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Dialectical Behavior Therapy ( Dbt ) Essay
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is an innovative and contemporary approach to treatment for clients that display
behaviors associated with the diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) (Andreasson, Krogh, Wenneberg, Jessen, Krakauer, Gluud &
Nordentoft, 2016). DBT was created by Marsha Linehan at the University of Washington, where she studied emotionally vulnerable individuals who
were diagnosed with BPD (Burke & Stepp, 2012) Individuals living with BPD have often been labeled as difficult and challenging to treat. Linehan
study has revealed that this may be due to the environmental circumstances in which these vulnerable individuals grew up in, which she would later
refer to as an "Invalidating Environment" (Andreasson et al., 2016 p. 522) People living with BPD make up 2ā€“3% of the United States population
with 70% engaging in selfā€“injurious behaviors. A client selfā€“injurious behavior may stem from the inability to regulate their emotions, which leads to
harmful and destructive behaviors (Andreasson et al., 2016). Dialectical viewpoints derive from elements of Cognitive Behavior Theory (CBT) where a
person's thoughts, feelings and actions are examined to strengthen their ability to handle stressful situations without losing control or acting out
destructively (O 'Connell & Dowling, 2014). DBT helps individuals to understand their environment and the biological factors that cause them to
experience volatile and harmful
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The Great Gatsby Dialectical Journal Essay
Passage 1: "He felt good that it was mostly a pleasant memory of a woman whom he hardly knew, and of himself as a person remembered... A
slight pang of course... he was able to see that this was mostly a pang for his present aloneness. 'Listen, if I go down the drain, and I think I will, I
don't want to be tubed or resuscitated or anything. It's not worth it'" (Lam, 292). Analysis: This quote proves to be controversial when in discussion
on Fitzgerald's reasoning behind not wanting to be treated as he dies. On one side, it can be said Fitzgerald would not want to carry a burden that
others may be infected by SARS because they worked on himā€“ a hopeless cause in his own eyes. However, he may not be as heroic as he seems.
Fitzgerald is going through withdrawal, as he constantly used alcohol to escape the sadness and sting of rejection he felt. Fitzgerald is very lonely and
may be depressed, indicating that perhaps even with more content...
They will pull us over and I will show them my Dr. Chen badge.... I will shrug and say 'you know how it is, officers. Hospitalā€“ the emergency
department. They need me.' The cop will wave me on ...they will bust the pickup truck instead... Go on little man. I'm above this sort of thing" (312).
Analysis: An underlying theme of doctors and those working alongside to help and wrongfully protect each other from the law has constantly been
developed through the story and this is just another example. Dr. Chen sees himself as superior to those around him, hoping that his position will get
him out of trouble to avoid punishment, while the truck driver will be charged. This builds on Chen's ego and he feels invincible from legal
punishmentsā€“ which he very well may be. This provokes thoughts surrounding how police officers may work with biasā€“ and abuse their power and
titles for their own benefit. Passage 3: "You remember Sri's funeral? Pancreatic cancer... did you know that Sri once made eggs Benedict for a patient?"
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Example Of The Hegelian Dialectic
1 Hegelian Dialectic: a step by step guide to controlling an outcome.
A dialectical (Divided) method of argument by 19th Century German philosopher, G.W.F. Hegel. It is a method Comprised of Thesis, antithesis, and
The Hegelian Dialectic. A process where the contradiction between theThesis and Antithesis resolves to a higher level of truth, the synthesis. Also
knows as the Problem, Reaction, Solution.
Its getting to the truth by exchange of logical arguments. When manipulating this method a person or group of people are swayed to chose a desired
outcome. Understanding is the first step to controlling. This formulaic trick moves groups of people. It is how we get many major changes in our
One guy lights his shoe on fire; now everyone removes their shoes at the airport.
One guy lights his underwear on fire; most everyone gets body scanned. (Opting out is purposefully inconvenient )
Presenting the extreme cases govern the majority. It is why the defense against a critical thinker is often grouping them with a exaggerated caricature.
"Do you Hate America?" This polar opposite takes the spotlight off the subject of debate.
When you question claims in the mainstream. You are a "Science Denier". But, as when science said trans fat are good, later found untrue. Scientist
were actually paid to blame Saturated fat over the real poison, sugar. A truth that took 50 years to get straitened out. Some people exaustedly arguing
with science. And now, the food manufacturers given 3 years to get that proven harmful chemical out of our food. Meanwhile it is still contributing to
bad health. And cause more pain an suffering than terrorism in our country.
Staying with food. You can find many other examples with Aspertame, Fluoride, BPA's, and HFC's to name a few. But many will question your
skepticism against the FDA. Why group drugs with food anyway?
How calling CNN "fake news" takes away from actual falsities in the media. Fake news referred to news reports that are exaggerated or completely
false. (Search Pallywood, Charles Jaco, David Cole or Media Fakery.) Very challenging subjects to discuss with most people. As if the questioning
itself is a threat to the story.
This is how control ramps
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The Great Gatsby Dialectical Journal Essay
1."Henri the painter was not French and his name was not Henri" ( 134) Šæā€šĀ§This misbranding is a constant theme in the novel a whole. A lot of things
are mentioned as this but not that, like in the intro to this novel. Steinbeck mentions "Inhabitants are, as the man once said, 'whores ,pimps, gamblers,
and son of bitches,' by which he meant Everybody. also then going onto saying that " has the man looked through another peephole he might have
said, 'saints and angles and martyrs and holy men,". It all matters how you look at things, which pair of glasses are being used while reading can give
you a different story. Like Henri's name, some might think it is French but he was not. 2."About his painting there is some question. you couldn't judge more content...
