top of the Pops magazine is made up of music, gossip and fashion. So the Top of the Pops can fall under these categories Fan girl, Uban Artists, Makers and Trendies. The reason why it would fall under these categories is it meets the criteria of the people who would end up reading this magazine.
  • 78. Stereotypes Stereotyping means that a person is judged on the way they act or look, example of this is the teen tribes as they are different class of people. In the pop world of magazines there is no difference. People are drawn to artist that they are familiar with more, than new artist they have never heard of. For example magazines such as “Top of the pops” draws the attention of 12-15 year old , as the magazine is fun and bubble and does not hit at anything negative in the magazine. However magazine such as “shout” or “billboard” have the focuses of the negative and the positive of the music industry and doesn’t sugar coat it as much as the Top of the pops magazine. This links to my magazine as it does feature a new artist that may through people off from buying the magazine but it also has other well know artist that may interest the reader to by the magazine. My magazine would appeal to 15 to 18 year olds as it will hold mature content and will attract parental buyers to buy my magazine as they will be able to connect to the magazine.
  • 79. Laura Mulvey Theory ( male gaze) • In films the camera focuses on a women's curves normally put into slow motion, the camera is representing a males gaze and put you the viewer in the eyes of a male. Females often slow the narrative down as they at as inspiration for men to act. Males on the other hand push the narrative forwards and make things happen and are seen as active. Common films that have the male gaze is James bond films • Often a female character has no real importance herself , it is just purely how she makes the male feel or act that is importance, females only exist in relation to the male • The theory suggests that women are only seen as object to the male gaze as there sole value is to be enjoyed or possessed by the voyeur. • Mulvey states that there are two functions to the female character. They are as an erotic object for the characters within the narrative to view, reason two as an erotic object for the spectators within the cinema to view. • The worry about this is a passive audience will be influenced by this representation of reality and copy it and it will actually become reality if it hasn’t all ready.
  • 80. Diana Saco Theory 1994 ( female gaze) The Female Gaze is a Feminist film theoretical term representing the gaze of the female viewer. It is a response to Laura Mulvey's term, "the male gaze," which represents not only the gaze of the male viewer but also the gaze of the male character and the male creator of the film.
  • 81. John Berger Theory 1972 John Berger theory highlights the manner in which men and women are culturally represented. “ways of seeing men act, women appear”. Men look at women and women watch themselves being looked at. Berger looked at art and how historic painting have adapted to modern day imagery . The idea spectator is always assumed to be male and the image of the women is designed to flatter him. Berger agrees with Laura Mulvey’s theory that women are treated as objects by the way men look at them with desire and seek pleasure from.
  • 82. Racism and sexism Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. Sexism: prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women on the basis of sex. With Top of the Pops magazine they use the form of sexism on their front covers and on there DPS . The know that more people would pick up a magazine with a male on the front cover as the magazine is marketed towards the female population. They also use the form of racism as it is very rare to find a Top of the Pops magazine featuring a singer or band of the opposite colour.
  • 83. Relevant issues on Representation In certain types of magazine they applies to either the male gaze (Laura Mulvey ) or the female gaze (Diana Saco) which is another form of stereotyping. For example such magazine like “MALE” and “men fitness” tend to have image of women in skimpy outfits that would not applies to the female gaze, it also sets higher standers as men would search for women how look like the women on their magazines. This also applies to women as they tend to pick up magazine depending on the type of man that is on the front cover and their double page spread. John Berger (1972) once said that “men act, women appear” .
  • 84. Ethical & legal Issues From this I recognize that all complaints are handled by a regulator body as the screenshot explains how all are switched to IPSO that now handle all complaints .
  • 85. IPSO • What is IPSO?: The Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) is the independent regulator for the newspaper and magazine industry in the UK. We hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions, protect individual rights, uphold high standards of journalism and help to maintain freedom of expression for the press. • What does IPSO do?: The IPSO make sure that all members that are involved in some form of media follow the editors code. The IPSO main job is to investigate the complaints that have been made and that may break the editors code as well. The IPSO can change or correct any work that may break the editors code. The IPSO can also investigate the standards that are failing and they can fine publishers up to £1 million they also operate a 24 hour anti-harassment advice line. The IPSO can also provide advice for editor and journalists, they also provide training and guidance for journalists so they can uphold the highest possible standards. Link :
  • 86. Role of Relevant Regulatory Bodies The editor’s code is a set of rules that newspaper and magazine industry members have agreed to accept. It sets the standards that newspapers and magazines can be held to account by IPSO and is part of the contract between IPSO and the newspapers and magazines it regulates.
