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We Have The Weirdest Traditions
The White Legacy:
Generation Seven, College (Part One)
Nice yukata, Pepper.
Pepper: *blank stare* “Yu-ka-ta? What’s that?”
The thing you’re wearing. It’s like a kimono, except made of cotton instead of silk, and it only has one layer. It definitely shares
one thing in common with the kimono, though; it’s a thing to wear. BWAHAHA! I’m so funny!
Pepper: “I don’t understand that joke.”
That’s okay. I have a feeling not a lot of people will.
Bilingual joking aside, this is Peppermint “Pepper” White, the oldest of generation seven! Pepper’s not exactly the
sharpest crayon in the box, but we love her anyway. As of the moment I am writing this, the heir poll is still running, so
I have absolutely no idea whether she’s the heir or not. What she definitely is is a 9/7/9/3/1 Pisces Popularity Sim with
alien eyes, which is the most alien we got out of the whole set of G-Sevens (except perhaps her cousin Vale, who is
green). Kind of disappointing on the whole, really. Her LTW is to have 20 Simultaneous Best Friends—very doable.
Of course you know that peppermint is a tasty, deliciously aromatic herb. But did you know that the peppermint is
actually a hybrid between watermint and spearmint, and that its flowers are purple and grow in blunt spikes? Cool,
Pepper: “Hi Author!”
Why are you sitting on the porch? Why aren’t you inside?
Pepper: “Oh. The door’s locked. I was waiting for the nargles to come unlock it.”
June: “Heh heh heh…”
June: “Yeeees?”
Unlock this door.
June: “Hmm… no.”
Do it.
June: “No.”
June: “No.”
June: “No!”
Pepper: “Ooh! It’s the nargles! Hi, buddies!!”
June: “Huh!?”
Never underestimate the power of sheer belief.
Pepper: “Belief? In what? The nargles exist, Author. I don’t have to believe in them.”
I trust you, Pepper. After all, they just opened the door for you.
Pepper: “Yeah, they’re pretty awesomesauce, huh?”
June: “Ow… Pepper’s a Popularity sim…”
Until graduation, June.
June: “I will have my day.”
Sure you will. *pat pat*
June: “Stop touching my hair. It took hours to get it to look like this.”
I’m sure.
Well, congratulations, Pepper! Your first night on campus! What do you want to do?
Pepper: “Throw a party! Also to become friends with June. I bet she’s nice!”
Only Pepper would actually wish to be friends with June.
Pepper: “Hey, Author! Guess what guess what!”
Pepper: “There’s water down there! Is this where the fairies live!?”
…you know, I don’t know the answer to that question. Maybe. We could very well be bribing little fairies with golden coins to
fulfill our wishes. Sure. Why not?
Pepper: “Yay!”
Well, that’s Pepper’s first set of finals done. This is going fast. Could be because she doesn’t really do much of interest when
she’s by herself.
Pepper: “I don’t like finals. They’re hard.”
Amen, sister.
Pepper: “I want to throw a party!”
…okay, then.
Pepper: “Hey Author? Can I invite Blizzard to my party?”
Blizzard: {Party? I’ve never been to a party before… Seen them, yes, been to them, no.}
Hey Pepper, your party guests are here… wait. Arie, what are you doing here?
Arie: “Supervising.”
Sure you are.
When Pepper isn’t partying and wishing for friends for her LTW, she’s usually parked in the blue chair. I’m sorry to
say I sort of neglected her and her siblings’ education when they were young, so in case she becomes heir, I’m
working on skilling her up. For Pepper, this has always been a bit of a painful process.
Pepper: “I don’t get it. How does adding water to oil make fire worse? That doesn’t make any sense…”
Don’t worry, we’re working on it. This is why we sent her to college.
Ooh, look at that. A cowplant. It’s been ages since I‘ve seen one of those…
Pepper: “Why did Matthew come to put me in handcuffs and drive me to this scary place?”
Pepper: “The police officer guy! We’re friends now!”
So apparently three or more of Pepper’s wishing well buddies were secret society. I had no idea. Heh, I even missed the iconic
handcuff shot.
Pepper: “Ooh, a new jacket. Kewl!”
Men of the Secret Society: {Pepper is a Popularity Sim!}
Secret Society Guy: “Sweet! So now that you’re, like, a fully-fledged member of the Landgraab Society, would
you mind keeping an eye out for one of our wayward members? She was supposed to have an appointment with
Buttercup over there, but then she went and disappeared and we haven’t heard from her since.”
Pepper: “What does ‘wayward’ mean? Who’s Buttercup? Is she nice? Is she a princess bride?”
Secret Society Guy: “She’s a cow.”
Pepper: “That’s not very nice…”
HOLY COW. The pizza’s fermented!
Pepper: “Hi Laurel!!”
Laurel: “Peppermint. What are all these people doing here? And why are they in their underthings?”
Pepper: “I’m throwing a toga party to welcome you to Sim State! Isn’t that exciting!? We’re gonna have so much
Laurel: “…”
This perpetually dissatisfied young lady with the Victorian ideals is, of course, Laurel White, Pepper’s next
youngest sister. She is a 4/7/8/3/3 Gemini Family Sim who wants to Raise 20 Puppies or Kittens (not happening).
