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In which Isabetta devises a plan.
Cadence looked up from the meal she was preparing to smile at her husband as he came through the door. "Good morning, Giovanni. What have you been up to?" she asked, turning back to chop the rest of the vegetables. "Oh, nothing much. I finished digging up the rest of the potatoes and stored them down in the cellar." Giovanni answered. "That?s good. Potatoes were all that was left to dig up, right?" Winter was fast approaching and they had spent the better part of a week digging up the garden and putting them away for later.
"Yes, Cadence. They were the last food left in the ground. Now we are done and can sit back and relax all winter." Giovanni exclaimed, wrapping his arms around his wife and kissing her intently.
"Well!" Cadence said, blushing. "Since you're in such a good mood, I have something I want to talk to you about.“ "Anything, my dear." Giovanni said. "Well, I've been thinking. Isabetta is nearly sixteen and I think we should start thinking about finding her a husband."
"I suppose it is time we start thinking about a husband for Isabetta." Giovanni said, realizing just how old his daughter was getting. "When I was younger, all the girls I knew would throw parties. I'm pretty sure I have some friends in town that I could invite. I'm sure they would come." "Yes, and I could invite some of my friends and my cousin and have her bring some guests, too!" Cadence said, getting excited.
'Yes, that's a wonderful idea! We could host it in the spring which would give us all winter to fix up the house and plan it all." Giovanni said, matching his wife's enthusiasm. "That's perfect then. When you go back into town next week, start spreading word to a few people to just get them used to the idea before we sent out formal invitations and I will send a letter to my cousin mentioning it. We can send out formal invitations in a few weeks; after we tell Isabetta."
A party? For me? Isabetta wondered in shock. All the other girls her age in town had been planning their own parties for a while, not that they had bothered to extend her an invite. Maybe I'll be able to be like a normal girl for once! Not some peasant stuck way out here in the middle of nowhere. Isabetta thought as she made herself scarce, lest her parents come out suddenly and discover her eavesdropping.
A few days later, Isabetta was stirring the coals in the fireplace, trying to get the fire blazing higher, when her mother came through the front door. "I cannot believe how cold it is outside!" Cadence exclaimed, her cheeks pink from the cold. "Yeah, I noticed that a bit of snow fell last night." Isabetta answered, jabbing the coals even harder. It was freezing and she couldn't quite get the fire going all the way.
Cadence came up behind her daughter and, taking the poker, gave the coals a final jab that got the flames roaring up. "Will you sit a moment, Isabetta?" Isabetta smiled and sat down, thinking that she knew what was coming.
"Well, your father and I have been talking and we think that it is time for you to start looking towards marriage. You are nearly sixteen years of age and we think that the best way to go about it is to throw you a party. Now, we know that it may not be the fanciest party in all of Florence, but Giovanni and I are going to do our best. It will be held in the spring so we will have until then to fix up the house and we are going to see of any of our noble friends will attend. What do you think, Isabetta?"
"What do I think? I think it's perfect!" Isabetta exclaimed, throwing her hands up in excitement. "I cannot wait! Just imagine; a party just for me!" Cadence smiled at her daughter's excitement, remembering the enthusiasm she herself had felt when she was around Isabetta's age and her father had announced to her that she was to be sent to stay with her cousin in town. She had been particularly excited to be able to sample some of her relatives' riches, however she soon learned that life had much more to offer than just money. A lesson she Isabetta would learn soon for herself.
"Really mother, I am so very excited!" Isabetta finished her exclamations of joy. "I'm glad, Isabetta. Now, we must get to work planning soon! I have some ideas already. If we-" Cadence was interrupted by the sound of Piero's wails. She moved to stand, but was stopped before she could do so.
"Don't worry, mother. I'll get him." Isabetta said, standing. "Just stay here and rest for a moment while I see what he wants." "Oh, well thank you!" Cadence said, shocked at Isabetta's eagerness. It was usually much harder to get her to do any work around the house.
"Guess who's going to have a party, Piero!" Isabetta cooed excitedly to her little brother. "Party!" he shrieked in response. "Yes, a party and it's all for me. Now, let's go get you some food." Isabetta said, turning to walk out of the room, calculating how many days were left until spring.
Isabetta stepped in from the cold and welcomed the warmth of the dressmaker's shop. It was a few weeks after she had been told about the party and things were coming along well. Even though it had snowed again the nigh before, Isabetta had insisted on going to town this morning to pick out some fabric for a new dress.
Humming to herself, she picked through the samples on a rack, trying to find something that caught her eye. Her hand stopped and hovered over a sample of midnight blue velvet. She had never seen fabric so fine before and, luckily, she had enough money to buy four yards of it and perhaps even some of the silver trimming she had seen and admired earlier with the money left over.
"Excuse me, sir." she said politely, walking up to one of the men who usually ran the register. "Yes, miss?" he said rather impatiently, stopping mid-step. "I would like to purchase some of the blue velvet on that rack right there." she said, pointing. "Well, I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait ten minutes or so. I'm in the middle of a fitting and simply cannot stop to measure and cut. If you could please be patient for just a little while, I will be glad to help." he said, not waiting for an answer before taking off again towards the stairs.
