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Hey!  I’m back again!  And it didn’t take me three months to update either!  Woo!!! I am very happy to be posting this although at times my face looked like Penelope’s here while playing this through.   But rather than tell you, I’ll show you. So lets get started.
Penelope returned home in the rain. “Nice tights.” “I could say the same.”
A quick trip to the dresser and our heiress was once again dressed in her eccentric, yet stylish, couture.
Then she set to work on making her mark on the house.    “Who broke you, little man.  Well I know just how to fix you.”
And since we still had a home business when she came back, she got to know her future in laws. “You and me in the hot tub in five minutes.” “Yes, soon to me mother in law Bones.”
Mean while the elders continued their boring lives.
I mean seriously.  Prof. River’s talking about gardening while Willow’s thinking about graphs.   Not the most scintillating of conversationalists.   I sent Prof. River off to fish while I sent Willow off to bed since both Vash and Scot were off at work.  And went to check up on Willow and Bones in the hot tub.
Well that’s one way to get to know your future mother-in-law… Amusingly Penelope must have a thing for the O’Mackeys.  She’s got three bolts with Bones here.  Three with Booth.  Three with Alexandra.   Two with Jules and two with Booth’s twin Brennan.
I was actually so flummoxed by Booth woohooing Penelope that I missed Prof. River dying.   Whoops.    Prof. River you died alone and mourned only by the passing wolf, I am truly sorry.
Prof. River was 71 days old when he died and the only reason he made it this long was because of cowplant juice and wishes for longer life.    You were an annoying sim.  I have a hunch you will be as annoying in death.
Vash certainly missed him.   I mean getting home and then being immediately struck by lightning and then realizing that your well drop love was gone.  Who wouldn’t break down.
Except Vash was stronger than that – and permaplat – so he just cried a lot.    He was the only one who did.
“Hey Booth, why don’t you come on over and we show these people what a three bolt attraction really means!”
“Hi Penelope.”
“Booth?  You look, wow…  I’ve missed you!” “It’s only been 8 hours.” “That is way too long.  Upstairs now!”
“Fantasy’s out.  I’m going someplace else…”
“Booth… I’ve got a bit of a confession…” “Yeah.” “I like your Mom.” “I know.” “No, I mean I really like your mom.” “And I meant it, I know.  I don’t mind.  So long at the end of the day you love me, that’s all that matters.”
“So you don’t mind that we woohooed in the hot tub?” “You what?  No don’t answer that, I don’t want the visual.” “But you don’t mind?” “So long as I never have to woohoo in that hot tub I don’t care.   You’re a pleasure sim, I’m a romance one.  To expect complete fidelity on either of our parts is silly.” “Oh Booth, I love you.”
“Go away, Gramma Fantasy.” “Yeah, Aunt Fantasy, no one likes you.” “Hmph kids these days.” “Gods, she’s still annoying.” “Tell me about it.  At least you aren’t scared by her ghost every other day.” “Ugh.” “Let’s do something much more enjoyable.”
“Oh yeah,baby.”
Her timer now taken care of, Penelope went downstairs and initialized her supernatural for the generation.  Meet Big O Bored he’s Pleasure/Popularity and with the same personality as Penelope will be annoyed that his coding makes him do chores.   He also made me very happy by rolling a lifetime want that does not have the number 50 or 20 in it.   He wants to be a Media Magnate and I am totally okay with that.   “Hi Big O!” “Hello creator.  Thank you for bringing me life!” “Uh… Whatever.”
“Creator?” “Can’t talk, Big O, baby calling.”
Since his creator was in the bathroom puking her guts out, Big O decided to see if there were any listings that he was interested in.  And number 5 on the list… Journalism.  Go Big O!
Penelope then showed him around the house and introduced him to all of the people he would be living with. “And that is my great-great grandmother Fantasy.  She’s really annoying, so try to stay away from her if you can.” “Got it.” “And this is my Grandpa Scot, and my Daddy Vash, and my boyfriend Booth.” “All of them are very hot.” “I have got to invent a translator for you.”
“I am most pleased to meet you, gorgeous green human male.” “Penelope, who is this?” “It’s my servo!  Big O!” “Big O is right.  I felt something electric when he touched me just now.” “Like a spark?” “You could say that.” “Want me to see if anything is wrong?” “No.  I think everything is right.”
