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So it’s been a while since I updated.   I could go into why, but really do you care?    A lot of this was taken months ago so I don’t really know what happened at the time or what I was thinking.  But since this is a random and non-plotty I figured it didn’t matter.    Last time, we’d left off with the triplets aging up to teen and Babylon 5 dying.    So let’s get on with the boring Boreds.  Fair warning, there is some pretty suggestive stuff in here.  I don’t know where my mind went, but I blame it on a few random CSI episodes with Lady Heather and seeing Blazing Saddles again.
As with every major event, the ghosts are out in full force, namely my two troublemakers Eva and Fantasy.
And they managed to do a double team and made both Willow and Prof. River pee themselves.    “My husband’s hot when I’m emptying my bladder on my shoes.” “That is so very disturbing on so many levels.” “Tell me about it.”
“I think I need to get clean now.”
“Me too.”
“Me three.  Dammit, it’s in use.  Well, I’ll just have to wait.  It isn’t as if there aren’t 4 other open bathrooms around here.”
Meanwhile, someone decided to scare Vash, while he was swimming.   I did not know that ghosts could do that and I wonder who it was…
And then I saw Fantasy in her bathing suit and knew who the culprit was.   Oh Fantasy, always trying to make people as miserable as possible. “It’s a gift!”
The night of neverending pee ended and it was time for the well to be put to good use getting Charlene her Lifetime want.
“It’s raining.” “Why do we always have to talk about the weather?  It’s SOOO boring.” “Because we live at the bottom of a well.  What else are we going to talk about?”
Charlene also pulled this person out of the well for a friend drop.  Although she made pretty clear that she liked him much more than as just a friend. For those of you who are looking at him and going ‘He looks familiar’ he should.  He’s Guld Alioto, Anime’s son so he’s a cousin, but one really fracking far removed.
So Charlene made it damn clear that nebulous family relations be damned she was going to have Guld.  Not that he seemed to mind.
“Look, I like you, Guld.” “I kind a got that idea.” “And since there is no chance of me being heir I don’t see why we can’t be together.” “Okay.  But we’re still teens, so we have time to change our minds, right?” “Oh silly Guld, you’ve got so much to learn about women.” “Like what?” “You’ll see.” “Okay… by the way, what’s your sister doing?” “She’s a pleasure sim, I never know what they’re doing.”
“I don’t know what I’m doing either, but I do know it is all about fun!”
A few hours later and our heir and spare return home for a dual family sim promotion.  And Charlene?  Well she and Guld are still going at it.
And we have love sign, at least on Guld’s end.  Although I’ve never known a sim to fall in love from a noogie before.  Either he’s into BDSM or he’s really getting off on feeling up Charlene’s thigh.  Probably the latter, he is a heterosexual guy.
While Charlene was dominating her future slave/husband into submission, Penelope here got to work on her impossible lifetime want of 50 first dates.
She went from one Tricou teen to another not that anyone seemed to mind.
And she used the “I heard your fun to be with” calls to get her more contacts for more dates.
That looks a little awkward.   Poor Vash, having to hold on for dear life while his husband simultaneously impales Vash while breaking his own wrist.
“Penelope, you’ve got mail!” “Just put it on the counter with the rest of the date gifts, I’m too busy puddle jumping.”
Deciding that dating teen males wasn’t good enough, Penelope proves our heiress is equal opportunity and goes after a wish for friends well drop of girls.
“So, let me get this straight, you’re just using the well and the people from it to get your want?” “Yep.  Is that a problem?” “Not really.  Just wanted to make sure I was clear.” “Cool.  So date?” “Why not?”
Eventually things got a little crowded at the front door. “Who you here for?” “Charlene.  You?” “Penelope.  I heard she likes brightly colored things.” “Ah.  Hoping that the flowers will distract from your monochrome thing going on?” “Yeah.” “Good luck with that.”
“Here are all of your date gifts that you got last night.” “Only three?  Slackers.” “Teenagers.”
And with a gold restocking badge, Willow has learned all of her badge making skills and another point.   Go her.   Which means I can move on to other things.
“Hello Admissions office?   Three to enroll please?  What do you mean we all have to individually apply?  How annoying.”
Charlene was next to apply.
Followed by our heiress, Penelope.    “Bye-bye, baby.  Keep away from the drama professors!”
Thus begins my least favorite part of the sims games, University.    “Our outfits suck.” “At least we’re not in a pre-showbiz apoc.” “True.”
