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The Squeaky Clean Legacy
By Professor Butters
Chapter 5.2: Goodygirls, the
When we last left you with our Squeaky Clean Legacy, we had four girls to choose from, and
only one can be heiress. Some might think of that as a booby prize, since there's so much to do
at the Legacy House and so little reward--only Try For Baby, and the heiress has to try and try
and try for baby until she has an heiress and a sparess. Plus she can never WooHoo anyone
else and she has to live in a house so pink it would rot your teeth to look at it.
This chapter being hosted by Where The Boys Are, the house for spare Goodytwoshoes boys.
Eventually it will be a frat, but right now, it's just a house. And not a spot of pink. Rests the eyes,
doesn't it?
Living in the house are Ralph Goodytwoshoes, a Knowledge Sim; Earthquake Goodytwoshoes,
a Family Sim who wants six grandchildren; and Derek the paperboy, another Knowledge Sim,
who got sent to college by special request.
Our heiress candidates are. . .
Moonbeam, a Pleasure Sim who wants fifty first dates. How can you do that and keep it
Squeaky Clean, Moonbeam?
"Your problem! Oh-oh, girls just wanna have fu-un!"
Delightful, a Romance Sim who wants to be a Celebrity Chef. She's looking uncharacteristically
hardworking here and hopes she won't win the heir poll.
Sunny, a Popularity Sim who wants to be a Hall of Famer. She's a big Daddy's Girl, Daddy
being the former Remington Harris.
"I promise that if I'm chosen, I'll make sure things stay really squeaky clean! Honor bright!"
You even *talk* like the maid's daughter.
And Wolf Gal, a Knowledge Sim who wants to be Chief of Staff and a werewolf on the side.
Well, the girls all took their responsibilities seriously. No one knows who's going to win the heir
poll right now. So they all ought to buckle down in college, and pick out future spouses while
they're at it.
Wolf Gal's done. She picked Derek out when he dropped off the paper and they've been
together ever since. He totally supports her in her goal of being a werewolf and they plan to
raise puppies. No word yet on how the Legacy cats will take this.
Wolf Gal, you are the fattest Goodytwoshoes girl I've ever seen.
"Derek loves my huge butt."
Seriously? Gosh--it must be true love.
Sunny has been seeing Publius Numantius from Blite27's Ten Caesars Legacy. He's a Fortune
Sim and they seem to be getting along well.
Here they are on their first date.
Sunny: So what was it like in ancient Rome?
Publius: No large screen TVs, but I miss the roads.
One date, and he is completely smitten with her. In fact, he felt the need to tell somebody about
it right away.
Publius: Professor Butters, I mean, Marius, I just wanted to say how utterly totally grateful I am
to you for fixing me up with Sunny. Can I tell you about how perfect she is?
Sim Me: Can't this wait?
Moonbeam's got several options.
Moonbeam: Oooo! I am totally in love with Greg!
Romance Sim, bad pick.
Moonbeam: Ooo! I am totally in love with Wyatt! Hi, mom!
Knowledge Sim, like my Simself--hard to do that to him.
Moonbeam: Ooo, I am totally in love with Kent!
Another Romance Sim. Can you tell she has a thing for blond men?
Moonbeam: Ooo, I am totally in love with--wait. I'm not in love with *him.*
Shudder. Good. Actually, Dominic's not bad-looking out of the llama costume.
Delightful has a problem. Not that she doesn't have admirers--girls go for her in a big way. . .
And she goes for them right back. But since this Legacy is partially sponsored by fifties
television shows, she'd have to marry a man. And there have been problems with her getting
caught cheating before.
But there won't be any more intruders since Sunny brought Uncle Mortimer's new gizmo with
her to college.
This is one of the happiest things that ever happened in this Legacy.
So the girls are all going to have to get engaged, just in case, and the first one to get engaged
is. . .
Delightful? You're proposing to Professor Popularity? The jealous moron who said you were fat?
Delightful: You'll notice I didn't get out of my pyjamas to do this.
Aww, matching red and blue rings--what a pretty combination.
Delightful: I *love* Professor Popularity. He's made me work harder for his affection than any girl
I've ever dated.
Delightful: What? WooHoo is WooHoo and I won't have any idea what it's like *until this heir poll
is over!*
Delightful, couldn't you have picked a nicer man?
Delightful: I wouldn't want to *do* this to a nicer man.
Professor Popularity: Ah hah hah, Mr. Big's a crummy dancer! What an idiot!
Ephemeral Toast: Ah hah hah, you just got engaged to a lesbian Romance Sim! What an idiot!
And in case there's any doubts about Delightful's sexuality, I had her scope the room . . .
Delightful: Toasty is *hot*!
Toast, I promise. I'll make her leave you alone. You're in enough trouble with the Cap'n already.
Flavius Marius, my simself's husband, also from the Ten Caesars, discussing the election
Flavius: So I think the heiress ought to be the girl who's going to marry the Roman guy! Not to
mention he's my cousin! I mean, c'mon, where's a little nepotism when you need it?
I can't cook the polls, Flavius.
Flavius: Sure you can! I mean, heck, what kind of goddess are *you*?
Just for that, I'm going to make you babysit the kids. Flavia and Minora, twin girls. No
cheesecake involved. Why couldn't they get this kind of "luck" over at the Legacy house?
Flavius sulks a good deal about the workload because it cuts into valuable best friend-making
time--did I mention he's Popularity?-- but then he realized he could make best friends with his
own children.
I'm too busy watching over Earthquake's first date. I won't play him after college, but I do want
him to be happy, and he's the only one who really, really wants to get married.
There's been some uppity kinds of chatter about how Squeaky Clean my simself really is.
Uh, ma'am? Ma'am? Excuse me? Is that Try For Baby? You know, if it isn't Try For Baby every
single time, it isn't really Squeaky Clean.
Are you a reporter? Does this look like a business? None of your beeswax! Go away!
