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                                                                                          Grove, J.H1.; Schwab, G.J.2; Thompson, E. Raymond3
                                                                              1 UK Soil Management Agronomist, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 40546
                                                                                  2UK Extension Agronomist, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 40546
                                                                     3Russell County Extension Agent for Agriculture, University of Kentucky, Russell Springs, KY, 42642

                    Abstract                                                                                                                                      Table 4. Micronutrients affecting corn and soybean
                                                                    Table 1. Stratification of Nutrients in Lonewood Soil Under
                                                                                          No-tillage System                                                       are most available between 5.8 and 6.2. Low CEC
   Russell County experienced a reduction of its                                                                                                                  soils require more frequent & smaller lime applications                       A low pH site near Russell Springs produced an
corn acreage from 1982-2007 while soybean acres                                                                                                                   to contain the pH within a narrow range. Molybdenum                         extraordinary yield response to zinc of 50 bushels of
increased. A grain farmer contacted the Russell                                                                                                                   is deficient in soybean rhizobia when the pH drops                          corn per acre. No boron response was detected at
County Agriculture Agent3 with a problem where            Depth      CEC      P2O5        pH     Buf pH       Zn     K2O       Mg          BO        CU           below 6.2. Metallic nutrients are more soluble in acidic                    either site due to adequate soil moisture during crop
some fields were yielding more bushels of soybeans                                                                                                                soils. Boron is also more available at low soil pH.                         development.
(67) than corn (63) and corn yields were declining                                                                                                                                                                                              However, responses to zinc and boron were
                                                           0-2"        8       142        6.2        7.0      2.8     309     128          0.4       0.76                                                                                     measured in 2010 in the high pH sites. Moreover,
over time. However, that community produced an
average of 188 bushels per acre of corn in 2002.                                                                                                                                                                                              many fields outside the experimental area exhibited
  Dr. Greg Schwab was contacted and he reviewed                                                                                                                                                                                               drastic yield reductions in dry soils where no borax
                                                          2" - 4"      7        62        5.9        7.0      0.6     245      72        0.45        0.68                                                                                     had been applied. Barren cobs cut yields by
the farmer’s crop history and designed a nutrient
study. In 2008 replicated plots were established on                                                                                                                                                                                           unprecedented amounts. The Lonewood soils
the worst-yielding fields that contained the                                                                                                                                                                                                  responded like they were devoid of boron.
                                                          4" - 6"      6        58        5.8        7.0      0.8     182      62        0.27        0.82                                                                                       The high pH sites continued to show significant
Lonewood soil series. Two other sites were added
in 2009 by Dr. Grove to study zinc soil amendments.                                                                                                                                                                                           responses to zinc supplementation, but an expected
  Three seasons of replicated studies revealed no                                                                                                                                                                                             response to copper was measured.
impact on soybean yields from treatments of zinc,                                                                                                                                                                                               Fine-textured soils are highly weathered and often
boron, copper or sulfur.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      contain low concentrations of nutrients like boron,
  Under extreme environmental conditions corn                                                                                                                                                                                                 copper and zinc. Furthermore, the Lonewood soil
                                                         Table 2. Corn tissue nutrient concentration and grain yield in Russell                                                                                                               series is not well buffered against changes in pH.
yields were reduced by the following nutrients in
                                                         2008. Numbers in red indicate concentrations below the established                                                                                                                   Most of the series is characterized by CEC values
order of importance: Zinc, Boron, Copper, and
                                                         critical level.                                                                                                                                                                      below 7. Increases in organic matter greatly improve
Sulfur. These data are not cumulative since soil
moisture is a factor in determining which nutrient is                                                                                                                                                                                         crop performance.
most limiting.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Fragile soils that are poorly buffered may respond
   A protocol was developed to predict boron                               Application         Tissue Concentration                                                                                                                           to lower pH thresholds than typical silt loams
deficiencies in corn by tissue-testing soybeans          Treatment           Rate      Potassium Sulfur   Boron                     Zinc            Yield                                                                                     because essential metals are more soluble as the
during the previous season. CEC is used to flag                                                                                                                                                                                               soil becomes acidic. Caution must be exercised to
boron deficient soils. Liming recommendations were                                                                                                                                                                                            maintain a pH above 6.2 for soybeans to supply
                                                                            kg ha-1       -------- g kg-1 -------- ------ mg kg-1 -------        Mg ha-1                                                                                      adequate molybdenum and phosphorus.
