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Hello! *waves* Apparently I like dragging things out because somehow this is part 6 and I’m still on the first generation.. Whatever! It just means more time for Evil Susan to get cross at everything. But first, to SSU!
“ Blight, what the heck have you done to your hair?” “ It grew! Mum wouldn’t let me bring any of the scissors with us, ‘too precious a-stabby commodity’ apparently.” “ You look like the creepy headmaster.” “ Shh! But seeing as we’re here, how about we get settled into our fantabulous university home?”
“ Uuuh.. Just as well we’ve got each other!” Okay. Um.  I didn’t want to move them into dorms because it would be harder to control what they ate, and I thought pledging into a Greek House could be impossible without a dorm stint, so instead they get a house straight off the bat!  ..And stupidly I forgot to load them up with inventory junk before I sent them, so we’re just going to have to do this the hard way. TO CAMPUS, MY LITTLE MONEY MACHINES!
“ I’m more than a bird! I’m more than a plane! I’m a biiiiiird-plane! I’m a biiiiiird-plane! A part of me is a bird! The other part is a plane! See my feathers, hear my engines! My beak and my hydraulic suspensions!”
“ Wow fellow dormie, I love the way you jam! Here, have my some money!” “ Who are those other idiots ruining your nice song?” “ No idea, have aaaaaaaaaaall my money!”
“ Hey sis? All the morons tipped the band-crasher who couldn’t even play! She made $500 and we got nothing..” “ Time for Plan B then. I learnt quite a bit from Mum sprawled over the bar and cursing at home – these students won’t know what hit them. You go find Plan C, mmkay?”  “ Sure thing. Let me just throw my tipjar and that idiot’s head first. She’s not my family, so I don’t have to be in anyway pleasant to her. I want to be able to eat tonight, damnit!”
“ *sigh* If the worst comes to the worst I could always just thwack people with this shovel until they feed me..” You know what? I think your Mother would be quite proud of you when you’re hungry. What’s brought all this on? “ WELL I’VE NEVER BEEN HUNGRY BEFORE HAVE I? There was always grilled cheese on tap and- Hey! Hey Burns! I think I found something, come out and grab a spade!”
Five hours later.. “ Have we got enough yet?” “ I’m not sure – let’s count up. I’ve got six treasure maps, 12 rocks and a crapload of bones. You?” “ Pretty much the same.” “ DARN IT I’M HUNGRY.” “ Oh hush, this’ll do for now. Shall I go and cook us up some dinner then Blight?” “ ..Yes. Let me just try once more, I swear Dad said Treasure Chests exist.”
“ ARGH! All I wanted was some foooood...” With that, the soaking sulking Sim ran away from the scary scary water.
“ Oh, honestly.. A bit of water never hurt anyone!” “  Unless you lost all your clothes in the great basement flood of ‘07. Heeelllloooo I like your spade!” “ Thanks. I uh.. Goodness, what a nice gnome we have on our lawn!” “ If I didn’t want people to look sweetie, I would have gone to Harvest & Mulch  years  ago.”
It wasn’t only the twins having a tough time of things though. Back in Riverblossom: “ Daaaad, I’m hungry and on the verge of starvation!” “ +500!”
“ Oh goodness, it’s no wonder no one ever wants to feed me.. I’m hideous! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.” I would say there there, but.. Occult just annoys me too darn much so therefore: s’funny!
“ *sigh* I just can’t concentrate on our homework tonight..” Aww, you get a there there ‘Orrible. “ Thanks. *sniff* I still don’t mind doing all of Occult’s homework until he goes to uni, but it’s giving me more time to remember what happened last night than I’d want!”
“ It’s hard enough having to do one lot of translation, what the heck does ‘usu hus!” mean anyway? All I’ve got so far is something about a cerulean anteater, and that just can’t be right..  How did Mum manage to get over her abduction so quickly?”
By doing what she does best my dear ‘Orrible. By ignoring her entire family. “ Fam’ly? ’Ot fam’ly? *ptuh* Bleh, someone needs to clean this bathroom. Where’s my slave? I’m not doing it, I’m Evil Susan!”
“ Slave! Go clean the upstairs bathroom, it’s a tip and it’s probably your fault.” “ Actually I think it was Occult taking his weekly shower ES, but sure – I’ll get on it for you. But while you’re around and not cursing quite so much, here – this is for you.” “ Yeah yeah Lump Face, but what is it?” “ It’s a new type of explosive that I had imported for you that arrived this morning. It sounded like something you’d like, it’s made from crushed Shrew tail, and I thought it might help you get that final promotion today.” “ Wow Ridiculous Face, I gotta say – I’m impressed.”
“ I’m cold! I’m cold! I’m coooooold!” “ I know Occult, so you keep saying. Why don’t you go inside and make yourself a nice hot chocolate, hmm? I set one up to boil earlier, because I know how you like them after a good snowman sesh.” “ But I wanna make more snow angels!” “ No, go inside. Besides, I have important business to attend to.”
“ Huh, well what do you know.. It worked! Not Stupid Name’s gift of course, but my Evil finally won out, just like I always knew it would. HA.” Hurray! Hurray for Evil Susan! She’s finally reached her LTW to Become the City Planner (poor Riverblossom..) and I know don’t have to be terrified of her not getting it before no promotions are allowed. Phew!
*schwooooong* And hurray for Shea! Fulfilling another requirement for me for maxing out his predestined hobby enthusiasm.  Yaaaay, thank yooou.
