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CANCER                                   NHS Improvement





Stroke Improvement Programme

Going up a gear:
practical steps to improve stroke care

           Foreword                                   3

           Introduction                               4

           Joining up prevention                      5

           Implementing best practice in acute care   10

           Post hospital support and long term care   18

           Sustainability                             27

           Measuring for improvement                  30

           Resources and contacts                     34
Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care |   3


We are at an important milestone in       But they also reminded us that there
the implementation of the National        is much to do, particularly to support
Stroke Strategy.                          people to live long term with the
                                          consequences of their stroke. That is
This publication, Going up a gear, is a   why earlier this year we launched the
chance for all of us to learn from the    Accelerating Stroke Improvement
projects which were launched in           programme, to go further, faster in
March 2009. It is a testament to the      improving stroke services with the
contribution the teams have made          additional support and tools
locally and the product of a lot of       available, to sustain improvement
hard work. You will no doubt              into the future.                              Professor Roger Boyle CBE
recognise many of the issues they                                                       National Director for Heart Disease
                                                                                        and Stroke, Department of Health
faced, and we hope you will be able       We can all agree that excellent stroke
to use their solutions as you are         care is our main goal. Going up a
continuing to develop your own            gear, has been designed to help you
services.                                 in meeting that challenge.

All those involved in stroke services     Professor Roger Boyle CBE
have been making great strides to         National Clinical Director for Heart
improve care since the publication of     Disease and Stroke
the Strategy in 2007. This                Department of Health
contribution of many individuals and
teams across the country is starting to   Dr Damian Jenkinson
show results for people who have a        National Clinical Lead
stroke in England, as the National        NHS Stroke Improvement Programme
Audit Office recognised in their                                                        Dr Damian Jenkinson
                                                                                        National Clinical Lead, NHS Stroke
report, Progress in improving stroke                                                    Improvement Programme
care, published earlier this year.

4   | Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care


    The Stroke Improvement Programme                 Accelerating Stroke Improvement          How to use this document
    worked with 37 project sites in                  Accelerating Stroke Improvement is a     The suggestions, experiences and
    2009/10 on implementing the                      drive to rapidly improve stroke          examples provided in this document
    National Stroke Strategy.1 The                   services in 2010/11. The systems and     are intended to generate ideas, to
    projects aimed to help clinical teams            structures are in place to provide       show what is possible when teams
    improve their service and to generate            leadership, guidance and support a       work constructively together and to
    learning to benefit others. Projects             programme of work to go further,         guide planning for improvement
    were grouped into four areas, based              faster in improving stroke services in   activities.
    on sections of the strategy:                     this year. The three main areas of
                                                     focus are:                               The Stroke Improvement Programme
    • Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA)                                                        continuously publishes materials to
      services                                       • Joining up prevention                  help those striving to improve stroke
    • Acute care                                     • Implementing best practice in          and TIA services. Resources and
    • Transfer of care                                 acute care                             materials will be made available this
    • Rehabilitation                                 • Improving post hospital and long       year to support the Accelerating
                                                       term care                              Stroke Improvement programme
    Key themes and learning have been                                                         work. New materials will be
    drawn from the projects and other                The programme is about                   advertised in the Stroke
    sites around the country. ‘Top tips’             systematically taking stock of what      Improvement e-bulletin and will be
    have emerged which will help others              has been achieved so far in improving    available on the Stroke Improvement
    as they also make improvements to                stroke services and assessing what       Programme website at:
    their stroke services.                           else needs to be addressed, including
                                                     long term care. This means building
    More detail and contact information              on existing plans, mapping out what
    is available in the accompanying                 can be achieved this year with the
    publications, Case studies from the              additional support and tools available
    Stroke Improvement Programme                     and how this can be sustained and
    projects.                                        extended into the future so that
                                                     everyone gets the right treatment, in
    Additional learning has been drawn               the right place, at the right time
    from the projects investigating the
    detection and treatment of atrial                Learning from the projects has been
    fibrillation.                                    organised to support this new focus.

    National Stroke Strategy, Department of Health, 2007.
Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care |          5

Joining up prevention

Joining up prevention includes           The first phase of 18 projects were          The Stroke Improvement Programme
information on stroke prevention         established in October 2007 and              publications that provide a summary
through better identification and        completed April 2009. Working                and overview of the outcomes from
treatment of both atrial fibrillation    across 15 networks, with PCTs,               this first phase are listed in the
(AF) and transient ischaemic attack      general practices, Practice Based            Resources section.
(TIA).                                   Consortia and acute trusts, they
                                         piloted a range of approaches to             Quality and productivity agenda
Both these approaches are essential      improve detection and optimal                The opportunity to provide cost
to realise the ambitions of the          treatment of patients with AF in             effective high quality care to prevent
National Stroke Strategy under           primary care, to reduce risk of stroke.      avoidable mortality and morbidity has
‘Managing Risk’ (quality marker 2)                                                    been recognised as one of six key
and ‘TIA and minor stroke’ (quality       TOP TIPS                                    recommended interventions under
markers 5 and 6). Chapter eight of                                                    the national quality and productivity
the National Service Framework on          • Detect AF though opportunistic           agenda, details of which can be
Coronary Heart Disease also set out          screening e.g. at annual flu             accessed at NHS Evidence.3
the quality requirements for the
                                           • Consider local enhanced service
prevention and treatment of patients                                                  Driving forward
                                             schemes for detection, screening
with cardiac arrhythmias.2                                                            A further stage of this work began in
                                             and review of AF
                                           • Develop new models for
                                                                                      October 2009 with nine health
Atrial fibrillation: detection               anticoagulation services in              communities, led by the Heart and
and treatment                                primary and community settings           Stroke Improvement Programmes.
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most       • Develop tools to support the             Building on the evidenced based
common sustained dysrhythmia,                review of patients with AF, to risk      learning, resources and demonstrable
affecting at least 600,000 (1.2%)            stratify for stroke and optimal          outcomes from the first phase, they
people in England alone. It is also a        therapy                                  aim to embed the identification,
major cause of stroke with 16,000          • Develop guidelines for primary to        diagnosis and optimal therapy for
strokes annually in patients with AF,        secondary care referral                  patients with AF to significantly
                                           • Educate both professionals and           reduce risk of stroke.
of which approximately 12,500 are
                                             patients on:
thought to be directly attributable to
                                             • pulse palpation
AF. It is also an eminently                  • barriers to anti-coagulation in
preventable cause of stroke with a             primary care
simple highly effective treatment;           • ECG training and interpretation        2National Framework for Coronary Heart
with warfarin known to reduce risk           • AF as a major risk factor for          Disease; Arrhythmias and Sudden Cardiac
by 50-70%.                                     stroke.                                Death, Department of Health, March 2009.

6   | Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care

    In pushing forward the challenge to           TOP TIPS                                  Streamline the referral route with
    join up prevention, some teams are                                                      single point of contact for high
    working across the whole primary               • Clearly define a pathway for           and low risk
    and secondary care pathway to                 TOP TIPS low risk patients,
                                                     high and                               It is crucial to streamline the referral
    understand the issues and improve                agreed across primary and              process to ensure patients quickly get
    the management and outcomes for                  secondary care                         on the correct pathway. A single
    stroke and TIA patients with AF.               • Streamline the referral route with     contact point for all TIA patients
                                                     single point of contact for high
                                                                                            simplifies the referral process and is
                                                     and low risk
    The learning, evidence and outcomes                                                     more efficient for co-ordinating the
                                                   • Employ a comprehensive
    from this phase of work will be                                                         service, enabling efficient use of
                                                     communication strategy
    published later this year.                     • Establish a sustainable data and       appointments and facilitating the 24
                                                     audit system                           hour requirement for high risk
    Timely and effective                           • Tailor the weekend service to          patients. Data collection can also
    treatment of TIA                                 local needs and demand                 begin at one entry point.
    The Stroke Improvement Programme               • Think differently about how and
    worked with 10 sites from March                  where TIA clinics are provided         It requires standardised referral
    2009 to test implementation of                                                          proformas that are appropriate to the
    quality markers 5 and 6 of the                                                          referrer, highlight the pathway, give
    National Stroke Strategy and to                                                         an aid to diagnosis (such as the
                                                 Clearly define a pathway for high          ABCD2 score) and include information
    contribute to national learning.             and low risk patients, agreed              to be given to patients.
                                                 across primary and secondary care
    Key themes and learning have been            A clear pathway is essential to ensure
    drawn from the projects and other                                                       Some providers are operating or
                                                 patients are referred and treated on       aiming for one queue for high and
    sites around the country. Much of            the right pathway from initial referral.
    the work this year has concentrated                                                     low risk patients. Early results indicate
                                                 The pathway will differ according to       that once demand and capacity are in
    on the ‘front end’ of the TIA                local catchment populations and
    pathway, ensuring prompt access to                                                      balance, and a seven day service in
                                                 geography, staffing and access to          place, this is possible. This makes life
    effective diagnosis and treatment.           imaging. Different models are
    The following points aim to identify                                                    easier for everyone, especially
                                                 emerging across the country.               referrers, and protects lower risk
    the changes that will make the
    biggest difference to services.                                                         patients that turn out to be high risk.
                                                 NHS Doncaster: after reviewing,
                                                 mapping and redesigning their              Surrey and Sussex Healthcare
    More detail is available in the              pathway, the team in Doncaster were
    accompanying publication, Joining up                                                    NHS Trust created a single bleep
                                                 able to introduce a new service that       holder to take all calls. GPs found it
    prevention: case studies from the            provides:
    Stroke Improvement Programme                                                            very helpful, confirming that this
                                                 • rapid access next day clinic, from       access is exactly what they want.
    projects.                                      referral to being seen in clinic, for    Consultants were reassured that it did
                                                   all patients                             not translate into an unmanageable
                                                 • same day carotid doppler, ECG and        number of calls.
                                                   echocardiogram and brain imaging
                                                 • same day diagnosis                       North Bristol NHS Trust appointed
                                                 • immediate preventive treatment           a TIA co-ordinator as a single point of
                                                 • same day clinic vascular surgery         referral to ensure timely and efficient
                                                   review and listing for theatre           booking of patients according to
                                                 • rapid communication of results to        ABCD2 prioritisation.
                                                   the patient and the GP

                                                 This has removed between 21 and 41
                                                 days from the original pathway of
Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care |   7

North West London Cardiac and             North West London Cardiac and               North Bristol NHS Trust, with the
Stroke Network created new                Stroke Network created a                    University of the West of England,
referral forms outlining the approved     communications plan to launch the           developed an online training module
protocols and out of hours service for    new referral forms to GPs, A&E              for ABCD2 assessment for all GPs
TIA referral, having gained consensus     departments and all interested              and Great Western Ambulance
from clinical teams in each hospital.     parties. It included comprehensive          Service staff.
Separate forms were made for A&E          information for services, clearly
departments and GPs in every format       defining what information was               Establish a sustainable data and
likely to be used by GP databases         needed by whom, and giving                  audit system
(e.g. EMIS, Vision, Word etc. Both        practical advice and examples of how        Accurate data collection is vital to
forms included an aid to diagnosis        to do this.                                 understanding the pathway and
including ABCD2 score) and contact                                                    where improvement needs to be
details for TIA clinics for both          To ensure the new referral forms            concentrated. It enables:
weekdays and out of hours.                reached everyone and increase the           • an understanding of the current
                                          likelihood of their adoption:                 position and monitoring, on an
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals             • the network sent emails to all GPs          ongoing basis to create a
NHS Foundation Trust established a           across north west London,                  sustainable service
unified single point of access, with an      explaining the new referral forms.       • an understanding of the service at
initial telephone call to the acute          The clinical contracts lead for each       all points along the pathway,
stroke unit, for high and lower risk         PCT forwarded emails to GPs and            identifying bottlenecks
TIA patients. This was used from             included a link to dedicated web         • regular audit of referrals with
October 2009 to improve GP access            pages on the network website               feedback to primary care A&E and
and minimised the time from the           • dedicated web pages were created,           ambulance services
patient presenting to the GP to clinic       including downloadable versions of       • ongoing review of demand and
review.                                      all forms and information regarding        capacity, which has been essential
                                             aids to diagnosis and use of referral      for these new services as projects
Employ a comprehensive                       forms                                      noticed that demand changed as
communication strategy                    • printed copies of the forms were            the referral system and the use of
An explicit communication strategy,          sent to every practice manager,            ABCD2 was refined and the
covering awareness, education and            including pens inscribed with the          pathway embedded
training, will provide benefits for          web address of the dedicated TIA
those experiencing TIA through:              webpage to further publicise the         Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS
• supporting implementation on the           site                                     Trust created an electronic audit tool
  pathway and ensuring patients           • stroke consultants at each trust          to standardise note-keeping, letters
  enter the right pathway of care as         trained their A&E departments on         to GPs and gather audit data that
  soon as possible                           use of forms                             was reliable and easy to analyse.
• raising awareness in primary care,                                                  They have since achieved a figure of
  the ambulance service, A&E and          Data collection is under way but early      66% of high risk patients with TIA
  any other referral points in the TIA    indications show that the use of new        seen and treated in 24 hours.
  pathway                                 referral forms in A&E departments is
• emphasising and reinforcing the         now in excess of 80% and the use of         North West London Cardiac and
  importance of early referral            new referral forms by GPs, although         Stroke Network created a data
• enabling education in the ABCD2         variable, is increasing month by            template for use within TIA clinics to
  score ensuring appropriate referrals    month and has reached 60% in one            collect baseline data, assess the use
  and effective triage                    unit. Hits on the network’s website         of referral forms, measure referring
• highlighting the need for clear         increased by 20%.                           patterns and report on the vital sign.
  patient information and supporting                                                  Data was accepted in whatever
  its provision                                                                       format was convenient, and
                                                                                      assistance offered by the network to
                                                                                      facilitate collection.

