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8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerUnderstand, Engage, EmbraceYour Customers 
Dr. Ute Hillmer 
BetterReality MarketingStuttgart, 8.12.2014
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSee it ! Hear it ! Say it ! Do it !
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerWHO is Dr. Ute Hillmer? 
an expert in positioning and promoting technology products, with a carving for innovative products that 
are not self-explaining. 
With such products, human behavior is often outside the boundaries of rationality -despite its economic context. Buying behavior is here typically a result of social, cognitive and emotional factors, along with the economic ones.
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerWhat did Ute do? 
•27 years of international marketing (HP, CoCreate, MFG Innovation Agency State of BW, Better Reality Marketing) 
•Dissertation in business administration, behavioral economics in technology marketing: Technology Acceptance in Mechatronics 
•Worldwide company and product communication; mainly 3 continents (America, Europe, Asia) 
•Product-, program-, channel-, partner marketing, marketing communication, branding, positioning 
•Responsible for operative, strategic + corporate marketing, branding, sales training 
•Experienced in large corporations, SMEs and freelance work as well as political institutions. 
•Responsible for the first international website of Hewlett Packard in 1993
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerWhat’s Ute’s STORY? 
I am in business to change the lives of my technology clients by giving purpose to their work!
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer 
and turn their customers into raving fans!
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerTo take the most out of this lecture… be inSTATE!
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerAgenda 
Who is Who? 
The Larger Context 
Why has Marketing changed? 
Who must go with the change? 
The Basics 
Get started with Digital Marketing 
Customer Touch Points 
Work Session 1 
The Digital Toolbox 
…too long to list … 
Work Session 2 
Segment to Bond!
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerWHO are YOU?
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHas Marketing Communication Changed?
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer 
How did you buy yesterday? 
How do you buy today? How will you buy tomorrow?
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer 
How did the typical Decision Making Process look like?
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDer Kundendialog gestern 1:1 
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDer mediale Kundendialog gestern 
Kundenkommunikation hat sich emanzipiert von der Einweg-Kommunikation …
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer 
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDer Kundendialog heute ist mehr 
…hin zur Zweiweg-Kommunikation …
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerNeue Medien 
Kunden sprechen über Erfahrungen, Bedürfnisse, Vorlieben und Interessen online.
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Power ofRecommendations: „I‘llHaveWhatSheisHaving“
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerChange Engines on a Meta Level 
Technological Development 
•Network Technologies 
•Converging media 
•Storage Technologies 
•Mobile Technologies 
Social Development 
•The mature human –the mature customer 
•Visualization tech. 
•Social Media 
•Digital distribution 
•Intelligent automation 
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerFrom Product -to Customer-FocusProductPricePlacePromotionCustomer NeedsCustomer CostConvenience / AccessCommunication 
McCarthy: Basic Marketing: A managerial approach, 1960 
Schullz, Stanley I. Tannenbaum, Robert F. Lauterborn, Integrated Marketing Communications, 1993
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerWho must go with the change?
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerWarumsindSiein SozialenNetzen(EuropeaData) get to know things about (new) products / brands come in contact with brands / companies stimulate my career find other users of a certain brand / product find promotions of a certain brand / product become a famous person become an opinion leader 
Source: Social Media Around the World 2011, InSites ConsultingThe Web 2.0 Generation isOnline
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Nerd is Online
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerB2B Decision Makers might not be online 
–but their assistants will 
•Digital Marketing is impacting how B2B decisions are being made. 
–Background research 
–Learning + Expertise 
–Search results impact
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe B2B buyers are no shoppers, they are researchers! 
37% of B2B Buyers use Social to help them make purchasing decissions(IDC)
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSocial Media and the Buying ProcessPost-sales 
user-experience reports 
support + help 
complains, learning, upgradingSales 
looking for the best dealDecision Making 
learning about the topic, 
selecting and weighting evaluation criteria 
evaluating options, Pre-sales 
looking for information
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDecision Making Process –in the Digital Age 
Initial Consideration 
Moment of Purchase 
post-purchase experience 
consumers add or subtract Brands 
Consumer Decision Journey as suggested by Edelman 2010, p.65
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerCustomers + Web 2.0 Technologies
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSocial Media: Who is there? (Wave 7 Data) cracking-the-social-code.pdf
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHowEffectiveist SocialMedia? Source: B2B Content Marketing report 2012; Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerIfyouthink… 
yourCompany doesnot havetobeOnline, 
Think again…
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Dell Hell Case Lesson 
People talk about your company -with or without you … don’t you want to steer the direction best you can? 
