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“ Someone better get Orange out of this chair before Orange punches something!” Welcome back to my OWBC! This chapter I find out my bad apple isn't as innocent she pretends to be and there is a lot of parties. Let the gnome-napping begin!
“ Ohh... hewo camera. Orange just giving tweddy a big hug.”
Bang's birthday was fast approaching.  “ It's not fair!” “ What isn't? I'm not cheating Opera!” “ Not chess, it's your birthday soon! I hate being the middle child. Can't you wait until I'm ready to be a teen too?”
“ Hi Opera, thanks for inviting me to your brothers party!” “ Sean! I'm really glad you could make it.” Opera blushes and carries on talking. “He said he only wanted a few people but what kind of party is that?!”
“ Yuck, what are you doing here frogface?” “ I heard you talking to Sean at school about your brothers party so I decided to come. Where is he? I want to go make fun of his name again before he gets too big to care.”
“ Goopy, why do we always agree to come to these kid's parties?” “ Woah! You drive like a crazy person. Um... for the food?” “ They only have grilled cheese...” “ Beats me then. WATCH OUT FOR THAT OLD WOMAN!”
“ I wish I was growing up today. What do you want to do when you grow up Sean?” “ Hmm... when I'm older I want to fly planes! They are so cool. What do you want to do?” “ When I grow up I want us to get married and have babies and live in a nice house and maybe have some pupp-” “ Um... cool. I'm going to play games now...”
“ Hey Melissa! Thanks for coming. Welcome to my brothers party.  “ Oh could you tell me where he is? I'd like to say happy birthday.” “ He is probably off doing homework or playing chess. Something boring anyway... DORK Melissa wants to talk to you.”
“ Hey Bang. I'm your sisters friend, she invited me around today so I just wanted to come say happy birthday! It would be rude for me not to right?” “ Oh.. hi. I've seen you around school sometimes. Thanks.” “ Right... well I'll see you around sometime then, it's my birthday soon to!”
Oh not again. I always lose track of time at parties. Also with the base game bonus I'm constantly keeping an eye on the gnome during parties, not that it makes  a difference...
“ Get your dirty paws off me boy! I'll call your mother.” “ Better make sure the coast is clear before I steal you, don't want a group of people shaking their fists angrily at me.”
“ Butthead.” “ Now I can finally reach the chess table!”
“ Oh come on! Who cares if he didn't use the cake? We can still make this a great party with a bit of smustling!”
Let the smustling begin!  “ I know how to make this party a lot more fun! It will be even better than smustling!”
“ WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?!” “ HA HA!”  “ You'll pay for this Opera, you and your wacky family!”
The party was enjoyed by all, well almost all. You can't please everyone. “ What are you lookin' at punk? Buzz off.” Yikes!
Orange is quite the screamer. She knows exactly how to get her family to come running. Though whenever I bring the camera over to Orange she starts being really innocent.
“ Orange is a gwood girl. La de dum la la...”
Thankfully there was now another sim in the house that could help look after Orange. Especially since the two adults in the family had only one thing on their minds.
“ Woohoo...” “ Did you say something dad?” “ Oh! No, no. Just mumbling to myself aha.”
“ Now that Bang is old enough to help with Orange we can have more alone time...” “ I like the way you think Mrs Carr, shall we continue this conversation in the bedroom?”
Opera actually gets on quite well with her sister, she really shows her caring side around Orange. “ Opera, you are the most beautif-” Opera said in a mans voice before stopping and turning to her sister. “Orange! Don't put it in your mouth!” “ But it's ywummy.”
Orange loves to dance. She always crawls over to the stereo to dance, it's so cute!
It was soon time for Orange to grow up. A small party was thrown to celebrate. Being a bad apple Orange of course did not want to use the cake and just grew up where she was.
“ Woo! I'm going to be a pain in your bum and there's nothing you can do about it! Free will baby, I think I might go have some chips.”
Orange had a small party with all the regulars though I don't have any pictures of it for some reason. Gnome was of course stolen during the party but thankfully Joe saved the day.
He arrived home to find someone else in his bed. “ Orange! Argh, I'm tired!” I'm sorry Joe... but there is only one alternative.
“ Stupid pink, princess bed. So uncomfy and small.”
The next day winter came. Orange was fascinated with the snow, thankfully she only watched it from the window. I don't need a frozen bad apple.
