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The Squeaky Clean Legacy
By Professor Butters
Chapter 6.4: Princess and
In the last chapter of Squeaky Clean, I promised that the focus would be on these two girls, the
potential fourth generation Goodytwoshoes heiresses. Their grandfather Remington Harris-
Goodytwoshoes is being hugged by Giselle, and that is her older sister Aurora asleep behind
Both of them have ballet names: Aurora is named after the princess in Sleeping Beauty, and
Giselle after the ballet of the same name. One of these ballets has a happy ending, and the
other does not: it remains to be seen how it will turn out for these girls.
But my simself has a little job to do first.
"Blite, congratulations on all your hard work in Ten Caesars. I thought it was time that you got
your centurion uniform, so here ya go."
"That's it? No bugging me about ooo no, don't kill Flavius, don't kill Cassius?"
"Nope. Just congratulations on your fantastic Legacy, and if you like, you can come to a couple
of birthday parties in this chapter."
In the last chapter, the girl's father, the Fortune Sim Publius Numantius Scipio-Goodytwoshoes,
who is originally from Blite's Legacy but who is now getting around like mad, achieved his LTW
of five top level businesses and then shot a motivational chapter about how to do that. He's
looking into personal branding now. Don the Zombie might be able to tell him about that.
Don the Zombie, from Candi's Prettacy, Uglacy, and Bachelor Challenge.
But he couldn't have done it without Remington.
"Congratulations on your Gold Register Badge!"
Which may not be glamorous, but it is incredibly useful.
But the next generation is coming up, and the heiress will have to be either Aurora. . .
Or Giselle.
Technically, they are practically clones. They have the same personality--Geminis with one
measly nice point--and they look awfully similar, too. But they do not act the same. It is *always*
Aurora who cheats at chess, for one thing. For another, Giselle seems to be a bit more--I don't
want to say emotionally fragile, but certainly vulnerable. It seems to be the hard head against
the soft heart, and which do you want in a Squeaky Clean heiress?
Sunny: We are *all* very sweet here. That's part of what makes us Squeaky Clean.
Delighful: Speak for yourself, hon.
Sunny is the current Generation Three heiress, a Libra Popularity Sim. Delightful, her sister,
lives in the Legacy house, but she's not subjected to some of the same rules, like Try For Baby
"Ain't having a baby without Boolprop or a mod anyway."
Yes, she's a Romance Sim, and generally, she does prefer girls.
Delightful worked very very hard last chapter helping to get Publius' businesses off the ground,
and I promised her a little recreation.
"Yeah, I've got a bit of unfinished business myself."
I can't blame you for wanting to get back to Queen Ivy here, who is from Purple Bunny's
Piratical Legacy. Word is that the auditions for her Royal Harem are memorable.
Sunny is not like Delightful. She truly is Squeaky Clean, although while she is single-mindedly
devoted to the Cause of Pink, she prefers to wear gold, which is Publius' favorite color anyway.
It's hard work being heiress in this Legacy. The heiress has to Try For Baby until there are at
least two girls, breed cats, find a husband who can keep the family toy store running, and make
sure that everything is terribly, pathologically cute.
But Sunny wanted the job. She is a Daddy's girl who wanted the family burden, and she got my
simself's husband, Flavius Marius, to help her. Then she ran against him for mayor of
Pleasantview and started what amounts to a cultural war.
Flavius, you're mayor already--what's bugging you?
Flavius: All I wanted was to make things a little more Roman. And Sunny used me. I feel like a
human ladder. I'm fed up.
But your cousin Publius is Roman.
Flavius: The only Roman thing about Publius anymore is his orange dress.
Author's note: I tweaked things around a bit with the Insimenator, and Publius is actually literally
Flavius' first cousin now. Just so you know.
Flavius: I'm telling you, I have had it up to here with the Goodytwoshoes and I'm sick of pink,
and I don't want anything to do with them anymore.
I have to deal with them, Flavius--I'm the Legacy author.
Wow, Flavius, you really weren't kidding. This is so unlike you.
Flavius: I know I'm everyone's fall guy. I'm used to it. But I've had it. Let 'em stay on their own
I'm getting stressed out from all this family rivalry. I think I need to call my spiritual advisor.
Eddie Buccaneer: You rang?
Eddie tried to time-travel to my Legacy out of Purple Bunny's, and even though he knows this
isn't really ancient Rome, he asked to be a priest of Sekmet, the lioness goddess of ancient
Egypt. Makes sense because at home he is a human/tiger hybrid.
"Lions and tigers."
You left out the "bears, oh my."
Eddie: OK, let's get started, since you're the only person in my congregation anyway. I've
studied the papyri very carefully. We'll have to call on the cat gods of ancient Egypt to resolve
the dispute and bring good fortune. Think cat thoughts, Prof., and I'll sacrifice a bit of nip.
I don't know, Eddie. It doesn't seem to be working.
Eddie: Oh, surely not. Surely there must be somebody in the neighborhood who is getting lucky.
There is.
Delightful: Hey there, Miss Big! I know you caught me cheating on you with a cute blonde chick,
but date me anyway! Rubbersushi, I am rolling all kinds of wants for you right now.
Rubbersushi: All I did was buy a cheesecake.
Rubbersushi writes the Hair Legacy and Apocalypse Now! and spreads the Word of Don
wherever she goes.
Diva: I am not going to be taken in by Delightful--I am the Diva, and everybody wants *me.*
She'll just have to work for my attention.
Yeah, Diva, she worked really really hard.
Diva: Yes! I won Delighful back by being cold and unapproachable and hard to get!
Diva: I'll show those cute blond chicks what's what. I'm going to leave a Dance Sphere!
Yes. The first date gift we've gotten this generation, and a sad commentary on how one *gets*
date gifts. Scandalous.
Diva: And now Delightful is mine, all mine!
Guess again.
Ivy: We are Queen of the Cosmos, but we will condescend to date this mere commoner.
I'm glad you're willing to stoop to conquer, Ivy.
Ivy: Ah. That was *very* refreshing, Delightful. A successful audition, I think.
You *do* realize that this is Delightful's home Legacy and *you* are the guest, right?
Ivy: Nonsense. We are Queen of the Cosmos, which certainly includes Pleasantview.
Do you think the pictures came out well enough for your bedroom, Ivy?
Ivy: Yes, but we wish to take one more.
One more of just yourself??
Delightful: She's completely nuts but the WooHoo is so worth it.
Delightful: So Ben, this whole mayor thing, everybody's been eating dumb flakes, dontcha
think? Anyway, it's my niece's birthday--wanna join the party?
Ben: When's the party?
Delightful: Ah, it's later on. Have some nice chile con carne. I made it myself.
Aurora, you look very serious.
Aurora: When a Princess comes of age, it is serious.
Have you been talking to Auntie Delightful about Ivy?
Aurora: No, I got to be conceited all by myself.
Aurora's first looks didn't work for her, so she made me leave them out of the album.
Aurora: See? I'm practicing the patented Princess smile!
