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Rashid Umar
ID: 02751239
(310) 617-1210
Final Proposal
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Table of Contents

Autobiography ................................ 2
Resume ......................................... 3
Elevator Pitch ............. 4
Thesis Abstract ........................... 5
Statement of Interest ................................... 6
Proof of Concept ............................................... 7
Strategic Process ........................... 8
User Experience Process ............................. 13

Analysis and Conclusions ............................................ 15
Project Links .................................. 18
Bibliography & Credits ................................................... 23
Autobiography ...................................... 24
Resume ......................................................................... 25
Portfolio ................................................ 26
Mindmap ............................................... 37
Moodboards .......................................... 38

Technical Process ..................... 14

The Open Arms Project

Greetings, and welcome to the Open Arms
Project, my name is Rashid Umar. After earning my Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism, I
found myself working in television production. That is when I rediscovered by love for
news along with discovering social media.
After being out of employment for nearly a
year, I decided to pursue my post-graduate
education in Web Design & New Media.
After discovering the Academy of Art University, I felt that this would be the best platform
to enhance my writing ability, while learning
about media from the digital side of things.
The idea of learning about web design was
also exciting considering that my background in journalism would be a great way to
pursue a career in the field.
Currently, I work as a Content Media Manager
for the SERVC Group, a value engineering
company that specializes in commercial
business solutions. I am part of a small media
team whose responsibilities include, managing several e-commerce sites, writing and
editing content, and other duties necessary.
I can honestly say that my experience at AAU
has led me to pursue this career path and I’m
thankful for it.
Rashid Umar
3332 Mentone Ave #8
Los Angeles, California 90034
(310) 617-1210

January 2013 - Present
SERVC GROUP, Content Media Manager, Hollywood, CA
Create content for product and article pages for several e-commerce websites i.e. writing, researching, uploading images, videos and basic HTML coding.
September 2010 – April 2012
ENGAGE: BDR, Online News Editor/ Content Manager, West Hollywood, CA
Research, write, edit, and produce, content, for comedy news website Works with Wordpress and HTML. Maintain Facebook page,
including status updates, filtering comments and other brand-right outreach
initiatives that drive traffic. Also, maintains YouTube company page and assist
in video production as needed.
September 2009-December 2009
SLINGSHOT LABS, New Media Intern, Santa Monica, CA
Created and managed New Media content, wrote articles for websites and, participated in marketing pitches, and place
video in appropriate place in site.
Academy of Art University, MFA, ONLINE Study June 2008-December 2011
Web Design/New Media
Eastern Michigan University, BFA, Ypsilanti, MI, December 2003
BFA: Journalism, Minor: Communications
Computer Skills
Software: Adobe Photoshop, Flash, InDesign, Dreamweaver, and Illustrator.
Languages: hand coded Action Script 3.0, JavaScript, HTML, XHTML, and CSS
CSS/HTML (compatible with IE6, IE7 and standards compliant browsers),
basic JavaScript (using some JQuery).
Elevator Pitch

There are a few sites that provide free information to help guide

prospective and current foster parents in dealing with children; however they
don’t provide information from a child’s perspective. Many of the sites offer
information on how to become a foster parent and how to maintain the status
quo while complying with their respective state laws. This site not only does
those things, but also offer testimonials from current and former children and
how they are adjusting.
The opportunity to organize this project has afforded me the luxury to
tell a story while giving advice to those who are unfamilar with this subject. This
project has enabled me the chance to build a website that can provide the digial
tools for those in need.
Thesis Abstract

As a former ward of the state, The Open Arms Project has

allowed me to share my personal story of living in foster care system.
My intent has been to help provide a vehicle for those who have also
either gone through or are currently in the foster care system.
This project has also helped those who may have questions
about my life in the foster care system -- whether they’ve experienced it themselves or not -- as well as, potential and current foster
parents to understand additional things about the plight of the
foster child by supporting an online community dedicated to this
There were instances where I experienced less than desirable
circumstances that led to me feeling displaced, unwanted, and levels
of dispair. The tough times have also served as the proper motivation
to move forward and overcome adversity, which allowed me to
create this project.
The target audience of the project are users who have lived
in foster care, are currently in the system and need support, or those
who are just seeking information.
Visitors to the site, will be able to view video testimonals,
upload their own content, and provide feedback, all in order to
generate interactivity while spreading awareness.
In conclusion, vistors will hear my story, in addition to others,
through user-submitted content in an attempt to inform and
educate them about experiences in foster care.
Statement of Interest

Growing up in Detroit, I experienced some challenges

as a youth. It’s fair to say that being in the foster care system
only made such challenges more difficult. While I was
straddled with the burden of not knowing who my biological
parents were (a notion that remains even today), along with
being adopted, and later being thrust back into the system,
proved to not only be very discouraging, but also motivating.
My thesis project, has challenged me to provide this
tool by incorporating some interactive appeal to this subject.
User-submitted content uploads, and message boards, and
social media contacts are only a few to name.
In addtion, my goal was to create this project to fulfill
the requirements for the MFA program, and also for the selfsatisfaction of telling a story while helping others.

