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Qualitative Research Evaluation Essay
Qualitative research seeks to answer the "why" and not the "how" of the research project that is
being conducted, this is done through a complex system of analyzing unstructured information such
as survey's , questionnaires, interviews, interview transcripts, open end survey's, focus groups,
observations, emails, notes, video's, feed back forms and photo's; most of the time a qualitative
report won't depend on statistical evidence alone it must be accompanied by detailed facts and
proven facts and not hypotheses or in accurate data, this can lead to misunderstanding of data
findings and can through the whole aim of the research project off and waste valuable time.
A qualitative research project is mainly more content...
According to (Bamberger, et, al, 2006) the purpose of the interview is to elicit information about and
from the stakeholders experience, perceptions, and meanings, this is critical in a qualitative research
project it helps to understand what is being asked of the stakeholder. Interview data also incorporates
the stakeholders personal perspective, and gives confirmation of the data through direct observation,
or from other stakeholders involved in the research project; by eliciting the input of observation data
this helps to confirm to the researcher the intent of the stakeholder, it also shows their behavior, and
their personal meaning. Documentary and artifactual data includes texts, photos, and other tangible
items from the site that they are being collected from, analyzed and reviewed. By reviewing the
documents artifacts and materials of a culture provides the researcher with an unobtrusive method of
gaining information and may offer other forms of information that's unavailable from any other data
source. According to (Bamberger, et, al, 2006) journals, artifacts, photo's and artwork may provide
information of occurrences that have happened before the evaluators arrival. As in all research
projects documents and artifacts include the perspective and the biases of their human creator,
therefore each item must be considered
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Essay on Types Of Research
Research is done everyday. Research is used in the many different situations managers encounter
everyday. Research is part of the problem–solving manager do to make decisions. Research is
defined as "the process of finding solutions to problem after thorough study and analysis of the
situational factor" (Sekaran, p3, 2003). Managers use research for daily operational problem as well
as bigger problems that can require hired research consultants. Managers who use research are able
to communicate with the hired consultants because they understand the process of inquiry,
investigation, examination, and explanation. Managers are also, capable of understanding the
difference in good and bad studies, and can apply the research done more content...
Applied research is "aimed at solving a currently experienced problem" (Sekaran, p10, 2003). This
research can be as simple as finding solutions to daily operational problems.
One problem managers consistently want research on is the relationship between customer
satisfaction and loyalty. The research found on the relationship of customer satisfaction and loyalty
spans over the past decade. Many researchers argue that there is no relationship between customer
satisfaction and loyalty while others find direct correlations between the two and a business's
profitability. In Roger Hadowell's study, he defines loyalty as both behavioral and attitude while
conducting his research on a banking organization. He states that behaviors including continuance,
increased relationship, and recommendations are all behaviors of loyalty to an organization
(Hadowell, 1996). His research illustrates the "relationship of profitability to customer related
outcomes that managers can influence directly" (Hadowell, 1996). His findings support the
hypothesis that customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty increasing profitability. Hadowell
addresses two difficulties that he encountered during his research. First, work with the organization
in order to develop the ideal measurement system used for the research. Secondly, focus on data
collected over a period of time with strong organizations (Hadowell, 1996).
In the White Page Series, researcher Burke
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Identify the most appropriate study design for the research proposal you are Planning to develop. A
study design is the procedure that guides a researcher on how to collect, analyze and interpret
observations. It is a logical model that guides the investigator while he navigates through the various
stages of the research. Study types can be classified severally depending on the research strategy
employed. A study type can be non–interventional that is 'observational' where a researcher just
observes and analyses researchable objects or situations without intervening. Non–interventional
study designs can be exploratory, descriptive or comparative. A study can also more
Having already identified the non–intervention study type as the most appropriate study type for my
research proposal, I will also employ the use of a descriptive study design to explore the current
patterns of policies and strategies concerning employee empowerment in Merchant Bank Ghana
Limited. 2. Describe the various data collection techniques and state their uses and limitations. Data
Collection is a vital aspect of any type of research study. Erroneous data collection can impact the
results of a study and ultimately lead to invalid results. Data collection methods for impact
evaluation vary along a scale. At the one end of this scale are quantitative methods and at the other
end of the scale are Qualitative methods for data collection. Choosing a particular data collection
method will depend on the accuracy of information they will yield and the practical considerations,
such as, the need for personnel, time, equipment and other facilities, in relation to what is available
Quantitative Collection Methods Quantitative data collection involves the use of numbers to assess
information. This information can then be evaluated using statistical analysis which offers
researchers the opportunity to dig deeper into the data and look for greater meaning. The
Quantitative data collection methods rely on random sampling and structured data collection
instruments that fit varied experiences
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Sampling Methods Essay
Sampling is the framework on which any form of research is carried out. A suitable sample that
meets the inclusion and exclusion criteria of a research design must be chosen from a given
population to carry out studies. In this essay comparison is made between stratified random
sampling and convenience sampling. The population on which the researcher is interested in
carrying out his or her research may be too large, therefore a suitable sample which can represent the
population in correct proportion must be chosen. Restraints such as limitation of time, resources and
many other factors necessitate the selection of a sample for research purpose so that better quality
data is obtained from it and that the researcher can make statement more content...
The methodological strength and weaknesses of this two sampling methods is discussed in terms of
identifying the samples for research, the representativeness it possesses to the general population, the
methods and the outcome. Stratified random sampling is a probability sampling where the selection
of sampling unit is left to a random process, all units in the sample has an equal and non–zero
chance of being selected on a probability ground or chance and not on the choice or judgement of
the researcher (Sim,J and Wright,C. 2000,). Convenience sampling is an example of non probability
sampling where the selection of the units is not by chance, rather it is dependent on the researcher's
judgement, the researcher decides the samples to be included in the study which may be subject to
availability, time, individual preferences etc. The probability of selection of a particular sampling
unit may or may not be known. Stratified random sampling is commonly done in quantitative
researches. When the samples reflect the characteristics of the target population in the same
proportion; assumptions can be made on generalizing the data acquired from these samples provided
it has been done correctly, since it is statistically representative (Sim,J and wright,C.,2000) but
sampling error
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Sample Methodology Essay
Chapter 3 3.0 Methodology This methodology section of the research report describes how the
study will be conducted and the methods used to collect and analyse the data. The overall aim of
this methodology section is to provide an overview on the methods employed so that a judgment
can be made as to how appropriate they are and how valid the data that has been generated is.
Throughout the methodology process, it is imperative to remember the question this research is
aiming to answer for: Has the Recession been a significant factor in bringing about change in the
recruitment process within the public sector? Introduction The recession has affected many HR
Processes and new strategies must be developed in order to adapt to more content...