Dell Hell: starting point in 2005
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell Hell
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer 
Dell Hell 2 
“Obviously a lot of people are in the blogosphere 
talking about their issues with Dell products, why aren’t 
we doing anything about it?” 
Michael Dell, 2006
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell 
2006:“Obviously a lot of people are in the blogosphere talking about their issues with Dell products, why aren’t we doing anything about it?” Michael Dell, 20062011: Dell named “most social brand of 100 top brands”
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe to get started
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHow to get started with Digital Marketing1. Stay Focused on your Objective 
•Which channel, which medium, which platform will help me reach my target? 
•Define marketing goal 
•Define target markets 
Be where your customers are!!
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHow to get started with Digital Marketing? 2. What do you intent to achieve? 
•Win additional customers 
•Gain a new customer base 
•Increase sales 
•Increase awareness 
•Enter new markets 
•Increase communication with customers 
•Increase website traffic 
•Increase image 
•Change image 
•Increase online reputationAs with traditional marketing: set yourself realistic goals!
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHow to get started with Digital Marketing 3. Where are your customers having their conversations? 
“Let's spend a day in your customers media mix and learn to understand what they experience, how they feel, and most of all, how they communicate and interact. “ 
Kevin Colleran, Facebooks#1 Sales RepLISTEN!! talkenergizesupportIntegrateBOND
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHow to get started with Digital Marketing 4. don’t get confused, think of Customer Touch Pointsinstead… 
Source: Wave 7
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerClassic Touchpoints 
Journals and Magazines 
Bill board advertisement 
Trade shows 
Offline-Word of Mouth 
Often individually pushed, seldom orchestrated 
Sales-team and Partners 
Source: Storymaker
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSupplemented by a Digital Architecture 
Micro- Site 
Online- PR 
Source: Storymaker 
News- letter
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSupplemented by a Digital Architecture 
Micro- Site 
Online- PR 
Source: Storymaker 
News- letterCommunication ChannelCorporateHosting Customer
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer… and Increasingly Mobile 
Source: MashableAugust 05, 2013
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDigital Touchpoints 
•Business Networks 
•geschäftliche Kontakte 
•Inhalte mit Geschäftspartnern teilen 
•Unternehmens- sichtbarkeit auf persönlicher Ebene 
•Mitarbeiter als Unternehmens- botschafter 
•200 Mio. aktive Nutzer 
•2,5 Mio. in D 
•200 Follower/Nutzer 
•Wichtigster Microblogging- Dienst 
•Multiplikations- freudige Nutzer 
•Ideal für Inhaltsteaser 
•> 1 Mrd. Nutzer 
•> 25 Mio. in D 
•Wichtigstes soziales Netzwerk 
•Firmenaccounts  Fanpages 
•Sehr visuell geprägt 
•Starke Multiplikationseffekte erhöhen Sichtbarkeit 
•Größte Suchmaschine 
•97% Marktanteil in Deutschland 
•50 Mio. Personen suchen jeden Monat in Deutschland 
•Wer bei Google nicht gefunden wird, existiert im Web nicht 
Source: Storymaker
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDigital Touchpoints 
•4 Mrd. Stunden Videomaterial pro Monat 
•zweitgrößte Such- maschine 
•gehört zu Google 
•wirkt sich positiv auf die Auffindbarkeit in der Suche aus 
•„YouTube für Fotos“ 
•5 Mrd. Fotos, zus. 3 Mio. pro Tag 
•eigene Kanäle, Gruppen und Fotosets 
•Flickr-Alben auf Websites und Blog einbinden 
•praktisches Einbinden bei Twitter 
•zentraler Ort für Bildcontent 
•„YouTube für Slides“ 
•Sichtbarkeit für Präsentationen erhöhen 
•leicht einbettbar 
•positiv für SEO 
Source: Storymaker
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDigital Touchpoints 
•längere Texte 
•multimedial anreichern 
•dynamischer als Websites 
•leicht anpassbar 
•70 Mio. Nutzer 
•ca. 0,5 Mio. in D 
•stark wachsend 
•Bilder aus dem Web auf themenorientierte Pinnwände pinnen 
•Pins beinhalten Backlink auf Quellseite 
•„YouTube für Print“ 
•erhöht Sichtbarkeit für Broschüren etc. 
