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Social Media
What do I have to know and
understand to get started?
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How to get started
Stay focused on your objective
• Define marketing goal
• Define target markets

• Which channel, which
  medium, which platform will
  help me reach my target?

          Be where your
           customers are!!
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How to get started
What do you intent to achieve?
•    Win additional customers   • Increase communication
•    Gain a new customer base     with customers
•    Increase sales             • Increase website traffic
•    Increase awareness         • Increase image
•    Enter new markets          • Change image
                                • Increase online reputation

           As with traditional marketing:
           set yourself realistic goals!
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How to get started
3. Where are your customers having their conversations?
 “Let's spend a day in your customers          talk
 media mix and learn to understand
 what they experience, how they feel,        energize
 and most of all, how they                    support
 communicate and interact. “
 Kevin Colleran, Facebooks #1 Sales Rep     Integrate

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How to get started
Set Strategy + Processes
Ask yourself
• Where are my customers => What        • Which social networks will be
  product(s) are suitable for social      suitable?
  networks?                             • What reactions should I be
• How do I position these products?       prepared to get?
• Does my CI and brand fit the online   • How will I react to negative
  community?                              feedback from blogs, etc.?
• How do I communicate online (tone     • Do I communicate centralized
  and stile)?                             or distributed?

 You have no glue?
 Then have a look how your competitors do it!
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Media Marketing has an ever
growing Toolbox
       –     Search Engines                  –    Video Sites (YouTube, …)
       –     Forums                          –    Price Search Engines
       –     Blogs                           –    Rating Sites
       –     Interest Groups                 –    Picture Galleries, Social
       –     Portals                              Galleries (Spotify, Pinterest…)
       –     Social Networks                  –   Music Galleries (Spotify,…)
         (Facebook, Twitter, Xing, LinkedIn…) –   Apps, Location Based Apps
       – Podcasts                             –   Social Games
       – Social Media Monitoring (SMM) –          …

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Consequences of Social Media Marketing
for the Product Range “The Long Tail”

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Chris Anderson: The Long Tail, 2006.
Consequences of Social Media Marketing
  for the Customer
  “The Cluetrain Manifesto (2001)”
  95 Theses Excerpt
  1. Markets are conversations.
  12. There are no secrets. The networked market knows more than companies do about
       their own products. And whether the news is good or bad, they tell everyone.
  17. Companies that assume online markets are the same markets that used to watch their
       ads on television are kidding themselves.
  18. Companies that don't realize their markets are now networked person-to-person, getting
       smarter as a result and deeply joined in conversation are missing their best opportunity.
  19. Companies can now communicate with their markets directly. If they blow it, it could be
       their last chance.
  21. Companies need to lighten up and take themselves less seriously. They need to get a
       sense of humor.

Levine , Locke, Searls ,Weinberger: The Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual, 1999.
  20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Σ            Social Media Basics

#1 Built and maintain networks:
                           THE SM TOOLBOX

#2 Built credibility and trust, especially in B2B:
                                CONTENT MARKETING

#3 Be found by your target market:
                           SEO + SMM

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Recap Social Media Basics
   • What was most important for you so far?
         Tell your neighbor to the right and left.
   • What open question emerged?
   • What is unclear?

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Media

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
What Media Channels
should I use?

Where should my
company be present?

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Social Media Toolbox

Choose your

Slide by Solis + Thomas
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Select YOUR Tools
               not All Tools!

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Media as a Workflow Process
       Hosting              Corporate                         Channel

     Youtube                PR Content                         XING

                            Website                           Facebook
                            Microsites                        Twitter
                            Blog                               LinkedIn
   Slideshare                Newsletter                        Google+

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer    Slide based on  Björn Eichstädt, Storymaker
Types of Social Media Interaction
by Source                                                Social 
                                                                        Questions &

                                              Social                                  Market
                 Market‐                      Sales                                Information

         triggered social 
                                           Social                                       Customer
             interactions                 Marketing                                    Preferences
         (outside‐to‐outside)                                      Market
                                      Corporate Social Content                 Existing Social Media          FB 
                                      Corporate Blogs, Forums,               (Facebook, Xing, Twitter,       Page        t
                                     branded / unbranded Social                    Linkedin, etc.)
                                          Networks, etc.)                                                    Google     …
                Business‐                                      Customer‐facing
         triggered social                                         employee

             interactions                                                                    Monitoring / 
                                                                                             Data Mining
           (inside‐to‐outside         Corp. 

                                 Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled
                                   Marketing           Sales           Service            F&E
based on Cipriani 2009
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer           Marketing             Sales              Service                 F&E
Types of Social Media Interaction
by Purpose

                  Marketing          Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

              Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                   Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

               Rapid Social     Rapid Social        Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
            Marketing Response Sales Response     Support Response       F&E

                 Social Event                     Socially‐enabled
                                 Sales Referal
                 Management                           Service

              Social Campaign    Proactive Lead
                  Tracking        Generierung

                                                   CRM = Customer Relationship Management

based on Altimeter Group 2010
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
360° Medienmanagement
   Kundenprofile beachten
• Was machen Silver Surfer (>50 J.) 

   20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
360° Medienmanagement
Kundenprofil: Digital Natives
 Was machen Digital Natives (zwischen 14 und 29 J.) online?

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Website:
Center Stage

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Website:
Center Stage

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Website:
Center Stage

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Website:
Center Stage +Aggregation Point

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Website:
Center Stage +Aggregation Point

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Website
•    You control the content and the design
•    You can backlink all media channels to the site
•    One stop overview, monitor and archive
•    Low cost professional site with Open Source tools
     like Wordpress und Joomla, templates, plug-ins und
     RSS feeds.

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Website
• You must manage and maintain the site including its
  layout and design, content, tech. support and its
• Corporate Websites are usually seen as push
• Cost and time intensive

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Blog
the “Sun of the Solar Content System”

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Blog

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell Blogs                  Blogs ,Forums

 Kundeninsight
 Plattform for problem solving and ideas
 Customer bonding, pos. brand recognition
 Segmented customer groups + prospects
 SM Strategy
 Engagement and learning from and with customers
 1.7 M registered members (spring11)
 2.300-2.500 Posts/Woche

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Direct2Dell                 Blog

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
TechCenter Blog, Chat, Community

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell Shares Investor Relations

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
TechCenter Blog, Chat, Community

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Blog
Employees as Experts

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Blog
Make some rules.
                Empower all employees… they are the brand.

                • Behave professionally and ethically.
                • Take personal responsibility.
                • Include a disclaimer: your opinions are yours, 
                  not IBM’s.
                • Don’t pick fights.

                “Use social media as a means to expose IBM’s 
                experts—and expertise—to the world.”
                                                        Adam Christensen
                                    Manager, Social Media Communications

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Types of Social CRM Interaction
                                                         Social         Questions &
                                                        Service         complaints

                                              Social                                  Market
                 Market‐                      Sales                                Information

         triggered social 
                                           Social                                       Customer
             interactions                 Marketing                                    Preferences
         (outside‐to‐outside)                                      Market
                                                                               Existing Social Media 
                                      Corporate Social Content                       Networks
                                      Corporate Blogs, Forums,               (Facebook, Xing, Twitter, 
                                     branded / unbranded Social                    Linkedin, etc.)
                                          Networks, etc.)

