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It’s Always The Cow Mascot
The White Legacy:
Generation Three, College (Part One)
Hey! Welcome to SSU! But, what took you guys so long? Where‟s the taxi?
Cygnus: “Got lost. We eventually just paid the driver and walked.”
That sucks. At least you‟re here now, right?
Par: “I‟m in college!!”
Cygnus White, known to his closest family member as Iggy, is a 2/8/10/8/7 Family Sim with a LTW of… oh, crap…
Cygnus: “What? Never looked at my lifetime want before now, huh?”
Iggy here wants to marry off six children. Curses.
Cygnus is the genus name of the bird we know as swans, and probably the least obscure name I gave any of the
Gen Three kids. There are six or seven species of swan in the cygnus genus, including Cygnus olor, the Mute
Swan of Eurasia, and Cygnus buccinator, the Trumpeter Swan of North America.
Pardus “Par” White is a very earnest young Knowledge Sim. He has a personality of 2/7/10/6/8, and wants to be a City Planner when he
Pardus is the species name of the leopard. Its genus is Panthera, making its binomial name Panthera pardus. I hardly need to explain this,
since you all know what leopards are, but they live in some parts of Africa and tropical Asia. It is the smallest of the four “big cats” in the
Panthera genus, and is noted for its stealth and its uncanny ability to climb trees quickly while lugging heavy carcasses.
Doesn‟t Par here look like he spends his time pulling dead bodies into trees?
Par: *smile!*
Cygnus: “Uh, who are you?”
June: “You left the door open. Shut it, or it‟s going to get glitched.”
Par: “Hey, Iggy! There are BOOKS here!! College is AWESOME!!”
June: “So you‟re Toro and Brie‟s spawn, huh? The name‟s June Hurt. I‟m your roomie.”
Correction: not roomie. Placeholder.
June: “Same diff.”
No, no it‟s not. There is a big “diff.”
Cygnus: “Have you got this, Author? I‟m hungry. And tired. Sim State is in the middle of nowhere—it was the
longest drive of my life.”
Go get something to eat, Cygnus. I‟ll take care of June.
June: “Yeah, like you „took care of me‟ last generation, huh? No thanks. I‟m fine with things exactly as they are.”
June: “What‟s the problem here, Author?”
Let me put it this way, June. You ain‟t a White.
June: “Yes, and?”
Let me put it simpler. Get out.
June: “What? I‟ve lived in this house for a full generation! I cooked for you! I cleaned for you! I suffered death
threats for you! And what thanks do I get? The minute a couple of upstart brats move in, I have to pack my bags?”
You got it. This is life.
June: “This is dumb!”
You knew the contract when you moved in. Don‟t go trying to change it now. Go find a dorm or something.
June: “This is under duress. I vehemently protest this treatment.”
See you after graduation, June!
Par: “This is a great book.”
Congratulations, Cygnus. You‟ve managed to start a fire on your very first day of college. What do you have to say
for yourself?
Cygnus: “…I burnt the fish.”
No fire dance?
Cygnus: “No. This is the first non-sugary food I‟ve ever eaten in my whole life, and now I‟ve burnt it. It‟s enough to
move a man to tears.”
Cygnus: “Oh, gross, Par! Take a shower once in a while, will ya!?”
Par: “Is that smell coming from me?”
Par: “Iggy! Will you come to the library with me?”
Cygnus: “Now? It‟s eleven o‟clock at night, man. It‟s probably closed by now.”
Par: “Please? I‟m all out of books to read here… please? I don‟t want to go alone.”
Cygnus: “…yeah, alright. Let me get my coat.”
Par: “Thanks, Iggy! You‟re the best!”
Cygnus: {Wow… those girls are hot…}
Par: {Must… max… mechanical… skill…}
Cygnus: “Wait, why are we leaving? What was wrong with those two?”
Jasmine was only a one-bolt match. We can do better than that. Roxie is a playable. I‟d have to take her through college.
Cygnus: “And?”
She‟s also dating someone already.
Cygnus: “Dang.”
Cygnus: “I Want to major in literature. And don‟t ever talk to me about political science.”
Par: “What? Where did that come from?”
Do you realize your mother never decided on her major? Did you know that I was convinced Par was going to roll
one first? Did you know your father majored in poli-sci and your aunt hated lit? Cygnus, I love you.
Cygnus: “Ick.”
Cygnus: “Hey there, beautiful. What‟s your name?”
Ponytail: “Anne.”
Cygnus: “A pleasure to meet you.”
Anne: “Um, nice to meet you, too.”
Par: “I have a bolt with her. Also, I Want to major in physics, and I don‟t like psychology.”
If I had known all it would take to get young college students to roll their major was go community lot hopping for
romance, Brie wouldn‟t have majored in philosophy.
Cafeteria Lady: “Dang.”
You said it, random NPC.
Blue: “Hey, there‟s something on your shirt.”
Par: “What? Where?”
Blue: “Right here… yowch!”
Par: “Are you okay? Did you get hurt?”
Blue: “You are smoking hot!”
Par: “I don‟t understand. I‟m not overheating or anything. I always feel a little warm after I take a shower, and I did
take one today because my brother said I stank, but I think that‟s worn off by now. And I don‟t feel hot at all. Are
you sure? Maybe it‟s my sweater. I have a shirt on underneath it, so maybe it‟s warmer than I think it is.”
Blue: “Omigosh, you are so cute! D‟you wanna go out sometime?”
Par: “Out? Out where?”
Blue: “Out on a date, silly!”
Par: “A date? Really? I‟ve never been on a date before!”
Par: “IGGY! I just got asked out on a date!”
Cygnus: “Really? From who? Her?”
Par: “Yeah!!”
Cygnus: “Don‟t come running to me! Go back and keep talking to her!”
Par: “Oh! Right!”
Par: “What‟s your name? What‟s your favorite color? Where are you from? What‟s your major? What classes are
you taking? Where do you live? What do you like to do? Do you like to read? What books do you like? What‟s
your favorite movie? What—”
Blue: “You are so adorable!”
Cygnus: *sigh*
You okay, Cygnus?
Cygnus: “I‟m happy for him. Really.”
What happened to Anne?
Cygnus: “We had two bolts, but when I did finally Check Her Out, I rolled the Want to become friends with someone else, and rolled
away the Want to fall in love. She‟s not really my type.”
Par: “Hey, Author?”
What‟s with the face, Par? What‟s wrong?
Par: “…I want a badge in cosmetology.”
Do you really?
Par: “No.”
…Par has shirtless pajamas. I also caught him dancing by himself.
I have no words.
Cygnus: “Hey, Anne. Thanks for coming over. I, um, wanted to say, I‟m really sorry, I think I led you on last
Anne: “Hey, Cygnus, it‟s okay. I wanted to say, there were bolts, but not a spark. You cool with just being friends?”
