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The Story Of An Hour Essay
Writing an essay on the topic "The Story of an Hour" can be both intriguing and challenging. On
one hand, the brevity of the narrative provides a concise focus, but on the other hand, unraveling
the layers of meaning within such a short story can be a nuanced task. The challenge lies in
delving into the subtle nuances, themes, and character developments that Kate Chopin
masterfully embeds in her work.
To start, one must carefully analyze the protagonist, Louise Mallard, and her complex emotional
journey. Exploring the societal norms and expectations of the time adds another layer of
complexity, requiring a thorough understanding of the historical and cultural context. Moreover,
one should navigate the delicate balance between the literal and the symbolic elements in the
narrative, considering the broader implications of the story.
Crafting an essay on "The Story of an Hour" demands a keen eye for detail and a profound
appreciation for literary techniques. The challenge is not merely summarizing the plot but
deciphering the underlying messages and implications, be they feminist undertones or reflections
on the human condition. The limited space of an essay requires precision in choosing points to
discuss, adding to the intricacy of the task.
Despite the complexity, the process of writing an essay on "The Story of an Hour" can be
intellectually rewarding. The opportunity to explore the depths of a literary masterpiece and
articulate one's insights is a fulfilling endeavor. However, it necessitates time, dedication, and a
careful consideration of every element within the story.
In conclusion, while the task of writing an essay on "The Story of an Hour" may pose its
challenges, the exploration of its rich content is an intellectually stimulating journey. By
navigating the subtleties of Chopin's work, one can unravel a tapestry of emotions and ideas. For
those seeking assistance or a different perspective, it's worth noting that similar essays and much
more can be ordered on
The Story Of An Hour Essay The Story Of An Hour Essay
Violence In Marjane Satrapi s Persepolis
In the graphic memoir Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, the main character Marji and
her family are living through the Iranian Revolution, as well as the War. The
people of Iran are revolting against the Shah and fighting for what they believe in.
During this time, acts of violence occurred and injured many people, their nation
was divided. When in time of war or disagreements against certain beliefs, people
may use acts of violence to show their frustrations, instead of solving the problem
and uniting, Satrapi develops this theme through graphic weight, motif and chapter
titles. Graphic weights are critical in Satrapi s development of the theme that when
in time of war people may use acts of violence to show their frustrations instead of
uniting and solving the problem. On page 18 panels two and three, is an example of
violence caused by the war in... Show more content on ...
Satrapi used the title The Sheep (62), to symbolize the gatherings of the citizen.
The public are like sheep because they are controlled by the Islamic Regime. For
example, when Marji believes what the television says On TV they say that 99.99%
of the population voted for the Islamic Republic (62). Marji listens to the television
just like sheep listen and are controlled by their herders. Another example in the
graphic memoir is the chapter The Key (94) because it symbolizes the government
and what they will do to admit children. When the government gave the key to the
kids they told them that if they went to war and were lucky enough to die, this key
would get them into heaven (99). The symbol of the key is unpleasant because it has
no value in Iran. The government is using the key to pay for the loss of the boy s
life, proving that the government in Iran is unfair and needs to be
My Life Goals
Mahatma Gandhi once said The future depends on what you do today. Which can
be interpreted as, whatever happens to you now will affect you later. This is why I
am setting goals now for my future. The goals that I set now, which are to spend
more time with my family, avoid stress, and break the all timescoring average in golf,
are intended to improve my life in the future. In order to improve my life in the
future, I want to spend more time with my family. Spending more time with my
family now will help give them good memories to remember me by, when I
eventually move out of our house. Having a happy family makes me feel happy,
so if I can make them happy now, they may remember the Good Ol Days later and
become happy. I remember when I was a child playing baseball with my family
watching. It seemed like every game, no matter what, they always had a happy
look on their face, which made me happy. To this day my Dad still talks about
when me and my brothers played baseball, and every time he remembers us he
becomes full of joy. In order to achieve this goal I need to put down the devices,
have family nights, like play board games or go out to eat, and take family
vacations at least once a year. Putting my phone away gives me more time to spend
with my family, instead of going on Snapchat or Twitter. Playing board games brings
the whole familytogether, which promotes conversations. Taking family vacations
can relieve the stress of home and work to make the family become
Chem Speech
Chem Speech Daniel George
From the roots of the HSC Chemistry course, we are conditioned to the concept of a
Galvanic Cell. It is essentially a circuit containing a Positive Cathode where reduction
reactions occur and a Negative Anode, where oxidation reactions occur. Galvanic
Cells operate with the basic principles of converting chemical energy into electrical
energy via spontaneous reactions at the Anode and Cathode. However, today we are
looking Electrolytic cells. These operate with the function of converting electrical
energy into chemical energy, forcing Chemical reactions to occur and contain a
Negative Cathode and a Positive Anode. So, you can see, it is quite literally the
The production of Sodium Hydroxide is a very ... Show more content on ...
The final product is contaminated with both hypochlorite ions and NaCl.
Due to the maintenance of the diaphragm and the purification of the final product
required, the Diaphragm cell is very expensive to operate.
Finally, the membrane cell is the most recent cell and is very similar to the
diaphragm cell, but uses a PTFE (Teflon) polymer membrane instead of the asbestos
diaphragm. In doing so it overcomes nearly all the limitations of the diaphragm cell,
however, the cell is still very expensive and is a significant contributor to greenhouse
gas emissions. The Teflon membrane is cationic selective, preventing the migration
of Cl and OH ions, keeping the NaOH relatively pure.
Therefore, through relative comparison of the three cells, we can conclude that;
The Mercury Cell has the best yield out of all the cells (50%), but is let down by
environmental and technical issues revolving around the Mercury
Jerome Carter Research Paper
Have you ever went into anything thinking you were gonna do x but end up doing
x and much more? Jerome Carter, better known as Kuddy or Rome, had x and
much more in his life of ups and downs. Rome grew up in the projects of
Baltimore, where there was always the question of, will I live to see the next day?
It was not until he was seven when his single mother on welfare decided to move
her five children out of the projects. At a young age Jerome found a passion in the
arts. He first fell in love with art when his cousins came over and they d all draw
portraits of their favorite superheros. Ever time I d see these drawings I d be in
awe because it made me question how it was possible to bring something from a t.v
screen onto a piece of paper (Carter). With his passion for crafting, Jerome decided to
turn it into something he never imagined possible.
By the age of 12, Jerome took on his first job as a photographer. By the age of 13 he
received his first paycheck and by 14 he decided he wanted to become a muralist.
A total of three of his murals were hung around Baltimore, two of which rest upon
the walls of Baltimore Modern Museum. He stated, To me it was nothing. I didn t
know what I became apart of I just enjoyed doing it (Carter). It was at the age of
fifteen, when his older brother approached him ... Show more content on ...
Months passed until one day Kuddy received a call from a close friend. His friend
explained that there was a need for black barbers in Morgantown. I m telling you
man, Morgantown needs your craft (Carter). Kutty heard his friend out but he was
too content with cutting hair in Baltimore, He remained a barber in Baltimore for
another six years until his girlfriend at the time left him for her previous
companion. Jerome felt betrayed and hurt and even went as far as to make threats to
kill her ex. Kuddy felt the need to leave Baltimore as it became to toxic for him to
The Introduction of Technology in Soccer Will Change the...
The Introduction of Technology in soccer will Change the image of the game.
Some years ago, no one would think of ever having to play or watch something at
their own time. Soccer used to be watched live and wrong decisions made by
referees were the talk of the day. Today, officials are now assisted with headsets to
communicate with their assistants making decision making a little easier. However,
after different modifications to soccer have been made, another suggestion that has
been thought of for quite a long time is still being debated, although it may now be a
reality soon. The football governing body, FIFA, and many football fanatics are
currently focusing on whether the ideas of using video replays and goal line
technology (putting... Show more content on ...
Soccer should not have long stoppages which would ruin the flow of a match and
allow for unusually long periods of rest for a team, which can affect tactics. (USSF
Ref, 2006) Nathan Saunders writes about the comments made by the former
England manger, Sven Goran Eriksson on his blog at MySA. Eriksson suggested a
timeout per half, which Saunders describes as awful . Frankly, I think this is just
an awful suggestion. Sven wants to give players better rest and have better
opportunities to make substitutions. In my book, stamina and fitness are two
characteristics that make soccer one of the most athletic of sports. I just don t
think these guys need a break . It might also be that I object to the word timeout. If
I wanted to see commercials, I d watch an NBA or NFL game. Former English
referee Graham Barber also stresses the same point in an interview with Alan Biggs
on Guardian unlimited, English football is an exciting product because of the way
the game is played. It is the fastest and most physical football in the world. That is
why people love to watch it. What effect would it have on the product if we
introduced stoppages for video playbacks? I think the game would become a turn
off. Like Saunders and Graham express their fury and dissatisfaction, I don t think
many soccer fans and players would want these kinds of interruptions to the game.
Waste of time In addition to the above is waste of time. This is one of the issues
soccer doesn t want to have.
Bad Blood Study
In the video, researchers that conducted the study were people from the public
health service. Also I would also go as far as saying the US government along the
lines of guilty by association. This documentary stated many times the underlying
motivation of this study and very clearly showed racism as the gas pedal. African
Americans were the target participants in this study, they were discriminated against
and said to have bad blood . A women who helped in these studies and spoke in the
video stated that the bad blood these people were interested in was syphilitic blood
but in general in that day and age bad blood could have meant a number of different
things. Bad blood could have meant anything from anemia to fatigue.
In actuality there was only one stated purpose for this study and that was to study the
effects of untreated syphilis in African Americans. Although the stated purpose the
nearly 600 participants heard was that this study was a cure for bad blood. Not only
were participants in this study African Americanbut they were also mostly poor,
illiterate farmers in Alabama. The ideal test group for researchers that didn t want
/need many questions arising.
Q3) ... Show more content on ...
They were thought to have been getting rounds of penicillin, the most effective form
of treatment at the time. What they were actually receiving was a lot of times aspirin
or other forms of pointless medication. Even though this study was not showing
promising results the benefits were too good in the eyes of these men to pass up.
Participants were promised not only free treatment but also insurance that their burial
would be paid for and their families would not have to pay. Survivors insurance they
Dental Hygiene In Schools Essay
Chemistry, Microbiology, Art Appreciation, Physical Education and Math these are
just some of the numerous classes we need, but do we need them all? Classes that
are in the core curriculum may benefit every degree, but not every class will benefit
every student. Just because I, as a science major, need Anatomy and Physiology that
does not mean another student who is an educationmajor will need to take Anatomy
and Physiology. The education major student does not need to have Anatomy and
Physiology for their field so that class is not in the core curriculum. So why would the
dental hygiene student have to include classes that would not need for their field. If
given the opportunity to change the core curriculum to benefit a student in the major
... Show more content on ...
Having a strong understanding on anesthetic injections, pharmacology, and the
coding aspect for insurance would benefit a student that has graduated with the
Dental Hygiene degree. Rhetoric and Composition English, Writing Proficiency class
and Intro to Women s and Gender studies should not be in the Dental Hygiene core
curriculum, the lessons learned in these three classes does not facilitate the
knowledge needed to be known by the Dental Hygiene student. With those three hours
being removed, I feel that any student that enters the dental hygiene program would
benefit greatly from these changes and would be adequately prepared for my
everyday life after graduating with that Dental Hygiene
Role of Human Capital in Economic Development
Kenya is one of the less Developed countries that are endowed with relatively good
levels of resources and labor. However, there are still a lot to be done to tap those
resources into viable productivity and industrialization levels. One way of achieving
this is by maximizing the use of both physical and human capital. In or case we shall
consider human capital. Human capital, according to Adam Smith refers to the
acquired and useful abilities of all the inhabitants or members of the society. The
acquisition of such talents by the maintenance of the acquirer, during his education,
study or apprenticeship, always costs a real expense, which is a capital fixed and
realized, as it were in his ... Show more content on ...
This paper therefore seeks to determine if, indeed, human capital has been the factor
that has caused a rise in economic growth and development in east Africa. c)
пѓ What is the role of human capital in economic development in east African
пѓ Is healthy human capital and other non economic inputs are part of the
determinants of economic growth in east African countries?
пѓ To find out the role of human capital in economic development in east African
пѓ To determine whether healthy human capital and other non economic inputs are
part of the determinants of economic growth in east African countries.
This study is seeking to establish the relationship between human capital and
economic growth and development in east Africa. By so doing, we will be able to
know with certainty whether human capital is actually one of the reasons for
economic growth in east Africa, in which case the findings will be used to establish
the right proportion of human capital needed to mix with other economic inputs so as
to facilitate sustainable economic development in the region. It also gives an
indication of the possible way to rate human capital against other
Transition From Childhood To Adulthood In The Israeli
In many cultures there are events that mark the transition from childhood to
adulthood; for me, it was slightly different; Being Puerto Rican and Israeli, at
different times in my life, I reached different levels of adulthood . Reaching
adulthood in the Israeli culture takes place at the tender age of 13. Adulthood
seemed to be the best time in my life, but at such a young age being held
accountable for all the aspects of being a wife and mother is kind of scary. In the
Puerto Rican culture, becoming an adulthappens at the age of 15; it includes financial
and household responsibilities. Not only was coming of agea stage of adulthood for
me, but circumstances like being made fun of, because of my race also helped me
develop into stages of adulthood. At the age of thirteen, was my first time as being
seen as accountable for myself, this was because of my Israeli side this is called
Bat Mitzvah, yet my family was saying I was accountable, I wasn t completely
responsible for myself... but I had to know how to be mature and know right from
wrong. This stage in my life had helped me mature in such a way, because I had to
learn how to do things for myself and for others, pretty much being the woman in my
house... which meant knowing how to cook for a family, and being able to wash
laundry for everyone in the house. Not only did these tasks... Show more content on ...
A Quinceanera is the coming of age for females in a Hispanic culture. This time was
a little bit scary for me, because all my family ever told me was that I was becoming
a lady and I didn t feel as if I was ready for this time in my life. Being a lady?! That s
a huge step in life that many females don t reach at what I believe is a young age,
yet that came with even more responsibility, like staying home alone more often,
handling my own money along with a saving account that I have to keep active to
this day and not keep all my money for knick knacks and learning how to save like an
International Marketing Case Study
International Marketing
Explain the stages that are typically taken by a firm moving from a domestic business
to an international?
Domestic Marketing: involves the company manipulating a series of controllable
variables such as price, advertising, distribution and the product in a largely
uncontrollable external environment that is made up of different economic structures,
competitors, cultural values and legal infrastructure within specific political or
geographic country boundaries:
International Marketing: Involves operating across a number of foreign country
markets in which not only do the uncontrollable variables differ significantly between
one market and another, but the controllable factors in the form of cost and price ...
Show more content on ...
Markets Widespread and sometimes fragmented. Data Difficult to obtain and often
expensive. Politics Regimes vary in stability political risk becomes an important
variable. Governments Can be a strong influence in regulating importers and foreign
business ventures. Economies Varying levels of development and varying and
sometimes unstable currencies. Finance Many differing finance systems and
regulatory bodies. Stakeholders Commercial, home country and host country.
Business Diverse rules culturally influenced. Control Difficult to control and
coordinate across markets.
Moving from being a purely domestic business to an international one is typically a
gradual evolution through a number of stages.
1. Management is not interested in exporting and would be unwilling to fill an
unsolicited order. The company exists to serve the domestic market only and does not
intend to enter foreign markets.
2. Management fills unsolicited orders from abroad. The passive exporter tends to
lack any international focus and perceives export markets as having a high hassle
factor. Many passive exporters are relatively new to the export business, often
reacting to unsolicited orders and tend to see their market as essentially home based.
Such firms do not carry out research or invest in export promotion campaigns and
have little direct contact with foreign companies. Firms at this stage perceive
Zoos Are Inhumane For Animals
There are about 10,000 zoos in the United States alone. Many people believe zoos
are inhumane, that animals shouldn t be held in captivity. Some people think the
other way, that they are humane. Zoos are humane. Zoos benefit animals in many
ways. They help animals to live, and gives people a chance to see what their life is
like. To begin, zoos give animals the proper care they need. The animalsare provided
with the right food and shelter. For every animal, they have their own space that is
like their natural habitat. The state checks on every zooto make sure it is clean, and
the animals are good. The animals look happy for the most part. They get extra things
than what they would get compared to life outside the zoo. Animals
Glb-301 (Ass 8) Essay
OLUFUNKE BAKARE GLB 301 OCTOBER, 2013 Answer each of the following
questions on the peril of conflict and the promise of conflict resolution. Your answer
to each item should be an essay of 350 to 800 words in length. (With a typical font
and spacing, this comes to between 1ВЅ and 3 pages.) It is recommended that you
refer to outside sources as you consider these issues. Be sure to document your
sources correctly. Answer one (1) of the following questions: We live in a world in
which 13 of the top 50 economies are companies, not countries. How does this
change the responsibility companies have for providing for social needs and
addressing big ticket challenges of the future? How can companies ensure their own...
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These companies have been responsible for creating job opportunites, boosting the
economy and creating a better soucer of living for the citizens of these countries.
The vast numbers of MNCs are located all around the world; they vary widely in
size and interest. Their intention is to take a package of capital, technology,
managerial know how, or marketing skills to carry out production or business
services abroad. Their effects are far reaching, affecting the daily lifestyle of the
average consumer. Partly because of their size, MNCs tend to dominate the sectors in
which they specialize. As a result, their transnational business ventures offer much
debate about their impact on developing countries; many arguments have been
proposed on this subject alone ( ). This paper will be used to illustrate the
opportunities created by MNCs for less developed countries. A historical account will
be presented identifying the general impact of MNCs on developing countries up to
the 21st century. Contemporary views will also be used for the purpose of evaluating
the influence of MNCs in the areas of growth and efficiency, welfare, and values and
institutions in the present and potential future consequences. The earliest version of
the modern MNC is visible in the imperialistic and colonizing ventures by Western
Europe, dating back to the 16th century. The modern version of the MNC was
apparent with the advent of industrialization in the 19th century. Companies
Concrete Lab Report
Engineering B45 Concrete Lab Report
Introduction: Concrete is a mixture of sand and rock or similar inert material
(aggregates) held together by a cementing material. Usually the cementing material is
Portland cement, but sometimes binders such as asphalt or gypsum are used, in
which case the concrete may be called asphaltic concrete or gypsum concrete.