•leicht einbettbar 
•positiv für SEO 
Source: Storymaker
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDigital Marketing“The CluetrainManifesto (2001)” 
95 Theses Excerpt 
1. Markets are conversations. 
12. There are no secrets. The networked market knows more than companies do about their own products. And whether the news is good or bad, they tell everyone. 
17. Companies that assume online markets are the same markets that used to watch their ads on television are kidding themselves. 
18. Companies that don't realize their markets are now networked person-to-person, getting smarter as a resultand deeply joined in conversation are missing their best opportunity. 
19. Companies can now communicate with their markets directly. If they blow it, it could be their last chance. 
21. Companies need to lighten upand take themselves less seriously. They need to get a sense of humor.
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerRecap The Basics to get started 
•What was most important? 
•What was new? 
•What is unclear?
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerNowComming 
#1Get your hands dirty 
#2Built and maintain networks: 
#2 Built credibility and trust, especially in B2B: 
#3 Be found by your target market: 
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmerbut
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmeron
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHands on Exploitation (Team Size about 5-6) 
Investigate the digital marketing activities of one of the following companies: 
•Zeiss Camera Lenses 
• (Online Composition and Retail) 
• (Customer Experience) 
•Bosch (one division only) 
•Mercedes Trucks 
•Your own
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHands on Exploitation (Team Size about 4) 
In what channels are they present and what do they do there? (Quick Summary, show us a few highlights) 
Why do you think they selected these channels? 
Do they link Channels? 
We’ll discuss digital media while you present 
Take notes, prepare a presentation, 
you have 60 min
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerTheDigital Toolbox
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe SocialMedia Toolbox 
Slide bySolis + ThomasChoose your channels wisely!
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate Website: „Center Stage“
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate Website: „Center Stage“
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate Website: „Center Stage“
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate Website: Center Stage +Aggregation Point
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate Website 
•Company controls the content and the design 
•Company can backlink all media channels to the site 
•One stop overview, monitor and archive 
•Low cost professional site with Open Source tools like Wordpressund Joomla, templates, plug-ins und RSS feeds.
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate Website 
•Company must manage and maintain the site including its layout and design, content, tech. support and its URL(s) 
•Corporate Websites are usually seen as push marketing 
•Cost and time intensive
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate Blog the “Sun of the Solar Content System”
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDirect2Dell Blog
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerTechCenter Blog, Chat, Community
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell Shares Investor Relations
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate BlogEmployees as Experts
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate Blog 
•You can show that you know a lot about a topic 
•You are easily found by search engines (search engines follow backlinks; a good article easily generates 10-50 backlinks in a few days) 
•It is free for the customer and free media for you as a vendor 
•You can segment your target market nicely 
•It can be the starting point for new content, hosts conversations, can provide context for news 
•It can be a starting point for personal brands 
•Small companies can get to the top of search engine rankings
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate Blog 
•Frequency is a must time consuming 
•You are not credible in a “controlled” bog 
•You don’t control what is said in an open employee blog 
•Generating relevant and interesting content on a frequent basis is not easy
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate BlogMake some rules. 
Empower all employees… they are the brand. 
•Behave professionally and ethically. 
•Take personal responsibility. 
•Include a disclaimer: your opinions are yours, not IBM’s. 
•Don’t pick fights. 
“Use social media as a means to expose IBM’s experts—and expertise—to the world.” 
