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Towards Universal
Natural Language
Yunyao Li (@yunyao_li)
Senior Research Manager
Scalable Knowledge Intelligence
IBM Research – Almaden
How many
are there in the world?
known languages
most spoken language
4.1+ Billion
Conventional Approach
towards Language
English Text English NLU English Applications
German Text German NLU German Applications
Chinese Text Chinese NLU Chinese Applications
Separate NLU pipeline
for each language
Separate application
for each language
Universal Semantic
Understanding of Natural
English Text
German Text Universal NLU Cross-lingual Applications
Chinese Text
Single NLU pipeline for
different languages
Develop once for
different language
The Challenges
– Low-frequency exceptions
– Built for one task at a time
Training Data
– High quality labeled data is
required but hard to obtain
Meaning Representation
– Different meaning
• for different languages
• for the same languages
- Data: Auto-generation + human-
in-the-loop [ACL’15, EMNLP’16, EMNLP’17,
EMNLP’20 Findings]
- Training: Cross-Lingual transfer
[EMNLP’20 Findings]
Unified Meaning Representation
[ACL’15, ACL’16, ACL-DMR’19]
– Instance-based learning
– Deep learning + instance-based
learning [In Submission]
– Human-machine co-creation
[ACL’19, EMNLP’20]
Our Research
The Challenges
– Low-frequency exceptions
– Built for one task at a time
Training Data
– High quality labeled data is
required but hard to obtain
Meaning Representation
– Different meaning
• for different languages
• for the same languages
- Data: Auto-generation + human-
in-the-loop [ACL’15, EMNLP’16, EMNLP’17,
EMNLP’20 Findings]
- Training: Cross-Lingual transfer
[EMNLP’20 Findings]
Unified Meaning Representation
[ACL’15, ACL’16, ACL-DMR’19]
– Instance-based learning
– Deep learning + instance-based
learning [In Submission]
– Human-machine co-creation
[ACL’19, EMNLP’20]
Our Research
John hastily ordered a dozen dandelions for Mary from Amazon’s Flower Shop.
order.02 (request to be delivered)
A0: Orderer
A1: Thing ordered
A2: Benefactive, ordered-for
A3: Source
A0: Orderer
A1: Thing ordered
A2: Benefactive, ordered-for
A3: Source
AM-MNR: Manner
Semantic Role Labeling (SRL)
Who did what to whom, when, where and how?
Dirk broke the window with a hammer.
A0 A1 A2
The window was broken by Dirk with a hammer.
A1 Break.01 A0
A0 – Breaker
A1 – Thing broken
A2 – Instrument
A3 – Pieces
A0 – Journalist,
A1 – Story,
thing exposed
Syntax vs. Semantic Parsing
What type of labels are valid across languages?
WhatsApp was bought by Facebook
Facebook hat WhatsApp gekauft
Facebook a achété WhatsApp
Facebook WhatsApp
Buyer Thing bought
Cross-lingual representation
Multilingual input text
Buy.01 A0
A0 A1
Shared Frames Across Languages
A0 A1
The Challenges
– Low-frequency exceptions
– Built for one task at a time
Training Data
– High quality labeled data is
required but hard to obtain
Meaning Representation
– Different meaning
• for different languages
• for the same languages
- Data: Auto-generation + human-
in-the-loop [ACL’15, EMNLP’16, EMNLP’17,
EMNLP’20 Findings]
- Training: Cross-Lingual transfer
[EMNLP’20 Findings]
Unified Meaning Representation
[ACL’15, ACL’16, ACL-DMR’19]
– Instance-based learning
– Deep learning + instance-based
learning [In Submission]
– Human-machine co-creation
[ACL’19, EMNLP’20]
Our Research
Generate SRL resources for many other languages
• Shared frame set
• Minimal effort
Il faut qu‘ il y ait des responsables
Je suis responsable pour le chaos
Les services postaux ont achété des …
Be.01 A2
Corpus of annotated text data
Universal Proposition Banks
Frame set
A0 – Buyer
A1 – Thing bought
A2 – Seller
A3 – Price paid
A4 – Benefactive
A0 – Payer
A1 – Money
A2 – Being payed
A3 – Commodity
Example: TV subtitles
Our Idea: Annotation projection with parallel corpora
Das würde ich für einen Dollar kaufen German subtitles
I would buy that for a dollar! English subtitles
Training data
• Semantically annotated
• Multilingual
• Large amount
I would buy that for a dollar
Das würde ich für einen Dollar kaufen
Auto-Generation of Universal
Preposition Bank
Filtered Projection &
Two-step process
– Filters to detect translation shift, block
projections (more precision at cost of
– Bootstrap learning to increase recall
– Generated 7 universal proposition banks
from 3 language groups
• Version 1.0:
• Version 2.0 coming soon
[ACL’15] Generating High Quality Proposition Banks for Multilingual Semantic Role Labeling.
