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New Marketing
Understand, Embrace
and Engage with
Your Customer

Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing
Reutlingen, 12.6.2012
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content of the SM Marketing Lecture
                        1.   Why engaging with the customer?
                        2.   The Social Media Marketing Basics
                        3.   Content Marketing for B2B
                        4.   The SM Toolbox
                             Corporate Website           Crowd Sourcing
                             Corporate Blog              Online Shops
                             Social Networks             Microblogging
                             Content Sharing Platforms   Social CRM

                        5. Cases
                        6. Social Media Marketing in Practice
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Engaging with the
         “Do I have to do this?”

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Why is Marketing Changing?

Do I have to be in the Web 2.0, in
Social Media as a Company?

Do I really have to be there as a
B2B Company?

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Why is Marketing
  Because buyer behaviour
  is changing significantly!

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How did you buy yesterday?
How do you buy today?
How will you buy tomorrow?

 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Power of Recommendations:
„I‘ll Have What She is Having“

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Change Engines on the Meta Level
 Technological Development
   •        Digitalization         •   Visualisation tech.
   •        Network technologies   •   Social Media
   •        Converging media       •   Digital distribution
   •        Storage technologies   •   Intellig. automation
                                   •   …

 Social Development
   The mature human – the mature customer
   • Selfconfidence
   •   Participation
   •   Self-determination
   •   Individualisation

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Changing Kommunication from


12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Changing Kommunication to


12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
From Product- to                                          Customerfocus
     Product                                               Customer Needs
     Price                                                 Customer Cost
     Place                                                 Convenience / Access
     Promotion                                             Communication
McCarthy: Basic Marketing: A managerial approach, 1960
Schullz, Stanley I. Tannenbaum, Robert F. Lauterborn, Integrated Marketing Communications, 1993
     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Media –
“Do I really have to
be there as a
Company? “
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
It‘s not only the web 2.0 generation that is
Warum sind Sie in Sozialen Netzen
(Europea Data) get to know things about
(new) products / brands come in contact with brands /
companies stimulate my career find other users of a certain
brand / product find promotions of a certain
brand / product become a famous person become an opinion leader
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer             Source: Social Media Around the World 2011, InSites Consulting
Customers + Web 2.0 Technologies

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                                                             Social Media: Does it Pay Off? 1

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
                                                             Social Media: Does it Pay Off? 2

Social Media: Does it Pay Off? 4

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
They talk about you!
• They do it with or without you … you should steer
  the direction best you can!
• Dell Hell was a showcase starting point in 2005

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell Hell

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell Hell 2

       “Obviously a lot of people are in the blogosphere 
       talking about their issues with Dell products, why aren’t 
       we doing anything about it?” 
       Michael Dell, 2006

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer

       2006:“Obviously a lot of people are in the blogosphere talking about their
       issues with Dell products, why aren’t we doing anything about it?”
                                                                 Michael Dell, 2006

       2011: Dell named “most social brand of 100 top brands”
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Targeted Customer Dialog

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Media –
      “Do I really have to be
      there as a B2B
      Company? “

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Social Media

Not just for nurds

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How Social Media matters to B2B
• Chief stakeholders may not be using social media.
       – but their lieutenants will

• Social media is impacting how B2B decisions are
  being made.
       – Background research
       – Expertise
       – Search results impact

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Media and the Buying Process
                                              user-exp. reports
                            looking for the best deal

looking for information

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Media and the buying process

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Customer Centric Business Model


Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 2005.
  T. Hannagan, Management: Concepts & Practices,
      12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer                    19.12.2011
Development Steps in Marketing
     (Meffert, 2008 S. 8)
  Inhaltlicher Fokus
  des Marketings

       orientierung                                                                                                                                Netzwerke

       orientierung                                                                                                       Umwelt

       Wettbewerbs‐                                                                              Wett‐
       orientierung                                                                              bewerber


       Verbraucher‐                                 Ver‐
       orientierung                                 braucher

Anspruchs‐              1950‘er                 1960‘er                  1970‘er                 1980‘er                     1990‘er                 
spektrum des                                                                                                                                                   Zeit

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                                                                                                       19.12.2011
Konvergenz des Mediensystems (Gläser 2010, S. 274)
                     Traditionelle Trägermedien              Traditionelle Übertragungsmedien                      Universalmedium

Form der              Text/ Bild        Ton         AV   Ton         AV        Sprache       Daten      Multi‐     Text/Bild/Ton/ 
Kommunikation                                                                                                      Sprache/AV/ 
                                                         media                                                     Daten/Multimedia
Medium                                       Film/                Fern‐ Telefon ‐ Daten ‐ Online ‐                 Universalmedium
                    Buch    Presse    Audio  Video       Hörfunk  sehen dienste dienste  dienste 

Produktions‐        Verlag  Verlag Verlag Verlag         Sender    Sender Dienst ‐ Dienst ‐ Dienst ‐               Universalmedium‐
unternehmen                                                               leister leister leister                  unternehmen

                       Terrestrische            Breitbandkabel         Internet                 Satellit            Telefonnetz 
                       Sender                                                                                       Mobilfunk

       Radio, TV, Pay‐per‐channel/view, Video‐on‐demand, Audio‐/Video‐Streaming, Internetdienst, Teleshopping,E‐Mail

konvergente                     Fernsehgerät                     PC                 Handy                              Print
     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                                                                        19.12.2011
„Push“ Communication
      Agency  Media  Fulfillment

                                              Unique Products / Offers
Marketer                                                                   Customer /
                                              Messages and Incentives

 D. Schultz etDr. Ute Hillmer Customer-Brand Relationships , 2009, p. 5
     12.6.2012 al., Building
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                                 19.12.2011
„Pull“ Communication
                                                    Web Search
                       Agency  Media  Fulfillment

                                       Unique Products / Offers Competitors
Marketer                                                                                   Customer/
                                        Messages and Incentives

                           Word‐of‐Mouth              New Forms of Media

 D. Schultz etDr. Ute Hillmer Customer-Brand Relationships , 2009, p. 6
     12.6.2012 al., Building
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                                               19.12.2011
360° integrated Marketing Communication (Don
     Schulz 2009)



                              Kunde/                     Media

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                        19.12.2011
Changes in Marketing:
     The Marketing Funnel
• Is the funnel still there?





     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                19.12.2011
360° Medienmanagement
     Integriertes Markenkommunikationsmodell (Don
     Schulz 2009)


                                Kunde                   Media

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                       19.12.2011
Product positioning process
   •     Generally, the product positioning process involves:
   •     Defining the market in which the product or brand will compete (who the
         relevant buyers are)
   •     Identifying the attributes (also called dimensions) that define the product
   •     Collecting information from a sample of customers about their perceptions of
         each product on the relevant attributes
   •     Determine each product's share of mind
   •     Determine each product's current location in the product space
   •     Determine the target market's preferred combination of attributes (referred to
         as an ideal vector)
   •     Examine the fit between:
           – The position of your product
           – The position of the ideal vector

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Positioning concepts
•    More generally, there are three types of positioning concepts:
•    Functional positions
       – Solve problems
       – Provide benefits to customers
       – Get favorable perception by investors (stock profile) and lenders
•    Symbolic positions
       –    Self-image enhancement
       –    Ego identification
       –    Belongingness and social meaningfulness
       –    Affective fulfillment
•    Experiential positions
       – Provide sensory stimulation
       – Provide cognitive stimulation

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Media
What do I have to know and
understand to get started?
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
        Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
How to get started
1. Stay focused on your objective
• Define marketing goal
• Define target markets

• Which channel, which
  medium, which platform will
  help me reach my target?

          Be where your 
           customers are!!
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How to get started
2. What do you intent to achieve?
•    Win additional customers            • Increase communication with
•    Gain a new customer base              customers
•    Increase sales                      • Increase website traffic
•    Increase awareness                  • Increase image
•    Enter new markets                   • Change image
                                         • Increase online reputation

                     As with traditional marketing:
                     set yourself realistic goals!

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How to get started
3. Where are your customers having their conversations?

 “Let's spend a day in your customers
 media mix and learn to understand what
 they experience, how they feel, and most
 of all, how they communicate and
 interact. “
 Kevin Colleran, Facebooks #1 Sales Rep

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
“Spend a Day in your
Customers Media Mix”
 “Let's spend a day in your customers media mix and
 learn to understand what they experience, how they
 feel, and most of all, how they communicate and
 interact. “
 Kevin Colleran, Facebooks #2
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How to get started
 4. The Content



12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How to get started
5. Set Strategy + Processes
Ask yourself
• Where are my customers => What        • Which social networks will be
  product(s) are suitable for social      suitable?
  networks?                             • What reactions should I be
• How do I position these products?       prepared to get?
• Does my CI and brand fit the online   • How will I react to negative
  community?                              feedback from blogs, etc.?
• How do I communicate online (tone     • Do I communicate centralized
  and stile)?                             or distributed?

 You have no glue?
 Then have a look how your competitors do it!
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Media Marketing has an ever
growing Toolbox
       –     Search Engines                         –   Podcasts
       –     Forums                                 –   YouTube
       –     Blogs                                  –   Price Search Engines
       –     Interest Groups                        –   Rating Sites
       –     Portals                                –   Picture Galleries
       –     Social Networks                        –   …
              (Facebook, Twitter, Xing, LinkedIn,
              Spotify, Pinterest…)

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Old Way:
     eMarketing and eCommerce Tools
     –   eMail
     –   Portals
     –   Corporate Websites
     –   …

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Social Media Marketing

        Trad. Media vs. Social Media
        Shouting    vs. Sharing

              → additional Marketing Chanel(s)
     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing        19.12.2011
Consequences of Social Media Marketing
     for the Product Range “The Long Tail”

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Chris Anderson: The Long Tail, 2006.  
Consequences of Social Media Marketing
for the Customer
“The Cluetrain Manifesto (2001)”
95 Theses Excerpt
1. Markets are conversations.
12. There are no secrets. The networked market knows more than companies do about
     their own products. And whether the news is good or bad, they tell everyone.
17. Companies that assume online markets are the same markets that used to watch their
     ads on television are kidding themselves.
18. Companies that don't realize their markets are now networked person-to-person, getting
     smarter as a result and deeply joined in conversation are missing their best opportunity.
19. Companies can now communicate with their markets directly. If they blow it, it could be
     their last chance.
21. Companies need to lighten up and take themselves less seriously. They need to get a
     sense of humor.

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Consequences of Social Media Marketing
  for the Customer
  “The Cluetrain Manifesto (2001)”
  • “These networked conversations are enabling powerful new forms
    of social organization and knowledge exchange to emerge.
  • As a result, markets are getting smarter, more informed, more
    organized. Participation in a networked market changes people
  • People in networked markets have figured out that they get far
    better information and support from one another than from
    vendors. So much for corporate rhetoric about adding value to
    commoditized products.”

Levine , Locke, Searls ,Weinberger:
The Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual, 2001.
  12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Σ            Social Media Basics

#1 Built and maintain networks:
                           THE SM TOOLBOX

#2 Built credibility and trust, especially in B2B:
                                CONTENT MARKETING

#3 Be found by your target market:
                           SEO + SMM

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Recap Social Media Basics
   • What was most important for you so far?
     Tell your neighbor to the right and left.

   • What open question emerged?

   • What is unclear?

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
What is
Dr. Ute Hillmer

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content marketing equips
                buyers with the knowledge to
Content Marketing better-informed
The thinking behind it:
Central to content marketing is the belief that if businesses 
deliver consistent, helpful information to buyers at the right 
time, then prospects will ultimately reward the company with 
their purchase and loyalty.
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
What is Content Marketing?

                      Content is the reason 
                      people go to your site

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Give your customers the content they

           …not what YOU think they need!

  Picture Dan Zarella
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Why is Content Marketing important?

                            Average person is exposed to 
                            5.000 ads / offers per day

                            Buyers have tuned out marketing
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Think of an Art Gallery

                            Where is the Art?

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
People come to see art,
not empty frames or empty walls

                            Content is the reason
                            people go to your site

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content Marketing Fundamentals 1
 Shift thinking from marketer to publisher
 1. Define a critical group of buyers
 2. Determine what info prospects really need
 3. Determine how prospects want to receive info
 4. Deliver info for maximum impact on goals
 5. Measure and recalibrate

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content Marketing Fundamentals 2

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content Marketing Fundamentals 3

                  World views!

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Content Marketing Fundamentals 3

 1. Consider the worldview of your
    target customer group

 2. Tell a compelling story

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content Marketing Fundamentals 5

 Age is no longer a key indicator -

 areas of interests are!

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content Marketing im B2B
• Companies don‘t have conversations, PEOPLE have!

• B2B is usually about niche problem solving – problems
  are best solved in teams with many different experts
  contributing                              “niche”

• Problem solving requires trust      RELATIONSHIPS

• 1:1 Marketing was a buzzword of B2B        n:n
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content Marketing im B2B



• n:n

                   → Social Media Chanels
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
New Technologies in B2B Markets

             thus we have to
             change how we
             do things...

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Behavioural Economics
• Behavioral economics and the related field, behavioral
  finance, study the effects of social, cognitive and emotional
  factors on the economic decisions of individuals and
  institutions and the consequences for market prices, returns
  and the resource allocation. The fields are primarily
  concerned with the bounds of rationality of economic agents.
  Behavioral models typically integrate insights from
  psychology with neo-classical economic theory. In so doing
  they cover a range of concepts, methods, and fields.[1]
• Behavioral analysts are not only concerned with the effects of
  market decisions but also with public choice, which describes
  another source of economic decisions with related biases
  towards promoting self-interest. 1

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
An Idealized Technology Product Lifecycle

       Innovators        Early     Early      Late                 Time
          2,5%         Adopters   Majority   Majority   16%
                        13,5%      34%        34%
     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                          19.12.2011
 Moore; Crossing the Chasm
An Idealized Technology Product Lifecycle

       Innovators             Early     Early      Late                 Time
          2,5%              Adopters   Majority   Majority   16%
                             13,5%      34%        34%
    12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Moore; Crossing the Chasm
Adopter Categorization on the Basis of
                                Stick with the herd!