Clearly she is vying to be the next Crumplebottom (a mean old cat lady with stringent values).
Laurel flowers are tiny, pale yellow-green things, but it’s not the flowers we all remember laurels for. Laurel
wreaths are symbols of victory, and have been since they started being used in Ancient Greece to reward winning
athletes and poets.
Yes, poets.
The history major? Well, I am pleased. That is quite appropriate for you, Laurel.
Laurel: “Hmm…? Huh-whaa?”
Not a morning person?
Laurel: “Ugh…”
Nice jammies, by the way. Very Victorian, let me tell you.
Laurel: “Meh… early...”
I always knew Laurel was a threat to the family. Bzzt!
Shock number three…
I thought we turned you off…
Shock number five. Now it’s going after Pepper.
Girls, please get this thing fixed.
Laurel: “Why are we keeping this heap of blasphemous junk anyway? It has tried to kill us! Multiple times!”
Would you rather deal with a bit of a shock now and then or the cow mascots? Because I’m more than willing to—
Laurel: “Hold on whilst I fix up this blessed robot and then we can talk, alright Author?”
Laurel: *sigh* “What, Peppermint?”
Pepper: “I hit my lifetime want!!”
Laurel: “It is to be expected. You did not set your sights terribly high, after all.”
Pepper: “Because I have twenty bestest friends, I’m going to be happy forever! And also I have a platinum
plumbbob now. Isn’t it pretty?”
Laurel: “I am sure I have no idea what you are talking about. Excuse me.”
Pepper: “…Author, does Laurel not like me?”
…um, of course she does, Pepper. She’s your sister after all.
Pepper: “Yeah, you’re right. All sisters are bestest friends! Thanks Author!”
Pepper: “So this is ‘holding hands,’ huh? What does it mean? Are we going to start flying?”
Awww… look at him! Oscar here (one of Pepper’s wishing well friends who got invited to this toga party) looks so
smitten! I have hereby decided that this couple Shall Be. But if Pepper gets elected heir, it’s going to have be a
college romance, since he’s not an NPC. That’s okay, I suppose.
Pepper: “Hey, Oscar-man? Mind if I try something out?”
Oscar: “Are those little floating hearts…? Does that mean—”
First kiss! So sweet!
Aw man, now she’s throwing wishes for engagement… I wish I could, Pepper! But I don’t know if you’re heir or not
Good morning, Pepper!
Pepper: “Morning, Author!! I think it’s gonna be a bright, sunshiny day!”
Great! So any thoughts on your major? You’ve only got a few hours left to decide, you know…
Pepper: “What’s a ‘major’?”
Philosophy it is.
Pepper: “Author, why do you sound so annoyed…?”
Pepper: “OOOOO-LLIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!! Welcome to Sim State!! We have to throw a party now!!”
Ollie: “Hi, Pepper! Er… you did wash your hands sometime in the last five minutes, right?”
This handsome man is our favorite germophobe Oleander “Ollie” White. He’s a 2/9/10/10/4 Sagittarius Family sim
who really wants to Reach his Golden Anniversary.
Oleander flowers are smaller white, pink, or red blossoms, and they grow in clusters on the ends of branches. It’s
an evergreen shrub so widely cultivated that no one knows exactly where they first appeared. Most interesting of
all, though, is that every single part of the oleander bush is poisonous.
Hahaha, that’s great. Ollie just got his “made $5000” memory by playing pinball. Considering they only get $5 out
of this thing at a time, that’s a pretty big accomplishment.
Laurel: “AUTHOR!! I DEMAND that we remove ALL evil technology from this house!!”
What is it this time, highness?
Laurel: “I resent the sarcasm in that remark! First I am shocked multiple times by the sentrybot which is meant to protect us, and then all I
do is pick up a video game controller and the whole console falls into pieces! This pile of rubbish does not even look like the game
console! Technology is out to get me!”
Or maybe it sees you coming and runs the other way.
Laurel: “That is not funny, Author!”
Gee, thanks, Laurel.
Laurel: “It is my highest pleasure, Author.”
Ollie: “Hark! Thar be the land of Porcelain Sinks! Into the longboats, mateys!”
Ollie the tub pirate, everyone.
Ollie: “Now that I’ve completed my first semester here, I think I want to declare my major in history.”
Laurel: “I approve.”
Honestly! College students and pizza!
Pepper: “Author, Author! I maxed all my skills!!”
YES!! This girl is nearly a senior—it took her three university years of permanent fall and a bookshelf from heaven
to finally max all her skills! Now all four kids this generation have their requisite skill set!
Phew, that was close… Laurel decided she was in too bad of a mood to go to her exam, and—
Laurel: “I hate this lamppost! It only pretends to be old-fashioned and decent! It is powered by electric bulbs!”
—and I think she’s losing it.
Laurel: “I resent that remark!”
Ollie almost went to visit campus thirty seconds before his final, too. I was very close to losing these guys’ 4.0. But we made
Rose: “Hi, Ollie! I’m so excited to be here at college, and this house looks great, and—”
Ollie: “Hi Rose, good to see you too. ‘Scuse me, I was halfway through cleaning the bathroom.”
