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Trusted Cloud
• Cloud Computing
• Definitioner & eksempler
• Myter, Fakta & Tillid
• Microsoft principper & actions
• Sikkerhed
• Privatlivsbeskyttelse
• Compliance (love & standarder)
• Gennemsigtighed
• Digital Crimes Unit
( …med global rækkevidde & regional lagring)
1 minut på internettet
© Intel
– i 2013
“Businesses and users are
going to embrace technology
only if they can trust it.”
– Satya Nadella
Cybersikkerhed & overvågning – Microsoft ….
giver ikke blanco adgang til hverken
egne eller kunders data
udleverer ikke krypteringsnøgler og
assisterer ikke myndigheder med at
bryde krypteringer
udleverer ikke data på baggrund af
‘bulk’ forespørgsler
bruger ikke & tillader ikke bagdøre i
vores software eller software vi
er ikke en del af nogen form for
overvågnings- eller efterretnings-
netværk i USA eller andre lande
Øger konstant kryptering af data både i transport og i lagring
& driver derudover alle vores Datacentre med bl.a. ISO27001
certificering og tjenester i overensstemmelse med ISO27018
Fortsætter juridisk arbejde. Udfordrer
bl.a.lovligheden i forespørgsler med såkaldte ‘gag
orders’ og brud på data suverænitet
Fortsætter lovligt & reguleret
efterforskningssamarbejde rettet mod pirateri,
pædofili, ID tyveri etc.
Øger gennemsigtigheden ved at
• involvere ejeren af data som myndighed eftersp
• oprette flere code Review Centers
• udgive Law Enforcement Request Reports
• dele guidance baseret på sikker drift udviklingserfaringer
Tager initiativ til industrisamarbejde på området for
at sikre bedst muligt fundament for ‘Cloud Trust’
Hvad Microsoft gør:
• vore datacentre er udstyret med
‘state-of-the-art’ fysiske sikkerheds-
• vi opererer med 24x7 incident
response team for at mitigere trusler
og angreb.
• vi krypterer data overførsler på alle
niveauer både i transport og i hvile.
• vi beskytter dine data med
indbyggede værktøjer og giver
adgang for kunder til yderligere
krypteringsmuligheder hvis ønsket.
Kunden kan med
rette forvente:
• dine data vil være
beskyttet med ‘state-of-
the industry’ sikkerheds-
teknologi og processer.
• dine data vil være
krypterede i transit og I
Microsoft investerer i kundens sikkerhed
Via personlige
24 x 7
På ‘vejene’
På kontoret
social media
Offentlige Data
Interne Data
Konfidentielle Data
On Premise
Offentlige Data
Interne Data
Konfidentielle Data
Via personlige
24 x 7
På ‘vejene’
På kontoret
social media
Almindelige Sjældne
Cloud drevet med operationel excellence
$15mia+ investeret til dato i cloud Infrastruktur
State-of-the-art datacentre
Eet af de største netværk globalt
Geo-replikerede kunde data – med geo-
location @rest
HR siden
2,000+ medarbejdere i cloud infrastruktur
30,000+ software udviklere og supportere
involverede i Cloud-baserede aktiviteter
Sepererer fx. HW & SW support for at fjerne
‘2-man collaborations’ trussel
Office 365
Windows Azure
Intune & CRM
Lockbox procedure
Microsoft Engineer Microsoft Manager
Microsoft EngineerLockbox system
Revisionslogs for al adgang
Just-in-time adgang med begrænset varighed
Fastsat Scope, ‘least privileged’ adgang
Customer Lockbox
Nu udvider vi Lockbox godkendelsen til kunden for at kontrollere adgang
til kundens data
Microsoft Engineer Microsoft Manager
Lockbox system
Kunden kontrollerer autorisation af Microsoft personales adgang
Microsoft beskytter kunders data privacy
Hvad Microsoft gør:
• giver fleksibilitet, valgfrihed og
transparens omkring hvor data lagres.
• vi bruger ikke kundens data til salg af
reklame eller andre kommercielle
• Vi vil ikke dele kundens data med 3.
part uden kundens accept eller når
påkrævet af loven.
• Vi stiller en række værktøjer til data
adgang til rådighed for kunden.
• Vi sletter data <180 dage efter at
kundens abonnement afsluttes.
Kunden kan med
rette forvente:
• At have kontrol med hvem
der har adgang til dine data.
• Lock box controller kræver
kundens godkendelse for at
Microsoft personale og evt,
underleverandører kan tilgå.
• at kunne slette og/eller tage
sine data med I tilfælde af at
man forlader tjenesten.
“Many of our customers have
serious concerns about
government surveillance of the
Internet. We share their
concerns. That’s why we are
taking steps to ensure
governments use legal process
rather than technological brute
force to access customer data.”
Brad Smith
General Counsel, EVP Legal and Corporate Affairs
Vi er & VIL være på forkant med compliance
Hvad Microsoft gør:
• Vi er ledende i industrien I at
forfølge compliance med de
seneste standarder for data privacy
og security, som fx. ISO 27018.
• Vi gennemgår uafhængige audits
for at certificere vores compliance.
• Vi arbejder med kunder og
regulators for at hjælpe dem med
at overholde deres compliance krav.
Kunden kan med
rette forvente:
• At vi muliggør deres
compliance ved at
implementere og overholde
relevante internationale
standarder, certificeringer og
relevant regulering.
• At man kan få adgang til
certification beviser for hver
Microsoft service.