In conclusion, as a teenager, I felt like an outcast in the
different home placements with families who didn’t deem the
idea of “fair and balanced” care a priority for the likes of me.
Moreover, the lies and deception in my family which led to me
being separated from my adopted father, caused me to suffer
some emotional turmoil which would take years to get over.

Now I feel the need to share my story to empower
Positioning Statement


here are an infinite number of sites on the
internet about foster care. Not many offer background
stories, testimonials, and advice from a current or
former foster child’s point of view. Futhermore, none
allow users to submit content related to this topic.
The project caters to potential and current
foster care parents who may need some guidance or
just information on what a child in the system may be
experiencing. This will be done with documentaries of
children’s experiences, which would shed some light
into the legal process of a child’s experience, and
provides additional information , which includes the
emotional toll that it takes on the child.
Deep down inside, kids in foster care may want
to be accepted and loved by someone who is willing
to take on a parental role, but it’s more than just
being there for them physically. There may be some
psychological issues with trust of adults, of either
gender, or from just suffering from a severe disconnect
from a family setting.
Comparative Analysis

Foster Care Month
Functionality and Features
This site is geared towards raising awareness of foster care, by promoting May
as “Foster Care Month.” The site gives an explanation on what foster care is and
offers user to volunteer their time, as well as, success stories, and calendar
Each page is fully functional and features content relating to the promoting of the
Foster Care Month.
Users can learn to use this site without any issues. The side navigation offers
submenu choices and the links are functional. The same menu is also located at
the bottom of each page. There isn’t a lot of content on each page, so there won’t
be too much scrolling down or back up.
Visual Design
The visual design of the site offers a blue-themed color scheme and the outline
seems to be or original coding concept, not a Wordpress theme. The typography
is standard and each to read. Users are also met with a photo image on each
page that lightens the mood as well. The user’s goals are met.
How it Relates to my Project
This site being that it is an online platform will be similar to “The Open Arms
Project” due to the fact, that it has links to pages of relevance and has a soft
color scheme. However, it does not provide videos testimonials.
Documentary Heaven
Functionality and Features
Documentary Heaven is a site that offers free documentaries from a variety of
genres for users. It does not require any sign up and it allows you to select films
using category options such as activist, celebrity, conspiracy, mystery, war,
There is a social media widget for following the site online and a list of
documentaries to choose from.
Users can learn how to use this site simply but clicking on the navigation menu,
for example: the “Documentary Lists” is a list of indexed categories by genre.
Once they search the index they will be able to select from one of the list under a
category. There is also an option to upload a file. After using this system once,
it’ll be no problem to use routinely.
Visual Design
This site design is a basic Wordpress template and is outlined with simple and
warm colors and basic navigation menu. Also, the typography is simple and
standard for web design, particular for a news or documentary site.
How it Relates to my Project
“Documentary Heaven” relates to my project, “The Open Arms Project” because
of the display of indexed documentary choices. Also, the simple navigation and
social media links are comparable.
Free Spirit Media
Functionality and Features
Free Spirit Media is a site that offers inner-city youth in Chicago, and opportunity
to learn about digital media production through a variety of programs.
Offers content pertaining to the goals and mission of the program. Each page is
fully functional and offers a wide portfolio of work.
The site’s navigation is simple to use and easy to read. There are social media
icons as well, such as: Facebook, Google Plus, YouTube, and Twitter. There is
an option to donate to the cause as well as volunteer; users will be able to find
their desired content with a few clicks or less. On the “Our Work” page, the site
has a dropdown menu of several topics to be selected from. In addition, there is
a “features” and “documentaries” selection that leads to a list of videos.
Visual Design
This site design is of the hand-coded variety and implores a black background.
The menu is offers subcategories that is initiates a tooltip one it is hovered
across. Each page has at least a paragraph, no more than two, of content which
demonstrates a “straight-to-the-point” nature.
How it Relates to my Project
“Free Spirit Media” relates to my project, “The Open Arms Project” because of
the display of indexed documentary choices. Also, the simple navigation and
social media links are comparable. The “Our Work” section of the site is
comparable to my project.
NYU Authur J. Carter School of Journalism: Foster Care

Functionality and Features
NYU News & Doc is a video journalism website created by the students at New
York University’s News & Documentary graduate program, part of the Arthur L.
Carter Journalism Institute.
The site features a Home, Contact, and Family Tree menu options, as well as,
other categories including: documentaries.
The site’s navigation, goes across the top, and is shorter than the others, but the
categories are aligned on the right side. At the bottom of the page, there is a
place to leave comments for users who are interested. Overall, the site is simple
to use.
Visual Design
This site design is of the Wordpress variety with neutral colors. The “About”
portion of the site is on the homepage instead on its very own. The
“Documentary” portion of the site offers videos that pop out instead of taking
very to another page.
How it Relates to my Project
NYU Foster Care relates to my project in subject and documentary offering.
However, the site is limited in the pages that were built, seemingly lending itself
to idea of it being more of a class project.
Functionality and Features
This site offers A LOT of information to perspective parents who’d like to
adopt children. It supplies users with help on finding children, birth parents,
and also some info on fostering. There are also news articles from contributing writers with information relevant to the site.
Like the previous site, this has its menu on the left side with links to resources. There is also an option to sign up for newsletter info and to comment on
Visual Design
The light color scheme is nice. The images used in the top left of the page
are definitely happy portrayal of the subject, however, there is a lot of ads on
the pages. The content seems to be jumbled together.
How it relates to my project
The pages are set up to display information, similar to my project. However,
if there will be any ads they will be placed in a section that won’t seem to run
into the main content.
Rashid Umar
WNM 643