The final G-Seven, Primrose “Rose” White here is a sugar-sweet overly nice type of girl. She’s a 9/10/1/4/10
Popularity Libra. Whether that extreme personality is due to natural White family genes or the fact that her mother
is an alien is as good as anyone’s guess. Her LTW is to Become Captain Hero, which is nice. Not exciting, but
There’s a lot of types of primroses in the world, so I’m going to focus on the common primrose. The flowers are
typically pale yellow, though white and pink variants are pretty common, too. The name comes from the Latin
“prima rosa,” which means “first rose” because it is one of the earliest springtime flowers in Europe. Although,
primroses are not roses, and in my opinion don’t even look like roses. Oh, well.
Hey, look! Both ovens got used at the same time! Yay! My furnishing decisions have yielded fruit! It’s not
necessarily silly to buy two of everything!
Rose: “Pepper, that’s a very nice sheet, but um, why are you wearing it?”
I swear, all Pepper wishes for is toga parties. I don’t usually throw a lot of parties, but I like Pepper.
Go George!!
Cow Mascot: “MOOOOOOO!!”
George: “Beep beep! Resistance is futile! Beep boop BEEP!”
Uh… wow.
Ollie: “I’m not wearing a shirt.” *grin*
Pepper: “Hey, Tom. Where’s Oscar?”
Tom: “Hey, Pepper. Hallway.”
Pepper: “Thank you!”
*sigh* Arie, what are you doing here?
Arie: “Still chaperoning!”
Pepper: “Hi, Oscar! Caught-cha!”
Oscar: “Oh dear, I have been caught! Now what ever shall I do?”
Pepper: “Kiss me, silly!”
Not-June: “Gross.”
The hula is like mono. Once you have it, you’ll never get rid of it.
Llama Mascot: “My apologies. I do not associate with persons wearing sheets and living in seedy Greek houses.”
Laurel: “Perhaps you are not aware that wearing a sheet yourself, and a stuffed head besides. In addition, you
make your living by breaking into student housing and cheering idiotic catchphrases at them. One might wonder
about your integrity.”
Llama Mascot: “…”
Laurel: “…”
Llama Mascot: “Would you like to accompany me on a date one of these days?”
Laurel: “I thought you would never ask.”
Blizzard: {I’ll tell you when.}
Rose: “I love my sisters and brother to death and trust them completely… but is it really a house tradition that the
youngest sibling takes care of the womrat?”
Blizzard: {More… more… come on, I want the whole box in there… more…}
Is that really a very ladylike thing to be doing, Laurel?
Laurel: “I am merely keeping a watchful eye on my competitors, Author. Hehehe…”
I’ll just ignore that evil laugh, then…
Llama Mascot: “You must be Laurel’s brother. Propriety states that I—”
Pepper: “Give him heart surgery? Is that what you’re doing with your ears?”
Ollie: “Ow…”
Laurel: “In the absence of a formal parlor, this room will have to do.”
Llama Mascot: “It will suffice, as long as no one turns on that abysmal television. Technology is the devil’s
Laurel: “I love you.”
We’ll pretend this is a sweet, tender moment and move on.
Laurel: “What are you doing, Adam?”
Wait—his name is Adam? Not “Llama Mascot”?
Adam: “Laurel White, I do not usually suggest such things on a first date, but if the double plusses above my head
are any sign, for you I would be willing to sail to the farthest horizon and back, all while ignoring invisible
Adam: “Will you marry me? I have already sought the permission of your father, and he has agreed.”
Laurel: “Why Adam, I would be delighted! I feel like no one quite understands me the way you do!”
Laurel: “Now, let us have a talk about your wardrobe… I presume you will not be wearing this horrid thing upon
leaving university?”
Adam: “Only when I go to community lots, darling.”
Pepper: “Ooh, pretty! A full moon!”
Well Pepper, this is your last semester. How are you feeling? Happy? Excited? Sad? Nervous?
Pepper: “A little bit of everything! I wonder what causes emotions? Is it something your brain does, or is it your
heart? How can we feel more than one at once? Why do we have emotions anyway?”
A philosophy major at work, everyone.
Rose: “Hey, I’ve got it! I’m gonna be a political science major!”
Hm. That’s funny.
This is the class Laurel is taking right now. Ollie will be taking it this time next academic year. Think I should tell
…naw. She doesn’t need to know.
Well, Rose’s lifetime want has nothing to do with friends, but she is a Popularity Sim, and she did roll her major
pretty early on. I think she deserves a reward. Three brand-new best friends, coming right up!
Heh, that’s kind of funny. They’re all redheads.
Hello there, random armchair.
Random Armchair: “Hello, Author!”
…spooky. Selling it!
Random Armchair: “Aw…”
It’s been ages since I’ve had a top-level Greek house. The furniture the kids bring home from *cough* “visiting campus” always
kind of makes me laugh.
Rose: “I promise, Mr. Ng, I didn’t do anything wrong!”
Brian Ng: “Save it. You’re coming with me.”
Uh… guys? Your sister is kinda being arrested… are you going to do anything about this?
Ollie: “Such a shame. That was my high score Pepper just beat.”
Pepper: “Bye, Rose! Have a good time!!”
Welcome to the secret society, Rose.
Rose: “…that’s it? I got all scared for nothing?”
Oh, not for nothing. You get a cool jacket out of the deal.