Yes, I see that, you look like an oncoming car. What do you want to do with your life, though?
Aurora: I'm a Pleasure Sim and I want to Max All My Skills!
Allright, that's obviously a glitch, especially since your sister now wants Five Top Level
Businesses and she's still a child. Easily corrected with a random re-roll. How about now?
Aurora: Celebrity Chef! Can't you see me now, smiling on the cover of books and magazines
and from your TV screen and--
With the new heiresses growing up, it is time to deal with this fool, the worst headmaster I have
ever seen. Even though the Legacy house is very nice and Sunny has maxed charisma, he's
still stingy with the points.
Here's the worst of it, though--Delightful even cooked Lobster Thermidor, but he gives out
maybe three food points, even though he eats like a pig. At the Legacy House, they saved it by
bringing out Delightful's cheesecake, but I am tired of dealing with the guy, and it's not just in
this house, either.
Flavius: Before I give you the tour of our unbelievably ostentatious Roman villa, Mr.
Jikamawhatever, I think I should warn you that you are my wife's least favorite NPC right now
and you're getting on her last nerve.
Mr. Jikamawhatever: Oh, pshht. What can she do to me, anyway?
Mr. Jikamawhatever: NooooooOOOO!
Time's up, Mr. Jikamawhatever. Literally. I can cheat my own kids into private school, y'know.
Flavius, I didn't know Mr. Jikamawhatever was your friend.
Flavius: It's not that! It's that you're turning into Auntie Renee!
Oh, Flavius, you flatterer. For some reason, I do have a lot of Sim blood on my hands, almost all
educators. I guess I don't feel guilty about killing them because I am one.
Flavius: Waaaah!
Renee, aka cowforbrains, the author of the Again Legacy, Flavius' Aunt in Ten Caesars, and
probably Most Murderous Legacy Author ever.
If I didn't know better, I would say that Flavius was becoming a closet Family Sim. He's started
tucking in his kids autonomously, which my Knowledge Simself still does not do after five kids. If
he wasn't still addicted to the pool table, the poker table, the phone, and saying hi to random
strangers, I'd worry, but luckily he still is.
As you can see, Aurora did get in to private school and of course we did not cheat.
Aurora: I am thinking of the many lucky lucky men who will one day have the privilege of
grovelling for my hand in matrimony.
Yes, that sounds very appealing to almost any man. I notice you're wearing a tiara now, too.
Aurora, a Princess ought to be popular, and in order to do that she has to have friends. Giselle
is much better at making friends, and she needs to be. They both need to be if they're going to
share the family Greek House, the Goodygirls Sorority, with their cousins, Moonbeam's two
daughters, and Giselle's happy to play Mary Mack with cousin Kimberleigh.
Kimberleigh is busy studying for college. She's got the pink thing down already.
Stacie: I'm studying for college too!
What? The Tsang Footwork Award?
Stacie: Yeah!
Giselle also plays chess with grandpa Remington, partly because she needs to for college, but
also because Grandpa is lonely since his wife Daisie Mae died. His daughters and
granddaughters and son in law Publius all love him, but they tend to forget about him when
they're busy and it's not the same. So I thought about getting him a girlfriend, or at least
greeting people when they walk by.
Remington: I'm a Family Sim. I don't fool around.
Yes, I know, I guess Denise here is a little--
Remington: Forget it. She's not my type. Nope, if I can't have Daisie Mae, I want somebody
young and hot.
Remington: Augggh! Daisie Mae! It was a joke! A joke! I was kidding!
I don't think you were, Rems.
If you can't have a girlfriend, there's always your cat Lollipop.
Lollipop: Notice my dazzling smile, which has sold many quality cat care products, including
kibble, litter, and even kitty toothpaste.
Everyone is so commercial and stuck up in this house these days.
Lollipop reached the top of her career a while ago and learned all the pet commands, and here
are the newest members of the family, Cuddles and Candy. Maybe Candi will think of this as a
tribute, since she bought 12,000 Simoleans worth of cat a couple of chapters ago. As soon as
the kittens get a little older, it will be time to sell or give away Lollipop and Silver.
Delightful: Pleasantview Times ad section, my favorite bathroom reading. Hey, what's this? A
new place in town? Looks kind of cool, maybe my kind of place. Wonder who owns it?
Yeah, I wonder. My eldest son Cassius had to do something with himself. It can't be all
WooHoo, even though he is a notorious Romance Sim. I borrowed him for a Bachelor
Challenge from *Ten Caesars,* where he's my simself's son, and kept him on as a permanent
member of the family.
Even working on Charisma in the mirror must get boring after awhile.
Cassius: Never, Ma, how could anyone get tired of that face? De doesn't.
I know. I can't believe it, because you're such a jerk. Don't remind me how many times I've
cancelled "Argue" out of your queue, even though she loves you and you worship her.
Cassius: I've gotta do something with myself, Ma. You won't let me cheat on De; what kind of
life is that for a Romance Sim?
Oh, you *could* cheat. But then I'd give her Rhys Fitzhugh's phone number. Their son Vaughan
is absolutely adorable, you know.
Cassius: OK, *fine.* Picking up the phone. Now.
De, aka Fireflower, writes the Morgan Legacy. She's been with Rhys in smoothiequeen's
Fitzhugh Legacy and in her own. No wonder Cassius is a little threatened.
Publius: Cassius? Huh? What do you mean, "give me all your business secrets in ten minutes
or less?" Even if I could, why should I? Just go out and buy the DVD/book boxed set. I'll give
you a discount because we're family. A small discount.
Cassius: Ta da! The Herculaneum Hotel!
Oh, Cassius, how low can you go?
Cassius: I like to think of it as a public service to the stressed out Romance Sim. We offer a
variety of different WooHoo options, including beds, hot tubs, and photo booths.
It's a hot sheet hotel! I cannot believe this!
Cassius: It is not either a hot sheet hotel. I'm maxed neat, so there are absolutely no unmade
beds around here. And if you must know, I'm doing it for Dad. I'm gonna really mess with their
Squeaky Clean minds. Just one slipup, just one, and bam go their Legacy rules! It's over!
Great, so Flavius is a little hurt and resentful, you're going nuclear.
Looks like cousin Tiberius is your first customer and went right for the hot tub. It figures.
If you've read the chapter four sections of Ten Caesars, you know that Tiberius is a hot tub
addict, to say the least.
Cassius: It's not all hot tubs and stuff! Look! I've even got Samara Uglacy spinning disks! And
we've got poker, and . . .
Oh, no. You did say "poker?"
Flavius! What are you doing in this den of iniquity?
Flavius: I'm mayor, I like to check everything new out, you know that. And I was beginning to get
a little concerned about Cassius; he didn't seem to have anything to do. I'm very pleased that
he's gone into the hospitality industry.
Oh, geeez.
Flavius: Besides, I get to play poker with De in her swimsuit.
Flavius actually admires De but he is much too clueless to realize this. He's not remotely a
Romance Sim. But Cassius' place certainly is appealing to Romance Sims.