Where The Boys Are makes a good host. It's attractive, and nothing ever happens there.
Derek: What are you talking about? Ralph and I are having a spiffy time doing our Physics
research! Then we'll play a little chess!
Like I said.
Now that they got past their first semester and have some money, life is better. They hired a
maid, which they needed. They're all big slobs.
Moonbeam continues to look for a husband, just in case.
Moonbeam: Ooo, I'm so totally in love with Orlando!
Moonbeam: Thanks for the dream date, secret society pal. Would you like to join the sorority?
Great! Now write my term paper.
These guys never seem to notice that there are no guys living here, or even that all the girls
living here are sisters.
Who's this? As if we didn't know. The question is, who's he coming for?
Delightful: You know, I would enjoy this *so* much more if you were a chick.
Delightful: Oh, wow, Secret Society, whoopee. Well, I'll pick up that cleaning gun--that was the
one career reward Moonbeam forgot to "borrow." Wolf Gal will like that--it'll help her with her
medical career.
Aren't you going to stick around?
Delightful: Are you kidding? Uncle Mortimer tells me it's full of dirty dishes and the toilet's always
plugged up!
Professor Popularity was waiting for her when she got back at 2 AM. This picture says
everything you need to know about their weird relationship.
"I can really paint, you know. I'm painting Wolf Gal's portrait. I'm actually really *good* at art."
You look so subdued in your Secret Society blazer. I don't like to see you so subdued. It makes
me sad.
"I haven't had a single date since I got engaged."
That makes me sadder. At least go change your clothes.
Delightful, you're rolling the want to WooHoo Professor Popularity now? I thought you were--
"Woman-identified? Yeah, I am. But I just really really really want to WooHoo."
Do you know how hard it is to get a dream date out of a couple who've dated a lot and are
engaged and can't WooHoo?
Wolf Gal: Somebody has been Influenced to write two term papers in a row.
Yep. You're the only one who writes her own.
Meanwhile, Sunny works on her putting.
"It's for if I become a Hall of Famer."
If? Sunny, you've always been an athlete. You'd be perfect at it!
"You don't play spares much, do you?"
Sunny, you just got a 4.0. You're doing so well. Why do you look so sad?
"Because I'm afraid I'll lose the heir poll."
Don't you want to go and live with Publius in a beautiful Roman villa, instead of that hideous
pink house?
"I was born in that hideous pink house. My cats Sugarcane and Sweetheart live there, and I
want to be there when Sugarcane's kittens are born. My sisters still live there. And I'd miss my
Daddy! I wanted to help him with the toystore. Why do I have to choose between Publi and my
family? Why can't I love them all?"
Wolf Gal: I maxed Logic and I'm still a freshman. Can I go and get engaged to Derek now?
Soon, sweetie, soon. It's in his want panel too. Don't worry.
Delightful: So, Professor Popularity, I don't have the *first clue* about art! *Please* share your
brilliant insights with me!
I'm beginning to think that Maxis intentionally made it harder to get grades the easy way than
getting grades the hard way.
Sunny: Hi there, new secret society pal! Would you like to join a sorority and write my term
Sunny kills three birds with one stone and gets a massive aspiration boost.
Sunny: What is this place?
Oh, you know. It's the secret society. There's nothing here that you haven't got at home, except
for the cowplant. Go talk to someone you don't know for the aspiration points.
Back at the Legacy House, there's a new cat, and Toasty's the first to welcome her. Meet Baby,
Sugarcane's new mate *if* he accepts her. She's an Ocicat, and she's named after the leopard
in *Bringing Up Baby*, of course.
Wolf Gal and Derek go on a date in the park. This is going to be an important one. You'll notice
my simself in the background?
"Oh, Derek, please marry me and raise little were-puppies with me!"
"Gasssp! It's my dream come true!"
Sniff. Awww. Can't help it, I like these two.
Sunny invited Publius over. At first--not shown--everyone got hung up at the bar until I got mad
and put it in inventory. That over, Publius and Sunny--well, yes.
Is it odd that she fell in love with him the second she offered him a makeover?
"Oh, honey, I love it! You made me look exactly the same!"
Alas, Publius' custom hair didn't show up as an option. I'll have to check into that. Pointless
makeover complete, the date is on.
"Oh, Publius, please marry me! You're a Legacy spare yourself, so you'll love me even if I'm not
an heiress?"
"Oh, wow, of course! Saaay, that's a hot tub back there--and we just got engaged. . ."
Sorry about that, Publi. It's not that she doesn't want to. It's that these girls simply don't. And
you of all people should know what pre-marital WooHoo can lead to.
(For the details on his complex love life, see Ten Caesars.)
He also gave Sunny a cleaning point. What's with that? Every girl except Wolf Gal has gotten
cleaning points from dating, and of course she's not getting them from Derek, who has zero
neat points.
My simself runs into Purple Bunny, the writer of the Piratical Legacy.
"So I hear you're putting Romans into your legacy now. Smart move. It's worked out pretty well
for me."
Purple Bunny: Um, yes, Romans--well, they DO make good pets . . .
"But I don't know if I'd go so far as having a baby with one."
Sigh. Which reminds me.
Headmaster visit. It's not enough that I've had to do this at the Legacy House, over and over
and over, I have to do it here, too? I skilled my Simself up enough to make turkey, so that
leaves the entertaining up to Flavius and his supposedly maxed charisma. Heaven help us.
You'll notice I stayed home from work for this.
Flavius: What happened? Is it over? Did I win?
Not really. The headmaster whooped and hollered because we live in a fancy house with a lot of
expensive doodads. Then he ate my turkey. Then you tried to schmooze him and got negative
two points. Then I stepped in to schmooze and put us over the top.
Flavius: Aww. That's just because you were wearing that Batgirl costume. ANYONE could make
friends wearing that.
Well, the important thing is that the kids got in. My Knowledge Simself absolutely demands it.
Here's one of the kids in question--Flavia, a chip off the old block, only meaner--one nice point.