“Shall we dance, lovely one?” “Daddy?” “It’s okay, Penny.  I think I may have just made a new friend.” “Okay…”
“Your daughter is protective of you.” “Yeah, she is.  But I think all children are a little protective of their parents.  Especially if they are widowers.” “So you understand me?” “Some how, yeah, I do.  I just seem to know what you are saying.  I can feel it in my heart.”
“I feel something in my heart too.” “Oh my!”
“I did not make my servo to hit on my dad.  And what is up with his weird speech?  This is not turning out as planned.”
All grumbling aside, Penelope got a job as a hostage negotiator so she could get out of the house.
And away from suddenly exuberant relatives who couldn’t seem to stop singing. “You're the meaning in my lifeYou're the inspirationYou bring feeling to my lifeYou're the inspiration” ** Earbug courtesy of Chicago
And the inspiration of said relative’s life grumpily cleaning.
Penelope is also a family sim… aren’t you excited?
I know that she wishes she wasn’t quite in the family way at the moment.  This pregnancy is hard on her and she’s barely keeping her needs up with the snapdragons.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Penelope?   I mean raising twins is no picnic.” “I do, Daddy.   I am determined to give the creator what she wants so I can get out of here quickly.” “And you know what she wants?” “Yes.  A platinum Pleasure and Grilled Cheese tombstone.   Twins will make that happen or so I hope.” “You know you can’t gurantee she’s going to roll Pleasure…” “I know.  But I will take my chances and the second one can be a grilled cheese sim.  I’ll even send the kids to college if they need the reroll.” “Sounds like you have it all planned.”
“Oh Daddy… I’m not like you.  I’ve tasted love.  Freedom.  And I won’t be tied to this house forever just to spawn and die like some kind of salmon.  I want to live and love and laugh and be with the man I love like you were.  If having twins will make that possible, I am going to do what I have to do and get the hell out of dodge.  I am not cut out for this heir thing.” “I see.  I wish you luck, pumpkin.” “Thanks.  Now if you excuse me I’m going to go throw up now.” “I’m going to go stalk the servo.” “You do that.”
“You’re looking really shiny today.” “Thanks.” “Want to go inside and see if a little friction will make you shinier.” “I’d thought you’d never ask.”
“Am I shinier?” “I don’t know if you are shinier, but that was really electrifying.” “Wanna do it again?” “Oh yeah!”
We interrupt your Big O/Vash love fest to announce that Penelope has popped…
We return you to your annoying sap already in progress.
“You know it’s a good thing you have speech bubbles, Big O, otherwise I wouldn’t know what you were saying.” “Sorry.”
“I don’t mind that no one else can understand you.  I can and that’s all that matters.  I know you wish that Penelope would fix your speech centers but I really like you the way you are…
“You’re fun.  You make me smile and you listen to me.  So I’ve been thinking about this for a long time and I say damn the consequences…
“Big O, I love you…
“Will you marry me?”
“Yes!  Yes!  Yes!”
“I hope I don’t regret this…”
“So, you’re father’s marrying your servo.” “Yep.” “A servo that has the same personality as you…” “Yep.” “Are you as creeped out by this as I am?” “Yep.” “Good.”
Still nothing was going to stop Vash from marrying Big O.  Not snow, or weird factor, or potential supernatural consequences.
He loved the metal man and wanted everyone to know it.
A few moments later and the deed was done.   Vash and Big O were married.
And they had a damn good party too.
And then life moved on.  The ghosts made their presence known.
To everyone…
And our heiress popped into her final trimester.
While our servo did his best to avoid doing chores.    “You're the meaning in my lifeYou're the inspirationYou bring feeling to my lifeYou're the inspiration” ** if you need a translation go back to slide 31.
And Willow did her best to make our sims lose as much aspiration as she could.
In all, it was a waiting game.   One where we all know what we are waiting for…
First up we have Jill McBain Bored.  She’s got Alien Skin, blond hair, and the pink eyes have returned. Jill McBain was the heroine of one of my favorite movies ever, Once Upon A Time In The West.   Sergio Leone at his finest.
And we have the expected hand off…
And baby two is Annie Walker Bored. She has black hair and alien eyes and skin 3 and is named after the lead character in Covert Affairs.
Now comes the unexpected handoff…
And we have a third baby girl.  This one is Ayla Bored with red hair, alien eyes, and alien skin.   She is named after the main character in the Clan of the Cave Bear books.  A pre-historic Mary Sue if ever there was one.