Cygnus: “That‟s great. I mean, not great that we don‟t get along that way, I mean—”
Anne: “Cygnus, I mean it. It‟s cool.”
Cygnus: “Cool. …would you mind doing just one thing for me?”
Par: “Don‟t worry, Anne, this is my first time giving anyone a makeover but I‟m sure it‟ll turn out perfect, because
I‟ve read all the books on it and I‟m pretty sure I know exactly what I‟m doing. You can trust me.”
Anne: “…well, okay.”
Don‟t sound so enthusiastic there, Anne. Par will be great at this, I‟m sure, and I want him to get some practice
before he tries it out on his soon-to-be girlfriend.
Anne: “On second thought, listen Par, I don‟t want to hurt your feelings, but—”
Par: “Oh… oh no.”
Anne: “What did you do?”
Par: “Maybe the book was right, and the purple lipstick isn’t supposed to be used as eye shadow after all?”
Anne: “My face!”
Par: “I‟m really, really sorry. I promise, if you let me try again, I‟ll absolutely get it right. No more lipstick around the
eyes, I promise.”
Par: “See? I think I got it this time. I didn‟t even use eye shadow because I was too scared after what happened
last time.”
Anne: “Hey, this isn‟t bad at all! I‟ve never used blush or eye liner before!”
Anne: “Do you ever do hairstyles? I‟m kind of tired of this ponytail.”
Par: “Well, I guess I could try. I‟m trying to get a cosmetology badge to impress this girl I like. I guess hair has to be one of the things
I have to do, huh?”
Anne: “You bet. Tell you what, you call me over anytime you like, whenever you need any practice.”
Par: “You mean it!?”
Anne: “Absoposilutely!”
Cygnus: “Hello, Oresha-Annya-Var House, Cygnus speaking… Emily? You met Par at the gym last night?... Sure,
he‟s right here. Hey, Par!”
Par: “Hi Emily!! How are you??”
Cygnus: “So, Anne. Sorry I had to ditch out for class and leave you with Par. Looks like he‟s doing a pretty good
job, though.”
Anne: “Yeah, he‟s really got a talent for this. Doesn‟t even have a bronze badge yet, and he‟s only messed up
Cow Mascot: “You‟re TOTALLY in my way of the computer! It‟s my turn!”
Cygnus: “Now you listen here. Just because our mother was one of you, does not mean we are in any way
tolerant of you and your behavior. Get out.”
Par: “Iggy, I know this is your computer time and I‟m really, really sorry, but, uh, can we have the living room for
the next few minutes? Emily and I are… well, we…”
Emily: *giggle* “We‟re on a date. He is so cute!”
Cygnus: “…right. I‟ll, uh, be upstairs.”
Cow Mascot: “I‟ll be here.”
Par: “Thanks so much for coming out with me, Emmy. I mean, not that we actually went out, we‟re kind of just
standing here in the living room, which I guess isn‟t the most romantic of places, but it‟s really nice anyway. I just
want to impress you, because I really like you.”
Emily: “You are so sweet, Par. I really like you, too.”
Cow Mascot: “GROSS! PDA!!”
Emily: “Well, I guess I have to go now… I‟ve had a really good time tonight, Par.”
Par: “Yeah…”
Par: “I‟M SORRY!! I‟m so sorry! I don‟t know why I did that! I‟m sorry!”
Emily: “No no no, don‟t be sorry! …I liked it.”
Cygnus: *sigh* “I‟m happy for him. I really am. …I just wish I could be happy for me, too.”
Anne: “These porkchops are great, but you guys really don‟t have to feed me.”
Cygnus: “Oh, it‟s our pleasure.”
Anne: “You‟re too nice.”
Cygnus: “Reserve judgment until Arc—that‟s our next youngest brother—shows up tomorrow. And Par?”
Par: “Yeah?”
Cygnus: “Go take a shower.”
Cygnus: “Hey, Arc! Welcome to Sim State! Now go change your clothes!”
Arctos “Arc” White is a 5/10/10/2/6 Gemini Knowledge Sim with the LTW to, well… I haven‟t mentioned it until now
because I didn‟t think it entirely fit his character, but, full disclosure. He Wants to become a World Class Ballet
The name “arctos” is part of a number of different species names—such as the Canis lupus arctos, the Arctic
Wolf—but it seems to be that most of the time it refers to some sort of bear. Ursus arctos, for example, is the
Brown Bear, and Ursus arctos horribilis, the Grizzly Bear. So, let‟s go with the brown bear for Arc, hmm? (I thought
this through very well when I named him, as you can see.)
Arc: “Alright, I‟ve changed. Now what?”
Cygnus: “Take a nap.”
Arc: “Why?”
Cygnus: “We‟re having a toga party tonight with some of our friends. Call it a welcome party. You‟re going to want to be well-rested.
Trust me.”
Arc: “Cool.”
Oh no. Oh, no no no. Stop that, Cygnus. You‟re scaring me. Please live.
Oh, thank goodness. Go take a shower, Cygnus, and call a repairman.
Cygnus: “Never. Using. That. Computer. Again.”
That‟s a little harsh, isn‟t it?
Cygnus: “We‟re buying a new one. This one has it out for me.”
Anne: “So you‟re Arc? Cygnus and Par told me so much about you. You know, you have really nice abs—um, I
Arc: “Uh… wow…”
Guess who the first three-bolters happen to be?
Arc: “Toga parties are the best idea ever.”
Par: “I love you, Emmy, and I‟ll love you forever. Will you marry me?”
Emily: “Oh, Par! You are so cute! Of course!!”
Emily, can you say something else? Anything?
Emily: “But he‟s adorable!”
Par: “Okay, so I‟ve been practicing a lot, so don‟t worry, this‟ll work, I won‟t mess up…”
Emily: “Oh Par, honey, I have complete faith in you.”
Par: “So? So? What do you think?”
Emily: “Oh, Par!”
They are so cute together, aren‟t they?
Meanwhile, in the hall, Arc seems to have forgotten all about Amber, his pre-college girlfriend.
The party ends at 3 AM without any trouble from the law enforcement, and after showers, everyone drifts into the
kitchen to make breakfast. Why not just eat the leftovers stocked in the fridge?
Arc: “Guys, why is this fridge full of cake?”
Cygnus: “Dad lived here, remember?”
Arc: “Do you think Anne likes Baked Alaska?”
Par: *singing* “I‟m engaged…!”
I notice you like to come downstairs every morning after you wake up and dance around in your PJ bottoms, Par.
It kind of makes me laugh every time.
Par: *still singing* “I‟m engaged!!”
Par dances, and Cygnus goes out at all hours of the night and day for pizza whether he‟s hungry or not, and
whether he‟s dressed or not.