Look at that scowl.
"Die, cereal! Die!"
I have raised seventeen kids at the Legacy House and I have seriously never seen such a mean
Sim child. I'd like to point out that she *wanted* to eat cereal.
Flavius: Important health tip, girls--try not to eat the chunks of crockery.
Back at the Goodygirls Sorority, Flavius' cousin reveals himself to be yet another cheapskate.
You know that we haven't gotten one single real date gift?
We can do flowers at home, thanks!
Sunny already had a silver badge in flower-making when she came to college, and now at the
end of freshman year, she's closing in on gold. After she's done, I'll make Moonbeam start, but I
don't know if she can stay focused that long.
Delightful? On a date? In love? What if you're caught by Professor Popularity?
Delightful: That's the beauty part. I'm cheating on my art professor with my other art professor!
Who according to her want panel, wants to get joined to you and also wants her very first
WooHoo with you. At her age?
Delightful: Maybe she's from a sadistic Legacy like yours.
Touche, Delightful. It terrifies me to be keeping an eye out for Professor Popularity.
Delightful: Ahhh, it wasn't that fun anyway. What I *really* want is a bronze cosmetology badge.
I got this makeover chair just to redo Publius, but it didn't work out. Now everyone in the house
wants a bronze cosmetology badge--shades of their auntie Hopeful earlier in the Legacy.
It brings back memories.
Wolf Gal: Here, sis! Lemme show you how it's done!
After a couple of strikeouts, Wolf Gal got it right. I didn't think she'd be that interested in
cosmetology. She's a Physics major, for heaven's sake.
It didn't seem right that Delightful was the only one who didn't have a portrait yet. If
*everybody's* in the heir poll, *everybody* should get a portrait.
And here they are, the four Goodygirls all in a row.
Sunny: Hello, newly made over townie who was made over a generation ago by Auntie Hopeful!
How would you like to be my new friend and pledge the sorority? We'll call you back when we
need our term papers written. Thanks bye!
These girls are *efficient.* She should count herself lucky that Delightful didn't also date her
before she got out of there.
Sunny: You know, Dominic, we have a lot in common--I used to be the Llama Princess Mascot
in high school. ZAP! Be my friend! Pledge the sorority! OK, we'll call you when we need our term
papers written.
Meanwhile, Chez Marius. . .
Flavius, you're permaplat!
So what are you going to do now?
"You'll see."
All is not well in the Roman household.
"Sunny? Yeah, it's Flavius. Listen, I'm doing my best for you, but it's not going so well. I'm afraid
being paterfamilias doesn't amount to much around here. I don't get it--I mean, I have like
eleven best friends and I can't budge her. I'm going to need to bring in the big guns."
"Hi, Auntie Renee."
Does Renee really need an introduction? When she's not offing Sims in her own and who
knows how many other Legacies, she writes the Smith Legacy.
Renee: What does that dork Flavius want now?
Think, Flavius, think. You know you can do it, you've just never tried.
Flavius: Auntie Renee, you're my new best friend, and I need your help in outsmarting my wife.
Renee: And I'm *your* new best friend, Flavius, but someone just never learns his lesson--
what's that over there?
Huh? What?
Author's note: I watched her do this to him about seven times in succession. He only noticed
Renee: Seriously, Flavius. Stay out of Legacy politics. If you need someone killed, call me.
Rockin' party last week, by the way.
Moonbeam: Ooo, I am totally in love with Kent!
Yeah, yeah, I've heard it before.
Moonbeam: But it's the real thing this time!
And to my surprise it was. I had her ask him on a date just for the aspiration boost, even though
he's not a first date. He *instantly* rolled the want to get engaged to Moonbeam, and the fear of
being rejected for an engagement by Moonbeam, even though he's a Romance Sim and also
rolled the fear of getting engaged to Moonbeam. With the same thing in her want panel, there
was only one thing to do!
Moonbeam: Greg--I mean, Kent--will you please marry me and my short attention span and
while you carry on like crazy outside the marriage and I date around like it was a game show,
our hearts will only belong to each other?
Kent: Oh, Moonbeam! It's the non-committal relationship I've been waiting for all my life!
I *never* thought I'd say this, but awww. I'm not worried about these two. With some careful
management to avoid embarrassments, they ought to be very happy together.
And by the way, what's a Grand Vamp doing stalking around at this hour?
This is Auntie Hopeful's husband, Count Jihoon. He's cured now because I got tired of vampire
management, which is a real pain.
Meanwhile, Delightful continues to date Professor Popularity for the art GPA. He isn't her
favorite--she's rolling the want to date a blond girl right at this moment--but a date is a date is a
date, and dates make her happy.
Professor Popularity gets away with this because officially Delightful is attracted to blond hair,
though actually she seems to go for brunettes, and is still rolling sentimental wants for her old
high school girlfriend, Genesis. But blond girls--Prof. Pop can't compete with that.
Marina, aka smoothiequeen87: Oh, poor Delightful. She's my favorite. What have you done to
Don't worry, Marina. Things have a way of working out.
Marina writes the Fitzhugh Legacy, dispenses excellent advice, and recently had Gage Uglacy's
Isn't *this* romantic: Delightful's fiance heart-farts over Sandy Bruty (who's had a truly ugly
makeover in my game, but you can't see it), while Flavius does the "ooo, Delightful, call me"
thing in the background. Sorry, Flavius, you're brunette, and you're a guy. You simply don't have
what it takes.
Or does he? Delightful autonomously decided to go over and tell him a joke. Or is it a joke she's
Delightful: Flavius, is it true you're supporting Sunny as the next heiress? I would do anything to
get out of that, and I mean *anything.*
Flavius: I'm trying, but I've got the pull of a Womrat in my own home.
I don't want you to think I'm neglecting the boys, but there's nothing to see. I mean, even the
llama is studious here. Bo-ring.
Second try on making Publius over. I really hope Sunny doesn't muff this up.