Criteria **

Free Spirit Media

Foster Care Month


NYU Foster

Open Arms

Personal Testimonals







Social Media Interaction







Sign-Up Profile







Standard Typography













User Goals Met







Good Visual Hierachy







Attractive Layout







User Comments

The Open Arms Project | 13
User Scenario #1
Kirsten Hargraves, 26, was surfing the net when
she stumpled upon a website about foster care.
Having remembered that she once knew an
acquaintence years ago who was a foster child,
Kirsten decided to take a look. She’d become
enamored with the site develoer’s personal story
and wanted to see more of the personal testimonals of some of the site’s other users.


Open Arms Homepage

Click on

Video Testimonals

User Scenario #2
Marcus Davis, 16, was recently introduced to
his foster sister. He has heard alot of stories,
some exaggerated, about foster kids. Marcus
decided to Google the subject about teenagers in foster care. Once on “The Open
Arms Project” Marcus was able to read about
foster care, then he wanted read some of the
site creator’s personal story. Marcus was
then inspired to find more resources to
further undrestand more about foster care.


Open Arms Homepage

Click What is
Foster Care?

Click on Rashid’s


User Scenerio #3
Sedou Brown is a former foster child who is seeking
to connect with others who also are. Brown, starts
with logging onto the site, then goes through the
video testimonals, then he when to the social media
page and looked to connect.


Open Arms Homepage

Click on
the Video

Social Media Page










The Open Arms Project
provides a vehicle for current
and former foster care children
to speak on their experiences.


When I was young,
I found it hard to make
friends. .. click to see


If you’ve been in foster care and
have an experience that you’d
like to share, feel free to tell us.


If you’d like to contribute, go to
our Media and Press page to
see how you can. Or, you can
contact me directly on our
contact page.







Every year, approximately 30,000 young people leave the foster care system without lifelong
families – most at age 18. On their own, these young adults must navigate a weakened
economy offering fewer jobs and less support for vital services such as housing. They need –
and deserve – caring adults who love and support them.
All children — including the 408,000 American children and youth in foster care — deserve a
safe, happy life. Young people in foster care especially need nurturing adults on their side
because their own families are in crisis and unable to care for them.

Kirsten Hargraves’ emotional story

The Open Arms Project Homepage


Angela Charlton of Detroit, MI
struggled for years in the foster
care system. Now, she’s an
aspiring computer software
engineer and poetess. Click to
see her story.





The Open Arms Project
provides a vehicle for current
and former foster care children
to speak on their experiences.





The Open Arms Project was created for the purpose of allowing it’s creator, Rashid Umar,
to share his experiences in the foster care system. In addition, the project has evolved to
allow anyone the opportunity to tell their story and share with others who have similar
experiences or who are seeking information as their own source of reference.

If you’ve been in foster care and
have an experience that you’d
like to share, feel free to tell us.




Angela Charlton of Detroit, MI
struggled for years in the foster
care system. Now, she’s an
aspiring computer software
engineer and poetess. Click to
see her story.


If you’d like to contribute, go to
our Media and Press page to
see how you can. Or, you can
contact me directly on our
contact page.


Kirsten Hargraves’ emotional story

About Page of The Open Arms Project








Love: Encouraging Stories

CHILD’SHorror Stories


The Open Arms Project
provides a vehicle for current
and former foster care children
to speak on their experiences.


If you’ve been in foster care and
have an experience that you’d
like to share, feel free to tell us.


If you’d like to contribute, go to
our Media and Press page to
see how you can. Or, you can
contact me directly on our
contact page.

Growing up in Detroit, I experienced some challenges as a youth. It’s fair to say that
being in the foster care system only made such challenges more difficult. While I was
straddled with the burden of not knowing who my biological parents were (a notion that
remains even today), along with being adopted, and later being thrust back into the
system, proved to not only be very discouraging, but also motivating.


Angela Charlton of Detroit, MI
struggled for years in the foster
care system. Now, she’s an
aspiring computer software
engineer and poetess. Click to
see her story.


Kirsten Hargraves’ emotional story

Child’s Lifeline Page which displays text on how to positive and the downside of foster care




(News, listings)

Media Page
Former/present fc

Interviews (Video)
John Doe

Jane Doe

User Submitted
Upload Video

Upload Images

Upload Articles








Foster Care Interviews
User Submitted Content



The Open Arms Project
provides a vehicle for current
and former foster care children
to speak on their experiences.


Open Arms creator, Rashid
Umar, talks about his
experiences in high school.