Cygnus: “I‟ve got nothing better to do with my time. Like snuggling with my girlfriend. …Because I don’t have
Aw, he‟s so cute! It‟s been so long since I‟ve had a womrat in the game! What‟s his name?
Cygnus: “Blizzard.”
Not Snow?
Cygnus: “No. Blizzard.”
Arc: “So, the rest of my brothers are at their final exams.”
Anne: “Oh yeah?”
Look at that, I finally managed to keep the background exactly steady between photos!
Oh yeah, and Arc and Anne are cute, too.
Also, since it‟s conveniently hung up there, remember how last chapter I promised to give props to anyone who
knew what that character means in the background? Well, I should tell you what it means now, right? That
character there means “White.”
Arc, I thought you were declaring your major? Math, right?
Arc: “I am. I‟m on the school‟s webpage right now.”
But… but…
Arc: “Got a stutter, Author?”
Par: “Hello! Oresha-Annya-Var House! Par speaking! …Oh, hi Mom! Guess what!? I‟m en—yeah, sure, I‟ll get
everyone moving back to the house for Dad‟s heir announcement. Can‟t wait to find out who it‟s gonna be. …Um,
why isn‟t Dad making this phone call? I thought this was supposed to be him? …oh, okay. See you in a few hours!
I can‟t wait!”
Arc: “That was intense.”
Par: “Do you think Mom and Dad are okay? I mean, Merry looked really mad…”
Cygnus: “I‟m sure they‟re fine, Par. You don‟t have to worry.”
Arc: “I‟m going to bed. I‟m exhausted.”
Par: “Me, too.”
Cygnus: “First door on the left when you go upstairs, Dez. We‟ve got it all set up for you. It‟s a little sparse right now—we were
planning on refurnishing once everyone‟s here and we have a little more scholarship money set aside—but there‟s enough room in
there for you to set up all of your magic… stuff. Hopefully. We didn‟t know how much magic stuff you would bring with you, we had to
Dez: “…”
Cygnus: “Well, um, goodnight then. See you in the morning.”
Dez: “…”
Dez: “…”
Aren‟t you going to pose, Dez?
Dez: “…”
Alright, alright. Don‟t talk my ear off. Desmodus “Dez” White is the Generation Three Heir. He is a 5/10/10/2/6 Gemini, and a Family Sim with the
LTW of Six Grandchildren. I swear, this family and 10-point personalities! In addition, Dez is a good warlock, and the pacifier twin of Arc.
Dez‟s namesake, Desmodus rotundus, is… well, it‟s a vampire bat. I didn‟t really think about that when I named him. I just thought “Desmodus”
was a cool name. Sorry, Dez.
Dez: “…”
Someone on Boolprop commented that Dez reminded her of Komei Tellerman, so I thought I would compare
faces. And you know what? It‟s kind of true. Dez does kind of look like a cuter Komei. So, I wonder…
Snow is obviously not related to Komei, so if Dez gets most of his genes from the legacy spouses… maybe
Patrick plus Brie equals…?
Just something to think about.
We now bring you back to your regularly scheduled legacy.
Cheerleader: “Voooo gerbitz!!”
Dez: {Go away…}
Cheerleader: “Hi there. I‟m an NPC. And I have all recessive genes.”
Dez: “…”
Go home, Cheerleader.
Cheerleader: *whine* “But I want to be a legacy spouse~!”
Dez: “…”
Cygnus: “So, Dez, I was thinking. Once finals are over this semester, what if you and me went out as bachelors to
the campus lounge or something, look for dates? Arc‟s dating Anne and Par‟s engaged to Emily of course, but you
know, we‟re the two Family Sims of the generation, and you‟re the heir, and we‟ve never even gone on dates. So
what do you think? Sound fun?”
Dez: “…”
Cygnus: “Cool. After finals it is, this.”
Par: “Um, I don‟t want to be in the way or anything, and you guys are just fine where you are, but usually this is
when I come down here to dance… you don‟t have to move or anything, I can dance over here… I even got
dressed this time…”
Cygnus: “You know, guys, this wasn‟t exactly what I had planned. This was supposed to be just for me and Dez.”
Arc: “You needed a drummer and a bassist.”
Cygnus: “…but Dez is just over there watching…”
Bartender: “Would you like some juice, sir?”
Dez: “…orange. Poured.”
Bartender: “Coming right up.”
Bartender: “If you don‟t mind my saying so, sir, you seem rather down. Care to talk about it?”
Dez: “…no.”
Bartender: “Well, alright, then. If you ever need an ear, the name‟s Isis Bendett. I work at most of the clubs and
lounges on campus and downtown. Come on down any time you want.”
Dez: “…”
Dez: “…”
Cygnus: “Well, that was a total waste of time.”
Par: “I had fun.”
Cygnus: “Oh, I don‟t mean that. I mean, we didn‟t find any girls. Dez and I are still single.”
Dez: “…”
Look at that, Dez has decided on a major! What‟s it going to be?
Dez: “…”
Tell meeeeeeee…
Dez: “…literature.”
Just like Cygnus! That‟s so cute! And very appropriate—I can see you as a writer. You‟re certainly not a speaker.
Dez: “…”
Cygnus: “Psst, Dez… have you studied C. London yet?”
Dez: “…”
Cygnus: “I‟m no good at this… education is great and all, but I really only came to college to get a girl… and I‟m
failing at both…”
Dez: “…”
Cygnus: “Is there something wrong with me? Is that why I can‟t get a date? I must not be handsome enough.
Maybe I‟m boring. I‟ll bet that‟s it. That‟s why no one wants to date me.”
Cygnus: “I‟m not good enough, and I‟m going to be alone forever…”
This, by the way, is why we keep the stereo in the dining room.
Sorry, Dez. I know you‟re tired, but I don‟t want you to starve.
Dez: “…”
Arc: “Hey Par? You gonna come eat?”
Par: “Nope!”
Arc: “Alright, then. What do you think of the Celebration Chops, Cygnus? I figured, since you and Par are going to be seniors after the next set of
finals—which should be starting in, what, three hours?—it was the least I could do to cook dinner tonight.”
Cygnus: “Glrrf.”
Dez: “…”
Arc: “Well don‟t thank me all at once…”
Arc: “So we‟re going to re-furnish the living and dining rooms tomorrow after the grant money comes in, right? Are you still okay with
Par and I having our girlfriends—”
Par: “Fiancée! Emmy and I are engaged!”
Arc: “—over for movies and snacks tomorrow?”
Cygnus: “Oh, right, your big date. Well, don‟t let me stop you. Have them over. I don‟t care.”
Dez: “…”
Arc: “You got a problem, Cygnus? „Cause if you do, why don‟t you say it to my face?”
Cygnus: “No. I‟ve got no problem at all. Have fun. I‟ll be upstairs. Alone.”
Par: {Emmy and I are engaged! I‟m so happy!}
Cheerleader: “Um, why are you teaching me to bow?”
