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The Squeaky Clean Legacy
By Professor Butters
Chapter 6.1: The Golden Age, Part One
When we last left our Squeaky Clean Legacy, our third generation heiress, the Popularity Sim Sunny
Goodytwoshoes, was about to graduate from Sim State summa cum laude. Here she is with her father,
Remington Harris-Goodytwoshoes—
Remington: Congratulations, honey. I'm so proud of you.
Proud because she's taking on a formidable challenge. To be Squeaky Clean means just that: no pre or
extramarital WooHoo, Try For Baby only, producing an heiress and a sparess (because only girls can
inherit), keeping up the family toy business, raising cats, and as much pathological cuteness as you can
muster. Sunny became heiress after a landslide election on, and she comes from a family
of ten children--four boys and six girls. Let's have a brief look at the girls who didn't win the booby prize.
We'll check in with the boys next time.
Moonbeam, a Pleasure Sim, here shown with her daughter Kimberly.
Moonbeam: I think it should totally be spelled Kimberleigh, don't you? I mean, omigawd, my twin girls
are the cutest evar 11, totally kuwai, only I gotta go blow some bubble now. Where's Kent?
You mean your husband the Romance Sim? Probably off lamenting that he wants twenty lovers and he's
only got you so far.
Can you tell she's gone into show business?
Delightful, a Romance Sim with the LTW of Celebrity Chef, which she's already achieved. Despite being
notoriously only into girls and showing no interest in the heirship, she had a narrow escape when she
was forced to move back home and marry her art instructor, Professor Popularity.
Delightful: Run awaaaay!
Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, Professor Popularity was dumb enough
to try to fix the stereo on the wedding night and then ran around with scissors. Delightful's been a free
woman ever since.
Wolf Gal, a Knowledge Sim, was never a serious contender. She plans to become a doctor and to be a
werewolf on the side. Her dream is to marry her fiance Derek the Paperboy and raise puppies. She
maxed her skills in college and graduated at the same time as Sunny, with no fuss and bother, but
achieving her career goals might be tough because outside of family, she doesn't have many friends. I
wonder why?
The two youngest girls are still at college. Charity, also a Knowledge Sim, has rejected her sister's
carnivorous ways and hopes to marry a llama. She's holding down the family sorority, along with--
Grace, a Romance Sim, here shown with her teacher Professor Skanque.
Grace: Charity, don't you have somewhere to be right now?
Wolf Gal: All riiiight!
Sunny's fiance Publius Numantius Scipio also came to the graduation. Everyone's very relieved because
there was an unfortunate incident with Grace's drama professor, Professor Delusional, of which Sunny
was entirely innocent. Never mind, he's forgotten all about that . .
Or has he? Publius, look behind you. See that little fenced-yard with the cowplant? Her tombstone's in
there. That's how annoyed I was. You can forget about it now.
Publius is a guest appearing courtesy of Blite27's Ten Caesars Legacy. It's no big secret that it's my
favorite and a few of the characters from there have sneaked over here, finding it less stressful, i.e. a bit
less incest and murder.
That's my simself trying to talk sense into him.
Publius, honest to gosh, Sunny never ever cheated on you. Never ever ever. She's as wholesome and
Squeaky Clean as they come.
Publius: Yeah. . . so I see my idiot cousin talked you into wearing Roman clothes now.
Umm--going to change out of them as soon as I get home.
Publius' cousin is my simself's husband, the pratfall-prone Flavius Marius. Aware that he didn't stand the
chance of a pork chop in front of a German shepherd in the kill-happy world Ben's got in Ten Caesars, he
came over as a refugee. Now, however, he seems to have forgotten all about how scary life was there
and is determined to impose Romanosity on an unsuspecting Pleasantview.
He's running for mayor--hence the white toga designating him as a candidate-- but in the meantime is
insisting on as much Rome In The Home as possible, which is why our daughter Flavia is wearing Roman
So's her twin sister, Minora.
Minora: I get it! Daddy wants us to be as Roman as possible! Well, I'll certainly try.
Be careful, you hear?
And their younger sister, Tertia.
Flavius: C'mon, kid, say "paterfamilias." It's been a running gag for three chapters now.
Tertia: Don' wanna pattafamillias! Wanna matwiaky!
Oh, dear. Rebellious children. It was bound to happen, since Flavius is very insistent that Romans are
patrilineal and demands that his heir, unlike the Squeaky Clean heir, is going to be a boy, gosh darn it.
Unfortunately, my Simming luck is notoriously bad, since I seem to have runs of boys at the Legacy
House and girls--mostly twin girls--everywhere else. But Sunny and Publius are going to break that string
of bad luck--if they ever get married, that is.
Sunny moved back to the gooey pink house in Pleasantview, which has recently received a remodel. In it
lives her widowed sister Delightful, her cats Sweetheart and Sugarcane. . .
Her parents Daisie Mae Goodytwoshoes and Remington Harris-Goodytwoshoes. . . hey, guys, could you
please get into one of the numerous hideously pink rooms around here?
"Can't help it, we're still in love."
This was a late development. Owing to my lousy Simming skills, Daisie Mae and Remington had a tepid
one-bolt marriage for a long time. Now, however, in elderhood, they've got three bolts and chase each
other around the house smooching. I'm sure it doesn't hurt that Daisie Mae can no longer Try For Baby.
Finally, there's the fourth generation Petacy heiress, Lollipop. She'll have to get a job, learn all the pet
commands, and produce kittens before she's finished.
Some very odd people are starting to move into town and nobody knows where they're coming from.
Rhys Fitzhugh: That's interesting, Mrs. Goodytwoshoes. Your daughter Sunny graduated with honors?
Well, I graduated with honors, too.
Oh, Rhys, you're such a liar. Not in this game, you didn't! Rhys is peeved because he's been yanked from
smoothiequeen87's Fitzhugh Legacy, where he is the resident psychotic evil genius, and has been forced
to put on an orange dress. The man carries a grudge.
Well, congratulations, Sunny, you're doing well in your Athletic career. You've only got one promotion
and you'll be permaplat. But you don't look happy.
Sunny: I'm not happy. I don't know if Publius will marry me. What if he breaks it off? What if he leaves
me at the altar? I hear that can happen. What if. . .
Geez, you're right, maybe you'd better ask him on a date.
Oh, good, it looks like he's forgotten all about Professor Delusional. Argggh.
Sunny: Best friends?
I don't know, Sunny, it's ironic that you've got about fifteen best friends at least but Publius is kind of
resistent to the idea.
Sunny: Oh, Publi! You do love me, right? Right? Right???
Publius: Um, yeah?
Oh, that's a great idea. Everybody knows guys can't resist clinginess.
Ben, do something! He's from your Legacy!