modified to reduce copper & zinc deficiencies by
controlling soil pH.                                     Control                                24         1.4        2.3           15               7.6
                                                         Potassium             56               25         1.5        3.0           15               7.7
                                                         Zinc                  22               25         1.6        3.5           24               8.3
                                                         Sulfur                22               25         1.5        3.5           22               8.7                                                                                          Soils of the upper Cumberland Plateau are atypical of
                                                         Boron                 1                24         1.5        5.0           14               7.6                                                                                      the productive, silt loam soils of the Bluegrass State. One
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              soil association is often deficient in organic matter and
                                                         All                                    25         1.5        4.0           29               8.0
  The site shown in Figure 1 is the location of one                                                                                                                                                                                           consequently nutrients that are recycled through organic
                                                         Nutrients                                                                                          Table 5. Corn tissue nutrient concentration and grain
of the two fields where a history of poor corn                                                                                                                                                                                                matter include boron, copper, and zinc. The textural class
performance was reported by the grower. Dr.                                   LSD(0.10)      N.S.          NS         2.5           13              N.S.    yield in 2009. Numbers in red indicate concentrations                             also limits the cation exchange capacity and water-
Schwab and Thompson examined soil test data and                                                                                                             below the established critical level. The green box                               holding capacity. The typical cation exchange capacity of
crop history with the grower and discovered                                                                                                                 denotes the control. Only one treatment surpassed                                 these soils is 7 meg/100g giving them a limited ability to
nutrient trend patterns. Fertilizer and lime                                                                                                                minimum boron leaf concentrations.                                                buffer pH changes. Farmers have over-corrected the pH
amendments had been applied according to AGR-1                                                                                                                                                                                                in favor of soybeans. The pH in some of these soils can
Lime and Nutrient Recommendations for 20 years.                                                                                                                    Fertilizer Applied              R1 Leaf Tissue Analysis            Grain   remain lodged above pH 7 for many years. Add to that
The soil pH seemed to be out of control, therefore       Figure 1 Over liming is an issue on               Figure 2 Plot Harvester Measuring                                                                                                  the stratification of nutrients under strict, continuous no-
they expected to encounter issues with zinc since        these soils for corn growers                      Zinc Response in 2010                             N     P     S    B    Cu Zn          N     P     S     B    Cu    Zn     Yield   till and a high pH zone rich in phosphorus and organic
zinc deficiencies had been documented in                                                                                                                                                                                                      matter occurs in the top two inches of the A horizon. The
replicated plots in the 1980’s on the same soil                                                                                                                                                                                       Mg      combination of high pH, low zinc concentration and high
series in Russell County. Ridge Land soils in                                                                                                               ------------ kg ha-1 -------------   ------ g kg-1 ---- ---mg kg-1 ----   ha-1    concentrations of P equate to zinc deficiency under wet
Russell County have been plagued with low cation                                                                                                             67 100 56                    6      29    3.4 2.0 3.8 7.5 19             16.0    soil conditions. Conversely, soils that are marginal in
exchange capacity (CEC),         Also, potassium                                                                                                                                                                                              boron do not mineralize enough B from the organic
concentrations seemed to be in decline over the                                                                                                              67 100 56              6            26    2.9 1.6 3.5 8.8 11             15.9    matter during extreme dry weather.
decades.                                                                                                                                                     67 40 20                     2      30    2.6 1.8 4.3 9.0 15             14.2      A means to ameliorate the antagonisms of high pH, high
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              concentrations of P2O5 and low micronutrient
                                                                                                                                                             67 40 22          1                 28    2.6 1.9 4.5 8.5 14             13.9    concentrations without tillage must be defined, since
                                                                                                                                                             67         22                2      30    2.1 2.1 4.5 11.3 17            11.6    lowering the pH using soil amendments is too cost
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              prohibitive. In some seasons, the addition of zinc sulfate
            Materials and Methods                                                                                                                            67         22     1                 30    1.8 2.1 6.3 11.0 15            10.0    or borax returns a crop response greater than the cost of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              application. Boron application rates are best determined
  A study was designed in 2008 for the two sites                                                                                                             67         22                5      29    1.6 1.9 4.3 10.5 21            9.5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              by the leaf analyses of soybeans grown the previous year
where micronutrients and K2O were replicated in                                                                                                              67         22               22      29    1.8 2.0 4.8 11.5 41            9.5     and CEC is a fair indicator of soil organic matter.
corn and soybeans on the Lonewood soil series.                                                                                                                                                                                                Organic matter can be mineralized in years where there
Corn plots were harvested by hand picking in 2008                                                                                                            67         22                       28    1.8 2.1 4.3 10.8 15            9.2     is adequate rainfall to supply boron.