And we have really, really unexpected hand off…
With the last and only boy born.  Say hello to Vegeta Bored.  He has black hair, alien skin, and PINK EYES!!!  Yes!  The pink eyes are back with a vengeance.  Now if only one of the two has elf ears I will be dancing.  Vegeta is named after the best male character in Dragonball Z.  And Yes I am biased.
Say hello to Generation 8.  Wooo!!!  Only two more generations to go!  This calls for a party!
“Booth, when I invited you over it was to see me.  Not my father.” “Way to fuck up, dude.” “What can I say, I can see where you got your looks from.”
“Booth, that’s sweet.  But how would you like it if I told you that those babies in the other room aren’t yours but your mother’s? “Umm…” “I thought so.” “Dude, she slept with your mom? Wicked!”
Hi I.M.  We have your eyes back.  I miss your nose.  But we have your eyes!
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this…”
“Ack!” “Die townie!”
“Die, father-in-law!”
“I meant it, die!”
“I don’t think I will.  I think I’ll sell a masterpiece instead.”
“Grrrr.  I am so angry that Vash got remarried that I could scream.  In fact, I think I will.  At the thing that deserves my rage.”
“Ack!” “Die, machine.  Die, because you stole my love!”
“Vash, are going to regret marrying that bucket of bolts, if it is the last thing that I do.”
But it seemed that for all the ghostly threats that Vash and Big O were doing very well.
Except for one thing… “Love, I want you to fix my voice circuits so that everyone can understand me and not just you.” “You want me to fix your voice?” “Yeah…  This talking in symbols is becoming quite annoying.”
“Okay.  Where do I start?”
“On my back.” “Here?” “Yes.  Now push really hard.”
“Okay is this supposed to be happening.” “Just keep pushing.”
You are almost there.
“How’s that?” “I feel weird.” “You sound weird but I think more people will understand you now.” “Brilliant!  Talking in symbols was beginning to give me a bit of a headache.  I cannot imagine how the readers fared.” “You’re not supposed to break the fourth wall.” “What?  Oh dreadfully sorry, my love.  Habit.”
“How can I ever thank you?” “I’m sure you’ll find a way.” “You can bet your bones I can.”
And as happens in legacies, it was time for the infants to grow up.
Jill grew up first. “She looks familiar…”
Followed by Ayla…
And finally Vegeta.
Vegeta Bored is a Taurus with stats of 10/10/5/10/0 – Talk about extreme personality.   Just like the real Vegeta. Annie Walker is much more even keeled Taurus with stats of 3/10/6/10/4.
Ayla, who is the only kid who got the elf ears, is not only frigging adorable but is also an Aquarius with stats of 4/7/5/6/5.
Finally we have this little cutie, Jill, who is a Gemini with 4/7/10/7/1.  The mean is also back with a vengeance.   The last time we had a kid with one (or less) nice point was back in Gen 4 with Michael Westen.  If you are looking for the last mean heir you have to go back to Fantasy. Yay for meanies!  This gen will be fun!
Returning to the party, once again the ghosts are out and making themselves known.   Hello Tamsin, cowplant Victim, you will be rezzed soon.
“Die!” However Prof River will not be rezzed any time soon.   He really has it out for Big O.   Gotta love the coding.
“I feel no relation to you and yet I felt the need to cuddle and caress you, little one.” “I’s cute!” “You are oh plumbob you are!” Then I heard an unmistakable sound and zoomed around the room to find…
This lovely symbol… WTF!!!  No.  Okay, just no!   Who did this?!!! To find out you’ll have to join us in the next update.    ~*~
And this is where we will end for now with a picture of our heiress initializing her servo/stepfather Big O.    Will I ever reveal what that big angry pink heart is about?  Sure… But I just hit 100 slides and like to torture people even if I am not writing for plot.    Big O’s speech patterns were courtesy of Wingdings, they are actual words but I typed them then changed them to fuck with people then got bored to changed it to something else.  I also recommend you check out this video -  it gives you new appreciation for wingdings.   So until next time, happy simming!

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I.M. Bored: A Legacy in 10 Generations - Gen 7 Part 3

  • 1. Hey! I’m back again! And it didn’t take me three months to update either! Woo!!! I am very happy to be posting this although at times my face looked like Penelope’s here while playing this through. But rather than tell you, I’ll show you. So lets get started.
  • 2. Penelope returned home in the rain. “Nice tights.” “I could say the same.”