Par: “The Author told me to.”
Because SOMEBODY (*cough cough* Cygnus) bowed to you without permission, so unless I had someone
teaching you the proper way to do it, you were going to go around bowing to everyone and making it so they had
the annoying tendency to bow without the knowledge of how to do it, because there was no one around to teach
them the right way. Why is it those BV gestures are so rare to learn in the locations, but everyone and their dog
does them in the main neighborhoods? Honestly!
Cygnus: “Is everyone comfy? Need any popcorn or anything?”
Arc: “Nope. We‟re good. Thanks.”
Cygnus: “Okay… I‟m going to go, I dunno, upstairs. I‟m tired. Goodnight.”
Par: “Goodnight, Iggy!”
Emily: “Par, you are so cute!!”
Cygnus: “…right. „Night.”
Dez: “…”
Arc: “You tired too, Dez?”
Dez: “…yes.”
Arc: “Okay. See you in the morning.”
Dez: “…”
Cygnus: “Did you need something, Dez?”
Dez: “…you okay?”
Cygnus: “Fine. Just peachy.”
*ding dong*
Mystery Woman: “Hi, I‟m so sorry to bother you so late at night, but my car broke down in front of your house—
it‟s a nice house, too, I like it—but anyway, I was hoping you would be willing to help me fix it? I don‟t know
anything about cars, my father always told me that it would be a good skill but I never listened to him, I guess it‟s
karma that it broke down and I couldn‟t do anything about it, huh?”
Cygnus: “Uh… uh…”
Cygnus: “Uh, wazyurname?”
Mystery Woman: “I‟m sorry, what did you say?”
Cygnus: *clears throat* “Sorry, I guess I‟m just a little tongue-tied.”
Mystery Woman: *giggle* “That‟s okay. What‟s your name?”
Cygnus: “Cygnus.”
Mystery Woman: “Like the swan, right? That‟s so cool! I‟m Elle. It doesn‟t mean anything cool like „Cygnus,‟ though. Just „she‟ in French. Not very original, if you ask me.”
Cygnus: “I like it. It fits you.”
We finally found a three-bolter for Cygnus.
Cygnus: “Who‟s got a girlfriend? Who‟s got a girlfriend? Why, that‟s right, Blizzard! Cygnus does! Cygnus has a
Arc: “And if Cygnus doesn‟t stop talking about it, I‟m going to go over there and pop him one. That is, if he doesn‟t
catch Guinea Pig Disease from kissing the womrat. Gross, Cygnus.”
Cygnus: “Oh, Blizzard, look who‟s jealous!”
Arc: “I‟ve had a girlfriend since my first night here, remember? I‟m not jealous.”
All of the guys‟ girlfriends—
Par: “Fiancée! Because we‟re engaged!”
…right. All of the guys‟ girlfriends, plus Par and his fiancée, because they‟re engaged, soon became regulars at
Oresha-Annya-Var House every night when classes were over.
Wait. Hold on. There‟s something wrong with this picture.
Are you okay, Dez? I know how Cygnus got watching his brothers with their girlfriends, and you‟re a Family Sim,
Dez: “…I‟m fine.”
Aw, congratulations, Cygnus! You finally got your first kiss!
Par: “Like Cupid and Psyche
Like pop rocks and Mikey
We’ll be together like that velcro stuff—
I’ll be the fuzzy side, you be the spikey”
Emily: “You are so cute!”
Guys, this slide was supposed to be about Cygnus and Elle…
Arc: {Hmmm… I wonder…}
Arc: “YOWCH!!”
Dez: “…careful.”
Arc: “Ow…”
Arc: “Dang cow mascot. Trying to give us all the flu. I‟d like to give HIM the flu!”
How do you know it was the cow mascot? I didn‟t notice the trash can was tipped over at all until you queued up
roach stomping.
Arc: “I just know it was him. It‟s always the cow mascot.”
Well, this is it, Cygnus. Your last semester of college. Got anything to say in particular?
Cygnus: “Not to you.”
Cygnus: “Elle Alioto, love of my life, my darling, will you marry me?”
Elle: *gasp* “I had no idea this was coming!”
Blizzard: {Say yes!}
Elle: “YES!!”
Blizzard: {Excellent.}
Elle: “Just so you know, hon, I‟m the Sports Hobby Master, and I want enough children to form my own soccer
Cygnus: “Ellie, you and I were made for each other. Let‟s just make sure that soccer team of ours all find
spouses, and my life will be complete.”
Elle: “Heehee, you got it! Now stop tickling me! I‟m not ticklish! Ehehehe!”
Merry: [This is Latimeria‟s phone. I don‟t know how you got this number, but I wouldn‟t leave a message if I were
you.] *beep*
Dez: “…sorry. For everything. See you tomorrow.”
Dez had been holding onto that Want to call Merry for the past two school years. Poor guy. But she‟ll be coming
along to college tomorrow right after Cygnus and Par‟s graduation, so maybe they‟ll be able to make up and be
friends again then?
Not likely.
Cygnus: “Hey there! One taxi for two graduates, please!”
Aw, no graduation party, Cygnus?
Cygnus: “Naw. Par doesn‟t want one, and frankly, I‟m just ready to set up shop in Peachtree Valley with Elle.”
Alright then. No graduation robe shots, then. Instead…
Cygnus: “Oh no…”
*snicker* So who are you imitating? Brie, for growing up into a purple track suit on her most recent birthday, or
Emily, who always wears a blue track suit?
Cygnus: “Shut it, Author. This is not permanent. Emphasis on „not.‟”
Par‟s turn!
Par: “I—I‟m leaving college. But I don‟t want to go.‟
Arc: “Par, you get to go marry Emily.”
Par: “You‟re right! I‟m so excited to go home!!”
Par: “My pants fell down!”
So off go Cygnus and Par, oldest of Gen Three… *sniff*… They‟ll enjoy their lives as spares, though, especially
since they‟ll get to marry the loves of their lives and settle down.
Par: “I‟m getting married!!”
Yes Par. Get in the taxi.
Arc: “Well Dez, I guess it‟s just you and me until The Merry deigns to show her face around here.”
Speaking of which…
Thanks for reading! Come back next time for the exciting conclusion to Generation Three‟s college years. Only
one more chapter before Generation Four shows up, folks!
Credits! Par sang part of “Don‟t Let Me Go” from Shrek: The Musical when he was serenading Emily. It‟s not
actually a love song, but limiting it down to just one stanza had more or less the same effect.
Blizzard: {Want sunflower seeds…}

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The White Legacy--Generation 3, College (Part 1)

  • 1. It’s Always The Cow Mascot The White Legacy: Generation Three, College (Part One)
  • 2. Hey! Welcome to SSU! But, what took you guys so long? Where‟s the taxi? Cygnus: “Got lost. We eventually just paid the driver and walked.” That sucks. At least you‟re here now, right? Par: “I‟m in college!!”