A quick trip downtown and everyone was more appropriately attired.   “Do you mind?  I’d like to reacquaint myself with my boyfriend.”
“Hello slave, have you missed me?” “Every second I was away from you.”
“That’s the perfect answer, my pet.  I shall have to reward you.” “Hot wax?” “Only if you’re very good.” “Yay.”
“Hi girls, I’m Christina and you’ll need to get on my good side so you can move to your new home.” “Oh my, Christina’s hot!”
“She sure is…” “You’re in.” “I’m in where?” “Where ever you want.”
Whoa, stop the presses… We have pink eye alert…   If I can manage to get Penelope’s turn ons to match this guy (brown hair and Facial hair) and make sure they don’t meet, I might get him from the well… That would be awesome! Too bad he’s gay though.
Anyway, moving on.   All four of the kids I sent to college got in with flying colors.   Which meant it was time to get started on a few things…
Like the obligatory Wish for Romance.   “I want someone nice and subservient who knows his place in the world.”
“Meh.  Not interested.   Too overused.” “But I’m handsome!” “Definitely not subservient, I think I’ll stick with my pet.”
“You know you’re mine, right, Guld?” “I always was.” “Good answer.  Let’s christen the new Love Tub.” “With pleasure.  Then when we are done, I will steal back our gnome that the man who was unworthy of your love stole.” “You’re such a good pet.”
“That townie will pay for even thinking he could steal my Dom from me.”
“Mistress, I have returned and brought back your sacred gnome.” “That’s my good pet.” “There is something I must beg you.”
“Will you do me the honor of permitting me to be your pet for all eternity?” “Is that a diamond encrusted collar with a tag reading ‘property of Charlene’ on it?” “It is.  I promise to wear it with pride.”
“Oh pet, I told you you’d see.  I told you that we’d be together forever when we were teens.” “I should have never questioned you.” “No, you shouldn’t have.  But it’s okay.  I forgive you.   Let’s go see if I have any hot wax upstairs.” “Yay.”
Charlene wasn’t the only one exploring their sexuality.  Penelope got her first woohoo from Christina.
While Olivia got her first kiss from the placeholder.
It reminded me a lot of the Pass The Allyson game back with Gen 5.
Then it was Penelope’s turn at the well.    Drop the pink eyed dormie.  Drop the pink eyed dormie.
Oh my… Not who I was expecting.    Meet Booth O’Mackey son of Bones and Alexandra O’Mackey.  You might remember them from Generation 2…   So yeah.  Playable and technically family.
Not that Penelope sees anything wrong with that… “I like your colors.   The green skin especially.  I have a thing for green.” “Good.  I have a thing for you.” “Come here!”
Sigh… Time to work on Plan B since it looks like Penelope will not be getting married this time around. “A block of metal is your plan?” Hush.
I sent Olivia to the well the next morning.  This is Plan C.  She’s got an alien skin recessive along with the pink eyes.   So if she gets a good well drop we might have a change in heirs.
Unfortunately Chester Gieke is not much better.
Still, Olivia seems to like him. “He’s perfect.  A knowledge sim with recessives, what more can a woman want?” I’d like not a playable.
But Olivia’s mind was made up and she got down on one knee to propose.  “Marry me, Chester, and we’ll make beautiful genetic experiments together.” “Of course, I will.”
“So I was thinking of running away and leave Olivia in charge of the legacy.” “Sorry, Penny, I have other plans.” “Rats.”
So with that inappropriate well drop, Penelope was confirmed as heiress and I was faced with a dilemma.  I can’t marry in Booth to the family and Penelope has a big giant want to get engaged to him.   I have to admit I kind of like the thought of getting I.M.’s skin back into the gene pool though.
Decisions, decisions… So while I am pondering what to do, Penelope set to work writing the obligatory novel.
Which was a best seller.   I guess a story about a having to choose between two hot unique men is really popular with a certain kind of reader.  Who knew?
I decided that I would give the well another try…
With even worse results… Sigh…  That didn’t help.
“Look, lady, I am looking for a man or woman I can use as aspiration fodder and I would prefer someone legal.” “Money up front.” “Here’s a simolean what does that get me?”
Apparently it gets you nifty Eye man… He’s got yellow eyes.   I’ve got a thing for odd eye colors.
And on and on went the dates.   While the old one wandered off to the bubble blower, the new one would say hello.