Publius: Oh, Sunny! I look like myself again!
Much nicer, don't you think?
See what I mean? The noses may be interesting, but I think we're gonna get some pretty kids,
spare or no spare.
Sim Me: Hmm. That's funny. Sunny is shooting ahead on the poll at, even though
all the early voting went for Moonbeam. Now why is that?
Flavius: Heehee!
Flavius: Uh-huh, Sunny, I'm still on it. Well, I tried, but the little computer gizmo thingie won't let
you vote more than once. What do you mean, you don't think that sounds ethical? You want to
win, don't you?
Why on earth is Flavius so dead set on getting Sunny to be the heiress? Is it *just* because his
cousin is going to marry her? Or . . .
Sunny, that's your cue.
"When I tear off
A game of golf,
I may make a play for the caddy. . ."
"But when I do-oo,
I don't follow through,
Because my heart be-LONGS to Daddy! Boo-boo Doo-Wah!
Yes, my heart belongs to Daddy,
So I simply couldn't be bad,
Yes, my heart belongs to Daddy,
Daddadadadad. . . ."
Hmmm. That would explain a lot, wouldn't it? Flavius, according to Ben, is a bigger Momma's
boy than Gilbert Jacquet. Speaking of Daddy. . .
Back at the Legacy House, Remington and Daisie Mae spend a lot of time flirting on free will--
also consequence-free WooHoo, but I'm giving them their privacy.
Daisie Mae retired. That's two professions she topped, Science and Business. She tried for
Paranormal, but capped out at Exorcist because of a friends deficit.
Baby and Sugarcane start playing and making friends all on their own, much to my relief. This
was a *huge* problem early in the Legacy. So kittens seem to be a sure bet.
I let Sweetheart and Sugarcane quit their jobs. The Petacy rules are that the Petacy heir has to
learn all the pet commands and top his or her career. It *doesn't* say that they have to keep the
job, and guess what? Cats hate jobs. Surprise, surprise.
Younger sister Grace gets life started as a Romance Sim. She's odd--Romance, yes, but totally
unlike her sister Delightful, very, very neat and very shy.
And Grandma Rosie lets her know just how enthusiastic she is about having another Romance
Sim in the family.
Daisie Mae: Hmm. Here's a tip, little Miss Romance: boys aren't very impressed by girls who
wet their pants!
Give her a break, Daisie Mae. Rosie hit her twice.
Explain this one. At college, nobody has gotten anything beyond a rotten bunch of flowers,
which I delete immediately because they'd clog the road by now and they're no use to anybody.
But Grace goes on two dates and little Merlin or Marvin or Melvin here leaves her a hot tub, and
from the looks of it, he only had his Bar Mitzvah last week. Does he have rich parents, or does
he deal bubble at school?
It's a big day over at the Legacy House. Remington's birthday.
Sigh. You ever have those moments with a Sim where you know there's no going back? It's a
little sad.
And his clothes don't cheer me up, either.
Don't talk to me. I'm depressed.
No, I won't Smustle. I'm mean and grouchy and I hate parties, and thus the gods of Maxis hate
me. Ask Purple Bunny about it sometime.
Oh--what the heck.
But tell Delightful to quit checking out my butt.
Meanwhile. . .
Sunny: Hi, there, Llama Pal! Want to write my term paper?
Dominic: But I just wrote your sister's term paper.
Sunny: Well--she's busy.
Delightful: Oh, you poor thing! Who on earth gave you a makeover like that?
Auntie Hopeful. Last generation.
Delightful: Well, don't worry. I'll fix it.
See, isn't that better?
It's hard to know what to think when "ask (see above picture) on a date" shows up in someone's
Want Panel. I guess Delightful knows she's a blond underneath, but honestly, I see lightning
bolts between her and almost every single woman she meets.
Wolf Gal: Mmm. Llama steaks.
Wolf Gal, please don't eat Dominic. He just wrote two papers for you guys.
Wolf Gal: But I hear he tastes just like chicken.
Time for another party Chez Marius, with all the heiress candidates invited, plus Purple Bunny
and Renee.
Well, the final heir poll results are starting to come in. Let's watch the election returns.
And with the upstate vote coming in, it's . . .
Yeah, Publius, Sunny's the heiress. By a landslide. I don't know whether to congratulate you or
commiserate with you. But congratulations, I guess.
Flavius: HAH! I knew it! It was all me, wasn't it?
Let's not burst his bubble here, folks. Everything was on the up-and-up; we wouldn't be Squeaky
Clean if it wasn't. But a big thank you to everybody who took the time to read and vote. Sunny's
right--I'm lazy about playing spares, and with fifteen so far, it's no wonder. But these four are
special and you'll get updates on them all.
Well, Flavius, you're a dork, but you're my Simself's dork and I guess she must still like you. By
the way, you never did explain why you're suddenly wearing that white toga.
Flavius: Oh . . .you'll see.
Heaven help us. He's got an idea, and that's seldom good news. Meanwhile, tune in next time
for the graduation of the four Goodygirls--are they all really going to get married? Is Wolf Gal
going to realize her dream of becoming a werewolf? Can Moonbeam and Kent keep it together?
Does Sunny's heart really belong to Daddy? Will poor Delightful finally get to WooHoo? And
*what* is that white toga about? The answer to these questions and much, much less in the
next chapter of the Squeaky Clean Legacy, and until then, happy Simming!

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The Squeaky Clean Legacy, Chapter 5.2: Goodygirls, The Sequel

  • 1. The Squeaky Clean Legacy By Professor Butters Chapter 5.2: Goodygirls, the Sequel
  • 2. When we last left you with our Squeaky Clean Legacy, we had four girls to choose from, and only one can be heiress. Some might think of that as a booby prize, since there's so much to do at the Legacy House and so little reward--only Try For Baby, and the heiress has to try and try and try for baby until she has an heiress and a sparess. Plus she can never WooHoo anyone else and she has to live in a house so pink it would rot your teeth to look at it.
