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Source Clarity
Romina Marazzato Sparano
Agenda Today:
How to solve translatability issues
 Source Clarity: intra-lingual issues
 Source Idiosyncrasies: inter-lingual issues
VH Rescue Mission helps people drinking their life away find a new
productive groove in life.
Guilt, vengeance, and bitterness can be emotionally destructive to
you and your children. You must get rid of them.
The Secret is in the… Naming / Parsing
buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
Buffalo buffalo—that Buffalo buffalo buffalo — buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
 2 word types: N & V
 2 N types: proper & common
 Text-building errors: obscured meaning
 Adequacy
> Plain Language 2.0: APT3
 Ambiguity (lexical/syntactic)
> Grammar: Order, Parsing, θ Roles
 Connectivity
> Cohesion & Coherence
 Conflicting worldviews: lexical/syntactic mismatches
 Naming relevant realities
Perceptual > concrete
Experiential > psychological
Abstract > ontologic
 Event construal options in the language
pāhoehoe / ʻaʻā
Wipe the counter clean
quejarse de algo
Source Clarity Map
 Adequacy
 Plain Language Approach
 Audience, Purpose, Structure, (Content), Design
 Grammar
 Syntax
 Word Order > Leanearization, Meaning, Markness, Topic
 Syntactic Function > Parsing, Ambiguity, Predication
 Semantic Roles
 Event Participants & Circumstances
 Coherence
 Cohesion
 Lexical > pronouns, repetitions, topical webs, etc.
 Grammatical > ellipsis, reference, recasting, markers
 Recasting strategies explored
 Coherence
 Information Flow > Theme / Rheme
 Relations > Resemblance / Contiguity / Cause & Effect
Idiosyncrasies Map
 Lexical Differences
 Concrete / Experiential / Ontological
 False Cognates
 Grammatical Differences
 Event Construal
 Verb Frame / Satellite Frame
 Manner Conflation vs. Path Incorporation
 Unergative to Transitive > Resultatives
 Locative Alternations > Location / Theme as Object
 Dative Clitics > Path / Possession / Ethical Meaning
 Se Uses
Text Structure
Text Content
Text Appeal
 Purpose, Structure & Visual Organization
Introducing Translation Studies
Jeremy Munday
Translation Changes
Lawrence Venuti
 Register: Field / Tenor / Mode
> Terminology, prior knowledge, formality, etc.
Migraine is a type of headache that can cause
pounding pain, nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity
and can be treated with anti-nausea drugs, pain
killers, and preventive medications.
Migraine is a common neurologic disorder,
characterized by paroxysmal attacks of
unilateral throbbing headache and autonomic
nervous system dysfunction.
Exercise: Adequacy
La traducción es un proceso de transmitir informaciones entre
diferentes lenguas y culturas. No cabe duda que algunas
informaciones cuentan con frases o términos de culturema, el cual
requiere que el traductor elija la estrategia que mejor le combina. La
extranjerización y la domesticación son las estrategias opuestas
que se pelean entre sí hace mucho. Debido a que la gastronomía
forma parte de la cultura, la traducción de los términos
gastronómicos entran en el tema de los culturemas. La presente
tesis analiza la elección de estas dos estrategias traductológicas
bajo distintas condiciones.
Doctoral Thesis
La extranjerización y la domesticación son las estrategias
opuestas que se pelean entre sí hace mucho.
> implicature
Exercise: Adequacy
“The explosions ripped through traffic and buildings a block apart, hurling
vehicles through the air, incinerating drivers and burning office workers at
their desks. Blast walls erected for protection were pulverized. Mangled
bodies and pieces of flesh lay strewn around the streets. Water spewed
from a destroyed main and collected in blood-tinged pools.”
In 53 words, the writers convey the raw damage. Notice that each
sentence is constructed basically the same way: a subject takes an action,
causing an effect. The active construction of the sentences (as opposed to
passive construction, in which an action happens to a subject)[…] grab[s]
the reader by the collar.
“Good Writing”
Craig Gaines
“The explosions ripped through traffic and buildings a block apart, hurling
vehicles through the air, incinerating drivers and burning office workers at
their desks. Blast walls erected for protection were pulverized. Mangled
bodies and pieces of flesh lay strewn around the streets. Water spewed
from a destroyed main and collected in blood-tinged pools.”
In 53 words, the writers convey the raw damage. Notice that each
sentence is constructed basically the same way: a subject takes an action,
causing an effect. The active construction of the sentences (as opposed to
passive construction, in which an action happens to a subject)[…] grab[s]
the reader by the collar.
“Good Writing”
Craig Gaines
2. Grammar
 Syntax
Word Order
Linearization & Information Flow
Topic & Remark nmarked sequence)
Slots for event participants & circumstances
 Semantic Roles
Argument Structure
Who did what do whom, when, where, how, why
agent / theme / experiencer / location / etc.
Just the important stuff…
functional category
lexical category
Word Order
 Linearization
> perceptual need
> sequence via trees
 Given / New –- Topic / Remark –- Theme / Rheme
This is a grammatically correct sequence.
A hurricane is a huge storm that swirls around a
low-pressure center of mostly calm weather.
The low pressure center of the storm is known as the eye
of the hurricane.
Word Order
 Unmarked vs. Marked Structures
 Cue to Meaning
I bought fruits at the famers’ market on Tuesday.
On Tuesday, I bought fruits at the farmers’ market.
Oedipus killed Laius. Amazingly, Floyd is tall.
Laius killed Oedipus. Floyd is amazingly tall.
Syntactic Functions
Grammar Rules!
 Slots to place event participants & circumstances
 Embedded
Parsing Trees
Syntactic Functions
 Subject
> main character
 Verb (Predicate)
> event
 Object
> supporting character (argument)
 Complement
> necessary modifier
 Adjunct
> optional modifier, circumstance
This problem seemed quite difficult.
Some considered it impossible.
But Sonia finally found an answer.
 Case markers > syntactic slot marking
Latin: “DogACC saw-I.” > I saw the dog
 English case > impoverished system
he her him/her
Jack brought her/to Rebecca an orphaned baby
on the day one of their triplets died.
Canem vidi.
 Subject: aboutness, not agency
 Basis for recasting
A reminder will be sent to the patient.
You will receive a reminder.
My keys disappeared.
Syntax: SVO Order
Syntax: Parsing
The woman the thief the police apprehended robbed sat down
beside me.
*The woman, the thief the police apprehended robbed, sat down
beside me.
 Clustering properly
 Little words matter
 Punctuation does NOT correspond to:
 Pauses in speech
 Boundaries of syntax
The woman whom the thief that the police apprehended robbed
sat down beside me.
We convinced her students have the maturity to talk about
difficult subjects.
Steel knives are made from is often high-carbon steel.
Syntax: Garden Paths & Ambiguity
Syntax: Beyond Parsing
Occam’s Razor: do not multiply entities
 Concepts > saying 2 things = meaning 2 things
 Structures > parallel structures for parallel ideas
Scaffolding is breaking up the learning into chunks and then you
provide a tool, or structure, with each chunk, .
We separately measured the magnitude of global versus local
effects of the rod and frame test.
We separately measured the magnitude of global and local effects
of the rod and frame test.
Scaffolding is breaking up the learning into chunks
and then providing a tool, or structure, with each chunk.
Semantic Roles
 Who does what to whom, how, where, and when?
Agent, theme, experiencer, location, etc.
The baby, Jack tells his wife, had been brought that day to the
hospital by a fireman, who had been dissuaded from adopting
the child himself.
Se cayó.
> He fell down.
Tropezó con el
> He tripped over the
extension cord.
Lo empujaron.
> Someone pushed him.
He was pushed
Roles are selected for
 Nature of the event
 Point of view of the speaker
Role Description Example
Agent Instigator of the event Martin finally scored the first goal.
His shot was blocked by the goalie.
Instrument Involuntary cause of the
The waves tore down the sandcastle.
Theme Object of the event Kenny read the novel.
The novel disappeared from my desk.
Experiencer Entity perceiving the
Claire likes ice cream.
Her attitude does not sit well with me.
/ Time
Spatial / temporal
At six, I will see you at home.
Path Transition path. He run the whole way, so he wouldn’t be late to
Source Departing point. The current took the raft from the edge of the
waterfall to the shore of the lake.
Goal Arrival point. He followed the map to the end of the trail.
1 Participant
2 Participants
The storm roared.
Subject + ACTIVE VOICE + Object
The storm destroyed the city.
‘doer’ ‘done-to’
The city collapsed.
(+ Compl.)
The city was destroyed
‘done-to’ (by the storm.)
Unergative Transitive
Passive Transitive
Types of Predication
1. Unaccusative
2. Unergative
3. Monotransitive /
Transitive Intransitive
Agent subject
Theme DO
Agent subject
Theme DO
Goal IO
Theme subject
(‘be’ aux.
in many
Agent subject
(have aux.)
kissed me.
Laura gave me
a new sprout.
The guests
The gymnast trains
2. Grammar Recap
Word Order
Linearization & Theme/Rheme
Marked/Unmarked & Meaning
Syntactic Functions
Slots for participants, predicate, & circumstances
Subject, Verb, Object, Complement, Adjunct
Semantic Roles
Relations between participants and circumstances
Agent, Theme, Experiencer, Location, Goal, etc.
who did what do whom, when, where, how, why
La mayor parte de los autores que se han ocupado de este
problema, arguyen que son pocas las maestras que a la edad de
cinco años pueden enseñar a los niños a leer.
Exercise: Parsing for Modifiers
La mayor parte de los autores que se han ocupado de este
problema afirman que son pocas las maestras que a la edad de
cinco años pueden enseñar a los niños a leer.
son pocas las maestras que a la edad de cinco años pueden
enseñar a los niños a leer
Exercise: Medical Blunders
She was the first of eight children. Her father died at seven.
The patient was side-swiped by a car riding a motorcycle.
He was advised to force fluids through his interpreter.
Exercise: Parsing for Syntactic Slots
If you build it, as that popular saying goes, they will come. No place
is that clearer than Sir Bani Yas, an island about 150 miles
southwest of the UAE capital of Abu Dhabi.
There is more interest in the vulnerability that Americans have to
companies that collect a lot of data and then don't take care of
it. But, no place is that clearer than in credit reporting..
That is clear in credit reporting..
If you build it, as that popular saying goes, they will come. No place
is that clearer than Sir Bani Yas, an island about 150 miles
southwest of the UAE capital of Abu Dhabi.
There is more interest in the vulnerability that Americans have to
companies that collect a lot of data and then don't take care of
it. But, no place is that clearer than in credit reporting..
*That is clear Sir Bani Yas..
Exercise: Parsing for Parallel Structures
Even in completely right-handed subjects, variations in the degree to
which the right brain has incipient function in these eight domains
sufficient to play a role in recovery, and variations in the degree to which
the right and left hemispheres disconnected by the typical periventricular
white matter (PVWM) lesions observed with MCA distribution strokes,
which may involve callossal fibers, no doubt contribute additionally to the
variation in patterns of break- down in aphasia.
[Transcription with erratum sent to me]
The Neural Architecture of Grammar
Stephen Nadau
> Find the missing word
Even in completely right-handed subjects, variations in the degree to
which the right brain has incipient function in these eight domains
sufficient to play a role in recovery, and variations in the degree to which
the right and left hemispheres disconnected by the typical periventricular
white matter (PVWM) lesions observed with MCA distribution strokes,
which may involve callossal fibers, no doubt contribute additionally to the
variation in patterns of break- down in aphasia.
[Transcription with erratum sent to me]
The Neural Architecture of Grammar
Stephen Nadau
Exercise: Beyond Parsing
After half a million years ago, the human populations of Africa and
western Eurasia proceeded to diverge from each other and from
East Asian populations in skeletal details.
Guns, Germs, and Steel.
Jared Diamond
3. Cohesion and Coherence
 Cohesion
Visible stitching
> lexical, syntactic, relational
 Coherence
Smooth seams
> logical, contextual, pragmatic
1. Lexical
2. Grammatical
-pronouns, repetitions, proper nouns
-synonyms, hyponyms, hypernyms
-definitions, explanations
-word families and topical lexicons
-references: co-text, context, cognition
-paraphrasing and syntactic recasting
-discourse markers and punctuation
Lexical Cohesion
The Beagle’s voyage was a scientific one: its crew would be
testing the clocks for the British navy, which depended on
precise timekeeping to navigate. Exquisitely detailed maps
would be drawn on the voyage as well, so mahogany lockers
were installed in the poop cabin and packed with navigational
charts. The crew replaced the ship’s 10 steel cannons with
brass ones so that not even the slightest interference could
confuse the Beagle’s compasses.