                Business‐                                      Customer‐facing
         triggered social                                         employee

             interactions                                                                    Monitoring / 
           (inside‐to‐outside                                                                Data Mining

                                 Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled
                                   Marketing           Sales           Service            R&D
based on Cipriani 2009
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer           Marketing             Sales              Service                 R&D
The Corporate Blog
Types of Social Media Interaction

                   Marketing           Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

                Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                     Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

                Rapid Social     Rapid Social         Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
             Marketing Response Sales Response      Support Response       F&E

                  Social Event                      Socially‐enabled
                                   Sales Referal
                  Management                            Service

               Social Campaign     Proactive Lead
                   Tracking         Generierung

based on Altimeter Group 2010
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Blog
• You can show that you know a lot about a topic
• You are easily found by search engines (search engines follow
     backlinks; a good article easily generates 10-50 backlinks in a few days)
• It is free for the customer and free media for you as a
• You can segment your target market nicely
• It can be the starting point for new content, hosts
  conversations, can provide context for news
• It can be a starting point for personal brands
• Small companies can get to the top of search engine
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Blog
• Frequency is a must  time consuming
• You are not credible in a “controlled” bog
• You don’t control what is said in an open employee
• Generating relevant and interesting content on a
  frequent basis is not easy

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Networks

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Networks 2
     Social networks are network communities on the
     internet. Users can add friends or followers and
     send them messages or notify them about updates
     concerning themselves.

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Built and Maintain Networks
 Individuals, professionals and companies look for 
  suitable networks and clusters
 Within a network, they look for suitable groups and 
  joint them 

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How Social Networks work
                            Think about a 
                            sports club!

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How Social Networks work 2
• Voluntary active or passive membership
• Special areas of interests
• One communicates where one has something to say
  (or not), has an opinion, answers questions, asks
  questions, …
• If one is open, friendly and nice, friendships will develop
  that value ones expertise and opinion
• Once one has built a reputation, it will be accepted,
  even appreciated if one recommends and hints one
  ones products and services, online shop, other
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How Social Networks work 3
Friends are easily found,
one links up, meets, networks, …
and own expertise distributes …

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell on Facebook Community
 Customer insight
 Customer bonding, pos. Brand 
 Segmented customer groups 
 and prospects
SM Strategy
 „Be were your customer is“
 Offer community experience 
 644.723 likes (July 2011)
 909.910 likes (Dec 2011)
  20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell on Facebook Ratings

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell on Google +

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell on Google + Hangouts

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Festool on Facebook

39.559 Fans

Stand: 09.07.2012

curtsey of Klaus Danner,
Manager Customer
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Festool on Facebook Fanpage
• Sprachen: Deutsch
Beiträge von Festool auf Facebook:
• Produkte und Angebote
• Aktuelle Informationen
• Messen und andere Events
• Fanaktionen: Fotowettbewerb, Poster, Testimonials

Beiträge von Usern auf Facebook:
• Fragen zur Anwendung
• Produktvergleich
• Fragen zur Reparatur von Festool-Produkten
• Fragen zu Service & Bestellungen

   20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                                                      curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
Festtool Ziele der Nutzung von Social Media

 Information &                    Problemlösung &                Beratung                Beschwerden & 
Wissensaustausch                        Hilfe                                             Reklamation

  Kaufbestätigung                  Affinitätsimpuls,             Profilierung,          Altruistischer Impuls, 
                                 Bekenntnis zur Marke            Reputation               Hilfsbereitschaft

 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer   curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
Festool on Facebook Fanpage Meinungen

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                            curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
Festool on Facebook Fanpage Fragen
 Frage: Würdet Ihr Eure Festool Werkzeuge anderen Personen

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                                        curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
Festool on Facebook Fanpage Anwendungsberatung

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                            curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
Festool on Facebook Fanpage Produktvergleich

                            28 Kommentare später …

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                                                     curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
Festool on Facebook Fanpage Beschwerdekanal

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                            curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
Festool on Facebook Fanpage Servicekommunikation

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                            curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
Festool on Facebook Fanpage Kunden-Stolz

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                            curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
Festool on Facebook Information Flow

                                                    Service & Beschwerde‐
                                                         Management         Reaktion im 
                            Social Media Kanäle 
                             – incl.  Monitoring                            Social Web
     bedarf                        System
                                                                                              Service
                                                                                              Support 
                                                      Meinungsführer                          Beschwerdem.
  Beschwerden                                          Management
                                                                                              Kundenzufriedenh.
                                                                                              Produkte

                                                                            Reaktion z.B. 
    Berichte                                                                Presse /neue 


20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                                                                curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
Mrz 10

                            20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                                                           Apr 10
                                                           Mai 10
                                                           Jun 10
                                                            Jul 10
                                                           Aug 10
                                                           Sep 10
                                                           Okt 10
                                                           Nov 10
                                                           Dez 10
                                                           Jan 11
                                                           Feb 11
                                                           Mrz 11
                                                           Apr 11
                                                           Mai 11
                                                                                                 Festool on Facebook

                                                           Jun 11
                                                            Jul 11
                                                           Aug 11
                                                           Sep 11
                                                           Okt 11
                                                                     Entwicklung Facebook Fans

                                                           Nov 11
                                                           Dez 11
                                                           Jan 12
                                                           Feb 12
                                                           Mrz 12

                                                           Apr 12
                                                           Mai 12
                                                           Jun 12
curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
Types of Social CRM Interaction
                                                         Social         Questions &
                                                        Service         complaints

                                              Social                                  Market
                 Market‐                      Sales                                Information

         triggered social 
                                           Social                                       Customer
             interactions                 Marketing                                    Preferences
         (outside‐to‐outside)                                      Market
                                                                               Existing Social Media 
                                      Corporate Social Content                       Networks
                                      Corporate Blogs, Forums,               (Facebook, Xing, Twitter, 
                                     branded / unbranded Social                    Linkedin, etc.)
                                          Networks, etc.)