Ben: What do you expect me to do? I'm just a Townie here like everybody else. And besides, you showed
me heart-farting over Wolf Gal last chapter! Don't think I've forgotten about that one! Just for that, your
simself's kids are the next ones for the chop in Ten Caesars!
I hope not. But hey, it's not my fault your simself has strange taste in girls. Besides, Wolf Gal's not so
bad. After all, I invited her to move in with my family after graduation--how bad can she be?
It's not like she's meaner than some members of my family.
Flavia: So, Daddy, I hear Mt. Vesuvius makes a great spot for a vacation. . . say, what's that over THERE??
Flavius: What?
One of the very, very rare occasions when Flavius has actually noticed that someone is cheating him at
Flavius: Flavia, I am surprised at you.
Flavia: Yeah, uh, whatever, I'm sorry Daddy.
Flavia: Besides, if you're going into politics, you're going to have to get used to this kind of thing.
Flavius: Hmmph.
Minora seems to be more, shall we say, malleable.
Minora: Oooo, cousin Marcellus is hot!
Can you believe it? One Roman teenaged male in the whole town and she brought him home from
school with her. To be fair, he isn't her cousin here, but somebody is taking Daddy's Rome In The Home
thing a bit too seriously.
Minora: Marcellus, there's exactly one boy in town Daddy would approve of, and you happen to be it.
Marcellus: Smeeerp.
Marcellus, I thought you came around the Legacy house looking for hot girls last chapter?
Marcellus: I'm a Pleasure Sim, that'll take too long, no thanks. Say, Minora, has your dad got a lot of fun
party-type stuff around here?
Minora: Sure! He's Popularity!
Marcellus: Deal!
Wolf Gal borrowed Flavius's friends--ample for a career boost, and hit the top of her career in a day,
bringing home . . .Renee? Aka cowforbrains. Alas, I forgot Wolf Gal was Medical and put her in the
Science track by mistake, thus nullifying my entire cunning plan. So Renee's a Mad Scientist in training.
Doesn't it figure? She's Flavius' homicidal auntie in Ten Caesars, but that's hardly her only claim to fame.
She's got more ways of offing Sims in her Legacies than you can imagine.
Renee: So Wolf Gal, you look like my type. I've been a werewolf zombie in Candi's Bachelor Challenge
and believe me, you'll love it, the stalking never stops. And pink rocks, by the way. I've got waaay more
pink going on in my new Girls Love Pink Matriarchy than a feminine personal hygiene ad.
She does. She's also been plagued by plantsims in her Smith Legacy. Good news, Renee, there's no
Seasons here yet.
Flavia: Great Auntie Renee is my role model.
Oh, great, that's terrific--look at those twin scowls. Is that all you want out of life?
Flavia: No. I also want to WooHoo twenty different Sims. I rolled it just to spite you.
Thanks a lot, kid.
Flavius: That is it! Auntie Renee may be one of my trillion best friends, but I heard what you said about
using the baby as werewolf bait last chapter. We are moving out and leaving Wolf Gal here.
"Besides, I want to move someplace more suitable."
You mean . . .more Roman?
"Holy COW, Daddy!"
"Well, that's where a Roman swimming pool should be--in the atrium! I don't know what Maxis was
thinking of!"
Um, Flavius, aren't you afraid the voters might think you're being a little ostentatious?
Um, Flavius?
"Romans invented ostentation."
The word, anyway.
That tears it. You may be Roman, but I'm part Egyptian.
"Really? I always thought you were some kind of barbarian, with the red hair and all."
Yeah, thanks. Mostly Caledonian, but I really am part Egyptian and I demand that there be some part of
this house where the ancient ways of my people are honored, too!
Thank you.
Simself cat: Heh heh. Guess who's really in charge here?
To make matters worse, Flavius couldn't just pick any part of Pleasantview to build his megavilla. No,
he's got to build it right next to the Squeaky Clean Legacy House. So that would be one traditional
Roman villa on the left, one traditional Barbie Dream House on the right. I sense a culture clash coming
Flavius: Hey, whose wedding? Why's it happening at night? How come you didn't show up?
Well, Flavius, it's a wedding, but it's not really a party. Publius has a really bad job schedule where he
gets off work at five. At sixish the ghosts show up, and I'd rather Sunny had no party at all than a bad
one. I could ask Publius to move in, but then he won't get the "married into money" memory, which is
my wedding present to him as a Fortune Sim. But this way, we run the risk that he'll say no. I guess I
couldn't bear watching it in person.
Luckily, everything goes as planned. I wish Sunny had had a real party--she has such a pretty dress; but
that's the way the cookie crumbles and she seems happy enough.
Publius: Hurray! I married into money!
Yes, you did.
Sunny: I wish I'd had a roofraiser wedding.
I do too, Sunny. Don't make me feel guilty about it.
Sunny: That's ok. Daddy still loves me.
Not only your Daddy, I hope!
Remington: Yaaay, Sunny! I'm the most supportive Daddy in the world!
As Daisie Mae strolls out late in her underwear, which she always seems to do at weddings.
Flavius: Yaaay, Sunny! I'm your number one fan!
Delightful: Meh, I'll just wear my old wedding dress to this shindig.
Rhys Fitzhugh: Free cake.
Who invited you?
Sunny, I can hardly see you over that dress. I know we're into big skirts in this house, but you might want
to take that off.
Sunny: Why?
Flavius: I hate Rhys Fitzhugh.
Well, you're certainly not the first Sim to think so. What's he done now? Was he using the bathroom you
wanted to use?
Flavius: . . . yeah.
Publius: My cousin Flavius is a dork.
Well, you're certainly not the first Sim to think so. What's he done now?
Publius: He's still here! I'm getting the honeymoon started right now!
To be fair, you just got married and then raced up here. Where is Flavius, anyway?
Flavius: I was taking a house tour. Can you believe how dumb this house looks? All the pink? And check
out the elevator. No elevators in my house, thank you. They're dangerous!
As the maid found out the other day, fortunately not fatally.
Anyway, Flavius, I think you should say goodbye to your hostess.
Flavius: Goodnight, Daisie Mae! I'll be popping around in the morning to see if the happy couple has
consummated the marriage. Oh, you don't know about that? It's a fine old Roman custom. You measure
the bride's neck with a ribbon, see, and you. . .
Flavius. GO HOME.
You ok, Publius?
Publius: Yeah, I guess, I really did want to marry Sunny and I rolled the want to have a baby right away,
only . . .
Only what?
Publius: Only I'm still kinda bummed out that Professor Delusional cheated on me. Sigh.
