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The Squeaky Clean Legacy
By Professor Butters
Chapter 5.3: Uni Ends, Life Begins
This	chapter	of	the	Squeaky	Clean	Legacy	is	being	graciously	hosted	by	Don,	Samara,	and	Donna	Uglacy,	
who	are	living	in	a	house	much	nicer	than	the	Squeaky	Clean	spares	who	aren't	actually	homeless	and	
are	even	getting	played	because	I	love	Don	so	much.	
Don:	I	get	to	toilet-train	Donna	all	over	again,	don't	I?	
Yes,	you	do.	Do	you	mind	telling	the	readers	what	Squeaky	Clean	means?	
Don:	Try	for	Baby	Only,	only	girls	inherit,	cats,	pinkness,	pathological	cuteness,	and	toys.	
Wow--that	is	concise.	
Seriously,	if	you	need	more	of	an	explanation,	may	I	suggest	the	previous	two	chapters,	which	will	catch	
you	up	entirely?
Gratuitously	adorable	shot	of	Don	bathing	Donna	brought	to	you	by	the	Squeaky	Clean	chapter	of	the	
Don	the	Zombie	fan	club.	Don	and	Samara	are	from	Candi's	Uglacy	and	Donna	was	born	in	her	Prettacy,	
which	will	be	worth	your	time	to	read	if	you	haven't	already	and	if	you	have,	go	read	them	again.
Back	to	our	regularly-scheduled	coverage.	Sunny	Goodytwoshoes,	the	third-oldest	girl	and	a	Popularity	
Sim,	was	chosen	by	the	Boolprop	Forum	by	a	wide	margin	as	the	Squeaky	Cleanest	of	the	four	girls	
running.	There	are	two	younger	girls,	and	four	older	boys,	but	boys	don't	count	here.	
"I'd	like	to	thank	all	the	voters,	even	if	you	didn't	vote	for	me!	This	is	just	so---so	overwhelming!	I--sob--
don't	know	what	to	say!	Daddy,	love	you,	mwah!"	
There	were	some	allegations	of	election	fraud	but	they	were	thrown	out	on	the	grounds	that	the	person	
supposedly	reponsible	wasn't	intelligent	enough	to	follow	through	on	it.
Flavius	Marius,	my	simself's	husband,	and	a	guest--some	might	say	a	refugee--from	Blite27's	Ten	Caesars	
Legacy.	Sunny	is	marrying	his	cousin	Publius	Numantius	Scipio.	Hmm--does	he	have	some	kind	of	
agenda?	We'll	get	back	to	him	later.
Moonbeam,	the	eldest	girl,	a	Pleasure	Sim	who	wants	fifty	first	dates,	invited	Flavius	to	her	graduation	
Moonbeam:	So	like	I	know	you	supported	Sunny	in	the	heir	poll	but	that's	like	totally	cool	cause	I'm	like	a	
space	cadet	so	I	just	like	wanted	to	thank	you	for	something	only	I	forgot	what	it	was.
Delightful,	our	resident	hot-for-chicks	Romance	Sim,	also	graduated.	I'd	like	to	point	out	that	so	far	
everybody	has	graduated	summa	cum	laude,	though,	to	be	honest,	not	always	by	ethical	means.	
Delightful:	Hey.	Dating	Professor	Popularity--that	was	work.
She	was	so	unenthusiastic	about	graduating	that	she	actually	changed	out	of	her	graduation	robes,	but	
the	evening	was	redeemed	by	hitting	on	Cute	Blond	Chick	#	I	forget	how	many.	Moonbeam's	fiance	Kent	
back	there	is	a	little	too	interested	in	the	proceedings.	
Kent:	Blond	chick--brunette	chick--drool,	drool.	
I'm	kind	of	glad	you	didn't	wind	up	marrying	into	the	Legacy	House,	Kent.
Sunny	invited	her	fiance	Publius	over	and	did	her	best	to	make	it	a	good	party.
Meanwhile,	their	father,	the	former	Remington	Harris,	spent	the	evening	soaking	in	the	hot	tub	with	
Genesis,	Delightful's	high	school	girlfriend.	This	would	have	been	disturbing	on	so	many	levels	if	I	didn't	
know	that	it	was	all	Squeaky	Clean.
Their	sister	Wolf	Gal,	still	in	college	with	Sunny,	wasn't	a	serious	contender	but	I	love	her	anyhow.	