Første Cloud Standard
Uddybning i officielt
dokument via dette link!
Fuld gennemsigtighed
Hvad Microsoft gør:
• Vi stiller læsbare, forståelige og
strenge policy for hvad vi gør— og
IKKE gør—med jeres data.
• Når vi håndterer ‘law enforcement’
forespørgsler, sker det under hensyn
til dine rettigheder og generel
privacybeskyttelse og vi sikrer at
process følger retsikkerheds-
• For hver af vore services, giver vi dig
information om hvor dine data
lagres og behandles.
Kunden kan med
rette forvente:
• At man har en klar, plain-
language forklaring af
hvordan Microsoft håndterer
og beskytter din
organisation’s data.
• At Microsoft vil være
transparente omkring law
enforcement forespørgsler.
Gennemsigtighed i aktion
Gennemsigtighed for den enkelte kunde
Country Cloud Service Provider
Regional Cloud Unique CloudCustomer Cloud
Deployed på resource hos
kunden selv, med Microsoft
produkter og teknologier
Kunden selv Microsoft Partner
Deployed på Microsoft public
cloud ressourcer på lande-
specifike lokationer for at
tilfredsstille lokale krav om
data tilhør/lagring
Deployed på dedikerede
ressourcer hosted og
drevet af en Microsoft
partner; tilbyder en højere
grad af mulig customisering
for at imødekomme
specifikke krav
Deployed på Microsoft’s
ressourcer, muliggør
hurtig skallering,
automatiseret software
updateringer, og forbrugs-
baseret afregning.
Sjældnere, ikke-standard
deployment af Microsoft
cloud ressourcer som
overholder unikke krav i
enkelte markeder.
Deployed i meget
begrænsede tilfælde
Holland (Middenmeer)
og Irland (Dublin)
Microsoft Cloud leveret fra
Datacentre i UK
Microsoft Cloud med en
Tysk Data Trustee
(Deutsche Telecom)
Microsoft Cloud platform tilbyder flere valgmuligheder
Adresserer unikke nationale, geografiske, industri og kundespecifikke muligheder.
Microsoft Confidential
DCU Botnet Takedowns og Malware Disruption
February 2010
First MS takedown
operation, proving the
model of industry-led
90,000 infected
devices from the
Botnet Worm sending
SPAM (1,5B )
March 2011
Supported by
stakeholders across
industry sectors
Involved US and Dutch
law enforcement, and
SPAM, in average 192 spam
messages per compromised
machine per minute
September 2011
Partnership between
Microsoft and security
software vendors
First operation with
named defendant
SPAM, Bitcoin
Mining, Distributed
Denial of Service
March 2012
Cross-sector partnership
with financial services
Focused on disruption
because of technical
Identity Theft / Financial
September 2012
Nitol was introduced in
the supply chain relied
on by Chinese
Settled with operator
of malicious domain
Malware Spreading,
Distributed Denial of
Service Attacks
February 2013
Bamital hijacked people’s
search results, took
victims to dangerous
Takedown in
collaboration with
Symantec, proactive
notification and cleanup
Advertising Click Fraud
June 2013
Citadel committed
online financial fraud
responsible for more
than $500Min losses
Coordinated disruption
with public-private
Identity Theft /
Financial Fraud
December 2013
ZeroAccess hijacked
search results, taking
victims to dangerous
It cost online
advertisers upwards of
$2.7 million each month
Advertising Click
Game over
June 2014
Malware using Dynamic
DNS for command. It
involved password and
identity theft, webcam,
Over 200 different types
of malware impacted.
Identity Theft /
Financial Fraud /
Privacy Invasion
Bladabindi & Jenxcus
June 2014
GameoverZeus (GOZ)
was a banking Trojan
Worked in partnership
with LE providing
Technical Remediation
Identity Theft /
Financial Fraud
July 2014
Caphaw was focused on
online financial fraud
responsible for more
than $250M in losses
Coordinated disruption
with public-private
Identity Theft /
Financial Fraud
February 2010
Microsoft-lead model of
industry-wide efforts to
counter the threat
Botnet Worm sending
SPAM andattempting to
steal confidential data and
February 2015
malware, stealing
credential information
from banking websites.
Configured to hide
Theft/Disable Security
April 2015
Theft of personal details,
including banking
passwords, as well as to
install and spread other
malicious malware.
Theft personal
data/Install and spread
other malware
Microsoft PhotoDNA
• Skaber digital signatur af de værste
kendte børnepornografiske billeder
• Kan digitalt lokalisere disse billeder
mellem millioner online
• Deles med myndigheder og gratis
licensieret til over 50 organisationer
• Industri standard – bruges fx af
Facebook, Twitter, Google
Microsoft Confidential
Microsoft Telefon SCAM - modkampagne
Overvejelser man bør have ……
ved valg af cloud løsning & leverandør
i sikkerheds-policy
og driftsprocedurer
Sikre en klar
forståelse for
sikkerheds, privacy
og compliance-
roller og ansvar
for de leverede
Sikre at data og
den enkelte
tjeneste kan
tilbage in-house
om nødvendigt
Kend klassifikation
af dine data,
processer og de
sikkerheds og
compliance krav
som de er
mulighed for
håndtering af
ændringer i
sikkerheds- og
compliance krav
Kræve at
leverandør har
certificeringer og
revision, fx.,
10 gode skridt til vurdering af & udnyttelse af cloud:
Fem interne ….