Carl Zimmer
The Beagle’s voyage was a scientific one: its crew would be
testing the clocks for the British navy, which depended on
precise timekeeping to navigate. Exquisitely detailed maps
would be drawn on the voyage as well, so mahogany lockers
were installed in the poop cabin and packed with navigational
charts. The crew replaced the ship’s 10 steel cannons with
brass ones so that not even the slightest interference could
confuse the Beagle’s compasses.
Carl Zimmer
Isaac Newton was not a pleasant man. His relations with other academics
were notorious, with most of his later life spent embroiled in heated disputes.
Following publication of Principia Mathematica […] Newton soon clashed with
the Astronomer Royal, John Flamsteed, who […] was now withholding
information that Newton wanted. Newton would not take no for an answer […]
Eventually, he arranged for Flamsteed's work to be seized and prepared for
publication by Flamsteed's mortal enemy […]. But Flamsteed took the case to
court and, in the nick of time, won a court order preventing distribution of the
stolen work. Newton was incensed and sought his revenge by systematically
deleting all references to Flamsteed in later editions.
Leibniz. [...] A Brief History of Time
Stephen Hawking
Isotopies: topical webs
Isaac Newton was not a pleasant man. His relations with other academics
were notorious, with most of his later life spent embroiled in heated disputes.
Following publication of Principia Mathematica […] Newton soon clashed with
the Astronomer Royal, John Flamsteed, who […] was now withholding
information that Newton wanted. Newton would not take no for an answer […]
Eventually, he arranged for Flamsteed's work to be seized and prepared for
publication by Flamsteed's mortal enemy […]. But Flamsteed took the case to
court and, in the nick of time, won a court order preventing distribution of the
stolen work. Newton was incensed and sought his revenge by systematically
deleting all references to Flamsteed in later editions.
Leibniz. [...] A Brief History of Time
Stephen Hawking
Newton’s second major book, Opticks, was first published in English
rather than in Latin, contributing to the development of a vernacular
science literature.
Grammatical Cohesion
 Co-text
anaphor, cataphor,
substitution, temporal structure
 Context
situation, interlocutors
 Cognition
prior knowledge of subject matter
& the world
Aristotle thought the earth was stationary and that the sun,
the moon, the planets, and the stars moved in circular orbits
about the earth. He believed this because he felt, for mystical
reasons, that the earth was the center of the universe, and
that circular motion was the most perfect. This idea was
elaborated by Ptolemy in the second century A.D. into a
complete cosmological model.
A Brief History of Time
Stephen Hawking
Co-text Reference: Substitution
Aristotle thought the earth was stationary and that the sun,
the moon, the planets, and the stars moved in circular orbits
about the earth. He believed this because he felt, for mystical
reasons, that the earth was the center of the universe, and
that circular motion was the most perfect. This idea was
elaborated by Ptolemy in the second century A.D. into a
complete cosmological model.
A Brief History of Time
Stephen Hawking
Co-text Reference: Anaphora / Cataphora
Opossums also have opposable thumbs and prehensile tails
that they use to help themselves climb trees. Although their
hairless tail and pointy snout gives them a similar appearance
to rats, opossums are not even in the same family as rodents.
“In Defense of Opossums”
Colleen Beaty
Co-text Reference: Meaning
Police Report (uses 3rd person!)
When the suspect walked into the store, he was wearing a
stocking mask.
*When he walked into the store, the suspect was wearing
a stocking mask.
Obscures meaning
Although I suspect that not many folks would agree with me in calling
opossums ‘cute,’ I hope I’ve inspired in you a more positive perception
of these nocturnal marsupials.
We believe that every act of conservation
matters [… and] contributes to the collective
positive outcome for the environment.
The opossum complaints received are usually due to one of three
reasons: opossums are nesting somewhere in the home, they are
stealing garbage, or they are harassing pets.
Opossum Trapping Service
Tips: How to get rid of opossums
Although their hairless tail and pointy snout
gives them a similar appearance to rats,
opossums are not even in the same family
as rodents.
Reflection: Reference
A flawless tribute to water, Bernini's Fountain of the Four Rivers
glorified the four major rivers of the Old World — The Nile, Ganges,
Danube, and Rio Plata.
Water, Langdon thought. The final marker. It was perfect.
Angels and Demons
Dan Brown
¡La Fuente de los Cuatro Ríos! Un tributo perfecto al agua,
la Fuente de los Cuatro Ríos de Bernini glorificaba los cuatro ríos
principales del Antiguo Mundo: el Nilo, el Ganges, el Danubio y
el Río de la Plata.
Agua, pensó Langdon. El indicador final. Era perfecto.
Traducido por G. Murillo
A flawless tribute to water, Bernini's Fountain of the Four Rivers
glorified the four major rivers of the Old World — The Nile, Ganges,
Danube, and Rio Plata.
Water, Langdon thought. The final marker. It was perfect.
Angels and Demons
Dan Brown
Recasting Strategies
Subject = Agent = Topic?
>> rearrange structure but preserve semantic roles
 Topicalization / Fronting for effect or meaning
 Place old before new
 Shift heavy phrases rightward to lighten memory
 Separate bad neighbors (ambiguity, mistakes)
 Bring references and antecedents closer together to
expedite processing
 Starting from
Basic SVO Order
 Subject Clause
 Extraposed Subject Clause
That Rebecca would harbor doubts was inevitable.
It was inevitable that Rebecca would harbor doubts.
Recasting (cont’d)
 Cleft
 Pseudo-cleft
It was at the hospital that they met Randall.
It was Jack who convinced Rebecca.
It was Rebecca who(m) Jack convinced.
What Jack wanted was to adopt the baby.
Recasting (cont’d)
 Existential Clause
 Dummy Subject
There was a baby by the door.
There ensued a long discussion.
Recasting (cont’d)
 Fronting for Meaning
For several days, she could not feed the baby.
She could not feed the baby for several days.
Recasting (cont’d)
 Fronting for Effect
Somewhere in La Mancha, in a place whose name I do not care to
remember, and not too long ago, lived a gentleman, one with a rusty
lance, an aging shield, a skinny horse, and a hunting hound.
En un lugar de la Mancha, de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme, no
ha mucho tiempo que vivía un hidalgo de los de lanza en astillero,
adarga antigua, rocín flaco y galgo corredor.
Recasting (cont’d)
 Verb Choice
> = event ≠ perspective
Rob: places the object at the end
Steal: places the criminal at the end
Give/receive buy/sell lend/borrow
You can substitute a gluten free mix for flour.
You can replace flour with a gluten free mix.
The baby, Jack told his wife, had been brought to the
hospital by a fireman, who had been dissuaded from
adopting the child himself.
 Passive Voice
Agent is
(Ir)Relevant to object view
Heavy or new!
Recasting (cont’d)
Recasting (cont’d)
 Passives in Spanish: pasiva perifrástica
 Participial: ser / estar + participle
 SER: process
 ESTAR: result or state
No fueron otorgados los habeas corpus solicitados por los
En 8 países, está prohibido el aborto.
Recasting (cont’d)
 Passives in Spanish: pasiva refleja
 Se + verb + object (of active transitive sentence)
Se busca a los culpables del atentado. Se los busca.
Se reforzó el puente como medida de seguridad.
Se construyeron nuevas escuelas. Se las construyó.
Se busca(n) secretarias bilingües.Se busca empleado.
Recasting (cont’d)
 Note on pasiva refleja vs. impersonal
 Se + verb (of intransitive sentence)
 (dative clitic) + 3rd person plural
Se trabaja duro en el campo.
En verano, se está mejor a la sombra.
A esta hora, se llega más rápido autopista.
Le robaron el auto. Llamaron al médico.
Cohesion Recap
1. Lexical
2. Grammatical
 pronouns, repetitions
 synonyms, hyponyms, hypernyms
 definitions, explanations
 word families and topical lexicons
 ellipsis
 references
 recasting
 discourse markers
 punctuation
 Subject Clause
 Extraposed Subject Clasue
 Cleft
 Pseudo-cleft
 Existential Clasue
 Dummy Subject
 Fronting Adjuncts
 Verb Choice
 Passive / Impersonal
Cohesion as TECHNIQUE
 Express, restate, or relate meanings using ≠ words
En Argentina, el sistema bancario estuvo al borde del colapso, lo que
hizo que el gobierno introdujera el corralito e impusiera otros
controles de capital.
In Argentina, the banking system came close to collapse, pushing the
government to ban bank withdrawals with the corralito, or bullpen for
deposits, and to establish other capital controls.
> Definition / Explanation / Repetition
Corral: cercado para guardar animals > bullpen
 Lexical Tools: Hyponyms & Hypernyms
> Specification & Generalization
Cohesion Exercise
Wet curls thoroughly. Shampoo your hair with our new no-lathering
cleanser. Massage a liberal amount between palms and work
throughout your scalp..
Mójate completamente los rulos. Lávate el pelo con nuestro champú sin
espuma. Frota una buena cantidad en las manos y masajéala por toda
la cabeza…
Cohesion Exercise
The young man had involuntary seminal fluid emission
when he engaged in foreplay for several weeks.
For several weeks, the young man had involuntary
seminal fluid emission when he engaged in foreplay.
 Recasting
A major row ensued over who had been first, with scientists offering
vigorous defenses to both contenders. It is remarkable, however, that most
of the articles appearing in defense of Newton were originally written by his
own hand and only published in the name of friends!
 Recasting
> Verb Choice, Extraposed Subject Clause, Passive
Sobrevino un gran escándalo sobre quién había sido el primero, en el que
ambos contendientes recibieron enardecidas defensas de diversos
colegas. Hay que señalar, sin embargo, que Newton mismo escribió la
mayoría de los artículos que aparecieron en su defensa y ¡que sólo se
publicaron bajo la firma de sus amigos!
Bhutan's commitment to climate change efforts was stressed by the
country's prime minister last year. His message about his country's lofty
goals in the face of a changing climate was actually what first inspired
Jazbec to visit and try to capture the country's resilient spirit in
The photographer has documented communities facing climate change
around the world, but it was Bhutan that struck a chord with him for its
sense of resilience.
When Jazbec visited the small kingdom last year, he was shown through
the region by a "fixer," or local guide, who helped him visit different
“Resilience of Spirit”
Sarah Gibbens. Photographs by Ciril Jazbec.
As far as Kepler was concerned, elliptical orbits were merely an ad hoc
hypothesis, and a rather repugnant one at that, because ellipses were
clearly less perfect than circles. Having discovered almost by accident that
elliptical orbits fit the observations well, he could not reconcile them with
his idea that the planets were made to orbit the sun by magnetic forces.
An explanation was provided only much later, in 1687, when Sir Isaac
Newton published his Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica,
probably the most important single work ever published in the physical
sciences. In it Newton not only put forward a theory of how bodies move in
space and time, but he also developed the complicated mathematics
needed to analyze those motions.
A Brief History of Time
Stephen Hawking
 Information Flow
 Connections
T1 R1
T1 R2
T1 R1
Ta R2 Tb R3
Tc R4
T1 R1
T2 R2
 Logical / Chronological / Topical
message progression
Information Flow
 Hurricane 1
A hurricane is a huge storm that swirls around a low- pressure
center of mostly calm weather. The center of the storm is known
as the eye of the hurricane. In the eye, winds are light and
precipitation low. Above the eye, skies are usually clear. Around
the eye, a thick ring of towering thunderstorms forms the wall of
the hurricane. This is where winds are strongest and rain is
heaviest. Outside the wall, swirls of clouds and rain form orbiting
thunderstorms and tornadoes. These are called rain bands and
usually stretch out for hundreds of miles.
 Hurricane 2
A hurricane is a huge storm that can be up to 600 miles across
and carry strong winds. Hurricanes gather heat and energy
through contact with warm ocean waters. Each hurricane usually
lasts for over a week, moving 10-20 miles per hour. Evaporation
from the seawater increases their power. Hurricanes rotate in a
counter-clockwise direction around an "eye" in the Northern
Hemisphere. The center of the storm or "eye" is the calmest part.
When they come onto land, the heavy rain, strong winds, and
large waves can damage buildings, trees, and cars. 
A hurricane is a huge storm that swirls around a
low-pressure center of mostly calm weather.
The low-pressure center of the storm is known as the
eye of the hurricane
In the eye, winds are light and precipitation low.
Above the eye, skies are usually clear.
Around the eye, a thick ring of towering thunderstorms
form the wall of the hurricane…
A hurricane is a huge storm.
Each hurricane usually lasts for over a week.
The center of the storm or "eye" is the calmest part.
When they come onto land, the heavy rain, strong winds
and large waves can damage buildings, trees, and cars.