Supposedly	she's	telling	a	joke.	Does	that	look	like	a	joke	to	you?	I	think	she's	practicing	to	be	a	werewolf,	
which	is	what	she	wants	more	than	anything	in	the	world,	next	to	becoming	Chief	of	Staff	and	marrying	
her	fiance	Derek	the	paperboy.
Moonbeam	and	Delightful	moved	out;	their	younger	sisters	Grace	(on	the	left,	Romance)	and	Charity	(on	
the	right,	Knowledge)	pledged	the	Goodygirls	sorority	and	moved	in.	You	can	find	all	that	great	pink	
clothing	on;	Grace's	outfit	is	by	Juicy	Couture.
Moonbeam	moved	into	a	sweet	little	townhouse	with	an	awesome	car,	just	right	for	a	Pleasure	Sim.	
Apologies	for	the	hideous	clothes	which	follow.
She	invited	her	fiance,	Kent,	to	move	in	and	marry	her.	Since	he's	a	Romance	Sim--and	it	turns	out	he	
wants	20	simultaneous	lovers--he	took	a	bit	of	an	aspirational	hit	but	it	was	offset	and	failure	prevented	
by	buying	a	hot	tub.
Let's	leave	them	to	it,	shall	we?
Kent:	You	hit	try	for	baby,	didn't	you?	Awwww,	mannnn.	
And	I	think	that	bed	of	yours	may	have	issues.
Moonbeam:	You	hit	Try	For	Baby,	didn't	you?	I	hate	you.	
C'mon,	Moonbeam.	Your	many	fans	will	want	to	see	the	adorable	kid	you	will	no	doubt	produce	with	
Kent.	I'll	get	nannies	and	do	maxmotives	and	you'll	hardly	even	know	the	little	tyke	is	there.
I	cheered	Kent	and	Moonbeam	up	with	a	little	trip	to	Bluewater	Village--some	new	clothes	for	her,	a	little	
Public	WooHoo	for	him,	and	a	cute	little	man	purse	to	spice	it	all	up.	
So	that's	where	our	six	Goodytwoshoe	girls	are	now:	Moonbeam	married	and	expecting,	Sunny	and	Wolf	
Gal	in	their	junior	year	at	college,	Grace	and	Charity	just	beginning	and	ready	to	hold	on	to	the	sorority	
for	the	next	generation--and	Delightful?	Well,	Delightful.	.	.
"Ahem.	I	believe	you	promised	to	tell	the	readers	why	I	am	now	wearing	a	white	toga."	
Why	don't	you	tell	them,	Flavius?	
"I'm	a	Popularity	Sim	and	I	went	permaplat	last	chapter.	Now	I'm	running	for	mayor.	That	makes	me	a	
candidate,	fr.	Lat.,	candidatus,	after	the	white	togas	worn	by	seekers	of	public	office.	That's	why."	
Someone	has	been	raiding	my	library,	I	see.	
"I'm	also	posing	for	the	coin."
I'm	afraid	marriage	and	children	have	made	Flavius	a	bit	on	the	reactionary	side.	
Flavius:	Go,	Flavia!	Let	that	Carthaginian	have	it	right	in	the	pancreas!	
Flavia:	Yarrrrgh!
Sim	Me:	What's	with	all	the	Roman	stuff,	Flavius?	It's	all	of	a	sudden	Roman	this	and	Roman	that--who	
cares?	Can't	you	respect	other	lifestyles?	
Flavius:	You	won't	be	saying	that	after	my	first	speech.
"Friends,	Romans,	and	.	.	.well,	Romans	and	friends,	I	am	running	for	mayor	on	a	reform	platform	to	
Make	Stuff	More	Roman	Around	Here."
"Even	though	we	all	appreciate	Maxis-made	civilization	with	its	large-screen	televisions,	it	is	still	not	
Roman,	which	as	we	all	know,	is	much	better	than	everything	else.	The	pool	behind	me,	for	example,	is	a	
shoddy	excuse	for	Romanosity.	There	have	been	strange	and	disturbing	events	in	Pleasantview	which	
certainly	won't	be	happening	when	I'm	mayor."
"For	example,	Wolf	Gal,	one	of	the	Legacy	children,	was	on	an	innocent	date	Downtown	with	her	fiance	
Derek.	.	."
"And	suddenly,	their	uncle	Abner	was	randomly	bitten	by	a	vampire	he	didn't	even	know!"