If you’ve been in foster care and
have an experience that you’d
like to share, feel free to tell us.

Angela Charlton of Detroit, MI
struggled for years in the foster
care system. Now, she’s an
aspiring computer software
engineer and poetess. Click to
see her story


If you’d like to contribute, go to
our Media and Press page to
see how you can. Or, you can
contact me directly on our
contact page.


00:00 - 00:00

According to reports, a foster
family in Phoenix, Arizona was
found guility of neglect and
extortion. to read more

Kirsten Hargraves’ emotional story










Foster Care Interviews
User Submitted Content



The Open Arms Project
provides a vehicle for current
and former foster care children
to speak on their experiences.


If you’ve been in foster care and
have an experience that you’d
like to share, feel free to tell us.

John Doe lives in Orlando,
Florida and is a junior in
high school.


If you’d like to contribute, go to
our Media and Press page to
see how you can. Or, you can
contact me directly on our
contact page.


Angela Charlton of Detroit, MI
struggled for years in the foster
care system. Now, she’s an
aspiring computer software
engineer and poetess. Click to
see her story


Add Comment

Jane Doe Anywhere, U.S.A
Quis. Casdam ad modicae consulese co et vis, Cast?
Kirsten Hargraves’ emotional story









Foster Care Interviews
User Submitted Content



The Open Arms Project
provides a vehicle for current
and former foster care children
to speak on their experiences.


If you’ve been in foster care and
have an experience that you’d
like to share, feel free to tell us.


If you’d like to contribute, go to
our Media and Press page to
see how you can. Or, you can
contact me directly on our
contact page.






Want to share your story? Do you have any images or pictures that represents your experiences in foster
care? Upload your video, image, or written story by clicking one of the icons above.

Angela Charlton of Detroit, MI
struggled for years in the foster
care system. Now, she’s an
aspiring computer software
engineer and poetess. Click to
see her story


Kirsten Hargraves’ emotional story

he general demographics for the “Open Arms
Project” are teenagers and young adults ranging between
the ages of 14-60. The primary demographic would include
current foster children and those who’ve once lived in the
system. The secondary demographic would include those
who just want to know of the experience for personal reference.
The general users will be comprise of those with
basic internet experience. The more focused (primary)
targets will be able to use their interactive knowledge to
access further information.
“The Open Arms Project” will be a vehicle for both
current and fromer foster care children. The general group
may pursue information online about the foster care system
out of sheer curiosity of information. The primary audience
would be in search of specific information about the subject
Logo: “Open” is in a different color than “Arms” and “Project”. -- I’d
make all three different colors. It kind of looks like “Armsproject” is
one word.
Page 2: The wrong form of “its” is used in the first sentence.
Page 2: I’d change the transition of “In addition” to something more
along the lines of “it has further evolved.” And I’d probably tighten
up that entire second sentence to something like:
“It has furthered evolved into as an opportunity for anyone
involved in foster care to communicate.”
Page 2: What We Do. -- The website is a vehicle. In that sense, it
doesn’t “provide” one. I’d say something like: “Open Arms Project
is a forum for people who are currently or have been previously
involved in foster care to speak about their experiences.”
Page 2: Who Can Participate? - I’d be a little more encouraging.
Rather than saying “feel free”, I’d be proactive and say
participation is encouraged.
Page 2: What Can You Do? - You jump into a first person
Rashid Umar Portfolio Website
Detroit Alliance For Fair Banking
Webdesign and Content Management
Dynamic Flash Image
WNM 601 Javascript Drawing: The Fence
Contact Form, Javascript Code and Design
Javascript Street Scene Design
Video Upload, Ediot for HAHA,
Rashid’s Blog
Flash Slideshow, WMN 618





social workers


family outings













Foster Care











Residential Homes





Detroit Pistons

the Unknown


Open Arms Project: What is Foster Care?

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Open Arms Project: What is Foster Care?

