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From the Hart:
Part 3.1:
Life Choices
Welcome back to my OWBC, where we’re about to join generation two at college!
Last time, Paul threw tantrums as Rainbow and Daz celebrated their birthdays. Cousin
Kurt came over for a visit, just in time for Strawberry’s teen birthday. Lennon got struck
by lightning, Daz got all the attention, and a visit was paid to the business. Strawberry
scored her first kiss with Gavin Newson, while Rainbow convinced Tommy Ottomas they
both wanted the same thing. Grim came to collect Randy, Keika grew old and Kana
moved on with her life. Rainbow got a first kiss from Tommy, Basil got fired, Strawberry
maxed creativity, Daz grew up and Kana moved out with him. Then there were trips to
college, falling in love, and Basil managed to get Heather pregnant. And it ended with the
last of the generation two kids moving to university.
If none of that sounds familiar, I suggest heading back and reading the previous updates.
On with the show!
I’ve got two households at uni this time – here’s the main lot, who we’ll be following
through this update.
Standing: Lennon Hart, Sean Weburg & Kurt Royce
Sitting: Ringo Hart, Strawberry Hart & Paul Hart
You should know who all the Hart kids are, but just in case you forgot, Kurt’s their cousin,
and Sean is the house placeholder.
And here’s the other house, made up of potential spouses, other members of the
generation, and Rainbow, who is the previous generation. Tommy Ottomas later joined
them because Rainbow rolled the want for him to go to college.
Standing: Dominic Rai, Jenna Couderc, Gavin Newson, Ryan Ottomas & Rainbow Hart
Kneeling: Daisy Rai
Dominic & Daisy are the children of the family’s old servo, and Daisy is also dating
Lennon. Jenna is Paul’s girlfriend, Ryan is Ringo’s boyfriend and Gavin is Strawberry’s
boyfriend, although she doesn’t seem to roll wants for him, despite wanting him to join
her at college.
I ended up splitting this household via gender, so I had two smaller houses to play. It was
just easier.
You won’t really be seeing anything from the house of extras, but I think this picture sums
it up nicely for you.
Surprisingly, their grades aren’t *too* awful.
At the main house, however, this is the first thing Ringo wanted to do when he arrived.
What a nerd.
“Learning is the best!”
He’s a Knowledge sim, in case you couldn’t tell.
Our heiress, Strawberry, decided it was the perfect time to remind everyone she has only
one nice point – the mean one in a house of trusting nice guys.
“I’m serious, Lennon, there’s a unicorn. Keep looking and you’ll see it, okay?”
Paul’s my bad apple, so I can’t look at his wants or needs, but I can now give him up to 8
commands a day. For the most part, he runs around on free will.
I just tell him to work on the appropriate skills at the beginning of each semester –
Lennon is on the same course.
Paul’s chasing Ringo down (who’s on his way to class or something) to bow to him. The
vacation gestures have really taken over.
Sean’s over halfway to graduating, with no real plans for post-grad. Not even a girlfriend.
I figured it was time he changed that, and had him greet walk-by Allegra Gorey. She’s not
that into him, but there is some weak chemistry there, so we’ll see.
And then there’s Kurt, who’s quite happy to mess about, all the time.
He may be adopted, but he’s certainly a Hart at heart.
Since their Takemizu holiday a couple of updates ago, Lennon’s constantly had the “tell
dragon legend” want in his panel.
I swear, it comes up almost every day.
And while I try help him fulfil it, he never picks a good spot to tell a story.
Pretty soon it was time for the first party of the generation. All the partners got an invite,
as did any sims wandering past.
This is also the moment I decided I would delete the stereo if there wasn’t a party
happening. I’m so sick of the slap dance.
For the most part, the couples disappeared into rooms and the hot tub thanks to ACR.
Although I’m not sure Gavin’s completely aware of what Strawberry has planned for the
Kurt came to uni without a girlfriend unlike all of his cousins, and so I introduced him to
Jane Stacks, a playable turned dormie.
I’m not sure they’re going to be able to have much of a conversation like that.