Bang being an over-achiever and fortune sim started work as soon as possible. He got a job in the law career path though he really wanted science.
With all three of their children over the age of toddlers Joe and Polly were now able to do what they really wanted. I just leave them to do what they want a lot, it's actually quite sweet. Though not for the children of course... “ Ugh... Orange no like.”
“ Not again.” Opera sighs. “Mum! Cover up! You're lucky I don't have any friends round.”
Opera is a very good student and always does her homework straight away.
Orange of course needs a bit of a push to do hers.  “ But mum... Orange is playing chess.” “ Orange you can play chess after your homework, come on now.” “ I'm the bad apple! Can't Opera do it?”
“ Ughh mum! You've sucked all the fun out of me! No one cool at school does homework.”
“ Orange likes you better than stupid mummy.” “ Orange don't be rude about your mother, she's just doing what's best for you. Come here you little monkey!” “ Hehehe daddy.”
“ Why can't you do Orange's homework Opera?!” “ Do it yourself! Ugh... Orange you better go have a shower before school tomorrow.”
“ Mm.. this grilled cheese sure is good. Hey Orange, isn't that the schoolbus outside?” “ Probably, it is time for school after all. Well Orange is going to have a nap, night mum!”
Orange at least had a shower, about time too.
Of course Orange broke the shower. I'd like to point out that it's past midday and the toilet is also broken. Bang is going to go nuts when he gets in here.
Bang isn't having much fun. With work, school and homework he just doesn't have the time.
“ Hey guess who got an excellent report card today?” “ Not now Opera...” What are you two? Romance sims in disguise?!
“ Hey! You cheated!” “ Did not! Orange why weren't you at school today?” “ School is for losers. Orange is no loser.”
“ Orange I'm going to stand here until you do your homework and you will not be missing the bus tomorrow!” “ Heh heh.” “ Shut up Opera!”
“ Orange it's getting quite late, shouldn't you go to bed now?” “ Don't you start daddy! Orange will go to bed when Orange wants to.”
It's time for Opera's birthday!  Come on you two, can't you stop it for 5 minutes?! “ Mmph!”
The guests arrived eager to party. One in particular took a shine to Polly...
I wonder why.
“ NOM NOM NOM NOM.” “ Can I talk to you after you have stolen Gnome?”
“ Did you see the snow a few days ago?” Doh! You were meant to distract him with pointless talk so he wouldn't  take Gnome!
“ Hey pottyface. What you doing here?” “ It's your birthday silly.” I wouldn't be mean to her if I was you Opera.
“ Oh very clever, take your mum!” “ What did you just call me Opera?” Her voice got louder as she said it so her mother could hear. “ Shut your mouth.” Opera whispered quickly not wanting to be in trouble on her special day.
“ Come on everyone! Gather around me, it's my birthday!”
“ I'm so bored of these parties.”
The guests cheered Opera on as she became a teen.  On a side note does Joe ever change out of those pjamas?
“ Finally! Look out boys, here I come.” She is looking for boys to marry and have children with as Opera rolled family. Her LTW is to raise 20 puppies or kittens. She is turned on by hard work and underwear, turned off by creativeness. It's going to be fun finding her a date.
Now that the aging is over and done with it's time for some dancing. It just wouldn't be a Carr party if there wasn't some inappropriate dancing.  “ Um... You are little bit close. My husband is right over there... Joe... Joe!”
Orange of course spent the entire party in her bed. “ Orange is sleeping, goodbye.”
The party carried on into the night with random bursts of smustling going on.
“ I saw this really nice necklace I want to get. We should go shopping together sometime.” “ Yeah we should! This was a great party Opera.” “ I know than- What you staring at Bang?”
“ Bang, I didn't see you there.” “ Yeah neither did I   brother . Why don't you head inside now it's getting cold.” “ Melissa. You've grown up well.. I mean.” Bang's face turned red.  “ Thanks, you have too.” Melissa's face also flushed red “ Right well... I guess I'll head inside then. Don't be too long Melissa.”
Melissa was no longer the young girl that had wished Bang a happy birthday. She was older now and Bang suddenly felt butterflys in his stomach when talking to her.  “ Bang, would you like to dance with me?” “ I...I'd love to.”
“ Bang wasn't the best of dancers. He started off stiff but soon got into it. Melissa just giggled. She thought his dancing was quite sweet.
Meanwhile inside the party carried on in the bathroom.