  • 3. This chapter being hosted by Where The Boys Are, the house for spare Goodytwoshoes boys. Eventually it will be a frat, but right now, it's just a house. And not a spot of pink. Rests the eyes, doesn't it?
  • 4. Living in the house are Ralph Goodytwoshoes, a Knowledge Sim; Earthquake Goodytwoshoes, a Family Sim who wants six grandchildren; and Derek the paperboy, another Knowledge Sim, who got sent to college by special request. Our heiress candidates are. . .
  • 5. Moonbeam, a Pleasure Sim who wants fifty first dates. How can you do that and keep it Squeaky Clean, Moonbeam? "Your problem! Oh-oh, girls just wanna have fu-un!"
  • 6. Delightful, a Romance Sim who wants to be a Celebrity Chef. She's looking uncharacteristically hardworking here and hopes she won't win the heir poll.
  • 7. Sunny, a Popularity Sim who wants to be a Hall of Famer. She's a big Daddy's Girl, Daddy being the former Remington Harris. "I promise that if I'm chosen, I'll make sure things stay really squeaky clean! Honor bright!" You even *talk* like the maid's daughter.
  • 8. And Wolf Gal, a Knowledge Sim who wants to be Chief of Staff and a werewolf on the side. "Ahh-WOOOO!" Well, the girls all took their responsibilities seriously. No one knows who's going to win the heir poll right now. So they all ought to buckle down in college, and pick out future spouses while they're at it.
  • 9. Wolf Gal's done. She picked Derek out when he dropped off the paper and they've been together ever since. He totally supports her in her goal of being a werewolf and they plan to raise puppies. No word yet on how the Legacy cats will take this.
  • 10. Wolf Gal, you are the fattest Goodytwoshoes girl I've ever seen. "Derek loves my huge butt." Seriously? Gosh--it must be true love.
  • 11. Sunny has been seeing Publius Numantius from Blite27's Ten Caesars Legacy. He's a Fortune Sim and they seem to be getting along well.
  • 12. Here they are on their first date. Sunny: So what was it like in ancient Rome? Publius: No large screen TVs, but I miss the roads.
  • 13. One date, and he is completely smitten with her. In fact, he felt the need to tell somebody about it right away.
  • 14. Publius: Professor Butters, I mean, Marius, I just wanted to say how utterly totally grateful I am to you for fixing me up with Sunny. Can I tell you about how perfect she is? Sim Me: Can't this wait?
  • 15. Moonbeam's got several options. Moonbeam: Oooo! I am totally in love with Greg! Romance Sim, bad pick.
  • 16. Moonbeam: Ooo! I am totally in love with Wyatt! Hi, mom! Knowledge Sim, like my Simself--hard to do that to him.
  • 17. Moonbeam: Ooo, I am totally in love with Kent! Another Romance Sim. Can you tell she has a thing for blond men?
  • 18. Moonbeam: Ooo, I am totally in love with--wait. I'm not in love with *him.* Shudder. Good. Actually, Dominic's not bad-looking out of the llama costume.
  • 19. Delightful has a problem. Not that she doesn't have admirers--girls go for her in a big way. . .
  • 20. And she goes for them right back. But since this Legacy is partially sponsored by fifties television shows, she'd have to marry a man. And there have been problems with her getting caught cheating before.
  • 21. But there won't be any more intruders since Sunny brought Uncle Mortimer's new gizmo with her to college.
  • 22. This is one of the happiest things that ever happened in this Legacy. So the girls are all going to have to get engaged, just in case, and the first one to get engaged is. . .
  • 23. Delightful? You're proposing to Professor Popularity? The jealous moron who said you were fat? Delightful: You'll notice I didn't get out of my pyjamas to do this.
  • 24. Aww, matching red and blue rings--what a pretty combination.
  • 25. Delightful: I *love* Professor Popularity. He's made me work harder for his affection than any girl I've ever dated. Delightful! Delightful: What? WooHoo is WooHoo and I won't have any idea what it's like *until this heir poll is over!* Delightful, couldn't you have picked a nicer man? Delightful: I wouldn't want to *do* this to a nicer man.
  • 26. Professor Popularity: Ah hah hah, Mr. Big's a crummy dancer! What an idiot! Ephemeral Toast: Ah hah hah, you just got engaged to a lesbian Romance Sim! What an idiot! And in case there's any doubts about Delightful's sexuality, I had her scope the room . . .
  • 27. Delightful: Toasty is *hot*! Toast, I promise. I'll make her leave you alone. You're in enough trouble with the Cap'n already.
  • 28. Flavius Marius, my simself's husband, also from the Ten Caesars, discussing the election outcome. Flavius: So I think the heiress ought to be the girl who's going to marry the Roman guy! Not to mention he's my cousin! I mean, c'mon, where's a little nepotism when you need it? I can't cook the polls, Flavius. Flavius: Sure you can! I mean, heck, what kind of goddess are *you*?
  • 29. Just for that, I'm going to make you babysit the kids. Flavia and Minora, twin girls. No cheesecake involved. Why couldn't they get this kind of "luck" over at the Legacy house? Flavius sulks a good deal about the workload because it cuts into valuable best friend-making time--did I mention he's Popularity?-- but then he realized he could make best friends with his own children.
  • 30. I'm too busy watching over Earthquake's first date. I won't play him after college, but I do want him to be happy, and he's the only one who really, really wants to get married. There's been some uppity kinds of chatter about how Squeaky Clean my simself really is.
  • 31. Uh, ma'am? Ma'am? Excuse me? Is that Try For Baby? You know, if it isn't Try For Baby every single time, it isn't really Squeaky Clean. Are you a reporter? Does this look like a business? None of your beeswax! Go away!
  • 32. Where The Boys Are makes a good host. It's attractive, and nothing ever happens there. Derek: What are you talking about? Ralph and I are having a spiffy time doing our Physics research! Then we'll play a little chess! Like I said. Now that they got past their first semester and have some money, life is better. They hired a maid, which they needed. They're all big slobs.
