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Dr. Ute Hillmer

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content Marketing
                            Content marketing equips
                            buyers with the knowledge to
                            make better-informed
The thinking behind it:
Central to content marketing is the belief that if businesses
deliver consistent, helpful information to buyers at the right
time, then prospects will ultimately reward the company with
their purchase and loyalty.
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
What is Content Marketing?

                      Content is the reason 
                      people go to your site

     20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Give your customers the content they

           …not what YOU think they need!

  Picture Dan Zarella
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Why is Content Marketing important?

             Average person is exposed to
             5.000 ads / offers per day

             Buyers have tuned out marketing
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Think of an Art Gallery

                  Where is the Art?

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
People come to see art,
not empty frames or empty walls

                            Content is the reason
                            people go to your site

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content Marketing Fundamentals 1
 Shift thinking from marketer to publisher
 1. Define a critical group of buyers
 2. Determine what info these prospects really need
 3. Determine how prospects want to receive info
 4. Deliver info for maximum impact on goals
 5. Measure and recalibrate

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content Marketing Fundamentals 2

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content Marketing Fundamentals 3

                     World views!

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content Marketing Fundamentals 4
 1. Consider the worldview of your
    target customer group

 2. Tell a compelling story
               for them

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content Marketing im B2B

• Companies don‘t have conversations, PEOPLE
• B2B is usually about niche problem solving –
  problems are best solved in teams with many
  different experts contributing

• Problem solving requires trust      RELATIONSHIPS
• 1:1 Marketing was a buzzword of B2B        n:n
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content Marketing im B2B



• n:n

                   → Social Media Chanels
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
What is
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How to Segment
a Market for
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How to Segment a Market for Content?
 Age is no longer a key indicator -

 areas of interests are!

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How to Segment Your Target Market?
One Example…

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Take the Market of New Technologies
             Why do certain
   innovations diffuse much
          faster than others?

   Why do certain innovations
   have a much longer
   main street momentum?
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
New Technologies usually …

    change the way
    how we do
    and we go along
    happily and fast

    or not so fast ...

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Successful B2B marketing is…
• about segmenting customer experiences to fit the
  product life cycle and the typical customer profile
• about developing and maintaining trust – matching
  the different customer segments need
• about initiating a customer centric dialog that takes
  the different customer profiles into consideration

    Behavioral economics!
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Behavioural Economics
Behavioral economics … study the effects of social, cognitive
and emotional factors on the economic decisions of individuals
and institutions and the consequences for market prices, returns
and the resource allocation. The fields are primarily concerned
with the bounds of rationality of economic agents. Behavioral
models typically integrate insights from psychology with neo-
classical economic theory. In so doing they cover a range of
concepts, methods, and fields.[1]
Behavioral analysts are not only concerned with the effects of
market decisions but also with public choice, which describes
another source of economic decisions with related biases
towards promoting self-interest.
[1]   The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  = degree to which an individual or a unit is relatively
    earlier in adopting new technologies than other
    members of a system

Source: Rogers Diffusion of Innovation 1995
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
an idealized technology product lifecycle

                     Disruptive Innovation

                                                Continuous Innovation
       Market size

   Innovators             Early     Early      Late                          Time
      2,5%              Adopters   Majority   Majority      16%
                         13,5%      34%        34%
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                                                    Rogers Diffusion of Innovation 1995
diffusion of innovation varies…




   20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                               Time       Rogers Diffusion of Innovation 1995
                                          Moore; Crossing the Chasm 1999.
technology life cycle and its buyer
     Market size

   Innovators             Early     Early               Late                              Time
      2,5%              Adopters   Majority            Majority          16%
                         13,5%      34%                 34%
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                                      Chart based on Rogers 1995, p. 262 and Moore 1999, p. 12
mainstream behaviour

                                  conforming behaviour

Innovators            Early         Early                     Late              Laggards   Zeit
                     Adopters      Majority                  Majority

    20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                                Hillmer, Technology Acceptance in Mechatronics, 2009.
individualistic behaviour

Innovators            Early       Early                     Late              Laggards   Zeit
                     Adopters    Majority                  Majority

    20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                                Hillmer, Technology Acceptance in Mechatronics, 2009.
Inventors: Techies
Technology is their life

        Technology - Crazy
        – Spend hours to get the product to work
        – Do everything to help the product
        – Technology should be for free

        Forgiving souls
        – Don’t mind lousy documentation and weird procedures
          to achieve functionality
        – Want technology first – no need for a sales channel