Fine, then! Isabetta thought angrily. I guess I can go get something to eat and come back in ten minutes. She didn't want to hang around, waiting for someone to help her while she was poked and prodded by costumers to get out of the way. Leaving the shop, Isabetta was about to turn a corner when she heard a familiar voice saying her name. Dodging to the side before Antonio could see her, she pressed herself against the wall to listen.
"Yes, I got the same invite." she heard Antonio's companion say dryly. "Can you believe it? They are so poor! As if any of the upper class would dare to been seen at their house.“ "I know exactly what you mean." Antonio answered, unaware that someone else was listening, "What could Isabetta be thinking? That just because her father was once rich she could actually fit in with us? That she could actually even hope to marry a noble?”
Isabetta turned away, stung by their harsh words. Antonio's friend laughed, "Ha! Exactly! Giovanni may have once been one of us, but now he is nothing more than a dirty peasant and the same goes for his daughter!"
Filthy peasant? Is that really all they see me as? Isabetta asked herself, tears welling up in her eyes.
"Say, Antonio. Didn't you meet Isabetta in a shop once?" the man asked his friend. "Yes, once. She was nice and pretty enough, but she'll never amount to anything; she will always just be some poor little girl. Trust me, no one will go to that party of hers.“ Antonio's comments hit Isabetta hard. Feeling like someone had punched her, she held her tears in until she was out of earshot.
When she was sure that she wouldn't be heard by either Antonio or his friend, she let the tears fall. Sobbing hysterically, Isabetta wondered why they looked down on her so. Was it just because she was poor? Couldn't they look past that? If every other person she and her parents had invited felt the same way there was no chance she would ever be able to move up in life. Maybe I'm destined to be nothing other than the wife of some stupid farmer and be stuck the rest of my life hoeing weeds and raising babies.
Standing straight and wiping away her tears Isabetta tried to cheer herself up. No. I refuse to be some lowly peasant for the rest of my life! There has to be some way I can get out of here.
Going back in to the dressmaker's, she waited out the rest of the ten minutes quietly in a corner. Purchasing the velvet and the silver trim quickly, she hurried out of the building, eager to get home. Already, she had began a plan to get back Antonio for his harsh opinion and even harsher words.
"Did you find anything?" Cadence asked as her daughter came in the front door. "Yes, I got some blue velvet and was even able to get some trim." Isabetta answered, handing the package to her mother. "Why-it's lovely! However did you manage to get all of this with the little money I gave you?" Cadence said, unwrapping it and fingering the soft cloth. "Just lucky, I guess." Isabetta answered absent-mindedly. "I'm cold and wet, it started to rain on the way home, so I'm going to change. Ok?“ Isabetta dashed up the stairs, not waiting for an answer.
Peeling her wet clothes off her and flinging them over the rail in the hall to dry, Isabetta carefully pulled the lamp out of the hope chest at the end of her bed and rubbed it.
This time, she wasn't startled to see a purple man float out of the small opening. "Hello, Isabetta. I was wondering when I'd see you again." the Genie said in a deep voice. "Yes, nice to see you, too." Isabetta said impatiently, wanting to skip over the formalities, "I want to make my first wish."
"You are absolutely sure about this?" the Genie asked skeptically. In all his years of experience, wishes like these never turned out well. "I am positive!" she assured. Surely this would show him that she was not so worthless after all.
"Very well. Just say the words and he shall be yours." "I wish for Antonio Costa to fall completely, hopelessly, desperately, utterly in love with me!" Isabetta said excitedly. "As you wish." the Genie said simply.
Winter was almost over and Isabetta was beginning to believe that the Genie hadn't granted her wish after all. It was already the middle of January and Antonio hadn't even so much as tried to contact her as far as she knew. However, on Piero's birthday, things were about to change.
After watching her brother blow out his candles, Isabetta was standing around, munching on some cake when there was a knock at the door. Eagerly, Piero volunteered to answer it.
Thinking it wasn't anybody important, Isabetta took the last few bites of her cake and wandered in to the kitchen to wash her plate.
"Hello?" Piero asked as he opened the door. He was shocked to see, not some beggar as was expected, but rather a noble standing there, huddling in the cold. "Please, is this the Moretti residence?" he asked through chattering teeth. "Yes, yes! Please come in out of the cold!" Piero said kindheartedly.
"Thank you so very much. I had been riding in a carriage, but, unfortunately, it lost a wheel a while back and I was forced to continue on in the cold!" the guest explained. "Oh how very rude of me! I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Antonio Costa, and you are?“ "My name is Piero. Er, what can I do for you?"
"Oh, yes. I am here to see your sister, Isabetta." Antonio answered the little boy. "Ok. Hold on a second. I'll go get her for you." Piero said, wondering why a man like Antonio would be interested in his sister.