  • 33. Moonbeam continues to look for a husband, just in case. Moonbeam: Ooo, I'm so totally in love with Orlando!
  • 34. Moonbeam: Thanks for the dream date, secret society pal. Would you like to join the sorority? Great! Now write my term paper. These guys never seem to notice that there are no guys living here, or even that all the girls living here are sisters.
  • 35. Who's this? As if we didn't know. The question is, who's he coming for?
  • 36. Delightful: You know, I would enjoy this *so* much more if you were a chick.
  • 37. Delightful: Oh, wow, Secret Society, whoopee. Well, I'll pick up that cleaning gun--that was the one career reward Moonbeam forgot to "borrow." Wolf Gal will like that--it'll help her with her medical career. Aren't you going to stick around? Delightful: Are you kidding? Uncle Mortimer tells me it's full of dirty dishes and the toilet's always plugged up!
  • 38. Professor Popularity was waiting for her when she got back at 2 AM. This picture says everything you need to know about their weird relationship.
  • 39. Delightful? "I can really paint, you know. I'm painting Wolf Gal's portrait. I'm actually really *good* at art." You look so subdued in your Secret Society blazer. I don't like to see you so subdued. It makes me sad. "I haven't had a single date since I got engaged." That makes me sadder. At least go change your clothes.
  • 40. Delightful, you're rolling the want to WooHoo Professor Popularity now? I thought you were-- "Woman-identified? Yeah, I am. But I just really really really want to WooHoo." Do you know how hard it is to get a dream date out of a couple who've dated a lot and are engaged and can't WooHoo?
  • 41. Wolf Gal: Somebody has been Influenced to write two term papers in a row. Yep. You're the only one who writes her own.
  • 42. Meanwhile, Sunny works on her putting. "It's for if I become a Hall of Famer." If? Sunny, you've always been an athlete. You'd be perfect at it! "You don't play spares much, do you?"
  • 43. Sunny, you just got a 4.0. You're doing so well. Why do you look so sad? "Because I'm afraid I'll lose the heir poll." Don't you want to go and live with Publius in a beautiful Roman villa, instead of that hideous pink house? "I was born in that hideous pink house. My cats Sugarcane and Sweetheart live there, and I want to be there when Sugarcane's kittens are born. My sisters still live there. And I'd miss my Daddy! I wanted to help him with the toystore. Why do I have to choose between Publi and my family? Why can't I love them all?"
  • 44. Wolf Gal: I maxed Logic and I'm still a freshman. Can I go and get engaged to Derek now? Soon, sweetie, soon. It's in his want panel too. Don't worry.
  • 45. Delightful: So, Professor Popularity, I don't have the *first clue* about art! *Please* share your brilliant insights with me! I'm beginning to think that Maxis intentionally made it harder to get grades the easy way than getting grades the hard way.
  • 46. Sunny: Hi there, new secret society pal! Would you like to join a sorority and write my term paper? Sunny kills three birds with one stone and gets a massive aspiration boost.
  • 47. Sunny: What is this place? Oh, you know. It's the secret society. There's nothing here that you haven't got at home, except for the cowplant. Go talk to someone you don't know for the aspiration points.
  • 48. Back at the Legacy House, there's a new cat, and Toasty's the first to welcome her. Meet Baby, Sugarcane's new mate *if* he accepts her. She's an Ocicat, and she's named after the leopard in *Bringing Up Baby*, of course.
  • 49. Wolf Gal and Derek go on a date in the park. This is going to be an important one. You'll notice my simself in the background?
  • 50. "Oh, Derek, please marry me and raise little were-puppies with me!" "Gasssp! It's my dream come true!"
  • 51. Sniff. Awww. Can't help it, I like these two.
  • 52. Sunny invited Publius over. At first--not shown--everyone got hung up at the bar until I got mad and put it in inventory. That over, Publius and Sunny--well, yes.
  • 53. Is it odd that she fell in love with him the second she offered him a makeover?
  • 54. "Oh, honey, I love it! You made me look exactly the same!" Alas, Publius' custom hair didn't show up as an option. I'll have to check into that. Pointless makeover complete, the date is on.
  • 55. "Oh, Publius, please marry me! You're a Legacy spare yourself, so you'll love me even if I'm not an heiress?"
  • 56. "Oh, wow, of course! Saaay, that's a hot tub back there--and we just got engaged. . ." Sorry about that, Publi. It's not that she doesn't want to. It's that these girls simply don't. And you of all people should know what pre-marital WooHoo can lead to. (For the details on his complex love life, see Ten Caesars.) He also gave Sunny a cleaning point. What's with that? Every girl except Wolf Gal has gotten cleaning points from dating, and of course she's not getting them from Derek, who has zero neat points.
  • 57. My simself runs into Purple Bunny, the writer of the Piratical Legacy. "So I hear you're putting Romans into your legacy now. Smart move. It's worked out pretty well for me."
  • 58. Purple Bunny: Um, yes, Romans--well, they DO make good pets . . .
  • 59. "But I don't know if I'd go so far as having a baby with one." Sigh. Which reminds me.
  • 60. Headmaster visit. It's not enough that I've had to do this at the Legacy House, over and over and over, I have to do it here, too? I skilled my Simself up enough to make turkey, so that leaves the entertaining up to Flavius and his supposedly maxed charisma. Heaven help us.
  • 61. You'll notice I stayed home from work for this.
  • 62. Flavius: What happened? Is it over? Did I win? Not really. The headmaster whooped and hollered because we live in a fancy house with a lot of expensive doodads. Then he ate my turkey. Then you tried to schmooze him and got negative two points. Then I stepped in to schmooze and put us over the top.
  • 63. Flavius: Aww. That's just because you were wearing that Batgirl costume. ANYONE could make friends wearing that. Well, the important thing is that the kids got in. My Knowledge Simself absolutely demands it.