The party was a good time and finished with Orange sneaking out to steal back Gnome.
“ Ow! Gerr'off Opera. What do you think you're doing?!” “ What did you think you were doing last night! You can't  flirt with my mate Bang.” “ Ouch, get off me!”
“ What the heck was that for?” “ I saw you flirting with her Bang! Don't you dare do it again!” “ So what if I did?” “ It's weird! You are my older brother. Just stay away Bang.”
“ Guys! Stop arguing. Orange would like to show you something.” Orange waited with her arms raised. “ ORANGE SAID LOOK OVER HERE NOW.”
“ Orange can do a hand stand!” “ Woo! Well done Orange.” She is quite good at breaking up the arguments in the family.
Orange gets on really well with Bang. Ever since she was a little toddler Bang always made time for his younger sister.
“ Maybe I'll find a nice guy when I'm out. Who knows where that could lead to...” “ Where are you going?” “ I'm going out. Melissa is coming over so we can walk to the shop together, you better not try anything funny Bang. Infact you can stay in your room whilst she is here.”
“ Get out, I need to get ready.”  “ Just give me a second.” “ For what? Why do you need to gussy up – Bang! You better not try anything funny. I'll tell mum!” “ You can't stop me talking to people Opera!”
“ Yes I can! Get out. I don't have much time!” Opera snapped. “ Fine. I don't see what your problem is though.” “ You are not going to go steady with my best friend!” “ Ha! I know what it is, you're jealous.” “ Yuck! Why would I be jealous of you?”
“ You are jealous cause you want a boyfriend. It would be so unfair if your best friend had a boyfriend before you. Or worse, if your brother had a girlfriend before you.” “ Ugh! Get out Bang. You are so annoying at times!”
The doorbell rang as Opera was getting ready and Bang hurried outside. “ Bang! How nice to see you. I mean, is your sister here? We are meant to be going out.” “ She's just in the toilet... might be a while. We can hang out for a bit if you like?”
“ Well I'm all ready now! We better get going Michelle.” “ I guess I'll see you later then Bang.” “ Bye Michelle, it was nice to see you again.” “ Ugh...”
“ Melissa... you know my brother. You don't fancy him or anything do you?” “ Oh. Um... well he is very nice and pretty cute but I mean no of course not. Ew, it's your brother haha.” “ Haha of course not, it was silly of me to ask.”
“ This new store has such nice clothes! Come and look at this Melissa.” “ Opera... If one of your friends did like your brother, would you be mad?” “ Well... I... it's a bit weird isn't it. I mean he is my older brother.” “ Oh yeah, you're right I guess.”
Nothing more was said on the subject as Opera paid for the new clothes she had bought. She had been hoping to meet some potential spouses whilst shopping but unfortunately the shop assistant was the only male teen there.
“ Hey mum, I'm going to go try on my new clothes. Make yourself at home Michelle.” Opera eyes turned to Bang and she gave him a false smile.  “ Hello Bang. Why don't you go help mum with the supper?” “ It's only taking a few grilled cheese out of the fridge darling. Don't you worry about it Bang.”
Bang headed for his bedroom when he heard his name called. “ Bang? Do you want to play with me? I don't know how long your sister will be.”
Outside Joe was having problems with Orange.  “ Orange it's getting late and you still have homework that needs done before you go back to school.” “ Orange is dancing!” “ I'll turn off the music Orange!” He turned off the music and she carried on dancing.
With nothing else to do that night the three teens headed outside for a water fight. It was going to be just Melissa and Opera until Orange suggested that they all went outside for a water fight. Opera didn't mind, it gave her a chance to soak Bang anyway.
“ I'm so going to get you back for that Bang!” “ Ha! With your lousy aim?”
Orange soon joined them outside and it was then girls against boys. “ This is a little unfair!” “ Look who's laughing now Bang Bang.”
The water balloon fight was a lot of fun but it was getting late, especially for Orange. “ Orange it's time to go in.” Opera called “Hurry up, I need the toilet!”
Melissa was heading inside after them when Bang called her back. “ Melissa wait! I.. I wanted to ask you something.” “ What Bang?” She looked away so he couldn't see her blush. She couldn't do anything. He was her best friend's brother. “ I like you a lot Michelle.”
Michelle blushed more than ever and quickly turned away to walk inside. What was she thinking? Opera had basically told her she didn't want her friend dating her brother. It was stupid of her to let him kiss her – yet also wonderful.