Properties of concrete are governed not only by the properties of its ingredients
(cement, water, sand, and coarse aggregate) but also, to a great extent, by the relative
proportions of these ingredients. The proportions must be so selected as to produce a
concrete mixture of desired workability, strength, durability, and economy.
The most common aggregates are gravel and crushed stone, ... Show more content on ...
You may not need to add the full amount of water calculated. Be sure to use the
gloves provided as you mix your concrete. When adding the water note the concrete s
cohesiveness whether the concrete tends to hang together well or whether it tends to
crumble readily and the troweling workability if the concrete works smoothly and
with little effort when using a trowel. Continue to add water until you have a
desirable consistency.
6. Perform the slump test. Fill the slump mold 1/3 full and tamp with the tamping rod
25 times; add more concrete until 2/3 full and tamp an additional 25 times; fill
completely, tamp 25 times and then top off. Do not tamp more than 25 times.
Measure the height of the concrete after removing the slump mold. The slump is 12
(the height of the mold) minus the height of the concrete after removal of the mold.
The greater the slump usually means the greater the workability. Your slump should
be about 2 inches.
7.Be sure to measure and record the temperature of the concrete and the outside
8.Fill the molds, tamp 25 times, top off, and cover with a plastic bag to setup.
9. After a day or two, cut off the mold. Note any cracking or pores in the test
samples. Put the concrete samples in a bucket, spray the concrete with water, and
cover the bucket tightly with plastic.
10. On the designated concrete crush lab day, perform the compression test according
to ASTM C39.
Questions to be addressed in the
Hollow Men
Hollow Men (Three messages from Hollow Men) What does it mean to be a
Hollow Men? In the Hollow men the first message would be about the new
generation. The second message would be Patriotic because it talks about why we
are Patriotic. The final message is going to be religious because when it start
getting to the end of the poem he tries to be religious. The hollow Men by T.S.
Eliot gave three messages in this story and with these three messages it all becomes
one big story. The first message is going to talk about the new generation. The
reason I choose this one was because in the very beginning it talks about how are
generation lacks caring. It also talks about Modern people are like scarecrow and
they just sit there quietly. In the text... Show more content on ...
They say that we have little Knowledge but much opinions and in today s world
there not wrong but some people actually have a lot of knowledge. They also say
we don t know are country and that we don t care about are past which is who got
us here today in this world and we don t care for what are future holds for us. The
Narrator says to us that Eyes I dare not meet in dreams in death s dream kingdom
these do not appear: There, the eyes are Sunlight on a broken column. Are
generation isn t Patriotic we just take for granted of what we have and how lucky
we are to have it. Patriotic is a good second message for the middle of the story but
for the ending it s going to be about religion. Religion takes a high toll of the end of
the poem and for that reason it s going to be are final message. The narrator starts
talking about a verse in the bible but he can only remember the very first part of it
and he keeps acting he s really religious but he can t remember the verse. Eliot
keeps saying in the poem For thine is the Kingdom Is all the narrator remembers
and it s in line 10. The king tries to talk about battle and tries to be inspirational but
when he tries to put religious in it he can t but that one verse. It shows that he s not
as holy as they say he is or what he says he
Carrie The Musical Analysis
On the evening of July 27th, I attended a production of Carrie: The Musical based
on the novel Carrie by Stephen King. The musical was performed by Near West
Theater in Cleveland and directed by Devon Turchan. The main character who name
is Carrie White is an outcast through the entire play and her entire life you learn this
when the other students talk about past experiences with Carrie. The main antagonist
in the play is her very own mother Margaret White. Ms.White is a very religious
woman that wants to protect Carrie from the dangers in the world and even
herself, very overprotective women and to what I believe very crazy. The plot is
brought to life by supporting characters/actors in the play who names are Sue Nell,
Tommy Ross, Chris Hargensen, Billy Nolan, Miss Gardner. The actions of all
these people building up and resting on carrier shoulders throughout the play cause
her to find out she has powers. The end of Act II is when everything comes
together Carrie who was invited to the prom by Tommy Ross in a generous gesture
that was purposed by Sue Nell. The prom was going very well and Carrie was
becoming carefree and was seeing everything she missed out on. Things took
things for the worse when Chris and Tommy pour pigs blood on her when she won
prom queen. Carrie took all the frustration and years of bullying and the powers she
found out about she burned everyone alive at the prom. When she got home she was
covered in blood and was crying her very own mom took
Structural Snapshot Of My Family
This is a structural snapshot of my family right before my parents decided to try a
temporary separation. The external boundary is clear and permeable. Information
can move freely in and out of the family. My dad has always maintained authority
over everyone else in the family. Therefore he is represented as the larger circle.
My mom sits to the left represented by the circle. She is much smaller and is placed
closer to the parental boundary because at times, especially in times of conflict, our
parental boundary becomes diffused. My dad controls so many aspects of our lives,
which makes it natural for her to fall in line with the children. This map represents a
time of conflict and that is shown in the map by the broken line dividing
Exemplarence Birdseye Research Paper
Clarence Birdseye is commonly known as the founder of the modern frozen food
industry. An entrepreneur, American inventor and naturalist, Birdseye began his
career as a taxidermist. Birdseye s next field assignment, off and on from 1912 to
1915, was in Labrador in the Dominion of Newfoundland (now part of Canada),
where he became further interested in food preservationby freezing, especially fast
freezing. He was taught by the Inuit how to ice fish under very thick ice. In 40В°C
weather, he discovered that the fish he caught froze almost instantly, and, when
thawed, tasted fresh. He recognized immediately that the frozen seafood sold in
New York was of lower quality than the frozen fish of Labrador, and saw that
applying this knowledge would
Social Change Model in Action in The Ocean Pacific...
Social Change Model in Action
The Ocean Pacific Community Center (OPCC) is only one great example of good
leadership and the Social Change Model within today s society. OPCC is a Santa
Monica based social services agency providing housing programs and helpful services
for low income and homeless youth, adults and families, battered women and their
children and people living with mental illness.
Good leadership can unify and bring together the best of the group. According to
Komives and Wagner, everyone has it within himself or herself to become a leader
and good leadership involves collaborative relationships that lead to collective action
grounded in the shared values of people who work together to effect positive change
(Komives ... Show more content on ...
Many of the people working with the homeless population at OPCC have first hand
experience about being homeless and are able to connect with everyone new
entering the program on a very personal level. By sharing their real live struggles,
they build a trust level and understanding that can only come from honest and
personal experiences. They also understand the necessity of acknowledging each
individual needs and how these need to be met before the end goal can be achieve.
Personally, I really like that at OPCC no one is turned away because of an alcohol or
drug addiction. Rather, it is looked at as a cause of being homeless and can t be
addressed until the basic needs of shelter and food are met.
The ability to manage controversy with civility is critical in the social change process.
When we can understand whom we are working with, why it is important, and how
we are making a difference, we have a deeper understanding of social justice issues.
We aren t just going through the motions of action in our service, but we are being
reflective, mindful, and intentional. For the most part I think that people avoid
confrontation to maintain civility because they are programmed by their parents and
society to avoid disagreeing with others. Many people stay away from conflict in
order to avoid opening up the uncomfortable place of placing themselves in a
Eight Virtues Of A Samurai
From as early as the 8th century, the samurai lived as the elite warrior class of
feudal Japan. The business of the samurai is to reflect on his own station in life, to
give loyal service to his master if he has devote himself to duty above all
(Soko). They followed a strict code known as Bushidoand it became their way of life.
The word Bushido comes from the Japanese roots bushi meaning warrior, and do
meaning path or way. It can be directly translated to the way of the warrior. These
warriors had to always live by the Eight Virtues of Bushido: Rectitude, Courage,
Benevolence, Politeness, Sincerity, Honor, Loyalty, and Self control. A samurai
cannot even be considered a samurai without these virtues. Most people may have
an idea of what these words mean, but they do not actually understand how to fully
express these virtues. Samurai were able to become true embodiments of proper
expression. By using different texts like Hojo Shigetoki s A Samurai Instructs His
Son, Inazo Nitobe s Bushido, the Soul of Japan, and more, the eight virtues can be
broken down into a more understandable level.... Show more content on ...
Rectitude is the power of deciding upon a certain course of conduct in accordance
with reason, without wavering, to die when it is right to die, to strike when to strike
is right (Nitobe 23). A man who embodied the definition of rectitude would be
granted the title of Gishi, a man of rectitude. Gishi was equivalent to someone of high
status, so they would be placed in the right positions to best benefit the lord that they
serve. Rectitude was an important characteristic for all people during Feudal Japan,
not just for the samurai. The only difference was that the samurai had simply
acknowledged the importance of such
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Research Paper
Many TV shows have made positive difference in my life. Each show has taught
me something, regardless of how pointless or unrealistic the show may seem. One
show that I have been I an avid fan of since grade school is Buffy the Vampire
Slayer. Throughout the series Buffy really discovers who she is. She starts the
series as a high school girl who wants absolutely nothing to do with being a
vampire slayer, but by the end of the series she trains potential slayers and leads the
fight The First. Buffy showed me that you can start off knowing nothing and being
an outcast, and still become the greatest at what you do. The message is that you
can be a high school girl, but can make an impact on the world. This is reinforced
by when in the series finale the power to be a slayer is unleashed to every potential
slayer in the world. The spin off of Buffy the Vampire Slayeris Angel, a show about
Buffy s love interest Angel, who is a vampire with a soul. Before Angel was cursed
with a soul he killed many people, but when he got a soul he felt very remorseful and
wanted to help people.... Show more content on ...
Throughout most of the series it would seem that there is no message to the show,
other than attempting to figure out many of the conspiracy theories that circle
around the show, such as did Dale know about John Redcorn being Joseph s father
(he did) or who was really Bobby s father (it was Bill). To me the message of the
show is almost entirely contained in the last episode of the series: that no matter
how weird or different you may be you can be successful when you find your place
to succeed. Throughout the series Bobby is a weird kid who is a lot different from
his family, especially his dad, Hank. During the last episode Bobby connects to Hank
through grilling, and it also reveals things about the other characters, such as that
Boomhauer was a police officer, not just a strange neighbor. The episode showed that
every person has a
Essay On Foreign Law
Foreign Law
Canada s Legal System is based on the English and French systems, they base this
system on common law and civil law, also called Bijuralism. Common law is law
that evolved from precedent but is not written as legislation. Civil law is rules to
be a general guidance to problems that arise, courts do look at precedent, but they
first look at the rules. Canada is a federation, which means it has a federal
parliament that makes laws for all of Canada, and a legislature in each provinces and
territories to make laws for their areas.
With laws comes law reform, some laws may not cover specific situations, or
become obsolete all together. With law reform Canada can sometimes change the
system of law and even justice itself. Everyone ... Show more content on ...
Civil law is usually between people or people and the government, they usually
deal with things like contracts, property, and personal injuries (also known as
torts). Public law can be relevant in both criminal cases and civil cases, when a
case show that the powers of the government or rights of the citizens under the
constitution or a federal law is involved in the case. An example of a public law case
would be a person accusing someone of revoking a constitutional right.
Disputes can sometimes be taken to court, although a large percentage is settled
outside of the courtroom. When taking a case to court there are two kinds, trial
courts, and appeals courts. Trial courts are where evidence is presented, witnesses
are questioned, and the case is put before a judge or a judge and jury. If one of the
parties is unhappy with the outcome they could appeal the case sending it to appeals
court. In appeals court the appellant submits its case to a panel of judges to review
the previous court s decision to either change the previous decision or continue with
the decision of the previous court. Legislation is only the beginning to the law, the
judicial system is what makes the law a reality and that is the court system.
Law effects the people even if the crime is never committed by that person, although
laws help to prevent crime, the laws help lead to resolutions after a crime has been
committed. The
Preschool Observation
Nezhen Peromari
Professor Tate Hurvitz
Preschool Observation: Konnor
On November 13, 2014 at Grossmont College s Child Development Center, I
observed Konnor who was born on March 11, 2011. At the center, there are roughly
around 15 children between the ages of three and five; there is one adult for every
six or so kids. The preschool center s indoor environment is safely secured with a
locked gate that separates the outside door which leads to the younger children
centers and parking lot with the hallway to the learning and play area. There are two
separate rooms, but they both have screen doors that lead to the same play area
outside. The room on the left, which Konnor is placed in, was smaller ... Show more
content on ...
He grabs one blue block and places it to one side, and begins to do that with every
other color presented to him. Konnor begins to stack up the Lego blocks separately
according to the color; all the blue blocks were stacked neatly in a separate stack,
as well as the red blocks and so on. Konnor shows maturation and according to
Berger, maturation of the prefrontal cortex can be identified through observing
children play certain games such as Simon Says, and the color game, which was
found that children were able to sort the cards out by their color. (234) Konnor
shows maturation because he was able to unstack the uncoordinated colored blocks
to color coordinate them, unlike a few children surrounding him who profusely
stacked the blocks, regardless of the color order. At 3 years and 8 months old, Konnor
is within the norm for this development since it appears at 3 years old (Berger, 234).
Konnor picks up a tree branch that has fallen beside a tree, he stares at it and looks
up at the tree and back at the branch. With the branch still gripped firmly in his
hand, Konnor begins to lift his body to wrap his arms and legs around the tree.
Hugging the tree with his body, Konnor begins to ease his way up the tree by
pushing his legs up first to scoot the lower half of his body up, and then lifting his
arms up further to scoot up his upper body as well. Konnor shows gross motor skills
and according to Berger, gross motor skills are defined as, physical
Colombia Problems
With over 46 million citizens, Colombia is the third largest country in South America
and the 28th largest country in the world. Colombia has a geographical landscape
spinning magnificent mountains dense rainforest, and beautiful beaches merging into
Bustling cities like the capital Bogota. Colombia is the only country in South
America with access to both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, providing a unique
vantage point for training and transportation. Also, is well land border into
neighboring trade potential include Panama, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru.
The Colombian president has been focusing in foreign policy on bolstering Colombia
s commercial ties and internal investments. In 2012 the United States and Colombia
sign an agreement, ... Show more content on ...
The violence is the most serious problem, the current president Santos already begun
to address the issue, but will need much more enforcement of the next generation of
Colombians presidents. Working on the International Admission of Saint Leo
University, I can clearly see the increase on students from Colombia completing the
application and trying to come to the United States. The deforestation In the Amazon
region is another important issue that needs to be fixed. This Issues it s extremely
important not only for Colombia but worldwide. Another important issue in
Colombia is related to the poverty, exist a wide gap between the urban and rural
population in Colombia. Also, the drug cartel, the Armed Force of Colombia
(FARC), and the violence created for these groups are related to the poverty. Many
families do not have access to the education, especial in rural
Concentration Camp Monologue-Belssen
Bergen Belsen concentration camp: I am a Jewish girl born in 1927 that has been
taken to a concentration camp named Bergen Belsen. I have sneaken peices of
paper in my boot to write about the experiences of other Jews that have faced
persecution. My goal is to spread our stories even if we don t survive. These are
our stories, this is how we were treated during the rise of Hitler and the Nazi s in
attempt to take over the world. Many Jews have been shipped to a one way ticket to
death at concentration camps as Hitler s power grows stronger throughout World War
2. On a summer day in the beginning of August 1944 the Nazi officers stormed into
the Opekta company building located in Amsterdam. They had found the space
between the annex and the... Show more content on ...
The people hiding knew they were in trouble. Nazi officers questioned someone
helping them hide which led to and investigation of all rooms of the building in the
office. Soon the Nazi s came to the room with the secret enterance behind a hinged
bookcase. Once the discovery of the enterance to the hiding space the officer
entered to arrest the people who spent two years in fear that this event would
come. I remember that day as if it were yesterday. I was so scared as I heard the
officer with the gun run up the stairs, Anne stated as she grew with anxiousness
throughout the interview. AFter being caught by the Nazi s their valuables were
collected and they were given five minutes to head out of the annex. One thing that
was not viewed as a valuable was Anne s diary. Anne had spent two years writing in
her diary. Each entry would be titled with Dear Kitty,... until her last entry right
before she had to abandon it for her new life in concentration camp. Four days later
she was sent to the camp Westerbork only to be sent to Auschwitz later in
September. I remember the amount of happiness I felt when I was sent to the
barracks and not to the gas chambers even if I still had to suffer the pain of a
concentration camp. I wanted to survive as long as I could, says Anne Frank.
About two months after being sent to Auschwitz she was sent to Bergen Belsen
where she had to leave behind her mother, father, and more. She was sent with her
sister Margot who is extremely ill currently. I am all bones right now and starving
but I am try to fight even if my parents are probably still not alive. I miss my parents
dearly, states Anne as tears start down her face. Anne s story is just one of many in
this camp, but any story of this horrible time must be
Anti Federalism Essay
Once America broke up with Great Britain, they needed a new government to lead
them. And after the Articles of Confederation all the Americans knew they needed
something else. The federalist believed that the United States needed a document
that ensured a stronger, united central government, so they could get things done
like, for example to build an army. Their dissident were the anti federalist who
believed that if America were to have a stronger federal government that they would
be repeating history with Britain. Therefore, if I was a citizen of the new born
country, I would most likely call myself an Anti federalist, because of the threat of
losing my rights once again. The Anti federalist simply wanted the states to have the
control. They wanted the states to have the power, because they thought that it would
ensure their naturals rights and not to have them taken advantage f again like before
with King George the III. Their only goals was to keep their natural rights. In
Foreign Wars, Civil Wars and Indian Wars Three Bugbears published in The Anti
federalist Papers the authors... Show more content on ...