                Business‐                                      Customer‐facing
         triggered social                                         employee

             interactions                                                                    Monitoring / 
           (inside‐to‐outside                                                                Data Mining

                                 Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled
                                   Marketing           Sales           Service            R&D
based on Cipriani 2009
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer           Marketing             Sales              Service                 R&D
Starting point for Social Customer Relationship

                   Marketing           Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

                Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                     Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

                Rapid Social     Rapid Social         Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
             Marketing Response Sales Response      Support Response       F&E

                  Social Event                      Socially‐enabled
                                   Sales Referal
                  Management                            Service

               Social Campaign     Proactive Lead
                   Tracking         Generierung

based on Altimeter Group 2010
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Networks
  • Direct customer communication            • Efficient marketing tool
  • Largest social Network                   • Gives companies “a face”
  • Many forms of interaction                  or “faces”
  • Entertainment                            • Connectable with twitter,
  • Full display of many media                 Google+, linkedin…
    formats (pictures, movies, games, ...)   • Mobile app
  • Cool ideas result in huge reach          • Location updates
  • Personal reputation                      • Many apps enlarge
    management                                 functionality
  • Facebook statistics
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Networks                                          Practice

  • Uncontrolled environment • Privacy problems
    for employees               – Like button (documenting all
                                   activity on the website)
  • Time-consuming              – Open FB tab in Browser
  • Less exciting products      – Apps can result in spam

    can have a hard time     • Hard to separate private and
    gaining recognition        business
                             • FB can change the rules as
  • Requires high frequency    they like (free service)
    of relevant content
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Business Oriented Social Networks
   • More serious environments,
     no personal content
   • Suitable for personal business
     profile pages                     • Increasingly commercial +
   • Customer + recruiter research       spam
   • Personal reputation               • Time consuming
                                       • Not all audiences are in
   • Business oriented groups            these networks
   • Business contact initiation and
                                       • Often regional

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content Sharing Platforms
• Online Communities for archiving and sharing
  content such as:
       – Photographs and images
       – Videos
       – Audios
       – Presentations

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Media as a Workflow Process
       Hosting              Corporate                         Channel

     Youtube                PR Content                         XING

                            Website                           Facebook
                            Microsites                        Twitter
                            Blog                               LinkedIn
   Slideshare                Newsletter                        Google+

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer    Slide based on  Björn Eichstädt, Storymaker
Festtool on Youtube


                            März 2010 bis Juni 2012


                             curtsey of Klaus Danner,
                             Manager Customer

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Mrz 10
                                                           Apr 10

                            20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                                                           Mai 10
                                                           Jun 10
                                                            Jul 10
                                                           Aug 10
                                                           Sep 10
                                                           Okt 10
                                                           Nov 10
                                                           Dez 10
                                                           Jan 11
                                                           Feb 11
                                                           Mrz 11
                                                                                               Festool on Youtube

                                                           Apr 11
                                                           Mai 11
                                                           Jun 11
                                                            Jul 11
                                                           Aug 11
                                                                     Youtube ‐ Views pro Tag

                                                           Sep 11
                                                           Okt 11

                                                           Nov 11
                                                           Dez 11
                                                           Jan 12
                                                           Feb 12
                                                           Mrz 12
                                                           Apr 12
                                                           Mai 12
                                                           Jun 12
curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
Content Sharing Platforms
  Easy way to display,
   archive and share        • Copyright problems
  No need for own          • Free data upload or
   infrastructure and         information spread is
   storage                    limited
  Possible real time       • No quality control of
   reporting of events        content and material
  Products / content is
   ranked by audience

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Crowd Sourcing / Open Innovation


    20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell‘s Crowdsourcing Aktivitäten

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
IdeaStorm                   Open Innovation Platform

 Collect product ideas, and Product solution ideas from customers
 Custoner insight ranked by urgency
 customer
 prospect
                  Marketing
 SM      Strategy R&D
 Engagement + learning
 Results (7/11)
 15.000 ideas
 >900.000 votes
 500 ideas implemented

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer                                            19.12.2011
Dell Design Studio Mass Individualisation
    mass
    brand
    individualistic
      customers + 
    SM Strategie
    online offer

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Open Innovation through Social Media

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Turning the R&D Processes Upside Down!

                                                       Cash flow over time

                                                          Market Demand: 
                                                          Product Lifecycle


             inbound Marketing

                                  outbound Marketing

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Types of Social CRM Interaction
                                                         Social         Questions &
                                                        Service         complaints

                                              Social                                  Market
                 Market‐                      Sales                                Information

         triggered social 
                                           Social                                       Customer
             interactions                 Marketing                                    Preferences
         (outside‐to‐outside)                                      Market
                                                                               Existing Social Media 
                                      Corporate Social Content                       Networks
                                      Corporate Blogs, Forums,               (Facebook, Xing, Twitter, 
                                     branded / unbranded Social                    Linkedin, etc.)
                                          Networks, etc.)

                Business‐                                      Customer‐facing
         triggered social                                         employee

             interactions                                                                    Monitoring / 
           (inside‐to‐outside                                                                Data Mining

                                 Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled
                                   Marketing           Sales           Service            R&D
based on Cipriani 2009
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer           Marketing             Sales              Service                 R&D
Starting point forSocial Customer Relationship

                  Marketing          Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

              Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                   Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

               Rapid Social     Rapid Social        Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
            Marketing Response Sales Response     Support Response       F&E

                 Social Event                     Socially‐enabled
                                 Sales Referal
                 Management                           Service

              Social Campaign    Proactive Lead
                  Tracking        Generierung

based on Altimeter Group 2010
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell Shop                   eCommercewith Social Content

 sales
 Change brand perception
 customers
 prospects
 SM Strategie
 eShop with rankings +

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Festool – Dealer Partnerships

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Recommendation Platforms
  • Here users share
    experiences, perceptions
    and recommendations
    about products, services
    and organizations .         • bad products are exposed
    Sometimes detailed
    discussions can evolve..
  • Products are ranked by
  • credibility
  • good products are usually
    ranked positively

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Types of Social CRM Interaction
                                                         Social         Questions &
                                                        Service         complaints

                                              Social                                  Market
                 Market‐                      Sales                                Information

         triggered social 
                                           Social                                       Customer
             interactions                 Marketing                                    Preferences
         (outside‐to‐outside)                                      Market
                                                                               Existing Social Media 
                                      Corporate Social Content                       Networks
                                      Corporate Blogs, Forums,               (Facebook, Xing, Twitter, 
                                     branded / unbranded Social                    Linkedin, etc.)
                                          Networks, etc.)

                Business‐                                      Customer‐facing
         triggered social                                         employee

             interactions                                                                    Monitoring / 
           (inside‐to‐outside                                                                Data Mining

                                 Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled
                                   Marketing           Sales           Service            R&D
based on Cipriani 2009
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer           Marketing             Sales              Service                 R&D
Starting point for Social Customer Relationship

                  Marketing          Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

              Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                   Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

               Rapid Social     Rapid Social        Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
            Marketing Response Sales Response     Support Response       F&E

                 Social Event                     Socially‐enabled
                                  Sales Referal
                 Management                           Service

              Social Campaign    Proactive Lead
                  Tracking        Generierung

based on Altimeter Group 2010
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
     Microblogging is a form of blogging that allows
     users to send brief text updates (or micromedia
     such as photos or audio clips) and publish them.
     These messages can be submitted by a variety of
     means like text messaging, instant messaging, E-
     mail, digital audio or the web. (Wikipedia)

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell on Twitter

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell‘s Twitter Activities

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
DellOutlet                  Twitter as an Outletstore

 selling
 change brand recognition
 customers
 prospects
 SM Strategy
 Twitter as a sales plattform
 June 2009: $6,5 M revenue
 Delloutlet: 1,54 Mio 7/11
 1,55 Mio 12/11 follower
 (D: 131 seit Feb. 2011)