                                                           Hold on!
         Visionaries:                                                     Skeptics:
  Techies:Get ahead!                                                      No way!
   Try it!

   Innovators                Early          Early       Late      Laggards
                            Adopters       Majority    Majority

    12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Moore; Crossing the Chasm
Mainstream Behaviour
number of adoptions

                                             conforming behaviour

     Innovators                Early          Early                   Late      Laggards   Time
                             Adopters        Majority                Majority

             Hillmer, Technology Acceptance in Mechatronics, 2009.
             12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Individualistic Behaviour
number of adoptions

     Innovators                Early      Early             Late      Laggards   Time
                             Adopters    Majority          Majority
Chart based on Rogers 1995, p. 262 and Moore 1999, p. 12

             12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Σ          Content Marketing

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Σ          Content Marketing
                      „Once upon a time…“

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Best and Worse Practice

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
        Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Trust building with Pragmatic Innovation
     „Concentrate a overwhelming power on a small,
       focused target market segment“
                                      FOCUS


     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing      19.12.2011

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Trustbuilding with
Pragmatic Technology Customers
•        Be familiar with the worldview, processes and the
     issues that worry your customer segment
                            Customer Insight
  Relative
  compatibility               References
  trialability                Peer communities
  observability
                               Vender neutral 
  less complexity              technology information

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Herausforderung B2B im Social Marketing

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Krones AG                     einer der führenden Hersteller von Maschinen und 
                                   Anlagen für die Prozess‐, Abfüll‐und Verpackungstechnik.

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                                           19.12.2011
Krones Ziele im Web
       Entscheider ansprechen (insbesondere zukünftige)
       Zielsegmente ansprechen: z.B.
        Maschinenbediener, Weinblogger
       Recruting neuerTwitter
        Facebook          Mitarbeiter Xing          Youtube

       Identifikation der Mitarbeiter mit dem Unternehmen

   C. Schmidt, Social Media Officer, Krones AG, 2010
     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing              19.12.2011
Interessenten-und Kunden Community:

   Li, Bernoff, Groundswell; Forrester Research, 2009, S.43
     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                     19.12.2011
Membership Development Stages

   Hagel, Armstrong: Net Gain; McKinsey 97
     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing    19.12.2011
Im Dialog mit Anwendern
     • Facebook „Krones Academy“

 Facebook im Doppelpack: Krones und Krones Akademie ca. 2000 Fans
 Recruiting , Mitarbeiter und Kundenbindung
     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                   19.12.2011
Im Dialog mit heutigen und zukünftigen
     Entscheidern - zielgruppenspeziefisch

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Im Dialog mit heutigen und zukünftigen
     Entscheidern - zielgruppenspeziefisch

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Im Dialog mit heutigen und zukünftigen
     Entscheidern - zielgruppenspeziefisch

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Im Dialog mit heutigen und zukünftigen

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Im Dialog mit heutigen und zukünftigen
     Entscheidern - zielgruppenspeziefisch

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Im Dialog mit dem zukünftigen Mitarbeiter

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Best Practice Innov. Marketing

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Best Practice Innov. Marketing

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Best Practice ‚Listening‘
Influencer Monitoring: Adobe with eCairn
• maps virtual
  (groups of
  people experts
  on a topic) and
  ranks key
  within a specific

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Best Practice ‚Talking‘
UPS with + whiteboard videos

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Best Practice ‚Energizing‘
• The Spiceworks Network is a community of over
  1 million IT pros from small to medium Bs using
  the Spiceworks IT management application in
  190 countries.
• Most active
  attracted 1,500
  new IT
  every day.
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Best Practice ‚Spreading‘
     Threatpost by Kaspersky
     • Threatpost is a security news site.
     • The editorial team for Threatpost created a site that includes both
       original reporting and aggregation of the most important security
       news stories.
     • Threat post reached 208,000 page views, 90,000 unique visitors, and
       200 monthly comments between November 2009 and June 2010.
       There are 10,000 op-in subscribers to its newsletters in English,
       Spanish, and Portuguese.
     • Combined, Threatpost activities have captured over 1200 leads for

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                    19.12.2011
Best Practice ‚Supporting‘
     IBM developerWorks
     •   IBM developerWorks is a free community and social network for 8 million
         developers and IT professionals worldwide. It includes content and discussions on
         open standards, open source, and IBM technical resources in English, Chinese,
         Japanese, Russian, Korean, Vietnamese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish. It
         includes 30,000 articles, forums that attract 1 million visitors a month, 400,000
         active profiles, 800 bloggers, and 450 wikis. IBM saves $100 million annually from
         people who use this resource instead of contacting IBM support.

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                                   19.12.2011
Mehr bei Forrester

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing       19.12.2011
Some Not So Lucky Strickes

     See Razorfishs presentation at:

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing        19.12.2011
What is a Content Strategy?
     Content Strategy plans for the creation, publication
     and governance of useful, usable content.

     Content strategy helps you understand not only what
     content needs to be created and when it needs to be
     published, but why.                (Kristina

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing         19.12.2011
Content Strategy at eBay

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Let‘s learn from mistakes others made
     Slides from Razorfish

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Technology Marketing –
  What role does
  engegement and
  dialog play? “

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
1.              technology product lifecycle or:
                  why focus??
  2.              diffusion of innovation
  3.              customer profile categories
  4.              5 things to remember
  5.              summary

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
development phases of
     a new business or service
                                              Cash flow over time


              R&D and
          inbound Marketing
                                  outbound Marketing
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
an idealized technology product lifecycle

                      Disruptive Innovation

                                                   Continuous Innovation
        Market size

    Innovators             Early       Early      Late                 Time
       2,5%              Adopters     Majority   Majority   16%
                          13,5%        34%        34%
Rogers Diffusion of Innovation 1995
 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
diffusion of innovation varies…




Rogers DiffusionUte Hillmer
   12.6.2012 Dr.
                 of Innovation 1995   Time
Moore; Crossing the Chasm 1999.
Why do certain
                       innovations diffuse much
                            faster than others?

    Why do certain innovations
    have a much longer
    main street momentum?

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
new disruptive technology …

 changes how
 we do things

 thus we have
 to change how
 we do things...

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
technology life cycle and its buyer
     Market size

   Innovators             Early     Early             Late                 Time
      2,5%              Adopters   Majority          Majority   16%
                         13,5%      34%               34%
Chart based on Rogers 1995, p. 262 and Moore 1999, p. 12
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
technology life cycle and “the gap” or:
why you should focus
     Market size

   Innovators             Early     Early      Late                 Time
      2,5%              Adopters   Majority   Majority   16%
                         13,5%      34%        34%
Chart based on Moor 1999
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
mainstream behaviour

                                        conforming behaviour

Innovators            Early                Early              Late      Laggards   Zeit
                     Adopters             Majority           Majority

     Hillmer, Technology Acceptance in Mechatronics, 2009.
    12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
individualistic behaviour

Innovators            Early                Early              Late      Laggards   Zeit
                     Adopters             Majority           Majority

     Hillmer, Technology Acceptance in Mechatronics, 2009.
    12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
things to remember
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
stereotype behaviour is

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
start by focusing
on 1-3 niches

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
an advantage for one
                            individual, a thread for
                                   another !

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
- segment your customer
communication to accommodate
the differences!

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
when your technology dramatically
changes human behavior -
be prepared, …

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
the majority of the market might
hesitate to buy for a long time

but when the new way of doing
things gets accepted, everybody wants
it right away.

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
what you are familiar with, will be easier
accepted by the mainstream

– even if the link is more than vague!

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Intel, mobile devices and 野比 のび太
野比 のび太
Nobita Nori of the
Doraemon Manga with
his dōgu “doko demo
door“, the “go-anywhere
door“ that opens up to
any place the user
wishes and imagines.

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
search for local familiarities
and wrap it in a story

    What you are familiar with, will be easier
    accepted by the mainstream – even if the link is
    more than vague!

    12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Source: Mail Online , 17 November 2010
Use the different personality profiles in
your customer dialog:
visionaries as visionaries,
pragmatists as pragmatists

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
early adopters = visionaries

Innovators            Early      Early      Late      Laggards   Time
                     Adopters   Majority   Majority

    12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
early majority = pragmatists

Innovators            Early      Early      Late      Laggards   Time
                     Adopters   Majority   Majority

    12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
don’t forget to
look outside the
boundaries of
rationality,                despite the
these usually               context
vary by culture

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Subjective Construction of Reality
                       Each individual sees the world
                       through subjective lenses.
                       Consider typical customer
                       segments universally and look
                       for social and emotional
                       differences by region...

                       and then TELL YOUR STORY!
Seth Godin, All Marketeers tell stories, 2009
Mischel and Morf, Ute Hillmer of self and identity, 2003.
       12.6.2012 Dr. Handbook
Kelly, The psychology of personal constructs, 1991
And now

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Exanples Dialogmarketing heute
•    mymuesli
•    Dell
•    Krones
•    Litago Milch
•    Jugend gegen Aids
•    Domino Pizza

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Krones Kundenfokus
Krones plant, entwickelt und fertigt Maschinen und
komplette Anlage … wie viele andere auch … aber:
Vertrauensaufbau durch klare Ausrichtung auf
                               - aus der

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Krones Support und Training

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Wismet Filter für höchste Ansprüche

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Elsäßer Filtertechnik

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Elsäßer Filtertechnik

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Vertrauensaufbau mit dem
“Pragmatischen Technologiekunden”
Seine Arbeitsprozesse, seine Probleme und Sorgen
sowie seinen Blick auf die Welt kennen und
verstehen. Kunden Insight
 Relative Vorteile
                             Referenzen
 Kompatibilität
 Testbarkeit                Gemeinschaft
 Beobachtbarkeit
 Reduzierte                 Herstellerneutrale
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell‘s zielgruppenspez. Kundendialog

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Es wird auch über Ihre Produkte geredet –
sind Sie im Bilde?
• Man redet über ihre Produkte – mit Ihnen oder ohne
  Sie …
  Versuchen Sie den Verlauf mitzubestimmen!
• “Dell Hell” war 2005 ein Weckruf

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Jeff Jarvis Blogpost

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell Communities                       Blog‘s ,Forums, IdeaStorm

 Kundeninsight
 Plattformen für Problemlösungen und Ideen
 Kundenbonding, pos. Marken-wahrnehmung
 Segmentierte Kundengruppen + zukünftige Kunden
 SM Strategie
 Beteiligung + Lernen von und mit Kunden
 „Be were your customer is“
 Ca. 1.7 M registrierte Mitglieder
 2.300-2.500 Posts/Woche

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
TechCenter Blog, Chat, Community

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell IdeaStorm                             Ideenbörse und Innovationszentrum

 Kundenideen + –problemen generieren
 Kundeninsight zu Dringlichkeiten
 Zielkunde                   Marketing
 Kunden
                                    F&E
 Potentielle Kunden
 SM Strategie
 Beteiligung + Lernen
 15.000 Ideen
 >900.000 Stimmen abgegeben
 500 Ideen Implementiert

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell Design Studio Mass Individualisation
 Mass Customization
 Brand-
 Individualist. Kunden
 Potentielle Kunden
SM Strategie
 Online Angebot

 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell Shop                   eCommerce mit sozialen Inhalten

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
DellOutlet                  Twitter als Outletstore

 Verkauf
 Brand-Wahrnehmung ändern
 Kunden
 Potentielle Kunden
 SM Strategie
 Twitter als Geschäftsplattform
 Juni 2009: $6,5 M Umsatz
 Twitter USA: 1,5 Mio Follower
 (D: 131 seit Feb. 2011)

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
DellOutlet Deutschland      Twitter als Outletstore

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
DellOutlet China Twitter als Outletstore

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
DellCares Twitter als Supportkanal
 Kundenprobleme lösen
 Brand-Wahrnehmung ändern
 Kunden
 Potentielle Kunden
 SM Strategie
 Twitter als Supportkanal
 10.000 Follower
 10.000 Tweets

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell Monitoring „Social Media Listening Command Center“
 Informieren: Kundenfeedback in
  Echtzeit bereitstellen
 Zuhören & Agieren: frühe Warnsignale
  erkennen und schnell handeln
 Sicherstellen, daß effektive
  Kundeninteraktionen stattfinden
 Unterstützend – Infos und Support für
  die Communities mit Einfluß im Netz
 Alle relevanten Abteilungen im
 Kunden/potentielle Kunden
 Communities / influencer
 SM Strategie
 Schaltzentrale
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Media

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
What Media Channels should I

     Where should my company be

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Social Media Toolbox

           Choose your
          channel wisely

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing
              Slide by Presentation Advisors
Select YOUR Tools
                 not All Tools!

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Which Media to choose?

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer   19.12.2011
Social Media as a Workflow Process
         Channel                       Corporate       Hosting

         XING                          PR Content
        Facebook                       Website
        Twitter                        Microsites
         Foursquare                    Blog
         Yammer                         Newsletter

Slide by Björn Eichstädt, Storymaker
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Types of Social Media Interaction
     by Source                                               Social 
                                                                            Questions &

                                                  Social                                  Market
                     Market‐                      Sales                                Information

             triggered social 
                                               Social                                       Customer
                 interactions                 Marketing                                    Preferences
             (outside‐to‐outside)                                      Market
                                          Corporate Social Content                 Existing Social Media          FB 
                                          Corporate Blogs, Forums,               (Facebook, Xing, Twitter,       Page        t
                                         branded / unbranded Social                    Linkedin, etc.)
                                              Networks, etc.)                                                    Google     …
                    Business‐                                      Customer‐facing
             triggered social                                         employee

                 interactions                                                                    Monitoring / 
                                                                                                 Data Mining
               (inside‐to‐outside         Corp. 