His actual memory, folks; that's what was making him so mad, that Sunny "stole" Professor Delusional
from him. Her memory is that Professor Delusional caught her cheating. Note to self: the next drama
professor who comes anywhere near the place will be chased off with steak knives. Well, we've got to do
something to cheer Publius up. His mood is completely flatlined; one bad conversation and he'll go into
This is what happens when a Fortune Sim gets a surprise sports car in the middle of the night--exactly
what it cost. Fair enough, Publius brought in 14,000, I guess it's his own money, plus a handful of skill
points, one friend, nothing in inventory, and no talent badges at all. Nada.
"Why did you wake me up?"
You've got to get an alarm installed, because now you're rolling the fear of having it stolen. You're a little
high-maintenance, you know. Care to tell the readers what career you're in?
"Politics. And no, I don't want to be Mayor. Flavius is a fool; he wants to take over culturally and
politically, bring in a new Golden Age, but that's not the way it works. No, I'm going to take over
economically; that'll make my mark on Pleasantview. That'll be my Golden Age, just like Sunny's golden
You mean. . .?
"Five top level businesses."
You know, I was kind of hoping for that and dreading it at the same time. Go ahead, I'll do my best for
"So, Sunny, I'm still gossiping about Professor Delusional cheating on me! I'm a little obsessed with it,
can you tell?"
"Mmm-hmm. Gimme some of that. Say, baby, I've got a favor to ask you . . ."
Sunny: Now, if you really want to sharpen up your short game, you don't want to putt with an abrupt
jerk. Make it a nice, slow sweep and follow through.
Honey, you're right! Hot damn, I knew marriage would be good for something!
"So, do you think they'll be as lucky as we were?"
"Oh, I don't think so. There couldn't be anybody as lucky as we were."
Very sentimental, but I haven't forgotten the string of boys you cursed me with.
"Shh. We have selective memories."
Yes, but I don't.
Daisie Mae: C'mere, handsome. Grrowl.
I have pressing business elsewhere.
Do you want to know just how square Remington is? He listens entranced to the elevator music and
thinks sappy thoughts about his wife, that's how square he is. He was Squeaky Clean before there even
was a Squeaky Clean. He scares me.
Oh, good, Sunny, you're permaplat. Just in time, because you're about to go on maternity leave.
"Great, because I know just how to use that time!"
"On the phone, of course!"
Two or three phone calls later and Sunny achieves her second LTW of having twenty best friends. This
girl is good. If you're going to be Popularity, be popular. And I only want to kill myself at four pm and six
pm, when the phone rings off the hook for her and Delightful.
Meanwhile, Mr. Fortune here. . .
"I want a chair."
Does it matter what kind?
"A living chair. Preferably expensive."
Will this do?
But it's not red. It's pink. Do you care?
"Why should I care?"
I'll tell you who would care. Your cousin next door, that's who would care. God forbid that anything be
unRoman except for the large screen television, the pool table and the Jacuzzi; somehow those don't
And by the way, I don't remember inviting Gilbert Jacquet to have dinner with our teenaged daughters;
not a good idea.
Gilbert: thinks the same mysterious thought about Flavius everybody always thinks.
Flavia, did you cheat your father at chess again?
Flavia: Oh, nooo.
Good, because I need to borrow him upstairs for a sec.
Here ya go, Mr. Romans-are-patrilineal, after three tries, here's a boy. You take it, cause I'm not done.
Dang it, I hate it when my Simself has twins. She throws up more than any Sim I've ever seen, and if it
weren't for maxmotives, because this isn't a Legacy lot, Flavius would have been a widower at least
twice by now. And I hate it when I die; it really ticks me off.
"Hey, thanks, honey, good job. I'm putting the baby on the floor and walking away now, ok?"
What the heck? Hey, where are you going? Have you got any names for me?
"Gotta work the phone. Name 'em Cassius and Gaius. Good names, those'll be lucky."
After our skanky hideous son in Ten Caesars and the nutcase who's about to be Emperor over there.
Cassius: Daddy's a Popularity Sim?
Yes, he is.
"I'm so clever! I had twins again!"
Yeah? So where are they?
"Oh, handed em off. Gotta go skill some more. I want to Max my skills."
I'm sure we're not the absolute worst Sim parents ever, but we're not winning any prizes.
"Hey, neither of us is Family. We don't even like babies."
Flavia: Why do I have to take care of the little monster?
Because I said so. Hey, welcome, mysterious stranger. I bet my husband wants to meet somebody new.
Publius: I told you Flavius is a fool. And look how fine I am, even my fugly Maxis suit can't hide it. And I
just got promoted.
Flavius won't like it if you become Mayor first.
"No problemo. I'm going to be lucky for you, you'll see."
Don't jinx things! And why do you say that?
"Look at the way Lollipop grew up. Almost pure gold. You'll see. I'll be right about the Golden Age."
Well, somehow we're 50,000 smackers to the good since you came into the family three days ago, and
I'm a terrible player. I never even pull chance cards because I'm so unlucky. I hope to goodness you're
right, Publius. And--wait, who did you bring home from work?
Congresswoman Candi?
"That's right. I'm making sure the Zombie constituency is properly represented."
There's only one zombie family in town.
But Don certainly speaks highly of you.
Don: So hey, incredible, I had a baby, huh? I mean Zombies can't even have babies and I owe it all to
Don't talk to me about babies, Don, I'm not in the mood. Seriously, the next time I looked over I was
arguing with him.
Candi: So, Publius, I hear you're still all obsessed about cheating. But big deal, it happens--it's a fact of
Legacy life. Hey, in my Uglacy, Remington Harris even cheated--with Sandy Bruty, of all people! Seems
pretty unlikely, I know, but even Family Sims can cheat, and I should know--I am one!
Great one, Candi, that's really helpful.
Here's the culprit. Even in Candi's Uglacy, he wasn't bright enough to cheat without getting caught.
Remington: Congratulations on a terrible party, honey!
Well, Candi, it's a funny coincidence you should turn up today, of all days. You see, Delightful wants to
switch careers to Athletic but nothing's come up yet, so she just got another job, the first one that
occurred to her.
Oh, yes, Little Shop of Horrors comes to Squeaky Clean. And we have plans for you, Candi, yes we do.
"Would you like to buy Sweetheart?"
What, you thought I was going to let Candi get eaten? Are you kidding? My simself and her family live
next door. The gate is locked to everybody. It's there just to have and just in case we need it.
Candi: Well, sure, Simoleans burning a hole in my wallet, I guess. Here's 6,000 smackers."
"Would you like to buy Sugarcane?"
"Oh, sure! He looks like a fun cat! Here's 6,000 more!"
Sunny: Hurray! I met somebody new!
Sugarcane: Wait--I was sold?
Yes. I sell all my cats and if I can't, I give them away, because I simply cannot bear to see a pet die. If you
call the pet control people, the Sims will run out to the car and cry and that's sad, too, plus I know what
happens in real life to cats who go to the pound--they don't "all get good homes," and I can't stand it.