Adam Christensen 
Manager, Social Media Communications
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSocial Networks
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSocial Networks 2 
Social networks are network communities on the internet. Users can add friends or followers and send them messages or notify them about updates concerning themselves.
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerBuiltand MaintainNetworks 
Individuals, professionals and companies look for suitable networks and clusters 
Within a network, they look for suitable groups and joint them
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHow Social Networks work 
Think ofSocialNetworks asa sportsclub!
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHow Social Networks work 2 
•Voluntary active or passive membership 
•Special areas of interests 
•One communicates where one has something to say (or not), has an opinion, answers questions, asks questions, … 
•If one is open, friendly and nice, friendships will develop that value ones expertise and opinion 
•Once one has built a reputation, it will be accepted, even appreciated if one recommends and hints one ones products and services, online shop, other products…
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHow Social Networks work 3 
Friends are easily found, 
one links up, meets, networks, … 
and own expertise distributes …
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell on Facebook Community 
Customer insight 
Customer bonding, pos. Brand recognition 
Segmented customer groups and prospects 
SM Strategy 
„Be were your customer is“ 
Offer community experience 
644.723 likes (July2011) 
909.910 likes (Dec 2011)
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell on Facebook Ratings
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell on Google +
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell on Google + Hangouts
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerFestoolon Facebook 
•Sprachen: Deutsch 
Beiträge von Festoolauf Facebook: 
•Produkte und Angebote 
•Aktuelle Informationen 
•Messen und andere Events 
•Fanaktionen: Fotowettbewerb, Poster, Testimonials 
Beiträge von Usern auf Facebook: 
•Fragen zur Anwendung 
•Fragen zur Reparatur von Festool-Produkten 
•Fragen zu Service & Bestellungen
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerFestools: Brandscouts
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDialog Marketing 
Frage: Würdet Ihr Eure Festool Werkzeuge anderen Personen ausleihen?
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDialog Marketing 
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDialog Marketing 
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDialog Marketing 
28 Kommentare später …
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer 
Service-CommunicationDialog Marketing
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer 
StolzDialog Marketing
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerFestoolon Facebook Entwicklung 
Mrz 10 
Apr 10 
Mai 10 
Jun 10 
Jul 10 
Aug 10 
Sep 10 
Okt 10 
Nov 10 
Dez 10 
Jan 11 
Feb 11 
Mrz 11 
Apr 11 
Mai 11 
Jun 11 
Jul 11 
Aug 11 
Sep 11 
Okt 11 
Nov 11 
Dez 11 
Jan 12 
Feb 12 
Mrz 12 
Apr 12 
Mai 12 
Jun 12 
Entwicklung Facebook Fans 
curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSocial Networks 
•Direct customer communication 
•Manyforms ofinteraction 
•Full display ofmanymediaformats(pictures, movies, games, ...) 
•Cool ideasresultin hugereach 
•Personal reputationmanagement 
•Facebook statistics 
•Efficient marketing tool 
•Gives companies “a face” or “faces” 
•Connectable with twitter, Google+, linkedin… 
•Mobile app 
•Location updates 
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSocial Networks 
•Uncontrolled environment for employees 
•Less exciting products can have a hard time gaining recognition 
•Requires high frequency of relevant content generation 
•Privacy problems 
–Like button (documenting all activity on the website) 
–Open FB tabin Browser 
–Apps can result in spam 
•Hard to separate private and business 
•FB can change the rules as they like (free service) 
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerBusiness Oriented Social Networks 
•More serious environments, no personal content 
•Suitable for personal business profile pages 
•Customer + recruiter research 
•Personal reputation management 
•Business oriented groups 
•Business contact initiation and management 
•Increasingly commercial + spam 
•Time consuming 
•Not all audiences are in these networks 
•Often regional
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerContent Sharing Platforms 
•Online Communities for archiving and sharing content such as: 
–Photographs and images 
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSupplemented by a Digital Architecture 
Micro- Site 
Online- PR 
Source: Storymaker 
News- letterCommunication ChannelCorporateHosting
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerFesttoolon Youtube
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerFestoolon YoutubeEntwicklung 
Mrz 10 
Apr 10 
Mai 10 
Jun 10 
Jul 10 
Aug 10 
Sep 10 
Okt 10 
Nov 10 
Dez 10 
Jan 11 
Feb 11 
Mrz 11 
Apr 11 
Mai 11 
Jun 11 
Jul 11 
Aug 11 
Sep 11 
Okt 11 
Nov 11 
Dez 11 
Jan 12 
Feb 12 
Mrz 12 
Apr 12 
Mai 12 
Jun 12 
Youtube-Views pro Tag 
curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerContent Sharing Platforms 
Easy way to display, archive and share 
No need for own infrastructure and storage 
Possible real time reporting of events 
Products / content is ranked by audience 
•Copyright problems 
•Free data upload or information spread is limited 
•No quality control of content and material
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerCrowd Sourcing / Open Innovation 
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerIdeaStormOpen Innovation Platform 
Collectproductideas, andProductsolutionideasfromcustomers 
SM Strategy 
Engagement + learning 
15.000 ideas 
>900.000 votes 
500 ideasimplemented 
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell Design Studio Mass Individualisation 
individualisticcustomers+ prospects 
SM Strategie 
online offer
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerOpen Innovation throughSocialMedia
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerTurningtheR&D ProcessesUpsideDown! 