  • 1. OPENARMSPROJECT Rashid Umar ID: 02751239 (310) 617-1210 WEB DESIGN & NEW MEDIA Final Proposal Thursday, November 21, 2013
  • 2. Table of Contents Autobiography ................................ 2 Resume ......................................... 3 Elevator Pitch ............. 4 Thesis Abstract ........................... 5 Statement of Interest ................................... 6 Proof of Concept ............................................... 7 Strategic Process ........................... 8 User Experience Process ............................. 13 Analysis and Conclusions ............................................ 15 Project Links .................................. 18 Bibliography & Credits ................................................... 23 Autobiography ...................................... 24 Resume ......................................................................... 25 Portfolio ................................................ 26 Mindmap ............................................... 37 Moodboards .......................................... 38 Technical Process ..................... 14 The Open Arms Project
  • 3. Autobiography Greetings, and welcome to the Open Arms Project, my name is Rashid Umar. After earning my Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism, I found myself working in television production. That is when I rediscovered by love for news along with discovering social media. After being out of employment for nearly a year, I decided to pursue my post-graduate education in Web Design & New Media. After discovering the Academy of Art University, I felt that this would be the best platform to enhance my writing ability, while learning about media from the digital side of things. The idea of learning about web design was also exciting considering that my background in journalism would be a great way to pursue a career in the field. Currently, I work as a Content Media Manager for the SERVC Group, a value engineering company that specializes in commercial business solutions. I am part of a small media team whose responsibilities include, managing several e-commerce sites, writing and editing content, and other duties necessary. I can honestly say that my experience at AAU has led me to pursue this career path and I’m thankful for it.
  • 4. Resume Rashid Umar 3332 Mentone Ave #8 Los Angeles, California 90034 (310) 617-1210 Employment January 2013 - Present SERVC GROUP, Content Media Manager, Hollywood, CA Create content for product and article pages for several e-commerce websites i.e. writing, researching, uploading images, videos and basic HTML coding. September 2010 – April 2012 ENGAGE: BDR, Online News Editor/ Content Manager, West Hollywood, CA Research, write, edit, and produce, content, for comedy news website Works with Wordpress and HTML. Maintain Facebook page, including status updates, filtering comments and other brand-right outreach initiatives that drive traffic. Also, maintains YouTube company page and assist in video production as needed. September 2009-December 2009 SLINGSHOT LABS, New Media Intern, Santa Monica, CA Created and managed New Media content, wrote articles for websites and, participated in marketing pitches, and place video in appropriate place in site. Education Academy of Art University, MFA, ONLINE Study June 2008-December 2011 Web Design/New Media Eastern Michigan University, BFA, Ypsilanti, MI, December 2003 BFA: Journalism, Minor: Communications Computer Skills Software: Adobe Photoshop, Flash, InDesign, Dreamweaver, and Illustrator. Languages: hand coded Action Script 3.0, JavaScript, HTML, XHTML, and CSS CSS/HTML (compatible with IE6, IE7 and standards compliant browsers), basic JavaScript (using some JQuery).
  • 5. Elevator Pitch There are a few sites that provide free information to help guide prospective and current foster parents in dealing with children; however they don’t provide information from a child’s perspective. Many of the sites offer information on how to become a foster parent and how to maintain the status quo while complying with their respective state laws. This site not only does those things, but also offer testimonials from current and former children and how they are adjusting. The opportunity to organize this project has afforded me the luxury to tell a story while giving advice to those who are unfamilar with this subject. This project has enabled me the chance to build a website that can provide the digial tools for those in need.
  • 6. Thesis Abstract As a former ward of the state, The Open Arms Project has allowed me to share my personal story of living in foster care system. My intent has been to help provide a vehicle for those who have also either gone through or are currently in the foster care system. This project has also helped those who may have questions about my life in the foster care system -- whether they’ve experienced it themselves or not -- as well as, potential and current foster parents to understand additional things about the plight of the foster child by supporting an online community dedicated to this cause. There were instances where I experienced less than desirable circumstances that led to me feeling displaced, unwanted, and levels of dispair. The tough times have also served as the proper motivation to move forward and overcome adversity, which allowed me to create this project. The target audience of the project are users who have lived in foster care, are currently in the system and need support, or those who are just seeking information. Visitors to the site, will be able to view video testimonals, upload their own content, and provide feedback, all in order to generate interactivity while spreading awareness. In conclusion, vistors will hear my story, in addition to others, through user-submitted content in an attempt to inform and educate them about experiences in foster care.