“Thanks for vacating the hot tub, brother! Now me and my missus can use it!”
Dominic Rai is clearly the life of the party. He never gets up to anything interesting when I
play their lot, bless him.
He somehow managed to convince Roxie Sharpe to spend time with him, though. Small
victories and all that.
Alright, Kurt managed to make some progress on the girlfriend front!
Bless him.
“And just like magic, all of my clothes disappeared!”
I guess I can’t really be surprised by this, can I?
“This guy drank so much he won’t go home!”
“You mean the party is over? But there’s still red cups everywhere…”
Ty Bubbler definitely overstayed his welcome, but I don’t think he would’ve managed
getting home in his state.
“Are you…okay? Buddy?”
I think all of the Harts are so nice, they forget the rest of the world might not be.
Sean and Strawberry are definitely people to avoid if you’re going to play Punch Me
Punch You.
Kurt may be adopted, but there’s no denying he belongs in this family.
At the time of writing this update, these pictures are 6+ months old, so I can’t fully
remember the details behind them, but I’m pretty sure Gavin was only ever invited over
when Strawberry rolled the want for a date.
It’s probably worth pointing out that those date wants were never specifically for Gavin,
either, poor kid.
She doesn’t seem completely set on him, yet she rolled the want for him to join her at
uni. Only time will tell, I suppose.
“Why are there so many ugly plastic birds on the lawn!”
You’d think he’d be used to it, what with growing up in an OWBC and all.
Sean still has no plans post-grad, so the gypsy is called up so he can at least try and find
himself a partner.
I even had him dig so there would be enough money for a proper date.
The matchmaker looks like she set him up on a bad date on purpose.
I don’t remember quite how this date turned out, but she was never seen again so it
can’t have gone that well.
Kurt, the other late bloomer in the house, seems to have his love life all sorted.
Get yourself someone who looks at you the way Jane looks at Kurt.
Kurt and Jane are inspirational enough that Sean gave blind dating one more go, and
landed this straight-laced lady.
“I am Amanda Carlson, your blind date for this evening.”
“Well, Sean, I expect this to be a regular first date. No hanky panky of any kind.”
That’s what they all say when they arrive. Somehow, though, Sean looks as if he’s not
enjoying himself.
It makes me feel really sorry for him, for some reason.
Meanwhile, Ringo was constantly rolling wants to become a werewolf, and showed no
signs of relenting.
Luckily his strange monster mash of a father was able to come over and help him out.
“Dude! Your tats are amazing! And you play a musical instrument you say?”
“Sure, baby. Whatever.”
Gavin looks a little unenthusiastic about his girlfriend’s new friend…
“Welcome to the family, little buddy.”
Kurt grew up with a parrot at home, and all of the Harts are jealous and have been rolling
wants for one. So I caved, and gave in.
Here’s hoping they manage to keep him in his cage.
Are you kidding me?
I should’ve timed that. I bet it would’ve been impressive.
It’s probably worth noting that the house is an actual Greek house now. Someone rolled
the want for it – probably Strawberry, as a pop sim – and it happened.
Expect more pizza everywhere, I suppose, and me cursing this decision when I have to
move the kids in next generation.
Also Paul, who is generally quite quiet and well-behaved, took a shine to their parrot,
which I thought was nice.
What’s Lennon up to, in one of the emptiest corners of the lot?
Proposing to his long-term girlfriend, Daisy Rai of course.
She said yes, but that’s not too surprising, really. These two have been together for so
long now, it was bound to happen.
Though it beats me why I didn’t have him propose somewhere more aesthetically
Partners being invited over and sims in the hot tub usually signifies one thing – a party is
“So I see you two have found the hot tub this evening.”
“At least we did something interesting, Dominic.”
“…shut up.”
Either Paul’s really getting into things, or he’s on the edge of a breakdown.
I do love the lampshade dance though.
“Someday I want to be as free as that parrot.”
“I totally get what you mean.”
I swear that parrot is never in its cage. Ever.
“Good morning, Paul! I see you’re as good as ever, and ready to party!”