1. Kend dine data, deres klassifikation og gennemfør (simpel) Privacy Impact Assessment og
2. Start så med et simplere workload – backup, arkiv, CRM, Office, Disaster Recovery etc.
3. Se derefter på din kerneforretning og overvej en strategi for at cloud kan hjælpe med at gøre det
billigere, hurtigere, mere fleksibelt, bedre?
4. Se endelig på dine vækstplaner og hvordan CC kan hjælpe dig nå nye markeder o.lign.?
5. Har du processer eller transaktioner som matcher nogle af de klassiske forbrugsmønstre?
Og fem eksterne rettet mod din cloud service provider
6. Er din CSP transparent omkring drift, certificeringer, kontraktuelle forpligtelser etc.
7. Hvordan håndterer din CSP incidents og henvendelser fra myndigheder?
8. Hvordan behandles personfølsomme data?
9. Hvordan ser økosystemet omkring din CSP ud – er der et (stort nok) udbud af partnere som kan
hjælpe med implementering, videreudvikling og optimering
10. Gå all-in! CC er fremtiden og tilbyder dig både top & bund-linie fordele, samt et mere
omstillingsparat IT miljø. Kan din CSP hjælpe dig med at gøre det, før dine (nye) konkurrenter det?
Trusted Cloud
Ufravigelige principper
Sikkerhed by Design
Privacy by Design
På tværs af platforme
Vi er tilstede på alle platforme
25år+ erfaring med globale
intensive cloud tjenester
Private & offentlige cases
indenfor alle ‘domæner’ og i
alle geografier
Udvikler konstant på vores anvendelse
af krypteringsteknologier, processer etc.
for at imødegå trusler
Red Teaming
Operational Excellence @Scale
Digital Crimes Unit
Compliance &
ALTID fuldt på højde med nyeste
standarder og strengeste lovgivning
OG vi udfordrer myndigheder
Ekstra ressourcer
Microsoft Datacenters
Web Site & Team Blogs
Data Governance:
Windows Azure Trust Center
Office 365 Trust Center
Cloud Jura Overblik
Online Academy
Overførsel af persondata ud af EU/EEA
Overførsel af PII kun
til lande der sikrer
tilstrækkelig data
beskyttelse ifht loven
under data
beskyttelsesdirektivet A model agreement to be agreed between a data controller in
EU/EEA and a data processor outside of EU/EEA
No Danish law requirement to notify to the DPA
1. Article 25(6) of Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of
personal data and on the free movement of such data as amended by Regulation
(EC) No 1882/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 September
2003, read in the light of Articles 7, 8 and 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of
the European Union, must be interpreted as meaning that a decision adopted
pursuant to that provision, such as Commission Decision 2000/520/EC of 26 July
2000 pursuant to Directive 95/46 on the adequacy of the protection provided by the
safe harbour privacy principles and related frequently asked questions issued by the
US Department of Commerce, by which the European Commission finds that a third
country ensures an adequate level of protection, does not prevent a supervisory
authority of a Member State, within the meaning of Article 28 of that directive as
amended, from examining the claim of a person concerning the protection of his
rights and freedoms in regard to the processing of personal data relating to him
which has been transferred from a Member State to that third country when that
person contends that the law and practices in force in the third country do not
ensure an adequate level of protection.
2. Decision 2000/520 is invalid.
Om dataoverførsler mens Safe Harbour aftalen
er erklæret ugyldig:
“In the meantime, transatlantic data flows
between companies CAN CONTINUE USING
OTHER MECHANISMS for international
transfers of personal data available under EU
data protection law.”
First Vice-President Timmermans
Commissioner Jourová
Sikkerhedsdesign og drift
Microsoft fastholder sikkerhed som en prioritet
i hvert skridt fra design, over udvikling
& drift, frem til incident håndtering.
Security Development
Lifecycle (SDL)
Company-wide, mandatory
development process that
embeds security into every
phase of development process.
Assume breach
Dedicated security expert “red
team” that simulate real-world
attacks at network, platform,
and application layers, testing
the ability of Azure to detect,
protect against, and recover
from breaches.
Global, 24x7 incident response
service that works to mitigate
the effects of attacks and
malicious activity.
Data protection
Microsoft Cloud provides customers with strong data protections – both by
default and as customer options
Data isolation
Logical isolation segregates each customer’s
data from that of others is enabled by default.
In-transit data protection
Industry-standard protocols encrypt data in
transit to/from outside components, as well as
data in transit internally by default.
Data redundancy
Customers have multiple options for
replicating data, including number of copies
and number and location of replication data
At-rest data protection
Customers can implement a range of
encryption options for virtual machines and
Data encryption in storage or in transit can be
deployed by the customer to align with best
practices for ensuring confidentiality and
integrity of data.
Data destruction
Strict standards for overwriting storage
resources before reuse and the physical
destruction of decommissioned hardware are
by default.
Adgangskontroler verificeres af uafhængig revision og certificering.
Restriktioner på dataadgang
Kundedata tilgåes kun når nødvendigt for at gennemfør kundeinitieret support
på tjenesten, eller hvis krævet af lovgivning.
Når adgang gives, sker det kontrolleret og med fuldt logningsspor som
er tilgængeligt for dataejeren.
Stærk authentication, inclusive MFA, hjælper med at begrænse
adgangen til ‘kun’ at være for det autoriserede personale.
Adgang tildeles fra ‘Zero-Standing’ og fjernes så
snart den ikke længere er nødvendig – INGEN
stående admin adgang udenfor kundens kontrol.