Market Demand: Product Lifecycle 
outbound Marketing 
inbound Marketing 
Cash flow over time
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell Shop eCommercewith Social Content 
Change brandperception 
SM Strategie 
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerFestool–Dealer Partnerships
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerRecommendation Platforms 
•bad products are exposed 
•Here users share experiences, perceptions and recommendations about products, services and organizations . Sometimes detailed discussions can evolve.. 
•Products are ranked by audience 
•good products are usually ranked positively
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerMicroblogging
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerTwitter 
Microbloggingis a form of bloggingthat allows users to send brief text updates(or micromediasuch as photos or audio clips) and publish them. These messages can be submitted by a variety of means like text messaging, instant messaging, E- mail, digital audio or the web. (Wikipedia)
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell on Twitter
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDellOutletTwitter as an Outletstore 
SM Strategy 
Twitterasa salesplattform 
June 2009: $6,5 M revenue
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDellOutlet Deutschland Twitter as an Outletstore
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDellOutlet China Twitter as an Outletstore
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer 
Werkzeuge für höchste Ansprüche 
Festoolon Twitter 
curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer 
Werkzeuge für höchste Ansprüche 
Festoolon Twitter 
978 FollowerStand 09.07.2012 
curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer 
Werkzeuge für höchste Ansprüche 
Festtoolon Twitter 
•Sprache: Deutsch 
Beiträge von Festoolauf Twitter: 
•Produkte und Angebote 
•Informationen zu Messen 
Beiträge von Usern auf Twitter: 
•Bauanleitungen von Festool 
•Fragen zu Produkten 
curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer 
Tools for the toughest demands 
Festtoolon Twitter ausgewählteFollower 
curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerTwitter 
real-time communication 
real-time market research 
advertising allowed 
direct customer 
great monitoring tool (alternative clients, e.g. tritterdeck) 
interest based, not friendship based 
•only short messages (Twitter 140 characters) 
•short lifetime of tweets 
•a lot of meaningless information in twitter sphere 
•difficult to measure 
•Spam / unpleasant followers possible 
•Fast media for fast + easy mistakes
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDellCaresTwitter as a Support Channel 
Solve customer problems 
Change brand recognition 
SM Strategy 
Twitter as a support channel 
10.000 follower (7/11) 
15.600 follower (12/11) 
13.460 Tweets
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSocial Media Monitoring Remember: They talk about you! 
•They do it with or without you … you should steer the direction best you can! 
•Dell Hell was a showcase starting point in 2005 
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerWhy Social Media Monitoring? Customer Service andSupport, CRM 
Identify and address core customer needs 
Sales advice 
Setup / integration support 
Runtime support 
Customers help customers 
Identify and bond with advocates 
Identify and utilize star experts 
Reduce support cost 
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSocial Media MonitoringIssueManagement 
What expectations do different stakeholders hold? 