And because of it, the mailman was kept very, very busy.
As was the well…
ARGHHH!!!!  Why couldn’t you have been the first drop!  Why?!!!
“Why!!!” “Because it’s funny.” “But think of the children!” “I am.  The kids think it’s funny too.”
“Not again!!!” “You didn’t take the hint the first time, perv.  This is what we call a serial offender.” “I promise to go away and never return, just don’t shoot me again.” “Too late.”
“You did a good job last time.  So let’s see what five thousand gets me.”
“I want my money back.” “Nice dress wanna-” “Don’t even think about finishing that, kid.  I’ve got a sister who’d kick my ass if I even looked at you funny.” “Your loss.”
Through all of the dates and mascot abuse, somehow Booth became a fixture at the house, and despite his Romance Sim aspiration, he didn’t seem happy with how things were progressing.
He couldn’t stop thinking about Penelope, even rolling a want Romance sims generally don’t roll.
“Penelope, I love you.” “And I love you, but we both knew that.  What’s wrong with you?” “Nothing.  I just don’t like being away from you.”
“Oh Booth, I don’t like being away from you either.  But…” “But what?” “It’s nothing.” “Tell me.”
“I can’t sing.” “Nice try, Penny.  But that’s not going to distract me.” “Anyway you want it, that’s the way you need it, anyway you want it.”
“ARGHHH!!!  Just tell him already!” “Sorry, Olivia.” “So are you going to tell me?” “I’m a legacy heiress.” “And?” “You’re a playable and technically my cousin.” “And?” “This isn’t going to work.”
“Oh Penelope, take my hand and we’ll make it I swear.” “Nice use of song lyrics.  I suppose you won’t give her up or let her down or run around and desert her.” “Never.” “Can you go outside for a sec.  I need to talk to my sister.” “Okay.”
“Penelope, don’t let him go.  He might be a playable, but nothing says you can’t be together once you have a baby.” “But wouldn’t I be abandoning the child?” “Not if you waited until the kid was old enough to take care of themselves.” “So you’re saying I should go for Booth?” “I’m saying you should go for your happiness.” “Thanks.  I don’t suppose you want to be heir.” “Oh hell no.   Now go invite your man to move in so we can get out of this plot jungle.” “Okay.”
Which is what she did.   Booth moved in with a large smile on his face.
His heart was greatly lightened and the aspiration points started flying.
“So, Olivia told me to hang on to you.” “And what did you say?” “I said that if I could I’d hang on to you for the rest of my life.” “Is that a marriage proposal?” “Do you want it to be?” “Yeah, I think I do.” “Booth O’Mackey will you marry me?”
“Is there something you want to tell me?” “It’s the coding. The 5000 aspiration bonus I got should say more than that.” “Okay.”
“Wake me up when the next part is over and I can use the well again.”
With the random dramatic plot out of the way, it was time to get back to dating. “I want someone who won’t mind me running through their life.”
“A little too literal.”
“Love the mohawk.  Way to keep yourself young at heart.”
“How many of these things are there?” “About 20.” “How many more are there going to be?” “Only three.”
“Would you two get a room?”
“Vo Gerbits!  Only three more dates to go!”
“Look this the last one.  I’d like a guy who I won’t kiss and tell.” “How much are you going to pay?” “$5000?” “Not a problem.  You don’t have a problem with gay guys do you?” “No…” “Oh.  Good.”
“I feel remarkably fulfilled.” I feel remarkably fatigued.  I am NEVER doing that lifetime want again.  It is a freaking pain and is even worse that 50 dream dates.
“I can has friends now?” You can has.
And with number 20 out of the way, Charlene was also permaplat.
And then she was set to work Mining for money for her new start in life.
Then it was Guld’s turn at the well.
And then he was soon permaplat.  Three permaplatsims down Olivia and Booth both want to be Mad Scientists so now I can pretty much ignore everyone.
Except with a no 20K handouts hack, a little mining was in order.
Even if they didn’t like it.
Penelope, on the other hand, got to work on obtaining her supernatural for the generation.
I’ll initialize them when I get back to the main house.  I have plans.   Lots of plans.
“So I heard you’re engaged to my son.” “I am.” “How is that going to work out?”
“Well I’m going to let his sperm fertilize my eggs and then we’ll have a lovely baby and when that baby’s old enough, I’ll move out and marry Booth.” “Uh-huh.   This is my unamused face.” “Alex, why don’t you let me handle it?” “Fine.”