Oh,	yeah,	that	freaked	me	out	too.	But	no	problem.	Wolf	Gal	and	Derek	are	Knowledge	Sims--they're	into	
that	kind	of	thing.	Abner's	been	cured	and	we	installed	a	no-bitey	hack	for	now,	so	everything's	cool.	But	
I	don't	get	how	your	being	mayor	would	have	helped	anything.
"Quiet,	I'm	not	done.	Furthermore,	it	has	come	to	my	attention	that	both	of	you	are	girls."
Minora:	I	should	be	doing	my	homework	right	now.	
Flavia:	Daddy	has	finally	gone	nuts.
Seeya,	Daddy.	
Yeah,	we've	got	beds	to	jump	on	and	stuff.
Flavius:	Oh,	well.	Might	as	well	finish.	The	Squeaky	Clean	Legacy	has	carried	things	much	too	far.	There	is	
much	too	much	pink	and	very	strange	clothing.	You'll	notice	it's	matrilineal?	Only	girls	inherit?	The	
husbands	take	the	wife's	name?	My	own	cousin	is	going	to	have	to	change	his	name	from	Scipio	to	
Goodytwoshoes.	Ik.	That	is	so	wrong.	Romans	are	patrilineal.	So	my	first	reform	effort	will	be	to	get	your	
mother	to	have	another	baby.
Sim	Me:	Hi,	Purple	Bunny?	Yeah,	you	won't	believe	this	one--Flavius	thinks	he's	gonna	talk	me	into	
another	baby!	He's	crazy.	We're	terrible	Sim	parents--he's	always	on	the	phone	and	I'm	always	skilling,	
the	toddlers	used	to	eat	cat	food.	No,	seriously,	may	lightening	strike	me	down	if	I	ever	.	.	.	
Purple	Bunny--writes	Piratical	Legacy.	See	most	recent	chapter.
Joke's	on	you.	Or	on	me.	World,	meet	Tertia.	Tertia,	meet	world.	Romans	have	such	imaginative	names	
for	girls:	Daddy's	name	with	an	A,	Little	Daddy's	name	with	an	A,	and	Little	Miss	Third.	
What	special	kind	of	hell	is	this?	At	the	Legacy	House,	where	only	girls	can	inherit,	it's	nothing	but	boys,	
boys,	boys;	five	in	one	generation,	four	in	the	next.	Over	here,	where	Flavius	has	some	kind	of	Roman	
patriarchal	bee	in	his	bonnet,	it's	nothing	but	girls.	Maybe	Ephemeral	Toast	knows	where	I	can	score	a	
keg	of	good	juice,	cause	I	need	it.	
Flavius:	Hmm.	This	isn't	much	of	a	constituency.	Time	for	Plan	B.	
Publius:	Dude,	leave	me	out	of	this.	I	so	do	not	care.	I'm	marrying	a	girl	whose	sunny	locks	hang	on	her	
temples	like	a	golden	fleece	.	.	.	and	many	Jasons	come	in	quest	of	her.	
Publius,	that's--that's	beautiful.	Shakespeare,	isn't	it?	
"Yep.	Just	gimme	some	honey	and	some	money."	
OK,	that's	less	so.	But	you're	right--we	ought	to	get	back	to	the	main	Legacy	house.
Which	has	changed	substantially.	
Publius	is	a	Fortune	Sim,	and	while	he	may	not	care	about	what	his	last	name	is,	he	will	not	want	to	live	
in	a	cheap,	cheesy	house.	So	we	did	a	big	remodel	to	celebrate	his	eventual	coming	in	to	the	family.	The	
challenge?	How	to	make	it	expensive,	but	still	pathologically	pink	and	cute.	
And	what's	that	mansion	next	door?	Hmm.	.	.	you	may	well	wonder.	More	on	that	next	chapter.
Upper	floor.	Three	bathrooms,	plus	a	little	3/4	bath	stuck	behind	the	elevator.	Everything	is	pinky-doodle,	
including	the	bedroom	dormitory	for	up	to	four	children--girls,	we	hope,	as	boys	will	find	the	ballerina	
wallpaper	a	little	excessive.	
Some	of	the	custom	content	comes	from	ModTheSims	2,	but	a	lot	of	the	wall,	floors,	etc.,	were	
personally	colored	by	WriterTina,	who	writes	the	Highwind	Legacy.	She's	also	a	Strict	Family	Values,	
single-sex	inherits	handicapper,	but	she's	added	True	Love,	too.	More	than	I	could	handle.	Thanks,	Tina!