A ban on DDT saved the peregrine falcon from extinction.
An ornithologist at Cornell University helped as well. He
invented a mating hat. This story can be confirmed by Googling
it. Female falcons had become scarce. However, a few wistful
males maintained a sort of sexual loitering ground. So, the
ornithologist imagined, constructed, and then wore the mating
hat. He then patrolled the loitering ground, singing like a bird
and bowing like a Japanese Buddhist…
A ban on DDT saved the peregrine falcon from extinction.
An ornithologist at Cornell University helped as well. He
invented a mating hat. You can confirm this story by Googling it.
Female falcons had become scarce. However, a few wistful
males maintained a sort of sexual loitering ground. So, the
ornithologist imagined, constructed, and then wore the mating
hat. He then patrolled the loitering ground, singing like a bird
and bowing like a Japanese Buddhist…
The peregrine falcon was brought back from the brink of
extinction by a ban on DDT, but also by a peregrine-falcon
mating hat invented by an ornithologist at Cornell University. If
you can’t buy this, Google it. Female falcons had grown
dangerously scarce. A few wistful males nevertheless
maintained a sort of sexual loitering ground. The hat was
imagined, constructed, then forthrightly worn by the ornithologist
as he patrolled this loitering ground, singing, Chee-up! Chee-
up! and bowing like an overpolite Japanese Buddhist trying to
tell somebody goodbye…
The peregrine falcon was brought back from the brink of
extinction by a ban on DDT, but also by a peregrine-falcon
mating hat invented by an ornithologist at Cornell University. If
you can’t buy this, Google it. Female falcons had grown
dangerously scarce. A few wistful males nevertheless
maintained a sort of sexual loitering ground. The hat was
imagined, constructed, then forthrightly worn by the ornithologist
as he patrolled this loitering ground, singing, Chee-up! Chee-
up! and bowing like an overpolite Japanese Buddhist trying to
tell somebody goodbye…
Connections Among Ideas
> Temporal (recursion) vs. Cause and Effect reading
How one thought leads to another
 Resemblance
 Contiguity
 Cause & Effect
Patient has chest pains if she lies on her left side for over a year.
> Inferential Connections
> Discourse Markers
The Virginia opossum is the only marsupial species in North America. Like
kangaroos and other marsupials, female opossums rear their young in a
fur-lined pouch […] Although their hairless tail and pointy snout gives them
a similar appearance to rats, opossums are not even in the same family as
rodents. They do not dig holes, although they will readily seek shelter in
holes dug by other animals.
You might think opossums are vicious because when confronted with a
potential threat, they put up a fierce display, baring their teeth and hissing.
But that’s all just a front – they won’t actually attack […]
However, opossums are downright indomitable in another way – they have
an innate ability to stave off many diseases and toxins […] They also
rarely catch Lyme disease from tick bites.
“In Defense of Opossums”
Colleen Beaty
The researchers placed trout in cages downstream from sewage
treatment plants and in a few weeks the males began to have elevated
levels of a protein called vitellogenin in their blood. Vitellogenin is the
protein responsible for making egg yolks in female fish. Little, if any,
vitellogenin is normally found in the blood of male fish. Something
coming out of sewage treatment plants was having an estrogenic effect
on the fish. Every sewage treatment plant in England had the same
The British researchers tested a few common industrial chemicals to see
if they could stimulate the production of vitellogenin in trout under
laboratory conditions. They found several chemicals that did so. The
more of these chemicals the mail fish were exposed to, the more they
developed female characteristics.
The Meaning of the 21st Century
James Martin
 Similarity > and, similarly, likewise
 Contrast > but, in contrast, on the other hand, although
 Elaboration > that is, in other words, which Is to say,
furthermore, in addition, also, notice that, which
 Exemplification > for example, for instance, such as
- range > from… to
 Generalization > in general, more generally,
 Exception
- after rule > however, on the other hand, then there is
- before rule > although, nonetheless, nevertheless, still
Contiguity in Space & Time
 Sequence forward > and, then, next, after, when
 Sequence backward > before, previously, earlier
 Simultaneity > while, meanwhile, at the same time, when
 Correlation > first … then … finally
Cause & Effect
 Result: cause + effect
> and, as a result, therefore
 Explanation: effect + cause
> because, since, owing to
 Dismissal of effect
> but, however, while, nonetheless, yet
 Dismissal of cause
> despite, even though, although
 Cause: effective / ineffective / preventive
 Effect: achieved / unreached / failed
 Similarity
 Contrast
Like kangaroos and other marsupials, female opossums rear their
young in a fur-lined pouch.
They do not dig holes, although they will readily seek shelter in
holes dug by other animals.
 Elaboration
 Exemplification
Not a particularly positive image: a vicious hissing animal.
That’s all just a front—they won’t actually attack.
This allows them to be remarkably adaptable to new
environments, including urban areas where habitats and
resources are scarce.
They act as “nature’s cleanup crew”—they often eat leftovers
other animals can’t or won’t eat,
 Range
 Exception
They’ll eat just about anything, from fruits, nuts, and grass to pests
like garden slugs, cockroaches, and ticks that carry Lyme disease,
as well as species that most mammals can’t safely prey upon like
[They] do not pose a threat to humans…
However, opossums are downright indomitable in another way –
they have an innate ability to stave off many diseases and toxins.
 Sequence
You might think opossums are vicious because when
confronted with a potential threat, they put up a fierce display,
baring their teeth and hissing.
Cause & Effect
 Result
 Explanation
Their body temperature is too low to host the rabies virus, so
opossums are nearly impervious to rabies.
You might think opossums are vicious because when confronted
with a potential threat, they put up a fierce display, baring their
teeth and hissing.
They are nearly impervious to rabies because their body
temperature is too low to host the rabies virus
Cause & Effect
 Dismissal of effect
 Dismissal of cause (restatement)
Opossums won’t actually attack, even though they can put a
fierce display, baring their teeth and hissing.
You might think opossums are vicious because when confronted
with a potential threat, they put up a fierce display, baring their
teeth and hissing. But that’s all just a front – they won’t actually
Exercise: Cause & Effect
 Restate dismissal of cause as dismissal of effect
The marine ancestors of red land crabs evolved to survive in a
foreign place: the shady forest floor. But, like marine crabs, red
lands still breathe with gills that must remain moist.
Like marine crabs, red land crabs still breathe with gills that must
remain moist, even though the marine ancestors of red land crabs
evolved to survive in a foreign place: the shady forest floor.
Exercise: Cause & Effect
 Restate explanation as result
As far as Kepler was concerned, ellipses were clearly less perfect
than circles, as a result elliptical orbits were merely an ad hoc
hypothesis, and a rather repugnant one at that.
As far as Kepler was concerned, elliptical orbits were merely an ad
hoc hypothesis, and a rather repugnant one at that, because
ellipses were clearly less perfect than circles.
Exercise: Reference & Isotopy
The bacteria that cause syphilis and Lyme disease have something
extraordinary in common: they manage to propel themselves through
their environment even though their tails are located inside their
bodies. Typical bacteria are rod-shaped and have tails that protrude
from their cell bodies to drive them forward. But syphilis and Lyme
disease bacteria are shaped like cavatappi and their hidden tails
make them squirm like time-lapsing miniature snakes, no tail in tow.
Based on:
“On the Curious Motions of Syphilis and Lyme Disease Bacteria.”
Jennifer Frazer
Exercise: Reference & Isotopy
The bacteria that cause syphilis and Lyme disease have something
extraordinary in common: they manage to propel themselves through
their environment even though their tails are located inside their
bodies. Typical bacteria are rod-shaped and have tails that protrude
from their cell bodies to propel them forward. But syphilis and Lyme
disease bacteria are shaped like curly pasta and their hidden tails
make them squirm like time-lapsing tiny snakes.
Based on:
“On the Curious Motions of Syphilis and Lyme Disease Bacteria.”
Jennifer Frazer
Exercise: Beyond Parsing
En varios de los sujetos con eb-mmc aparece la cuestión que los
estados de salud, altamente inestables, interrumpieron ciclos vitales
como el deporte, el estudio, el trabajo y los contactos sociales
consecuentes a raíz de: recambios de válvulas de derivación ventrículo
peritoneal por hidrocefalia, infecciones urinarias y del snc, operaciones
neuro ortopédicas, operación por escoliosis, las aparentes simples (solo
aparentes) escaras que impedían la movilidad en algunos casos de todo
tipo durante largos periodos de tiempo.
Exercise: Beyond Parsing
Varios de los sujetos con EB-MMC ven interrumpidas actividades vitales
como el estudio, el trabajo, el deporte y la vida social a causa de
estados de salud altamente inestables que son, as su vez,
consecuencia de una combinación de dolencias e intervenciones, como
recambios de válvulas de derivación ventrículo-peritoneal en casos de
hidrocefalia, infecciones urinarias y del SNC, cirugías neuro-ortopédicas
y por escoliosis, aparición de escaras, que llegan a impedir, en ciertos
casos, todo tipo de movilidad durante largos periodos de tiempo.
Exercise: Tense & Punctuation
Every time something bad happened, like the gorilla that escaped
(but didn’t), journalists call around looking for someone on each
side of the argument. Luckily for them, Born Free and PETA were
all to happy to point out the negatives. Meanwhile, everyone
closely involved with zoo’s seems to keep a low profile, and a little
stuck, journalists end up asking me for a comment.
“Five of the Strongest Arguments Against Zoos”
James Borrel
Every time something bad happened, like the gorilla that escaped
(but didn’t), journalists call around looking for someone on each
side of the argument. Luckily for them, Born Free and PETA were
all to happy to point out the negatives. Meanwhile, everyone
closely involved with zoo’s seems to keep a low profile, and a little
stuck, journalists end up asking me for a comment.
“Five of the Strongest Arguments Against Zoos”
James Borrel
 Conflicting worldviews:
> lexical/syntactic mismatches
 Lexicon: Relevance given to ≠ realities
Perceptual > concrete
Experiential > psychological
Abstract > ontologic
 Structure: Event construal options in the language
Structural > syntactic
Translatability: Lexicon
Unique words/concepts emerging from relevance given to:
 Perceptual realities: pāhoehoe / ʻaʻā = smooth vs. rough lava
 Experiential realities: saudade, depaysement, caricia, naz
 Conceptualizations: yuanfen, estar/ser, empowerment
False Cognates
 Shared history or borrowing
 ≠ development
Russian intelligentnyj = educated
(NOT smart)
Japanese feminisuto = man who pampers women
(NOT feminist)
Portuguese propaganda = advertising
(NOT misleading info)
Spanish embarazada = pregnant
(NOT embarrassed)
Translatability: Construal
 Event construal options in the language
 Time-away constructions: dance the night away
 Unaccusative marking >
Absolutive marking for non-agent subject
Auxiliary choice “be”: essere arrivato in ritardo
Se + verb
Phrasal Verb
(Se +) Verb + PrepP
Verb + PrepP
3rd person impersonal
Event Construal
 Nature of the event & point of view of the speaker
 Possibilities in the language
Verb-Frame & Satellite-Frame
of ≠ conceptual aspects
of the event
English: direction is external
> go out, come in, step aside
Romance: direction is internal
> salir, entrar, correrse
> uscire, entrare, spostarsi
> sortir, entrer, s’écarter
 Directional feature ⊂ verb phonological matrix
 Manner feature ⊂ verb phonological matrix
> Resultatives
Path Incorporation vs. Manner Conflation
Result with manner expressed
by an adjunct
salir corriendo
run out Manner with path or
result expressed
by a preposition
whisk away / wipe clean
skip in / run in / walk in
Manner Path/Result Source / Goal
EN Main Verb
Prep Phrase
of the office
Main Verb
Prep Phrase
del consultorio
 Major implications for translation!!!
> crisscross expressions between Englsigh
& Spanish
Types of Predication
1. Unaccusative
2. Unergative
3. Transitive /
Verbal Quirks & Alternations
Because event construals vary!
 Intransitive <> Transitive
> unergative agent makes theme/ activity is caused
> resultatives
[> unaccusative (change of) state is caused]
 Locative Alternation
> location as object / theme as object
 Dative Clitics
> Path / Posession / Ethical Meanings
Unergative to Transitive
 Cognate/subordinate object:
> activity to product: sing + a song / paint + a portrait
 External agent causes the event
> activity to accomplishement: sb. + ring the bell
Spanish: +verb ‘hacer’
The mom burped the baby.The baby burped.
La mamá hizo erutar al bebé.El bebé erutó.
Bailaron un tango.They danced a tango.