                                     Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled
                                       Marketing           Sales           Service            F&E

based on Cipriani 2009
   12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer            Marketing             Sales              Service                 F&E
Types of Social Media Interaction
by Purpose

                  Marketing          Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

              Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                   Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

               Rapid Social     Rapid Social        Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
            Marketing Response Sales Response     Support Response       F&E

                 Social Event                     Socially‐enabled
                                 Sales Referal
                 Management                           Service

              Social Campaign    Proactive Lead
                  Tracking        Generierung

                                                   CRM = Customer Relationship Management

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How to get started
3. Which Media to choose?
                                                      generate interest for a
    Marketinggoal              Get visitors to the
 Media



12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
360° Medienmanagement
   Kundenprofile beachten
• Was machen Silver Surfer (>50 J.) 

   12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
360° Medienmanagement
Kundenprofil: Digital Natives
 Was machen Digital Natives (zwischen 14 und 29 J.) online?

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Website:
Center Stage +Aggregation Point

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Website:
Center Stage +Aggregation Point

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Website:
Center Stage +Aggregation Point

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Website:
Center Stage +Aggregation Point

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Website
•    You control the content and the design
•    You can backlink all media channels to the site
•    One stop overview, monitor and archive
•    Low cost professional site with Open Source tools
     like Wordpress und Joomla, templates, plug-ins und
     RSS feeds.

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Website
• You must manage and maintain the site including its
  layout and design, content, tech. support and its
• Corporate Websites are usually seen as push
• Cost and time intensive

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Blog
as the “Sun of the Solar Content System”

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Blog

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell Blogs                  Blogs ,Forums

 Kundeninsight
 Plattform for problem solving and ideas
 Customer bonding, pos. brand recognition
 Segmented customer groups + prospects
 SM Strategy
 Engagement and learning from and with customers
 1.7 M registered members (spring11)
 2.300-2.500 Posts/Woche

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Direct2Dell                 Blog

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
TechCenter Blog, Chat, Community

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Dell Shares Investor Relations

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
TechCenter Blog, Chat, Community

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Blog
Employees as Experts

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Types of Social CRM Interaction
                                                             Social         Questions &
                                                            Service         complaints

                                                  Social                                  Market
                     Market‐                      Sales                                Information

             triggered social 
                                               Social                                       Customer
                 interactions                 Marketing                                    Preferences
             (outside‐to‐outside)                                      Market
                                                                                   Existing Social Media 
                                          Corporate Social Content                       Networks
                                          Corporate Blogs, Forums,               (Facebook, Xing, Twitter, 
                                         branded / unbranded Social                    Linkedin, etc.)
                                              Networks, etc.)

                    Business‐                                      Customer‐facing
             triggered social                                         employee

                 interactions                                                                    Monitoring / 
               (inside‐to‐outside                                                                Data Mining

                                     Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled
                                       Marketing           Sales           Service            R&D
based on Cipriani 2009
    12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer           Marketing             Sales              Service                 R&D
The Corporate Blog
Types of Social Media Interaction

                   Marketing           Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

                Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                     Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

                Rapid Social     Rapid Social         Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
             Marketing Response Sales Response      Support Response       F&E

                  Social Event                      Socially‐enabled
                                   Sales Referal
                  Management                            Service

               Social Campaign     Proactive Lead
                   Tracking         Generierung

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Blog
• You can show that you know a lot about a topic
• You are easily found by search engines (search engines follow
     backlinks; a good article easily generates 10-50 backlinks in a few days)
• It is free for the customer and free media for you as a
• You can segment your target market nicely
• It can be the starting point for new content, hosts
  conversations, can provide context for news
• It can be a starting point for personal brands
• Small companies can get to the top of search engine
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Blog
• Frequency is a must  time consuming
• You are not credible in a “controlled” bog
• You don’t control what is said in an open employee
• Generating relevant and interesting content on a
  frequent basis is not easy

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
The Corporate Blog
Make some rules.
                Empower all employees… they are the brand.

                • Behave professionally and ethically.
                • Take personal responsibility.
                • Include a disclaimer: your opinions are yours, 
                  not IBM’s.
                • Don’t pick fights.

                “Use social media as a means to expose IBM’s 
                experts—and expertise—to the world.”
                                                        Adam Christensen
                                    Manager, Social Media Communications

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Networks

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Networks 2
     Social networks are network communities on the
     internet. Users can add friends or followers and
     send them messages or notify them about updates
     concerning themselves.

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Built and Maintain Networks
 Individuals, professionals and companies look for 
  suitable networks and clusters
 Within a network, they look for suitable groups and 
  joint them 

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How Social Networks work
                            Think about a 
                            sports club!

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How Social Networks work 2
• Voluntary active or passive membership
• Special areas of interests
• One communicates where one has something to say
  (or not), has an opinion, answers questions, asks
  questions, …
• If one is open, friendly and nice, friendships will develop
  that value ones expertise and opinion
• Once one has built a reputation, it will be accepted,
  even appreciated if one recommends and hints one
  ones products and services, online shop, other
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
How Social Networks work 3
     Friends are easily found,
     one links up, meets, networks, …
     and own expertise distributes …

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Dell on Facebook Community
 Customer insight
 Customer bonding, pos. Brand 
 Segmented customer groups 
 and prospects
SM Strategy
 „Be were your customer is“
 Offer community experience 
 644.723 likes (July 2011)
 909.910 likes (Dec 2011)
  12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell on Facebook Ratings

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell on Google +

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell on Google + Hangouts

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Types of Social CRM Interaction
                                                             Social         Questions &
                                                            Service         complaints

                                                  Social                                  Market
                     Market‐                      Sales                                Information

             triggered social 
                                               Social                                       Customer
                 interactions                 Marketing                                    Preferences
             (outside‐to‐outside)                                      Market
                                                                                   Existing Social Media 
                                          Corporate Social Content                       Networks
                                          Corporate Blogs, Forums,               (Facebook, Xing, Twitter, 
                                         branded / unbranded Social                    Linkedin, etc.)
                                              Networks, etc.)

                    Business‐                                      Customer‐facing
             triggered social                                         employee

                 interactions                                                                    Monitoring / 
               (inside‐to‐outside                                                                Data Mining

                                     Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled
                                       Marketing           Sales           Service            R&D

based on Cipriani 2009
   12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer            Marketing             Sales              Service                 R&D
Areas of Action in Social CRM

                  Marketing          Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

              Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                   Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

               Rapid Social     Rapid Social        Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
            Marketing Response Sales Response     Support Response       F&E

                 Social Event                     Socially‐enabled
                                 Sales Referal
                 Management                           Service

              Social Campaign    Proactive Lead
                  Tracking        Generierung

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Starting point for Social Customer Relationship

                   Marketing           Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

                Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                     Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

                Rapid Social     Rapid Social         Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
             Marketing Response Sales Response      Support Response       F&E

                  Social Event                      Socially‐enabled
                                   Sales Referal
                  Management                            Service

               Social Campaign     Proactive Lead
                   Tracking         Generierung

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Networks
  • Direct customer communication            • Efficient marketing tool
  • Largest social Network                   • Gives companies “a face”
  • Many forms of interaction                  or “faces”
  • Entertainment                            • Connectable with twitter,
  • Full display of many media                 Google+, linkedin…
    formats (pictures, movies, games, ...)   • Mobile app
  • Cool ideas result in huge reach          • Location updates
  • Personal reputation                      • Many apps enlarge
    management                                 functionality
  • Facebook statistics
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Networks                                          Practice

  • Uncontrolled environment • Privacy problems
    for employees               – Like button (documenting all
                                   activity on the website)
  • Time-consuming              – Open FB tab in Browser
  • Less exciting products      – Apps can result in spam

    can have a hard time     • Hard to separate private and
    gaining recognition        business
                             • FB can change the rules as
  • Requires high frequency    they like (free service)
    of relevant content
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Business Oriented Social Networks
   • More serious environments,
     no personal content
   • Suitable for personal business
     profile pages                     • Increasingly commercial +
   • Customer + recruiter research       spam
   • Personal reputation               • Time consuming
                                       • Not all audiences are in
   • Business oriented groups            these networks
   • Business contact initiation and
                                       • Often regional

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content Sharing Platforms
• Online Communities for archiving and sharing
  content such as:
       – Photographs and images
       – Videos
       – Audios
       – Presentations

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social Media as a Workflow Process
Communication Channel       Corporate      Hosting

         XING               PR Content
        Facebook            Website
        Twitter             Microsites
         Foursquare         Blog
         Yammer             Newsletter

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Content Sharing Platforms
  Easy way to display,
   archive and share        • Copyright problems
  No need for own          • Free data upload or
   infrastructure and         information spread is
   storage                    limited
  Possible real time       • No quality control of
   reporting of events        content and material
  Products / content is
   ranked by audience

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Crowd Sourcing / Open Innovation


    12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell‘s Crowdsourcing Aktivitäten

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
IdeaStorm                   Open Innovation Platform

 Collect product ideas, and Product solution ideas from customers
 Custoner insight ranked by urgency
 customer
 prospect
                  Marketing
 SM      Strategy R&D
 Engagement + learning
 Results (7/11)
 15.000 ideas
 >900.000 votes
 500 ideas implemented

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer                                            19.12.2011
Dell Design Studio Mass Individualisation
    mass
    brand
    individualistic
      customers + 
    SM Strategie
    online offer

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Open Innovation through Social Media

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Directly involved Innovation Resources: R&D
and Marketing (inbound+outbound)
                                                       Cash flow over time

                                                          Market Demand: 
                                                          Product Lifecycle


             inbound Marketing

                                  outbound Marketing

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Types of Social CRM Interaction
                                                             Social         Questions &
                                                            Service         complaints

                                                  Social                                  Market
                     Market‐                      Sales                                Information

             triggered social 
                                               Social                                       Customer
                 interactions                 Marketing                                    Preferences
             (outside‐to‐outside)                                      Market
                                                                                   Existing Social Media 
                                          Corporate Social Content                       Networks
                                          Corporate Blogs, Forums,               (Facebook, Xing, Twitter, 
                                         branded / unbranded Social                    Linkedin, etc.)
                                              Networks, etc.)

                    Business‐                                      Customer‐facing
             triggered social                                         employee

                 interactions                                                                    Monitoring / 
               (inside‐to‐outside                                                                Data Mining

                                     Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled
                                       Marketing           Sales           Service            R&D
based on Cipriani 2009                  Marketing             Sales              Service                 R&D
    12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Areas of Action in Social CRM

                 Marketing            Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

               Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                    Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

                Rapid Social     Rapid Social        Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
             Marketing Response Sales Response     Support Response       F&E

                 Social Event                      Socially‐enabled
                                  Sales Referal
                 Management                            Service

               Social Campaign    Proactive Lead
                   Tracking        Generierung

based on AltimeterHillmer 2010
   12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Group
Starting point forSocial Customer Relationship

                Marketing            Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

              Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                   Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

               Rapid Social     Rapid Social        Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
            Marketing Response Sales Response     Support Response       F&E

               Social Event                       Socially‐enabled
                                  Sales Referal
               Management                             Service

              Social Campaign    Proactive Lead
                  Tracking        Generierung

 based on AltimeterHillmer 2010
     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Group
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                                     19.12.2011
Online Shops

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell Shop                   eCommercewith Social Content

 sales
 Change brand perception
 customers
 prospects
 SM Strategie
 eShop with rankings +

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Recommendation Platforms
  • Here users share
    experiences, perceptions
    and recommendations
    about products, services
    and organizations .         • bad products are exposed
    Sometimes detailed
    discussions can evolve..
  • Products are ranked by
  • credibility
  • good products are usually
    ranked positively

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Types of Social CRM Interaction
                                                             Social         Questions &
                                                            Service         complaints

                                                  Social                                  Market
                     Market‐                      Sales                                Information

             triggered social 
                                               Social                                       Customer
                 interactions                 Marketing                                    Preferences
             (outside‐to‐outside)                                      Market
                                                                                   Existing Social Media 
                                          Corporate Social Content                       Networks
                                          Corporate Blogs, Forums,               (Facebook, Xing, Twitter, 
                                         branded / unbranded Social                    Linkedin, etc.)
                                              Networks, etc.)

                    Business‐                                      Customer‐facing
             triggered social                                         employee

                 interactions                                                                    Monitoring / 
               (inside‐to‐outside                                                                Data Mining

                                     Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled
                                       Marketing           Sales           Service            R&D

based on Cipriani 2009
   12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer            Marketing             Sales              Service                 R&D
Areas of Action in Social CRM

                 Marketing            Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

               Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                    Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

                Rapid Social     Rapid Social        Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
             Marketing Response Sales Response     Support Response       F&E

                 Social Event                      Socially‐enabled
                                  Sales Referal
                 Management                            Service

               Social Campaign    Proactive Lead
                   Tracking        Generierung

based on AltimeterHillmer 2010
   12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Group
Starting point for Social Customer Relationship

                 Marketing            Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

               Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                    Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

                Rapid Social     Rapid Social        Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
             Marketing Response Sales Response     Support Response       F&E

                 Social Event                      Socially‐enabled
                                   Sales Referal
                 Management                            Service

               Social Campaign    Proactive Lead
                   Tracking        Generierung

based on AltimeterHillmer 2010
   12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Group

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
        Microblogging is a form of blogging that allows
        users to send brief text updates (or micromedia
        such as photos or audio clips) and publish them.
        These messages can be submitted by a variety of
        means like text messaging, instant messaging, E-
        mail, digital audio or the web. (Wikipedia)

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing       19.12.2011
Dell on Twitter

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dell‘s Twitter Activities

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
DellOutlet                  Twitter as an Outletstore

 selling
 change brand recognition
 customers
 prospects
 SM Strategy
 Twitter as a sales plattform
 June 2009: $6,5 M revenue
 Delloutlet: 1,54 Mio 7/11
 1,55 Mio 12/11 follower
 (D: 131 seit Feb. 2011)

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer                               19.12.2011
DellOutlet Deutschland                 Twitter as an Outletstore

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                               19.12.2011
DellOutlet China Twitter as an Outletstore

     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing         19.12.2011
      fast
      cheap                                • only short messages (Twitter 140
      real-time communication                characters)
      real-time market research            • short lifetime of tweets
      advertising allowed                  • a lot of meaningless information
      direct customer                        in twitter sphere
      great monitoring tool (alternative   • difficult to measure
       clients, e.g. tritterdeck)
  interest based, not friendship           • Spam / unpleasant followers
   based                                      possible
  global                                   • Fast media for fast + easy
  mobile                                     mistakes
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Types of Social CRM Interaction
                                                          Social         Questions &
                                                         Service         complaints

                                               Social                                  Market
                   Market‐                     Sales                                Information

           triggered social 
                                            Social                                       Customer
               interactions                Marketing                                    Preferences
           (outside‐to‐outside)                                     Market
                                                                                Existing Social Media 
                                       Corporate Social Content                       Networks
                                       Corporate Blogs, Forums,               (Facebook, Xing, Twitter, 
                                      branded / unbranded Social                    Linkedin, etc.)
                                           Networks, etc.)