“ Hey! I thought you had gotten lost. I was soaking after that water balloon fight. Are you all right Melissa?” “ I'm fine, just a little cold. I better get home. It's dark.” “ Well alright, goodnight.”
“ Bang and Melissa in a tree. K-I-S-S...” “ Orange! How did yo- no I mean we didn-” “ You did so! Orange knew you fancied her. Orange saw the way you looked at her. Orange wonders why you don't just ask her out?” “ It's complicated.” “ No it's not! Man up. Tell Opera you like her and you are going to ask her on a date whether she likes it or not. Opera is not that mean, she'll come around.
“ I just wanted to let you know that I am going to ask Melissa on a date soon, with or without your permission.” “ Bang! I told you I don't wan-” “ Opera I really like Melissa. I think she likes me too. You know I'm not a jerk. Why are you being so funny about this?” “ Cause you're my older brother and she is my friend. It will make it weird! If this is what you really want though... I guess I'll just have to put up with it.”
“ Thank you Opera. I'm not doing this to hurt you. I'm sure you will find someone very soon. Any guy would be mad not to fall for you.” “ Shut up Bang... but thanks anyway.” “ It's okay.” Bang said as he pulled her into a noogie. “And this is for the noogie you gave me before!” “ Bang! Ow, get off me! What has gotten into you?”
“ Thank you Orange.” I'm afraid it's time to say my goodbyes because it is now the end of the chapter. Next time there will be three teens in the house and one of them a bad apple. Oh dear! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! :)‏

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UNIVERSAL HUMAN VALUES- Harmony in the Nature

I can't think of a title: An OWBC [Chapter 3]

  • 1. “ Someone better get Orange out of this chair before Orange punches something!” Welcome back to my OWBC! This chapter I find out my bad apple isn't as innocent she pretends to be and there is a lot of parties. Let the gnome-napping begin!
  • 3. “ Ohh... hewo camera. Orange just giving tweddy a big hug.”
  • 4. Bang's birthday was fast approaching. “ It's not fair!” “ What isn't? I'm not cheating Opera!” “ Not chess, it's your birthday soon! I hate being the middle child. Can't you wait until I'm ready to be a teen too?”
  • 5. “ Hi Opera, thanks for inviting me to your brothers party!” “ Sean! I'm really glad you could make it.” Opera blushes and carries on talking. “He said he only wanted a few people but what kind of party is that?!”
  • 6. “ Yuck, what are you doing here frogface?” “ I heard you talking to Sean at school about your brothers party so I decided to come. Where is he? I want to go make fun of his name again before he gets too big to care.”
  • 7. “ Goopy, why do we always agree to come to these kid's parties?” “ Woah! You drive like a crazy person. Um... for the food?” “ They only have grilled cheese...” “ Beats me then. WATCH OUT FOR THAT OLD WOMAN!”
  • 8. “ I wish I was growing up today. What do you want to do when you grow up Sean?” “ Hmm... when I'm older I want to fly planes! They are so cool. What do you want to do?” “ When I grow up I want us to get married and have babies and live in a nice house and maybe have some pupp-” “ Um... cool. I'm going to play games now...”
  • 9. “ Hey Melissa! Thanks for coming. Welcome to my brothers party. “ Oh could you tell me where he is? I'd like to say happy birthday.” “ He is probably off doing homework or playing chess. Something boring anyway... DORK Melissa wants to talk to you.”
  • 10. “ Hey Bang. I'm your sisters friend, she invited me around today so I just wanted to come say happy birthday! It would be rude for me not to right?” “ Oh.. hi. I've seen you around school sometimes. Thanks.” “ Right... well I'll see you around sometime then, it's my birthday soon to!”
  • 11. Oh not again. I always lose track of time at parties. Also with the base game bonus I'm constantly keeping an eye on the gnome during parties, not that it makes a difference...
  • 12. “ Get your dirty paws off me boy! I'll call your mother.” “ Better make sure the coast is clear before I steal you, don't want a group of people shaking their fists angrily at me.”
  • 13. “ Butthead.” “ Now I can finally reach the chess table!”
  • 14. “ Oh come on! Who cares if he didn't use the cake? We can still make this a great party with a bit of smustling!”
  • 15. Let the smustling begin! “ I know how to make this party a lot more fun! It will be even better than smustling!”