Isabetta turned as Piero came rushing in the kitchen. "Isabetta! You have a visitor!“ "A visitor? Who?" she asked, wondering if it was possible that Antonio had finally come. "A man," he said, making his voice go up and down in a teasing fashion. When Isabetta didn't laugh, he continued talking. "He says his name in Antonio something-or-other. I don't know why, but he asked to see you.“ Isabetta's face lit up at the mention of Antonio's name. Brushing past her brother, she rushed out to greet her guest.
"Isabetta!" Antonio said when he saw her emerge from a door on the far side of the room. "Antonio, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Isabetta asked coolly. "Well, I need to talk to you, Isabetta. I have some very important things discuss!"
"Who's there, Isabetta? Piero said you have a visitor." Giovanni called from the dining room. "Come, Antonio. Let's talk outside. Alone." Isabetta said, not wanting her father to get involved.
After shouting that she would be back in a minute, Isabetta led Antonio around the back of the house where they couldn’t have some privacy. "Now, what is it you want to talk about?" Isabetta asked nervously.
"I wanted to tell you that, for the longest time now, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you!" Antonio said as he took Isabetta's hand in his own. "You are all I can think about and you are what I dream about every night. "My father noticed that I was getting distracted from my work and, when I told him why, he had me take a trip for the winter up to England, hoping that I would get over my feelings for you. Spending so much time alone up there only made me realize that I love you."
It really is a nice declaration of love. Isabetta thought, One that I'm sure any girl would give her right arm to have. Too bad it's not real. "Please, Isabetta. As soon as my ship docked, I insisted on coming straight here so I could tell you how I feel. Please understand that I am unquestioningly in love with you and accept my offer to be my bride." Antonio looked at her with a pleading expression.
"I would love to be your bride, Antonio." Isabetta answered, her tone flat compared to the joy she felt on the inside. She had won! Antonio was in love with her and she was finally able to move up in the world; thanks to the Genie. "Isabetta, you have just made me the happiest man in the world!" Antonio exclaimed, leaning in to kiss her. At the last moment, Isabetta turned her head and his lips met her cheek, but he didn't seem to mind.
"Er, father?" Isabetta asked nervously, poking her head into the dining room where Giovanni was seated at the head of the table, enjoying cake and his family's company. "Isabetta, where did you go? Who is this visitor Piero has told me about?" he demanded, wanting to know what his daughter had been up to.
"Well, his name is Antonio. Antonio Costa and he would like to speak with you." Isabetta answered, squirming under her father's intense glare. By now, he had noticed the figure standing behind her and had only become more curious.
"Is that so?" Giovanni asked, standing up and motioning for both of them to come in. "Yes, sir. I have an important question to ask you." Antonio spoke up. Isabetta smiled. So far, everything was going according to plan.
"Very well," Giovanni hesitated, thinking he knew what was coming next. "Children, go out to the living room, please." Cadence said, moving to her husband's side. Isabetta, Bianca, and Piero hesitantly filed out of the room one by one, wishing they could stay and listen.
Isabetta was the first to sit on the bench, joined by Bianca soon after. Piero hung back, insisting on guarding the door to make sure no one would eavesdrop. For several minutes, no one spoke, trying to make out the muffled words, but to no avail. Bianca was the first one to break the silence, "Is Antonio asking papa to marry you?“ "Yes, he is." Isabetta answered. "Well, do you love him, Isabetta?" Bianca asked eagerly. This was the stuff of fairy-tales.
"Love? I suppose so. But that doesn't really matter, does it?" Isabetta shrugged. "But you have to love each other! That's how it's supposed to happen. First you fall in love and then you get married!“ "That's not how it has to happen, ninny. All that matters is that papa says yes." Isabetta shot back.
"Fine," Bianca gave up on the conversation, "but I still think you should love him if he's going to be your husband. Isabetta just rolled her eyes and watched the fire dance in the fireplace. Sisters are weird. Piero thought from his post. Love? Eew. Girls are gross!
After several more minutes of deliberation, Giovanni opened the door with Cadence right behind him. "Your mother and I have reached a decision." he said, beckoning his daughter to him.
Everyone clustered around Giovanni, eagerly awaiting his decision. "Your mother and I wish to give our consent for you to marry Antonio-“ Yes! Isabetta nearly squealed in joy. "However," he continued, "he as insisted that he does not wish for a dowry and, to make sure that this is not just some flight of fancy between you two, we insist that you have an engagement period of four months. You shall marry in the middle of May."
Isabetta couldn't be happier, Only four months and I'll be out of here! she thought as she gave her father a hug. "Thank you, papa." she whispered in his ear. "Your welcome." he choked out, realizing just how old his oldest was. Only four months and she will be married! He could hardly believe it.
Word spread quickly that Antonio and Isabetta were engaged, much to the surprise of the citizens of Florence. No one had seen their match coming. "Isabetta!" Antonio shouted as he ran towards his future wife two days later. Whirling around, Isabetta was shocked to him running full-speed towards her.