ISO/IEC 27018
Prevents use of customer data for
purposes unrelated to providing the
cloud service.
Prohibits use of customer data for
advertising and marketing purposes
without customer’s express consent.
Microsoft is the first
major cloud provider
to adopt the first
international code of
practice for
governing the
processing of
personal information
by cloud service
Datacenter evolution
Generation 1
Generation 2
201220091989-2005 2007
Skallerbarhed &Økonomi
Generation 3
Generation 4
Generation 5
eksplosionArkivering af
‘kolde’ data
dev & test
One converged Windows platform
Protection against
modern security threats
Hardware based security for better malware protection.
Secure Boot
Enterprise credential protection via hardware-based isolation
Secure corporate identity to protect against
modern threats.
Microsoft Passport
Windows Hello
Protect your corporate data, wherever the data is.
Enterprise data protection
Eliminate malware on your devices.
Device Guard
More secure per-app connection for mobile workers.
Secure Remote Connection
Be more productive
An experience users will love
A familiar user experience that
adapts to your device.
Start menu
Continuum for Phone
Apps that can run on any Windows device.
Windows Universal Apps
The best productivity experience
across all Windows devices.
Office for Windows
Modernize your web experience, stay compatible.
Microsoft Edge
Internet Explorer 11
Innovative devices
for your business
Latest Windows innovations
on your existing PC fleet.
Great mouse & keyboard support
Hardware compatibility
Granular UX Control
Choose from the range of
innovative Windows devices.
Broad industry innovation
2-in-1 devices
Redefine productivity with
revolutionary Windows devices.
Surface Hub
Private, secure social network for your business
Inline social experiences across Office makes
posting updates, docs, and emails easy
SharePoint-based file storage provides a single
place to manage your content
Groups help users collaborate more effectively
by providing a shared inbox, calendar, document
library, site, and Yammer feed
Public Groups enable users to discover new
information and meet new people within their
Membership for Groups is integrated across
Exchange, SharePoint, and Yammer to deliver a
unified collaboration experience
Collaborate on Office documents in real time
Get started with file, sync and share in the cloud
quickly and easily
Securely store, sync, and share work files from
any device or platform
Create, manage, and subscribe to various
Secure cloud based video
upload, storage and optimized playback
Capture, share, and discover videos from any
Apps designed specifically for touch-first use on
tablets and phones
Familiar, consistent experience across phone,
tablet, and desktop
On-the-go document review, creation, and
Document fidelity remains priority
Seamless integration with Office 365, OneDrive
and SharePoint
Similar look & feel of Office on Windows
New & improved features for easy collaboration
Discover new information tailored to you from
your network
Stay connected and informed on topics that
matter the most
A natural new way to navigate, discover, and
search across your organization
Insights derived from each users behavior, their
relationships to content, topics and one-another.
Smart connections between people, content and
conversations across Office
An extensible intelligence fabric that delivers a
new era of information experiences
Search and connectivity to public and corporate
data all within Excel
Filter, shape, and merge queries from multiple
data sources
Add predictive analytics to your reports for
forecasting and population plotting
Interactively visualize data to uncover insights &
share in the cloud
Access touch-first reports across devices,
anywhere for Mobile BI
Improved Compliance Customer controls
expanding these technologies across various
services (Archiving, Auditing, Data Loss
Prevention, E-discovery)
Authenticated customer-specific Customer Trust
Access to Office 365 compliance controls and
customer dashboard for compliance
View customer-relevant reports – ISO, SOC Audit
reports, notifications about updates, regulatory
changes, etc.
Advanced encryption with RMS helps to improve
Office 365 provides built-in capabilities and
customer controls
All compliance tasks in one place
Built into Exchange and SharePoint in the cloud
or on-premises
In-Place Hold: protect content in-place in real
Query: find up to date and relevant content
Export: transfer content for review and
Across: SharePoint, Exchange, Lync, and file
shares on-premises and Office 365
New security features like DLP Policy Tips
Greatly enhanced security capabilities
S/MIME Encryption (Q1 CY 2014) Uses client
side encryption keys
Office 365 Messaging Encryption;
send secure, encrypted emails to anyone!
Strengthening encryption to protect your data;
data encrypted at rest and in motion
Security Risk Scenarios Risk Mitigation Technology
Rogue Admin RMS, BitLocker
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) DLP Policies
Stolen/Lost Laptop BitLocker
Stolen/Lost Mobile Device BitLocker, Mobile Device Management
Send encrypted email outside the
Office 365 Message Encryption

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Trusted Cloud

  • 1.
  • 3. • Cloud Computing • Definitioner & eksempler • Myter, Fakta & Tillid • Microsoft principper & actions • Sikkerhed • Privatlivsbeskyttelse • Compliance (love & standarder) • Gennemsigtighed • Digital Crimes Unit
  • 4.