“I’m unfulfilled and unhappy!”
“Why won’t anyone help me?!”
Paul’s really losing it, bless him. And him being a bad apple means there’s literally nothing
I can do but guess what he wants.
I’m sorry Paul, I’ll try harder.
Strawberry, meanwhile, has some important heir business to attend to.
The xylophone trick.
(yes, their pool table is in the yard)
“And that’s how it’s done! Let’s have a party, to celebrate.”
Well, that’s one less thing to worry about, I suppose. Almost easy in comparison to the
last generation!
At a house party right after hot tub woohoo seemed like the perfect time to fulfil Ringo’s
want to marry Ryan.
I mean, there’s no better time, right?
Of course, Ryan said yes.
These two are so great together <3
Who knows where Gavin was, but Strawberry was clearly feeling left out of all the loving
and dragged Sean to the hot tub. He looks happy to be there.
Honestly, I could’ve stopped them. But I figured maybe it’ll be the kick she needs to
either commit to or dump Gavin.
Who knows. We’ll just have to ride this one out.
“I’m still unfulfilled and unhappy!”
“But I can do the xylophone trick! Yay me!”
I really am going to have to do something about Paul’s aspiration. He’s been lampshade
dancing for so long now.
The next morning, Strawberry was in a bit of a crisis, and called over Rainbow to vent to.
Because what are best friends for?
“…so then I woohoo’d Sean…and I don’t think I like him either…My life’s just a mess,
“Well, you know you don’t have to decide on a life partner right now. Or at all, if you
“Easy for you to say, you’re not an heiress.”
“Seriously. You don’t have to tie yourself to one person in order to fulfil your job as an
heir,” Rainbow smiled, “Now I have an idea. A makeover, and a blind date.”
“How exactly is this going to help, Rainbow?”
“A date will get Gavin and Sean out of your mind,” Rainbow said, firmly, “At least for a
little while. And a new look? Well, it’ll boost your confidence, right?”
“I guess? I don’t feel like that’s a necessary, though…”
“Fine. Look good, feel good. How’s that?”
“Okay…you seem committed to this idea, anyway.”
Strawberry stared at her reflection, admiring her new haircut. She sighed deeply.
“Rainbow, what am I going to do? Mum and Dad will be expecting me to come home
with a boyfriend or…or a fiancé or something!”
“Seriously? Our family is not exactly conventional, is it? I mean, I’m your aunt! Your
parents will be cool with whatever you decide, Strawb.”
“You’re right.”
“Of course I am. Besides, plenty of time to meet someone yet.”
That evening, Sean graduated with a 4.0 in Biology.
Of course, a ‘small’ party was thrown in his honour.
For some reason, Blossom had been given an invite. She was an old friend of Sean’s, but
a college party no longer seemed like her kind of thing.
She did, however, come with an offer for Sean.
“I hear you have no plans for after graduation, Sean.”
“Jeez, you too? Everyone’s been on at me about it. Find a wife, Sean. Choose a
career…what if I don’t want any of that? What if the girl I want is already taken?”
“Like, calm down Sean. I was just going to offer you a place at the commune.”
“…Really? That might be ideal actually…”
With the old placeholder graduating and moving out, it seemed like a perfect time to
move a new one in.
Ringo chose a guy he’d gotten to know over their various house parties – Maxis premade
Jared Starchild.
(note: I have an unreasonable amount of love for Jared Starchild)
The party also seemed like a perfect time for Paul to propose to Jenna.
While I can’t look at Paul’s wants, I know Jenna’s been harbouring a ‘get engaged’ want
for awhile, and I think that’s close enough.
That means three out of the four siblings are now engaged.
“Hey Strawberry, love the new hair-”
“Don’t you dare.”
“Don’t I dare what?”
“Don’t you dare propose just because everyone else is engaged.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Strawb.”
And as all of his friends slapdanced, Sean grew into an adult with a questionable fashion
“I’m so changing when I get back.”
After the party had died down, and Sean had left – Strawberry hadn’t wanted to hurt his
feelings – the matchmaker was called.