Rose: “…okay…”
Aww, look at this. A fine scene of family togetherness. As long as you define ‘togetherness’ as just being in the same
Laurel: “Peppermint, that is not a ladylike way to sit.”
Pepper: “When you say ‘ladylike,’ what exactly do you mean? Is there a real, quantifiable way of measuring whether
or not something is ‘ladylike,’ or is it a dated social construct you are still clinging to?”
Laurel: “I think I liked you better before you had a college education.”
Congratulations Pepper, you’ve graduated! Now what do you want to do?
Pepper: “Rake these leaves, and throw a party! Ooh, I know! A leaf-raking party!”
Of course you do.
Rose: “I’m so, so sorry that I’ve gotta be at class during your graduation party! Maybe I can catch the tail end of
Pepper: “It’s okay, Rose! Just hurry home!”
Rose: “Sure! Congratz, Pepper!”
Pepper: “Thanks!!”
You’re looking very nice, Pepper.
Pepper: “Thanks, Author! You know what?”
Pepper: *taps hat* “We have the weirdest traditions. I mean, who came up with these? What makes them look all
academic and stuff? Why are they designed to feel like they’re always falling off your head? Why the tassel?”
I love servo formal wear. Especially around the sleeves.
Pepper: “HI, MOM!!”
Ella: “Hello, sweetheart! Congratulations on your graduation!”
Arie: “Hey, Author. I didn’t have to monitor the radio waves to get an invite to this college party. I’m supposed to be
*sigh* Good for you, Arie. Good for you.
Oscar: “Can I propose to you yet?”
Pepper: “Author? Please?”
Sorry, not yet.
Pepper: “How come Laurel got to get engaged but not me??”
Adam’s an NPC. Plus, Laurel doesn’t have enough votes to be in the running for heir. You do.
Laurel: “…what.”
Er… that’s, um, a very Victorian dress you have there, Laurel.
Laurel: “It was the only thing I could find. What were you saying about being in the running for heir, Author?
Adam: “Pay it no mind, my lovely. I think it would suit us better to live forever as spares, anyway. Allow me to
distract you with a game of red hands.”
Laurel: *sniff* “That is very thoughtful of you, Adam.”
So THAT’S what he looks like without the llama suit! Sweet, recessives!
Rose: *pant pant* “I made it!! Pepper hasn’t left yet, has she!?”
Nope, you’re right on time!
Rose: “Awesome!”
Here we go! Drum roll, please!
Bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada…
I’ve seen a lot worse.
Bye, Pepper! I’ll let you know soon if you’re the heir or not!
Pepper: “Okay! Um, why do they make these taxis such a bright yellow? Is it so that they get your attention, or are
they signaling something into space?”
Wow, we managed to get through four years of college without any malicious plots or imminent danger. What
could our villains be doing, dropping the ball like this?
Arc: “…I suddenly feel like I’m being watched.”
Oh no no no no, don’t mind me. Just keep doing what you’re doing.
…what are you doing? And why did you have to stand up to do it?
Oh come on. Is this really necessary, Arc?
…and he’s not responding. Okay. Let’s go somewhere else, where I know nobody is going to try to run
interference with my omnipotent cameras.
Hi, Merry.
Merry: “Pickled toads on a biscuit. I thought you’d left forever.”
Nice to see you, too.
Merry: “Get out of my way. I’ve got things to do.”
Merry: “Arc! I have a bone to pick with you!”
Arc: “Not now, Merry, I’m on the phone.”
I’m just going to.. .sidle away now so I don’t lose reception again. Yeah. Where is Seraphine?
Seraphine: “Hey Baltic?”
Shoulda guessed.
Baltic: “Seraphine?”
Seraphine: “Hey. Figured out any ways out of there yet?”
Baltic: “Not yet. I found a stash of hard candy, though. It’s old, but I think it would be better than nothing if no one
brings me dinner again. How are you? Are you safe?”
Seraphine: “I’m fine.”
Baltic: “Funny, you don’t sound it.”
Seraphine: “No, really. I’m good. I think I’ve got a way to get you out of there. I think.”
Baltic: “Really?”
Seraphine: “Maybe? It’s a pretty great deal, though…”
Baltic: “Except?”
Seraphine: “…”
Baltic: “…Seraphine? You still there? What’s going on?”
Seraphine: “It’s nothing. This is a great idea. I’ll be killing two birds… no, three I think, with one stone.”
Baltic: “Sounds… good.”
Seraphine: “It is. I’ll see you later—and I mean that. I’m getting you out of there. Soon.”
Baltic: “…alright. I trust you.”
And that’s all for today! The first day of Vis’s Bachelor Challenge should now be up, so be sure to look for that!
Thanks for reading, and happy simming!

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The White Legacy--Generation 7, College (Part 1)

  • 1. We Have The Weirdest Traditions The White Legacy: Generation Seven, College (Part One)
  • 2. Nice yukata, Pepper. Pepper: *blank stare* “Yu-ka-ta? What’s that?” The thing you’re wearing. It’s like a kimono, except made of cotton instead of silk, and it only has one layer. It definitely shares one thing in common with the kimono, though; it’s a thing to wear. BWAHAHA! I’m so funny! Pepper: “I don’t understand that joke.” That’s okay. I have a feeling not a lot of people will.