Serene,	elegant,	cat-oriented,	PINK.	Definitely	Squeaky	Clean.
And	the	piece	de	resistance,	the	sundeck	and	carport	with	pinky	balustrade	and	pinky	columns	and	
dollhousey	outdoor	stairs.
Yep.	I	done	good,	I	think.
Daisie	Mae,	Generation	Two	Heiress:	I'm	confused.		
That's	because	I	did	my	remodel	when	you	were	both	asleep.
Remington:	Well,	congratulations.	You	actually	made	it	even	worse	than	it	was.	The	picket	fence	alone	
makes	me	want	to	hurl.	What	else	could	go	wrong?
Marcellus	Caesar:	Yoo-hoo?	Any	hot	teenaged	girls	I	can	date	here?	
You're	about	five	years	too	late	or	fifteen	years	too	early.	Wait--how	did	you	get	out	of	Ten	Caesars?
Marcellus:	I	wanted	to	see	if	sticking	a	cat	on	my	head	would	look	better	than	a	chicken	hat.	
Please	put	Sweetheart	down.	You're	alarming	her.	
In	Ten	Caesars,	Marcellus	is	the	son	of	Julia	Caesar	and	Chicken	Sensei.
Daisie	Mae:	Great.	A	Roman	teenager	is	making	himself	at	home	in	my	hideous	house.	What	else	could	
go	wrong?
Delightful:	Hi,	Mom!	I've	moved	back	home!
Daisie	Mae:	My	daughter	the	lesbian	Romance	Sim	has	just	moved	back	into	this	Squeaky	Clean	House.	
The	ghosts	are	going	to	go	nuts.	What	else	could	go	wrong?
Tiberius:	Hi,	I'm	Tiberius	Caesar,	and	I	just	moved	into	the	neighborhood	with	my	nephew	Marcellus	and	
my	niece	Scribonia,	but	they're	my	kids	here	because	somebody	is	too	lazy	to	download	their	real	
mother,	plus	I	have	stupid	hair.	Delighted	to	meet	you!
I	sent	Remington	out	to	buy	some	new	clothes,	and	.	.	.	
Remington:	My	goodness,	there	seem	to	be	a	lot	of	Romans	around	here.	Are	you	new?	
Drusus	Nero:	No,	I've	been	here	for	some	time.	I	even	bought	toys	from	your	store.	You	mean	there	are	
more	Romans	in	town?	I	hadn't	heard	about	that.	
All	over	the	neighborhood,	things	get	weirder	and	weirder	.	.	.
Rhys	Fitzhugh:	I	am	so	ticked	off	at	you.	I'm	not	even	Roman.	
Sim	Me:	Listen,	mister,	I	don't	know	how	it	happened,	either.	There's	something	very	strange	going	on	
here	.	.	.
But	your	creator	Marina	aka	smoothiequeen87	gave	anyone	permission	to	torture	you	whatever	way	
they	wanted.	You're	lucky	that	the	worst	thing	that	happened	to	you	is	that	you're	wearing	an	orange	
Rhys:	Yipes,	sorry.	
Sim	Me	scares	me.	She	really	does.	Rhys	is	the	resident	psychotic	evil	genius	in	the	Fitzhugh	Legacy	by	
smoothiequeen	and	she's	not	scared	of	him	at	all.	Of	course,	they're	both	Scorpios,	so	it	figures.	
Sim	Me	also	made	the	mistake	of	greeting	him	in	her	underwear.	Since	he's	a	Romance	Sim	and	his	
turnons	are	red	hair	and	underwear,	I	hope	she	doesn't	do	it	again.
Settling	in,	Don?	
Don:	Yeah,	but	all	the	Romans	are	kind	of	spooky.	
You're	a	zombie	and	you	think	Romans	are	spooky?
Wow,	Delightful!	You're	permaplat!	In	two	days!		
Delightful:	Yep.	Only	took	me	two	because	there	wasn't	a	culinary	track	job	the	first	day.	So	I	took	the	art	
job,	got	the	career	reward,	switched	to	culinary,	went	to	work	once.	
What	do	you	want	to	do	now?	
Delightful:	You	mean	besides	WooHoo?	Hall	of	Famer.	
Well,	that's	nice,	because	there's	something	you	have	to	do	first.
Delightful:	Oh,	great.	I	love	parties.
No.	Wait.	Tell	me	it	isn't	.	.	.