  • 7. Statement of Interest Growing up in Detroit, I experienced some challenges as a youth. It’s fair to say that being in the foster care system only made such challenges more difficult. While I was straddled with the burden of not knowing who my biological parents were (a notion that remains even today), along with being adopted, and later being thrust back into the system, proved to not only be very discouraging, but also motivating. My thesis project, has challenged me to provide this tool by incorporating some interactive appeal to this subject. User-submitted content uploads, and message boards, and social media contacts are only a few to name. In addtion, my goal was to create this project to fulfill the requirements for the MFA program, and also for the selfsatisfaction of telling a story while helping others. In conclusion, as a teenager, I felt like an outcast in the different home placements with families who didn’t deem the idea of “fair and balanced” care a priority for the likes of me. Moreover, the lies and deception in my family which led to me being separated from my adopted father, caused me to suffer some emotional turmoil which would take years to get over. others. Now I feel the need to share my story to empower
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  • 15. Positioning Statement T here are an infinite number of sites on the internet about foster care. Not many offer background stories, testimonials, and advice from a current or former foster child’s point of view. Futhermore, none allow users to submit content related to this topic. The project caters to potential and current foster care parents who may need some guidance or just information on what a child in the system may be experiencing. This will be done with documentaries of children’s experiences, which would shed some light into the legal process of a child’s experience, and provides additional information , which includes the emotional toll that it takes on the child. Deep down inside, kids in foster care may want to be accepted and loved by someone who is willing to take on a parental role, but it’s more than just being there for them physically. There may be some psychological issues with trust of adults, of either gender, or from just suffering from a severe disconnect from a family setting.
  • 16. Comparative Analysis Foster Care Month Functionality and Features This site is geared towards raising awareness of foster care, by promoting May as “Foster Care Month.” The site gives an explanation on what foster care is and offers user to volunteer their time, as well as, success stories, and calendar events. Each page is fully functional and features content relating to the promoting of the Foster Care Month. Usability Users can learn to use this site without any issues. The side navigation offers submenu choices and the links are functional. The same menu is also located at the bottom of each page. There isn’t a lot of content on each page, so there won’t be too much scrolling down or back up. Visual Design The visual design of the site offers a blue-themed color scheme and the outline seems to be or original coding concept, not a Wordpress theme. The typography is standard and each to read. Users are also met with a photo image on each page that lightens the mood as well. The user’s goals are met. How it Relates to my Project This site being that it is an online platform will be similar to “The Open Arms Project” due to the fact, that it has links to pages of relevance and has a soft color scheme. However, it does not provide videos testimonials.
  • 17. Documentary Heaven Functionality and Features Documentary Heaven is a site that offers free documentaries from a variety of genres for users. It does not require any sign up and it allows you to select films using category options such as activist, celebrity, conspiracy, mystery, war, technology. There is a social media widget for following the site online and a list of documentaries to choose from. Usability Users can learn how to use this site simply but clicking on the navigation menu, for example: the “Documentary Lists” is a list of indexed categories by genre. Once they search the index they will be able to select from one of the list under a category. There is also an option to upload a file. After using this system once, it’ll be no problem to use routinely. Visual Design This site design is a basic Wordpress template and is outlined with simple and warm colors and basic navigation menu. Also, the typography is simple and standard for web design, particular for a news or documentary site. How it Relates to my Project “Documentary Heaven” relates to my project, “The Open Arms Project” because of the display of indexed documentary choices. Also, the simple navigation and social media links are comparable.
  • 18. Free Spirit Media Functionality and Features Free Spirit Media is a site that offers inner-city youth in Chicago, and opportunity to learn about digital media production through a variety of programs. Offers content pertaining to the goals and mission of the program. Each page is fully functional and offers a wide portfolio of work. Usability The site’s navigation is simple to use and easy to read. There are social media icons as well, such as: Facebook, Google Plus, YouTube, and Twitter. There is an option to donate to the cause as well as volunteer; users will be able to find their desired content with a few clicks or less. On the “Our Work” page, the site has a dropdown menu of several topics to be selected from. In addition, there is a “features” and “documentaries” selection that leads to a list of videos. Visual Design This site design is of the hand-coded variety and implores a black background. The menu is offers subcategories that is initiates a tooltip one it is hovered across. Each page has at least a paragraph, no more than two, of content which demonstrates a “straight-to-the-point” nature. How it Relates to my Project “Free Spirit Media” relates to my project, “The Open Arms Project” because of the display of indexed documentary choices. Also, the simple navigation and social media links are comparable. The “Our Work” section of the site is comparable to my project.
  • 19. NYU Authur J. Carter School of Journalism: Foster Care Functionality and Features NYU News & Doc is a video journalism website created by the students at New York University’s News & Documentary graduate program, part of the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute. The site features a Home, Contact, and Family Tree menu options, as well as, other categories including: documentaries. Usability The site’s navigation, goes across the top, and is shorter than the others, but the categories are aligned on the right side. At the bottom of the page, there is a place to leave comments for users who are interested. Overall, the site is simple to use. Visual Design This site design is of the Wordpress variety with neutral colors. The “About” portion of the site is on the homepage instead on its very own. The “Documentary” portion of the site offers videos that pop out instead of taking the very to another page. How it Relates to my Project NYU Foster Care relates to my project in subject and documentary offering. However, the site is limited in the pages that were built, seemingly lending itself to idea of it being more of a class project.