Firstly, in interpretivism, there is no notion of a factual reality, but rather a situation that is created
and interpreted by people (Denscombe, 2002). This means that any research conducted into social
research will automatically shape the results found (Denscombe, 2002). Interpretivism has evolved
from studies trying to understand how people make sense of the world around them (Bryman,
2004). This research methodology engages in an Interpretivism approach so therefore to a major
extent rejects the basic assumptions made by positivism. A summary of the main differences
between positivism and interpretivism can be found in table 3.1 Positivism| Interpretivism| The
patterns and regularities in the social world exist independently of whether they are recognised by
people| Social reality is subjective| The research tools have no effect on the thing being observed|
Humans react to the knowledge that they are being studied| The researcher is expected to remain
impartial in order to obtain objective results| It is impossible to gain objective knowledge about
social phenomena| Table 3.1 Summary of Positivism versus Interpretivism (Denscombe, 2002) 1.2.5
Inductive versus Deductive Approachesпј€
еЅ’зєідёЋжј”з»Ћпј‰ The deduction approach begins
from the proposal of the theory and ends when the evidence is collected in order to prove the theory
either true or
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Research Methodology Report Sample
Chapter 1 – Introduction (Hakim) Chapter 2 – Literature Review (Wan) Chapter 3 – Research
Methodology (Hakim) Chapter 4 – Research Findings (Omar) Chapter 5 – Discussion (Hakim)
Chapter 6 – Conclusion (Faritz) BRM 2034 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Project
"Effectiveness of Online Learning" TRIMESTER 2, 2011/2012 NAME| ID| MAJOR| SECTION|
MUHAMMAD SHAFFRI BIN SHARUDDIN| 1061107742| more content...
This allows students to be exposed to knowledge that can't be learned in books and see how class
concepts are applied in real business situations. Online learning is being used widely in the current
world hence it makes an easy method for students to obtain education and knowledge. The
importance of this study is to know how the respondents are influenced by the factors of
effectiveness of online learning. (Coleman, 2007) After doing this study, hopefully there will be
some contributions that can be made in terms of the appliances of online learning. As an example,
the awareness factor in contributing the effectiveness in online learning can be widely exposed to
all students and even to the public. This is a kind of new exposure to those who don't really know
about the online learning system itself. In that way, the understanding of online learning can as well
be better and improved from time to time. In short, those factors are the medium of contributions in
doing this case study of the effectiveness of online learning. Chapter 2 : Literature Review 2.1
Review of Literature Online learning is a growing trend in today's education system. They are some
benefits adapting system in the education system. Online learning gives flexibility, easier
accessibility and become convenience for the user which is the student and academic staff. Learner
can access the materials in their own time and study at their own pace and place. Other than
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Essay on Research Methodology
3. Methodology: 3.1 Introduction: The study for this thesis will be exploratory research using
secondary data collected by the communication agency, MESH Planning. The agency developed an
innovative approach called 'real–time experience tracking', which involves three stages of data
collection. And both qualitative and quantitative data will be collected and used in this context in
order to get an insight of critical incidents. This section will start with a comparison of three
possible methodologies for data collection: ethnography, survey (or interview) and real time
experience tracking. And then sampling and data collection methods will be examined followed by
a description of data analysis. 3.2 Research approach more content...
They are much cheaper than ethnography with a greater effectiveness, however, all of these
interviews or surveys were based on the retrospective data, respondents answered the questions by
their memory and the issue may happened for a long time. There could be a great influence on the
quality of data since the ability of respondent to recall information differed from one to another and
some incorrect information often occurred (Baker, 2003). The third approach considered in this
study is the real–time experience tracking developed by MESH planning. This is an approach to
record 360–degree touchpoints of brand by respondents in real time. There are three stages of data
collection. The first stage uses the pre–online questionnaire to collect information about brand health
and relationship quality. The third stage uses the same questions to ask respondents' perception
after brand encounters in order to identify any change. While the second stage for data collection
is the most crucial process in the approach. Respondents are asked to send SMS message to report
any brand encounter via mobile phones. And the online diary also helped to expand these
experiences (Willis et al 2010). Meanwhile, for identifying the CIs, weekly questionnaire will be
sent to respondents about the CIs happened in the past week. The approach offers a holistic view to
track customer experience as well as identifying critical incidences. The real–time tracking approach
enabled to identify a
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English 101 Research Paper
English 101 might seem like an easy course to take for some students. For other students such as
myself, English 101 was one of the classes I feared and procrastinated on taking. Coming from an
ESL background, English was the class I have always struggled with the most. I've always excelled
in science/ mathematics courses. I prefer the correct answers to be facts and universal. Creativity is
not my forte. The process of putting your thoughts down on paper in an organized manner, with
correct punctuation, and citing works used, seemed like a complicated, tedious task before taking
English 101 this summer.
Taking a look back at my past writing assignments and drafts for each one, I can clearly see the
improvement in organization. My first draft for writing assignment 1 was basically one long
paragraph. I clearly remember Mr. Bogdaniec's advice on how to separate and create individual
paragraphs that only contain one topic or main idea. Also with his handouts on writing an
introductory paragraph and how to write the conclusion paragraph were extremely helpful in putting
together my first writing assignment in this class. I followed the steps on brainstorming and then
steps for creating a plot, and didn't feel overwhelmed and confused as I had anticipated. I followed more content...
Bogdaniecs teachings and instructions was punctuation, specifically commas. I was one of those
people under the wrong assumption that commas were placed whenever there was a pause in a
sentence or you are listing off multiple items, adjectives or verbs. Obviously I was wrong. In
writing assignment 2 I had a few mistakes where I forgot to use correct punctuation. After
reviewing Mr. Bogdanic remarks on assignment 2, I was able to go back and correct my
punctuation mistakes and get a 105 out of 100 points for my revision. I finally understood why we
use commas, and the importance of placing them in the correct location of a
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Example Of Search Strategy
Search strategy Three data bases were used to collect the data, namely, One Search, CINAHL and
ProQuest. These data bases were searched for the terms such as 'cardiac rehabilitation', 'quality of
life,' 'benefits', and 'CHD'. Inclusion criteria were qualitative articles, written in English and
published between the years of 2010 and 2017. Quantitative articles and articles written in
non–English languages are excluded from this study. Moreover, this study focused only on adults,
therefore the paediatric studies are also excluded from this study. After applying the inclusion and
exclusion strategy, 12 articles reported qualitative study regarding the topic and they are used in this
essay. Data analysis Braun and Clarke (2006) developed more content...
1.1a ExercisePhysical inactivity is one of the modifiable risk factor for the coronary heart diseases
(Devries et al, 2011), and therefore exercise is used as an integral component of the primary and
secondary prevention in reducing mortality and improving the quality of life. Upon reviewing the
literature, the author found that, patients' perspective about physical exercise differs widely. In their
study Holder et al (2015) found that, the increased awareness of the mortality after the cardiac event,
help the patients to change their outlook towards life and this further help them to realise the health
benefit of exercise. In addition to that, some of the patients claimed that, exercise helped to divert
their mind and thus helps them to cope with the condition (Holder et al, 2015). Moreover, the
current cardiac rehabilitation programme, made the patients aware of the health benefits of exercise
and, therefore they were motivated to continue the exercise (Hillsdon et al, 2013; Morken et al,
2013). Exercising in a safe environment, under the supervision of the trained staff increases the
confidence of patients in participating exercise (Morken et al, 2013). The study also found that, the
patient increases their self–confidence level in performing exercise, after seeing the health
improvements in the former cardiac patients (Morken et al, 2013). Furthermore, Back et al (2017)
carried a further study to evaluate
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Essay on Medical Research
Should medical research be continued when many couldn 't afford it?