8   | Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care

    Tailor the weekend service to                The service has moved from full              In Surrey and Sussex Healthcare
    local needs and demand                       assessment of three to four patients         NHS Trust the Acute Medical Unit
    Work to date indicates that it is likely     per week to up to seven per day, and         deliver the TIA service, operating each
    that only large centres will be able to      are now assessing 66% of high risk           day Monday to Friday for all patients
    sustain an independent weekend               TIA patients within the 24 hour              referred the previous day with TIA
    service. Accurate demand for the             window.                                      (including low and high risk patients).
    weekend service will only be                                                              Using the acute medical unit has
    apparent once the pathway is                 North West London Cardiac and                ensured that the acute medical teams
    established and all referrers are using      Stroke Network developed an out              have an excellent operational
    it. Many services are reporting lower        of hours, 24 hour TIA service for high       knowledge of TIA and stroke and
    numbers than expected at weekends,           risk referrals. The Monday to Friday         therefore manage the patients in a
    and it is not yet clear whether this is a    TIA service is based in six hospitals in     much more effective way.
    true reflection or because referrers         north west London; the weekend
    are unaware of the service available.        service is based at the two hyper-           Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
    Further work will be undertaken on           acute units, making efficient use of         PCT operated with a daily mobile
    this over the coming year to try to          the staff and facilities available.          multidisciplinary team (which
    establish the optimal population base                                                     included a stroke doctor, a vascular
    for a viable weekend service.                Rather than replicate a traditional          technician with portable doppler, the
                                                 face-to-face outpatient clinic service       stroke co-ordinator, and a clinic
    Different approaches to weekend              at weekends Royal Devon and                  nurse) running a clinic across five
    services are developing, typically           Exeter NHS Foundation Trust                  sites. They moved from a 90 day
    based on cooperation between                 decided to investigate using stroke          wait to an average 24 hour wait for
    services within the same network.            nurse practitioners to perform carotid       medium to high risk patients, and a
    These include:                               ultrasound screening, to address the         48 hour wait for low risk patients.
    • hyper-acute stroke centres                 issue of appropriate urgent imaging          They have seen 35 patients weekly,
      providing a weekend service based          and screening during weekend and             from five to ten per week previously,
      on the agreements in place for             bank holiday periods. The stroke             and reduced the wait for carotid
      thrombolysis cover                         nurse practitioners cover the hospital       endarterectomy to seven days.
    • rotating service provision at              seven days a week, 7.30am to 8pm,
      weekends within multi-site trusts          providing a potentially cost effective       The Royal Bournemouth and
    • partnering with neighbouring trusts        solution to providing a weekend              Christchurch Hospital NHS
      where one trust operates at                service.                                     Foundation Trust, with South
      weekends or the lead trust rotates                                                      Western Ambulance Service, have
                                                 Think differently about how and              set up a referral pathway allowing
    The University Hospitals of                  where TIA clinics are provided               open-access for GPs, emergency
    Leicester NHS Trust has established          Services are acknowledging that ‘one         department staff and paramedics. An
    a seven day service, agreed with the         size doesn’t fit all’ necessarily, and are   education leaflet was developed for
    PCT with a locally negotiated tariff,        developing more imaginative models           paramedics, so that they could
    using this structure:                        than standard out-patient clinics.           undertake the triage and refer
    • consultant-led clinic                      These include:                               suspected TIA patients to the clinic.
    • Saturday and Sunday: one Band 6            • basing TIA clinics in the acute
      nurse, one clinical aide or clinic            stroke unit
      clerk                                      • using medical assessment units or
    • specialist registrars help when               equivalent facilities open 24 hours
      available                                     a day
    • morning attendance                         • providing a mobile service in rural
    • carotid ultrasound screening from             areas where travelling is difficult or
      10am to 12.30pm                               lengthy for patients
    • MRI available 11am to 2.30pm (five         • developing paramedic assessment
      slots), CT at weekends (five slots)           and triage
    • consultant review from1pm
Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care |    9

   Figure 1: Before and after TIA referral pathways in Bournemouth

                                                 EVENT                                   EVENT
              3-15 DAYS POST EVENT

                                                                                                                     WITHIN 1-2 HOURS
                                             Patient seeks a
                                                                                    Patient calls 999
                                            GP appointment

                                        Patient is seen and assessed           Patient is seen and assessed
                                     as presumptive TIA/minor stroke        as presumptive TIA/minor stroke

                                                                              Ambulance clinician, nurse
                                       GP refers to outpatient clinic         or out-of-hours GP referrs
                                                                                  direct to TIA clinic

                                                                                                                     SAME/NEXT WORKING DAY
                                                                                                   HIGH RISK
              7-20 DAYS POST EVENT


                                     Clinic receives referral and books    Clinic receives referral and contacts
                                                                              patient directly to make same/
                                       appointment for the patient           next working day appointment

                                              Tests are done                          Tests are done

Imaging                                               The NHS Improvement Diagnostics
Meeting the imaging requirements of                   team have been working with sites
the National Stroke Strategy is a                     involved in projects to review the
significant challenge for many                        issues in imaging for TIA. Further
organisations. Key suggestions from                   information on the review by the
the projects include:                                 Diagnostics Team is available on
• review scanning capacity regularly                  the Stroke Improvement
  as it will change as the service is                 Programme web site at:
  publicised and referrals refined          
• consider carotid imaging with MRA
  at weekends if an MR scanner is
  already in operation
• consider nurse training in carotid
  ultrasound screening

10 | Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care

   Implementing best practice in acute care

   Quality markers 7, 8 and 9 in the             TOP TIPS                                 various tactics and agreements, will
   National Stroke Strategy define the                                                    ensure that stroke patients are more
   key components of effective acute              • Protect stroke unit beds              likely to get the necessary care. One
   stroke care. It is clear what needs to         • Actively cooperate with the rest      approach is to apply the model
   be done for those experiencing stroke            of the hospital                       developed by cardiac services, where
   to guarantee best outcomes, and                • Develop a flexible, stroke skilled    heart attack treatment is accepted as
   how the health care system needs to              workforce                             a clinical priority and consequently
                                                  • Work with stroke survivors and
   organise itself to provide the best                                                    cardiac beds are protected.
   service for patients.
                                                  • Build an active partnership with
                                                                                          Royal United Hospital, Bath initially
   Ten projects worked with the Stoke             • Work with the ambulance               undertook bed modelling work which
   Improvement Programme to explore                 service                               showed a lack of beds, shared on an
   how to improve the care they provide           • Move to six days a week               integrated ward with neurology. The
   for their patients. Together with                working for therapy services          stroke and neurology services were
   learning from three rehabilitation                                                     separated into two ward areas to give
   projects, their experience has led to                                                  each specialty its own clear identity.
   the identification of the some key           Protect stroke unit beds                  Left with a 28 bed ward, the team
   actions.                                     Key to achieving effective and            converted one bed area (from six
                                                prompt treatment of stroke is             beds to four) into a hyper-acute
   More detail is available in the              ensuring that patients are cared for in   stroke unit, ensuring the 26
   accompanying publication,                    a properly staffed and skilled stroke     dedicated stroke beds needed.
   Implementing best practice in acute          unit. When this happens, stroke
   care: case studies from the Stroke           patients receive optimal care,            The team got agreement for the
   Improvement Programme projects.              resulting in improved outcomes and a      acute stroke unit to have the same
                                                shorter length of stay in hospital.       bed and site management principles
                                                                                          as the cardiac unit. Every day at the
                                                Bed availability can be a barrier to      site meeting, the availability of an
                                                this, often due to the use of stroke      acute stroke unit bed is checked in
                                                unit beds for people who have not         the same way as for a cardiac bed,
                                                had a stroke. Bed management              and as soon as a stroke patient is
                                                policies that ensure stroke patients      admitted to the unit, bed
                                                can be admitted straight onto the         management prioritise clearing
                                                unit are essential. Successfully          another bed.
                                                protecting stroke beds, through
Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care |            11

This has raised the stroke unit’s
profile within the trust, boosted             Figure 2: Patients spending 90% of their time in
morale for staff working on the unit,         an acute stroke unit in Milton Keynes
and given a clear mandate to gear
everything about the ward around                         80
providing the best stroke care. By the                   70
                                                                                                         Blip due to
                                                                                                         winter bed pressures
third week of direct admissions, the                          April 2009
                                                         60   40%
length of stay had reduced from 18
to 5.5 days.                                             50

                                                                                                                                         March 2009
                                                         40                                                                              75%
Queens Hospital NHS Foundation
Trust linked in with the hospital
emergency pathway redesign to                            20
make sure the acute stroke unit was                      10
included in daily operations meetings
and bed allocation ensured stroke                             Apr    May     Jun     Jun   Aug     Sep      Oct     Nov     Dec    Jan    Feb    Mar
units beds were for people who have                           2009   2009   2009    2009   2009   2009     2009    2009    2009   2010   2010    2010

had a stroke. A stroke unit admission                                                               Months

protocol was written and agreed.

Patients are identified by bed
management earlier and are allocated     This was also communicated through                              This led to an increase in direct
to the stroke unit quicker.              screensavers and posters around the                             admissions to the stroke unit - up to
Communication between clinicians         hospital to ensure stroke patients are                          63% from 54% at the start of the
and capacity management is much          referred to the stroke unit.                                    project, and a dramatic increase in
improved. The percentage of patients                                                                     patients reaching the stroke unit
spending 90% of their stay in a          The Trust met the SHA goal of 70%                               within four hours of arrival, up to
stroke unit is now 89% as of April       of stroke patients spending 90% of                              76% from 54%. Patients who are
2010 (up from 71%).                      their time in hospital on a specialist                          managed via the assessment trolley
                                         stroke unit.                                                    have higher quality of care – they are
Milton Keynes Hospital NHS                                                                               assessed quicker, scanned quicker
Foundation Trust agreed the need         Poole Hospitals NHS Foundation                                  and treatment is started earlier than
for a fast track bed with the acute      Trust have developed an ‘assessment                             those not admitted via this route.
stroke unit clinicians, the bed          trolley’ on the acute stroke unit to
management team and the divisional       speed up assessment processes by                                Similarly, the team in Sandwell and
manager to enable timely transfer        the stroke team for suspected stroke                            West Birmingham Hospitals NHS
from A&E and the clinical decision       patients not likely to benefit from                             Trust negotiated an agreement with
unit (CDU). The use of the bed is        thrombolysis, and assist admission                              managers, including bed managers,
monitored and reported weekly. High      directly to the stroke unit for optimal                         that there would always be a bed
bed pressures in the Trust remove the    care.                                                           available on the stroke unit. Any
effectiveness of the bed.                                                                                delays in A&E were escalated up to
                                                                                                         the on call manager. To overcome
A bed management protocol for                                                                            data collection problems in tracking
stroke patients was implemented to                                                                       this, an audit clerk was employed to
ensure stroke patients identified in                                                                     collect times of admission to A&E and
A&E or CDU do not transfer to                                                                            the stroke unit and this data is
another ward. The protocol was                                                                           reviewed weekly with senior
shared around the trust to ensure                                                                        management.
members of staff across all levels
identify the urgency of transferring a
patient to the acute stroke unit.