  • 64. Here's one of the kids in question--Flavia, a chip off the old block, only meaner--one nice point. Look at that scowl. "Die, cereal! Die!" I have raised seventeen kids at the Legacy House and I have seriously never seen such a mean Sim child. I'd like to point out that she *wanted* to eat cereal.
  • 65. Flavius: Important health tip, girls--try not to eat the chunks of crockery.
  • 66. Back at the Goodygirls Sorority, Flavius' cousin reveals himself to be yet another cheapskate. You know that we haven't gotten one single real date gift?
  • 67. We can do flowers at home, thanks! Sunny already had a silver badge in flower-making when she came to college, and now at the end of freshman year, she's closing in on gold. After she's done, I'll make Moonbeam start, but I don't know if she can stay focused that long.
  • 68. Delightful? On a date? In love? What if you're caught by Professor Popularity? Delightful: That's the beauty part. I'm cheating on my art professor with my other art professor! Who according to her want panel, wants to get joined to you and also wants her very first WooHoo with you. At her age? Delightful: Maybe she's from a sadistic Legacy like yours.
  • 69. Touche, Delightful. It terrifies me to be keeping an eye out for Professor Popularity. Delightful: Ahhh, it wasn't that fun anyway. What I *really* want is a bronze cosmetology badge. I got this makeover chair just to redo Publius, but it didn't work out. Now everyone in the house wants a bronze cosmetology badge--shades of their auntie Hopeful earlier in the Legacy.
  • 70. It brings back memories.
  • 71. Wolf Gal: Here, sis! Lemme show you how it's done!
  • 72. After a couple of strikeouts, Wolf Gal got it right. I didn't think she'd be that interested in cosmetology. She's a Physics major, for heaven's sake.
  • 73. It didn't seem right that Delightful was the only one who didn't have a portrait yet. If *everybody's* in the heir poll, *everybody* should get a portrait.
  • 74. And here they are, the four Goodygirls all in a row.
  • 75. Sunny: Hello, newly made over townie who was made over a generation ago by Auntie Hopeful! How would you like to be my new friend and pledge the sorority? We'll call you back when we need our term papers written. Thanks bye! These girls are *efficient.* She should count herself lucky that Delightful didn't also date her before she got out of there.
  • 76. Sunny: You know, Dominic, we have a lot in common--I used to be the Llama Princess Mascot in high school. ZAP! Be my friend! Pledge the sorority! OK, we'll call you when we need our term papers written.
  • 77. Meanwhile, Chez Marius. . . Flavius, you're permaplat! "Yep." So what are you going to do now? "You'll see." Uh-oh.
  • 78. All is not well in the Roman household. "Sunny? Yeah, it's Flavius. Listen, I'm doing my best for you, but it's not going so well. I'm afraid being paterfamilias doesn't amount to much around here. I don't get it--I mean, I have like eleven best friends and I can't budge her. I'm going to need to bring in the big guns."
  • 79. "Hi, Auntie Renee." Does Renee really need an introduction? When she's not offing Sims in her own and who knows how many other Legacies, she writes the Smith Legacy.
  • 80. Renee: What does that dork Flavius want now?
  • 81. Think, Flavius, think. You know you can do it, you've just never tried.
  • 82. Flavius: Auntie Renee, you're my new best friend, and I need your help in outsmarting my wife.
  • 83. Renee: And I'm *your* new best friend, Flavius, but someone just never learns his lesson-- what's that over there?
  • 84. Huh? What? Author's note: I watched her do this to him about seven times in succession. He only noticed once.
  • 85. Renee: Seriously, Flavius. Stay out of Legacy politics. If you need someone killed, call me. Rockin' party last week, by the way.
  • 86. Moonbeam: Ooo, I am totally in love with Kent! Yeah, yeah, I've heard it before. Moonbeam: But it's the real thing this time! And to my surprise it was. I had her ask him on a date just for the aspiration boost, even though he's not a first date. He *instantly* rolled the want to get engaged to Moonbeam, and the fear of being rejected for an engagement by Moonbeam, even though he's a Romance Sim and also rolled the fear of getting engaged to Moonbeam. With the same thing in her want panel, there was only one thing to do!
  • 87. Moonbeam: Greg--I mean, Kent--will you please marry me and my short attention span and while you carry on like crazy outside the marriage and I date around like it was a game show, our hearts will only belong to each other? Kent: Oh, Moonbeam! It's the non-committal relationship I've been waiting for all my life!
  • 88. I *never* thought I'd say this, but awww. I'm not worried about these two. With some careful management to avoid embarrassments, they ought to be very happy together.
  • 89. And by the way, what's a Grand Vamp doing stalking around at this hour? This is Auntie Hopeful's husband, Count Jihoon. He's cured now because I got tired of vampire management, which is a real pain.
  • 90. Meanwhile, Delightful continues to date Professor Popularity for the art GPA. He isn't her favorite--she's rolling the want to date a blond girl right at this moment--but a date is a date is a date, and dates make her happy. Professor Popularity gets away with this because officially Delightful is attracted to blond hair, though actually she seems to go for brunettes, and is still rolling sentimental wants for her old high school girlfriend, Genesis. But blond girls--Prof. Pop can't compete with that.
  • 91. Marina, aka smoothiequeen87: Oh, poor Delightful. She's my favorite. What have you done to her? Don't worry, Marina. Things have a way of working out. Marina writes the Fitzhugh Legacy, dispenses excellent advice, and recently had Gage Uglacy's lovechild.
  • 92. Isn't *this* romantic: Delightful's fiance heart-farts over Sandy Bruty (who's had a truly ugly makeover in my game, but you can't see it), while Flavius does the "ooo, Delightful, call me" thing in the background. Sorry, Flavius, you're brunette, and you're a guy. You simply don't have what it takes.
  • 93. Or does he? Delightful autonomously decided to go over and tell him a joke. Or is it a joke she's telling? Delightful: Flavius, is it true you're supporting Sunny as the next heiress? I would do anything to get out of that, and I mean *anything.* Flavius: I'm trying, but I've got the pull of a Womrat in my own home.