Multilingual Aliasing
• Problem: Target language frame
lexicon automatically generated from
– False frames
– Redundant frames
• Expert curation of frame mappings
[COLING’16] Multilingual Aliasing for Auto-Generating Proposition
Tasks (all)
raw text
Easy tasks are curated by crowd
Difficult tasks are curated by experts
Crowd-in-the-Loop Curation
[EMNLP’17] CROWD-IN-THE-LOOP: A Hybrid Approach for Annotating Semantic Roles
­9pp F1
improvement over SRL
Effectiveness of Crowd-in-
expert efforts
­10pp F1
improvement over SRL
expert efforts
Latest: Filter à Select à Expert
[Findings of EMNLP’20] A Novel Workflow for Accurately and Efficiently Crowdsourcing Predicate Senses and Argument Labels
The Challenges
– Low-frequency exceptions
– Built for one task at a time
Training Data
– High quality labeled data is
required but hard to obtain
Meaning Representation
– Different meaning
• for different languages
• for the same languages
- Data: Auto-generation + human-
in-the-loop [ACL’15, EMNLP’16, EMNLP’17,
EMNLP’20 Findings]
- Training: Cross-Lingual transfer
[EMNLP’20 Findings]
Unified Meaning Representation
[ACL’15, ACL’16, ACL-DMR’19]
– Instance-based learning
– Deep learning + instance-based
learning [In Submission]
– Human-machine co-creation
[ACL’19, EMNLP’20]
Our Research
WhatsApp was bought by Facebook
Facebook hat WhatsApp gekauft
Facebook a achété WhatsApp
Facebook WhatsApp
Buyer Thing bought
Cross-lingual representation
Multilingual input text
Buy.01 A0
A0 A1
Crosslingual Information
Sentence Verb Buyer Thing bought
1 buy.01 Facebook WhatsApp
2 buy.01 Facebook WhatsApp
3 buy.01 Facebook WhatsApp
Crosslingual extraction
Task: Extract who bought what
[NAACL’18] SystemT: Declarative Text Understanding for Enterprise
[ACL’16] POLYGLOT: Multilingual Semantic Role Labeling with Unified Labels
[COLING’16] Multilingual Information Extraction with PolyglotIE
Multilingual or Polyglot
Training Goal
• Transfer knowledge and resources from
rich resource language to low resource
Main Idea
• Combine training data from multiple
languages with multilingual word
• Train a common encoder model to enable
parameter sharing.
Different languages have different
annotations scheme
. . .
Different Annotations across
Certain argument labels do share common
semantic meaning across languages.
Identify and exploit the commonalities
between annotation of different languages.
A0: Knower
A1: Thing known
A2: A1 known about
AM: Adjuncts
A0: Knower
A1: Entity
AM: Adjuncts
Pair Matching:
Identify arguments with similar semantic meaning
across languages and
2 Argument Regularization
Represent them close to each other in the feature
CLAR Performance
Dataset: CoNLL2009
Our is SoTA
- Average performance over all languages
- 3 out of 5 non-English languages
- General approach:
- Independent of base model.
- Independent of language.
- Require no parallel data.
The Challenges
– Low-frequency exceptions
– Built for one task at a time
Training Data
– High quality labeled data is
required but hard to obtain
Meaning Representation
– Different meaning
• for different languages
• for the same languages
- Data: Auto-generation + human-
in-the-loop [ACL’15, EMNLP’16, EMNLP’17,
EMNLP’20 Findings]
- Training: Cross-Lingual transfer
[EMNLP’20 Findings]
Unified Meaning Representation
[ACL’15, ACL’16, ACL-DMR’19]
– Instance-based learning
– Deep learning + instance-based
learning [In Submission]
– Human-machine co-creation
[ACL’19, EMNLP’20]
Our Research
Dependency Parsing Vs. SRL
75 80 85 90 95 100
SRL Depeendency Parsing
What Makes SRL So Difficult?