Delightful: Cool! What a great place to go for my first date with Aaroc!
Yes, they've been waiting for this one for awhile.
Aaroc writes the Elfin Legacy, the Deadlacy, and has finished a Zombie of Love Bachelor
Challenge, and his simself is, to use his own words, a big floozy.
Delightful: That was awesome, Aaroc. Certainly wasn't what I'm used to.
Aaroc: Oh, really?
Delightful: Yeah. First WooHoo in a bed, can you believe it? Let's run a comparison.
Easily done at the Herculaneum Hotel.
Cassius: Oh, yes, I love my job.
Cassius did make time for his sister Tertia's birthday party, though. Blite, why are you raiding
the fridge? There's a buffet table right there!
Blite: I'm a simself, it's what we do.
Well, Candi isn't doing it.
Blite: I can't believe a Roman girl grew up in a poodle skirt.
Yes, I was blinking too.
Tertia: Hi, Blite! Can I demonstrate to you personally how dorky Marians usually are? Am I
dorky enough? Am I? Huh?
Blite: Yeah.
Now, Blite, you may wish to rethink this. Tertia cleans up nicely.
Tertia: I'm sweet! I'm Family! I want six grandchildren!
No, Tertia. Do you know how overpopulated my game is already? We'll be lucky if we make it to
generation ten without that.
Flavius: Wow, I guess a lot of the kids are going to be at University soon.
Actually, some of them are already, including Flavia, who is nothing like the Flavia in Ten
Caesars. This one is mean, and she rolled Romance, too.
Flavia: Yes, mater dear. I wanted to talk to you about my LTW. As you know, I wish to WooHoo
Twenty Sims, and I want to start as soon as I go to University.
Can't let you do that.
Flavia: Why not? We're against the Squeaky Cleans, aren't we?
Flavia, listen, I'm not even going to bother saying "don't tell your father," because he would
never believe this anyway. But the Marians are not anti-Squeaky Clean, no matter how Roman
they are. The Marians *are* Squeaky Clean.
Don't believe me? Check Blite's Legacy. And that's even more true here. No premarital
WooHoo. No extramarital WooHoo. Only girls inherit there, only boys inherit here. They sell
toys, we buy 'em. They breed cats, we worship them in a temple out back. We've even got a
wacky decorating scheme.
Flavia: Yes. But I know your dark secret.
Flavia: Remember last chapter? Cassius said you had a "trade secret" that Dad told him and he
was keeping his lip zipped about. Well, I got to wondering just what that was. Cassius said it
had something to do with having children and that he was "your kid," and you don't like babies,
do you?
Um, well, I'm a little burned out on them. See, I had that six married children LTW in the first
generation, and they kept having boys, and then there were the ten kids second generation, and
then there were five Marian kids--Cassius is the only one I didn't have to raise personally.
Flavia: Uh-huh. You don't like babies. Other Sims players are nuts for them. You're not.
Flavia: And then I found this incriminating slide! I can count. That was not Try For Baby, was it?
Just once disqualifies you from the Strict Family Values handicap. You know that. That is your
dark secret--you don't like babies, and you've WooHooed for kicks!
Flavia, in a house heavy on Motherlode, Maxmotives, and the Insiminator, that's hardly a big
deal. And it kind of ruins blackmail when you broadcast it on the Internet first.
Flavia: Oh.
But I'll think about it, because you are not going to inherit, since you're a girl. I wouldn't count on
it, though. I enjoy thwarting Romance Sims.
Flavia: Fine. I am so outta here.
See you in the University chapters, kid.
The two Marian boys have been through so many renames it's dizzying, but let me simplify
things for you. This is Flavius Minor, but you can just call him Min. He's a Sag, and he's. .
.um. . .innocent? Harmless?
"He's doofy."
And this charming child would be Quintus, which simply means Number Five Kid, which he is.
His personality is identical to big brother Cassius: Scorpio, maxed neat, one nice point. Quin,
doofiness is not necessarily a drawback around here, your dad virtually wrote the book of Doof.
Quintus, are you going to grow up to be evil?
Quintus: Oh, no.
Darn it, he busted the lie detector again! I think it's high time we went back to the Legacy house
anyway, because something very important is going on there.
Giselle's birthday. What do you wish for, Giselle?
"True love."
Oh, please don't wish for that, Giselle. True love is like eternal youth or immortal beauty. When
people wish for it in stories, things always go horribly wrong.
Giselle: But I did wish for true love! That's what I've always wanted. You know that. And I'm
Popularity like Mom, and I want to be a Captain Hero like Grandpa Rems. I love people and I
want to help them. Of course I want true love.
You've been reading the Highwind Legacy, haven't you?
Giselle: Yes, I'm a big fan.
The Highwind Legacy, by WriterTina, is also a strict family values and single sex inherits
Legacy, only there the heir has to find True Love, too.
Giselle: See? That's what I chose for my everyday clothing. I'm like the girl in the ballet I'm
named after.
You mean the simple peasant girl who dies of a broken heart by dancing herself to death?
Giselle, rethink this. Your older sister isn't like this.
Aurora: Greetings, aunt Grace. You will soon be privileged to have the future heiress to the
Goodytwoshoes line living amongst you. Aren't you impressed? Oh, yes, Grandma died, by the
Aurora: I'm a princess! I can't believe I have to talk to Aunt Charity about stupid jewelry. She's
Knowledge. She'll never be the kind of person who gets jewelry given to her or wears it!
You have to be nice to Grace and Charity because they're the Greek House leaders right now.
Besides,Charity does give jewelry away.
Charity: Oh, Dominic! Please take this sparkly ring and marry me! I promise to reject my sister
Wolf Gal's carnivorous ways and join you in your Llamatarian lifestyle!
Dominic: Oh, Charity! I've been waiting for this for three generations, but the author thought that
you couldn't marry in mascots or cheerleaders because she's really dumb!
Delightful: Aurora, even Celebrity Chefs like me have to get their hands dirty.
Aurora: Eww!
Remington: Now, sweetie, if you want to be a Captain Hero like Grandpa, you have to get very
good at cleaning. I don't know what the connection is supposed to be but I guess it's very
Squeaky Clean, so I'm happy to help.
Giselle: Huh? Grandpa? Who's this guy?
Remington: Trust me, darlin', you don't want to know.
Professor Popularity. Married Delightful and almost immediately had a couple of unfortunate
"accidents," now an ineffectual ghost.
Despite their differences, the Princess and the Peasant really are the best of friends.
Aurora: I have reached the pinnacle of my teen culinary career, and I will physically hurt you if
you use this photo.
Sorry, can't resist. If you look closely, you can see where her tiara is glitching through her hat.
And what's Giselle up to?
On a date? Getting her first kiss? From Quin? How did that happen? I don't know.
I mean that. I literally don't know. I was playing very, very late at night and I thought I sent
Giselle off to buy a cell phone, because what's a Popularity Sim without a cell phone? When I
woke up, the game was on pause and she was in the middle of a date with Quin and I don't
remember how they got there. Where did they meet up, anyway?
