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Theme Analysis Essay
Writing a Theme Analysis Essay can be a challenging endeavor that requires a deep
understanding of the chosen theme and a skillful integration of literary elements. The difficulty
lies not only in analyzing the theme itself but also in articulating your insights in a coherent and
persuasive manner.
Firstly, selecting a theme that is both interesting and worthy of analysis can be a daunting task.
Once you have identified the theme, the next challenge is to delve into the text and extract
relevant evidence and examples that support your analysis. This demands a keen eye for detail
and a comprehensive understanding of the text's nuances.
Crafting a thesis statement that encapsulates your interpretation of the theme is another hurdle.
The thesis must be clear, concise, and capable of guiding the entire essay. Developing a strong
argument that builds upon the thesis requires a thoughtful analysis of the text's elements, such as
characterization, symbolism, and dialogue.
Furthermore, organizing your essay in a logical and coherent manner is crucial. Each paragraph
should contribute to the overall argument, and transitions between ideas should be seamless.
Balancing analysis with textual evidence is essential to ensure the essay's depth and
Finally, mastering the art of effective writing is vital. A Theme Analysis Essay requires more
than just stating your opinions; it demands eloquence and clarity in expressing your ideas. Proper
grammar, syntax, and style contribute to the overall impact of the essay.
In conclusion, writing a Theme Analysis Essay can be a challenging task that necessitates a
combination of critical thinking, textual analysis, and proficient writing skills. It requires a
commitment to thorough research, careful planning, and precise execution. However, with
dedication and practice, one can develop the necessary skills to tackle this type of essay
For those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that there are resources available. Similar essays
and more can be ordered on, where professional writers can provide support in
crafting well-researched and eloquently written essays on various topics.
Theme Analysis EssayTheme Analysis Essay
Dodd Frank Reform And Consumer Protection Act
Dodd Frank
The full name of the bill is the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
Protection Act, but it is mostly known as Dodd Frank. The Dodd Frank Act is a
United States federal law, which is divided into sixteen titles that places major
regulations on the financial industry with the purpose of restraining another major
financial market collapse. The stated aim of the legislation is: To promote the
financial stability of the United States by improving accountability and transparency
in the financial system, to end too big to fail , to protect the American taxpayer by
ending bailouts, to protect consumers from abusive financial services practices, and
for other purposes (Thomas, 2010).
Due to the Great Recession of the late ... Show more content on ...
The Office of Financial Research is designed to support the Financial Stability
Oversight Council in range of researching and collecting data. The Director has
supreme power and may require any financial institution (bank or non bank) to
provide any needed information for reseaching and analyzing. The Office can also
standardize the way financial data is reported, with the constituent agencies having
three years to implement new guidelines.
Investor Protection Measures and Reform The Act reviews the powers and structure
of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), credit rating organizations, and
the relationships between customers and broker dealers or investment advisers
(David S. Huntington, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton Garrison LLP, 2010). It
provides corporate governance and executive compensation reforms, such as proxy
access, chairman and CEO disclosures, broker discretionary voting (Corporate
Governance); say on pay, say on golden parachutes, broker discretionary,
compensation committees, executive compensation claw backs (Executive
compensation). In order to be active and operational, these provisions require further
action by the SEC, the stock exchanges or other regulators except the say on pay, say
on golden parachute and broker discretionary voting requirements. Most of
Smooth Ice Narrative
Me and my team sprinted onto the smooth shiny ice. We all immediately started
warm ups because we only had 3 minutes.
We made two lines at the corners of the boards, 1 line was for the defense, and the
other was for the forwards. At the time I was a forward.
So we started off by skating above the circle and catching a pass from the
deffensemen, then we take a shoot at the goalie to get him warmed up. As we were
all finished from giving everybody a shoot we were all ready to start the game.
Today our game was against the Grand Valley Stars, And they were the visitors.
Last time we played them we lost 4 2 but I was determined to beat them today. The
whistle blew, we all line up at our positions in the middle of the ice. Before the ref
drops the puck he gives a signal to the two goalies to see if they were ready, and sure
enough they were. The puck dropped, and the two centers were fighting for it like
two gorillas. The away team came up with a way to get it ... Show more content on ...
He passes it to the guy that was open, but I anticipated the pass, and broke it up.
I skated up the ice with the puck looking for a open guy, and sure enough the center
was open. This was a hard decision shoot it or pass it, I did not have enough time
to think so I skated it up, and shoot it as hard as I could and hoped for the best.
DING the puck hit the bottom of the crossbar and went in, yes my first hockey
goal. When I skated back to the bench I could hear everyone saying good job or
nice goal zaden . I will always remember my first hockey goal. But the game s not
over yet we were only winning by one goal. The cool thing about getting a goal to,
is you get to keep the puck, and I was really excited about that. We had about 10
minutes until the game was over, and we were still winning 1 0. So we line up in
the middle of the ice waiting for the ref to drop the puck. The puck dropped and the
two centers were fighting for the puck, this time we won the
The Outsider, by Albert Camus and The Assault, by Harry...
Camus and Mulisch present that the past and present are interrelated. The authors do
this through the two characters, Meursault and Anton. Through Meursault, we see
that his past actions affect the outcome of his trial. Through Anton, we see that his
present situation constantly brings him back to his pastdespite him trying to escape it.
Thus the authors stylistically link the past and presentto demonstrate that they are
inevitably related, where certain events are unavoidable or the past is undeniable.
In The Outsider , the society continually brings back Meursault s past actions against
his will, such as his behaviour at his mother s funeral. Under the rule of the French
Colonialists, the French Algerian court is a microcosm of the ... Show more content
on ...
Despite this, the society tries to fabricate or impose rational explanations of
Meursault s irrational action. This is evident during the trial process when the
prosecutor rationally explains for Meursault the series of event that happened,
although Meursault himself does not have a solid explanation for his actions. The
prosecutor explains it so well, that even Meursault himself finds it quite plausible .
Anton s past is brought back to him in a different way than Meursault. When Anton
meets Cor Takes he starts repainting the picture of the tragic night. It was fate that
brought Takes to Anton, allowing him to overhear Takes. This brought Anton s past
back to the present by discovering the motives of Takes and was the first timethat he
had cried over what had happened. Before this, he was able to put the past behind
him but was never able to escape it. When it was brought back to him, Takes words
reaches into his heart, and was why he cried. Mulisch shows aspects of the past will
always catch up with the present and it is inescapable. Eventually, Anton comes to
realize that he can never fully escape the past and has to accept the whole truth in
order to find closure and experience true forgetting . Anton thought, ... of how
everything comes to light sooner or later. In time, he would have had to face the truth
Summary Of Priam In The Book Two Of The Aeneid
The death scene of Priam at the hands of Pyrrhus in book two of the Aeneid is, in
my opinion, hands down the piГЁce de rГ©sistance of the epic. This potent
excerpt shines in providing the reader with not only intense visual imagery, but
also (when translating from the latin at least) opportunities to interpret the text to
one s desire (to an extent, of course). Perhaps the most significant of these instances
of interpretation is in lines 2.515 516, and that of course is the describing of
Hecuba and her daughters as columbae head longing in a gloomy storm. Columba
is a 1st Declension, feminine noun which defines as both
pigeon and dove, so if columba can be translated as either bird, which is the correct
one? Well Vergil allows his genius to be noticed because he leaves that to the
reader. The reader is not only allowed to, but partially expected by Vergil to not
only focus on the certain qualities of the two birds in order to decide which bird
best suits Hecuba and company, but to also determine certain qualities of Hecuba
and her daughters that one of the two birds would best represent. Two simple lines in
an epic that is just shy of 10,000 total lines (all impressively formatted into dactylic
hexameterfor the entirety of the text, I might add) induce the reader into a circuitous
train of thought that is only halted when the reader decides what they want the text
to mean, not whatever Vergil would have wanted. For instance, pigeons nowadays
are often referred to as flying rats which imposes quite the negative connotation
towards pigeons, denouncing them as scavenging, pestering, and downright
disgusting. Doves on the other hand, are generally thought to be peaceful, calm,
and elegant animals that can even be quite beautiful to some. Just look at each bird
s appetite; doves shimmy around the ground searching for small seeds, and
occasionally an insect or two to eat if need be, while pigeons can be seen
scavenging for anything left behind or tossed into a trash heap by humans, a
particularly vile lifestyle for a particularly vile animal.
This thought process leads most readers to interpret columbae as doves rather than
pigeons since Hecuba is simply taking shelter from the chaos around
North Americas Different History Essay
North America s Different History
The human history in North America I believe was very different than that of Asia,
Eurasia, and Europe. One example of why I believe that North America s history was
different is that the importance of a military force was far more important to the
Europeans than the Americans. The Europeans were so intertwined in their problems
of over population, poverty, and political order that the need for a military was
needed. The Americans did not have these problems right away.
The Americans were extremely busy trying to build a country from scratch and not
trying to revive a country from the hole it had fallen into. In addition, in Europe they
learned to domesticate there animals so there animals would not fall ... Show more
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In Europe they were several kinds of plants for people to feed on like oats, peas,
olives, grapes, almonds, barley, oranges, lentil and millet. The diversity in there
diets also contributed in how Europe s growth was so fast. Before the Americans
discovered corn their diets mostly consisted of various meat. This in turn served as a
form of birth control because their women had to breast feed until their young had
teeth and were able to eat meat. This is also one of the reasons the American
population was so much smaller than that of Europe.
The Europeans spent some time developing technological advances like movable
items. This was not only an entertainment factor for them, but it was also used for
learning and education purposes. These books helped them to develop new ideas
through their culture. This in turn helped people loosen their ties to traditional beliefs
that so many thought were harming their country.
All three of these differences were drastically important to the international state of
affairs of the 1450 s. First, the Americans had barely begun the thought of using a
military force and the Europeans had a hold on the idea already. The Europeans
already had a force that was built with ships that was superior to the Americans. The
Americans were far behind and this was a big disadvantage. Second, the European s
brought with them many diseases that the Americans did not have and were not
immune to. These
Psychology in Greek Philosophy, Paragraphs
Paragraph 1
Many people have contributed to the filed of psychology. Three whom I believe
made significant impacts are Socrates, Aristotle and Rene Descartes. In the following
section, I will briefly discuss a bit about each individual, and then talk about which of
the four archetypes they each fall under based on the information presented. Socrates
was a classical Greek philosopher who devoted his life and work to searching for
moral good, virtue, and justice. He developed a method of seeking knowledge by
question and answer called dialectics. He used this technique to teach individuals
about their own ignorance, so as to become more self aware (Leahey, 2013). Based
on this information, I believe Socrates would fit the archetype of the teacher.
According to Larson (2002), the archetype of the teacher has its origins in Greek
philosophy. This is around the time when people began to use rhetoric as a means of
communicating ideas and imparting their wisdom to others. This is precisely what
Socrates was known for, which is why he fits this archetype well. Then there is
Aristotle, who was the first to philosophize on the basis of science (or as it was
known in his time, natural philosophy). Aristotle main philosophical objective was to
come up with a universal process of reasoning that would allow man to learn every
conceivable thing about reality. In addition to philosophy, Aristotle was interested in
geology, marine biology, and meteorology. He also
Throne Of Blood Macbeth Comparison
Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble (Shakespeare 119).
Fate has never been in the hands of Macbeth since the appearance of the Weird
Sisters. Just as their chant goes, the Three Sisters symbolize fate mixed with mischief
and witchcraft. Therefore, the witch s actions would need to incorporate both the
eccentric and divine personality from living through time, which can be conveyed
with the distinct point of views, facial expressions, and the approach of the scene
setting. The 2015 version of Macbethclip only centered on Act 4 where Macbeth
searches for the witches and meets the first apparition. These short clip was able to
provide the perfect portrayal of the witches and the resolution of Macbeth after
hearing the prophecy. The witches adopt a mysterious whisper when they
communicate their lines, and the camera work was able to capture every witch in
their own peculiar behavior. The age of the Three Witchesvary, further exhibiting the
unknown infinity of time, but they are recognizable with the scars on... Show more
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Unlike the previous clip, Throne of Blood is an adaptation taking place within
Japan. The setting and designs were just as adequate and comprised of the same
plot. While the was only a few short seconds centering on the old man with the same
role as the witches, he was able to reflect the same mysterious, all knowing
prophecies. Just like the old man says, life is short like the flower; the foreshadowing
of Macbeth s death sends shivers and dread within the audience especially when
Macbeth continues killing leading to hallucinations. Therefore, the only drawback
within this clip was was not enough focus on the character of the witch, but the
audience experience a wider perspective with the entire outlook and effects of the
The Disillusionment of American Dream in Great Gatsby
The disillusionment of American dream in the Great Gatsby and Tender is the night
Chapter I Introduction
F. Scott Fitzgerald is the spokesman of the Jazz Age and is also one of the greatest
novelists in the 20th century. His novels mainly deal with the theme of the
disillusionment of the American dream of the self made young men in the 20th
century. In this thesis, Fitzgerald s two most important novels The Great Gatsby
(2003) and Tender is the Night(2005) are analyzed. Both these two novels tell us the
story of the pursuit and failure of the American dream of the young men in the
twenties. Jay Gatsby is the central character of The Great Gatsby and Dick Diver is
the counterpart of Tender Is the Night and both these two men fall in ... Show more
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She is the daughter of a millionaire, but unfortunately she is the victim of the incest
and has a serious mental disease. As a doctor, Dick is sympathetic with her and
wants to cure her to realize his American dream that s to get the admission and
acceptance of the upper class, so he marries her and devotes more than his decade
of life to curing her. But Nicole leaves him after her recovery and turns to her new
lover, Tommy Barban. Dick goes back to his hometown quietly. Dick s weaknesses
and his identity as a spoiled priest are rooted in his personality his egotism and
desire to please and be loved that transform him into a social climber whose natural
idealism is finally corrupted by the amoral values of his flock. (Stavola 1979:148)
We are not allowed to forget that both Jay Gatsby and Dick Diver are the
representative figures of the American dream of the 20th century. Both these two men
come from a family with little or no money, but they manage to attend a famous
university Oxford to raise their social positions. When the rising young men are
to the top, they fall in love with the rich and beautiful girls from the upper class,
and they win the rich girls but at last are destroyed by their wealth or their relatives.
Their real dream was that of achieving a new status and a new essence, of rising to a
loftier place in
the mysterious hierarchy of human worth. 4
To understand the pursuers of the
The Bilingual Difference Essay
The linguistic and cultural clashes that children encounter, and how they negotiate
between their ethnic and American mainstream cultures, and how these clashes and
problems influence their relationship with their parents and their ethnic identities
as a whole and how they were dealt with differently as we look at two stories dealing
with two girls who are both coming of age in different society from where they
originally came from. Jairy s Jargon a story written by Carmen Gloria Ballista, is a
story that encounters the life of a young girl coming of age in Puerto Rico, except she
s originally from New York. Milly Cepeda s story, Mari y Lissy, is a story about twin
sisters who differ in personality and are often at odds with each... Show more content
on ...
Cultures can change with a dialect, as in the case of Jary. Her Spanglish is different
from the Puerto Rican Spanish spoken amongst the children in her new school. To
them she sounds funny, and vice versa. Children can be cruel when accepting new
students, imagine a student that is far from the culture?