while the soybeans were collected by a plot combine.                                                                                                                                                                                            Clearly, prevention of soils reaching 7 pH is needed, but
                                                            Table 3. Soybean tissue nutrient concentration and grain yield in                                67         22          6     3      30    1.6 2.0 4.3 11.8 18            8.5
In 2009 and 2010 the UK corn plot harvester was                                                                                                                                                                                               better yet is to maintain 6.2 pH during the years when
                                                            2008.    Numbers in red indicate concentrations below the
used. It was a dry crop season but micronutrients                                                                                                                                     LSD(0.10) NS 0.3 0.2 0.9 1.1             5      1.7     soybeans will be grown. Soils should be maintained in the
                                                            established critical level.
did impact crop performance. Soybean treatments                                                                                                                                                                                               acidic range for corn to insure adequate availability of
could be distinguished from the untreated plots, but                                                                                                                                                                                          zinc and copper while assuring the macronutrients are in
no yield response could be measured. The corn also                                                                                                                                                                                            adequate supply. Phosphorus should be available to corn
produced a visual difference but it was evident in the                       Application        Tissue Concentration                                        Figure 3 Many barren cobs were                                                    when the pH is as low as 5.7. Nitrates are more available
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Figure 4 In 2009 extremely
ear development. A second ear compensated the              Treatment           Rate      Potassium Sulfur Boron      Zinc                   Yield           observed in the high pH plots in                                                  as the pH nears 6.0.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             high yields were measured in
poorly developed first one and no significant yield                                                                                                         2010.                                            the low pH sites.                  Current lime rates for grain crops in Kentucky target
                                                                              kg ha-1       ------- g kg-1 ------- ----- mg kg-1 ------ Mg ha-1
differences could be demonstrated between                                                                                                                                                                                                     pH of 6.4, but they can be adjusted downward to 6.2
treatments although one could easily determine             Control                              23         2.7       9        21            2.2                                                                                               using the tables in AGR-1 Lime and Nutrient
where the check plots were. It appeared as though a                                                                                                                                                                                           Recommendations. A smaller application of lime should
late rain had mineralized boron just as the second         Potassium               56           23         2.7      11        21            2.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              be applied in the fall prior to soybeans or additions of
ear began filling.                                         Zinc                    22           22         2.8       9        38            2.1                                                                                               sodium molybdate will have to be applied to insure the
  A second group of plots were established in 2009                                                                                                                                                                                            soybean rhizobia are adequately supplied. Lime rates for
and 2010. Dr. Grove joined the investigation and           Sulfur                  22           23         3.0       9        17            2.6                                                                                               these soils will resemble fertilizer rates where a pH of 5.3
expanded research on zinc amendments.                                                                                                                                                                                                         can rise to 6.4 with less than a ton of lime per acre.
                                                           Boron                    1           22         2.7      42        20            2.5                                                                                                 Most farmers and lime spreader applicators will resist
                                                           All Nutrients                        24         3.1      41        35            2.3                                                                                               applying less than a ton of lime per acre every two years.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Therefore, corn yields may continue to lag well below the
                                                                                LSD(0.10)       N.S.       NS       30        13            N.S.                                                                                              state average while soybeans will continue to match or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              exceed the national average. Increases in corn yield will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              come when farmers correctly guess the weather pattern
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and apply enough of the right micronutrient.

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Thompson micronutrients poster 2011 naca

  • 1. MICRONUTRIENTS ROBBING CORN YIELDS ON LONEWOOD SOIL Grove, J.H1.; Schwab, G.J.2; Thompson, E. Raymond3 1 UK Soil Management Agronomist, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 40546 2UK Extension Agronomist, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 40546 3Russell County Extension Agent for Agriculture, University of Kentucky, Russell Springs, KY, 42642 Abstract Table 4. Micronutrients affecting corn and soybean Discussion Table 1. Stratification of Nutrients in Lonewood Soil Under No-tillage System are most available between 5.8 and 6.2. Low CEC Russell County experienced a reduction of its soils require more frequent & smaller lime applications A low pH site near Russell Springs produced an corn acreage from 1982-2007 while soybean acres to contain the pH within a narrow range. Molybdenum extraordinary yield response to zinc of 50 bushels of increased. A grain farmer contacted the Russell is deficient in soybean rhizobia when the pH drops corn per acre. No boron response was detected at County Agriculture Agent3 with a problem where Depth CEC P2O5 pH Buf pH Zn K2O Mg BO CU below 6.2. Metallic nutrients are more soluble in acidic either site due to adequate soil moisture during crop some fields were yielding more bushels of soybeans soils. Boron is also more available at low soil pH. development. (67) than corn (63) and corn yields were declining However, responses to zinc and boron were 0-2" 8 142 6.2 7.0 2.8 309 128 0.4 0.76 measured in 2010 in the high pH sites. Moreover, over time. However, that community produced an average of 188 bushels per acre of corn in 2002. many fields outside the experimental area exhibited Dr. Greg Schwab was contacted and he reviewed drastic yield reductions in dry soils where no borax 2" - 4" 7 62 5.9 7.0 0.6 245 72 0.45 0.68 had been applied. Barren cobs cut yields by the farmer’s crop history and designed a nutrient study. In 2008 replicated plots were established on unprecedented amounts. The Lonewood soils the worst-yielding fields that contained the responded like they were devoid of boron. 4" - 6" 6 58 5.8 7.0 0.8 182 62 0.27 0.82 The high pH sites continued to show significant Lonewood soil series. Two other sites were added in 2009 by Dr. Grove to study zinc soil amendments. responses to zinc supplementation, but an expected Three seasons of replicated studies revealed no response to copper was measured. impact on soybean yields from treatments of zinc, Fine-textured soils are highly weathered and often boron, copper or sulfur. contain low concentrations of nutrients like boron, Under extreme environmental conditions corn copper and zinc. Furthermore, the Lonewood soil Table 2. Corn tissue nutrient concentration and grain yield in Russell series is not well buffered against changes in pH. yields were reduced by the following nutrients in 2008. Numbers in red indicate concentrations below the established Most of the series is characterized by CEC values order of importance: Zinc, Boron, Copper, and critical level. below 7. Increases in organic matter greatly improve Sulfur. These data are not cumulative since soil moisture is a factor in determining which nutrient is crop performance. most limiting. Fragile soils that are poorly buffered may respond A protocol was developed to predict boron Application Tissue Concentration to lower pH thresholds than typical silt loams deficiencies in corn by tissue-testing soybeans Treatment Rate Potassium Sulfur Boron Zinc Yield because essential metals are more soluble as the during the previous season. CEC is used to flag soil becomes acidic. Caution must be exercised to boron deficient soils. Liming recommendations were maintain a pH above 6.2 for soybeans to supply kg ha-1 -------- g kg-1 -------- ------ mg kg-1 ------- Mg ha-1 adequate molybdenum and phosphorus. modified to reduce copper & zinc deficiencies by controlling soil pH. Control 24 1.4 2.3 15 7.6 Potassium 56 25 1.5 3.0 15 7.7 Conclusions Zinc 22 25 1.6 3.5 24 8.3 Sulfur 22 25 1.5 3.5 22 8.7 Soils of the upper Cumberland Plateau are atypical of Introduction Boron 1 24 1.5 5.0 14 7.6 the productive, silt loam soils of the Bluegrass State. One soil association is often deficient in organic matter and All 25 1.5 4.0 29 8.0 The site shown in Figure 1 is the location of one consequently nutrients that are recycled through organic Nutrients Table 5. Corn tissue nutrient concentration and grain of the two fields where a history of poor corn matter include boron, copper, and zinc. The textural class performance was reported by the grower. Dr. LSD(0.10) N.S. NS 2.5 13 N.S. yield in 2009. Numbers in red indicate concentrations also limits the cation exchange capacity and water- Schwab and Thompson examined soil test data and below the established critical level. The green box holding capacity. The typical cation exchange capacity of crop history with the grower and discovered denotes the control. Only one treatment surpassed these soils is 7 meg/100g giving them a limited ability to nutrient trend patterns. Fertilizer and lime minimum boron leaf concentrations. buffer pH changes. Farmers have over-corrected the pH amendments had been applied according to AGR-1 in favor of soybeans. The pH in some of these soils can Lime and Nutrient Recommendations for 20 years. Fertilizer Applied R1 Leaf Tissue Analysis Grain remain lodged above pH 7 for many years. Add to that The soil pH seemed to be out of control, therefore Figure 1 Over liming is an issue on Figure 2 Plot Harvester Measuring the stratification of nutrients under strict, continuous no- they expected to encounter issues with zinc since these soils for corn growers Zinc Response in 2010 N P S B Cu Zn N P S B Cu Zn Yield till and a high pH zone rich in phosphorus and organic zinc deficiencies had been documented in matter occurs in the top two inches of the A horizon. The replicated plots in the 1980’s on the same soil Mg combination of high pH, low zinc concentration and high series in Russell County. Ridge Land soils in ------------ kg ha-1 ------------- ------ g kg-1 ---- ---mg kg-1 ---- ha-1 concentrations of P equate to zinc deficiency under wet Russell County have been plagued with low cation 67 100 56 6 29 3.4 2.0 3.8 7.5 19 16.0 soil conditions. Conversely, soils that are marginal in exchange capacity (CEC), Also, potassium boron do not mineralize enough B from the organic concentrations seemed to be in decline over the 67 100 56 6 26 2.9 1.6 3.5 8.8 11 15.9 matter during extreme dry weather. decades. 67 40 20 2 30 2.6 1.8 4.3 9.0 15 14.2 A means to ameliorate the antagonisms of high pH, high concentrations of P2O5 and low micronutrient 67 40 22 1 28 2.6 1.9 4.5 8.5 14 13.9 concentrations without tillage must be defined, since 67 22 2 30 2.1 2.1 4.5 11.3 17 11.6 lowering the pH using soil amendments is too cost prohibitive. In some seasons, the addition of zinc sulfate Materials and Methods 67 22 1 30 1.8 2.1 6.3 11.0 15 10.0 or borax returns a crop response greater than the cost of application. Boron application rates are best determined A study was designed in 2008 for the two sites 67 22 5 29 1.6 1.9 4.3 10.5 21 9.5 by the leaf analyses of soybeans grown the previous year where micronutrients and K2O were replicated in 67 22 22 29 1.8 2.0 4.8 11.5 41 9.5 and CEC is a fair indicator of soil organic matter. corn and soybeans on the Lonewood soil series. Organic matter can be mineralized in years where there Corn plots were harvested by hand picking in 2008 67 22 28 1.8 2.1 4.3 10.8 15 9.2 is adequate rainfall to supply boron. while the soybeans were collected by a plot combine. Clearly, prevention of soils reaching 7 pH is needed, but Table 3. Soybean tissue nutrient concentration and grain yield in 67 22 6 3 30 1.6 2.0 4.3 11.8 18 8.5 In 2009 and 2010 the UK corn plot harvester was better yet is to maintain 6.2 pH during the years when 2008. Numbers in red indicate concentrations below the used. It was a dry crop season but micronutrients LSD(0.10) NS 0.3 0.2 0.9 1.1 5 1.7 soybeans will be grown. Soils should be maintained in the established critical level. did impact crop performance. Soybean treatments acidic range for corn to insure adequate availability of could be distinguished from the untreated plots, but zinc and copper while assuring the macronutrients are in no yield response could be measured. The corn also adequate supply. Phosphorus should be available to corn produced a visual difference but it was evident in the Application Tissue Concentration Figure 3 Many barren cobs were when the pH is as low as 5.7. Nitrates are more available Figure 4 In 2009 extremely ear development. A second ear compensated the Treatment Rate Potassium Sulfur Boron Zinc Yield observed in the high pH plots in as the pH nears 6.0. high yields were measured in poorly developed first one and no significant yield 2010. the low pH sites. Current lime rates for grain crops in Kentucky target kg ha-1 ------- g kg-1 ------- ----- mg kg-1 ------ Mg ha-1 differences could be demonstrated between pH of 6.4, but they can be adjusted downward to 6.2 treatments although one could easily determine Control 23 2.7 9 21 2.2 using the tables in AGR-1 Lime and Nutrient where the check plots were. It appeared as though a Recommendations. A smaller application of lime should late rain had mineralized boron just as the second Potassium 56 23 2.7 11 21 2.0 be applied in the fall prior to soybeans or additions of ear began filling. Zinc 22 22 2.8 9 38 2.1 sodium molybdate will have to be applied to insure the A second group of plots were established in 2009 soybean rhizobia are adequately supplied. Lime rates for and 2010. Dr. Grove joined the investigation and Sulfur 22 23 3.0 9 17 2.6 these soils will resemble fertilizer rates where a pH of 5.3 expanded research on zinc amendments. can rise to 6.4 with less than a ton of lime per acre. Boron 1 22 2.7 42 20 2.5 Most farmers and lime spreader applicators will resist All Nutrients 24 3.1 41 35 2.3 applying less than a ton of lime per acre every two years. Therefore, corn yields may continue to lag well below the LSD(0.10) N.S. NS 30 13 N.S. state average while soybeans will continue to match or exceed the national average. Increases in corn yield will come when farmers correctly guess the weather pattern and apply enough of the right micronutrient.