“Look, Alex doesn’t understand.  She thinks that you’re going to hurt Booth.” “That’s the last thing I want to do.” “I know.  But Alex doesn’t get it.  All she knows is that I gave up my heirship for her.” “I can’t do that.” “I know.  I’ll talk to her.” “Good Luck.” “Thanks.”
Other parents weren’t quite as conflicted about their children’s choices.    “Nice job landing the spare.” “She’s my life.” “That’s good.  Enjoy immortality.” “Oh I plan on it.” “Good.”
“Can I skip to graduation already?” Sure, cue free will and speed three!
“I’m a Rockette!”
“Someone get me out of here!”
Then it was finally time. “Ready for babies!” “Um…”
“You look permanently pleased with yourself.” “I am.” “Now If I could convince the creator to give me 20 lovers.” “Good luck with that.”
Yes!  The never-ending college is over!  This calls for a celebration and a parade of bad clothing choices.
Up first is Charlene who gets an okay outfit but in the wrong color.
Then we have Olivia who is apparently a little cold.
I missed getting a picture of Guld.   It wasn’t important anyway.  So have another pic of Booth and Penelope being cute together.
You know, the tats kind of work for him.  But not the wife beater.   “Oh yeah the tats work.  Rawr!”
Finally up was Penelope who apparently decided she wanted to wear some winter clothes. “It’s cold out.” Right…
“Tell that to my father.” Oops. ~*~
So with that, we end this chapter and are about to embark on a new generation.  Generation 8.   WOO!!! The end is so close I can taste it! So I hope you all enjoyed and until next time, Happy Simming!

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I.M. Bored: A Legacy in 10 Generations - Gen 7 Part 2

  • 1. So it’s been a while since I updated. I could go into why, but really do you care? A lot of this was taken months ago so I don’t really know what happened at the time or what I was thinking. But since this is a random and non-plotty I figured it didn’t matter. Last time, we’d left off with the triplets aging up to teen and Babylon 5 dying. So let’s get on with the boring Boreds. Fair warning, there is some pretty suggestive stuff in here. I don’t know where my mind went, but I blame it on a few random CSI episodes with Lady Heather and seeing Blazing Saddles again.
  • 2. As with every major event, the ghosts are out in full force, namely my two troublemakers Eva and Fantasy.
  • 3. And they managed to do a double team and made both Willow and Prof. River pee themselves. “My husband’s hot when I’m emptying my bladder on my shoes.” “That is so very disturbing on so many levels.” “Tell me about it.”
  • 4. “I think I need to get clean now.”
  • 6. “Me three. Dammit, it’s in use. Well, I’ll just have to wait. It isn’t as if there aren’t 4 other open bathrooms around here.”
  • 7. Meanwhile, someone decided to scare Vash, while he was swimming. I did not know that ghosts could do that and I wonder who it was…
  • 8. And then I saw Fantasy in her bathing suit and knew who the culprit was. Oh Fantasy, always trying to make people as miserable as possible. “It’s a gift!”
  • 9. The night of neverending pee ended and it was time for the well to be put to good use getting Charlene her Lifetime want.
  • 10. “It’s raining.” “Why do we always have to talk about the weather? It’s SOOO boring.” “Because we live at the bottom of a well. What else are we going to talk about?”
  • 11. Charlene also pulled this person out of the well for a friend drop. Although she made pretty clear that she liked him much more than as just a friend. For those of you who are looking at him and going ‘He looks familiar’ he should. He’s Guld Alioto, Anime’s son so he’s a cousin, but one really fracking far removed.
  • 12. So Charlene made it damn clear that nebulous family relations be damned she was going to have Guld. Not that he seemed to mind.
  • 13. “Look, I like you, Guld.” “I kind a got that idea.” “And since there is no chance of me being heir I don’t see why we can’t be together.” “Okay. But we’re still teens, so we have time to change our minds, right?” “Oh silly Guld, you’ve got so much to learn about women.” “Like what?” “You’ll see.” “Okay… by the way, what’s your sister doing?” “She’s a pleasure sim, I never know what they’re doing.”
  • 14. “I don’t know what I’m doing either, but I do know it is all about fun!”
  • 15. A few hours later and our heir and spare return home for a dual family sim promotion. And Charlene? Well she and Guld are still going at it.