Truly skilled cats who have hit the top of their careers bring in an impressive amount of money.
Even with this, it's hard to let Sweetheart and Sugarcane go. But it takes some of the sting out to sell
them to Candi. I know she'll treat them right. Sniff.
Delightful: Money, schmoney, who cares about it--I'm running my new candy machine and I don't care.
I know, you're Romance, but you like what money can buy, don't you?
"Gee, Delightful, you're the best! Thanks a lot!"
You tipped the maid 100 Simoleans? But there's a big pile of trash right behind her!
"The trashier they are, the better I like them."
You really belong in somebody else's Legacy, you know that?
I don't care, though--it's cool to have Delightful around the house, if only because of the stuff she does
on free will.
"Arrr, avast, matey! We be wantin' Ephemeral Toast!"
We be tellin' you that there is no way in Hades you are getting Ephemeral Toast. Her bathtub antics are
strictly for the Cap'n.
"Then we be wantin' you to download Queen Ivy! She'd make a mighty fine bathtub mate, savvy?"
Hmm. I hadn't thought of downloading Ivy. Maybe I'd better have a chat with Purple Bunny.
Ephemeral Toast writes the Apocalypso a Go-Go.
Purple Bunny writes the Piratical Legacy, where Queen Ivy is getting through an impressive number of
concubines, and I bet Delightful wishes she were there right now.
Delightful: Well, in the meantime, there's Cute Blond Chick # Whatever.
Widowhood is treating you well, eh?
Delightful: You're not kidding.
Delightful's allowed to WooHoo anyone she likes as long as it's not at home. This can lead to problems,
of course.
Diva: Aggh! Delightful is cheating on me!
Yeah, yeah, so you went on a date or two in college. Big deal.
Diva: But I am the Diva! Everyone wants me!
Well, Delightful, like Gentlemen, Prefers Blondes. You want the sorry truth? She had negative chemistry
with you. She's just not fussy.
Diva: Well, I'm going to sit over here on something invisible! That'll show her!
Delightful: Ahhh, I'll get around her later.
Which, make no mistake, she's going to try to do. She wants to be best friends. Hah.
Diva: This is completely not happening. I am going to play pinball over here and show her that she hasn't
broken my cold, proud, icy heart.
Well, Delightful, I guess photobooth WooHoo is out of the question tonight. You'd better find someplace
more private.
Publius' new car will do nicely.
Cute Blond Chick # Whatever: Oh, Delightful! Am I the first?
No, you're not.
Flavius: This is completely out of accord with Roman and Squeaky Clean family values.
Are those the same thing? I'm not sure they are.
Minora: See, Mater? I'm an overachiever! I'm at the top of my teen career!
Which would be?
Minora: I'm a criminal!
Yes, she is. Minora is Fortune, which is very Roman, or at least very Ten Caesars, but she rolled the want
to be a Criminal Mastermind just like her Knowledge Sim mommy. Isn't that sweet?
Tertia: Whoopee! I grew up into boring pyjamas!
Yes. Now go and change. Thanks to smoothiequeen for putting me on to that clothing rack hack, by the
way. It's saved me oodles of time.
Mysterious Stranger: Thanks for inviting me in to share this moment.
And you would be who, exactly?
Flavius: That's better, Tertia! Now it's time for the traditional game of Red Hands with Daddy, so I can
get to have a new best friend!
Which usually works, but then I always make him teach them how to talk, too.
"Hurray! I get to meet somebody new!"
Popularity Sims aren't that bad, really, you just have to know how to manage them. Flavius came in with
zero skills because truthfully, I Boolpropped him onto my simself's lot, and he went permaplat a long,
long time ago. As long as he walks out to the mailbox and says hello to everybody, and throws the
occasional party, he's a happy camper.
Mysterious Stranger: So you're running for mayor? And this is ancient Rome? My scientific experiments
have borne fruit once again!
Flavius: Yes, I'm running for mayor and I'm thrilled to meet somebody new, only I forgot who you are.
"Oh, I'm Eddie Buccaneer, from the Piratical Legacy. I thought it would be cool to invent a time machine
and go to ancient Rome! And it worked! And I brought Jack with me!"
Well, it didn't, but that's ok. How come you're dressed differently from everybody else, even all the
other Romans?
"Because I just have to be different."
I'll say. Over there, you're a human/tiger hybrid. Is Jack a fake Roman too?
"No. He said that 'whoever took away his man purse would be sleeping with the fishies,
capisce?' "
I had to explain things to Eddie.
"No, actually, you didn't go back in time, exactly. This is a very odd place. But I thought you might enjoy
seeing this. It's where the great cat gods of Ancient Egypt are worshipped: Bast, and Sekmet, the lion
"Can I be a priest of Sekmet?"
"Why not? It isn't any stranger than anything else that's going on."
Publius: Ooobie-boobie, Lollipop! Who's a cute girl kitty?
Remington: Say, sonny. Would you like to take over the family business?
Publius: Oh, sure. I guess we'd better be friends so I can call you up and force you to work for me and
make you Pass Along those business perks.
Remington: Sounds like a plan!
Not now, guys!
It's zero hour!
Hurray! Meaningless "it's a baby" yelling! I know it's a baby, the question is, what kind of baby?
Oh, Publius. You rock! You're a star! You've done something no one has done for three generations--
pulled out a girl on the first try!
"Sunny helped."
Yeah, that's true.
"But it was mostly me. I'm lucky. You'll see."
I hope you're right, because if you're not, you'll have jinxed us good and proper. I notice you didn't have
"Of course not! I'm no dummy. I want to WooHoo Sunny for the spare!"
Smart guy. Can we have a closer look?
You know, I know zippola about Sim genetics, but even I can see that that baby looks like you. How about
a name?
"Aurora? Vaguely Roman sounding? Name of a ballet character? And it means dawn."
So, Publius, any philosophical thoughts on the miracle that is fatherhood? What's going through your
mind right now?
"I want Lollipop to get a job."
His real thoughts, sadly. But there's more to come, of course. Is Publius going to get his five top
businesses, or am I going to go nuts first? Is he right that he's lucky, or is he courting disaster by saying
so? Is the run of bad luck getting the wrong gender child finally over? What of the cultural clash shaping
up between the Romans and the Squeaky Cleans? And what over 90% of the readership wants to know--
just how cute is that baby? Find out next time, and until then, Happy Simming!
A few credits:
Thank you to Purple Bunny, Smoothiequeen87, Candi, Cowforbrains, and especially to Blite27 for letting
me hijack their characters and simselves.
A lot of scary pink stuff, courtesy of WriterTina.
From ModtheSims2--custom Roman floors, etc. by rmschoon, Roman clothing and hair by alexasrosa and
Hysterical Paroxysm, Publius' hair by Seomi, and to anyone I've left out by mistake, thank you too.