"What? What is it?" She demanded. "I have terrible news! I have spent the last two days arguing with my father but I simply cannot get him to come around. He will not allow out marriage." Antonio rushed out in one breath. Isabetta's heart dropped, "No. He can't do such a thing!" she said, astonished.
"Oh, but he can! He says that you are not fit to marry in to our family because you are a peasant. He said that you couldn't even afford a proper dowry. I told him that a dowry wasn't important and that I loved you no matter what, but he insisted that he would disown me if I went through with our wedding!" "That is not fair!" Isabetta shouted, "He cannot do this to us!" She was so close! The easy life was just around the corner, but now her fiancée's father had to come and rip it away from her. "Calm down, Isabetta! I haven't finished my story yet! I told him that I did not care and I would rather have you than my father's money." Antonio said, thinking that Isabetta would be entirely grateful.
"You didn't!" Isabetta shouted again. If Antonio was disowned, there would be no money! No luxuries! No nothing! "I did, Isabetta, but don't worry. We will find a way to make this all work. All that matters is that we are together.“ "Hold on. Your father won’t allow this marriage because I'm poor, right?" Antonio nodded in response. "Stay here for a moment! I have a solution to this mess!" Isabetta said, taking off in a dead run to the house.
Taking the stairs two at a time, she slammed her bedroom door behind her and hastily pulled the lamp out of its hiding place in her hope chest. Rubbing it, she stood back to catch her breath while the purple man, once more, materialized.
"I need to make my second wish, Genie!" Isabetta said once she had regained her breath. "Very well. What shall it be this time? You already have love- how about some money? Or beauty?" the Genie replied dully. "Yes! The first one. I wish for money, lots and lots of money!"
"You are absolutely sure about this?" the Genie asked cautiously. "Yes, I know what I want to wish for!" Isabetta snapped impatiently.
"As you wish." the Genie said before waving his hands and disappearing back into the lamp.
Isabetta picked the lamp up, placed it carefully in her chest, turned back around and gasped. Where the Genie had been mere moments ago now stood a large sack of money. Isabetta could only stare at the bank notes and coins threatening to overflow. She had never seen so much money before in her life.
Snapping back to reality, Isabetta rushed foreword and plunged her hands into the sack. Pulling out money as much as she could carry, she bolted out of the room, her hands laden with riches.
Shoving the rest of the money in the bag under her bed with her foot, Isabetta back outside to Antonio. "Here, take this!" Isabetta commanded, shoving the coins and paper into his hands.
"What is this? Where did you get all of this money?" Antonio asked with a shocked expression on his face. "It doesn't matter where it came from! Just take this and show your father that I can afford a dowry. Tell him that there's plenty more, too!" Isabetta said enthusiastically.
"But, where did all of this come from?" Antonio persisted. "I already told you, it doesn't matter! Just know that none of this money was stolen or anything. Know that it was all achieved by fair means." Isabetta hedged his question.
"I believe you, Isabetta. Just wait until my father sees this!" he said, motioning to his bulging pockets. "There's no way he can stop our marriage now!"
Antonio pulled Isabetta into a tight hug, "Oh thank you! I was so afraid that there was nothing we could do!“ "Er...your welcome." Isabetta said as she half-heartedly returned the hug, thinking how awkward the situation was. Grinning like a fool, Antonio ran off towards town, excited to prove his father wrong.
"It's absolutely wonderful, mother!" Isabetta said, admiring her reflection in her parents' mirror. "You did an amazing job!“ "Thank you, Isabetta. I'm glad you like your dress." Cadence said, beaming. She had been working diligently for the past month sewing the dress that Isabetta was to use for her wedding and it was finally finished.
"It's better than I had ever hoped for!" Isabetta assured her mother. "And the trim is perfect!“ "We finished just in time, too! Your wedding is the day after tomorrow." Cadence said, admiring how lovely her daughter looked in the blue velvet.
"Why don't you change and lay it away until then." Cadence suggested. "Alright." Isabetta agreed, giving her mother a kiss on the cheek.
Changing back into her everyday dress and wrapping a shawl around her shoulders, Isabetta stepped outside into the chilly May morning air. Two more days! Isabetta's mind buzzed with excitement. Two more days and I'll be out of here! Even though she was thrilled to finally leave her house, Isabetta had to admit that she was a little worried that she would miss the place. After all, I've lived here my entire life.
Turning around, Isabetta looked back at the house her father had built. No. I won't miss the place at all. Isabetta decided before starting on her way again.
That's the end! This last picture is of Antonio and Isabetta's future home. I hope you like it. :-)

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1 5
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1 5
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The Renaissance Legacy 1.3

  • 1. In which Isabetta devises a plan.
  • 2. Cadence looked up from the meal she was preparing to smile at her husband as he came through the door. "Good morning, Giovanni. What have you been up to?" she asked, turning back to chop the rest of the vegetables. "Oh, nothing much. I finished digging up the rest of the potatoes and stored them down in the cellar." Giovanni answered. "That?s good. Potatoes were all that was left to dig up, right?" Winter was fast approaching and they had spent the better part of a week digging up the garden and putting them away for later.