  • 3. Cygnus White, known to his closest family member as Iggy, is a 2/8/10/8/7 Family Sim with a LTW of… oh, crap… Cygnus: “What? Never looked at my lifetime want before now, huh?” Iggy here wants to marry off six children. Curses. Cygnus is the genus name of the bird we know as swans, and probably the least obscure name I gave any of the Gen Three kids. There are six or seven species of swan in the cygnus genus, including Cygnus olor, the Mute Swan of Eurasia, and Cygnus buccinator, the Trumpeter Swan of North America.
  • 4. Pardus “Par” White is a very earnest young Knowledge Sim. He has a personality of 2/7/10/6/8, and wants to be a City Planner when he graduates. Pardus is the species name of the leopard. Its genus is Panthera, making its binomial name Panthera pardus. I hardly need to explain this, since you all know what leopards are, but they live in some parts of Africa and tropical Asia. It is the smallest of the four “big cats” in the Panthera genus, and is noted for its stealth and its uncanny ability to climb trees quickly while lugging heavy carcasses. Doesn‟t Par here look like he spends his time pulling dead bodies into trees? Par: *smile!*
  • 5. Cygnus: “Uh, who are you?” June: “You left the door open. Shut it, or it‟s going to get glitched.” Par: “Hey, Iggy! There are BOOKS here!! College is AWESOME!!”
  • 6. June: “So you‟re Toro and Brie‟s spawn, huh? The name‟s June Hurt. I‟m your roomie.” Correction: not roomie. Placeholder. June: “Same diff.” No, no it‟s not. There is a big “diff.”
  • 7. Cygnus: “Have you got this, Author? I‟m hungry. And tired. Sim State is in the middle of nowhere—it was the longest drive of my life.” Go get something to eat, Cygnus. I‟ll take care of June. June: “Yeah, like you „took care of me‟ last generation, huh? No thanks. I‟m fine with things exactly as they are.”
  • 8. June: “What‟s the problem here, Author?” Let me put it this way, June. You ain‟t a White. June: “Yes, and?” Let me put it simpler. Get out.
  • 9. June: “What? I‟ve lived in this house for a full generation! I cooked for you! I cleaned for you! I suffered death threats for you! And what thanks do I get? The minute a couple of upstart brats move in, I have to pack my bags?” You got it. This is life. June: “This is dumb!” You knew the contract when you moved in. Don‟t go trying to change it now. Go find a dorm or something.
  • 10. June: “This is under duress. I vehemently protest this treatment.” See you after graduation, June!
  • 11. Par: “This is a great book.”
  • 12. Congratulations, Cygnus. You‟ve managed to start a fire on your very first day of college. What do you have to say for yourself? Cygnus: “…I burnt the fish.” No fire dance? Cygnus: “No. This is the first non-sugary food I‟ve ever eaten in my whole life, and now I‟ve burnt it. It‟s enough to move a man to tears.”
  • 13. Cygnus: “Oh, gross, Par! Take a shower once in a while, will ya!?” Par: “Is that smell coming from me?”
  • 14. Par: “Iggy! Will you come to the library with me?” Cygnus: “Now? It‟s eleven o‟clock at night, man. It‟s probably closed by now.” Par: “Please? I‟m all out of books to read here… please? I don‟t want to go alone.” Cygnus: “…yeah, alright. Let me get my coat.” Par: “Thanks, Iggy! You‟re the best!”
  • 15. Cygnus: {Wow… those girls are hot…} Par: {Must… max… mechanical… skill…}
  • 16. Cygnus: “Wait, why are we leaving? What was wrong with those two?” Jasmine was only a one-bolt match. We can do better than that. Roxie is a playable. I‟d have to take her through college. Cygnus: “And?” She‟s also dating someone already. Cygnus: “Dang.”
  • 17. Cygnus: “I Want to major in literature. And don‟t ever talk to me about political science.” Par: “What? Where did that come from?” Do you realize your mother never decided on her major? Did you know that I was convinced Par was going to roll one first? Did you know your father majored in poli-sci and your aunt hated lit? Cygnus, I love you. Cygnus: “Ick.”
  • 18. Cygnus: “Hey there, beautiful. What‟s your name?” Ponytail: “Anne.” Cygnus: “A pleasure to meet you.” Anne: “Um, nice to meet you, too.”
  • 19. Par: “I have a bolt with her. Also, I Want to major in physics, and I don‟t like psychology.” If I had known all it would take to get young college students to roll their major was go community lot hopping for romance, Brie wouldn‟t have majored in philosophy. Cafeteria Lady: “Dang.” You said it, random NPC.
  • 20. Blue: “Hey, there‟s something on your shirt.” Par: “What? Where?” Blue: “Right here… yowch!” Par: “Are you okay? Did you get hurt?” Blue: “You are smoking hot!”
  • 21. Par: “I don‟t understand. I‟m not overheating or anything. I always feel a little warm after I take a shower, and I did take one today because my brother said I stank, but I think that‟s worn off by now. And I don‟t feel hot at all. Are you sure? Maybe it‟s my sweater. I have a shirt on underneath it, so maybe it‟s warmer than I think it is.”
  • 22. Blue: “Omigosh, you are so cute! D‟you wanna go out sometime?” Par: “Out? Out where?” Blue: “Out on a date, silly!”
  • 23. Par: “A date? Really? I‟ve never been on a date before!”
  • 24. Par: “IGGY! I just got asked out on a date!” Cygnus: “Really? From who? Her?” Par: “Yeah!!” Cygnus: “Don‟t come running to me! Go back and keep talking to her!” Par: “Oh! Right!”
  • 25. Par: “What‟s your name? What‟s your favorite color? Where are you from? What‟s your major? What classes are you taking? Where do you live? What do you like to do? Do you like to read? What books do you like? What‟s your favorite movie? What—” Blue: “You are so adorable!”
  • 26. Cygnus: *sigh* You okay, Cygnus? Cygnus: “I‟m happy for him. Really.” What happened to Anne? Cygnus: “We had two bolts, but when I did finally Check Her Out, I rolled the Want to become friends with someone else, and rolled away the Want to fall in love. She‟s not really my type.”
  • 27. Par: “Hey, Author?” What‟s with the face, Par? What‟s wrong? Par: “…I want a badge in cosmetology.” Do you really? Par: “No.”
  • 28. …Par has shirtless pajamas. I also caught him dancing by himself. I have no words.
  • 29. Cygnus: “Hey, Anne. Thanks for coming over. I, um, wanted to say, I‟m really sorry, I think I led you on last night—” Anne: “Hey, Cygnus, it‟s okay. I wanted to say, there were bolts, but not a spark. You cool with just being friends?”