Professor	Popularity-Goodytwoshoes	is	thrilled	finally	to	be	marrying	his	fiance/ex-student,	and	brings	in	
18,000	smackers,	but	as	you	can	see,	that's	chicken	feed	around	here	anymore.	He	wants	20	
simultaneous	best	friends.	Professor	Pop,	you're	lucky	to	have	one.
This	is	a	public	service	announcement:	Minora,	my	simself's	daughter,	is	absolutely	adorable.	We	now	
return	you	to	the	Legacy	already	in	progress.
Daisie	Mae:	Oh,	hi,	did	I	miss	anything?	
Delightful:	Kinda,	yeah.
Another	side	note:	in	my	legacy,	and	apparantly	in	Blite's,	too,	every	time	there	is	a	party	with	Flavius	
there,	he's	in	everyone's	thought	bubbles.	I	truly	have	no	idea	what	they're	thinking	when	this	happens,	
but	it	happens	all	the	time.	
Flavius:	Well,	of	course!	I'm	a	successful	politician!
Hey,	Delightful,	are	you	running	towards	your	honeymoon	or	away	from	it?	
Delightful:	Just	shut	up.
Does	Daisie	Mae	look	like	a	happy	woman	to	you?
And	right	in	the	middle	of	all	this,	three	kittens	are	born.	Meet	Lollipop,	Sweetums,	and	Pookie.	Which,	
with	the	adult	cats,	Sweetheart,	Sugarcane,	and	Baby,	makes	four	people	and	six	cats.
Remington:	I'm	back	from	work!	Did	I	miss	anything?	
Kinda,	yeah.
Hmm.	The	stereo	broke.	Might	as	well	make	yourself	useful	around	the	house,	huh?
Evidently	five	mechanical	points	=	sometimes	works,	sometimes	doesn't.
Yeah,	I'll	just	bet	you're	thinking	about	how	Delightful	cheated	on	you	about	a	trillion	years	ago,	back	
before	you	were	engaged.	I	know	something	that'll	cheer	you	up,	though.
See?	Isn't	this	fun?
You	know	how	they	say	that	smart	people	make	the	dumbest	decisions?
Delightful:	Waaah!	It	was	our	wedding	night!	I	never	even	got	to	WooHoo!
Now	that's	a	good	idea.	I	think	you	definitely	shouldn't	be	alone	right	now.	Maybe	spending	some	time	
with	a	friend	would	help.
Delightful	prepares	to	pour	her	laden	heart	out	to	her	friend.
.	.	.
Yes,	he	certainly	did.
Delightful:	Gee	Robin,	I	can't--I	just	can't	tell	you	how	much	this	means	to	me.	
Robin:	Oh--I	think	you	can.
"No	one	can	say	I	didn't	wait	till	I	was	married."	
That's	completely	true.	And	you	respected	your	dead	grandmother's	feelings	and	took	it	off	site.	Totally	
within	Squeaky	Clean	rules,	Delightful.	Good	girl,	sorta.
Feeling	better	now?	
Delightful:	Much.	
Your	fans	probably	are,	too,	and	I	know	you	have	some.
Delightful:	Don't	be	fooled;	I'm	really	very	sad	about	his	death.	
It's	true	that	she	cried	and	she	probably	will	again,	but	the	kittens	cheered	her	up.	Isn't	that	sweet?
I	didn't	know	ghosts	took	the	elevator.	Is	Shane,	the	founder's	husband,	angry?	Does	he	feel	his	
granddaughter	disgraced	the	family	name?	Is	he	going	to	spook	the	heck	out	of	her?
Shane:	Yaaay!	They	kept	my	bed!	
Yes,	we	did.	It's	got	a	room	all	to	itself	on	the	second	floor.	That's	all	Shane's	worried	about,	evidently.	If	
his	granddaughter's	behavior	doesn't	bug	him,	I	guess	it	shouldn't	bother	us.
Over	at	Moonbeam	and	Kent's,	Kent	helps	the	new	kittens	settle	in.	He	rolled	the	want	to	get	a	kitten,	so	
I	had	Delightful	give	him	two,	but	it	didn't	seem	to	help	his	aspiration	meter.	Too	bad,	because	.	.	.
Despite	having	the	fear	of	having	a	baby,	Kent	and	Moonbeam	had	two.	Meet	Stacie--the	other	is	
Kimberly.	I	was	amazed	that	Kent	didn't	go	into	aspirational	failure.	