  • 3. "Yes, Cadence. They were the last food left in the ground. Now we are done and can sit back and relax all winter." Giovanni exclaimed, wrapping his arms around his wife and kissing her intently.
  • 4. "Well!" Cadence said, blushing. "Since you're in such a good mood, I have something I want to talk to you about.“ "Anything, my dear." Giovanni said. "Well, I've been thinking. Isabetta is nearly sixteen and I think we should start thinking about finding her a husband."
  • 5. "I suppose it is time we start thinking about a husband for Isabetta." Giovanni said, realizing just how old his daughter was getting. "When I was younger, all the girls I knew would throw parties. I'm pretty sure I have some friends in town that I could invite. I'm sure they would come." "Yes, and I could invite some of my friends and my cousin and have her bring some guests, too!" Cadence said, getting excited.
  • 6. 'Yes, that's a wonderful idea! We could host it in the spring which would give us all winter to fix up the house and plan it all." Giovanni said, matching his wife's enthusiasm. "That's perfect then. When you go back into town next week, start spreading word to a few people to just get them used to the idea before we sent out formal invitations and I will send a letter to my cousin mentioning it. We can send out formal invitations in a few weeks; after we tell Isabetta."
  • 7. A party? For me? Isabetta wondered in shock. All the other girls her age in town had been planning their own parties for a while, not that they had bothered to extend her an invite. Maybe I'll be able to be like a normal girl for once! Not some peasant stuck way out here in the middle of nowhere. Isabetta thought as she made herself scarce, lest her parents come out suddenly and discover her eavesdropping.
  • 8. A few days later, Isabetta was stirring the coals in the fireplace, trying to get the fire blazing higher, when her mother came through the front door. "I cannot believe how cold it is outside!" Cadence exclaimed, her cheeks pink from the cold. "Yeah, I noticed that a bit of snow fell last night." Isabetta answered, jabbing the coals even harder. It was freezing and she couldn't quite get the fire going all the way.
  • 9. Cadence came up behind her daughter and, taking the poker, gave the coals a final jab that got the flames roaring up. "Will you sit a moment, Isabetta?" Isabetta smiled and sat down, thinking that she knew what was coming.
  • 10. "Well, your father and I have been talking and we think that it is time for you to start looking towards marriage. You are nearly sixteen years of age and we think that the best way to go about it is to throw you a party. Now, we know that it may not be the fanciest party in all of Florence, but Giovanni and I are going to do our best. It will be held in the spring so we will have until then to fix up the house and we are going to see of any of our noble friends will attend. What do you think, Isabetta?"
  • 11. "What do I think? I think it's perfect!" Isabetta exclaimed, throwing her hands up in excitement. "I cannot wait! Just imagine; a party just for me!" Cadence smiled at her daughter's excitement, remembering the enthusiasm she herself had felt when she was around Isabetta's age and her father had announced to her that she was to be sent to stay with her cousin in town. She had been particularly excited to be able to sample some of her relatives' riches, however she soon learned that life had much more to offer than just money. A lesson she Isabetta would learn soon for herself.
  • 12. "Really mother, I am so very excited!" Isabetta finished her exclamations of joy. "I'm glad, Isabetta. Now, we must get to work planning soon! I have some ideas already. If we-" Cadence was interrupted by the sound of Piero's wails. She moved to stand, but was stopped before she could do so.
  • 13. "Don't worry, mother. I'll get him." Isabetta said, standing. "Just stay here and rest for a moment while I see what he wants." "Oh, well thank you!" Cadence said, shocked at Isabetta's eagerness. It was usually much harder to get her to do any work around the house.
  • 14. "Guess who's going to have a party, Piero!" Isabetta cooed excitedly to her little brother. "Party!" he shrieked in response. "Yes, a party and it's all for me. Now, let's go get you some food." Isabetta said, turning to walk out of the room, calculating how many days were left until spring.
  • 15. Isabetta stepped in from the cold and welcomed the warmth of the dressmaker's shop. It was a few weeks after she had been told about the party and things were coming along well. Even though it had snowed again the nigh before, Isabetta had insisted on going to town this morning to pick out some fabric for a new dress.
  • 16. Humming to herself, she picked through the samples on a rack, trying to find something that caught her eye. Her hand stopped and hovered over a sample of midnight blue velvet. She had never seen fabric so fine before and, luckily, she had enough money to buy four yards of it and perhaps even some of the silver trimming she had seen and admired earlier with the money left over.
  • 17. "Excuse me, sir." she said politely, walking up to one of the men who usually ran the register. "Yes, miss?" he said rather impatiently, stopping mid-step. "I would like to purchase some of the blue velvet on that rack right there." she said, pointing. "Well, I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait ten minutes or so. I'm in the middle of a fitting and simply cannot stop to measure and cut. If you could please be patient for just a little while, I will be glad to help." he said, not waiting for an answer before taking off again towards the stairs.