“ You off somewhere Occult?” “ Right, that’s it! I’ve had enough! Everyone else around here has been fulfilling their purposes and all I’ve been doing for the last few days is crying at my reflection and nearly freezing to death. I’m going to Uni! Don’t cry ‘Orrible, you’ll see me again soon.” “ It’s *hic* not that *sniff*.. I got abducteeeeed..” “ Right. Anyway – BYE.”
“ There you go, I’m here. And it’s the middle of the day so clearly it’s time for me to go to bed.” But of course. Now Occult is in college, I am now allowed to find out his stats and LTW, as well as give him up to 8 commands a day! So I can now tell you: Pleasure – Become Celebrity Chef Aries – 9 10 4 4 3 (Skills – 0 0 8 3 6 10 5) Huh, so he’s actually a lot meaner than I thought. And rather more skilled! But I was right about him being very neat and outgoing, whoo. It was also now that I realised I could have actually used influence on him, whereas I had been playing him asylum-stylee. Aaaaargh! Maybe that’s why he made me so cross, but at least I know for next generation.
Oooh, how exciting! A traditional llama-cow fight, right at the bottom of the Nightmare’s very own stairs. I never get to see these. Go llama!
“ Him him! Hit him in his udder” Stab him on his own horn! Go’won, yeeeeeeeah!” Ah, apparently Blight shares my sentiments.  And luckily with a final “MOOO” the cow was finally smacked down for the last time by the heroic llama, who Blight happily welcomed as one of his own and offered him some grilled cheese.  The cow fled for the safety of the harvest fields.
“ Burns!” “ Occult.” “ I’ve really missed you! ‘Orrible’s penman ship just wasn’t as pretty as yours on my homework.” “ Sweet of you.” “ But what’s been happening! Last time you rang you didn’t even have any carpet or y’know, sofas.”
“ Oh we fixed that pretty quickly, we both aced our midterms and finals so brought in enough money to make this dump a little more like home. From my stereo and synthesiser and Blight’s pool table we’ve both schwooooooong-ing with the best of them now!” “ So? I’ve been doing that for ages.” “ You have? Aww, well done! But what else, what else..”
“ We’ve got a Womrat now too, Blight called her Sweet Dream.” “ Well that’s a dumbass name.” “ I think it’s sweet! And you should see Blight’s face when he gives her a cuddle – it’s adorable! Even though he has become ever so much more like Mum since we got here. He was even arguing with some guy the other day – for no reason!” “ Maybe that means he’ll actually pay me some attention now..”
“ Maybe.. But you’re going to have to battle with Chin-Chin!” “ With WHO?!” “ Chin-Chin! Well her name’s actually Gretchen Chin, but when you say it really quickly, it comes out Chin-Chin! Isn’t that cute?” “ No.” “ Oh shh, yes it is. But she and Blight have been seeing each other for quite a while now.”
“ And me? We-ell.. I met a pretty cool guy who helped us out when we were pretty strapped for cash at the start. He does a, hehe, special dance show all over campus and he gave us a bunch of the profits!” “ Do you think he can teach it to me?” “ Uhh.. No.”
“ But what about me..” asked the Bad Apple, staring wistfully at his brother’s girlfriend. “Why isn’t there a pretty girl for me?” “ Oh I’m sure there will be eventually. Now hush up and eat your grilled cheese.”
Someone not suffering from a shortage from pretty girls however, was the littlest Nightmare. “ You really rock at this Lilly! My big sister taught me all about dancing but I gotta say, I think I could definitely use a few more lessons from you. That is, if you’re willing to give them?”
“ Oh, of course! Hey ‘Orrible, I’m so sorry about what I said to you in Harvest & Mulch, you’re really not awful at all..” “ Aww, that’s sweet Lilly – thanks. I’d love it if we could carry on a bit longer, but sadly I’ve got a job I need to do. For my family, you know how it is. But see you soon though yeah?” “ OMGdefinitly!!” “ Awesome, I’ll walk you out.”
Sorry about that. “ S’alright, but.. Bah! Missed again!” The schwooooong not helping then? “ Sadly not.” Hang on – I just heard another schwoooong! But you’ve already schwooooonged..
“ And that is why you shouldn’t even try to play a guitar, because there is absolutely no way you can do it as Evilly as me, Evil Susan, so just save yourself a bone-shattering experience and don’t bother trying in the first place.” And I shall take those words to heart ES, as I get to claim a point for my FreeTime bonus.
Ta dah! Just ‘cause I can. Both my founding heir and spouse have maximised their enthusiasm in their pre-destined hobbies and I have these charming plaques to show for it.  Wikkid innit.
“ Oh hello, I’ve done one required crappy thing, now I want to do another. Meet me on the town green.  9 am.  SHARP.” - - - -
“ Alright then ES, what is it today?” “ I’ve bought a business!” “ ..Why?” “ And Evil business of course. Welcome Gin, to Bugger Off And Die.” “ PARDON!?” “ Bugger off and die. Seeing as that’s the message I want to get across to Riverblossom after all. And I’m all Fortune-y here, so if I can make some money and knock off some of this hellhole’s residents at the same time – then why not?
“ I’ve got everything I could ever need for that! The brats sent me a bunch of bones they didn’t want from college and I’ve made a new pet from them, his name is Evil Evan and hopefully we can scare more than one Riverblossomee out of this world.  Well the Evil stereo is more for me when I get bored looking at their ugly faces, and the Evil pool? Well, I’ve heard tales of ladders going missing every now and again.