  • 16. And we have love sign, at least on Guld’s end. Although I’ve never known a sim to fall in love from a noogie before. Either he’s into BDSM or he’s really getting off on feeling up Charlene’s thigh. Probably the latter, he is a heterosexual guy.
  • 17. While Charlene was dominating her future slave/husband into submission, Penelope here got to work on her impossible lifetime want of 50 first dates.
  • 18. She went from one Tricou teen to another not that anyone seemed to mind.
  • 19. And she used the “I heard your fun to be with” calls to get her more contacts for more dates.
  • 20. That looks a little awkward. Poor Vash, having to hold on for dear life while his husband simultaneously impales Vash while breaking his own wrist.
  • 21. “Penelope, you’ve got mail!” “Just put it on the counter with the rest of the date gifts, I’m too busy puddle jumping.”
  • 22. Deciding that dating teen males wasn’t good enough, Penelope proves our heiress is equal opportunity and goes after a wish for friends well drop of girls.
  • 23. “So, let me get this straight, you’re just using the well and the people from it to get your want?” “Yep. Is that a problem?” “Not really. Just wanted to make sure I was clear.” “Cool. So date?” “Why not?”
  • 24. Eventually things got a little crowded at the front door. “Who you here for?” “Charlene. You?” “Penelope. I heard she likes brightly colored things.” “Ah. Hoping that the flowers will distract from your monochrome thing going on?” “Yeah.” “Good luck with that.”
  • 25. “Here are all of your date gifts that you got last night.” “Only three? Slackers.” “Teenagers.”
  • 26. And with a gold restocking badge, Willow has learned all of her badge making skills and another point. Go her. Which means I can move on to other things.
  • 27. “Hello Admissions office? Three to enroll please? What do you mean we all have to individually apply? How annoying.”
  • 28. Charlene was next to apply.
  • 29. Followed by our heiress, Penelope. “Bye-bye, baby. Keep away from the drama professors!”
  • 30. Thus begins my least favorite part of the sims games, University. “Our outfits suck.” “At least we’re not in a pre-showbiz apoc.” “True.”
  • 31. A quick trip downtown and everyone was more appropriately attired. “Do you mind? I’d like to reacquaint myself with my boyfriend.”
  • 32. “Hello slave, have you missed me?” “Every second I was away from you.”
  • 33. “That’s the perfect answer, my pet. I shall have to reward you.” “Hot wax?” “Only if you’re very good.” “Yay.”
  • 34. “Hi girls, I’m Christina and you’ll need to get on my good side so you can move to your new home.” “Oh my, Christina’s hot!”
  • 35. “She sure is…” “You’re in.” “I’m in where?” “Where ever you want.”
  • 36. Whoa, stop the presses… We have pink eye alert… If I can manage to get Penelope’s turn ons to match this guy (brown hair and Facial hair) and make sure they don’t meet, I might get him from the well… That would be awesome! Too bad he’s gay though.
  • 37. Anyway, moving on. All four of the kids I sent to college got in with flying colors. Which meant it was time to get started on a few things…
  • 38. Like the obligatory Wish for Romance. “I want someone nice and subservient who knows his place in the world.”
  • 39. “Meh. Not interested. Too overused.” “But I’m handsome!” “Definitely not subservient, I think I’ll stick with my pet.”
  • 40. “You know you’re mine, right, Guld?” “I always was.” “Good answer. Let’s christen the new Love Tub.” “With pleasure. Then when we are done, I will steal back our gnome that the man who was unworthy of your love stole.” “You’re such a good pet.”
  • 41. “That townie will pay for even thinking he could steal my Dom from me.”
  • 42. “Mistress, I have returned and brought back your sacred gnome.” “That’s my good pet.” “There is something I must beg you.”
  • 43. “Will you do me the honor of permitting me to be your pet for all eternity?” “Is that a diamond encrusted collar with a tag reading ‘property of Charlene’ on it?” “It is. I promise to wear it with pride.”
  • 44. “Oh pet, I told you you’d see. I told you that we’d be together forever when we were teens.” “I should have never questioned you.” “No, you shouldn’t have. But it’s okay. I forgive you. Let’s go see if I have any hot wax upstairs.” “Yay.”
  • 45. Charlene wasn’t the only one exploring their sexuality. Penelope got her first woohoo from Christina.
  • 46. While Olivia got her first kiss from the placeholder.
  • 47. It reminded me a lot of the Pass The Allyson game back with Gen 5.
  • 48. Then it was Penelope’s turn at the well. Drop the pink eyed dormie. Drop the pink eyed dormie.