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer                               19.12.2011
DellOutlet Deutschland      Twitter as an Outletstore

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
DellOutlet China Twitter as an Outletstore

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Festtool on Twitter

                                                 978 Follower

                                                 Stand 09.07.2012

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                            curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
Festtool on Twitter
• Sprache: Deutsch

Beiträge von Festool auf Twitter:
• Produkte und Angebote
• Online-Umfrage
• Informationen zu Messen

Beiträge von Usern auf Twitter:
• Bauanleitungen von Festool
• Fragen zu Produkten

 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                                    curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
Festtool on Twitter ausgewählte Follower

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                            curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
      fast
      cheap                                • only short messages (Twitter 140
      real-time communication                characters)
      real-time market research            • short lifetime of tweets
      advertising allowed                  • a lot of meaningless information
      direct customer                        in twitter sphere
      great monitoring tool (alternative   • difficult to measure
       clients, e.g. tritterdeck)
  interest based, not friendship           • Spam / unpleasant followers
   based                                      possible
  global                                   • Fast media for fast + easy
  mobile                                     mistakes
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Types of Social CRM Interaction
                                                          Social         Questions &
                                                         Service         complaints

                                               Social                                  Market
                   Market‐                     Sales                                Information

           triggered social 
                                            Social                                       Customer
               interactions                Marketing                                    Preferences
           (outside‐to‐outside)                                     Market
                                                                                Existing Social Media 
                                       Corporate Social Content                       Networks
                                       Corporate Blogs, Forums,               (Facebook, Xing, Twitter, 
                                      branded / unbranded Social                    Linkedin, etc.)
                                           Networks, etc.)

                  Business‐                                     Customer‐facing
           triggered social                                        employee

               interactions                                                                   Monitoring / 
            (inside‐to‐outside                                                                Data Mining

                                  Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled
                                    Marketing           Sales           Service            R&D

 based on Cipriani 2009
     20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer   Marketing
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                  Sales              Service                 R&D
Starting point for Social Customer Relationship

                  Marketing          Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

              Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                   Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

               Rapid Social     Rapid Social        Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
            Marketing Response Sales Response     Support Response       F&E

                 Social Event                     Socially‐enabled
                                 Sales Referal
                 Management                           Service

              Social Campaign    Proactive Lead
                  Tracking        Generierung

based on Altimeter Group 2010
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
DellCares Twitter as a Support Channel
 Solve customer problems
 Change brand recognition
 customers
 prospects
 SM Strategy
 Twitter as a support channel
 10.000 follower (7/11)
 15.600 follower (12/11)
 13.460 Tweets

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Types of Social CRM Interaction
                                                             Social         Questions &
                                                            Service         complaints

                                                  Social                                  Market
                     Market‐                      Sales                                Information

             triggered social 
                                               Social                                       Customer
                 interactions                 Marketing                                    Preferences
             (outside‐to‐outside)                                      Market
                                                                                   Existing Social Media 
                                          Corporate Social Content                       Networks
                                          Corporate Blogs, Forums,               (Facebook, Xing, Twitter, 
                                         branded / unbranded Social                    Linkedin, etc.)
                                              Networks, etc.)

                    Business‐                                      Customer‐facing
             triggered social                                         employee

                 interactions                                                                    Monitoring / 
               (inside‐to‐outside                                                                Data Mining

                                     Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled
                                       Marketing           Sales           Service            R&D

based on Cipriani 2009
   20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer            Marketing             Sales              Service                 R&D
Starting point for Social Customer Relationship

                  Marketing          Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

              Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                   Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

               Rapid Social     Rapid Social        Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
            Marketing Response Sales Response     Support Response       F&E

                 Social Event                     Socially‐enabled
                                 Sales Referal
                 Management                           Service

              Social Campaign    Proactive Lead
                  Tracking        Generierung

based on Altimeter Group 2010
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Monitoring Twitter as a trend scout
 Identify future trends
 Identify brand + product issues
 Marketing
 R&D
 SM Strategy
 Twitter als Supportkanal

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Why Social Media Monitoring?
Issue Management
     What expectations do different stakeholders hold?
               Identify areas with potential for conflict early and
               address them proactively (before the broader public gets aware)
               Identify, monitor and construct actions to
               manage/reduce/neutralize stakeholder discrepancy
               of expectations.
               Develop an “early warning system”

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer                                                19.12.201
Remember: They talk about you!
• They do it with or without you … you should steer
  the direction best you can!
• Dell Hell was a showcase starting point in 2005

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Why Social Media Monitoring?
Customer Service and Support, CRM
     Identify and address core customer needs
         Sales advice
         Setup / integration support
         Runtime support
     Customers help customers
         Identify and bond with advocates
         Identify and utilize star experts
         Reduce support cost

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer                 Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better
                                          Reality Marketing
Why Social Media Monitoring?
Product Marketing and R&D
     Identify + address product shortcomings / improvement opportunities
           Customer / user complains
           Customer / user suggestions and ideas
           Customer / user use cases
     Identify and address core customer needs
           Industry discussions
           Crowd sourcing
     Identify trends
           Industry discussions
           Crowd sourcing

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer                                Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better
                                                         Reality Marketing
SMM Value Creation and KPIs
Traditional Online Marketing
       Page Impressions
       Unique Visitors
 Social Media Marketing
       Foster Dialog
       Promote Advocacy
       Facilitate Support
       Spur Innovation

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer      Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better
                               Reality Marketing
Social CRM
                     CRM 1.0                                    CRM 2.0

                       Targeting                                 Establishing 






                      Retention                                   Experience

                                   Customer              Support processes
   Marketing           Sales                                                                   Value
                                                        Operation processes

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Formen von CRM
Analytisches CRM
• Detaillierte Analyse aller kundenbezogenen Transaktionen und
  Prozesse und Verwertung der Information für zielgruppengerichte
  Strategien und personalisierte 1-to-1-Konzepte.
Operatives CRM
• Kunden-und -kanalspezifische Implementierung kundenbezogener
  Geschäftsprozesse. Integration von Customer Touchpoints (Call
  Center, Web etc.) und Backoffice.
Kollaboratives CRM
• Management der verschiedenen Vertriebskanäle (Multi Channel
  Management) inkl. der Identifikation von Kanalkonflikten, -kosten
  und -potenzialen.

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Definition Social CRM
        Social CRM is the business strategy of engaging
        customers through Social Media with the goal
        of building trust and brand loyalty.
        Loyalty is defined as attitude towards a brand that inclines a
        customer to repurchase it and/or recommend it to others.