Quintus: So our old headmaster? My Mom actually killed him. I was right there. It was brilliant.
Oh, school. Of course.
They didn't always get along this well. Quintus has never known a time when his Dad wasn't
unhappy about the way Sunny treated him and like Cassius, he took this very personally.
Quintus: I hate the next door neighbors! I'm gonna steal their invisible paper!
They're also your relatives!
Quintus: Don't care!
And then Giselle brought him home as a "friend from school." Right.
Quintus: Here's my speech: my Daddy is Mayor and your Mommy's not, nyah nyah nyah.
However, time does have a way of rolling along and changing things.
Quintus: Look at me, I'm awesome. And why are Min and I wearing the blue thing?
You are not hard on the eyes, I'll give you that. And only your Dad gets to wear the white thing,
because I said so. Mind telling me what you want out of life? Please tell me it isn't Romance.
Quintus: Blech, no, I'm Fortune like my sister Minora; only I want to be a Hall of Famer like Dad
was before he became Mayor.
"And I'm also very, very tidy."
Yes, I can see that. Mean and tidy, like Cassius. I also notice your brother Flavius Minor there
actually cooking breakfast and that he got a set of the doofy pjs almost exactly like his Dad's.
Min: Oh, I'm supposed to say something? Oh, um. Well, I'm a Pleasure Sim, but I'm one of
those Pleasure Sims that's really a closet Family Sim, I guess, and I want to be a Celebrity
Yes, what your brother Cassius once called a "wussy Celebrity Chef."
Min: Huh?
Anyway, Quin has a huge secret now, since he and Giselle are madly in love and the families
are practically at war.
Good thing his Dad doesn't know, huh? Um, Flavius? Do you see this?
Flavius: I'll deal with this in my own way.
Hmm, you're sitting next to Mrs. Crumplebottom, who just smacked the cookies out of poor Quin
on what I think was very slight provocation. This doesn't look very good, but you're not naturally
mean, so. . . I give up. I don't know how this one's going to turn out. And Quin is likely to have
Really. The very first time the girls went down to Sunny's Snap's, the family florist shop, the
place suddenly filled up with teenaged boys. I've never seen that happen before, and I doubt
that it's a coincidence.
Dustin Broke: Brag, brag.
Aurora: What a loser.
Publius: As a father, I'm slightly alarmed. As a businessman, you aren't going to spend any
money, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave, kid.
Quin: Huh? What? I'm in a florist shop? No clue what's going on?
Right, yeah, you're imitating your Dad. That's the patented Flavius Doofy Customer in Need Of
Help spin and shrug there. He's genuinely confused when he does that; I doubt you are.
Quin: She wouldn't even talk to me.
I know she wouldn't.
Quin: She wouldn't even talk to me.
Actually, I tried, kid: for some reason, when I clicked on you, what came up was No Available
Options. Bad sign, isn't it?
He's Fortune and he's serious, and he has a big fat want to go steady in his panel, and their
families aren't speaking. Plus they're second cousins, but if Maxis doesn't have a problem with
that, I don't either. Quin, the girls are really busy right now.
Aurora: I hate you. I hate you for including this picture.
Hey, you're the one who wants to be a Celebrity Chef; be grateful I didn't do a closeup of your
Giselle: Grandpa! You maxed your Logic skill! That's great!
It is nice that Remington accomplished this.
Because it was the last thing he ever did. I knew it was going to come, but the sound just about
stopped my heart anyway.
Remington: Hey, thanks! Can I have lots of babies where I'm going?
Grim Reaper: Uh. . . you'll have to take that up with Daisie Mae.
Remington, your portrait's disappeared somehow, but this was what it looked like. You were
with this Legacy almost as long as our Foundress, Rosie, because you were her maid in
college. You moved in several days before you married Daisie Mae, in order to take care of her
when she was sick. I have no idea what this place will be like without you. I'll miss you terribly,
but enjoy being reunited with Daisie Mae.
Remington Harris-Goodytwoshoes
Died aged 77
First LTW, Captain Hero, achieved. Second LTW, raise twenty puppies and kittens: are you
Ten children, nine of whom survive: the three boys, Joe, Earthquake and Ralph; and the six
girls, Moonbeam and Delightful, Sunny and Wolf Gal, Grace and Charity.
Earned two gold talent badges, Toymaking and Register.
Awesome husband and father.
I'm not the only one. Everybody in the house was devastated, including the cats. He left tons of
money to all of his children and grandchildren, the most to Sunny, but who cares about money
at a time like this?
Not Sunny.
"Oh, Daddy. I wasn't there when you died. I willl never forgive myself! Never!"
It was my fault, Sunny--you were tired and I put you to bed. When she woke up, she cried and
cried. I should have remembered that she was a Daddy's girl, and now her Daddy is gone.
"Oh, Daddy. It will take a whole lot of dates to cheer me up."
I'll work on it, Delightful.
"Oh, my gosh. Remington wasn't just my father-in-law; he was my best friend. And that's going
to be me someday with the suitcase and the Mai Tai. I need some coffee to pull myself
All the time at the businesses has made Publius into an espresso addict; it figures that he'd turn
to it in a crisis.
"Go away. I'm not in this stupid work uniform, and my tiara's not glitching through my hat, and
I'm not crying; princesses don't cry. It's not my fault I wasn't here, I was at work. I don't feel bad
about it at all."
"Oh, Grandpa. I adored him. How can I bear it?"
Giselle, death happens in a Legacy. We all feel bad about it, but you have to be brave.
"I'll try."
Quintus: Giselle? I heard about your grandfather. I'm really sorry. Sure, you can come over.
. . .because the wall doesn't go all the way down to the street. So much for making the
Goodytwoshoes stay on their side; never underestimate a teenager.
Quintus wanted it. Quintus got it. I told you he wanted to go steady with Giselle, and now he is.
Quintus: I don't care. I'm in love with Giselle and I am much, much smarter than Dad, and I'm
not easily distracted like Cassius, and I'm going to get this wall down and this fight patched up if
it kills me.
Giselle: I'm so happy. Grandpa died, but Quintus loves me. I couldn't stand it without him. I'm
going to marry him the second I get out of college.
You know what, Giselle? Everyone thinks death is the worst thing you can do to a Sim. But it
isn't. Not by a long shot.
But you, dear reader, are just going to have to wait to find out what happens in University, who
becomes heiress, and if Stacie's Smustling skills top her mother's, in the next chapter of the
Squeaky Clean Legacy.

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The Squeaky Clean Legacy, Chapter 6.4: Princess and Peasant

  • 1. The Squeaky Clean Legacy By Professor Butters Chapter 6.4: Princess and Peasant
  • 2. In the last chapter of Squeaky Clean, I promised that the focus would be on these two girls, the potential fourth generation Goodytwoshoes heiresses. Their grandfather Remington Harris- Goodytwoshoes is being hugged by Giselle, and that is her older sister Aurora asleep behind them. Both of them have ballet names: Aurora is named after the princess in Sleeping Beauty, and Giselle after the ballet of the same name. One of these ballets has a happy ending, and the other does not: it remains to be seen how it will turn out for these girls.