They wanted their natural rights protected; however, they had a different plan in
mind. They thought if they had a strong, yet limited, government that the policies set
in place would ensure their rights and at the same time allow them to do more for
their country. Therefore, making the constitution. Like the anti federalist, the
federalist didn t want one person to take over. So they made different departments to
control different parts of the government so no part could take over another making
checks and balances. In the Federalist Papers No. 51 they talk about why we have
these different departments it is evident that each department should have a will of its
own; and consequently should be so constituted that the members of each should have
as little agency as possible in the appointment of the members of the
Hobbes Locke And Rousseau
The outliers of the political spectrum retain on one side, a political society without
civil obedience to directives contained in human laws that devolves into lawlessness.
On the opposite side, a political system where the state recognizes no limits to its
authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life. Hobbes,
Locke and Rousseau each philosophically slide across this spectrum in attempting to
determine liberty s margin of error. Where the State of Nature enacts liberty as a right
to self preservation, attempting to formulate the functional line between the Right of
Nature and the Right of the Sovereign . For Thomas Hobbes, his worldview consisted
of a violent place, with men as sordid and erratic masses,... Show more content on ...
However, modern US Presidents (Congress) have adopted the Hobbesian approach to
social contract agreement as all persons except the new sovereign abandon full use of
their powers and hence to permit the thus created sovereign to make full use of his
power without being hindered by his subjects . For example, when Obama s
executive order that organizations who do not support the LGBT agenda under the
heading of nondiscrimination cannot receive a business contract with the federal
government, this is unconstitutional under the Free Exercise Clause of the First
Amendment. Therefore, as the unconstitutional conditions doctrine provides that no
American can be required to forfeit their rights in order to do business with the
federal government, Obama s executive law violates the Constitutional social
contract. As Locke stated, each person in the State of Nature is the executioner of the
Law of Nature. Nevertheless, each person has the right to delegate that executive
power to some other person or organization. This right of delegation allows for the
formation of political societies by consent. Now, Americans delegate their laws to
Congress for establishing norms for personal and community life not the executive
branch of government consequently, separating the legislative and executive powers.
However, giving up the right to religious discrimination, Rousseau would deem an
invalid contract, by which one sells oneself into moral slavery. Today, a Hobbesian
moral relativism espousing divine like commands permeates new unconstitutional
laws enacted for social justice. However, Locke argued, Liberty in general is the best
protection against tyranny
Professional Sports Controversy
In the past two decades, professional sports have skyrocketed to the top of the world
s cultural hierarchy. In an age where online streaming services such as Netflix and
Hulu are leeching viewers from conventional television networks, professional sports
have witnessed almost unprecedented growth. According to a 2011 study by A.T.
Kearney, the sports industry is growing faster than overall GDP in developed
countries such as America (Collington, Sultan, and Santander, The Sports Market ),
and the 2015 Super Bowl was the most watched television broadcast in American
history (Pallotta, Super Bowl XLIX posts the largest audience in TV history ). As the
amount of money and attention poured into this booming industry grows, the
influence of its... Show more content on ...
In July 2003, Kobe Bryant, shooting guard for the Los Angeles Lakers and one of
his generation s greatest athletes, was accused of raping a 19 year old hotel
employee (Howard, Sexual assault allegations cast shadow over Kobe Bryant
legacy ). Following the precedent set by Simpson and Lewis, Bryant was able to
overcome seemingly overwhelming evidence to maintain his innocence. The victim
s blood was found on the inside of Bryant s shirt and a nurse discovered injuries
consistent with sexual assault, including vaginal trauma and a bruise on the victim s
jaw (Fox News, Detective Details Alleged Rape in Kobe Hearing ). Bryant s defense
strategy was essentially to defame his victim, claiming that her injuries were
consistent with a person who has had sex with three different men in three days. The
defense team also accidently leaked documents containing the victims name and
sexual history to various media outlets, despite a so called rape shield that usually
protects rape victims sexual histories from being brought up in court. This led to the
victim actually receiving death threats from avid fans (TheDenverChannel, Death
Threat Against Bryant s Accuser Results In Arrest ). It is not at all surprising that the
victim opted to end the criminal case and instead file a civil suit. After the criminal
case was closed, Bryant issued an apology, in which he admitted that he recognize[d]
now that she
Network Design
Running head:PROJECT #3
Unit #3 Individual Project Network Design For Champions, Inc.
Travis Lee Thompson
ITCO103 1201A 05
American International University
Table Of Contents
Network Architecture/Model ........................................................................................
Page 3
Star Network Topology(before the donation) ..............................................................
Page 5
Star Network Topology (after the donation) .................................................................
Page 6
Advantages of the Star Network Design .......................................................................
Page 7
Disadvantages of the Star Network Design ... Show more content on
2. Star Network Topology (before the donation)
3. Star Network Topology (after the donation)
4. Advantages of the Star Network Design
It is the most cost effective strategy for cash strapped businesses with no special
emphasis on security. Sometimes the cheapest design doesn t always translate into
the easiest design. In this case, the translation is a success. The hub will serve as the
intermediary between the computers and the internet (via cable modem). Also, in this
case, easy design also translate into easy troubleshooting of any network problem.
The star network allows troubleshooters to isolate issues on the network instead of
taking the entire local network offline. Moreover, the star network implies direct
data flow from the computers (via hub) to the internet instead of the data flowing
through the nodes first. Hence, speed is a benefit of such a network. In addition,
because of the direct data flow methodology (nodes to hub to modem to internet and
vice versa), the data is safe. Finally, the star network allows for expansion of nodes,
hubs, and gateways without losing any of the networks advantages listed on this
page. The owner plans to eventually add 7 more computers to the network. My
recommendation is to purchase an additional hub to manage the 7 additional
computers. Also, an additional modem is needed for load balancing purposes.
5. Disadvantages of a Star Network Design
Mcdonald s Stock Symbol Or Stock Ticker
The name of the company I decided to research for my project is Mcdonalds. The
Mcdonald s stock symbol or stock ticker is MCD and this company trades in the
New York Stock Exchange. The McDonald s headquarters complex, McDonald s
Plaza, is located in Oak Brook, Illinois. The business began in 1940, with a
restaurant opened by brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald in San Bernardino,
California. The present corporation dates its founding to the opening of a
franchised restaurant by businessman Ray Kroc in Des Plaines, Illinois. Ray Kroc
later purchased the McDonald brothers equity in the company and led its
worldwide expansion, and the company became listed on the public stock markets
ten years later. McDonald s restaurants are found now in 118 countries and
territories around the world and serve 68 million customers each day. McDonald s
operates over 35,000 restaurants worldwide, employing more than 1.7 million
people. As you might have guessed, a company as large as Mcdonalds has a ton of
corporate level executives. The chairman of the board of directors for Mcdonald s
is Andrew J. McKenna. Andrew James McKenna was born in Chicago, Illinois on
17 September 1929. McKenna graduated from the University of Notre Dame with
a BS degree in Business Administration and Marketing, followed by a Doctor of
Jurisprudence degree from DePaul University College of Law. McKenna has been
chairman of McDonald s since 2004. The rest of the members of the board of
directors include
Animal Euthanasia Research Paper
According to the The Humane Society of the United States roughly six million
animals are handled by shelters and clinics every year; though, only four million are
adopted or claimed . The other two million animals are left in these shelters until they
die or are subjected to cruel practices of euthanasia. There are simply too many
animals and not enough people who are open to adoption. The animal overpopulation
crisis and euthanasiacruelty can be prevented by an approach called animal birth
control and adopting.
Euthanasia or mercy killing, is the act of putting an entity to a painless death. For
animals this is an injection of sodium phenobarbital; recognized as the most
compassionate and painless method. The injection is mandated by law ... Show more
content on ...
Thirty states have legislation already in place, that includes a breeders fee ranging
from one hundred to five hundred dollars (American Veterinary Medical Association,
Mandatory Spay/Neuter Laws). Some of these laws enforced all permit and fine
revenue provide aid to shelters and aid veterinarian cost of animals in low income
households(American Veterinary Medical Association, Mandatory Spay/Neuter
Laws). After legislature was established, many of those states reported a reduction of
animals in facilities.
The final key solution to the overpopulation issue is adopting. Adopting a needy
animal from a shelter not only decreases the overpopulation crisis but saves a life.
Not only are you saving one life but you are saving other animals by opening up
more space for dying and needy animals in shelters. By buying a pet from a breeder
or pet shop encourages the cruel practice of pet trading. The cost of adoption is
frequently cheaper than the average $480 $1,000 charge from a breeder or store.
Adoption fees range from $25 $200 which typically include spaying/neutering, first
vaccinations and microchipping fees (White, Here s How Much It Really Costs to
Adopt a
2012 Olympics Research Paper
Media uses to engage participation at London Olympics 2012
The 2012 London Olympics had a great association with use of media such as
social media, print media and various other forms of communication technology to
attract large number of participation. Media shows mechanical advancement, as
well as they are the essential method for interfacing the group of audience with the
Games. The noticeable quality of online networking in the London 2012 Games is
just however the most recent in a long development of the organization in the
partnership of media and the Olympics. London Olympics was regarded as social
media Olympics. Media played a major role in bringing organizers, athlete and
participants together. The 2012 Olympiad was the best brandishing celebration that
had ever been organized and the advancement and consequences of the Olympic
events were of enthusiasm to a huge number of individuals all through the world. It
was televised in more than 180 countries and live telecast were available 24/7. An
estimated 4.6 million people watch the London Olympics. The IOC s site,, pulled in more than 16 million guests amid the Games, breaking the
past record of 10.6 million. Social media sites like facebook, twitter had more than 4.6
... Show more content on ...
Advertisement for the event started months before the games were being held
through use of social media, newspaper, various sport articles, T.V. Also official
sponsor of the games such as Visa, Samsung, McDonald, Panasonic, Omega, coca
cola. All these major companies signed the popular athlete such as Usain Bolt,
Michael Phelps, Maria Sharapova, Roger Federer and so on not only to advertise
their product but also to promote the Olympic Games through various commercial,
facebook and twitter pages, billboards and newspaper article. The BBC official
broadcast of the games in U.K. estimated to paid 40 to 50 million for the Television
Essay on Bio Warfare
Biological warfare is war waged with deadly chemicals, biological agents, or
radioactive materials (CBR). They can be used to kill large amounts of people,
destroy food, or just temporarily stun them for a matter of time so troops can come
in and torture them or do whatever troops led by an manipulative tyrant who destroys
everything. Using CBR, allowed you to kill everything and leave the buildings
standing instead of nuclear weapons which destroy everything, put fallout in the air,
and have radioactivematerials wash into the ground and streams. Using deadly
chemicalsin war has been going on since the early 1900 s during World War I (1914
1918). Chemicals such as tear gas, chlorine gas, phosgene, and mustard gas. The first
3 are things... Show more content on ...
The Hague Conference of 1899 made an attempt to outlaw projectiles carrying
poison gases; the agreement to this effect lasted only until W.W.I. In Geneva in
1925 a League of Nations protocol against chemical and biological war was signed;
it was not, however, ratified by the United States until 1975. The treaty outlaws the
first use of such weapons in warfare, but nations generally reserve the right to use
them in retaliation. Agreements totally banning chemical warfare have proved
difficult to achieve. A treaty totally banning biological warfare was drawn up by
the Geneva Disarmament Conference in 1971 and approved by the United Nations
General Assembly. Some 80 nations signed the Biological Weapons Convention,
which the United States ratified in 1974. This treaty is unique because it outlaws a
whole class of weapons by most of the world. Its effectiveness, however, is still
questionable; progress in genetic engineering has also complicated this issue. At the
Bush Gorbachev summit in June 1990, a treaty was signed providing for both the
United States and USSR to reduce stockpiles of chemical weapons. In May 1991, 19
industrial nations including the United States commited to adopt controls on the
export of 50 common chemicals used to manufacture these weapons. Anthrax is a
contagious disease of warm blooded animals, including humans, caused by the
bacterium Bacillus anthracis. One of the oldest known diseases, it was once
epidemic and still appears in many world areas,
An Alcoholics Anonymous ( Aa ) Meeting Essay
I went to an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting on November 26, 2016 at noon
in Simi Valley, CA. It was in the back entrance of a strip mall in a long, thin room
with tables down the middle and chairs around the table and around the walls in
the room. It is only located four minutes from my house, but I have never noticed it
before. As I walked in there was a little kitchen with coffee and a pecan pie and
there were goodies on the table. I them walked into the main room. A woman led
the group for her first time. Next to her sat the secretary who helped her out. She
read some rules about the group and asked if there were new members. I raised my
hand and explained that I was a MFT student and that I had come to observe the
meeting. Everyone welcomed me and were very friendly and supportive. Others
introduced themselves and several were from out of town. Baskets were passed
around for those who wanted to donate. In the rules, it states that there were no dues
or fees for AA membership, but that each AA group was self supporting through their
own contributions. Most people donated in a dollar or two. Then the leader made
some announcements. One that I thought was interesting was that this AA group was
going to have meetings all day on Thanksgiving to support those who needed help. In
the evening, there would be a Potluck Thanksgiving dinner. It was mentioned that two
people were bringing turkeys and another person was bringing a ham. I imagine that
the holidays would be a
Essay on The Craftiness of Athena
Athena, the Greek goddess of both wisdom and war, is often considered the
craftiest of all Olympian gods. She was born of a headache, and erupted from Zeus
head fully armed and ready for battle. However, beside all this pomp, she is a rather
caring, if war loving, immortal. Throughout the entirety of The Odysseyshe conveys
an entirely platonic, almost motherly love for Odysseus. It is this that makes her
significant character in Homer s work. In The Odyssey, Athenais portrayed as a, if not
the, major female figure throughout the entire epic poem. With her affection for
Odysseus and her frequent appearances she plays a major role throughout the entire
poem. Evidence of this integral role will be presented as proof of her... Show more
content on ...
She herself conveys this attachment in her actions done to protect him, such as the
time he was caught in the storm cause by the wrath of Poseidon. The rest of the
winds she stopped right in their tracks, commanding them all to hush now, go to
sleep. (164) She does not allow harm to come to him, but instead defies her own
uncle s authority to punish. And beyond even this, she appears to him in person to
greet him on his return to Ithica. It is here where not only does she guide him with
a plan, but she, a goddess, extols him. Here among mortal men you re far the best at
tactics, spinning yarns... (296) She considers him to be plenty worthy of her
assistance. This constant direction and saving help gives her a frequency of
appearance in The Odyssey, making her a character at the forefront of the story. Also,
it is her help that progresses the story. She is the one that plans for Odysseus attack
on the suitors, and she often gives the people he encounters thoughts to help him
along. She gives strength to Nausicaa, Only Alcinous daughter held fast, for Athena
planted courage within her heart... (172), and plants in Penelope s head the idea for
the contest, The goddess Athena with her blazing eyes inspired Penelope... (424),
among many other occasions.
Odysseus himself recognizes that his journey would have been impossible if it
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva is a Disorder of the...
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is a disorder in which muscle tissue and
connective tissue such as tendons and ligaments are gradually replaced by bone,
forming bone outside the skeleton (extra skeletal or heterotopic bone) that constrains
movement. It usually becomes evident during early childhood, always starting with
the neck and shoulders and proceeding down the body into the limbs.
FOP affects 1 in 2 million people with no ethnic, racial or gender patterns. There are
800 known cases across the globe with only 285 confirmed cases in the United States.
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva is caused by the genetic mutation of a Bone
Morphogenic Protein (BMP). BMPs are proteins and are important for the
formation of bone and the reconstruction of fractures, and are tied to a receptor
called activin receptor type IA (ACVR1). This receptor has been traced back to
chromosome 2q23 24. (papers), 2012)
This refers to chromosome number 2 between the bands 2q23 and 2q24, as
illustrated in the diagram below. Knowledge about this disease can help to
develop a cure. (papers), 2012) Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva is usually
diagnosed when a child is around ten years old and this disease is usually
misdiagnosed as malignancy, aggressive juvenile fibromatosis and desmoids
tumours. When a patient has surgery to remove the bone from his/her body, the
body repairs the area by producing more bone, this happens because BMPs are
affected by the disease. Therefore
Lorenzo Lotto Research Paper
Lorenzo Lotto was born in 1480 in Venice, Italy and died in 1557 in Loreto, Marche,
Italy. Lotto was an Italian painter from the late Renaissance. Lotto was known for his
perceptive portraits and mystical paintings of religious subjects. Lotto represents one
of the best examples of the valuable relationship between the Marche schools. Lotto
was one of the leading Venetian trained painters of the earlier 16th century. He mainly
painted portraits and religious paintings. Lotto worked mainly outside Venice. He was
at Treviso in 1503, then in the Marches, around 1508. From 1513 to 1525 he was
mainly at Bergamo in Lombardy, where he painted several major pieces. In 1526,
there were long times when he was gone, which was followed by his retirement...