Science has advanced by leaps and bounds over the years, with much of the results are achieved
through plenty of research and knowledge. One of the areas of research where we spend the most
funds on is medical research. With the rise of poverty and healthcare costs, complaints on expensive
medical research being a waste of funds have arose. The thoughts behind these complaints are that
the result of these researches benefit more to some parties–such as medical institutions for the profit
they might get, a country for its 'name ', and the researchers for their satisfaction– instead of the
public, and how massive amount of funding have been allocated for medical more
Preventative medicine is one of the most important discoveries in the history of medicine.
Diseases that were once common are now very rare because of this type of medicine, or normally
called 'vaccine '. For instance, the research into polio vaccines spent a significant amount of funds,
but it was a wonderful success. Additionally, the price for the vaccine is very reasonable, showing
that medical research doesn 't always result in expensive treatments. The medications for dengue
fever has found thanks to medical research. However, intensive experiments have found an
evidently cheaper and easily obtainable natural medication, which is papaya leaf juice. It is also
notable that along with the progression of the medical sector, healthcare costs and medicines for
many common illnesses are now cheaper than they were in the past. With new discoveries regarding
the substances used to make the medicines, less expensive substances are used and therefore making
them cheaper and more accessible.
It is also to be considered that if we disallow a research for continuing just because of expenditure
reason, we risk destroying its value entirely. For example, the research into cancer has gone for a
long period. It is a pity to stop it because that would mean destroying the value of ongoing multi–year
studies. Even though it is true that current research hasn 't resolved the issues of cancer and other
'currently incurable ' diseases, there is no
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Research Methods Essay
Quantitative and Qualitative are said to be systematic in different design. Both design have to follow
a process system that involved defining a principle of research.
General speaking, quantitative research is thought to be objective, however qualitative research
often involves a subjective element. There are differences designs in qualitative research in
comparison to quantitative research. Qualitative research involves words, pictures, or objects;
Quantitative involves data in the form of numbers and statistics.
However, the researcher uses in–depth interviews in qualitative research to find out how the subjects
view their world. In quantitative research the researcher uses precise measurement to predict
hypotheses. Whereas, more content...
Qualitative research is conducted in a natural setting and attempts to understand a human problem
by developing a holistic narrative and reporting detailed views of informants about the culture of a
problem. It forms a report with pictures and words. One of the most important distinctions that sets
qualitative research apart from more traditional types of research is that qualitative research is
holistic in that researchers study phenomena in their entirety rather than narrowing the focus to
specific defined variables" (p. 93). Similarly, Cresswell (1984) indicated that qualitative research
"is defined as an inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem, based on building a
holistic picture, formed with words, reporting detailed views of informants, and conducted in a
natural setting" (p. 2). Cresswell's definition clearly delineates the major characteristics of qualitative
research. Pg. 50 (Smith & Davis, 2010). Pg. 51 (Smith & Davis, 2010). "How do researchers
evaluate trustworthiness?" Guba and Lincoln (1994) proposed that trustworthiness could be judged
by the following criteria: conformability, dependability, credibility, and transferability.
For Example, Qualitative researchers use conformability, dependability, credibility, and
transferability to evaluate the trustworthiness of a qualitative research report. In order to prevent
researcher bias they can have other researchers point out
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Importance And Purpose Of Research Essay
Importance and purpose of research
Research is important to understand, increase knowledge, and get information for social life.
Social research is conducted to extend knowledge about some aspects of society like humanities,
business or any social science [asi]. Research is used to form or develop new theories in order to
understand the process behind particular event or behavior, or review the correctness of existing
theories. In addition, research is also conducted to inform decisions or action to solve everyday
issues such as evaluating the effectiveness of policy. [abr] and [brm] of the business research
emphasis on the importance of research as getting problem–solving information. Research is the
process of studying and analyzing the aspects of the issue as to explore the solution to the business.
The summaries of the core objectives of research are testing existing knowledge, developing new
system or generating new knowledge, seeking solution for issues, and analyzing new problems or
investigating existing problems [br].
Quantitative and Qualitative Paradigm
[br] a research paradigm is a philosophical perspective that guides how scientific research should be
conducted. Philosophy is 'a set or system of beliefs [stemming from] the study of the fundamental
nature of knowledge, reality, and existence' (Waite and Hawker, 2009, p.685).
[w1] The most influential or the dominant ones of philosophical framework are positivism and
interpretivism. During the twentieth
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Sample Research Proposal on Methodology
Sample Research Proposal on Methodology
Research Design
The study intends to investigate the perception of Hong Kong Shoppers regarding the service and
product satisfaction. Thus, this study will determine the complaint behavior of Hong Kong
shoppers. For this study, primary research and secondary research will be used. Moreover, the
descriptive research method will be utilized. In this method, it is possible that the study would be
cheap and quick. It could also suggest unanticipated hypotheses. Nonetheless, it would be very hard
to rule out alternative explanations and especially infer causations. Thus, this study will use the
descriptive approach. This descriptive type of research utilizes observations in the study. To illustrate more content...
First, the respondents shall fill out a self–administered questionnaire. Ideally, the respondents will
grade each statement in the survey–questionnaire using a Likert scale (Barnett, V. 1991), with a
five–response scale wherein respondents will be given five response choices.
The equivalent weights for the answers will be: Range Interpretation 4.50 – 5.00 Strongly Agree
3.50 – 4.49 Agree
2.50 – 3.49 Uncertain
1.50 – 2.49 Disagree
0.00 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree
The researcher opted to use the questionnaire as a tool since it is easy to construct having the rules
and principles of construction are easy to follow. Moreover, copies of the questionnaire could
reach a considerable number of respondents either by mail or by personal distribution. Generally,
responses to a questionnaire are objectified and standardized and these make tabulation easy. But
more importantly, the respondents' replies are of their own free will because there is no interviewer
to influence them. This is one way to avoid biases, particularly the interviewers' bias. The researcher
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Research Experience
I have proactively engaged in research activity throughout my undergraduate program. I had my first
research experience in Dr. B Anand's lab, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati, during my
second year. The aim of the project was to study the non–fluorescent beta–barrel structured proteins
and engineer its amino acid sequence to make them into fluorescent ones. Our approach was mainly
based upon the studies of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) from a jellyfish Aequorea victoria. Tools
like Python programming language, Gromacs, Ribosome, PROSS, and Pymol were used to study
the structural components of non–fluorescent proteins. I gained more content...
I was challenged with cloning ydeH gene into the pJT118 plasmids which are green light sensitive.
The ydeH gene produces a protein named diguanylate cyclase, which induces the production of
c–di–GMP in Rosetta strain. This project gave me an opportunity to participate and win silver at
International Bio–molecular design competition (BIOMOD) 2012 held at Wyss Institute, Harvard
University, USA. Most of the molecular genetic techniques were extensively used in my project.
During this internship, apart from gaining deeper technical experience, I realized that I could work
on a research problem with a certain degree of independence, figuring out right approaches and
proposing useful experiments. I acquired more confidence in my aptitude for research and it has
been boosted while working on my undergraduate projects.