  • 30. Cygnus: “That‟s great. I mean, not great that we don‟t get along that way, I mean—” Anne: “Cygnus, I mean it. It‟s cool.” Cygnus: “Cool. …would you mind doing just one thing for me?”
  • 31. Par: “Don‟t worry, Anne, this is my first time giving anyone a makeover but I‟m sure it‟ll turn out perfect, because I‟ve read all the books on it and I‟m pretty sure I know exactly what I‟m doing. You can trust me.” Anne: “…well, okay.” Don‟t sound so enthusiastic there, Anne. Par will be great at this, I‟m sure, and I want him to get some practice before he tries it out on his soon-to-be girlfriend. Anne: “On second thought, listen Par, I don‟t want to hurt your feelings, but—”
  • 32. Par: “Oh… oh no.” Anne: “What did you do?”
  • 33. Par: “Maybe the book was right, and the purple lipstick isn’t supposed to be used as eye shadow after all?”
  • 34. Anne: “My face!” Par: “I‟m really, really sorry. I promise, if you let me try again, I‟ll absolutely get it right. No more lipstick around the eyes, I promise.”
  • 35. Par: “See? I think I got it this time. I didn‟t even use eye shadow because I was too scared after what happened last time.” Anne: “Hey, this isn‟t bad at all! I‟ve never used blush or eye liner before!”
  • 36. Anne: “Do you ever do hairstyles? I‟m kind of tired of this ponytail.” Par: “Well, I guess I could try. I‟m trying to get a cosmetology badge to impress this girl I like. I guess hair has to be one of the things I have to do, huh?” Anne: “You bet. Tell you what, you call me over anytime you like, whenever you need any practice.” Par: “You mean it!?” Anne: “Absoposilutely!”
  • 37. Cygnus: “Hello, Oresha-Annya-Var House, Cygnus speaking… Emily? You met Par at the gym last night?... Sure, he‟s right here. Hey, Par!”
  • 38. Par: “Hi Emily!! How are you??” Cygnus: “So, Anne. Sorry I had to ditch out for class and leave you with Par. Looks like he‟s doing a pretty good job, though.” Anne: “Yeah, he‟s really got a talent for this. Doesn‟t even have a bronze badge yet, and he‟s only messed up twice.”
  • 39. Cow Mascot: “You‟re TOTALLY in my way of the computer! It‟s my turn!” Cygnus: “Now you listen here. Just because our mother was one of you, does not mean we are in any way tolerant of you and your behavior. Get out.”
  • 40. Par: “Iggy, I know this is your computer time and I‟m really, really sorry, but, uh, can we have the living room for the next few minutes? Emily and I are… well, we…” Emily: *giggle* “We‟re on a date. He is so cute!” Cygnus: “…right. I‟ll, uh, be upstairs.” Cow Mascot: “I‟ll be here.”
  • 41. Par: “Thanks so much for coming out with me, Emmy. I mean, not that we actually went out, we‟re kind of just standing here in the living room, which I guess isn‟t the most romantic of places, but it‟s really nice anyway. I just want to impress you, because I really like you.” Emily: “You are so sweet, Par. I really like you, too.” Cow Mascot: “GROSS! PDA!!”
  • 42. Emily: “Well, I guess I have to go now… I‟ve had a really good time tonight, Par.” Par: “Yeah…”
  • 43.
  • 44. Par: “I‟M SORRY!! I‟m so sorry! I don‟t know why I did that! I‟m sorry!” Emily: “No no no, don‟t be sorry! …I liked it.”
  • 45. Cygnus: *sigh* “I‟m happy for him. I really am. …I just wish I could be happy for me, too.”
  • 46. Anne: “These porkchops are great, but you guys really don‟t have to feed me.” Cygnus: “Oh, it‟s our pleasure.” Anne: “You‟re too nice.” Cygnus: “Reserve judgment until Arc—that‟s our next youngest brother—shows up tomorrow. And Par?” Par: “Yeah?” Cygnus: “Go take a shower.”
  • 47. Cygnus: “Hey, Arc! Welcome to Sim State! Now go change your clothes!”
  • 48. Arctos “Arc” White is a 5/10/10/2/6 Gemini Knowledge Sim with the LTW to, well… I haven‟t mentioned it until now because I didn‟t think it entirely fit his character, but, full disclosure. He Wants to become a World Class Ballet Dancer. The name “arctos” is part of a number of different species names—such as the Canis lupus arctos, the Arctic Wolf—but it seems to be that most of the time it refers to some sort of bear. Ursus arctos, for example, is the Brown Bear, and Ursus arctos horribilis, the Grizzly Bear. So, let‟s go with the brown bear for Arc, hmm? (I thought this through very well when I named him, as you can see.)
  • 49. Arc: “Alright, I‟ve changed. Now what?” Cygnus: “Take a nap.” Arc: “Why?” Cygnus: “We‟re having a toga party tonight with some of our friends. Call it a welcome party. You‟re going to want to be well-rested. Trust me.” Arc: “Cool.”
  • 50. Oh no. Oh, no no no. Stop that, Cygnus. You‟re scaring me. Please live.
  • 51. Oh, thank goodness. Go take a shower, Cygnus, and call a repairman. Cygnus: “Never. Using. That. Computer. Again.” That‟s a little harsh, isn‟t it? Cygnus: “We‟re buying a new one. This one has it out for me.”
  • 52. Anne: “So you‟re Arc? Cygnus and Par told me so much about you. You know, you have really nice abs—um, I mean…” Arc: “Uh… wow…” Guess who the first three-bolters happen to be? Arc: “Toga parties are the best idea ever.”
  • 53. Par: “I love you, Emmy, and I‟ll love you forever. Will you marry me?” Emily: “Oh, Par! You are so cute! Of course!!” Emily, can you say something else? Anything? Emily: “But he‟s adorable!”
  • 54. Par: “Okay, so I‟ve been practicing a lot, so don‟t worry, this‟ll work, I won‟t mess up…” Emily: “Oh Par, honey, I have complete faith in you.”
  • 55. Par: “So? So? What do you think?” Emily: “Oh, Par!”
  • 56. They are so cute together, aren‟t they?
  • 57. Meanwhile, in the hall, Arc seems to have forgotten all about Amber, his pre-college girlfriend.
  • 58. The party ends at 3 AM without any trouble from the law enforcement, and after showers, everyone drifts into the kitchen to make breakfast. Why not just eat the leftovers stocked in the fridge? Arc: “Guys, why is this fridge full of cake?” Cygnus: “Dad lived here, remember?” Arc: “Do you think Anne likes Baked Alaska?”
  • 59. Par: *singing* “I‟m engaged…!” I notice you like to come downstairs every morning after you wake up and dance around in your PJ bottoms, Par. It kind of makes me laugh every time. Par: *still singing* “I‟m engaged!!”