Identify areas with potential for conflict early and address them proactively (before the broader public gets aware) 
Identify, monitor and construct actions to manage/reduce/neutralize stakeholder discrepancy of expectations. 
Develop an “early warning system” 
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell „SocialMedia Listening Command Center“ 
Inform: customer feedback in real time 
Listen and act: recognize alarm signals early and act upon them 
Ensure effective + appropriate customer interaction 
Support: Information + support for the influencers and communities with influence online 
all relevant departments 
customers and prospects 
communities / influencer 
SM Strategy 
control center 
Check out: 
Google Analytics, KloutScore; Hotsuite
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerRecap Social Media Toolbox 
•What was most important? 
•What was new? 
•What is unclear?
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHands on 2 (Team Size 4) 
Look at our investigated Corporation again. 
After 60 minutes, present in 10 minutes: 
•What digital channels they use 
•What do they hope to achieve? Why do they use them? 
•What do you think they do exceptionally well? 
•What would you improve? 
You have 60 min, 
we want a mini presentation in any format you choose
8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer

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Social Marketing Lecture: Some basics you must understand

  • 1. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerUnderstand, Engage, EmbraceYour Customers Dr. Ute Hillmer BetterReality MarketingStuttgart, 8.12.2014
  • 2. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSee it ! Hear it ! Say it ! Do it !
  • 3. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerWHO is Dr. Ute Hillmer? an expert in positioning and promoting technology products, with a carving for innovative products that are not self-explaining. With such products, human behavior is often outside the boundaries of rationality -despite its economic context. Buying behavior is here typically a result of social, cognitive and emotional factors, along with the economic ones.
  • 4. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerWhat did Ute do? •27 years of international marketing (HP, CoCreate, MFG Innovation Agency State of BW, Better Reality Marketing) •Dissertation in business administration, behavioral economics in technology marketing: Technology Acceptance in Mechatronics •Worldwide company and product communication; mainly 3 continents (America, Europe, Asia) •Product-, program-, channel-, partner marketing, marketing communication, branding, positioning •Responsible for operative, strategic + corporate marketing, branding, sales training •Experienced in large corporations, SMEs and freelance work as well as political institutions. •Responsible for the first international website of Hewlett Packard in 1993
  • 5. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerWhat’s Ute’s STORY? I am in business to change the lives of my technology clients by giving purpose to their work!
  • 6. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer and turn their customers into raving fans!
  • 7. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerTo take the most out of this lecture… be inSTATE!
  • 8. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerAgenda Pre-frame Who is Who? The Larger Context Why has Marketing changed? Who must go with the change? The Basics Get started with Digital Marketing Customer Touch Points Work Session 1 The Digital Toolbox …too long to list … Work Session 2 Content Segment to Bond!
  • 9. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerWHO are YOU?
  • 10. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHas Marketing Communication Changed?
  • 11. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer How did you buy yesterday? How do you buy today? How will you buy tomorrow?
  • 12. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer How did the typical Decision Making Process look like?
  • 13. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDer Kundendialog gestern 1:1 Kundenbesuche Telefonate Gespräche eMail Geschäftsessen Post Messen …
  • 14. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDer mediale Kundendialog gestern Kundenkommunikation hat sich emanzipiert von der Einweg-Kommunikation …
  • 15. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer Bildquelle;
  • 16. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDer Kundendialog heute ist mehr …hin zur Zweiweg-Kommunikation …
  • 17. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerNeue Medien Kunden sprechen über Erfahrungen, Bedürfnisse, Vorlieben und Interessen online.
  • 18. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Power ofRecommendations: „I‘llHaveWhatSheisHaving“
  • 19. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerChange Engines on a Meta Level Technological Development •Digitalization •Network Technologies •Converging media •Storage Technologies •Mobile Technologies Social Development •The mature human –the mature customer •Self-confidence •Participation •Self-determination •Individualization •Visualization tech. •Social Media •Digital distribution •Intelligent automation •…
  • 20. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerFrom Product -to Customer-FocusProductPricePlacePromotionCustomer NeedsCustomer CostConvenience / AccessCommunication McCarthy: Basic Marketing: A managerial approach, 1960 Schullz, Stanley I. Tannenbaum, Robert F. Lauterborn, Integrated Marketing Communications, 1993
  • 21. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerWho must go with the change?