12    | Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care

     Bed management was improved in               Actively cooperate with the rest           The Nottingham University
     Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS             of the hospital                            Hospital NHS Trust project was
     Trust through a fast-track bed policy,       To enable the stroke unit to function      called DASH – Direct Access to Stroke
     now in operation 24 hours a day,             effectively, it must cooperate with        Hyper-acute Unit. As the project
     which uses a system of identifying           other services in the hospital.            would involve other hospital
     patients that can be moved from the          Problems have arisen in the past due       departments, it was felt important to
     acute stroke unit to a ‘fast track’ bed.     to a lack of understanding of the          engage as many stakeholders as
     Additionally, a daily bed status form        importance of the clinical functions of    possible in order to gain commitment
     was developed to identify delays             the stroke unit and the necessary          to progress. This ensured the project
     to discharge, patients awaiting              urgency of scanning and transfer of        had the support and sponsorship of
     repatriation in and transfer out of          patients to the stroke unit. As a          the trust chief executive, along with
     the acute stroke unit for ongoing            consequence, stroke patients are not       clinical and medical directors.
     rehabilitation or care home                  treated appropriately and promptly,
     placement. The form is presented at          services such as scanning not              Poole Hospitals NHS Foundation
     the daily bed meeting, and copies of         performed quickly enough, and              Trust improved their links with other
     the forms are kept for audit purposes        patient experience and outcomes            services through process mapping the
     and have been used to monitor the            suffer.                                    acute stroke patient pathway with
     number of stroke outliers. Through                                                      clinicians from all teams involved with
     this and other measures, direct              To combat this, many acute stroke          the patient, including ambulance
     admissions to the acute stroke unit          unit teams have recognised the             teams, A&E, radiography, radiology,
     have gone from 7% at the start of            benefit of actively building               stroke unit, bed management, and
     the project to 60%, and 67% of               relationships with other parts of the      the high dependency unit. This led to
     patients are spending the majority of        hospital, e.g. A&E, radiology and          a new patient pathway being agreed
     their time on the stroke unit                medical admissions units, to promote       by all teams, covering from hospital
     compared to a baseline of 33%.               the effective pathway for stroke           arrival to completion of
                                                  patients. Better cooperation leads to      multidisciplinary assessments. This
     Through promoting stroke services to         more coordinated transfer of care for      helped teams minimise unnecessary
     have equal status with urgent                each patient, and avoids mistakes          delays for patients being admitted
     specialist services such as cardiology,      and delays due to misunderstanding         with stroke and ensured a safe but
     the team in Worcestershire Acute             and poor communication. It provides        speedy pathway for thrombolysis
     Hospitals NHS Trust raised the               subtle education for other clinical and    patients (in and out of hours).
     profile of stroke management and             managerial staff, and can have the
     care within the organisation. This led       additional benefit of improving the        Process mapping helped the staff
     to agreement to ring-fence beds on           ability to care for stroke patients well   involved along the patient pathway
     acute stroke units countywide, and           in non-specialist services when            better understand the patient journey
     three additional acute stroke beds           attending for other clinical reasons –     and the impact of their performance
     opened on the site in August 2009.           a frequent complaint from people           on overall patient outcomes and
     As a consequence, access to the              who have had a stroke and carers.          patient and carer experiences. It also
     stroke unit and the proportion of                                                       helped build relationships between
     time spent on the unit has been              Royal United Hospital, Bath                different departments and
     increasing month by month.                   developed strong links with A&E,           organisations which have been
                                                  radiology and the older people’s unit      invaluable in making changes
                                                  to expand thrombolysis to provide 24       happen.
                                                  hour cover. Patients are now
                                                  admitted directly from A&E to the
                                                  acute stroke unit, bypassing the
                                                  medical assessment unit and other
Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care |   13

Sandwell and West Birmingham             Milton Keynes Hospital NHS                  consequence, all stroke patients have
Hospitals NHS Trust has a monthly        Foundation Trust developed an               benefited from greater stroke-specific
stroke action group with                 integrated multidisciplinary team care      knowledge by the staff caring for
representation from all departments.     record, a collaborative record of each      them. All qualified nursing staff also
There is a weekly review of the          profession’s contribution to a              have received individual teaching
patient’s pathway and an ongoing         patient’s care throughout their stay        from the stroke lead for the
monitoring system that highlights the    on the acute stroke unit. It sets out       department which has also impacted
patients that do not spend 90% of        guidelines for good practice based on       on clinical care.
their time on a stroke unit, which       the National Stroke Strategy or NICE
allows the pathway to be monitored       guidelines and is used to set goals for     The Aintree University Hospitals
and data to be validated easily.         the patients to aid care planning of        NHS Foundation Trust team
                                         the patient during the weekly               undertook a mapping exercise,
Develop a flexible, stroke               multidisciplinary meetings.                 involving representatives from all key
skilled workforce                                                                    staff impacting on the unit and,
A key principle of the National Stroke   The team from Poole Hospitals NHS           combined with the views of patients
Strategy is to ensure that there is an   Foundation Trust undertook several          and carers, identified issues for
appropriately stroke skilled workforce   training and staff development              improvement. This process in itself
to meet the needs of patients. Stroke    initiatives to improve care, including:     has meant the team have developed
services generally function in           • agreeing a protocol for the senior        a mutual understanding and respect,
multidisciplinary teams and this is an     nurse practitioner to request a brain     good foundations for developing real
important factor in tackling problems      scan (CT), speeding up scan               multidisciplinary team working.
and bottlenecks than can arise             requests so that now 78% of               Communication within the team has
through shortages of staff in key          eligible patients receive a brain scan    improved, the occupational therapists
areas.                                     within 24 hours of arrival at             attend the daily nursing handover
                                           hospital compared to 65% at the           and occupational therapy and
Providing stroke team staff with           start of the project                      physiotherapy staff actively use and
necessary skills and competencies,       • training acute stroke unit staff          update the nursing electronic
even if outside of traditional roles       nurses and stroke medical staff to        handover. The team is working on
(e.g. speech and language therapy          gain competency in swallow screen         how nurses can support the
staff training non-speech and              after stroke, resulting in 89% of         therapists work through teaching and
language therapy colleagues in             patients now receiving a swallow          education within the multidisciplinary
swallowing screening) can provide a        assessment within 24 hours of             team.
much needed additional flexibility to      admission compared to 50% at the
the team.                                  start of the project                      Six day working in York Hospitals
                                         • establishing a Patient Group              NHS Foundation Trust and NHS
When done well, this approach can          Directive for aspirin to assist           Medway has led to a different work
improve staff satisfaction through         delivery to appropriate patients          environment. During the pilot,
development of roles. The Stroke           within 24 hours of admission.             feedback indicated that therapists are
Specific Educational Framework is          Consequently, the percentage of           more accessible to relatives and carers
designed to help this process by           patients receiving aspirin within         as they tend to be more able to visit
providing a clear and structured           24 hours of admission has gone            at weekends and consequently, able
description of patient need and            from 23% to 63%                           to attend therapy sessions. Nursing
associated clinical skills.4                                                         staff are often more available at
                                         In Yeovil District Hospital NHS             weekends to observe or support the
                                         Foundation Trust, recent changes to         therapy sessions, providing a useful
                                         the thrombolysis service, extended to       education opportunity, assisted with
                                         8am to 11pm Monday to Friday, has           transfer of information across the
                                         resulted in all medical registrars being    multidisciplinary team and supported
                                         trained in the NIHSS and acute              carry over of therapeutic treatments.
                                         management of stroke. As a direct

Stroke-specific education framework,

Department of Health, April 2009.

14    | Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care

     Work with stroke survivors and               were highlighted, which could be         ward, as most expressed a wish for
     carers                                       easily and rapidly addressed. For        more therapy. Carers also felt it
     Clinical teams working with those for        example, in A&E, staff had only the      would give them more opportunity to
     whom their service is provided, to           general ward phone number                meet with therapy staff. This is in
     properly understand patient needs            displayed, not the emergency             contrast to views of patients using
     and how best to meet them, is a              number, despite it being included on     the community service, who by then
     fundamental principle of effective           the A&E stroke pathway poster.           felt weekend therapy would be
     improvement work.                                                                     intrusive to family time.
                                                  Aintree University Hospitals NHS
     Through systematic and effective             Foundation Trust undertook a series      Build an active partnership
     gathering and analysis of patient            of questionnaires and consultations      with A&E
     views and experiences, teams can:            with staff, patients and carers,         An effective and cooperative
     • ensure that they are providing the         including a patient observation study.   relationship with A&E services is
       key aspects of care that patients          This enabled the team to have a very     central to acute stroke care, and
       and carers require                         different perspective on ‘life in        fundamental to two main areas of
     • develop insight into the patient and       rehabilitation.’ Feedback from           essential clinical care - prompt arrival
       carer perspective to guide                 patients showed that there were          on a stroke unit and spending the
       development and planning                   periods of boredom, particularly in      majority of time under its care.
     • improve outcomes through giving            the afternoons, and that most
       patients and carers a sense of             patients did not even know that a        Acute stroke services that have
       involvement and partnership in             day room existed. From a staff           developed and formalised working
       management of the service and of           perspective, much of the day is          practices with A&E colleagues have
       their own care                             planned around getting patients up       seen their patients benefit from
     • enhance staff satisfaction                 and dressed, accessing medical tests,    earlier diagnosis and prompt
     • create more responsive and patient         or being ready for therapy,              treatment, and enhanced the ability
       centred services                           medication and mealtimes, with little    of A&E services to manage stroke
                                                  time for considering much else.          patients.
     The cognitive and communication
     impairments that can result from             Staff are now more confident around      This has included:
     stroke make the gathering of patient         the process of patient and carer         • discussing, mapping and
     viewpoints more complex than in              engagement. The team have agreed           redesigning the pathway of care
     some other areas, but can be                 on a plan to improve the access to,        between A&E and the acute stroke
     addressed.                                   and use of, the day room and are           unit
                                                  considering the reintroduction of        • procedures for ‘alert calls’ to the
     Royal United Hospital, Bath                  communal eating on the wards, to           stroke unit when a suspected
     undertook patient focus groups with          reduce isolation and boredom and to        stroke patient is due to arrive
     the help of The Stroke Association,          provide therapeutic opportunities.       • developing the skills of nominated
     and the main theme to emerge was             Plans are also in progress for the         individuals within the A&E team as
     poor patient experiences on the              development of information for             a stroke liaison post
     medical assessment unit, on                  patients and carers, a stroke staff      • clear protocols to avoid stroke
     occasions when this took several days        newsletter and focus groups to look        patients being admitted to medical
     for them to be transferred to the            at the other issues flagged up from        admission units or clinical decision
     stroke unit. This both informed and          the project work around discharge          services
     strengthened the case for direct             planning and the admission process
     admission to the acute stroke unit.          to the unit.                             Royal United Hospital, Bath has
                                                                                           continued to develop strong links to
     In Nottingham University Hospital            When the NHS Medway project              A&E, to support the delivery of
     NHS Trust, both clinical and non             team were planning the move to a         thrombolysis, but also so that
     clinical members of the stroke team          weekend rehabilitation service, they     patients are now admitted directly
     engaged in ‘walking the patient              received the overwhelming message        from A&E to the acute stroke unit.
     pathway’. A number of problems               of support from patients on the acute
Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care |   15