  • 3. A quick trip to the dresser and our heiress was once again dressed in her eccentric, yet stylish, couture.
  • 4. Then she set to work on making her mark on the house. “Who broke you, little man. Well I know just how to fix you.”
  • 5. And since we still had a home business when she came back, she got to know her future in laws. “You and me in the hot tub in five minutes.” “Yes, soon to me mother in law Bones.”
  • 6. Mean while the elders continued their boring lives.
  • 7. I mean seriously. Prof. River’s talking about gardening while Willow’s thinking about graphs. Not the most scintillating of conversationalists. I sent Prof. River off to fish while I sent Willow off to bed since both Vash and Scot were off at work. And went to check up on Willow and Bones in the hot tub.
  • 8. Well that’s one way to get to know your future mother-in-law… Amusingly Penelope must have a thing for the O’Mackeys. She’s got three bolts with Bones here. Three with Booth. Three with Alexandra. Two with Jules and two with Booth’s twin Brennan.
  • 9. I was actually so flummoxed by Booth woohooing Penelope that I missed Prof. River dying. Whoops. Prof. River you died alone and mourned only by the passing wolf, I am truly sorry.
  • 10. Prof. River was 71 days old when he died and the only reason he made it this long was because of cowplant juice and wishes for longer life. You were an annoying sim. I have a hunch you will be as annoying in death.
  • 11. Vash certainly missed him. I mean getting home and then being immediately struck by lightning and then realizing that your well drop love was gone. Who wouldn’t break down.
  • 12. Except Vash was stronger than that – and permaplat – so he just cried a lot. He was the only one who did.
  • 13. “Hey Booth, why don’t you come on over and we show these people what a three bolt attraction really means!”
  • 15. “Booth? You look, wow… I’ve missed you!” “It’s only been 8 hours.” “That is way too long. Upstairs now!”
  • 16. “Fantasy’s out. I’m going someplace else…”
  • 17. “Booth… I’ve got a bit of a confession…” “Yeah.” “I like your Mom.” “I know.” “No, I mean I really like your mom.” “And I meant it, I know. I don’t mind. So long at the end of the day you love me, that’s all that matters.”
  • 18. “So you don’t mind that we woohooed in the hot tub?” “You what? No don’t answer that, I don’t want the visual.” “But you don’t mind?” “So long as I never have to woohoo in that hot tub I don’t care. You’re a pleasure sim, I’m a romance one. To expect complete fidelity on either of our parts is silly.” “Oh Booth, I love you.”
  • 19. “Go away, Gramma Fantasy.” “Yeah, Aunt Fantasy, no one likes you.” “Hmph kids these days.” “Gods, she’s still annoying.” “Tell me about it. At least you aren’t scared by her ghost every other day.” “Ugh.” “Let’s do something much more enjoyable.”
  • 21. Her timer now taken care of, Penelope went downstairs and initialized her supernatural for the generation. Meet Big O Bored he’s Pleasure/Popularity and with the same personality as Penelope will be annoyed that his coding makes him do chores. He also made me very happy by rolling a lifetime want that does not have the number 50 or 20 in it. He wants to be a Media Magnate and I am totally okay with that. “Hi Big O!” “Hello creator. Thank you for bringing me life!” “Uh… Whatever.”
  • 22. “Creator?” “Can’t talk, Big O, baby calling.”
  • 23. Since his creator was in the bathroom puking her guts out, Big O decided to see if there were any listings that he was interested in. And number 5 on the list… Journalism. Go Big O!
  • 24. Penelope then showed him around the house and introduced him to all of the people he would be living with. “And that is my great-great grandmother Fantasy. She’s really annoying, so try to stay away from her if you can.” “Got it.” “And this is my Grandpa Scot, and my Daddy Vash, and my boyfriend Booth.” “All of them are very hot.” “I have got to invent a translator for you.”
  • 25. “I am most pleased to meet you, gorgeous green human male.” “Penelope, who is this?” “It’s my servo! Big O!” “Big O is right. I felt something electric when he touched me just now.” “Like a spark?” “You could say that.” “Want me to see if anything is wrong?” “No. I think everything is right.”
  • 26. “Shall we dance, lovely one?” “Daddy?” “It’s okay, Penny. I think I may have just made a new friend.” “Okay…”
  • 27. “Your daughter is protective of you.” “Yeah, she is. But I think all children are a little protective of their parents. Especially if they are widowers.” “So you understand me?” “Some how, yeah, I do. I just seem to know what you are saying. I can feel it in my heart.”