Unergative with Path / Result to Transitive
Verb (manner) + Path or Result + Object
Spanish: Result / Path Verb + Manner Adjunct + Object
Feel the wind blow back your hair as you as you
dash down the slopes.
Siente el cabello al viento mientras bajas
vertiginosamente la montaña.
Resultative Constructions
English: Manner Verb + Object + Path / Result
V NP PP/Adv/Adj
 One’s way Construction
 Resultative Construction
 Time-away Construction
He joked his way into the meeting.
He wiped the counter clean.
She danced the night away.
Spanish: Result / Path Verb + Object/ Manner Adjunct
 One’s way: ‘logro’
 Result: completion
 Time-away: quantitative threshold
Se abrió paso a la reunión contando chistes.
He joked his way into the meeting.
Limpió la mesada con un trapo.
Bailó toda la noche.
Se pasó la noche entera bailando
when manner v.
Locative Alternations
 An argument is incorporated into the verb
Shelve the books
Saddle the horse.
incorporated object
incorporated object
Stock the shelves.
 Verbs with manner conflation
are prone to locative alternation
Locative Alternations in ENG
María barrió las migas.
Mary swept the crumbs.
María barrió el piso.
Mary swept the floor.
> Resultative
Mary swept the floor clean. > Resultative
Mary swe pt the crumbs away.
> Location as Object
> Theme as Object
Locative Alternations in SPA
 Spanish uses more verbs of putting & removing
 If argument incorporated: affixes like ’en-’ ‘des-’
enjaular, embotellar, enharinar, desenmarcar,
 OR location needs a preposition
Shelve the books
Undress the baby.
Poner los libros en la biblioteca.
Ensillar el caballo.
Cage the birds Enjaular a los pájaros.
Saddle the horse.
Sacarle la ropa al bebé. Directional
Locative Alternations: Sense Shift
The worker loaded sand on the truck.
El peón cargó arena en el camión
The worker loaded the truck with sand.
El peón cargó el camión de/con arena.
Sense of completion Location as object
Sense of progress Theme as object
Dative Clitics
 Directional
 Possession
 Ethical Prepositional
in English
La suocera non gli sorride spesso.
His mother-in- law does not smile at him often.
Esta vez, la directora le quitó el teléfono.
This time, the principal took her phone away.
Meu filho de repente não me come carne.
My son suddeny does not eat meat for me.
Directional Dative
 Neutral Transfer: ending in possession
 Non-human / Non-possession
Tu l’as envoyée des fleurs à maman / à elle,
et je lui ai envoyée des chocolats.
Le había puesto a la mesa un mantel blanco.
Gli ho vomitato addosso la mia angoscia.
You sent flowers to mom/to her, and I sent her chocolates
He had set a white tablecloth on the table.
I poured my anguish on him.
Possession Dative
 Genitive relation with
 Co-referential NP (as possessor)
Me lavé los dientes y se los lavé también a mi hija.
His/Her hand shakes.
Le tiembla la mano (a Pablo/Juana).
Le robaron el auto (a Juan/Mariana).
I brushed my teeth and I also brush my daughter’s.
His/Her car was stolen.
Ethical Dative: Intensifier
 Intensifier: > coreferential with subject
> NOT doubled
> semantic threshold
Mariana se miró (toda) la temporada de un tirón (*a sí misma).
Mi sono bevuto una birra prima de uscire.
Mariana watched the whole entire season in one sitting!
I drank me a German beer in your honor.
 Italian intensifier
 Appalachian English personal dative
Ethical Dative: Delimiter
 Delimiter: > benefaction / malefaction
> NO co-referential subject
> can co-occur with argumental dative
… I’ll call the police on you.
Si no te vas de mi casa, te voy a llamar a la policía
difference is often lexicalized in English with
“for + GOAL” for benefaction
“on + GOAL” for malefaction
¿Me le hacés la comida al nene mientras yo limpio?
Would you cook the baby’s dinner for me while I clean?
His sunglasses broke while he was skiing.
Se le rompieron las gafas esquiando.
The sun glasses broke on him while skiing.
Blurring of Meaning
Ethical Dative
Possessive Dative
Dative Alternation
 Location as object: sense of completion
 Theme as object: sense of progress
 Dative fronting in Spanish > experiencer/goal
A ella
I sent her the money.
(A ella) le enviaron un cheque.
I sent the money to her office.
Le envié el dinero (a ella).
Envié el dinero a su oficina.
She was sent a check.
She received a check.
Multiple Meanings of ‘se’
 Paradigmatic
> one of the personal forms in the verbal paradigm
 Non-Paradigmatic
> only form available
Yo me peino
Tu te peinas / Vos te peinás.
El / Ella se peina.
Se vende casa con terreno.
En España se come muy bien.
La mujer se miraba (a sí misma) al espejo.
El niño ya se afeita la barba.
Los amantes se enviaban cartas secretas.
Ergative (Inchoative) Las ventanas se rompieron durante la
Causative No puede ir porque mañana se opera.
Antipassive Los alumnos siempre se quejan de las tareas.
Ethical El niño se le tomó toda la leche de la nevera.
Impersonal Se trabaja duro en el campo.
Se está mejor a la sombra.
Se llega más rápido por la autopista.
Passive Se reforzó el puente como medida de seguridad.
Se construyeron nuevas escuelas. Se las construyó.
Se busca(n) secretarias bilingües.
Se busca a los culpables del atentado. Se los busca.
Middle El nuevo libro se vende muy bien.
La ropa blanca se lava por separado.
Se (la) lava por separado.
 Conflation > Prepositional/Phrasal Verb vs.
Manner Adjunct in translation
Sam walked off his rage.
Sam walked off.
Sam se alejó caminando.
Sam se sacó la bronca caminando.
Sam walks a lot.
Sam camina mucho.
> Location as object: Sense of completion
Exercise: Causativization / Alternation
> Unergative to transitive via agent + ‘hacer’
Chris walked the dog.
Chris hizo caminar al perro.
Chris walked the park under the rain.
Chris caminó por (todo) el parque bajo la lluvia.
Chris sacó a caminar/pasear al perro.
Exercise: Resultative
ENG: Manner Verb + Object + Path / Result
> SPA: Result / Path Verb + Manner Adjunct / Object
> theme object
> location object
Caleb hizo caminar al perro hasta cansarlo.
Caleb hizo cansar al perro con una larga caminata.
Caleb walked the dog tired.
Sam walked the carpet thin.
Sam dejó un surco en la alfombra de tanto caminar / ir y venir.
Sam se paseo tanto que dejó un surco en la alfombra
Exercise: Medical Instruments
Check that printer is loaded with the correct label stock as per label
Clear work area of all labels from any previous lots.
Sections of labels shall not be taped together and issued to
Manufacturing in this manner.
If the labels are printed with a three year shelf life (1100 days),
the operator shall accept it.
Exercise: Industrial Equipment
• Remove drain hose from pump assembly and slide
pump and tray assembly out of the unit.
• Lift pump body out of plastic catch tray.
• Wipe or rinse off all surfaces of the plastic catch tray
with a damp cloth.
• Saque la manguera de drenaje de la bomba y deslice la
bomba y la bandeja hacia fuera de la unidad.
• Levante la estructura de la bomba para sacarla de la
bandeja plástica de recolección y aparte la bomba.
• Enjuague o repase con un trapo húmedo todas las
superficies de la bandeja plástica de recolección
Manner verb
exists in Spanish!
Exercise: Industrial Equipment
• Remove drain hose from pump assembly and slide pump and tray
assembly out of the unit.
• Lift pump body out of plastic catch tray.
• Wipe or rinse off all surfaces of the plastic catch tray with a damp
• Saque la manguera de drenaje de la bomba y retire la bomba y la
bandeja de recolección de la unidad (deslizándolas).
• Retire la bomba de la bandeja.
• Limpie todas las superficies de la bandeja plástica de recolección
con un trapo húmedo o enjuagándolas.
Exercise: Verb vs. Satellite Frame
From the onset of infection, spirochetes inflict a generalized disease
involving tissues throughout the entire body. Once they wiggle their way
through the skin or mucous membrane, the spirochetes enter the lymph
capillaries, where they are hurried along to the nearest lymph gland.
There, they multiply at a rapid rate and work their way into the
bloodstream. Within days the spirochetes invade every part of the body.
Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
By James Jones
Exercise: Verb vs. Satellite Frame
Desde el inicio de la infección, la sífilis es una enfermedad generalizada
que afecta los tejidos de todo el cuerpo. Una vez que se abren camino a
través de la piel o la membrana mucosa, las espiroquetas entran en los
capilares linfáticos, que facilitan su llegada a la glándula linfática más
cercana. Allí se multiplican rápidamente y se abren paso al torrente
sanguíneo. En cuestión de días, las espiroquetas invaden todos los
rincones del cuerpo.
Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
By James Jones
Me quitaron la peluca.
They took my wig. / They took the wig from me.
Los vecinos tuvieron un accidente y les llamamos a los
Our neighbors had an accident and we called 911 for them.
Exercise: Datives
Ya se vieron con un especialista hace tiempo.
They had themselves seen by a specialist a long time ago.
Her eyes teared up.
Se le llenaron los ojos de lágrimas (a Lía).
No te nos vayas ahora (en lo mejor de la charla).
Don’t (you) bail on us (when it’s getting juicy)!
Se rompió el brazo!
He broke his (own) arm.
Exercise: Datives
interpretation in the
reflexive occurs in all
He broke your arm.
Javier cut his (own)/my hair.
Te rompió el brazo.
Javier se/me cortó el pelo.
Te cortaste le pelo en la peluquería para impresionar a tus
You had your hair cut by a stylist to impress your in-laws.
Exercise: Datives
My car died on me just around the corner
Se me paró el coche (a mí) justo en la esquina.
His car was stolen.
A Pedro le robaron tu auto de mi cochera.
Your car was stolen from my garage while Pedro had it / had
the keys / was supposed to take care of it.
Le robaron el auto (a Pedro). >Impersonal
Exercise: Datives
Exercise: Impersonal to…
Náufrago en tierra firme
Gabriel García Márquez
La visita, que había sido prevista para dos días, se redujo al final a
90 minutos, con toda clase de interrupciones provocadas y con no
más de un cuarto de hora a solas con Elián. De modo que
volvieron a Cuba escandalizadas de cuánto lo habían cambiado.
"Éste no es el mismo niño de antes", dijeron, atribuladas por la
timidez y el retraimiento del que recordaban como un niño vivaz,
inteligente y con una aptitud admirable para el dibujo. "¡Hay que
Exercise: Impersonal to…
Torn in the USA / Shipwrecked in Dry land
Gabriel García Márquez
Their visit with him, scheduled to last two days, was reduced to 90
minutes, with all kinds of interruptions, and they said they spent no
more than a quarter of an hour alone with Elian. They returned to
Cuba shocked at how much he had changed. ''This isn't the same
boy,'' they said, saddened by the timidity of a child they
remembered as lively, intelligent, and with a remarkable talent for
drawing. ''We have to save him!''
Exercise: Tense, Length, & Reference
This experiment will determine what will make enzymes affective and what
will make them ineffective. We tested different samples of enzymes in a
spectrophotometer and recorded their absorption rates. Six samples were
placed in the spectrophotometer but two contained no enzyme; these
ones with no enzymes, they acted as blanks for the other samples. The
four remaining samples contained Catecholase ranging from 0.5 ml to
1.75 m. The second half of the experiment contained four test tubes with a
constant amount of Catecholase, but the pH levels ranged from four to
eight. It was found that if the enzyme was present in large amounts, then
the absorption rate was high, and if the pH level ranged from 6 to eight
then the absorption rate was high. Therefore it can be said that enzymes
work well in neutral pH levels and in large amounts.
Apps flying from cell phone:
Image Attributions
Tub infographic:
Design Text:
Hierarchy Bubbles:
Hurricane Image:
All Logos and Trademarks and the property of
their respective owners and are used in this
presentation for educational purposes
All Logos and Trademarks and the property of
their respective owners and are used in this
presentation for educational purposes
Man pushing:
Doctor running:
Girls fighting:
Treasure map:
Mom cooking:
All Logos and Trademarks and the property of
their respective owners and are used in this
presentation for educational purposes
Graduation Cap & Diploma:
Tall Man:
Mom burping baby:
Copyright: <a href=''>lenm / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

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Translatability Issues: Source Clarity & Idiosyncrasies

  • 2. Agenda Today: How to solve translatability issues  Source Clarity: intra-lingual issues  Source Idiosyncrasies: inter-lingual issues VH Rescue Mission helps people drinking their life away find a new productive groove in life. Guilt, vengeance, and bitterness can be emotionally destructive to you and your children. You must get rid of them.