  • 5. ( …med global rækkevidde & regional lagring)
  • 7. 1 minut på internettet 7 © Intel STRATEGI – i 2013
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. “Businesses and users are going to embrace technology only if they can trust it.” – Satya Nadella SIKKERHED
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18. Cybersikkerhed & overvågning – Microsoft …. giver ikke blanco adgang til hverken egne eller kunders data udleverer ikke krypteringsnøgler og assisterer ikke myndigheder med at bryde krypteringer udleverer ikke data på baggrund af ‘bulk’ forespørgsler bruger ikke & tillader ikke bagdøre i vores software eller software vi anvender er ikke en del af nogen form for overvågnings- eller efterretnings- netværk i USA eller andre lande Øger konstant kryptering af data både i transport og i lagring & driver derudover alle vores Datacentre med bl.a. ISO27001 certificering og tjenester i overensstemmelse med ISO27018 Fortsætter juridisk arbejde. Udfordrer bl.a.lovligheden i forespørgsler med såkaldte ‘gag orders’ og brud på data suverænitet Fortsætter lovligt & reguleret efterforskningssamarbejde rettet mod pirateri, pædofili, ID tyveri etc. Øger gennemsigtigheden ved at • involvere ejeren af data som myndighed eftersp • oprette flere code Review Centers • udgive Law Enforcement Request Reports • dele guidance baseret på sikker drift udviklingserfaringer Tager initiativ til industrisamarbejde på området for at sikre bedst muligt fundament for ‘Cloud Trust’
  • 19.
  • 20. Hvad Microsoft gør: • vore datacentre er udstyret med ‘state-of-the-art’ fysiske sikkerheds- tiltag. • vi opererer med 24x7 incident response team for at mitigere trusler og angreb. • vi krypterer data overførsler på alle niveauer både i transport og i hvile. • vi beskytter dine data med indbyggede værktøjer og giver adgang for kunder til yderligere krypteringsmuligheder hvis ønsket. Kunden kan med rette forvente: • dine data vil være beskyttet med ‘state-of- the industry’ sikkerheds- teknologi og processer. • dine data vil være krypterede i transit og I hvile. Microsoft investerer i kundens sikkerhed
  • 21. Via personlige enheder 24 x 7 samarbejde På ‘vejene’ På kontoret Hjemme gennem social media Offentlige Data Interne Data Konfidentielle Data On Premise Cloud Applikationer Netværk Enheder ‘Ting’ Infrastruktur
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  • 24. Cloud drevet med operationel excellence Investeringer $15mia+ investeret til dato i cloud Infrastruktur State-of-the-art datacentre Eet af de største netværk globalt Geo-replikerede kunde data – med geo- location @rest HR siden 2,000+ medarbejdere i cloud infrastruktur 30,000+ software udviklere og supportere involverede i Cloud-baserede aktiviteter Sepererer fx. HW & SW support for at fjerne ‘2-man collaborations’ trussel Office 365 Windows Azure Intune & CRM SIKKERHED
  • 25. Lockbox procedure Microsoft Engineer Microsoft Manager Microsoft Approval Microsoft EngineerLockbox system Submits request Revisionslogs for al adgang Just-in-time adgang med begrænset varighed Fastsat Scope, ‘least privileged’ adgang
  • 26. Customer Lockbox Nu udvider vi Lockbox godkendelsen til kunden for at kontrollere adgang til kundens data Microsoft Engineer Microsoft Manager Microsoft Approved Lockbox system Submits request 100101 011010 100011 Kunde godkendt Kunde Kunden kontrollerer autorisation af Microsoft personales adgang
  • 27. Microsoft beskytter kunders data privacy Hvad Microsoft gør: • giver fleksibilitet, valgfrihed og transparens omkring hvor data lagres. • vi bruger ikke kundens data til salg af reklame eller andre kommercielle formål. • Vi vil ikke dele kundens data med 3. part uden kundens accept eller når påkrævet af loven. • Vi stiller en række værktøjer til data adgang til rådighed for kunden. • Vi sletter data <180 dage efter at kundens abonnement afsluttes. Kunden kan med rette forvente: • At have kontrol med hvem der har adgang til dine data. • Lock box controller kræver kundens godkendelse for at Microsoft personale og evt, underleverandører kan tilgå. • at kunne slette og/eller tage sine data med I tilfælde af at man forlader tjenesten.
  • 28. “Many of our customers have serious concerns about government surveillance of the Internet. We share their concerns. That’s why we are taking steps to ensure governments use legal process rather than technological brute force to access customer data.” Brad Smith General Counsel, EVP Legal and Corporate Affairs Microsoft
  • 30. Vi er & VIL være på forkant med compliance Hvad Microsoft gør: • Vi er ledende i industrien I at forfølge compliance med de seneste standarder for data privacy og security, som fx. ISO 27018. • Vi gennemgår uafhængige audits for at certificere vores compliance. • Vi arbejder med kunder og regulators for at hjælpe dem med at overholde deres compliance krav. Kunden kan med rette forvente: • At vi muliggør deres compliance ved at implementere og overholde relevante internationale standarder, certificeringer og relevant regulering. • At man kan få adgang til certification beviser for hver Microsoft service.
  • 31. Første Cloud Standard Uddybning i officielt dokument via dette link!
  • 32. Fuld gennemsigtighed Hvad Microsoft gør: • Vi stiller læsbare, forståelige og strenge policy for hvad vi gør— og IKKE gør—med jeres data. • Når vi håndterer ‘law enforcement’ forespørgsler, sker det under hensyn til dine rettigheder og generel privacybeskyttelse og vi sikrer at process følger retsikkerheds- principper. • For hver af vore services, giver vi dig information om hvor dine data lagres og behandles. Kunden kan med rette forvente: • At man har en klar, plain- language forklaring af hvordan Microsoft håndterer og beskytter din organisation’s data. • At Microsoft vil være transparente omkring law enforcement forespørgsler.