  • 17. “ WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?!” “ HA HA!” “ You'll pay for this Opera, you and your wacky family!”
  • 18. The party was enjoyed by all, well almost all. You can't please everyone. “ What are you lookin' at punk? Buzz off.” Yikes!
  • 19. Orange is quite the screamer. She knows exactly how to get her family to come running. Though whenever I bring the camera over to Orange she starts being really innocent.
  • 20. “ Orange is a gwood girl. La de dum la la...”
  • 21. Thankfully there was now another sim in the house that could help look after Orange. Especially since the two adults in the family had only one thing on their minds.
  • 22. “ Woohoo...” “ Did you say something dad?” “ Oh! No, no. Just mumbling to myself aha.”
  • 23. “ Now that Bang is old enough to help with Orange we can have more alone time...” “ I like the way you think Mrs Carr, shall we continue this conversation in the bedroom?”
  • 24. Opera actually gets on quite well with her sister, she really shows her caring side around Orange. “ Opera, you are the most beautif-” Opera said in a mans voice before stopping and turning to her sister. “Orange! Don't put it in your mouth!” “ But it's ywummy.”
  • 25. Orange loves to dance. She always crawls over to the stereo to dance, it's so cute!
  • 26. It was soon time for Orange to grow up. A small party was thrown to celebrate. Being a bad apple Orange of course did not want to use the cake and just grew up where she was.
  • 27. “ Woo! I'm going to be a pain in your bum and there's nothing you can do about it! Free will baby, I think I might go have some chips.”
  • 28. Orange had a small party with all the regulars though I don't have any pictures of it for some reason. Gnome was of course stolen during the party but thankfully Joe saved the day.
  • 29. He arrived home to find someone else in his bed. “ Orange! Argh, I'm tired!” I'm sorry Joe... but there is only one alternative.
  • 30. “ Stupid pink, princess bed. So uncomfy and small.”
  • 31. The next day winter came. Orange was fascinated with the snow, thankfully she only watched it from the window. I don't need a frozen bad apple.
  • 32. Bang being an over-achiever and fortune sim started work as soon as possible. He got a job in the law career path though he really wanted science.
  • 33. With all three of their children over the age of toddlers Joe and Polly were now able to do what they really wanted. I just leave them to do what they want a lot, it's actually quite sweet. Though not for the children of course... “ Ugh... Orange no like.”
  • 34. “ Not again.” Opera sighs. “Mum! Cover up! You're lucky I don't have any friends round.”
  • 35. Opera is a very good student and always does her homework straight away.
  • 36. Orange of course needs a bit of a push to do hers. “ But mum... Orange is playing chess.” “ Orange you can play chess after your homework, come on now.” “ I'm the bad apple! Can't Opera do it?”
  • 37. “ Ughh mum! You've sucked all the fun out of me! No one cool at school does homework.”
  • 38. “ Orange likes you better than stupid mummy.” “ Orange don't be rude about your mother, she's just doing what's best for you. Come here you little monkey!” “ Hehehe daddy.”
  • 39. “ Why can't you do Orange's homework Opera?!” “ Do it yourself! Ugh... Orange you better go have a shower before school tomorrow.”
  • 40. “ Mm.. this grilled cheese sure is good. Hey Orange, isn't that the schoolbus outside?” “ Probably, it is time for school after all. Well Orange is going to have a nap, night mum!”
  • 41.  
  • 42. Orange at least had a shower, about time too.
  • 43. Of course Orange broke the shower. I'd like to point out that it's past midday and the toilet is also broken. Bang is going to go nuts when he gets in here.
  • 44. Bang isn't having much fun. With work, school and homework he just doesn't have the time.
  • 45. “ Hey guess who got an excellent report card today?” “ Not now Opera...” What are you two? Romance sims in disguise?!
  • 46. “ Hey! You cheated!” “ Did not! Orange why weren't you at school today?” “ School is for losers. Orange is no loser.”
  • 47. “ Orange I'm going to stand here until you do your homework and you will not be missing the bus tomorrow!” “ Heh heh.” “ Shut up Opera!”
  • 48. “ Orange it's getting quite late, shouldn't you go to bed now?” “ Don't you start daddy! Orange will go to bed when Orange wants to.”
  • 49. It's time for Opera's birthday! Come on you two, can't you stop it for 5 minutes?! “ Mmph!”