Jary is almost rescued by Miss Hernandez a teacher who spoke both English and
Spanish, (and that is Puerto Rican Spanish). Jary befriends Miss Hernandez, as
Miss Hernandez helps Jary learn the new language, and remember New York. Even
though Miss Hernandez helps Jary with her new transition Jary still has to do a lot
on her own. Jary is what many of the kids call a Nuyorican , Jary s parents are also
Nuyoricans meaning, they were born and raised in New York but are still Puerto
Rican. Jary s parents do not feel the pressure of the culture clash as heavy as Jary.
As Jary begins to sing songs like the other children, she notices she uses the same
words as them, and that she starting to speak like them. These clashes influence her
relationship with her parents, in that they began to not understand her, for example;
Jary would say !que brutal! , (which literally translates into how brutal ) when
describing something she thought was interesting or nice. Her parents not
understanding began to correct her, but she eventually explained to her.
Analysis Of The Poem Enter Without So Much As
Bruce Dawe cleverly uses Australian language and the poetic form in his poems
Enter Without So Much as Knocking , written in 1959 and Homo Suburbiensis ,
written in 1969, to reflect his views of suburban Australia in the 1950s and 1960s
and its culture. Dawe s ideas and attitudes are formed from his personal experiences
of post WW2 Australiawhich includes the modern living introduced in the suburbs
and the commercialism and isolation that it formed. His poem Enter without so much
as knocking closely links Dawe s ideas of the new environment suburbia created with
the commercialism power structure that came with it. In his poem Homo
Suburbiensis he effectively explores the isolation and escapism the newly established
suburbs post WW2 Australia thrived on. These views Dawe shares in his poems show
the Australian culture of the suburbs post WW2 including the commercialism,
isolation and escapism it brought.
In Bruce Dawe s poems Homo Suburbiensis and Enter Without So Much as Knocking
contemporary suburban living in Australia is heavily explored through the use of
literary techniques.
In Dawe s Homo Suburbiensis the modern suburban lifestyle is portrayed through the
use of onomatopoeia.
hearing vaguely the clatter of a disk in a sink that could be his, hearing a ... Show
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The Australian suburban lifestyle in the 1950s and 1960s was centred around the
idea of a new and modern variety of man that was different from those that could be
found elsewhere. In Enter without so much as knocking suburban living in Australia
is also explored however it is quickly related to a conformist ideology due to the rules
the society followed. In the poem, this is shown through the use of capitalised
imperatives used in truncated
Recording Studio At The Age Of 21
Recording studio the main aim of this business is to offer an affordable practice
space and recording studio to young bands and older more established ones as well.
I also plan to have a student discount for bands under the age of 21, perhaps a 10%
discount. The focus of the business would be mainly on practice space containing
high end equipment including brands like marshal and Ashdown; however a large
amount of effort and resources will be used creating a small, elite studio recording
space with single instrument/vocal pods, 2/3, an eight foot drum recording room, and
one large full band room with sufficient mid high end microphones. Transition into
the full recording studiois the main aim of this business and will hopefully take...
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This would make competitive pricing very hard especially for a new business;
however the distance to Leeds from Harrogate, with train ticket prices makes up the
total cost of a single band practice at least 15 ВЈ20 per person. With the high socio
economic group of Harrogate citizens, we as business can charge a similar price but
locally to secure as much revenue as possible.
In this screen shot you can see that there is only one other studio space in
Harrogate, and after looking at the website, all I can tell is that they are a
recording studio in Harrogate, they say nothing about pricing, availability or much
else. This would imply they don t get much business as they aren t trying very hard
to advertise. Though this could imply that the lack of effort is due to a lack of
interest, I believe there is definitely enough demand in the Harrogate area, and it only
leaves more room in the Harrogate market for my business to occupy.
I think that this business will require a location that is enough distance from the
city centre so not to disturb other businesses and flats, as when bands are playing
music, maybe more than one at a time, a substantial amount of noise pollution will
be created. However it does need to be close enough that it is easily accessible and
can be seen by the general public easily. So perhaps somewhere on the outskirts near
valley gardens or up near the Odeon cinema, as these areas
Rebel Without a Clue in John Updike s A P Essay
Rebel Without a Clue in Updike s A P
Adults always stress that it is important to make a good first impression. That is
what Sammy was trying to accomplish in John Updike s A P. Although some people
believe that Sammy is a hero for standing up for his beliefs when he quit, there is
conclusive evidence that he quit in an attempt to impress a girl he was obviously
attracted to, Queenie.
We know he is attracted to Queenie because he goes to great lengths to tell us what
she looks like, what her mannerisms are, and the way that the other girls follow her.
For example, he says, She was the Queen. She kind of led them, the other two
peeking around and making their shoulders round (1026). This simple quote shows
that ... Show more content on ...
I mean, it was more than pretty (1026). Someone who is attracted to someone else
would usually notice something as striking as that. He continued with, She held her
head so high her neck, coming out of those white shoulders, looked kind of
stretched, but I didn t mind. The longer her neck was, the more of her there was
(1026). All of the above examples demonstrate how sexually interested Sammy is in
Queenie, but this one is the clincher: Still with that prim look she lifts a folded
dollar bill out of the hollow at the center of her nubbled pink top. The jar went heavy
in my hand (1028).
Sammy uses Lengel s reprimand to bring attention to himself. He was acting as a
boy trying to defend his girlfriend. Sammy says, The girls, and who d blame them,
are in a hurry to get out, so I say I quit to Lengel quick enough for them to hear,
hoping they ll stop and watch me, their unsuspected hero. This is the most obvious
attempt that Sammy makes to impress the girls. However, it doesn t work. The
girls leave before Sammy can even get outside. Sammy s family says that that is
the sad part of the story. Sammy also says, and my stomach kind of fell as I felt
how hard the world was going to be to me hereafter (1030). Now, is this the sort of
thing that someone would say after standing up for something they believe in? I
should say not! Most people
The Effects Of Anesthesia On Cognitive Functioning
Research The investigation of how anesthesia effects cognitive functioning has had a
long history. Overtime, it has been suggested that there is an association between
anesthesia, surgery, delirium, dementia and postoperative cognitive dysfunction (Inan
Ozkose Satirlar, 2015). The theory of anesthesia s impact on cognitive functioning
was derived in 1887, by Savage, who began to observe the insanity that follows the
use of anesthesia. He suggested that Any cause which will give rise to delirium may
set up a more chronic form of mental disorder quite apart from any febrile
disturbance (Savage, 1887, p. 1199). Delirium can be defined as an altered level of
consciousness that may cause a sudden decline in attention and focus perception
(Isik, 2015). Postoperative delirium was reevaluated in 1955 when Bedford used a
series of case studies collected over a 50 year span to describe a connection between
anesthesia and dementia. The results suggest that 10% of the patients had
postoperative cognitive dysfunction (Bedford, 1955). Since these initial studies,
research has persisted using a variety of methods, in an attempt to determine: both
long and short term effects of anesthesia on cognitive functioning and memory;
whether the anesthesia administration technique will change the outcome of
postoperative cognitive dysfunction; and other risk factors that may be associated to
Gasparini et al (2002), aimed to evaluate the association between exposure to
anesthesia and AD
Groundwater Age Of Ground Water
Groundwater is an important resource in regard to both its quality and quantity. In
arid regions where rivers and streams may be less frequent, groundwater represents
a sustainable source of water and it is important to determine if specific sites
represent a renewable or a minable resource. Groundwater age at a specific site is
useful in determining the rate of groundwater recharge or an acceptable rate of
water harvesting in order to not completely deplete an aquifer. Chemicals and
isotopes that are dissolved in ground water can be used to determine the apparent
age of ground water. These chemicals and isotopes are called age dating tracers. The
apparent age of ground water is considered to be the amount of time determined from
an... Show more content on ...
Discussion In the early 1990s, USGS scientists developed a method to date ground
water using chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) content of the water that is able to be used
on most shallow ground water systems. During the past 50 years, anthropogenic
activities have released chemical and isotopic substances to the atmosphere. These
atmospheric substances, such as tritium (3H) in water vapor from detonation of
nuclear bombs in the 1950s and early 1960s, and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) from
refrigeration and other uses from the 1950s through the 1980s, dissolve in
precipitation. Then they become incorporated in the hydrologic cycle. They can
be found in ground water that has been recharged within the past 50 years. Age
applies to the date of introduction of the chemical substance into the water and not
to the water itself. (Figure 1) shows an exponential growth of chlorofluorocarbon
available in ground water from 1950 to where it peaks and crests in the late 1990 s.
The decline is a result of a ban on CFCs in the late 80 s. The United States and most
First World Nations started using less of the material due to its effect on ozone
depletion. The amount of CFCs in the atmosphere over the past 50 years have been
reconstructed. CFCs can be used to determine groundwater age because water that is
in contact with the atmosphere picks up CFCs from the atmosphere. Thus, CFCs are
incorporated in the water before it
Immigration To The United States During The Late 1800s
During the late 1800s and early 1900s immigration to a new better world, the United
States Of America was in full swing. With all the immigration from so many different
countries brought much diversity to America but it also brought a new type of crime,
Organized Crime. This was due to a part that the Italian Sicilian Mafia was under
attack from Mussolini regime but also the creation of the 18th amendment banning
the sales, manufacturing, or transportation of any alcoholic beverage. Although many
immigrants were law abiding citizens those criminals looking for refuge from their
countries came to America and started neighborhood gangs. (Staff, 2017) Which
eventually led to bootlegging due to the demand for alcoholic beverages and the
My Father Who Lights A Pipe
Please, you should stay and not go out at night. Leave tomorrow when the sun is
up. If you can hear it, then you are still young enough to feel its power, for it is
always stronger at night, the mother tells me. I watch as she rises from her chair,
still carrying her daughter, and walks up the stairs to the bedrooms, disappearing
into the shadows. I turn to the father who lights a pipe, How long has this been
going on? I ask. This has been happening for many years now, for as long as few of
us remember. My great grandfather would tell me stories of my father getting out to
the woods. Back then the nightingale s song wasn t as strong. Why has no one done
anything to stop this? Has anyone tried to kill it? Have you asked any of... Show more
content on ...
The smoke curls into an image of a bird flapping its wings, it soars above my head
then vanishes. You must be tired. I will let you sleep for your long journey
tomorrow, he puts out the pipe and places it on the table beside his rocking chair.
He makes his way towards the stairs but stops to look back at me, If you do not
mind me asking. What exactly are you traveling for? I scratch the back of my head,
I never really questioned that myself. I just wanted to get out and experience new
things, I pause for a quick second, I guess to find myself. With a face of concern, he
stands at the top of the stairs, between the light and dark, I believe something was
looking for you, he tells me before crossing into the darkness and leaving me in
silence. It is unbearable. Even in the house there is no noise. It is the silence that
drives me crazy and unsettles me. For the life of me, I cannot bring myself to close
my eyelids no matter how hard I try. I am not sure when the singing started again
since I am not able to see any light coming from the sky through the distorted
window. It is the sound of footsteps, that turns my attention away from the rippled
glass, and I watch as the girl, in her slumber, walks slowly to the door and unlocks it.
Quickly, I rush from the couch and touch her arm.
Cezar E. Mcknight s Speech Summary
I attended the Constitution Day assembly on September 15, 2016. I receive a
large amount of information from Cezar E. McKnight s lecture. Honestly, I
ignorant to several laws before I heard Mr. McKnight s speech. This assembly was
very informative and it is one of the most relevant assemblies I have experience
since my matriculation at Claflin. The beginning of McKnight s speech was shaky,
due to the fact that I could not hear his words clears. However, he quickly adjusted
the volume problem and he addressed some errors on the program. Towards the
middle of his speech, McKnight gave his stance on the policebrutality and other
social injustices that occur in America. McKnight also discussed his personal
experience with law enforcement and
Positive Effects Of European Imperialism On Africa And
Imperialism is when a country gets control of a different country for different
reasons such as getting Political power, Economic power. Sometimes the people who
imperialize a country don t want to have power, but explore the country for
medicine, or to spread their religion to natives who lives in the country. The effects
of imperialism were positive in the six different countries (China, Congo, India,
Kenya, Madagascarand Nigeria) that were imperialize and the results of the cause
were mostly good effects that help these countries to be better. The effects of the
European imperialism on Africaand Asia were economically positive because
Europeans helped Africans/Asians utilize the natural resources for better use. It was
also socially positive... Show more content on ...
Before India was imperialized, India was ruled by Mughal Empire(Muslim). Also
India had diverse languages and religion. Mostly males would get education in
India. Great Britain and France competed to see who would control India. At the
end, Britain took over India. In document 2, the author Dadabhai Naoroji is a
writer from india and he wrote the document to the British government so they
know what were the good results and the bad results of when britain imperialized
India. One good effect that happened in India was that both males and females
could get education. It was still more males but it increase the numbers of females
that go to school. This was a positive effect because before there weren t a lot of
opportunities for females to get an education. It was limited for them. When
Britain imperialized India, there were positive changes such as females having an
opportunity to go to school. Not only males get a better future but also female will
also succeed in the future. Before Madagascar was imperialised, Madagascar is a
special country in Africa because Madagascar is the only island that counts as
country in Africa. When France took control of Madagascar scientists went to
Madagascar to study Microbiology. In document 6, a photographer took a picture in a
hospital from Madagascar to show the public in France and madagascar that there
Find Me by Romily Bernard
Find Me by Romily Bernard Her sister is next, one girl is already dead. Can Wick
Tate catch the killer before her sister suffers the same fate? Wick Tate is a hacker,
she hacks bank accounts and other records to prove if husbands/boyfriends are
cheating on wives/girlfriends. One day, she was interrupted by a detective trying
to find her criminal father. She monitors him until he exits and then goes to sleep.
The following day, she opens her door and finds Tessa Waye s diary with a post it
note saying, find me. Tessa Waye was Wick s friend before her dad became a drug
dealer. Later, at schools she receives knowledge that Tessa Waye leaped off a
building the previous night. She then devises a ploy to let her skip school and return to
... Show more content on ...
After that the best friends boyfriend throws Wick in a dumpster. Griff finds her and
she brings him in on the murder and how Lily is next. The killer sends Wick
another message and she attempts to trace the message, but the killer used
preventive software so she doesn t find his location. The killer sends another
communication and they got cocky and they didn t use the software. She traces
the signal back to the Public Library and she contacts Griff. They travel to the
library and they con the librarian into giving them the usage log. They inspect the
log and find nothing interesting, but they find a computer with an out of order
sign. The librarian explains that the users of that particular computer keep having
lock ups. They immediately realize what s happening. Wick returns home and
deciphers the killer s location. The killer is in the house. Wick realizes that her
foster father Todd is the killer. They have a large brawl and Todd escapes, but a
detective was there in the neighborhood. The detective told her that Lily was taken
hostage, but her foster mother Bren, who was with Lily, was found. Wick enlists
the assistance of Griff and they decipher Todd s location. Todd was in an old
abandoned building. They bolt over to the building and find Lily. Griff carries Lily
off. Wick engages in hand to hand combat with Todd. Wick keeps Todd occupied
long enough for the police to arrive and he was arrested. I very much
Disillusionment with Entering Adulthood in Angelina...