  • 49. Oh my… Not who I was expecting. Meet Booth O’Mackey son of Bones and Alexandra O’Mackey. You might remember them from Generation 2… So yeah. Playable and technically family.
  • 50. Not that Penelope sees anything wrong with that… “I like your colors. The green skin especially. I have a thing for green.” “Good. I have a thing for you.” “Come here!”
  • 51. Sigh… Time to work on Plan B since it looks like Penelope will not be getting married this time around. “A block of metal is your plan?” Hush.
  • 52. I sent Olivia to the well the next morning. This is Plan C. She’s got an alien skin recessive along with the pink eyes. So if she gets a good well drop we might have a change in heirs.
  • 53. Unfortunately Chester Gieke is not much better.
  • 54. Still, Olivia seems to like him. “He’s perfect. A knowledge sim with recessives, what more can a woman want?” I’d like not a playable.
  • 55. But Olivia’s mind was made up and she got down on one knee to propose. “Marry me, Chester, and we’ll make beautiful genetic experiments together.” “Of course, I will.”
  • 56. “So I was thinking of running away and leave Olivia in charge of the legacy.” “Sorry, Penny, I have other plans.” “Rats.”
  • 57. So with that inappropriate well drop, Penelope was confirmed as heiress and I was faced with a dilemma. I can’t marry in Booth to the family and Penelope has a big giant want to get engaged to him. I have to admit I kind of like the thought of getting I.M.’s skin back into the gene pool though.
  • 58. Decisions, decisions… So while I am pondering what to do, Penelope set to work writing the obligatory novel.
  • 59. Which was a best seller. I guess a story about a having to choose between two hot unique men is really popular with a certain kind of reader. Who knew?
  • 60. I decided that I would give the well another try…
  • 61. With even worse results… Sigh… That didn’t help.
  • 62. “Look, lady, I am looking for a man or woman I can use as aspiration fodder and I would prefer someone legal.” “Money up front.” “Here’s a simolean what does that get me?”
  • 63. Apparently it gets you nifty Eye man… He’s got yellow eyes. I’ve got a thing for odd eye colors.
  • 64. And on and on went the dates. While the old one wandered off to the bubble blower, the new one would say hello.
  • 65. And because of it, the mailman was kept very, very busy.
  • 66. As was the well…
  • 67. ARGHHH!!!! Why couldn’t you have been the first drop! Why?!!!
  • 68. “Why!!!” “Because it’s funny.” “But think of the children!” “I am. The kids think it’s funny too.”
  • 69. “Not again!!!” “You didn’t take the hint the first time, perv. This is what we call a serial offender.” “I promise to go away and never return, just don’t shoot me again.” “Too late.”
  • 70. “You did a good job last time. So let’s see what five thousand gets me.”
  • 71. “I want my money back.” “Nice dress wanna-” “Don’t even think about finishing that, kid. I’ve got a sister who’d kick my ass if I even looked at you funny.” “Your loss.”
  • 72. Through all of the dates and mascot abuse, somehow Booth became a fixture at the house, and despite his Romance Sim aspiration, he didn’t seem happy with how things were progressing.
  • 73. He couldn’t stop thinking about Penelope, even rolling a want Romance sims generally don’t roll.
  • 74. “Penelope, I love you.” “And I love you, but we both knew that. What’s wrong with you?” “Nothing. I just don’t like being away from you.”
  • 75. “Oh Booth, I don’t like being away from you either. But…” “But what?” “It’s nothing.” “Tell me.”
  • 76. “I can’t sing.” “Nice try, Penny. But that’s not going to distract me.” “Anyway you want it, that’s the way you need it, anyway you want it.”
  • 77. “ARGHHH!!! Just tell him already!” “Sorry, Olivia.” “So are you going to tell me?” “I’m a legacy heiress.” “And?” “You’re a playable and technically my cousin.” “And?” “This isn’t going to work.”
  • 78. “Oh Penelope, take my hand and we’ll make it I swear.” “Nice use of song lyrics. I suppose you won’t give her up or let her down or run around and desert her.” “Never.” “Can you go outside for a sec. I need to talk to my sister.” “Okay.”