 • Their role: they move technology forward but
   do not generate much diffusion + generate no
 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer                     Moore; Crossing the Chasm 1999.
Technology enthusiastic businessmen, driven by a
   •     Businessman first
   -     driven to be the first
   -     new technologies are used to serve their own strategic benefit
   -     don’t want incremental but fundamental improvements
   -     make business world aware of new technologies
   -     not very price-sensitive, have project budget
   -     live in the future
   -     communicate with techies and other visionaries

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Visionaries (2)
  • Take a risk
  - love publicity
  - risky projects
  - start projects from ground up, don‘t want
    standards, want to develop them
  - buy by intuition (but may claim otherwise)
  - highly motivated, driven by a dream

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Visionaries (3)
  • Excellent communicators
  - charismatic; they fight for their project
  - like to serve as a reference
  - network with techies and pragmatists
  - too many references de-motivate visionaries
  - look for new ideas in communication with intelligent people

  • Their role: they fund the product development
    + give the innovation a “real” application

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
 Look for measurable, incremental improvement
   Driven by business results
           - improved productivity
   • Avoid risk
           - risk is a negative term
           - want to work with market leader/ established firms
           - look for product quality, support, consulting, good
             interfaces, reliability
           - want standards, “save buys”
           - need references
           - live in the present

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Pragmatists (2)
   Loyal customers
   • are interested in company they buy from
   • revenue and profit must grow steadily “stability”
   • communicate within company and industry
   • the first mass market
   Their role: They hold the key to the mass
   BUT: you need to be established in order for
     them to buy from you but you don‘t get
     established until they buy from you ! ?
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Pragmatists (3)

   Consequences out of this profile
   •          One really needs to be familiar with
         the processes and issues that worry the

    Offer a clear relative advantage to them

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
 “I don’t have to like the product, even if I use it”

  - They do what pragmatics do, but later
  - Invest in technology to keep up with competition
  - Have low technical competence

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Conservatives (2)
  - predictable
  - want everything faster, cheaper, improved
  - are price sensitive
  - like bundles, pre-installed solutions
  - “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it”
  - very interested in service and support

  Their role: huge mass market
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
technology life cycle and “the gap” or:
why you should focus
     Market size

   Innovators             Early     Early          Late                     Time
      2,5%              Adopters   Majority       Majority       16%
                         13,5%      34%            34%
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer                     Chart based on Moor 1999
Technology Marketing –
  What role does
  engagement and
  dialog play? “

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
early adopters = visionaries

Innovators            Early      Early      Late      Laggards   Time
                     Adopters   Majority   Majority

    20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
early majority = pragmatists

Innovators            Early      Early      Late      Laggards   Time
                     Adopters   Majority   Majority

    20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Subjective Construction of Reality
                   Each individual sees the world
                   through subjective lenses.
                   Consider typical customer
                   segments and try to capture
                   them socially and emotionally
                    YOUR STORY!

                            Seth Godin, All Marketeers tell stories, 2009
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer   Mischel and Morf, Handbook of self and identity, 2003.
                            Kelly, The psychology of personal constructs, 1991
And now

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Exanples for Well Targeted Content
•    mymuesli
•    Dell
•    Krones
•    Litago Milch
•    Jugend gegen Aids
•    Domino Pizza

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell‘s Customer Centric Content

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content for the User
   • Facebook „Krones Academy“

 Facebook im Doppelpack: Krones und Krones Akademie ca. 2000 Fans
 Recruiting , Mitarbeiter und Kundenbindung
   20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content for Todays and Future Decision Maker
– by Segment

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content for Todays and Future Decision Maker

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content for Todays and Future Decision Maker
– by Segment

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content for Future Employees

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Best Practice Innov. Marketing

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Best Practice Innov. Marketing

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Mymuesli Mixer

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Mymuesli Facebook

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Mymuesli Blog

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Mymuesli Dialog Strategy
 Kundenerlebnis bieten
 Informieren + Kundenfeedback
  in Echtzeit bereitstellen
 Zuhören & Agieren: frühe
  Warnsignale erkennen und
  schnell handeln
 Kunden
 potentielle Kunden
SM Strategie
 Homepage als
 Blog, FB, Twitter einbinden

 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Litago Milk

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Litago Milk

 Quelle: Groundswell 2008, S.77
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Litago Milk

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
360° Example: Milk

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Litago Milk on Facebook

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Litago Milk

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Best Practice ‚Supporting‘
     IBM developerWorks
     •   IBM developerWorks is a free community and social network for 8 million
         developers and IT professionals worldwide. It includes content and discussions on
         open standards, open source, and IBM technical resources in English, Chinese,
         Japanese, Russian, Korean, Vietnamese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish. It
         includes 30,000 articles, forums that attract 1 million visitors a month, 400,000
         active profiles, 800 bloggers, and 450 wikis. IBM saves $100 million annually from
         people who use this resource instead of contacting IBM support.