                  Business‐                                     Customer‐facing
           triggered social                                        employee

               interactions                                                                   Monitoring / 
            (inside‐to‐outside                                                                Data Mining

                                  Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled
                                    Marketing           Sales           Service            R&D

 based on Cipriani 2009
     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer   Marketing
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                  Sales              Service                 R&D
Areas of Action in Social CRM

                  Marketing          Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

              Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                   Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

               Rapid Social     Rapid Social        Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
            Marketing Response Sales Response     Support Response       F&E

                 Social Event                     Socially‐enabled
                                 Sales Referal
                 Management                           Service

              Social Campaign    Proactive Lead
                  Tracking        Generierung

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Starting point for Social Customer Relationship

                  Marketing          Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

              Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                   Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

               Rapid Social     Rapid Social        Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
            Marketing Response Sales Response     Support Response       F&E

                 Social Event                     Socially‐enabled
                                 Sales Referal
                 Management                           Service

              Social Campaign    Proactive Lead
                  Tracking        Generierung

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
DellCares Twitter as a Support Channel
 Solve customer problems
 Change brand recognition
 customers
 prospects
 SM Strategy
 Twitter as a support channel
 10.000 follower (7/11)
 15.600 follower (12/11)
 13.460 Tweets

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Types of Social CRM Interaction
                                                             Social         Questions &
                                                            Service         complaints

                                                  Social                                  Market
                     Market‐                      Sales                                Information

             triggered social 
                                               Social                                       Customer
                 interactions                 Marketing                                    Preferences
             (outside‐to‐outside)                                      Market
                                                                                   Existing Social Media 
                                          Corporate Social Content                       Networks
                                          Corporate Blogs, Forums,               (Facebook, Xing, Twitter, 
                                         branded / unbranded Social                    Linkedin, etc.)
                                              Networks, etc.)

                    Business‐                                      Customer‐facing
             triggered social                                         employee

                 interactions                                                                    Monitoring / 
               (inside‐to‐outside                                                                Data Mining

                                     Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled
                                       Marketing           Sales           Service            R&D

based on Cipriani 2009
   12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer            Marketing             Sales              Service                 R&D
Areas of Action in Social CRM

                 Marketing            Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

               Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                    Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

                Rapid Social     Rapid Social        Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
             Marketing Response Sales Response     Support Response       F&E

                 Social Event                      Socially‐enabled
                                  Sales Referal
                 Management                            Service

               Social Campaign    Proactive Lead
                   Tracking        Generierung

based on AltimeterHillmer 2010
   12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Group
Starting point for Social Customer Relationship

                 Marketing            Sales        Service/Support      Innovation

               Social Marketing    Social Sales     Social Support    Social Innovation
                    Insight          Insight            Insight            Insight

                Rapid Social     Rapid Social        Rapid Social     Crowedsourced
             Marketing Response Sales Response     Support Response       F&E

                 Social Event                      Socially‐enabled
                                  Sales Referal
                 Management                            Service

               Social Campaign    Proactive Lead
                   Tracking        Generierung

based on AltimeterHillmer 2010
   12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Group
Monitoring Twitter as a trend scout
 Identify future trends
 Identify brand + product issues
 Marketing
 R&D
 SM Strategy
 Twitter als Supportkanal

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Why Social Media Monitoring?
Issue Management
          What expectations do different stakeholders
                    Identify areas with potential for conflict early and
                    address them proactively (before the broader public gets

                    Identify, monitor and construct actions to
                    manage/reduce/neutralize stakeholder
                    discrepancy of expectations.
                    Develop an “early warning system”

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer                           Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better   19.12.201
                                                    Reality Marketing         1
Remember: They talk about you!
• They do it with or without you … you should steer the
  direction best you can!
• Dell Hell was a showcase starting point in 2005

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer   Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing   19.12.2011
Why Social Media Monitoring?
Customer Service and Support, CRM
          Identify and address core customer needs
                    Sales advice
                    Setup / integration support
                    Runtime support
          Customers help customers
                    Identify and bond with advocates
                    Identify and utilize star experts
                    Reduce support cost
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer                         Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better   19.12.201
                                                  Reality Marketing         1
Why Social Media Monitoring?
Product Marketing and R&D
          Identify + address product shortcomings / improvement
               Customer / user complains
               Customer / user suggestions and ideas
               Customer / user use cases
          Identify and address core customer needs
               Industry discussions
               Crowd sourcing
          Identify trends
               Industry discussions
               Crowd sourcing
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer                   Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better   19.12.201
                                            Reality Marketing         1
SMM Value Creation and KPIs
        Traditional Online Marketing
                Page Impressions
                Unique Visitors
          Social Media Marketing
                Foster Dialog
                Promote Advocacy
                Facilitate Support
                Spur Innovation

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer              Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better   19.12.201
                                       Reality Marketing         1
SMM Value Creation and KPIs

   12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Source:        Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better   19.12.201
                               Reality Marketing         1
Why Social Media Monitoring?
Brand Management
          What brand image do stakeholders have in
          What brand image do I want them to have?
                    Develop brand buzz to help steer brand image
                    (truthful and authentic)

                    Monitor brand image of core stakeholder groups
                    and construe action to reduce discrepancy if
                    Identify brand associations
                    Monitor the competition
12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer                         Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better   19.12.201
                                                  Reality Marketing         1
SMM Value Creation and KPIs
          Success metrics must be developed with specific business
          objectives in mind to be used and useful.

                  mythological, pragmatic, common sense
Source: Social Marketing Analytics, Altimeter 2010, p. 9
   12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Social CRM
                     CRM 1.0                                    CRM 2.0

                       Targeting                                 Establishing 






                      Retention                                   Experience

                                   Customer              Support processes
   Marketing           Sales                                                                   Value
                                                        Operation processes

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Formen von CRM
Analytisches CRM
• Detaillierte Analyse aller kundenbezogenen Transaktionen und
  Prozesse und Verwertung der Information für zielgruppengerichte
  Strategien und personalisierte 1-to-1-Konzepte.
Operatives CRM
• Kunden-und -kanalspezifische Implementierung kundenbezogener
  Geschäftsprozesse. Integration von Customer Touchpoints (Call
  Center, Web etc.) und Backoffice.
Kollaboratives CRM
• Management der verschiedenen Vertriebskanäle (Multi Channel
  Management) inkl. der Identifikation von Kanalkonflikten, -kosten
  und -potenzialen.

12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Customer Centric Business Model



12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Definition Social CRM
         Social CRM is the business strategy of engaging
         customers through Social Media with the goal
         of building trust and brand loyalty.
         Loyalty is defined as attitude towards a brand that inclines a
         customer to repurchase it and/or recommend it to others.

  Harish Kotadia, Definition of Social CRM, 2011.
     12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing                         19.12.2011
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Engaging the customer