  • 3. Bilingual joking aside, this is Peppermint “Pepper” White, the oldest of generation seven! Pepper’s not exactly the sharpest crayon in the box, but we love her anyway. As of the moment I am writing this, the heir poll is still running, so I have absolutely no idea whether she’s the heir or not. What she definitely is is a 9/7/9/3/1 Pisces Popularity Sim with alien eyes, which is the most alien we got out of the whole set of G-Sevens (except perhaps her cousin Vale, who is green). Kind of disappointing on the whole, really. Her LTW is to have 20 Simultaneous Best Friends—very doable. Of course you know that peppermint is a tasty, deliciously aromatic herb. But did you know that the peppermint is actually a hybrid between watermint and spearmint, and that its flowers are purple and grow in blunt spikes? Cool, right?
  • 4. Pepper!? Pepper: “Hi Author!” Why are you sitting on the porch? Why aren’t you inside? Pepper: “Oh. The door’s locked. I was waiting for the nargles to come unlock it.” June: “Heh heh heh…”
  • 5. June. June: “Yeeees?” Unlock this door. June: “Hmm… no.”
  • 6. Do it. June: “No.” Yes. June: “No.” Yes! June: “No!”
  • 7. Pepper: “Ooh! It’s the nargles! Hi, buddies!!” June: “Huh!?”
  • 8. Never underestimate the power of sheer belief. Pepper: “Belief? In what? The nargles exist, Author. I don’t have to believe in them.” I trust you, Pepper. After all, they just opened the door for you. Pepper: “Yeah, they’re pretty awesomesauce, huh?” June: “Ow… Pepper’s a Popularity sim…”
  • 9. Until graduation, June. June: “I will have my day.” Sure you will. *pat pat* June: “Stop touching my hair. It took hours to get it to look like this.” I’m sure.
  • 10. Well, congratulations, Pepper! Your first night on campus! What do you want to do?
  • 11. Pepper: “Throw a party! Also to become friends with June. I bet she’s nice!” Only Pepper would actually wish to be friends with June.
  • 12. Pepper: “Hey, Author! Guess what guess what!” What? Pepper: “There’s water down there! Is this where the fairies live!?” …you know, I don’t know the answer to that question. Maybe. We could very well be bribing little fairies with golden coins to fulfill our wishes. Sure. Why not? Pepper: “Yay!”
  • 13. Well, that’s Pepper’s first set of finals done. This is going fast. Could be because she doesn’t really do much of interest when she’s by herself. Pepper: “I don’t like finals. They’re hard.” Amen, sister. Pepper: “I want to throw a party!” …okay, then.
  • 14. Pepper: “Hey Author? Can I invite Blizzard to my party?” Blizzard: {Party? I’ve never been to a party before… Seen them, yes, been to them, no.}
  • 15. Hey Pepper, your party guests are here… wait. Arie, what are you doing here? Arie: “Supervising.” Sure you are.
  • 16. When Pepper isn’t partying and wishing for friends for her LTW, she’s usually parked in the blue chair. I’m sorry to say I sort of neglected her and her siblings’ education when they were young, so in case she becomes heir, I’m working on skilling her up. For Pepper, this has always been a bit of a painful process. Pepper: “I don’t get it. How does adding water to oil make fire worse? That doesn’t make any sense…” Don’t worry, we’re working on it. This is why we sent her to college.
  • 17. Ooh, look at that. A cowplant. It’s been ages since I‘ve seen one of those… Pepper: “Why did Matthew come to put me in handcuffs and drive me to this scary place?” Matthew? Pepper: “The police officer guy! We’re friends now!” So apparently three or more of Pepper’s wishing well buddies were secret society. I had no idea. Heh, I even missed the iconic handcuff shot.
  • 18. Pepper: “Ooh, a new jacket. Kewl!” Men of the Secret Society: {Pepper is a Popularity Sim!}
  • 19. Secret Society Guy: “Sweet! So now that you’re, like, a fully-fledged member of the Landgraab Society, would you mind keeping an eye out for one of our wayward members? She was supposed to have an appointment with Buttercup over there, but then she went and disappeared and we haven’t heard from her since.” Pepper: “What does ‘wayward’ mean? Who’s Buttercup? Is she nice? Is she a princess bride?” Secret Society Guy: “She’s a cow.” Pepper: “That’s not very nice…”
  • 20. HOLY COW. The pizza’s fermented!
  • 21. Pepper: “Hi Laurel!!” Laurel: “Peppermint. What are all these people doing here? And why are they in their underthings?” Pepper: “I’m throwing a toga party to welcome you to Sim State! Isn’t that exciting!? We’re gonna have so much fun!!” Laurel: “…”
  • 22. This perpetually dissatisfied young lady with the Victorian ideals is, of course, Laurel White, Pepper’s next youngest sister. She is a 4/7/8/3/3 Gemini Family Sim who wants to Raise 20 Puppies or Kittens (not happening). Clearly she is vying to be the next Crumplebottom (a mean old cat lady with stringent values). Laurel flowers are tiny, pale yellow-green things, but it’s not the flowers we all remember laurels for. Laurel wreaths are symbols of victory, and have been since they started being used in Ancient Greece to reward winning athletes and poets. Yes, poets.