  • 18. Fine, then! Isabetta thought angrily. I guess I can go get something to eat and come back in ten minutes. She didn't want to hang around, waiting for someone to help her while she was poked and prodded by costumers to get out of the way. Leaving the shop, Isabetta was about to turn a corner when she heard a familiar voice saying her name. Dodging to the side before Antonio could see her, she pressed herself against the wall to listen.
  • 19. "Yes, I got the same invite." she heard Antonio's companion say dryly. "Can you believe it? They are so poor! As if any of the upper class would dare to been seen at their house.“ "I know exactly what you mean." Antonio answered, unaware that someone else was listening, "What could Isabetta be thinking? That just because her father was once rich she could actually fit in with us? That she could actually even hope to marry a noble?”
  • 20. Isabetta turned away, stung by their harsh words. Antonio's friend laughed, "Ha! Exactly! Giovanni may have once been one of us, but now he is nothing more than a dirty peasant and the same goes for his daughter!"
  • 21. Filthy peasant? Is that really all they see me as? Isabetta asked herself, tears welling up in her eyes.
  • 22. "Say, Antonio. Didn't you meet Isabetta in a shop once?" the man asked his friend. "Yes, once. She was nice and pretty enough, but she'll never amount to anything; she will always just be some poor little girl. Trust me, no one will go to that party of hers.“ Antonio's comments hit Isabetta hard. Feeling like someone had punched her, she held her tears in until she was out of earshot.
  • 23. When she was sure that she wouldn't be heard by either Antonio or his friend, she let the tears fall. Sobbing hysterically, Isabetta wondered why they looked down on her so. Was it just because she was poor? Couldn't they look past that? If every other person she and her parents had invited felt the same way there was no chance she would ever be able to move up in life. Maybe I'm destined to be nothing other than the wife of some stupid farmer and be stuck the rest of my life hoeing weeds and raising babies.
  • 24. Standing straight and wiping away her tears Isabetta tried to cheer herself up. No. I refuse to be some lowly peasant for the rest of my life! There has to be some way I can get out of here.
  • 25. Going back in to the dressmaker's, she waited out the rest of the ten minutes quietly in a corner. Purchasing the velvet and the silver trim quickly, she hurried out of the building, eager to get home. Already, she had began a plan to get back Antonio for his harsh opinion and even harsher words.
  • 26. "Did you find anything?" Cadence asked as her daughter came in the front door. "Yes, I got some blue velvet and was even able to get some trim." Isabetta answered, handing the package to her mother. "Why-it's lovely! However did you manage to get all of this with the little money I gave you?" Cadence said, unwrapping it and fingering the soft cloth. "Just lucky, I guess." Isabetta answered absent-mindedly. "I'm cold and wet, it started to rain on the way home, so I'm going to change. Ok?“ Isabetta dashed up the stairs, not waiting for an answer.
  • 27. Peeling her wet clothes off her and flinging them over the rail in the hall to dry, Isabetta carefully pulled the lamp out of the hope chest at the end of her bed and rubbed it.
  • 28. This time, she wasn't startled to see a purple man float out of the small opening. "Hello, Isabetta. I was wondering when I'd see you again." the Genie said in a deep voice. "Yes, nice to see you, too." Isabetta said impatiently, wanting to skip over the formalities, "I want to make my first wish."
  • 29. "You are absolutely sure about this?" the Genie asked skeptically. In all his years of experience, wishes like these never turned out well. "I am positive!" she assured. Surely this would show him that she was not so worthless after all.
  • 30. "Very well. Just say the words and he shall be yours." "I wish for Antonio Costa to fall completely, hopelessly, desperately, utterly in love with me!" Isabetta said excitedly. "As you wish." the Genie said simply.
  • 31. Winter was almost over and Isabetta was beginning to believe that the Genie hadn't granted her wish after all. It was already the middle of January and Antonio hadn't even so much as tried to contact her as far as she knew. However, on Piero's birthday, things were about to change.
  • 32. After watching her brother blow out his candles, Isabetta was standing around, munching on some cake when there was a knock at the door. Eagerly, Piero volunteered to answer it.
  • 33. Thinking it wasn't anybody important, Isabetta took the last few bites of her cake and wandered in to the kitchen to wash her plate.
  • 34. "Hello?" Piero asked as he opened the door. He was shocked to see, not some beggar as was expected, but rather a noble standing there, huddling in the cold. "Please, is this the Moretti residence?" he asked through chattering teeth. "Yes, yes! Please come in out of the cold!" Piero said kindheartedly.
  • 35. "Thank you so very much. I had been riding in a carriage, but, unfortunately, it lost a wheel a while back and I was forced to continue on in the cold!" the guest explained. "Oh how very rude of me! I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Antonio Costa, and you are?“ "My name is Piero. Er, what can I do for you?"
  • 36. "Oh, yes. I am here to see your sister, Isabetta." Antonio answered the little boy. "Ok. Hold on a second. I'll go get her for you." Piero said, wondering why a man like Antonio would be interested in his sister.