  • 50. The guests arrived eager to party. One in particular took a shine to Polly...
  • 52. “ NOM NOM NOM NOM.” “ Can I talk to you after you have stolen Gnome?”
  • 53. “ Did you see the snow a few days ago?” Doh! You were meant to distract him with pointless talk so he wouldn't take Gnome!
  • 54. “ Hey pottyface. What you doing here?” “ It's your birthday silly.” I wouldn't be mean to her if I was you Opera.
  • 55. “ Oh very clever, take your mum!” “ What did you just call me Opera?” Her voice got louder as she said it so her mother could hear. “ Shut your mouth.” Opera whispered quickly not wanting to be in trouble on her special day.
  • 56. “ Come on everyone! Gather around me, it's my birthday!”
  • 57. “ I'm so bored of these parties.”
  • 58. The guests cheered Opera on as she became a teen. On a side note does Joe ever change out of those pjamas?
  • 59. “ Finally! Look out boys, here I come.” She is looking for boys to marry and have children with as Opera rolled family. Her LTW is to raise 20 puppies or kittens. She is turned on by hard work and underwear, turned off by creativeness. It's going to be fun finding her a date.
  • 60. Now that the aging is over and done with it's time for some dancing. It just wouldn't be a Carr party if there wasn't some inappropriate dancing. “ Um... You are little bit close. My husband is right over there... Joe... Joe!”
  • 61. Orange of course spent the entire party in her bed. “ Orange is sleeping, goodbye.”
  • 62. The party carried on into the night with random bursts of smustling going on.
  • 63. “ I saw this really nice necklace I want to get. We should go shopping together sometime.” “ Yeah we should! This was a great party Opera.” “ I know than- What you staring at Bang?”
  • 64. “ Bang, I didn't see you there.” “ Yeah neither did I brother . Why don't you head inside now it's getting cold.” “ Melissa. You've grown up well.. I mean.” Bang's face turned red. “ Thanks, you have too.” Melissa's face also flushed red “ Right well... I guess I'll head inside then. Don't be too long Melissa.”
  • 65. Melissa was no longer the young girl that had wished Bang a happy birthday. She was older now and Bang suddenly felt butterflys in his stomach when talking to her. “ Bang, would you like to dance with me?” “ I...I'd love to.”
  • 66. “ Bang wasn't the best of dancers. He started off stiff but soon got into it. Melissa just giggled. She thought his dancing was quite sweet.
  • 67. Meanwhile inside the party carried on in the bathroom.
  • 68. The party was a good time and finished with Orange sneaking out to steal back Gnome.
  • 69. “ Ow! Gerr'off Opera. What do you think you're doing?!” “ What did you think you were doing last night! You can't flirt with my mate Bang.” “ Ouch, get off me!”
  • 70. “ What the heck was that for?” “ I saw you flirting with her Bang! Don't you dare do it again!” “ So what if I did?” “ It's weird! You are my older brother. Just stay away Bang.”
  • 71. “ Guys! Stop arguing. Orange would like to show you something.” Orange waited with her arms raised. “ ORANGE SAID LOOK OVER HERE NOW.”
  • 72. “ Orange can do a hand stand!” “ Woo! Well done Orange.” She is quite good at breaking up the arguments in the family.
  • 73. Orange gets on really well with Bang. Ever since she was a little toddler Bang always made time for his younger sister.
  • 74. “ Maybe I'll find a nice guy when I'm out. Who knows where that could lead to...” “ Where are you going?” “ I'm going out. Melissa is coming over so we can walk to the shop together, you better not try anything funny Bang. Infact you can stay in your room whilst she is here.”
  • 75. “ Get out, I need to get ready.” “ Just give me a second.” “ For what? Why do you need to gussy up – Bang! You better not try anything funny. I'll tell mum!” “ You can't stop me talking to people Opera!”
  • 76. “ Yes I can! Get out. I don't have much time!” Opera snapped. “ Fine. I don't see what your problem is though.” “ You are not going to go steady with my best friend!” “ Ha! I know what it is, you're jealous.” “ Yuck! Why would I be jealous of you?”
  • 77. “ You are jealous cause you want a boyfriend. It would be so unfair if your best friend had a boyfriend before you. Or worse, if your brother had a girlfriend before you.” “ Ugh! Get out Bang. You are so annoying at times!”