“ Bunch of flammable rubbish near flammable trees, because I’m sure these dolts would go for an outdoor barbeque, even an Evil one. Evil bubbles to play havoc with their delicate brain cells, and so hopefully they won’t remember where they live and starve to death in a ditch.
“ And ah, of course I’m rather fond of this section.  The corner of Evil Vices!
And my personal favourite – the Evil Hole of Doom. No roof means more fun for me! Less for them, but I don’t care. Brilliant eh?”
“ Evil Susan, that’s awful! And besides, I don’t even think you can kill people on community lots anyway!” “ Oh like I care what you think. So.. Can I interest you in a ticket?” “ NO! I’m going back to my cottage ES, call me when you come to your senses. Oh wait – never mind. Just.. Try not to hurt too many people okay? Oh, and don’t suppose you can call this place Boolprop Clubhouse could you?” “ Gin – bugger off and die.”
And so Evil Susan went about trying to bring the residents of Riverblossom further into her clutches. “ Oh it’s a wonderful place Mr. Potato-Head-That-Looks-Familiar, you’ll love it I’m sure. Free turnip for everyone! You too Mr. Tomato, don’t think I can’t see you there eyeing up a ticket!” “ Oooh.. Alright then!”
“ Go tree! Buurn them, buuurn them all! Muahahaaaa! I love a good thunder storm.”
“ Pity about the rain ruining that one for you ES.” “ .. Shut up.”
“ At least we can still hope that an ever-burning branch falls on and lands on someone’s head.”
“ Ah, young lady! Welcome my child, welcome.” “ Whaddya want old woman?” “ Old woman? OLD WOMAN!? I am, I AM.. Veeeery pleased to meet you. Please – but a ticket.” “ Only if you take your wrinkly old hand off me.” “ Gladly you.. Charming child!”
“ Oooh, now I spy an opportunity..”
“ Rain, hail, snow, lightning, I don’t care.. Just give me something to get rid of that kid NOW. I am Evil Susan, and I demand she lives no more!”
“ Hey Lady? It’s started to thunder and I don’t want to get hit by lightning or anything like that.” “ Oh really? Are you sure dear child?” “ Yup, I’m going to head back to Bluewater. Oh by the way, nice dress..” “ Yeah? Well I hope you get hit by a PLAGUE! A big Evil Bluewater PLAGUE.”
“ So this is a place of light and love is it?” “ Er, yes! That’s right!” “ Hmm.. Can I plant some lollipop trees here then? They’d look ever so charming next to that sweet dinosaur.” “ Oh hahahaha! Get out.”
One night, a rather large thunderstorm started to brew over Riverblossom.  Much to Evil Susan’s delight, her Evil Pit of Doom started to work as she had intended.. “ Ow man, that ain’t no basket of tomatoes!”
“ So I kicked the alien in the kisser, and damn things haven’t been seen again! Except when they took one of my brats, but that was as a favour. Abnd another thing-” “ Lady, I’m stinky and in pain. Help meeee!” “ Dude she’s naked, I’d leave. These are some tomatoes that you  don’t  want to see.”
“ Dude.. That is  wrong .”
“ Man you’re the fourth one today!” “ Well how do you keep getting away with it then?” “ Dude, I eat my tomatoes in soup form!” “ Riii-iight..”
“ Hey, good to see you! You seem like the kind of gal who can help me out here. What’s your name?” “ Bim.” “ Bim?! What the heck kind of name is that?! Whatever, I’ll give you a free ticket if you just cast a few hexes here and there mmkay?” “ Sweet!”
“ NOT ON ME BIM!” “ Aww..” “ Leave, your services are no longer required.” “ Aww..”
“ Lump Schnozz?” “ Evil Susan?” “ This doesn’t seem to be working. We’ve been here forever and run through countless energizers and not a single moron has dropped dead yet! In fact they all seems quite.. Happy.” “ Well we can’t have that! I guess the crispy one’s aren’t overly thrilled but yes, I’m getting a general overall pleased vibe from the patrons. We’ve got 92 stars for heaven’s sake! Maybe Gin was right?” “ Gin is never right! Come on, let’s go home for now. We haven’t done the Naked Dance of Evil for far too long. We can stomp the town out later”
“ Hey Mum! Where have you and Dad been? You’ve been gone for two whole weeks!” “ What? And you’re still here? I was hoping you might have run away or disappeared or grown up or something!” “ Not yet I’m afraid.” “ Well it’s your turn to go and look after the bloody business then, hop to it.”
So he did, but in a rather different way to his parents.  ‘ Orrible found that if he started taking his dates to the business rather than to the house, he somehow magically still managed to have extra time to fit in his big hunting when he got back. Plus, the girls were seemed thrilled enough to be asked out by him that they actually threw stars! (Community lots ftw at the moment, he’s very nearly at the age where I have to send him to college and we still need like seven bugs, so this isn’t *technically* cheating, just making him happy while we get there!)
Yes, he had many good times of the Nightmare business lot..  “ Mmm, you smell of trees!” “ Teheheheeeeeeee it’s my special pine-scented hat!” Hat of badness and evil? Yes I think so. GO AWAY.
“ Hey Liz, I know this great place over the road where it can be just you and me, for the whole evening..” “’ Farid I’m going to need you to stay here this evening son. Your Mother’s working on her novel and I need to call all my many many friends. Someone has to watch Tramp.” “ But he watches the gnome!” “ Yes, and you’re going to watch him.”
“ Sorry about that Liz, but you don’t mind hanging out around here this evening do you?” “ Oh of course not! I’ve heard you’ve got a totally sweet balcony upstairs?” “ You bet I do! And if you don’t mind, I know this great way of cuddling that let’s you see the stars in such a pretty way!” “ Oh my marrows..”