Why	is	it	that	everybody,	including	my	simself,	has	natural	non-cheesecake	twin	girls,	but	we're	getting	
boy	after	boy	on	the	Legacy	lot?	Is	this	a	good	omen	that	things	are	going	to	change,	or	are	the	gods	of	
Maxis	laughing?
OK,	grow	the	kids	up	already,	Kent,	I'm	a	busy	woman.	That's	what	the	customers	came	to	see.
Stacie	and	Kimberly,	reading	left	to	right.
Make	no	mistake	about	it--if	this	Legacy	was	about	genetics,	probably	Kent	and	Moonbeam	and	their	kids	
would	have	it	all	sewed	up,	but	they	don't,	which	is	a	huge	relief	to	my	sanity,	because	they're	airheads.		
Look	at	that	little	smirk.	Kimberly,	do	you	think	you're	actually	getting	into	the	Goodygirls	sorority	when	
you	grow	up?	Well--maybe	you	might.	We'll	see.
Meanwhile,	back	at	college.	.		
Sunny:	Hi,	Robin-ninth-best-friend!	Great	to	hear	from	y--,	what	do	you	mean,	you	and	Delightful	fell	in	
love?	She	just	got	married	to	Professor	Popularity	yesterday.	Oh,	he	died.	Oh,	I	see.	Well--as	long	as	
you're	happy!
College	just	got	a	lot	more	fun.	Since	both	Sunny	and	Grace	want	to	be	Hall	of	Famers,	they	have	to	keep	
fit,	and	they	love	this	to	pieces.
Now	this	is	how	it's	done--and	it	shows	you	how	Squeaky	Clean	and	Popularityesque	Sunny	is.	Only	the	
Knowledge	Sims	write	their	term	papers	around	here,	but	Sunny	gets	her	top	grades	by	making	friends	
with	everybody.	Delightful	used	to	romance	them,	including	this	one,	who	wasn't	even	her	professor.
Remington	visits	his	little	girls	at	their	sorority	house.	He	actually	came	along	as	someone	else's	"friend."	
Sunny's	a	big	Daddy's	girl,	but	he	loves	all	his	kids.	Boys,	even.
Charity	corners	Dominic	the	llama	guy	in	the	restroom	and	makes	friends.	They	have	mega-chemistry	
anyway,	and	even	a	Knowledge	Sim	ought	to	have	a	significant	other.	Wolf	Gal	likes	him	too,	though	
perhaps	she	thinks	of	him	as	snack	food.
Bad	llama	guy.	I	don't	care	if	Charity	was	flirting	with	you,	and	I	don't	care	if	you're	a	full	member	of	the	
sorority--weird	as	that	sounds.	You're	still	not	allowed	in	the	girl's	dorm.
And	Charity	gets	her	first	kiss	with	a	llama.	Her	sister	wants	to	be	a	wolf,	she	wants	to	be	a	llama:	
Knowledge	Sims	are	nuts.	You	heard	it	here	first.
Grace	goes	out	with	one	of	her	professors,	Professor	Skanque,	another	Romance	Sim.	He's	another	
aggravating	professor	in	one	of	those	hideous	tweed	jackets,	but	make	no	mistake,	she	is	into	him.	
I	mentioned	that	Grace	is	an	athlete.	Somehow,	she	manages	to	make	this	Romance	stuff	look	like	good	
clean	wholesome	fun.
Be	careful,	Professor	Skanque.	Delightful	is	in	the	house	and	she	eats	guys	like	you	for	breakfast--and	she	
doesn't	even	like	them.	
Actually,	you're	probably	pretty	safe.	Grace	has	no	chance	of	being	heiress,	so	I'm	not	even	going	to	make	
her	get	engaged.	Just	have	fun	and	give	her	that	A+.	Ikkk.
Professor	Skanque	came	over	and	did	this	on	his	own.	Could	not	believe	it.	Then	Wolf	Gal	Influenced	him	
to	serve	a	meal,	which	was	worthless	instant	drinks,	but	it's	the	thought	that	counts.
That's	Wolf	Gal	for	ya.	Fat,	playful,	grouchy,	antisocial	and	smart.	Have	I	mentioned	that	I	love	this	girl?
Since	everyone	else	was	going	on	dates,	I	figured	it	was	time	for	Wolf	Gal	to	have	a	little	fun	out	on	the	
town	with	Derek.	I	had	been	wondering	where	Ben,	the	author	of	the	Ten	Caesars,	was	keeping	himself.