Heavy-tailed distribution of class labels
– Common frames
• say.01 (8243), have.01 (2040), sell.01 (1009)
– Many uncommon frames
• swindle.01, feed.01, hum.01, toast.01
– Almost half of all frames seen fewer than 3
times in training data
Distribution of frame labels
Many low-frequency exceptions à Difficult to capture in models
Low-Frequency Exceptions
Strong correlation of syntactic function of an argument to its role
Example: passive subject
The window was broken by Dirk
The silver was sold by the man.
Creditors were told to hold off.
A0: speaker (agent)
A1: utterance (topic)
A2: hearer (recipient)
Instance-based Learning kNN: k-Nearest Neighbors classification
Find the k most similar instances in training data
Derive class label from nearest neighbors
1 2 3 n
Creditors were told to hold off.
“creditor” passive subject of TELL.01
noun passive subject of TELL.01
any passive subject of any agentive verb n
Main idea: Back off to composite feature seen at least k times
[COLING 2016] K-SRL: Instance-based Learning for Semantic Role Labeling
In-domain Out-of-domain
• Significantly outperform previous approaches
– Especially on out-of-domain data
• Small neighborhoods suffice (k=3)
• Fast runtime ­1.4pp F1
­5.1pp F1
Latest results (improvement over SoAT.
with DL + IL)
[In Submission] Deep learning + Instance-based Learning
[COLING 2016] K-SRL: Instance-based Learning for Semantic Role Labeling
The Challenges
– Low-frequency exceptions
– Built for one task at a time
Training Data
– High quality labeled data is
required but hard to obtain
Meaning Representation
– Different meaning
• for different languages
• for the same languages
- Data: Auto-generation + human-
in-the-loop [ACL’15, EMNLP’16, EMNLP’17,
EMNLP’20 Findings]
- Training: Cross-Lingual transfer
[EMNLP’20 Findings]
Unified Meaning Representation
[ACL’15, ACL’16, ACL-DMR’19]
– Instance-based learning
– Deep learning + instance-based
learning [In Submission]
– Human-machine co-creation
[ACL’19, EMNLP’20]
Our Research
Transparent Linguistic Models for Contract Understanding
[NAACL-NLLP’19] Transparent Linguistic Models for Contract Understanding and Comparison
Transparent Model Design
Purchaser will
purchase the Assets
by a cash payment.
[NAACL-NLLP’19] Transparent Linguistic Models for Contract Understanding and Comparison
[NAACL’21] Development of an Enterprise-Grade Contract Understanding System
Transparent Model Design
Purchaser will
purchase the Assets
by a cash payment.
[the Assets]A1
[by a cash payment]ARGM-MNR
Core NLP Understanding
Core NLP Primitives &
Provided by SystemT
[ACL '10, NAACL ‘18]
Semantic NLP Primitives
[NAACL-NLLP’19] Transparent Linguistic Models for Contract Understanding and Comparison
[NAACL’21] Development of an Enterprise-Grade Contract Understanding System
Transparent Model Design
Purchaser will
purchase the Assets
by a cash payment.
Element Legal Domain LLEs
[the Assets]ARG1
[by a cash payment]ARGM-MNR
PREDICATE ∈ DICT Business-Transaction
∧ TENSE = Future
∧ POLARITY = Positive
→ NATURE = Obligation ∧ PARTY =
Domain Specific Concepts
Business transact. verbs
in future tense
with positive polarity
Core NLP Primitives &
Semantic NLP Primitives
[NAACL-NLLP’19] Transparent Linguistic Models for Contract Understanding and Comparison
[NAACL’21] Development of an Enterprise-Grade Contract Understanding System
Transparent Model Design
Purchaser will
purchase the Assets
by a cash payment.
Element Model Output
[the Assets]ARG1
[by a cash payment]ARGM-MNR
Obligation for
Domain Specific Concepts
Core NLP Primitives &
PREDICATE ∈ DICT Business-Transaction
∧ TENSE = Future
∧ POLARITY = Positive
→ NATURE = Obligation ∧ PARTY =
Legal Domain LLEs
Semantic NLP Primitives
[NAACL-NLLP’19] Transparent Linguistic Models for Contract Understanding and Comparison
[NAACL’21] Development of an Enterprise-Grade Contract Understanding System
Human & Machine Co-Creation
Learned Rules
Modify Rules
Machine performs heavy lifting to abstract out patterns Humans verify/
transparent model
Evaluation & Deployment
Raises the abstraction level for domain experts to interact with
[EMNLP’20] Learning Explainable Linguistic Expressions with Neural Inductive Logic Programming for Sentence Classification
User Study: Human+Machine
Co-Created Model
User study
– 4 NLP Engineers with < 2 years experience
– 2 NLP experts with 10+ years experience
Key Takeaways
– Explanation of learned rules: Visualization tool is very
– Reduction in human labor: Co-created model created within
1.5 person-hrs outperforms black-box sentence classifier
– Lower requirement on human expertise: Co-created model is
at par with the model created by Super-Experts
Ua Ub Uc Ud
[ACL’19] HEIDL: Learning Linguistic Expressions with Deep Learning and Human-in-the-Loop
Early adaption (EN)
• Watson products
• Customer engagements
• Research projects …
• 10+ languages
• SoAT models
• Paper: 10+ publications
• Patent: 6 patent filed
• Data:
• In progress
To Learn More:
Data Sets:
Follow me:
• LinkedIn:
• Twitter: @yunyao_li

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Towards Universal Language Understanding

  • 1. Towards Universal Natural Language Understanding Yunyao Li (@yunyao_li) Senior Research Manager Scalable Knowledge Intelligence IBM Research – Almaden @yunyao_li
  • 3. 3 7,102 known languages 23 most spoken language 4.1+ Billion people Source:
  • 4. Conventional Approach towards Language Enablement 4 English Text English NLU English Applications German Text German NLU German Applications Chinese Text Chinese NLU Chinese Applications Separate NLU pipeline for each language Separate application for each language
  • 5. Universal Semantic Understanding of Natural Languages 5 English Text German Text Universal NLU Cross-lingual Applications Chinese Text Single NLU pipeline for different languages Develop once for different language
  • 6. The Challenges 6 Models – Low-frequency exceptions – Built for one task at a time Training Data – High quality labeled data is required but hard to obtain Meaning Representation – Different meaning representation • for different languages • for the same languages - Data: Auto-generation + human- in-the-loop [ACL’15, EMNLP’16, EMNLP’17, EMNLP’20 Findings] - Training: Cross-Lingual transfer [EMNLP’20 Findings] Unified Meaning Representation [ACL’15, ACL’16, ACL-DMR’19] – Instance-based learning [COLING’16] – Deep learning + instance-based learning [In Submission] – Human-machine co-creation [ACL’19, EMNLP’20] Our Research 6
  • 7. The Challenges 7 Models – Low-frequency exceptions – Built for one task at a time Training Data – High quality labeled data is required but hard to obtain Meaning Representation – Different meaning representation • for different languages • for the same languages - Data: Auto-generation + human- in-the-loop [ACL’15, EMNLP’16, EMNLP’17, EMNLP’20 Findings] - Training: Cross-Lingual transfer [EMNLP’20 Findings] Unified Meaning Representation [ACL’15, ACL’16, ACL-DMR’19] – Instance-based learning [COLING’16] – Deep learning + instance-based learning [In Submission] – Human-machine co-creation [ACL’19, EMNLP’20] Our Research 7
  • 8. John hastily ordered a dozen dandelions for Mary from Amazon’s Flower Shop. order.02 (request to be delivered) A0: Orderer A1: Thing ordered A2: Benefactive, ordered-for A3: Source A0: Orderer A1: Thing ordered A2: Benefactive, ordered-for A3: Source AM-MNR: Manner WHO HOW DID WHAT WHERE Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) FOR WHOM Who did what to whom, when, where and how?
  • 9. Dirk broke the window with a hammer. Break.01 A0 A1 A2 The window was broken by Dirk with a hammer. A1 Break.01 A0 Break.01 A0 – Breaker A1 – Thing broken A2 – Instrument A3 – Pieces Break.15 A0 – Journalist, exposer A1 – Story, thing exposed Syntax vs. Semantic Parsing What type of labels are valid across languages? A2
  • 10. WhatsApp was bought by Facebook Facebook hat WhatsApp gekauft Facebook a achété WhatsApp buy.01 Facebook WhatsApp Buyer Thing bought Cross-lingual representation Multilingual input text Buy.01 A0 A1 Buy.01 A1 A0 Buy.01 A0 A1 Shared Frames Across Languages A0 A1
  • 11. The Challenges 11 Models – Low-frequency exceptions – Built for one task at a time Training Data – High quality labeled data is required but hard to obtain Meaning Representation – Different meaning representation • for different languages • for the same languages - Data: Auto-generation + human- in-the-loop [ACL’15, EMNLP’16, EMNLP’17, EMNLP’20 Findings] - Training: Cross-Lingual transfer [EMNLP’20 Findings] Unified Meaning Representation [ACL’15, ACL’16, ACL-DMR’19] – Instance-based learning [COLING’16] – Deep learning + instance-based learning [In Submission] – Human-machine co-creation [ACL’19, EMNLP’20] Our Research 11
  • 12. Generate SRL resources for many other languages • Shared frame set • Minimal effort Il faut qu‘ il y ait des responsables Need.01 A0 Je suis responsable pour le chaos Be.01 A1 A2 AM-PRD Les services postaux ont achété des … Be.01 A2 A1 Buy.01 A0 Corpus of annotated text data Universal Proposition Banks Frame set Buy.01 A0 – Buyer A1 – Thing bought A2 – Seller A3 – Price paid A4 – Benefactive Pay.01 A0 – Payer A1 – Money A2 – Being payed A3 – Commodity
  • 13. Example: TV subtitles Our Idea: Annotation projection with parallel corpora Das würde ich für einen Dollar kaufen German subtitles I would buy that for a dollar! English subtitles PRICE BUYER ITEM BUYER ITEM Training data • Semantically annotated • Multilingual • Large amount I would buy that for a dollar PRICE projection Das würde ich für einen Dollar kaufen Auto-Generation of Universal Preposition Bank 13 Resource:
  • 14. Filtered Projection & Bootstrapping Two-step process – Filters to detect translation shift, block projections (more precision at cost of recall) – Bootstrap learning to increase recall – Generated 7 universal proposition banks from 3 language groups • Version 1.0: T/UniversalPropositions/ • Version 2.0 coming soon [ACL’15] Generating High Quality Proposition Banks for Multilingual Semantic Role Labeling.
  • 15. Multilingual Aliasing • Problem: Target language frame lexicon automatically generated from alignments – False frames – Redundant frames • Expert curation of frame mappings [COLING’16] Multilingual Aliasing for Auto-Generating Proposition Banks
  • 16. Annotation Tasks (all) Task Router raw text Corpus predicted annotations Corpus curated annotations Corpus Easy tasks are curated by crowd Difficult tasks are curated by experts Crowd-in-the-Loop Curation [EMNLP’17] CROWD-IN-THE-LOOP: A Hybrid Approach for Annotating Semantic Roles
  • 17. ­9pp F1 improvement over SRL results Effectiveness of Crowd-in- the-Loop ¯66.4pp expert efforts ­10pp F1 improvement over SRL results ¯87.3pp expert efforts Latest: Filter à Select à Expert [Findings of EMNLP’20] A Novel Workflow for Accurately and Efficiently Crowdsourcing Predicate Senses and Argument Labels
  • 18. The Challenges 18 Models – Low-frequency exceptions – Built for one task at a time Training Data – High quality labeled data is required but hard to obtain Meaning Representation – Different meaning representation • for different languages • for the same languages - Data: Auto-generation + human- in-the-loop [ACL’15, EMNLP’16, EMNLP’17, EMNLP’20 Findings] - Training: Cross-Lingual transfer [EMNLP’20 Findings] Unified Meaning Representation [ACL’15, ACL’16, ACL-DMR’19] – Instance-based learning [COLING’16] – Deep learning + instance-based learning [In Submission] – Human-machine co-creation [ACL’19, EMNLP’20] Our Research 18
  • 19. WhatsApp was bought by Facebook Facebook hat WhatsApp gekauft Facebook a achété WhatsApp buy.01 Facebook WhatsApp Buyer Thing bought Cross-lingual representation Multilingual input text Buy.01 A0 A1 Buy.01 A1 A0 Buy.01 A0 A1 Crosslingual Information Extraction Sentence Verb Buyer Thing bought 1 buy.01 Facebook WhatsApp 2 buy.01 Facebook WhatsApp 3 buy.01 Facebook WhatsApp Crosslingual extraction Task: Extract who bought what [NAACL’18] SystemT: Declarative Text Understanding for Enterprise [ACL’16] POLYGLOT: Multilingual Semantic Role Labeling with Unified Labels [COLING’16] Multilingual Information Extraction with PolyglotIE
  • 20. Multilingual or Polyglot Training Goal • Transfer knowledge and resources from rich resource language to low resource language Main Idea • Combine training data from multiple languages with multilingual word embeddings • Train a common encoder model to enable parameter sharing. Challenge Different languages have different annotations scheme EN DE YO . . .