  • 34. Gennemsigtighed for den enkelte kunde
  • 35. Country Cloud Service Provider Cloud Regional Cloud Unique CloudCustomer Cloud Deployed på resource hos kunden selv, med Microsoft produkter og teknologier Kunden selv Microsoft Partner Deployed på Microsoft public cloud ressourcer på lande- specifike lokationer for at tilfredsstille lokale krav om data tilhør/lagring Deployed på dedikerede ressourcer hosted og drevet af en Microsoft partner; tilbyder en højere grad af mulig customisering for at imødekomme specifikke krav Deployed på Microsoft’s globale/regionale ressourcer, muliggør hurtig skallering, automatiseret software updateringer, og forbrugs- baseret afregning. Sjældnere, ikke-standard deployment af Microsoft cloud ressourcer som overholder unikke krav i enkelte markeder. Deployed i meget begrænsede tilfælde Holland (Middenmeer) og Irland (Dublin) Microsoft Cloud leveret fra Datacentre i UK Microsoft Cloud med en Tysk Data Trustee (Deutsche Telecom) Microsoft Cloud platform tilbyder flere valgmuligheder Adresserer unikke nationale, geografiske, industri og kundespecifikke muligheder. Microsoft Confidential
  • 36.
  • 38. DCU Botnet Takedowns og Malware Disruption b49 Waledac February 2010 First MS takedown operation, proving the model of industry-led efforts Disconnected70,000- 90,000 infected devices from the botnet Botnet Worm sending SPAM (1,5B ) b107 Rustock March 2011 Supported by stakeholders across industry sectors Involved US and Dutch law enforcement, and CN-CERT SPAM, in average 192 spam messages per compromised machine per minute b79 Kelihos September 2011 Partnership between Microsoft and security software vendors First operation with named defendant SPAM, Bitcoin Mining, Distributed Denial of Service Attacks b71 Zeus March 2012 Cross-sector partnership with financial services Focused on disruption because of technical complexity Identity Theft / Financial Fraud b70 Nitol b58 Bamital b54 Citadel September 2012 Nitol was introduced in the supply chain relied on by Chinese consumers Settled with operator of malicious domain Malware Spreading, Distributed Denial of Service Attacks February 2013 Bamital hijacked people’s search results, took victims to dangerous sites Takedown in collaboration with Symantec, proactive notification and cleanup process Advertising Click Fraud June 2013 Citadel committed online financial fraud responsible for more than $500Min losses Coordinated disruption with public-private sector Identity Theft / Financial Fraud b68 ZeroAccess December 2013 ZeroAccess hijacked search results, taking victims to dangerous sites It cost online advertisers upwards of $2.7 million each month Advertising Click Fraud b157 Game over Zeus June 2014 Malware using Dynamic DNS for command. It involved password and identity theft, webcam, etc. Over 200 different types of malware impacted. Identity Theft / Financial Fraud / Privacy Invasion b106 Bladabindi & Jenxcus June 2014 GameoverZeus (GOZ) was a banking Trojan Worked in partnership with LE providing Technical Remediation Identity Theft / Financial Fraud b93 Caphaw July 2014 Caphaw was focused on online financial fraud responsible for more than $250M in losses Coordinated disruption with public-private sector Identity Theft / Financial Fraud Conficker February 2010 Microsoft-lead model of industry-wide efforts to counter the threat Botnet Worm sending SPAM andattempting to steal confidential data and passwords b75 Ramnit February 2015 Module-based malware, stealing credential information from banking websites. Configured to hide itself. Credential Information Theft/Disable Security Defenses b46 Simda April 2015 Theft of personal details, including banking passwords, as well as to install and spread other malicious malware. Theft personal data/Install and spread other malware
  • 39.
  • 40. Microsoft PhotoDNA • Skaber digital signatur af de værste kendte børnepornografiske billeder • Kan digitalt lokalisere disse billeder mellem millioner online • Deles med myndigheder og gratis licensieret til over 50 organisationer • Industri standard – bruges fx af Facebook, Twitter, Google
  • 42.
  • 44.
  • 45. Overvejelser man bør have …… ved valg af cloud løsning & leverandør Afkræv gennemsigtighed i sikkerheds-policy og driftsprocedurer Sikre en klar forståelse for sikkerheds, privacy og compliance- roller og ansvar for de leverede tjenester Sikre at data og den enkelte tjeneste kan bringes tilbage in-house om nødvendigt Kend klassifikation af dine data, processer og de sikkerheds og compliance krav som de er underlagt Overvej leverandørens mulighed for håndtering af fremtidige ændringer i sikkerheds- og compliance krav Kræve at leverandør har certificeringer og revision, fx., ISO/IEC 27001:2005
  • 46. 10 gode skridt til vurdering af & udnyttelse af cloud: Fem interne …. 1. Kend dine data, deres klassifikation og gennemfør (simpel) Privacy Impact Assessment og risikoanalyse? 2. Start så med et simplere workload – backup, arkiv, CRM, Office, Disaster Recovery etc. 3. Se derefter på din kerneforretning og overvej en strategi for at cloud kan hjælpe med at gøre det billigere, hurtigere, mere fleksibelt, bedre? 4. Se endelig på dine vækstplaner og hvordan CC kan hjælpe dig nå nye markeder o.lign.? 5. Har du processer eller transaktioner som matcher nogle af de klassiske forbrugsmønstre? Og fem eksterne rettet mod din cloud service provider 6. Er din CSP transparent omkring drift, certificeringer, kontraktuelle forpligtelser etc. 7. Hvordan håndterer din CSP incidents og henvendelser fra myndigheder? 8. Hvordan behandles personfølsomme data? 9. Hvordan ser økosystemet omkring din CSP ud – er der et (stort nok) udbud af partnere som kan hjælpe med implementering, videreudvikling og optimering 10. Gå all-in! CC er fremtiden og tilbyder dig både top & bund-linie fordele, samt et mere omstillingsparat IT miljø. Kan din CSP hjælpe dig med at gøre det, før dine (nye) konkurrenter det?