“ Awesome.” “ Oh shut your TRAP brat! Do you know what you sound like? I’ve got work to do! And so do you, I chained you to the garden for a reason. You remind me of a worm. Now scuttle off and leave me in peace!” “ Can do Mum. But cuddling first. Bug hunting later.”
Eventually without having to listen to her son’s romantic attempts, Evil Susan finally managed to finish her novel in the early hours of the morning. And the name of this illustrious book? “ The Ultimate Guide to Evil. My, it is rather Evil if I do say so myself.. Right, if this doesn’t convert these tree hugging fiddle-heads then nothing will.”
“ Yes? You’ve already sold 3 million copies of my book? Excellent! ... What? They’ve all been purchased by the Garden Club as fuel for their compost fires? ... Who cares, it means money for me! Now leave me alone and keep sending cheques.”
“ Well there can always be an even more Evil sequel.” The ever-burning tree burned happily in agreement. And this fulfils the Family Scrapbook bonus for the founding generation! I have pictures of ES and Shea and all their children in various places around the house – and now ES has written a successful novel.  Now, to keep it up for the next two to claim it.
Unfortunately ‘Orrible’s life as a Bug Nut was playing havoc with his skin. It’s a bit hard to fulfil his family duty and look his best in an attempt to be a successful Romancer at the same time, but he’s sticking to both tasks admirably.  “ I could always just tell them it’s a war wound.. Actually, hey! They’re Riverblossom chicks, they’re going to dig signs I’m at one with nature! Awesome. TO THE GARDEN TO ROLL IN DIRT!”
“ C’mere c’mere c’mere.. GOTCHA! You’re a pesky little one aren’t cha? Aren’t cha aren’t cha?” Hey ‘Orrible.. “ Yeah?” That was your 29 th  bug you know. “ No way.” Hell yes way! You’re free! Off you run, wheee.. Bug Nut for Generation One is DONE and it was a pain the bum that took way longer than I expected. “ Oh thank cookies! Where’s my phone?”
“ I’m free I’m free I’m free!” “ Wow, it’s nice to see you too!” “ Date. Kisses. Now. Num num.” But alas, seeing as you’re one day away from become an adult this can be but a short lived date to get your motives and aspiration up.  This OWBC actually requires a lot more thought and planning than I’d anticipated! I almost got tempted to start writing plot the other day, it was shocking.
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“ Yoo-hoo! You lot! I am a-needing your help. OWBC rules dictate that heirs must be chosen by poll, and now that all four kids are in college I’d love it if you could help me do just that please! Because I’ve been doing this challenge for speed and getting myself back into writing and playing I haven’t done as much with them as I would probably have liked to, but hopefully you’ve got an idea of what each of them is like by now. So quick recaps here, and then these and the poll will be hosted on in a bit! If you’ve got two secs, please just throw me a click so I can move the challenge forward. Thaaaaanks!
Blight On My Existence  Nightmare Leo – 4 10 4 7 1 Family  – Reach Golden Anniversary Hobby: Games Genetics:  Blonde /red  Brown /light blue Male twin and first born, Blight is actually a lovely guy despite his one nice point (except for when he’s hungry or pissed at random dormies), and pretty much a big sweetie though he prefers to keep that in the family. Pros : Doesn’t have a career LTW (I’m going for no promos next gen) so achievable, the only vaguely Evil one Cons : Evil Susan mocks Family Sims
Burns My Eyes  Nightmare Leo – 4 10 5 4 5 Popularity  – Become Visionary Hobby: Music & Dance Genetics:  Blonde /red  Brown /light blue Blight’s twin and the only girl, Burns seems to be voice of reason in the family and occasionally took pity on Occult as she was the only semi-nice one for the longest time, yet she can still totally hold her own. Pros : Most normal! Cons : Career LTW, doesn’t do very well on the Evil scale
Occult Demon Child  Nightmare – BAD APPLE Aries – 9 10 4 4 3 Pleasure  – Become Celebrity Chef Hobby: Music & Dance Genetics:  Black /blonde  Brown /light blue Deary me, what to say.. Occult’s favourite activity is whining and trying to make me loses mini-challenges. But isn’t that the case with all Bad Apples? Sadly he annoys me, but that might not entirely be his fault and I’m willing to give him a chance. Pros : Um..  Cons : Can only give him 8 commands a day, he’s a pain
‘ Orrible  Nightmare Libra – 4 10 1 7 8 Romance  – Become Celebrity Chef Hobby: Fitness Genetics:  Black /blonde  Brown /light blue The youngest and nicest Nightmare, ‘Orrible is favoured by the twins over Occult. Evil Susan doesn’t know what to do with his many nice points, but he’s successfully used them to get all the girls AND fulfil Bug Nut for me, as well as making sure Occult didn’t die. Plus his teen abductions means he can have alien babies! (And he’s all cute) Pros : Alien babies, cuteness Cons : Career LTW, Romance so may not be too thrilled with marriage

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ESWN 1.6

  • 1. Hello! *waves* Apparently I like dragging things out because somehow this is part 6 and I’m still on the first generation.. Whatever! It just means more time for Evil Susan to get cross at everything. But first, to SSU!
  • 2. “ Blight, what the heck have you done to your hair?” “ It grew! Mum wouldn’t let me bring any of the scissors with us, ‘too precious a-stabby commodity’ apparently.” “ You look like the creepy headmaster.” “ Shh! But seeing as we’re here, how about we get settled into our fantabulous university home?”