  • 79. “Penelope, don’t let him go. He might be a playable, but nothing says you can’t be together once you have a baby.” “But wouldn’t I be abandoning the child?” “Not if you waited until the kid was old enough to take care of themselves.” “So you’re saying I should go for Booth?” “I’m saying you should go for your happiness.” “Thanks. I don’t suppose you want to be heir.” “Oh hell no. Now go invite your man to move in so we can get out of this plot jungle.” “Okay.”
  • 80. Which is what she did. Booth moved in with a large smile on his face.
  • 81. His heart was greatly lightened and the aspiration points started flying.
  • 82. “So, Olivia told me to hang on to you.” “And what did you say?” “I said that if I could I’d hang on to you for the rest of my life.” “Is that a marriage proposal?” “Do you want it to be?” “Yeah, I think I do.” “Booth O’Mackey will you marry me?”
  • 84. “Is there something you want to tell me?” “It’s the coding. The 5000 aspiration bonus I got should say more than that.” “Okay.”
  • 85. “Wake me up when the next part is over and I can use the well again.”
  • 86. With the random dramatic plot out of the way, it was time to get back to dating. “I want someone who won’t mind me running through their life.”
  • 87. “A little too literal.”
  • 88. “Love the mohawk. Way to keep yourself young at heart.”
  • 89. “How many of these things are there?” “About 20.” “How many more are there going to be?” “Only three.”
  • 90. “Would you two get a room?”
  • 91. “Vo Gerbits! Only three more dates to go!”
  • 93. “Look this the last one. I’d like a guy who I won’t kiss and tell.” “How much are you going to pay?” “$5000?” “Not a problem. You don’t have a problem with gay guys do you?” “No…” “Oh. Good.”
  • 94. “I feel remarkably fulfilled.” I feel remarkably fatigued. I am NEVER doing that lifetime want again. It is a freaking pain and is even worse that 50 dream dates.
  • 95. “I can has friends now?” You can has.
  • 96. And with number 20 out of the way, Charlene was also permaplat.
  • 97. And then she was set to work Mining for money for her new start in life.
  • 98. Then it was Guld’s turn at the well.
  • 99. And then he was soon permaplat. Three permaplatsims down Olivia and Booth both want to be Mad Scientists so now I can pretty much ignore everyone.
  • 100. Except with a no 20K handouts hack, a little mining was in order.
  • 101. Even if they didn’t like it.
  • 102. Penelope, on the other hand, got to work on obtaining her supernatural for the generation.
  • 103. I’ll initialize them when I get back to the main house. I have plans. Lots of plans.
  • 104. “So I heard you’re engaged to my son.” “I am.” “How is that going to work out?”
  • 105. “Well I’m going to let his sperm fertilize my eggs and then we’ll have a lovely baby and when that baby’s old enough, I’ll move out and marry Booth.” “Uh-huh. This is my unamused face.” “Alex, why don’t you let me handle it?” “Fine.”
  • 106. “Look, Alex doesn’t understand. She thinks that you’re going to hurt Booth.” “That’s the last thing I want to do.” “I know. But Alex doesn’t get it. All she knows is that I gave up my heirship for her.” “I can’t do that.” “I know. I’ll talk to her.” “Good Luck.” “Thanks.”
  • 107. Other parents weren’t quite as conflicted about their children’s choices. “Nice job landing the spare.” “She’s my life.” “That’s good. Enjoy immortality.” “Oh I plan on it.” “Good.”
  • 108. “Can I skip to graduation already?” Sure, cue free will and speed three!
  • 110. “Someone get me out of here!”
  • 111. Then it was finally time. “Ready for babies!” “Um…”
  • 112. “You look permanently pleased with yourself.” “I am.” “Now If I could convince the creator to give me 20 lovers.” “Good luck with that.”
  • 113. Yes! The never-ending college is over! This calls for a celebration and a parade of bad clothing choices.
  • 114. Up first is Charlene who gets an okay outfit but in the wrong color.
  • 115. Then we have Olivia who is apparently a little cold.
  • 116. I missed getting a picture of Guld. It wasn’t important anyway. So have another pic of Booth and Penelope being cute together.
  • 117. You know, the tats kind of work for him. But not the wife beater. “Oh yeah the tats work. Rawr!”
  • 118. Finally up was Penelope who apparently decided she wanted to wear some winter clothes. “It’s cold out.” Right…
  • 119. “Tell that to my father.” Oops. ~*~
  • 120. So with that, we end this chapter and are about to embark on a new generation. Generation 8. WOO!!! The end is so close I can taste it! So I hope you all enjoyed and until next time, Happy Simming!