The play Rachel, by Angelina GrimkГ©, reveals the harsh realities of life for an
African American family living in the United States during the early part of the 20th
century. Focused on the central character Rachel Loving, the play reflects each
character s reaction to racial prejudice against African Americans. The themes of
motherhood and the innocence of youth are vital pieces of the issues GrimkГ©
wished to portray in her work. The development of Rachel herself revolves around her
changing perception of what the role of motherhood might be. This insight stems
from her understanding of the importance of childlike innocence towards the terrible
truths of the world in which we are surrounded by. Through the use of poignant
dialogue and... Show more content on ...
I ll never get anything else (50). From this statement one can see that Rachel in a
way has convinced herself that housework is an aspiration of hers. She makes it
seem as if her situation is not as bad as it really is. Rachel is an educated woman,
who deserves to have a substantial job, not being confined to a house on a daily
basis. Rachel continues by stating, We live. According to your philosophy, I
suppose, make the best of it it might be worse (51). Once again, Rachel is
convincing herself that a very obvious issue is not as pressing as it actually is.
GrimkГ© could have easily created a simplistic character that lacks depth and
vigor, but instead created an individual that grapples with deep psychological
trauma and spans farther than what meets the eye. Another example of Rachel s
obsession with youth is her love for being surrounded by children and her intense
desire to be a mother. This observation is first present on page 5 when Mrs. Loving
says to Rachel, You re not happy unless some child is trailing along in your rear
(5). This statement allows readers to see Rachel s infatuation with children.
Another example of this is when Rachel states, I think the loveliest thing of all the
lovely things in this world is just (almost in a whisper) being a mother! (12). She
goes on further explaining to her mother, It was the best in me that said that it was
God! (Pauses). And Ma dear, if I believed that I should grow
Hereditary Angioedema Essay
Hereditary Angioedema: Current and New Treatments to Relieve Sudden Attacks.
Hereditary Angioedema is an inherited disease caused by the disfunction of the
protein C1 inhibitor which is mechanically responsible for inhibiting the activation of
the complement system, a humoral aspect of the innate immune system. Intravenous
treatment has been used for many years to prevent and relieve the effects of sudden
edema attacks caused by spontaneous activation of the complement system within the
victim s cardiovascular system. However apart from being highly invasive, current
intravenous treatment is not convenient in cases of sudden, spontaneous edema
Recently studies have been undertaken to develop an effective subcutaneous
treatment option for ... Show more content on ...
Triggering mechanisms include: physical trauma, surgery, dental procedures, and
emotional stress. It has been noted that almost any level of trauma can trigger an
edema attack, from typing on a keyboard to mowing the lawn. Emotional stress is
another often encountered cause of edema attacks. The buildup of stress has been
well documented in it s effects on the immune system, often in a negative capacity.
This appears to be enough to trigger attacks spontaneously in those with a copy of the
mutated C1 inhibitor gene. Trigger of an edema attack by surgery or dental
procedures are also usually the result of trauma and can heavily affect the methods
and outcome of any such procedures undertaken.3
Because Hereditary angioedema attacks can be triggered by common occurrences
throughout any given day in the average person s life, those affected by hereditary
angioedema must take special care with their actions and more closely monitor their
environment as well as their stress levels. Though
Workforce Dress Codes
Dress codes change generally among districts and fields of occupation in America. A
Wall Street representative will wear a smart suit and shirt to work, while start up
workers in Silicon Valley may appear in shorts and shirt amid available time. Be
possibly overdressed rather than underdressed for your imminent representative
meeting, a fundamental meeting, or your first day at work. When you pick among
moderate, sharp nice, and nice clothing, constantly go for one of the underlying two
decisions, dependent upon how standard the association being alluded to is. If your
commitments incorporate individual contact with customers or clients, more formal
apparel is consistently anticipated. When you know the environment better, you may
dress down,
Anheuser-Bush Essay
Anheuser Bush
The American company Anheuser Bush (AB) cannot market its beer using their
trademark name Budweiser in every country around the world. This is due to the fact
that there is an European brewing company that uses the same trademark.
After Adolphus Bush immigrated to the United States, he got married into the
Anheuser brewing family. He used and subsequently registered the name Budweiser
as a trademark. A few years after Adolphus Bush did this, a new brewery was
established in Budejovicky Budvar and its beer was officially named and registered as
Budweiser. This Budweiser is considered by beers experts to be a greater beer than
the American Budweiser. (College Term Paper)
Now days, AB has a domestic ... Show more content on ...
But reality had proven to be different because the company has almost tripled its sales
since the Czechs gained independence. (Business Journals, Inc. 2/28/01)
AB executives sent a letter to Czech officials offering to invest capital on the
Budejovicky brewery, but the response that AB got back was not positive. One of the
things that contributed to this response was that Czechs considered that the name
Budweiser meant more than just a brand name or trademark, they believe that it
denotes a geographic area and subsequently indicates were the products is from.
Secondly, the simple fact of privatization concerned the Czechs that already had a
bad experience with the German carmaker company Volkswagen. Where
Volkswagen promised some amount of money to the Czechs, but Volkswagen
executives fail to provide. Besides this issue, the wages paid to the Czech s factory
were far below from the ones paid in the Germans factories.
The third factor was, like I mentioned before, that the Czechs consider that the
American Budweiser to be far inferior to Budvar s Budweiser.
AB has being trying to win over the Czechs in various ways. One of them is by
spending over $1 million of dollars cultural centers, offering English classes, opened
a cafГ© and with a baseball team that is equipped with the Saint Luis Cardinals
uniforms (The team that belongs to the same city where AB have its headquarter).
After all this effort from
Case Study Of BIMS
Introduction The company (BIMS) Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc. is a
company that does housekeeping and food service for many companies. The
company has come up with some issues in the last four months, which was an
increase in turnover. The company has an average turnover rate of 50 to 60%. With
now a 64% rate of turnover BIMS knows there is a problem. Managementis not sure
as to why the turnover rate has risen so much. They have failed to find the origin of
the problem. Another problem is that the morale in the company is low, and the sick
leave is increasing. Management is determined to figure out what is causing the
problem to find a solution. An approach that the company will take is to give all 452
employees a survey.
Data ... Show more content on ...
The survey was created to help employees in BIMS to help management find what
is causing the turn over by giving their opinion with the company. There are ten
questions in the survey, the first one asks employees to express how they feel with
their employment. Communication is also pointed out in the survey, to see how
communication is between employee and management. These questions have to be
answered by circling a number from one to five. One for very negative and five for
very positive. That s is for questions one to ten. There are also four extra questions
that need to be answered different, there is one that the employee has to state what sex
they are either male or female, also about how long they have worked for the
company, so these questions can not be answered in a one to five format. As well as
to in what area they work in. taking a look at the answers one can connect points and
see that there was a small communication between employee and manager. Also
another point is that there are many hours assigned to workers and they are not
satisfied with the pay.
Levels of measurement BIMS used nominal, ordinal, and interval levels of analysis
in the survey. In the Nominal level there was classification done. Then followed the
ordinal level, which took care of classifying and ordering in the survey. Then
followed the interval level which classifying, ordering and distance. Interval was
applied in the question which
Employers Liability in Negligence
NEGLIGENCE: THE EMPLOYER S DUTIES Employers Liability in Negligence
May be personally liable to employees who injure themselves. May be personally
liable to employees who are injured by another employee or sometimes by an
independent contractor employed by the employer. May be vicariously liable if one
employee is injured by another employee. NOTE: Employees may also be able to
recover from statutory workers compensation schemes. Employees rights at common
law may be restricted by the same schemes. e.g. WorkCover Queensland Act 1996
Other Possible Causes of Action Against an Employer The tort of breach of statutory
duty (separate tort). Breach of an express or implied term of the contract of
employment... Show more content on ...
The finding of liability. 2.The finding of only 10% contributory negligence.
Dismissed the appeal: 1. P conduct must be judged in the context of the finding of
Ds failure to provide a safe system of work. 2. P s conduct was mere inadvertence,
inattention or misjudgement. Leading Authority presently. At page 310, Once it is
accepted that such use [of such hoist] would eliminate the risk of injury, it is
necessarily follows that a prudent employer exercising reasonable care would
require that it be used. The employer must insist on a safe system, if it is not used,
must sack the employee. Bus v. S.C.C. (1989) The law has progressed by placing
an increased emphasis upon the relevance of the possibility of negligence or
inadventure on the part of the person to whom the duty is owed at page 90.
Defendants must anticipate carelessness on the behalf of others. Premises and
Tools Davie v. New Merton Board Mills The plaintiff got hit in the eye by a piece
of a chisel, the employer was not liable because: The defect in the tools was not
discoverable on reasonable inspection AND Bought from a reputable manufacturer.
Wilson v Tyneside Employer not liable because: P experienced window cleaner. D
did issue warnings in writing and orally. Duty not so high when premises not Ds. P
had cleaned those windows before and knew them to be unsafe. Checking was not the
trade practice. Smith v.
Margaret Thatcher Research Paper
Margaret Thatcher
I am in politics because of the conflict between good and evil, and I believe that in
the end good will triumph. ~ Margaret Thatcher
Prime minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 1990 known as the Iron Lady a
nickname given to her by the Soviet Journalist; Margaret Thatcher while you may
or may not agree with her politics was a powerful women in leadership. Born
Margaret Hilda Roberts in 1925 she was raised with her sister in a flat above her
father s grocery store. Thatcher studied chemistry at Oxford University from 1943
1947. Showing an interest in politics during college she became the president of the
Oxford University Conservative Association in 1946. In 1951 she married Denis
Thatcher and in 1954 she studied ... Show more content on ...
Margaret Thatcher not only broke through the glass ceiling she shattered it. Speaking
in her honor Prime Minister David Cameron observed that, at a time when it was
difficult for a woman to become a Member of Parliament, almost inconceivable that
one could lead the Conservative Party and, by her own reckoning, virtually
impossible that a woman could become Prime Minister, she did all three
.( After a failed bid in 1950 Thatcher was elected Member of
Parliament (MP) in 1959 one of just 25 women in a house of 605 men. Thatcher was
appointed Secretary of State for
Education and Science in 1970 and in 1975, she defeated Heath in the Conservative
Party leadership election to become Leader of the Opposition and subsequently the
first woman to lead a major political party in The UK. In 1979 Thatcher was elected
Prime Minister after winning the general election. Thatcher was known for having a
confrontational approach. One of the leading figures in her first ministry Jim Prior
found it particularly difficult to raise his voice to a woman and engage in the
argumentative style which Thatcher encouraged. For Mr. Prior such behavior was
not gentlemanly. (
The Role Of Selfishness In Night By Martin Luther King Jr.
Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in
the darkness of destructive selfishness (Martin Luther King, Jr).This quote
connects to Night by: Elie Wiesel because in this book, people choose their own
paths of being in the light or being in the shadows. Martin Luther King Jr is saying
that people have a choice to be selfish or selfless. Selfishness is the only way to
survive during dark times. First, Elie only cares about him and his father. Elie
should not have to fight for his father because Elie s father can fight for himself.
Here, every man has to fight for himself and not think of anyone else (105). This
quote is saying that the only person Elie is responsible for is himself. The boy in the
Essay on Authenticity in Northanger Abbey
Northanger Abbey: Authenticity
In what is for Jane Austen an uncharacteristically direct intervention, the narrator of
Northanger Abbey remarks near the end: The anxiety, which in the state of their
attachment must be the portion of Henry and Catherine, and of all who loved either,
as to its final event, can hardly extend, I fear, to the bosom of my readers, who will
see in the tell tale compression of the pages before them, that we are all hastening
together to perfect felicity.
As far as I know this is the only overt reference Austen ever makes to the material
nature of her medium, and the relationship of that materiality to generic conventions.
She might as well have said This is a romantic comedy I m writing as ... Show more
content on ...
In Davies adaptation of Middlemarch, a book whose opening words are Miss
Brooke , the opening scene is of a sexy and mysterious looking male stranger
arriving in town: the High Plains Drifter of Victorian England. In the Davies
version of Pride and Prejudice, a book about five sisters and how they secured their
futures is transformed into a script which begins with two men one of whom is
significantly more sexy and mysterious looking than the other mounted on
handsome, powerful, snorting horses galloping flat out across a field. (True, the
camera then pans back to find them being watched from a hill by a pair of
speculative and not especially friendly dark eyes under a bonnet, and there is an
audible creak of shifting power as the view lines up with Elizabeth Bennet for the
rest of the series.) Despite the relative freedom to improve on Austen that was granted
by the five hour time frame, Davies had a different if equally money driven kind of
problem; he was obliged, like the novelists writing in monthly instalments for the
literary journals of the later nineteenth century, but unlike Austen herself, to rearrange
the narrative so that it contained a series of regularly spaced, unresolved mini
climaxes, to leave the audience dangling and
Pollution Is An Influential Factor On The Diversity Of The...
Claire Michaud Abstract: Butternut creek is located in an area within an urban
environment, however the presence of certain pollution intolerant invertebrates,
lead to the conclusion that pollution was not an influential factor on the diversity
of the stream. Introduction: The ecology of Butternut creek s stream community
was studied. Streams are linear and typically have one direction of flow. They also
are dynamic systems which means the environment is constantly changing.
Streams have channel features called riffles and pools. Pool riffle channels are
known to have moderate to low gradients and are located in gravel bed streams.
Riffles are typically formed by the deposition of gravel bars. They are shallower
and have higher velocities than pools (Allan). Pools are known to be a depression
in the undulating streambed and they are deeper than riffles (Allan). Pools are
deep and slow moving while riffles are shallow and fast moving. These two
habitats can also hold different organisms that are specific to either or. Data was
collected under the 481 overpass and exhibited good examples of pool and riffle
habitats. The pool habitat measured, was located under a bridge, and the riffle
habitat measured was located further down stream. The Blacknose dace and White
sucker were used to compare the diversity between the pool and riffle habitats. Based
on the different habitat conditions of fast moving riffles and slow moving pools, its
hypothesized that there will be a
How Does Comparative Material From The Ancient Near
TMM2061 Old Testament Studies
Essay One ? Genesis 1 22
Martha Grace Weatherill
TMM2061 Old Testament Studies
Essay One
Word Count: 2477
How does comparative material from the ancient Near East help us understand
Genesis 1 22?
Several comparative material has been found from the ancient Near East which have
many similarities with the Genesis 1 22 bible narratives such as the creation, flood
and patriarchal narratives ? Ugarit and Ebla.[footnoteRef:1] Many scholars have
argued on the implication of the similarities in the Genesis flood story with Noah and
the flood epic that was told in Mesopotamia ? Gilgamesh.[footnoteRef:2] Alexander
Heidel has made several comparisons between the flood narrative in Genesis and the
epic of ?Gilgamesh?. ... Show more content on ...
creation story.[footnoteRef:5] They suggest several similarities and differences in
the flood epic narrative from ancient Mesopotamia and the Genesis
narrative[footnoteRef:6] and have attempted to make comparisons between the
flood stories in Gilgamesh and Genesis on ?literary grounds?, in terms of flood
traditions in both the Hebrew tradition and the Mesopotamian tradition. [4: W. G.
GENESIS,? The Journal of Theological Studies 16, no. 2 (1965): 101.] [5: W. G. A.