  • 20. Functionality and Features This site offers A LOT of information to perspective parents who’d like to adopt children. It supplies users with help on finding children, birth parents, and also some info on fostering. There are also news articles from contributing writers with information relevant to the site. Usability Like the previous site, this has its menu on the left side with links to resources. There is also an option to sign up for newsletter info and to comment on pages. Visual Design The light color scheme is nice. The images used in the top left of the page are definitely happy portrayal of the subject, however, there is a lot of ads on the pages. The content seems to be jumbled together. How it relates to my project The pages are set up to display information, similar to my project. However, if there will be any ads they will be placed in a section that won’t seem to run into the main content.
  • 21. Rashid Umar WNM 643 Criteria ** Free Spirit Media Foster Care Month Documentary Heaven NYU Foster Open Arms Personal Testimonals + - - + + + Social Media Interaction + + + + + + Sign-Up Profile - - + - - + Standard Typography + + + + + + - - - - + + User Goals Met + + + + + + Good Visual Hierachy + - - - - + Attractive Layout + - - + + + User Comments The Open Arms Project | 13
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  • 26. User Scenario #1 Kirsten Hargraves, 26, was surfing the net when she stumpled upon a website about foster care. Having remembered that she once knew an acquaintence years ago who was a foster child, Kirsten decided to take a look. She’d become enamored with the site develoer’s personal story and wanted to see more of the personal testimonals of some of the site’s other users. Start Open Arms Homepage Click on Rashid’s Story Video Testimonals End
  • 27. User Scenario #2 Marcus Davis, 16, was recently introduced to his foster sister. He has heard alot of stories, some exaggerated, about foster kids. Marcus decided to Google the subject about teenagers in foster care. Once on “The Open Arms Project” Marcus was able to read about foster care, then he wanted read some of the site creator’s personal story. Marcus was then inspired to find more resources to further undrestand more about foster care. Start Open Arms Homepage Click What is Foster Care? Click on Rashid’s Story Resources End
  • 28. User Scenerio #3 Sedou Brown is a former foster child who is seeking to connect with others who also are. Brown, starts with logging onto the site, then goes through the video testimonals, then he when to the social media page and looked to connect. Start Open Arms Homepage Click on the Video Testimonals Social Media Page End
  • 29. Google OPENARMS ABOUT OPEN ARMS F T CHILD’S LIFELINE? MEDIA AND PRESS WHAT WE DO RESOURCES CONTACT THE IMPORTANCE OF FOSTER SIBLINGS The Open Arms Project provides a vehicle for current and former foster care children to speak on their experiences. FOSTER CHILD OF THE MONTH When I was young, I found it hard to make friends. .. click to see more. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? If you’ve been in foster care and have an experience that you’d like to share, feel free to tell us. WHAT CAN YOU DO? If you’d like to contribute, go to our Media and Press page to see how you can. Or, you can contact me directly on our contact page. 1 2 3 4 MAY IS NATIONAL FOSTER CARE MONTH! SELECTED STORY OF THE MONTH SEARCH Every year, approximately 30,000 young people leave the foster care system without lifelong families – most at age 18. On their own, these young adults must navigate a weakened economy offering fewer jobs and less support for vital services such as housing. They need – and deserve – caring adults who love and support them. All children — including the 408,000 American children and youth in foster care — deserve a safe, happy life. Young people in foster care especially need nurturing adults on their side because their own families are in crisis and unable to care for them. Kirsten Hargraves’ emotional story The Open Arms Project Homepage 5 Angela Charlton of Detroit, MI struggled for years in the foster care system. Now, she’s an aspiring computer software engineer and poetess. Click to see her story. JOIN OUR EMAIL CLUB SEND
  • 30. Google OPENARMS ABOUT OPEN ARMS WHAT WE DO The Open Arms Project provides a vehicle for current and former foster care children to speak on their experiences. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? F T CHILD’S LIFELINE? MEDIA AND PRESS RESOURCES ABOUT THE OPEN ARMS PROJECT The Open Arms Project was created for the purpose of allowing it’s creator, Rashid Umar, to share his experiences in the foster care system. In addition, the project has evolved to allow anyone the opportunity to tell their story and share with others who have similar experiences or who are seeking information as their own source of reference. If you’ve been in foster care and have an experience that you’d like to share, feel free to tell us. SEARCH CONTACT FOSTER CHILD OF THE MONTH Angela Charlton of Detroit, MI struggled for years in the foster care system. Now, she’s an aspiring computer software engineer and poetess. Click to see her story. WHAT CAN YOU DO? If you’d like to contribute, go to our Media and Press page to see how you can. Or, you can contact me directly on our contact page. JOIN OUR EMAIL CLUB SELECTED STORY OF THE MONTH SEND Kirsten Hargraves’ emotional story About Page of The Open Arms Project
  • 31. Google OPENARMS ABOUT OPEN ARMS F T CHILD’S LIFELINE? MEDIA AND PRESS RESOURCES SEARCH CONTACT Love: Encouraging Stories CHILD’SHorror Stories Hate: LIFELINE? WHAT WE DO The Open Arms Project provides a vehicle for current and former foster care children to speak on their experiences. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? If you’ve been in foster care and have an experience that you’d like to share, feel free to tell us. WHAT CAN YOU DO? If you’d like to contribute, go to our Media and Press page to see how you can. Or, you can contact me directly on our contact page. Growing up in Detroit, I experienced some challenges as a youth. It’s fair to say that being in the foster care system only made such challenges more difficult. While I was straddled with the burden of not knowing who my biological parents were (a notion that remains even today), along with being adopted, and later being thrust back into the system, proved to not only be very discouraging, but also motivating. FOSTER CHILD OF THE MONTH Angela Charlton of Detroit, MI struggled for years in the foster care system. Now, she’s an aspiring computer software engineer and poetess. Click to see her story. JOIN OUR EMAIL CLUB SELECTED STORY OF THE MONTH SEND Kirsten Hargraves’ emotional story Child’s Lifeline Page which displays text on how to positive and the downside of foster care