Harish Kotadia, Definition of Social CRM, 2011.
   20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Conversation- and process oriented

Evolution in CRM                                             Involving customers for better customer
                                                             insight, trust building, building brand loyalty,
                                                             problem recognition and customer
Transaction- and process oriented
Technology enabled customer processes in order               More customer insight through his network
to support and organize sales-, marketing and                connections and communities.
support activities (Shaw)

                                                                                         CRM 2.0
                     CRM 1.0
                                                                                 Kunde                  Kunde
                            Kunde                                                           Kunde

        Kunde                                      Kunde                 Kunde                                     Kunde

                                                              Kunde                                                          Kunde
                   Konkurrenz Supplier / Partner
                                                                                   Konkurrenz Supplier / Partner
    Kunde                                            Kunde
                                                                  Kunde                                              Kunde

                Kunde Unternehmen       Kunde
                                                                 Kunde                   Unternehmen                  Kunde
                                                                                 Kunde                  Kunde
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell „Social Media Listening Command Center“
    Inform: customer feedback in real time
    Listen and act: recognize alarm signals
      early and act upon them
    Ensure effective + appropriate customer
    Support: Information + support for the
      influencers and communities with
      influence online
    all relevant departments
    customers and prospects
    communities / influencer

    SM Strategy
    control center
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Types of Social CRM Interaction
                                                          Social         Questions &
                                                         Service         complaints

                                               Social                                  Market
                   Market‐                     Sales                                Information

           triggered social 
                                            Social                                       Customer
               interactions                Marketing                                    Preferences
           (outside‐to‐outside)                                     Market
                                                                                Existing Social Media 
                                       Corporate Social Content                       Networks
                                       Corporate Blogs, Forums,               (Facebook, Xing, Twitter, 
                                      branded / unbranded Social                    Linkedin, etc.)
                                           Networks, etc.)

                  Business‐                                     Customer‐facing
           triggered social                                        employee

               interactions                                                                   Monitoring / 
            (inside‐to‐outside                                                                Data Mining

                                  Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled
                                    Marketing           Sales           Service            F&E

 based on Cipriani 2009
     20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer   Marketing
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                  Sales              Service                 F&E
Social CRM functional architecture

                             Corporate Social Content                                   Ext. Social Media Networks
         oriented       (Corporate Blogs, Forums, Branded  /                           (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, 
         Social Tools     unbranded Social Networks, etc.)                                     Linkedin, etc.)

          Social Channel 

          Traditional  Channel                             Website                         Letter
                                                                                                    Face to face
          Interfaces                      Phone / E‐mail
                                           SMS                     Internal Social Tools                                 Fax
                                                      (Internal blogs, wikis, sharing platforms, social 
          Interne                   POS                                                                                        Business
                                                             networks, innovation portal, etc.)
          Collaboration Tools                                                                                                  Partner

          Social CRM Layer
                                      Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled
                                        Marketing           Sales           Service            F&E

          Traditionalle Processes          Marketing              Sales                Service                     F&E
 Based on Cipriani 2009
     20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                                                                     19.12.2011
Starting point for Social Customer Relationship

                  Marketing          Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

              Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                   Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

               Rapid Social     Rapid Social        Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
            Marketing Response Sales Response     Support Response       F&E

                 Social Event                     Socially‐enabled
                                 Sales Referal
                 Management                           Service

              Social Campaign    Proactive Lead
                  Tracking        Generierung

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Recap Social Media Toolbox
           • What was most important for you in this
             Discuss it in the workgroup from the role

           • Make one joint statement

           • What is unclear?
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer

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The Social Media Toolbox (updated 2012)