Strawberry was going to take Rainbow’s advice. Maybe what she needed was a fresh
face, rather than someone she’d already met.
“I need this to work, Matchmaker. I can’t go home…I can’t go home alone. I need a
partner. Just…make it good.”
“I’ll try my best, dear, but remember, these things cannot be forced.”
The matchmaker pulled out her crystal ball, and chosen a man that she felt fit with
Strawberry’s requirements.
“This, Strawberry, is Sanjay Ramaswami. He’s married, I think, but try not to hold that
against him.”
“…you chose me a married man?!”
“Relax. For things might not be as crystal clear as they seem.”
Infuriated, Strawberry turned around to introduce herself to the stranger.
And promptly yawned in his face. Good work, Strawberry.
The date wasn’t anything spectacular, although it ended on dream date. Surprisingly,
there was no woohoo.
“Well that didn’t help at all,” she told herself, pouring juice, “Last time I take Rainbow’s
Inside, someone found Paul crying again.
“Dude, we just met and I don’t know what’s upsetting you…but there is totally a way you
can change this.”
“*sniff* how?”
“You could change your aspiration, dude. Cheese it up, if you catch my drift.”
“Will it make me happier?”
“It might. Worth a shot, right?”
Paul decided it was worth a shot.
I used one of his commands to make him a Grilled Cheese sim. I thought it might be
easier to keep him happier this way – I just want Paul to be happy dammit!
But we’ll have to find out if it worked next time, as we’re at the end of our chapter!
“I have a LOT of thinking to do…”
I’ll toast to that one.
Join me and the Harts next time for the last little bit of college, and the start of a new
See you soon! 

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From the Hart: An OWBC - 3.1

  • 1. From the Hart: An OWBC Part 3.1: Life Choices
  • 2. Welcome back to my OWBC, where we’re about to join generation two at college! Last time, Paul threw tantrums as Rainbow and Daz celebrated their birthdays. Cousin Kurt came over for a visit, just in time for Strawberry’s teen birthday. Lennon got struck by lightning, Daz got all the attention, and a visit was paid to the business. Strawberry scored her first kiss with Gavin Newson, while Rainbow convinced Tommy Ottomas they both wanted the same thing. Grim came to collect Randy, Keika grew old and Kana moved on with her life. Rainbow got a first kiss from Tommy, Basil got fired, Strawberry maxed creativity, Daz grew up and Kana moved out with him. Then there were trips to college, falling in love, and Basil managed to get Heather pregnant. And it ended with the last of the generation two kids moving to university. If none of that sounds familiar, I suggest heading back and reading the previous updates. On with the show!
  • 3. I’ve got two households at uni this time – here’s the main lot, who we’ll be following through this update. Standing: Lennon Hart, Sean Weburg & Kurt Royce Sitting: Ringo Hart, Strawberry Hart & Paul Hart You should know who all the Hart kids are, but just in case you forgot, Kurt’s their cousin, and Sean is the house placeholder.
  • 4. And here’s the other house, made up of potential spouses, other members of the generation, and Rainbow, who is the previous generation. Tommy Ottomas later joined them because Rainbow rolled the want for him to go to college. Standing: Dominic Rai, Jenna Couderc, Gavin Newson, Ryan Ottomas & Rainbow Hart Kneeling: Daisy Rai Dominic & Daisy are the children of the family’s old servo, and Daisy is also dating Lennon. Jenna is Paul’s girlfriend, Ryan is Ringo’s boyfriend and Gavin is Strawberry’s boyfriend, although she doesn’t seem to roll wants for him, despite wanting him to join her at college. I ended up splitting this household via gender, so I had two smaller houses to play. It was just easier.
  • 5. You won’t really be seeing anything from the house of extras, but I think this picture sums it up nicely for you. Surprisingly, their grades aren’t *too* awful.
  • 6. At the main house, however, this is the first thing Ringo wanted to do when he arrived. What a nerd. “Learning is the best!” He’s a Knowledge sim, in case you couldn’t tell.