  • 1. New Marketing Understand, Embrace and Engage with Your Customer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing Reutlingen, 12.6.2012 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 2. Content of the SM Marketing Lecture 1. Why engaging with the customer? 2. The Social Media Marketing Basics 3. Content Marketing for B2B 4. The SM Toolbox Corporate Website Crowd Sourcing Corporate Blog Online Shops Social Networks Microblogging Content Sharing Platforms Social CRM 5. Cases 6. Social Media Marketing in Practice 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 3. Engaging with the Customer “Do I have to do this?” 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 4. Why is Marketing Changing? Do I have to be in the Web 2.0, in Social Media as a Company? Do I really have to be there as a B2B Company? 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 6. Why is Marketing Changing? Because buyer behaviour is changing significantly! 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 7. How did you buy yesterday? How do you buy today? How will you buy tomorrow? 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 8. The Power of Recommendations: „I‘ll Have What She is Having“ 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 9. Change Engines on the Meta Level Technological Development • Digitalization • Visualisation tech. • Network technologies • Social Media • Converging media • Digital distribution • Storage technologies • Intellig. automation • … Social Development The mature human – the mature customer • Selfconfidence • Participation • Self-determination • Individualisation 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 10. Changing Kommunication from Sender Receiver 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 11. Changing Kommunication to Sender Receiver 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 12. From Product- to Customerfocus Product Customer Needs Price Customer Cost Place Convenience / Access Promotion Communication McCarthy: Basic Marketing: A managerial approach, 1960 Schullz, Stanley I. Tannenbaum, Robert F. Lauterborn, Integrated Marketing Communications, 1993 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 13. Social Media – “Do I really have to be there as a Company? “ 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 14. It‘s not only the web 2.0 generation that is Warum sind Sie in Sozialen Netzen online (Europea Data) get to know things about (new) products / brands come in contact with brands / companies stimulate my career find other users of a certain brand / product find promotions of a certain brand / product become a famous person become an opinion leader 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Source: Social Media Around the World 2011, InSites Consulting
  • 15. Customers + Web 2.0 Technologies 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 16. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Social Media: Does it Pay Off? 1‐ research/register‐2011‐social‐media‐consumer‐ trend‐report.html
  • 17. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Social Media: Does it Pay Off? 2‐ research/register‐2011‐social‐media‐consumer‐ trend‐report.html
  • 18. Social Media: Does it Pay Off? 4 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 19. They talk about you! • They do it with or without you … you should steer the direction best you can! • Dell Hell was a showcase starting point in 2005 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 20. Dell Hell 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 21. Dell Hell 2 “Obviously a lot of people are in the blogosphere  talking about their issues with Dell products, why aren’t  we doing anything about it?”  Michael Dell, 2006 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 22. Dell 2006:“Obviously a lot of people are in the blogosphere talking about their issues with Dell products, why aren’t we doing anything about it?” Michael Dell, 2006 2011: Dell named “most social brand of 100 top brands” 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 24. Social Media – “Do I really have to be there as a B2B Company? “ 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 25. Social Media Not just for nurds 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 26. How Social Media matters to B2B • Chief stakeholders may not be using social media. – but their lieutenants will • Social media is impacting how B2B decisions are being made. – Background research – Expertise – Search results impact 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 27. Social Media and the Buying Process Post-sales user-exp. reports support+help complains learning upgrading Sales looking for the best deal Pre-sales looking for information 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 28. Social Media and the buying process 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 29. Customer Centric Business Model Marketing Product/Service Customer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 2005. T. Hannagan, Management: Concepts & Practices, 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer 19.12.2011
  • 30. Development Steps in Marketing (Meffert, 2008 S. 8) Inhaltlicher Fokus des Marketings Netzwerk‐ orientierung Netzwerke Umwelt‐ orientierung Umwelt Wettbewerbs‐ Wett‐ orientierung bewerber Handels‐ Handel orientierung Verbraucher‐ Ver‐ orientierung braucher Distributions‐ Unter‐ orientierung nehmung Anspruchs‐ 1950‘er                 1960‘er                  1970‘er                 1980‘er                     1990‘er                  spektrum des  Zeit 2000‘er             Marketings 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 31. Konvergenz des Mediensystems (Gläser 2010, S. 274) Traditionelle Trägermedien Traditionelle Übertragungsmedien Universalmedium Form der  Text/ Bild        Ton         AV Ton         AV        Sprache       Daten      Multi‐ Text/Bild/Ton/  Kommunikation Sprache/AV/  media Daten/Multimedia Medium Film/ Fern‐ Telefon ‐ Daten ‐ Online ‐ Universalmedium Buch    Presse    Audio  Video Hörfunk  sehen dienste dienste  dienste  Produktions‐ Verlag  Verlag Verlag Verlag Sender    Sender Dienst ‐ Dienst ‐ Dienst ‐ Universalmedium‐ unternehmen leister leister leister unternehmen Distribution:  Terrestrische  Breitbandkabel Internet Satellit Telefonnetz  Konvergente  Sender Mobilfunk Datennetze Radio, TV, Pay‐per‐channel/view, Video‐on‐demand, Audio‐/Video‐Streaming, Internetdienst, Teleshopping,E‐Mail Konsum:  konvergente  Fernsehgerät PC Handy Print Konsumgüter 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 32. „Push“ Communication Agency  Media  Fulfillment Unique Products / Offers Marketer Customer / Messages and Incentives Prospect D. Schultz etDr. Ute Hillmer Customer-Brand Relationships , 2009, p. 5 12.6.2012 al., Building Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 33. „Pull“ Communication Web Search Employees/Recommenders/Distributers/Influencers Agency  Media  Fulfillment Competitors Unique Products / Offers Competitors Marketer Customer/ Messages and Incentives Competitors Prospect Competitors Word‐of‐Mouth New Forms of Media D. Schultz etDr. Ute Hillmer Customer-Brand Relationships , 2009, p. 6 12.6.2012 al., Building Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 34. 360° integrated Marketing Communication (Don Schulz 2009) Botschaft 360° Marketing‐ Kommunikation Kunde/  Media Community 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 35. Changes in Marketing: The Marketing Funnel • Is the funnel still there? Attention Interest Preference Action 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 36. 360° Medienmanagement Integriertes Markenkommunikationsmodell (Don Schulz 2009) Botschaft Kunde Media 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 37. Product positioning process • Generally, the product positioning process involves: • Defining the market in which the product or brand will compete (who the relevant buyers are) • Identifying the attributes (also called dimensions) that define the product 'space' • Collecting information from a sample of customers about their perceptions of each product on the relevant attributes • Determine each product's share of mind • Determine each product's current location in the product space • Determine the target market's preferred combination of attributes (referred to as an ideal vector) • Examine the fit between: – The position of your product – The position of the ideal vector 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 38. Positioning concepts • More generally, there are three types of positioning concepts: • Functional positions – Solve problems – Provide benefits to customers – Get favorable perception by investors (stock profile) and lenders • Symbolic positions – Self-image enhancement – Ego identification – Belongingness and social meaningfulness – Affective fulfillment • Experiential positions – Provide sensory stimulation – Provide cognitive stimulation 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 39. Social Media Basics What do I have to know and understand to get started? 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 40. How to get started 1. Stay focused on your objective • Define marketing goal • Define target markets • Which channel, which medium, which platform will help me reach my target? Be where your  customers are!! 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 41. How to get started 2. What do you intent to achieve? • Win additional customers • Increase communication with • Gain a new customer base customers • Increase sales • Increase website traffic • Increase awareness • Increase image • Enter new markets • Change image • Increase online reputation As with traditional marketing: set yourself realistic goals! 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 42. How to get started 3. Where are your customers having their conversations? “Let's spend a day in your customers media mix and learn to understand what they experience, how they feel, and most of all, how they communicate and interact. “ Kevin Colleran, Facebooks #1 Sales Rep 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 43. “Spend a Day in your Customers Media Mix” “Let's spend a day in your customers media mix and learn to understand what they experience, how they feel, and most of all, how they communicate and interact. “ Kevin Colleran, Facebooks #2 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 44. How to get started 4. The Content Relevance Benefit Entertainment 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 45. How to get started 5. Set Strategy + Processes Ask yourself • Where are my customers => What • Which social networks will be product(s) are suitable for social suitable? networks? • What reactions should I be • How do I position these products? prepared to get? • Does my CI and brand fit the online • How will I react to negative community? feedback from blogs, etc.? • How do I communicate online (tone • Do I communicate centralized and stile)? or distributed? You have no glue? Then have a look how your competitors do it! 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 46. Social Media Marketing has an ever growing Toolbox – Search Engines – Podcasts – Forums – YouTube – Blogs – Price Search Engines – Interest Groups – Rating Sites – Portals – Picture Galleries – Social Networks – … (Facebook, Twitter, Xing, LinkedIn, Spotify, Pinterest…) 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 47. The Old Way: eMarketing and eCommerce Tools – eMail – Portals – Corporate Websites – … 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 48. Social Media Marketing Trad. Media vs. Social Media Shouting vs. Sharing → additional Marketing Chanel(s) 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 49. Consequences of Social Media Marketing for the Product Range “The Long Tail” • 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Chris Anderson: The Long Tail, 2006.  
  • 50. Consequences of Social Media Marketing for the Customer “The Cluetrain Manifesto (2001)” 95 Theses Excerpt 1. Markets are conversations. 12. There are no secrets. The networked market knows more than companies do about their own products. And whether the news is good or bad, they tell everyone. 17. Companies that assume online markets are the same markets that used to watch their ads on television are kidding themselves. 18. Companies that don't realize their markets are now networked person-to-person, getting smarter as a result and deeply joined in conversation are missing their best opportunity. 19. Companies can now communicate with their markets directly. If they blow it, it could be their last chance. 21. Companies need to lighten up and take themselves less seriously. They need to get a sense of humor. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 51. Consequences of Social Media Marketing for the Customer “The Cluetrain Manifesto (2001)” • “These networked conversations are enabling powerful new forms of social organization and knowledge exchange to emerge. • As a result, markets are getting smarter, more informed, more organized. Participation in a networked market changes people fundamentally. • People in networked markets have figured out that they get far better information and support from one another than from vendors. So much for corporate rhetoric about adding value to commoditized products.” Levine , Locke, Searls ,Weinberger: The Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual, 2001. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 52. Σ Social Media Basics #1 Built and maintain networks: THE SM TOOLBOX #2 Built credibility and trust, especially in B2B: CONTENT MARKETING #3 Be found by your target market: SEO + SMM 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 53. Recap Social Media Basics • What was most important for you so far? Tell your neighbor to the right and left. • What open question emerged? • What is unclear? 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 54. What is Content Marketing? Dr. Ute Hillmer 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 55. Content marketing equips buyers with the knowledge to Content Marketing better-informed make decisions. The thinking behind it: Central to content marketing is the belief that if businesses  deliver consistent, helpful information to buyers at the right  time, then prospects will ultimately reward the company with  their purchase and loyalty. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 56. What is Content Marketing? Content is the reason  people go to your site 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 57. Give your customers the content they want… …not what YOU think they need! Picture Dan Zarella 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 58. Why is Content Marketing important? Average person is exposed to  5.000 ads / offers per day Buyers have tuned out marketing 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 59. Think of an Art Gallery Where is the Art? 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 60. People come to see art, not empty frames or empty walls Content is the reason people go to your site 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 61. Content Marketing Fundamentals 1 Shift thinking from marketer to publisher 1. Define a critical group of buyers 2. Determine what info prospects really need 3. Determine how prospects want to receive info 4. Deliver info for maximum impact on goals 5. Measure and recalibrate 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 62. Content Marketing Fundamentals 2 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 63. Content Marketing Fundamentals 3 World views! 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 64. Content Marketing Fundamentals 3 1. Consider the worldview of your target customer group 2. Tell a compelling story 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 65. Content Marketing Fundamentals 5 Age is no longer a key indicator - areas of interests are! 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 66. Content Marketing im B2B • Companies don‘t have conversations, PEOPLE have! • B2B is usually about niche problem solving – problems are best solved in teams with many different experts contributing  “niche” CONVERSATIONS • Problem solving requires trust  RELATIONSHIPS • 1:1 Marketing was a buzzword of B2B  n:n 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 67. Content Marketing im B2B • PEOPLE • niche CONVERSATIONS • RELATIONSHIPS • n:n → Social Media Chanels 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 68. New Technologies in B2B Markets thus we have to change how we do things... 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 69. Behavioural Economics • Behavioral economics and the related field, behavioral finance, study the effects of social, cognitive and emotional factors on the economic decisions of individuals and institutions and the consequences for market prices, returns and the resource allocation. The fields are primarily concerned with the bounds of rationality of economic agents. Behavioral models typically integrate insights from psychology with neo-classical economic theory. In so doing they cover a range of concepts, methods, and fields.[1] • Behavioral analysts are not only concerned with the effects of market decisions but also with public choice, which describes another source of economic decisions with related biases towards promoting self-interest. 1 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 70. An Idealized Technology Product Lifecycle Marketsize Innovators Early Early Late Time Laggards 2,5% Adopters Majority Majority 16% 13,5% 34% 34% 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011 Moore; Crossing the Chasm
  • 71. An Idealized Technology Product Lifecycle Marketsize Innovators Early Early Late Time Laggards 2,5% Adopters Majority Majority 16% 13,5% 34% 34% 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Moore; Crossing the Chasm
  • 72. Adopter Categorization on the Basis of Innovativeness Pragmatists: Stick with the herd! Marketsize Conservatives: Hold on! Visionaries: Skeptics: Techies:Get ahead! No way! Try it! Time Innovators Early Early Late Laggards Adopters Majority Majority 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Moore; Crossing the Chasm