In Queens Hospital NHS                               A&E. With a respected member of                  A new ring tone and flashing light
Foundation Trust, the project has                    the existing nursing team to act as an           was installed to alert the stroke unit
raised the profile of the stroke service             advocate for stroke, address the                 team to the emergency response
within the hospital. Where once most                 training needs and support the                   required. This new phone and
stroke patients were admitted to the                 development of protocols to embed                number would alert staff on the ward
emergency admissions unit for at                     the change in practice, there has                immediately that a patient was going
least 24 hours and transferred to the                been a dramatic improvement in the               to be transferred, giving them the
stroke unit later, staff now recognise               perception of the stroke patient                 opportunity to triage, and then give
the importance of the stroke pathway                 within the department and the                    advice to the crew on where to take
and the benefits of thrombolysis.                    processes required for quick triaging            the patient. This action changed the
More patients are being assessed for                 after arrival in A&E.                            pathway for the patient almost
suitability for thrombolysis and the                                                                  immediately, with everyone
stroke service has joined the IST-3                  Work with the ambulance service                  concerned fully aware of where the
research trial.5                                     Ambulance services are the first line            patient was to be sent and what
                                                     of effective stroke care. It is crucial          would happen next. There was a
In Sandwell and West Birmingham                      where a network approach to the                  reduction in delays in transfer, and a
Hospitals NHS Trust stroke unit staff                delivery of thrombolysis is in place so          decrease in the number of patients
worked with the A&E general                          that patients travel to the right                being admitted via A&E.
manager and the stroke co-ordinator                  hospital, quickly. They have excellent
to reinforce new pathways with the                   knowledge of the issues in moving                Poole Hospitals NHS Foundation
staff in A&E and the on call team.                   patients round the local patch. Closer           Trust set up an ambulance pre-alert
There was confusion, so a pathway                    working can help tackle problems,                system to ensure A&E, the stroke
was developed on an A4 sheet for all                 such as ensuring the right type of               team and other key staff were aware
suspected stroke patients to be                      vehicle, i.e. one which is able to               of potential thrombolysis patients en
directly transferred to the stroke unit.             safely transport the patient, is sent to         route, assisting speed of response on
This was circulated to all A&E                       suspected stroke cases.                          arrival.
doctors, nurses and the radiology
department and laminated and                         In Nottingham University Hospital                Move to six day a week working
displayed in all departments. This                   NHS Trust a communication was                    for therapy services
pathway clarified who was                            sent to all GPs informing them to                Two project sites in Medway and York
responsible and what to do when a                    contact the stroke unit directly if they         tested the provision of a six day
suspected stroke came to A&E.                        assessed a patient with stroke                   therapy service and evaluated its
Scanning times were reduced to four                  symptoms, and asked that the call to             effect on patient experience, access
hours.                                               the East Midlands Ambulance Service              to services and flow.
                                                     should include the instructions for an
In Yeovil District Hospital NHS                      emergency ambulance, a four wheel                Often services experience a
Foundation Trust a key limitation in                 vehicle with a two manned crew, and              bottleneck every Monday when
enabling patients to be accurately                   not a routine admission.                         therapy staff have a backlog of
assessed and admitted to the stroke                                                                   assessments accrued over the
unit was poor early assessment within                To ensure that ambulance crews were              weekend. For new patients it means
A&E. This was solved through                         fully informed of changes which                  some may have waited for 48 hours
education of medical and nursing                     would affect the stroke pathway,                 to be assessed and commence
staff and ensuring an accurate                       work was undertaken with the                     treatment, for others skills gained
pathway. Redeployment of resources                   managers of the ambulance service                during the previous week may not
within the stroke team also enabled                  to produce bulletins containing the              have been practiced over the
the appointment of a Band 6 stroke                   direct access policy, but more                   weekend, and for staff, their
and neuro lead junior sister within                  importantly, the direct phone number             treatment time is reduced, as priority
                                                     for the telephone on the stroke unit,            has to be given to new assessments.
                                                     known by all as ‘the Bat Phone’.

5The Third International Stroke Trial (IST-3) of thrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke: an
international multi-centre, randomised, controlled trial to investigate the safety and efficacy of
treatment with intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) within six hours of
onset of acute ischaemic stroke. For further information, see

16 | Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care

   When the project teams analysed the
   data after the pilot services and               Figure 3: Impact on length of stay in NHS Medway
   compared it with the routine services,
   they were able to determine various                                                                Length of Stay, SRU, 5 Day Therapy
                                                                                                          Undertaken using less than 25 points
   factors, including how provision of a                       100
   Saturday service impacted on the                                  92               90
   number of new patients to assess on
   a Monday, admission to referral time,
   and access to therapy time for
   patients.                                                   60

                                                                                                                              56                                                       Target 56
                                                                                                                 46                                                 47
   NHS Medway evaluated the effect
   of a six day service on the number of
   patients who needed to be seen on a                                                                                                                                        31
                                                                                                                                                                                       Mean 33.5
   Monday. They found that moving                              20
   towards providing rehabilitation on a                                                                                                                  15                                   4b
                                                                                                12                                                                                       12
   Saturday had a limited effect on                                                                        8
                                                                                                                                                                                          LCL 2
   reducing the bottleneck of new                               Patient   Patient Patient    Patient Patient Patient    Patient    Patient Patient   Patient Patient          Patient Patient Patient
   patients, as in practice this captured                          1         2       3          4       5       6          7          8       9        10      11               12      13      14

   only those new patients admitted on
   Friday afternoon or evening. If the                                                               Length of Stay, SRU, 6 Day Therapy
   sixth day of therapy had been                                                                          Undertaken using less than 25 points
   Sunday, patients on Saturday could                          80

   also be assessed, therefore having                                                                                                                                                  UCL 73.48
   greater impact on the work Monday
                                                               60                                           57
   morning.                                                                                                                                                                            Target 56

   The project team did however reduce                         40
   admission to assessment time from                                                                                     27
   42 hours to 35 hours by moving to                                                                                                                                               Mean 22.06
                                                               20                                                                                                                         15
   six days a week. There was little                                      19                         18                                              20                  21
   difference between the time to                                                          12                                                                  10                  9
                                                                                                                   3                       5                                               LCL 0
   assessment for physiotherapy with                            0
                                                                Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient
   the addition of a Saturday service as                           1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9      10      11      12      13      14      15      16

   they already met the recognised 72                                                                                     Interval

   hour standard. However, in                                                               Value                Mean             UCL               LCL                  Target
   occupational therapy where they
   were not delivering the desired
   standard of assessment within four
   days, a one day reduction in access          there was a 100% increase in the                                                   facilitating an unanticipated but safe
   time was achieved. There was also an         number of Friday discharges during                                                 weekend discharge, preventing
   improvement in the time between              six day working compared with five                                                 inappropriate transfers off the ward,
   admission and first contact by a             days.                                                                              identifying an appropriate stroke
   speech and language therapist.                                                                                                  patient located elsewhere in the
                                                During the six day working period,                                                 hospital. This also had a beneficial
   The team found that six day therapy          bed occupancy rose from 69% to                                                     effect on the trust’s vital sign data.
   does not significantly impact on             79%. The effect of the additional
   weekend discharges without other             therapy staff on the ward at                                                       There was a positive effect with the
   changes. However, the data showed            weekends may impact on decision                                                    acute unit length of stay, reducing
   that the six day service did bring           making by the ward staff and bed                                                   from 8.2 to 5.1 days. On the
   forward the date of discharge to an          managers. For example, guiding bed                                                 rehabilitation unit, the impact was
   earlier point within the working             managers’ decisions around selection                                               significant, reducing from 33.5 to 22,
   week. On the rehabilitation unit,            of patients to move off the ward,                                                  a reduction of 8.5 days.
Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care |   17

Table 1: Care package of patients going home from the Medway rehabilitation unit

   Audit Period       Number of            Number of patients    Total number        Average number        Percentage of
                      patients             needing care          of carers           of carers per         patients needing
                      discharged home      package               needed              patient               care package

   Five day therapy   7                    6                     20                  3.6                   85

   Six day therapy    8                    3                     5                   1.3                   37.5

In York Hospitals NHS Foundation          Many of the project teams across all
Trust the project team found that         of the workstreams refer to the
50% of their patients accessed            impact of noro-virus or other hospital
physiotherapy within 48 hours during      acquired infections on their work.
the five day service but when they        This not only complicated their
provided a six day service this rose to   improvement work, but lent
64%, averaging ½ day reduction in         additional importance to their efforts
referral to treatment time for            to effectively manage beds for stroke
physiotherapy.                            patients.

The project team examined the effect
of a six day service on access to
therapy time. Their baseline data
indicated that on average patients
were seen four times a week for
physiotherapy and occupational
therapy. Only 63% of patients for
whom it was appropriate received 45
minutes or more of either therapy.
When a six day service was provided
their patients were then able to
receive physiotherapy five days a
week, and 90% of them could access
45 minutes of occupational therapy.

The baseline length of stay for all
stroke patients averaged 47 days,
when a six day service was available
this reduced to 21 days. The
Medway team also found that
although the numbers of patients
returning home did not change, there
is likely to be a link to the reduction
in the number of patients requiring
care packages.

18    | Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care

     Post hospital support and long term care

     Since March 2009, the Stroke                 Getting transfer of care right has an     Manage the health and social
     Improvement Programme has been               impact on the whole stroke pathway.       care interface
     running projects looking at the key          The project teams have demonstrated       All national project teams whether
     areas of transfer of care and                that improvements to transfer of care     led by health or social care expressed
     rehabilitation. This chapter focuses on      processes enable more patients to         concerns about how to enable
     the learning to date in those areas.         access the stroke ward more rapidly       meaningful joint working across
                                                  and for longer by creating capacity       organisations. The teams established
     More detail is available in the              and improving flow through the            the key differences in ways of
     accompanying publication, Post               ward, as well as reducing waiting         working and developed methods to
     hospital support and long term care:         times for community rehabilitation        improve joint working and
     case studies from the Stroke                 and improving patient and carer           communication:
     Improvement Programme projects.              satisfaction.
                                                                                            Understanding national drivers
     Transfer of care                                                                       for health and social care
     The National Stroke Strategy set a            TOP TIPS                                 Social care priorities are focused on
     clear standard that individuals should                                                 long term conditions, personalised
                                                    • Manage the health and social
     have a discharge plan, covering all                                                    care, partnership working and carer
                                                      care interface
     their needs, both health and social                                                    support. Key drivers for stroke
                                                    • Involve patients in improving
     care. Nine sites across England                  transfer of care                      services in health are the National
     analysed their systems for transfer of         • Provide emotional support for         Stroke Strategy and NICE and RCP
     care for people with stroke and                  stroke survivors and carers           clinical guidance. Analysis of national
     focused their improvements on                  • Ensure access to appropriate          drivers helped to establish common
     processes influencing this stage of              services, including rehabilitation,   themes and objectives to align both
     the pathway.                                     social care and community             with national and organisational
                                                      opportunities                         agendas.

                                                                                            Nottinghamshire County Council
                                                                                            and Nottinghamshire Community
                                                                                            Health established a team which
                                                                                            included a social care commissioner
                                                                                            from Nottinghamshire County
                                                                                            Council, a community stroke team
                                                                                            leader from Nottinghamshire NHS
                                                                                            community health team and The
                                                                                            Stroke Association.
Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care |    19

The project leads from each of the                 condition or disease of the individual,          Involve patients and carers in
organisations met regularly and                    so there may not be a stroke specific            improving transfer of care
developed shared objectives which                  focus in social care for services or for         The National Stroke Strategy makes it
agreed with their organisation’s                   data collection. Funding has been                clear that stroke survivors should be
strategic objectives. The successful               used with good effect, often for                 involved strategically in stroke service
implementation and effectiveness of                stroke specific social care posts, many          improvement, as well as in decisions
this improvement post has supported                of which have demonstrated value                 about their own care. The challenge
the plan to commission two                         for money and will be continued after            for services is to obtain real and
additional family and carer support                the life of the social care grant.               meaningful involvement of stroke
services in the county.                                                                             survivors rather than token gestures.
                                                   Stoke on Trent City Council used                 The project teams were able to
Understanding national                             their grant funding to enable a daily            establish the patients’ and carers’
measures of progress                               ward visit by social care workers to             perspectives of stroke services and to
Standards in local authorities are                 the stroke rehabilitation ward and               use these views to significantly
measured using national indicators                 facilitate earlier referral to social care       change the service.
rather than the activity data and                  services. A single point of contact for
outcome measures used in health.                   patients and carers on discharge and             Poole Hospital NHS Foundation
Investigation of the social care                   policies for discharge and for rapid             Trust and NHS Bournemouth and
national indicators demonstrates links             assessment were implemented. Both                Poole, with Dorset Stroke Network
with the stroke strategy quality                   social care and the early supported              used a patient and carer feedback
markers, e.g. National indicator 131               discharge teams adopted the new                  forum to establish the shortfalls in
is about delayed transfers of care,                name of ‘Community Stroke                        the transfer of care pathway and
132 records timeliness of social care              Discharge Team’ so that patients and             suggest a vision for how they would
assessment and 133 is about                        carers were aware of the close                   like services to be, which was used by
timeliness of packages of care, all of             working relationship to provide a                staff from social care, health and the
which relate well to quality marker 12             seamless service.                                voluntary sector to develop an
of the National Stroke Strategy.6 This                                                              aspirational pathway for the service.
awareness of the potential for shared              The Royal Bournemouth and                        The team established a ‘meet the
national measures can also enable                  Christchurch Hospitals NHS                       team’ meeting early in the first week
alignment of objectives.                           Foundation Trust focused their                   of the hospital stay to discuss
                                                   attention on improvements which                  prognosis and plans for rehabilitation
Dudley PCT, key staff from Dudley                  could be made in transfer of care                and discharge with the patient and
Social Services, Dudley Group                      processes in hospital. The team                  family.
of Hospitals and The Stroke                        supported closer working of health
Association improved                               and social care teams by co-location             The Royal Bournemouth and
communication through regular short                of the social workers, information               Christchurch Hospitals NHS
meetings and task groups to tackle                 support officer and Stroke                       Foundation Trust team obtained
specific problems. The team made                   Association support staff in the                 patient and carer feedback using
an impact on delayed discharges,                   hospital, near to the stroke ward,               questionnaires after hospital
reducing length of stay to 18.5 days               rather than at the local authority.              discharge. The feedback became
in 2008/9 and to 15.7 days in                      Measurable improvements made by                  integral to the project, informing the
2009/10, saving £750 per patient.                  this team include significantly                  team at many levels as to the
                                                   improved patient satisfaction scores             effectiveness of their improvements.
Use of the stroke social care grant                for involvement in the transfer of care          Formalised care reviews with patients
enabled a protected resource for                   process, reduced waiting times for               and carers for enhanced
stroke specific posts and services in              community therapy and improved                   communication and discharge
local authorities. The operational                 quality of handover information                  planning were implemented early in
focus in social care is on the needs of            between hospital and community                   the hospital stay. Care review
the individual rather than the                     teams.                                           documentation given to the patient