  • 37. Isabetta turned as Piero came rushing in the kitchen. "Isabetta! You have a visitor!“ "A visitor? Who?" she asked, wondering if it was possible that Antonio had finally come. "A man," he said, making his voice go up and down in a teasing fashion. When Isabetta didn't laugh, he continued talking. "He says his name in Antonio something-or-other. I don't know why, but he asked to see you.“ Isabetta's face lit up at the mention of Antonio's name. Brushing past her brother, she rushed out to greet her guest.
  • 38. "Isabetta!" Antonio said when he saw her emerge from a door on the far side of the room. "Antonio, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Isabetta asked coolly. "Well, I need to talk to you, Isabetta. I have some very important things discuss!"
  • 39. "Who's there, Isabetta? Piero said you have a visitor." Giovanni called from the dining room. "Come, Antonio. Let's talk outside. Alone." Isabetta said, not wanting her father to get involved.
  • 40. After shouting that she would be back in a minute, Isabetta led Antonio around the back of the house where they couldn’t have some privacy. "Now, what is it you want to talk about?" Isabetta asked nervously.
  • 41. "I wanted to tell you that, for the longest time now, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you!" Antonio said as he took Isabetta's hand in his own. "You are all I can think about and you are what I dream about every night. "My father noticed that I was getting distracted from my work and, when I told him why, he had me take a trip for the winter up to England, hoping that I would get over my feelings for you. Spending so much time alone up there only made me realize that I love you."
  • 42. It really is a nice declaration of love. Isabetta thought, One that I'm sure any girl would give her right arm to have. Too bad it's not real. "Please, Isabetta. As soon as my ship docked, I insisted on coming straight here so I could tell you how I feel. Please understand that I am unquestioningly in love with you and accept my offer to be my bride." Antonio looked at her with a pleading expression.
  • 43. "I would love to be your bride, Antonio." Isabetta answered, her tone flat compared to the joy she felt on the inside. She had won! Antonio was in love with her and she was finally able to move up in the world; thanks to the Genie. "Isabetta, you have just made me the happiest man in the world!" Antonio exclaimed, leaning in to kiss her. At the last moment, Isabetta turned her head and his lips met her cheek, but he didn't seem to mind.
  • 44. "Er, father?" Isabetta asked nervously, poking her head into the dining room where Giovanni was seated at the head of the table, enjoying cake and his family's company. "Isabetta, where did you go? Who is this visitor Piero has told me about?" he demanded, wanting to know what his daughter had been up to.
  • 45. "Well, his name is Antonio. Antonio Costa and he would like to speak with you." Isabetta answered, squirming under her father's intense glare. By now, he had noticed the figure standing behind her and had only become more curious.
  • 46. "Is that so?" Giovanni asked, standing up and motioning for both of them to come in. "Yes, sir. I have an important question to ask you." Antonio spoke up. Isabetta smiled. So far, everything was going according to plan.
  • 47. "Very well," Giovanni hesitated, thinking he knew what was coming next. "Children, go out to the living room, please." Cadence said, moving to her husband's side. Isabetta, Bianca, and Piero hesitantly filed out of the room one by one, wishing they could stay and listen.
  • 48. Isabetta was the first to sit on the bench, joined by Bianca soon after. Piero hung back, insisting on guarding the door to make sure no one would eavesdrop. For several minutes, no one spoke, trying to make out the muffled words, but to no avail. Bianca was the first one to break the silence, "Is Antonio asking papa to marry you?“ "Yes, he is." Isabetta answered. "Well, do you love him, Isabetta?" Bianca asked eagerly. This was the stuff of fairy-tales.
  • 49. "Love? I suppose so. But that doesn't really matter, does it?" Isabetta shrugged. "But you have to love each other! That's how it's supposed to happen. First you fall in love and then you get married!“ "That's not how it has to happen, ninny. All that matters is that papa says yes." Isabetta shot back.
  • 50. "Fine," Bianca gave up on the conversation, "but I still think you should love him if he's going to be your husband. Isabetta just rolled her eyes and watched the fire dance in the fireplace. Sisters are weird. Piero thought from his post. Love? Eew. Girls are gross!
  • 51. After several more minutes of deliberation, Giovanni opened the door with Cadence right behind him. "Your mother and I have reached a decision." he said, beckoning his daughter to him.
  • 52. Everyone clustered around Giovanni, eagerly awaiting his decision. "Your mother and I wish to give our consent for you to marry Antonio-“ Yes! Isabetta nearly squealed in joy. "However," he continued, "he as insisted that he does not wish for a dowry and, to make sure that this is not just some flight of fancy between you two, we insist that you have an engagement period of four months. You shall marry in the middle of May."
  • 53. Isabetta couldn't be happier, Only four months and I'll be out of here! she thought as she gave her father a hug. "Thank you, papa." she whispered in his ear. "Your welcome." he choked out, realizing just how old his oldest was. Only four months and she will be married! He could hardly believe it.