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The Squeaky Clean Legacy, Chapter 6.1: The Golden Age, Part One

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  • 2. When we last left our Squeaky Clean Legacy, our third generation heiress, the Popularity Sim Sunny Goodytwoshoes, was about to graduate from Sim State summa cum laude. Here she is with her father, Remington Harris-Goodytwoshoes— Remington: Congratulations, honey. I'm so proud of you. Proud because she's taking on a formidable challenge. To be Squeaky Clean means just that: no pre or extramarital WooHoo, Try For Baby only, producing an heiress and a sparess (because only girls can inherit), keeping up the family toy business, raising cats, and as much pathological cuteness as you can muster. Sunny became heiress after a landslide election on, and she comes from a family of ten children--four boys and six girls. Let's have a brief look at the girls who didn't win the booby prize. We'll check in with the boys next time.
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  • 5. Wolf Gal, a Knowledge Sim, was never a serious contender. She plans to become a doctor and to be a werewolf on the side. Her dream is to marry her fiance Derek the Paperboy and raise puppies. She maxed her skills in college and graduated at the same time as Sunny, with no fuss and bother, but achieving her career goals might be tough because outside of family, she doesn't have many friends. I wonder why?
  • 6. The two youngest girls are still at college. Charity, also a Knowledge Sim, has rejected her sister's carnivorous ways and hopes to marry a llama. She's holding down the family sorority, along with--
  • 7. Grace, a Romance Sim, here shown with her teacher Professor Skanque. Grace: Charity, don't you have somewhere to be right now?
  • 8. Wolf Gal: All riiiight! Sunny's fiance Publius Numantius Scipio also came to the graduation. Everyone's very relieved because there was an unfortunate incident with Grace's drama professor, Professor Delusional, of which Sunny was entirely innocent. Never mind, he's forgotten all about that . .
  • 9. Or has he? Publius, look behind you. See that little fenced-yard with the cowplant? Her tombstone's in there. That's how annoyed I was. You can forget about it now. Publius is a guest appearing courtesy of Blite27's Ten Caesars Legacy. It's no big secret that it's my favorite and a few of the characters from there have sneaked over here, finding it less stressful, i.e. a bit less incest and murder.
  • 10. That's my simself trying to talk sense into him. Publius, honest to gosh, Sunny never ever cheated on you. Never ever ever. She's as wholesome and Squeaky Clean as they come. Publius: Yeah. . . so I see my idiot cousin talked you into wearing Roman clothes now. Umm--going to change out of them as soon as I get home.
  • 11. Publius' cousin is my simself's husband, the pratfall-prone Flavius Marius. Aware that he didn't stand the chance of a pork chop in front of a German shepherd in the kill-happy world Ben's got in Ten Caesars, he came over as a refugee. Now, however, he seems to have forgotten all about how scary life was there and is determined to impose Romanosity on an unsuspecting Pleasantview. He's running for mayor--hence the white toga designating him as a candidate-- but in the meantime is insisting on as much Rome In The Home as possible, which is why our daughter Flavia is wearing Roman clothing.
  • 12. So's her twin sister, Minora. Minora: I get it! Daddy wants us to be as Roman as possible! Well, I'll certainly try. Be careful, you hear?
  • 13. And their younger sister, Tertia. Flavius: C'mon, kid, say "paterfamilias." It's been a running gag for three chapters now. Tertia: Don' wanna pattafamillias! Wanna matwiaky! Oh, dear. Rebellious children. It was bound to happen, since Flavius is very insistent that Romans are patrilineal and demands that his heir, unlike the Squeaky Clean heir, is going to be a boy, gosh darn it. Unfortunately, my Simming luck is notoriously bad, since I seem to have runs of boys at the Legacy House and girls--mostly twin girls--everywhere else. But Sunny and Publius are going to break that string of bad luck--if they ever get married, that is.
  • 14. Sunny moved back to the gooey pink house in Pleasantview, which has recently received a remodel. In it lives her widowed sister Delightful, her cats Sweetheart and Sugarcane. . .
  • 15. Her parents Daisie Mae Goodytwoshoes and Remington Harris-Goodytwoshoes. . . hey, guys, could you please get into one of the numerous hideously pink rooms around here? "Can't help it, we're still in love." This was a late development. Owing to my lousy Simming skills, Daisie Mae and Remington had a tepid one-bolt marriage for a long time. Now, however, in elderhood, they've got three bolts and chase each other around the house smooching. I'm sure it doesn't hurt that Daisie Mae can no longer Try For Baby.
  • 16. Finally, there's the fourth generation Petacy heiress, Lollipop. She'll have to get a job, learn all the pet commands, and produce kittens before she's finished.
  • 17. Some very odd people are starting to move into town and nobody knows where they're coming from. Rhys Fitzhugh: That's interesting, Mrs. Goodytwoshoes. Your daughter Sunny graduated with honors? Well, I graduated with honors, too. Oh, Rhys, you're such a liar. Not in this game, you didn't! Rhys is peeved because he's been yanked from smoothiequeen87's Fitzhugh Legacy, where he is the resident psychotic evil genius, and has been forced to put on an orange dress. The man carries a grudge.
  • 18. Well, congratulations, Sunny, you're doing well in your Athletic career. You've only got one promotion and you'll be permaplat. But you don't look happy. Sunny: I'm not happy. I don't know if Publius will marry me. What if he breaks it off? What if he leaves me at the altar? I hear that can happen. What if. . . Geez, you're right, maybe you'd better ask him on a date.
  • 19. Oh, good, it looks like he's forgotten all about Professor Delusional. Argggh. Sunny: Best friends? I don't know, Sunny, it's ironic that you've got about fifteen best friends at least but Publius is kind of resistent to the idea.
  • 20. Sunny: Oh, Publi! You do love me, right? Right? Right??? Publius: Um, yeah? Oh, that's a great idea. Everybody knows guys can't resist clinginess.
  • 21. Ben, do something! He's from your Legacy! Ben: What do you expect me to do? I'm just a Townie here like everybody else. And besides, you showed me heart-farting over Wolf Gal last chapter! Don't think I've forgotten about that one! Just for that, your simself's kids are the next ones for the chop in Ten Caesars! I hope not. But hey, it's not my fault your simself has strange taste in girls. Besides, Wolf Gal's not so bad. After all, I invited her to move in with my family after graduation--how bad can she be?
  • 22. It's not like she's meaner than some members of my family. Flavia: So, Daddy, I hear Mt. Vesuvius makes a great spot for a vacation. . . say, what's that over THERE?? Flavius: What?
  • 23. One of the very, very rare occasions when Flavius has actually noticed that someone is cheating him at chess. Flavius: Flavia, I am surprised at you. Flavia: Yeah, uh, whatever, I'm sorry Daddy.