As a part of my undergraduate thesis, I worked on a project 'Extraction and analysis of beauvericin,
a mycotoxin produced by Beauveria bassiana and its cytotoxic effects on the SF–21 (immortalized
pupal ovarian cells isolated from Spodoptera frugiperda) cell line' under the guidance of Dr.
Gurvinder Kaur Saini, IIT Guwahati. Beauvericin metabolite was extracted from the Beauveria
bassiana isolates UB17 and UB21, by using n–hexane extraction method and the presence of
beauvericin was analyzed and confirmed with High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and
Mass spectroscopy (MS). Cytotoxic
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Example Of A Research Paper
Example Two: Building teacher student relationships through expectations, respect, support and trust
to develop learning.
A relationship between teacher and students is a mutual connection built on expectations, respect,
support and trust. After getting acquainted, the challenge is to build a lasting teacher student
relationship to develop continuous learning, especially for Indigenous children. A teacher having high
expectations will serve to build relationships and improve learning outcomes for Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander students. "Indeed, Chris Sarra argues that it is the tide of low teacher
expectations that has held Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students back in the classroom. He
suggests that high academic expectations
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Career Research Essay
"I feel sorry for the person who can't get genuinely excited about his work. Not only will he never
be satisfied, but he will never achieve anything worthwhile" (Walter Chrysler). Deciding on what
one wants to be in life can prove to be a demanding task. There are so many, yet limited, different
opportunities in the world to have an excellent career and make a decent living while doing
something one loves. It is limited because there are only a few specific career paths that someone
could take to make good money. It is very difficult to make a fulfilling living being a garbage man.
There are many different opportunities because, within these specific careers, there are usually
various paths to take. Someone who has dreams to be more content...
I am also interested in both design and math and as I was researching a job that incorporated these
two skills I came across civil engineering. Right now I have to decide which job path would be the
best one to take, counseling or civil engineering. Through the research shown below, I received an
overwhelming amount of information on every little detail of these jobs. Psychology "Few
fields of study offer more career opportunities than does psychology" (Sternburg 3). There are a
wide selection of specialties a person could go into with a bachelor's degree in psychology. In
graduate school, which is a must to attend, there is the option to explore the different specialities
or to go into the desired specialty without any research of the others. There are also many options
within a specific specialty. There is the option to be a teacher, to work for various organizations,
be a speaker, to have your own practice, and many others. In the psychology field these options
can all be combined. In fact it is expected of psychologists to do more activities involving their
specialty than solely sit in an office and listen to patients. There are two specialities that I am
interested in however, over the years, these specialties have become very similar. Clinical and
counseling psychology have evolved to become one in the same. Someone who specializes in
clinical psychology are more
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Methodology of Research Essay examples
Methodology of Research
The method that I will be using to research my area of sociology will be a
structured questionnaire, it will be structured so that the candidates stick to the
questions that they are asked and do not write about irrelevant matters. I will first of
all produce a pilot questionnaire and send it round to a test group of people, and
hopefully see whether or not I am able to obtain the relevant information that I need
for my research with the questions that I have asked my targeted group of people. If
the questionnaire provides me with my needed information, I will the produce more
and send them out to a larger sample of people and obtain more content...
Also using a questionnaire is a quick way to
obtain information and can cover a wide area of matters with just a few questions,
whereas if I had used an interview as my method it would of taken a much longer
amount of time and I might of not been able to get the answers that I needed out of
my candidates. Another bonus of using a questionnaire, would be that once I have
received all of the information I will be able to put my findings into the relevant
tables, and then I will be able to compare my findings to the secondary data that I
have gathered with and will be able to do this with ease.
Because I am establishing the role of women within working class households and the
effect that their roles have had on their families way of life. I need to be able to define
what I class as a working class household; which in my view is a family with either a
mum or a dad or both that goes out to work and then comes home to look after that
home and the family. Therefore I have asked questions to determine who in the
household goes out to work and the sort of jobs that they do around the home. By
asking these questions I feel that I will be able to differentiate between upper, lower
and middle class households and therefore gather the information that I
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Essay about Sampling
Carrying out a survey of every single potential consumer (known as population) of a firm's product
would be impractical, time–consuming and costly. Businesses still, however, need to collect
enough primary data to have a clear idea of the views of consumers. This can be done by taking a
sample of the population. This sample group should be made up of consumers that are
representative of all potential buyers of the product. There are a number of ways in which a sample
can be chosen.
Random Sampling
This method gives each member of a group an equal chance of being chosen. In other words, the
sample is selected at random, rather like picking numbers out of a hat. Today computers
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So, if the business was interested in how 'class' affected consumers' demand for a food product, it
might divide the population up into different class groups, such as working class males, middle
class females etc. A random sample could then be chosen from each of these groups by making
sure that they were the same proportions of the sample in each category as in population as a
whole. So if the population had 10 per cent upper class males, so would the sample.
Quota Sampling
This sampling method involves the population being segmented into a number of groups which
share specific characteristics. These may be based on the age and the sex of the population.
Interviewers are then given targets for the number of people out of each segment who they must
interview. For example, and interviewer may be asked to interview 10 males between the ages of
18 and 25, or 15 females between the ages of 45 and 60. Once the target is reached, no more people
from that group are interviewed. The advantage of this sampling method is that it can be cheaper to
operate than many of the others. It is also useful where the proportions of the different groups within
the population are known. However, results from quota sampling are not statistically representative
of the population and are not randomly chosen. They must therefore be treated with caution.
Cluster Sampling
This involves
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Research Critique Essay example
Table of contents Page Quantitative Article Critique of Nursing Research1 Problem Statement
/Purpose1 Literature Review2 Limitations of the Study2 Hypothesis/Research Question3
Operational Definitions/Definition of Terms4 Research Design5 Setting, Population and Sample5
Data Collection Methods/Instruments6 Data Analysis, Findings, Implications, & Recommendations
7 References8 Quantitative Article Critique of Nursing Research The article selected for review in
this investigation is entitled "Perioperative outcomes of coronary artery bypass grafting: Effects of
metabolic syndrome and patient's sex." more content...
The presence of acute coronary syndrome in some patients served to increase lipid output, making it
difficult to clearly determine lipid disorders in some patients. This is an issue of concern because
high lipid levels are a hallmark for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. Hypothesis/Research
Question A careful review of the information provided by the authors demonstrates that a definitive
hypothesis or research question is not directly stated in the investigation. Rather, at the conclusion of
the introduction/literature review, the authors note that "For these reasons, this study was conducted
to examine the incidence of metabolic syndrome in CABG patients and to determine if metabolic
syndrome and/or the patient's sex affect clinical outcomes in the perioperative setting" (p. 469).
Based on the direction of the literature review and previous studies reviewed by the authors, the
reader can imply that the research questions seek to determine the impact of CABG on patients with
metabolic syndrome and the hypothesis is that gender will have some impact on the specific
outcomes which result for patients in this particular group. Operational Definitions/Definition of
Terms Operational definitions used in the study include: metabolic syndrome, coronary artery bypass
graft surgery and gender. Data for the investigation was reviewed by patient gender–i.e. male or
female. In addition, all patients included in the study had undergone coronary
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Sample Research Essay

  • 1. Qualitative Research Evaluation Essay EVALUATION DATA RESEARCH Qualitative research seeks to answer the "why" and not the "how" of the research project that is being conducted, this is done through a complex system of analyzing unstructured information such as survey's , questionnaires, interviews, interview transcripts, open end survey's, focus groups, observations, emails, notes, video's, feed back forms and photo's; most of the time a qualitative report won't depend on statistical evidence alone it must be accompanied by detailed facts and proven facts and not hypotheses or in accurate data, this can lead to misunderstanding of data findings and can through the whole aim of the research project off and waste valuable time. A qualitative research project is mainly more content... According to (Bamberger, et, al, 2006) the purpose of the interview is to elicit information about and from the stakeholders experience, perceptions, and meanings, this is critical in a qualitative research project it helps to understand what is being asked of the stakeholder. Interview data also incorporates the stakeholders personal perspective, and gives confirmation of the data through direct observation, or from other stakeholders involved in the research project; by eliciting the input of observation data this helps to confirm to the researcher the intent of the stakeholder, it also shows their behavior, and their personal meaning. Documentary and artifactual data includes texts, photos, and other tangible items from the site that they are being collected from, analyzed and reviewed. By reviewing the documents artifacts and materials of a culture provides the researcher with an unobtrusive method of gaining information and may offer other forms of information that's unavailable from any other data source. According to (Bamberger, et, al, 2006) journals, artifacts, photo's and artwork may provide information of occurrences that have happened before the evaluators arrival. As in all research projects documents and artifacts include the perspective and the biases of their human creator, therefore each item must be considered Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Types Of Research Research is done everyday. Research is used in the many different situations managers encounter everyday. Research is part of the problem–solving manager do to make decisions. Research is defined as "the process of finding solutions to problem after thorough study and analysis of the situational factor" (Sekaran, p3, 2003). Managers use research for daily operational problem as well as bigger problems that can require hired research consultants. Managers who use research are able to communicate with the hired consultants because they understand the process of inquiry, investigation, examination, and explanation. Managers are also, capable of understanding the difference in good and bad studies, and can apply the research done more content... Applied research is "aimed at solving a currently experienced problem" (Sekaran, p10, 2003). This research can be as simple as finding solutions to daily operational problems. One problem managers consistently want research on is the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. The research found on the relationship of customer satisfaction and loyalty spans over the past decade. Many researchers argue that there is no relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty while others find direct correlations between the two and a business's profitability. In Roger Hadowell's study, he defines loyalty as both behavioral and attitude while conducting his research on a banking organization. He states that behaviors including continuance, increased relationship, and recommendations are all behaviors of loyalty to an organization (Hadowell, 1996). His research illustrates the "relationship of profitability to customer related outcomes that managers can influence directly" (Hadowell, 1996). His findings support the hypothesis that customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty increasing profitability. Hadowell addresses two difficulties that he encountered during his research. First, work with the organization in order to develop the ideal measurement system used for the research. Secondly, focus on data collected over a period of time with strong organizations (Hadowell, 1996). In the White Page Series, researcher Burke Get more content on
  • 3. Mba MBA TAKE HOME ESSAY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON RESEARCH METHODS 1. Identify the most appropriate study design for the research proposal you are Planning to develop. A study design is the procedure that guides a researcher on how to collect, analyze and interpret observations. It is a logical model that guides the investigator while he navigates through the various stages of the research. Study types can be classified severally depending on the research strategy employed. A study type can be non–interventional that is 'observational' where a researcher just observes and analyses researchable objects or situations without intervening. Non–interventional study designs can be exploratory, descriptive or comparative. A study can also more content... Having already identified the non–intervention study type as the most appropriate study type for my research proposal, I will also employ the use of a descriptive study design to explore the current patterns of policies and strategies concerning employee empowerment in Merchant Bank Ghana Limited. 2. Describe the various data collection techniques and state their uses and limitations. Data Collection is a vital aspect of any type of research study. Erroneous data collection can impact the results of a study and ultimately lead to invalid results. Data collection methods for impact evaluation vary along a scale. At the one end of this scale are quantitative methods and at the other end of the scale are Qualitative methods for data collection. Choosing a particular data collection method will depend on the accuracy of information they will yield and the practical considerations, such as, the need for personnel, time, equipment and other facilities, in relation to what is available Quantitative Collection Methods Quantitative data collection involves the use of numbers to assess information. This information can then be evaluated using statistical analysis which offers researchers the opportunity to dig deeper into the data and look for greater meaning. The Quantitative data collection methods rely on random sampling and structured data collection instruments that fit varied experiences Get more content on
  • 4. Sampling Methods Essay Sampling is the framework on which any form of research is carried out. A suitable sample that meets the inclusion and exclusion criteria of a research design must be chosen from a given population to carry out studies. In this essay comparison is made between stratified random sampling and convenience sampling. The population on which the researcher is interested in carrying out his or her research may be too large, therefore a suitable sample which can represent the population in correct proportion must be chosen. Restraints such as limitation of time, resources and many other factors necessitate the selection of a sample for research purpose so that better quality data is obtained from it and that the researcher can make statement more content... The methodological strength and weaknesses of this two sampling methods is discussed in terms of identifying the samples for research, the representativeness it possesses to the general population, the methods and the outcome. Stratified random sampling is a probability sampling where the selection of sampling unit is left to a random process, all units in the sample has an equal and non–zero chance of being selected on a probability ground or chance and not on the choice or judgement of the researcher (Sim,J and Wright,C. 2000,). Convenience sampling is an example of non probability sampling where the selection of the units is not by chance, rather it is dependent on the researcher's judgement, the researcher decides the samples to be included in the study which may be subject to availability, time, individual preferences etc. The probability of selection of a particular sampling unit may or may not be known. Stratified random sampling is commonly done in quantitative researches. When the samples reflect the characteristics of the target population in the same proportion; assumptions can be made on generalizing the data acquired from these samples provided it has been done correctly, since it is statistically representative (Sim,J and wright,C.,2000) but sampling error Get more content on
  • 5. Sample Methodology Essay Chapter 3 3.0 Methodology This methodology section of the research report describes how the study will be conducted and the methods used to collect and analyse the data. The overall aim of this methodology section is to provide an overview on the methods employed so that a judgment can be made as to how appropriate they are and how valid the data that has been generated is. Throughout the methodology process, it is imperative to remember the question this research is aiming to answer for: Has the Recession been a significant factor in bringing about change in the recruitment process within the public sector? Introduction The recession has affected many HR Processes and new strategies must be developed in order to adapt to more content... Firstly, in interpretivism, there is no notion of a factual reality, but rather a situation that is created and interpreted by people (Denscombe, 2002). This means that any research conducted into social research will automatically shape the results found (Denscombe, 2002). Interpretivism has evolved from studies trying to understand how people make sense of the world around them (Bryman, 2004). This research methodology engages in an Interpretivism approach so therefore to a major extent rejects the basic assumptions made by positivism. A summary of the main differences between positivism and interpretivism can be found in table 3.1 Positivism| Interpretivism| The patterns and regularities in the social world exist independently of whether they are recognised by people| Social reality is subjective| The research tools have no effect on the thing being observed| Humans react to the knowledge that they are being studied| The researcher is expected to remain impartial in order to obtain objective results| It is impossible to gain objective knowledge about social phenomena| Table 3.1 Summary of Positivism versus Interpretivism (Denscombe, 2002) 1.2.5 Inductive versus Deductive Approachesпј€ еЅ’зєідёЋжј”з»Ћпј‰ The deduction approach begins from the proposal of the theory and ends when the evidence is collected in order to prove the theory either true or Get more content on
  • 6. Research Methodology Report Sample Chapter 1 – Introduction (Hakim) Chapter 2 – Literature Review (Wan) Chapter 3 – Research Methodology (Hakim) Chapter 4 – Research Findings (Omar) Chapter 5 – Discussion (Hakim) Chapter 6 – Conclusion (Faritz) BRM 2034 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Project "Effectiveness of Online Learning" TRIMESTER 2, 2011/2012 NAME| ID| MAJOR| SECTION| MOHAMAD AFFIF BIN MOHD AZMI| 1091100343| FINANCE| BC272 (D)| MOHD ALIFF SYAHMI BIN SUHAIMI| 1101108767| MANAGEMENT| | IZZAT AZRAIN BIN MOHAMAD SALAHUDDIN| 1091100139| MARKETING| | NUR ZAHRAH FARIDA BINTI RUSLAN| 1101109776| MANAGEMENT| | NURUL BAIZURA BINTI AYUB| 1091105139| FINANCE| | MUHAMMAD SHAFFRI BIN SHARUDDIN| 1061107742| more content... This allows students to be exposed to knowledge that can't be learned in books and see how class concepts are applied in real business situations. Online learning is being used widely in the current world hence it makes an easy method for students to obtain education and knowledge. The importance of this study is to know how the respondents are influenced by the factors of effectiveness of online learning. (Coleman, 2007) After doing this study, hopefully there will be some contributions that can be made in terms of the appliances of online learning. As an example, the awareness factor in contributing the effectiveness in online learning can be widely exposed to all students and even to the public. This is a kind of new exposure to those who don't really know about the online learning system itself. In that way, the understanding of online learning can as well be better and improved from time to time. In short, those factors are the medium of contributions in doing this case study of the effectiveness of online learning. Chapter 2 : Literature Review 2.1 Review of Literature Online learning is a growing trend in today's education system. They are some benefits adapting system in the education system. Online learning gives flexibility, easier accessibility and become convenience for the user which is the student and academic staff. Learner can access the materials in their own time and study at their own pace and place. Other than Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Research Methodology 3. Methodology: 3.1 Introduction: The study for this thesis will be exploratory research using secondary data collected by the communication agency, MESH Planning. The agency developed an innovative approach called 'real–time experience tracking', which involves three stages of data collection. And both qualitative and quantitative data will be collected and used in this context in order to get an insight of critical incidents. This section will start with a comparison of three possible methodologies for data collection: ethnography, survey (or interview) and real time experience tracking. And then sampling and data collection methods will be examined followed by a description of data analysis. 3.2 Research approach more content... They are much cheaper than ethnography with a greater effectiveness, however, all of these interviews or surveys were based on the retrospective data, respondents answered the questions by their memory and the issue may happened for a long time. There could be a great influence on the quality of data since the ability of respondent to recall information differed from one to another and some incorrect information often occurred (Baker, 2003). The third approach considered in this study is the real–time experience tracking developed by MESH planning. This is an approach to record 360–degree touchpoints of brand by respondents in real time. There are three stages of data collection. The first stage uses the pre–online questionnaire to collect information about brand health and relationship quality. The third stage uses the same questions to ask respondents' perception after brand encounters in order to identify any change. While the second stage for data collection is the most crucial process in the approach. Respondents are asked to send SMS message to report any brand encounter via mobile phones. And the online diary also helped to expand these experiences (Willis et al 2010). Meanwhile, for identifying the CIs, weekly questionnaire will be sent to respondents about the CIs happened in the past week. The approach offers a holistic view to track customer experience as well as identifying critical incidences. The real–time tracking approach enabled to identify a Get more content on
  • 8. English 101 Research Paper English 101 might seem like an easy course to take for some students. For other students such as myself, English 101 was one of the classes I feared and procrastinated on taking. Coming from an ESL background, English was the class I have always struggled with the most. I've always excelled in science/ mathematics courses. I prefer the correct answers to be facts and universal. Creativity is not my forte. The process of putting your thoughts down on paper in an organized manner, with correct punctuation, and citing works used, seemed like a complicated, tedious task before taking English 101 this summer. Taking a look back at my past writing assignments and drafts for each one, I can clearly see the improvement in organization. My first draft for writing assignment 1 was basically one long paragraph. I clearly remember Mr. Bogdaniec's advice on how to separate and create individual paragraphs that only contain one topic or main idea. Also with his handouts on writing an introductory paragraph and how to write the conclusion paragraph were extremely helpful in putting together my first writing assignment in this class. I followed the steps on brainstorming and then steps for creating a plot, and didn't feel overwhelmed and confused as I had anticipated. I followed more content... Bogdaniecs teachings and instructions was punctuation, specifically commas. I was one of those people under the wrong assumption that commas were placed whenever there was a pause in a sentence or you are listing off multiple items, adjectives or verbs. Obviously I was wrong. In writing assignment 2 I had a few mistakes where I forgot to use correct punctuation. After reviewing Mr. Bogdanic remarks on assignment 2, I was able to go back and correct my punctuation mistakes and get a 105 out of 100 points for my revision. I finally understood why we use commas, and the importance of placing them in the correct location of a Get more content on
  • 9. Example Of Search Strategy Search strategy Three data bases were used to collect the data, namely, One Search, CINAHL and ProQuest. These data bases were searched for the terms such as 'cardiac rehabilitation', 'quality of life,' 'benefits', and 'CHD'. Inclusion criteria were qualitative articles, written in English and published between the years of 2010 and 2017. Quantitative articles and articles written in non–English languages are excluded from this study. Moreover, this study focused only on adults, therefore the paediatric studies are also excluded from this study. After applying the inclusion and exclusion strategy, 12 articles reported qualitative study regarding the topic and they are used in this essay. Data analysis Braun and Clarke (2006) developed more content... 1.1a ExercisePhysical inactivity is one of the modifiable risk factor for the coronary heart diseases (Devries et al, 2011), and therefore exercise is used as an integral component of the primary and secondary prevention in reducing mortality and improving the quality of life. Upon reviewing the literature, the author found that, patients' perspective about physical exercise differs widely. In their study Holder et al (2015) found that, the increased awareness of the mortality after the cardiac event, help the patients to change their outlook towards life and this further help them to realise the health benefit of exercise. In addition to that, some of the patients claimed that, exercise helped to divert their mind and thus helps them to cope with the condition (Holder et al, 2015). Moreover, the current cardiac rehabilitation programme, made the patients aware of the health benefits of exercise and, therefore they were motivated to continue the exercise (Hillsdon et al, 2013; Morken et al, 2013). Exercising in a safe environment, under the supervision of the trained staff increases the confidence of patients in participating exercise (Morken et al, 2013). The study also found that, the patient increases their self–confidence level in performing exercise, after seeing the health improvements in the former cardiac patients (Morken et al, 2013). Furthermore, Back et al (2017) carried a further study to evaluate Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Medical Research Should medical research be continued when many couldn 't afford it? Science has advanced by leaps and bounds over the years, with much of the results are achieved through plenty of research and knowledge. One of the areas of research where we spend the most funds on is medical research. With the rise of poverty and healthcare costs, complaints on expensive medical research being a waste of funds have arose. The thoughts behind these complaints are that the result of these researches benefit more to some parties–such as medical institutions for the profit they might get, a country for its 'name ', and the researchers for their satisfaction– instead of the public, and how massive amount of funding have been allocated for medical more content... Preventative medicine is one of the most important discoveries in the history of medicine. Diseases that were once common are now very rare because of this type of medicine, or normally called 'vaccine '. For instance, the research into polio vaccines spent a significant amount of funds, but it was a wonderful success. Additionally, the price for the vaccine is very reasonable, showing that medical research doesn 't always result in expensive treatments. The medications for dengue fever has found thanks to medical research. However, intensive experiments have found an evidently cheaper and easily obtainable natural medication, which is papaya leaf juice. It is also notable that along with the progression of the medical sector, healthcare costs and medicines for many common illnesses are now cheaper than they were in the past. With new discoveries regarding the substances used to make the medicines, less expensive substances are used and therefore making them cheaper and more accessible. It is also to be considered that if we disallow a research for continuing just because of expenditure reason, we risk destroying its value entirely. For example, the research into cancer has gone for a long period. It is a pity to stop it because that would mean destroying the value of ongoing multi–year studies. Even though it is true that current research hasn 't resolved the issues of cancer and other 'currently incurable ' diseases, there is no Get more content on
  • 11. Research Methods Essay Quantitative and Qualitative are said to be systematic in different design. Both design have to follow a process system that involved defining a principle of research. General speaking, quantitative research is thought to be objective, however qualitative research often involves a subjective element. There are differences designs in qualitative research in comparison to quantitative research. Qualitative research involves words, pictures, or objects; Quantitative involves data in the form of numbers and statistics. However, the researcher uses in–depth interviews in qualitative research to find out how the subjects view their world. In quantitative research the researcher uses precise measurement to predict hypotheses. Whereas, more content... Qualitative research is conducted in a natural setting and attempts to understand a human problem by developing a holistic narrative and reporting detailed views of informants about the culture of a problem. It forms a report with pictures and words. One of the most important distinctions that sets qualitative research apart from more traditional types of research is that qualitative research is holistic in that researchers study phenomena in their entirety rather than narrowing the focus to specific defined variables" (p. 93). Similarly, Cresswell (1984) indicated that qualitative research "is defined as an inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem, based on building a holistic picture, formed with words, reporting detailed views of informants, and conducted in a natural setting" (p. 2). Cresswell's definition clearly delineates the major characteristics of qualitative research. Pg. 50 (Smith & Davis, 2010). Pg. 51 (Smith & Davis, 2010). "How do researchers evaluate trustworthiness?" Guba and Lincoln (1994) proposed that trustworthiness could be judged by the following criteria: conformability, dependability, credibility, and transferability. For Example, Qualitative researchers use conformability, dependability, credibility, and transferability to evaluate the trustworthiness of a qualitative research report. In order to prevent researcher bias they can have other researchers point out Get more content on
  • 12. Importance And Purpose Of Research Essay Importance and purpose of research Research is important to understand, increase knowledge, and get information for social life. Social research is conducted to extend knowledge about some aspects of society like humanities, business or any social science [asi]. Research is used to form or develop new theories in order to understand the process behind particular event or behavior, or review the correctness of existing theories. In addition, research is also conducted to inform decisions or action to solve everyday issues such as evaluating the effectiveness of policy. [abr] and [brm] of the business research emphasis on the importance of research as getting problem–solving information. Research is the process of studying and analyzing the aspects of the issue as to explore the solution to the business. The summaries of the core objectives of research are testing existing knowledge, developing new system or generating new knowledge, seeking solution for issues, and analyzing new problems or investigating existing problems [br]. Quantitative and Qualitative Paradigm [br] a research paradigm is a philosophical perspective that guides how scientific research should be conducted. Philosophy is 'a set or system of beliefs [stemming from] the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence' (Waite and Hawker, 2009, p.685). [w1] The most influential or the dominant ones of philosophical framework are positivism and interpretivism. During the twentieth Get more content on
  • 13. Sample Research Proposal on Methodology Sample Research Proposal on Methodology Research Design The study intends to investigate the perception of Hong Kong Shoppers regarding the service and product satisfaction. Thus, this study will determine the complaint behavior of Hong Kong shoppers. For this study, primary research and secondary research will be used. Moreover, the descriptive research method will be utilized. In this method, it is possible that the study would be cheap and quick. It could also suggest unanticipated hypotheses. Nonetheless, it would be very hard to rule out alternative explanations and especially infer causations. Thus, this study will use the descriptive approach. This descriptive type of research utilizes observations in the study. To illustrate more content... Measurement First, the respondents shall fill out a self–administered questionnaire. Ideally, the respondents will grade each statement in the survey–questionnaire using a Likert scale (Barnett, V. 1991), with a five–response scale wherein respondents will be given five response choices. The equivalent weights for the answers will be: Range Interpretation 4.50 – 5.00 Strongly Agree 3.50 – 4.49 Agree 2.50 – 3.49 Uncertain 1.50 – 2.49 Disagree 0.00 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree The researcher opted to use the questionnaire as a tool since it is easy to construct having the rules and principles of construction are easy to follow. Moreover, copies of the questionnaire could reach a considerable number of respondents either by mail or by personal distribution. Generally, responses to a questionnaire are objectified and standardized and these make tabulation easy. But more importantly, the respondents' replies are of their own free will because there is no interviewer to influence them. This is one way to avoid biases, particularly the interviewers' bias. The researcher will Get more content on
  • 14. Research Experience I have proactively engaged in research activity throughout my undergraduate program. I had my first research experience in Dr. B Anand's lab, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati, during my second year. The aim of the project was to study the non–fluorescent beta–barrel structured proteins and engineer its amino acid sequence to make them into fluorescent ones. Our approach was mainly based upon the studies of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) from a jellyfish Aequorea victoria. Tools like Python programming language, Gromacs, Ribosome, PROSS, and Pymol were used to study the structural components of non–fluorescent proteins. I gained more content... I was challenged with cloning ydeH gene into the pJT118 plasmids which are green light sensitive. The ydeH gene produces a protein named diguanylate cyclase, which induces the production of c–di–GMP in Rosetta strain. This project gave me an opportunity to participate and win silver at International Bio–molecular design competition (BIOMOD) 2012 held at Wyss Institute, Harvard University, USA. Most of the molecular genetic techniques were extensively used in my project. During this internship, apart from gaining deeper technical experience, I realized that I could work on a research problem with a certain degree of independence, figuring out right approaches and proposing useful experiments. I acquired more confidence in my aptitude for research and it has been boosted while working on my undergraduate projects. As a part of my undergraduate thesis, I worked on a project 'Extraction and analysis of beauvericin, a mycotoxin produced by Beauveria bassiana and its cytotoxic effects on the SF–21 (immortalized pupal ovarian cells isolated from Spodoptera frugiperda) cell line' under the guidance of Dr. Gurvinder Kaur Saini, IIT Guwahati. Beauvericin metabolite was extracted from the Beauveria bassiana isolates UB17 and UB21, by using n–hexane extraction method and the presence of beauvericin was analyzed and confirmed with High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Mass spectroscopy (MS). Cytotoxic Get more content on
  • 15. Example Of A Research Paper Example Two: Building teacher student relationships through expectations, respect, support and trust to develop learning. A relationship between teacher and students is a mutual connection built on expectations, respect, support and trust. After getting acquainted, the challenge is to build a lasting teacher student relationship to develop continuous learning, especially for Indigenous children. A teacher having high expectations will serve to build relationships and improve learning outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. "Indeed, Chris Sarra argues that it is the tide of low teacher expectations that has held Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students back in the classroom. He suggests that high academic expectations Get more content on
  • 16. Career Research Essay "I feel sorry for the person who can't get genuinely excited about his work. Not only will he never be satisfied, but he will never achieve anything worthwhile" (Walter Chrysler). Deciding on what one wants to be in life can prove to be a demanding task. There are so many, yet limited, different opportunities in the world to have an excellent career and make a decent living while doing something one loves. It is limited because there are only a few specific career paths that someone could take to make good money. It is very difficult to make a fulfilling living being a garbage man. There are many different opportunities because, within these specific careers, there are usually various paths to take. Someone who has dreams to be more content... I am also interested in both design and math and as I was researching a job that incorporated these two skills I came across civil engineering. Right now I have to decide which job path would be the best one to take, counseling or civil engineering. Through the research shown below, I received an overwhelming amount of information on every little detail of these jobs. Psychology "Few fields of study offer more career opportunities than does psychology" (Sternburg 3). There are a wide selection of specialties a person could go into with a bachelor's degree in psychology. In graduate school, which is a must to attend, there is the option to explore the different specialities or to go into the desired specialty without any research of the others. There are also many options within a specific specialty. There is the option to be a teacher, to work for various organizations, be a speaker, to have your own practice, and many others. In the psychology field these options can all be combined. In fact it is expected of psychologists to do more activities involving their specialty than solely sit in an office and listen to patients. There are two specialities that I am interested in however, over the years, these specialties have become very similar. Clinical and counseling psychology have evolved to become one in the same. Someone who specializes in clinical psychology are more Get more content on
  • 17. Methodology of Research Essay examples Methodology of Research The method that I will be using to research my area of sociology will be a structured questionnaire, it will be structured so that the candidates stick to the questions that they are asked and do not write about irrelevant matters. I will first of all produce a pilot questionnaire and send it round to a test group of people, and hopefully see whether or not I am able to obtain the relevant information that I need for my research with the questions that I have asked my targeted group of people. If the questionnaire provides me with my needed information, I will the produce more and send them out to a larger sample of people and obtain more content... Also using a questionnaire is a quick way to obtain information and can cover a wide area of matters with just a few questions, whereas if I had used an interview as my method it would of taken a much longer amount of time and I might of not been able to get the answers that I needed out of my candidates. Another bonus of using a questionnaire, would be that once I have received all of the information I will be able to put my findings into the relevant tables, and then I will be able to compare my findings to the secondary data that I have gathered with and will be able to do this with ease. Because I am establishing the role of women within working class households and the effect that their roles have had on their families way of life. I need to be able to define what I class as a working class household; which in my view is a family with either a mum or a dad or both that goes out to work and then comes home to look after that
  • 18. home and the family. Therefore I have asked questions to determine who in the household goes out to work and the sort of jobs that they do around the home. By asking these questions I feel that I will be able to differentiate between upper, lower and middle class households and therefore gather the information that I Get more content on
  • 19. Essay about Sampling Sampling Carrying out a survey of every single potential consumer (known as population) of a firm's product would be impractical, time–consuming and costly. Businesses still, however, need to collect enough primary data to have a clear idea of the views of consumers. This can be done by taking a sample of the population. This sample group should be made up of consumers that are representative of all potential buyers of the product. There are a number of ways in which a sample can be chosen. Random Sampling This method gives each member of a group an equal chance of being chosen. In other words, the sample is selected at random, rather like picking numbers out of a hat. Today computers more content... So, if the business was interested in how 'class' affected consumers' demand for a food product, it might divide the population up into different class groups, such as working class males, middle class females etc. A random sample could then be chosen from each of these groups by making sure that they were the same proportions of the sample in each category as in population as a whole. So if the population had 10 per cent upper class males, so would the sample. Quota Sampling This sampling method involves the population being segmented into a number of groups which share specific characteristics. These may be based on the age and the sex of the population. Interviewers are then given targets for the number of people out of each segment who they must interview. For example, and interviewer may be asked to interview 10 males between the ages of 18 and 25, or 15 females between the ages of 45 and 60. Once the target is reached, no more people from that group are interviewed. The advantage of this sampling method is that it can be cheaper to operate than many of the others. It is also useful where the proportions of the different groups within the population are known. However, results from quota sampling are not statistically representative of the population and are not randomly chosen. They must therefore be treated with caution. Cluster Sampling This involves Get more content on
  • 20. Research Critique Essay example Table of contents Page Quantitative Article Critique of Nursing Research1 Problem Statement /Purpose1 Literature Review2 Limitations of the Study2 Hypothesis/Research Question3 Operational Definitions/Definition of Terms4 Research Design5 Setting, Population and Sample5 Data Collection Methods/Instruments6 Data Analysis, Findings, Implications, & Recommendations 7 References8 Quantitative Article Critique of Nursing Research The article selected for review in this investigation is entitled "Perioperative outcomes of coronary artery bypass grafting: Effects of metabolic syndrome and patient's sex." more content... The presence of acute coronary syndrome in some patients served to increase lipid output, making it difficult to clearly determine lipid disorders in some patients. This is an issue of concern because high lipid levels are a hallmark for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. Hypothesis/Research Question A careful review of the information provided by the authors demonstrates that a definitive hypothesis or research question is not directly stated in the investigation. Rather, at the conclusion of the introduction/literature review, the authors note that "For these reasons, this study was conducted to examine the incidence of metabolic syndrome in CABG patients and to determine if metabolic syndrome and/or the patient's sex affect clinical outcomes in the perioperative setting" (p. 469). Based on the direction of the literature review and previous studies reviewed by the authors, the reader can imply that the research questions seek to determine the impact of CABG on patients with metabolic syndrome and the hypothesis is that gender will have some impact on the specific outcomes which result for patients in this particular group. Operational Definitions/Definition of Terms Operational definitions used in the study include: metabolic syndrome, coronary artery bypass graft surgery and gender. Data for the investigation was reviewed by patient gender–i.e. male or female. In addition, all patients included in the study had undergone coronary Get more content on