  • 95. I don't want you to think I'm neglecting the boys, but there's nothing to see. I mean, even the llama is studious here. Bo-ring.
  • 96. Second try on making Publius over. I really hope Sunny doesn't muff this up.
  • 97. Publius: Oh, Sunny! I look like myself again! Much nicer, don't you think?
  • 98. See what I mean? The noses may be interesting, but I think we're gonna get some pretty kids, spare or no spare.
  • 99. Sim Me: Hmm. That's funny. Sunny is shooting ahead on the poll at, even though all the early voting went for Moonbeam. Now why is that?
  • 101. Flavius: Uh-huh, Sunny, I'm still on it. Well, I tried, but the little computer gizmo thingie won't let you vote more than once. What do you mean, you don't think that sounds ethical? You want to win, don't you? Why on earth is Flavius so dead set on getting Sunny to be the heiress? Is it *just* because his cousin is going to marry her? Or . . .
  • 102. Sunny, that's your cue. "When I tear off A game of golf, I may make a play for the caddy. . ."
  • 103. "But when I do-oo, I don't follow through, Because my heart be-LONGS to Daddy! Boo-boo Doo-Wah! Yes, my heart belongs to Daddy, So I simply couldn't be bad, Yes, my heart belongs to Daddy, Daddadadadad. . . ." Hmmm. That would explain a lot, wouldn't it? Flavius, according to Ben, is a bigger Momma's boy than Gilbert Jacquet. Speaking of Daddy. . .
  • 104. Back at the Legacy House, Remington and Daisie Mae spend a lot of time flirting on free will-- also consequence-free WooHoo, but I'm giving them their privacy.
  • 105. Daisie Mae retired. That's two professions she topped, Science and Business. She tried for Paranormal, but capped out at Exorcist because of a friends deficit.
  • 106. Baby and Sugarcane start playing and making friends all on their own, much to my relief. This was a *huge* problem early in the Legacy. So kittens seem to be a sure bet. I let Sweetheart and Sugarcane quit their jobs. The Petacy rules are that the Petacy heir has to learn all the pet commands and top his or her career. It *doesn't* say that they have to keep the job, and guess what? Cats hate jobs. Surprise, surprise.
  • 107. Younger sister Grace gets life started as a Romance Sim. She's odd--Romance, yes, but totally unlike her sister Delightful, very, very neat and very shy.
  • 108. And Grandma Rosie lets her know just how enthusiastic she is about having another Romance Sim in the family.
  • 109. Daisie Mae: Hmm. Here's a tip, little Miss Romance: boys aren't very impressed by girls who wet their pants! Give her a break, Daisie Mae. Rosie hit her twice.
  • 110. Explain this one. At college, nobody has gotten anything beyond a rotten bunch of flowers, which I delete immediately because they'd clog the road by now and they're no use to anybody. But Grace goes on two dates and little Merlin or Marvin or Melvin here leaves her a hot tub, and from the looks of it, he only had his Bar Mitzvah last week. Does he have rich parents, or does he deal bubble at school?
  • 111. It's a big day over at the Legacy House. Remington's birthday.
  • 112. Sigh. You ever have those moments with a Sim where you know there's no going back? It's a little sad.
  • 113. And his clothes don't cheer me up, either.
  • 114. Don't talk to me. I'm depressed. No, I won't Smustle. I'm mean and grouchy and I hate parties, and thus the gods of Maxis hate me. Ask Purple Bunny about it sometime.
  • 115. Oh--what the heck. But tell Delightful to quit checking out my butt.
  • 116. Meanwhile. . . Sunny: Hi, there, Llama Pal! Want to write my term paper? Dominic: But I just wrote your sister's term paper. Sunny: Well--she's busy.
  • 117. Delightful: Oh, you poor thing! Who on earth gave you a makeover like that? Auntie Hopeful. Last generation. Delightful: Well, don't worry. I'll fix it.
  • 118. See, isn't that better?
  • 119. It's hard to know what to think when "ask (see above picture) on a date" shows up in someone's Want Panel. I guess Delightful knows she's a blond underneath, but honestly, I see lightning bolts between her and almost every single woman she meets.
  • 120. Wolf Gal: Mmm. Llama steaks. Wolf Gal, please don't eat Dominic. He just wrote two papers for you guys. Wolf Gal: But I hear he tastes just like chicken.
  • 121. Time for another party Chez Marius, with all the heiress candidates invited, plus Purple Bunny and Renee.
  • 122. Well, the final heir poll results are starting to come in. Let's watch the election returns. And with the upstate vote coming in, it's . . .
  • 123. Yeah, Publius, Sunny's the heiress. By a landslide. I don't know whether to congratulate you or commiserate with you. But congratulations, I guess.
  • 124. Flavius: HAH! I knew it! It was all me, wasn't it? Let's not burst his bubble here, folks. Everything was on the up-and-up; we wouldn't be Squeaky Clean if it wasn't. But a big thank you to everybody who took the time to read and vote. Sunny's right--I'm lazy about playing spares, and with fifteen so far, it's no wonder. But these four are special and you'll get updates on them all.
  • 125. Well, Flavius, you're a dork, but you're my Simself's dork and I guess she must still like you. By the way, you never did explain why you're suddenly wearing that white toga. Flavius: Oh . . .you'll see. Heaven help us. He's got an idea, and that's seldom good news. Meanwhile, tune in next time for the graduation of the four Goodygirls--are they all really going to get married? Is Wolf Gal going to realize her dream of becoming a werewolf? Can Moonbeam and Kent keep it together? Does Sunny's heart really belong to Daddy? Will poor Delightful finally get to WooHoo? And *what* is that white toga about? The answer to these questions and much, much less in the next chapter of the Squeaky Clean Legacy, and until then, happy Simming!

Editor's Notes

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