6For further information on similarities between National Indicators and Quality Markers,
see Stroke Improvement Programme website social care resources

20       | Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care

     reinforced information given during                The South West London Cardiac            The joint commissioner-provider led
     the meeting. Patient satisfaction                  and Stroke Network project               team from NHS Milton Keynes and
     about information given has                        implemented a self management            Milton Keynes Council planned a
     improved.                                          programme in Croydon. 72% of staff       service redesign to establish a new
                                                        participants changed their practice      early supported discharge service.
     Provide emotional support for                      towards a more patient centred, goal     There were no stroke specialist
     stroke survivors and carers                        orientated approach, which               rehabilitation staff in the community
     The National Stroke Strategy, RCP                  promoted patients’ self efficacy.        and poor follow up when they
     clinical guidance and Department of                Improvements in patient self efficacy    started. Implementation of the new
     Health guidance7 recommend the                     scores were shown in eight of the 12     service was less than straightforward,
     emotional needs of people who have                 patients and two others had scores       but in its first month saw a dramatic
     had a stroke are met and carers are                which remained high throughout.          improvement in length of stay from
     supported to have their needs                      Improvements were also made in           more than 23 days to less than 10
     assessed. The challenge is in                      patients perceptions of the impact of    days and an improvement in the
     identifying individuals in need of                 the stroke, measured using the Stroke    stroke vital sign from an average of
     these services and in providing a                  Impact Scale.                            50% to 70% of stroke patients
     skilled service to meet the need.                                                           spending 90% of their time on the
     Several of the project teams found                 In Dudley PCT, patients and families     stroke unit.
     ways around these challenges to                    were given a contact number for the
     demonstrate positive outcomes for                  family support worker to use for any     The team from Lincolnshire
     patient and carer satisfaction, carer              questions and concerns, instead of       Community Health Services set out
     strain and the economic benefits of                seeking help from the GP or going to     to establish a cost effective assisted
     good emotional support.                            A&E when they were anxious or            discharge stroke service in a health
                                                        worried. The team demonstrated the       community, from no stroke specific
     Nottinghamshire County Council                     post saved the PCT around £94,500        community rehabilitation and very
     and Nottinghamshire Community                      in its first year on crisis admissions   limited generic community
     Health’s improvement was focused                   and emergency room visits by             rehabilitation. The team set up an
     on access to emotional support for                 patients recently discharged from        assessment process, in-reaching to
     carers by funding and defining a role              hospital.                                ward team meetings at referring
     for a family and carer support worker                                                       stroke units, and, in some areas,
     post on the stroke ward. Key learning              Ensure access to appropriate             attending daily handover sessions
     points were that:                                  services, including rehabilitation,      with stroke unit staff. Recruitment to
     • the timing of interventions and                  social care and community                the new service was highly successful
       support for carers is critical. Carers           opportunities                            and access to a seven day community
       are in crisis themselves at the acute            Improving transfer of care is            service was established across the
       stage of the pathway so support                  fundamentally about getting the          county. Average Barthel scoring
       may be best received at the post                 process right and ensuring people        improved, and waiting times for
       acute stage                                      who have had a stroke access services    community therapy reduced from
     • carers also wanted to talk after                 they need when they need them.           three weeks to two to four days.
       usual office hours when they felt                Several of the national project teams    Patient satisfaction with the new
       they had more capacity after work                obtained investment for major            service is high.
       for visiting                                     pathway redesign and were able to
     • specific carers support is valued                implement improvements in the
       enormously and warrants particular               transition from hospital and to
       attention by the stroke service                  accessing community therapy, social
                                                        care support and beyond.

     Putting People First, Department of Health, 2007
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care
Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care

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Going up a gear: Practical steps to improve stroke care