  • 78. The doorbell rang as Opera was getting ready and Bang hurried outside. “ Bang! How nice to see you. I mean, is your sister here? We are meant to be going out.” “ She's just in the toilet... might be a while. We can hang out for a bit if you like?”
  • 79. “ Well I'm all ready now! We better get going Michelle.” “ I guess I'll see you later then Bang.” “ Bye Michelle, it was nice to see you again.” “ Ugh...”
  • 80. “ Melissa... you know my brother. You don't fancy him or anything do you?” “ Oh. Um... well he is very nice and pretty cute but I mean no of course not. Ew, it's your brother haha.” “ Haha of course not, it was silly of me to ask.”
  • 81. “ This new store has such nice clothes! Come and look at this Melissa.” “ Opera... If one of your friends did like your brother, would you be mad?” “ Well... I... it's a bit weird isn't it. I mean he is my older brother.” “ Oh yeah, you're right I guess.”
  • 82. Nothing more was said on the subject as Opera paid for the new clothes she had bought. She had been hoping to meet some potential spouses whilst shopping but unfortunately the shop assistant was the only male teen there.
  • 83. “ Hey mum, I'm going to go try on my new clothes. Make yourself at home Michelle.” Opera eyes turned to Bang and she gave him a false smile. “ Hello Bang. Why don't you go help mum with the supper?” “ It's only taking a few grilled cheese out of the fridge darling. Don't you worry about it Bang.”
  • 84. Bang headed for his bedroom when he heard his name called. “ Bang? Do you want to play with me? I don't know how long your sister will be.”
  • 85. Outside Joe was having problems with Orange. “ Orange it's getting late and you still have homework that needs done before you go back to school.” “ Orange is dancing!” “ I'll turn off the music Orange!” He turned off the music and she carried on dancing.
  • 86. With nothing else to do that night the three teens headed outside for a water fight. It was going to be just Melissa and Opera until Orange suggested that they all went outside for a water fight. Opera didn't mind, it gave her a chance to soak Bang anyway.
  • 87. “ I'm so going to get you back for that Bang!” “ Ha! With your lousy aim?”
  • 88. Orange soon joined them outside and it was then girls against boys. “ This is a little unfair!” “ Look who's laughing now Bang Bang.”
  • 89. The water balloon fight was a lot of fun but it was getting late, especially for Orange. “ Orange it's time to go in.” Opera called “Hurry up, I need the toilet!”
  • 90. Melissa was heading inside after them when Bang called her back. “ Melissa wait! I.. I wanted to ask you something.” “ What Bang?” She looked away so he couldn't see her blush. She couldn't do anything. He was her best friend's brother. “ I like you a lot Michelle.”
  • 91.  
  • 92. Michelle blushed more than ever and quickly turned away to walk inside. What was she thinking? Opera had basically told her she didn't want her friend dating her brother. It was stupid of her to let him kiss her – yet also wonderful.
  • 93. “ Hey! I thought you had gotten lost. I was soaking after that water balloon fight. Are you all right Melissa?” “ I'm fine, just a little cold. I better get home. It's dark.” “ Well alright, goodnight.”
  • 94. “ Bang and Melissa in a tree. K-I-S-S...” “ Orange! How did yo- no I mean we didn-” “ You did so! Orange knew you fancied her. Orange saw the way you looked at her. Orange wonders why you don't just ask her out?” “ It's complicated.” “ No it's not! Man up. Tell Opera you like her and you are going to ask her on a date whether she likes it or not. Opera is not that mean, she'll come around.
  • 95. “ I just wanted to let you know that I am going to ask Melissa on a date soon, with or without your permission.” “ Bang! I told you I don't wan-” “ Opera I really like Melissa. I think she likes me too. You know I'm not a jerk. Why are you being so funny about this?” “ Cause you're my older brother and she is my friend. It will make it weird! If this is what you really want though... I guess I'll just have to put up with it.”
  • 96. “ Thank you Opera. I'm not doing this to hurt you. I'm sure you will find someone very soon. Any guy would be mad not to fall for you.” “ Shut up Bang... but thanks anyway.” “ It's okay.” Bang said as he pulled her into a noogie. “And this is for the noogie you gave me before!” “ Bang! Ow, get off me! What has gotten into you?”
  • 97. “ Thank you Orange.” I'm afraid it's time to say my goodbyes because it is now the end of the chapter. Next time there will be three teens in the house and one of them a bad apple. Oh dear! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! :)‏