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Peter Martyr painted in 1503 and the Portrait of Bishop Bernardo de Rossi painted
in 1505. After 1513 Lotto lived mainly in Bergamo, where his paintings fully
developed. His most successful works of this period are the altarpieces in San
Bernardino and in Santo Spirito, which show a new creativity , a greater ability in
rendering light and shade, and a preference for fancier colors. In 1526 or 1527 Lotto
returned to Venice, where he was influenced by the glowing palette and grand
compositional system of Titian. During the late Renaissance period his work became
more emotional like in the Madonna of the Rosary painted in 1539 and the
Crucifixion painted in 1531. In the Madonna Enthroned with Four Saints painted
in 1540 shows Lorenzo Lotto at the height of his work as a painter. In 1554 Lotto
became partially blind. Lorenzo Lotto entered the Santa Casa in Loreto as an
oblate member with a permission to work there. There he started one of his most
sensitive work of art, the Presentation in the Temple. Lotto died in the process of
making the Presentation in the Temple so it remains unfinished. One of Lotto s
most famous painting is Venus and her son Cupid in a bower painted in 1520. It
was painted for a couple s wedding in Bergamo. Lotto was fascinated with the
relations to the goddess and marriage. The Allegory of Virtue and Vice is another
famous painting by Lotto painted in 1505. The most famous painting by
What Is The Character OfThe House Of The Scorpion
The main character of The House of the Scorpion is named Matt who lives in a
place called Opium. Opium is a strip of poppy fields lying between the United
States and what used to be called Mexico. There is one problem for Matt because
he is the clone who was made in a lab by a scientist named Eduardo. In the real
world people think clones are animals or monsters. He is a special clone because he
is the clone of El Patron, a drug lord, who owns Opium. At the end, El Patron dies
which then causes Matt to have the title, The Lord of Opium
In the book The House of the Scorpion there are many characters that stand out, but
the one that stands out the most for me is Tom.Tom really stood out for me
because he was one of the people that was really mean and rude to as well as a
troublemaker to Matt the main character. For example it says, You re ugly, said the
boy.You look like a pig in a sty. Matt wanted to reply, but the habit of silence had
grown too strong. He could only glare at the intruder. In the hazy background of his
mind, he recalled a boy named Tom, who was bad. In this quote not only does it say
that Tom was bad, but Tom was also saying some rude things to Matt like calling
him ugly. As well as another quote in the story, That got you, didn t it? Wait ll I tell
your girlfriend how cute you are now.You smell like a pile of dung. This shows that
Tom is mean because he is telling Matt that he smells bad which I was thought to keep
things to myself if they are mean.
Relationship Between God And Israel
TB 133 140 The author dives into chapter six by addressing the prophetic themes,
covenant, judgment and redemption. According to the author all the prophets have
a special relationship between God and Israel. They all share a common theme as
well. Themes include announcement of judgment on Israel, punishment,
announcement of restoration after a rebellion and comparisons of Israel. The
author also points out what Israel is the main focus throughout the old testament.
God choose Israel and entered into a covenant so his expectations are high
compared to other nations living at that time. Which is why intense images being
express the relationship between God and Israel. Such images include parent
child, husband wife, church bride, shepherd flock, owner vineyard and potter clay.
When Israel rebels against God Israel is compared to a prostitute or camel.
However, even when Israel is beyond redemption, the chosen prophets beg for
repentance from the nation of Israel. More common is the image of people turning
away from God even when presented salvation. The author presents the prophetic
books in canonical order. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Scroll of the Twelve are
presented to the reader providing an introduction of each book. According to the
author the book of Isaiah is a view into the school of prophecy descending from the
great eighth century. Additionally, evidence has surfaced confirming Isaiah did not
write the entire book himself but rather is a complied
Looking For Little Egypt By Donna Carlton
Looking For Little Egypt
By Donna Carlton. Bloomington, IN: IDD Books, 1994. 103 pages. $14.95 paperback.
The mystique and murk that shroud the legend and disparate accounts of the
mysterious Little Egypt who stirred up much controversy in the United States in the
time after the Chicago Columbian Exposition of 1893 only highlights the
significance of the character in the evolution of belly dance and America s perception
of it. Most historical memoirs of danse du ventre, known as belly dancing, mention
that it entered America through the 1893 Chicago Columbian Exposition.
Concessions such as the Algerian, the Ottoman, the Persian as well as the Egyptian
incorporated belly dance to draw crowds attention, profiting more in the process.
Because of the nature of this exotic dance and its fluid arm and hand movements as
well as isolations and shimmies of the shoulder, pelvis, abdominal muscles and head,
its exposition spread rumors all over the country. Many flocked to see it.
Nevertheless, the notorious name of Little Egypt came to be known from the Street in
Cairo, owing to the several exotic shows that attracted many Americans. Even in the
twenty first century, Little Egypt s name is still a mystery, having become a legend
that has lured many dancers.
In Looking For Little Egypt, Donna Carlton takes her readers on a journey to the
Chicago Columbian Exposition in 1893 to investigate Little Egypt s identity. During
her research, she encountered interesting stories about the
The Theory, Organizational Behaviors, And The...
A learning organization is one that is able to transform its culture and behaviors from
an occurred situation. This includes the organization realizing a repeated pattern of
behaviors that is not growing or helping the organization in the right direction. When
organizations admit to certain truths or facts and acknowledge flawed behaviors, then
change can start. Organizations attempt to change by restructuring and reorganizing
the company. Organizations learn only through individuals who learn. Individual
learning does not guarantee organizational learning but, without it no organizational
learning occurs (Senge 1990). Senge believed once an organization was in need of
changing patterns to create desired results systems theories is... Show more content on ...
Organizations must reflect on the structure employees have to operate in and ensure
it is conducive to the image of a learning organization. People need the tools and
guidance to understand the situation and the newly created conditions. In order to
reinvent yourself or the organization it will require stepping out of our comfort zones
for a learning organization to survive. This concept refers to adaptive learning, which
is necessary for the organization. However, adaptive learning is linked to generative
learning, learning that enriches our aptitude to create. Achieving a new culture and
environment involves understanding three kinds of stress discomfort, performance,
and disjunctive. Discomfort complexity and uncertainty of its environment, resource
constraints and difficulty securing finances, material, and workers. Performance
expectations for success/failure related to experiences, incentives, changes in
preferences of leaders. Disjunctive violations of norms regarding need for
coordination and tolerance for conflict between and among individuals and subgroups
(pg85). The foundation for a learning organization requires transformation from both
individuals and organizations. One of the biggest challenges that must be overcome
in any organization is to identify and breakdown the ways people reason defensively.
Until then, change can never be
Essay Functional Areas of M S and KFH
I will talk about functional areas of M S and KFH. through Comparison and contrast
of how they contribute and operate their functions, as will as the structures, also my
task is, to evaluate the benefit and disadvantages of their functions, finally, try to
explain my opinion about how well the two companies run there business.
In 1884 1907 Michael Marks formed a partnership with Tom Spencer,in 1908 1931
The St Michael trademark was registered, in 1956 1979 The first stores in
Continental Europe opened in Paris and Brussels, in 1980 2001 launched the first
M S are one of the UK s leading retailers of clothes, food, home products and
financial services. Some 10 million people shop with us each week in over 375 ...
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This is the standard pyramid with top management at the top of the chart and middle
and lower management spreading out down the pyramid. The organization is usually
broken down into different functional units, such as HRM, accounting, and Marketing
. M S Structure takes account of the two factors the management hierarchy and the
span of control. The organizational structure of Marks and Spencer is very
important. M S Structure have a clear and effective structure which enable them to
meet their objectives for example increasing sales. The organizational structure for
Marks and Spencer is tall; this business has 303 branches in the U.K. The company
also has 125 franchise stores in 26 countries. Marks and Spencer also has a tall
hierarchy, the hierarchy of this business is the levels of management, and this can be
done from the lowest to highest rank. As of the chart above, its obvious that The M S
structure is divided into six divisions, each of them contain subdivided to sectors.
The Marketing department contain two
Stakeholders of Mcdonalds and Leicester College
BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Why their interest? How they are affected by
organisational decisions. DEFINITION OF A STAKEHOLDER A stakeholder is
someone or anyone who has an interest in the success of a business. A stakeholder
can affect the businesses processes and outcomes. MCDONALD S
STAKEHOLDERS CUSTOMERS One of the main stakeholders for McDonalds is
the customers. They have a stake in the business, because they buy food and bring
in the revenue. If people chose to buy food elsewhere and McDonalds would have
no customers and would fail as a business. Their interest as a stakeholder is the
quality of the service and food. Customers are affected by large organisation
decisions when there are changes in the business or product. This... Show more
content on ...
This helps the students get real life experiences and in exchange the community
get cheap services. PARENTS Parents are major stakeholders in a college. A parent
of a student will want the best education the college can offer for their children.
The way they college is run is tailored towards parent s needs for their children.
Parents can elect to be a governor and have their say put forward on a board of
governors. They attend parent s evening and talk to the tutors about their child s
progress. TEACHERS AND TUTORS Teachers and tutors have a stake in the
college organisation as they make up the majority of the employees of a college.
Teachers have meetings to discuss how the college is run. Ultimately it is down to
them how the specific education is delivered. As they are in charge of what
happens in a lesson. Teachers have their own union, and they have their own rights
in place and discuss how they can work in a college to their best ability. TAX
PAYERS The local tax payers have a large stake in the colleges business because
they are one of the main external finances that fund the college. Without the tax
payers funding, colleges would not be as successful. LOCAL GOVERNMENT The
local government are the people who have the most say in how the college is run.
They decide the curriculums that the colleges must deliver. They also give another
large amount of the
Who Is Jean Valjean
Life is a struggle. Life will throw curveballs at you, it will humble you, it will
attempt to break you down. And just when you think things are starting to look up,
life will smack you back down with ruthless indifference. Jean Valjean is the
strongest character in the book Les Miserables by Victor Hugo and movie because
he was able to find a purpose for himself. He was selfless when it came to Cosette,
but his relationship with Cosette was also selfish. The first time he found his
purpose was when he was with the bishop and he was dealing with the stolen goods.
The bishop, although he knew he had stolen all of his silver, had preceded to give
him the candlesticks. He told Valjean that even though he was getting off with
stealing the... Show more content on ...
It was a harmful one because Jean wanted to keep her all to himself because he
thinks that he is the only person that knows what s best for her. He was the one
who raised her and he fell in love with her which is part of the reason why he took
her away from Marius when he found out that she was in love with him. He
thought that since he was the one who was ever really there for her that he should
be the only one to have her. For there are many great deeds done in the small
struggles of life. The greatest deed that Jean did was to take in Cosette when she
had no one left to take care of her but it was also a struggle for him. He was jealous
that he was not the only guy who would get to love Cosette forever. Jean felt like
since he raised her on his own that he was the only one that should truly have her.
When Jean took Cosette away from Marius she thought it was because he had
business to attend in Paris. So, it was finished...the being who encumbered his
destiny was disappearing...he would then find himself once more alone with
Cosette...Cosette would never know what had become of that man...that man cannot
escape (Hugo 466). When this comes up in the book you think to yourself why is
Jean being selfish with her. If she s happy with Marius why would you keep the
letter for yourself and just let her go on knowing that Marius is going to be there
when she gets back. Jean knew that he could die
Garbage Dreams Sociology
One of the most striking observations I examined was the way in which culture was
used to beautify and extol ethnic heritage during my first visit to downtown Holyoke.
I witnessed culture functioning as an emblematic tool that was memorializing the
Puerto Rican community through art murals, blaring salsa music [which dominated
the air resonance] and other manifestations that showcased Boricua ethos. Those
same cultural cues remained during my second trip, but as I engaged more intimately
with the residents and the commercial industries and governmental offices, these
emblems revealed another meaningful purpose. These symbols of reconstructed
nationalism were used to assert ownership over geographical space while
challenging socioeconomic place. Similar to the Zabbaleen in Cairo whose social
and economic position remains endangered, the Puerto Rican community in Holyoke
is experiencing an immediate threat to their geographic space due to their
socioeconomic place and threats of gentrification. Both cultures, which are distinctly
unique and ethnically regionalized as a result, are thousands of miles apart spatially,
but closely bounded due to the ability to use their culture as an instrument to combat
the usage of socioeconomic place as an ideological weapon to regulate geographic
space. In the movie Garbage Dreams, the Zabbaleen, which literally translates to the
garbage people , experience a variety of spatial challenges that are abstract in thought,
but very real in
A Comparison Of Marcel Duchamp s Fountain, And The...
According to Oxford Dictionary, the definition of perfection is The action or process
of improving something until it is faultless. In art, the striving for perfection has
always been changing back and forth in a continuous cycle between realism and
impressionism. Artworks that point to this idea include Marcel Duchamps Fountain,
and Damien Hirst s The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone
Living. Through Duchamp s work, the viewer gets a face to face interaction with
something that is not only unpleasant to see in a high status establishment, but is not
considered proper . He has imposed his artistic labor on this urinal. Additionally, with
R. Mutt being signed on the side, which symbolizes poverty, the name forces... Show
more content on ...
John Berger plays with this idea in his article Ways of Being. Essentially in that text
he makes the argument that duplicating an artwork, makes the original artwork have
less of an impact on the consumer than it would if it were not replicated. He gave an
example with the Mona Lisa and various other artworks. In seeing so many
variations of the Mona Lisa, such as in print, on television, in movies, printed on t
shirts, et cetera, there is a hype that is built up about the original artwork. However,
when gone to see in person, the piece essentially lets the viewer down because it
could not live up to the standards that the replicas set for it. However, there is still
the idea brought up in Berger s writing that states, One might argue that all
reproductions more or less distort, and that therefore the original painting is still in a
sense unique. This idea opens up the gap that Lacan introduces in his writing, The
Ideal I, between the original object and its other. In this case, the other being the
duplication. It is interesting that Berger s ideas connect to Lacan s ideas under this
umbrella. In searching for the perfect artwork, can the original be the one of true
perfection? This relationship between perfection, duplication, and idealization is very
tricky to concretely take a stance on because they are all so subjective. However, the
relationship is essentially that the way to connect the duplications to the
Characteristics Of The Real Monster In Frankenstein
Everyone has different views on what they believe a monster is. When we hear the
word monster we usually think of a big gross imaginary creature. It s natural for us
to think this way because most are taught at a young age that that s what a monster
is. No one really tells us that people can also be monsters. You would call someone a
monsterwhen they do sick and inhuman things. Who was the real monster in
Frankenstein, was it Victor or was it the monster Victor created?
Victor Frankenstein is who I believe should be labeled as the monster. Victor has all
the characteristics of a monster he is inhumane and doesn t remorse or care about
things that a human being should care about. He was a crazy scientist who then
decided create this monster and let him off on his own into the world. He spent two
years infusing life into an inanimate body that is monstrous. When he first infused
life into the monster the awful appearance of him scared him and he instantly runs to
his room to try and go to sleep. When Victor had woke up the monster was standing
over his bed staring at him and that s when he left the monster and showed him
rejection. Victor was very selfish and inconsiderate of others when the monster was
seeking revenge on him it wasn t just hurting him it was effecting others around him.
However, the monster is labeled as a monster because of his appearance. When
something doesn t look like everyone else or something we are familiar with then it
s a monster. The monster was 7 foot tall; he had yellow skin scarcely covered with
muscle and arteries beneath; his hair was a lustrous black; his teeth where nice
and white; his eyes where horrid and watery; his lips where black (M. Shelley 35).
Everyone judges the monster before they actually get to know just because of his
looks and he can t help how he looks. His creator made him look the way that he
does which is why he gets labeled as a monster. The monster doesn t just do bad
thing when he was in the woods watching the cottagers have to go and get wood
every morning, he saw that they didn t like doing so he would go get the wood for
them and leave it on the porch so that they could get other things done. The was also
a time where there was a girl drowning and
Research Article Review
Purposely examining journalistic studies can yield multifarious information with
regard.... Within the realm of analyzing and evaluating a professional research
articles, there are three facets worthy of covering from a .... Standpoint. They include
disseminating a summary of the study, giving an explanation of the findings and
evaluating the overall theme of the article. In one such study titled, Comparison of
Physical Fitness Performance Between Elementary aged Students With and Without
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, these elements become prevalent as we
divulge into the expressions that the authors are trying to promulgate. For example, in
the context of the overall setting and environment of the study, we find the author...
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262). With this respective motivation for information discovery and postulation to
do so, we discover a refined and affirmed purpose for the study in Colombo
Dougovito s (2013) declaration that the aim of this study was to compare the
physical fitness performances of elementary aged students with and without ADHD
using The President s Challenge program as the vehicle for testing fitness
performance (p. 265). Columbo Dougivito then goes on to describe the reality that
ADHD has been linked to motor development defects which are included with
inferior coordination and exercise related capability which includes the area of
athletics and physical fitness (Columbo Dougovito, 2013, p. 263). Furthermore,
another motivation for engaging the study is the reality that much of the work in
this field has only been directed towards the more mature, fully developed aspect of
society and less of the adolescent or underage populace (Columbo Dougivito, 2013,
p. 263). Next, because of the accumulated data gather by Licari Licari (2008) within
the study, which includes the association of ADHD with poor balance, decreased fine
moto ability, decreased gross motor ability, and impaired motor response resulting in
slow reaction times , Columbo Dougivito (2013) postulated that it could be
hypothesized that these children also have low fitness levels (as cited in Columbo
Music Therapy ( Mt )
For most, music plays an integral role in life. Whether it s putting a playlist on to
get hyped up for a daily workout, or shuffling through an Adele album to get through
a bad break up. In short, music is connected to our mood. Henceforth, it should come
as no surprise that music therapy (MT) has been used in various forms of rehab,
specifically in terms of AutismSpectrum Disorder (ASD). ASD is a condition masked
with impairments to social functioning, speech, and language along with unusual
behaviors such as fixations and repetitive movements (Boso et al., 2007). Therapy
associated with ASD has usually been associated with speech fixation therapy or
occupational and physical activity/challenged based therapy, to name a few, however
... Show more content on ...
In a study conducted by LaGasse in 2004 looked to measure the effect of music
therapy when conducted as a group to see if the social skills of children with ASD
would change, compared to a regular social skills group. The study employed
seventeen participants with an age range of 6 to 9 years old. The groups engaged
in 10 sessions, twice a week, with a schedule of a welcome exercise, followed by a
rotation of sensory and social experiences and finally ended with a farewell
exercise. The social experiences specifically looked at promoting eye contact,
communication and joint attention (LaGasse, 2014). Exercises included passing a
ball amongst the group, board games, and telling of jokes to the group. The
experience of music to half of the groups was done in a way that would be similar
to the nonmusical groups, such as music making instead of play a game or using
music to help complete a social interaction (LaGasse, 2014). Results found that
specifically after finishing all ten sessions, parents of children who received music
based therapy reported large increases in not only eye contact situations, but also in
length of time. While eye gaze did increase overall, LaGasse found that it increased
among peers but decreased amongst adults, explaining it could be due to the
facilitators shifting for a more peer to peer interaction. Results from LaGasse s study
were able to show initial evidence those social skills such as joint attention and eye
contact could be
Impossible to Generalize about Medieval Women
Medieval British History 1189 1485
Is it possible to generalise about the lives of medieval women?