  • 73. Mainstream Behaviour number of adoptions Noncumulative  Increasingly  conforming behaviour Innovators Early Early  Late  Laggards Time Adopters Majority Majority Hillmer, Technology Acceptance in Mechatronics, 2009. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 74. Individualistic Behaviour number of adoptions Noncumulative  Increasingly  individualistic  behaviour Innovators Early Early  Late  Laggards Time Adopters Majority Majority Chart based on Rogers 1995, p. 262 and Moore 1999, p. 12 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 75. Σ Content Marketing 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 76. Σ Content Marketing „Once upon a time…“ 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 77. Best and Worse Practice 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 78. Trust building with Pragmatic Innovation Customers „Concentrate a overwhelming power on a small, focused target market segment“  FOCUS Customer 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 79. Focus 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 80. Trustbuilding with Pragmatic Technology Customers • Be familiar with the worldview, processes and the issues that worry your customer segment Customer Insight  Relative advantage  compatibility  References  trialability  Peer communities  observability  Vender neutral   less complexity technology information 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 81. Herausforderung B2B im Social Marketing 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 82. Krones AG einer der führenden Hersteller von Maschinen und  Anlagen für die Prozess‐, Abfüll‐und Verpackungstechnik. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 83. Krones Ziele im Web  Entscheider ansprechen (insbesondere zukünftige)  Zielsegmente ansprechen: z.B. Maschinenbediener, Weinblogger  Recruting neuerTwitter Facebook Mitarbeiter Xing Youtube  Identifikation der Mitarbeiter mit dem Unternehmen stärken C. Schmidt, Social Media Officer, Krones AG, 2010 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 84. Interessenten-und Kunden Community: Nutzertypologien Li, Bernoff, Groundswell; Forrester Research, 2009, S.43 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 85. Membership Development Stages Hagel, Armstrong: Net Gain; McKinsey 97 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 86. Im Dialog mit Anwendern • Facebook „Krones Academy“  Facebook im Doppelpack: Krones und Krones Akademie ca. 2000 Fans  Recruiting , Mitarbeiter und Kundenbindung 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 87. Im Dialog mit heutigen und zukünftigen Entscheidern - zielgruppenspeziefisch 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 88. Im Dialog mit heutigen und zukünftigen Entscheidern - zielgruppenspeziefisch 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 89. Im Dialog mit heutigen und zukünftigen Entscheidern - zielgruppenspeziefisch 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 90. Im Dialog mit heutigen und zukünftigen Entscheidern 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 91. Im Dialog mit heutigen und zukünftigen Entscheidern - zielgruppenspeziefisch 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 92. Im Dialog mit dem zukünftigen Mitarbeiter 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 93. Best Practice Innov. Marketing 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 94. Best Practice Innov. Marketing 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 95. Best Practice ‚Listening‘ Influencer Monitoring: Adobe with eCairn • maps virtual social communities (groups of passionate people experts on a topic) and ranks key influencers within a specific community 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 96. Best Practice ‚Talking‘ UPS with + whiteboard videos 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 97. Best Practice ‚Energizing‘ Spiceworks • The Spiceworks Network is a community of over 1 million IT pros from small to medium Bs using the Spiceworks IT management application in 190 countries. • Most active "SpiceHeads", attracted 1,500 new IT professionals every day. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 98. Best Practice ‚Spreading‘ Threatpost by Kaspersky • Threatpost is a security news site. • The editorial team for Threatpost created a site that includes both original reporting and aggregation of the most important security news stories. • Threat post reached 208,000 page views, 90,000 unique visitors, and 200 monthly comments between November 2009 and June 2010. There are 10,000 op-in subscribers to its newsletters in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. • Combined, Threatpost activities have captured over 1200 leads for Kaspersky. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 99. Best Practice ‚Supporting‘ IBM developerWorks • IBM developerWorks is a free community and social network for 8 million developers and IT professionals worldwide. It includes content and discussions on open standards, open source, and IBM technical resources in English, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Vietnamese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish. It includes 30,000 articles, forums that attract 1 million visitors a month, 400,000 active profiles, 800 bloggers, and 450 wikis. IBM saves $100 million annually from people who use this resource instead of contacting IBM support. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 100. Mehr bei Forrester • nners-of-the-2010-forrester-groundswell-awards- b2b.html 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 101. Some Not So Lucky Strickes See Razorfishs presentation at: 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 102. What is a Content Strategy? Content Strategy plans for the creation, publication and governance of useful, usable content. Content strategy helps you understand not only what content needs to be created and when it needs to be published, but why. (Kristina Halvorson) 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 103. Content Strategy at eBay 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 104. Let‘s learn from mistakes others made Slides from Razorfish 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 105. Technology Marketing – What role does engegement and dialog play? “ 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 106. 1. technology product lifecycle or: why focus?? 2. diffusion of innovation 3. customer profile categories 4. 5 things to remember 5. summary 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 107. development phases of a new business or service Cash flow over time Market Demand: Product R&D Lifecycle R&D and inbound Marketing outbound Marketing 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 108. an idealized technology product lifecycle Disruptive Innovation Continuous Innovation Market size Innovators Early Early Late Time Laggards 2,5% Adopters Majority Majority 16% 13,5% 34% 34% Rogers Diffusion of Innovation 1995 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 109. diffusion of innovation varies… Marketsize Time Marketsize Marketsize Time Rogers DiffusionUte Hillmer 12.6.2012 Dr. of Innovation 1995 Time Moore; Crossing the Chasm 1999.
  • 110. Why do certain innovations diffuse much faster than others? Why do certain innovations have a much longer main street momentum? 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 111. new disruptive technology … changes how we do things thus we have to change how we do things... 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 112. technology life cycle and its buyer categories Market size Innovators Early Early Late Time Laggards 2,5% Adopters Majority Majority 16% 13,5% 34% 34% Chart based on Rogers 1995, p. 262 and Moore 1999, p. 12 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 113. technology life cycle and “the gap” or: why you should focus Market size Innovators Early Early Late Time Laggards 2,5% Adopters Majority Majority 16% 13,5% 34% 34% Chart based on Moor 1999 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 114. mainstream behaviour Marktgröße Increasingly  conforming behaviour Innovators Early Early Late Laggards Zeit Adopters Majority Majority Hillmer, Technology Acceptance in Mechatronics, 2009. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 115. individualistic behaviour Marktgröße Increasingly  individualistic  behaviour Innovators Early Early Late Laggards Zeit Adopters Majority Majority Hillmer, Technology Acceptance in Mechatronics, 2009. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 116. things to remember 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 118. start by focusing on 1-3 niches 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 119. an advantage for one individual, a thread for another ! 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 120. - segment your customer communication to accommodate the differences! 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 121. when your technology dramatically changes human behavior - be prepared, … 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 122. the majority of the market might hesitate to buy for a long time but when the new way of doing things gets accepted, everybody wants it right away. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 123. what you are familiar with, will be easier accepted by the mainstream – even if the link is more than vague! 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 124. Intel, mobile devices and 野比 のび太 野比 のび太 Nobita Nori of the Doraemon Manga with his dōgu “doko demo door“, the “go-anywhere door“ that opens up to any place the user wishes and imagines. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 125. search for local familiarities and wrap it in a story What you are familiar with, will be easier accepted by the mainstream – even if the link is more than vague! 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Source: Mail Online , 17 November 2010
  • 126. Use the different personality profiles in your customer dialog: visionaries as visionaries, pragmatists as pragmatists 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 127. early adopters = visionaries Marktsize Innovators Early Early Late Laggards Time Adopters Majority Majority 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 128. early majority = pragmatists Marktsize Innovators Early Early Late Laggards Time Adopters Majority Majority 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 130. don’t forget to look outside the boundaries of rationality, despite the economic these usually context vary by culture 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 131. Subjective Construction of Reality Each individual sees the world through subjective lenses. Consider typical customer segments universally and look for social and emotional differences by region... and then TELL YOUR STORY! Seth Godin, All Marketeers tell stories, 2009 Mischel and Morf, Ute Hillmer of self and identity, 2003. 12.6.2012 Dr. Handbook Kelly, The psychology of personal constructs, 1991
  • 132. And now 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 133. Exanples Dialogmarketing heute • mymuesli • Dell • Krones • Litago Milch • Jugend gegen Aids • Domino Pizza 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 134. Krones Kundenfokus Krones plant, entwickelt und fertigt Maschinen und komplette Anlage … wie viele andere auch … aber: Vertrauensaufbau durch klare Ausrichtung auf Marktsegmente - aus der Kundenperspektive! 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 135. Focus 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 136. Krones Support und Training 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 137. Wismet Filter für höchste Ansprüche 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 140. Vertrauensaufbau mit dem “Pragmatischen Technologiekunden” Seine Arbeitsprozesse, seine Probleme und Sorgen sowie seinen Blick auf die Welt kennen und verstehen. Kunden Insight  Relative Vorteile  Referenzen  Kompatibilität  Testbarkeit  Gemeinschaft Gleichgesinnter  Beobachtbarkeit  Reduzierte  Herstellerneutrale Informationen Komplexität 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 142. Es wird auch über Ihre Produkte geredet – sind Sie im Bilde? • Man redet über ihre Produkte – mit Ihnen oder ohne Sie … Versuchen Sie den Verlauf mitzubestimmen! • “Dell Hell” war 2005 ein Weckruf 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 143. Jeff Jarvis Blogpost 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 144. Dell Communities Blog‘s ,Forums, IdeaStorm Zielsetzung  Kundeninsight  Plattformen für Problemlösungen und Ideen  Kundenbonding, pos. Marken-wahrnehmung Zielkunde  Segmentierte Kundengruppen + zukünftige Kunden SM Strategie  Beteiligung + Lernen von und mit Kunden  „Be were your customer is“ Resultate  Ca. 1.7 M registrierte Mitglieder  2.300-2.500 Posts/Woche 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 145. TechCenter Blog, Chat, Community 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 146. Dell IdeaStorm Ideenbörse und Innovationszentrum Zielsetzung  Kundenideen + –problemen generieren  Kundeninsight zu Dringlichkeiten Zielkunde  Marketing  Kunden  F&E  Potentielle Kunden SM Strategie  Beteiligung + Lernen Resultate  15.000 Ideen  >900.000 Stimmen abgegeben  500 Ideen Implementiert 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 147. Dell Design Studio Mass Individualisation Zielsetzung  Mass Customization  Brand- Wahrnehmung Zielmarkt  Individualist. Kunden  Potentielle Kunden SM Strategie  Online Angebot 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 148. Dell Shop eCommerce mit sozialen Inhalten 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 149. DellOutlet Twitter als Outletstore Zielsetzung  Verkauf  Brand-Wahrnehmung ändern Zielmarkt  Kunden  Potentielle Kunden SM Strategie  Twitter als Geschäftsplattform Resultate  Juni 2009: $6,5 M Umsatz  Twitter USA: 1,5 Mio Follower  (D: 131 seit Feb. 2011) 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 150. DellOutlet Deutschland Twitter als Outletstore 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 151. DellOutlet China Twitter als Outletstore 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 152. DellCares Twitter als Supportkanal Objective  Kundenprobleme lösen  Brand-Wahrnehmung ändern Target  Kunden  Potentielle Kunden SM Strategie  Twitter als Supportkanal Resultate  10.000 Follower  10.000 Tweets 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 153. Dell Monitoring „Social Media Listening Command Center“ Zielsetzung  Informieren: Kundenfeedback in Echtzeit bereitstellen  Zuhören & Agieren: frühe Warnsignale erkennen und schnell handeln  Sicherstellen, daß effektive Kundeninteraktionen stattfinden  Unterstützend – Infos und Support für die Communities mit Einfluß im Netz Zielkunde  Alle relevanten Abteilungen im Unternehmen  Kunden/potentielle Kunden  Communities / influencer SM Strategie  Schaltzentrale 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 154. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 155. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 157. What Media Channels should I use? Where should my company be present? 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing
  • 158. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 159. The Social Media Toolbox Choose your channel wisely 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing Slide by Presentation Advisors
  • 160. Select YOUR Tools not All Tools! 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 161. Which Media to choose? 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer 19.12.2011
  • 162. Social Media as a Workflow Process Communication  Channel Corporate Hosting XING PR Content Youtube Facebook Website Flickr Twitter Microsites Issuu Foursquare Blog Slideshare Yammer Newsletter Slide by Björn Eichstädt, Storymaker 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 163. Types of Social Media Interaction by Source Social  Service Questions & complaints Social Market Market‐ Sales Information triggered social  Social  Customer interactions Marketing Preferences (outside‐to‐outside) Market Twitter Corporate Social Content Existing Social Media FB  Accoun Corporate Blogs, Forums,  (Facebook, Xing, Twitter,  Page t branded / unbranded Social  Linkedin, etc.) Networks, etc.) Google … + Business‐ Customer‐facing triggered social  employee interactions Monitoring /  Data Mining (inside‐to‐outside Corp.  inside‐to‐inside) Website Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Marketing Sales Service F&E based on Cipriani 2009 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Marketing Sales Service F&E
  • 164. Types of Social Media Interaction by Purpose Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung CRM = Customer Relationship Management 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 165. How to get started 3. Which Media to choose? generate interest for a Marketinggoal  Get visitors to the conference website  Media maybe maybe 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 166. 360° Medienmanagement Kundenprofile beachten • Was machen Silver Surfer (>50 J.)  Online? 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 167. 360° Medienmanagement Kundenprofil: Digital Natives Was machen Digital Natives (zwischen 14 und 29 J.) online? 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 168. The Corporate Website: Center Stage +Aggregation Point 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 169. The Corporate Website: Center Stage +Aggregation Point 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 170. The Corporate Website: Center Stage +Aggregation Point 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 171. The Corporate Website: Center Stage +Aggregation Point 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 172. The Corporate Website • You control the content and the design • You can backlink all media channels to the site • One stop overview, monitor and archive • Low cost professional site with Open Source tools like Wordpress und Joomla, templates, plug-ins und RSS feeds. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 173. The Corporate Website • You must manage and maintain the site including its layout and design, content, tech. support and its URL(s) • Corporate Websites are usually seen as push marketing. • Cost and time intensive 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 174. The Corporate Blog as the “Sun of the Solar Content System” 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 176. Dell Blogs Blogs ,Forums Objective  Kundeninsight  Plattform for problem solving and ideas  Customer bonding, pos. brand recognition Target  Segmented customer groups + prospects SM Strategy  Engagement and learning from and with customers Results  1.7 M registered members (spring11)  2.300-2.500 Posts/Woche 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 177. Direct2Dell Blog 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 178. TechCenter Blog, Chat, Community 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 179. Dell Shares Investor Relations 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 180. TechCenter Blog, Chat, Community 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 181. The Corporate Blog Employees as Experts 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 182. Types of Social CRM Interaction Social  Questions & Service complaints Social Market Market‐ Sales Information triggered social  Social  Customer interactions Marketing Preferences (outside‐to‐outside) Market Existing Social Media  Corporate Social Content Networks Corporate Blogs, Forums,  (Facebook, Xing, Twitter,  branded / unbranded Social  Linkedin, etc.) Networks, etc.) Business‐ Customer‐facing triggered social  employee interactions Monitoring /  (inside‐to‐outside Data Mining inside‐to‐inside) Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Marketing Sales Service R&D based on Cipriani 2009 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Marketing Sales Service R&D