R. MILLARD LAMBERT, Atra Hasis: The Babylonian Story of the Flood. With The
Sumerian Flood Story by M. Civil (Oxford Clarendon Press, 1970), 101.] [6: Ibid.,
K.A. Kitchen names nine differences and seven similarities in the two traditions.
The two narratives claim that the decision to send the flood as punishment was
divine (made by deity); a chosen person (man) is instructed to save himself and his
family, together with living animals and to do this he is asked to build an ark (boat);
the flood destroys everyone else on the earth. The boat eventually rests on a mountain
and the birds are sent out off the boat to see if there is any land that is habitable. The
chosen man eventually sacrifices to the divine and humanity is renewed on the
earth.[footnoteRef:7] For Kitchen, the differences are that in the Genesis narrative,
deity (God) observes the wickedness that was done by the humans on the earth
Student Body At Capital Middle School
Economically oppressed, secondary school aged, African Americans, residing in
urban areas are the majorities that are in dire need of immediate Cognitive Behavior
interventions within Baton Rouge (E. Stephens, personal communication, August 28,
2015). They are at risk of dropping out of school, experimenting with alcohol and
substance abuse, smoking, and institutionalization due to disruptive behaviors and
chronic absenteeism. My current internship, Communities In Schools (CIS) located
within Capital Middle School, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is an agency that implements
interventions to decrease abnormally high rates of disruptive behaviors and
absenteeism within participating nationwide secondary/high schools. CIS caters to the
... Show more content on ...
Within the following text, the reader will explore literature reviews on chronic
absenteeism, disruptive behaviors, and successful Cognitive Behavior Therapy within
middle school settings in urban America. Ripple Effects Whole Spectrum
Intervention System (Ripple Effects) According to SAMHSA, (2011), the Ripple
Effects is an online intervention that is used within the school system to curb
negative behaviors within all adolescent populations. The purpose of the intervention
is to correct/study academic achievement, resilience, mental health, and social
functioning (SAMHSA, 2011). There are approximately 389 computer lessons
teachers and students choose from to correct inappropriate behavior such as bullying,
fighting, absenteeism, alcohol abuse, and subpar academic grades (SAMHSA, 2011).
The students are shown a variety of question and answer scenarios, surveys, videos,
actual statistical information, and photographs. Each intervention will be
administered two times weekly in thirty minute increments (SAMHSA, 2011). The
computer automatically creates a profile that tracks successfully completed
interventions, log in times/dates, and
Agatha Christie s And Then There Were None
People have always said not to judge a book by its cover. Well disregard that
because in order to analyse a book cover, you have to judge it. The book And Then
There Were None written by Agatha Christie has many book jackets, some enticing
and some not, but there is one in particular that stands out. This book coverhas a good
appearance that hints certain occurrences, it has the ability to be alluring as well has
having good font, but despite these great qualities, it does have a flaw or two.
The first few good factors of this book cover is its representation and subtle
giveaways. At first glance, it is obvious that there are ten figures, however those who
have not read the book yet would not have been able to tell that they are soldier ...
Show more content on ...
First thing is the writing and the fact that Agatha Christie s name is not written on it.
How is someone supposed to know who the book is by if it is not written on the
book. Besides the title, having the author s name is one of the most important
elements of the book jacket. Along with that fault, there is the fact that, in spite of
all the good features of the cover, there is no alluring colors, it is just red and black.
Maybe, if you re someone who likes dark stories and murder mysteries then it ll
allure you, but in order to appeal to everyone, there needs to be more than just a
black background with red China figures and blood. Also, the writing isn t so
appealing, it looks like it was scratched on. The writing could work for a horror
story, but not a murder mystery. Maybe going through those series of events was
painful and terrifying for the characters, but for the readers it is something that
makes you want to keep reading. It keeps people hooked, but in no way is the story
frightening, if anything it is interesting. Nevertheless, these flaws do not stop this
book from being a good read.
Sometimes it is best to judge a book by its cover, because it can tell you a lot about
the book. The novel And Then There Were None written by Agatha Christie has had
a lot of book jackets, and one in particular stands out. The cover has an attractive
appearance, captivating
Should The Bumblebees Be Saved
Should the Bumblebees be saved? There has been a sharp decrease in bees over
the years and they were recently put on the endangered species list. The
Bumblebees population has decreased by 90% and without the bee; the entire
ecosystem could become unbalanced. Bees pollinate plants and animals that we eat
like chicken, beef, pork, ham, lamb, turkey the animals that eat the grass or flowers
depend on bees. If the vegetation is, low those animals will die off and so will we.
Therefore, the Fish and Wildlife Preserve has declared that pesticides, deforestation,
and wildfires are destroying the bees habitats. President Obama has even helped in
protecting the bees. Obamas administration has a plan to protect their habits by
growing trees and flowers
Descriptive Essay On Totnes
One of the oldest boroughs in Devon, Totnes has numerous places of interest, castles,
historic architectures, such as the renowned half timber framed Merchant s House
housing the town museum and the Guildhall, a charming ancient stone building.
The vibrant town centre hosts the nicest antique shops, boutiques, silversmiths,
restaurants, and street entertainers in Devon. The narrow High Street is dotted
with houses of 16 17th C wealthy merchant s and old shops built of timber, bricks
and stones of colourful facades. At the top of the street the porticoed frontages of
the arcaded Butterwalk form a pleasant covered walkway. One of the finest
churches of Devon the parish church of St Mary is located in the mid way along
the High Street. With a tall west tower, arcades and an impressive roof its most
striking feature is superb stone screen (circa 1460), rivalled only by Exeter
Cathedral. Planning a trip to Totnes? Consider staying at one of these great hotels and
vacation rentals below!
1. Cosy friendly self contained, rustic annexe
Katherine s cosy annexe is on the outskirts of beautiful Dartington in a quiet area
surrounded by countryside. It has a solid wood king size bed overlooking the garden
and huge oak trees and a small shower room. The kitchen is equipped with a cooker
and fridge/sink. Wi Fi and parking space facility is also there. It has its own front door.
Dartington House and Gardens are within walking distance and there is a cafe and a
cinema in a barn. There are
The Tortoise And The Hare Essay
As a child I really enjoyed reading books, this may been because my mother and
father would try to read to me each night before bed. One of my favorite bedtime
stories would be Aesop s fable particularly the Tortoise and the Hare. Although the
Hare was talented and had all the fittings to be a champion, despite that his
arrogance made him lose the race when he decided to sleep during the race. To this
day I have personally resonated with the idea of the underdog overcoming any
obstacles, and that is what the tortoisesignifies. The tortoise understood that although
he was not in the best position to win the race instead of giving up and not
competing he took his neck out of shell, tried his best, and persevered which caused
him the victory.
I truly resonate with the Tortoise in this fable because of their idealistic, dedicated,
and hardworking personality. Another reason would be the tortoise s ability to be
able to retreat into their shell when ever they pleased. Depending on the situation
and how uncomfortable I am I can pull into my shell for protection and comfort. In
addition tortoises are difficult to get to know because of their shell and they come
off as private, reserved, and self conscious. Even though I believe that all people
are equal, yet sometimes I lack confidence and doubt myself. You can see this if
you monitor me in the classroom and in sport. My coach will always say Bema at
the beginning of a race your body language tells me you don t belong
The French Revolution Of 1789
French Revolution in 1789
King Louis XVI required cash. His money related crisis constrained the French ruler
to reluctantly meet the Estates General with a specific end goal to require another
land tax that would ideally settle his financial hardships. It had been basically 175
years since a last meeting of this deliberative body. That included delegates of almost
three Estates: the First involved the ministry, the Second contained the nobility and
also the Third involved the lower and middle classes. The Estates started their
meeting at the Versailles on 5th of May, 1789 and immediately went into a force
battle. The Third Estate soon proclaimed itself the National Assembly that was
illustrative of the general population. ... Show more content on ...
Political, monetary, and social conditions in France added to the discontent felt by
numerous French individuals particularly those of the third estate. The thoughts of
the scholarly people of the Enlightenment conveyed new perspectives to government
and society. The American Revolution additionally affected the happening to the
French Revolution. The Philosophers planted the seeds for the French Revolution.
Their objectives were to uncover and annihilate the disparities of the old
administration (old order). The political discontent of France was one of the reasons
for the Revolution. In the seventeenth and eighteenth hundreds of years, France was
ruled by an outright government. The ruler had all the political forces. Any individual
who reprimanded the administration could be captured and put in jail without trial.
Louis XVI was lord at the season of the French Revolution. He was keener on
chasing than overseeing France. He and his Austrian ruler, Marie Antoinette, carried
on with an extreme life at the Palace of Versailles. They didn t generally think about
the condition of their nation.
The initial two estates cooperated to outvote the huge third estate to keep them from
turning into a risk to the force. Lord Acton, an Englishmen, states that the government
being toppled wasn t the flash of the Revolution. He perceives the American
Independence as the flash of the French Revolution. The
Architecture in Melbourne is thriving with creativity, new...
Architecture in Melbourne is thriving with creativity, new buildings such as the
Manchester Unity Building, Capitol Theatre and Century building, which are all
located on Swanston Street in the Heart of Melbourne. There are also other
Modernist commercial building in Melbourne, such as the Myer Emporium and
Yule House. Not all of these buildings are in Melbourne s centre, there are many
which are in Melbourne out skirts, for example Percy Everett who designed the
Technical School in Essendon which opened in 1939. There is much modernist The
Manchester Unity Building, built in 1932 and designed by Marcus Barlow, was the
tallest building in Melbourne in 1932. This building was built between and brings a
cosmopolitan style of building to... Show more content on ...
The ornate cornices on the ceiling also reflect some History about Australia. The
Manchester Unity Building was also the first building in Melbourne to have
Escalators. The Manchester Unity Building also had its own heating and cooling,
in summer cooling was obtained by large underground tanks which cooled the air.
In winter time the building was heated by oil heaters which heated the air, it also
had its own generator in case of a power failure. A state of art building, ahead of its
time, due to the technological and material advancements. It also contained elevators
which could speed up to 600 feet a minute. This building also provides a shopping
retail centre, with many shops of all sorts being able to set up business. It also
provides a social centre with cafГ© s also opening up, especially the roof top cafГ©
where people can enjoy the view of Melbourne as well as spend time with their
colleagues. unity building
/ndp/del/article/4495498 Modernist design not only was located in the heart of
Melbourne, it was located on the out skirts of the centre also, the Essendon
Technical School which was designed by Percy Everett is one of these. Percy Everett
is appointed as Chief Architect for Victorian Public Works Department. He has
Jci Holland Case
JCI Holland Facility Blood Lead Level Problem Analysis February 14, 2014 Prepared
For: Jamie Morris Toledo Facility EHS Manager Johnson Controls Battery Division
10300 Eber Rd. Holland, OH 43528 Prepared By: Dennis Prater II Chief Executive
Officer DenPrater EHS Services 1234 Safety Way. Toledo, OH 43614 1234 Safety
Way Toledo, OH 43614 419 765 4321 2015 JCI Holland Blood Lead Levels
February 14, 2015 Johnson Controls Battery Division 10300 Industrial St. Holland,
OH 43528 Attention: Jamie Morris, EHS Manager JCI Holland Facility Blood Lead
Level Problem Analysis Our company has completed our investigation into factors
that may be leading to increased blood lead levels at your Holland facility. Our
company has spent four months... Show more content on ...
Nonexistent hoods and inadequate hoods should be replaced and installed
immediately. The low on nonexistent fpm s produced by these hoods are in
violation of OSHA regulations. Putting garage doors on the equipment doors
should be done after this. The free flow of lead from POS to other parts of the
plant is of great concern to everyone s health. Keeping the lead in the POS
department would make it much easier to control. The installation of a wind tunnel
between POS and COS should be installed in the next couple years. A large sized
capital improvement investment will be required for this construction. Personal
hygiene, facility sanitation practices, and employee dietary needs should be
instituted immediately. These changes have very little cost and do not require
much labor downtime. Conclusion The blood lead levels in the Holland, Ohio
facility are the worst not only in the United States, but the world as well. In order
to lower these blood lead levels each changes and improvements must be made in
all six categories outlined in this report. The changes range from simple policy
changes that at little or no cost, to engineering controls that will be fairly expensive.
I look forward to meeting with you and other plant leadership to discuss this study,
and how to we should move forward with these recommendations to reduce blood
lead levels in the Holland, Ohio facility. Works
Anjelah Johnson Analysis
Do you know Anjelah johnson ? something controversial she has said was that she
was talking about different race people. That may offend people because she was
making fun of their race. But the way she said it was not that offensive because she
had said it in a funny way. A thesis she used superiority because she was teasing
hispanics but in a funny way. So the way she said it made it less offensive than
someone else would say it .anjelah johnson effectively used humor to make her point
that there are hispanics who don t speak spanish she does this by using structure such
as the punchline and her word choice included funny and excited words. She
effectively uses structure in her comedy routine, such as the punchline to make the
audience laugh.
Explore in Relation to a Client You Have Nursed...
This essay will be exploring the psychosocial influences on a 68 year old lady
called Susan Smith s perception to her health, along with her response to illness.
To do this we must look at a definition of both psychology and sociology and
discuss any possible effects these have had on Susan s perception of health issues.
Also this essay will be looking at any influences such as education, in relation to a
female of Susan s age and background, and discuss whether these issues have affected
Susan s health and her responses to illness.
Susan was admitted to hospital for a planned bi lateral total knee replacement, she
lived with her husband John who suffered from bipolar disorder. Susan enjoyed
going to her local church every Sunday but had ... Show more content on ...
Another factor affecting peoples perception could be their locus of control, Rotter
(1954) made distinctions between beliefs of people with an internal and an
external locus of control: people who are said to be internal are thought to believe
that their own actions can change the outcome of situations, making these
situations under personal control, however externals are seen generally to believe
that the outcome is beyond their personal control, believing that their actions are
unrelated to the events. Therefore if someone has an internal locus of control they
believe that they have a significant say in how their lives are run, whereas a person
with an external locus of control believes that fate has already decided upon the
events of their lives. Niven (2000) suggests that people who have an internal locus
of control may be more highly motivated to take action concerning their health;
however they are less likely to adhere to medical advice. This may be due to the
fact that internals feel that they have a choice and say in the outcomes of their
health and can decide not to adhere when it is appropriate. For example in Susan s
case when she spoke about having a bilateral total knee replacement, she said that
when the doctor had advised having
Wage Discrimination Among Actors And Actresses
Since before women earned the right to vote, there has always been a demand for
men and women to work as an actor in the film industry. Their ability to captivate,
move, and inspire earned them recognition as movie stars. This rich history of stars,
ranging from Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton to Mary Pickford and Julia Roberts
has seemingly been genderneutral. However, the question of wage discrimination
among actors and actresses is often not a point of discussion. Perhaps this is because
the public knows how well movie starts are paid, which begets the question, are
actors and actress rewarded differently?
When skimming the literate, the first point of interest is Forbes Magazine s list of
the top paid actors and actresses of that ... Show more content on ...
In addition, there seems to be a huge discrepancy between how actors and actresses
fair at the box office. This is reinforced when looking at the average box office
figures. Ten actors have averaged figures over $100 million while only two
actresses managed to reach that milestone. If an actors and actresses are paid based
upon their box office power, it would seem that actors are better at selling movie
tickets relative to actresses. However, these figures might be a result of the types of
roles offered to men and women.