  • 7. Our heiress, Strawberry, decided it was the perfect time to remind everyone she has only one nice point – the mean one in a house of trusting nice guys. “I’m serious, Lennon, there’s a unicorn. Keep looking and you’ll see it, okay?”
  • 8. Paul’s my bad apple, so I can’t look at his wants or needs, but I can now give him up to 8 commands a day. For the most part, he runs around on free will. I just tell him to work on the appropriate skills at the beginning of each semester – Lennon is on the same course. Paul’s chasing Ringo down (who’s on his way to class or something) to bow to him. The vacation gestures have really taken over.
  • 9. Sean’s over halfway to graduating, with no real plans for post-grad. Not even a girlfriend. I figured it was time he changed that, and had him greet walk-by Allegra Gorey. She’s not that into him, but there is some weak chemistry there, so we’ll see.
  • 10. And then there’s Kurt, who’s quite happy to mess about, all the time. He may be adopted, but he’s certainly a Hart at heart.
  • 11. Since their Takemizu holiday a couple of updates ago, Lennon’s constantly had the “tell dragon legend” want in his panel. I swear, it comes up almost every day. And while I try help him fulfil it, he never picks a good spot to tell a story.
  • 12. Pretty soon it was time for the first party of the generation. All the partners got an invite, as did any sims wandering past. This is also the moment I decided I would delete the stereo if there wasn’t a party happening. I’m so sick of the slap dance.
  • 13. For the most part, the couples disappeared into rooms and the hot tub thanks to ACR. Although I’m not sure Gavin’s completely aware of what Strawberry has planned for the evening.
  • 14.
  • 15. Kurt came to uni without a girlfriend unlike all of his cousins, and so I introduced him to Jane Stacks, a playable turned dormie. I’m not sure they’re going to be able to have much of a conversation like that.
  • 16. “Thanks for vacating the hot tub, brother! Now me and my missus can use it!” Gross.
  • 17. Dominic Rai is clearly the life of the party. He never gets up to anything interesting when I play their lot, bless him. He somehow managed to convince Roxie Sharpe to spend time with him, though. Small victories and all that.
  • 18. Alright, Kurt managed to make some progress on the girlfriend front! Bless him.
  • 19. “And just like magic, all of my clothes disappeared!” I guess I can’t really be surprised by this, can I?
  • 20. “This guy drank so much he won’t go home!” “You mean the party is over? But there’s still red cups everywhere…”
  • 21. Ty Bubbler definitely overstayed his welcome, but I don’t think he would’ve managed getting home in his state. “Are you…okay? Buddy?”
  • 22. I think all of the Harts are so nice, they forget the rest of the world might not be. Sean and Strawberry are definitely people to avoid if you’re going to play Punch Me Punch You.
  • 23. Kurt may be adopted, but there’s no denying he belongs in this family.
  • 24. At the time of writing this update, these pictures are 6+ months old, so I can’t fully remember the details behind them, but I’m pretty sure Gavin was only ever invited over when Strawberry rolled the want for a date. It’s probably worth pointing out that those date wants were never specifically for Gavin, either, poor kid. She doesn’t seem completely set on him, yet she rolled the want for him to join her at uni. Only time will tell, I suppose.
  • 25. “Why are there so many ugly plastic birds on the lawn!” You’d think he’d be used to it, what with growing up in an OWBC and all.
  • 26. Sean still has no plans post-grad, so the gypsy is called up so he can at least try and find himself a partner. I even had him dig so there would be enough money for a proper date.
  • 27. The matchmaker looks like she set him up on a bad date on purpose. I don’t remember quite how this date turned out, but she was never seen again so it can’t have gone that well.
  • 28. Kurt, the other late bloomer in the house, seems to have his love life all sorted. Get yourself someone who looks at you the way Jane looks at Kurt.
  • 29. Kurt and Jane are inspirational enough that Sean gave blind dating one more go, and landed this straight-laced lady. “I am Amanda Carlson, your blind date for this evening.” “I’m…Sean.” “Well, Sean, I expect this to be a regular first date. No hanky panky of any kind.”