  • 183. The Corporate Blog Types of Social Media Interaction Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 184. The Corporate Blog • You can show that you know a lot about a topic • You are easily found by search engines (search engines follow backlinks; a good article easily generates 10-50 backlinks in a few days) • It is free for the customer and free media for you as a vendor • You can segment your target market nicely • It can be the starting point for new content, hosts conversations, can provide context for news • It can be a starting point for personal brands • Small companies can get to the top of search engine rankings 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 185. The Corporate Blog • Frequency is a must  time consuming • You are not credible in a “controlled” bog • You don’t control what is said in an open employee blog • Generating relevant and interesting content on a frequent basis is not easy 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 186. The Corporate Blog Make some rules. Empower all employees… they are the brand. • Behave professionally and ethically. • Take personal responsibility. • Include a disclaimer: your opinions are yours,  not IBM’s. • Don’t pick fights. “Use social media as a means to expose IBM’s  experts—and expertise—to the world.” Adam Christensen Manager, Social Media Communications 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 188. Social Networks 2 Social networks are network communities on the internet. Users can add friends or followers and send them messages or notify them about updates concerning themselves. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 189. Built and Maintain Networks  Individuals, professionals and companies look for  suitable networks and clusters  Within a network, they look for suitable groups and  joint them  12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 190. How Social Networks work Think about a  sports club! 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 191. How Social Networks work 2 • Voluntary active or passive membership • Special areas of interests • One communicates where one has something to say (or not), has an opinion, answers questions, asks questions, … • If one is open, friendly and nice, friendships will develop that value ones expertise and opinion • Once one has built a reputation, it will be accepted, even appreciated if one recommends and hints one ones products and services, online shop, other products… 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 192. How Social Networks work 3 Friends are easily found, one links up, meets, networks, … and own expertise distributes … 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 193. Dell on Facebook Community Objective  Customer insight  Customer bonding, pos. Brand  recognition Target  Segmented customer groups  and prospects SM Strategy  „Be were your customer is“  Offer community experience  Results  644.723 likes (July 2011)  909.910 likes (Dec 2011) 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 194. Dell on Facebook Ratings 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 195. Dell on Google + 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 196. Dell on Google + Hangouts 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 197. Types of Social CRM Interaction Social  Questions & Service complaints Social Market Market‐ Sales Information triggered social  Social  Customer interactions Marketing Preferences (outside‐to‐outside) Market Existing Social Media  Corporate Social Content Networks Corporate Blogs, Forums,  (Facebook, Xing, Twitter,  branded / unbranded Social  Linkedin, etc.) Networks, etc.) Business‐ Customer‐facing triggered social  employee interactions Monitoring /  (inside‐to‐outside Data Mining inside‐to‐inside) Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Marketing Sales Service R&D based on Cipriani 2009 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Marketing Sales Service R&D
  • 198. Areas of Action in Social CRM Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 199. Starting point for Social Customer Relationship Management Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 200. Social Networks • Direct customer communication • Efficient marketing tool • Largest social Network • Gives companies “a face” • Many forms of interaction or “faces” • Entertainment • Connectable with twitter, • Full display of many media Google+, linkedin… formats (pictures, movies, games, ...) • Mobile app • Cool ideas result in huge reach • Location updates • Personal reputation • Many apps enlarge management functionality • Facebook statistics 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 201. Social Networks Practice • Uncontrolled environment • Privacy problems for employees – Like button (documenting all activity on the website) • Time-consuming – Open FB tab in Browser • Less exciting products – Apps can result in spam can have a hard time • Hard to separate private and gaining recognition business • FB can change the rules as • Requires high frequency they like (free service) of relevant content generation 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 202. Business Oriented Social Networks • More serious environments, no personal content • Suitable for personal business profile pages • Increasingly commercial + • Customer + recruiter research spam • Personal reputation • Time consuming management • Not all audiences are in • Business oriented groups these networks • Business contact initiation and • Often regional management 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 203. Content Sharing Platforms • Online Communities for archiving and sharing content such as: – Photographs and images – Videos – Audios – Presentations 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 204. Social Media as a Workflow Process Communication Channel Corporate Hosting XING PR Content Youtube Facebook Website Flickr Twitter Microsites Issuu Foursquare Blog Slideshare Yammer Newsletter 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 205. Content Sharing Platforms  Easy way to display, archive and share • Copyright problems  No need for own • Free data upload or infrastructure and information spread is storage limited  Possible real time • No quality control of reporting of events content and material  Products / content is ranked by audience 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 206. Crowd Sourcing / Open Innovation 19.12.2011 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 208. IdeaStorm Open Innovation Platform Objective  Collect product ideas, and Product solution ideas from customers  Custoner insight ranked by urgency Target  customer  prospect  Marketing SM Strategy R&D  Engagement + learning Results (7/11)  15.000 ideas  >900.000 votes  500 ideas implemented 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer 19.12.2011
  • 209. Dell Design Studio Mass Individualisation Objective  mass customization  brand recognition Target  individualistic customers +  prospects SM Strategie  online offer 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 210. Open Innovation through Social Media 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 211. Directly involved Innovation Resources: R&D and Marketing (inbound+outbound) Cash flow over time Market Demand:  Product Lifecycle R&D inbound Marketing outbound Marketing 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 212. Types of Social CRM Interaction Social  Questions & Service complaints Social Market Market‐ Sales Information triggered social  Social  Customer interactions Marketing Preferences (outside‐to‐outside) Market Existing Social Media  Corporate Social Content Networks Corporate Blogs, Forums,  (Facebook, Xing, Twitter,  branded / unbranded Social  Linkedin, etc.) Networks, etc.) Business‐ Customer‐facing triggered social  employee interactions Monitoring /  (inside‐to‐outside Data Mining inside‐to‐inside) Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Marketing Sales Service R&D based on Cipriani 2009 Marketing Sales Service R&D 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 213. Areas of Action in Social CRM Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung based on AltimeterHillmer 2010 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Group
  • 214. Starting point forSocial Customer Relationship Management Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung based on AltimeterHillmer 2010 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Group Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 216. Dell Shop eCommercewith Social Content Objective  sales  Change brand perception Target  customers  prospects SM Strategie  eShop with rankings + reviews 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 217. Recommendation Platforms • Here users share experiences, perceptions and recommendations about products, services and organizations . • bad products are exposed Sometimes detailed discussions can evolve.. • Products are ranked by audience • credibility • good products are usually ranked positively 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 218. Types of Social CRM Interaction Social  Questions & Service complaints Social Market Market‐ Sales Information triggered social  Social  Customer interactions Marketing Preferences (outside‐to‐outside) Market Existing Social Media  Corporate Social Content Networks Corporate Blogs, Forums,  (Facebook, Xing, Twitter,  branded / unbranded Social  Linkedin, etc.) Networks, etc.) Business‐ Customer‐facing triggered social  employee interactions Monitoring /  (inside‐to‐outside Data Mining inside‐to‐inside) Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Marketing Sales Service R&D based on Cipriani 2009 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Marketing Sales Service R&D 19.12.2011
  • 219. Areas of Action in Social CRM Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung based on AltimeterHillmer 2010 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Group
  • 220. Starting point for Social Customer Relationship Management Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung based on AltimeterHillmer 2010 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Group
  • 222. Twitter Microblogging is a form of blogging that allows users to send brief text updates (or micromedia such as photos or audio clips) and publish them. These messages can be submitted by a variety of means like text messaging, instant messaging, E- mail, digital audio or the web. (Wikipedia) 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 223. Dell on Twitter 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 225. DellOutlet Twitter as an Outletstore Objective  selling  change brand recognition Target  customers  prospects SM Strategy  Twitter as a sales plattform Results  June 2009: $6,5 M revenue  Delloutlet: 1,54 Mio 7/11  1,55 Mio 12/11 follower  (D: 131 seit Feb. 2011) 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer 19.12.2011
  • 226. DellOutlet Deutschland Twitter as an Outletstore 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 227. DellOutlet China Twitter as an Outletstore 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 228. Twitter  fast  cheap • only short messages (Twitter 140  real-time communication characters)  real-time market research • short lifetime of tweets  advertising allowed • a lot of meaningless information  direct customer in twitter sphere  great monitoring tool (alternative • difficult to measure clients, e.g. tritterdeck)  interest based, not friendship • Spam / unpleasant followers based possible  global • Fast media for fast + easy  mobile mistakes 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 229. Types of Social CRM Interaction Social  Questions & Service complaints Social Market Market‐ Sales Information triggered social  Social  Customer interactions Marketing Preferences (outside‐to‐outside) Market Existing Social Media  Corporate Social Content Networks Corporate Blogs, Forums,  (Facebook, Xing, Twitter,  branded / unbranded Social  Linkedin, etc.) Networks, etc.) Business‐ Customer‐facing triggered social  employee interactions Monitoring /  (inside‐to‐outside Data Mining inside‐to‐inside) Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Marketing Sales Service R&D based on Cipriani 2009 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Marketing Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing Sales Service R&D 19.12.2011
  • 230. Areas of Action in Social CRM Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 231. Starting point for Social Customer Relationship Management Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 232. DellCares Twitter as a Support Channel Objective  Solve customer problems  Change brand recognition Target  customers  prospects SM Strategy  Twitter as a support channel Results  10.000 follower (7/11)  15.600 follower (12/11)  13.460 Tweets 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 233. Types of Social CRM Interaction Social  Questions & Service complaints Social Market Market‐ Sales Information triggered social  Social  Customer interactions Marketing Preferences (outside‐to‐outside) Market Existing Social Media  Corporate Social Content Networks Corporate Blogs, Forums,  (Facebook, Xing, Twitter,  branded / unbranded Social  Linkedin, etc.) Networks, etc.) Business‐ Customer‐facing triggered social  employee interactions Monitoring /  (inside‐to‐outside Data Mining inside‐to‐inside) Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Socially‐enabled Marketing Sales Service R&D based on Cipriani 2009 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Marketing Sales Service R&D
  • 234. Areas of Action in Social CRM Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung based on AltimeterHillmer 2010 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Group
  • 235. Starting point for Social Customer Relationship Management Marketing Sales Service/Support Innovation Social Marketing Social Sales Social Support  Social Innovation Insight Insight Insight Insight Rapid Social Rapid Social  Rapid Social  Crowedsourced Marketing Response Sales Response Support Response F&E Social Event Socially‐enabled Sales Referal Management Service Social Campaign  Proactive Lead Tracking Generierung based on AltimeterHillmer 2010 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Group
  • 236. Monitoring Twitter as a trend scout Objective  Identify future trends  Identify brand + product issues Target  Marketing  R&D SM Strategy  Twitter als Supportkanal 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 237. Why Social Media Monitoring? Issue Management What expectations do different stakeholders hold? Identify areas with potential for conflict early and address them proactively (before the broader public gets aware) Identify, monitor and construct actions to manage/reduce/neutralize stakeholder discrepancy of expectations. Develop an “early warning system” 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better 19.12.201 Reality Marketing 1
  • 238. Remember: They talk about you! • They do it with or without you … you should steer the direction best you can! • Dell Hell was a showcase starting point in 2005 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011
  • 239. Why Social Media Monitoring? Customer Service and Support, CRM Identify and address core customer needs Sales advice Setup / integration support Runtime support Customers help customers Identify and bond with advocates Identify and utilize star experts Reduce support cost 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better 19.12.201 Reality Marketing 1
  • 240. Why Social Media Monitoring? Product Marketing and R&D Identify + address product shortcomings / improvement opportunities Customer / user complains Customer / user suggestions and ideas Customer / user use cases Identify and address core customer needs Industry discussions Crowd sourcing Identify trends Industry discussions Crowd sourcing 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better 19.12.201 Reality Marketing 1
  • 241. SMM Value Creation and KPIs Traditional Online Marketing Page Impressions Unique Visitors Conversions Social Media Marketing Foster Dialog Promote Advocacy Facilitate Support Spur Innovation 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better 19.12.201 Reality Marketing 1
  • 242. SMM Value Creation and KPIs 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Source: Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better 19.12.201 Reality Marketing 1
  • 243. Why Social Media Monitoring? Brand Management What brand image do stakeholders have in mind? What brand image do I want them to have? Develop brand buzz to help steer brand image (truthful and authentic) Monitor brand image of core stakeholder groups and construe action to reduce discrepancy if necessary Identify brand associations Monitor the competition 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better 19.12.201 Reality Marketing 1
  • 244. SMM Value Creation and KPIs Success metrics must be developed with specific business objectives in mind to be used and useful. mythological, pragmatic, common sense Source: Social Marketing Analytics, Altimeter 2010, p. 9 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 245. Social CRM CRM 1.0 CRM 2.0 Targeting Establishing  need impressions Expansion Acquisition Sharing  Decision Targeting Expansion Acquisition Retention Experience Retention Customer Support processes Marketing Sales Value Service Operation processes 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 246. Formen von CRM Analytisches CRM • Detaillierte Analyse aller kundenbezogenen Transaktionen und Prozesse und Verwertung der Information für zielgruppengerichte Strategien und personalisierte 1-to-1-Konzepte. Operatives CRM • Kunden-und -kanalspezifische Implementierung kundenbezogener Geschäftsprozesse. Integration von Customer Touchpoints (Call Center, Web etc.) und Backoffice. Kollaboratives CRM • Management der verschiedenen Vertriebskanäle (Multi Channel Management) inkl. der Identifikation von Kanalkonflikten, -kosten und -potenzialen. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 247. Customer Centric Business Model Produkt/Service Marketing Customer 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer
  • 248. Definition Social CRM Social CRM is the business strategy of engaging customers through Social Media with the goal of building trust and brand loyalty. Loyalty is defined as attitude towards a brand that inclines a customer to repurchase it and/or recommend it to others. Harish Kotadia, Definition of Social CRM, 2011. 12.6.2012 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr. Ute Hillmer, Better Reality Marketing 19.12.2011

Editor's Notes

  1. Rollplay
  2. Bedingen sich gegenseitig!
  3. Neue Kommunikationstechnologien die dem Kunden Publishingmöglichkeiten geben =>Nachhaltige Veränderung, wie Kaufentscheidungen getroffen werden.
  4. Produkt KundenbedarfPreis Gesamtkosten f.d. KundenDistribution Zugang/Zugriff zum ProduktKommunikationSHIVA System: S = SolutionI = InformationV = ValueA= Access
  5. Warum Dell?Paradebeispiel für Mass Customization (Bis 2006): Direktverkauf von Computern zum Kunde; Custom built to order (=> niedere Lagerhaltung, schnelle Reaktion zu Tech. Veränderungen)2005 : Beschwerde eines Bloggers (Jeff Javis) wurde irgnoriert => Dell Hell eine Welle des Protests (What would Google do). 2011: Most social brand in ranking of 100 brands
  6. Specialised Bloggs feed Customer Insight
  7. Lineares, einseitiges Kommunikationsmodel Sender / EmpfängerDazu zählen auch Medien wie Telefon, eMail, auch Formen wie 1 to 1
  8. 60er: Beeinflussungstechniken McCarthy70er: Gatekeeperfunktion der Handels / Nachfragemacht des Handels/ Einbettung in BWL (ökonom. Marketingverständnis)80er: Positionierung und Wettbewerbsvorteile (erweitertes Marketingverständnis)90er: rechtliche Rahmen / „bio“2000: neue Komm.technologien; Hyperwettbewerb, paradoxer Wettbewerb; unheitl. Konsumentenstruktur (generisches / ganzheitliches Marketingverständnis)Youcame a long way, baby
  9. Lineares, einseitiges Kommunikationsmodel Sender / EmpfängerDazu zählen auch Medien wie Telefon, eMail, auch Formen wie 1 to 1
  10. Vertrauen!Kommunikationsmodell Bi-direktional – multidirektional
  11. ContentDeliveryCustomer=> Brand Communication
  12. Frage an die Zuhörer:Zu beantworten am Ende der Vorlesung
  13. ContentDeliveryCustomer=> Brand Communication
  14. Jeder Kanal hat seine Stärken und Schwächen:div. Medien "a certain method of communication developed, based on the unique proposition of the particular form of media" Schulz, 2009, p.17)Im Social Web nie in Technologiendenken!IN Communities und Gesprächendenken
  15. Jeder Kanal hat seine Stärken und Schwächen:div. Medien "a certain method of communication developed, based on the unique proposition of the particular form of media" Schulz, 2009, p.17)Im Social Web nie in Technologiendenken!IN Communities und Gesprächendenken
  16. Insbesondere im B 2 B war traditionell das One to One Marketing, der direkte Kundendialog, immer schon ausgeprägt. „engage“
  17. #1hit rate#2 connections – hit rate#3 reputation
  18. < 50 MDAX-Unternehmen sind im Social Web. 32 Prozent haben Facebook-Profil 38 Prozent habenTwitter-AccountDass B2C-Unternehmen hier naturgemäß durch eine erheblich größere und web-affinere Kundenbasis besser aufgestellt sind als B2B-Unternehmen, zeigen die Puma AG, die Hugo Boss AG, die ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG und die Douglas Holding AG. Sie liegen im Rennen um Fans und Follower weit vorne" MDAX-Studie untersucht Dialogbereitschaft im Social Web; Ligner & Ligner Consulting,10/ 2010
  19. Specialised Bloggs feed Customer Insight
  20. Informationen teilen: Kundenfeedback wird in Echtzeit bereitgestellt Zuhören & Agieren: frühe Warnsignale erkennen und schnell handeln Sicherstellen, daß effektive Kundeninteraktionen stattfinden Unterstützend – Infos und Support für die Communities mit Einfluß im Netz
  21. BOARD:Hohe DynamikSteigende KomplexitätHohe technologische Anforderungen (Technologieaffinität)FokussierungWach bleiben;Technologie und Nutzen wechseltZielgruppen verändern ihr verhaltenFokus, Fokus, FocusEine Jet kaufen und nicht fliegen können…
  22. BOARD:Hohe DynamikSteigende KomplexitätHohe technologische Anforderungen (Technologieaffinität)FokussierungWach bleiben;Technologie und Nutzen wechseltZielgruppen verändern ihr verhaltenFokus, Fokus, FocusEine Jet kaufen und nicht fliegen können…
  23. Jeder Kanal hat seine Stärken und Schwächen:div. Medien "a certain method of communication developed, based on the unique proposition of the particular form of media" Schulz, 2009, p.17)Im Social Web nie in Technologiendenken!IN Communities und Gesprächendenken
  24. A 3rd type of employee, not using any of current web social tools, may exist, but they eventually will be Socially-empowered because of the internal social tools to share insights and collaborate with others.Your company should have norms and policies covering social media usage by your employees. Your company should also be aware of which kind of content your employees are generating in their personal blogs, networks, wikis, etc, that may contain sensitive (positive or negative) information about your company. Is necessary to understand how connected to your brand are your employees’ reactions on their personal pages. Examples of Social CRM natural or rewarded market reactions (done without active company involvement):- Social Marketing: Word-of-mouth and Brand awareness by community discussions Social Sales: Friend referrals and positive customer review Social Service: Self-supporting communities where customers help each other on product issues or questions
  25. Versuch alle Bereiche abzudecken und intelligent zu automatisieren
  26. Jeder Kanal hat seine Stärken und Schwächen:div. Medien "a certain method of communication developed, based on the unique proposition of the particular form of media" Schulz, 2009, p.17)Im Social Web nie in Technologiendenken!IN Communities und Gesprächendenken
  27. Fragen wie :Mit welcher Technik gehen Digital Natives ins Netz?Mit welcher Technik … Silver SurferWas macht der Digital Native im NetzWas macht der Silver Surfer im NetzWas sind Digital Natives?„ Silver Surfer
  28. Fragen wie :Mit welcher Technik gehen Digital Natives ins Netz?Mit welcher Technik … Silver SurferWas macht der Digital Native im NetzWas macht der Silver Surfer im NetzWas sind Digital Natives?„ Silver Surfer
  29. The customer-facing employee may be any of your current Socially-empowered employees. In a company we may have 2 types of Socially-empowered employees: Employees officially part of a social initiative responsible to post information, monitor and respond to market requests. Employees that maintain its personal social connections via personal blogs, social networks and online contributions to wikis.A 3rd type of employee, not using any of current web social tools, may exist, but they eventually will be Socially-empowered because of the internal social tools to share insights and collaborate with others.Your company should have norms and policies covering social media usage by your employees. Your company should also be aware of which kind of content your employees are generating in their personal blogs, networks, wikis, etc, that may contain sensitive (positive or negative) information about your company. Is necessary to understand how connected to your brand are your employees’ reactions on their personal pages. Examples of Social CRM natural or rewarded market reactions (done without active company involvement):- Social Marketing: Word-of-mouth and Brand awareness by community discussions Social Sales: Friend referrals and positive customer review Social Service: Self-supporting communities where customers help each other on product issues or questions
  30. Zur besseren Erklärung ziehe ich dazu gerne einen normalen Sportverein heran. Ja, das Web 2.0 ist in diesem Beispiel der Sportverein und wir haben eine Mitgliedschaft. Wir haben uns also entschieden aktiv oder auch passiv am Vereinsgeschehen teilzunehmen. Man sieht sich die einzelnen Sparten an und nimmt rege daran teil sofern man etwas beizutragen hat. Man führt Gespräche, gibt fachliche Kommentare, antwortet auf Fragen und stellt selbst welche. Wenn man das stetig und freundlich geschafft hat, dann wird man auch Freunde finden die die fachlichen Informationen schätzen. Genau dann wird es auch kaum jemanden stören, wenn man auch mal auf seinen Onlineshop hinweist. In den bekannten sozialen Netzwerken funktioniert diese Herangehensweise genauso, zumindest annähernd. Ohne eine Kommunikation mit dem Gegenüber wird keiner glauben und vor allem auch keiner wissen, dass man ein Fachmann ist auf seinem Gebiet.
  31. Zur besseren Erklärung ziehe ich dazu gerne einen normalen Sportverein heran. Ja, das Web 2.0 ist in diesem Beispiel der Sportverein und wir haben eine Mitgliedschaft. Wir haben uns also entschieden aktiv oder auch passiv am Vereinsgeschehen teilzunehmen. Man sieht sich die einzelnen Sparten an und nimmt rege daran teil sofern man etwas beizutragen hat. Man führt Gespräche, gibt fachliche Kommentare, antwortet auf Fragen und stellt selbst welche. Wenn man das stetig und freundlich geschafft hat, dann wird man auch Freunde finden die die fachlichen Informationen schätzen. Genau dann wird es auch kaum jemanden stören, wenn man auch mal auf seinen Onlineshop hinweist. In den bekannten sozialen Netzwerken funktioniert diese Herangehensweise genauso, zumindest annähernd. Ohne eine Kommunikation mit dem Gegenüber wird keiner glauben und vor allem auch keiner wissen, dass man ein Fachmann ist auf seinem Gebiet.
  32. Zur besseren Erklärung ziehe ich dazu gerne einen normalen Sportverein heran. Ja, das Web 2.0 ist in diesem Beispiel der Sportverein und wir haben eine Mitgliedschaft. Wir haben uns also entschieden aktiv oder auch passiv am Vereinsgeschehen teilzunehmen. Man sieht sich die einzelnen Sparten an und nimmt rege daran teil sofern man etwas beizutragen hat. Man führt Gespräche, gibt fachliche Kommentare, antwortet auf Fragen und stellt selbst welche. Wenn man das stetig und freundlich geschafft hat, dann wird man auch Freunde finden die die fachlichen Informationen schätzen. Genau dann wird es auch kaum jemanden stören, wenn man auch mal auf seinen Onlineshop hinweist. In den bekannten sozialen Netzwerken funktioniert diese Herangehensweise genauso, zumindest annähernd. Ohne eine Kommunikation mit dem Gegenüber wird keiner glauben und vor allem auch keiner wissen, dass man ein Fachmann ist auf seinem Gebiet.
  33. SW Development: 830 reviews, 4 starsMonitor: 192 reviews, 5 starsUnd die Leute schreiben warum sie die Bewertung abgeben
  34. SW Development: 830 reviews, 4 starsMonitor: 192 reviews, 5 starsUnd die Leute schreiben warum sie die Bewertung abgeben
  35. SW Development: 830 reviews, 4 starsMonitor: 192 reviews, 5 starsUnd die Leute schreiben warum sie die Bewertung abgeben
  36. The customer-facing employee may be any of your current Socially-empowered employees. In a company we may have 2 types of Socially-empowered employees: Employees officially part of a social initiative responsible to post information, monitor and respond to market requests. Employees that maintain its personal social connections via personal blogs, social networks and online contributions to wikis.A 3rd type of employee, not using any of current web social tools, may exist, but they eventually will be Socially-empowered because of the internal social tools to share insights and collaborate with others.Your company should have norms and policies covering social media usage by your employees. Your company should also be aware of which kind of content your employees are generating in their personal blogs, networks, wikis, etc, that may contain sensitive (positive or negative) information about your company. Is necessary to understand how connected to your brand are your employees’ reactions on their personal pages. Examples of Social CRM natural or rewarded market reactions (done without active company involvement):- Social Marketing: Word-of-mouth and Brand awareness by community discussions Social Sales: Friend referrals and positive customer review Social Service: Self-supporting communities where customers help each other on product issues or questions
  37. Versuch alle Bereiche abzudecken und intelligent zu automatisieren
  38. FacebookMySpaceStudiVZ
  39. FacebookMySpaceStudiVZ
  40. FacebookMySpaceStudiVZ
  41. The customer-facing employee may be any of your current Socially-empowered employees. In a company we may have 2 types of Socially-empowered employees: Employees officially part of a social initiative responsible to post information, monitor and respond to market requests. Employees that maintain its personal social connections via personal blogs, social networks and online contributions to wikis.A 3rd type of employee, not using any of current web social tools, may exist, but they eventually will be Socially-empowered because of the internal social tools to share insights and collaborate with others.Your company should have norms and policies covering social media usage by your employees. Your company should also be aware of which kind of content your employees are generating in their personal blogs, networks, wikis, etc, that may contain sensitive (positive or negative) information about your company. Is necessary to understand how connected to your brand are your employees’ reactions on their personal pages. Examples of Social CRM natural or rewarded market reactions (done without active company involvement):- Social Marketing: Word-of-mouth and Brand awareness by community discussions Social Sales: Friend referrals and positive customer review Social Service: Self-supporting communities where customers help each other on product issues or questions
  42. Versuch alle Bereiche abzudecken und intelligent zu automatisieren
  43. The customer-facing employee may be any of your current Socially-empowered employees. In a company we may have 2 types of Socially-empowered employees: Employees officially part of a social initiative responsible to post information, monitor and respond to market requests. Employees that maintain its personal social connections via personal blogs, social networks and online contributions to wikis.A 3rd type of employee, not using any of current web social tools, may exist, but they eventually will be Socially-empowered because of the internal social tools to share insights and collaborate with others.Your company should have norms and policies covering social media usage by your employees. Your company should also be aware of which kind of content your employees are generating in their personal blogs, networks, wikis, etc, that may contain sensitive (positive or negative) information about your company. Is necessary to understand how connected to your brand are your employees’ reactions on their personal pages. Examples of Social CRM natural or rewarded market reactions (done without active company involvement):- Social Marketing: Word-of-mouth and Brand awareness by community discussions Social Sales: Friend referrals and positive customer review Social Service: Self-supporting communities where customers help each other on product issues or questions
  44. Versuch alle Bereiche abzudecken und intelligent zu automatisieren
  45. The customer-facing employee may be any of your current Socially-empowered employees. In a company we may have 2 types of Socially-empowered employees: Employees officially part of a social initiative responsible to post information, monitor and respond to market requests. Employees that maintain its personal social connections via personal blogs, social networks and online contributions to wikis.A 3rd type of employee, not using any of current web social tools, may exist, but they eventually will be Socially-empowered because of the internal social tools to share insights and collaborate with others.Your company should have norms and policies covering social media usage by your employees. Your company should also be aware of which kind of content your employees are generating in their personal blogs, networks, wikis, etc, that may contain sensitive (positive or negative) information about your company. Is necessary to understand how connected to your brand are your employees’ reactions on their personal pages. Examples of Social CRM natural or rewarded market reactions (done without active company involvement):- Social Marketing: Word-of-mouth and Brand awareness by community discussions Social Sales: Friend referrals and positive customer review Social Service: Self-supporting communities where customers help each other on product issues or questions
  46. Versuch alle Bereiche abzudecken und intelligent zu automatisieren
  47. The customer-facing employee may be any of your current Socially-empowered employees. In a company we may have 2 types of Socially-empowered employees: Employees officially part of a social initiative responsible to post information, monitor and respond to market requests. Employees that maintain its personal social connections via personal blogs, social networks and online contributions to wikis.A 3rd type of employee, not using any of current web social tools, may exist, but they eventually will be Socially-empowered because of the internal social tools to share insights and collaborate with others.Your company should have norms and policies covering social media usage by your employees. Your company should also be aware of which kind of content your employees are generating in their personal blogs, networks, wikis, etc, that may contain sensitive (positive or negative) information about your company. Is necessary to understand how connected to your brand are your employees’ reactions on their personal pages. Examples of Social CRM natural or rewarded market reactions (done without active company involvement):- Social Marketing: Word-of-mouth and Brand awareness by community discussions Social Sales: Friend referrals and positive customer review Social Service: Self-supporting communities where customers help each other on product issues or questions
  48. Versuch alle Bereiche abzudecken und intelligent zu automatisieren
  49. Benefitof SMM
  50. Benefitof SMM
  51. Benefitof SMM
  52. Benefitof SMM
  53. Benefitof SMM
  54. Altimeter Report 2010, p9
  55. CRM = Management derInteraktionen des UnternehmensmitKunden / pot.Kunden.CRM 1.0: Transaktions-und ProzessorientiertTechnischgestützteKundenprozesse um Sales- Marketing- Supportaktivitätenzuorganisieren (Shaw)CRM 2.0: Konversations- und ProzessorientiertKundeneinbindungzumbesserenKundenverständniss, derVertrauensbildung, demAufbau von Brandloyalität, derProblemerkennung und derbesserenKundensegmentierung.NetzwerkbeziehungenerlaubeneinbesseresVerständnisüber den Kunden und seine Community
  56. Informationen teilen: Kundenfeedback wird in Echtzeit bereitgestellt Zuhören & Agieren: frühe Warnsignale erkennen und schnell handeln Sicherstellen, daß effektive Kundeninteraktionen stattfinden Unterstützend – Infos und Support für die Communities mit Einfluß im Netz
  57. The customer-facing employee may be any of your current Socially-empowered employees. In a company we may have 2 types of Socially-empowered employees: Employees officially part of a social initiative responsible to post information, monitor and respond to market requests. Employees that maintain its personal social connections via personal blogs, social networks and online contributions to wikis.A 3rd type of employee, not using any of current web social tools, may exist, but they eventually will be Socially-empowered because of the internal social tools to share insights and collaborate with others.Your company should have norms and policies covering social media usage by your employees. Your company should also be aware of which kind of content your employees are generating in their personal blogs, networks, wikis, etc, that may contain sensitive (positive or negative) information about your company. Is necessary to understand how connected to your brand are your employees’ reactions on their personal pages. Examples of Social CRM natural or rewarded market reactions (done without active company involvement):- Social Marketing: Word-of-mouth and Brand awareness by community discussions Social Sales: Friend referrals and positive customer review Social Service: Self-supporting communities where customers help each other on product issues or questions
  58. Market means not only customers, but also partners and even competitors.Social Media is purely media being generated in the internet. When social media (or tools) are used to convey company messages to the market, then it should be treated as a channel. It should be part of the current channel strategy and have skilled personnel interfacing the flow between brand and market as in any other traditional channel.The Social Media capability layer is not exclusively composed by brand-new processes on the top of the current Marketing, Sales and Service initiatives. Rather, is a combination of new social-administrative/coordination processes plus a sequence of new additional steps in the current processes performed by socially-empowered employees (from a new or even old workforce) – which means new roles and responsibilities in the workforce. This adds more value to the traditional approach with customers. Current traditional CRM process should be reviewed and adapted to this new reality.
  59. Versuch alle Bereiche abzudecken und intelligent zu automatisieren
  60. Frage an die Zuhörer:Zu beantworten am Ende der Vorlesung
  61. Frage an die Zuhörer:ZU beantworten am Ende der Vorlesung
  62. Frage an die Zuhörer:Zu beantworten am Ende der VorlesungSocial Marketing:Am Anfang ist der Kunde (das Unternehmen macht Vorschläge) beteiligtAm Ende ist der Kunde und das Unternehmen in Kontrolle
  63. Frage an die Zuhörer:Zu beantworten am Ende der VorlesungSocial Marketing:Am Anfang ist der Kunde (das Unternehmen macht Vorschläge) beteiligtAm Ende ist der Kunde und das Unternehmen in Kontrolle