  • 1. Social Media Basics What do I have to know and understand to get started? 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 2. How to get started Stay focused on your objective • Define marketing goal • Define target markets • Which channel, which medium, which platform will help me reach my target? Be where your customers are!! 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 3. How to get started What do you intent to achieve? • Win additional customers • Increase communication • Gain a new customer base with customers • Increase sales • Increase website traffic • Increase awareness • Increase image • Enter new markets • Change image • Increase online reputation As with traditional marketing: set yourself realistic goals! 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 4. How to get started 3. Where are your customers having their conversations? LISTEN!! “Let's spend a day in your customers talk media mix and learn to understand what they experience, how they feel, energize and most of all, how they support communicate and interact. “ Kevin Colleran, Facebooks #1 Sales Rep Integrate BOND 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 5. How to get started Set Strategy + Processes Ask yourself • Where are my customers => What • Which social networks will be product(s) are suitable for social suitable? networks? • What reactions should I be • How do I position these products? prepared to get? • Does my CI and brand fit the online • How will I react to negative community? feedback from blogs, etc.? • How do I communicate online (tone • Do I communicate centralized and stile)? or distributed? You have no glue? Then have a look how your competitors do it! 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 6. Social Media Marketing has an ever growing Toolbox – Search Engines – Video Sites (YouTube, …) – Forums – Price Search Engines – Blogs – Rating Sites – Interest Groups – Picture Galleries, Social – Portals Galleries (Spotify, Pinterest…) – Social Networks – Music Galleries (Spotify,…) (Facebook, Twitter, Xing, LinkedIn…) – Apps, Location Based Apps – Podcasts – Social Games – Social Media Monitoring (SMM) – … 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 7. Consequences of Social Media Marketing for the Product Range “The Long Tail” • 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Chris Anderson: The Long Tail, 2006.
  • 8. Consequences of Social Media Marketing for the Customer “The Cluetrain Manifesto (2001)” 95 Theses Excerpt 1. Markets are conversations. 12. There are no secrets. The networked market knows more than companies do about their own products. And whether the news is good or bad, they tell everyone. 17. Companies that assume online markets are the same markets that used to watch their ads on television are kidding themselves. 18. Companies that don't realize their markets are now networked person-to-person, getting smarter as a result and deeply joined in conversation are missing their best opportunity. 19. Companies can now communicate with their markets directly. If they blow it, it could be their last chance. 21. Companies need to lighten up and take themselves less seriously. They need to get a sense of humor. Levine , Locke, Searls ,Weinberger: The Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual, 1999. 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 9. Σ Social Media Basics #1 Built and maintain networks: THE SM TOOLBOX #2 Built credibility and trust, especially in B2B: CONTENT MARKETING #3 Be found by your target market: SEO + SMM 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 10. Recap Social Media Basics • What was most important for you so far? Tell your neighbor to the right and left. • What open question emerged? • What is unclear? 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 12. What Media Channels should I use? Where should my company be present? 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 13. 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 14. The Social Media Toolbox Choose your channels wisely! Slide by Solis + Thomas 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 15. Select YOUR Tools not All Tools! 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 16. Social Media as a Workflow Process Communication  Hosting Corporate Channel Youtube PR Content XING Website Facebook Flickr Microsites Twitter Issuu Blog LinkedIn Slideshare Newsletter Google+ 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Slide based on  Björn Eichstädt, Storymaker
  • 17. Types of Social Media Interaction by Source Social  Service Questions & complaints Social Market Market‐ Sales Information triggered social  Social  Customer interactions Marketing Preferences (outside‐to‐outside) Market Twitter Corporate Social Content Existing Social Media FB  Accoun Corporate Blogs, Forums,  (Facebook, Xing, Twitter,  Page t branded / unbranded Social  Linkedin, etc.) Networks, etc.) Google … + Business‐ Customer‐facing triggered social  employee interactions Monitoring /  Data Mining (inside‐to‐outside Corp.  inside‐to‐inside) Website Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Marketing Sales Service F&E based on Cipriani 2009 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Marketing Sales Service F&E
  • 18. Types of Social Media Interaction by Purpose Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung CRM = Customer Relationship Management based on Altimeter Group 2010 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 19. 360° Medienmanagement Kundenprofile beachten • Was machen Silver Surfer (>50 J.)  Online? 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 20. 360° Medienmanagement Kundenprofil: Digital Natives Was machen Digital Natives (zwischen 14 und 29 J.) online? 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 21. The Corporate Website: Center Stage 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 22. The Corporate Website: Center Stage 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 23. The Corporate Website: Center Stage 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 24. The Corporate Website: Center Stage +Aggregation Point 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 25. The Corporate Website: Center Stage +Aggregation Point 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 26. The Corporate Website • You control the content and the design • You can backlink all media channels to the site • One stop overview, monitor and archive • Low cost professional site with Open Source tools like Wordpress und Joomla, templates, plug-ins und RSS feeds. 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 27. The Corporate Website • You must manage and maintain the site including its layout and design, content, tech. support and its URL(s) • Corporate Websites are usually seen as push marketing. • Cost and time intensive 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 28. The Corporate Blog the “Sun of the Solar Content System” 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 30. Dell Blogs Blogs ,Forums Objective  Kundeninsight  Plattform for problem solving and ideas  Customer bonding, pos. brand recognition Target  Segmented customer groups + prospects SM Strategy  Engagement and learning from and with customers Results  1.7 M registered members (spring11)  2.300-2.500 Posts/Woche 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 31. Direct2Dell Blog 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 32. TechCenter Blog, Chat, Community 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 33. Dell Shares Investor Relations 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 34. TechCenter Blog, Chat, Community 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 35. The Corporate Blog Employees as Experts 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 36. The Corporate Blog Make some rules. Empower all employees… they are the brand. • Behave professionally and ethically. • Take personal responsibility. • Include a disclaimer: your opinions are yours,  not IBM’s. • Don’t pick fights. “Use social media as a means to expose IBM’s  experts—and expertise—to the world.” Adam Christensen Manager, Social Media Communications 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 37. Types of Social CRM Interaction Social  Questions & Service complaints Social Market Market‐ Sales Information triggered social  Social  Customer interactions Marketing Preferences (outside‐to‐outside) Market Existing Social Media  Corporate Social Content Networks Corporate Blogs, Forums,  (Facebook, Xing, Twitter,  branded / unbranded Social  Linkedin, etc.) Networks, etc.) Business‐ Customer‐facing triggered social  employee interactions Monitoring /  (inside‐to‐outside Data Mining inside‐to‐inside) Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Marketing Sales Service R&D based on Cipriani 2009 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Marketing Sales Service R&D
  • 38. The Corporate Blog Types of Social Media Interaction Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung based on Altimeter Group 2010 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 39. The Corporate Blog • You can show that you know a lot about a topic • You are easily found by search engines (search engines follow backlinks; a good article easily generates 10-50 backlinks in a few days) • It is free for the customer and free media for you as a vendor • You can segment your target market nicely • It can be the starting point for new content, hosts conversations, can provide context for news • It can be a starting point for personal brands • Small companies can get to the top of search engine rankings 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 40. The Corporate Blog • Frequency is a must  time consuming • You are not credible in a “controlled” bog • You don’t control what is said in an open employee blog • Generating relevant and interesting content on a frequent basis is not easy 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 42. Social Networks 2 Social networks are network communities on the internet. Users can add friends or followers and send them messages or notify them about updates concerning themselves. 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 43. Built and Maintain Networks  Individuals, professionals and companies look for  suitable networks and clusters  Within a network, they look for suitable groups and  joint them  20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 44. How Social Networks work Think about a  sports club! 