  • 30. That’s what they all say when they arrive. Somehow, though, Sean looks as if he’s not enjoying himself. It makes me feel really sorry for him, for some reason.
  • 31. Meanwhile, Ringo was constantly rolling wants to become a werewolf, and showed no signs of relenting. Luckily his strange monster mash of a father was able to come over and help him out.
  • 32. “Dude! Your tats are amazing! And you play a musical instrument you say?” “Sure, baby. Whatever.” “Cool!” Gavin looks a little unenthusiastic about his girlfriend’s new friend…
  • 33. “Welcome to the family, little buddy.” Kurt grew up with a parrot at home, and all of the Harts are jealous and have been rolling wants for one. So I caved, and gave in. Here’s hoping they manage to keep him in his cage.
  • 34. Are you kidding me? I should’ve timed that. I bet it would’ve been impressive.
  • 35. It’s probably worth noting that the house is an actual Greek house now. Someone rolled the want for it – probably Strawberry, as a pop sim – and it happened. Expect more pizza everywhere, I suppose, and me cursing this decision when I have to move the kids in next generation.
  • 36. Also Paul, who is generally quite quiet and well-behaved, took a shine to their parrot, which I thought was nice.
  • 37. What’s Lennon up to, in one of the emptiest corners of the lot? Proposing to his long-term girlfriend, Daisy Rai of course.
  • 38. She said yes, but that’s not too surprising, really. These two have been together for so long now, it was bound to happen. Though it beats me why I didn’t have him propose somewhere more aesthetically pleasing.
  • 39. Partners being invited over and sims in the hot tub usually signifies one thing – a party is happening!
  • 40.
  • 41. “So I see you two have found the hot tub this evening.” “At least we did something interesting, Dominic.” “…shut up.”
  • 42. Either Paul’s really getting into things, or he’s on the edge of a breakdown. I do love the lampshade dance though.
  • 43. “Someday I want to be as free as that parrot.” “I totally get what you mean.” I swear that parrot is never in its cage. Ever.
  • 44. “Good morning, Paul! I see you’re as good as ever, and ready to party!” “I’m unfulfilled and unhappy!” “Oh…okay…”
  • 45. “Why won’t anyone help me?!” Paul’s really losing it, bless him. And him being a bad apple means there’s literally nothing I can do but guess what he wants. I’m sorry Paul, I’ll try harder.
  • 46. Strawberry, meanwhile, has some important heir business to attend to. The xylophone trick. (yes, their pool table is in the yard)
  • 47. “And that’s how it’s done! Let’s have a party, to celebrate.” Well, that’s one less thing to worry about, I suppose. Almost easy in comparison to the last generation!
  • 48. At a house party right after hot tub woohoo seemed like the perfect time to fulfil Ringo’s want to marry Ryan. I mean, there’s no better time, right?
  • 49. Of course, Ryan said yes. These two are so great together <3
  • 50. Who knows where Gavin was, but Strawberry was clearly feeling left out of all the loving and dragged Sean to the hot tub. He looks happy to be there. Honestly, I could’ve stopped them. But I figured maybe it’ll be the kick she needs to either commit to or dump Gavin. Who knows. We’ll just have to ride this one out.
  • 51. “I’m still unfulfilled and unhappy!”
  • 52. “But I can do the xylophone trick! Yay me!” I really am going to have to do something about Paul’s aspiration. He’s been lampshade dancing for so long now.
  • 53. The next morning, Strawberry was in a bit of a crisis, and called over Rainbow to vent to. Because what are best friends for? “…so then I woohoo’d Sean…and I don’t think I like him either…My life’s just a mess, Rainbow.” “Well, you know you don’t have to decide on a life partner right now. Or at all, if you want.” “Easy for you to say, you’re not an heiress.” “Seriously. You don’t have to tie yourself to one person in order to fulfil your job as an heir,” Rainbow smiled, “Now I have an idea. A makeover, and a blind date.”