  • 28. “I feel something in my heart too.” “Oh my!”
  • 29. “I did not make my servo to hit on my dad. And what is up with his weird speech? This is not turning out as planned.”
  • 30. All grumbling aside, Penelope got a job as a hostage negotiator so she could get out of the house.
  • 31. And away from suddenly exuberant relatives who couldn’t seem to stop singing. “You're the meaning in my lifeYou're the inspirationYou bring feeling to my lifeYou're the inspiration” ** Earbug courtesy of Chicago
  • 32. And the inspiration of said relative’s life grumpily cleaning.
  • 33. Penelope is also a family sim… aren’t you excited?
  • 34. I know that she wishes she wasn’t quite in the family way at the moment. This pregnancy is hard on her and she’s barely keeping her needs up with the snapdragons.
  • 35. “Are you sure you want to do this, Penelope? I mean raising twins is no picnic.” “I do, Daddy. I am determined to give the creator what she wants so I can get out of here quickly.” “And you know what she wants?” “Yes. A platinum Pleasure and Grilled Cheese tombstone. Twins will make that happen or so I hope.” “You know you can’t gurantee she’s going to roll Pleasure…” “I know. But I will take my chances and the second one can be a grilled cheese sim. I’ll even send the kids to college if they need the reroll.” “Sounds like you have it all planned.”
  • 36. “Oh Daddy… I’m not like you. I’ve tasted love. Freedom. And I won’t be tied to this house forever just to spawn and die like some kind of salmon. I want to live and love and laugh and be with the man I love like you were. If having twins will make that possible, I am going to do what I have to do and get the hell out of dodge. I am not cut out for this heir thing.” “I see. I wish you luck, pumpkin.” “Thanks. Now if you excuse me I’m going to go throw up now.” “I’m going to go stalk the servo.” “You do that.”
  • 37. “You’re looking really shiny today.” “Thanks.” “Want to go inside and see if a little friction will make you shinier.” “I’d thought you’d never ask.”
  • 38. “Am I shinier?” “I don’t know if you are shinier, but that was really electrifying.” “Wanna do it again?” “Oh yeah!”
  • 39. We interrupt your Big O/Vash love fest to announce that Penelope has popped…
  • 40. We return you to your annoying sap already in progress.
  • 41. “You know it’s a good thing you have speech bubbles, Big O, otherwise I wouldn’t know what you were saying.” “Sorry.”
  • 42. “I don’t mind that no one else can understand you. I can and that’s all that matters. I know you wish that Penelope would fix your speech centers but I really like you the way you are…
  • 43. “You’re fun. You make me smile and you listen to me. So I’ve been thinking about this for a long time and I say damn the consequences…
  • 44. “Big O, I love you…
  • 46. “Yes! Yes! Yes!”
  • 47. “I hope I don’t regret this…”
  • 48. “So, you’re father’s marrying your servo.” “Yep.” “A servo that has the same personality as you…” “Yep.” “Are you as creeped out by this as I am?” “Yep.” “Good.”
  • 49. Still nothing was going to stop Vash from marrying Big O. Not snow, or weird factor, or potential supernatural consequences.
  • 50. He loved the metal man and wanted everyone to know it.
  • 51.
  • 52. A few moments later and the deed was done. Vash and Big O were married.
  • 53. And they had a damn good party too.
  • 54. And then life moved on. The ghosts made their presence known.
  • 56. And our heiress popped into her final trimester.
  • 57. While our servo did his best to avoid doing chores. “You're the meaning in my lifeYou're the inspirationYou bring feeling to my lifeYou're the inspiration” ** if you need a translation go back to slide 31.
  • 58. And Willow did her best to make our sims lose as much aspiration as she could.
  • 59. In all, it was a waiting game. One where we all know what we are waiting for…
  • 61. First up we have Jill McBain Bored. She’s got Alien Skin, blond hair, and the pink eyes have returned. Jill McBain was the heroine of one of my favorite movies ever, Once Upon A Time In The West. Sergio Leone at his finest.
  • 62. And we have the expected hand off…
  • 63. And baby two is Annie Walker Bored. She has black hair and alien eyes and skin 3 and is named after the lead character in Covert Affairs.