  • 3. But my simself has a little job to do first. "Blite, congratulations on all your hard work in Ten Caesars. I thought it was time that you got your centurion uniform, so here ya go." "That's it? No bugging me about ooo no, don't kill Flavius, don't kill Cassius?"
  • 4. "Nope. Just congratulations on your fantastic Legacy, and if you like, you can come to a couple of birthday parties in this chapter." "OK!"
  • 5. In the last chapter, the girl's father, the Fortune Sim Publius Numantius Scipio-Goodytwoshoes, who is originally from Blite's Legacy but who is now getting around like mad, achieved his LTW of five top level businesses and then shot a motivational chapter about how to do that. He's looking into personal branding now. Don the Zombie might be able to tell him about that. ____ Don the Zombie, from Candi's Prettacy, Uglacy, and Bachelor Challenge.
  • 6. But he couldn't have done it without Remington. "Congratulations on your Gold Register Badge!" Which may not be glamorous, but it is incredibly useful.
  • 7. But the next generation is coming up, and the heiress will have to be either Aurora. . .
  • 9. Technically, they are practically clones. They have the same personality--Geminis with one measly nice point--and they look awfully similar, too. But they do not act the same. It is *always* Aurora who cheats at chess, for one thing. For another, Giselle seems to be a bit more--I don't want to say emotionally fragile, but certainly vulnerable. It seems to be the hard head against the soft heart, and which do you want in a Squeaky Clean heiress?
  • 10. Sunny: We are *all* very sweet here. That's part of what makes us Squeaky Clean. Delighful: Speak for yourself, hon. Sunny is the current Generation Three heiress, a Libra Popularity Sim. Delightful, her sister, lives in the Legacy house, but she's not subjected to some of the same rules, like Try For Baby only. "Ain't having a baby without Boolprop or a mod anyway." Yes, she's a Romance Sim, and generally, she does prefer girls.
  • 11. Delightful worked very very hard last chapter helping to get Publius' businesses off the ground, and I promised her a little recreation. "Yeah, I've got a bit of unfinished business myself." I can't blame you for wanting to get back to Queen Ivy here, who is from Purple Bunny's Piratical Legacy. Word is that the auditions for her Royal Harem are memorable.
  • 12. Sunny is not like Delightful. She truly is Squeaky Clean, although while she is single-mindedly devoted to the Cause of Pink, she prefers to wear gold, which is Publius' favorite color anyway. It's hard work being heiress in this Legacy. The heiress has to Try For Baby until there are at least two girls, breed cats, find a husband who can keep the family toy store running, and make sure that everything is terribly, pathologically cute. But Sunny wanted the job. She is a Daddy's girl who wanted the family burden, and she got my simself's husband, Flavius Marius, to help her. Then she ran against him for mayor of Pleasantview and started what amounts to a cultural war.
  • 13. Flavius, you're mayor already--what's bugging you? Flavius: All I wanted was to make things a little more Roman. And Sunny used me. I feel like a human ladder. I'm fed up. But your cousin Publius is Roman. Flavius: The only Roman thing about Publius anymore is his orange dress. ___ Author's note: I tweaked things around a bit with the Insimenator, and Publius is actually literally Flavius' first cousin now. Just so you know.
  • 14. Flavius: I'm telling you, I have had it up to here with the Goodytwoshoes and I'm sick of pink, and I don't want anything to do with them anymore. I have to deal with them, Flavius--I'm the Legacy author.
  • 15. Wow, Flavius, you really weren't kidding. This is so unlike you. Flavius: I know I'm everyone's fall guy. I'm used to it. But I've had it. Let 'em stay on their own side. I'm getting stressed out from all this family rivalry. I think I need to call my spiritual advisor.
  • 16. Eddie Buccaneer: You rang? Eddie tried to time-travel to my Legacy out of Purple Bunny's, and even though he knows this isn't really ancient Rome, he asked to be a priest of Sekmet, the lioness goddess of ancient Egypt. Makes sense because at home he is a human/tiger hybrid. "Lions and tigers." You left out the "bears, oh my."
  • 17. Eddie: OK, let's get started, since you're the only person in my congregation anyway. I've studied the papyri very carefully. We'll have to call on the cat gods of ancient Egypt to resolve the dispute and bring good fortune. Think cat thoughts, Prof., and I'll sacrifice a bit of nip.
  • 18. I don't know, Eddie. It doesn't seem to be working. Eddie: Oh, surely not. Surely there must be somebody in the neighborhood who is getting lucky.
  • 19. There is. Delightful: Hey there, Miss Big! I know you caught me cheating on you with a cute blonde chick, but date me anyway! Rubbersushi, I am rolling all kinds of wants for you right now. Rubbersushi: All I did was buy a cheesecake. ___ Rubbersushi writes the Hair Legacy and Apocalypse Now! and spreads the Word of Don wherever she goes.
  • 20. Diva: I am not going to be taken in by Delightful--I am the Diva, and everybody wants *me.* She'll just have to work for my attention.
  • 21. Yeah, Diva, she worked really really hard. Diva: Yes! I won Delighful back by being cold and unapproachable and hard to get!
  • 22. Diva: I'll show those cute blond chicks what's what. I'm going to leave a Dance Sphere! Yes. The first date gift we've gotten this generation, and a sad commentary on how one *gets* date gifts. Scandalous. Diva: And now Delightful is mine, all mine!
  • 23. Guess again. Ivy: We are Queen of the Cosmos, but we will condescend to date this mere commoner.
  • 24. I'm glad you're willing to stoop to conquer, Ivy.
  • 25. Ivy: Ah. That was *very* refreshing, Delightful. A successful audition, I think. You *do* realize that this is Delightful's home Legacy and *you* are the guest, right? Ivy: Nonsense. We are Queen of the Cosmos, which certainly includes Pleasantview.
  • 26. Do you think the pictures came out well enough for your bedroom, Ivy? Ivy: Yes, but we wish to take one more.
  • 27. One more of just yourself?? Delightful: She's completely nuts but the WooHoo is so worth it.
  • 28. Delightful: So Ben, this whole mayor thing, everybody's been eating dumb flakes, dontcha think? Anyway, it's my niece's birthday--wanna join the party?
  • 29. Ben: When's the party? Delightful: Ah, it's later on. Have some nice chile con carne. I made it myself.
  • 30. Aurora, you look very serious. Aurora: When a Princess comes of age, it is serious. Have you been talking to Auntie Delightful about Ivy? Aurora: No, I got to be conceited all by myself. Aurora's first looks didn't work for her, so she made me leave them out of the album.