  • 60. Par dances, and Cygnus goes out at all hours of the night and day for pizza whether he‟s hungry or not, and whether he‟s dressed or not. Cygnus: “I‟ve got nothing better to do with my time. Like snuggling with my girlfriend. …Because I don’t have one.”
  • 61. Aw, he‟s so cute! It‟s been so long since I‟ve had a womrat in the game! What‟s his name? Cygnus: “Blizzard.” Not Snow? Cygnus: “No. Blizzard.”
  • 62. Arc: “So, the rest of my brothers are at their final exams.” Anne: “Oh yeah?”
  • 63. Look at that, I finally managed to keep the background exactly steady between photos! Oh yeah, and Arc and Anne are cute, too. Also, since it‟s conveniently hung up there, remember how last chapter I promised to give props to anyone who knew what that character means in the background? Well, I should tell you what it means now, right? That character there means “White.”
  • 64. Arc, I thought you were declaring your major? Math, right? Arc: “I am. I‟m on the school‟s webpage right now.” But… but… Arc: “Got a stutter, Author?”
  • 65. Par: “Hello! Oresha-Annya-Var House! Par speaking! …Oh, hi Mom! Guess what!? I‟m en—yeah, sure, I‟ll get everyone moving back to the house for Dad‟s heir announcement. Can‟t wait to find out who it‟s gonna be. …Um, why isn‟t Dad making this phone call? I thought this was supposed to be him? …oh, okay. See you in a few hours! I can‟t wait!”
  • 66.
  • 67. Arc: “That was intense.” Par: “Do you think Mom and Dad are okay? I mean, Merry looked really mad…” Cygnus: “I‟m sure they‟re fine, Par. You don‟t have to worry.” Arc: “I‟m going to bed. I‟m exhausted.” Par: “Me, too.”
  • 68. Cygnus: “First door on the left when you go upstairs, Dez. We‟ve got it all set up for you. It‟s a little sparse right now—we were planning on refurnishing once everyone‟s here and we have a little more scholarship money set aside—but there‟s enough room in there for you to set up all of your magic… stuff. Hopefully. We didn‟t know how much magic stuff you would bring with you, we had to guess…” Dez: “…” Cygnus: “Well, um, goodnight then. See you in the morning.” Dez: “…”
  • 70. Aren‟t you going to pose, Dez? Dez: “…” Alright, alright. Don‟t talk my ear off. Desmodus “Dez” White is the Generation Three Heir. He is a 5/10/10/2/6 Gemini, and a Family Sim with the LTW of Six Grandchildren. I swear, this family and 10-point personalities! In addition, Dez is a good warlock, and the pacifier twin of Arc. Dez‟s namesake, Desmodus rotundus, is… well, it‟s a vampire bat. I didn‟t really think about that when I named him. I just thought “Desmodus” was a cool name. Sorry, Dez. Dez: “…”
  • 71. Someone on Boolprop commented that Dez reminded her of Komei Tellerman, so I thought I would compare faces. And you know what? It‟s kind of true. Dez does kind of look like a cuter Komei. So, I wonder…
  • 72. Snow is obviously not related to Komei, so if Dez gets most of his genes from the legacy spouses… maybe Patrick plus Brie equals…? Just something to think about. ?
  • 73. We now bring you back to your regularly scheduled legacy. Cheerleader: “Voooo gerbitz!!” Dez: {Go away…}
  • 74. Cheerleader: “Hi there. I‟m an NPC. And I have all recessive genes.” Dez: “…” Go home, Cheerleader. Cheerleader: *whine* “But I want to be a legacy spouse~!” Dez: “…”
  • 75. Cygnus: “So, Dez, I was thinking. Once finals are over this semester, what if you and me went out as bachelors to the campus lounge or something, look for dates? Arc‟s dating Anne and Par‟s engaged to Emily of course, but you know, we‟re the two Family Sims of the generation, and you‟re the heir, and we‟ve never even gone on dates. So what do you think? Sound fun?” Dez: “…” Cygnus: “Cool. After finals it is, this.”
  • 76. Par: “Um, I don‟t want to be in the way or anything, and you guys are just fine where you are, but usually this is when I come down here to dance… you don‟t have to move or anything, I can dance over here… I even got dressed this time…”
  • 77. Cygnus: “You know, guys, this wasn‟t exactly what I had planned. This was supposed to be just for me and Dez.” Arc: “You needed a drummer and a bassist.”
  • 78. Cygnus: “…but Dez is just over there watching…”
  • 79.
  • 80. Bartender: “Would you like some juice, sir?” Dez: “…orange. Poured.” Bartender: “Coming right up.”
  • 81. Bartender: “If you don‟t mind my saying so, sir, you seem rather down. Care to talk about it?” Dez: “…no.” Bartender: “Well, alright, then. If you ever need an ear, the name‟s Isis Bendett. I work at most of the clubs and lounges on campus and downtown. Come on down any time you want.” Dez: “…”
  • 83.
  • 84. Cygnus: “Well, that was a total waste of time.” Par: “I had fun.” Cygnus: “Oh, I don‟t mean that. I mean, we didn‟t find any girls. Dez and I are still single.” Dez: “…”
  • 85. Look at that, Dez has decided on a major! What‟s it going to be? Dez: “…” Tell meeeeeeee… Dez: “…literature.” Just like Cygnus! That‟s so cute! And very appropriate—I can see you as a writer. You‟re certainly not a speaker. Dez: “…”
  • 86. Cygnus: “Psst, Dez… have you studied C. London yet?” Dez: “…” Cygnus: “I‟m no good at this… education is great and all, but I really only came to college to get a girl… and I‟m failing at both…” Dez: “…”
  • 87. Cygnus: “Is there something wrong with me? Is that why I can‟t get a date? I must not be handsome enough. Maybe I‟m boring. I‟ll bet that‟s it. That‟s why no one wants to date me.”
  • 88. Cygnus: “I‟m not good enough, and I‟m going to be alone forever…”
  • 89. This, by the way, is why we keep the stereo in the dining room.
  • 90. Sorry, Dez. I know you‟re tired, but I don‟t want you to starve. Dez: “…”
  • 91. Arc: “Hey Par? You gonna come eat?” Par: “Nope!” Arc: “Alright, then. What do you think of the Celebration Chops, Cygnus? I figured, since you and Par are going to be seniors after the next set of finals—which should be starting in, what, three hours?—it was the least I could do to cook dinner tonight.” Cygnus: “Glrrf.” Dez: “…” Arc: “Well don‟t thank me all at once…”
  • 92. Arc: “So we‟re going to re-furnish the living and dining rooms tomorrow after the grant money comes in, right? Are you still okay with Par and I having our girlfriends—” Par: “Fiancée! Emmy and I are engaged!” Arc: “—over for movies and snacks tomorrow?” Cygnus: “Oh, right, your big date. Well, don‟t let me stop you. Have them over. I don‟t care.” Dez: “…”
  • 93. Arc: “You got a problem, Cygnus? „Cause if you do, why don‟t you say it to my face?” Cygnus: “No. I‟ve got no problem at all. Have fun. I‟ll be upstairs. Alone.” Par: {Emmy and I are engaged! I‟m so happy!}
  • 94. Cheerleader: “Um, why are you teaching me to bow?” Par: “The Author told me to.” Because SOMEBODY (*cough cough* Cygnus) bowed to you without permission, so unless I had someone teaching you the proper way to do it, you were going to go around bowing to everyone and making it so they had the annoying tendency to bow without the knowledge of how to do it, because there was no one around to teach them the right way. Why is it those BV gestures are so rare to learn in the locations, but everyone and their dog does them in the main neighborhoods? Honestly!