  • 54. Word spread quickly that Antonio and Isabetta were engaged, much to the surprise of the citizens of Florence. No one had seen their match coming. "Isabetta!" Antonio shouted as he ran towards his future wife two days later. Whirling around, Isabetta was shocked to him running full-speed towards her.
  • 55. "What? What is it?" She demanded. "I have terrible news! I have spent the last two days arguing with my father but I simply cannot get him to come around. He will not allow out marriage." Antonio rushed out in one breath. Isabetta's heart dropped, "No. He can't do such a thing!" she said, astonished.
  • 56. "Oh, but he can! He says that you are not fit to marry in to our family because you are a peasant. He said that you couldn't even afford a proper dowry. I told him that a dowry wasn't important and that I loved you no matter what, but he insisted that he would disown me if I went through with our wedding!" "That is not fair!" Isabetta shouted, "He cannot do this to us!" She was so close! The easy life was just around the corner, but now her fiancée's father had to come and rip it away from her. "Calm down, Isabetta! I haven't finished my story yet! I told him that I did not care and I would rather have you than my father's money." Antonio said, thinking that Isabetta would be entirely grateful.
  • 57. "You didn't!" Isabetta shouted again. If Antonio was disowned, there would be no money! No luxuries! No nothing! "I did, Isabetta, but don't worry. We will find a way to make this all work. All that matters is that we are together.“ "Hold on. Your father won’t allow this marriage because I'm poor, right?" Antonio nodded in response. "Stay here for a moment! I have a solution to this mess!" Isabetta said, taking off in a dead run to the house.
  • 58. Taking the stairs two at a time, she slammed her bedroom door behind her and hastily pulled the lamp out of its hiding place in her hope chest. Rubbing it, she stood back to catch her breath while the purple man, once more, materialized.
  • 59. "I need to make my second wish, Genie!" Isabetta said once she had regained her breath. "Very well. What shall it be this time? You already have love- how about some money? Or beauty?" the Genie replied dully. "Yes! The first one. I wish for money, lots and lots of money!"
  • 60. "You are absolutely sure about this?" the Genie asked cautiously. "Yes, I know what I want to wish for!" Isabetta snapped impatiently.
  • 61. "As you wish." the Genie said before waving his hands and disappearing back into the lamp.
  • 62. Isabetta picked the lamp up, placed it carefully in her chest, turned back around and gasped. Where the Genie had been mere moments ago now stood a large sack of money. Isabetta could only stare at the bank notes and coins threatening to overflow. She had never seen so much money before in her life.
  • 63. Snapping back to reality, Isabetta rushed foreword and plunged her hands into the sack. Pulling out money as much as she could carry, she bolted out of the room, her hands laden with riches.
  • 64. Shoving the rest of the money in the bag under her bed with her foot, Isabetta back outside to Antonio. "Here, take this!" Isabetta commanded, shoving the coins and paper into his hands.
  • 65. "What is this? Where did you get all of this money?" Antonio asked with a shocked expression on his face. "It doesn't matter where it came from! Just take this and show your father that I can afford a dowry. Tell him that there's plenty more, too!" Isabetta said enthusiastically.
  • 66. "But, where did all of this come from?" Antonio persisted. "I already told you, it doesn't matter! Just know that none of this money was stolen or anything. Know that it was all achieved by fair means." Isabetta hedged his question.
  • 67. "I believe you, Isabetta. Just wait until my father sees this!" he said, motioning to his bulging pockets. "There's no way he can stop our marriage now!"
  • 68. Antonio pulled Isabetta into a tight hug, "Oh thank you! I was so afraid that there was nothing we could do!“ "Er...your welcome." Isabetta said as she half-heartedly returned the hug, thinking how awkward the situation was. Grinning like a fool, Antonio ran off towards town, excited to prove his father wrong.
  • 69. "It's absolutely wonderful, mother!" Isabetta said, admiring her reflection in her parents' mirror. "You did an amazing job!“ "Thank you, Isabetta. I'm glad you like your dress." Cadence said, beaming. She had been working diligently for the past month sewing the dress that Isabetta was to use for her wedding and it was finally finished.
  • 70. "It's better than I had ever hoped for!" Isabetta assured her mother. "And the trim is perfect!“ "We finished just in time, too! Your wedding is the day after tomorrow." Cadence said, admiring how lovely her daughter looked in the blue velvet.
  • 71. "Why don't you change and lay it away until then." Cadence suggested. "Alright." Isabetta agreed, giving her mother a kiss on the cheek.
  • 72. Changing back into her everyday dress and wrapping a shawl around her shoulders, Isabetta stepped outside into the chilly May morning air. Two more days! Isabetta's mind buzzed with excitement. Two more days and I'll be out of here! Even though she was thrilled to finally leave her house, Isabetta had to admit that she was a little worried that she would miss the place. After all, I've lived here my entire life.
  • 73. Turning around, Isabetta looked back at the house her father had built. No. I won't miss the place at all. Isabetta decided before starting on her way again.
  • 74. That's the end! This last picture is of Antonio and Isabetta's future home. I hope you like it. :-)