I think this serves as a distraction to what the community doesn't have, and have. The community knows that are the best and they only have the
canneries to strive for. The community has no pride for the business of the canneries. The canneries have a bad repetition. This is what the people
have to deal with also. The Ritz distracts them for a moment with those special/guest people and takes their cares away. 7."He wore a beret long
after other people abandoned them" (135) Šæā€šĀ§Cannery Row seems to do things that are not done anymore, especially in 2015. The town currently
is far different then how Steinbeck describes. The town has strived (finally) from the book . Also Monterey CA is one of the most expensive part
of CA. 8."definitely felt the need for a toilet" (136) Šæā€šĀ§The need for a toilet constantly sits in the background of this book. Steinbeck brings a lot of
sophomoric humor in the books. It starts even in the intro about the canneries. It takes a while to get due to how little the hint to the joke is. The joke
is a s follows. "The deepā€“laden boats pull in against the coast where the canneries dip their tails into the bay. The figure is advisedly chosen, for if the
canneries dipped their mouth into the bay the canner sardines which emerge from the other end." This slightly suggesting that what the canneries
produce is poop and we eat poop. That hard to tell from the descriptive language Steinbeck uses and this is how it is
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What Is Dialectical Theory On Practice
The law of dialectics and the metaphysical outlook of the world each possess contrasting principles regarding the theory of practice and the importance
of contradiction. The two philosophies are similar in that each provides an explanation for the development of things and ideas in society however the
specifications of each philosophy differ greatly. Additionally, the dialectical theory of knowledge is relatable to the work ethic of a
researcherā€“inā€“training. Mao Tseā€“Tung describes those who support the metaphysical worldview as "vulgar evolutionist" who view things as
"...isolated, static, and oneā€“sided" ("On Contradiction", 25). Metaphysicians study the abstract concepts of being, knowing, and identity and believe
things in the universe more content...
A key aspect of dialectical materialism is practicality, the emphasis on how knowledge is dependent on the theory of practice and the exposure to
direct and indirect experience (4). An individual who trains and specializes in microbiological research would find the dialectical stages of cognition
highly applicable to his or her field of study compared to a metaphysical approach. Mao Tseā€“Tung states in his essay "On Practice", "if you want to
know a certain must personally participate in the practical struggle to change reality...for only thus can you come into contact with them
as a phenomena" (8). In relation to research, a microbiologist is unable to know the effectiveness of an antibiotic without physically testing the
antibiotic's susceptibility or resistance on a specific strain of bacteria. The first stage of cognition is the "perceptual stage" in which one has contact
with objects of the external world before drawing logical conclusions (11). During this stage, the microbiologist designs an experiment, follows a
protocol to test antibiotic resistance, and records the results of the experiment. The second stage of cognition is known as "conception, judgment, and
inference" in which one synthesizes data from the perceptual stage and reconstructs the data into concepts and theories. The microbiologist finalizes
his or her experimental results and confirms whether or not an antibiotic was effective in killing the bacteria. Likewise to the significance of direct
experience such as experimental lab work, prior indirect experience such as reading past articles on effective antibiotic research is equally as
important; an individual's knowledge consists of both indirect and direct experiences of practice since "there can be no knowledge apart from
practice" (9). In the event research projects were treated as
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The Great Gatsby Dialectical Journal
ItŠ’Ņ‘s been a long time since I cooked for you in that fancy kitchen of yours. As much as I miss the Soap King himself, I think we both know I wonŠ’Ņ‘t
be back there for a while. I know it must be exciting, living the Belfortā€“esque eccentric life and being flooded with more money than you know what to
with, but you must make it a point to not be dependent on it. Freedom is the embodiment of the humanistic need for selfā€“actualization, and as hard as it
is to believe, there was a time when Š’Šfreedom used to be lifeŠ’Š (Hansberry 55), not money. ItŠ’Ņ‘s managed to corrupt my own son Walter, who
Š’Štalk[s] so much Š’Ņ‘bout moneyŠ’Š instead of worrying about his pregnant wife (Hansberry 54). IŠ’Ņ‘m telling you this now after watching your most
recent interview where
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Dialectical Journal Analysis
CHAPTER ONE The attacks always occurred randomly. Across wildflower meadows and over grassy hillsides, the train's passengers traveled in plush
compartments. With feathers in their hats, they dined and laughed with honesty at shared jokes. The trip from the trade ports had been pleasant for
mostly everyone, everyone other than Mr. and Mrs. Hughes that is. Their journey was long and riddled with arguments about ridiculous things.
Nevertheless, their quarreling is of no real importance. It should be noted that if either one of them had known what was to happen next, neither one of
them would have given a single care about the allegedly ugly and disproportionate statute of a wood nymph Mr. Hughes had won at auction the other
day. The more content...
The homesteads were sparse in these parts, and Devon's home was about as remote as it could be. His parents had always assured him that living in
the countryside was the good life, and that they preferred the quietness to the bright lights and rackets of town centers and cities. But lately Devon had
become obsessed with the idea of leaving the village for the excitement of the capital. When not on excavations, his father often spent time working in a
research facility in Tridentport. And when he was home, he told stories, thus planting seeds of
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Examples Of Dialectical Journal
I believe that at the end of chapter 1 in the book we are meant to feel that Cole is a very mean person. Also that he thinks he is better than everyone
and he is superior, the evidence to show this is on page 4 when it states "Still standing on the dock in front of everyone, Cole smirked as he
undressed." This piece of evidence shows that cole thinks he is better than the people because he is smirking as he undresses in front of them.