  • 1. NHS CANCER NHS Improvement DIAGNOSTICS HEART LUNG STROKE Stroke Improvement Programme Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care
  • 2. Contents Foreword 3 Introduction 4 Joining up prevention 5 Implementing best practice in acute care 10 Post hospital support and long term care 18 Sustainability 27 Measuring for improvement 30 Resources and contacts 34
  • 3. Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care | 3 Foreword We are at an important milestone in But they also reminded us that there the implementation of the National is much to do, particularly to support Stroke Strategy. people to live long term with the consequences of their stroke. That is This publication, Going up a gear, is a why earlier this year we launched the chance for all of us to learn from the Accelerating Stroke Improvement projects which were launched in programme, to go further, faster in March 2009. It is a testament to the improving stroke services with the contribution the teams have made additional support and tools locally and the product of a lot of available, to sustain improvement hard work. You will no doubt into the future. Professor Roger Boyle CBE recognise many of the issues they National Director for Heart Disease and Stroke, Department of Health faced, and we hope you will be able We can all agree that excellent stroke to use their solutions as you are care is our main goal. Going up a continuing to develop your own gear, has been designed to help you services. in meeting that challenge. All those involved in stroke services Professor Roger Boyle CBE have been making great strides to National Clinical Director for Heart improve care since the publication of Disease and Stroke the Strategy in 2007. This Department of Health contribution of many individuals and teams across the country is starting to Dr Damian Jenkinson show results for people who have a National Clinical Lead stroke in England, as the National NHS Stroke Improvement Programme Audit Office recognised in their Dr Damian Jenkinson National Clinical Lead, NHS Stroke report, Progress in improving stroke Improvement Programme care, published earlier this year.
  • 4. 4 | Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care Introduction The Stroke Improvement Programme Accelerating Stroke Improvement How to use this document worked with 37 project sites in Accelerating Stroke Improvement is a The suggestions, experiences and 2009/10 on implementing the drive to rapidly improve stroke examples provided in this document National Stroke Strategy.1 The services in 2010/11. The systems and are intended to generate ideas, to projects aimed to help clinical teams structures are in place to provide show what is possible when teams improve their service and to generate leadership, guidance and support a work constructively together and to learning to benefit others. Projects programme of work to go further, guide planning for improvement were grouped into four areas, based faster in improving stroke services in activities. on sections of the strategy: this year. The three main areas of focus are: The Stroke Improvement Programme • Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) continuously publishes materials to services • Joining up prevention help those striving to improve stroke • Acute care • Implementing best practice in and TIA services. Resources and • Transfer of care acute care materials will be made available this • Rehabilitation • Improving post hospital and long year to support the Accelerating term care Stroke Improvement programme Key themes and learning have been work. New materials will be drawn from the projects and other The programme is about advertised in the Stroke sites around the country. ‘Top tips’ systematically taking stock of what Improvement e-bulletin and will be have emerged which will help others has been achieved so far in improving available on the Stroke Improvement as they also make improvements to stroke services and assessing what Programme website at: their stroke services. else needs to be addressed, including long term care. This means building More detail and contact information on existing plans, mapping out what is available in the accompanying can be achieved this year with the publications, Case studies from the additional support and tools available Stroke Improvement Programme and how this can be sustained and projects. extended into the future so that everyone gets the right treatment, in Additional learning has been drawn the right place, at the right time from the projects investigating the detection and treatment of atrial Learning from the projects has been fibrillation. organised to support this new focus. National Stroke Strategy, Department of Health, 2007. 1
  • 5. Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care | 5 Joining up prevention Joining up prevention includes The first phase of 18 projects were The Stroke Improvement Programme information on stroke prevention established in October 2007 and publications that provide a summary through better identification and completed April 2009. Working and overview of the outcomes from treatment of both atrial fibrillation across 15 networks, with PCTs, this first phase are listed in the (AF) and transient ischaemic attack general practices, Practice Based Resources section. (TIA). Consortia and acute trusts, they piloted a range of approaches to Quality and productivity agenda Both these approaches are essential improve detection and optimal The opportunity to provide cost to realise the ambitions of the treatment of patients with AF in effective high quality care to prevent National Stroke Strategy under primary care, to reduce risk of stroke. avoidable mortality and morbidity has ‘Managing Risk’ (quality marker 2) been recognised as one of six key and ‘TIA and minor stroke’ (quality TOP TIPS recommended interventions under markers 5 and 6). Chapter eight of the national quality and productivity the National Service Framework on • Detect AF though opportunistic agenda, details of which can be Coronary Heart Disease also set out screening e.g. at annual flu accessed at NHS Evidence.3 clinics the quality requirements for the • Consider local enhanced service prevention and treatment of patients Driving forward schemes for detection, screening with cardiac arrhythmias.2 A further stage of this work began in and review of AF • Develop new models for October 2009 with nine health Atrial fibrillation: detection anticoagulation services in communities, led by the Heart and and treatment primary and community settings Stroke Improvement Programmes. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most • Develop tools to support the Building on the evidenced based common sustained dysrhythmia, review of patients with AF, to risk learning, resources and demonstrable affecting at least 600,000 (1.2%) stratify for stroke and optimal outcomes from the first phase, they people in England alone. It is also a therapy aim to embed the identification, major cause of stroke with 16,000 • Develop guidelines for primary to diagnosis and optimal therapy for strokes annually in patients with AF, secondary care referral patients with AF to significantly • Educate both professionals and reduce risk of stroke. of which approximately 12,500 are patients on: thought to be directly attributable to • pulse palpation AF. It is also an eminently • barriers to anti-coagulation in preventable cause of stroke with a primary care simple highly effective treatment; • ECG training and interpretation 2National Framework for Coronary Heart with warfarin known to reduce risk • AF as a major risk factor for Disease; Arrhythmias and Sudden Cardiac by 50-70%. stroke. Death, Department of Health, March 2009. 3See:
  • 6. 6 | Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care In pushing forward the challenge to TOP TIPS Streamline the referral route with join up prevention, some teams are single point of contact for high working across the whole primary • Clearly define a pathway for and low risk and secondary care pathway to TOP TIPS low risk patients, high and It is crucial to streamline the referral understand the issues and improve agreed across primary and process to ensure patients quickly get the management and outcomes for secondary care on the correct pathway. A single stroke and TIA patients with AF. • Streamline the referral route with contact point for all TIA patients single point of contact for high simplifies the referral process and is and low risk The learning, evidence and outcomes more efficient for co-ordinating the • Employ a comprehensive from this phase of work will be service, enabling efficient use of communication strategy published later this year. • Establish a sustainable data and appointments and facilitating the 24 audit system hour requirement for high risk Timely and effective • Tailor the weekend service to patients. Data collection can also treatment of TIA local needs and demand begin at one entry point. The Stroke Improvement Programme • Think differently about how and worked with 10 sites from March where TIA clinics are provided It requires standardised referral 2009 to test implementation of proformas that are appropriate to the quality markers 5 and 6 of the referrer, highlight the pathway, give National Stroke Strategy and to an aid to diagnosis (such as the Clearly define a pathway for high ABCD2 score) and include information contribute to national learning. and low risk patients, agreed to be given to patients. across primary and secondary care Key themes and learning have been A clear pathway is essential to ensure drawn from the projects and other Some providers are operating or patients are referred and treated on aiming for one queue for high and sites around the country. Much of the right pathway from initial referral. the work this year has concentrated low risk patients. Early results indicate The pathway will differ according to that once demand and capacity are in on the ‘front end’ of the TIA local catchment populations and pathway, ensuring prompt access to balance, and a seven day service in geography, staffing and access to place, this is possible. This makes life effective diagnosis and treatment. imaging. Different models are The following points aim to identify easier for everyone, especially emerging across the country. referrers, and protects lower risk the changes that will make the biggest difference to services. patients that turn out to be high risk. NHS Doncaster: after reviewing, mapping and redesigning their Surrey and Sussex Healthcare More detail is available in the pathway, the team in Doncaster were accompanying publication, Joining up NHS Trust created a single bleep able to introduce a new service that holder to take all calls. GPs found it prevention: case studies from the provides: Stroke Improvement Programme very helpful, confirming that this • rapid access next day clinic, from access is exactly what they want. projects. referral to being seen in clinic, for Consultants were reassured that it did all patients not translate into an unmanageable • same day carotid doppler, ECG and number of calls. echocardiogram and brain imaging • same day diagnosis North Bristol NHS Trust appointed • immediate preventive treatment a TIA co-ordinator as a single point of • same day clinic vascular surgery referral to ensure timely and efficient review and listing for theatre booking of patients according to • rapid communication of results to ABCD2 prioritisation. the patient and the GP This has removed between 21 and 41 days from the original pathway of care.
  • 7. Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care | 7 North West London Cardiac and North West London Cardiac and North Bristol NHS Trust, with the Stroke Network created new Stroke Network created a University of the West of England, referral forms outlining the approved communications plan to launch the developed an online training module protocols and out of hours service for new referral forms to GPs, A&E for ABCD2 assessment for all GPs TIA referral, having gained consensus departments and all interested and Great Western Ambulance from clinical teams in each hospital. parties. It included comprehensive Service staff. Separate forms were made for A&E information for services, clearly departments and GPs in every format defining what information was Establish a sustainable data and likely to be used by GP databases needed by whom, and giving audit system (e.g. EMIS, Vision, Word etc. Both practical advice and examples of how Accurate data collection is vital to forms included an aid to diagnosis to do this. understanding the pathway and including ABCD2 score) and contact where improvement needs to be details for TIA clinics for both To ensure the new referral forms concentrated. It enables: weekdays and out of hours. reached everyone and increase the • an understanding of the current likelihood of their adoption: position and monitoring, on an Lancashire Teaching Hospitals • the network sent emails to all GPs ongoing basis to create a NHS Foundation Trust established a across north west London, sustainable service unified single point of access, with an explaining the new referral forms. • an understanding of the service at initial telephone call to the acute The clinical contracts lead for each all points along the pathway, stroke unit, for high and lower risk PCT forwarded emails to GPs and identifying bottlenecks TIA patients. This was used from included a link to dedicated web • regular audit of referrals with October 2009 to improve GP access pages on the network website feedback to primary care A&E and and minimised the time from the • dedicated web pages were created, ambulance services patient presenting to the GP to clinic including downloadable versions of • ongoing review of demand and review. all forms and information regarding capacity, which has been essential aids to diagnosis and use of referral for these new services as projects Employ a comprehensive forms noticed that demand changed as communication strategy • printed copies of the forms were the referral system and the use of An explicit communication strategy, sent to every practice manager, ABCD2 was refined and the covering awareness, education and including pens inscribed with the pathway embedded training, will provide benefits for web address of the dedicated TIA those experiencing TIA through: webpage to further publicise the Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS • supporting implementation on the site Trust created an electronic audit tool pathway and ensuring patients • stroke consultants at each trust to standardise note-keeping, letters enter the right pathway of care as trained their A&E departments on to GPs and gather audit data that soon as possible use of forms was reliable and easy to analyse. • raising awareness in primary care, They have since achieved a figure of the ambulance service, A&E and Data collection is under way but early 66% of high risk patients with TIA any other referral points in the TIA indications show that the use of new seen and treated in 24 hours. pathway referral forms in A&E departments is • emphasising and reinforcing the now in excess of 80% and the use of North West London Cardiac and importance of early referral new referral forms by GPs, although Stroke Network created a data • enabling education in the ABCD2 variable, is increasing month by template for use within TIA clinics to score ensuring appropriate referrals month and has reached 60% in one collect baseline data, assess the use and effective triage unit. Hits on the network’s website of referral forms, measure referring • highlighting the need for clear increased by 20%. patterns and report on the vital sign. patient information and supporting Data was accepted in whatever its provision format was convenient, and assistance offered by the network to facilitate collection.
  • 8. 8 | Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care Tailor the weekend service to The service has moved from full In Surrey and Sussex Healthcare local needs and demand assessment of three to four patients NHS Trust the Acute Medical Unit Work to date indicates that it is likely per week to up to seven per day, and deliver the TIA service, operating each that only large centres will be able to are now assessing 66% of high risk day Monday to Friday for all patients sustain an independent weekend TIA patients within the 24 hour referred the previous day with TIA service. Accurate demand for the window. (including low and high risk patients). weekend service will only be Using the acute medical unit has apparent once the pathway is North West London Cardiac and ensured that the acute medical teams established and all referrers are using Stroke Network developed an out have an excellent operational it. Many services are reporting lower of hours, 24 hour TIA service for high knowledge of TIA and stroke and numbers than expected at weekends, risk referrals. The Monday to Friday therefore manage the patients in a and it is not yet clear whether this is a TIA service is based in six hospitals in much more effective way. true reflection or because referrers north west London; the weekend are unaware of the service available. service is based at the two hyper- Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Further work will be undertaken on acute units, making efficient use of PCT operated with a daily mobile this over the coming year to try to the staff and facilities available. multidisciplinary team (which establish the optimal population base included a stroke doctor, a vascular for a viable weekend service. Rather than replicate a traditional technician with portable doppler, the face-to-face outpatient clinic service stroke co-ordinator, and a clinic Different approaches to weekend at weekends Royal Devon and nurse) running a clinic across five services are developing, typically Exeter NHS Foundation Trust sites. They moved from a 90 day based on cooperation between decided to investigate using stroke wait to an average 24 hour wait for services within the same network. nurse practitioners to perform carotid medium to high risk patients, and a These include: ultrasound screening, to address the 48 hour wait for low risk patients. • hyper-acute stroke centres issue of appropriate urgent imaging They have seen 35 patients weekly, providing a weekend service based and screening during weekend and from five to ten per week previously, on the agreements in place for bank holiday periods. The stroke and reduced the wait for carotid thrombolysis cover nurse practitioners cover the hospital endarterectomy to seven days. • rotating service provision at seven days a week, 7.30am to 8pm, weekends within multi-site trusts providing a potentially cost effective The Royal Bournemouth and • partnering with neighbouring trusts solution to providing a weekend Christchurch Hospital NHS where one trust operates at service. Foundation Trust, with South weekends or the lead trust rotates Western Ambulance Service, have Think differently about how and set up a referral pathway allowing The University Hospitals of where TIA clinics are provided open-access for GPs, emergency Leicester NHS Trust has established Services are acknowledging that ‘one department staff and paramedics. An a seven day service, agreed with the size doesn’t fit all’ necessarily, and are education leaflet was developed for PCT with a locally negotiated tariff, developing more imaginative models paramedics, so that they could using this structure: than standard out-patient clinics. undertake the triage and refer • consultant-led clinic These include: suspected TIA patients to the clinic. • Saturday and Sunday: one Band 6 • basing TIA clinics in the acute nurse, one clinical aide or clinic stroke unit clerk • using medical assessment units or • specialist registrars help when equivalent facilities open 24 hours available a day • morning attendance • providing a mobile service in rural • carotid ultrasound screening from areas where travelling is difficult or 10am to 12.30pm lengthy for patients • MRI available 11am to 2.30pm (five • developing paramedic assessment slots), CT at weekends (five slots) and triage • consultant review from1pm onwards