  • 54. “How exactly is this going to help, Rainbow?” “A date will get Gavin and Sean out of your mind,” Rainbow said, firmly, “At least for a little while. And a new look? Well, it’ll boost your confidence, right?” “I guess? I don’t feel like that’s a necessary, though…” “Fine. Look good, feel good. How’s that?” “Okay…you seem committed to this idea, anyway.”
  • 55. Strawberry stared at her reflection, admiring her new haircut. She sighed deeply. “Rainbow, what am I going to do? Mum and Dad will be expecting me to come home with a boyfriend or…or a fiancé or something!”
  • 56. “Seriously? Our family is not exactly conventional, is it? I mean, I’m your aunt! Your parents will be cool with whatever you decide, Strawb.” “You’re right.” “Of course I am. Besides, plenty of time to meet someone yet.”
  • 57. That evening, Sean graduated with a 4.0 in Biology. Of course, a ‘small’ party was thrown in his honour.
  • 58. For some reason, Blossom had been given an invite. She was an old friend of Sean’s, but a college party no longer seemed like her kind of thing. She did, however, come with an offer for Sean. “I hear you have no plans for after graduation, Sean.” “Jeez, you too? Everyone’s been on at me about it. Find a wife, Sean. Choose a career…what if I don’t want any of that? What if the girl I want is already taken?” “Like, calm down Sean. I was just going to offer you a place at the commune.” “…Really? That might be ideal actually…”
  • 59. With the old placeholder graduating and moving out, it seemed like a perfect time to move a new one in. Ringo chose a guy he’d gotten to know over their various house parties – Maxis premade Jared Starchild. (note: I have an unreasonable amount of love for Jared Starchild)
  • 60. The party also seemed like a perfect time for Paul to propose to Jenna. While I can’t look at Paul’s wants, I know Jenna’s been harbouring a ‘get engaged’ want for awhile, and I think that’s close enough. That means three out of the four siblings are now engaged.
  • 61. “Hey Strawberry, love the new hair-” “Don’t you dare.” “Don’t I dare what?” “Don’t you dare propose just because everyone else is engaged.” “Wouldn’t dream of it, Strawb.”
  • 62. And as all of his friends slapdanced, Sean grew into an adult with a questionable fashion choice. “I’m so changing when I get back.”
  • 63. After the party had died down, and Sean had left – Strawberry hadn’t wanted to hurt his feelings – the matchmaker was called. Strawberry was going to take Rainbow’s advice. Maybe what she needed was a fresh face, rather than someone she’d already met.
  • 64. “I need this to work, Matchmaker. I can’t go home…I can’t go home alone. I need a partner. Just…make it good.” “I’ll try my best, dear, but remember, these things cannot be forced.” The matchmaker pulled out her crystal ball, and chosen a man that she felt fit with Strawberry’s requirements.
  • 65. “This, Strawberry, is Sanjay Ramaswami. He’s married, I think, but try not to hold that against him.” “…you chose me a married man?!” “Relax. For things might not be as crystal clear as they seem.” Infuriated, Strawberry turned around to introduce herself to the stranger.
  • 66. And promptly yawned in his face. Good work, Strawberry. The date wasn’t anything spectacular, although it ended on dream date. Surprisingly, there was no woohoo.
  • 67. “Well that didn’t help at all,” she told herself, pouring juice, “Last time I take Rainbow’s advice.”
  • 68. Inside, someone found Paul crying again. “Dude, we just met and I don’t know what’s upsetting you…but there is totally a way you can change this.” “*sniff* how?” “You could change your aspiration, dude. Cheese it up, if you catch my drift.” “Will it make me happier?” “It might. Worth a shot, right?”
  • 69. Paul decided it was worth a shot. I used one of his commands to make him a Grilled Cheese sim. I thought it might be easier to keep him happier this way – I just want Paul to be happy dammit! But we’ll have to find out if it worked next time, as we’re at the end of our chapter!
  • 70. “I have a LOT of thinking to do…” I’ll toast to that one. Join me and the Harts next time for the last little bit of college, and the start of a new generation! See you soon! 