  • 47. Microsoft Trusted Cloud Ufravigelige principper Sikkerhed by Design Privacy by Design Compliance Gennemsigtighed På tværs af platforme Vi er tilstede på alle platforme Kundecases 25år+ erfaring med globale intensive cloud tjenester Private & offentlige cases indenfor alle ‘domæner’ og i alle geografier 24x7 Udvikler konstant på vores anvendelse af krypteringsteknologier, processer etc. for at imødegå trusler Red Teaming Operational Excellence @Scale Digital Crimes Unit Compliance & Gennemsigtighed ALTID fuldt på højde med nyeste standarder og strengeste lovgivning OG vi udfordrer myndigheder Globalt! OPSUMMERING
  • 48. Ekstra ressourcer Microsoft Datacenters Web Site & Team Blogs Data Governance: CSAMatrix: Windows Azure Trust Center Office 365 Trust Center Cloud Jura Overblik Online Academy
  • 49. MICROSOFT ER FULDT ENGAGERET I DATA PRIVACY & SIKKERHED Cybersikkerhed Privacy Compliance Gennemsigtighed Samfundsansvar Risikostyring Governance OPSUMMERING
  • 50.
  • 51. Overførsel af persondata ud af EU/EEA Overførsel af PII kun til lande der sikrer tilstrækkelig data beskyttelse ifht loven under data beskyttelsesdirektivet A model agreement to be agreed between a data controller in EU/EEA and a data processor outside of EU/EEA No Danish law requirement to notify to the DPA
  • 52. THE COURT (GRAND CHAMBER) HEREBY RULES: 1. Article 25(6) of Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 September 2003, read in the light of Articles 7, 8 and 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, must be interpreted as meaning that a decision adopted pursuant to that provision, such as Commission Decision 2000/520/EC of 26 July 2000 pursuant to Directive 95/46 on the adequacy of the protection provided by the safe harbour privacy principles and related frequently asked questions issued by the US Department of Commerce, by which the European Commission finds that a third country ensures an adequate level of protection, does not prevent a supervisory authority of a Member State, within the meaning of Article 28 of that directive as amended, from examining the claim of a person concerning the protection of his rights and freedoms in regard to the processing of personal data relating to him which has been transferred from a Member State to that third country when that person contends that the law and practices in force in the third country do not ensure an adequate level of protection. 2. Decision 2000/520 is invalid. SOURCE: INFOCURIA - JURISPRUDENTIE VAN HET HOF VAN JUSTITIE; HTTP://CURIA.EUROPA.EU/JURIS/DOCUMENTS.JSF?NUM=C-362/14
  • 53. Om dataoverførsler mens Safe Harbour aftalen er erklæret ugyldig: “In the meantime, transatlantic data flows between companies CAN CONTINUE USING OTHER MECHANISMS for international transfers of personal data available under EU data protection law.” EU First Vice-President Timmermans Commissioner Jourová
  • 54.
  • 57. Sikkerhedsdesign og drift Microsoft fastholder sikkerhed som en prioritet i hvert skridt fra design, over udvikling & drift, frem til incident håndtering. Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) Company-wide, mandatory development process that embeds security into every phase of development process. Assume breach simulation Dedicated security expert “red team” that simulate real-world attacks at network, platform, and application layers, testing the ability of Azure to detect, protect against, and recover from breaches. Global, 24x7 incident response service that works to mitigate the effects of attacks and malicious activity. Incident response 58 SIKKERHED
  • 58. Data protection Microsoft Cloud provides customers with strong data protections – both by default and as customer options 59 Data isolation Logical isolation segregates each customer’s data from that of others is enabled by default. In-transit data protection Industry-standard protocols encrypt data in transit to/from outside components, as well as data in transit internally by default. Data redundancy Customers have multiple options for replicating data, including number of copies and number and location of replication data centers. At-rest data protection Customers can implement a range of encryption options for virtual machines and storage. Encryption Data encryption in storage or in transit can be deployed by the customer to align with best practices for ensuring confidentiality and integrity of data. Data destruction Strict standards for overwriting storage resources before reuse and the physical destruction of decommissioned hardware are by default.
  • 59. Adgangskontroler verificeres af uafhængig revision og certificering. Restriktioner på dataadgang 60 Kundedata tilgåes kun når nødvendigt for at gennemfør kundeinitieret support på tjenesten, eller hvis krævet af lovgivning. Når adgang gives, sker det kontrolleret og med fuldt logningsspor som er tilgængeligt for dataejeren. Stærk authentication, inclusive MFA, hjælper med at begrænse adgangen til ‘kun’ at være for det autoriserede personale. Adgang tildeles fra ‘Zero-Standing’ og fjernes så snart den ikke længere er nødvendig – INGEN stående admin adgang udenfor kundens kontrol. PRIVACY
  • 60. ISO/IEC 27018 Prevents use of customer data for purposes unrelated to providing the cloud service. Prohibits use of customer data for advertising and marketing purposes without customer’s express consent. Microsoft is the first major cloud provider to adopt the first international code of practice for governing the processing of personal information by cloud service providers. 61
  • 61.