  • 3. “ Uuuh.. Just as well we’ve got each other!” Okay. Um. I didn’t want to move them into dorms because it would be harder to control what they ate, and I thought pledging into a Greek House could be impossible without a dorm stint, so instead they get a house straight off the bat! ..And stupidly I forgot to load them up with inventory junk before I sent them, so we’re just going to have to do this the hard way. TO CAMPUS, MY LITTLE MONEY MACHINES!
  • 4. “ I’m more than a bird! I’m more than a plane! I’m a biiiiiird-plane! I’m a biiiiiird-plane! A part of me is a bird! The other part is a plane! See my feathers, hear my engines! My beak and my hydraulic suspensions!”
  • 5. “ Wow fellow dormie, I love the way you jam! Here, have my some money!” “ Who are those other idiots ruining your nice song?” “ No idea, have aaaaaaaaaaall my money!”
  • 6. “ Hey sis? All the morons tipped the band-crasher who couldn’t even play! She made $500 and we got nothing..” “ Time for Plan B then. I learnt quite a bit from Mum sprawled over the bar and cursing at home – these students won’t know what hit them. You go find Plan C, mmkay?” “ Sure thing. Let me just throw my tipjar and that idiot’s head first. She’s not my family, so I don’t have to be in anyway pleasant to her. I want to be able to eat tonight, damnit!”
  • 7. “ *sigh* If the worst comes to the worst I could always just thwack people with this shovel until they feed me..” You know what? I think your Mother would be quite proud of you when you’re hungry. What’s brought all this on? “ WELL I’VE NEVER BEEN HUNGRY BEFORE HAVE I? There was always grilled cheese on tap and- Hey! Hey Burns! I think I found something, come out and grab a spade!”
  • 8. Five hours later.. “ Have we got enough yet?” “ I’m not sure – let’s count up. I’ve got six treasure maps, 12 rocks and a crapload of bones. You?” “ Pretty much the same.” “ DARN IT I’M HUNGRY.” “ Oh hush, this’ll do for now. Shall I go and cook us up some dinner then Blight?” “ ..Yes. Let me just try once more, I swear Dad said Treasure Chests exist.”
  • 9. “ ARGH! All I wanted was some foooood...” With that, the soaking sulking Sim ran away from the scary scary water.
  • 10. “ Oh, honestly.. A bit of water never hurt anyone!” “ Unless you lost all your clothes in the great basement flood of ‘07. Heeelllloooo I like your spade!” “ Thanks. I uh.. Goodness, what a nice gnome we have on our lawn!” “ If I didn’t want people to look sweetie, I would have gone to Harvest & Mulch years ago.”
  • 11. It wasn’t only the twins having a tough time of things though. Back in Riverblossom: “ Daaaad, I’m hungry and on the verge of starvation!” “ +500!”
  • 12. “ Oh goodness, it’s no wonder no one ever wants to feed me.. I’m hideous! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.” I would say there there, but.. Occult just annoys me too darn much so therefore: s’funny!
  • 13. “ *sigh* I just can’t concentrate on our homework tonight..” Aww, you get a there there ‘Orrible. “ Thanks. *sniff* I still don’t mind doing all of Occult’s homework until he goes to uni, but it’s giving me more time to remember what happened last night than I’d want!”
  • 14. “ It’s hard enough having to do one lot of translation, what the heck does ‘usu hus!” mean anyway? All I’ve got so far is something about a cerulean anteater, and that just can’t be right.. How did Mum manage to get over her abduction so quickly?”
  • 15. By doing what she does best my dear ‘Orrible. By ignoring her entire family. “ Fam’ly? ’Ot fam’ly? *ptuh* Bleh, someone needs to clean this bathroom. Where’s my slave? I’m not doing it, I’m Evil Susan!”
  • 16. “ Slave! Go clean the upstairs bathroom, it’s a tip and it’s probably your fault.” “ Actually I think it was Occult taking his weekly shower ES, but sure – I’ll get on it for you. But while you’re around and not cursing quite so much, here – this is for you.” “ Yeah yeah Lump Face, but what is it?” “ It’s a new type of explosive that I had imported for you that arrived this morning. It sounded like something you’d like, it’s made from crushed Shrew tail, and I thought it might help you get that final promotion today.” “ Wow Ridiculous Face, I gotta say – I’m impressed.”
  • 17. “ I’m cold! I’m cold! I’m coooooold!” “ I know Occult, so you keep saying. Why don’t you go inside and make yourself a nice hot chocolate, hmm? I set one up to boil earlier, because I know how you like them after a good snowman sesh.” “ But I wanna make more snow angels!” “ No, go inside. Besides, I have important business to attend to.”
  • 19. “ Huh, well what do you know.. It worked! Not Stupid Name’s gift of course, but my Evil finally won out, just like I always knew it would. HA.” Hurray! Hurray for Evil Susan! She’s finally reached her LTW to Become the City Planner (poor Riverblossom..) and I know don’t have to be terrified of her not getting it before no promotions are allowed. Phew!
  • 20. *schwooooong* And hurray for Shea! Fulfilling another requirement for me for maxing out his predestined hobby enthusiasm. Yaaaay, thank yooou.
  • 21. “ You off somewhere Occult?” “ Right, that’s it! I’ve had enough! Everyone else around here has been fulfilling their purposes and all I’ve been doing for the last few days is crying at my reflection and nearly freezing to death. I’m going to Uni! Don’t cry ‘Orrible, you’ll see me again soon.” “ It’s *hic* not that *sniff*.. I got abducteeeeed..” “ Right. Anyway – BYE.”