  • 9. Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care | 9 Figure 1: Before and after TIA referral pathways in Bournemouth EVENT EVENT 3-15 DAYS POST EVENT WITHIN 1-2 HOURS Patient seeks a Patient calls 999 GP appointment Patient is seen and assessed Patient is seen and assessed as presumptive TIA/minor stroke as presumptive TIA/minor stroke Ambulance clinician, nurse GP refers to outpatient clinic or out-of-hours GP referrs direct to TIA clinic SAME/NEXT WORKING DAY HIGH RISK 7-20 DAYS POST EVENT ADMISSION Clinic receives referral and books Clinic receives referral and contacts patient directly to make same/ appointment for the patient next working day appointment Tests are done Tests are done Imaging The NHS Improvement Diagnostics Meeting the imaging requirements of team have been working with sites the National Stroke Strategy is a involved in projects to review the significant challenge for many issues in imaging for TIA. Further organisations. Key suggestions from information on the review by the the projects include: Diagnostics Team is available on • review scanning capacity regularly the Stroke Improvement as it will change as the service is Programme web site at: publicised and referrals refined • consider carotid imaging with MRA at weekends if an MR scanner is already in operation • consider nurse training in carotid ultrasound screening
  • 10. 10 | Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care Implementing best practice in acute care Quality markers 7, 8 and 9 in the TOP TIPS various tactics and agreements, will National Stroke Strategy define the ensure that stroke patients are more key components of effective acute • Protect stroke unit beds likely to get the necessary care. One stroke care. It is clear what needs to • Actively cooperate with the rest approach is to apply the model be done for those experiencing stroke of the hospital developed by cardiac services, where to guarantee best outcomes, and • Develop a flexible, stroke skilled heart attack treatment is accepted as how the health care system needs to workforce a clinical priority and consequently • Work with stroke survivors and organise itself to provide the best cardiac beds are protected. carers service for patients. • Build an active partnership with Royal United Hospital, Bath initially A&E Ten projects worked with the Stoke • Work with the ambulance undertook bed modelling work which Improvement Programme to explore service showed a lack of beds, shared on an how to improve the care they provide • Move to six days a week integrated ward with neurology. The for their patients. Together with working for therapy services stroke and neurology services were learning from three rehabilitation separated into two ward areas to give projects, their experience has led to each specialty its own clear identity. the identification of the some key Protect stroke unit beds Left with a 28 bed ward, the team actions. Key to achieving effective and converted one bed area (from six prompt treatment of stroke is beds to four) into a hyper-acute More detail is available in the ensuring that patients are cared for in stroke unit, ensuring the 26 accompanying publication, a properly staffed and skilled stroke dedicated stroke beds needed. Implementing best practice in acute unit. When this happens, stroke care: case studies from the Stroke patients receive optimal care, The team got agreement for the Improvement Programme projects. resulting in improved outcomes and a acute stroke unit to have the same shorter length of stay in hospital. bed and site management principles as the cardiac unit. Every day at the Bed availability can be a barrier to site meeting, the availability of an this, often due to the use of stroke acute stroke unit bed is checked in unit beds for people who have not the same way as for a cardiac bed, had a stroke. Bed management and as soon as a stroke patient is policies that ensure stroke patients admitted to the unit, bed can be admitted straight onto the management prioritise clearing unit are essential. Successfully another bed. protecting stroke beds, through
  • 11. Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care | 11 This has raised the stroke unit’s profile within the trust, boosted Figure 2: Patients spending 90% of their time in morale for staff working on the unit, an acute stroke unit in Milton Keynes and given a clear mandate to gear everything about the ward around 80 providing the best stroke care. By the 70 Blip due to winter bed pressures third week of direct admissions, the April 2009 60 40% length of stay had reduced from 18 to 5.5 days. 50 Percentage March 2009 40 75% Queens Hospital NHS Foundation 30 Trust linked in with the hospital emergency pathway redesign to 20 make sure the acute stroke unit was 10 included in daily operations meetings 0 and bed allocation ensured stroke Apr May Jun Jun Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar units beds were for people who have 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 had a stroke. A stroke unit admission Months protocol was written and agreed. Patients are identified by bed management earlier and are allocated This was also communicated through This led to an increase in direct to the stroke unit quicker. screensavers and posters around the admissions to the stroke unit - up to Communication between clinicians hospital to ensure stroke patients are 63% from 54% at the start of the and capacity management is much referred to the stroke unit. project, and a dramatic increase in improved. The percentage of patients patients reaching the stroke unit spending 90% of their stay in a The Trust met the SHA goal of 70% within four hours of arrival, up to stroke unit is now 89% as of April of stroke patients spending 90% of 76% from 54%. Patients who are 2010 (up from 71%). their time in hospital on a specialist managed via the assessment trolley stroke unit. have higher quality of care – they are Milton Keynes Hospital NHS assessed quicker, scanned quicker Foundation Trust agreed the need Poole Hospitals NHS Foundation and treatment is started earlier than for a fast track bed with the acute Trust have developed an ‘assessment those not admitted via this route. stroke unit clinicians, the bed trolley’ on the acute stroke unit to management team and the divisional speed up assessment processes by Similarly, the team in Sandwell and manager to enable timely transfer the stroke team for suspected stroke West Birmingham Hospitals NHS from A&E and the clinical decision patients not likely to benefit from Trust negotiated an agreement with unit (CDU). The use of the bed is thrombolysis, and assist admission managers, including bed managers, monitored and reported weekly. High directly to the stroke unit for optimal that there would always be a bed bed pressures in the Trust remove the care. available on the stroke unit. Any effectiveness of the bed. delays in A&E were escalated up to the on call manager. To overcome A bed management protocol for data collection problems in tracking stroke patients was implemented to this, an audit clerk was employed to ensure stroke patients identified in collect times of admission to A&E and A&E or CDU do not transfer to the stroke unit and this data is another ward. The protocol was reviewed weekly with senior shared around the trust to ensure management. members of staff across all levels identify the urgency of transferring a patient to the acute stroke unit.
  • 12. 12 | Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care Bed management was improved in Actively cooperate with the rest The Nottingham University Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS of the hospital Hospital NHS Trust project was Trust through a fast-track bed policy, To enable the stroke unit to function called DASH – Direct Access to Stroke now in operation 24 hours a day, effectively, it must cooperate with Hyper-acute Unit. As the project which uses a system of identifying other services in the hospital. would involve other hospital patients that can be moved from the Problems have arisen in the past due departments, it was felt important to acute stroke unit to a ‘fast track’ bed. to a lack of understanding of the engage as many stakeholders as Additionally, a daily bed status form importance of the clinical functions of possible in order to gain commitment was developed to identify delays the stroke unit and the necessary to progress. This ensured the project to discharge, patients awaiting urgency of scanning and transfer of had the support and sponsorship of repatriation in and transfer out of patients to the stroke unit. As a the trust chief executive, along with the acute stroke unit for ongoing consequence, stroke patients are not clinical and medical directors. rehabilitation or care home treated appropriately and promptly, placement. The form is presented at services such as scanning not Poole Hospitals NHS Foundation the daily bed meeting, and copies of performed quickly enough, and Trust improved their links with other the forms are kept for audit purposes patient experience and outcomes services through process mapping the and have been used to monitor the suffer. acute stroke patient pathway with number of stroke outliers. Through clinicians from all teams involved with this and other measures, direct To combat this, many acute stroke the patient, including ambulance admissions to the acute stroke unit unit teams have recognised the teams, A&E, radiography, radiology, have gone from 7% at the start of benefit of actively building stroke unit, bed management, and the project to 60%, and 67% of relationships with other parts of the the high dependency unit. This led to patients are spending the majority of hospital, e.g. A&E, radiology and a new patient pathway being agreed their time on the stroke unit medical admissions units, to promote by all teams, covering from hospital compared to a baseline of 33%. the effective pathway for stroke arrival to completion of patients. Better cooperation leads to multidisciplinary assessments. This Through promoting stroke services to more coordinated transfer of care for helped teams minimise unnecessary have equal status with urgent each patient, and avoids mistakes delays for patients being admitted specialist services such as cardiology, and delays due to misunderstanding with stroke and ensured a safe but the team in Worcestershire Acute and poor communication. It provides speedy pathway for thrombolysis Hospitals NHS Trust raised the subtle education for other clinical and patients (in and out of hours). profile of stroke management and managerial staff, and can have the care within the organisation. This led additional benefit of improving the Process mapping helped the staff to agreement to ring-fence beds on ability to care for stroke patients well involved along the patient pathway acute stroke units countywide, and in non-specialist services when better understand the patient journey three additional acute stroke beds attending for other clinical reasons – and the impact of their performance opened on the site in August 2009. a frequent complaint from people on overall patient outcomes and As a consequence, access to the who have had a stroke and carers. patient and carer experiences. It also stroke unit and the proportion of helped build relationships between time spent on the unit has been Royal United Hospital, Bath different departments and increasing month by month. developed strong links with A&E, organisations which have been radiology and the older people’s unit invaluable in making changes to expand thrombolysis to provide 24 happen. hour cover. Patients are now admitted directly from A&E to the acute stroke unit, bypassing the medical assessment unit and other wards.
  • 13. Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care | 13 Sandwell and West Birmingham Milton Keynes Hospital NHS consequence, all stroke patients have Hospitals NHS Trust has a monthly Foundation Trust developed an benefited from greater stroke-specific stroke action group with integrated multidisciplinary team care knowledge by the staff caring for representation from all departments. record, a collaborative record of each them. All qualified nursing staff also There is a weekly review of the profession’s contribution to a have received individual teaching patient’s pathway and an ongoing patient’s care throughout their stay from the stroke lead for the monitoring system that highlights the on the acute stroke unit. It sets out department which has also impacted patients that do not spend 90% of guidelines for good practice based on on clinical care. their time on a stroke unit, which the National Stroke Strategy or NICE allows the pathway to be monitored guidelines and is used to set goals for The Aintree University Hospitals and data to be validated easily. the patients to aid care planning of NHS Foundation Trust team the patient during the weekly undertook a mapping exercise, Develop a flexible, stroke multidisciplinary meetings. involving representatives from all key skilled workforce staff impacting on the unit and, A key principle of the National Stroke The team from Poole Hospitals NHS combined with the views of patients Strategy is to ensure that there is an Foundation Trust undertook several and carers, identified issues for appropriately stroke skilled workforce training and staff development improvement. This process in itself to meet the needs of patients. Stroke initiatives to improve care, including: has meant the team have developed services generally function in • agreeing a protocol for the senior a mutual understanding and respect, multidisciplinary teams and this is an nurse practitioner to request a brain good foundations for developing real important factor in tackling problems scan (CT), speeding up scan multidisciplinary team working. and bottlenecks than can arise requests so that now 78% of Communication within the team has through shortages of staff in key eligible patients receive a brain scan improved, the occupational therapists areas. within 24 hours of arrival at attend the daily nursing handover hospital compared to 65% at the and occupational therapy and Providing stroke team staff with start of the project physiotherapy staff actively use and necessary skills and competencies, • training acute stroke unit staff update the nursing electronic even if outside of traditional roles nurses and stroke medical staff to handover. The team is working on (e.g. speech and language therapy gain competency in swallow screen how nurses can support the staff training non-speech and after stroke, resulting in 89% of therapists work through teaching and language therapy colleagues in patients now receiving a swallow education within the multidisciplinary swallowing screening) can provide a assessment within 24 hours of team. much needed additional flexibility to admission compared to 50% at the the team. start of the project Six day working in York Hospitals • establishing a Patient Group NHS Foundation Trust and NHS When done well, this approach can Directive for aspirin to assist Medway has led to a different work improve staff satisfaction through delivery to appropriate patients environment. During the pilot, development of roles. The Stroke within 24 hours of admission. feedback indicated that therapists are Specific Educational Framework is Consequently, the percentage of more accessible to relatives and carers designed to help this process by patients receiving aspirin within as they tend to be more able to visit providing a clear and structured 24 hours of admission has gone at weekends and consequently, able description of patient need and from 23% to 63% to attend therapy sessions. Nursing associated clinical skills.4 staff are often more available at In Yeovil District Hospital NHS weekends to observe or support the Foundation Trust, recent changes to therapy sessions, providing a useful the thrombolysis service, extended to education opportunity, assisted with 8am to 11pm Monday to Friday, has transfer of information across the resulted in all medical registrars being multidisciplinary team and supported trained in the NIHSS and acute carry over of therapeutic treatments. management of stroke. As a direct Stroke-specific education framework, 4 Department of Health, April 2009.
  • 14. 14 | Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care Work with stroke survivors and were highlighted, which could be ward, as most expressed a wish for carers easily and rapidly addressed. For more therapy. Carers also felt it Clinical teams working with those for example, in A&E, staff had only the would give them more opportunity to whom their service is provided, to general ward phone number meet with therapy staff. This is in properly understand patient needs displayed, not the emergency contrast to views of patients using and how best to meet them, is a number, despite it being included on the community service, who by then fundamental principle of effective the A&E stroke pathway poster. felt weekend therapy would be improvement work. intrusive to family time. Aintree University Hospitals NHS Through systematic and effective Foundation Trust undertook a series Build an active partnership gathering and analysis of patient of questionnaires and consultations with A&E views and experiences, teams can: with staff, patients and carers, An effective and cooperative • ensure that they are providing the including a patient observation study. relationship with A&E services is key aspects of care that patients This enabled the team to have a very central to acute stroke care, and and carers require different perspective on ‘life in fundamental to two main areas of • develop insight into the patient and rehabilitation.’ Feedback from essential clinical care - prompt arrival carer perspective to guide patients showed that there were on a stroke unit and spending the development and planning periods of boredom, particularly in majority of time under its care. • improve outcomes through giving the afternoons, and that most patients and carers a sense of patients did not even know that a Acute stroke services that have involvement and partnership in day room existed. From a staff developed and formalised working management of the service and of perspective, much of the day is practices with A&E colleagues have their own care planned around getting patients up seen their patients benefit from • enhance staff satisfaction and dressed, accessing medical tests, earlier diagnosis and prompt • create more responsive and patient or being ready for therapy, treatment, and enhanced the ability centred services medication and mealtimes, with little of A&E services to manage stroke time for considering much else. patients. The cognitive and communication impairments that can result from Staff are now more confident around This has included: stroke make the gathering of patient the process of patient and carer • discussing, mapping and viewpoints more complex than in engagement. The team have agreed redesigning the pathway of care some other areas, but can be on a plan to improve the access to, between A&E and the acute stroke addressed. and use of, the day room and are unit considering the reintroduction of • procedures for ‘alert calls’ to the Royal United Hospital, Bath communal eating on the wards, to stroke unit when a suspected undertook patient focus groups with reduce isolation and boredom and to stroke patient is due to arrive the help of The Stroke Association, provide therapeutic opportunities. • developing the skills of nominated and the main theme to emerge was Plans are also in progress for the individuals within the A&E team as poor patient experiences on the development of information for a stroke liaison post medical assessment unit, on patients and carers, a stroke staff • clear protocols to avoid stroke occasions when this took several days newsletter and focus groups to look patients being admitted to medical for them to be transferred to the at the other issues flagged up from admission units or clinical decision stroke unit. This both informed and the project work around discharge services strengthened the case for direct planning and the admission process admission to the acute stroke unit. to the unit. Royal United Hospital, Bath has continued to develop strong links to In Nottingham University Hospital When the NHS Medway project A&E, to support the delivery of NHS Trust, both clinical and non team were planning the move to a thrombolysis, but also so that clinical members of the stroke team weekend rehabilitation service, they patients are now admitted directly engaged in ‘walking the patient received the overwhelming message from A&E to the acute stroke unit. pathway’. A number of problems of support from patients on the acute