  • 62. Datacenter evolution Server Kapacitet 20årsTeknologi 2.0+PUE Co-lokation Generation 1 Tæthed Rack Density&Deployment Minimérressourceforbrug 1.4–1.6PUE Generation 2 201220091989-2005 2007 Inddæmning 1.2–1.5PUE Containere,PODs Skallerbarhed &Økonomi Sustainability(luft&vand) DifferentieredeSLA’er Generation 3 Modular 1.12–1.20PUE ITPACs&Co-lokationer ReduceretCarbon Right-Sized KortereTime-to-Market Køletmedluftudefra Generation 4 Integreret 1.07–1.19PUE IntegreretSystem ModstandsdygtigSoftware Fællesinfrastruktur Operationelsimplicitet Fleksibelt&Skallerbart Generation 5 Fremtidig
  • 66. Hardware based security for better malware protection. Secure Boot Enterprise credential protection via hardware-based isolation Secure corporate identity to protect against modern threats. Microsoft Passport Windows Hello Protect your corporate data, wherever the data is. Enterprise data protection Eliminate malware on your devices. Device Guard More secure per-app connection for mobile workers. Secure Remote Connection
  • 67. Be more productive An experience users will love
  • 68. A familiar user experience that adapts to your device. Start menu Continuum Continuum for Phone Apps that can run on any Windows device. Windows Universal Apps The best productivity experience across all Windows devices. Office for Windows Modernize your web experience, stay compatible. Microsoft Edge Internet Explorer 11
  • 70. Latest Windows innovations on your existing PC fleet. Great mouse & keyboard support Hardware compatibility Granular UX Control Choose from the range of innovative Windows devices. Broad industry innovation 2-in-1 devices Surface Lumia Redefine productivity with revolutionary Windows devices. Surface Hub HoloLens
  • 71. Private, secure social network for your business Inline social experiences across Office makes posting updates, docs, and emails easy SharePoint-based file storage provides a single place to manage your content INTEGRATED SOCIAL NETWORKING
  • 72. Groups help users collaborate more effectively by providing a shared inbox, calendar, document library, site, and Yammer feed Public Groups enable users to discover new information and meet new people within their organization Membership for Groups is integrated across Exchange, SharePoint, and Yammer to deliver a unified collaboration experience GROUPS
  • 73. Collaborate on Office documents in real time Get started with file, sync and share in the cloud quickly and easily Securely store, sync, and share work files from any device or platform ONE DRIVE FOR BUSINESS
  • 74. Create, manage, and subscribe to various channels Secure cloud based video upload, storage and optimized playback Capture, share, and discover videos from any device OFFICE 365 VIDEO
  • 76. Apps designed specifically for touch-first use on tablets and phones Familiar, consistent experience across phone, tablet, and desktop On-the-go document review, creation, and collaboration Document fidelity remains priority OFFICE ACROSS DEVICES
  • 77. Seamless integration with Office 365, OneDrive and SharePoint Similar look & feel of Office on Windows New & improved features for easy collaboration OFFICE FOR THE MAC
  • 79. Discover new information tailored to you from your network Stay connected and informed on topics that matter the most A natural new way to navigate, discover, and search across your organization OFFICE GRAPH
  • 80. Insights derived from each users behavior, their relationships to content, topics and one-another. Smart connections between people, content and conversations across Office An extensible intelligence fabric that delivers a new era of information experiences DELVE
  • 81. Search and connectivity to public and corporate data all within Excel Filter, shape, and merge queries from multiple data sources BI FOR EVERYONE
  • 82. Add predictive analytics to your reports for forecasting and population plotting Interactively visualize data to uncover insights & share in the cloud Access touch-first reports across devices, anywhere for Mobile BI VISUALIZATION & MOBILITY
  • 84. Improved Compliance Customer controls expanding these technologies across various services (Archiving, Auditing, Data Loss Prevention, E-discovery) Authenticated customer-specific Customer Trust Center TRUST CENTER Access to Office 365 compliance controls and customer dashboard for compliance View customer-relevant reports – ISO, SOC Audit reports, notifications about updates, regulatory changes, etc.
  • 85. Advanced encryption with RMS helps to improve security Office 365 provides built-in capabilities and customer controls CONTROL ON YOUR TERMS
  • 86. All compliance tasks in one place Built into Exchange and SharePoint in the cloud or on-premises COMPLIANCE CENTER
  • 87. In-Place Hold: protect content in-place in real time Query: find up to date and relevant content quickly Export: transfer content for review and production eDISCOVERY Across: SharePoint, Exchange, Lync, and file shares on-premises and Office 365
  • 88. New security features like DLP Policy Tips Greatly enhanced security capabilities DATA LOSS PREVENTION
  • 89. S/MIME Encryption (Q1 CY 2014) Uses client side encryption keys Office 365 Messaging Encryption; send secure, encrypted emails to anyone! ENCRYPTION Strengthening encryption to protect your data; data encrypted at rest and in motion Security Risk Scenarios Risk Mitigation Technology Rogue Admin RMS, BitLocker Data Loss Prevention (DLP) DLP Policies Stolen/Lost Laptop BitLocker Stolen/Lost Mobile Device BitLocker, Mobile Device Management Send encrypted email outside the organization Office 365 Message Encryption B2B S/MIME