  • 23. The history major? Well, I am pleased. That is quite appropriate for you, Laurel. Laurel: “Hmm…? Huh-whaa?” Not a morning person? Laurel: “Ugh…” Nice jammies, by the way. Very Victorian, let me tell you. Laurel: “Meh… early...”
  • 24. George: “BEEP! THREAT DETECTED! INITIATE HOUSEHOLD FORMATTING PROTOCOL!” I always knew Laurel was a threat to the family. Bzzt!
  • 25. Shock number three… I thought we turned you off…
  • 26. Shock number five. Now it’s going after Pepper. Girls, please get this thing fixed.
  • 27. Laurel: “Why are we keeping this heap of blasphemous junk anyway? It has tried to kill us! Multiple times!” Would you rather deal with a bit of a shock now and then or the cow mascots? Because I’m more than willing to— Laurel: “Hold on whilst I fix up this blessed robot and then we can talk, alright Author?”
  • 28. Pepper: “LAUREL LAUREL LAUREL GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT!?” Laurel: *sigh* “What, Peppermint?” Pepper: “I hit my lifetime want!!” Laurel: “It is to be expected. You did not set your sights terribly high, after all.”
  • 29. Pepper: “Because I have twenty bestest friends, I’m going to be happy forever! And also I have a platinum plumbbob now. Isn’t it pretty?” Laurel: “I am sure I have no idea what you are talking about. Excuse me.”
  • 30. Pepper: “…Author, does Laurel not like me?” …um, of course she does, Pepper. She’s your sister after all. Pepper: “Yeah, you’re right. All sisters are bestest friends! Thanks Author!”
  • 31. Pepper: “So this is ‘holding hands,’ huh? What does it mean? Are we going to start flying?”
  • 32. Awww… look at him! Oscar here (one of Pepper’s wishing well friends who got invited to this toga party) looks so smitten! I have hereby decided that this couple Shall Be. But if Pepper gets elected heir, it’s going to have be a college romance, since he’s not an NPC. That’s okay, I suppose.
  • 33. Pepper: “Hey, Oscar-man? Mind if I try something out?” Oscar: “Are those little floating hearts…? Does that mean—”
  • 34. First kiss! So sweet!
  • 35. Aw man, now she’s throwing wishes for engagement… I wish I could, Pepper! But I don’t know if you’re heir or not yet!!
  • 36. Good morning, Pepper! Pepper: “Morning, Author!! I think it’s gonna be a bright, sunshiny day!” Great! So any thoughts on your major? You’ve only got a few hours left to decide, you know… Pepper: “What’s a ‘major’?” *headdesk*
  • 37. Philosophy it is. Pepper: “Author, why do you sound so annoyed…?”
  • 38. Pepper: “OOOOO-LLIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!! Welcome to Sim State!! We have to throw a party now!!” Ollie: “Hi, Pepper! Er… you did wash your hands sometime in the last five minutes, right?”
  • 39. This handsome man is our favorite germophobe Oleander “Ollie” White. He’s a 2/9/10/10/4 Sagittarius Family sim who really wants to Reach his Golden Anniversary. Oleander flowers are smaller white, pink, or red blossoms, and they grow in clusters on the ends of branches. It’s an evergreen shrub so widely cultivated that no one knows exactly where they first appeared. Most interesting of all, though, is that every single part of the oleander bush is poisonous.
  • 40. Hahaha, that’s great. Ollie just got his “made $5000” memory by playing pinball. Considering they only get $5 out of this thing at a time, that’s a pretty big accomplishment.
  • 41. Laurel: “AUTHOR!! I DEMAND that we remove ALL evil technology from this house!!” What is it this time, highness? Laurel: “I resent the sarcasm in that remark! First I am shocked multiple times by the sentrybot which is meant to protect us, and then all I do is pick up a video game controller and the whole console falls into pieces! This pile of rubbish does not even look like the game console! Technology is out to get me!” Or maybe it sees you coming and runs the other way. Laurel: “That is not funny, Author!”
  • 42. Gee, thanks, Laurel. Laurel: “It is my highest pleasure, Author.”
  • 43. Ollie: “Hark! Thar be the land of Porcelain Sinks! Into the longboats, mateys!” Ollie the tub pirate, everyone.
  • 44. Ollie: “Now that I’ve completed my first semester here, I think I want to declare my major in history.” Laurel: “I approve.”
  • 46. FINALLY! Pepper: “Author, Author! I maxed all my skills!!” YES!! This girl is nearly a senior—it took her three university years of permanent fall and a bookshelf from heaven to finally max all her skills! Now all four kids this generation have their requisite skill set!
  • 47. Phew, that was close… Laurel decided she was in too bad of a mood to go to her exam, and— Laurel: “I hate this lamppost! It only pretends to be old-fashioned and decent! It is powered by electric bulbs!” —and I think she’s losing it. Laurel: “I resent that remark!” Ollie almost went to visit campus thirty seconds before his final, too. I was very close to losing these guys’ 4.0. But we made it!
  • 48. Rose: “Hi, Ollie! I’m so excited to be here at college, and this house looks great, and—” Ollie: “Hi Rose, good to see you too. ‘Scuse me, I was halfway through cleaning the bathroom.”