     20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                                   19.12.2011
Jugend gegen Aids e.V.      Pro Bono – Online/Offline

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Jugend gegen Aids e.V.      Pro Bono

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Domino’s Social Pizza

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Domino’s Pizza Complains

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
at the end,

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Good Content Marketing
leads to Good Dialog Marketing
View the customer as a partner

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Success in Dialog Marketing means
You understand where your customers
share their thoughts on
… problems, solutions, … about YOU!

You understand what your customers talk about…
because no one has been waiting for you to lead the
conversation… .
Join in on existing conversations!

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Success in Social Media – in the Dialog

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Goals to be achieved
    Information‐                    Image                    Economic
        Goals                       Goals                      Goals
   Improved customer        Presentation as a market       Awareness, visits, 
        insight                      leader                 registrations,…

    Improved product        Presentation as innovation    Customer loyalty and
         insight                      leader                  ‐penetration

                             Presentation as a Good            Sales and 
   Generation of ideas               Citizen               recommendations

                                                             Cost reduction
                   …                    …

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Hands on Exploitation
 Investigate the online + social media activities of one of
 the following companies:
   (Online Composition and Retail)
   (B2B)
   (Customer Experience)
   Festool (B2B for SMEs)

 Present in 10 minutes/group, what they do online and
 what you think is useful and what could be improved
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Suggested Reading
   •   Groundswell by Charlene Li, Josh Bernoff
   •   Positioning by Trout and Ries
   •   In Pursuit of Wow! + The Tom Peters Seminar by Tom Peters
   •   What would Google do by Jeff Jarvis
   •   All Marketeers tell Stories by Seth Godin
   •   1 to 1 Marketing Future by Don Peppers
   •   CRM at the Speed of light by Paul Greenberg
   •   The Long Tail by Chris Anderson
   •   The Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowiecki
   •   Crossing the Chasm by Geoffery Moore
   •   Selling the Dream by Guy Kawasaki

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
        Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
This presentation is available in 3 parts in the
download area of


20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer

20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer

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Dr. Ute Hillmer (PhD)
Dialogmarketing: Vom Monolog zum Dialog
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Dr. Ute Hillmer (PhD)

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Content Marketing + Market Segmentation