  • 31. Aurora: See? I'm practicing the patented Princess smile! Yes, I see that, you look like an oncoming car. What do you want to do with your life, though? Aurora: I'm a Pleasure Sim and I want to Max All My Skills! Allright, that's obviously a glitch, especially since your sister now wants Five Top Level Businesses and she's still a child. Easily corrected with a random re-roll. How about now? Aurora: Celebrity Chef! Can't you see me now, smiling on the cover of books and magazines and from your TV screen and-- Oog.
  • 32. With the new heiresses growing up, it is time to deal with this fool, the worst headmaster I have ever seen. Even though the Legacy house is very nice and Sunny has maxed charisma, he's still stingy with the points.
  • 33. Here's the worst of it, though--Delightful even cooked Lobster Thermidor, but he gives out maybe three food points, even though he eats like a pig. At the Legacy House, they saved it by bringing out Delightful's cheesecake, but I am tired of dealing with the guy, and it's not just in this house, either.
  • 34. Flavius: Before I give you the tour of our unbelievably ostentatious Roman villa, Mr. Jikamawhatever, I think I should warn you that you are my wife's least favorite NPC right now and you're getting on her last nerve.
  • 35. Mr. Jikamawhatever: Oh, pshht. What can she do to me, anyway?
  • 36. Mr. Jikamawhatever: NooooooOOOO! Time's up, Mr. Jikamawhatever. Literally. I can cheat my own kids into private school, y'know.
  • 37. Flavius, I didn't know Mr. Jikamawhatever was your friend. Flavius: It's not that! It's that you're turning into Auntie Renee! Oh, Flavius, you flatterer. For some reason, I do have a lot of Sim blood on my hands, almost all educators. I guess I don't feel guilty about killing them because I am one. Flavius: Waaaah! ___ Renee, aka cowforbrains, the author of the Again Legacy, Flavius' Aunt in Ten Caesars, and probably Most Murderous Legacy Author ever.
  • 38. If I didn't know better, I would say that Flavius was becoming a closet Family Sim. He's started tucking in his kids autonomously, which my Knowledge Simself still does not do after five kids. If he wasn't still addicted to the pool table, the poker table, the phone, and saying hi to random strangers, I'd worry, but luckily he still is.
  • 39. As you can see, Aurora did get in to private school and of course we did not cheat. Aurora: I am thinking of the many lucky lucky men who will one day have the privilege of grovelling for my hand in matrimony. Yes, that sounds very appealing to almost any man. I notice you're wearing a tiara now, too.
  • 40. Aurora, a Princess ought to be popular, and in order to do that she has to have friends. Giselle is much better at making friends, and she needs to be. They both need to be if they're going to share the family Greek House, the Goodygirls Sorority, with their cousins, Moonbeam's two daughters, and Giselle's happy to play Mary Mack with cousin Kimberleigh.
  • 41. Kimberleigh is busy studying for college. She's got the pink thing down already.
  • 42. Stacie: I'm studying for college too! What? The Tsang Footwork Award? Stacie: Yeah!
  • 43. Giselle also plays chess with grandpa Remington, partly because she needs to for college, but also because Grandpa is lonely since his wife Daisie Mae died. His daughters and granddaughters and son in law Publius all love him, but they tend to forget about him when they're busy and it's not the same. So I thought about getting him a girlfriend, or at least greeting people when they walk by.
  • 44. Remington: I'm a Family Sim. I don't fool around. Yes, I know, I guess Denise here is a little--
  • 45. Remington: Forget it. She's not my type. Nope, if I can't have Daisie Mae, I want somebody young and hot.
  • 46. Remington: Augggh! Daisie Mae! It was a joke! A joke! I was kidding! I don't think you were, Rems.
  • 47. If you can't have a girlfriend, there's always your cat Lollipop. Lollipop: Notice my dazzling smile, which has sold many quality cat care products, including kibble, litter, and even kitty toothpaste. Everyone is so commercial and stuck up in this house these days.
  • 48. Lollipop reached the top of her career a while ago and learned all the pet commands, and here are the newest members of the family, Cuddles and Candy. Maybe Candi will think of this as a tribute, since she bought 12,000 Simoleans worth of cat a couple of chapters ago. As soon as the kittens get a little older, it will be time to sell or give away Lollipop and Silver.
  • 49. Delightful: Pleasantview Times ad section, my favorite bathroom reading. Hey, what's this? A new place in town? Looks kind of cool, maybe my kind of place. Wonder who owns it?
  • 50. Yeah, I wonder. My eldest son Cassius had to do something with himself. It can't be all WooHoo, even though he is a notorious Romance Sim. I borrowed him for a Bachelor Challenge from *Ten Caesars,* where he's my simself's son, and kept him on as a permanent member of the family.
  • 51. Even working on Charisma in the mirror must get boring after awhile. Cassius: Never, Ma, how could anyone get tired of that face? De doesn't. I know. I can't believe it, because you're such a jerk. Don't remind me how many times I've cancelled "Argue" out of your queue, even though she loves you and you worship her. Cassius: I've gotta do something with myself, Ma. You won't let me cheat on De; what kind of life is that for a Romance Sim? Oh, you *could* cheat. But then I'd give her Rhys Fitzhugh's phone number. Their son Vaughan is absolutely adorable, you know. Cassius: OK, *fine.* Picking up the phone. Now. ___ De, aka Fireflower, writes the Morgan Legacy. She's been with Rhys in smoothiequeen's Fitzhugh Legacy and in her own. No wonder Cassius is a little threatened.
  • 52. Publius: Cassius? Huh? What do you mean, "give me all your business secrets in ten minutes or less?" Even if I could, why should I? Just go out and buy the DVD/book boxed set. I'll give you a discount because we're family. A small discount.
  • 53. Cassius: Ta da! The Herculaneum Hotel! Oh, Cassius, how low can you go?
  • 54. Cassius: I like to think of it as a public service to the stressed out Romance Sim. We offer a variety of different WooHoo options, including beds, hot tubs, and photo booths. It's a hot sheet hotel! I cannot believe this!
  • 55. Cassius: It is not either a hot sheet hotel. I'm maxed neat, so there are absolutely no unmade beds around here. And if you must know, I'm doing it for Dad. I'm gonna really mess with their Squeaky Clean minds. Just one slipup, just one, and bam go their Legacy rules! It's over! Great, so Flavius is a little hurt and resentful, you're going nuclear.
  • 56. Looks like cousin Tiberius is your first customer and went right for the hot tub. It figures. ____ If you've read the chapter four sections of Ten Caesars, you know that Tiberius is a hot tub addict, to say the least.
  • 57. Cassius: It's not all hot tubs and stuff! Look! I've even got Samara Uglacy spinning disks! And we've got poker, and . . . Oh, no. You did say "poker?"
  • 58. Flavius! What are you doing in this den of iniquity? Flavius: I'm mayor, I like to check everything new out, you know that. And I was beginning to get a little concerned about Cassius; he didn't seem to have anything to do. I'm very pleased that he's gone into the hospitality industry. Oh, geeez.
  • 59. Flavius: Besides, I get to play poker with De in her swimsuit. Flavius actually admires De but he is much too clueless to realize this. He's not remotely a Romance Sim. But Cassius' place certainly is appealing to Romance Sims.