Another piece of evidence to show that cole thinks he is better than everyone is on page 5 and it says "Nothing could be farther from the truth. To
cole this was another big game." This clearly is showing that cole thinks he is better than everyone he takes everything as a game he doesn't really
realize what is
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Dialectical Behavior Study
Affect Intensity/Reactivity is a stable individual differences in regards to the intensity of an individual's responsiveness. In other words, some
individuals consistently experience their emotions with greater intensity than others, which elicits the need of an stimulus intensity moderator. This
idea is supported by the Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) of Linehan, 1993), which suggests that in order to modulate the intensity of emotional
stimuli, the brain tend to react with stronger or more intense emotional reactions. Other individuals are much less emotionally reactive to the same
levels of emotionā€“provoking stimulation. Subsequently, SIMT can be used to explain why individuals who engage in selfā€“harm have been reported to
possess emotional
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Dialectical Journal Sample
Ramona you're one of my senior nurses and you're a respected preceptor for new staff. I do see you as a valued member of the team and I can
understand after 17 years of nursing, the burn out that you're feeling. This in turn is affecting your work and also causing you to miss work and be
late. It's important to address your burn out emotions, so you can continue being a valued preceptor to the newer staff. I am giving you a copy of
this article Overcoming Burnout: How to Revitalize Your Career, which I would like you to read and I believe will help you deal with burn out.
Some highlights from this article I would like to discuss with you now is that, according to Espeland (2006) "if not identified and addressed, burnout
can spread like a cancer
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Dialectical Tension Examples
In Relationships that we deal with everyday there are dialectical tensions and issues that arise. These tensions can greatly effect a relationship whether
it be with a romantic partner, friend or family. In this paper, I will define, discuss and give examples of three dialectical Tensions; describe how they
have impacted relationships in my life and how I've managed these tensions with management strategies. The three Tension I will discuss are
'autonomy vs. connectedness', 'novelty vs. predictability', and 'openness vs. closedness'. The four managing strategies for these dialectical tensions are:
selection, separation, neutralization, and reframing. The personal relationship in which I will use personal examples in this paper will be my best
friend and I and the tensions that more content...
A way in which this is easily recognizable which way your relationship is between autonomy and connectedness, Is whether the other person is
saying 'I' or is saying 'we'. This tension happens often in romantic relationships when one person wants to be with the other all the time, while the
other feels 'suffocated' and has a need for individuality. "Thus, too much integration comes with the loss of autonomy and individuality, whereas
extreme separation limits connection and can threaten the relationship."(Sahlstein, E., & Dun, T. 2008, p.37). Therefore either Autonomy or
connectedness in a relationship, too much of one or the either can issues emerge. A personal example of an experience that I've had is with my best
friend and I. When we were in high school we both graduated early in December, I went to a community college to get some credits before
transferring to a four year college, whereas he just took a break from everything. Every day when I got off of school we would hang out and do stuff.
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Dialectical tensions are important to practice and understand in order to maintain healthy relationships. There are three that are the most useful in my
everyday life. They are autonomy verses connection, novelty verses predictability, and openness verses protection. I also use the three strategies of
cyclic alternation, segmentation, and disqualifying to ease the dialectical tensions in life. I think it is important to know how to understand and work
through these dialectical tensions in order to maintain healthy relationships. Autonomy verses connection is the struggle of wanting to be independent
and the desire to be connected with others. For example, I enjoy staying at college but my mother wants me to stay at home and drive more
However, sometimes I want to do other activities with Noel. For example, we might go to the club one night instead of doing schoolwork.
Openness verses protection is defined as our conflicting desires to be open and vulnerable, revealing personal information to our family, and to be
strategic and protective in our communication. For example, I am open with my mother about everything until it comes to talking about religion.
She is very religious and would be devastated if I told her that I did not believe in God anymore. I use the strategy of disqualifying. The dialectical
tension strategy of disqualifying operates by exempting certain issues from the general pattern. I talk to her about everything else in my life, but I
refuse to discuss my religious views with her. In another context, I enjoy telling my family about my day and my plans for the future. I like to open
up to my family about most things, but I enjoy having my own private thoughts. My sister Tonya is very open about telling the rest of the family about
her romantic life with her husband. However, I keep my romantic life private because it embarrasses me to
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Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Essay
Description of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a comprehensive cognitiveā€“behavioral treatment developed by
Marsha M. Linehan for the treatment of complex, difficultā€“toā€“treat mental disorders. Originally, DBT was developed to treat individuals diagnosed
with borderline personality disorder (BPD; Carsonā€“Wong, Rizvi, & Steffel, 2013; Scheel, 2000). However, DBT has evolved into a treatment for
multiā€“disordered individuals with BPD. In addition, DBT has been adapted for the treatment of other behavioral disorders involving emotional
dysregulation, for example, substance abuse, binge eating, and for settings, such as inpatient and partial hospitalization. Dimeff and Linehan (2001)
described five more content...
These senses of invalidation from the therapist often cause clients to withdraw from therapy, or attack the therapist. Secondly, it was extremely
difficult for clinicians to teach and strengthen new skills at the same time as they are targeting and treating the client's motivation to die and suicidal
behaviors that appeared in the previous week. Finally, therapist may be reinforced for iatrogenic treatment, where they reward clients for ineffective
treatment strategies and punish them for effective treatment strategies. To address these difficulties, Linehan developed several modifications which
formed the basis of DBT. (Dimeff & Linehan, Dialectical behavior therapy in a nutshell, 2001) DBT is designed to treat clients at all levels of
severity and complexity of disorders. A growing body of empirical studies has examined DBT. DBT has been the subject of the most study and is the
most widely used (Carsonā€“Wong, Rizvi, & Steffel, 2013). In one study, Axelrod, et al. (2011) adapted DBT to treat pre
ā€“adolescent children who were
engaging in nonsuicidal self harming behaviors. The goal of this study was to adapt DBT skills to accommodate the developmental level of younger
children. The results of the study provided promising evidence for the use of DBT for children with severe suicidal and nonsuicidal behaviors. At the
end of the study, there was a significant increase in adaptive coping skills and a significant decrease in depressive
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Great Gatsby Dialectical Journal
I despise everything about waking up in the morning.
I somewhat feel as if I am a miserable slave, imprisoned by my own dreadful reality.
And I can only temporarily escape it by dreaming when I sleep.
In my dreams, I am actually loved; I am appreciated by people; I am accepted for being what I am; I can live how I wish to.
Everything changes upon waking up.
My blankets are slightly damp from sweating, due to covering myself with excessive blankets. Sure, I would break the habit if
I could, but my comfort had always been one my top priorities.
Lights always hurt my eyes to an unbearable extent. I cannot stand it when my mom or dad turns on my light when they enter my room. I always squint
my eyes shut as tight as I can, and cover
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Dialectical Tensions: A Case Study
According to Adler, Rolls, & Proctor (2017) Dialectical Tensions is defined as when conflicts exists between two opposing or incompatible forces
exists simultaneously. The incompatible goals I seek between my parents is openess versus privacy. I wanted to be more open to my parents ever
since I was young but then they are so strict and very conservative that there was a point that I choose to keep things from them. It was only when I
was old and mature enough that I understood that being open and having somethings kept private is one way for my parents to lighten up and give me
their trust. That goes the same for me, using the segmentation strategy works really well as I was able to filter out what I need to share or communicate
with my parents.
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Example Of A Dialectical Journal
Hey Eddie, Thank you the Mā€“1 Marvels for allowing me to be apart of the huddle this week! We learned from huddle notes different processes rolling
out for ORM repair set aside funds, MyQL assistance for nonā€“clients, personal loans, etc. I also had the chance to meet our newest Marvels, Laura and
Jackie, and it was a true pleasure. Regarding evals, we should have everyone at 4 by Monday, July 20! If you need anything from me, just give me a
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9/11 Dialectical Journal
Eleven: A Messenger of Hope In late May during the wee hours of the morning a rapid knock at the door woke Anna from another horrible
nightmare. She sat straight swimming in her bed, crying, and drowning in the torrent of blankets. Suddenly there was a second knock, but before
she could completely rub the sleep from her eyes the door was opened and in stepped a very thin, tall stranger with soft curly dark brown hair and
golden eyes hidden behind spectacles. "Hello I'm Joseph," he said and coughed, "I'm sorry I am a little under the weather." So you must be Willy," he
smiled and walked over and shook his hand, "It nice to meet you. And you must be Anna the pleasure is all mine." Anna supposed he was thoughtful.
He seemed to have a quiet, more content...
The basement was their home. Every day they got up early and made their bed. Around six o'clock Miss Margot would come in breathless and in a
hurry with their breakfast which usually consisted of warm tasty porridge. And now and then in the afternoon she would burst through the door
holding flowers and cookies and smelling fresh like the outdoors. She would stay for a moment or two and chat about with the children about the
wonderful weather or her garden. The children would show her the pictures that they had drawn and ask her questions about their mother. Which she
could never answer, but she would try. On the other hand, at first Joseph, who was new to basement living often, spent his days quietly pacing. Anna
noticed that at times he appeared to have silent remorseful secrets in his eyes and a tortured soul. But as time passed, he too accepted his fate and
began amusing himself by talking. He would talk about anything and everything, including the occasional whiff of Miss Margot's perfume which
Joseph said, "reminds me of a day when I had walked into my house and found that it was warm and cozy and smelt like sweet vanilla and pine
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Dialectical Journal Essay
Paragraph 1 tone : He seems nervous about this trip He says ,"We've all been up since midnight, starting our predive checks after a couple of
restless hours of sleep, and the whole team is running on adrenaline. These are the roughest conditions I've dived in so far on the expedition" The
way he says that they've been up the whole night doing checks without sleep and how this is one of the roughest conditions he has dived in so far just
gives the sense of nervousness if he will make the challenge. Paragraph 4: Reviseā€“ "But right now I feel surprisingly calm" My body is tightly
snugged,comfortably within the bright green sub and my breath is calmly,steady. Paragraph 6: It's meant to show to times in history he is traveling that
depth more content...
He loses function of the arms and door, with the only thing working is the camera. Paragraph 24: impression of the dive & how does he do it? He
says it's an accomplishment that he came and discovered the bottom of the ocean. It's like another world being discovered except that there is
nothing that lives in it like the other seafloors he has visited. Cameron does it by describing his feelings, "But I have the inescapable feeling that
I've dived beyond the limits of life itself. And with that comes an awe, a sense of the great privilege of being here, of bearing witness to a
primordial world." Compare tone of final paragraph to intro paragraph and use examples He seems nervous about this trip He says ,"We've all
been up since midnight, starting our predive checks after a couple of restless hours of sleep, and the whole team is running on adrenaline. These
are the roughest conditions I've dived in so far on the expedition" The way he says that they've been up the whole night doing checks without sleep
and how this is one of the roughest conditions he has dived in so far just gives the sense of nervousness if he will make the challenge. In the last
paragraph he is relieved and happy he made the mission to Mariana's Trench and says, "A feeling of relief washes over me as the numbers get
progressively lower. I'm on my way back to the world of sunlight and air, and Suzy's sweet
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Explanation Of Dialectical Therapy
In this paper, I will be discussing Dialectical Behavior Therapy. This will include an explanation of what is dialectical behavior therapy, the origins of
dialectical behavior therapy, the history and development of the therapy, the components dialectical behavior therapy, the common applications of the
therapy and examples of use in the clinical setting. This paper will explain why dialectical behavior therapy is an effective treatment modality for many
disorders, including mental health and substance use and in which instances dialectical behavior therapy is not an effective treatment choice.
Explanation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy The term "dialectical" describes the concept that two opposing ideas can be true at the same time. The
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Dialectical Behavior Therapy ( Dbt ) Essay

  • 1. Dialectical Behavior Therapy ( Dbt ) Essay Dialectical Behavior Therapy Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is an innovative and contemporary approach to treatment for clients that display behaviors associated with the diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) (Andreasson, Krogh, Wenneberg, Jessen, Krakauer, Gluud & Nordentoft, 2016). DBT was created by Marsha Linehan at the University of Washington, where she studied emotionally vulnerable individuals who were diagnosed with BPD (Burke & Stepp, 2012) Individuals living with BPD have often been labeled as difficult and challenging to treat. Linehan study has revealed that this may be due to the environmental circumstances in which these vulnerable individuals grew up in, which she would later refer to as an "Invalidating Environment" (Andreasson et al., 2016 p. 522) People living with BPD make up 2ā€“3% of the United States population with 70% engaging in selfā€“injurious behaviors. A client selfā€“injurious behavior may stem from the inability to regulate their emotions, which leads to harmful and destructive behaviors (Andreasson et al., 2016). Dialectical viewpoints derive from elements of Cognitive Behavior Theory (CBT) where a person's thoughts, feelings and actions are examined to strengthen their ability to handle stressful situations without losing control or acting out destructively (O 'Connell & Dowling, 2014). DBT helps individuals to understand their environment and the biological factors that cause them to experience volatile and harmful Get more content on
  • 2. The Great Gatsby Dialectical Journal Essay Passage 1: "He felt good that it was mostly a pleasant memory of a woman whom he hardly knew, and of himself as a person remembered... A slight pang of course... he was able to see that this was mostly a pang for his present aloneness. 'Listen, if I go down the drain, and I think I will, I don't want to be tubed or resuscitated or anything. It's not worth it'" (Lam, 292). Analysis: This quote proves to be controversial when in discussion on Fitzgerald's reasoning behind not wanting to be treated as he dies. On one side, it can be said Fitzgerald would not want to carry a burden that others may be infected by SARS because they worked on himā€“ a hopeless cause in his own eyes. However, he may not be as heroic as he seems. Fitzgerald is going through withdrawal, as he constantly used alcohol to escape the sadness and sting of rejection he felt. Fitzgerald is very lonely and may be depressed, indicating that perhaps even with more content... They will pull us over and I will show them my Dr. Chen badge.... I will shrug and say 'you know how it is, officers. Hospitalā€“ the emergency department. They need me.' The cop will wave me on ...they will bust the pickup truck instead... Go on little man. I'm above this sort of thing" (312). Analysis: An underlying theme of doctors and those working alongside to help and wrongfully protect each other from the law has constantly been developed through the story and this is just another example. Dr. Chen sees himself as superior to those around him, hoping that his position will get him out of trouble to avoid punishment, while the truck driver will be charged. This builds on Chen's ego and he feels invincible from legal punishmentsā€“ which he very well may be. This provokes thoughts surrounding how police officers may work with biasā€“ and abuse their power and titles for their own benefit. Passage 3: "You remember Sri's funeral? Pancreatic cancer... did you know that Sri once made eggs Benedict for a patient?" Get more content on
  • 3. Example Of The Hegelian Dialectic 1 Hegelian Dialectic: a step by step guide to controlling an outcome. A dialectical (Divided) method of argument by 19th Century German philosopher, G.W.F. Hegel. It is a method Comprised of Thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. The Hegelian Dialectic. A process where the contradiction between theThesis and Antithesis resolves to a higher level of truth, the synthesis. Also knows as the Problem, Reaction, Solution. Its getting to the truth by exchange of logical arguments. When manipulating this method a person or group of people are swayed to chose a desired outcome. Understanding is the first step to controlling. This formulaic trick moves groups of people. It is how we get many major changes in our society. One guy lights his shoe on fire; now everyone removes their shoes at the airport. One guy lights his underwear on fire; most everyone gets body scanned. (Opting out is purposefully inconvenient ) Presenting the extreme cases govern the majority. It is why the defense against a critical thinker is often grouping them with a exaggerated caricature. "Do you Hate America?" This polar opposite takes the spotlight off the subject of debate. When you question claims in the mainstream. You are a "Science Denier". But, as when science said trans fat are good, later found untrue. Scientist were actually paid to blame Saturated fat over the real poison, sugar. A truth that took 50 years to get straitened out. Some people exaustedly arguing with science. And now, the food manufacturers given 3 years to get that proven harmful chemical out of our food. Meanwhile it is still contributing to bad health. And cause more pain an suffering than terrorism in our country. Staying with food. You can find many other examples with Aspertame, Fluoride, BPA's, and HFC's to name a few. But many will question your skepticism against the FDA. Why group drugs with food anyway? How calling CNN "fake news" takes away from actual falsities in the media. Fake news referred to news reports that are exaggerated or completely
  • 4. false. (Search Pallywood, Charles Jaco, David Cole or Media Fakery.) Very challenging subjects to discuss with most people. As if the questioning itself is a threat to the story. This is how control ramps Get more content on
  • 5. The Great Gatsby Dialectical Journal Essay 1."Henri the painter was not French and his name was not Henri" ( 134) Šæā€šĀ§This misbranding is a constant theme in the novel a whole. A lot of things are mentioned as this but not that, like in the intro to this novel. Steinbeck mentions "Inhabitants are, as the man once said, 'whores ,pimps, gamblers, and son of bitches,' by which he meant Everybody. also then going onto saying that " has the man looked through another peephole he might have said, 'saints and angles and martyrs and holy men,". It all matters how you look at things, which pair of glasses are being used while reading can give you a different story. Like Henri's name, some might think it is French but he was not. 2."About his painting there is some question. you couldn't judge more content... I think this serves as a distraction to what the community doesn't have, and have. The community knows that are the best and they only have the canneries to strive for. The community has no pride for the business of the canneries. The canneries have a bad repetition. This is what the people have to deal with also. The Ritz distracts them for a moment with those special/guest people and takes their cares away. 7."He wore a beret long after other people abandoned them" (135) Šæā€šĀ§Cannery Row seems to do things that are not done anymore, especially in 2015. The town currently is far different then how Steinbeck describes. The town has strived (finally) from the book . Also Monterey CA is one of the most expensive part of CA. 8."definitely felt the need for a toilet" (136) Šæā€šĀ§The need for a toilet constantly sits in the background of this book. Steinbeck brings a lot of sophomoric humor in the books. It starts even in the intro about the canneries. It takes a while to get due to how little the hint to the joke is. The joke is a s follows. "The deepā€“laden boats pull in against the coast where the canneries dip their tails into the bay. The figure is advisedly chosen, for if the canneries dipped their mouth into the bay the canner sardines which emerge from the other end." This slightly suggesting that what the canneries produce is poop and we eat poop. That hard to tell from the descriptive language Steinbeck uses and this is how it is Get more content on
  • 6. What Is Dialectical Theory On Practice The law of dialectics and the metaphysical outlook of the world each possess contrasting principles regarding the theory of practice and the importance of contradiction. The two philosophies are similar in that each provides an explanation for the development of things and ideas in society however the specifications of each philosophy differ greatly. Additionally, the dialectical theory of knowledge is relatable to the work ethic of a researcherā€“inā€“training. Mao Tseā€“Tung describes those who support the metaphysical worldview as "vulgar evolutionist" who view things as "...isolated, static, and oneā€“sided" ("On Contradiction", 25). Metaphysicians study the abstract concepts of being, knowing, and identity and believe things in the universe more content... A key aspect of dialectical materialism is practicality, the emphasis on how knowledge is dependent on the theory of practice and the exposure to direct and indirect experience (4). An individual who trains and specializes in microbiological research would find the dialectical stages of cognition highly applicable to his or her field of study compared to a metaphysical approach. Mao Tseā€“Tung states in his essay "On Practice", "if you want to know a certain must personally participate in the practical struggle to change reality...for only thus can you come into contact with them as a phenomena" (8). In relation to research, a microbiologist is unable to know the effectiveness of an antibiotic without physically testing the antibiotic's susceptibility or resistance on a specific strain of bacteria. The first stage of cognition is the "perceptual stage" in which one has contact with objects of the external world before drawing logical conclusions (11). During this stage, the microbiologist designs an experiment, follows a protocol to test antibiotic resistance, and records the results of the experiment. The second stage of cognition is known as "conception, judgment, and inference" in which one synthesizes data from the perceptual stage and reconstructs the data into concepts and theories. The microbiologist finalizes his or her experimental results and confirms whether or not an antibiotic was effective in killing the bacteria. Likewise to the significance of direct experience such as experimental lab work, prior indirect experience such as reading past articles on effective antibiotic research is equally as important; an individual's knowledge consists of both indirect and direct experiences of practice since "there can be no knowledge apart from practice" (9). In the event research projects were treated as Get more content on
  • 7. The Great Gatsby Dialectical Journal ItŠ’Ņ‘s been a long time since I cooked for you in that fancy kitchen of yours. As much as I miss the Soap King himself, I think we both know I wonŠ’Ņ‘t be back there for a while. I know it must be exciting, living the Belfortā€“esque eccentric life and being flooded with more money than you know what to with, but you must make it a point to not be dependent on it. Freedom is the embodiment of the humanistic need for selfā€“actualization, and as hard as it is to believe, there was a time when Š’Šfreedom used to be lifeŠ’Š (Hansberry 55), not money. ItŠ’Ņ‘s managed to corrupt my own son Walter, who Š’Štalk[s] so much Š’Ņ‘bout moneyŠ’Š instead of worrying about his pregnant wife (Hansberry 54). IŠ’Ņ‘m telling you this now after watching your most recent interview where Get more content on
  • 8. Dialectical Journal Analysis CHAPTER ONE The attacks always occurred randomly. Across wildflower meadows and over grassy hillsides, the train's passengers traveled in plush compartments. With feathers in their hats, they dined and laughed with honesty at shared jokes. The trip from the trade ports had been pleasant for mostly everyone, everyone other than Mr. and Mrs. Hughes that is. Their journey was long and riddled with arguments about ridiculous things. Nevertheless, their quarreling is of no real importance. It should be noted that if either one of them had known what was to happen next, neither one of them would have given a single care about the allegedly ugly and disproportionate statute of a wood nymph Mr. Hughes had won at auction the other day. The more content... The homesteads were sparse in these parts, and Devon's home was about as remote as it could be. His parents had always assured him that living in the countryside was the good life, and that they preferred the quietness to the bright lights and rackets of town centers and cities. But lately Devon had become obsessed with the idea of leaving the village for the excitement of the capital. When not on excavations, his father often spent time working in a research facility in Tridentport. And when he was home, he told stories, thus planting seeds of Get more content on
  • 9. Examples Of Dialectical Journal I believe that at the end of chapter 1 in the book we are meant to feel that Cole is a very mean person. Also that he thinks he is better than everyone and he is superior, the evidence to show this is on page 4 when it states "Still standing on the dock in front of everyone, Cole smirked as he undressed." This piece of evidence shows that cole thinks he is better than the people because he is smirking as he undresses in front of them. Another piece of evidence to show that cole thinks he is better than everyone is on page 5 and it says "Nothing could be farther from the truth. To cole this was another big game." This clearly is showing that cole thinks he is better than everyone he takes everything as a game he doesn't really realize what is Get more content on