  • 64. Now comes the unexpected handoff…
  • 65. And we have a third baby girl. This one is Ayla Bored with red hair, alien eyes, and alien skin. She is named after the main character in the Clan of the Cave Bear books. A pre-historic Mary Sue if ever there was one.
  • 66. And we have really, really unexpected hand off…
  • 67. With the last and only boy born. Say hello to Vegeta Bored. He has black hair, alien skin, and PINK EYES!!! Yes! The pink eyes are back with a vengeance. Now if only one of the two has elf ears I will be dancing. Vegeta is named after the best male character in Dragonball Z. And Yes I am biased.
  • 68. Say hello to Generation 8. Wooo!!! Only two more generations to go! This calls for a party!
  • 69. “Booth, when I invited you over it was to see me. Not my father.” “Way to fuck up, dude.” “What can I say, I can see where you got your looks from.”
  • 70. “Booth, that’s sweet. But how would you like it if I told you that those babies in the other room aren’t yours but your mother’s? “Umm…” “I thought so.” “Dude, she slept with your mom? Wicked!”
  • 71. Hi I.M. We have your eyes back. I miss your nose. But we have your eyes!
  • 72. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this…”
  • 75. “I meant it, die!”
  • 76. “I don’t think I will. I think I’ll sell a masterpiece instead.”
  • 77. “Grrrr. I am so angry that Vash got remarried that I could scream. In fact, I think I will. At the thing that deserves my rage.”
  • 79. “Ack!” “Die, machine. Die, because you stole my love!”
  • 80. “Vash, are going to regret marrying that bucket of bolts, if it is the last thing that I do.”
  • 81. But it seemed that for all the ghostly threats that Vash and Big O were doing very well.
  • 82. Except for one thing… “Love, I want you to fix my voice circuits so that everyone can understand me and not just you.” “You want me to fix your voice?” “Yeah… This talking in symbols is becoming quite annoying.”
  • 83. “Okay. Where do I start?”
  • 84. “On my back.” “Here?” “Yes. Now push really hard.”
  • 85. “Okay is this supposed to be happening.” “Just keep pushing.”
  • 86. You are almost there.
  • 87. “How’s that?” “I feel weird.” “You sound weird but I think more people will understand you now.” “Brilliant! Talking in symbols was beginning to give me a bit of a headache. I cannot imagine how the readers fared.” “You’re not supposed to break the fourth wall.” “What? Oh dreadfully sorry, my love. Habit.”
  • 88. “How can I ever thank you?” “I’m sure you’ll find a way.” “You can bet your bones I can.”
  • 89. And as happens in legacies, it was time for the infants to grow up.
  • 90. Jill grew up first. “She looks familiar…”
  • 94. Vegeta Bored is a Taurus with stats of 10/10/5/10/0 – Talk about extreme personality. Just like the real Vegeta. Annie Walker is much more even keeled Taurus with stats of 3/10/6/10/4.
  • 95. Ayla, who is the only kid who got the elf ears, is not only frigging adorable but is also an Aquarius with stats of 4/7/5/6/5.
  • 96. Finally we have this little cutie, Jill, who is a Gemini with 4/7/10/7/1. The mean is also back with a vengeance. The last time we had a kid with one (or less) nice point was back in Gen 4 with Michael Westen. If you are looking for the last mean heir you have to go back to Fantasy. Yay for meanies! This gen will be fun!
  • 97. Returning to the party, once again the ghosts are out and making themselves known. Hello Tamsin, cowplant Victim, you will be rezzed soon.
  • 98. “Die!” However Prof River will not be rezzed any time soon. He really has it out for Big O. Gotta love the coding.
  • 99. “I feel no relation to you and yet I felt the need to cuddle and caress you, little one.” “I’s cute!” “You are oh plumbob you are!” Then I heard an unmistakable sound and zoomed around the room to find…
  • 100. This lovely symbol… WTF!!! No. Okay, just no! Who did this?!!! To find out you’ll have to join us in the next update. ~*~
  • 101. And this is where we will end for now with a picture of our heiress initializing her servo/stepfather Big O. Will I ever reveal what that big angry pink heart is about? Sure… But I just hit 100 slides and like to torture people even if I am not writing for plot. Big O’s speech patterns were courtesy of Wingdings, they are actual words but I typed them then changed them to fuck with people then got bored to changed it to something else. I also recommend you check out this video - it gives you new appreciation for wingdings. So until next time, happy simming!