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 45. How Social Networks work 2 • Voluntary active or passive membership • Special areas of interests • One communicates where one has something to say (or not), has an opinion, answers questions, asks questions, … • If one is open, friendly and nice, friendships will develop that value ones expertise and opinion • Once one has built a reputation, it will be accepted, even appreciated if one recommends and hints one ones products and services, online shop, other products… 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 46. How Social Networks work 3 Friends are easily found, one links up, meets, networks, … and own expertise distributes … 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 47. Dell on Facebook Community Objective  Customer insight  Customer bonding, pos. Brand  recognition Target  Segmented customer groups  and prospects SM Strategy  „Be were your customer is“  Offer community experience  Results  644.723 likes (July 2011)  909.910 likes (Dec 2011) 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 48. Dell on Facebook Ratings 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 49. Dell on Google + 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 50. Dell on Google + Hangouts 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 51. Festool on Facebook 39.559 Fans Stand: 09.07.2012 curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 52. Festool on Facebook Fanpage • • Sprachen: Deutsch Beiträge von Festool auf Facebook: • Produkte und Angebote • Aktuelle Informationen • Messen und andere Events • Fanaktionen: Fotowettbewerb, Poster, Testimonials Beiträge von Usern auf Facebook: • Fragen zur Anwendung • Produktvergleich • Fragen zur Reparatur von Festool-Produkten • Fragen zu Service & Bestellungen 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 53. Festtool Ziele der Nutzung von Social Media Information &  Problemlösung &  Beratung Beschwerden &  Wissensaustausch Hilfe Reklamation Kaufbestätigung Affinitätsimpuls,  Profilierung,  Altruistischer Impuls,  Bekenntnis zur Marke Reputation Hilfsbereitschaft 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 54. Festool on Facebook Fanpage Meinungen 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 55. Festool on Facebook Fanpage Fragen Frage: Würdet Ihr Eure Festool Werkzeuge anderen Personen ausleihen? 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 56. Festool on Facebook Fanpage Anwendungsberatung 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 57. Festool on Facebook Fanpage Produktvergleich 28 Kommentare später … 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 58. Festool on Facebook Fanpage Beschwerdekanal 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 59. Festool on Facebook Fanpage Servicekommunikation 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 60. Festool on Facebook Fanpage Kunden-Stolz 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 61. Festool on Facebook Information Flow Anwendungs‐ fragen Service & Beschwerde‐ Direkte  Management Reaktion im  Social Media Kanäle  – incl.  Monitoring  Social Web Beratungs‐ bedarf System  Service  Support  Meinungsführer   Beschwerdem. Beschwerden Management  Kundenzufriedenh.  Produkte … Produkt‐ Diskussion PR Indirekte  Reaktion z.B.  Berichte  Presse /neue  Produkttests Produkte Marketing/  Rechtsabteilung… 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 62. Mrz 10 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Apr 10 Mai 10 Jun 10 Jul 10 Aug 10 Sep 10 Okt 10 Nov 10 Dez 10 Jan 11 Feb 11 Mrz 11 Apr 11 Mai 11 Festool on Facebook Jun 11 Jul 11 Aug 11 Sep 11 Okt 11 Entwicklung Facebook Fans Nov 11 Dez 11 Jan 12 Feb 12 Mrz 12 Fan-Development Apr 12 Mai 12 Jun 12 curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 63. Types of Social CRM Interaction Social  Questions & Service complaints Social Market Market‐ Sales Information triggered social  Social  Customer interactions Marketing Preferences (outside‐to‐outside) Market Existing Social Media  Corporate Social Content Networks Corporate Blogs, Forums,  (Facebook, Xing, Twitter,  branded / unbranded Social  Linkedin, etc.) Networks, etc.) Business‐ Customer‐facing triggered social  employee interactions Monitoring /  (inside‐to‐outside Data Mining inside‐to‐inside) Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Marketing Sales Service R&D based on Cipriani 2009 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Marketing Sales Service R&D
  • 64. Starting point for Social Customer Relationship Management Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung based on Altimeter Group 2010 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 65. Social Networks • Direct customer communication • Efficient marketing tool • Largest social Network • Gives companies “a face” • Many forms of interaction or “faces” • Entertainment • Connectable with twitter, • Full display of many media Google+, linkedin… formats (pictures, movies, games, ...) • Mobile app • Cool ideas result in huge reach • Location updates • Personal reputation • Many apps enlarge management functionality • Facebook statistics 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 66. Social Networks Practice • Uncontrolled environment • Privacy problems for employees – Like button (documenting all activity on the website) • Time-consuming – Open FB tab in Browser • Less exciting products – Apps can result in spam can have a hard time • Hard to separate private and gaining recognition business • FB can change the rules as • Requires high frequency they like (free service) of relevant content generation 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 67. Business Oriented Social Networks • More serious environments, no personal content • Suitable for personal business profile pages • Increasingly commercial + • Customer + recruiter research spam • Personal reputation • Time consuming management • Not all audiences are in • Business oriented groups these networks • Business contact initiation and • Often regional management 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 68. Content Sharing Platforms • Online Communities for archiving and sharing content such as: – Photographs and images – Videos – Audios – Presentations 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 69. Social Media as a Workflow Process Communication  Hosting Corporate Channel Youtube PR Content XING Website Facebook Flickr Microsites Twitter Issuu Blog LinkedIn Slideshare Newsletter Google+ 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Slide based on  Björn Eichstädt, Storymaker
  • 70. Festtool on Youtube März 2010 bis Juni 2012 1.071.330 views curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 71. Mrz 10 Apr 10 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Mai 10 Jun 10 Jul 10 Aug 10 Sep 10 Okt 10 Nov 10 Dez 10 Jan 11 Feb 11 Mrz 11 Festool on Youtube Apr 11 Mai 11 Jun 11 Jul 11 Aug 11 Youtube ‐ Views pro Tag Sep 11 Okt 11 Entwicklung Nov 11 Dez 11 Jan 12 Feb 12 Mrz 12 Apr 12 Mai 12 Jun 12 curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 72. Content Sharing Platforms  Easy way to display, archive and share • Copyright problems  No need for own • Free data upload or infrastructure and information spread is storage limited  Possible real time • No quality control of reporting of events content and material  Products / content is ranked by audience 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 73. Crowd Sourcing / Open Innovation 19.12.2011 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 75. IdeaStorm Open Innovation Platform Objective  Collect product ideas, and Product solution ideas from customers  Custoner insight ranked by urgency Target  customer  prospect  Marketing SM Strategy R&D  Engagement + learning Results (7/11)  15.000 ideas  >900.000 votes  500 ideas implemented 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer 19.12.2011
  • 76. Dell Design Studio Mass Individualisation Objective  mass customization  brand recognition Target  individualistic customers +  prospects SM Strategie  online offer 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 77. Open Innovation through Social Media 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 78. Turning the R&D Processes Upside Down! Cash flow over time Market Demand:  Product Lifecycle R&D inbound Marketing outbound Marketing 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 79. Types of Social CRM Interaction Social  Questions & Service complaints Social Market Market‐ Sales Information triggered social  Social  Customer interactions Marketing Preferences (outside‐to‐outside) Market Existing Social Media  Corporate Social Content Networks Corporate Blogs, Forums,  (Facebook, Xing, Twitter,  branded / unbranded Social  Linkedin, etc.) Networks, etc.) Business‐ Customer‐facing triggered social  employee interactions Monitoring /  (inside‐to‐outside Data Mining inside‐to‐inside) Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Marketing Sales Service R&D based on Cipriani 2009 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Marketing Sales Service R&D
  • 80. Starting point forSocial Customer Relationship Management Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung based on Altimeter Group 2010 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 81. Dell Shop eCommercewith Social Content Objective  sales  Change brand perception Target  customers  prospects SM Strategie  eShop with rankings + reviews 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 82. Festool – Dealer Partnerships 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 83. Recommendation Platforms • Here users share experiences, perceptions and recommendations about products, services and organizations . • bad products are exposed Sometimes detailed discussions can evolve.. • Products are ranked by audience • credibility • good products are usually ranked positively 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 84. Types of Social CRM Interaction Social  Questions & Service complaints Social Market Market‐ Sales Information triggered social  Social  Customer interactions Marketing Preferences (outside‐to‐outside) Market Existing Social Media  Corporate Social Content Networks Corporate Blogs, Forums,  (Facebook, Xing, Twitter,  branded / unbranded Social  Linkedin, etc.) Networks, etc.) Business‐ Customer‐facing triggered social  employee interactions Monitoring /  (inside‐to‐outside Data Mining inside‐to‐inside) Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Marketing Sales Service R&D based on Cipriani 2009 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Marketing Sales Service R&D 19.12.2011