  • 21. Different Annotations across Languages Observation: Certain argument labels do share common semantic meaning across languages. Intuition: Identify and exploit the commonalities between annotation of different languages. Know.01 A0: Knower A1: Thing known A2: A1 known about AM: Adjuncts Knnen.01 A0: Knower A1: Entity AM: Adjuncts
  • 22. Hypothesis Pair Matching: Identify arguments with similar semantic meaning across languages and Source Manifold ZH-A0 A0 AM-TMP ZH-TMP Target Manifold 1 2 Argument Regularization Represent them close to each other in the feature space.
  • 23. CLAR Performance Dataset: CoNLL2009 Our is SoTA - Average performance over all languages - 3 out of 5 non-English languages - General approach: - Independent of base model. - Independent of language. - Require no parallel data.
  • 24. The Challenges 24 Models – Low-frequency exceptions – Built for one task at a time Training Data – High quality labeled data is required but hard to obtain Meaning Representation – Different meaning representation • for different languages • for the same languages - Data: Auto-generation + human- in-the-loop [ACL’15, EMNLP’16, EMNLP’17, EMNLP’20 Findings] - Training: Cross-Lingual transfer [EMNLP’20 Findings] Unified Meaning Representation [ACL’15, ACL’16, ACL-DMR’19] – Instance-based learning [COLING’16] – Deep learning + instance-based learning [In Submission] – Human-machine co-creation [ACL’19, EMNLP’20] Our Research 24
  • 25. Dependency Parsing Vs. SRL 75 80 85 90 95 100 WSJ BROWN SRL Depeendency Parsing
  • 26. What Makes SRL So Difficult? Heavy-tailed distribution of class labels – Common frames • say.01 (8243), have.01 (2040), sell.01 (1009) – Many uncommon frames • swindle.01, feed.01, hum.01, toast.01 – Almost half of all frames seen fewer than 3 times in training data 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 Distribution of frame labels Many low-frequency exceptions à Difficult to capture in models
  • 27. Low-Frequency Exceptions Strong correlation of syntactic function of an argument to its role Example: passive subject The window was broken by Dirk SBJ PMOD VC NMOD A1 The silver was sold by the man. SBJ PMOD VC NMOD A1 Creditors were told to hold off. SBJ ORPD VC IM PRT TELL.01 A0: speaker (agent) A1: utterance (topic) A2: hearer (recipient)
  • 28. Instance-based Learning kNN: k-Nearest Neighbors classification Find the k most similar instances in training data Derive class label from nearest neighbors A0 A1 A1 A2 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A0 A0 A1 A0 A2 A2 A2 A2 A1 A2 ? 1 2 3 n distance Creditors were told to hold off. SBJ ORPD VC IM PRT “creditor” passive subject of TELL.01 noun passive subject of TELL.01 COMPOSITE FEATURE DISTANCE 1 2 . . . . . . any passive subject of any agentive verb n ? Main idea: Back off to composite feature seen at least k times [COLING 2016] K-SRL: Instance-based Learning for Semantic Role Labeling
  • 29. Results In-domain Out-of-domain • Significantly outperform previous approaches – Especially on out-of-domain data • Small neighborhoods suffice (k=3) • Fast runtime ­1.4pp F1 In-Domain ­5.1pp F1 Out-of-Domain Latest results (improvement over SoAT. with DL + IL) [In Submission] Deep learning + Instance-based Learning [COLING 2016] K-SRL: Instance-based Learning for Semantic Role Labeling
  • 30. The Challenges 30 Models – Low-frequency exceptions – Built for one task at a time Training Data – High quality labeled data is required but hard to obtain Meaning Representation – Different meaning representation • for different languages • for the same languages - Data: Auto-generation + human- in-the-loop [ACL’15, EMNLP’16, EMNLP’17, EMNLP’20 Findings] - Training: Cross-Lingual transfer [EMNLP’20 Findings] Unified Meaning Representation [ACL’15, ACL’16, ACL-DMR’19] – Instance-based learning [COLING’16] – Deep learning + instance-based learning [In Submission] – Human-machine co-creation [ACL’19, EMNLP’20] Our Research 30