  • 24. Flavia: Besides, if you're going into politics, you're going to have to get used to this kind of thing. Flavius: Hmmph.
  • 25. Minora seems to be more, shall we say, malleable. Minora: Oooo, cousin Marcellus is hot! Can you believe it? One Roman teenaged male in the whole town and she brought him home from school with her. To be fair, he isn't her cousin here, but somebody is taking Daddy's Rome In The Home thing a bit too seriously.
  • 26. Minora: Marcellus, there's exactly one boy in town Daddy would approve of, and you happen to be it. Marcellus: Smeeerp. Marcellus, I thought you came around the Legacy house looking for hot girls last chapter? Marcellus: I'm a Pleasure Sim, that'll take too long, no thanks. Say, Minora, has your dad got a lot of fun party-type stuff around here? Minora: Sure! He's Popularity! Marcellus: Deal!
  • 27. Wolf Gal borrowed Flavius's friends--ample for a career boost, and hit the top of her career in a day, bringing home . . .Renee? Aka cowforbrains. Alas, I forgot Wolf Gal was Medical and put her in the Science track by mistake, thus nullifying my entire cunning plan. So Renee's a Mad Scientist in training. Doesn't it figure? She's Flavius' homicidal auntie in Ten Caesars, but that's hardly her only claim to fame. She's got more ways of offing Sims in her Legacies than you can imagine.
  • 28. Renee: So Wolf Gal, you look like my type. I've been a werewolf zombie in Candi's Bachelor Challenge and believe me, you'll love it, the stalking never stops. And pink rocks, by the way. I've got waaay more pink going on in my new Girls Love Pink Matriarchy than a feminine personal hygiene ad. She does. She's also been plagued by plantsims in her Smith Legacy. Good news, Renee, there's no Seasons here yet.
  • 29. Flavia: Great Auntie Renee is my role model. Oh, great, that's terrific--look at those twin scowls. Is that all you want out of life? Flavia: No. I also want to WooHoo twenty different Sims. I rolled it just to spite you. Thanks a lot, kid. Flavius: That is it! Auntie Renee may be one of my trillion best friends, but I heard what you said about using the baby as werewolf bait last chapter. We are moving out and leaving Wolf Gal here.
  • 30. "Besides, I want to move someplace more suitable." You mean . . .more Roman? "Precisely."
  • 31. "Holy COW, Daddy!" "Well, that's where a Roman swimming pool should be--in the atrium! I don't know what Maxis was thinking of!"
  • 32. Um, Flavius, aren't you afraid the voters might think you're being a little ostentatious?
  • 33. Um, Flavius? "Romans invented ostentation." The word, anyway.
  • 34. That tears it. You may be Roman, but I'm part Egyptian. "Really? I always thought you were some kind of barbarian, with the red hair and all." Yeah, thanks. Mostly Caledonian, but I really am part Egyptian and I demand that there be some part of this house where the ancient ways of my people are honored, too! ____ Scots
  • 36. Simself cat: Heh heh. Guess who's really in charge here?
  • 37. To make matters worse, Flavius couldn't just pick any part of Pleasantview to build his megavilla. No, he's got to build it right next to the Squeaky Clean Legacy House. So that would be one traditional Roman villa on the left, one traditional Barbie Dream House on the right. I sense a culture clash coming up.
  • 38. Flavius: Hey, whose wedding? Why's it happening at night? How come you didn't show up? Well, Flavius, it's a wedding, but it's not really a party. Publius has a really bad job schedule where he gets off work at five. At sixish the ghosts show up, and I'd rather Sunny had no party at all than a bad one. I could ask Publius to move in, but then he won't get the "married into money" memory, which is my wedding present to him as a Fortune Sim. But this way, we run the risk that he'll say no. I guess I couldn't bear watching it in person.
  • 39. Luckily, everything goes as planned. I wish Sunny had had a real party--she has such a pretty dress; but that's the way the cookie crumbles and she seems happy enough.
  • 40. Publius: Hurray! I married into money! Yes, you did.
  • 41. Sunny: I wish I'd had a roofraiser wedding. I do too, Sunny. Don't make me feel guilty about it. Sunny: That's ok. Daddy still loves me. Not only your Daddy, I hope!
  • 42. Remington: Yaaay, Sunny! I'm the most supportive Daddy in the world! As Daisie Mae strolls out late in her underwear, which she always seems to do at weddings.
  • 43. Flavius: Yaaay, Sunny! I'm your number one fan! Delightful: Meh, I'll just wear my old wedding dress to this shindig. Rhys Fitzhugh: Free cake. Who invited you?
  • 44. Sunny, I can hardly see you over that dress. I know we're into big skirts in this house, but you might want to take that off. Sunny: Why?
  • 45. Flavius: I hate Rhys Fitzhugh. Well, you're certainly not the first Sim to think so. What's he done now? Was he using the bathroom you wanted to use? Flavius: . . . yeah.
  • 46. Publius: My cousin Flavius is a dork. Well, you're certainly not the first Sim to think so. What's he done now? Publius: He's still here! I'm getting the honeymoon started right now! To be fair, you just got married and then raced up here. Where is Flavius, anyway?
  • 47. Flavius: I was taking a house tour. Can you believe how dumb this house looks? All the pink? And check out the elevator. No elevators in my house, thank you. They're dangerous!
  • 48. As the maid found out the other day, fortunately not fatally.
  • 49. Anyway, Flavius, I think you should say goodbye to your hostess. Flavius: Goodnight, Daisie Mae! I'll be popping around in the morning to see if the happy couple has consummated the marriage. Oh, you don't know about that? It's a fine old Roman custom. You measure the bride's neck with a ribbon, see, and you. . . Flavius. GO HOME.
  • 50. You ok, Publius? Publius: Yeah, I guess, I really did want to marry Sunny and I rolled the want to have a baby right away, only . . . Only what? Publius: Only I'm still kinda bummed out that Professor Delusional cheated on me. Sigh. His actual memory, folks; that's what was making him so mad, that Sunny "stole" Professor Delusional from him. Her memory is that Professor Delusional caught her cheating. Note to self: the next drama professor who comes anywhere near the place will be chased off with steak knives. Well, we've got to do something to cheer Publius up. His mood is completely flatlined; one bad conversation and he'll go into failure.
  • 51. This is what happens when a Fortune Sim gets a surprise sports car in the middle of the night--exactly what it cost. Fair enough, Publius brought in 14,000, I guess it's his own money, plus a handful of skill points, one friend, nothing in inventory, and no talent badges at all. Nada.