  • 3. The Secret is in the… Naming / Parsing buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. Buffalo buffalo—that Buffalo buffalo buffalo — buffalo Buffalo buffalo.  2 word types: N & V  2 N types: proper & common
  • 4. Clarity  Text-building errors: obscured meaning  Adequacy > Plain Language 2.0: APT3  Ambiguity (lexical/syntactic) > Grammar: Order, Parsing, θ Roles  Connectivity > Cohesion & Coherence
  • 5. Idiosyncrasies  Conflicting worldviews: lexical/syntactic mismatches  Naming relevant realities Lexicon Perceptual > concrete Experiential > psychological Abstract > ontologic  Event construal options in the language Structure Syntactic pāhoehoe / ʻaʻā naz moksha Wipe the counter clean quejarse de algo
  • 6. Source Clarity Map  Adequacy  Plain Language Approach  Audience, Purpose, Structure, (Content), Design  Grammar  Syntax  Word Order > Leanearization, Meaning, Markness, Topic  Syntactic Function > Parsing, Ambiguity, Predication  Semantic Roles  Event Participants & Circumstances  Coherence  Cohesion  Lexical > pronouns, repetitions, topical webs, etc.  Grammatical > ellipsis, reference, recasting, markers  Recasting strategies explored  Coherence  Information Flow > Theme / Rheme  Relations > Resemblance / Contiguity / Cause & Effect
  • 7. Idiosyncrasies Map  Lexical Differences  Concrete / Experiential / Ontological  False Cognates  Grammatical Differences  Event Construal  Verb Frame / Satellite Frame  Manner Conflation vs. Path Incorporation  Unergative to Transitive > Resultatives  Locative Alternations > Location / Theme as Object  Dative Clitics > Path / Possession / Ethical Meaning  Se Uses
  • 9.  Purpose, Structure & Visual Organization ?
  • 10. Introducing Translation Studies Jeremy Munday Translation Changes Everything Lawrence Venuti
  • 11.  Register: Field / Tenor / Mode > Terminology, prior knowledge, formality, etc. Migraine is a type of headache that can cause pounding pain, nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity and can be treated with anti-nausea drugs, pain killers, and preventive medications. Migraine is a common neurologic disorder, characterized by paroxysmal attacks of unilateral throbbing headache and autonomic nervous system dysfunction.
  • 12. Exercise: Adequacy La traducción es un proceso de transmitir informaciones entre diferentes lenguas y culturas. No cabe duda que algunas informaciones cuentan con frases o términos de culturema, el cual requiere que el traductor elija la estrategia que mejor le combina. La extranjerización y la domesticación son las estrategias opuestas que se pelean entre sí hace mucho. Debido a que la gastronomía forma parte de la cultura, la traducción de los términos gastronómicos entran en el tema de los culturemas. La presente tesis analiza la elección de estas dos estrategias traductológicas bajo distintas condiciones. Doctoral Thesis UAB La extranjerización y la domesticación son las estrategias opuestas que se pelean entre sí hace mucho. > implicature
  • 13. Exercise: Adequacy “The explosions ripped through traffic and buildings a block apart, hurling vehicles through the air, incinerating drivers and burning office workers at their desks. Blast walls erected for protection were pulverized. Mangled bodies and pieces of flesh lay strewn around the streets. Water spewed from a destroyed main and collected in blood-tinged pools.” In 53 words, the writers convey the raw damage. Notice that each sentence is constructed basically the same way: a subject takes an action, causing an effect. The active construction of the sentences (as opposed to passive construction, in which an action happens to a subject)[…] grab[s] the reader by the collar. “Good Writing” Craig Gaines “The explosions ripped through traffic and buildings a block apart, hurling vehicles through the air, incinerating drivers and burning office workers at their desks. Blast walls erected for protection were pulverized. Mangled bodies and pieces of flesh lay strewn around the streets. Water spewed from a destroyed main and collected in blood-tinged pools.” In 53 words, the writers convey the raw damage. Notice that each sentence is constructed basically the same way: a subject takes an action, causing an effect. The active construction of the sentences (as opposed to passive construction, in which an action happens to a subject)[…] grab[s] the reader by the collar. “Good Writing” Craig Gaines
  • 14. 2. Grammar  Syntax Word Order Linearization & Information Flow Topic & Remark nmarked sequence) Functions Slots for event participants & circumstances  Semantic Roles Argument Structure Who did what do whom, when, where, how, why agent / theme / experiencer / location / etc. X’ XP SP AP X’ X X’ CP AP
  • 15. Grammar: Just the important stuff… incorporation movement government M-command C-command binding conflation headedness trace pro functional category lexical category copy
  • 16. Word Order  Linearization > perceptual need > sequence via trees  Given / New –- Topic / Remark –- Theme / Rheme This is a grammatically correct sequence. A hurricane is a huge storm that swirls around a low-pressure center of mostly calm weather. The low pressure center of the storm is known as the eye of the hurricane.
  • 17. Word Order  Unmarked vs. Marked Structures  Cue to Meaning I bought fruits at the famers’ market on Tuesday. On Tuesday, I bought fruits at the farmers’ market. Oedipus killed Laius. Amazingly, Floyd is tall. Laius killed Oedipus. Floyd is amazingly tall.
  • 18. Syntactic Functions Grammar Rules!  Slots to place event participants & circumstances  Embedded Structure Parsing Trees
  • 19. Syntactic Functions  Subject > main character  Verb (Predicate) > event  Object > supporting character (argument)  Complement > necessary modifier  Adjunct > optional modifier, circumstance This problem seemed quite difficult. Some considered it impossible. But Sonia finally found an answer.
  • 20.  Case markers > syntactic slot marking Latin: “DogACC saw-I.” > I saw the dog  English case > impoverished system he her him/her Jack brought her/to Rebecca an orphaned baby on the day one of their triplets died. ACCUSATIVEDATIV E NOMINATIVE Case Canem vidi.
  • 21.  Subject: aboutness, not agency  Basis for recasting A reminder will be sent to the patient. You will receive a reminder. PROCESS USER My keys disappeared. Syntax: SVO Order
  • 22. Syntax: Parsing The woman the thief the police apprehended robbed sat down beside me. *The woman, the thief the police apprehended robbed, sat down beside me.  Clustering properly  Little words matter  Punctuation does NOT correspond to:  Pauses in speech  Boundaries of syntax The woman whom the thief that the police apprehended robbed sat down beside me.
  • 23. We convinced her students have the maturity to talk about difficult subjects. Steel knives are made from is often high-carbon steel. that / RELATIVE CLAUSE ACCUSATIVE + SUBORDINATE Syntax: Garden Paths & Ambiguity
  • 24. Syntax: Beyond Parsing Occam’s Razor: do not multiply entities  Concepts > saying 2 things = meaning 2 things  Structures > parallel structures for parallel ideas Scaffolding is breaking up the learning into chunks and then you provide a tool, or structure, with each chunk, . We separately measured the magnitude of global versus local effects of the rod and frame test. We separately measured the magnitude of global and local effects of the rod and frame test. Scaffolding is breaking up the learning into chunks and then providing a tool, or structure, with each chunk.
  • 25. Semantic Roles  Who does what to whom, how, where, and when? Agent, theme, experiencer, location, etc. The baby, Jack tells his wife, had been brought that day to the hospital by a fireman, who had been dissuaded from adopting the child himself.
  • 26. Se cayó. > He fell down. Tropezó con el alargador. > He tripped over the extension cord. Lo empujaron. > Someone pushed him. He was pushed Roles are selected for  Nature of the event  Point of view of the speaker THEME EXPERIENCER AGENT
  • 27. Role Description Example Agent Instigator of the event Martin finally scored the first goal. His shot was blocked by the goalie. Instrument Involuntary cause of the event. The waves tore down the sandcastle. Theme Object of the event Kenny read the novel. The novel disappeared from my desk. Experiencer Entity perceiving the event. Claire likes ice cream. Her attitude does not sit well with me. Locative / Time Spatial / temporal orientation. At six, I will see you at home. Path Transition path. He run the whole way, so he wouldn’t be late to school. Source Departing point. The current took the raft from the edge of the waterfall to the shore of the lake. Goal Arrival point. He followed the map to the end of the trail.
  • 28. θ ROLE 1 Participant Intransitive 2 Participants Transitive ‘doer’ Subject + ACTIVE VOICE The storm roared. Subject + ACTIVE VOICE + Object The storm destroyed the city. ‘doer’ ‘done-to’ ‘done- to’ Subject + ACTIVE VOICE The city collapsed. ‘done-to’ Subject + PASSIVE VOICE (+ Compl.) The city was destroyed ‘done-to’ (by the storm.) ‘doer’ Unaccusative Unergative Transitive Passive Transitive
  • 29. Types of Predication 1. Unaccusative 2. Unergative 3. Monotransitive / Ditransitive THEME SUBJECT ‘done-to’ AGENT SUBJE CT ‘doer’ Transitive Intransitive
  • 30. Transitive Intransitive Monotransitiv e Agent subject Theme DO Ditransitive Agent subject Theme DO Goal IO Unaccusative Theme subject (‘be’ aux. in many languages) Unergative Agent subject (have aux.) Grandma kissed me. Laura gave me a new sprout. The guests arrived. The gymnast trains everyday.
  • 31. 2. Grammar Recap Syntax Word Order Linearization & Theme/Rheme Marked/Unmarked & Meaning Syntactic Functions Slots for participants, predicate, & circumstances Subject, Verb, Object, Complement, Adjunct Semantic Roles Relations between participants and circumstances Agent, Theme, Experiencer, Location, Goal, etc. who did what do whom, when, where, how, why X’ XP SP AP X’ X X’ CP AP
  • 32. La mayor parte de los autores que se han ocupado de este problema, arguyen que son pocas las maestras que a la edad de cinco años pueden enseñar a los niños a leer. Exercise: Parsing for Modifiers La mayor parte de los autores que se han ocupado de este problema afirman que son pocas las maestras que a la edad de cinco años pueden enseñar a los niños a leer. son pocas las maestras que a la edad de cinco años pueden enseñar a los niños a leer
  • 33. Exercise: Medical Blunders She was the first of eight children. Her father died at seven. The patient was side-swiped by a car riding a motorcycle. He was advised to force fluids through his interpreter.
  • 34. Exercise: Parsing for Syntactic Slots If you build it, as that popular saying goes, they will come. No place is that clearer than Sir Bani Yas, an island about 150 miles southwest of the UAE capital of Abu Dhabi. There is more interest in the vulnerability that Americans have to companies that collect a lot of data and then don't take care of it. But, no place is that clearer than in credit reporting.. That is clear in credit reporting.. If you build it, as that popular saying goes, they will come. No place is that clearer than Sir Bani Yas, an island about 150 miles southwest of the UAE capital of Abu Dhabi. There is more interest in the vulnerability that Americans have to companies that collect a lot of data and then don't take care of it. But, no place is that clearer than in credit reporting.. *That is clear Sir Bani Yas..