  • 49. The final G-Seven, Primrose “Rose” White here is a sugar-sweet overly nice type of girl. She’s a 9/10/1/4/10 Popularity Libra. Whether that extreme personality is due to natural White family genes or the fact that her mother is an alien is as good as anyone’s guess. Her LTW is to Become Captain Hero, which is nice. Not exciting, but nice. There’s a lot of types of primroses in the world, so I’m going to focus on the common primrose. The flowers are typically pale yellow, though white and pink variants are pretty common, too. The name comes from the Latin “prima rosa,” which means “first rose” because it is one of the earliest springtime flowers in Europe. Although, primroses are not roses, and in my opinion don’t even look like roses. Oh, well.
  • 50. Hey, look! Both ovens got used at the same time! Yay! My furnishing decisions have yielded fruit! It’s not necessarily silly to buy two of everything!
  • 51. Rose: “Pepper, that’s a very nice sheet, but um, why are you wearing it?” Pepper: “TOGA TOGA TOGA TOGA!!” I swear, all Pepper wishes for is toga parties. I don’t usually throw a lot of parties, but I like Pepper. Pepper: “TOGA TOGA TOGA TOGA!!”
  • 52. Go George!! Cow Mascot: “MOOOOOOO!!” George: “Beep beep! Resistance is futile! Beep boop BEEP!”
  • 53. Uh… wow. Ollie: “I’m not wearing a shirt.” *grin*
  • 54. Pepper: “Hey, Tom. Where’s Oscar?” Tom: “Hey, Pepper. Hallway.” Pepper: “Thank you!” *sigh* Arie, what are you doing here? Arie: “Still chaperoning!”
  • 55. Pepper: “Hi, Oscar! Caught-cha!” Oscar: “Oh dear, I have been caught! Now what ever shall I do?” Pepper: “Kiss me, silly!” Not-June: “Gross.”
  • 56. The hula is like mono. Once you have it, you’ll never get rid of it.
  • 57. Llama Mascot: “My apologies. I do not associate with persons wearing sheets and living in seedy Greek houses.” Laurel: “Perhaps you are not aware that wearing a sheet yourself, and a stuffed head besides. In addition, you make your living by breaking into student housing and cheering idiotic catchphrases at them. One might wonder about your integrity.” Llama Mascot: “…” Laurel: “…”
  • 58. Llama Mascot: “Would you like to accompany me on a date one of these days?” Laurel: “I thought you would never ask.”
  • 59. Blizzard: {I’ll tell you when.} Rose: “I love my sisters and brother to death and trust them completely… but is it really a house tradition that the youngest sibling takes care of the womrat?” Blizzard: {More… more… come on, I want the whole box in there… more…}
  • 60. Is that really a very ladylike thing to be doing, Laurel? Laurel: “I am merely keeping a watchful eye on my competitors, Author. Hehehe…” I’ll just ignore that evil laugh, then…
  • 61. Llama Mascot: “You must be Laurel’s brother. Propriety states that I—” Pepper: “Give him heart surgery? Is that what you’re doing with your ears?” Ollie: “Ow…”
  • 62. Laurel: “In the absence of a formal parlor, this room will have to do.” Llama Mascot: “It will suffice, as long as no one turns on that abysmal television. Technology is the devil’s handiwork.” Laurel: “I love you.”
  • 63. We’ll pretend this is a sweet, tender moment and move on.
  • 64. Laurel: “What are you doing, Adam?” Wait—his name is Adam? Not “Llama Mascot”? Adam: “Laurel White, I do not usually suggest such things on a first date, but if the double plusses above my head are any sign, for you I would be willing to sail to the farthest horizon and back, all while ignoring invisible narrators.” Hey!
  • 65. Adam: “Will you marry me? I have already sought the permission of your father, and he has agreed.” Laurel: “Why Adam, I would be delighted! I feel like no one quite understands me the way you do!”
  • 66. Laurel: “Now, let us have a talk about your wardrobe… I presume you will not be wearing this horrid thing upon leaving university?” Adam: “Only when I go to community lots, darling.”
  • 67. Pepper: “Ooh, pretty! A full moon!” Sims…
  • 68. Well Pepper, this is your last semester. How are you feeling? Happy? Excited? Sad? Nervous? Pepper: “A little bit of everything! I wonder what causes emotions? Is it something your brain does, or is it your heart? How can we feel more than one at once? Why do we have emotions anyway?” A philosophy major at work, everyone.
  • 69. Rose: “Hey, I’ve got it! I’m gonna be a political science major!” Hm. That’s funny.
  • 70. This is the class Laurel is taking right now. Ollie will be taking it this time next academic year. Think I should tell Rose? …naw. She doesn’t need to know.
  • 71. Well, Rose’s lifetime want has nothing to do with friends, but she is a Popularity Sim, and she did roll her major pretty early on. I think she deserves a reward. Three brand-new best friends, coming right up!
  • 72. Heh, that’s kind of funny. They’re all redheads.
  • 73. Hello there, random armchair. Random Armchair: “Hello, Author!” …spooky. Selling it! Random Armchair: “Aw…” It’s been ages since I’ve had a top-level Greek house. The furniture the kids bring home from *cough* “visiting campus” always kind of makes me laugh.