  • 85. Starting point for Social Customer Relationship Management Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung based on Altimeter Group 2010 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 87. Twitter Microblogging is a form of blogging that allows users to send brief text updates (or micromedia such as photos or audio clips) and publish them. These messages can be submitted by a variety of means like text messaging, instant messaging, E- mail, digital audio or the web. (Wikipedia) 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 88. Dell on Twitter 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 90. DellOutlet Twitter as an Outletstore Objective  selling  change brand recognition Target  customers  prospects SM Strategy  Twitter as a sales plattform Results  June 2009: $6,5 M revenue  Delloutlet: 1,54 Mio 7/11  1,55 Mio 12/11 follower  (D: 131 seit Feb. 2011) 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer 19.12.2011
  • 91. DellOutlet Deutschland Twitter as an Outletstore 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 92. DellOutlet China Twitter as an Outletstore 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 93. Festtool on Twitter 978 Follower Stand 09.07.2012 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 94. Festtool on Twitter • • Sprache: Deutsch Beiträge von Festool auf Twitter: • Produkte und Angebote • Online-Umfrage • Informationen zu Messen Beiträge von Usern auf Twitter: • Bauanleitungen von Festool • Fragen zu Produkten 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 95. Festtool on Twitter ausgewählte Follower 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 96. Twitter  fast  cheap • only short messages (Twitter 140  real-time communication characters)  real-time market research • short lifetime of tweets  advertising allowed • a lot of meaningless information  direct customer in twitter sphere  great monitoring tool (alternative • difficult to measure clients, e.g. tritterdeck)  interest based, not friendship • Spam / unpleasant followers based possible  global • Fast media for fast + easy  mobile mistakes 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 97. Types of Social CRM Interaction Social  Questions & Service complaints Social Market Market‐ Sales Information triggered social  Social  Customer interactions Marketing Preferences (outside‐to‐outside) Market Existing Social Media  Corporate Social Content Networks Corporate Blogs, Forums,  (Facebook, Xing, Twitter,  branded / unbranded Social  Linkedin, etc.) Networks, etc.) Business‐ Customer‐facing triggered social  employee interactions Monitoring /  (inside‐to‐outside Data Mining inside‐to‐inside) Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Marketing Sales Service R&D based on Cipriani 2009 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Marketing Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing Sales Service R&D 19.12.2011
  • 98. Starting point for Social Customer Relationship Management Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung based on Altimeter Group 2010 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 99. DellCares Twitter as a Support Channel Objective  Solve customer problems  Change brand recognition Target  customers  prospects SM Strategy  Twitter as a support channel Results  10.000 follower (7/11)  15.600 follower (12/11)  13.460 Tweets 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 100. Types of Social CRM Interaction Social  Questions & Service complaints Social Market Market‐ Sales Information triggered social  Social  Customer interactions Marketing Preferences (outside‐to‐outside) Market Existing Social Media  Corporate Social Content Networks Corporate Blogs, Forums,  (Facebook, Xing, Twitter,  branded / unbranded Social  Linkedin, etc.) Networks, etc.) Business‐ Customer‐facing triggered social  employee interactions Monitoring /  (inside‐to‐outside Data Mining inside‐to‐inside) Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Marketing Sales Service R&D based on Cipriani 2009 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Marketing Sales Service R&D
  • 101. Starting point for Social Customer Relationship Management Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung based on Altimeter Group 2010 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 102. Monitoring Twitter as a trend scout Objective  Identify future trends  Identify brand + product issues Target  Marketing  R&D SM Strategy  Twitter als Supportkanal 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 103. Why Social Media Monitoring? Issue Management What expectations do different stakeholders hold? Identify areas with potential for conflict early and address them proactively (before the broader public gets aware) Identify, monitor and construct actions to manage/reduce/neutralize stakeholder discrepancy of expectations. Develop an “early warning system” 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer 19.12.201 1
  • 104. Remember: They talk about you! • They do it with or without you … you should steer the direction best you can! • Dell Hell was a showcase starting point in 2005 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 105. Why Social Media Monitoring? Customer Service and Support, CRM Identify and address core customer needs Sales advice Setup / integration support Runtime support Customers help customers Identify and bond with advocates Identify and utilize star experts Reduce support cost 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better 19.12.201 Reality Marketing 1
  • 106. Why Social Media Monitoring? Product Marketing and R&D Identify + address product shortcomings / improvement opportunities Customer / user complains Customer / user suggestions and ideas Customer / user use cases Identify and address core customer needs Industry discussions Crowd sourcing Identify trends Industry discussions Crowd sourcing 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better 19.12.201 Reality Marketing 1
  • 107. SMM Value Creation and KPIs Traditional Online Marketing Page Impressions Unique Visitors Conversions Social Media Marketing Foster Dialog Promote Advocacy Facilitate Support Spur Innovation 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better 19.12.201 Reality Marketing 1
  • 108. Social CRM CRM 1.0 CRM 2.0 Targeting Establishing  need impressions Expansion Acquisition Sharing  Decision Targeting Expansion Acquisition Retention Experience Retention Customer Support processes Marketing Sales Value Service Operation processes 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 109. Formen von CRM Analytisches CRM • Detaillierte Analyse aller kundenbezogenen Transaktionen und Prozesse und Verwertung der Information für zielgruppengerichte Strategien und personalisierte 1-to-1-Konzepte. Operatives CRM • Kunden-und -kanalspezifische Implementierung kundenbezogener Geschäftsprozesse. Integration von Customer Touchpoints (Call Center, Web etc.) und Backoffice. Kollaboratives CRM • Management der verschiedenen Vertriebskanäle (Multi Channel Management) inkl. der Identifikation von Kanalkonflikten, -kosten und -potenzialen. 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 110. Definition Social CRM Social CRM is the business strategy of engaging customers through Social Media with the goal of building trust and brand loyalty. Loyalty is defined as attitude towards a brand that inclines a customer to repurchase it and/or recommend it to others. Harish Kotadia, Definition of Social CRM, 2011. 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 111. Conversation- and process oriented Evolution in CRM Involving customers for better customer insight, trust building, building brand loyalty, problem recognition and customer Transaction- and process oriented segmentation. Technology enabled customer processes in order More customer insight through his network to support and organize sales-, marketing and connections and communities. support activities (Shaw) CRM 2.0 CRM 1.0 Kunde Kunde Kunde Kunde Kunde Kunde Kunde Kunde Kunde Kunde Konkurrenz Supplier / Partner Konkurrenz Supplier / Partner Kunde Kunde Kunde Kunde Eigenes  Kunde Unternehmen Kunde Eigenes  Kunde Unternehmen Kunde Kunde Kunde 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 112. Dell „Social Media Listening Command Center“ Objective  Inform: customer feedback in real time  Listen and act: recognize alarm signals early and act upon them  Ensure effective + appropriate customer interaction  Support: Information + support for the influencers and communities with influence online Target  all relevant departments  customers and prospects  communities / influencer SM Strategy  control center 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 113. Types of Social CRM Interaction Social  Questions & Service complaints Social Market Market‐ Sales Information triggered social  Social  Customer interactions Marketing Preferences (outside‐to‐outside) Market Existing Social Media  Corporate Social Content Networks Corporate Blogs, Forums,  (Facebook, Xing, Twitter,  branded / unbranded Social  Linkedin, etc.) Networks, etc.) Business‐ Customer‐facing triggered social  employee interactions Monitoring /  (inside‐to‐outside Data Mining inside‐to‐inside) Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Marketing Sales Service F&E based on Cipriani 2009 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Marketing Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing Sales Service F&E 19.12.2011
  • 114. Social CRM functional architecture Market‐ Corporate Social Content Ext. Social Media Networks Market oriented  (Corporate Blogs, Forums, Branded  /  (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter,  Social Tools unbranded Social Networks, etc.) Linkedin, etc.) Social Channel  Interface Traditional  Channel  Website Letter Face to face Interfaces Phone / E‐mail SMS Internal Social Tools Fax (Internal blogs, wikis, sharing platforms, social  Interne  POS Business networks, innovation portal, etc.) Collaboration Tools Partner Social CRM Layer Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Marketing Sales Service F&E Traditionalle Processes Marketing Sales Service F&E Based on Cipriani 2009 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 115. Starting point for Social Customer Relationship Management Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 116. Recap Social Media Toolbox • What was most important for you in this session? Discuss it in the workgroup from the role play. • Make one joint statement • What is unclear? 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer