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In this paper I will argue for an externalist view that I consider to be the strongest rebuttal to
skepticism. Before I present the argument I think it is important that we define skepticism and
externalism. The type of skepticism that we will be discussing, is the view that we don't know
anything about the external world. That is, we don't have any prima facie justification or reason to
believe anything about the external world. The skeptic argues that even if we think a belief is
justified, its just an illusion. For example the skeptic might use the brain–in–a–vat argument which
claims something like: (1) I don't know that I'm not a brain–in–a–vat. (2) If I don't know that I'm not
a brain–in–a–vat, then I don't know more content...
Therefore an account of knowledge that does not require absolute certainty for justification will
deflate the consequence (I don't know anything about the world) of the skeptics doubt. For this
reason we will now consider an account of externalism as a response to the skeptic, but first lets
start by defining externalism. Externalism is commonly presented in opposition to internalism
(which argues that justification only comes from internal factors). The type of externalism that we
will be talking about, is the view that a beliefs justification is external. That is, justification involves
external factors such as whether or not a belief is objectivity true, or formed by a reliable
belief–forming process. Justification is not agent–centric, it is embedded in the relationship between
the environment and the belief. The way I see it, the best way to prove externalism is to show that
a belief can be justified without any accessible reasons. We can do this on the grounds of an
everyday example – My dog Bella knows that there is water in her bowl. She doesn't have any
internal reasons for the belief that there is water in her bowl. That is, she lacks internal justification.
But I know that Bella knows that there is water in her bowl. Therefore justification is external. As
we can discern from the example of Bella the dog, justification should be understood externally. Since
justification is something that should
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The topic of the importance of literature in society would seem to be straightforward however,
there are many different approaches to argue its impact in our culture. Through the use of various
rhetorical strategies like allusion, satire, and facts and statistics, Maureen Dowd, George Orwell,
and Dana Gioia are able to effectively persuade their audiences of the importance of literature to
society. While each of the authors do not exclusively use one method or another, they do
predominantly seem to rely on a particular method in order to argue their case. Throughout the
texts allusion is utilized in order to convey the purpose of literature in society. In the essay, "Good
Bad Books," by George Orwell evidently uses allusion when he says "...the supreme example of
the 'good bad' book is Uncle Tom's Cabin." which he then goes on to describe it and its importance
to society.(Orwell 8) The use of this rhetorical strategy allows Orwell to make a successfull
connection between good bad books and their importance. Throughout the text, the reader can note
many successive uses of allusion that help demonstrate his purpose. Another example of his good
use of allusion is when he refers to several texts saying that "...for example, Merrick's Cynthia, J.D.
Beresford's A candidate for truth, W.L. George's Caliban, May Sinclair's The combined
maze..."(Orwell 5) Orwell's consistent use of allusion conveys his predominance with the use of this
rhetorical strategy, which in turn is the main
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Argumentative Essay About Anime
Do you watch cartoons? I do. Not bugs bunny; I'm talking about anime. Do you know what that is?
Anime is, simply put, animation that's made in Japan. I'll give you some examples of anime that
you might know. Speed Racer, Hello Kitty, Pokemon, RoboTech, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, and
a lot of the cartoons you find on Cartoon Network qualify as well, particularly Adult Swim.
Thankfully our country has gotten the rights to translate the stories from Japanese to English,
because the storylines in anime are really good. Often they're better than what Hollywood shovels
into your brain.
That's basically what anime is. Now let's talk about what it's not.
Anime is not a genre; it's an art form; a medium. From now on I want you to think of anime as
being equated with movies, books, music, etc; all the entertainment media. Just like you have movies
for kids, movies for teens, adults, so it is with anime.
All your entertainment comes in 31 flavors, right? Comedy, horror, drama, suspense, action, etc.
You file similar movies on the same shelf in the store, don't you? But you shouldn't be putting all
anime on the same shelf because anime is not a genre. It's a medium, like movies are a medium,
like books are a medium. A medium can have any genre of entertainment in it; well so can anime.
Anime is not all sex and violence as some people will tell you. When I hear someone say that anime
is sex and violence, that immediately tells me that they watched probably one particular anime show
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1.What did Adam Smith argue about people and economics?
That people are rational and selfish and people who think rationally keep the economy stable.
2.What happened in 2008 that affected the economy? Did this event represent rational or irrational
The stock market crashed down 40 percent. It represented irrational behavior.
3.What drives bids up in an auction experiment?
The emotional desire to win the auction.
4.What is present bias?
That we save less than we should.
5.What was one of the main causes of the economic crash?
The prices soared then crashed down.
6.What other Historical events give us information about the relationship between the economy and
emotions? What can we learn from these events?
The Great
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Argumentative Essay
English Composition
Language and Identity
Who am I? What is it that defines that personality? Anzaldua argues in her essay that the language is
what defines one's identity. Language is indeed an important component of culture, and culture is
known to be a crucial definer of identity. People use language to connect to their identities and
communicating their realities and values to themselves and to the world around them... In other
words, language is important because people use it to express their thoughts and beliefs. "People
evolve a language in order to describe and thus control their circumstances" (Baldwin 109).
Consequently, language does not necessarily define identity as much as identity defines language.
People decide more content...
Tan clearly mentions in her story that she had to speak two different languages to her Asian mom
who had her own made up English. Tan relates to both her Asian descent and American belongings
by using her mom's made up English to speak with her mom, and uses the proper English to give
lectures and speak to most Americans. On the same grounds, Anzaldua learned through her life
experiences to frequently use multiple types of English, and many other Dialects of proper Spanish
and Mexican Spanish. She uses each language to communicate, connect and affiliate to specific
people according to their background. This proves that the assumption that language defines culture
and identity fails. What happens to the people who speak many languages, do they not get the
benefit and pride of belonging to a certain community? Rather the contrary, they belong to multiple
communities and they choose which group they want to communicate with and with which
language. People have the ability to switch from a language to another to be part of a group and this
supports the idea that identity defines and shapes language, and not the opposite.
Language is used as a way to identify with people, but it is also used to distinguish between them.
People use language to differentiate between people and associate them to a specific culture and
community according to the language they speak. America is known for having a diverse
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Argumentative Essay On Conspiracy Theory
Throughout history, people have attempted to come up with explanations to make sense of events
which could not be comprehend, such explanations are commonly known as conspiracy theories.
According to the Merriam–Webster dictionary, the official definition of conspiracy theory is "a
theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually
powerful conspirators." These theories can range from minor events, to large scale terrorist attacks.
A few well known theories include, Bill Clinton caused 9/11, the Earth is flat, and a reptilian race is
planning to take over the Earth. Conspiracy theories can inflict various amount of damage, but it
dependent on the conspiracy theory context. (Mckay). In more content...
These reasons are "it breeds a lack of curiosity," "gives the misleading impression that we don't
have explanations for many phenomena for which we do have explanations", and "makes one
vulnerable to demagogues and highly dubious claims." As a result of people feeling shout out by
others, people can become less curious. When a person is introduced to a conspiracy theory, it
has the potential to severely affect the way they view the world, as well as the way their brain
processes information. With numerous theories surfacing in the world, and more than 50 percent
of Americans believing in at least one conspiracy; it is hard to determine which are real, and which
are fiction. As a result of conspiracy theories people stop trusting each other and become less social.
An experiment instructed by Sander van der Linden,a Dutch social psychologist in the Department
of Psychology at the University of Cambridge, show that the belief in conspiracy theories can cause
a person to be less pre–social. In his experiment Dr. Linden separated his participants into three
groups, the first group watched a video about conspiracy theories of global warming, the second
group watched a video about taking action on global warming, and the third group was a control
group which did don't watch any video. Studies conducted by Willem Prooijen,a social and
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An Argument For Community Change
Argument for Community Change
Just imagine for a moment, strolling barefoot through silky sand, the warm sun beating down, and
the sound of waves rhythmically rolling in. Picture dolphins dancing in the distance, seagulls
whistling their blissful hymn above, and children laughing as they dance through the ocean spray.
Sounds like the perfect escape, right? Tragically, the future of such a beautiful scene is in serious
jeopardy! The quality of our waters is degrading at an alarming rate; the human race contributes to
the problem daily, often without realizing it. Water pollution in Florida is reducing pure water sources
at a drastic rate, destroying natural beauty, and severely impacting the survival of local wildlife.
Human actions are a major contribution to this issue, therefore citizen awareness is the highest
workable solution to diminish the threat and improve the degradation of our waterways. Florida
cities near major waterways should establish annual community events to raise awareness and
positively impact this problem.
It is no secret that Florida water conditions are deteriorating, but what caused the degradation? There
are five state districts that have dedicated missions to figuring out exactly what went wrong and
preventing further degradation. Additionally, these Water Management Districts are charged with
managing the delicate balance of water quality available for human consumption with that of
conserving the resources that nature needs in order to thrive.
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Argumentative Essay On Climate Change
Climate change can be traced down to since the mid–1800s, when the industrial revolution first
started taking place all around the world. Lives of human and animal species have been negatively
affected since then, with events such as natural disasters, the melting of ice in polar regions, and
change in weather and living conditions. Climate change in polar regions, in particular, has faced
the most damage compared to any other region because of its location in regard to the sun. Climate
change holds many different views and opinions about the effects, and even the existence itself, but
evidence is clear and unmistakable in global ramifications and local impact in polar regions.
"...Climate change [is] the 'greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people'", skeptics like
Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma like to say. Climate change is change in climate patterns due to an
increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by certain human activity.
According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, data taken by satellite has shown that the
Arctic cover has decreased by 30% over the past 30 years, and this change, which also include
change in sea ice and permafrost, in artic weather and climate is caused by humans. Although
numerous scientists have confirmed the legitimacy of climate change, there are different views on
whether climate change is real or not. Government officials like Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma or
Senator Marco Rubio of Florida have explicitly stated that they do not believe climate change is
neither real, nor caused by humans (Tom McCarthy, 2014). On the other hand, mainstream media
and other media outlets, such as The Independent and The Economist, have reported their findings
of climate change and its legitimacy. The Independent (Conner, S. 2011) reported that records of
these changes were taken by military submarines, land measurements, and satellite data to prove ice
in polar regions are melting faster and faster. Satellites have tracked sea ice since the 1970s and by
nuclear submarines since the Cold War,
according to Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University and it was predicted that by September
2015, there would be no more sea ice. (Conner, S. 2011). Luckily, sea ice has not
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Grit Essay Examples
Grit is a predictor of academic, professional, and personal success. Grit can be defined as strength
of character or the ability to overcome failure and continue to work toward success. People with
grit are not always the people with the most natural ability, but their work ethic and ability to
overcome obstacles allows them to achieve success. Grit is a very valuable characteristic in almost
any venture, as it gives someone an advantage in overcoming the inevitable obstacles they will face.
However, grit is much easier adopted when an individual has a growth mindset. The first step to
obtaining grit is to correlate both self–control and self–confidence when trying to reach an objective.
By doing this, one can focus on the task at more content...
I had no experience as a runner nor did I have the form. This did not phase me however. That year
I promised myself to push through all the six mile runs, sore legs, gnarly blisters, and at times,
lack of oxygen. At every meet and speed workout practice I pushed myself further and further. I
set a goal every time I kicked off from the starting line and never let myself get discouraged when
I failed. By my senior year, I was the fourth fastest runner on varsity. That year our varsity team
won the district meet, which qualified us to run in the 2016 state meet in Oregon. The
transformation over the years were evident. My determination to accomplish my goal of
becoming a faster runner was complete. If I had simply just given up that first day of practice, I
wouldn't have ran along side of the fastest runners in Oregon or have met the multitude of people
that are now my closest friends. Having a goal sets one up for a challenge, whether it being
physically or mentally, goals keep us active and thinking in more ways than one. Still, if someone
has self–control, confidence, and a goal, they are still not complete. Growth mindset is the cone to
an ice cream. It is the foundation of what I think a successful person is. Without it one couldn't use
the characteristics mentioned above in more ways than one. Someone with a growth mindset believe
that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work, brains and talent
are just the starting point.
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In this paper, I plan to argue the ideas by Edward Conard, in his argument that we don't need more
humanities major in our academic system. In specific, this paper will explore the writer's claims, the
gaps in his arguments and counter–arguments in this topic. My argument is important because I will
challenge Conard's article with the self–fashioning's article by Keohane.
In Conard's article, he demonstrates to answer the question whether or not we need more humanities.
His answer is that we should be focus on technology and innovation to have a better living standards.
(41) His main argument is that innovation and technology are the key to driver of the American
economy and there is a need for more talents and expertise in this more content...
(43) Schools give one the time and materials to achieve all what one desire in life. (43) In the same
way, I would challenge the students to leverage their energy and time to become the best they can be
in their life. (43)
This paper also supports the self–fashioning article by Keohane. Self–fashioning builds the character,
personality, and focus on the student. A self–fashioned student is more likely to succeed in life in
whichever line of specialization he chooses. Likewise, I disagree with Conard on the point that
innovation and technology are more likely to bring success to the student. From experience, people
who know their personality and character are able to use in their skills, time and education to be
the best in whichever field, whether in technology and innovation or humanities. In my view,
success and failure are not a factor of chosen line of specialization rather, it is a factor of hard work
and determination to create a change. Self–fashioning is more fundamental and basic education, like
authority, and intelligence and it is determined by how people deal with small and basic things in
life. Things like cleaning, washing, and taking care of oneself are more important that education
when it comes to self–fashioning.
In my life, the most common basic things derive from self–fashioning. They include taking care of
oneself through right
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What Makes An Effective Argument Ineffective?
1.The basic parts of an effective argument are a stated clearly defined issue, makes a claim, and
offers support for that claim. Sometimes an argument may also recognize opposing viewpoints and
incorporate them into the argument
2.What makes an argument ineffective is when using emotional appeals to distract a reader from a
lack of evidence. Also the use of faulty reasoning, and inaccurate facts.
3.An issue is a problem, controversy, or an idea that people can have different viewpoints about.
The term claim is a point in which a writer is trying to prove. This is typically the writer's viewpoint
on the issue. A refutation is recognizing and auguring against opposing viewpoints.
4.A claim of value focuses on an opinion or judgment about
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Philosophical Argument On Personal Identity
As you go throughout life, it is not very common to stop and question your own personal identity,
because you are just you, there does not seem like that much to it. But, in the philosophical
world, this topic is one of the most popular things to look into and try to understand. Surprisingly,
the idea of personal identity is not as simple as it seems. Many philosophers seem to question if
personal identity even exists, and if they do believe it exists, how exactly? In the most popular
philosophical arguments, there are three theories of personal identity that stick out; psychological
approach, ego theory, and bundle theory. These three theories discuss how personal identity can
be identified, or if it even exists at all. There is no way to be one hundred percent positive that one
of these theories is true, so there will be always be a mystery to personal identity. Even though we
can never be sure, it is always interesting to look into each theory and discuss the possibilities to our
own personal identity. With any philosophical theory, there are many different sides to each topic.
The first argument that will be discussed about personal identity is the psychological approach.
People who stand by the psychological approach concerning personal identity believe that a person's
memories and their personality traits make up who they are. According to this approach, throughout
your life you will continue to be the same person because your memories and personality will never
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Argumentative Essay On Solar Energy
As the world and technology are advancing, we are learning more about the impacts that humans
have on our planet. New information has shown that we are killing our planet with the amount of
waste produced and toxic gases being released into the atmosphere. Therefore, humans are trying to
come with up with alternatives that can reduce these negative impacts.
Solar and wind power have become great alternative sources of energy that in scientific terms can be
considered renewable sources. Arenewable energy source is an energy source that naturally replaces
itself at a rate of at least the natural timeline.
Our analysis made the assumption that 30 kilowatt hours (kwh) per day was a suitable amount of
energy to fulfill the requirements of Chaparral Drive residents (a total of 42 homes) based on
reports by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. As part of our assumptions we also
determined the energy to be produced by solar or wind to be sufficient to supply all the electrical
energy demands of the residential neighborhood. In addition, we found our interest rate to be 2.5%
which would be compounded annually. This assumption was stemmed from the average of interest
rates within last 28 years. Therefore, we based our value off of the average and decided to choose a
rate of 2.5%.
Our approach was to do an economic viability analysis of a home's electrical energy consumption
with solar and with wind as 100% alternatives with the given assumptions. We also used utility bill
cost from an actual resident of Chaparral Drive to use as a comparison for our analysis.
Our first assumptions are the amount of panels or power required for the typical home, which was
assumed to be 30 kW–hr per day. This number is slightly higher than average, which gave us
confidence that it would be applicable to most homes. Using this information and the rating of the
average panel to produce 265 watts per hour, we found that in order to be a net zero energy home,
at least in electrical power, would mean that the energy that would be required throughout the day is
produced during the time of the day when sunlight is available. We concluded that about 20 solar
panels would be accurate.
Our team developed various assumptions regarding the
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Why Is It Important To Argue In A Healthy Matter?
a.Describe what philosophy is usually defined as and what philosophers are stereotypically labeled as
b.Define what philosophy really is and what philosophers really do besides "askk questions and
c.What philosophy is used for and how does philosophy benefit our society now a days
d.Explain the benefits of thinking philisophical and how it can help you handle disagreement and
e.Explain how philosophy can help you in persuading someone about something you believe in
a.What is truth? How do I know something is true and how do I know if its actually the truth or just
somebodies opinion of what is true?
b.What is logic? What is labeled as logical?
c.How to argue in a healthy matter? What is okay to argue about and what is just pointless it argue
about? more content...
a. Overall summarize body sections a, b, and c
b. Give my opinion on what I think about philosophy in general and why it is important to have
some knowledge about what philosohpy is because everybody has their own philosophy about the
world and all the truth and logic in the
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Romeo And Juliet Argumentative Essay
Romeo and Juliet Argumentative Paper
Have you ever heard of a story about two lovers who commit suicide because of a secret that was
kept to keep them together? In the book Romeo and Juliet , by William Shakespeare, is about two
lovers who come from two families who are enemies. The two fell in love and their parents refuse to
let them marry each other. At the end both the lovers die. This connects to my topic because of one
secret that was kept to save them killed six people. Even though some may believe otherwise, there
are times when secrets must be told so it doesn't lead to more problems. There are times when
secrets must be told because it causes deaths. Romeo, son of Montague, and Juliet, daughter of
capulet more content...
First, because of Friar Lawrence kept the plan as a secret. Romeo thought Juliet was dead and
kills himself. After that Juliet saw Romeo dead she kisses him then she stabs herself then She
dies. This one secret cost Romeo's and Juliet's lives. Second, this secret caused problems by
taking Romeo's and Juliet's lives. Others may say, secrets must be kept because they can hurt
people. In an article by Irene Van, says that you can keep secrets about family and friends. Irene
Van says, " Gossip about family or friends unless this is about something that worries you, in
/ which case you should tell a adult you trust" (Van.II). This proves that, Irene Van believes that
secrets about family and friends should be kept because it can really hurt your friends feelings.
Second, this could be true because if I tell my friend one of my secrets, I trust this person. If he or
she is going to go and tell my secret to someone, I am not going to tell he/she any secrets.
However, on the other hand, in the same article Irene Van says that any kind of touch should not
be kept as a secret. Irene Van says, " Secrets that are not safe to keep:/ Any kind of touch" (Van.II).
First, I would tell my parents if this happens to me because if I tell this secret to my friends, and
they spread it, it would hurt me. Second, this can lead to more problems if I kept this as a secret
from my parents because, the same thing will continue if I don't take
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Argumentative Essay On School Shootings
There has been an average of one school shooting every week in America since the Sandy Hook
shooting. On the fourteenth of December, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, 20–year–old Adam
Lanza not only killed his mother in her home, but also twenty children and six members of staff at
the Sandy Hook Elementary School. This was to be the third deadliest mass shooting in U.S.
history. The Huffington Post reports that as of 2014, there have been over 200 school shootings.
These have resulted in at least 94 deaths and over 156 serious and minor injuries. And, with an issue
as emotive and contentious as the murder of school children, the question has been frequently asked:
why do school shootings happen? When there is a mass killing at a school, it' more content...
As said by Justin Nutt, a social worker who has discussed this an online article: Bullying has been
around ever since the first cave man decided he was better than the second. Mental Illnesses affect
millions every day, and yet millions of people don't attempt mass murder every day. Mary
Muscari is a forensic nurse at Binghamton University who has researched mass killers, and she has
said that "There are certainly a lot of people who have a lot of things wrong, and they're not
committing mass murders. Even when you look at mental illnesses, most people with mental
illnesses are not violent." So how could someone commit a mass shooting? Many psychologists
have given their own thoughts as to why someone would fulfil such a deadly personal mission.
For the most part, it would appear that many school shooters do what they do for their moment in
the spotlight. In this day and age of modern technology, there's no doubt the killer's face will soon
be on everybody's social media feeds and on the front of newspapers all over the globe. Others,
however, may commit a mass shooting to make themselves seem powerful. This is common when
the shooter has been a victim of bullying or abuse, as being the one with control over everybody
else gives them a certain rush of adrenaline and feeling of dominance they may have never had had
before. But sometimes, it seems, they are just lacking a moral compass. On September 11, 2014,
the 'New York Daily News' published an
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Argumentative Essay On Social Justice
Oftentimes, the definition of social justice can be misinterpreted or misunderstood. The true
definition of social justice is often structured by governmental implications but is the fair and
proper administration of laws to each individual conforming to the natural law. Equality is
supposed to be equally distributed amongst individuals nationally, but can sometimes be taken
advantage of and be taken away from people who deserve it the most. Generally, those who view
social justices as a right, also value people above profits. Social justice describes the concept of
society where justice is achieved in every aspect of society, rather than just the administration of the
law. Overall, social justice gives society the ability to have a voice of laws that may be broken but
give a sufficient argument to be heard by the supreme court. Equality is a major issue that has
been demanded by society for centuries. In Victor Fleming's film The Way of All Flesh, released in
October of 1927, the story describes the life of Henrietta Lacks. Henrietta Lacks was an African
American woman from Baltimore who eventually died of cervical cancer in 1951. Before she died
some of her cancerous cells were taken without her permission and the cells have been
reproducing in laboratories around the world ever since. The question is, does taking the cells of a
woman who was eventually going to die break the laws of social justice, or was this a necessary
action to take in hopes of eventually finding a
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Argumentative Essay On Heaven And Hell
Since its conception, humanity has attempted to answer the question, "Where do you go when you
die?" Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, and even atheists have debated this issue for centuries.
There is, however, a common theme among the various theories. It is the idea that, depending on
your stature and good works, you will either be sent to a "good" place or a "bad" place. If you act
in a way pleasing to the deity, or deities, there is a decent chance you will attain a favorable eternity.
Displease them, however, and you are potentially confronted with the harsh reality of an eternity of
punishment. Among the major religions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, however, it is
commonly referred to as Heaven and Hell. A place of peace and godly dwelling contrasted with a
place of pain and suffering. Moreover, these religions have countless quarrels amongst themselves
specifically regarding Hell; especially Christianity. Heaven is perhaps a much less controversial
topic; the idea of peace, perfection, and glorified bodies is hardly an unpleasant thought. The concept
of eternal suffering, however, is becoming an increasingly contentious issue. As cultural preferences
shift towards a more accepting and nondiscriminatory mindset, hell has become an increasingly less
popular subject.
While most religions have an underlying theme of a singular, fiery hell that is an eternity of pain and
suffering, Christian interpretations can become far more intricate. Currently, there are a few
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Argumentative Essay On Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia Every year, many people around the world suffer from all sorts of mental illnesses.
There are many different types of mental health disorders in this world. Mental disorders affect the
way a person acts, think, and sees the world. Some are dangerous, cannot be helped, chronic and
others could harm and affect your life. Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disease that expresses itself
in terms of disturbances of thinking, perception and behavior. It is one of the most common
serious mental conditions that cause a range of different psychological symptoms. 1 out of 100
people, regardless of race, sex, economic class or culture will fall a victim of this disease. (1)
Schizophrenia strikes young men and women most often between the ages of 15 and 35.(2) Even
though the exact cause of schizophrenia is still not known, it has different types more
As it is known that schizophrenia, such as cancer or diabetes, is a disease that has a real biological
basis. The researchers found several factors may have a role in the formation of schizophrenia. The
first theory is Genes and environment. If one or more relative has schizophrenia, it can be increased
more in their families. In addition, infection during development in the womb and serious infections
during early childhood can be a cause to develop it. Also, many psychological and social agents will
make the person getting schizophrenia such as stress, life environment, hard events or even a viral
infection. Another theory is different brain chemistry and structure. Scientists think that an
imbalance in the complex, interrelated chemical reactions of the brain involving the
neurotransmitters dopamine and glutamate, and possibly others, plays a role in schizophrenia. (4)
Moreover, some doctors used neuroimaging to look at the brains of the patients to see the brain
structure if it has any odd thing such as some areas being too large or too
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Hugo Bedau's Argue About The Death Penalty
Should we execute murders? That is the debate that we have been struggling with when talk about
the death penalty. A famous philosophy professor by the name of Hugo Adam Bedau has a distinct
argument on this topic that he explains in his paper, How to Argue About the Death Penalty. He
opposed the death penalty on solely moral principles and excludes the augments he believes are
strictly factual. I will show that Bedau's case against the death penalty fails because his "facts" he
excludes are morally sound arguments.
Hugo Bedau argues that a society is not required "to invoke the death penalty for murder – unless
one accepts lex talionis" that is his first premise and follows it by stating since it is not completely
accepted, lex more content...
I believe that the criminal loses all rights and their inputs are irrelevant. Murders, for example, take
the rights away from their victims. The victims do not get a say in the final outcome. They believe
that is okay to take the rights away from someone, so they must be okay with the idea of their right
being compromised as well because they believe in it. You cannot act on something that you cannot
be okay with it happening to yourself in a similar situation. So if murders are willing to compromise
the rights of another human being, then they give up their own
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  • 1. In this paper I will argue for an externalist view that I consider to be the strongest rebuttal to skepticism. Before I present the argument I think it is important that we define skepticism and externalism. The type of skepticism that we will be discussing, is the view that we don't know anything about the external world. That is, we don't have any prima facie justification or reason to believe anything about the external world. The skeptic argues that even if we think a belief is justified, its just an illusion. For example the skeptic might use the brain–in–a–vat argument which claims something like: (1) I don't know that I'm not a brain–in–a–vat. (2) If I don't know that I'm not a brain–in–a–vat, then I don't know more content... Therefore an account of knowledge that does not require absolute certainty for justification will deflate the consequence (I don't know anything about the world) of the skeptics doubt. For this reason we will now consider an account of externalism as a response to the skeptic, but first lets start by defining externalism. Externalism is commonly presented in opposition to internalism (which argues that justification only comes from internal factors). The type of externalism that we will be talking about, is the view that a beliefs justification is external. That is, justification involves external factors such as whether or not a belief is objectivity true, or formed by a reliable belief–forming process. Justification is not agent–centric, it is embedded in the relationship between the environment and the belief. The way I see it, the best way to prove externalism is to show that a belief can be justified without any accessible reasons. We can do this on the grounds of an everyday example – My dog Bella knows that there is water in her bowl. She doesn't have any internal reasons for the belief that there is water in her bowl. That is, she lacks internal justification. But I know that Bella knows that there is water in her bowl. Therefore justification is external. As we can discern from the example of Bella the dog, justification should be understood externally. Since justification is something that should Get more content on
  • 2. The topic of the importance of literature in society would seem to be straightforward however, there are many different approaches to argue its impact in our culture. Through the use of various rhetorical strategies like allusion, satire, and facts and statistics, Maureen Dowd, George Orwell, and Dana Gioia are able to effectively persuade their audiences of the importance of literature to society. While each of the authors do not exclusively use one method or another, they do predominantly seem to rely on a particular method in order to argue their case. Throughout the texts allusion is utilized in order to convey the purpose of literature in society. In the essay, "Good Bad Books," by George Orwell evidently uses allusion when he says "...the supreme example of the 'good bad' book is Uncle Tom's Cabin." which he then goes on to describe it and its importance to society.(Orwell 8) The use of this rhetorical strategy allows Orwell to make a successfull connection between good bad books and their importance. Throughout the text, the reader can note many successive uses of allusion that help demonstrate his purpose. Another example of his good use of allusion is when he refers to several texts saying that "...for example, Merrick's Cynthia, J.D. Beresford's A candidate for truth, W.L. George's Caliban, May Sinclair's The combined maze..."(Orwell 5) Orwell's consistent use of allusion conveys his predominance with the use of this rhetorical strategy, which in turn is the main Get more content on
  • 3. Argumentative Essay About Anime Do you watch cartoons? I do. Not bugs bunny; I'm talking about anime. Do you know what that is? Anime is, simply put, animation that's made in Japan. I'll give you some examples of anime that you might know. Speed Racer, Hello Kitty, Pokemon, RoboTech, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, and a lot of the cartoons you find on Cartoon Network qualify as well, particularly Adult Swim. Thankfully our country has gotten the rights to translate the stories from Japanese to English, because the storylines in anime are really good. Often they're better than what Hollywood shovels into your brain. That's basically what anime is. Now let's talk about what it's not. Anime is not a genre; it's an art form; a medium. From now on I want you to think of anime as being equated with movies, books, music, etc; all the entertainment media. Just like you have movies for kids, movies for teens, adults, so it is with anime. All your entertainment comes in 31 flavors, right? Comedy, horror, drama, suspense, action, etc. You file similar movies on the same shelf in the store, don't you? But you shouldn't be putting all anime on the same shelf because anime is not a genre. It's a medium, like movies are a medium, like books are a medium. A medium can have any genre of entertainment in it; well so can anime. Anime is not all sex and violence as some people will tell you. When I hear someone say that anime is sex and violence, that immediately tells me that they watched probably one particular anime show Get more content on
  • 4. 1.What did Adam Smith argue about people and economics? That people are rational and selfish and people who think rationally keep the economy stable. 2.What happened in 2008 that affected the economy? Did this event represent rational or irrational behavior? The stock market crashed down 40 percent. It represented irrational behavior. 3.What drives bids up in an auction experiment? The emotional desire to win the auction. 4.What is present bias? That we save less than we should. 5.What was one of the main causes of the economic crash? The prices soared then crashed down. 6.What other Historical events give us information about the relationship between the economy and emotions? What can we learn from these events? The Great Get more content on
  • 5. Argumentative Essay English Composition Language and Identity Who am I? What is it that defines that personality? Anzaldua argues in her essay that the language is what defines one's identity. Language is indeed an important component of culture, and culture is known to be a crucial definer of identity. People use language to connect to their identities and communicating their realities and values to themselves and to the world around them... In other words, language is important because people use it to express their thoughts and beliefs. "People evolve a language in order to describe and thus control their circumstances" (Baldwin 109). Consequently, language does not necessarily define identity as much as identity defines language. People decide more content... Tan clearly mentions in her story that she had to speak two different languages to her Asian mom who had her own made up English. Tan relates to both her Asian descent and American belongings by using her mom's made up English to speak with her mom, and uses the proper English to give lectures and speak to most Americans. On the same grounds, Anzaldua learned through her life experiences to frequently use multiple types of English, and many other Dialects of proper Spanish and Mexican Spanish. She uses each language to communicate, connect and affiliate to specific people according to their background. This proves that the assumption that language defines culture and identity fails. What happens to the people who speak many languages, do they not get the benefit and pride of belonging to a certain community? Rather the contrary, they belong to multiple communities and they choose which group they want to communicate with and with which language. People have the ability to switch from a language to another to be part of a group and this supports the idea that identity defines and shapes language, and not the opposite. Language is used as a way to identify with people, but it is also used to distinguish between them. People use language to differentiate between people and associate them to a specific culture and community according to the language they speak. America is known for having a diverse Get more content on
  • 6. Argumentative Essay On Conspiracy Theory Throughout history, people have attempted to come up with explanations to make sense of events which could not be comprehend, such explanations are commonly known as conspiracy theories. According to the Merriam–Webster dictionary, the official definition of conspiracy theory is "a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators." These theories can range from minor events, to large scale terrorist attacks. A few well known theories include, Bill Clinton caused 9/11, the Earth is flat, and a reptilian race is planning to take over the Earth. Conspiracy theories can inflict various amount of damage, but it dependent on the conspiracy theory context. (Mckay). In more content... These reasons are "it breeds a lack of curiosity," "gives the misleading impression that we don't have explanations for many phenomena for which we do have explanations", and "makes one vulnerable to demagogues and highly dubious claims." As a result of people feeling shout out by others, people can become less curious. When a person is introduced to a conspiracy theory, it has the potential to severely affect the way they view the world, as well as the way their brain processes information. With numerous theories surfacing in the world, and more than 50 percent of Americans believing in at least one conspiracy; it is hard to determine which are real, and which are fiction. As a result of conspiracy theories people stop trusting each other and become less social. An experiment instructed by Sander van der Linden,a Dutch social psychologist in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cambridge, show that the belief in conspiracy theories can cause a person to be less pre–social. In his experiment Dr. Linden separated his participants into three groups, the first group watched a video about conspiracy theories of global warming, the second group watched a video about taking action on global warming, and the third group was a control group which did don't watch any video. Studies conducted by Willem Prooijen,a social and organizational Get more content on
  • 7. An Argument For Community Change Argument for Community Change Just imagine for a moment, strolling barefoot through silky sand, the warm sun beating down, and the sound of waves rhythmically rolling in. Picture dolphins dancing in the distance, seagulls whistling their blissful hymn above, and children laughing as they dance through the ocean spray. Sounds like the perfect escape, right? Tragically, the future of such a beautiful scene is in serious jeopardy! The quality of our waters is degrading at an alarming rate; the human race contributes to the problem daily, often without realizing it. Water pollution in Florida is reducing pure water sources at a drastic rate, destroying natural beauty, and severely impacting the survival of local wildlife. Human actions are a major contribution to this issue, therefore citizen awareness is the highest workable solution to diminish the threat and improve the degradation of our waterways. Florida cities near major waterways should establish annual community events to raise awareness and positively impact this problem. It is no secret that Florida water conditions are deteriorating, but what caused the degradation? There are five state districts that have dedicated missions to figuring out exactly what went wrong and preventing further degradation. Additionally, these Water Management Districts are charged with managing the delicate balance of water quality available for human consumption with that of conserving the resources that nature needs in order to thrive. Get more content on
  • 8. Argumentative Essay On Climate Change Climate change can be traced down to since the mid–1800s, when the industrial revolution first started taking place all around the world. Lives of human and animal species have been negatively affected since then, with events such as natural disasters, the melting of ice in polar regions, and change in weather and living conditions. Climate change in polar regions, in particular, has faced the most damage compared to any other region because of its location in regard to the sun. Climate change holds many different views and opinions about the effects, and even the existence itself, but evidence is clear and unmistakable in global ramifications and local impact in polar regions. "...Climate change [is] the 'greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people'", skeptics like Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma like to say. Climate change is change in climate patterns due to an increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by certain human activity. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, data taken by satellite has shown that the Arctic cover has decreased by 30% over the past 30 years, and this change, which also include change in sea ice and permafrost, in artic weather and climate is caused by humans. Although numerous scientists have confirmed the legitimacy of climate change, there are different views on whether climate change is real or not. Government officials like Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma or Senator Marco Rubio of Florida have explicitly stated that they do not believe climate change is neither real, nor caused by humans (Tom McCarthy, 2014). On the other hand, mainstream media and other media outlets, such as The Independent and The Economist, have reported their findings of climate change and its legitimacy. The Independent (Conner, S. 2011) reported that records of these changes were taken by military submarines, land measurements, and satellite data to prove ice in polar regions are melting faster and faster. Satellites have tracked sea ice since the 1970s and by nuclear submarines since the Cold War, according to Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University and it was predicted that by September 2015, there would be no more sea ice. (Conner, S. 2011). Luckily, sea ice has not Get more content on
  • 9. Grit Essay Examples Grit is a predictor of academic, professional, and personal success. Grit can be defined as strength of character or the ability to overcome failure and continue to work toward success. People with grit are not always the people with the most natural ability, but their work ethic and ability to overcome obstacles allows them to achieve success. Grit is a very valuable characteristic in almost any venture, as it gives someone an advantage in overcoming the inevitable obstacles they will face. However, grit is much easier adopted when an individual has a growth mindset. The first step to obtaining grit is to correlate both self–control and self–confidence when trying to reach an objective. By doing this, one can focus on the task at more content... I had no experience as a runner nor did I have the form. This did not phase me however. That year I promised myself to push through all the six mile runs, sore legs, gnarly blisters, and at times, lack of oxygen. At every meet and speed workout practice I pushed myself further and further. I set a goal every time I kicked off from the starting line and never let myself get discouraged when I failed. By my senior year, I was the fourth fastest runner on varsity. That year our varsity team won the district meet, which qualified us to run in the 2016 state meet in Oregon. The transformation over the years were evident. My determination to accomplish my goal of becoming a faster runner was complete. If I had simply just given up that first day of practice, I wouldn't have ran along side of the fastest runners in Oregon or have met the multitude of people that are now my closest friends. Having a goal sets one up for a challenge, whether it being physically or mentally, goals keep us active and thinking in more ways than one. Still, if someone has self–control, confidence, and a goal, they are still not complete. Growth mindset is the cone to an ice cream. It is the foundation of what I think a successful person is. Without it one couldn't use the characteristics mentioned above in more ways than one. Someone with a growth mindset believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work, brains and talent are just the starting point. Get more content on
  • 10. In this paper, I plan to argue the ideas by Edward Conard, in his argument that we don't need more humanities major in our academic system. In specific, this paper will explore the writer's claims, the gaps in his arguments and counter–arguments in this topic. My argument is important because I will challenge Conard's article with the self–fashioning's article by Keohane. In Conard's article, he demonstrates to answer the question whether or not we need more humanities. His answer is that we should be focus on technology and innovation to have a better living standards. (41) His main argument is that innovation and technology are the key to driver of the American economy and there is a need for more talents and expertise in this more content... (43) Schools give one the time and materials to achieve all what one desire in life. (43) In the same way, I would challenge the students to leverage their energy and time to become the best they can be in their life. (43) This paper also supports the self–fashioning article by Keohane. Self–fashioning builds the character, personality, and focus on the student. A self–fashioned student is more likely to succeed in life in whichever line of specialization he chooses. Likewise, I disagree with Conard on the point that innovation and technology are more likely to bring success to the student. From experience, people who know their personality and character are able to use in their skills, time and education to be the best in whichever field, whether in technology and innovation or humanities. In my view, success and failure are not a factor of chosen line of specialization rather, it is a factor of hard work and determination to create a change. Self–fashioning is more fundamental and basic education, like authority, and intelligence and it is determined by how people deal with small and basic things in life. Things like cleaning, washing, and taking care of oneself are more important that education when it comes to self–fashioning. In my life, the most common basic things derive from self–fashioning. They include taking care of oneself through right Get more content on
  • 11. What Makes An Effective Argument Ineffective? 1.The basic parts of an effective argument are a stated clearly defined issue, makes a claim, and offers support for that claim. Sometimes an argument may also recognize opposing viewpoints and incorporate them into the argument 2.What makes an argument ineffective is when using emotional appeals to distract a reader from a lack of evidence. Also the use of faulty reasoning, and inaccurate facts. 3.An issue is a problem, controversy, or an idea that people can have different viewpoints about. The term claim is a point in which a writer is trying to prove. This is typically the writer's viewpoint on the issue. A refutation is recognizing and auguring against opposing viewpoints. 4.A claim of value focuses on an opinion or judgment about Get more content on
  • 12. Philosophical Argument On Personal Identity As you go throughout life, it is not very common to stop and question your own personal identity, because you are just you, there does not seem like that much to it. But, in the philosophical world, this topic is one of the most popular things to look into and try to understand. Surprisingly, the idea of personal identity is not as simple as it seems. Many philosophers seem to question if personal identity even exists, and if they do believe it exists, how exactly? In the most popular philosophical arguments, there are three theories of personal identity that stick out; psychological approach, ego theory, and bundle theory. These three theories discuss how personal identity can be identified, or if it even exists at all. There is no way to be one hundred percent positive that one of these theories is true, so there will be always be a mystery to personal identity. Even though we can never be sure, it is always interesting to look into each theory and discuss the possibilities to our own personal identity. With any philosophical theory, there are many different sides to each topic. The first argument that will be discussed about personal identity is the psychological approach. People who stand by the psychological approach concerning personal identity believe that a person's memories and their personality traits make up who they are. According to this approach, throughout your life you will continue to be the same person because your memories and personality will never Get more content on
  • 13. Argumentative Essay On Solar Energy As the world and technology are advancing, we are learning more about the impacts that humans have on our planet. New information has shown that we are killing our planet with the amount of waste produced and toxic gases being released into the atmosphere. Therefore, humans are trying to come with up with alternatives that can reduce these negative impacts. Solar and wind power have become great alternative sources of energy that in scientific terms can be considered renewable sources. Arenewable energy source is an energy source that naturally replaces itself at a rate of at least the natural timeline. Our analysis made the assumption that 30 kilowatt hours (kwh) per day was a suitable amount of energy to fulfill the requirements of Chaparral Drive residents (a total of 42 homes) based on reports by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. As part of our assumptions we also determined the energy to be produced by solar or wind to be sufficient to supply all the electrical energy demands of the residential neighborhood. In addition, we found our interest rate to be 2.5% which would be compounded annually. This assumption was stemmed from the average of interest rates within last 28 years. Therefore, we based our value off of the average and decided to choose a rate of 2.5%. Our approach was to do an economic viability analysis of a home's electrical energy consumption with solar and with wind as 100% alternatives with the given assumptions. We also used utility bill cost from an actual resident of Chaparral Drive to use as a comparison for our analysis. Our first assumptions are the amount of panels or power required for the typical home, which was assumed to be 30 kW–hr per day. This number is slightly higher than average, which gave us confidence that it would be applicable to most homes. Using this information and the rating of the average panel to produce 265 watts per hour, we found that in order to be a net zero energy home, at least in electrical power, would mean that the energy that would be required throughout the day is produced during the time of the day when sunlight is available. We concluded that about 20 solar panels would be accurate. Our team developed various assumptions regarding the Get more content on
  • 14. Why Is It Important To Argue In A Healthy Matter? 1.Introduction a.Describe what philosophy is usually defined as and what philosophers are stereotypically labeled as b.Define what philosophy really is and what philosophers really do besides "askk questions and argue" c.What philosophy is used for and how does philosophy benefit our society now a days d.Explain the benefits of thinking philisophical and how it can help you handle disagreement and arguments e.Explain how philosophy can help you in persuading someone about something you believe in 2.Body a.What is truth? How do I know something is true and how do I know if its actually the truth or just somebodies opinion of what is true? b.What is logic? What is labeled as logical? c.How to argue in a healthy matter? What is okay to argue about and what is just pointless it argue about? more content... a. Overall summarize body sections a, b, and c b. Give my opinion on what I think about philosophy in general and why it is important to have some knowledge about what philosohpy is because everybody has their own philosophy about the world and all the truth and logic in the Get more content on
  • 15. Romeo And Juliet Argumentative Essay Romeo and Juliet Argumentative Paper Have you ever heard of a story about two lovers who commit suicide because of a secret that was kept to keep them together? In the book Romeo and Juliet , by William Shakespeare, is about two lovers who come from two families who are enemies. The two fell in love and their parents refuse to let them marry each other. At the end both the lovers die. This connects to my topic because of one secret that was kept to save them killed six people. Even though some may believe otherwise, there are times when secrets must be told so it doesn't lead to more problems. There are times when secrets must be told because it causes deaths. Romeo, son of Montague, and Juliet, daughter of capulet more content... First, because of Friar Lawrence kept the plan as a secret. Romeo thought Juliet was dead and kills himself. After that Juliet saw Romeo dead she kisses him then she stabs herself then She dies. This one secret cost Romeo's and Juliet's lives. Second, this secret caused problems by taking Romeo's and Juliet's lives. Others may say, secrets must be kept because they can hurt people. In an article by Irene Van, says that you can keep secrets about family and friends. Irene Van says, " Gossip about family or friends unless this is about something that worries you, in / which case you should tell a adult you trust" (Van.II). This proves that, Irene Van believes that secrets about family and friends should be kept because it can really hurt your friends feelings. Second, this could be true because if I tell my friend one of my secrets, I trust this person. If he or she is going to go and tell my secret to someone, I am not going to tell he/she any secrets. However, on the other hand, in the same article Irene Van says that any kind of touch should not be kept as a secret. Irene Van says, " Secrets that are not safe to keep:/ Any kind of touch" (Van.II). First, I would tell my parents if this happens to me because if I tell this secret to my friends, and they spread it, it would hurt me. Second, this can lead to more problems if I kept this as a secret from my parents because, the same thing will continue if I don't take Get more content on
  • 16. Argumentative Essay On School Shootings There has been an average of one school shooting every week in America since the Sandy Hook shooting. On the fourteenth of December, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, 20–year–old Adam Lanza not only killed his mother in her home, but also twenty children and six members of staff at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. This was to be the third deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. The Huffington Post reports that as of 2014, there have been over 200 school shootings. These have resulted in at least 94 deaths and over 156 serious and minor injuries. And, with an issue as emotive and contentious as the murder of school children, the question has been frequently asked: why do school shootings happen? When there is a mass killing at a school, it' more content... As said by Justin Nutt, a social worker who has discussed this an online article: Bullying has been around ever since the first cave man decided he was better than the second. Mental Illnesses affect millions every day, and yet millions of people don't attempt mass murder every day. Mary Muscari is a forensic nurse at Binghamton University who has researched mass killers, and she has said that "There are certainly a lot of people who have a lot of things wrong, and they're not committing mass murders. Even when you look at mental illnesses, most people with mental illnesses are not violent." So how could someone commit a mass shooting? Many psychologists have given their own thoughts as to why someone would fulfil such a deadly personal mission. For the most part, it would appear that many school shooters do what they do for their moment in the spotlight. In this day and age of modern technology, there's no doubt the killer's face will soon be on everybody's social media feeds and on the front of newspapers all over the globe. Others, however, may commit a mass shooting to make themselves seem powerful. This is common when the shooter has been a victim of bullying or abuse, as being the one with control over everybody else gives them a certain rush of adrenaline and feeling of dominance they may have never had had before. But sometimes, it seems, they are just lacking a moral compass. On September 11, 2014, the 'New York Daily News' published an Get more content on
  • 17. Argumentative Essay On Social Justice Oftentimes, the definition of social justice can be misinterpreted or misunderstood. The true definition of social justice is often structured by governmental implications but is the fair and proper administration of laws to each individual conforming to the natural law. Equality is supposed to be equally distributed amongst individuals nationally, but can sometimes be taken advantage of and be taken away from people who deserve it the most. Generally, those who view social justices as a right, also value people above profits. Social justice describes the concept of society where justice is achieved in every aspect of society, rather than just the administration of the law. Overall, social justice gives society the ability to have a voice of laws that may be broken but give a sufficient argument to be heard by the supreme court. Equality is a major issue that has been demanded by society for centuries. In Victor Fleming's film The Way of All Flesh, released in October of 1927, the story describes the life of Henrietta Lacks. Henrietta Lacks was an African American woman from Baltimore who eventually died of cervical cancer in 1951. Before she died some of her cancerous cells were taken without her permission and the cells have been reproducing in laboratories around the world ever since. The question is, does taking the cells of a woman who was eventually going to die break the laws of social justice, or was this a necessary action to take in hopes of eventually finding a Get more content on
  • 18. Argumentative Essay On Heaven And Hell Since its conception, humanity has attempted to answer the question, "Where do you go when you die?" Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, and even atheists have debated this issue for centuries. There is, however, a common theme among the various theories. It is the idea that, depending on your stature and good works, you will either be sent to a "good" place or a "bad" place. If you act in a way pleasing to the deity, or deities, there is a decent chance you will attain a favorable eternity. Displease them, however, and you are potentially confronted with the harsh reality of an eternity of punishment. Among the major religions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, however, it is commonly referred to as Heaven and Hell. A place of peace and godly dwelling contrasted with a place of pain and suffering. Moreover, these religions have countless quarrels amongst themselves specifically regarding Hell; especially Christianity. Heaven is perhaps a much less controversial topic; the idea of peace, perfection, and glorified bodies is hardly an unpleasant thought. The concept of eternal suffering, however, is becoming an increasingly contentious issue. As cultural preferences shift towards a more accepting and nondiscriminatory mindset, hell has become an increasingly less popular subject. While most religions have an underlying theme of a singular, fiery hell that is an eternity of pain and suffering, Christian interpretations can become far more intricate. Currently, there are a few Get more content on
  • 19. Argumentative Essay On Schizophrenia Schizophrenia Every year, many people around the world suffer from all sorts of mental illnesses. There are many different types of mental health disorders in this world. Mental disorders affect the way a person acts, think, and sees the world. Some are dangerous, cannot be helped, chronic and others could harm and affect your life. Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disease that expresses itself in terms of disturbances of thinking, perception and behavior. It is one of the most common serious mental conditions that cause a range of different psychological symptoms. 1 out of 100 people, regardless of race, sex, economic class or culture will fall a victim of this disease. (1) Schizophrenia strikes young men and women most often between the ages of 15 and 35.(2) Even though the exact cause of schizophrenia is still not known, it has different types more content... As it is known that schizophrenia, such as cancer or diabetes, is a disease that has a real biological basis. The researchers found several factors may have a role in the formation of schizophrenia. The first theory is Genes and environment. If one or more relative has schizophrenia, it can be increased more in their families. In addition, infection during development in the womb and serious infections during early childhood can be a cause to develop it. Also, many psychological and social agents will make the person getting schizophrenia such as stress, life environment, hard events or even a viral infection. Another theory is different brain chemistry and structure. Scientists think that an imbalance in the complex, interrelated chemical reactions of the brain involving the neurotransmitters dopamine and glutamate, and possibly others, plays a role in schizophrenia. (4) Moreover, some doctors used neuroimaging to look at the brains of the patients to see the brain structure if it has any odd thing such as some areas being too large or too Get more content on
  • 20. Hugo Bedau's Argue About The Death Penalty Should we execute murders? That is the debate that we have been struggling with when talk about the death penalty. A famous philosophy professor by the name of Hugo Adam Bedau has a distinct argument on this topic that he explains in his paper, How to Argue About the Death Penalty. He opposed the death penalty on solely moral principles and excludes the augments he believes are strictly factual. I will show that Bedau's case against the death penalty fails because his "facts" he excludes are morally sound arguments. Hugo Bedau argues that a society is not required "to invoke the death penalty for murder – unless one accepts lex talionis" that is his first premise and follows it by stating since it is not completely accepted, lex more content... I believe that the criminal loses all rights and their inputs are irrelevant. Murders, for example, take the rights away from their victims. The victims do not get a say in the final outcome. They believe that is okay to take the rights away from someone, so they must be okay with the idea of their right being compromised as well because they believe in it. You cannot act on something that you cannot be okay with it happening to yourself in a similar situation. So if murders are willing to compromise the rights of another human being, then they give up their own Get more content on