  • 35. Exercise: Parsing for Parallel Structures Even in completely right-handed subjects, variations in the degree to which the right brain has incipient function in these eight domains sufficient to play a role in recovery, and variations in the degree to which the right and left hemispheres disconnected by the typical periventricular white matter (PVWM) lesions observed with MCA distribution strokes, which may involve callossal fibers, no doubt contribute additionally to the variation in patterns of break- down in aphasia. [Transcription with erratum sent to me] The Neural Architecture of Grammar Stephen Nadau > Find the missing word Even in completely right-handed subjects, variations in the degree to which the right brain has incipient function in these eight domains sufficient to play a role in recovery, and variations in the degree to which the right and left hemispheres disconnected by the typical periventricular white matter (PVWM) lesions observed with MCA distribution strokes, which may involve callossal fibers, no doubt contribute additionally to the variation in patterns of break- down in aphasia. [Transcription with erratum sent to me] The Neural Architecture of Grammar Stephen Nadau
  • 36. Exercise: Beyond Parsing After half a million years ago, the human populations of Africa and western Eurasia proceeded to diverge from each other and from East Asian populations in skeletal details. Guns, Germs, and Steel. Jared Diamond
  • 37. 3. Cohesion and Coherence  Cohesion Visible stitching > lexical, syntactic, relational  Coherence Smooth seams > logical, contextual, pragmatic
  • 38. Cohesion 1. Lexical 2. Grammatical -pronouns, repetitions, proper nouns -synonyms, hyponyms, hypernyms -definitions, explanations -word families and topical lexicons -ellipsis -references: co-text, context, cognition -paraphrasing and syntactic recasting -discourse markers and punctuation
  • 39. Lexical Cohesion The Beagle’s voyage was a scientific one: its crew would be testing the clocks for the British navy, which depended on precise timekeeping to navigate. Exquisitely detailed maps would be drawn on the voyage as well, so mahogany lockers were installed in the poop cabin and packed with navigational charts. The crew replaced the ship’s 10 steel cannons with brass ones so that not even the slightest interference could confuse the Beagle’s compasses. Evolution Carl Zimmer The Beagle’s voyage was a scientific one: its crew would be testing the clocks for the British navy, which depended on precise timekeeping to navigate. Exquisitely detailed maps would be drawn on the voyage as well, so mahogany lockers were installed in the poop cabin and packed with navigational charts. The crew replaced the ship’s 10 steel cannons with brass ones so that not even the slightest interference could confuse the Beagle’s compasses. Evolution Carl Zimmer
  • 40. Isaac Newton was not a pleasant man. His relations with other academics were notorious, with most of his later life spent embroiled in heated disputes. Following publication of Principia Mathematica […] Newton soon clashed with the Astronomer Royal, John Flamsteed, who […] was now withholding information that Newton wanted. Newton would not take no for an answer […] Eventually, he arranged for Flamsteed's work to be seized and prepared for publication by Flamsteed's mortal enemy […]. But Flamsteed took the case to court and, in the nick of time, won a court order preventing distribution of the stolen work. Newton was incensed and sought his revenge by systematically deleting all references to Flamsteed in later editions. Leibniz. [...] A Brief History of Time Stephen Hawking Isotopies: topical webs Isaac Newton was not a pleasant man. His relations with other academics were notorious, with most of his later life spent embroiled in heated disputes. Following publication of Principia Mathematica […] Newton soon clashed with the Astronomer Royal, John Flamsteed, who […] was now withholding information that Newton wanted. Newton would not take no for an answer […] Eventually, he arranged for Flamsteed's work to be seized and prepared for publication by Flamsteed's mortal enemy […]. But Flamsteed took the case to court and, in the nick of time, won a court order preventing distribution of the stolen work. Newton was incensed and sought his revenge by systematically deleting all references to Flamsteed in later editions. Leibniz. [...] A Brief History of Time Stephen Hawking Newton’s second major book, Opticks, was first published in English rather than in Latin, contributing to the development of a vernacular science literature.
  • 41. Grammatical Cohesion Reference  Co-text anaphor, cataphor, substitution, temporal structure  Context intertext situation, interlocutors  Cognition prior knowledge of subject matter & the world
  • 42. Aristotle thought the earth was stationary and that the sun, the moon, the planets, and the stars moved in circular orbits about the earth. He believed this because he felt, for mystical reasons, that the earth was the center of the universe, and that circular motion was the most perfect. This idea was elaborated by Ptolemy in the second century A.D. into a complete cosmological model. A Brief History of Time Stephen Hawking Co-text Reference: Substitution Aristotle thought the earth was stationary and that the sun, the moon, the planets, and the stars moved in circular orbits about the earth. He believed this because he felt, for mystical reasons, that the earth was the center of the universe, and that circular motion was the most perfect. This idea was elaborated by Ptolemy in the second century A.D. into a complete cosmological model. A Brief History of Time Stephen Hawking
  • 43. Co-text Reference: Anaphora / Cataphora Opossums also have opposable thumbs and prehensile tails that they use to help themselves climb trees. Although their hairless tail and pointy snout gives them a similar appearance to rats, opossums are not even in the same family as rodents. “In Defense of Opossums” Colleen Beaty
  • 44. Co-text Reference: Meaning Police Report (uses 3rd person!) When the suspect walked into the store, he was wearing a stocking mask. *When he walked into the store, the suspect was wearing a stocking mask. Obscures meaning ?
  • 45. Although I suspect that not many folks would agree with me in calling opossums ‘cute,’ I hope I’ve inspired in you a more positive perception of these nocturnal marsupials. Context We believe that every act of conservation matters [… and] contributes to the collective positive outcome for the environment. The opossum complaints received are usually due to one of three reasons: opossums are nesting somewhere in the home, they are stealing garbage, or they are harassing pets. Opossum Trapping Service Tips: How to get rid of opossums
  • 46. Cognition Although their hairless tail and pointy snout gives them a similar appearance to rats, opossums are not even in the same family as rodents.
  • 47. Reflection: Reference A flawless tribute to water, Bernini's Fountain of the Four Rivers glorified the four major rivers of the Old World — The Nile, Ganges, Danube, and Rio Plata. Water, Langdon thought. The final marker. It was perfect. Angels and Demons Dan Brown ¡La Fuente de los Cuatro Ríos! Un tributo perfecto al agua, la Fuente de los Cuatro Ríos de Bernini glorificaba los cuatro ríos principales del Antiguo Mundo: el Nilo, el Ganges, el Danubio y el Río de la Plata. Agua, pensó Langdon. El indicador final. Era perfecto. Traducido por G. Murillo A flawless tribute to water, Bernini's Fountain of the Four Rivers glorified the four major rivers of the Old World — The Nile, Ganges, Danube, and Rio Plata. Water, Langdon thought. The final marker. It was perfect. Angels and Demons Dan Brown
  • 48. Recasting Strategies Subject = Agent = Topic? >> rearrange structure but preserve semantic roles  Topicalization / Fronting for effect or meaning  Place old before new  Shift heavy phrases rightward to lighten memory  Separate bad neighbors (ambiguity, mistakes)  Bring references and antecedents closer together to expedite processing
  • 49. Recasting  Starting from Basic SVO Order  Subject Clause  Extraposed Subject Clause That Rebecca would harbor doubts was inevitable. It was inevitable that Rebecca would harbor doubts.
  • 50. Recasting (cont’d)  Cleft  Pseudo-cleft It was at the hospital that they met Randall. It was Jack who convinced Rebecca. It was Rebecca who(m) Jack convinced. What Jack wanted was to adopt the baby.
  • 51. Recasting (cont’d)  Existential Clause  Dummy Subject There was a baby by the door. There ensued a long discussion.
  • 52. Recasting (cont’d)  Fronting for Meaning For several days, she could not feed the baby. She could not feed the baby for several days.
  • 53. Recasting (cont’d)  Fronting for Effect Somewhere in La Mancha, in a place whose name I do not care to remember, and not too long ago, lived a gentleman, one with a rusty lance, an aging shield, a skinny horse, and a hunting hound. En un lugar de la Mancha, de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme, no ha mucho tiempo que vivía un hidalgo de los de lanza en astillero, adarga antigua, rocín flaco y galgo corredor.
  • 54. Recasting (cont’d)  Verb Choice > = event ≠ perspective Rob: places the object at the end Steal: places the criminal at the end Give/receive buy/sell lend/borrow You can substitute a gluten free mix for flour. You can replace flour with a gluten free mix.
  • 55. The baby, Jack told his wife, had been brought to the hospital by a fireman, who had been dissuaded from adopting the child himself.  Passive Voice Agent is Unknown (Ir)Relevant to object view Heavy or new! Recasting (cont’d)
  • 56. Recasting (cont’d)  Passives in Spanish: pasiva perifrástica  Participial: ser / estar + participle  SER: process  ESTAR: result or state No fueron otorgados los habeas corpus solicitados por los detenidos. En 8 países, está prohibido el aborto.
  • 57. Recasting (cont’d)  Passives in Spanish: pasiva refleja  Se + verb + object (of active transitive sentence) Se busca a los culpables del atentado. Se los busca. Se reforzó el puente como medida de seguridad. Se construyeron nuevas escuelas. Se las construyó. Se busca(n) secretarias bilingües.Se busca empleado.
  • 58. Recasting (cont’d)  Note on pasiva refleja vs. impersonal  Se + verb (of intransitive sentence)  (dative clitic) + 3rd person plural Se trabaja duro en el campo. En verano, se está mejor a la sombra. A esta hora, se llega más rápido autopista. Le robaron el auto. Llamaron al médico. Copula Unaccusative Unergative
  • 59. Cohesion Recap 1. Lexical 2. Grammatical  pronouns, repetitions  synonyms, hyponyms, hypernyms  definitions, explanations  word families and topical lexicons  ellipsis  references  recasting  discourse markers  punctuation  Subject Clause  Extraposed Subject Clasue  Cleft  Pseudo-cleft  Existential Clasue  Dummy Subject  Fronting Adjuncts  Verb Choice  Passive / Impersonal
  • 60. Cohesion as TECHNIQUE  Express, restate, or relate meanings using ≠ words En Argentina, el sistema bancario estuvo al borde del colapso, lo que hizo que el gobierno introdujera el corralito e impusiera otros controles de capital. In Argentina, the banking system came close to collapse, pushing the government to ban bank withdrawals with the corralito, or bullpen for deposits, and to establish other capital controls. > Definition / Explanation / Repetition Corral: cercado para guardar animals > bullpen
  • 61.  Lexical Tools: Hyponyms & Hypernyms > Specification & Generalization Cohesion Exercise Wet curls thoroughly. Shampoo your hair with our new no-lathering cleanser. Massage a liberal amount between palms and work throughout your scalp.. Mójate completamente los rulos. Lávate el pelo con nuestro champú sin espuma. Frota una buena cantidad en las manos y masajéala por toda la cabeza…
  • 62. Cohesion Exercise The young man had involuntary seminal fluid emission when he engaged in foreplay for several weeks. For several weeks, the young man had involuntary seminal fluid emission when he engaged in foreplay.  Recasting
  • 63. A major row ensued over who had been first, with scientists offering vigorous defenses to both contenders. It is remarkable, however, that most of the articles appearing in defense of Newton were originally written by his own hand and only published in the name of friends! Exercise  Recasting > Verb Choice, Extraposed Subject Clause, Passive Sobrevino un gran escándalo sobre quién había sido el primero, en el que ambos contendientes recibieron enardecidas defensas de diversos colegas. Hay que señalar, sin embargo, que Newton mismo escribió la mayoría de los artículos que aparecieron en su defensa y ¡que sólo se publicaron bajo la firma de sus amigos!
  • 64. Exercise Bhutan's commitment to climate change efforts was stressed by the country's prime minister last year. His message about his country's lofty goals in the face of a changing climate was actually what first inspired Jazbec to visit and try to capture the country's resilient spirit in photographs. The photographer has documented communities facing climate change around the world, but it was Bhutan that struck a chord with him for its sense of resilience. When Jazbec visited the small kingdom last year, he was shown through the region by a "fixer," or local guide, who helped him visit different villages. “Resilience of Spirit” Sarah Gibbens. Photographs by Ciril Jazbec.
  • 65. Exercise As far as Kepler was concerned, elliptical orbits were merely an ad hoc hypothesis, and a rather repugnant one at that, because ellipses were clearly less perfect than circles. Having discovered almost by accident that elliptical orbits fit the observations well, he could not reconcile them with his idea that the planets were made to orbit the sun by magnetic forces. An explanation was provided only much later, in 1687, when Sir Isaac Newton published his Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, probably the most important single work ever published in the physical sciences. In it Newton not only put forward a theory of how bodies move in space and time, but he also developed the complicated mathematics needed to analyze those motions. A Brief History of Time Stephen Hawking
  • 67. T1 R1 T1 R2 Constant T1 R1 Ta R2 Tb R3 Tc R4 DerivedLinear T1 R1 T2 R2  Logical / Chronological / Topical message progression Information Flow
  • 68.  Hurricane 1 A hurricane is a huge storm that swirls around a low- pressure center of mostly calm weather. The center of the storm is known as the eye of the hurricane. In the eye, winds are light and precipitation low. Above the eye, skies are usually clear. Around the eye, a thick ring of towering thunderstorms forms the wall of the hurricane. This is where winds are strongest and rain is heaviest. Outside the wall, swirls of clouds and rain form orbiting thunderstorms and tornadoes. These are called rain bands and usually stretch out for hundreds of miles.
  • 69.  Hurricane 2 A hurricane is a huge storm that can be up to 600 miles across and carry strong winds. Hurricanes gather heat and energy through contact with warm ocean waters. Each hurricane usually lasts for over a week, moving 10-20 miles per hour. Evaporation from the seawater increases their power. Hurricanes rotate in a counter-clockwise direction around an "eye" in the Northern Hemisphere. The center of the storm or "eye" is the calmest part. When they come onto land, the heavy rain, strong winds, and large waves can damage buildings, trees, and cars.   
  • 70. A hurricane is a huge storm that swirls around a low-pressure center of mostly calm weather. The low-pressure center of the storm is known as the eye of the hurricane . In the eye, winds are light and precipitation low. Above the eye, skies are usually clear. Around the eye, a thick ring of towering thunderstorms form the wall of the hurricane…
  • 71. . A hurricane is a huge storm. Each hurricane usually lasts for over a week. The center of the storm or "eye" is the calmest part. When they come onto land, the heavy rain, strong winds and large waves can damage buildings, trees, and cars.   