The	dramatic	proof.
Marina,	aka	amoothiequeen:	Interesting	taste,	Ben.		
You're	not	foolin'.
Evidently	the	feeling	is	mutual.	No,	I	didn't	cheat	and	put	poor	Ben	in	there	with	fatness	as	a	turnon	and	
a	taste	for	bizarro	girls.	He's	a	Knowledge	Sim	(hello,	his	Legacy	is	based	on	Roman	history)	and	one	of	his	
turnons	is	makeup,	and	Wolf	Gal	obviously	wears	a	lot	of	makeup.	She's	engaged	to	Derek	and	she	has	
three	bolts	with	him,	as	opposed	to	two	with	Ben,	so	he's	safe.	For	now.	His	Legacy	is	my	favorite,	so	I'd	
prefer	not	to	torture	him,	if	possible.
Well,	it's	time	for	a	toga	party	and	that	means	it's	time	for	a	party	with	guys	in	togas.	
Flavius,	if	you	don't	quit	thinking	what	you're	thinking	about	Grace,	you	are	never	going	to	another	
sorority	party	again.
Publius:	Man,	I	can't	wait	for	this	chapter	to	be	over	so	I	can	finally	marry	Sunny.	
Sim	Me:	Sorry,	Publius.	I'm	moving	as	fast	as	I	can,	but	I	want	your	wedding	to	be	special.	
Flavius:	I	certainly	hope	you're	going	to	get	things	to	be	more	Roman	over	there.	
Publius:	I	told	you	I	don't	care	about	that!	What's	gotten	into	you?		
Sim	Me:	Never	mind,	Publius.	I'm	thrilled	about	you	and	Sunny.	I	know	you'll	be	very	happy	together.
Only	I	wouldn't	do	the	"Grace	is	hot"	thing	in	front	of	your	fiance,	if	I	were	you.	
Grace	is	hot.	No	guy--and	few	girls--with	a	pulse	can	keep	from	noticing	it.	Just	keep	it	to	yourselves,	ok?
Yep,	another	roof	raiser	party.	Nothing	to	see	here,	folks--move	along.	
I	may	have	mentioned	that	I	despise	Sim	Parties,	so	if	it's	a	Good	Time	or	a	Roof	Raiser,	it	got	that	way	
without	much	help	from	me.
No,	this	isn't	Professor	Skanque--it's	Professor	Moneybags,	a	gypsy	matchmaker	setup.	The	gypsy	always	
throws	Grace	professors.	Grace,	you	sure	you	want	to	tell	him	about	what	happened	to	the	last	professor	
to	get	involved	with	your	family?	
Doesn't	he	look	like	he's	cringing?
Ephemeral	Toast:	You	are	deluding	yourself	if	you	think	your	Legacy	isn't	just	as	sordid	as	everybody	
I'm	trying,	Toast,	I'm	trying!	Would	it	help	to	know	that	like	her	sister,	Grace	hasn't	WooHooed	anybody,	
even	though	technically	she	has	every	right	to?
After	everybody	else	had	been	on	dates,	it	was	time	for	Publius	and	Sunny	to	go	on	one,	too.	
Publius:	Can	I	WooHoo	her	in	the	photo	booth?	
You	may	not.	I	have	some	very	bad	news	for	you	about	this	Legacy	and	WooHoo.
Yes,	thank	you	for	the	flowers,	Publius.	There's	no	point	in	getting	annoyed	with	you	for	not	leaving	a	real	
date	gift.	Nobody,	and	I	mean	nobody,	ever	has,	except	for	Remington	back	when	Daisie	Mae	was	in	
college	and	Grace's	high	school	boyfriend.	Maybe	it's	because	I'm	too	cheap	to	buy	anybody	dinner.	
So	all	seemed	well	in	the	Goodygirls	sorority,	but	it	was	just	the	calm	before	the	storm	.	.	.
Sunny?	What	on	earth	happened?	
"I	h-had	a	bad	paaarty!"	
"Oh,	is	that	all?"	
"An-and-and	Publius	hates	meeeee!"
Guess	who	calls,	Sunny's	#1	fan.	.	.	
"Hi,	Fl-Flavius?	I	ca-can't	talk	right	now.	I.	.	.	I	don't	knoooow!	It	was	all	Grace's	crazy	drama	teacher!	She	
slapped	me	and	now	Publius	thinks	I	cheated	on	him!"	