  • 52. "Why did you wake me up?" You've got to get an alarm installed, because now you're rolling the fear of having it stolen. You're a little high-maintenance, you know. Care to tell the readers what career you're in? "Politics. And no, I don't want to be Mayor. Flavius is a fool; he wants to take over culturally and politically, bring in a new Golden Age, but that's not the way it works. No, I'm going to take over economically; that'll make my mark on Pleasantview. That'll be my Golden Age, just like Sunny's golden hair." You mean. . .? "Five top level businesses." You know, I was kind of hoping for that and dreading it at the same time. Go ahead, I'll do my best for
  • 53. "So, Sunny, I'm still gossiping about Professor Delusional cheating on me! I'm a little obsessed with it, can you tell?"
  • 54. "Mmm-hmm. Gimme some of that. Say, baby, I've got a favor to ask you . . ."
  • 55. Sunny: Now, if you really want to sharpen up your short game, you don't want to putt with an abrupt jerk. Make it a nice, slow sweep and follow through.
  • 56. Honey, you're right! Hot damn, I knew marriage would be good for something!
  • 57. "So, do you think they'll be as lucky as we were?" "Oh, I don't think so. There couldn't be anybody as lucky as we were." Very sentimental, but I haven't forgotten the string of boys you cursed me with. "Shh. We have selective memories." Yes, but I don't.
  • 58. Daisie Mae: C'mere, handsome. Grrowl. I have pressing business elsewhere.
  • 59. Do you want to know just how square Remington is? He listens entranced to the elevator music and thinks sappy thoughts about his wife, that's how square he is. He was Squeaky Clean before there even was a Squeaky Clean. He scares me.
  • 60. Oh, good, Sunny, you're permaplat. Just in time, because you're about to go on maternity leave. "Great, because I know just how to use that time!"
  • 61. "On the phone, of course!" Two or three phone calls later and Sunny achieves her second LTW of having twenty best friends. This girl is good. If you're going to be Popularity, be popular. And I only want to kill myself at four pm and six pm, when the phone rings off the hook for her and Delightful.
  • 62. Meanwhile, Mr. Fortune here. . . "I want a chair." Does it matter what kind? "A living chair. Preferably expensive."
  • 63. Will this do? "Awesome." But it's not red. It's pink. Do you care? "Why should I care?"
  • 64. I'll tell you who would care. Your cousin next door, that's who would care. God forbid that anything be unRoman except for the large screen television, the pool table and the Jacuzzi; somehow those don't count. And by the way, I don't remember inviting Gilbert Jacquet to have dinner with our teenaged daughters; not a good idea. Gilbert: thinks the same mysterious thought about Flavius everybody always thinks.
  • 65. Flavia, did you cheat your father at chess again? Flavia: Oh, nooo. Good, because I need to borrow him upstairs for a sec.
  • 66. Here ya go, Mr. Romans-are-patrilineal, after three tries, here's a boy. You take it, cause I'm not done. Dang it, I hate it when my Simself has twins. She throws up more than any Sim I've ever seen, and if it weren't for maxmotives, because this isn't a Legacy lot, Flavius would have been a widower at least twice by now. And I hate it when I die; it really ticks me off.
  • 67. "Hey, thanks, honey, good job. I'm putting the baby on the floor and walking away now, ok?" What the heck? Hey, where are you going? Have you got any names for me?
  • 68. "Gotta work the phone. Name 'em Cassius and Gaius. Good names, those'll be lucky." After our skanky hideous son in Ten Caesars and the nutcase who's about to be Emperor over there. Grrreat. Cassius: Daddy's a Popularity Sim? Yes, he is.
  • 69. "I'm so clever! I had twins again!" Yeah? So where are they? "Oh, handed em off. Gotta go skill some more. I want to Max my skills." I'm sure we're not the absolute worst Sim parents ever, but we're not winning any prizes. "Hey, neither of us is Family. We don't even like babies."
  • 70. Flavia: Why do I have to take care of the little monster? Because I said so. Hey, welcome, mysterious stranger. I bet my husband wants to meet somebody new.
  • 71. Publius: I told you Flavius is a fool. And look how fine I am, even my fugly Maxis suit can't hide it. And I just got promoted. Flavius won't like it if you become Mayor first. "No problemo. I'm going to be lucky for you, you'll see." Don't jinx things! And why do you say that?
  • 72. "Look at the way Lollipop grew up. Almost pure gold. You'll see. I'll be right about the Golden Age." Well, somehow we're 50,000 smackers to the good since you came into the family three days ago, and I'm a terrible player. I never even pull chance cards because I'm so unlucky. I hope to goodness you're right, Publius. And--wait, who did you bring home from work?
  • 73. Congresswoman Candi? "That's right. I'm making sure the Zombie constituency is properly represented." There's only one zombie family in town.
  • 74. But Don certainly speaks highly of you. Don: So hey, incredible, I had a baby, huh? I mean Zombies can't even have babies and I owe it all to Candi. Don't talk to me about babies, Don, I'm not in the mood. Seriously, the next time I looked over I was arguing with him.
  • 75. Candi: So, Publius, I hear you're still all obsessed about cheating. But big deal, it happens--it's a fact of Legacy life. Hey, in my Uglacy, Remington Harris even cheated--with Sandy Bruty, of all people! Seems pretty unlikely, I know, but even Family Sims can cheat, and I should know--I am one! Great one, Candi, that's really helpful.
  • 76. Here's the culprit. Even in Candi's Uglacy, he wasn't bright enough to cheat without getting caught. Remington: Congratulations on a terrible party, honey!
  • 77. Well, Candi, it's a funny coincidence you should turn up today, of all days. You see, Delightful wants to switch careers to Athletic but nothing's come up yet, so she just got another job, the first one that occurred to her.
  • 78. Oh, yes, Little Shop of Horrors comes to Squeaky Clean. And we have plans for you, Candi, yes we do.
  • 79. "Would you like to buy Sweetheart?" What, you thought I was going to let Candi get eaten? Are you kidding? My simself and her family live next door. The gate is locked to everybody. It's there just to have and just in case we need it.
  • 80. Candi: Well, sure, Simoleans burning a hole in my wallet, I guess. Here's 6,000 smackers." Kaching!
  • 81. "Would you like to buy Sugarcane?"
  • 82. "Oh, sure! He looks like a fun cat! Here's 6,000 more!" Kaching. Sunny: Hurray! I met somebody new! Sugarcane: Wait--I was sold? Yes. I sell all my cats and if I can't, I give them away, because I simply cannot bear to see a pet die. If you call the pet control people, the Sims will run out to the car and cry and that's sad, too, plus I know what happens in real life to cats who go to the pound--they don't "all get good homes," and I can't stand it. Truly skilled cats who have hit the top of their careers bring in an impressive amount of money. Even with this, it's hard to let Sweetheart and Sugarcane go. But it takes some of the sting out to sell them to Candi. I know she'll treat them right. Sniff.