Within this essay I am going to look at a range of sources to discuss and evaluate
whether it is possible for us today to generalise about the lives of medieval women.
At this point in time most people tended to live in small rural communities, making
their living form the land. If you were a female peasant living in medieval society
you would have a large amount of domestic duties. Not only were women of this
time expected to look after the children they would prepare the food for their family
and during the busiest times of the year, such as harvest, they would be expected to
join their husbands in the fields to help bring in the crops. Women would also
participate in cottage industries, this involved baking, manufacturing textiles and
brewing. A well known symbol of a peasant womanwould be the distaff, this was a
tool used to spin flax and wool. For women living outside the countryside life was
not too different, they had very similar responsibilities as they too were also
expected to help their husbands but also fathers. They would help with a variety of
trades and crafts such as production of textiles, metal work and leather goods. Some
women would also run shops and inns. Learning medieval realms. (n.d).
According to some sources it is suggested that throughout the middle ages, the place
of women in society was dictated by biblical text. Women were seen
Dark Sky Night Observation
In this Observation Report, I will be discussing the technology and sights I
encountered throughout both the Dark Sky Night, and the 1st Quarter Night.
Explanations of both the astronomical instruments as well as visuals will be
provided. All of the information and opportunities were provided to me by Austin
Peay State University, with instruction by Dr. Buckner. The First Quarter Night was
focused more on the technology and instruments used to view and document
targeted subjects in space, whereas the Dark Sky Night focused more on the
viewings. Throughout this observation I will reintroduce the telescopes, aids, and
celestial objects I examined through Dr. Buckner s instruction on observation nights.
I attended Austin Peay s 1st Quarter Night on February 15, 2016. On this day, we
had approximately four telescopes set up with three I managed to catalog, and were
introduced to a variety of extension and aid devices. Among the telescopes I
documented I was able to record... Show more content on ...
Among these are star maps, planispheres, filters, and various photographical
devices. Starting with planispheres and star maps, these are used to aid in manual
telescope operation. The last telescope I discussed was a reflector telescope that
used an Alt Az mount, meaning locating celestial objects relies fully on the
operator s ability to use maps and star guides so get a lay of the land, or sky for
this matter. Looking at the sky isn t near as easy as it may sound. Much like how
the Earth is covered in seventy percent water, the night sky is mainly stars. Without
proper synchronization with the night sky, you can be off in your observations by a
long shot. Planispheres come in different editions depending on which hemisphere
you reside in. Stars positioning and celestial objects available for observation can
also change depending on your latitude, time of day, and also time of
The Debate Over Current Race
I have chosen the debate of 26th September. The reason I am selecting this is
because, it was the first debate and was instrumental in leading up to future debates.
In a way it was an inception point of agendas and policies that would unfold with
The debate was deluged with policies and issues. Even though candidates probably
had a plethora of issues they wanted to address, the time limit, and the debate format
stood like a glorified barrier. The issue was raised on how to create jobs to minimize
the unemployment rate. The other issue raised was regarding taxes. Issue was raised
regarding which tax policy would turn out to be most cohesive and profitable with
time. Issue about current race relation was raised along with the ways to improve it.
Another issue that was raised was regarding national security. Personally, I think that
issue regarding tax stood out in the debate.
Most of the opinion divergence among the candidates was based on slashing taxes.
While both Trump and Clinton wanted to modify the existing tax rates as well as
laws associated with it, the similarity ended there. Trump wanted to reduce taxes for
the wealthy and his rhetoric was that it would be beneficial in the long run as wealthy
population would have higher incentive to invest in the country. As a result, more
industries and production houses would be built in the US, consequently improving
economy as well as creating new jobs. On the other hand, Clinton vehemently
opposed this policy. She was
Grievance Appeal Essay
In your grievance filed at Rast Unit, you claim your visitor, Brittany Rojero
visitation privileges are suspended indefinitely. You are requesting that your visitor
be allowed to reapply for visits. Your grievance appeal has been reviewed at
Central Office and the Warden s response is modified. Pursuant to DEPARTMENT
ORDER 911 INMATE VISITATION 1.1.4 Former Department employees:
Shall be prohibited visitation with an inmate for a period of two years from the date
of separation of employment, except when the inmate is an immediate family
member or relative. 1.5 Denial or Removal of Visitors from Visitation List The
Warden, unit Deputy Warden, unit Associate Deputy Warden, or for Contract Beds,
the Deputy Warden for Contract Beds,
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The Story Of An Hour Essay

  • 1. The Story Of An Hour Essay Writing an essay on the topic "The Story of an Hour" can be both intriguing and challenging. On one hand, the brevity of the narrative provides a concise focus, but on the other hand, unraveling the layers of meaning within such a short story can be a nuanced task. The challenge lies in delving into the subtle nuances, themes, and character developments that Kate Chopin masterfully embeds in her work. To start, one must carefully analyze the protagonist, Louise Mallard, and her complex emotional journey. Exploring the societal norms and expectations of the time adds another layer of complexity, requiring a thorough understanding of the historical and cultural context. Moreover, one should navigate the delicate balance between the literal and the symbolic elements in the narrative, considering the broader implications of the story. Crafting an essay on "The Story of an Hour" demands a keen eye for detail and a profound appreciation for literary techniques. The challenge is not merely summarizing the plot but deciphering the underlying messages and implications, be they feminist undertones or reflections on the human condition. The limited space of an essay requires precision in choosing points to discuss, adding to the intricacy of the task. Despite the complexity, the process of writing an essay on "The Story of an Hour" can be intellectually rewarding. The opportunity to explore the depths of a literary masterpiece and articulate one's insights is a fulfilling endeavor. However, it necessitates time, dedication, and a careful consideration of every element within the story. In conclusion, while the task of writing an essay on "The Story of an Hour" may pose its challenges, the exploration of its rich content is an intellectually stimulating journey. By navigating the subtleties of Chopin's work, one can unravel a tapestry of emotions and ideas. For those seeking assistance or a different perspective, it's worth noting that similar essays and much more can be ordered on The Story Of An Hour Essay The Story Of An Hour Essay
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  • 3. My Life Goals Mahatma Gandhi once said The future depends on what you do today. Which can be interpreted as, whatever happens to you now will affect you later. This is why I am setting goals now for my future. The goals that I set now, which are to spend more time with my family, avoid stress, and break the all timescoring average in golf, are intended to improve my life in the future. In order to improve my life in the future, I want to spend more time with my family. Spending more time with my family now will help give them good memories to remember me by, when I eventually move out of our house. Having a happy family makes me feel happy, so if I can make them happy now, they may remember the Good Ol Days later and become happy. I remember when I was a child playing baseball with my family watching. It seemed like every game, no matter what, they always had a happy look on their face, which made me happy. To this day my Dad still talks about when me and my brothers played baseball, and every time he remembers us he becomes full of joy. In order to achieve this goal I need to put down the devices, have family nights, like play board games or go out to eat, and take family vacations at least once a year. Putting my phone away gives me more time to spend with my family, instead of going on Snapchat or Twitter. Playing board games brings the whole familytogether, which promotes conversations. Taking family vacations can relieve the stress of home and work to make the family become
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  • 7. Bad Blood Study In the video, researchers that conducted the study were people from the public health service. Also I would also go as far as saying the US government along the lines of guilty by association. This documentary stated many times the underlying motivation of this study and very clearly showed racism as the gas pedal. African Americans were the target participants in this study, they were discriminated against and said to have bad blood . A women who helped in these studies and spoke in the video stated that the bad blood these people were interested in was syphilitic blood but in general in that day and age bad blood could have meant a number of different things. Bad blood could have meant anything from anemia to fatigue. Q2) In actuality there was only one stated purpose for this study and that was to study the effects of untreated syphilis in African Americans. Although the stated purpose the nearly 600 participants heard was that this study was a cure for bad blood. Not only were participants in this study African Americanbut they were also mostly poor, illiterate farmers in Alabama. The ideal test group for researchers that didn t want /need many questions arising. Q3) ... Show more content on ... They were thought to have been getting rounds of penicillin, the most effective form of treatment at the time. What they were actually receiving was a lot of times aspirin or other forms of pointless medication. Even though this study was not showing promising results the benefits were too good in the eyes of these men to pass up. Participants were promised not only free treatment but also insurance that their burial would be paid for and their families would not have to pay. Survivors insurance they called
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  • 9. Role of Human Capital in Economic Development CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION a) BACKGROUND Kenya is one of the less Developed countries that are endowed with relatively good levels of resources and labor. However, there are still a lot to be done to tap those resources into viable productivity and industrialization levels. One way of achieving this is by maximizing the use of both physical and human capital. In or case we shall consider human capital. Human capital, according to Adam Smith refers to the acquired and useful abilities of all the inhabitants or members of the society. The acquisition of such talents by the maintenance of the acquirer, during his education, study or apprenticeship, always costs a real expense, which is a capital fixed and realized, as it were in his ... Show more content on ... This paper therefore seeks to determine if, indeed, human capital has been the factor that has caused a rise in economic growth and development in east Africa. c) RESEARCH QUESTIONS пѓ What is the role of human capital in economic development in east African countries? пѓ Is healthy human capital and other non economic inputs are part of the determinants of economic growth in east African countries? d) OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY пѓ To find out the role of human capital in economic development in east African countries. пѓ To determine whether healthy human capital and other non economic inputs are part of the determinants of economic growth in east African countries. e) SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study is seeking to establish the relationship between human capital and economic growth and development in east Africa. By so doing, we will be able to know with certainty whether human capital is actually one of the reasons for economic growth in east Africa, in which case the findings will be used to establish the right proportion of human capital needed to mix with other economic inputs so as to facilitate sustainable economic development in the region. It also gives an indication of the possible way to rate human capital against other
  • 10. Transition From Childhood To Adulthood In The Israeli Culture In many cultures there are events that mark the transition from childhood to adulthood; for me, it was slightly different; Being Puerto Rican and Israeli, at different times in my life, I reached different levels of adulthood . Reaching adulthood in the Israeli culture takes place at the tender age of 13. Adulthood seemed to be the best time in my life, but at such a young age being held accountable for all the aspects of being a wife and mother is kind of scary. In the Puerto Rican culture, becoming an adulthappens at the age of 15; it includes financial and household responsibilities. Not only was coming of agea stage of adulthood for me, but circumstances like being made fun of, because of my race also helped me develop into stages of adulthood. At the age of thirteen, was my first time as being seen as accountable for myself, this was because of my Israeli side this is called Bat Mitzvah, yet my family was saying I was accountable, I wasn t completely responsible for myself... but I had to know how to be mature and know right from wrong. This stage in my life had helped me mature in such a way, because I had to learn how to do things for myself and for others, pretty much being the woman in my house... which meant knowing how to cook for a family, and being able to wash laundry for everyone in the house. Not only did these tasks... Show more content on ... A Quinceanera is the coming of age for females in a Hispanic culture. This time was a little bit scary for me, because all my family ever told me was that I was becoming a lady and I didn t feel as if I was ready for this time in my life. Being a lady?! That s a huge step in life that many females don t reach at what I believe is a young age, yet that came with even more responsibility, like staying home alone more often, handling my own money along with a saving account that I have to keep active to this day and not keep all my money for knick knacks and learning how to save like an
  • 11. International Marketing Case Study International Marketing Explain the stages that are typically taken by a firm moving from a domestic business to an international? Domestic Marketing: involves the company manipulating a series of controllable variables such as price, advertising, distribution and the product in a largely uncontrollable external environment that is made up of different economic structures, competitors, cultural values and legal infrastructure within specific political or geographic country boundaries: International Marketing: Involves operating across a number of foreign country markets in which not only do the uncontrollable variables differ significantly between one market and another, but the controllable factors in the form of cost and price ... Show more content on ... Markets Widespread and sometimes fragmented. Data Difficult to obtain and often expensive. Politics Regimes vary in stability political risk becomes an important variable. Governments Can be a strong influence in regulating importers and foreign business ventures. Economies Varying levels of development and varying and sometimes unstable currencies. Finance Many differing finance systems and regulatory bodies. Stakeholders Commercial, home country and host country. Business Diverse rules culturally influenced. Control Difficult to control and coordinate across markets. Moving from being a purely domestic business to an international one is typically a gradual evolution through a number of stages. 1. Management is not interested in exporting and would be unwilling to fill an unsolicited order. The company exists to serve the domestic market only and does not intend to enter foreign markets. 2. Management fills unsolicited orders from abroad. The passive exporter tends to lack any international focus and perceives export markets as having a high hassle factor. Many passive exporters are relatively new to the export business, often reacting to unsolicited orders and tend to see their market as essentially home based. Such firms do not carry out research or invest in export promotion campaigns and have little direct contact with foreign companies. Firms at this stage perceive
  • 12. Zoos Are Inhumane For Animals There are about 10,000 zoos in the United States alone. Many people believe zoos are inhumane, that animals shouldn t be held in captivity. Some people think the other way, that they are humane. Zoos are humane. Zoos benefit animals in many ways. They help animals to live, and gives people a chance to see what their life is like. To begin, zoos give animals the proper care they need. The animalsare provided with the right food and shelter. For every animal, they have their own space that is like their natural habitat. The state checks on every zooto make sure it is clean, and the animals are good. The animals look happy for the most part. They get extra things than what they would get compared to life outside the zoo. Animals
  • 13. Glb-301 (Ass 8) Essay OLUFUNKE BAKARE GLB 301 OCTOBER, 2013 Answer each of the following questions on the peril of conflict and the promise of conflict resolution. Your answer to each item should be an essay of 350 to 800 words in length. (With a typical font and spacing, this comes to between 1ВЅ and 3 pages.) It is recommended that you refer to outside sources as you consider these issues. Be sure to document your sources correctly. Answer one (1) of the following questions: We live in a world in which 13 of the top 50 economies are companies, not countries. How does this change the responsibility companies have for providing for social needs and addressing big ticket challenges of the future? How can companies ensure their own... Show more content on ... These companies have been responsible for creating job opportunites, boosting the economy and creating a better soucer of living for the citizens of these countries. The vast numbers of MNCs are located all around the world; they vary widely in size and interest. Their intention is to take a package of capital, technology, managerial know how, or marketing skills to carry out production or business services abroad. Their effects are far reaching, affecting the daily lifestyle of the average consumer. Partly because of their size, MNCs tend to dominate the sectors in which they specialize. As a result, their transnational business ventures offer much debate about their impact on developing countries; many arguments have been proposed on this subject alone ( ). This paper will be used to illustrate the opportunities created by MNCs for less developed countries. A historical account will be presented identifying the general impact of MNCs on developing countries up to the 21st century. Contemporary views will also be used for the purpose of evaluating the influence of MNCs in the areas of growth and efficiency, welfare, and values and institutions in the present and potential future consequences. The earliest version of the modern MNC is visible in the imperialistic and colonizing ventures by Western Europe, dating back to the 16th century. The modern version of the MNC was apparent with the advent of industrialization in the 19th century. Companies
  • 14. Concrete Lab Report Engineering B45 Concrete Lab Report Introduction: Concrete is a mixture of sand and rock or similar inert material (aggregates) held together by a cementing material. Usually the cementing material is Portland cement, but sometimes binders such as asphalt or gypsum are used, in which case the concrete may be called asphaltic concrete or gypsum concrete. Properties of concrete are governed not only by the properties of its ingredients (cement, water, sand, and coarse aggregate) but also, to a great extent, by the relative proportions of these ingredients. The proportions must be so selected as to produce a concrete mixture of desired workability, strength, durability, and economy. The most common aggregates are gravel and crushed stone, ... Show more content on ... You may not need to add the full amount of water calculated. Be sure to use the gloves provided as you mix your concrete. When adding the water note the concrete s cohesiveness whether the concrete tends to hang together well or whether it tends to crumble readily and the troweling workability if the concrete works smoothly and with little effort when using a trowel. Continue to add water until you have a desirable consistency. 6. Perform the slump test. Fill the slump mold 1/3 full and tamp with the tamping rod 25 times; add more concrete until 2/3 full and tamp an additional 25 times; fill completely, tamp 25 times and then top off. Do not tamp more than 25 times. Measure the height of the concrete after removing the slump mold. The slump is 12 (the height of the mold) minus the height of the concrete after removal of the mold. The greater the slump usually means the greater the workability. Your slump should be about 2 inches. 7.Be sure to measure and record the temperature of the concrete and the outside temperature. 8.Fill the molds, tamp 25 times, top off, and cover with a plastic bag to setup. 9. After a day or two, cut off the mold. Note any cracking or pores in the test samples. Put the concrete samples in a bucket, spray the concrete with water, and cover the bucket tightly with plastic. 10. On the designated concrete crush lab day, perform the compression test according to ASTM C39. Questions to be addressed in the
  • 15. Hollow Men Hollow Men (Three messages from Hollow Men) What does it mean to be a Hollow Men? In the Hollow men the first message would be about the new generation. The second message would be Patriotic because it talks about why we are Patriotic. The final message is going to be religious because when it start getting to the end of the poem he tries to be religious. The hollow Men by T.S. Eliot gave three messages in this story and with these three messages it all becomes one big story. The first message is going to talk about the new generation. The reason I choose this one was because in the very beginning it talks about how are generation lacks caring. It also talks about Modern people are like scarecrow and they just sit there quietly. In the text... Show more content on ... They say that we have little Knowledge but much opinions and in today s world there not wrong but some people actually have a lot of knowledge. They also say we don t know are country and that we don t care about are past which is who got us here today in this world and we don t care for what are future holds for us. The Narrator says to us that Eyes I dare not meet in dreams in death s dream kingdom these do not appear: There, the eyes are Sunlight on a broken column. Are generation isn t Patriotic we just take for granted of what we have and how lucky we are to have it. Patriotic is a good second message for the middle of the story but for the ending it s going to be about religion. Religion takes a high toll of the end of the poem and for that reason it s going to be are final message. The narrator starts talking about a verse in the bible but he can only remember the very first part of it and he keeps acting he s really religious but he can t remember the verse. Eliot keeps saying in the poem For thine is the Kingdom Is all the narrator remembers and it s in line 10. The king tries to talk about battle and tries to be inspirational but when he tries to put religious in it he can t but that one verse. It shows that he s not as holy as they say he is or what he says he
  • 16. Carrie The Musical Analysis On the evening of July 27th, I attended a production of Carrie: The Musical based on the novel Carrie by Stephen King. The musical was performed by Near West Theater in Cleveland and directed by Devon Turchan. The main character who name is Carrie White is an outcast through the entire play and her entire life you learn this when the other students talk about past experiences with Carrie. The main antagonist in the play is her very own mother Margaret White. Ms.White is a very religious woman that wants to protect Carrie from the dangers in the world and even herself, very overprotective women and to what I believe very crazy. The plot is brought to life by supporting characters/actors in the play who names are Sue Nell, Tommy Ross, Chris Hargensen, Billy Nolan, Miss Gardner. The actions of all these people building up and resting on carrier shoulders throughout the play cause her to find out she has powers. The end of Act II is when everything comes together Carrie who was invited to the prom by Tommy Ross in a generous gesture that was purposed by Sue Nell. The prom was going very well and Carrie was becoming carefree and was seeing everything she missed out on. Things took things for the worse when Chris and Tommy pour pigs blood on her when she won prom queen. Carrie took all the frustration and years of bullying and the powers she found out about she burned everyone alive at the prom. When she got home she was covered in blood and was crying her very own mom took