  • 10. Dialectical Behavior Study Affect Intensity/Reactivity is a stable individual differences in regards to the intensity of an individual's responsiveness. In other words, some individuals consistently experience their emotions with greater intensity than others, which elicits the need of an stimulus intensity moderator. This idea is supported by the Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) of Linehan, 1993), which suggests that in order to modulate the intensity of emotional stimuli, the brain tend to react with stronger or more intense emotional reactions. Other individuals are much less emotionally reactive to the same levels of emotionā€“provoking stimulation. Subsequently, SIMT can be used to explain why individuals who engage in selfā€“harm have been reported to possess emotional Get more content on
  • 11. Dialectical Journal Sample Ramona you're one of my senior nurses and you're a respected preceptor for new staff. I do see you as a valued member of the team and I can understand after 17 years of nursing, the burn out that you're feeling. This in turn is affecting your work and also causing you to miss work and be late. It's important to address your burn out emotions, so you can continue being a valued preceptor to the newer staff. I am giving you a copy of this article Overcoming Burnout: How to Revitalize Your Career, which I would like you to read and I believe will help you deal with burn out. Some highlights from this article I would like to discuss with you now is that, according to Espeland (2006) "if not identified and addressed, burnout can spread like a cancer Get more content on
  • 12. Dialectical Tension Examples In Relationships that we deal with everyday there are dialectical tensions and issues that arise. These tensions can greatly effect a relationship whether it be with a romantic partner, friend or family. In this paper, I will define, discuss and give examples of three dialectical Tensions; describe how they have impacted relationships in my life and how I've managed these tensions with management strategies. The three Tension I will discuss are 'autonomy vs. connectedness', 'novelty vs. predictability', and 'openness vs. closedness'. The four managing strategies for these dialectical tensions are: selection, separation, neutralization, and reframing. The personal relationship in which I will use personal examples in this paper will be my best friend and I and the tensions that more content... A way in which this is easily recognizable which way your relationship is between autonomy and connectedness, Is whether the other person is saying 'I' or is saying 'we'. This tension happens often in romantic relationships when one person wants to be with the other all the time, while the other feels 'suffocated' and has a need for individuality. "Thus, too much integration comes with the loss of autonomy and individuality, whereas extreme separation limits connection and can threaten the relationship."(Sahlstein, E., & Dun, T. 2008, p.37). Therefore either Autonomy or connectedness in a relationship, too much of one or the either can issues emerge. A personal example of an experience that I've had is with my best friend and I. When we were in high school we both graduated early in December, I went to a community college to get some credits before transferring to a four year college, whereas he just took a break from everything. Every day when I got off of school we would hang out and do stuff. Get more content on
  • 13. Dialectical tensions are important to practice and understand in order to maintain healthy relationships. There are three that are the most useful in my everyday life. They are autonomy verses connection, novelty verses predictability, and openness verses protection. I also use the three strategies of cyclic alternation, segmentation, and disqualifying to ease the dialectical tensions in life. I think it is important to know how to understand and work through these dialectical tensions in order to maintain healthy relationships. Autonomy verses connection is the struggle of wanting to be independent and the desire to be connected with others. For example, I enjoy staying at college but my mother wants me to stay at home and drive more content... However, sometimes I want to do other activities with Noel. For example, we might go to the club one night instead of doing schoolwork. Openness verses protection is defined as our conflicting desires to be open and vulnerable, revealing personal information to our family, and to be strategic and protective in our communication. For example, I am open with my mother about everything until it comes to talking about religion. She is very religious and would be devastated if I told her that I did not believe in God anymore. I use the strategy of disqualifying. The dialectical tension strategy of disqualifying operates by exempting certain issues from the general pattern. I talk to her about everything else in my life, but I refuse to discuss my religious views with her. In another context, I enjoy telling my family about my day and my plans for the future. I like to open up to my family about most things, but I enjoy having my own private thoughts. My sister Tonya is very open about telling the rest of the family about her romantic life with her husband. However, I keep my romantic life private because it embarrasses me to Get more content on
  • 14. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Essay Description of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a comprehensive cognitiveā€“behavioral treatment developed by Marsha M. Linehan for the treatment of complex, difficultā€“toā€“treat mental disorders. Originally, DBT was developed to treat individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD; Carsonā€“Wong, Rizvi, & Steffel, 2013; Scheel, 2000). However, DBT has evolved into a treatment for multiā€“disordered individuals with BPD. In addition, DBT has been adapted for the treatment of other behavioral disorders involving emotional dysregulation, for example, substance abuse, binge eating, and for settings, such as inpatient and partial hospitalization. Dimeff and Linehan (2001) described five more content... These senses of invalidation from the therapist often cause clients to withdraw from therapy, or attack the therapist. Secondly, it was extremely difficult for clinicians to teach and strengthen new skills at the same time as they are targeting and treating the client's motivation to die and suicidal behaviors that appeared in the previous week. Finally, therapist may be reinforced for iatrogenic treatment, where they reward clients for ineffective treatment strategies and punish them for effective treatment strategies. To address these difficulties, Linehan developed several modifications which formed the basis of DBT. (Dimeff & Linehan, Dialectical behavior therapy in a nutshell, 2001) DBT is designed to treat clients at all levels of severity and complexity of disorders. A growing body of empirical studies has examined DBT. DBT has been the subject of the most study and is the most widely used (Carsonā€“Wong, Rizvi, & Steffel, 2013). In one study, Axelrod, et al. (2011) adapted DBT to treat pre ā€“adolescent children who were engaging in nonsuicidal self harming behaviors. The goal of this study was to adapt DBT skills to accommodate the developmental level of younger children. The results of the study provided promising evidence for the use of DBT for children with severe suicidal and nonsuicidal behaviors. At the end of the study, there was a significant increase in adaptive coping skills and a significant decrease in depressive Get more content on
  • 15. Great Gatsby Dialectical Journal I despise everything about waking up in the morning. I somewhat feel as if I am a miserable slave, imprisoned by my own dreadful reality. And I can only temporarily escape it by dreaming when I sleep. In my dreams, I am actually loved; I am appreciated by people; I am accepted for being what I am; I can live how I wish to. Everything changes upon waking up. My blankets are slightly damp from sweating, due to covering myself with excessive blankets. Sure, I would break the habit if I could, but my comfort had always been one my top priorities. Lights always hurt my eyes to an unbearable extent. I cannot stand it when my mom or dad turns on my light when they enter my room. I always squint my eyes shut as tight as I can, and cover Get more content on
  • 16. Dialectical Tensions: A Case Study According to Adler, Rolls, & Proctor (2017) Dialectical Tensions is defined as when conflicts exists between two opposing or incompatible forces exists simultaneously. The incompatible goals I seek between my parents is openess versus privacy. I wanted to be more open to my parents ever since I was young but then they are so strict and very conservative that there was a point that I choose to keep things from them. It was only when I was old and mature enough that I understood that being open and having somethings kept private is one way for my parents to lighten up and give me their trust. That goes the same for me, using the segmentation strategy works really well as I was able to filter out what I need to share or communicate with my parents. Get more content on
  • 17. Example Of A Dialectical Journal Hey Eddie, Thank you the Mā€“1 Marvels for allowing me to be apart of the huddle this week! We learned from huddle notes different processes rolling out for ORM repair set aside funds, MyQL assistance for nonā€“clients, personal loans, etc. I also had the chance to meet our newest Marvels, Laura and Jackie, and it was a true pleasure. Regarding evals, we should have everyone at 4 by Monday, July 20! If you need anything from me, just give me a holler! Get more content on
  • 18. 9/11 Dialectical Journal Eleven: A Messenger of Hope In late May during the wee hours of the morning a rapid knock at the door woke Anna from another horrible nightmare. She sat straight swimming in her bed, crying, and drowning in the torrent of blankets. Suddenly there was a second knock, but before she could completely rub the sleep from her eyes the door was opened and in stepped a very thin, tall stranger with soft curly dark brown hair and golden eyes hidden behind spectacles. "Hello I'm Joseph," he said and coughed, "I'm sorry I am a little under the weather." So you must be Willy," he smiled and walked over and shook his hand, "It nice to meet you. And you must be Anna the pleasure is all mine." Anna supposed he was thoughtful. He seemed to have a quiet, more content... The basement was their home. Every day they got up early and made their bed. Around six o'clock Miss Margot would come in breathless and in a hurry with their breakfast which usually consisted of warm tasty porridge. And now and then in the afternoon she would burst through the door holding flowers and cookies and smelling fresh like the outdoors. She would stay for a moment or two and chat about with the children about the wonderful weather or her garden. The children would show her the pictures that they had drawn and ask her questions about their mother. Which she could never answer, but she would try. On the other hand, at first Joseph, who was new to basement living often, spent his days quietly pacing. Anna noticed that at times he appeared to have silent remorseful secrets in his eyes and a tortured soul. But as time passed, he too accepted his fate and began amusing himself by talking. He would talk about anything and everything, including the occasional whiff of Miss Margot's perfume which Joseph said, "reminds me of a day when I had walked into my house and found that it was warm and cozy and smelt like sweet vanilla and pine Get more content on
  • 19. Dialectical Journal Essay Paragraph 1 tone : He seems nervous about this trip He says ,"We've all been up since midnight, starting our predive checks after a couple of restless hours of sleep, and the whole team is running on adrenaline. These are the roughest conditions I've dived in so far on the expedition" The way he says that they've been up the whole night doing checks without sleep and how this is one of the roughest conditions he has dived in so far just gives the sense of nervousness if he will make the challenge. Paragraph 4: Reviseā€“ "But right now I feel surprisingly calm" My body is tightly snugged,comfortably within the bright green sub and my breath is calmly,steady. Paragraph 6: It's meant to show to times in history he is traveling that depth more content... He loses function of the arms and door, with the only thing working is the camera. Paragraph 24: impression of the dive & how does he do it? He says it's an accomplishment that he came and discovered the bottom of the ocean. It's like another world being discovered except that there is nothing that lives in it like the other seafloors he has visited. Cameron does it by describing his feelings, "But I have the inescapable feeling that I've dived beyond the limits of life itself. And with that comes an awe, a sense of the great privilege of being here, of bearing witness to a primordial world." Compare tone of final paragraph to intro paragraph and use examples He seems nervous about this trip He says ,"We've all been up since midnight, starting our predive checks after a couple of restless hours of sleep, and the whole team is running on adrenaline. These are the roughest conditions I've dived in so far on the expedition" The way he says that they've been up the whole night doing checks without sleep and how this is one of the roughest conditions he has dived in so far just gives the sense of nervousness if he will make the challenge. In the last paragraph he is relieved and happy he made the mission to Mariana's Trench and says, "A feeling of relief washes over me as the numbers get progressively lower. I'm on my way back to the world of sunlight and air, and Suzy's sweet Get more content on
  • 20. Explanation Of Dialectical Therapy In this paper, I will be discussing Dialectical Behavior Therapy. This will include an explanation of what is dialectical behavior therapy, the origins of dialectical behavior therapy, the history and development of the therapy, the components dialectical behavior therapy, the common applications of the therapy and examples of use in the clinical setting. This paper will explain why dialectical behavior therapy is an effective treatment modality for many disorders, including mental health and substance use and in which instances dialectical behavior therapy is not an effective treatment choice. Explanation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy The term "dialectical" describes the concept that two opposing ideas can be true at the same time. The Get more content on