  • 72. A ban on DDT saved the peregrine falcon from extinction. An ornithologist at Cornell University helped as well. He invented a mating hat. This story can be confirmed by Googling it. Female falcons had become scarce. However, a few wistful males maintained a sort of sexual loitering ground. So, the ornithologist imagined, constructed, and then wore the mating hat. He then patrolled the loitering ground, singing like a bird and bowing like a Japanese Buddhist… A ban on DDT saved the peregrine falcon from extinction. An ornithologist at Cornell University helped as well. He invented a mating hat. You can confirm this story by Googling it. Female falcons had become scarce. However, a few wistful males maintained a sort of sexual loitering ground. So, the ornithologist imagined, constructed, and then wore the mating hat. He then patrolled the loitering ground, singing like a bird and bowing like a Japanese Buddhist…
  • 73. The peregrine falcon was brought back from the brink of extinction by a ban on DDT, but also by a peregrine-falcon mating hat invented by an ornithologist at Cornell University. If you can’t buy this, Google it. Female falcons had grown dangerously scarce. A few wistful males nevertheless maintained a sort of sexual loitering ground. The hat was imagined, constructed, then forthrightly worn by the ornithologist as he patrolled this loitering ground, singing, Chee-up! Chee- up! and bowing like an overpolite Japanese Buddhist trying to tell somebody goodbye… The peregrine falcon was brought back from the brink of extinction by a ban on DDT, but also by a peregrine-falcon mating hat invented by an ornithologist at Cornell University. If you can’t buy this, Google it. Female falcons had grown dangerously scarce. A few wistful males nevertheless maintained a sort of sexual loitering ground. The hat was imagined, constructed, then forthrightly worn by the ornithologist as he patrolled this loitering ground, singing, Chee-up! Chee- up! and bowing like an overpolite Japanese Buddhist trying to tell somebody goodbye…
  • 74. Connections Among Ideas > Temporal (recursion) vs. Cause and Effect reading How one thought leads to another  Resemblance  Contiguity  Cause & Effect Patient has chest pains if she lies on her left side for over a year. > Inferential Connections > Discourse Markers
  • 75. The Virginia opossum is the only marsupial species in North America. Like kangaroos and other marsupials, female opossums rear their young in a fur-lined pouch […] Although their hairless tail and pointy snout gives them a similar appearance to rats, opossums are not even in the same family as rodents. They do not dig holes, although they will readily seek shelter in holes dug by other animals. You might think opossums are vicious because when confronted with a potential threat, they put up a fierce display, baring their teeth and hissing. But that’s all just a front – they won’t actually attack […] However, opossums are downright indomitable in another way – they have an innate ability to stave off many diseases and toxins […] They also rarely catch Lyme disease from tick bites. “In Defense of Opossums” Colleen Beaty
  • 76. The researchers placed trout in cages downstream from sewage treatment plants and in a few weeks the males began to have elevated levels of a protein called vitellogenin in their blood. Vitellogenin is the protein responsible for making egg yolks in female fish. Little, if any, vitellogenin is normally found in the blood of male fish. Something coming out of sewage treatment plants was having an estrogenic effect on the fish. Every sewage treatment plant in England had the same effect. The British researchers tested a few common industrial chemicals to see if they could stimulate the production of vitellogenin in trout under laboratory conditions. They found several chemicals that did so. The more of these chemicals the mail fish were exposed to, the more they developed female characteristics. The Meaning of the 21st Century James Martin
  • 77. Resemblance  Similarity > and, similarly, likewise  Contrast > but, in contrast, on the other hand, although  Elaboration > that is, in other words, which Is to say, furthermore, in addition, also, notice that, which  Exemplification > for example, for instance, such as - range > from… to  Generalization > in general, more generally,  Exception - after rule > however, on the other hand, then there is - before rule > although, nonetheless, nevertheless, still
  • 78. Contiguity in Space & Time  Sequence forward > and, then, next, after, when  Sequence backward > before, previously, earlier  Simultaneity > while, meanwhile, at the same time, when  Correlation > first … then … finally
  • 79. Cause & Effect  Result: cause + effect > and, as a result, therefore  Explanation: effect + cause > because, since, owing to  Dismissal of effect > but, however, while, nonetheless, yet  Dismissal of cause > despite, even though, although  Cause: effective / ineffective / preventive  Effect: achieved / unreached / failed
  • 80. Resemblance  Similarity  Contrast Like kangaroos and other marsupials, female opossums rear their young in a fur-lined pouch. They do not dig holes, although they will readily seek shelter in holes dug by other animals.
  • 81. Resemblance  Elaboration  Exemplification Not a particularly positive image: a vicious hissing animal. That’s all just a front—they won’t actually attack. This allows them to be remarkably adaptable to new environments, including urban areas where habitats and resources are scarce. They act as “nature’s cleanup crew”—they often eat leftovers other animals can’t or won’t eat,
  • 82. Resemblance  Range  Exception They’ll eat just about anything, from fruits, nuts, and grass to pests like garden slugs, cockroaches, and ticks that carry Lyme disease, as well as species that most mammals can’t safely prey upon like rattlesnakes. [They] do not pose a threat to humans… However, opossums are downright indomitable in another way – they have an innate ability to stave off many diseases and toxins.
  • 83. Contiguity  Sequence You might think opossums are vicious because when confronted with a potential threat, they put up a fierce display, baring their teeth and hissing.
  • 84. Cause & Effect  Result  Explanation Their body temperature is too low to host the rabies virus, so opossums are nearly impervious to rabies. You might think opossums are vicious because when confronted with a potential threat, they put up a fierce display, baring their teeth and hissing. They are nearly impervious to rabies because their body temperature is too low to host the rabies virus
  • 85. Cause & Effect  Dismissal of effect   Dismissal of cause (restatement) Opossums won’t actually attack, even though they can put a fierce display, baring their teeth and hissing. You might think opossums are vicious because when confronted with a potential threat, they put up a fierce display, baring their teeth and hissing. But that’s all just a front – they won’t actually attack.
  • 86. Exercise: Cause & Effect  Restate dismissal of cause as dismissal of effect The marine ancestors of red land crabs evolved to survive in a foreign place: the shady forest floor. But, like marine crabs, red lands still breathe with gills that must remain moist. Like marine crabs, red land crabs still breathe with gills that must remain moist, even though the marine ancestors of red land crabs evolved to survive in a foreign place: the shady forest floor.
  • 87. Exercise: Cause & Effect  Restate explanation as result As far as Kepler was concerned, ellipses were clearly less perfect than circles, as a result elliptical orbits were merely an ad hoc hypothesis, and a rather repugnant one at that. As far as Kepler was concerned, elliptical orbits were merely an ad hoc hypothesis, and a rather repugnant one at that, because ellipses were clearly less perfect than circles.
  • 88. Exercise: Reference & Isotopy The bacteria that cause syphilis and Lyme disease have something extraordinary in common: they manage to propel themselves through their environment even though their tails are located inside their bodies. Typical bacteria are rod-shaped and have tails that protrude from their cell bodies to drive them forward. But syphilis and Lyme disease bacteria are shaped like cavatappi and their hidden tails make them squirm like time-lapsing miniature snakes, no tail in tow. Based on: “On the Curious Motions of Syphilis and Lyme Disease Bacteria.” Jennifer Frazer
  • 89. Exercise: Reference & Isotopy The bacteria that cause syphilis and Lyme disease have something extraordinary in common: they manage to propel themselves through their environment even though their tails are located inside their bodies. Typical bacteria are rod-shaped and have tails that protrude from their cell bodies to propel them forward. But syphilis and Lyme disease bacteria are shaped like curly pasta and their hidden tails make them squirm like time-lapsing tiny snakes. Based on: “On the Curious Motions of Syphilis and Lyme Disease Bacteria.” Jennifer Frazer
  • 90. Exercise: Beyond Parsing En varios de los sujetos con eb-mmc aparece la cuestión que los estados de salud, altamente inestables, interrumpieron ciclos vitales como el deporte, el estudio, el trabajo y los contactos sociales consecuentes a raíz de: recambios de válvulas de derivación ventrículo peritoneal por hidrocefalia, infecciones urinarias y del snc, operaciones neuro ortopédicas, operación por escoliosis, las aparentes simples (solo aparentes) escaras que impedían la movilidad en algunos casos de todo tipo durante largos periodos de tiempo.
  • 91. Exercise: Beyond Parsing Varios de los sujetos con EB-MMC ven interrumpidas actividades vitales como el estudio, el trabajo, el deporte y la vida social a causa de estados de salud altamente inestables que son, as su vez, consecuencia de una combinación de dolencias e intervenciones, como recambios de válvulas de derivación ventrículo-peritoneal en casos de hidrocefalia, infecciones urinarias y del SNC, cirugías neuro-ortopédicas y por escoliosis, aparición de escaras, que llegan a impedir, en ciertos casos, todo tipo de movilidad durante largos periodos de tiempo.
  • 92. Exercise: Tense & Punctuation Every time something bad happened, like the gorilla that escaped (but didn’t), journalists call around looking for someone on each side of the argument. Luckily for them, Born Free and PETA were all to happy to point out the negatives. Meanwhile, everyone closely involved with zoo’s seems to keep a low profile, and a little stuck, journalists end up asking me for a comment. “Five of the Strongest Arguments Against Zoos” James Borrel Every time something bad happened, like the gorilla that escaped (but didn’t), journalists call around looking for someone on each side of the argument. Luckily for them, Born Free and PETA were all to happy to point out the negatives. Meanwhile, everyone closely involved with zoo’s seems to keep a low profile, and a little stuck, journalists end up asking me for a comment. “Five of the Strongest Arguments Against Zoos” James Borrel
  • 93. Translatability  Conflicting worldviews: > lexical/syntactic mismatches  Lexicon: Relevance given to ≠ realities Perceptual > concrete Experiential > psychological Abstract > ontologic  Structure: Event construal options in the language Structural > syntactic Gestalt
  • 94. Translatability: Lexicon Unique words/concepts emerging from relevance given to:  Perceptual realities: pāhoehoe / ʻaʻā = smooth vs. rough lava  Experiential realities: saudade, depaysement, caricia, naz  Conceptualizations: yuanfen, estar/ser, empowerment (Ontologic)
  • 95. False Cognates  Shared history or borrowing  ≠ development Russian intelligentnyj = educated (NOT smart) Japanese feminisuto = man who pampers women (NOT feminist) Portuguese propaganda = advertising (NOT misleading info) Spanish embarazada = pregnant (NOT embarrassed)
  • 96. Translatability: Construal  Event construal options in the language  Time-away constructions: dance the night away  Unaccusative marking > Absolutive marking for non-agent subject Auxiliary choice “be”: essere arrivato in ritardo
  • 97. Se + verb vs. Phrasal Verb (Se +) Verb + PrepP vs. Verb + PrepP 3rd person impersonal vs. Passive Event Construal  Nature of the event & point of view of the speaker  Possibilities in the language
  • 98. Verb-Frame & Satellite-Frame expression of ≠ conceptual aspects of the event English: direction is external > go out, come in, step aside Romance: direction is internal > salir, entrar, correrse > uscire, entrare, spostarsi > sortir, entrer, s’écarter
  • 99.  Directional feature ⊂ verb phonological matrix  Manner feature ⊂ verb phonological matrix > Resultatives en Path Incorporation vs. Manner Conflation Result with manner expressed by an adjunct salir corriendo run out Manner with path or result expressed by a preposition entraren whisk away / wipe clean skip in / run in / walk in
  • 100. Manner Path/Result Source / Goal EN Main Verb RUN Satellite out Prep Phrase of the office SP IT FR Adjunct corriendo Main Verb SALIR ________ Prep Phrase del consultorio  Major implications for translation!!! > crisscross expressions between Englsigh & Spanish
  • 101. Types of Predication 1. Unaccusative 2. Unergative 3. Transitive / Ditransitive THEME SUBJECT AGENT SUBJE CT TRANSITIVE INTRANSITIVE
  • 102. Verbal Quirks & Alternations Because event construals vary!  Intransitive <> Transitive > unergative agent makes theme/ activity is caused > resultatives [> unaccusative (change of) state is caused]  Locative Alternation > location as object / theme as object  Dative Clitics > Path / Posession / Ethical Meanings
  • 103. Unergative to Transitive  Cognate/subordinate object: > activity to product: sing + a song / paint + a portrait  External agent causes the event > activity to accomplishement: sb. + ring the bell Spanish: +verb ‘hacer’ The mom burped the baby.The baby burped. La mamá hizo erutar al bebé.El bebé erutó. Bailaron un tango.They danced a tango.