  • 95. Cygnus: “Is everyone comfy? Need any popcorn or anything?” Arc: “Nope. We‟re good. Thanks.” Cygnus: “Okay… I‟m going to go, I dunno, upstairs. I‟m tired. Goodnight.” Par: “Goodnight, Iggy!” Emily: “Par, you are so cute!!”
  • 98. Arc: “You tired too, Dez?” Dez: “…yes.” Arc: “Okay. See you in the morning.” Dez: “…”
  • 99. Cygnus: “Did you need something, Dez?” Dez: “…you okay?” Cygnus: “Fine. Just peachy.” *ding dong*
  • 100. Mystery Woman: “Hi, I‟m so sorry to bother you so late at night, but my car broke down in front of your house— it‟s a nice house, too, I like it—but anyway, I was hoping you would be willing to help me fix it? I don‟t know anything about cars, my father always told me that it would be a good skill but I never listened to him, I guess it‟s karma that it broke down and I couldn‟t do anything about it, huh?” Cygnus: “Uh… uh…”
  • 101. Cygnus: “Uh, wazyurname?” Mystery Woman: “I‟m sorry, what did you say?” Cygnus: *clears throat* “Sorry, I guess I‟m just a little tongue-tied.” Mystery Woman: *giggle* “That‟s okay. What‟s your name?” Cygnus: “Cygnus.” Mystery Woman: “Like the swan, right? That‟s so cool! I‟m Elle. It doesn‟t mean anything cool like „Cygnus,‟ though. Just „she‟ in French. Not very original, if you ask me.” Cygnus: “I like it. It fits you.”
  • 102. We finally found a three-bolter for Cygnus.
  • 103. Cygnus: “Who‟s got a girlfriend? Who‟s got a girlfriend? Why, that‟s right, Blizzard! Cygnus does! Cygnus has a girlfriend!”
  • 104. Arc: “And if Cygnus doesn‟t stop talking about it, I‟m going to go over there and pop him one. That is, if he doesn‟t catch Guinea Pig Disease from kissing the womrat. Gross, Cygnus.” Cygnus: “Oh, Blizzard, look who‟s jealous!” Arc: “I‟ve had a girlfriend since my first night here, remember? I‟m not jealous.”
  • 105. All of the guys‟ girlfriends— Par: “Fiancée! Because we‟re engaged!” …right. All of the guys‟ girlfriends, plus Par and his fiancée, because they‟re engaged, soon became regulars at Oresha-Annya-Var House every night when classes were over. Wait. Hold on. There‟s something wrong with this picture.
  • 106. Are you okay, Dez? I know how Cygnus got watching his brothers with their girlfriends, and you‟re a Family Sim, too.
  • 108. Aw, congratulations, Cygnus! You finally got your first kiss! Par: “Like Cupid and Psyche Like pop rocks and Mikey We’ll be together like that velcro stuff— I’ll be the fuzzy side, you be the spikey” Emily: “You are so cute!” Guys, this slide was supposed to be about Cygnus and Elle…
  • 109. Arc: {Hmmm… I wonder…}
  • 110.
  • 113. Arc: “Dang cow mascot. Trying to give us all the flu. I‟d like to give HIM the flu!” How do you know it was the cow mascot? I didn‟t notice the trash can was tipped over at all until you queued up roach stomping. Arc: “I just know it was him. It‟s always the cow mascot.”
  • 114. Well, this is it, Cygnus. Your last semester of college. Got anything to say in particular? Cygnus: “Not to you.”
  • 115. Cygnus: “Elle Alioto, love of my life, my darling, will you marry me?” Elle: *gasp* “I had no idea this was coming!” Blizzard: {Say yes!}
  • 117. Elle: “Just so you know, hon, I‟m the Sports Hobby Master, and I want enough children to form my own soccer team.” Cygnus: “Ellie, you and I were made for each other. Let‟s just make sure that soccer team of ours all find spouses, and my life will be complete.” Elle: “Heehee, you got it! Now stop tickling me! I‟m not ticklish! Ehehehe!”
  • 118. Merry: [This is Latimeria‟s phone. I don‟t know how you got this number, but I wouldn‟t leave a message if I were you.] *beep* Dez: “…sorry. For everything. See you tomorrow.”
  • 119. Dez had been holding onto that Want to call Merry for the past two school years. Poor guy. But she‟ll be coming along to college tomorrow right after Cygnus and Par‟s graduation, so maybe they‟ll be able to make up and be friends again then? Not likely.
  • 120. Cygnus: “Hey there! One taxi for two graduates, please!” Aw, no graduation party, Cygnus? Cygnus: “Naw. Par doesn‟t want one, and frankly, I‟m just ready to set up shop in Peachtree Valley with Elle.” Alright then. No graduation robe shots, then. Instead… Cygnus: “Oh no…”
  • 121. *snicker* So who are you imitating? Brie, for growing up into a purple track suit on her most recent birthday, or Emily, who always wears a blue track suit? Cygnus: “Shut it, Author. This is not permanent. Emphasis on „not.‟”
  • 122. Par‟s turn! Par: “I—I‟m leaving college. But I don‟t want to go.‟ Arc: “Par, you get to go marry Emily.” Par: “You‟re right! I‟m so excited to go home!!”
  • 123. Par: “My pants fell down!”
  • 124. So off go Cygnus and Par, oldest of Gen Three… *sniff*… They‟ll enjoy their lives as spares, though, especially since they‟ll get to marry the loves of their lives and settle down. Par: “I‟m getting married!!” Yes Par. Get in the taxi.
  • 125. Arc: “Well Dez, I guess it‟s just you and me until The Merry deigns to show her face around here.”
  • 126. Speaking of which… Thanks for reading! Come back next time for the exciting conclusion to Generation Three‟s college years. Only one more chapter before Generation Four shows up, folks! Credits! Par sang part of “Don‟t Let Me Go” from Shrek: The Musical when he was serenading Emily. It‟s not actually a love song, but limiting it down to just one stanza had more or less the same effect.