  • 31. Transparent Linguistic Models for Contract Understanding 31 [NAACL-NLLP’19] Transparent Linguistic Models for Contract Understanding and Comparison
  • 32. Transparent Model Design Purchaser will purchase the Assets by a cash payment. Element [NAACL-NLLP’19] Transparent Linguistic Models for Contract Understanding and Comparison [NAACL’21] Development of an Enterprise-Grade Contract Understanding System
  • 33. Transparent Model Design Purchaser will purchase the Assets by a cash payment. Element [Purchaser]A0 [will]TENSE-FUTURE purchase [the Assets]A1 [by a cash payment]ARGM-MNR Core NLP Understanding Core NLP Primitives & Operators Provided by SystemT [ACL '10, NAACL ‘18] Semantic NLP Primitives [NAACL-NLLP’19] Transparent Linguistic Models for Contract Understanding and Comparison [NAACL’21] Development of an Enterprise-Grade Contract Understanding System
  • 34. Transparent Model Design Purchaser will purchase the Assets by a cash payment. Element Legal Domain LLEs [Purchaser]ARG0 [will]TENSE-FUTURE purchase [the Assets]ARG1 [by a cash payment]ARGM-MNR LLE1: PREDICATE ∈ DICT Business-Transaction ∧ TENSE = Future ∧ POLARITY = Positive → NATURE = Obligation ∧ PARTY = ARG0 LLE2: …........ Domain Specific Concepts Business transact. verbs in future tense with positive polarity Core NLP Primitives & Operators Semantic NLP Primitives [NAACL-NLLP’19] Transparent Linguistic Models for Contract Understanding and Comparison [NAACL’21] Development of an Enterprise-Grade Contract Understanding System
  • 35. Transparent Model Design Purchaser will purchase the Assets by a cash payment. Element Model Output [Purchaser]ARG0 [will]TENSE-FUTURE purchase [the Assets]ARG1 [by a cash payment]ARGM-MNR Obligation for Purchaser Nature/Party: Domain Specific Concepts Core NLP Primitives & Operators LLE1: PREDICATE ∈ DICT Business-Transaction ∧ TENSE = Future ∧ POLARITY = Positive → NATURE = Obligation ∧ PARTY = ARG0 LLE2: …........ Legal Domain LLEs Semantic NLP Primitives [NAACL-NLLP’19] Transparent Linguistic Models for Contract Understanding and Comparison [NAACL’21] Development of an Enterprise-Grade Contract Understanding System
  • 36. Human & Machine Co-Creation Labeled Data Evaluati on Results Productio n Deep Learning Learned Rules (Explainable) Modify Rules Machine performs heavy lifting to abstract out patterns Humans verify/ transparent model Evaluation & Deployment Raises the abstraction level for domain experts to interact with [EMNLP’20] Learning Explainable Linguistic Expressions with Neural Inductive Logic Programming for Sentence Classification
  • 37. User Study: Human+Machine Co-Created Model Performance User study – 4 NLP Engineers with < 2 years experience – 2 NLP experts with 10+ years experience Key Takeaways – Explanation of learned rules: Visualization tool is very effective – Reduction in human labor: Co-created model created within 1.5 person-hrs outperforms black-box sentence classifier – Lower requirement on human expertise: Co-created model is at par with the model created by Super-Experts Ua Ub Uc Ud 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 F-measure RuleNN+Human BiLSTM [ACL’19] HEIDL: Learning Linguistic Expressions with Deep Learning and Human-in-the-Loop
  • 38. Conclusion Research prototype Early adaption (EN) Cross-lingual adaptation • Watson products • Customer engagements • Research projects … • 10+ languages • SoAT models • Paper: 10+ publications • Patent: 6 patent filed • Data: • In progress To Learn More: • • Data Sets: • Follow me: • LinkedIn: • Twitter: @yunyao_li