  • 17. Structural Snapshot Of My Family This is a structural snapshot of my family right before my parents decided to try a temporary separation. The external boundary is clear and permeable. Information can move freely in and out of the family. My dad has always maintained authority over everyone else in the family. Therefore he is represented as the larger circle. My mom sits to the left represented by the circle. She is much smaller and is placed closer to the parental boundary because at times, especially in times of conflict, our parental boundary becomes diffused. My dad controls so many aspects of our lives, which makes it natural for her to fall in line with the children. This map represents a time of conflict and that is shown in the map by the broken line dividing
  • 18. Exemplarence Birdseye Research Paper Clarence Birdseye is commonly known as the founder of the modern frozen food industry. An entrepreneur, American inventor and naturalist, Birdseye began his career as a taxidermist. Birdseye s next field assignment, off and on from 1912 to 1915, was in Labrador in the Dominion of Newfoundland (now part of Canada), where he became further interested in food preservationby freezing, especially fast freezing. He was taught by the Inuit how to ice fish under very thick ice. In 40В°C weather, he discovered that the fish he caught froze almost instantly, and, when thawed, tasted fresh. He recognized immediately that the frozen seafood sold in New York was of lower quality than the frozen fish of Labrador, and saw that applying this knowledge would
  • 19. Social Change Model in Action in The Ocean Pacific... Social Change Model in Action The Ocean Pacific Community Center (OPCC) is only one great example of good leadership and the Social Change Model within today s society. OPCC is a Santa Monica based social services agency providing housing programs and helpful services for low income and homeless youth, adults and families, battered women and their children and people living with mental illness. Good leadership can unify and bring together the best of the group. According to Komives and Wagner, everyone has it within himself or herself to become a leader and good leadership involves collaborative relationships that lead to collective action grounded in the shared values of people who work together to effect positive change (Komives ... Show more content on ... Many of the people working with the homeless population at OPCC have first hand experience about being homeless and are able to connect with everyone new entering the program on a very personal level. By sharing their real live struggles, they build a trust level and understanding that can only come from honest and personal experiences. They also understand the necessity of acknowledging each individual needs and how these need to be met before the end goal can be achieve. Personally, I really like that at OPCC no one is turned away because of an alcohol or drug addiction. Rather, it is looked at as a cause of being homeless and can t be addressed until the basic needs of shelter and food are met. The ability to manage controversy with civility is critical in the social change process. When we can understand whom we are working with, why it is important, and how we are making a difference, we have a deeper understanding of social justice issues. We aren t just going through the motions of action in our service, but we are being reflective, mindful, and intentional. For the most part I think that people avoid confrontation to maintain civility because they are programmed by their parents and society to avoid disagreeing with others. Many people stay away from conflict in order to avoid opening up the uncomfortable place of placing themselves in a vulnerable
  • 20. Eight Virtues Of A Samurai From as early as the 8th century, the samurai lived as the elite warrior class of feudal Japan. The business of the samurai is to reflect on his own station in life, to give loyal service to his master if he has devote himself to duty above all (Soko). They followed a strict code known as Bushidoand it became their way of life. The word Bushido comes from the Japanese roots bushi meaning warrior, and do meaning path or way. It can be directly translated to the way of the warrior. These warriors had to always live by the Eight Virtues of Bushido: Rectitude, Courage, Benevolence, Politeness, Sincerity, Honor, Loyalty, and Self control. A samurai cannot even be considered a samurai without these virtues. Most people may have an idea of what these words mean, but they do not actually understand how to fully express these virtues. Samurai were able to become true embodiments of proper expression. By using different texts like Hojo Shigetoki s A Samurai Instructs His Son, Inazo Nitobe s Bushido, the Soul of Japan, and more, the eight virtues can be broken down into a more understandable level.... Show more content on ... Rectitude is the power of deciding upon a certain course of conduct in accordance with reason, without wavering, to die when it is right to die, to strike when to strike is right (Nitobe 23). A man who embodied the definition of rectitude would be granted the title of Gishi, a man of rectitude. Gishi was equivalent to someone of high status, so they would be placed in the right positions to best benefit the lord that they serve. Rectitude was an important characteristic for all people during Feudal Japan, not just for the samurai. The only difference was that the samurai had simply acknowledged the importance of such
  • 21. Buffy The Vampire Slayer Research Paper Many TV shows have made positive difference in my life. Each show has taught me something, regardless of how pointless or unrealistic the show may seem. One show that I have been I an avid fan of since grade school is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Throughout the series Buffy really discovers who she is. She starts the series as a high school girl who wants absolutely nothing to do with being a vampire slayer, but by the end of the series she trains potential slayers and leads the fight The First. Buffy showed me that you can start off knowing nothing and being an outcast, and still become the greatest at what you do. The message is that you can be a high school girl, but can make an impact on the world. This is reinforced by when in the series finale the power to be a slayer is unleashed to every potential slayer in the world. The spin off of Buffy the Vampire Slayeris Angel, a show about Buffy s love interest Angel, who is a vampire with a soul. Before Angel was cursed with a soul he killed many people, but when he got a soul he felt very remorseful and wanted to help people.... Show more content on ... Throughout most of the series it would seem that there is no message to the show, other than attempting to figure out many of the conspiracy theories that circle around the show, such as did Dale know about John Redcorn being Joseph s father (he did) or who was really Bobby s father (it was Bill). To me the message of the show is almost entirely contained in the last episode of the series: that no matter how weird or different you may be you can be successful when you find your place to succeed. Throughout the series Bobby is a weird kid who is a lot different from his family, especially his dad, Hank. During the last episode Bobby connects to Hank through grilling, and it also reveals things about the other characters, such as that Boomhauer was a police officer, not just a strange neighbor. The episode showed that every person has a
  • 22. Essay On Foreign Law Foreign Law Canada s Legal System is based on the English and French systems, they base this system on common law and civil law, also called Bijuralism. Common law is law that evolved from precedent but is not written as legislation. Civil law is rules to be a general guidance to problems that arise, courts do look at precedent, but they first look at the rules. Canada is a federation, which means it has a federal parliament that makes laws for all of Canada, and a legislature in each provinces and territories to make laws for their areas. With laws comes law reform, some laws may not cover specific situations, or become obsolete all together. With law reform Canada can sometimes change the system of law and even justice itself. Everyone ... Show more content on ... Civil law is usually between people or people and the government, they usually deal with things like contracts, property, and personal injuries (also known as torts). Public law can be relevant in both criminal cases and civil cases, when a case show that the powers of the government or rights of the citizens under the constitution or a federal law is involved in the case. An example of a public law case would be a person accusing someone of revoking a constitutional right. Disputes can sometimes be taken to court, although a large percentage is settled outside of the courtroom. When taking a case to court there are two kinds, trial courts, and appeals courts. Trial courts are where evidence is presented, witnesses are questioned, and the case is put before a judge or a judge and jury. If one of the parties is unhappy with the outcome they could appeal the case sending it to appeals court. In appeals court the appellant submits its case to a panel of judges to review the previous court s decision to either change the previous decision or continue with the decision of the previous court. Legislation is only the beginning to the law, the judicial system is what makes the law a reality and that is the court system. Law effects the people even if the crime is never committed by that person, although laws help to prevent crime, the laws help lead to resolutions after a crime has been committed. The
  • 23. Preschool Observation Nezhen Peromari Professor Tate Hurvitz ENGL 98 11/30/2014 Preschool Observation: Konnor Setting/Environment: On November 13, 2014 at Grossmont College s Child Development Center, I observed Konnor who was born on March 11, 2011. At the center, there are roughly around 15 children between the ages of three and five; there is one adult for every six or so kids. The preschool center s indoor environment is safely secured with a locked gate that separates the outside door which leads to the younger children centers and parking lot with the hallway to the learning and play area. There are two separate rooms, but they both have screen doors that lead to the same play area outside. The room on the left, which Konnor is placed in, was smaller ... Show more content on ... He grabs one blue block and places it to one side, and begins to do that with every other color presented to him. Konnor begins to stack up the Lego blocks separately according to the color; all the blue blocks were stacked neatly in a separate stack, as well as the red blocks and so on. Konnor shows maturation and according to Berger, maturation of the prefrontal cortex can be identified through observing children play certain games such as Simon Says, and the color game, which was found that children were able to sort the cards out by their color. (234) Konnor shows maturation because he was able to unstack the uncoordinated colored blocks to color coordinate them, unlike a few children surrounding him who profusely stacked the blocks, regardless of the color order. At 3 years and 8 months old, Konnor is within the norm for this development since it appears at 3 years old (Berger, 234). Konnor picks up a tree branch that has fallen beside a tree, he stares at it and looks up at the tree and back at the branch. With the branch still gripped firmly in his hand, Konnor begins to lift his body to wrap his arms and legs around the tree. Hugging the tree with his body, Konnor begins to ease his way up the tree by pushing his legs up first to scoot the lower half of his body up, and then lifting his arms up further to scoot up his upper body as well. Konnor shows gross motor skills and according to Berger, gross motor skills are defined as, physical
  • 24. Colombia Problems With over 46 million citizens, Colombia is the third largest country in South America and the 28th largest country in the world. Colombia has a geographical landscape spinning magnificent mountains dense rainforest, and beautiful beaches merging into Bustling cities like the capital Bogota. Colombia is the only country in South America with access to both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, providing a unique vantage point for training and transportation. Also, is well land border into neighboring trade potential include Panama, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru. The Colombian president has been focusing in foreign policy on bolstering Colombia s commercial ties and internal investments. In 2012 the United States and Colombia sign an agreement, ... Show more content on ... The violence is the most serious problem, the current president Santos already begun to address the issue, but will need much more enforcement of the next generation of Colombians presidents. Working on the International Admission of Saint Leo University, I can clearly see the increase on students from Colombia completing the application and trying to come to the United States. The deforestation In the Amazon region is another important issue that needs to be fixed. This Issues it s extremely important not only for Colombia but worldwide. Another important issue in Colombia is related to the poverty, exist a wide gap between the urban and rural population in Colombia. Also, the drug cartel, the Armed Force of Colombia (FARC), and the violence created for these groups are related to the poverty. Many families do not have access to the education, especial in rural
  • 25. Concentration Camp Monologue-Belssen Bergen Belsen concentration camp: I am a Jewish girl born in 1927 that has been taken to a concentration camp named Bergen Belsen. I have sneaken peices of paper in my boot to write about the experiences of other Jews that have faced persecution. My goal is to spread our stories even if we don t survive. These are our stories, this is how we were treated during the rise of Hitler and the Nazi s in attempt to take over the world. Many Jews have been shipped to a one way ticket to death at concentration camps as Hitler s power grows stronger throughout World War 2. On a summer day in the beginning of August 1944 the Nazi officers stormed into the Opekta company building located in Amsterdam. They had found the space between the annex and the... Show more content on ... The people hiding knew they were in trouble. Nazi officers questioned someone helping them hide which led to and investigation of all rooms of the building in the office. Soon the Nazi s came to the room with the secret enterance behind a hinged bookcase. Once the discovery of the enterance to the hiding space the officer entered to arrest the people who spent two years in fear that this event would come. I remember that day as if it were yesterday. I was so scared as I heard the officer with the gun run up the stairs, Anne stated as she grew with anxiousness throughout the interview. AFter being caught by the Nazi s their valuables were collected and they were given five minutes to head out of the annex. One thing that was not viewed as a valuable was Anne s diary. Anne had spent two years writing in her diary. Each entry would be titled with Dear Kitty,... until her last entry right before she had to abandon it for her new life in concentration camp. Four days later she was sent to the camp Westerbork only to be sent to Auschwitz later in September. I remember the amount of happiness I felt when I was sent to the barracks and not to the gas chambers even if I still had to suffer the pain of a concentration camp. I wanted to survive as long as I could, says Anne Frank. About two months after being sent to Auschwitz she was sent to Bergen Belsen where she had to leave behind her mother, father, and more. She was sent with her sister Margot who is extremely ill currently. I am all bones right now and starving but I am try to fight even if my parents are probably still not alive. I miss my parents dearly, states Anne as tears start down her face. Anne s story is just one of many in this camp, but any story of this horrible time must be
  • 26. Anti Federalism Essay Once America broke up with Great Britain, they needed a new government to lead them. And after the Articles of Confederation all the Americans knew they needed something else. The federalist believed that the United States needed a document that ensured a stronger, united central government, so they could get things done like, for example to build an army. Their dissident were the anti federalist who believed that if America were to have a stronger federal government that they would be repeating history with Britain. Therefore, if I was a citizen of the new born country, I would most likely call myself an Anti federalist, because of the threat of losing my rights once again. The Anti federalist simply wanted the states to have the control. They wanted the states to have the power, because they thought that it would ensure their naturals rights and not to have them taken advantage f again like before with King George the III. Their only goals was to keep their natural rights. In Foreign Wars, Civil Wars and Indian Wars Three Bugbears published in The Anti federalist Papers the authors... Show more content on ... They wanted their natural rights protected; however, they had a different plan in mind. They thought if they had a strong, yet limited, government that the policies set in place would ensure their rights and at the same time allow them to do more for their country. Therefore, making the constitution. Like the anti federalist, the federalist didn t want one person to take over. So they made different departments to control different parts of the government so no part could take over another making checks and balances. In the Federalist Papers No. 51 they talk about why we have these different departments it is evident that each department should have a will of its own; and consequently should be so constituted that the members of each should have as little agency as possible in the appointment of the members of the
  • 27. Hobbes Locke And Rousseau The outliers of the political spectrum retain on one side, a political society without civil obedience to directives contained in human laws that devolves into lawlessness. On the opposite side, a political system where the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life. Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau each philosophically slide across this spectrum in attempting to determine liberty s margin of error. Where the State of Nature enacts liberty as a right to self preservation, attempting to formulate the functional line between the Right of Nature and the Right of the Sovereign . For Thomas Hobbes, his worldview consisted of a violent place, with men as sordid and erratic masses,... Show more content on ... However, modern US Presidents (Congress) have adopted the Hobbesian approach to social contract agreement as all persons except the new sovereign abandon full use of their powers and hence to permit the thus created sovereign to make full use of his power without being hindered by his subjects . For example, when Obama s executive order that organizations who do not support the LGBT agenda under the heading of nondiscrimination cannot receive a business contract with the federal government, this is unconstitutional under the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. Therefore, as the unconstitutional conditions doctrine provides that no American can be required to forfeit their rights in order to do business with the federal government, Obama s executive law violates the Constitutional social contract. As Locke stated, each person in the State of Nature is the executioner of the Law of Nature. Nevertheless, each person has the right to delegate that executive power to some other person or organization. This right of delegation allows for the formation of political societies by consent. Now, Americans delegate their laws to Congress for establishing norms for personal and community life not the executive branch of government consequently, separating the legislative and executive powers. However, giving up the right to religious discrimination, Rousseau would deem an invalid contract, by which one sells oneself into moral slavery. Today, a Hobbesian moral relativism espousing divine like commands permeates new unconstitutional laws enacted for social justice. However, Locke argued, Liberty in general is the best protection against tyranny
  • 28. Professional Sports Controversy In the past two decades, professional sports have skyrocketed to the top of the world s cultural hierarchy. In an age where online streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu are leeching viewers from conventional television networks, professional sports have witnessed almost unprecedented growth. According to a 2011 study by A.T. Kearney, the sports industry is growing faster than overall GDP in developed countries such as America (Collington, Sultan, and Santander, The Sports Market ), and the 2015 Super Bowl was the most watched television broadcast in American history (Pallotta, Super Bowl XLIX posts the largest audience in TV history ). As the amount of money and attention poured into this booming industry grows, the influence of its... Show more content on ... In July 2003, Kobe Bryant, shooting guard for the Los Angeles Lakers and one of his generation s greatest athletes, was accused of raping a 19 year old hotel employee (Howard, Sexual assault allegations cast shadow over Kobe Bryant legacy ). Following the precedent set by Simpson and Lewis, Bryant was able to overcome seemingly overwhelming evidence to maintain his innocence. The victim s blood was found on the inside of Bryant s shirt and a nurse discovered injuries consistent with sexual assault, including vaginal trauma and a bruise on the victim s jaw (Fox News, Detective Details Alleged Rape in Kobe Hearing ). Bryant s defense strategy was essentially to defame his victim, claiming that her injuries were consistent with a person who has had sex with three different men in three days. The defense team also accidently leaked documents containing the victims name and sexual history to various media outlets, despite a so called rape shield that usually protects rape victims sexual histories from being brought up in court. This led to the victim actually receiving death threats from avid fans (TheDenverChannel, Death Threat Against Bryant s Accuser Results In Arrest ). It is not at all surprising that the victim opted to end the criminal case and instead file a civil suit. After the criminal case was closed, Bryant issued an apology, in which he admitted that he recognize[d] now that she
  • 29. Network Design Running head:PROJECT #3 Unit #3 Individual Project Network Design For Champions, Inc. Travis Lee Thompson ITCO103 1201A 05 American International University Table Of Contents Network Architecture/Model ........................................................................................ Page 3 Star Network Topology(before the donation) .............................................................. Page 5 Star Network Topology (after the donation) ................................................................. Page 6 Advantages of the Star Network Design ....................................................................... Page 7 Disadvantages of the Star Network Design ... Show more content on ... 2. Star Network Topology (before the donation) [pic] 3. Star Network Topology (after the donation) [pic] 4. Advantages of the Star Network Design It is the most cost effective strategy for cash strapped businesses with no special emphasis on security. Sometimes the cheapest design doesn t always translate into the easiest design. In this case, the translation is a success. The hub will serve as the intermediary between the computers and the internet (via cable modem). Also, in this case, easy design also translate into easy troubleshooting of any network problem. The star network allows troubleshooters to isolate issues on the network instead of taking the entire local network offline. Moreover, the star network implies direct data flow from the computers (via hub) to the internet instead of the data flowing through the nodes first. Hence, speed is a benefit of such a network. In addition, because of the direct data flow methodology (nodes to hub to modem to internet and vice versa), the data is safe. Finally, the star network allows for expansion of nodes, hubs, and gateways without losing any of the networks advantages listed on this page. The owner plans to eventually add 7 more computers to the network. My recommendation is to purchase an additional hub to manage the 7 additional computers. Also, an additional modem is needed for load balancing purposes.
  • 30. 5. Disadvantages of a Star Network Design The
  • 31. Mcdonald s Stock Symbol Or Stock Ticker The name of the company I decided to research for my project is Mcdonalds. The Mcdonald s stock symbol or stock ticker is MCD and this company trades in the New York Stock Exchange. The McDonald s headquarters complex, McDonald s Plaza, is located in Oak Brook, Illinois. The business began in 1940, with a restaurant opened by brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald in San Bernardino, California. The present corporation dates its founding to the opening of a franchised restaurant by businessman Ray Kroc in Des Plaines, Illinois. Ray Kroc later purchased the McDonald brothers equity in the company and led its worldwide expansion, and the company became listed on the public stock markets ten years later. McDonald s restaurants are found now in 118 countries and territories around the world and serve 68 million customers each day. McDonald s operates over 35,000 restaurants worldwide, employing more than 1.7 million people. As you might have guessed, a company as large as Mcdonalds has a ton of corporate level executives. The chairman of the board of directors for Mcdonald s is Andrew J. McKenna. Andrew James McKenna was born in Chicago, Illinois on 17 September 1929. McKenna graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a BS degree in Business Administration and Marketing, followed by a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from DePaul University College of Law. McKenna has been chairman of McDonald s since 2004. The rest of the members of the board of directors include
  • 32. Animal Euthanasia Research Paper According to the The Humane Society of the United States roughly six million animals are handled by shelters and clinics every year; though, only four million are adopted or claimed . The other two million animals are left in these shelters until they die or are subjected to cruel practices of euthanasia. There are simply too many animals and not enough people who are open to adoption. The animal overpopulation crisis and euthanasiacruelty can be prevented by an approach called animal birth control and adopting. Euthanasia or mercy killing, is the act of putting an entity to a painless death. For animals this is an injection of sodium phenobarbital; recognized as the most compassionate and painless method. The injection is mandated by law ... Show more content on ... Thirty states have legislation already in place, that includes a breeders fee ranging from one hundred to five hundred dollars (American Veterinary Medical Association, Mandatory Spay/Neuter Laws). Some of these laws enforced all permit and fine revenue provide aid to shelters and aid veterinarian cost of animals in low income households(American Veterinary Medical Association, Mandatory Spay/Neuter Laws). After legislature was established, many of those states reported a reduction of animals in facilities. The final key solution to the overpopulation issue is adopting. Adopting a needy animal from a shelter not only decreases the overpopulation crisis but saves a life. Not only are you saving one life but you are saving other animals by opening up more space for dying and needy animals in shelters. By buying a pet from a breeder or pet shop encourages the cruel practice of pet trading. The cost of adoption is frequently cheaper than the average $480 $1,000 charge from a breeder or store. Adoption fees range from $25 $200 which typically include spaying/neutering, first vaccinations and microchipping fees (White, Here s How Much It Really Costs to Adopt a
  • 33. 2012 Olympics Research Paper Media uses to engage participation at London Olympics 2012 The 2012 London Olympics had a great association with use of media such as social media, print media and various other forms of communication technology to attract large number of participation. Media shows mechanical advancement, as well as they are the essential method for interfacing the group of audience with the Games. The noticeable quality of online networking in the London 2012 Games is just however the most recent in a long development of the organization in the partnership of media and the Olympics. London Olympics was regarded as social media Olympics. Media played a major role in bringing organizers, athlete and participants together. The 2012 Olympiad was the best brandishing celebration that had ever been organized and the advancement and consequences of the Olympic events were of enthusiasm to a huge number of individuals all through the world. It was televised in more than 180 countries and live telecast were available 24/7. An estimated 4.6 million people watch the London Olympics. The IOC s site,, pulled in more than 16 million guests amid the Games, breaking the past record of 10.6 million. Social media sites like facebook, twitter had more than 4.6 ... Show more content on ... Advertisement for the event started months before the games were being held through use of social media, newspaper, various sport articles, T.V. Also official sponsor of the games such as Visa, Samsung, McDonald, Panasonic, Omega, coca cola. All these major companies signed the popular athlete such as Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps, Maria Sharapova, Roger Federer and so on not only to advertise their product but also to promote the Olympic Games through various commercial, facebook and twitter pages, billboards and newspaper article. The BBC official broadcast of the games in U.K. estimated to paid 40 to 50 million for the Television
  • 34. Essay on Bio Warfare Biological warfare is war waged with deadly chemicals, biological agents, or radioactive materials (CBR). They can be used to kill large amounts of people, destroy food, or just temporarily stun them for a matter of time so troops can come in and torture them or do whatever troops led by an manipulative tyrant who destroys everything. Using CBR, allowed you to kill everything and leave the buildings standing instead of nuclear weapons which destroy everything, put fallout in the air, and have radioactivematerials wash into the ground and streams. Using deadly chemicalsin war has been going on since the early 1900 s during World War I (1914 1918). Chemicals such as tear gas, chlorine gas, phosgene, and mustard gas. The first 3 are things... Show more content on ... The Hague Conference of 1899 made an attempt to outlaw projectiles carrying poison gases; the agreement to this effect lasted only until W.W.I. In Geneva in 1925 a League of Nations protocol against chemical and biological war was signed; it was not, however, ratified by the United States until 1975. The treaty outlaws the first use of such weapons in warfare, but nations generally reserve the right to use them in retaliation. Agreements totally banning chemical warfare have proved difficult to achieve. A treaty totally banning biological warfare was drawn up by the Geneva Disarmament Conference in 1971 and approved by the United Nations General Assembly. Some 80 nations signed the Biological Weapons Convention, which the United States ratified in 1974. This treaty is unique because it outlaws a whole class of weapons by most of the world. Its effectiveness, however, is still questionable; progress in genetic engineering has also complicated this issue. At the Bush Gorbachev summit in June 1990, a treaty was signed providing for both the United States and USSR to reduce stockpiles of chemical weapons. In May 1991, 19 industrial nations including the United States commited to adopt controls on the export of 50 common chemicals used to manufacture these weapons. Anthrax is a contagious disease of warm blooded animals, including humans, caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. One of the oldest known diseases, it was once epidemic and still appears in many world areas,
  • 35. An Alcoholics Anonymous ( Aa ) Meeting Essay I went to an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting on November 26, 2016 at noon in Simi Valley, CA. It was in the back entrance of a strip mall in a long, thin room with tables down the middle and chairs around the table and around the walls in the room. It is only located four minutes from my house, but I have never noticed it before. As I walked in there was a little kitchen with coffee and a pecan pie and there were goodies on the table. I them walked into the main room. A woman led the group for her first time. Next to her sat the secretary who helped her out. She read some rules about the group and asked if there were new members. I raised my hand and explained that I was a MFT student and that I had come to observe the meeting. Everyone welcomed me and were very friendly and supportive. Others introduced themselves and several were from out of town. Baskets were passed around for those who wanted to donate. In the rules, it states that there were no dues or fees for AA membership, but that each AA group was self supporting through their own contributions. Most people donated in a dollar or two. Then the leader made some announcements. One that I thought was interesting was that this AA group was going to have meetings all day on Thanksgiving to support those who needed help. In the evening, there would be a Potluck Thanksgiving dinner. It was mentioned that two people were bringing turkeys and another person was bringing a ham. I imagine that the holidays would be a
  • 36. Essay on The Craftiness of Athena Athena, the Greek goddess of both wisdom and war, is often considered the craftiest of all Olympian gods. She was born of a headache, and erupted from Zeus head fully armed and ready for battle. However, beside all this pomp, she is a rather caring, if war loving, immortal. Throughout the entirety of The Odysseyshe conveys an entirely platonic, almost motherly love for Odysseus. It is this that makes her significant character in Homer s work. In The Odyssey, Athenais portrayed as a, if not the, major female figure throughout the entire epic poem. With her affection for Odysseus and her frequent appearances she plays a major role throughout the entire poem. Evidence of this integral role will be presented as proof of her... Show more content on ... She herself conveys this attachment in her actions done to protect him, such as the time he was caught in the storm cause by the wrath of Poseidon. The rest of the winds she stopped right in their tracks, commanding them all to hush now, go to sleep. (164) She does not allow harm to come to him, but instead defies her own uncle s authority to punish. And beyond even this, she appears to him in person to greet him on his return to Ithica. It is here where not only does she guide him with a plan, but she, a goddess, extols him. Here among mortal men you re far the best at tactics, spinning yarns... (296) She considers him to be plenty worthy of her assistance. This constant direction and saving help gives her a frequency of appearance in The Odyssey, making her a character at the forefront of the story. Also, it is her help that progresses the story. She is the one that plans for Odysseus attack on the suitors, and she often gives the people he encounters thoughts to help him along. She gives strength to Nausicaa, Only Alcinous daughter held fast, for Athena planted courage within her heart... (172), and plants in Penelope s head the idea for the contest, The goddess Athena with her blazing eyes inspired Penelope... (424), among many other occasions. Odysseus himself recognizes that his journey would have been impossible if it
  • 37. Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva is a Disorder of the... Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is a disorder in which muscle tissue and connective tissue such as tendons and ligaments are gradually replaced by bone, forming bone outside the skeleton (extra skeletal or heterotopic bone) that constrains movement. It usually becomes evident during early childhood, always starting with the neck and shoulders and proceeding down the body into the limbs. FOP affects 1 in 2 million people with no ethnic, racial or gender patterns. There are 800 known cases across the globe with only 285 confirmed cases in the United States. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva is caused by the genetic mutation of a Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP). BMPs are proteins and are important for the formation of bone and the reconstruction of fractures, and are tied to a receptor called activin receptor type IA (ACVR1). This receptor has been traced back to chromosome 2q23 24. (papers), 2012) This refers to chromosome number 2 between the bands 2q23 and 2q24, as illustrated in the diagram below. Knowledge about this disease can help to develop a cure. (papers), 2012) Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva is usually diagnosed when a child is around ten years old and this disease is usually misdiagnosed as malignancy, aggressive juvenile fibromatosis and desmoids tumours. When a patient has surgery to remove the bone from his/her body, the body repairs the area by producing more bone, this happens because BMPs are affected by the disease. Therefore
  • 38. Lorenzo Lotto Research Paper Lorenzo Lotto was born in 1480 in Venice, Italy and died in 1557 in Loreto, Marche, Italy. Lotto was an Italian painter from the late Renaissance. Lotto was known for his perceptive portraits and mystical paintings of religious subjects. Lotto represents one of the best examples of the valuable relationship between the Marche schools. Lotto was one of the leading Venetian trained painters of the earlier 16th century. He mainly painted portraits and religious paintings. Lotto worked mainly outside Venice. He was at Treviso in 1503, then in the Marches, around 1508. From 1513 to 1525 he was mainly at Bergamo in Lombardy, where he painted several major pieces. In 1526, there were long times when he was gone, which was followed by his retirement... Show more content on ... Peter Martyr painted in 1503 and the Portrait of Bishop Bernardo de Rossi painted in 1505. After 1513 Lotto lived mainly in Bergamo, where his paintings fully developed. His most successful works of this period are the altarpieces in San Bernardino and in Santo Spirito, which show a new creativity , a greater ability in rendering light and shade, and a preference for fancier colors. In 1526 or 1527 Lotto returned to Venice, where he was influenced by the glowing palette and grand compositional system of Titian. During the late Renaissance period his work became more emotional like in the Madonna of the Rosary painted in 1539 and the Crucifixion painted in 1531. In the Madonna Enthroned with Four Saints painted in 1540 shows Lorenzo Lotto at the height of his work as a painter. In 1554 Lotto became partially blind. Lorenzo Lotto entered the Santa Casa in Loreto as an oblate member with a permission to work there. There he started one of his most sensitive work of art, the Presentation in the Temple. Lotto died in the process of making the Presentation in the Temple so it remains unfinished. One of Lotto s most famous painting is Venus and her son Cupid in a bower painted in 1520. It was painted for a couple s wedding in Bergamo. Lotto was fascinated with the relations to the goddess and marriage. The Allegory of Virtue and Vice is another famous painting by Lotto painted in 1505. The most famous painting by
  • 39. What Is The Character OfThe House Of The Scorpion The main character of The House of the Scorpion is named Matt who lives in a place called Opium. Opium is a strip of poppy fields lying between the United States and what used to be called Mexico. There is one problem for Matt because he is the clone who was made in a lab by a scientist named Eduardo. In the real world people think clones are animals or monsters. He is a special clone because he is the clone of El Patron, a drug lord, who owns Opium. At the end, El Patron dies which then causes Matt to have the title, The Lord of Opium In the book The House of the Scorpion there are many characters that stand out, but the one that stands out the most for me is Tom.Tom really stood out for me because he was one of the people that was really mean and rude to as well as a troublemaker to Matt the main character. For example it says, You re ugly, said the boy.You look like a pig in a sty. Matt wanted to reply, but the habit of silence had grown too strong. He could only glare at the intruder. In the hazy background of his mind, he recalled a boy named Tom, who was bad. In this quote not only does it say that Tom was bad, but Tom was also saying some rude things to Matt like calling him ugly. As well as another quote in the story, That got you, didn t it? Wait ll I tell your girlfriend how cute you are now.You smell like a pile of dung. This shows that Tom is mean because he is telling Matt that he smells bad which I was thought to keep things to myself if they are mean.