  • 1. What is Content Marketing? Dr. Ute Hillmer 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 2. Content Marketing Content marketing equips buyers with the knowledge to make better-informed decisions. The thinking behind it: Central to content marketing is the belief that if businesses deliver consistent, helpful information to buyers at the right time, then prospects will ultimately reward the company with their purchase and loyalty. 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 3. What is Content Marketing? Content is the reason  people go to your site 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 4. Give your customers the content they want… …not what YOU think they need! Picture Dan Zarella 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 5. Why is Content Marketing important? Average person is exposed to 5.000 ads / offers per day Buyers have tuned out marketing 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 6. Think of an Art Gallery Where is the Art? 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 7. People come to see art, not empty frames or empty walls Content is the reason people go to your site 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 8. Content Marketing Fundamentals 1 Shift thinking from marketer to publisher 1. Define a critical group of buyers 2. Determine what info these prospects really need 3. Determine how prospects want to receive info 4. Deliver info for maximum impact on goals 5. Measure and recalibrate 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 9. Content Marketing Fundamentals 2 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 10. Content Marketing Fundamentals 3 World views! 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 11. Content Marketing Fundamentals 4 1. Consider the worldview of your target customer group 2. Tell a compelling story for them 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 12. Content Marketing im B2B • Companies don‘t have conversations, PEOPLE have! • B2B is usually about niche problem solving – problems are best solved in teams with many different experts contributing  “niche” CONVERSATIONS • Problem solving requires trust  RELATIONSHIPS • 1:1 Marketing was a buzzword of B2B  n:n 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 13. Content Marketing im B2B • PEOPLE • niche CONVERSATIONS • RELATIONSHIPS • n:n → Social Media Chanels 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 14. What is Content Marketing? 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 15. How to Segment a Market for Content? 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 16. How to Segment a Market for Content? Age is no longer a key indicator - areas of interests are! 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 17. How to Segment Your Target Market? One Example… 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 18. Take the Market of New Technologies Why do certain innovations diffuse much faster than others? Why do certain innovations have a much longer main street momentum? 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 19. New Technologies usually … change the way how we do things... and we go along happily and fast or not so fast ... 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 20. Successful B2B marketing is… • about segmenting customer experiences to fit the product life cycle and the typical customer profile • about developing and maintaining trust – matching the different customer segments need • about initiating a customer centric dialog that takes the different customer profiles into consideration Behavioral economics! 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 21. Behavioural Economics Behavioral economics … study the effects of social, cognitive and emotional factors on the economic decisions of individuals and institutions and the consequences for market prices, returns and the resource allocation. The fields are primarily concerned with the bounds of rationality of economic agents. Behavioral models typically integrate insights from psychology with neo- classical economic theory. In so doing they cover a range of concepts, methods, and fields.[1] Behavioral analysts are not only concerned with the effects of market decisions but also with public choice, which describes another source of economic decisions with related biases towards promoting self-interest. [1] The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 22. “Innovativeness” = degree to which an individual or a unit is relatively earlier in adopting new technologies than other members of a system Source: Rogers Diffusion of Innovation 1995 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 23. an idealized technology product lifecycle Disruptive Innovation Continuous Innovation Market size Innovators Early Early Late Time Laggards 2,5% Adopters Majority Majority 16% 13,5% 34% 34% 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Rogers Diffusion of Innovation 1995
  • 24. diffusion of innovation varies… Marketsize Time Marketsize Marketsize Time 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Time Rogers Diffusion of Innovation 1995 Moore; Crossing the Chasm 1999.
  • 25. technology life cycle and its buyer categories Market size Innovators Early Early Late Time Laggards 2,5% Adopters Majority Majority 16% 13,5% 34% 34% 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Chart based on Rogers 1995, p. 262 and Moore 1999, p. 12
  • 26. mainstream behaviour Marktgröße Increasingly  conforming behaviour Innovators Early Early Late Laggards Zeit Adopters Majority Majority 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Hillmer, Technology Acceptance in Mechatronics, 2009.
  • 27. individualistic behaviour Marktgröße Increasingly  individualistic  behaviour Innovators Early Early Late Laggards Zeit Adopters Majority Majority 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Hillmer, Technology Acceptance in Mechatronics, 2009.
  • 28. Inventors: Techies Technology is their life Technology - Crazy – Spend hours to get the product to work – Do everything to help the product – Technology should be for free Forgiving souls – Don’t mind lousy documentation and weird procedures to achieve functionality – Want technology first – no need for a sales channel • Their role: they move technology forward but do not generate much diffusion + generate no income 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Moore; Crossing the Chasm 1999.