  • 60. Delightful: Cool! What a great place to go for my first date with Aaroc! Yes, they've been waiting for this one for awhile. ___ Aaroc writes the Elfin Legacy, the Deadlacy, and has finished a Zombie of Love Bachelor Challenge, and his simself is, to use his own words, a big floozy.
  • 61. Delightful: That was awesome, Aaroc. Certainly wasn't what I'm used to. Aaroc: Oh, really? Delightful: Yeah. First WooHoo in a bed, can you believe it? Let's run a comparison.
  • 62. Easily done at the Herculaneum Hotel.
  • 63. Cassius: Oh, yes, I love my job.
  • 64. Cassius did make time for his sister Tertia's birthday party, though. Blite, why are you raiding the fridge? There's a buffet table right there! Blite: I'm a simself, it's what we do. Well, Candi isn't doing it.
  • 65. Blite: I can't believe a Roman girl grew up in a poodle skirt. Yes, I was blinking too. Tertia: Hi, Blite! Can I demonstrate to you personally how dorky Marians usually are? Am I dorky enough? Am I? Huh? Blite: Yeah.
  • 66. Now, Blite, you may wish to rethink this. Tertia cleans up nicely. Tertia: I'm sweet! I'm Family! I want six grandchildren! No, Tertia. Do you know how overpopulated my game is already? We'll be lucky if we make it to generation ten without that.
  • 67. Flavius: Wow, I guess a lot of the kids are going to be at University soon. Actually, some of them are already, including Flavia, who is nothing like the Flavia in Ten Caesars. This one is mean, and she rolled Romance, too.
  • 68. Flavia: Yes, mater dear. I wanted to talk to you about my LTW. As you know, I wish to WooHoo Twenty Sims, and I want to start as soon as I go to University. Can't let you do that. Flavia: Why not? We're against the Squeaky Cleans, aren't we?
  • 69. Flavia, listen, I'm not even going to bother saying "don't tell your father," because he would never believe this anyway. But the Marians are not anti-Squeaky Clean, no matter how Roman they are. The Marians *are* Squeaky Clean. Don't believe me? Check Blite's Legacy. And that's even more true here. No premarital WooHoo. No extramarital WooHoo. Only girls inherit there, only boys inherit here. They sell toys, we buy 'em. They breed cats, we worship them in a temple out back. We've even got a wacky decorating scheme. Flavia: Yes. But I know your dark secret.
  • 70. Flavia: Remember last chapter? Cassius said you had a "trade secret" that Dad told him and he was keeping his lip zipped about. Well, I got to wondering just what that was. Cassius said it had something to do with having children and that he was "your kid," and you don't like babies, do you? Um, well, I'm a little burned out on them. See, I had that six married children LTW in the first generation, and they kept having boys, and then there were the ten kids second generation, and then there were five Marian kids--Cassius is the only one I didn't have to raise personally. Flavia: Uh-huh. You don't like babies. Other Sims players are nuts for them. You're not.
  • 71. Flavia: And then I found this incriminating slide! I can count. That was not Try For Baby, was it? Just once disqualifies you from the Strict Family Values handicap. You know that. That is your dark secret--you don't like babies, and you've WooHooed for kicks! Flavia, in a house heavy on Motherlode, Maxmotives, and the Insiminator, that's hardly a big deal. And it kind of ruins blackmail when you broadcast it on the Internet first. Flavia: Oh.
  • 72. But I'll think about it, because you are not going to inherit, since you're a girl. I wouldn't count on it, though. I enjoy thwarting Romance Sims. Flavia: Fine. I am so outta here. See you in the University chapters, kid.
  • 73. The two Marian boys have been through so many renames it's dizzying, but let me simplify things for you. This is Flavius Minor, but you can just call him Min. He's a Sag, and he's. . .um. . .innocent? Harmless?
  • 74. "He's doofy." And this charming child would be Quintus, which simply means Number Five Kid, which he is. His personality is identical to big brother Cassius: Scorpio, maxed neat, one nice point. Quin, doofiness is not necessarily a drawback around here, your dad virtually wrote the book of Doof.
  • 75. Quintus, are you going to grow up to be evil? Quintus: Oh, no.
  • 76. Darn it, he busted the lie detector again! I think it's high time we went back to the Legacy house anyway, because something very important is going on there.
  • 77. Giselle's birthday. What do you wish for, Giselle? "True love." Oh, please don't wish for that, Giselle. True love is like eternal youth or immortal beauty. When people wish for it in stories, things always go horribly wrong.
  • 78. Giselle: But I did wish for true love! That's what I've always wanted. You know that. And I'm Popularity like Mom, and I want to be a Captain Hero like Grandpa Rems. I love people and I want to help them. Of course I want true love. You've been reading the Highwind Legacy, haven't you? Giselle: Yes, I'm a big fan. ____ The Highwind Legacy, by WriterTina, is also a strict family values and single sex inherits Legacy, only there the heir has to find True Love, too.
  • 79. Giselle: See? That's what I chose for my everyday clothing. I'm like the girl in the ballet I'm named after. You mean the simple peasant girl who dies of a broken heart by dancing herself to death? Giselle, rethink this. Your older sister isn't like this.
  • 80. Aurora: Greetings, aunt Grace. You will soon be privileged to have the future heiress to the Goodytwoshoes line living amongst you. Aren't you impressed? Oh, yes, Grandma died, by the way.
  • 81. Aurora: I'm a princess! I can't believe I have to talk to Aunt Charity about stupid jewelry. She's Knowledge. She'll never be the kind of person who gets jewelry given to her or wears it! You have to be nice to Grace and Charity because they're the Greek House leaders right now.
  • 82. Besides,Charity does give jewelry away. Charity: Oh, Dominic! Please take this sparkly ring and marry me! I promise to reject my sister Wolf Gal's carnivorous ways and join you in your Llamatarian lifestyle! Dominic: Oh, Charity! I've been waiting for this for three generations, but the author thought that you couldn't marry in mascots or cheerleaders because she's really dumb!
  • 83. Delightful: Aurora, even Celebrity Chefs like me have to get their hands dirty. Aurora: Eww!
  • 84. Remington: Now, sweetie, if you want to be a Captain Hero like Grandpa, you have to get very good at cleaning. I don't know what the connection is supposed to be but I guess it's very Squeaky Clean, so I'm happy to help.
  • 85. Giselle: Huh? Grandpa? Who's this guy? Remington: Trust me, darlin', you don't want to know. ______________ Professor Popularity. Married Delightful and almost immediately had a couple of unfortunate "accidents," now an ineffectual ghost.
  • 86. Despite their differences, the Princess and the Peasant really are the best of friends.
  • 87. Aurora: I have reached the pinnacle of my teen culinary career, and I will physically hurt you if you use this photo. Sorry, can't resist. If you look closely, you can see where her tiara is glitching through her hat. And what's Giselle up to?