  • 40. Relationship Between God And Israel TB 133 140 The author dives into chapter six by addressing the prophetic themes, covenant, judgment and redemption. According to the author all the prophets have a special relationship between God and Israel. They all share a common theme as well. Themes include announcement of judgment on Israel, punishment, announcement of restoration after a rebellion and comparisons of Israel. The author also points out what Israel is the main focus throughout the old testament. God choose Israel and entered into a covenant so his expectations are high compared to other nations living at that time. Which is why intense images being express the relationship between God and Israel. Such images include parent child, husband wife, church bride, shepherd flock, owner vineyard and potter clay. When Israel rebels against God Israel is compared to a prostitute or camel. However, even when Israel is beyond redemption, the chosen prophets beg for repentance from the nation of Israel. More common is the image of people turning away from God even when presented salvation. The author presents the prophetic books in canonical order. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Scroll of the Twelve are presented to the reader providing an introduction of each book. According to the author the book of Isaiah is a view into the school of prophecy descending from the great eighth century. Additionally, evidence has surfaced confirming Isaiah did not write the entire book himself but rather is a complied
  • 41. Looking For Little Egypt By Donna Carlton Looking For Little Egypt By Donna Carlton. Bloomington, IN: IDD Books, 1994. 103 pages. $14.95 paperback. The mystique and murk that shroud the legend and disparate accounts of the mysterious Little Egypt who stirred up much controversy in the United States in the time after the Chicago Columbian Exposition of 1893 only highlights the significance of the character in the evolution of belly dance and America s perception of it. Most historical memoirs of danse du ventre, known as belly dancing, mention that it entered America through the 1893 Chicago Columbian Exposition. Concessions such as the Algerian, the Ottoman, the Persian as well as the Egyptian incorporated belly dance to draw crowds attention, profiting more in the process. Because of the nature of this exotic dance and its fluid arm and hand movements as well as isolations and shimmies of the shoulder, pelvis, abdominal muscles and head, its exposition spread rumors all over the country. Many flocked to see it. Nevertheless, the notorious name of Little Egypt came to be known from the Street in Cairo, owing to the several exotic shows that attracted many Americans. Even in the twenty first century, Little Egypt s name is still a mystery, having become a legend that has lured many dancers. In Looking For Little Egypt, Donna Carlton takes her readers on a journey to the Chicago Columbian Exposition in 1893 to investigate Little Egypt s identity. During her research, she encountered interesting stories about the
  • 42. The Theory, Organizational Behaviors, And The... A learning organization is one that is able to transform its culture and behaviors from an occurred situation. This includes the organization realizing a repeated pattern of behaviors that is not growing or helping the organization in the right direction. When organizations admit to certain truths or facts and acknowledge flawed behaviors, then change can start. Organizations attempt to change by restructuring and reorganizing the company. Organizations learn only through individuals who learn. Individual learning does not guarantee organizational learning but, without it no organizational learning occurs (Senge 1990). Senge believed once an organization was in need of changing patterns to create desired results systems theories is... Show more content on ... Organizations must reflect on the structure employees have to operate in and ensure it is conducive to the image of a learning organization. People need the tools and guidance to understand the situation and the newly created conditions. In order to reinvent yourself or the organization it will require stepping out of our comfort zones for a learning organization to survive. This concept refers to adaptive learning, which is necessary for the organization. However, adaptive learning is linked to generative learning, learning that enriches our aptitude to create. Achieving a new culture and environment involves understanding three kinds of stress discomfort, performance, and disjunctive. Discomfort complexity and uncertainty of its environment, resource constraints and difficulty securing finances, material, and workers. Performance expectations for success/failure related to experiences, incentives, changes in preferences of leaders. Disjunctive violations of norms regarding need for coordination and tolerance for conflict between and among individuals and subgroups (pg85). The foundation for a learning organization requires transformation from both individuals and organizations. One of the biggest challenges that must be overcome in any organization is to identify and breakdown the ways people reason defensively. Until then, change can never be
  • 43. Essay Functional Areas of M S and KFH I will talk about functional areas of M S and KFH. through Comparison and contrast of how they contribute and operate their functions, as will as the structures, also my task is, to evaluate the benefit and disadvantages of their functions, finally, try to explain my opinion about how well the two companies run there business. In 1884 1907 Michael Marks formed a partnership with Tom Spencer,in 1908 1931 The St Michael trademark was registered, in 1956 1979 The first stores in Continental Europe opened in Paris and Brussels, in 1980 2001 launched the first website M S are one of the UK s leading retailers of clothes, food, home products and financial services. Some 10 million people shop with us each week in over 375 ... Show more content on ... This is the standard pyramid with top management at the top of the chart and middle and lower management spreading out down the pyramid. The organization is usually broken down into different functional units, such as HRM, accounting, and Marketing . M S Structure takes account of the two factors the management hierarchy and the span of control. The organizational structure of Marks and Spencer is very important. M S Structure have a clear and effective structure which enable them to meet their objectives for example increasing sales. The organizational structure for Marks and Spencer is tall; this business has 303 branches in the U.K. The company also has 125 franchise stores in 26 countries. Marks and Spencer also has a tall hierarchy, the hierarchy of this business is the levels of management, and this can be done from the lowest to highest rank. As of the chart above, its obvious that The M S structure is divided into six divisions, each of them contain subdivided to sectors. The Marketing department contain two
  • 44. Stakeholders of Mcdonalds and Leicester College BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Why their interest? How they are affected by organisational decisions. DEFINITION OF A STAKEHOLDER A stakeholder is someone or anyone who has an interest in the success of a business. A stakeholder can affect the businesses processes and outcomes. MCDONALD S STAKEHOLDERS CUSTOMERS One of the main stakeholders for McDonalds is the customers. They have a stake in the business, because they buy food and bring in the revenue. If people chose to buy food elsewhere and McDonalds would have no customers and would fail as a business. Their interest as a stakeholder is the quality of the service and food. Customers are affected by large organisation decisions when there are changes in the business or product. This... Show more content on ... This helps the students get real life experiences and in exchange the community get cheap services. PARENTS Parents are major stakeholders in a college. A parent of a student will want the best education the college can offer for their children. The way they college is run is tailored towards parent s needs for their children. Parents can elect to be a governor and have their say put forward on a board of governors. They attend parent s evening and talk to the tutors about their child s progress. TEACHERS AND TUTORS Teachers and tutors have a stake in the college organisation as they make up the majority of the employees of a college. Teachers have meetings to discuss how the college is run. Ultimately it is down to them how the specific education is delivered. As they are in charge of what happens in a lesson. Teachers have their own union, and they have their own rights in place and discuss how they can work in a college to their best ability. TAX PAYERS The local tax payers have a large stake in the colleges business because they are one of the main external finances that fund the college. Without the tax payers funding, colleges would not be as successful. LOCAL GOVERNMENT The local government are the people who have the most say in how the college is run. They decide the curriculums that the colleges must deliver. They also give another large amount of the
  • 45. Who Is Jean Valjean Life is a struggle. Life will throw curveballs at you, it will humble you, it will attempt to break you down. And just when you think things are starting to look up, life will smack you back down with ruthless indifference. Jean Valjean is the strongest character in the book Les Miserables by Victor Hugo and movie because he was able to find a purpose for himself. He was selfless when it came to Cosette, but his relationship with Cosette was also selfish. The first time he found his purpose was when he was with the bishop and he was dealing with the stolen goods. The bishop, although he knew he had stolen all of his silver, had preceded to give him the candlesticks. He told Valjean that even though he was getting off with stealing the... Show more content on ... It was a harmful one because Jean wanted to keep her all to himself because he thinks that he is the only person that knows what s best for her. He was the one who raised her and he fell in love with her which is part of the reason why he took her away from Marius when he found out that she was in love with him. He thought that since he was the one who was ever really there for her that he should be the only one to have her. For there are many great deeds done in the small struggles of life. The greatest deed that Jean did was to take in Cosette when she had no one left to take care of her but it was also a struggle for him. He was jealous that he was not the only guy who would get to love Cosette forever. Jean felt like since he raised her on his own that he was the only one that should truly have her. When Jean took Cosette away from Marius she thought it was because he had business to attend in Paris. So, it was finished...the being who encumbered his destiny was disappearing...he would then find himself once more alone with Cosette...Cosette would never know what had become of that man...that man cannot escape (Hugo 466). When this comes up in the book you think to yourself why is Jean being selfish with her. If she s happy with Marius why would you keep the letter for yourself and just let her go on knowing that Marius is going to be there when she gets back. Jean knew that he could die
  • 46. Garbage Dreams Sociology One of the most striking observations I examined was the way in which culture was used to beautify and extol ethnic heritage during my first visit to downtown Holyoke. I witnessed culture functioning as an emblematic tool that was memorializing the Puerto Rican community through art murals, blaring salsa music [which dominated the air resonance] and other manifestations that showcased Boricua ethos. Those same cultural cues remained during my second trip, but as I engaged more intimately with the residents and the commercial industries and governmental offices, these emblems revealed another meaningful purpose. These symbols of reconstructed nationalism were used to assert ownership over geographical space while challenging socioeconomic place. Similar to the Zabbaleen in Cairo whose social and economic position remains endangered, the Puerto Rican community in Holyoke is experiencing an immediate threat to their geographic space due to their socioeconomic place and threats of gentrification. Both cultures, which are distinctly unique and ethnically regionalized as a result, are thousands of miles apart spatially, but closely bounded due to the ability to use their culture as an instrument to combat the usage of socioeconomic place as an ideological weapon to regulate geographic space. In the movie Garbage Dreams, the Zabbaleen, which literally translates to the garbage people , experience a variety of spatial challenges that are abstract in thought, but very real in
  • 47. A Comparison Of Marcel Duchamp s Fountain, And The... According to Oxford Dictionary, the definition of perfection is The action or process of improving something until it is faultless. In art, the striving for perfection has always been changing back and forth in a continuous cycle between realism and impressionism. Artworks that point to this idea include Marcel Duchamps Fountain, and Damien Hirst s The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living. Through Duchamp s work, the viewer gets a face to face interaction with something that is not only unpleasant to see in a high status establishment, but is not considered proper . He has imposed his artistic labor on this urinal. Additionally, with R. Mutt being signed on the side, which symbolizes poverty, the name forces... Show more content on ... John Berger plays with this idea in his article Ways of Being. Essentially in that text he makes the argument that duplicating an artwork, makes the original artwork have less of an impact on the consumer than it would if it were not replicated. He gave an example with the Mona Lisa and various other artworks. In seeing so many variations of the Mona Lisa, such as in print, on television, in movies, printed on t shirts, et cetera, there is a hype that is built up about the original artwork. However, when gone to see in person, the piece essentially lets the viewer down because it could not live up to the standards that the replicas set for it. However, there is still the idea brought up in Berger s writing that states, One might argue that all reproductions more or less distort, and that therefore the original painting is still in a sense unique. This idea opens up the gap that Lacan introduces in his writing, The Ideal I, between the original object and its other. In this case, the other being the duplication. It is interesting that Berger s ideas connect to Lacan s ideas under this umbrella. In searching for the perfect artwork, can the original be the one of true perfection? This relationship between perfection, duplication, and idealization is very tricky to concretely take a stance on because they are all so subjective. However, the relationship is essentially that the way to connect the duplications to the
  • 48. Characteristics Of The Real Monster In Frankenstein Everyone has different views on what they believe a monster is. When we hear the word monster we usually think of a big gross imaginary creature. It s natural for us to think this way because most are taught at a young age that that s what a monster is. No one really tells us that people can also be monsters. You would call someone a monsterwhen they do sick and inhuman things. Who was the real monster in Frankenstein, was it Victor or was it the monster Victor created? Victor Frankenstein is who I believe should be labeled as the monster. Victor has all the characteristics of a monster he is inhumane and doesn t remorse or care about things that a human being should care about. He was a crazy scientist who then decided create this monster and let him off on his own into the world. He spent two years infusing life into an inanimate body that is monstrous. When he first infused life into the monster the awful appearance of him scared him and he instantly runs to his room to try and go to sleep. When Victor had woke up the monster was standing over his bed staring at him and that s when he left the monster and showed him rejection. Victor was very selfish and inconsiderate of others when the monster was seeking revenge on him it wasn t just hurting him it was effecting others around him. However, the monster is labeled as a monster because of his appearance. When something doesn t look like everyone else or something we are familiar with then it s a monster. The monster was 7 foot tall; he had yellow skin scarcely covered with muscle and arteries beneath; his hair was a lustrous black; his teeth where nice and white; his eyes where horrid and watery; his lips where black (M. Shelley 35). Everyone judges the monster before they actually get to know just because of his looks and he can t help how he looks. His creator made him look the way that he does which is why he gets labeled as a monster. The monster doesn t just do bad thing when he was in the woods watching the cottagers have to go and get wood every morning, he saw that they didn t like doing so he would go get the wood for them and leave it on the porch so that they could get other things done. The was also a time where there was a girl drowning and
  • 49. Research Article Review Purposely examining journalistic studies can yield multifarious information with regard.... Within the realm of analyzing and evaluating a professional research articles, there are three facets worthy of covering from a .... Standpoint. They include disseminating a summary of the study, giving an explanation of the findings and evaluating the overall theme of the article. In one such study titled, Comparison of Physical Fitness Performance Between Elementary aged Students With and Without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, these elements become prevalent as we divulge into the expressions that the authors are trying to promulgate. For example, in the context of the overall setting and environment of the study, we find the author... Show more content on ... 262). With this respective motivation for information discovery and postulation to do so, we discover a refined and affirmed purpose for the study in Colombo Dougovito s (2013) declaration that the aim of this study was to compare the physical fitness performances of elementary aged students with and without ADHD using The President s Challenge program as the vehicle for testing fitness performance (p. 265). Columbo Dougivito then goes on to describe the reality that ADHD has been linked to motor development defects which are included with inferior coordination and exercise related capability which includes the area of athletics and physical fitness (Columbo Dougovito, 2013, p. 263). Furthermore, another motivation for engaging the study is the reality that much of the work in this field has only been directed towards the more mature, fully developed aspect of society and less of the adolescent or underage populace (Columbo Dougivito, 2013, p. 263). Next, because of the accumulated data gather by Licari Licari (2008) within the study, which includes the association of ADHD with poor balance, decreased fine moto ability, decreased gross motor ability, and impaired motor response resulting in slow reaction times , Columbo Dougivito (2013) postulated that it could be hypothesized that these children also have low fitness levels (as cited in Columbo Dougivito,
  • 50. Music Therapy ( Mt ) For most, music plays an integral role in life. Whether it s putting a playlist on to get hyped up for a daily workout, or shuffling through an Adele album to get through a bad break up. In short, music is connected to our mood. Henceforth, it should come as no surprise that music therapy (MT) has been used in various forms of rehab, specifically in terms of AutismSpectrum Disorder (ASD). ASD is a condition masked with impairments to social functioning, speech, and language along with unusual behaviors such as fixations and repetitive movements (Boso et al., 2007). Therapy associated with ASD has usually been associated with speech fixation therapy or occupational and physical activity/challenged based therapy, to name a few, however ... Show more content on ... In a study conducted by LaGasse in 2004 looked to measure the effect of music therapy when conducted as a group to see if the social skills of children with ASD would change, compared to a regular social skills group. The study employed seventeen participants with an age range of 6 to 9 years old. The groups engaged in 10 sessions, twice a week, with a schedule of a welcome exercise, followed by a rotation of sensory and social experiences and finally ended with a farewell exercise. The social experiences specifically looked at promoting eye contact, communication and joint attention (LaGasse, 2014). Exercises included passing a ball amongst the group, board games, and telling of jokes to the group. The experience of music to half of the groups was done in a way that would be similar to the nonmusical groups, such as music making instead of play a game or using music to help complete a social interaction (LaGasse, 2014). Results found that specifically after finishing all ten sessions, parents of children who received music based therapy reported large increases in not only eye contact situations, but also in length of time. While eye gaze did increase overall, LaGasse found that it increased among peers but decreased amongst adults, explaining it could be due to the facilitators shifting for a more peer to peer interaction. Results from LaGasse s study were able to show initial evidence those social skills such as joint attention and eye contact could be
  • 51. Impossible to Generalize about Medieval Women Medieval British History 1189 1485 Is it possible to generalise about the lives of medieval women? Within this essay I am going to look at a range of sources to discuss and evaluate whether it is possible for us today to generalise about the lives of medieval women. At this point in time most people tended to live in small rural communities, making their living form the land. If you were a female peasant living in medieval society you would have a large amount of domestic duties. Not only were women of this time expected to look after the children they would prepare the food for their family and during the busiest times of the year, such as harvest, they would be expected to join their husbands in the fields to help bring in the crops. Women would also participate in cottage industries, this involved baking, manufacturing textiles and brewing. A well known symbol of a peasant womanwould be the distaff, this was a tool used to spin flax and wool. For women living outside the countryside life was not too different, they had very similar responsibilities as they too were also expected to help their husbands but also fathers. They would help with a variety of trades and crafts such as production of textiles, metal work and leather goods. Some women would also run shops and inns. Learning medieval realms. (n.d). According to some sources it is suggested that throughout the middle ages, the place of women in society was dictated by biblical text. Women were seen
  • 52. Dark Sky Night Observation In this Observation Report, I will be discussing the technology and sights I encountered throughout both the Dark Sky Night, and the 1st Quarter Night. Explanations of both the astronomical instruments as well as visuals will be provided. All of the information and opportunities were provided to me by Austin Peay State University, with instruction by Dr. Buckner. The First Quarter Night was focused more on the technology and instruments used to view and document targeted subjects in space, whereas the Dark Sky Night focused more on the viewings. Throughout this observation I will reintroduce the telescopes, aids, and celestial objects I examined through Dr. Buckner s instruction on observation nights. I attended Austin Peay s 1st Quarter Night on February 15, 2016. On this day, we had approximately four telescopes set up with three I managed to catalog, and were introduced to a variety of extension and aid devices. Among the telescopes I documented I was able to record... Show more content on ... Among these are star maps, planispheres, filters, and various photographical devices. Starting with planispheres and star maps, these are used to aid in manual telescope operation. The last telescope I discussed was a reflector telescope that used an Alt Az mount, meaning locating celestial objects relies fully on the operator s ability to use maps and star guides so get a lay of the land, or sky for this matter. Looking at the sky isn t near as easy as it may sound. Much like how the Earth is covered in seventy percent water, the night sky is mainly stars. Without proper synchronization with the night sky, you can be off in your observations by a long shot. Planispheres come in different editions depending on which hemisphere you reside in. Stars positioning and celestial objects available for observation can also change depending on your latitude, time of day, and also time of
  • 53. The Debate Over Current Race I have chosen the debate of 26th September. The reason I am selecting this is because, it was the first debate and was instrumental in leading up to future debates. In a way it was an inception point of agendas and policies that would unfold with time. The debate was deluged with policies and issues. Even though candidates probably had a plethora of issues they wanted to address, the time limit, and the debate format stood like a glorified barrier. The issue was raised on how to create jobs to minimize the unemployment rate. The other issue raised was regarding taxes. Issue was raised regarding which tax policy would turn out to be most cohesive and profitable with time. Issue about current race relation was raised along with the ways to improve it. Another issue that was raised was regarding national security. Personally, I think that issue regarding tax stood out in the debate. Most of the opinion divergence among the candidates was based on slashing taxes. While both Trump and Clinton wanted to modify the existing tax rates as well as laws associated with it, the similarity ended there. Trump wanted to reduce taxes for the wealthy and his rhetoric was that it would be beneficial in the long run as wealthy population would have higher incentive to invest in the country. As a result, more industries and production houses would be built in the US, consequently improving economy as well as creating new jobs. On the other hand, Clinton vehemently opposed this policy. She was
  • 54. Grievance Appeal Essay In your grievance filed at Rast Unit, you claim your visitor, Brittany Rojero visitation privileges are suspended indefinitely. You are requesting that your visitor be allowed to reapply for visits. Your grievance appeal has been reviewed at Central Office and the Warden s response is modified. Pursuant to DEPARTMENT ORDER 911 INMATE VISITATION 1.1.4 Former Department employees: Shall be prohibited visitation with an inmate for a period of two years from the date of separation of employment, except when the inmate is an immediate family member or relative. 1.5 Denial or Removal of Visitors from Visitation List The Warden, unit Deputy Warden, unit Associate Deputy Warden, or for Contract Beds, the Deputy Warden for Contract Beds,