  • 29. Visionaries Technology enthusiastic businessmen, driven by a dream • Businessman first - driven to be the first - new technologies are used to serve their own strategic benefit - don’t want incremental but fundamental improvements - make business world aware of new technologies - not very price-sensitive, have project budget - live in the future - communicate with techies and other visionaries 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 30. Visionaries (2) • Take a risk - love publicity - risky projects - start projects from ground up, don‘t want standards, want to develop them - buy by intuition (but may claim otherwise) - highly motivated, driven by a dream 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 31. Visionaries (3) • Excellent communicators - charismatic; they fight for their project - like to serve as a reference - network with techies and pragmatists - too many references de-motivate visionaries - look for new ideas in communication with intelligent people • Their role: they fund the product development + give the innovation a “real” application 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 32. Pragmatists Look for measurable, incremental improvement Driven by business results - improved productivity • Avoid risk - risk is a negative term - want to work with market leader/ established firms - look for product quality, support, consulting, good interfaces, reliability - want standards, “save buys” - need references - live in the present 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 33. Pragmatists (2) Loyal customers • are interested in company they buy from • revenue and profit must grow steadily “stability” • communicate within company and industry • the first mass market Their role: They hold the key to the mass market BUT: you need to be established in order for them to buy from you but you don‘t get established until they buy from you ! ? 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 34. Pragmatists (3) Consequences out of this profile • One really needs to be familiar with the processes and issues that worry the pragmatists  Offer a clear relative advantage to them 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 35. Conservatives “I don’t have to like the product, even if I use it” - They do what pragmatics do, but later - Invest in technology to keep up with competition - Have low technical competence 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 36. Conservatives (2) - predictable - want everything faster, cheaper, improved - are price sensitive - like bundles, pre-installed solutions - “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” - very interested in service and support Their role: huge mass market 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 37. technology life cycle and “the gap” or: why you should focus Market size Innovators Early Early Late Time Laggards 2,5% Adopters Majority Majority 16% 13,5% 34% 34% 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Chart based on Moor 1999
  • 38. Technology Marketing – What role does engagement and dialog play? “ 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 39. early adopters = visionaries Marktsize Innovators Early Early Late Laggards Time Adopters Majority Majority 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 40. early majority = pragmatists Marktsize Innovators Early Early Late Laggards Time Adopters Majority Majority 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 41. Subjective Construction of Reality Each individual sees the world through subjective lenses. Consider typical customer segments and try to capture them socially and emotionally with YOUR STORY! Seth Godin, All Marketeers tell stories, 2009 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Mischel and Morf, Handbook of self and identity, 2003. Kelly, The psychology of personal constructs, 1991
  • 42. And now 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 43. Exanples for Well Targeted Content • mymuesli • Dell • Krones • Litago Milch • Jugend gegen Aids • Domino Pizza 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 44. Dell‘s Customer Centric Content 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 45. Content for the User • Facebook „Krones Academy“  Facebook im Doppelpack: Krones und Krones Akademie ca. 2000 Fans  Recruiting , Mitarbeiter und Kundenbindung 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 46. Content for Todays and Future Decision Maker – by Segment 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 47. Content for Todays and Future Decision Maker 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 48. Content for Todays and Future Decision Maker – by Segment 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 49. Content for Future Employees 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 50. Best Practice Innov. Marketing 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 51. Best Practice Innov. Marketing 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 56. Mymuesli Dialog Strategy Zielsetzung  Kundenerlebnis bieten  Informieren + Kundenfeedback in Echtzeit bereitstellen  Zuhören & Agieren: frühe Warnsignale erkennen und schnell handeln Zielkunde  Kunden  potentielle Kunden SM Strategie  Homepage als Kommunikations-zentrale, Blog, FB, Twitter einbinden 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 58. Litago Milk Quelle: Groundswell 2008, S.77 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 60. 360° Example: Milk 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 61. Litago Milk on Facebook 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 63. Best Practice ‚Supporting‘ IBM developerWorks • IBM developerWorks is a free community and social network for 8 million developers and IT professionals worldwide. It includes content and discussions on open standards, open source, and IBM technical resources in English, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Vietnamese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish. It includes 30,000 articles, forums that attract 1 million visitors a month, 400,000 active profiles, 800 bloggers, and 450 wikis. IBM saves $100 million annually from people who use this resource instead of contacting IBM support. 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 64. Jugend gegen Aids e.V. Pro Bono – Online/Offline 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 65. Jugend gegen Aids e.V. Pro Bono 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 68. at the end, 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 69. Good Content Marketing leads to Good Dialog Marketing View the customer as a partner 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 70. Success in Dialog Marketing means You understand where your customers share their thoughts on … problems, solutions, … about YOU! You understand what your customers talk about… because no one has been waiting for you to lead the conversation… . Join in on existing conversations! 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 71. Success in Social Media – in the Dialog relevance benefit fun 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 72. Goals to be achieved Information‐ Image  Economic Goals Goals Goals Improved customer  Presentation as a market  Awareness, visits,  insight leader registrations,… Improved product Presentation as innovation  Customer loyalty and insight leader ‐penetration Presentation as a Good  Sales and  Generation of ideas Citizen recommendations Cost reduction … … 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 73. Hands on Exploitation Investigate the online + social media activities of one of the following companies:  (Online Composition and Retail)  (B2B)  (Customer Experience)  Festool (B2B for SMEs) Present in 10 minutes/group, what they do online and what you think is useful and what could be improved 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 74. Suggested Reading • Groundswell by Charlene Li, Josh Bernoff • Positioning by Trout and Ries • In Pursuit of Wow! + The Tom Peters Seminar by Tom Peters • What would Google do by Jeff Jarvis • All Marketeers tell Stories by Seth Godin • 1 to 1 Marketing Future by Don Peppers • CRM at the Speed of light by Paul Greenberg • The Long Tail by Chris Anderson • The Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowiecki • Crossing the Chasm by Geoffery Moore • Selling the Dream by Guy Kawasaki 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 75. This presentation is available in 3 parts in the download area of 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 76. 20.9.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer