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These are questions and answers all of them have the right
answers, I need you to paraphrase and shorten the answers as
possible but not to lose the significant information.
2-Why do you suppose it is much easier to add tubulin to
existing microtubules than to start a new microtubule from
scratch? Explain how γ-tubulin in the centrosome helps to
overcome this hurdle
Two tubulin dimers have a lower affinity for each other
(because of a more limited number of interaction sites) than a
tubulin dimer has for the end of a microtubule (where there are
multiple possible interaction sites, both end-to-end of tubulin
dimers adding to a protofilament and side-to-side of the tubulin
dimers interacting with tubulin subunits in adjacent
protofilaments forming the ringlike cross section). Thus, to
initiate a microtubule from scratch, enough tubulin dimers have
to come together and remain bound to one another for long
enough for other tubulin molecules to add to them. Only when a
number of tubulin dimers have already assembled will the
binding of the next subunit be favored. The formation of these
initial “nucleating sites” is therefore rare and will not occur
spontaneously at cellular concentrations of tubulin.
Centrosomes contain preassembled rings of γ-tubulin (in which
the γ-tubulin subunits are held together in much tighter side-to-
side interactions than αβ-tubulin can form) to which αβ-tubulin
dimers can bind. The binding conditions of αβ-tubulin dimers
resemble those of adding to the end of an assembled
microtubule. The γ-tubulin rings in the centrosome can
therefore be thought of as permanently preassembled nucleation
3- Dynamic instability causes microtubules either to grow or to
shrink rapidly. Consider an individual microtubule that is in its
shrinking phase.
A. What must happen at the end of the microtubule in order for
it to stop shrinking and to start growing again?
The microtubule is shrinking because it has lost its GTP cap,
i.e., the tubulin subunits at its end are all in their GDP-bound
form. GTP-loaded tubulin subunits from solution will still add
to this end, but they will be short-lived—either because they
hydrolyze their GTP or because they fall off as the microtubule
rim around them disassembles. If, however, enough GTP-loaded
subunits are added quickly enough to cover up the
GDPcontaining tubulin subunits at the microtubule end, a new
GTP cap can form and regrowth is favored.
B. How would a change in the tubulin concentration affect this
The rate of addition of GTP-tubulin will be greater at higher
tubulin concentrations. The frequency with which shrinking
microtubules switch to the growing mode will therefore increase
with increasing tubulin concentration. The consequence of this
regulation is that the system is self-balancing: the more
microtubules shrink (resulting in a higher concentration of free
tubulin), the more frequently microtubules will start to grow
again. Conversely, the more microtubules grow, the lower the
concentration of free tubulin will become and the rate of GTP-
tubulin addition will slow down; at some point GTP hydrolysis
will catch up with new GTP-tubulin addition, the GTP cap will
be destroyed, and the microtubule will switch to the shrinking
C. What would happen if only GDP, but no GTP, were present
in the solution? If only GDP were present, microtubules would
continue to shrink and eventually disappear, because tubulin
dimers with GDP have very low affinity for each other and will
not add stably to microtubules.
D. What would happen if the solution contained an analog of
GTP that cannot be hydrolyzed?
If GTP is present but cannot be hydrolyzed, microtubules will
continue to grow until all free tubulin subunits have been used
11- Which of the following statements are correct? Explain your
A. Kinesin moves endoplasmic reticulum membranes along
microtubules so that the network of ER tubules becomes
stretched throughout the cell.
True. A continual outward movement of ER is required; in the
absence of microtubules, the ER collapses toward the center of
the cell.
B. Without actin, cells can form a functional mitotic spindle and
pull their chromosomes apart but cannot divide.
True. Actin is needed to make the contractile ring that causes
the physical cleavage between the two daughter cells, whereas
the mitotic spindle that partitions the chromosomes is composed
of microtubules.
C. Lamellipodia and filopodia are “feelers” that a cell extends
to find anchor points on the substratum that it will then crawl
True. Both extensions are associated with transmembrane
proteins that protrude from the plasma membrane and enable the
cell to form new anchor points on the substratum.
D. GTP is hydrolyzed by tubulin to cause the bending of
False. To cause bending, ATP is hydrolyzed by the dynein
motor proteins that are attached to the outer microtubules in the
E. Cells having an intermediate-filament network that cannot be
depolymerized would die.
False. Cells could not divide without rearranging their
intermediate filaments, but many terminally differentiated and
long-lived cells, such as nerve cells, have stable intermediate
filaments that are not known to depolymerize.
F. The plus ends of microtubules grow faster because they have
a larger GTP cap.
False. The rate of growth is independent of the size of the GTP
cap. The plus and minus ends have different growth rates
because they have physically distinct binding sites for the
incoming tubulin subunits; the rate of addition of tubulin
subunits differs at the two ends.
17-The drug Taxol, extracted from the bark of yew trees, has an
opposite effect to the drug colchicine, an alkaloid from autumn
crocus. Taxol binds tightly to microtubules and stabilizes them;
when added to cells, it causes much of the free tubulin to
assemble into microtubules. In contrast, colchicine prevents
microtubule formation. Taxol is just as pernicious to dividing
cells as colchicine, and both are used as anticancer drugs. Based
on your knowledge of microtubule dynamics, suggest why both
drugs are toxic to dividing cells despite their opposite actions.
Cell division depends on the ability of microtubules both to
polymerize and to depolymerize. This is most obvious when one
considers that the formation of the mitotic spindle requires the
prior depolymerization of other cellular microtubules to free up
the tubulin required to build the spindle. This rearrangement is
not possible in Taxol-treated cells, whereas in colchicine-
treated cells, division is blocked because a spindle cannot be
assembled. On a more subtle but no less important level, both
drugs block the dynamic instability of microtubules and would
therefore interfere with the workings of the mitotic spindle,
even if one could be properly assembled.
21-The locomotion of fibroblasts in culture is immediately
halted by the drug cytochalasin, whereas colchicine causes
fibroblasts to cease to move directionally and to begin
extending lamellipodia in seemingly random directions.
Injection of fibroblasts with antibodies to vimentin has no
discernible effect on their migration. What do these
observations suggest to you about the involvement of the three
different cytoskeletal filaments in fibroblast locomotion?
Cytochalasin interferes with actin filament formation, and its
effect on the cell demonstrates the importance of actin to cell
locomotion. The experiment with colchicine shows that
microtubules are required to give a cell a polarity that then
determines which end becomes the leading edge. In the absence
of microtubules, cells still go through the motions normally
associated with cell movement, such as the extension of
lamellipodia, but in the absence of cell polarity these are futile
exercises because they happen indiscriminately in all directions.
Antibodies bind tightly to the antigen (in this case vimentin) to
which they were raised. When bound, an antibody can interfere
with the function of the antigen by preventing it from
interacting properly with other cell components. The antibody
injection experiment therefore suggests that intermediate
filaments are not required for the maintenance of cell polarity
or for the motile machinery.
Social Media Marketing Fundamentals with Brian Honigman
1 of 1
Social Media Marketing Fundamentals
with Brian Honigman
Checklist for Choosing a Social Channel
Selecting the right social networks for your organization isn’t
an easy decision with the numerous options
available and the variety of considerations to account for.
Here’s a checklist to help remember what to
keep top of mind when choosing where to be active on social
media. A majority of the questions below
should be marked “yes” to indicate a social network is right for
your business.
YES NO Is your audience using this social network?
YES NO Does this channel have a large, active audience?
YES NO Do you have the necessary resources to maintain this
YES NO Does your organization have the expertise to succeed
YES NO Are your competitors active on this channel?
YES NO Is it possible to achieve your marketing goals on this
YES NO Are you able to invest in the types of content typically
shared here?
YES NO Does your team grasp the unique features and nuances
of this channel?
YES NO Can your company afford to pay for advertising on this
social network?
YES NO Does the context of this platform’s use align with your
company’s offerings?
YES NO Can you reasonably measure and report results for this
YES NO Have you personally tested this network to understand
how it’s used?
YES NO Will your team enjoy using this channel to reach your
YES NO Does this channel facilitate customer service requests
for your customers?
YES NO Are you willing to innovate on this network, moving
beyond best practices?
Part A: Marketing Plan for Smart Homes Corporation
MKT500 Marketing Management
Strayer University
Dr.Victoria Hailey
October 22, 2018
SmartHomes Corporation, headquartered in Central
Florida, is a real estate investment organization focused on
buying family housing units below the fair market value,
refurbishing them as well as renting the facilities at the current
market rates. Owned by Paul Scholes and Ryan Schubaker, the
corporation specializes in fractional home ownership, in which
buyers own a unit for between 7 days and 28 days in year for 99
years. Home owners can rent their units for income or loan out
their units to friends or spend their holidays there for the
number of days owned. Currently, the company is selling its
facility known as “The One” located near Daytona Beach, with
plans to expand into the neighboring states in the future.
Mission Statement
SmartHomes Corporation’s is to invest in quality tenants
and properties. At SmartHomes, the owners are devoted to the
business as demonstrated by their commitment to meticulous
selection of property location and long-term buyers.
Short Term
· To increase SmartHomes’ market share by 10 percent in the
next 1 year
This will be by measured by tracking down the total number of
new users on the organization’s website and social media
· To increase SmartHomes’ revenue by 10 percent in the next 1
This will be measure by an increase in the firm’s product
adoption plus retention rate relative to the market trends
Long Term
· To increase the number of new homes by 10 percent in the
next 5 years
This will be demonstrated by customer engagement rates
· To increase SmartHomes’ profitability by 20 percent in the
next 5 years
This will be demonstrated by an increase in the firm’s profit
margins relative to the industry’s performance Environmental
The real estate industry, just like other industries, is prone
to environmental factors including, flooding and other harsh
climatic conditions. With regards to environmental factors,
Florida is a poster child for the impacts of climate changes with
various studies indicating that the sea level will rise by 5 feet
above sea level by the end of the 21st century and other
indicating that properties worth more than 23 billion United
States dollars could be destroyed by 2050. As a result, many
real estate investors are looking for higher grounds elsewhere in
the State like the traditionally black neighborhoods of Liberty
City as well as Little Haiti (Luscombe, 2017). These events are,
without any doubt likely to affect SmartHomes business growth
in the future and for this reason the company has plans to move
into neighboring states in the future.
Competitive Analysis
Florida State is home to numerous real estate organizations
with agents that compete against one another for the real estate
market share. Some real estate companies have full service
agents are not only well respected in the community, but also
boast of many years of experience. Some of the top real estate
companies in Florida are: Keyes Company, located in West
Palm Beach; RE/Max Direct, Delray Beach and Boca Raton; and
House Pro Realty, Lake Worth. Others are Marcus and Company
Realty, Bradenton; Smith and Associates Real Estate, Saint
Petersburg; Navy To Navy Homes, Jacksonville; and the Agency
of Pensacola, Pensacola (Up Nest, 2017). While many of these
companies are popular in the real estate industry, none of them
offers factional home ownership which is SmartHomes
Corporation’s niche market
Economic Analysis
From the economic perspective, experts assert that Florida
is one of the leading states in the United States with a booming
real estate market in the country following the recent recession.
Like the United States economy, Florida’s economy is showing
signs of recovering from the recent recessions and there are
plans in place to help propel the state’s economic performance
in the future. For instance, the Federal Railroad Administration,
in 2011, increased the federal funding for the states’ high-speed
rail by 800 million dollars to 2.05 billion dollars. The high-
speed rail will definitely stimulate the states job market which
is a major boost for real estate companies. The state of Florida
is also home to aerospace industry, with more than 15,000
people working at the Kennedy Space Center. The annual wage
of aerospace employees is nearly 52,000 United States dollars
(Spiegel, 2010).
Political and Legal Analysis
There are many political factors which make the State of
Florida a favorable place for real estate businesses to enter the
market. These include favorable tax structure which aimed at
attracting investors and new businesses. The government
policies as well as competitive costs make it easy for an
organization to plan for business growth and opportunity of
making profits. Also, the States’ regulatory agencies provide
less costly and quicker means of permitting processes for
businesses while focusing on environmental standards.
Moreover, Florida is one of the 9 states in the country without
personal income taxes for its citizens. Florida is also one of the
22 states in the country with the right to work law in the
country. This law allows workers to decide by themselves
whether to join as well as support a union or not (Altius
Directory, 2010).
Technological Analysis
Martinez (2010) finds that the real estate industry is
subject to technological innovations, which affect the way
organizations construct and supply houses to the consumers.
The introduction of the Internet as well as the improvement in
information communication technologies is credited with the
facilitation and acceleration of information flow between
producers and consumers. SmartHome’s “The One” facility
offers up-to-date technology to home owners. Each room is
installed with modem jacks and Ethernet ports for easy Internet
accessibility. The owners have easy access to copy and
facsimile machines located in each room. Also, each room has
an emergency panic alert system that is connected to the local
police department and the manager’s office.
Socio-cultural Analysis
Florida State has some of the most famous social aspects
in the country, including Disney, Universal Studios and Daytona
Beach, which may boost the real estate market in one way or
another. Besides, there are other interesting attraction centers
which attract many people to the state. One of the most common
features is the Florida Everglades which is known for attracting
biologists from different parts of the world. Tourism is the
biggest source of income in the States as it accounts for about
25 percent of the entire state’s economy. There are at least 60
million people visiting Florida each year which generates about
57 billion dollars (Nu Wire, 2010). SmartHomes Corporation
can take advantage of the booming tourism sector by providing
affordable housing for tourists. With regards to population
growth, Florida is among the fastest growing states in the
country and this is expected to continue to the unforeseeable
future. As many people continue to visit the state, some will
love whatever it offers and plan to return more frequently or to
relocate permanently (Proximity One, 2018).
SWOT and Needs Analysis
The rental facility, “The One”, is not only affordable to
many American and foreign tourists but is also located near a
major tourist centerDaytona Beach with easy accessibility to the
beach. Secondly, “The One” is a state-of-the-art facility with
various features including the spa, a helipad, 5 swimming pools,
children care center, restaurant, bar, spacious rooms, 24 hour
Internet connectivity, saunas and many more. The facility
boasts of friendly customer service personnel and highly
qualified chefs, waiters and other supportive staff who aim at
ensuring that home owners can enjoy their holidays in a more
relaxing and serene environment
From an investors’ perspective, this may be a seasonal
location, and this may affect the buyer’s confidence level.
SmartHomes is a new business with no reputation in the market
compared to more established real estate firms in the region.
There is a higher probability that the company may lose scope
of the business
Fractional homeownership is a new investment decision in
the region and the Company can use this as an opportunity to
market its new facility, “The One.” The facility is in the fastest
growing region or county in the State of Florida. Moreover, it is
easier to market the states real estate across the globe as it is
one of the world’s most popular tourist destination areas.
There is increased competition from established real estate
companies in the region. The possibility of natural disasters
such as Tornados and Hurricanes can affect tourist activities in
the region thereby affecting the real estate business. The Florida
State government’s decision to increase regulations regarding
foreign home owners can greatly affect SmartHomes business
Table 1
SWOT Analysis
· Affordable housing
· State of the art facility
· Friendly customer service personnel
· Losing business scope
· Seasonal location for investors
· Low reputation
· Unexplored marketing opportunities
· Fastest growing location
· Florida most referred destination
· Intense rivalry from big companies
· Effects of natural disasters
· Government regulation
Note: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for
SmartHomes Corporation.
In conclusion, SmartHomes Corporation intends to
increase its market share as well revenue by 10 percent each in
the next 1 year. In the long term, it seeks to increase the number
of new homes by 10 percent and profitability by 20 percent,
respectively, in the next 5 years. SmartHomes relies on its
strengths particularly housing affordability and location to
realize its short term and long-term goals. Also, the economic
environment and social environment provide great hope toward
realization of the organization’s goals.
ReferencesAltius Directory. (2010). Florida economy. Retrieved
economy.phpLuscombe, R. (2017, August 29). How climate
change could turn US real estate prices upside down. The
Guardian. Retrieved from.
rricane-harvey-climate- change-real-estate-floridaMartinez, M.
(2010). How to make money in real estate in the new economy.
(1st ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill EducationNu Wire.
(2010). Florida condo prices continue their slide. Property Wire.
Retrieved from.
Proximity One. (2018). State total population estimates &
projections. Retrieved from., E. (2010,
November 12).Rail offers Florida economic growth, jobs.
Orlando Business Journal. Retrieved from.
growth.html UpNest. (2017). Top Florida real estate companies
in 2017. UpNest. Retrieved from.

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  • 1. These are questions and answers all of them have the right answers, I need you to paraphrase and shorten the answers as possible but not to lose the significant information. 2-Why do you suppose it is much easier to add tubulin to existing microtubules than to start a new microtubule from scratch? Explain how γ-tubulin in the centrosome helps to overcome this hurdle Two tubulin dimers have a lower affinity for each other (because of a more limited number of interaction sites) than a tubulin dimer has for the end of a microtubule (where there are multiple possible interaction sites, both end-to-end of tubulin dimers adding to a protofilament and side-to-side of the tubulin dimers interacting with tubulin subunits in adjacent protofilaments forming the ringlike cross section). Thus, to initiate a microtubule from scratch, enough tubulin dimers have to come together and remain bound to one another for long enough for other tubulin molecules to add to them. Only when a number of tubulin dimers have already assembled will the binding of the next subunit be favored. The formation of these initial “nucleating sites” is therefore rare and will not occur spontaneously at cellular concentrations of tubulin. Centrosomes contain preassembled rings of γ-tubulin (in which the γ-tubulin subunits are held together in much tighter side-to- side interactions than αβ-tubulin can form) to which αβ-tubulin dimers can bind. The binding conditions of αβ-tubulin dimers resemble those of adding to the end of an assembled microtubule. The γ-tubulin rings in the centrosome can therefore be thought of as permanently preassembled nucleation sites. 3- Dynamic instability causes microtubules either to grow or to shrink rapidly. Consider an individual microtubule that is in its
  • 2. shrinking phase. A. What must happen at the end of the microtubule in order for it to stop shrinking and to start growing again? The microtubule is shrinking because it has lost its GTP cap, i.e., the tubulin subunits at its end are all in their GDP-bound form. GTP-loaded tubulin subunits from solution will still add to this end, but they will be short-lived—either because they hydrolyze their GTP or because they fall off as the microtubule rim around them disassembles. If, however, enough GTP-loaded subunits are added quickly enough to cover up the GDPcontaining tubulin subunits at the microtubule end, a new GTP cap can form and regrowth is favored. B. How would a change in the tubulin concentration affect this switch? The rate of addition of GTP-tubulin will be greater at higher tubulin concentrations. The frequency with which shrinking microtubules switch to the growing mode will therefore increase with increasing tubulin concentration. The consequence of this regulation is that the system is self-balancing: the more microtubules shrink (resulting in a higher concentration of free tubulin), the more frequently microtubules will start to grow again. Conversely, the more microtubules grow, the lower the concentration of free tubulin will become and the rate of GTP- tubulin addition will slow down; at some point GTP hydrolysis will catch up with new GTP-tubulin addition, the GTP cap will be destroyed, and the microtubule will switch to the shrinking mode. C. What would happen if only GDP, but no GTP, were present in the solution? If only GDP were present, microtubules would continue to shrink and eventually disappear, because tubulin dimers with GDP have very low affinity for each other and will not add stably to microtubules. D. What would happen if the solution contained an analog of GTP that cannot be hydrolyzed? If GTP is present but cannot be hydrolyzed, microtubules will continue to grow until all free tubulin subunits have been used
  • 3. up. 11- Which of the following statements are correct? Explain your answers. A. Kinesin moves endoplasmic reticulum membranes along microtubules so that the network of ER tubules becomes stretched throughout the cell. True. A continual outward movement of ER is required; in the absence of microtubules, the ER collapses toward the center of the cell. B. Without actin, cells can form a functional mitotic spindle and pull their chromosomes apart but cannot divide. True. Actin is needed to make the contractile ring that causes the physical cleavage between the two daughter cells, whereas the mitotic spindle that partitions the chromosomes is composed of microtubules. C. Lamellipodia and filopodia are “feelers” that a cell extends to find anchor points on the substratum that it will then crawl over. True. Both extensions are associated with transmembrane proteins that protrude from the plasma membrane and enable the cell to form new anchor points on the substratum. D. GTP is hydrolyzed by tubulin to cause the bending of flagella. False. To cause bending, ATP is hydrolyzed by the dynein motor proteins that are attached to the outer microtubules in the flagellum. E. Cells having an intermediate-filament network that cannot be depolymerized would die. False. Cells could not divide without rearranging their intermediate filaments, but many terminally differentiated and long-lived cells, such as nerve cells, have stable intermediate filaments that are not known to depolymerize. F. The plus ends of microtubules grow faster because they have
  • 4. a larger GTP cap. False. The rate of growth is independent of the size of the GTP cap. The plus and minus ends have different growth rates because they have physically distinct binding sites for the incoming tubulin subunits; the rate of addition of tubulin subunits differs at the two ends. 17-The drug Taxol, extracted from the bark of yew trees, has an opposite effect to the drug colchicine, an alkaloid from autumn crocus. Taxol binds tightly to microtubules and stabilizes them; when added to cells, it causes much of the free tubulin to assemble into microtubules. In contrast, colchicine prevents microtubule formation. Taxol is just as pernicious to dividing cells as colchicine, and both are used as anticancer drugs. Based on your knowledge of microtubule dynamics, suggest why both drugs are toxic to dividing cells despite their opposite actions. Cell division depends on the ability of microtubules both to polymerize and to depolymerize. This is most obvious when one considers that the formation of the mitotic spindle requires the prior depolymerization of other cellular microtubules to free up the tubulin required to build the spindle. This rearrangement is not possible in Taxol-treated cells, whereas in colchicine- treated cells, division is blocked because a spindle cannot be assembled. On a more subtle but no less important level, both drugs block the dynamic instability of microtubules and would therefore interfere with the workings of the mitotic spindle, even if one could be properly assembled. 21-The locomotion of fibroblasts in culture is immediately halted by the drug cytochalasin, whereas colchicine causes fibroblasts to cease to move directionally and to begin extending lamellipodia in seemingly random directions. Injection of fibroblasts with antibodies to vimentin has no discernible effect on their migration. What do these observations suggest to you about the involvement of the three different cytoskeletal filaments in fibroblast locomotion?
  • 5. Cytochalasin interferes with actin filament formation, and its effect on the cell demonstrates the importance of actin to cell locomotion. The experiment with colchicine shows that microtubules are required to give a cell a polarity that then determines which end becomes the leading edge. In the absence of microtubules, cells still go through the motions normally associated with cell movement, such as the extension of lamellipodia, but in the absence of cell polarity these are futile exercises because they happen indiscriminately in all directions. Antibodies bind tightly to the antigen (in this case vimentin) to which they were raised. When bound, an antibody can interfere with the function of the antigen by preventing it from interacting properly with other cell components. The antibody injection experiment therefore suggests that intermediate filaments are not required for the maintenance of cell polarity or for the motile machinery. Social Media Marketing Fundamentals with Brian Honigman 1 of 1 Social Media Marketing Fundamentals with Brian Honigman Checklist for Choosing a Social Channel Selecting the right social networks for your organization isn’t an easy decision with the numerous options available and the variety of considerations to account for. Here’s a checklist to help remember what to keep top of mind when choosing where to be active on social media. A majority of the questions below should be marked “yes” to indicate a social network is right for your business.
  • 6. YES NO Is your audience using this social network? YES NO Does this channel have a large, active audience? YES NO Do you have the necessary resources to maintain this channel? YES NO Does your organization have the expertise to succeed here? YES NO Are your competitors active on this channel? YES NO Is it possible to achieve your marketing goals on this platform? YES NO Are you able to invest in the types of content typically shared here? YES NO Does your team grasp the unique features and nuances of this channel? YES NO Can your company afford to pay for advertising on this social network? YES NO Does the context of this platform’s use align with your company’s offerings? YES NO Can you reasonably measure and report results for this channel? YES NO Have you personally tested this network to understand how it’s used? YES NO Will your team enjoy using this channel to reach your customers?
  • 7. YES NO Does this channel facilitate customer service requests for your customers? YES NO Are you willing to innovate on this network, moving beyond best practices? Running head: MARKETING PLAN FOR SMARTHOMES CORPORATION 1 MARKETING PLAN FOR SMARTHOMES CORPORATION 3 Part A: Marketing Plan for Smart Homes Corporation MKT500 Marketing Management Strayer University Dr.Victoria Hailey October 22, 2018 Introduction SmartHomes Corporation, headquartered in Central Florida, is a real estate investment organization focused on buying family housing units below the fair market value, refurbishing them as well as renting the facilities at the current market rates. Owned by Paul Scholes and Ryan Schubaker, the corporation specializes in fractional home ownership, in which buyers own a unit for between 7 days and 28 days in year for 99 years. Home owners can rent their units for income or loan out their units to friends or spend their holidays there for the number of days owned. Currently, the company is selling its
  • 8. facility known as “The One” located near Daytona Beach, with plans to expand into the neighboring states in the future. Mission Statement SmartHomes Corporation’s is to invest in quality tenants and properties. At SmartHomes, the owners are devoted to the business as demonstrated by their commitment to meticulous selection of property location and long-term buyers. Goals Short Term · To increase SmartHomes’ market share by 10 percent in the next 1 year This will be by measured by tracking down the total number of new users on the organization’s website and social media platforms · To increase SmartHomes’ revenue by 10 percent in the next 1 year This will be measure by an increase in the firm’s product adoption plus retention rate relative to the market trends Long Term · To increase the number of new homes by 10 percent in the next 5 years This will be demonstrated by customer engagement rates · To increase SmartHomes’ profitability by 20 percent in the next 5 years This will be demonstrated by an increase in the firm’s profit margins relative to the industry’s performance Environmental Analysis The real estate industry, just like other industries, is prone to environmental factors including, flooding and other harsh climatic conditions. With regards to environmental factors, Florida is a poster child for the impacts of climate changes with various studies indicating that the sea level will rise by 5 feet above sea level by the end of the 21st century and other indicating that properties worth more than 23 billion United
  • 9. States dollars could be destroyed by 2050. As a result, many real estate investors are looking for higher grounds elsewhere in the State like the traditionally black neighborhoods of Liberty City as well as Little Haiti (Luscombe, 2017). These events are, without any doubt likely to affect SmartHomes business growth in the future and for this reason the company has plans to move into neighboring states in the future. Competitive Analysis Florida State is home to numerous real estate organizations with agents that compete against one another for the real estate market share. Some real estate companies have full service agents are not only well respected in the community, but also boast of many years of experience. Some of the top real estate companies in Florida are: Keyes Company, located in West Palm Beach; RE/Max Direct, Delray Beach and Boca Raton; and House Pro Realty, Lake Worth. Others are Marcus and Company Realty, Bradenton; Smith and Associates Real Estate, Saint Petersburg; Navy To Navy Homes, Jacksonville; and the Agency of Pensacola, Pensacola (Up Nest, 2017). While many of these companies are popular in the real estate industry, none of them offers factional home ownership which is SmartHomes Corporation’s niche market Economic Analysis From the economic perspective, experts assert that Florida is one of the leading states in the United States with a booming real estate market in the country following the recent recession. Like the United States economy, Florida’s economy is showing signs of recovering from the recent recessions and there are plans in place to help propel the state’s economic performance in the future. For instance, the Federal Railroad Administration, in 2011, increased the federal funding for the states’ high-speed rail by 800 million dollars to 2.05 billion dollars. The high- speed rail will definitely stimulate the states job market which is a major boost for real estate companies. The state of Florida is also home to aerospace industry, with more than 15,000 people working at the Kennedy Space Center. The annual wage
  • 10. of aerospace employees is nearly 52,000 United States dollars (Spiegel, 2010). Political and Legal Analysis There are many political factors which make the State of Florida a favorable place for real estate businesses to enter the market. These include favorable tax structure which aimed at attracting investors and new businesses. The government policies as well as competitive costs make it easy for an organization to plan for business growth and opportunity of making profits. Also, the States’ regulatory agencies provide less costly and quicker means of permitting processes for businesses while focusing on environmental standards. Moreover, Florida is one of the 9 states in the country without personal income taxes for its citizens. Florida is also one of the 22 states in the country with the right to work law in the country. This law allows workers to decide by themselves whether to join as well as support a union or not (Altius Directory, 2010). Technological Analysis Martinez (2010) finds that the real estate industry is subject to technological innovations, which affect the way organizations construct and supply houses to the consumers. The introduction of the Internet as well as the improvement in information communication technologies is credited with the facilitation and acceleration of information flow between producers and consumers. SmartHome’s “The One” facility offers up-to-date technology to home owners. Each room is installed with modem jacks and Ethernet ports for easy Internet accessibility. The owners have easy access to copy and facsimile machines located in each room. Also, each room has an emergency panic alert system that is connected to the local police department and the manager’s office. Socio-cultural Analysis Florida State has some of the most famous social aspects in the country, including Disney, Universal Studios and Daytona Beach, which may boost the real estate market in one way or
  • 11. another. Besides, there are other interesting attraction centers which attract many people to the state. One of the most common features is the Florida Everglades which is known for attracting biologists from different parts of the world. Tourism is the biggest source of income in the States as it accounts for about 25 percent of the entire state’s economy. There are at least 60 million people visiting Florida each year which generates about 57 billion dollars (Nu Wire, 2010). SmartHomes Corporation can take advantage of the booming tourism sector by providing affordable housing for tourists. With regards to population growth, Florida is among the fastest growing states in the country and this is expected to continue to the unforeseeable future. As many people continue to visit the state, some will love whatever it offers and plan to return more frequently or to relocate permanently (Proximity One, 2018). SWOT and Needs Analysis Strengths The rental facility, “The One”, is not only affordable to many American and foreign tourists but is also located near a major tourist centerDaytona Beach with easy accessibility to the beach. Secondly, “The One” is a state-of-the-art facility with various features including the spa, a helipad, 5 swimming pools, children care center, restaurant, bar, spacious rooms, 24 hour Internet connectivity, saunas and many more. The facility boasts of friendly customer service personnel and highly qualified chefs, waiters and other supportive staff who aim at ensuring that home owners can enjoy their holidays in a more relaxing and serene environment Weaknesses From an investors’ perspective, this may be a seasonal location, and this may affect the buyer’s confidence level. SmartHomes is a new business with no reputation in the market compared to more established real estate firms in the region. There is a higher probability that the company may lose scope of the business Opportunity
  • 12. Fractional homeownership is a new investment decision in the region and the Company can use this as an opportunity to market its new facility, “The One.” The facility is in the fastest growing region or county in the State of Florida. Moreover, it is easier to market the states real estate across the globe as it is one of the world’s most popular tourist destination areas. Threat There is increased competition from established real estate companies in the region. The possibility of natural disasters such as Tornados and Hurricanes can affect tourist activities in the region thereby affecting the real estate business. The Florida State government’s decision to increase regulations regarding foreign home owners can greatly affect SmartHomes business activities. Table 1 SWOT Analysis Strengths · Affordable housing · State of the art facility · Friendly customer service personnel Weaknesses · Losing business scope · Seasonal location for investors · Low reputation Opportunities · Unexplored marketing opportunities · Fastest growing location · Florida most referred destination Threats · Intense rivalry from big companies · Effects of natural disasters · Government regulation Note: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for SmartHomes Corporation. Conclusion In conclusion, SmartHomes Corporation intends to
  • 13. increase its market share as well revenue by 10 percent each in the next 1 year. In the long term, it seeks to increase the number of new homes by 10 percent and profitability by 20 percent, respectively, in the next 5 years. SmartHomes relies on its strengths particularly housing affordability and location to realize its short term and long-term goals. Also, the economic environment and social environment provide great hope toward realization of the organization’s goals. ReferencesAltius Directory. (2010). Florida economy. Retrieved from. economy.phpLuscombe, R. (2017, August 29). How climate change could turn US real estate prices upside down. The Guardian. Retrieved from. rricane-harvey-climate- change-real-estate-floridaMartinez, M. (2010). How to make money in real estate in the new economy. (1st ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill EducationNu Wire. (2010). Florida condo prices continue their slide. Property Wire. Retrieved from. condo-prices-continue-their-slide/ Proximity One. (2018). State total population estimates & projections. Retrieved from., E. (2010, November 12).Rail offers Florida economic growth, jobs. Orlando Business Journal. Retrieved from. edition/2010/11/12/rail-offers-florida-economic- growth.html UpNest. (2017). Top Florida real estate companies in 2017. UpNest. Retrieved from.