  • 88. On a date? Getting her first kiss? From Quin? How did that happen? I don't know. I mean that. I literally don't know. I was playing very, very late at night and I thought I sent Giselle off to buy a cell phone, because what's a Popularity Sim without a cell phone? When I woke up, the game was on pause and she was in the middle of a date with Quin and I don't remember how they got there. Where did they meet up, anyway?
  • 89. Quintus: So our old headmaster? My Mom actually killed him. I was right there. It was brilliant. Oh, school. Of course. They didn't always get along this well. Quintus has never known a time when his Dad wasn't unhappy about the way Sunny treated him and like Cassius, he took this very personally.
  • 90. Quintus: I hate the next door neighbors! I'm gonna steal their invisible paper! They're also your relatives! Quintus: Don't care!
  • 91. And then Giselle brought him home as a "friend from school." Right.
  • 92. Quintus: Here's my speech: my Daddy is Mayor and your Mommy's not, nyah nyah nyah. However, time does have a way of rolling along and changing things.
  • 93. Quintus: Look at me, I'm awesome. And why are Min and I wearing the blue thing? You are not hard on the eyes, I'll give you that. And only your Dad gets to wear the white thing, because I said so. Mind telling me what you want out of life? Please tell me it isn't Romance. Quintus: Blech, no, I'm Fortune like my sister Minora; only I want to be a Hall of Famer like Dad was before he became Mayor.
  • 94. "And I'm also very, very tidy." Yes, I can see that. Mean and tidy, like Cassius. I also notice your brother Flavius Minor there actually cooking breakfast and that he got a set of the doofy pjs almost exactly like his Dad's.
  • 95. Min: Oh, I'm supposed to say something? Oh, um. Well, I'm a Pleasure Sim, but I'm one of those Pleasure Sims that's really a closet Family Sim, I guess, and I want to be a Celebrity Chef. Yes, what your brother Cassius once called a "wussy Celebrity Chef." Min: Huh? Anyway, Quin has a huge secret now, since he and Giselle are madly in love and the families are practically at war.
  • 96. Good thing his Dad doesn't know, huh? Um, Flavius? Do you see this?
  • 97. Flavius: I'll deal with this in my own way. Hmm, you're sitting next to Mrs. Crumplebottom, who just smacked the cookies out of poor Quin on what I think was very slight provocation. This doesn't look very good, but you're not naturally mean, so. . . I give up. I don't know how this one's going to turn out. And Quin is likely to have competition.
  • 98. Really. The very first time the girls went down to Sunny's Snap's, the family florist shop, the place suddenly filled up with teenaged boys. I've never seen that happen before, and I doubt that it's a coincidence.
  • 99. Dustin Broke: Brag, brag. Aurora: What a loser. Publius: As a father, I'm slightly alarmed. As a businessman, you aren't going to spend any money, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave, kid.
  • 100. Quin: Huh? What? I'm in a florist shop? No clue what's going on? Right, yeah, you're imitating your Dad. That's the patented Flavius Doofy Customer in Need Of Help spin and shrug there. He's genuinely confused when he does that; I doubt you are.
  • 101. Quin: She wouldn't even talk to me. I know she wouldn't. Quin: She wouldn't even talk to me. Actually, I tried, kid: for some reason, when I clicked on you, what came up was No Available Options. Bad sign, isn't it? He's Fortune and he's serious, and he has a big fat want to go steady in his panel, and their families aren't speaking. Plus they're second cousins, but if Maxis doesn't have a problem with that, I don't either. Quin, the girls are really busy right now.
  • 102. Aurora: I hate you. I hate you for including this picture. Hey, you're the one who wants to be a Celebrity Chef; be grateful I didn't do a closeup of your acne.
  • 103. Giselle: Grandpa! You maxed your Logic skill! That's great! It is nice that Remington accomplished this.
  • 104. Because it was the last thing he ever did. I knew it was going to come, but the sound just about stopped my heart anyway.
  • 105. Remington: Hey, thanks! Can I have lots of babies where I'm going? Grim Reaper: Uh. . . you'll have to take that up with Daisie Mae.
  • 106. Remington, your portrait's disappeared somehow, but this was what it looked like. You were with this Legacy almost as long as our Foundress, Rosie, because you were her maid in college. You moved in several days before you married Daisie Mae, in order to take care of her when she was sick. I have no idea what this place will be like without you. I'll miss you terribly, but enjoy being reunited with Daisie Mae. Remington Harris-Goodytwoshoes Died aged 77 First LTW, Captain Hero, achieved. Second LTW, raise twenty puppies and kittens: are you nuts? Ten children, nine of whom survive: the three boys, Joe, Earthquake and Ralph; and the six girls, Moonbeam and Delightful, Sunny and Wolf Gal, Grace and Charity. Earned two gold talent badges, Toymaking and Register. Awesome husband and father.
  • 107. I'm not the only one. Everybody in the house was devastated, including the cats. He left tons of money to all of his children and grandchildren, the most to Sunny, but who cares about money at a time like this?
  • 108. Not Sunny. "Oh, Daddy. I wasn't there when you died. I willl never forgive myself! Never!" It was my fault, Sunny--you were tired and I put you to bed. When she woke up, she cried and cried. I should have remembered that she was a Daddy's girl, and now her Daddy is gone.
  • 109. "Oh, Daddy. It will take a whole lot of dates to cheer me up." I'll work on it, Delightful.
  • 110. "Oh, my gosh. Remington wasn't just my father-in-law; he was my best friend. And that's going to be me someday with the suitcase and the Mai Tai. I need some coffee to pull myself together." All the time at the businesses has made Publius into an espresso addict; it figures that he'd turn to it in a crisis.
  • 111. "Go away. I'm not in this stupid work uniform, and my tiara's not glitching through my hat, and I'm not crying; princesses don't cry. It's not my fault I wasn't here, I was at work. I don't feel bad about it at all."
  • 112. "Oh, Grandpa. I adored him. How can I bear it?" Giselle, death happens in a Legacy. We all feel bad about it, but you have to be brave. "I'll try."
  • 113. Quintus: Giselle? I heard about your grandfather. I'm really sorry. Sure, you can come over.
  • 114. . . .because the wall doesn't go all the way down to the street. So much for making the Goodytwoshoes stay on their side; never underestimate a teenager.
  • 115. Quintus wanted it. Quintus got it. I told you he wanted to go steady with Giselle, and now he is.
  • 116. Quintus: I don't care. I'm in love with Giselle and I am much, much smarter than Dad, and I'm not easily distracted like Cassius, and I'm going to get this wall down and this fight patched up if it kills me.
  • 117. Giselle: I'm so happy. Grandpa died, but Quintus loves me. I couldn't stand it without him. I'm going to marry him the second I get out of college. You know what, Giselle? Everyone thinks death is the worst thing you can do to a Sim. But it isn't. Not by a long shot. But you, dear reader, are just going to have to wait to find out what happens in University, who becomes heiress, and if Stacie's Smustling skills top her mother's, in the next chapter of the Squeaky Clean Legacy.

Editor's Notes

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