  • 22. “ There you go, I’m here. And it’s the middle of the day so clearly it’s time for me to go to bed.” But of course. Now Occult is in college, I am now allowed to find out his stats and LTW, as well as give him up to 8 commands a day! So I can now tell you: Pleasure – Become Celebrity Chef Aries – 9 10 4 4 3 (Skills – 0 0 8 3 6 10 5) Huh, so he’s actually a lot meaner than I thought. And rather more skilled! But I was right about him being very neat and outgoing, whoo. It was also now that I realised I could have actually used influence on him, whereas I had been playing him asylum-stylee. Aaaaargh! Maybe that’s why he made me so cross, but at least I know for next generation.
  • 23. Oooh, how exciting! A traditional llama-cow fight, right at the bottom of the Nightmare’s very own stairs. I never get to see these. Go llama!
  • 24. “ Him him! Hit him in his udder” Stab him on his own horn! Go’won, yeeeeeeeah!” Ah, apparently Blight shares my sentiments. And luckily with a final “MOOO” the cow was finally smacked down for the last time by the heroic llama, who Blight happily welcomed as one of his own and offered him some grilled cheese. The cow fled for the safety of the harvest fields.
  • 25. “ Burns!” “ Occult.” “ I’ve really missed you! ‘Orrible’s penman ship just wasn’t as pretty as yours on my homework.” “ Sweet of you.” “ But what’s been happening! Last time you rang you didn’t even have any carpet or y’know, sofas.”
  • 26. “ Oh we fixed that pretty quickly, we both aced our midterms and finals so brought in enough money to make this dump a little more like home. From my stereo and synthesiser and Blight’s pool table we’ve both schwooooooong-ing with the best of them now!” “ So? I’ve been doing that for ages.” “ You have? Aww, well done! But what else, what else..”
  • 27. “ We’ve got a Womrat now too, Blight called her Sweet Dream.” “ Well that’s a dumbass name.” “ I think it’s sweet! And you should see Blight’s face when he gives her a cuddle – it’s adorable! Even though he has become ever so much more like Mum since we got here. He was even arguing with some guy the other day – for no reason!” “ Maybe that means he’ll actually pay me some attention now..”
  • 28. “ Maybe.. But you’re going to have to battle with Chin-Chin!” “ With WHO?!” “ Chin-Chin! Well her name’s actually Gretchen Chin, but when you say it really quickly, it comes out Chin-Chin! Isn’t that cute?” “ No.” “ Oh shh, yes it is. But she and Blight have been seeing each other for quite a while now.”
  • 29. “ And me? We-ell.. I met a pretty cool guy who helped us out when we were pretty strapped for cash at the start. He does a, hehe, special dance show all over campus and he gave us a bunch of the profits!” “ Do you think he can teach it to me?” “ Uhh.. No.”
  • 30. “ But what about me..” asked the Bad Apple, staring wistfully at his brother’s girlfriend. “Why isn’t there a pretty girl for me?” “ Oh I’m sure there will be eventually. Now hush up and eat your grilled cheese.”
  • 31. Someone not suffering from a shortage from pretty girls however, was the littlest Nightmare. “ You really rock at this Lilly! My big sister taught me all about dancing but I gotta say, I think I could definitely use a few more lessons from you. That is, if you’re willing to give them?”
  • 32. “ Oh, of course! Hey ‘Orrible, I’m so sorry about what I said to you in Harvest & Mulch, you’re really not awful at all..” “ Aww, that’s sweet Lilly – thanks. I’d love it if we could carry on a bit longer, but sadly I’ve got a job I need to do. For my family, you know how it is. But see you soon though yeah?” “ OMGdefinitly!!” “ Awesome, I’ll walk you out.”
  • 33. Sorry about that. “ S’alright, but.. Bah! Missed again!” The schwooooong not helping then? “ Sadly not.” Hang on – I just heard another schwoooong! But you’ve already schwooooonged..
  • 34. “ And that is why you shouldn’t even try to play a guitar, because there is absolutely no way you can do it as Evilly as me, Evil Susan, so just save yourself a bone-shattering experience and don’t bother trying in the first place.” And I shall take those words to heart ES, as I get to claim a point for my FreeTime bonus.
  • 35. Ta dah! Just ‘cause I can. Both my founding heir and spouse have maximised their enthusiasm in their pre-destined hobbies and I have these charming plaques to show for it. Wikkid innit.
  • 36. “ Oh hello, I’ve done one required crappy thing, now I want to do another. Meet me on the town green. 9 am. SHARP.” - - - -
  • 37. “ Alright then ES, what is it today?” “ I’ve bought a business!” “ ..Why?” “ And Evil business of course. Welcome Gin, to Bugger Off And Die.” “ PARDON!?” “ Bugger off and die. Seeing as that’s the message I want to get across to Riverblossom after all. And I’m all Fortune-y here, so if I can make some money and knock off some of this hellhole’s residents at the same time – then why not?
  • 38. “ I’ve got everything I could ever need for that! The brats sent me a bunch of bones they didn’t want from college and I’ve made a new pet from them, his name is Evil Evan and hopefully we can scare more than one Riverblossomee out of this world. Well the Evil stereo is more for me when I get bored looking at their ugly faces, and the Evil pool? Well, I’ve heard tales of ladders going missing every now and again.