  • 15. Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care | 15 In Queens Hospital NHS A&E. With a respected member of A new ring tone and flashing light Foundation Trust, the project has the existing nursing team to act as an was installed to alert the stroke unit raised the profile of the stroke service advocate for stroke, address the team to the emergency response within the hospital. Where once most training needs and support the required. This new phone and stroke patients were admitted to the development of protocols to embed number would alert staff on the ward emergency admissions unit for at the change in practice, there has immediately that a patient was going least 24 hours and transferred to the been a dramatic improvement in the to be transferred, giving them the stroke unit later, staff now recognise perception of the stroke patient opportunity to triage, and then give the importance of the stroke pathway within the department and the advice to the crew on where to take and the benefits of thrombolysis. processes required for quick triaging the patient. This action changed the More patients are being assessed for after arrival in A&E. pathway for the patient almost suitability for thrombolysis and the immediately, with everyone stroke service has joined the IST-3 Work with the ambulance service concerned fully aware of where the research trial.5 Ambulance services are the first line patient was to be sent and what of effective stroke care. It is crucial would happen next. There was a In Sandwell and West Birmingham where a network approach to the reduction in delays in transfer, and a Hospitals NHS Trust stroke unit staff delivery of thrombolysis is in place so decrease in the number of patients worked with the A&E general that patients travel to the right being admitted via A&E. manager and the stroke co-ordinator hospital, quickly. They have excellent to reinforce new pathways with the knowledge of the issues in moving Poole Hospitals NHS Foundation staff in A&E and the on call team. patients round the local patch. Closer Trust set up an ambulance pre-alert There was confusion, so a pathway working can help tackle problems, system to ensure A&E, the stroke was developed on an A4 sheet for all such as ensuring the right type of team and other key staff were aware suspected stroke patients to be vehicle, i.e. one which is able to of potential thrombolysis patients en directly transferred to the stroke unit. safely transport the patient, is sent to route, assisting speed of response on This was circulated to all A&E suspected stroke cases. arrival. doctors, nurses and the radiology department and laminated and In Nottingham University Hospital Move to six day a week working displayed in all departments. This NHS Trust a communication was for therapy services pathway clarified who was sent to all GPs informing them to Two project sites in Medway and York responsible and what to do when a contact the stroke unit directly if they tested the provision of a six day suspected stroke came to A&E. assessed a patient with stroke therapy service and evaluated its Scanning times were reduced to four symptoms, and asked that the call to effect on patient experience, access hours. the East Midlands Ambulance Service to services and flow. should include the instructions for an In Yeovil District Hospital NHS emergency ambulance, a four wheel Often services experience a Foundation Trust a key limitation in vehicle with a two manned crew, and bottleneck every Monday when enabling patients to be accurately not a routine admission. therapy staff have a backlog of assessed and admitted to the stroke assessments accrued over the unit was poor early assessment within To ensure that ambulance crews were weekend. For new patients it means A&E. This was solved through fully informed of changes which some may have waited for 48 hours education of medical and nursing would affect the stroke pathway, to be assessed and commence staff and ensuring an accurate work was undertaken with the treatment, for others skills gained pathway. Redeployment of resources managers of the ambulance service during the previous week may not within the stroke team also enabled to produce bulletins containing the have been practiced over the the appointment of a Band 6 stroke direct access policy, but more weekend, and for staff, their and neuro lead junior sister within importantly, the direct phone number treatment time is reduced, as priority for the telephone on the stroke unit, has to be given to new assessments. known by all as ‘the Bat Phone’. 5The Third International Stroke Trial (IST-3) of thrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke: an international multi-centre, randomised, controlled trial to investigate the safety and efficacy of treatment with intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) within six hours of onset of acute ischaemic stroke. For further information, see
  • 16. 16 | Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care When the project teams analysed the data after the pilot services and Figure 3: Impact on length of stay in NHS Medway compared it with the routine services, they were able to determine various Length of Stay, SRU, 5 Day Therapy Undertaken using less than 25 points factors, including how provision of a 100 Saturday service impacted on the 92 90 number of new patients to assess on 80 a Monday, admission to referral time, and access to therapy time for patients. 60 Value 56 Target 56 46 47 NHS Medway evaluated the effect 40 of a six day service on the number of patients who needed to be seen on a 31 Mean 33.5 28 Monday. They found that moving 20 19 towards providing rehabilitation on a 15 4b 12 12 Saturday had a limited effect on 8 11 LCL 2 0 reducing the bottleneck of new Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient patients, as in practice this captured 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Interval only those new patients admitted on Friday afternoon or evening. If the Length of Stay, SRU, 6 Day Therapy sixth day of therapy had been Undertaken using less than 25 points Sunday, patients on Saturday could 80 also be assessed, therefore having UCL 73.48 65 greater impact on the work Monday 60 57 morning. Target 56 Value The project team did however reduce 40 34 admission to assessment time from 27 42 hours to 35 hours by moving to Mean 22.06 20 15 six days a week. There was little 19 18 20 21 4b 15 difference between the time to 12 10 9 3 5 LCL 0 assessment for physiotherapy with 0 Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient the addition of a Saturday service as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 they already met the recognised 72 Interval hour standard. However, in Value Mean UCL LCL Target occupational therapy where they were not delivering the desired standard of assessment within four days, a one day reduction in access there was a 100% increase in the facilitating an unanticipated but safe time was achieved. There was also an number of Friday discharges during weekend discharge, preventing improvement in the time between six day working compared with five inappropriate transfers off the ward, admission and first contact by a days. identifying an appropriate stroke speech and language therapist. patient located elsewhere in the During the six day working period, hospital. This also had a beneficial The team found that six day therapy bed occupancy rose from 69% to effect on the trust’s vital sign data. does not significantly impact on 79%. The effect of the additional weekend discharges without other therapy staff on the ward at There was a positive effect with the changes. However, the data showed weekends may impact on decision acute unit length of stay, reducing that the six day service did bring making by the ward staff and bed from 8.2 to 5.1 days. On the forward the date of discharge to an managers. For example, guiding bed rehabilitation unit, the impact was earlier point within the working managers’ decisions around selection significant, reducing from 33.5 to 22, week. On the rehabilitation unit, of patients to move off the ward, a reduction of 8.5 days.
  • 17. Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care | 17 Table 1: Care package of patients going home from the Medway rehabilitation unit Audit Period Number of Number of patients Total number Average number Percentage of patients needing care of carers of carers per patients needing discharged home package needed patient care package Five day therapy 7 6 20 3.6 85 Six day therapy 8 3 5 1.3 37.5 In York Hospitals NHS Foundation Many of the project teams across all Trust the project team found that of the workstreams refer to the 50% of their patients accessed impact of noro-virus or other hospital physiotherapy within 48 hours during acquired infections on their work. the five day service but when they This not only complicated their provided a six day service this rose to improvement work, but lent 64%, averaging ½ day reduction in additional importance to their efforts referral to treatment time for to effectively manage beds for stroke physiotherapy. patients. The project team examined the effect of a six day service on access to therapy time. Their baseline data indicated that on average patients were seen four times a week for physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Only 63% of patients for whom it was appropriate received 45 minutes or more of either therapy. When a six day service was provided their patients were then able to receive physiotherapy five days a week, and 90% of them could access 45 minutes of occupational therapy. The baseline length of stay for all stroke patients averaged 47 days, when a six day service was available this reduced to 21 days. The Medway team also found that although the numbers of patients returning home did not change, there is likely to be a link to the reduction in the number of patients requiring care packages.
  • 18. 18 | Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care Post hospital support and long term care Since March 2009, the Stroke Getting transfer of care right has an Manage the health and social Improvement Programme has been impact on the whole stroke pathway. care interface running projects looking at the key The project teams have demonstrated All national project teams whether areas of transfer of care and that improvements to transfer of care led by health or social care expressed rehabilitation. This chapter focuses on processes enable more patients to concerns about how to enable the learning to date in those areas. access the stroke ward more rapidly meaningful joint working across and for longer by creating capacity organisations. The teams established More detail is available in the and improving flow through the the key differences in ways of accompanying publication, Post ward, as well as reducing waiting working and developed methods to hospital support and long term care: times for community rehabilitation improve joint working and case studies from the Stroke and improving patient and carer communication: Improvement Programme projects. satisfaction. Understanding national drivers Transfer of care for health and social care The National Stroke Strategy set a TOP TIPS Social care priorities are focused on clear standard that individuals should long term conditions, personalised • Manage the health and social have a discharge plan, covering all care, partnership working and carer care interface their needs, both health and social support. Key drivers for stroke • Involve patients in improving care. Nine sites across England transfer of care services in health are the National analysed their systems for transfer of • Provide emotional support for Stroke Strategy and NICE and RCP care for people with stroke and stroke survivors and carers clinical guidance. Analysis of national focused their improvements on • Ensure access to appropriate drivers helped to establish common processes influencing this stage of services, including rehabilitation, themes and objectives to align both the pathway. social care and community with national and organisational opportunities agendas. Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottinghamshire Community Health established a team which included a social care commissioner from Nottinghamshire County Council, a community stroke team leader from Nottinghamshire NHS community health team and The Stroke Association.
  • 19. Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care | 19 The project leads from each of the condition or disease of the individual, Involve patients and carers in organisations met regularly and so there may not be a stroke specific improving transfer of care developed shared objectives which focus in social care for services or for The National Stroke Strategy makes it agreed with their organisation’s data collection. Funding has been clear that stroke survivors should be strategic objectives. The successful used with good effect, often for involved strategically in stroke service implementation and effectiveness of stroke specific social care posts, many improvement, as well as in decisions this improvement post has supported of which have demonstrated value about their own care. The challenge the plan to commission two for money and will be continued after for services is to obtain real and additional family and carer support the life of the social care grant. meaningful involvement of stroke services in the county. survivors rather than token gestures. Stoke on Trent City Council used The project teams were able to Understanding national their grant funding to enable a daily establish the patients’ and carers’ measures of progress ward visit by social care workers to perspectives of stroke services and to Standards in local authorities are the stroke rehabilitation ward and use these views to significantly measured using national indicators facilitate earlier referral to social care change the service. rather than the activity data and services. A single point of contact for outcome measures used in health. patients and carers on discharge and Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Investigation of the social care policies for discharge and for rapid Trust and NHS Bournemouth and national indicators demonstrates links assessment were implemented. Both Poole, with Dorset Stroke Network with the stroke strategy quality social care and the early supported used a patient and carer feedback markers, e.g. National indicator 131 discharge teams adopted the new forum to establish the shortfalls in is about delayed transfers of care, name of ‘Community Stroke the transfer of care pathway and 132 records timeliness of social care Discharge Team’ so that patients and suggest a vision for how they would assessment and 133 is about carers were aware of the close like services to be, which was used by timeliness of packages of care, all of working relationship to provide a staff from social care, health and the which relate well to quality marker 12 seamless service. voluntary sector to develop an of the National Stroke Strategy.6 This aspirational pathway for the service. awareness of the potential for shared The Royal Bournemouth and The team established a ‘meet the national measures can also enable Christchurch Hospitals NHS team’ meeting early in the first week alignment of objectives. Foundation Trust focused their of the hospital stay to discuss attention on improvements which prognosis and plans for rehabilitation Dudley PCT, key staff from Dudley could be made in transfer of care and discharge with the patient and Social Services, Dudley Group processes in hospital. The team family. of Hospitals and The Stroke supported closer working of health Association improved and social care teams by co-location The Royal Bournemouth and communication through regular short of the social workers, information Christchurch Hospitals NHS meetings and task groups to tackle support officer and Stroke Foundation Trust team obtained specific problems. The team made Association support staff in the patient and carer feedback using an impact on delayed discharges, hospital, near to the stroke ward, questionnaires after hospital reducing length of stay to 18.5 days rather than at the local authority. discharge. The feedback became in 2008/9 and to 15.7 days in Measurable improvements made by integral to the project, informing the 2009/10, saving £750 per patient. this team include significantly team at many levels as to the improved patient satisfaction scores effectiveness of their improvements. Use of the stroke social care grant for involvement in the transfer of care Formalised care reviews with patients enabled a protected resource for process, reduced waiting times for and carers for enhanced stroke specific posts and services in community therapy and improved communication and discharge local authorities. The operational quality of handover information planning were implemented early in focus in social care is on the needs of between hospital and community the hospital stay. Care review the individual rather than the teams. documentation given to the patient 6For further information on similarities between National Indicators and Quality Markers, see Stroke Improvement Programme website social care resources
  • 20. 20 | Going up a gear: practical steps to improve stroke care reinforced information given during The South West London Cardiac The joint commissioner-provider led the meeting. Patient satisfaction and Stroke Network project team from NHS Milton Keynes and about information given has implemented a self management Milton Keynes Council planned a improved. programme in Croydon. 72% of staff service redesign to establish a new participants changed their practice early supported discharge service. Provide emotional support for towards a more patient centred, goal There were no stroke specialist stroke survivors and carers orientated approach, which rehabilitation staff in the community The National Stroke Strategy, RCP promoted patients’ self efficacy. and poor follow up when they clinical guidance and Department of Improvements in patient self efficacy started. Implementation of the new Health guidance7 recommend the scores were shown in eight of the 12 service was less than straightforward, emotional needs of people who have patients and two others had scores but in its first month saw a dramatic had a stroke are met and carers are which remained high throughout. improvement in length of stay from supported to have their needs Improvements were also made in more than 23 days to less than 10 assessed. The challenge is in patients perceptions of the impact of days and an improvement in the identifying individuals in need of the stroke, measured using the Stroke stroke vital sign from an average of these services and in providing a Impact Scale. 50% to 70% of stroke patients skilled service to meet the need. spending 90% of their time on the Several of the project teams found In Dudley PCT, patients and families stroke unit. ways around these challenges to were given a contact number for the demonstrate positive outcomes for family support worker to use for any The team from Lincolnshire patient and carer satisfaction, carer questions and concerns, instead of Community Health Services set out strain and the economic benefits of seeking help from the GP or going to to establish a cost effective assisted good emotional support. A&E when they were anxious or discharge stroke service in a health worried. The team demonstrated the community, from no stroke specific Nottinghamshire County Council post saved the PCT around £94,500 community rehabilitation and very and Nottinghamshire Community in its first year on crisis admissions limited generic community Health’s improvement was focused and emergency room visits by rehabilitation. The team set up an on access to emotional support for patients recently discharged from assessment process, in-reaching to carers by funding and defining a role hospital. ward team meetings at referring for a family and carer support worker stroke units, and, in some areas, post on the stroke ward. Key learning Ensure access to appropriate attending daily handover sessions points were that: services, including rehabilitation, with stroke unit staff. Recruitment to • the timing of interventions and social care and community the new service was highly successful support for carers is critical. Carers opportunities and access to a seven day community are in crisis themselves at the acute Improving transfer of care is service was established across the stage of the pathway so support fundamentally about getting the county. Average Barthel scoring may be best received at the post process right and ensuring people improved, and waiting times for acute stage who have had a stroke access services community therapy reduced from • carers also wanted to talk after they need when they need them. three weeks to two to four days. usual office hours when they felt Several of the national project teams Patient satisfaction with the new they had more capacity after work obtained investment for major service is high. for visiting pathway redesign and were able to • specific carers support is valued implement improvements in the enormously and warrants particular transition from hospital and to attention by the stroke service accessing community therapy, social care support and beyond. Putting People First, Department of Health, 2007 7