  • 74. Rose: “I promise, Mr. Ng, I didn’t do anything wrong!” Brian Ng: “Save it. You’re coming with me.” Uh… guys? Your sister is kinda being arrested… are you going to do anything about this? Ollie: “Such a shame. That was my high score Pepper just beat.” Pepper: “Bye, Rose! Have a good time!!”
  • 75. Welcome to the secret society, Rose. Rose: “…that’s it? I got all scared for nothing?” Oh, not for nothing. You get a cool jacket out of the deal. Rose: “…okay…”
  • 76. Aww, look at this. A fine scene of family togetherness. As long as you define ‘togetherness’ as just being in the same room. Laurel: “Peppermint, that is not a ladylike way to sit.” Pepper: “When you say ‘ladylike,’ what exactly do you mean? Is there a real, quantifiable way of measuring whether or not something is ‘ladylike,’ or is it a dated social construct you are still clinging to?” Laurel: “I think I liked you better before you had a college education.”
  • 77. Congratulations Pepper, you’ve graduated! Now what do you want to do? Pepper: “Rake these leaves, and throw a party! Ooh, I know! A leaf-raking party!” Of course you do.
  • 78. Rose: “I’m so, so sorry that I’ve gotta be at class during your graduation party! Maybe I can catch the tail end of it?” Pepper: “It’s okay, Rose! Just hurry home!” Rose: “Sure! Congratz, Pepper!” Pepper: “Thanks!!”
  • 79. You’re looking very nice, Pepper. Pepper: “Thanks, Author! You know what?” What? Pepper: *taps hat* “We have the weirdest traditions. I mean, who came up with these? What makes them look all academic and stuff? Why are they designed to feel like they’re always falling off your head? Why the tassel?”
  • 80. I love servo formal wear. Especially around the sleeves.
  • 81. Pepper: “HI, MOM!!” Ella: “Hello, sweetheart! Congratulations on your graduation!” Arie: “Hey, Author. I didn’t have to monitor the radio waves to get an invite to this college party. I’m supposed to be here.” *sigh* Good for you, Arie. Good for you.
  • 82. Oscar: “Can I propose to you yet?” Pepper: “Author? Please?” Sorry, not yet. Pepper: “How come Laurel got to get engaged but not me??” Adam’s an NPC. Plus, Laurel doesn’t have enough votes to be in the running for heir. You do.
  • 83. Laurel: “…what.” Er… that’s, um, a very Victorian dress you have there, Laurel. Laurel: “It was the only thing I could find. What were you saying about being in the running for heir, Author? Hmm?” …nothing?
  • 84. Adam: “Pay it no mind, my lovely. I think it would suit us better to live forever as spares, anyway. Allow me to distract you with a game of red hands.” Laurel: *sniff* “That is very thoughtful of you, Adam.” So THAT’S what he looks like without the llama suit! Sweet, recessives!
  • 85. Rose: *pant pant* “I made it!! Pepper hasn’t left yet, has she!?” Nope, you’re right on time! Rose: “Awesome!”
  • 86. Here we go! Drum roll, please! Bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada…
  • 87. BLAM!! I’ve seen a lot worse.
  • 88. Bye, Pepper! I’ll let you know soon if you’re the heir or not! Pepper: “Okay! Um, why do they make these taxis such a bright yellow? Is it so that they get your attention, or are they signaling something into space?” Wow, we managed to get through four years of college without any malicious plots or imminent danger. What could our villains be doing, dropping the ball like this?
  • 89. Arc: “…I suddenly feel like I’m being watched.” Oh no no no no, don’t mind me. Just keep doing what you’re doing.
  • 90. …what are you doing? And why did you have to stand up to do it?
  • 91. Oh come on. Is this really necessary, Arc? …and he’s not responding. Okay. Let’s go somewhere else, where I know nobody is going to try to run interference with my omnipotent cameras.
  • 92. Hi, Merry. Merry: “Pickled toads on a biscuit. I thought you’d left forever.” Nice to see you, too. Merry: “Get out of my way. I’ve got things to do.”
  • 93. Merry: “Arc! I have a bone to pick with you!” Arc: “Not now, Merry, I’m on the phone.” I’m just going to.. .sidle away now so I don’t lose reception again. Yeah. Where is Seraphine?
  • 94. Seraphine: “Hey Baltic?” Shoulda guessed. Baltic: “Seraphine?” Seraphine: “Hey. Figured out any ways out of there yet?”
  • 95. Baltic: “Not yet. I found a stash of hard candy, though. It’s old, but I think it would be better than nothing if no one brings me dinner again. How are you? Are you safe?” Seraphine: “I’m fine.” Baltic: “Funny, you don’t sound it.”
  • 96. Seraphine: “No, really. I’m good. I think I’ve got a way to get you out of there. I think.” Baltic: “Really?” Seraphine: “Maybe? It’s a pretty great deal, though…” Baltic: “Except?”
  • 97. Seraphine: “…” Baltic: “…Seraphine? You still there? What’s going on?” Seraphine: “It’s nothing. This is a great idea. I’ll be killing two birds… no, three I think, with one stone.” Baltic: “Sounds… good.” Seraphine: “It is. I’ll see you later—and I mean that. I’m getting you out of there. Soon.”
  • 98. Baltic: “…alright. I trust you.” And that’s all for today! The first day of Vis’s Bachelor Challenge should now be up, so be sure to look for that! Thanks for reading, and happy simming!