  • 83. Delightful: Money, schmoney, who cares about it--I'm running my new candy machine and I don't care. I know, you're Romance, but you like what money can buy, don't you?
  • 84. "Gee, Delightful, you're the best! Thanks a lot!" You tipped the maid 100 Simoleans? But there's a big pile of trash right behind her! "The trashier they are, the better I like them." You really belong in somebody else's Legacy, you know that?
  • 85. I don't care, though--it's cool to have Delightful around the house, if only because of the stuff she does on free will. "Whoopie!"
  • 86. "Arrr, avast, matey! We be wantin' Ephemeral Toast!" We be tellin' you that there is no way in Hades you are getting Ephemeral Toast. Her bathtub antics are strictly for the Cap'n. "Then we be wantin' you to download Queen Ivy! She'd make a mighty fine bathtub mate, savvy?" Hmm. I hadn't thought of downloading Ivy. Maybe I'd better have a chat with Purple Bunny. ____ Ephemeral Toast writes the Apocalypso a Go-Go. Purple Bunny writes the Piratical Legacy, where Queen Ivy is getting through an impressive number of concubines, and I bet Delightful wishes she were there right now.
  • 87. Delightful: Well, in the meantime, there's Cute Blond Chick # Whatever. Widowhood is treating you well, eh? Delightful: You're not kidding. Delightful's allowed to WooHoo anyone she likes as long as it's not at home. This can lead to problems, of course.
  • 88. Diva: Aggh! Delightful is cheating on me! Yeah, yeah, so you went on a date or two in college. Big deal. Diva: But I am the Diva! Everyone wants me! Well, Delightful, like Gentlemen, Prefers Blondes. You want the sorry truth? She had negative chemistry with you. She's just not fussy.
  • 89. Diva: Well, I'm going to sit over here on something invisible! That'll show her! Delightful: Ahhh, I'll get around her later. Which, make no mistake, she's going to try to do. She wants to be best friends. Hah.
  • 90. Diva: This is completely not happening. I am going to play pinball over here and show her that she hasn't broken my cold, proud, icy heart. Well, Delightful, I guess photobooth WooHoo is out of the question tonight. You'd better find someplace more private.
  • 91. Publius' new car will do nicely. Cute Blond Chick # Whatever: Oh, Delightful! Am I the first? No, you're not.
  • 92. Flavius: This is completely out of accord with Roman and Squeaky Clean family values. Are those the same thing? I'm not sure they are.
  • 93. Minora: See, Mater? I'm an overachiever! I'm at the top of my teen career! Which would be? Minora: I'm a criminal! Yes, she is. Minora is Fortune, which is very Roman, or at least very Ten Caesars, but she rolled the want to be a Criminal Mastermind just like her Knowledge Sim mommy. Isn't that sweet?
  • 94. Tertia: Whoopee! I grew up into boring pyjamas! Yes. Now go and change. Thanks to smoothiequeen for putting me on to that clothing rack hack, by the way. It's saved me oodles of time. Mysterious Stranger: Thanks for inviting me in to share this moment. And you would be who, exactly?
  • 95. Flavius: That's better, Tertia! Now it's time for the traditional game of Red Hands with Daddy, so I can get to have a new best friend! Which usually works, but then I always make him teach them how to talk, too.
  • 96. "Hurray! I get to meet somebody new!" Popularity Sims aren't that bad, really, you just have to know how to manage them. Flavius came in with zero skills because truthfully, I Boolpropped him onto my simself's lot, and he went permaplat a long, long time ago. As long as he walks out to the mailbox and says hello to everybody, and throws the occasional party, he's a happy camper. Mysterious Stranger: So you're running for mayor? And this is ancient Rome? My scientific experiments have borne fruit once again!
  • 97. Flavius: Yes, I'm running for mayor and I'm thrilled to meet somebody new, only I forgot who you are. "Oh, I'm Eddie Buccaneer, from the Piratical Legacy. I thought it would be cool to invent a time machine and go to ancient Rome! And it worked! And I brought Jack with me!" Well, it didn't, but that's ok. How come you're dressed differently from everybody else, even all the other Romans? "Because I just have to be different." I'll say. Over there, you're a human/tiger hybrid. Is Jack a fake Roman too? "No. He said that 'whoever took away his man purse would be sleeping with the fishies, capisce?' "
  • 98. I had to explain things to Eddie. "No, actually, you didn't go back in time, exactly. This is a very odd place. But I thought you might enjoy seeing this. It's where the great cat gods of Ancient Egypt are worshipped: Bast, and Sekmet, the lion goddess." "Can I be a priest of Sekmet?" "Why not? It isn't any stranger than anything else that's going on."
  • 99. Publius: Ooobie-boobie, Lollipop! Who's a cute girl kitty? Remington: Say, sonny. Would you like to take over the family business? Publius: Oh, sure. I guess we'd better be friends so I can call you up and force you to work for me and make you Pass Along those business perks. Remington: Sounds like a plan! Not now, guys!
  • 101. Hurray! Meaningless "it's a baby" yelling! I know it's a baby, the question is, what kind of baby?
  • 102. Oh, Publius. You rock! You're a star! You've done something no one has done for three generations-- pulled out a girl on the first try! "Sunny helped." Yeah, that's true. "But it was mostly me. I'm lucky. You'll see." I hope you're right, because if you're not, you'll have jinxed us good and proper. I notice you didn't have twins. "Of course not! I'm no dummy. I want to WooHoo Sunny for the spare!" Smart guy. Can we have a closer look?
  • 103. You know, I know zippola about Sim genetics, but even I can see that that baby looks like you. How about a name? "Aurora? Vaguely Roman sounding? Name of a ballet character? And it means dawn."
  • 104. So, Publius, any philosophical thoughts on the miracle that is fatherhood? What's going through your mind right now? "I want Lollipop to get a job." His real thoughts, sadly. But there's more to come, of course. Is Publius going to get his five top businesses, or am I going to go nuts first? Is he right that he's lucky, or is he courting disaster by saying so? Is the run of bad luck getting the wrong gender child finally over? What of the cultural clash shaping up between the Romans and the Squeaky Cleans? And what over 90% of the readership wants to know-- just how cute is that baby? Find out next time, and until then, Happy Simming!
  • 105. A few credits: Thank you to Purple Bunny, Smoothiequeen87, Candi, Cowforbrains, and especially to Blite27 for letting me hijack their characters and simselves. A lot of scary pink stuff, courtesy of WriterTina. From ModtheSims2--custom Roman floors, etc. by rmschoon, Roman clothing and hair by alexasrosa and Hysterical Paroxysm, Publius' hair by Seomi, and to anyone I've left out by mistake, thank you too.

Editor's Notes

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