  • 32. Home REAL STORIES Submission Guidlines BLOG Resources (News, listings) Media Page Former/present fc Interviews (Video) John Doe Jane Doe User Submitted Content Upload Video Upload Images Upload Articles
  • 33. Google OPENARMS ABOUT OPEN ARMS F T CHILD’S LIFELINE? MEDIA AND PRESS RESOURCES SEARCH CONTACT Foster Care Interviews User Submitted Content WHAT WE DO HIGH SCHOOL, LOW TIMES The Open Arms Project provides a vehicle for current and former foster care children to speak on their experiences. FOSTER CHILD OF THE MONTH Open Arms creator, Rashid Umar, talks about his experiences in high school. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? If you’ve been in foster care and have an experience that you’d like to share, feel free to tell us. Angela Charlton of Detroit, MI struggled for years in the foster care system. Now, she’s an aspiring computer software engineer and poetess. Click to see her story WHAT CAN YOU DO? If you’d like to contribute, go to our Media and Press page to see how you can. Or, you can contact me directly on our contact page. SELECTED STORY OF THE MONTH 00:00 - 00:00 WHAT’S NEW? According to reports, a foster family in Phoenix, Arizona was found guility of neglect and extortion. to read more Kirsten Hargraves’ emotional story RECENTLY ADDED INTERVIEWS JOIN OUR EMAIL CLUB SEND
  • 34. Google OPENARMS ABOUT OPEN ARMS F T CHILD’S LIFELINE? MEDIA AND PRESS RESOURCES SEARCH CONTACT Foster Care Interviews User Submitted Content FOSTER CHILD OF THE MONTH WHAT WE DO The Open Arms Project provides a vehicle for current and former foster care children to speak on their experiences. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? If you’ve been in foster care and have an experience that you’d like to share, feel free to tell us. JOHN DOE John Doe lives in Orlando, Florida and is a junior in high school. WHAT CAN YOU DO? If you’d like to contribute, go to our Media and Press page to see how you can. Or, you can contact me directly on our contact page. SELECTED STORY OF THE MONTH Angela Charlton of Detroit, MI struggled for years in the foster care system. Now, she’s an aspiring computer software engineer and poetess. Click to see her story JOIN OUR EMAIL CLUB Add Comment SEND Jane Doe Anywhere, U.S.A Quis. Casdam ad modicae consulese co et vis, Cast? Kirsten Hargraves’ emotional story Comment
  • 35. Google OPENARMS ABOUT OPEN ARMS F T CHILD’S LIFELINE? MEDIA AND PRESS RESOURCES SEARCH CONTACT Foster Care Interviews User Submitted Content WHAT WE DO FOSTER CHILD OF THE MONTH The Open Arms Project provides a vehicle for current and former foster care children to speak on their experiences. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? If you’ve been in foster care and have an experience that you’d like to share, feel free to tell us. WHAT CAN YOU DO? If you’d like to contribute, go to our Media and Press page to see how you can. Or, you can contact me directly on our contact page. SELECTED STORY OF THE MONTH UPLOAD VIDEO USER SUBMITTED CONTENT UPLOAD IMAGE UPLOAD ARTICLE Want to share your story? Do you have any images or pictures that represents your experiences in foster care? Upload your video, image, or written story by clicking one of the icons above. Angela Charlton of Detroit, MI struggled for years in the foster care system. Now, she’s an aspiring computer software engineer and poetess. Click to see her story JOIN OUR EMAIL CLUB SEND Kirsten Hargraves’ emotional story
  • 36.
  • 37. T he general demographics for the “Open Arms Project” are teenagers and young adults ranging between the ages of 14-60. The primary demographic would include current foster children and those who’ve once lived in the system. The secondary demographic would include those who just want to know of the experience for personal reference. The general users will be comprise of those with basic internet experience. The more focused (primary) targets will be able to use their interactive knowledge to access further information. “The Open Arms Project” will be a vehicle for both current and fromer foster care children. The general group may pursue information online about the foster care system out of sheer curiosity of information. The primary audience would be in search of specific information about the subject matter.
  • 38. Logo: “Open” is in a different color than “Arms” and “Project”. -- I’d make all three different colors. It kind of looks like “Armsproject” is one word. Page 2: The wrong form of “its” is used in the first sentence. Page 2: I’d change the transition of “In addition” to something more along the lines of “it has further evolved.” And I’d probably tighten up that entire second sentence to something like: “It has furthered evolved into as an opportunity for anyone involved in foster care to communicate.” Page 2: What We Do. -- The website is a vehicle. In that sense, it doesn’t “provide” one. I’d say something like: “Open Arms Project is a forum for people who are currently or have been previously involved in foster care to speak about their experiences.” Page 2: Who Can Participate? - I’d be a little more encouraging. Rather than saying “feel free”, I’d be proactive and say participation is encouraged. Page 2: What Can You Do? - You jump into a first person
  • 39.
  • 40. Rashid Umar Portfolio Website
  • 41. Detroit Alliance For Fair Banking Webdesign and Content Management
  • 43. WNM 601 Javascript Drawing: The Fence
  • 44. Contact Form, Javascript Code and Design
  • 46. Video Upload, Ediot for HAHA,
  • 49. abuse Placement diagnosis disappointment Abuse social workers therapy family outings Hope Clothes Love Money physical emotional Confidence Education ambition psychological comfort failure Foster Care dictator void lies influential junior heartbroken Strong elementary Dad School loneliness Family Isolation Happiness Residential Homes Basketball Graduation Co-ed sex Detroit Pistons the Unknown adolescents STD