The	rest	of	the	family	knew	exactly	who	was	to	blame,	however,	and	they	were	lining	up	to	kick	some	
professorial	tuckus.
I	let	Wolf	Gal	do	it.	Werewolf	in	training,	ten	body	points,	Professor	Delusional	said	she	was	sorry	she	
messed	with	her--but	not	nearly	sorry	enough.	Poor	Sunny's	engagement	was	in	shreds.	
Publius:	Yeah,	yeah.	"Not	in	the	photo	booth,	Publi!	Wait	until	we're	married,	Publi!"	Now	I	know	what's	
really	going	on!	
This	is	truly	awful.	Sunny	has	never	even	flirted	with	anyone	but	Publius.	She	had	no	bad	memories,	aside	
from	the	occasional	pork	chop	fire,	and	suddenly	she	had	three	in	a	row.	Poor	girl.
Flavius:	Do	something!	
I'm	trying,	I'm	trying!	I	thought	you	didn't	want	your	cousin	changing	his	name	to	Goodytwoshoes,	
Flavius:	I	don't,	but	this	is	Sunny	we're	talking	about,	and	I	love	Sunny!	Completely	platonically,	of	course!	
We'll	talk	about	my	campaign	to	make	stuff	more	Roman	later!
Oh,	man,	this	is	why	his	auntie	Renee	told	him	to	stay	out	of	Legacy	politics.	Dang	it,	what	can	I	do?	OK,	
step	one	.	.	.
Get	Publius	to	forgive	Sunny.	Which	was	difficult.	He	took	it	hard,	and	there's	no	such	thing	as	
"Appreciate/Apologize/Explain,"	so	she	had	to	apologize	over	and	over	again	for	something	she	didn't	do.		
In	the	middle	of	all	this,	she	rolled	a	rather	pathetic	little	want	for	Publius	to	be	her	friend	again.	By	
taking	it	slow	and	easy,	they	actually	got	up	to	Dream	Date	on	the	first	try.	I	was	surprised	he	even	agreed	
to	go	in	the	first	place.	He	must	really	love	her.	But	that's	no	excuse	for	the	person	who	put	her	here.
Step	Two:	
"Grace,	dear.	Could	you	be	a	sweetie	and	ask	your	drama	professor	for	a	date?	And	swing	by	the	secret	
society	and	pick	something	up	for	me,	while	you're	at	it?"	
"Well,	sure.	What	did	you	have	in	mind?"
Yes,	well.	.	.	he	hates	you,	too.	Just	take	the	cake	and	put	yourself	out	of	your	own	misery.
Ashley	Pitts:	Ooo,	Gracie,	you're	yumlicious!	Say,	who's	that	in	the	little	fenced-in	yard	over	there?	
Grace:	Oh,	nobody	important.
I	told	you	to	take	the	cake,	already.	You	didn't	have	to	starve	to	death.	In	any	case,	that'll	be	the	last	time	
you	give	trouble	to	any	of	my	girls.
Flavius:	OoooOOOoo--you're	reminding	me	of	Auntie	Renee	now.	
That's	kind	of	twisted--you've	been	reading	Ben's	Legacy	again,	haven't	you?	So	are	you	in	the	mood	to	
do	me	a	favor?	
Flavius:	Depends.	
Well,	Sunny	and	Wolf	Gal	just	graduated.	Sunny	will	be	moving	back	in	with	her	parents,	but	I	thought	
Wolf	Gal	could	come	here.	She's	bright,	but	she's	too	grouchy	to	have	many	friends,	and	if	she	can	just	
borrow	yours	for	a	few	days--just	till	she's	permaplat--you	know,	all	those	awesome	political	connections	
you	have.	.	.		
Flavius:	Well,	since	you	put	it	that	way.	
And	besides,	she	wants	to	be	a	werewolf--and	you	know	they're	attracted	to	houses	with	babies.	
Flavius:	Hang	on--you're	using	the	baby	as	BAIT?	
Well,	if	Candi	can	do	it,	why	can't	I?	
Next	time	on	the	Squeaky	Clean	Legacy--has	Publius	really	forgiven	Sunny?	Will	they	get	married,	or	will	
he	leave	her	at	the	altar?	Is	Flavius	going	to	turn	Pleasantview	into	a	Roman	outpost.	Can	I	convince	him	
to	use	our	house	as	a	wolf	refuge?	Stay	tuned!

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