  • 39. “ Bunch of flammable rubbish near flammable trees, because I’m sure these dolts would go for an outdoor barbeque, even an Evil one. Evil bubbles to play havoc with their delicate brain cells, and so hopefully they won’t remember where they live and starve to death in a ditch.
  • 40. “ And ah, of course I’m rather fond of this section. The corner of Evil Vices!
  • 41. And my personal favourite – the Evil Hole of Doom. No roof means more fun for me! Less for them, but I don’t care. Brilliant eh?”
  • 42. “ Evil Susan, that’s awful! And besides, I don’t even think you can kill people on community lots anyway!” “ Oh like I care what you think. So.. Can I interest you in a ticket?” “ NO! I’m going back to my cottage ES, call me when you come to your senses. Oh wait – never mind. Just.. Try not to hurt too many people okay? Oh, and don’t suppose you can call this place Boolprop Clubhouse could you?” “ Gin – bugger off and die.”
  • 43. And so Evil Susan went about trying to bring the residents of Riverblossom further into her clutches. “ Oh it’s a wonderful place Mr. Potato-Head-That-Looks-Familiar, you’ll love it I’m sure. Free turnip for everyone! You too Mr. Tomato, don’t think I can’t see you there eyeing up a ticket!” “ Oooh.. Alright then!”
  • 44. “ Go tree! Buurn them, buuurn them all! Muahahaaaa! I love a good thunder storm.”
  • 45. “ Pity about the rain ruining that one for you ES.” “ .. Shut up.”
  • 46. “ At least we can still hope that an ever-burning branch falls on and lands on someone’s head.”
  • 47. “ Ah, young lady! Welcome my child, welcome.” “ Whaddya want old woman?” “ Old woman? OLD WOMAN!? I am, I AM.. Veeeery pleased to meet you. Please – but a ticket.” “ Only if you take your wrinkly old hand off me.” “ Gladly you.. Charming child!”
  • 48. “ Oooh, now I spy an opportunity..”
  • 49. “ Rain, hail, snow, lightning, I don’t care.. Just give me something to get rid of that kid NOW. I am Evil Susan, and I demand she lives no more!”
  • 50. “ Hey Lady? It’s started to thunder and I don’t want to get hit by lightning or anything like that.” “ Oh really? Are you sure dear child?” “ Yup, I’m going to head back to Bluewater. Oh by the way, nice dress..” “ Yeah? Well I hope you get hit by a PLAGUE! A big Evil Bluewater PLAGUE.”
  • 51. “ So this is a place of light and love is it?” “ Er, yes! That’s right!” “ Hmm.. Can I plant some lollipop trees here then? They’d look ever so charming next to that sweet dinosaur.” “ Oh hahahaha! Get out.”
  • 52. One night, a rather large thunderstorm started to brew over Riverblossom. Much to Evil Susan’s delight, her Evil Pit of Doom started to work as she had intended.. “ Ow man, that ain’t no basket of tomatoes!”
  • 53. “ So I kicked the alien in the kisser, and damn things haven’t been seen again! Except when they took one of my brats, but that was as a favour. Abnd another thing-” “ Lady, I’m stinky and in pain. Help meeee!” “ Dude she’s naked, I’d leave. These are some tomatoes that you don’t want to see.”
  • 54. “ Dude.. That is wrong .”
  • 55. “ Man you’re the fourth one today!” “ Well how do you keep getting away with it then?” “ Dude, I eat my tomatoes in soup form!” “ Riii-iight..”
  • 56. “ Hey, good to see you! You seem like the kind of gal who can help me out here. What’s your name?” “ Bim.” “ Bim?! What the heck kind of name is that?! Whatever, I’ll give you a free ticket if you just cast a few hexes here and there mmkay?” “ Sweet!”
  • 57. “ NOT ON ME BIM!” “ Aww..” “ Leave, your services are no longer required.” “ Aww..”
  • 58. “ Lump Schnozz?” “ Evil Susan?” “ This doesn’t seem to be working. We’ve been here forever and run through countless energizers and not a single moron has dropped dead yet! In fact they all seems quite.. Happy.” “ Well we can’t have that! I guess the crispy one’s aren’t overly thrilled but yes, I’m getting a general overall pleased vibe from the patrons. We’ve got 92 stars for heaven’s sake! Maybe Gin was right?” “ Gin is never right! Come on, let’s go home for now. We haven’t done the Naked Dance of Evil for far too long. We can stomp the town out later”
  • 59. “ Hey Mum! Where have you and Dad been? You’ve been gone for two whole weeks!” “ What? And you’re still here? I was hoping you might have run away or disappeared or grown up or something!” “ Not yet I’m afraid.” “ Well it’s your turn to go and look after the bloody business then, hop to it.”
  • 60. So he did, but in a rather different way to his parents. ‘ Orrible found that if he started taking his dates to the business rather than to the house, he somehow magically still managed to have extra time to fit in his big hunting when he got back. Plus, the girls were seemed thrilled enough to be asked out by him that they actually threw stars! (Community lots ftw at the moment, he’s very nearly at the age where I have to send him to college and we still need like seven bugs, so this isn’t *technically* cheating, just making him happy while we get there!)
  • 61. Yes, he had many good times of the Nightmare business lot.. “ Mmm, you smell of trees!” “ Teheheheeeeeeee it’s my special pine-scented hat!” Hat of badness and evil? Yes I think so. GO AWAY.
  • 62. “ Hey Liz, I know this great place over the road where it can be just you and me, for the whole evening..” “’ Farid I’m going to need you to stay here this evening son. Your Mother’s working on her novel and I need to call all my many many friends. Someone has to watch Tramp.” “ But he watches the gnome!” “ Yes, and you’re going to watch him.”