In order to examine gender discriminatory pay practices in Hollywood, there needs
to be a comparison between men and women performing the same exact job. In
cinema, it could be the case that actors and actresses are simply not working in
exactly the same industry. Since they are not playing the same character, and the fact
that film offers different genres by which actors and actresses are defined within,
the pay difference may be due to the variation between roles. An action star
generally gets paid more relative to a melodramatic role, and throughout the history
of Hollywood, men usually occupy the role of big action star. Men like John Wayne,
Tom Cruise, Cary Grant, Humphry Bogart, James Cagney, and Arnold
Schwarzenegger receive salary benefits because they are generational icons, starring
in big budget, high grossing films. There are certainly examples of female action
stars, like Sigourney Weaver

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  • 1. Theme Analysis Essay Writing a Theme Analysis Essay can be a challenging endeavor that requires a deep understanding of the chosen theme and a skillful integration of literary elements. The difficulty lies not only in analyzing the theme itself but also in articulating your insights in a coherent and persuasive manner. Firstly, selecting a theme that is both interesting and worthy of analysis can be a daunting task. Once you have identified the theme, the next challenge is to delve into the text and extract relevant evidence and examples that support your analysis. This demands a keen eye for detail and a comprehensive understanding of the text's nuances. Crafting a thesis statement that encapsulates your interpretation of the theme is another hurdle. The thesis must be clear, concise, and capable of guiding the entire essay. Developing a strong argument that builds upon the thesis requires a thoughtful analysis of the text's elements, such as characterization, symbolism, and dialogue. Furthermore, organizing your essay in a logical and coherent manner is crucial. Each paragraph should contribute to the overall argument, and transitions between ideas should be seamless. Balancing analysis with textual evidence is essential to ensure the essay's depth and persuasiveness. Finally, mastering the art of effective writing is vital. A Theme Analysis Essay requires more than just stating your opinions; it demands eloquence and clarity in expressing your ideas. Proper grammar, syntax, and style contribute to the overall impact of the essay. In conclusion, writing a Theme Analysis Essay can be a challenging task that necessitates a combination of critical thinking, textual analysis, and proficient writing skills. It requires a commitment to thorough research, careful planning, and precise execution. However, with dedication and practice, one can develop the necessary skills to tackle this type of essay successfully. For those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that there are resources available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on, where professional writers can provide support in crafting well-researched and eloquently written essays on various topics. Theme Analysis EssayTheme Analysis Essay
  • 2. Dodd Frank Reform And Consumer Protection Act Dodd Frank The full name of the bill is the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, but it is mostly known as Dodd Frank. The Dodd Frank Act is a United States federal law, which is divided into sixteen titles that places major regulations on the financial industry with the purpose of restraining another major financial market collapse. The stated aim of the legislation is: To promote the financial stability of the United States by improving accountability and transparency in the financial system, to end too big to fail , to protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts, to protect consumers from abusive financial services practices, and for other purposes (Thomas, 2010). Due to the Great Recession of the late ... Show more content on ... The Office of Financial Research is designed to support the Financial Stability Oversight Council in range of researching and collecting data. The Director has supreme power and may require any financial institution (bank or non bank) to provide any needed information for reseaching and analyzing. The Office can also standardize the way financial data is reported, with the constituent agencies having three years to implement new guidelines. Investor Protection Measures and Reform The Act reviews the powers and structure of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), credit rating organizations, and the relationships between customers and broker dealers or investment advisers (David S. Huntington, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton Garrison LLP, 2010). It provides corporate governance and executive compensation reforms, such as proxy access, chairman and CEO disclosures, broker discretionary voting (Corporate Governance); say on pay, say on golden parachutes, broker discretionary, compensation committees, executive compensation claw backs (Executive compensation). In order to be active and operational, these provisions require further action by the SEC, the stock exchanges or other regulators except the say on pay, say on golden parachute and broker discretionary voting requirements. Most of
  • 3. Smooth Ice Narrative Me and my team sprinted onto the smooth shiny ice. We all immediately started warm ups because we only had 3 minutes. We made two lines at the corners of the boards, 1 line was for the defense, and the other was for the forwards. At the time I was a forward. So we started off by skating above the circle and catching a pass from the deffensemen, then we take a shoot at the goalie to get him warmed up. As we were all finished from giving everybody a shoot we were all ready to start the game. Today our game was against the Grand Valley Stars, And they were the visitors. Last time we played them we lost 4 2 but I was determined to beat them today. The whistle blew, we all line up at our positions in the middle of the ice. Before the ref drops the puck he gives a signal to the two goalies to see if they were ready, and sure enough they were. The puck dropped, and the two centers were fighting for it like two gorillas. The away team came up with a way to get it ... Show more content on ... He passes it to the guy that was open, but I anticipated the pass, and broke it up. I skated up the ice with the puck looking for a open guy, and sure enough the center was open. This was a hard decision shoot it or pass it, I did not have enough time to think so I skated it up, and shoot it as hard as I could and hoped for the best. DING the puck hit the bottom of the crossbar and went in, yes my first hockey goal. When I skated back to the bench I could hear everyone saying good job or nice goal zaden . I will always remember my first hockey goal. But the game s not over yet we were only winning by one goal. The cool thing about getting a goal to, is you get to keep the puck, and I was really excited about that. We had about 10 minutes until the game was over, and we were still winning 1 0. So we line up in the middle of the ice waiting for the ref to drop the puck. The puck dropped and the two centers were fighting for the puck, this time we won the
  • 4. The Outsider, by Albert Camus and The Assault, by Harry... Camus and Mulisch present that the past and present are interrelated. The authors do this through the two characters, Meursault and Anton. Through Meursault, we see that his past actions affect the outcome of his trial. Through Anton, we see that his present situation constantly brings him back to his pastdespite him trying to escape it. Thus the authors stylistically link the past and presentto demonstrate that they are inevitably related, where certain events are unavoidable or the past is undeniable. In The Outsider , the society continually brings back Meursault s past actions against his will, such as his behaviour at his mother s funeral. Under the rule of the French Colonialists, the French Algerian court is a microcosm of the ... Show more content on ... Despite this, the society tries to fabricate or impose rational explanations of Meursault s irrational action. This is evident during the trial process when the prosecutor rationally explains for Meursault the series of event that happened, although Meursault himself does not have a solid explanation for his actions. The prosecutor explains it so well, that even Meursault himself finds it quite plausible . Anton s past is brought back to him in a different way than Meursault. When Anton meets Cor Takes he starts repainting the picture of the tragic night. It was fate that brought Takes to Anton, allowing him to overhear Takes. This brought Anton s past back to the present by discovering the motives of Takes and was the first timethat he had cried over what had happened. Before this, he was able to put the past behind him but was never able to escape it. When it was brought back to him, Takes words reaches into his heart, and was why he cried. Mulisch shows aspects of the past will always catch up with the present and it is inescapable. Eventually, Anton comes to realize that he can never fully escape the past and has to accept the whole truth in order to find closure and experience true forgetting . Anton thought, ... of how everything comes to light sooner or later. In time, he would have had to face the truth as
  • 5. Summary Of Priam In The Book Two Of The Aeneid The death scene of Priam at the hands of Pyrrhus in book two of the Aeneid is, in my opinion, hands down the piГЁce de rГ©sistance of the epic. This potent excerpt shines in providing the reader with not only intense visual imagery, but also (when translating from the latin at least) opportunities to interpret the text to one s desire (to an extent, of course). Perhaps the most significant of these instances of interpretation is in lines 2.515 516, and that of course is the describing of Hecuba and her daughters as columbae head longing in a gloomy storm. Columba is a 1st Declension, feminine noun which defines as both pigeon and dove, so if columba can be translated as either bird, which is the correct one? Well Vergil allows his genius to be noticed because he leaves that to the reader. The reader is not only allowed to, but partially expected by Vergil to not only focus on the certain qualities of the two birds in order to decide which bird best suits Hecuba and company, but to also determine certain qualities of Hecuba and her daughters that one of the two birds would best represent. Two simple lines in an epic that is just shy of 10,000 total lines (all impressively formatted into dactylic hexameterfor the entirety of the text, I might add) induce the reader into a circuitous train of thought that is only halted when the reader decides what they want the text to mean, not whatever Vergil would have wanted. For instance, pigeons nowadays are often referred to as flying rats which imposes quite the negative connotation towards pigeons, denouncing them as scavenging, pestering, and downright disgusting. Doves on the other hand, are generally thought to be peaceful, calm, and elegant animals that can even be quite beautiful to some. Just look at each bird s appetite; doves shimmy around the ground searching for small seeds, and occasionally an insect or two to eat if need be, while pigeons can be seen scavenging for anything left behind or tossed into a trash heap by humans, a particularly vile lifestyle for a particularly vile animal. This thought process leads most readers to interpret columbae as doves rather than pigeons since Hecuba is simply taking shelter from the chaos around
  • 6. North Americas Different History Essay North America s Different History The human history in North America I believe was very different than that of Asia, Eurasia, and Europe. One example of why I believe that North America s history was different is that the importance of a military force was far more important to the Europeans than the Americans. The Europeans were so intertwined in their problems of over population, poverty, and political order that the need for a military was needed. The Americans did not have these problems right away. The Americans were extremely busy trying to build a country from scratch and not trying to revive a country from the hole it had fallen into. In addition, in Europe they learned to domesticate there animals so there animals would not fall ... Show more content on ... In Europe they were several kinds of plants for people to feed on like oats, peas, olives, grapes, almonds, barley, oranges, lentil and millet. The diversity in there diets also contributed in how Europe s growth was so fast. Before the Americans discovered corn their diets mostly consisted of various meat. This in turn served as a form of birth control because their women had to breast feed until their young had teeth and were able to eat meat. This is also one of the reasons the American population was so much smaller than that of Europe. The Europeans spent some time developing technological advances like movable items. This was not only an entertainment factor for them, but it was also used for learning and education purposes. These books helped them to develop new ideas through their culture. This in turn helped people loosen their ties to traditional beliefs that so many thought were harming their country. All three of these differences were drastically important to the international state of affairs of the 1450 s. First, the Americans had barely begun the thought of using a military force and the Europeans had a hold on the idea already. The Europeans already had a force that was built with ships that was superior to the Americans. The Americans were far behind and this was a big disadvantage. Second, the European s brought with them many diseases that the Americans did not have and were not immune to. These
  • 7. Psychology in Greek Philosophy, Paragraphs Paragraph 1 Many people have contributed to the filed of psychology. Three whom I believe made significant impacts are Socrates, Aristotle and Rene Descartes. In the following section, I will briefly discuss a bit about each individual, and then talk about which of the four archetypes they each fall under based on the information presented. Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher who devoted his life and work to searching for moral good, virtue, and justice. He developed a method of seeking knowledge by question and answer called dialectics. He used this technique to teach individuals about their own ignorance, so as to become more self aware (Leahey, 2013). Based on this information, I believe Socrates would fit the archetype of the teacher. According to Larson (2002), the archetype of the teacher has its origins in Greek philosophy. This is around the time when people began to use rhetoric as a means of communicating ideas and imparting their wisdom to others. This is precisely what Socrates was known for, which is why he fits this archetype well. Then there is Aristotle, who was the first to philosophize on the basis of science (or as it was known in his time, natural philosophy). Aristotle main philosophical objective was to come up with a universal process of reasoning that would allow man to learn every conceivable thing about reality. In addition to philosophy, Aristotle was interested in geology, marine biology, and meteorology. He also
  • 8. Throne Of Blood Macbeth Comparison Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble (Shakespeare 119). Fate has never been in the hands of Macbeth since the appearance of the Weird Sisters. Just as their chant goes, the Three Sisters symbolize fate mixed with mischief and witchcraft. Therefore, the witch s actions would need to incorporate both the eccentric and divine personality from living through time, which can be conveyed with the distinct point of views, facial expressions, and the approach of the scene setting. The 2015 version of Macbethclip only centered on Act 4 where Macbeth searches for the witches and meets the first apparition. These short clip was able to provide the perfect portrayal of the witches and the resolution of Macbeth after hearing the prophecy. The witches adopt a mysterious whisper when they communicate their lines, and the camera work was able to capture every witch in their own peculiar behavior. The age of the Three Witchesvary, further exhibiting the unknown infinity of time, but they are recognizable with the scars on... Show more content on ... Unlike the previous clip, Throne of Blood is an adaptation taking place within Japan. The setting and designs were just as adequate and comprised of the same plot. While the was only a few short seconds centering on the old man with the same role as the witches, he was able to reflect the same mysterious, all knowing prophecies. Just like the old man says, life is short like the flower; the foreshadowing of Macbeth s death sends shivers and dread within the audience especially when Macbeth continues killing leading to hallucinations. Therefore, the only drawback within this clip was was not enough focus on the character of the witch, but the audience experience a wider perspective with the entire outlook and effects of the
  • 9. The Disillusionment of American Dream in Great Gatsby and... The disillusionment of American dream in the Great Gatsby and Tender is the night Chapter I Introduction F. Scott Fitzgerald is the spokesman of the Jazz Age and is also one of the greatest novelists in the 20th century. His novels mainly deal with the theme of the disillusionment of the American dream of the self made young men in the 20th century. In this thesis, Fitzgerald s two most important novels The Great Gatsby (2003) and Tender is the Night(2005) are analyzed. Both these two novels tell us the story of the pursuit and failure of the American dream of the young men in the twenties. Jay Gatsby is the central character of The Great Gatsby and Dick Diver is the counterpart of Tender Is the Night and both these two men fall in ... Show more content on ... She is the daughter of a millionaire, but unfortunately she is the victim of the incest and has a serious mental disease. As a doctor, Dick is sympathetic with her and wants to cure her to realize his American dream that s to get the admission and acceptance of the upper class, so he marries her and devotes more than his decade of life to curing her. But Nicole leaves him after her recovery and turns to her new lover, Tommy Barban. Dick goes back to his hometown quietly. Dick s weaknesses and his identity as a spoiled priest are rooted in his personality his egotism and desire to please and be loved that transform him into a social climber whose natural idealism is finally corrupted by the amoral values of his flock. (Stavola 1979:148) We are not allowed to forget that both Jay Gatsby and Dick Diver are the representative figures of the American dream of the 20th century. Both these two men come from a family with little or no money, but they manage to attend a famous university Oxford to raise their social positions. When the rising young men are halfway 2 to the top, they fall in love with the rich and beautiful girls from the upper class, and they win the rich girls but at last are destroyed by their wealth or their relatives. Their real dream was that of achieving a new status and a new essence, of rising to a loftier place in the mysterious hierarchy of human worth. 4 To understand the pursuers of the
  • 10. The Bilingual Difference Essay The linguistic and cultural clashes that children encounter, and how they negotiate between their ethnic and American mainstream cultures, and how these clashes and problems influence their relationship with their parents and their ethnic identities as a whole and how they were dealt with differently as we look at two stories dealing with two girls who are both coming of age in different society from where they originally came from. Jairy s Jargon a story written by Carmen Gloria Ballista, is a story that encounters the life of a young girl coming of age in Puerto Rico, except she s originally from New York. Milly Cepeda s story, Mari y Lissy, is a story about twin sisters who differ in personality and are often at odds with each... Show more content on ... Cultures can change with a dialect, as in the case of Jary. Her Spanglish is different from the Puerto Rican Spanish spoken amongst the children in her new school. To them she sounds funny, and vice versa. Children can be cruel when accepting new students, imagine a student that is far from the culture? Jary is almost rescued by Miss Hernandez a teacher who spoke both English and Spanish, (and that is Puerto Rican Spanish). Jary befriends Miss Hernandez, as Miss Hernandez helps Jary learn the new language, and remember New York. Even though Miss Hernandez helps Jary with her new transition Jary still has to do a lot on her own. Jary is what many of the kids call a Nuyorican , Jary s parents are also Nuyoricans meaning, they were born and raised in New York but are still Puerto Rican. Jary s parents do not feel the pressure of the culture clash as heavy as Jary. As Jary begins to sing songs like the other children, she notices she uses the same words as them, and that she starting to speak like them. These clashes influence her relationship with her parents, in that they began to not understand her, for example; Jary would say !que brutal! , (which literally translates into how brutal ) when describing something she thought was interesting or nice. Her parents not understanding began to correct her, but she eventually explained to her.