  • 104. Unergative with Path / Result to Transitive Verb (manner) + Path or Result + Object Spanish: Result / Path Verb + Manner Adjunct + Object Feel the wind blow back your hair as you as you dash down the slopes. Siente el cabello al viento mientras bajas vertiginosamente la montaña.
  • 105. Resultative Constructions English: Manner Verb + Object + Path / Result V NP PP/Adv/Adj  One’s way Construction  Resultative Construction  Time-away Construction He joked his way into the meeting. He wiped the counter clean. She danced the night away.
  • 106. Spanish: Result / Path Verb + Object/ Manner Adjunct  One’s way: ‘logro’  Result: completion  Time-away: quantitative threshold Se abrió paso a la reunión contando chistes. He joked his way into the meeting. Limpió la mesada con un trapo. Bailó toda la noche. Se pasó la noche entera bailando Caution when manner v. exists!
  • 107. Locative Alternations  An argument is incorporated into the verb Shelve the books Saddle the horse. LOCATION THEME incorporated object THEME LOCATION incorporated object Stock the shelves.
  • 108.  Verbs with manner conflation are prone to locative alternation Locative Alternations in ENG María barrió las migas. Mary swept the crumbs. María barrió el piso. Mary swept the floor. > Resultative Mary swept the floor clean. > Resultative Mary swe pt the crumbs away. > Location as Object > Theme as Object
  • 109. Locative Alternations in SPA  Spanish uses more verbs of putting & removing  If argument incorporated: affixes like ’en-’ ‘des-’ enjaular, embotellar, enharinar, desenmarcar,  OR location needs a preposition Shelve the books Undress the baby. Poner los libros en la biblioteca. Ensillar el caballo. Cage the birds Enjaular a los pájaros. Saddle the horse. Sacarle la ropa al bebé. Directional Dative!
  • 110. Locative Alternations: Sense Shift The worker loaded sand on the truck. El peón cargó arena en el camión The worker loaded the truck with sand. El peón cargó el camión de/con arena. Sense of completion Location as object Sense of progress Theme as object
  • 111. Dative Clitics  Directional  Possession  Ethical Prepositional Phrases in English La suocera non gli sorride spesso. His mother-in- law does not smile at him often. Esta vez, la directora le quitó el teléfono. This time, the principal took her phone away. Meu filho de repente não me come carne. My son suddeny does not eat meat for me.
  • 112. Directional Dative  Neutral Transfer: ending in possession  Non-human / Non-possession Tu l’as envoyée des fleurs à maman / à elle, et je lui ai envoyée des chocolats. Le había puesto a la mesa un mantel blanco. Gli ho vomitato addosso la mia angoscia. You sent flowers to mom/to her, and I sent her chocolates He had set a white tablecloth on the table. I poured my anguish on him.
  • 113. Possession Dative  Genitive relation with  Co-referential NP (as possessor) Me lavé los dientes y se los lavé también a mi hija. His/Her hand shakes. Le tiembla la mano (a Pablo/Juana). Le robaron el auto (a Juan/Mariana). I brushed my teeth and I also brush my daughter’s. His/Her car was stolen.
  • 114. Ethical Dative: Intensifier  Intensifier: > coreferential with subject > NOT doubled > semantic threshold Mariana se miró (toda) la temporada de un tirón (*a sí misma). Mi sono bevuto una birra prima de uscire. Mariana watched the whole entire season in one sitting! I drank me a German beer in your honor. .  Italian intensifier  Appalachian English personal dative
  • 115. Ethical Dative: Delimiter  Delimiter: > benefaction / malefaction > NO co-referential subject > can co-occur with argumental dative … I’ll call the police on you. Si no te vas de mi casa, te voy a llamar a la policía difference is often lexicalized in English with “for + GOAL” for benefaction “on + GOAL” for malefaction ¿Me le hacés la comida al nene mientras yo limpio? Would you cook the baby’s dinner for me while I clean?
  • 116. His sunglasses broke while he was skiing. Se le rompieron las gafas esquiando. The sun glasses broke on him while skiing. Blurring of Meaning Ethical Dative Possessive Dative
  • 117. Dative Alternation  Location as object: sense of completion  Theme as object: sense of progress  Dative fronting in Spanish > experiencer/goal A ella I sent her the money. (A ella) le enviaron un cheque. I sent the money to her office. Le envié el dinero (a ella). Envié el dinero a su oficina. She was sent a check. She received a check.
  • 118. Multiple Meanings of ‘se’  Paradigmatic > one of the personal forms in the verbal paradigm  Non-Paradigmatic > only form available Yo me peino Tu te peinas / Vos te peinás. El / Ella se peina. … Se vende casa con terreno. En España se come muy bien.
  • 119. Paradigmatic Reflexive Reciprocal La mujer se miraba (a sí misma) al espejo. El niño ya se afeita la barba. Los amantes se enviaban cartas secretas. Ergative (Inchoative) Las ventanas se rompieron durante la tormenta. Causative No puede ir porque mañana se opera. Antipassive Los alumnos siempre se quejan de las tareas. Ethical El niño se le tomó toda la leche de la nevera.
  • 120. Non- Paradigmatic Impersonal Se trabaja duro en el campo. Se está mejor a la sombra. Se llega más rápido por la autopista. Passive Se reforzó el puente como medida de seguridad. Se construyeron nuevas escuelas. Se las construyó. Se busca(n) secretarias bilingües. Se busca a los culpables del atentado. Se los busca. Middle El nuevo libro se vende muy bien. La ropa blanca se lava por separado. Se (la) lava por separado.
  • 121. Exercises  Conflation > Prepositional/Phrasal Verb vs. Manner Adjunct in translation Sam walked off his rage. Sam walked off. Sam se alejó caminando. Sam se sacó la bronca caminando. Sam walks a lot. Sam camina mucho.
  • 122. > Location as object: Sense of completion Exercise: Causativization / Alternation > Unergative to transitive via agent + ‘hacer’ Chris walked the dog. Chris hizo caminar al perro. Chris walked the park under the rain. Chris caminó por (todo) el parque bajo la lluvia. Chris sacó a caminar/pasear al perro.
  • 123. Exercise: Resultative ENG: Manner Verb + Object + Path / Result > SPA: Result / Path Verb + Manner Adjunct / Object > theme object > location object Caleb hizo caminar al perro hasta cansarlo. Caleb hizo cansar al perro con una larga caminata. Caleb walked the dog tired. Sam walked the carpet thin. Sam dejó un surco en la alfombra de tanto caminar / ir y venir. Sam se paseo tanto que dejó un surco en la alfombra
  • 124. Exercise: Medical Instruments Check that printer is loaded with the correct label stock as per label specifications. Clear work area of all labels from any previous lots. Sections of labels shall not be taped together and issued to Manufacturing in this manner. If the labels are printed with a three year shelf life (1100 days), the operator shall accept it.
  • 125. Exercise: Industrial Equipment • Remove drain hose from pump assembly and slide pump and tray assembly out of the unit. • Lift pump body out of plastic catch tray. • Wipe or rinse off all surfaces of the plastic catch tray with a damp cloth. • Saque la manguera de drenaje de la bomba y deslice la bomba y la bandeja hacia fuera de la unidad. • Levante la estructura de la bomba para sacarla de la bandeja plástica de recolección y aparte la bomba. • Enjuague o repase con un trapo húmedo todas las superficies de la bandeja plástica de recolección Caution when Manner verb exists in Spanish!
  • 126. Exercise: Industrial Equipment • Remove drain hose from pump assembly and slide pump and tray assembly out of the unit. • Lift pump body out of plastic catch tray. • Wipe or rinse off all surfaces of the plastic catch tray with a damp cloth. • Saque la manguera de drenaje de la bomba y retire la bomba y la bandeja de recolección de la unidad (deslizándolas). • Retire la bomba de la bandeja. • Limpie todas las superficies de la bandeja plástica de recolección con un trapo húmedo o enjuagándolas.
  • 127. Exercise: Verb vs. Satellite Frame From the onset of infection, spirochetes inflict a generalized disease involving tissues throughout the entire body. Once they wiggle their way through the skin or mucous membrane, the spirochetes enter the lymph capillaries, where they are hurried along to the nearest lymph gland. There, they multiply at a rapid rate and work their way into the bloodstream. Within days the spirochetes invade every part of the body. Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment By James Jones
  • 128. Exercise: Verb vs. Satellite Frame Desde el inicio de la infección, la sífilis es una enfermedad generalizada que afecta los tejidos de todo el cuerpo. Una vez que se abren camino a través de la piel o la membrana mucosa, las espiroquetas entran en los capilares linfáticos, que facilitan su llegada a la glándula linfática más cercana. Allí se multiplican rápidamente y se abren paso al torrente sanguíneo. En cuestión de días, las espiroquetas invaden todos los rincones del cuerpo. Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment By James Jones
  • 129. Me quitaron la peluca. They took my wig. / They took the wig from me. Los vecinos tuvieron un accidente y les llamamos a los bomberos. Our neighbors had an accident and we called 911 for them. Exercise: Datives Ya se vieron con un especialista hace tiempo. They had themselves seen by a specialist a long time ago.
  • 130. Her eyes teared up. Se le llenaron los ojos de lágrimas (a Lía). No te nos vayas ahora (en lo mejor de la charla). Don’t (you) bail on us (when it’s getting juicy)! Se rompió el brazo! He broke his (own) arm. Exercise: Datives
  • 131. *CAUSAL interpretation in the reflexive occurs in all persons. He broke your arm. Javier cut his (own)/my hair. Te rompió el brazo. Javier se/me cortó el pelo. Te cortaste le pelo en la peluquería para impresionar a tus suegros. You had your hair cut by a stylist to impress your in-laws. Exercise: Datives
  • 132. My car died on me just around the corner Se me paró el coche (a mí) justo en la esquina. His car was stolen. A Pedro le robaron tu auto de mi cochera. Your car was stolen from my garage while Pedro had it / had the keys / was supposed to take care of it. Le robaron el auto (a Pedro). >Impersonal >Passive Exercise: Datives
  • 133. Exercise: Impersonal to… Náufrago en tierra firme Gabriel García Márquez La visita, que había sido prevista para dos días, se redujo al final a 90 minutos, con toda clase de interrupciones provocadas y con no más de un cuarto de hora a solas con Elián. De modo que volvieron a Cuba escandalizadas de cuánto lo habían cambiado. "Éste no es el mismo niño de antes", dijeron, atribuladas por la timidez y el retraimiento del que recordaban como un niño vivaz, inteligente y con una aptitud admirable para el dibujo. "¡Hay que salvarlo!".
  • 134. Exercise: Impersonal to… Torn in the USA / Shipwrecked in Dry land Gabriel García Márquez Their visit with him, scheduled to last two days, was reduced to 90 minutes, with all kinds of interruptions, and they said they spent no more than a quarter of an hour alone with Elian. They returned to Cuba shocked at how much he had changed. ''This isn't the same boy,'' they said, saddened by the timidity of a child they remembered as lively, intelligent, and with a remarkable talent for drawing. ''We have to save him!''
  • 135. Exercise: Tense, Length, & Reference This experiment will determine what will make enzymes affective and what will make them ineffective. We tested different samples of enzymes in a spectrophotometer and recorded their absorption rates. Six samples were placed in the spectrophotometer but two contained no enzyme; these ones with no enzymes, they acted as blanks for the other samples. The four remaining samples contained Catecholase ranging from 0.5 ml to 1.75 m. The second half of the experiment contained four test tubes with a constant amount of Catecholase, but the pH levels ranged from four to eight. It was found that if the enzyme was present in large amounts, then the absorption rate was high, and if the pH level ranged from 6 to eight then the absorption rate was high. Therefore it can be said that enzymes work well in neutral pH levels and in large amounts.
  • 137. Apps flying from cell phone: Image Attributions Tub infographic: Gestalt: Design Text: Hierarchy Bubbles: Maze: Hurricane Image: ersion.1491444014261.adapt.1900.1.jpg Map: All Logos and Trademarks and the property of their respective owners and are used in this presentation for educational purposes
  • 138. All Logos and Trademarks and the property of their respective owners and are used in this presentation for educational purposes Opossums: Man pushing: Doctor running: Girls fighting: Treasure map: Mom cooking: Earth'
  • 139. All Logos and Trademarks and the property of their respective owners and are used in this presentation for educational purposes Graduation Cap & Diploma: '' Tall Man: Family: Mom burping baby: Copyright: <a href=''>lenm / 123RF Stock Photo</a>