  • 63. “ Sorry about that Liz, but you don’t mind hanging out around here this evening do you?” “ Oh of course not! I’ve heard you’ve got a totally sweet balcony upstairs?” “ You bet I do! And if you don’t mind, I know this great way of cuddling that let’s you see the stars in such a pretty way!” “ Oh my marrows..”
  • 64. “ Awesome.” “ Oh shut your TRAP brat! Do you know what you sound like? I’ve got work to do! And so do you, I chained you to the garden for a reason. You remind me of a worm. Now scuttle off and leave me in peace!” “ Can do Mum. But cuddling first. Bug hunting later.”
  • 65. Eventually without having to listen to her son’s romantic attempts, Evil Susan finally managed to finish her novel in the early hours of the morning. And the name of this illustrious book? “ The Ultimate Guide to Evil. My, it is rather Evil if I do say so myself.. Right, if this doesn’t convert these tree hugging fiddle-heads then nothing will.”
  • 66. “ Yes? You’ve already sold 3 million copies of my book? Excellent! ... What? They’ve all been purchased by the Garden Club as fuel for their compost fires? ... Who cares, it means money for me! Now leave me alone and keep sending cheques.”
  • 67. “ Well there can always be an even more Evil sequel.” The ever-burning tree burned happily in agreement. And this fulfils the Family Scrapbook bonus for the founding generation! I have pictures of ES and Shea and all their children in various places around the house – and now ES has written a successful novel. Now, to keep it up for the next two to claim it.
  • 68. Unfortunately ‘Orrible’s life as a Bug Nut was playing havoc with his skin. It’s a bit hard to fulfil his family duty and look his best in an attempt to be a successful Romancer at the same time, but he’s sticking to both tasks admirably. “ I could always just tell them it’s a war wound.. Actually, hey! They’re Riverblossom chicks, they’re going to dig signs I’m at one with nature! Awesome. TO THE GARDEN TO ROLL IN DIRT!”
  • 69. “ C’mere c’mere c’mere.. GOTCHA! You’re a pesky little one aren’t cha? Aren’t cha aren’t cha?” Hey ‘Orrible.. “ Yeah?” That was your 29 th bug you know. “ No way.” Hell yes way! You’re free! Off you run, wheee.. Bug Nut for Generation One is DONE and it was a pain the bum that took way longer than I expected. “ Oh thank cookies! Where’s my phone?”
  • 70. “ I’m free I’m free I’m free!” “ Wow, it’s nice to see you too!” “ Date. Kisses. Now. Num num.” But alas, seeing as you’re one day away from become an adult this can be but a short lived date to get your motives and aspiration up. This OWBC actually requires a lot more thought and planning than I’d anticipated! I almost got tempted to start writing plot the other day, it was shocking.
  • 71.
  • 72. “ Yoo-hoo! You lot! I am a-needing your help. OWBC rules dictate that heirs must be chosen by poll, and now that all four kids are in college I’d love it if you could help me do just that please! Because I’ve been doing this challenge for speed and getting myself back into writing and playing I haven’t done as much with them as I would probably have liked to, but hopefully you’ve got an idea of what each of them is like by now. So quick recaps here, and then these and the poll will be hosted on in a bit! If you’ve got two secs, please just throw me a click so I can move the challenge forward. Thaaaaanks!
  • 73. Blight On My Existence Nightmare Leo – 4 10 4 7 1 Family – Reach Golden Anniversary Hobby: Games Genetics: Blonde /red Brown /light blue Male twin and first born, Blight is actually a lovely guy despite his one nice point (except for when he’s hungry or pissed at random dormies), and pretty much a big sweetie though he prefers to keep that in the family. Pros : Doesn’t have a career LTW (I’m going for no promos next gen) so achievable, the only vaguely Evil one Cons : Evil Susan mocks Family Sims
  • 74. Burns My Eyes Nightmare Leo – 4 10 5 4 5 Popularity – Become Visionary Hobby: Music & Dance Genetics: Blonde /red Brown /light blue Blight’s twin and the only girl, Burns seems to be voice of reason in the family and occasionally took pity on Occult as she was the only semi-nice one for the longest time, yet she can still totally hold her own. Pros : Most normal! Cons : Career LTW, doesn’t do very well on the Evil scale
  • 75. Occult Demon Child Nightmare – BAD APPLE Aries – 9 10 4 4 3 Pleasure – Become Celebrity Chef Hobby: Music & Dance Genetics: Black /blonde Brown /light blue Deary me, what to say.. Occult’s favourite activity is whining and trying to make me loses mini-challenges. But isn’t that the case with all Bad Apples? Sadly he annoys me, but that might not entirely be his fault and I’m willing to give him a chance. Pros : Um.. Cons : Can only give him 8 commands a day, he’s a pain
  • 76. ‘ Orrible Nightmare Libra – 4 10 1 7 8 Romance – Become Celebrity Chef Hobby: Fitness Genetics: Black /blonde Brown /light blue The youngest and nicest Nightmare, ‘Orrible is favoured by the twins over Occult. Evil Susan doesn’t know what to do with his many nice points, but he’s successfully used them to get all the girls AND fulfil Bug Nut for me, as well as making sure Occult didn’t die. Plus his teen abductions means he can have alien babies! (And he’s all cute) Pros : Alien babies, cuteness Cons : Career LTW, Romance so may not be too thrilled with marriage