  • 11. Analysis Of The Poem Enter Without So Much As Knocking... Bruce Dawe cleverly uses Australian language and the poetic form in his poems Enter Without So Much as Knocking , written in 1959 and Homo Suburbiensis , written in 1969, to reflect his views of suburban Australia in the 1950s and 1960s and its culture. Dawe s ideas and attitudes are formed from his personal experiences of post WW2 Australiawhich includes the modern living introduced in the suburbs and the commercialism and isolation that it formed. His poem Enter without so much as knocking closely links Dawe s ideas of the new environment suburbia created with the commercialism power structure that came with it. In his poem Homo Suburbiensis he effectively explores the isolation and escapism the newly established suburbs post WW2 Australia thrived on. These views Dawe shares in his poems show the Australian culture of the suburbs post WW2 including the commercialism, isolation and escapism it brought. In Bruce Dawe s poems Homo Suburbiensis and Enter Without So Much as Knocking contemporary suburban living in Australia is heavily explored through the use of literary techniques. In Dawe s Homo Suburbiensis the modern suburban lifestyle is portrayed through the use of onomatopoeia. hearing vaguely the clatter of a disk in a sink that could be his, hearing a ... Show more content on ... The Australian suburban lifestyle in the 1950s and 1960s was centred around the idea of a new and modern variety of man that was different from those that could be found elsewhere. In Enter without so much as knocking suburban living in Australia is also explored however it is quickly related to a conformist ideology due to the rules the society followed. In the poem, this is shown through the use of capitalised imperatives used in truncated
  • 12. Recording Studio At The Age Of 21 Recording studio the main aim of this business is to offer an affordable practice space and recording studio to young bands and older more established ones as well. I also plan to have a student discount for bands under the age of 21, perhaps a 10% discount. The focus of the business would be mainly on practice space containing high end equipment including brands like marshal and Ashdown; however a large amount of effort and resources will be used creating a small, elite studio recording space with single instrument/vocal pods, 2/3, an eight foot drum recording room, and one large full band room with sufficient mid high end microphones. Transition into the full recording studiois the main aim of this business and will hopefully take... Show more content on ... This would make competitive pricing very hard especially for a new business; however the distance to Leeds from Harrogate, with train ticket prices makes up the total cost of a single band practice at least 15 ВЈ20 per person. With the high socio economic group of Harrogate citizens, we as business can charge a similar price but locally to secure as much revenue as possible. In this screen shot you can see that there is only one other studio space in Harrogate, and after looking at the website, all I can tell is that they are a recording studio in Harrogate, they say nothing about pricing, availability or much else. This would imply they don t get much business as they aren t trying very hard to advertise. Though this could imply that the lack of effort is due to a lack of interest, I believe there is definitely enough demand in the Harrogate area, and it only leaves more room in the Harrogate market for my business to occupy. I think that this business will require a location that is enough distance from the city centre so not to disturb other businesses and flats, as when bands are playing music, maybe more than one at a time, a substantial amount of noise pollution will be created. However it does need to be close enough that it is easily accessible and can be seen by the general public easily. So perhaps somewhere on the outskirts near valley gardens or up near the Odeon cinema, as these areas
  • 13. Rebel Without a Clue in John Updike s A P Essay Rebel Without a Clue in Updike s A P Adults always stress that it is important to make a good first impression. That is what Sammy was trying to accomplish in John Updike s A P. Although some people believe that Sammy is a hero for standing up for his beliefs when he quit, there is conclusive evidence that he quit in an attempt to impress a girl he was obviously attracted to, Queenie. We know he is attracted to Queenie because he goes to great lengths to tell us what she looks like, what her mannerisms are, and the way that the other girls follow her. For example, he says, She was the Queen. She kind of led them, the other two peeking around and making their shoulders round (1026). This simple quote shows that ... Show more content on ... I mean, it was more than pretty (1026). Someone who is attracted to someone else would usually notice something as striking as that. He continued with, She held her head so high her neck, coming out of those white shoulders, looked kind of stretched, but I didn t mind. The longer her neck was, the more of her there was (1026). All of the above examples demonstrate how sexually interested Sammy is in Queenie, but this one is the clincher: Still with that prim look she lifts a folded dollar bill out of the hollow at the center of her nubbled pink top. The jar went heavy in my hand (1028). Sammy uses Lengel s reprimand to bring attention to himself. He was acting as a boy trying to defend his girlfriend. Sammy says, The girls, and who d blame them, are in a hurry to get out, so I say I quit to Lengel quick enough for them to hear, hoping they ll stop and watch me, their unsuspected hero. This is the most obvious attempt that Sammy makes to impress the girls. However, it doesn t work. The girls leave before Sammy can even get outside. Sammy s family says that that is the sad part of the story. Sammy also says, and my stomach kind of fell as I felt how hard the world was going to be to me hereafter (1030). Now, is this the sort of thing that someone would say after standing up for something they believe in? I should say not! Most people
  • 14. The Effects Of Anesthesia On Cognitive Functioning Research The investigation of how anesthesia effects cognitive functioning has had a long history. Overtime, it has been suggested that there is an association between anesthesia, surgery, delirium, dementia and postoperative cognitive dysfunction (Inan Ozkose Satirlar, 2015). The theory of anesthesia s impact on cognitive functioning was derived in 1887, by Savage, who began to observe the insanity that follows the use of anesthesia. He suggested that Any cause which will give rise to delirium may set up a more chronic form of mental disorder quite apart from any febrile disturbance (Savage, 1887, p. 1199). Delirium can be defined as an altered level of consciousness that may cause a sudden decline in attention and focus perception (Isik, 2015). Postoperative delirium was reevaluated in 1955 when Bedford used a series of case studies collected over a 50 year span to describe a connection between anesthesia and dementia. The results suggest that 10% of the patients had postoperative cognitive dysfunction (Bedford, 1955). Since these initial studies, research has persisted using a variety of methods, in an attempt to determine: both long and short term effects of anesthesia on cognitive functioning and memory; whether the anesthesia administration technique will change the outcome of postoperative cognitive dysfunction; and other risk factors that may be associated to AD. Gasparini et al (2002), aimed to evaluate the association between exposure to anesthesia and AD
  • 15. Groundwater Age Of Ground Water Groundwater is an important resource in regard to both its quality and quantity. In arid regions where rivers and streams may be less frequent, groundwater represents a sustainable source of water and it is important to determine if specific sites represent a renewable or a minable resource. Groundwater age at a specific site is useful in determining the rate of groundwater recharge or an acceptable rate of water harvesting in order to not completely deplete an aquifer. Chemicals and isotopes that are dissolved in ground water can be used to determine the apparent age of ground water. These chemicals and isotopes are called age dating tracers. The apparent age of ground water is considered to be the amount of time determined from an... Show more content on ... Discussion In the early 1990s, USGS scientists developed a method to date ground water using chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) content of the water that is able to be used on most shallow ground water systems. During the past 50 years, anthropogenic activities have released chemical and isotopic substances to the atmosphere. These atmospheric substances, such as tritium (3H) in water vapor from detonation of nuclear bombs in the 1950s and early 1960s, and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) from refrigeration and other uses from the 1950s through the 1980s, dissolve in precipitation. Then they become incorporated in the hydrologic cycle. They can be found in ground water that has been recharged within the past 50 years. Age applies to the date of introduction of the chemical substance into the water and not to the water itself. (Figure 1) shows an exponential growth of chlorofluorocarbon available in ground water from 1950 to where it peaks and crests in the late 1990 s. The decline is a result of a ban on CFCs in the late 80 s. The United States and most First World Nations started using less of the material due to its effect on ozone depletion. The amount of CFCs in the atmosphere over the past 50 years have been reconstructed. CFCs can be used to determine groundwater age because water that is in contact with the atmosphere picks up CFCs from the atmosphere. Thus, CFCs are incorporated in the water before it
  • 16. Immigration To The United States During The Late 1800s And... During the late 1800s and early 1900s immigration to a new better world, the United States Of America was in full swing. With all the immigration from so many different countries brought much diversity to America but it also brought a new type of crime, Organized Crime. This was due to a part that the Italian Sicilian Mafia was under attack from Mussolini regime but also the creation of the 18th amendment banning the sales, manufacturing, or transportation of any alcoholic beverage. Although many immigrants were law abiding citizens those criminals looking for refuge from their countries came to America and started neighborhood gangs. (Staff, 2017) Which eventually led to bootlegging due to the demand for alcoholic beverages and the money
  • 17. My Father Who Lights A Pipe Please, you should stay and not go out at night. Leave tomorrow when the sun is up. If you can hear it, then you are still young enough to feel its power, for it is always stronger at night, the mother tells me. I watch as she rises from her chair, still carrying her daughter, and walks up the stairs to the bedrooms, disappearing into the shadows. I turn to the father who lights a pipe, How long has this been going on? I ask. This has been happening for many years now, for as long as few of us remember. My great grandfather would tell me stories of my father getting out to the woods. Back then the nightingale s song wasn t as strong. Why has no one done anything to stop this? Has anyone tried to kill it? Have you asked any of... Show more content on ... The smoke curls into an image of a bird flapping its wings, it soars above my head then vanishes. You must be tired. I will let you sleep for your long journey tomorrow, he puts out the pipe and places it on the table beside his rocking chair. He makes his way towards the stairs but stops to look back at me, If you do not mind me asking. What exactly are you traveling for? I scratch the back of my head, I never really questioned that myself. I just wanted to get out and experience new things, I pause for a quick second, I guess to find myself. With a face of concern, he stands at the top of the stairs, between the light and dark, I believe something was looking for you, he tells me before crossing into the darkness and leaving me in silence. It is unbearable. Even in the house there is no noise. It is the silence that drives me crazy and unsettles me. For the life of me, I cannot bring myself to close my eyelids no matter how hard I try. I am not sure when the singing started again since I am not able to see any light coming from the sky through the distorted window. It is the sound of footsteps, that turns my attention away from the rippled glass, and I watch as the girl, in her slumber, walks slowly to the door and unlocks it. Quickly, I rush from the couch and touch her arm.