  • 87. IPSO Continuation • Accuracy: The press have to follow the following things they must take care when not to publish inaccurate or misleading information that is not supported by the text. If there is misleading text they must be corrected followed by an apology when re-published. Fair opportunity to reply to significant inaccuracies should be given when reasonably called for. The press must distinguish clearly between comments and facts. A publication must be reported accurately with the outcome of an action for defamation to be a party, unless an agreed settlement states . • Privacy: Everyone has the right to respect his/her privacy and the family life. The editor will b expected to justify intrusion into any individual’s private life without consent. It is also unacceptable to have photographs of the individual without their permission in a public or private place. • Harassment: Journalist must not engage in intimidation, harassment or persistent pursuit. There must not be any persist in questions , calls, pursuing or photographing individuals when not given permission. When they are asked to identify themselves they must and say who they represent. The editor must insure these principles are followed and observe those who are working for them and take care not to use non- compliant material form other sources. ditors-code-of-practice/
  • 88. Making a complaint to IPSO Link: media/2013/no v/06/tom- cruise-sues- bauer- magazines-for- 50m The complaint and claim was subsequently not upheld in court .
  • 89. Top of the pops magazine complaint procedure escalation/
  • 90. Ethical & legal Issues Ethical and legal issues means a problem or situation that requires a person or organization, to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right or wrong.
  • 91. Ethical & legal Issues In the magazine top of the pops the stereotypical audiences are girls between the ages of 12-15, these type of people are represented by there website as they illustrate girls singing and playing guitar as they want to be famous one day when they grow-up. Also else where in the magazine they have a whole page dedicated to there readers , where they show they with there magazines or using the free gift that came with it, there girls in the photos look no older than 12 and it has there name ,age and reason why they like the magazine so much under their photo.
  • 92. Advertising standers authority (ASA) out-ASA/Strategy.aspx Complaints about your ADs
  • 93. Making a complaint (ASA) y-advertisers/Industry-Make-a- complaint.aspx
  • 94. Copyright and IP Copyright is legal right that protects the use of your work once your idea has been physically expressed. The current copyright legislation in the UK is the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. IP is Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. This links to my magazine as the company of the magazine will have legal right to the magazine and logos that could be used. So no one can take right with out the companies consent.
  • 95. Royalties Royalties is when a magazine has included content which is copyrighted and if someone else includes this information then they have to pay the original magazine. This relates to “Top of the Pops” as there are many articles that use similar information in there articles as “Top of the Pops” so the said writer or journalists would have to pay “Top of the Pops” as they have used similar information.
  • 96. Regulatory Issues Content that usually has copyright can be referred to as Intellectual Property (IP) and this is protected by the law. IP can be divided into two categories; Industrial Property and Copyright. As well as IP on printed work, you can get a digital watermark which protects any copyrighted content from any magazine online and in any digital format. It is important to have this because it means people will have to pay you to use your information/ ideas. The best way to protect your IP is to acquire a patent. However, this can take several years to get and costs over $7000 in fees. This relates to “Top of the Pops” as they have certain areas in their magazine that belong to them E.g. logo, slogan, etc.. This area are protected by the company as they have copyright rights , which prevent other companies from using the logo, slogan, etc...unless they are willing to give the company the profits they make in the sales.
  • 97. Data Protection Act 1988 The Data Protection Act controls how your personal information is used by organisations, businesses or the government. They must make sure the information is used fairly and lawfully. used for limited, specifically stated purposes. This links to my magazine as the information is used fairly and is limited for the specific purpose the magazine is aimed at. • s
  • 98. Offensive material Offensive material that could be found in a magazine is the miss use of langue such as using words that are too mature for audiences which the magazine is targeted to. Another thing that can be seen as offensive material are the types of images which are used for example it would seem inappropriate to have a sexual pose on the front of a kids magazine.