  • 18. Cezar E. Mcknight s Speech Summary I attended the Constitution Day assembly on September 15, 2016. I receive a large amount of information from Cezar E. McKnight s lecture. Honestly, I ignorant to several laws before I heard Mr. McKnight s speech. This assembly was very informative and it is one of the most relevant assemblies I have experience since my matriculation at Claflin. The beginning of McKnight s speech was shaky, due to the fact that I could not hear his words clears. However, he quickly adjusted the volume problem and he addressed some errors on the program. Towards the middle of his speech, McKnight gave his stance on the policebrutality and other social injustices that occur in America. McKnight also discussed his personal experience with law enforcement and
  • 19. Positive Effects Of European Imperialism On Africa And Asia Imperialism is when a country gets control of a different country for different reasons such as getting Political power, Economic power. Sometimes the people who imperialize a country don t want to have power, but explore the country for medicine, or to spread their religion to natives who lives in the country. The effects of imperialism were positive in the six different countries (China, Congo, India, Kenya, Madagascarand Nigeria) that were imperialize and the results of the cause were mostly good effects that help these countries to be better. The effects of the European imperialism on Africaand Asia were economically positive because Europeans helped Africans/Asians utilize the natural resources for better use. It was also socially positive... Show more content on ... Before India was imperialized, India was ruled by Mughal Empire(Muslim). Also India had diverse languages and religion. Mostly males would get education in India. Great Britain and France competed to see who would control India. At the end, Britain took over India. In document 2, the author Dadabhai Naoroji is a writer from india and he wrote the document to the British government so they know what were the good results and the bad results of when britain imperialized India. One good effect that happened in India was that both males and females could get education. It was still more males but it increase the numbers of females that go to school. This was a positive effect because before there weren t a lot of opportunities for females to get an education. It was limited for them. When Britain imperialized India, there were positive changes such as females having an opportunity to go to school. Not only males get a better future but also female will also succeed in the future. Before Madagascar was imperialised, Madagascar is a special country in Africa because Madagascar is the only island that counts as country in Africa. When France took control of Madagascar scientists went to Madagascar to study Microbiology. In document 6, a photographer took a picture in a hospital from Madagascar to show the public in France and madagascar that there
  • 20. Find Me by Romily Bernard Find Me by Romily Bernard Her sister is next, one girl is already dead. Can Wick Tate catch the killer before her sister suffers the same fate? Wick Tate is a hacker, she hacks bank accounts and other records to prove if husbands/boyfriends are cheating on wives/girlfriends. One day, she was interrupted by a detective trying to find her criminal father. She monitors him until he exits and then goes to sleep. The following day, she opens her door and finds Tessa Waye s diary with a post it note saying, find me. Tessa Waye was Wick s friend before her dad became a drug dealer. Later, at schools she receives knowledge that Tessa Waye leaped off a building the previous night. She then devises a ploy to let her skip school and return to ... Show more content on ... After that the best friends boyfriend throws Wick in a dumpster. Griff finds her and she brings him in on the murder and how Lily is next. The killer sends Wick another message and she attempts to trace the message, but the killer used preventive software so she doesn t find his location. The killer sends another communication and they got cocky and they didn t use the software. She traces the signal back to the Public Library and she contacts Griff. They travel to the library and they con the librarian into giving them the usage log. They inspect the log and find nothing interesting, but they find a computer with an out of order sign. The librarian explains that the users of that particular computer keep having lock ups. They immediately realize what s happening. Wick returns home and deciphers the killer s location. The killer is in the house. Wick realizes that her foster father Todd is the killer. They have a large brawl and Todd escapes, but a detective was there in the neighborhood. The detective told her that Lily was taken hostage, but her foster mother Bren, who was with Lily, was found. Wick enlists the assistance of Griff and they decipher Todd s location. Todd was in an old abandoned building. They bolt over to the building and find Lily. Griff carries Lily off. Wick engages in hand to hand combat with Todd. Wick keeps Todd occupied long enough for the police to arrive and he was arrested. I very much
  • 21. Disillusionment with Entering Adulthood in Angelina... The play Rachel, by Angelina GrimkГ©, reveals the harsh realities of life for an African American family living in the United States during the early part of the 20th century. Focused on the central character Rachel Loving, the play reflects each character s reaction to racial prejudice against African Americans. The themes of motherhood and the innocence of youth are vital pieces of the issues GrimkГ© wished to portray in her work. The development of Rachel herself revolves around her changing perception of what the role of motherhood might be. This insight stems from her understanding of the importance of childlike innocence towards the terrible truths of the world in which we are surrounded by. Through the use of poignant dialogue and... Show more content on ... I ll never get anything else (50). From this statement one can see that Rachel in a way has convinced herself that housework is an aspiration of hers. She makes it seem as if her situation is not as bad as it really is. Rachel is an educated woman, who deserves to have a substantial job, not being confined to a house on a daily basis. Rachel continues by stating, We live. According to your philosophy, I suppose, make the best of it it might be worse (51). Once again, Rachel is convincing herself that a very obvious issue is not as pressing as it actually is. GrimkГ© could have easily created a simplistic character that lacks depth and vigor, but instead created an individual that grapples with deep psychological trauma and spans farther than what meets the eye. Another example of Rachel s obsession with youth is her love for being surrounded by children and her intense desire to be a mother. This observation is first present on page 5 when Mrs. Loving says to Rachel, You re not happy unless some child is trailing along in your rear (5). This statement allows readers to see Rachel s infatuation with children. Another example of this is when Rachel states, I think the loveliest thing of all the lovely things in this world is just (almost in a whisper) being a mother! (12). She goes on further explaining to her mother, It was the best in me that said that it was God! (Pauses). And Ma dear, if I believed that I should grow
  • 22. Hereditary Angioedema Essay Hereditary Angioedema: Current and New Treatments to Relieve Sudden Attacks. Hereditary Angioedema is an inherited disease caused by the disfunction of the protein C1 inhibitor which is mechanically responsible for inhibiting the activation of the complement system, a humoral aspect of the innate immune system. Intravenous treatment has been used for many years to prevent and relieve the effects of sudden edema attacks caused by spontaneous activation of the complement system within the victim s cardiovascular system. However apart from being highly invasive, current intravenous treatment is not convenient in cases of sudden, spontaneous edema attacks. Recently studies have been undertaken to develop an effective subcutaneous treatment option for ... Show more content on ... Triggering mechanisms include: physical trauma, surgery, dental procedures, and emotional stress. It has been noted that almost any level of trauma can trigger an edema attack, from typing on a keyboard to mowing the lawn. Emotional stress is another often encountered cause of edema attacks. The buildup of stress has been well documented in it s effects on the immune system, often in a negative capacity. This appears to be enough to trigger attacks spontaneously in those with a copy of the mutated C1 inhibitor gene. Trigger of an edema attack by surgery or dental procedures are also usually the result of trauma and can heavily affect the methods and outcome of any such procedures undertaken.3 Because Hereditary angioedema attacks can be triggered by common occurrences throughout any given day in the average person s life, those affected by hereditary angioedema must take special care with their actions and more closely monitor their environment as well as their stress levels. Though
  • 23. Workforce Dress Codes Dress codes change generally among districts and fields of occupation in America. A Wall Street representative will wear a smart suit and shirt to work, while start up workers in Silicon Valley may appear in shorts and shirt amid available time. Be possibly overdressed rather than underdressed for your imminent representative meeting, a fundamental meeting, or your first day at work. When you pick among moderate, sharp nice, and nice clothing, constantly go for one of the underlying two decisions, dependent upon how standard the association being alluded to is. If your commitments incorporate individual contact with customers or clients, more formal apparel is consistently anticipated. When you know the environment better, you may dress down,
  • 24. Anheuser-Bush Essay Anheuser Bush Situation: The American company Anheuser Bush (AB) cannot market its beer using their trademark name Budweiser in every country around the world. This is due to the fact that there is an European brewing company that uses the same trademark. After Adolphus Bush immigrated to the United States, he got married into the Anheuser brewing family. He used and subsequently registered the name Budweiser as a trademark. A few years after Adolphus Bush did this, a new brewery was established in Budejovicky Budvar and its beer was officially named and registered as Budweiser. This Budweiser is considered by beers experts to be a greater beer than the American Budweiser. (College Term Paper) Now days, AB has a domestic ... Show more content on ... But reality had proven to be different because the company has almost tripled its sales since the Czechs gained independence. (Business Journals, Inc. 2/28/01) AB executives sent a letter to Czech officials offering to invest capital on the Budejovicky brewery, but the response that AB got back was not positive. One of the things that contributed to this response was that Czechs considered that the name Budweiser meant more than just a brand name or trademark, they believe that it denotes a geographic area and subsequently indicates were the products is from. Secondly, the simple fact of privatization concerned the Czechs that already had a bad experience with the German carmaker company Volkswagen. Where Volkswagen promised some amount of money to the Czechs, but Volkswagen executives fail to provide. Besides this issue, the wages paid to the Czech s factory were far below from the ones paid in the Germans factories. The third factor was, like I mentioned before, that the Czechs consider that the American Budweiser to be far inferior to Budvar s Budweiser. AB has being trying to win over the Czechs in various ways. One of them is by spending over $1 million of dollars cultural centers, offering English classes, opened a cafГ© and with a baseball team that is equipped with the Saint Luis Cardinals uniforms (The team that belongs to the same city where AB have its headquarter). After all this effort from
  • 25. Case Study Of BIMS Introduction The company (BIMS) Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc. is a company that does housekeeping and food service for many companies. The company has come up with some issues in the last four months, which was an increase in turnover. The company has an average turnover rate of 50 to 60%. With now a 64% rate of turnover BIMS knows there is a problem. Managementis not sure as to why the turnover rate has risen so much. They have failed to find the origin of the problem. Another problem is that the morale in the company is low, and the sick leave is increasing. Management is determined to figure out what is causing the problem to find a solution. An approach that the company will take is to give all 452 employees a survey. Data ... Show more content on ... The survey was created to help employees in BIMS to help management find what is causing the turn over by giving their opinion with the company. There are ten questions in the survey, the first one asks employees to express how they feel with their employment. Communication is also pointed out in the survey, to see how communication is between employee and management. These questions have to be answered by circling a number from one to five. One for very negative and five for very positive. That s is for questions one to ten. There are also four extra questions that need to be answered different, there is one that the employee has to state what sex they are either male or female, also about how long they have worked for the company, so these questions can not be answered in a one to five format. As well as to in what area they work in. taking a look at the answers one can connect points and see that there was a small communication between employee and manager. Also another point is that there are many hours assigned to workers and they are not satisfied with the pay. Levels of measurement BIMS used nominal, ordinal, and interval levels of analysis in the survey. In the Nominal level there was classification done. Then followed the ordinal level, which took care of classifying and ordering in the survey. Then followed the interval level which classifying, ordering and distance. Interval was applied in the question which
  • 26. Employers Liability in Negligence NEGLIGENCE: THE EMPLOYER S DUTIES Employers Liability in Negligence May be personally liable to employees who injure themselves. May be personally liable to employees who are injured by another employee or sometimes by an independent contractor employed by the employer. May be vicariously liable if one employee is injured by another employee. NOTE: Employees may also be able to recover from statutory workers compensation schemes. Employees rights at common law may be restricted by the same schemes. e.g. WorkCover Queensland Act 1996 Other Possible Causes of Action Against an Employer The tort of breach of statutory duty (separate tort). Breach of an express or implied term of the contract of employment... Show more content on ... The finding of liability. 2.The finding of only 10% contributory negligence. Dismissed the appeal: 1. P conduct must be judged in the context of the finding of Ds failure to provide a safe system of work. 2. P s conduct was mere inadvertence, inattention or misjudgement. Leading Authority presently. At page 310, Once it is accepted that such use [of such hoist] would eliminate the risk of injury, it is necessarily follows that a prudent employer exercising reasonable care would require that it be used. The employer must insist on a safe system, if it is not used, must sack the employee. Bus v. S.C.C. (1989) The law has progressed by placing an increased emphasis upon the relevance of the possibility of negligence or inadventure on the part of the person to whom the duty is owed at page 90. Defendants must anticipate carelessness on the behalf of others. Premises and Tools Davie v. New Merton Board Mills The plaintiff got hit in the eye by a piece of a chisel, the employer was not liable because: The defect in the tools was not discoverable on reasonable inspection AND Bought from a reputable manufacturer. Wilson v Tyneside Employer not liable because: P experienced window cleaner. D did issue warnings in writing and orally. Duty not so high when premises not Ds. P had cleaned those windows before and knew them to be unsafe. Checking was not the trade practice. Smith v.
  • 27. Margaret Thatcher Research Paper Margaret Thatcher I am in politics because of the conflict between good and evil, and I believe that in the end good will triumph. ~ Margaret Thatcher Life Prime minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 1990 known as the Iron Lady a nickname given to her by the Soviet Journalist; Margaret Thatcher while you may or may not agree with her politics was a powerful women in leadership. Born Margaret Hilda Roberts in 1925 she was raised with her sister in a flat above her father s grocery store. Thatcher studied chemistry at Oxford University from 1943 1947. Showing an interest in politics during college she became the president of the Oxford University Conservative Association in 1946. In 1951 she married Denis Thatcher and in 1954 she studied ... Show more content on ... Margaret Thatcher not only broke through the glass ceiling she shattered it. Speaking in her honor Prime Minister David Cameron observed that, at a time when it was difficult for a woman to become a Member of Parliament, almost inconceivable that one could lead the Conservative Party and, by her own reckoning, virtually impossible that a woman could become Prime Minister, she did all three .( After a failed bid in 1950 Thatcher was elected Member of Parliament (MP) in 1959 one of just 25 women in a house of 605 men. Thatcher was appointed Secretary of State for Education and Science in 1970 and in 1975, she defeated Heath in the Conservative Party leadership election to become Leader of the Opposition and subsequently the first woman to lead a major political party in The UK. In 1979 Thatcher was elected Prime Minister after winning the general election. Thatcher was known for having a confrontational approach. One of the leading figures in her first ministry Jim Prior found it particularly difficult to raise his voice to a woman and engage in the argumentative style which Thatcher encouraged. For Mr. Prior such behavior was not gentlemanly. (
  • 28. The Role Of Selfishness In Night By Martin Luther King Jr. Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness (Martin Luther King, Jr).This quote connects to Night by: Elie Wiesel because in this book, people choose their own paths of being in the light or being in the shadows. Martin Luther King Jr is saying that people have a choice to be selfish or selfless. Selfishness is the only way to survive during dark times. First, Elie only cares about him and his father. Elie should not have to fight for his father because Elie s father can fight for himself. Here, every man has to fight for himself and not think of anyone else (105). This quote is saying that the only person Elie is responsible for is himself. The boy in the
  • 29. Essay on Authenticity in Northanger Abbey Northanger Abbey: Authenticity In what is for Jane Austen an uncharacteristically direct intervention, the narrator of Northanger Abbey remarks near the end: The anxiety, which in the state of their attachment must be the portion of Henry and Catherine, and of all who loved either, as to its final event, can hardly extend, I fear, to the bosom of my readers, who will see in the tell tale compression of the pages before them, that we are all hastening together to perfect felicity. As far as I know this is the only overt reference Austen ever makes to the material nature of her medium, and the relationship of that materiality to generic conventions. She might as well have said This is a romantic comedy I m writing as ... Show more content on ... In Davies adaptation of Middlemarch, a book whose opening words are Miss Brooke , the opening scene is of a sexy and mysterious looking male stranger arriving in town: the High Plains Drifter of Victorian England. In the Davies version of Pride and Prejudice, a book about five sisters and how they secured their futures is transformed into a script which begins with two men one of whom is significantly more sexy and mysterious looking than the other mounted on handsome, powerful, snorting horses galloping flat out across a field. (True, the camera then pans back to find them being watched from a hill by a pair of speculative and not especially friendly dark eyes under a bonnet, and there is an audible creak of shifting power as the view lines up with Elizabeth Bennet for the rest of the series.) Despite the relative freedom to improve on Austen that was granted by the five hour time frame, Davies had a different if equally money driven kind of problem; he was obliged, like the novelists writing in monthly instalments for the literary journals of the later nineteenth century, but unlike Austen herself, to rearrange the narrative so that it contained a series of regularly spaced, unresolved mini climaxes, to leave the audience dangling and
  • 30. Pollution Is An Influential Factor On The Diversity Of The... Claire Michaud Abstract: Butternut creek is located in an area within an urban environment, however the presence of certain pollution intolerant invertebrates, lead to the conclusion that pollution was not an influential factor on the diversity of the stream. Introduction: The ecology of Butternut creek s stream community was studied. Streams are linear and typically have one direction of flow. They also are dynamic systems which means the environment is constantly changing. Streams have channel features called riffles and pools. Pool riffle channels are known to have moderate to low gradients and are located in gravel bed streams. Riffles are typically formed by the deposition of gravel bars. They are shallower and have higher velocities than pools (Allan). Pools are known to be a depression in the undulating streambed and they are deeper than riffles (Allan). Pools are deep and slow moving while riffles are shallow and fast moving. These two habitats can also hold different organisms that are specific to either or. Data was collected under the 481 overpass and exhibited good examples of pool and riffle habitats. The pool habitat measured, was located under a bridge, and the riffle habitat measured was located further down stream. The Blacknose dace and White sucker were used to compare the diversity between the pool and riffle habitats. Based on the different habitat conditions of fast moving riffles and slow moving pools, its hypothesized that there will be a
  • 31. How Does Comparative Material From The Ancient Near East... TMM2061 Old Testament Studies Essay One ? Genesis 1 22 Martha Grace Weatherill TMM2061 Old Testament Studies Essay One Word Count: 2477 How does comparative material from the ancient Near East help us understand Genesis 1 22? Several comparative material has been found from the ancient Near East which have many similarities with the Genesis 1 22 bible narratives such as the creation, flood and patriarchal narratives ? Ugarit and Ebla.[footnoteRef:1] Many scholars have argued on the implication of the similarities in the Genesis flood story with Noah and the flood epic that was told in Mesopotamia ? Gilgamesh.[footnoteRef:2] Alexander Heidel has made several comparisons between the flood narrative in Genesis and the epic of ?Gilgamesh?. ... Show more content on ... creation story.[footnoteRef:5] They suggest several similarities and differences in the flood epic narrative from ancient Mesopotamia and the Genesis narrative[footnoteRef:6] and have attempted to make comparisons between the flood stories in Gilgamesh and Genesis on ?literary grounds?, in terms of flood traditions in both the Hebrew tradition and the Mesopotamian tradition. [4: W. G. Lambert, ?A NEW LOOK AT THE BABYLONIAN BACKGROUND OF GENESIS,? The Journal of Theological Studies 16, no. 2 (1965): 101.] [5: W. G. A. R. MILLARD LAMBERT, Atra Hasis: The Babylonian Story of the Flood. With The Sumerian Flood Story by M. Civil (Oxford Clarendon Press, 1970), 101.] [6: Ibid., 25?27.] K.A. Kitchen names nine differences and seven similarities in the two traditions. The two narratives claim that the decision to send the flood as punishment was divine (made by deity); a chosen person (man) is instructed to save himself and his family, together with living animals and to do this he is asked to build an ark (boat); the flood destroys everyone else on the earth. The boat eventually rests on a mountain and the birds are sent out off the boat to see if there is any land that is habitable. The chosen man eventually sacrifices to the divine and humanity is renewed on the earth.[footnoteRef:7] For Kitchen, the differences are that in the Genesis narrative, deity (God) observes the wickedness that was done by the humans on the earth
  • 32. Student Body At Capital Middle School Economically oppressed, secondary school aged, African Americans, residing in urban areas are the majorities that are in dire need of immediate Cognitive Behavior interventions within Baton Rouge (E. Stephens, personal communication, August 28, 2015). They are at risk of dropping out of school, experimenting with alcohol and substance abuse, smoking, and institutionalization due to disruptive behaviors and chronic absenteeism. My current internship, Communities In Schools (CIS) located within Capital Middle School, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is an agency that implements interventions to decrease abnormally high rates of disruptive behaviors and absenteeism within participating nationwide secondary/high schools. CIS caters to the ... Show more content on ... Within the following text, the reader will explore literature reviews on chronic absenteeism, disruptive behaviors, and successful Cognitive Behavior Therapy within middle school settings in urban America. Ripple Effects Whole Spectrum Intervention System (Ripple Effects) According to SAMHSA, (2011), the Ripple Effects is an online intervention that is used within the school system to curb negative behaviors within all adolescent populations. The purpose of the intervention is to correct/study academic achievement, resilience, mental health, and social functioning (SAMHSA, 2011). There are approximately 389 computer lessons teachers and students choose from to correct inappropriate behavior such as bullying, fighting, absenteeism, alcohol abuse, and subpar academic grades (SAMHSA, 2011). The students are shown a variety of question and answer scenarios, surveys, videos, actual statistical information, and photographs. Each intervention will be administered two times weekly in thirty minute increments (SAMHSA, 2011). The computer automatically creates a profile that tracks successfully completed interventions, log in times/dates, and
  • 33. Agatha Christie s And Then There Were None People have always said not to judge a book by its cover. Well disregard that because in order to analyse a book cover, you have to judge it. The book And Then There Were None written by Agatha Christie has many book jackets, some enticing and some not, but there is one in particular that stands out. This book coverhas a good appearance that hints certain occurrences, it has the ability to be alluring as well has having good font, but despite these great qualities, it does have a flaw or two. The first few good factors of this book cover is its representation and subtle giveaways. At first glance, it is obvious that there are ten figures, however those who have not read the book yet would not have been able to tell that they are soldier ... Show more content on ... First thing is the writing and the fact that Agatha Christie s name is not written on it. How is someone supposed to know who the book is by if it is not written on the book. Besides the title, having the author s name is one of the most important elements of the book jacket. Along with that fault, there is the fact that, in spite of all the good features of the cover, there is no alluring colors, it is just red and black. Maybe, if you re someone who likes dark stories and murder mysteries then it ll allure you, but in order to appeal to everyone, there needs to be more than just a black background with red China figures and blood. Also, the writing isn t so appealing, it looks like it was scratched on. The writing could work for a horror story, but not a murder mystery. Maybe going through those series of events was painful and terrifying for the characters, but for the readers it is something that makes you want to keep reading. It keeps people hooked, but in no way is the story frightening, if anything it is interesting. Nevertheless, these flaws do not stop this book from being a good read. Sometimes it is best to judge a book by its cover, because it can tell you a lot about the book. The novel And Then There Were None written by Agatha Christie has had a lot of book jackets, and one in particular stands out. The cover has an attractive appearance, captivating
  • 34. Should The Bumblebees Be Saved Should the Bumblebees be saved? There has been a sharp decrease in bees over the years and they were recently put on the endangered species list. The Bumblebees population has decreased by 90% and without the bee; the entire ecosystem could become unbalanced. Bees pollinate plants and animals that we eat like chicken, beef, pork, ham, lamb, turkey the animals that eat the grass or flowers depend on bees. If the vegetation is, low those animals will die off and so will we. Therefore, the Fish and Wildlife Preserve has declared that pesticides, deforestation, and wildfires are destroying the bees habitats. President Obama has even helped in protecting the bees. Obamas administration has a plan to protect their habits by growing trees and flowers
  • 35. Descriptive Essay On Totnes One of the oldest boroughs in Devon, Totnes has numerous places of interest, castles, historic architectures, such as the renowned half timber framed Merchant s House housing the town museum and the Guildhall, a charming ancient stone building. The vibrant town centre hosts the nicest antique shops, boutiques, silversmiths, restaurants, and street entertainers in Devon. The narrow High Street is dotted with houses of 16 17th C wealthy merchant s and old shops built of timber, bricks and stones of colourful facades. At the top of the street the porticoed frontages of the arcaded Butterwalk form a pleasant covered walkway. One of the finest churches of Devon the parish church of St Mary is located in the mid way along the High Street. With a tall west tower, arcades and an impressive roof its most striking feature is superb stone screen (circa 1460), rivalled only by Exeter Cathedral. Planning a trip to Totnes? Consider staying at one of these great hotels and vacation rentals below! 1. Cosy friendly self contained, rustic annexe Katherine s cosy annexe is on the outskirts of beautiful Dartington in a quiet area surrounded by countryside. It has a solid wood king size bed overlooking the garden and huge oak trees and a small shower room. The kitchen is equipped with a cooker and fridge/sink. Wi Fi and parking space facility is also there. It has its own front door. Dartington House and Gardens are within walking distance and there is a cafe and a cinema in a barn. There are
  • 36. The Tortoise And The Hare Essay As a child I really enjoyed reading books, this may been because my mother and father would try to read to me each night before bed. One of my favorite bedtime stories would be Aesop s fable particularly the Tortoise and the Hare. Although the Hare was talented and had all the fittings to be a champion, despite that his arrogance made him lose the race when he decided to sleep during the race. To this day I have personally resonated with the idea of the underdog overcoming any obstacles, and that is what the tortoisesignifies. The tortoise understood that although he was not in the best position to win the race instead of giving up and not competing he took his neck out of shell, tried his best, and persevered which caused him the victory. I truly resonate with the Tortoise in this fable because of their idealistic, dedicated, and hardworking personality. Another reason would be the tortoise s ability to be able to retreat into their shell when ever they pleased. Depending on the situation and how uncomfortable I am I can pull into my shell for protection and comfort. In addition tortoises are difficult to get to know because of their shell and they come off as private, reserved, and self conscious. Even though I believe that all people are equal, yet sometimes I lack confidence and doubt myself. You can see this if you monitor me in the classroom and in sport. My coach will always say Bema at the beginning of a race your body language tells me you don t belong
  • 37. The French Revolution Of 1789 French Revolution in 1789 Introduction: King Louis XVI required cash. His money related crisis constrained the French ruler to reluctantly meet the Estates General with a specific end goal to require another land tax that would ideally settle his financial hardships. It had been basically 175 years since a last meeting of this deliberative body. That included delegates of almost three Estates: the First involved the ministry, the Second contained the nobility and also the Third involved the lower and middle classes. The Estates started their meeting at the Versailles on 5th of May, 1789 and immediately went into a force battle. The Third Estate soon proclaimed itself the National Assembly that was illustrative of the general population. ... Show more content on ... Political, monetary, and social conditions in France added to the discontent felt by numerous French individuals particularly those of the third estate. The thoughts of the scholarly people of the Enlightenment conveyed new perspectives to government and society. The American Revolution additionally affected the happening to the French Revolution. The Philosophers planted the seeds for the French Revolution. Their objectives were to uncover and annihilate the disparities of the old administration (old order). The political discontent of France was one of the reasons for the Revolution. In the seventeenth and eighteenth hundreds of years, France was ruled by an outright government. The ruler had all the political forces. Any individual who reprimanded the administration could be captured and put in jail without trial. Louis XVI was lord at the season of the French Revolution. He was keener on chasing than overseeing France. He and his Austrian ruler, Marie Antoinette, carried on with an extreme life at the Palace of Versailles. They didn t generally think about the condition of their nation. The initial two estates cooperated to outvote the huge third estate to keep them from turning into a risk to the force. Lord Acton, an Englishmen, states that the government being toppled wasn t the flash of the Revolution. He perceives the American Independence as the flash of the French Revolution. The
  • 38. Architecture in Melbourne is thriving with creativity, new... Architecture in Melbourne is thriving with creativity, new buildings such as the Manchester Unity Building, Capitol Theatre and Century building, which are all located on Swanston Street in the Heart of Melbourne. There are also other Modernist commercial building in Melbourne, such as the Myer Emporium and Yule House. Not all of these buildings are in Melbourne s centre, there are many which are in Melbourne out skirts, for example Percy Everett who designed the Technical School in Essendon which opened in 1939. There is much modernist The Manchester Unity Building, built in 1932 and designed by Marcus Barlow, was the tallest building in Melbourne in 1932. This building was built between and brings a cosmopolitan style of building to... Show more content on ... The ornate cornices on the ceiling also reflect some History about Australia. The Manchester Unity Building was also the first building in Melbourne to have Escalators. The Manchester Unity Building also had its own heating and cooling, in summer cooling was obtained by large underground tanks which cooled the air. In winter time the building was heated by oil heaters which heated the air, it also had its own generator in case of a power failure. A state of art building, ahead of its time, due to the technological and material advancements. It also contained elevators which could speed up to 600 feet a minute. This building also provides a shopping retail centre, with many shops of all sorts being able to set up business. It also provides a social centre with cafГ© s also opening up, especially the roof top cafГ© where people can enjoy the view of Melbourne as well as spend time with their colleagues. unity building history.html /ndp/del/article/4495498 Modernist design not only was located in the heart of Melbourne, it was located on the out skirts of the centre also, the Essendon Technical School which was designed by Percy Everett is one of these. Percy Everett is appointed as Chief Architect for Victorian Public Works Department. He has designed
  • 39. Jci Holland Case JCI Holland Facility Blood Lead Level Problem Analysis February 14, 2014 Prepared For: Jamie Morris Toledo Facility EHS Manager Johnson Controls Battery Division 10300 Eber Rd. Holland, OH 43528 Prepared By: Dennis Prater II Chief Executive Officer DenPrater EHS Services 1234 Safety Way. Toledo, OH 43614 1234 Safety Way Toledo, OH 43614 419 765 4321 2015 JCI Holland Blood Lead Levels February 14, 2015 Johnson Controls Battery Division 10300 Industrial St. Holland, OH 43528 Attention: Jamie Morris, EHS Manager JCI Holland Facility Blood Lead Level Problem Analysis Our company has completed our investigation into factors that may be leading to increased blood lead levels at your Holland facility. Our company has spent four months... Show more content on ... Nonexistent hoods and inadequate hoods should be replaced and installed immediately. The low on nonexistent fpm s produced by these hoods are in violation of OSHA regulations. Putting garage doors on the equipment doors should be done after this. The free flow of lead from POS to other parts of the plant is of great concern to everyone s health. Keeping the lead in the POS department would make it much easier to control. The installation of a wind tunnel between POS and COS should be installed in the next couple years. A large sized capital improvement investment will be required for this construction. Personal hygiene, facility sanitation practices, and employee dietary needs should be instituted immediately. These changes have very little cost and do not require much labor downtime. Conclusion The blood lead levels in the Holland, Ohio facility are the worst not only in the United States, but the world as well. In order to lower these blood lead levels each changes and improvements must be made in all six categories outlined in this report. The changes range from simple policy changes that at little or no cost, to engineering controls that will be fairly expensive. I look forward to meeting with you and other plant leadership to discuss this study, and how to we should move forward with these recommendations to reduce blood lead levels in the Holland, Ohio facility. Works
  • 40. Anjelah Johnson Analysis Do you know Anjelah johnson ? something controversial she has said was that she was talking about different race people. That may offend people because she was making fun of their race. But the way she said it was not that offensive because she had said it in a funny way. A thesis she used superiority because she was teasing hispanics but in a funny way. So the way she said it made it less offensive than someone else would say it .anjelah johnson effectively used humor to make her point that there are hispanics who don t speak spanish she does this by using structure such as the punchline and her word choice included funny and excited words. She effectively uses structure in her comedy routine, such as the punchline to make the audience laugh.
  • 41. Explore in Relation to a Client You Have Nursed... This essay will be exploring the psychosocial influences on a 68 year old lady called Susan Smith s perception to her health, along with her response to illness. To do this we must look at a definition of both psychology and sociology and discuss any possible effects these have had on Susan s perception of health issues. Also this essay will be looking at any influences such as education, in relation to a female of Susan s age and background, and discuss whether these issues have affected Susan s health and her responses to illness. Susan was admitted to hospital for a planned bi lateral total knee replacement, she lived with her husband John who suffered from bipolar disorder. Susan enjoyed going to her local church every Sunday but had ... Show more content on ... Another factor affecting peoples perception could be their locus of control, Rotter (1954) made distinctions between beliefs of people with an internal and an external locus of control: people who are said to be internal are thought to believe that their own actions can change the outcome of situations, making these situations under personal control, however externals are seen generally to believe that the outcome is beyond their personal control, believing that their actions are unrelated to the events. Therefore if someone has an internal locus of control they believe that they have a significant say in how their lives are run, whereas a person with an external locus of control believes that fate has already decided upon the events of their lives. Niven (2000) suggests that people who have an internal locus of control may be more highly motivated to take action concerning their health; however they are less likely to adhere to medical advice. This may be due to the fact that internals feel that they have a choice and say in the outcomes of their health and can decide not to adhere when it is appropriate. For example in Susan s case when she spoke about having a bilateral total knee replacement, she said that when the doctor had advised having
  • 42. Wage Discrimination Among Actors And Actresses Since before women earned the right to vote, there has always been a demand for men and women to work as an actor in the film industry. Their ability to captivate, move, and inspire earned them recognition as movie stars. This rich history of stars, ranging from Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton to Mary Pickford and Julia Roberts has seemingly been genderneutral. However, the question of wage discrimination among actors and actresses is often not a point of discussion. Perhaps this is because the public knows how well movie starts are paid, which begets the question, are actors and actress rewarded differently? When skimming the literate, the first point of interest is Forbes Magazine s list of the top paid actors and actresses of that ... Show more content on ... In addition, there seems to be a huge discrepancy between how actors and actresses fair at the box office. This is reinforced when looking at the average box office figures. Ten actors have averaged figures over $100 million while only two actresses managed to reach that milestone. If an actors and actresses are paid based upon their box office power, it would seem that actors are better at selling movie tickets relative to actresses. However, these figures might be a result of the types of roles offered to men and women. In order to examine gender discriminatory pay practices in Hollywood, there needs to be a comparison between men and women performing the same exact job. In cinema, it could be the case that actors and actresses are simply not working in exactly the same industry. Since they are not playing the same character, and the fact that film offers different genres by which actors and actresses are defined within, the pay difference may be due to the variation between roles. An action star generally gets paid more relative to a melodramatic role, and throughout the history of Hollywood, men usually occupy the role of big action star. Men like John Wayne, Tom Cruise, Cary Grant, Humphry Bogart, James Cagney, and Arnold Schwarzenegger receive salary benefits because they are generational icons, starring in big budget, high grossing films. There are certainly examples of female action stars, like Sigourney Weaver