  • 22. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerWarumsindSiein SozialenNetzen(EuropeaData) get to know things about (new) products / brands come in contact with brands / companies stimulate my career find other users of a certain brand / product find promotions of a certain brand / product become a famous person become an opinion leader Source: Social Media Around the World 2011, InSites ConsultingThe Web 2.0 Generation isOnline
  • 23. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Nerd is Online
  • 24. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerB2B Decision Makers might not be online –but their assistants will •Digital Marketing is impacting how B2B decisions are being made. –Background research –Learning + Expertise –Search results impact
  • 25. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe B2B buyers are no shoppers, they are researchers! 37% of B2B Buyers use Social to help them make purchasing decissions(IDC)
  • 26. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSocial Media and the Buying ProcessPost-sales user-experience reports support + help complains, learning, upgradingSales looking for the best dealDecision Making learning about the topic, selecting and weighting evaluation criteria evaluating options, Pre-sales looking for information
  • 27. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDecision Making Process –in the Digital Age Initial Consideration Trigger aktiveevaluation Moment of Purchase post-purchase experience consumers add or subtract Brands Ambassador loyaliyloop aktiveevaluation Consumer Decision Journey as suggested by Edelman 2010, p.65
  • 28. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerCustomers + Web 2.0 Technologies
  • 29. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSocial Media: Who is there? (Wave 7 Data) cracking-the-social-code.pdf
  • 30. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHowEffectiveist SocialMedia? Source: B2B Content Marketing report 2012; Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs
  • 31. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerIfyouthink… yourCompany doesnot havetobeOnline, Think again…
  • 32. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Dell Hell Case Lesson People talk about your company -with or without you … don’t you want to steer the direction best you can? Dell Hell: starting point in 2005
  • 33. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell Hell
  • 34. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer Dell Hell 2 “Obviously a lot of people are in the blogosphere talking about their issues with Dell products, why aren’t we doing anything about it?” Michael Dell, 2006
  • 35. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell 2006:“Obviously a lot of people are in the blogosphere talking about their issues with Dell products, why aren’t we doing anything about it?” Michael Dell, 20062011: Dell named “most social brand of 100 top brands”
  • 36. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe to get started
  • 37. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHow to get started with Digital Marketing1. Stay Focused on your Objective •Which channel, which medium, which platform will help me reach my target? •Define marketing goal •Define target markets Be where your customers are!!
  • 38. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHow to get started with Digital Marketing? 2. What do you intent to achieve? •Win additional customers •Gain a new customer base •Increase sales •Increase awareness •Enter new markets •Increase communication with customers •Increase website traffic •Increase image •Change image •Increase online reputationAs with traditional marketing: set yourself realistic goals!
  • 39. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHow to get started with Digital Marketing 3. Where are your customers having their conversations? “Let's spend a day in your customers media mix and learn to understand what they experience, how they feel, and most of all, how they communicate and interact. “ Kevin Colleran, Facebooks#1 Sales RepLISTEN!! talkenergizesupportIntegrateBOND
  • 40. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHow to get started with Digital Marketing 4. don’t get confused, think of Customer Touch Pointsinstead… Source: Wave 7
  • 41. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerClassic Touchpoints Journals and Magazines Bill board advertisement Trade shows Offline-Word of Mouth Often individually pushed, seldom orchestrated Sales-team and Partners Source: Storymaker
  • 42. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSupplemented by a Digital Architecture WEB- SITE Micro- Site Online- PR ONLINE- PR PUSH/PULL Source: Storymaker News- letter
  • 43. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSupplemented by a Digital Architecture WEB- SITE Micro- Site Online- PR ONLINEPR PUSH/PULL Source: Storymaker News- letterCommunication ChannelCorporateHosting Customer
  • 44. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer… and Increasingly Mobile Source: MashableAugust 05, 2013
  • 45. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDigital Touchpoints XING & LINKEDIN •Business Networks •geschäftliche Kontakte •Inhalte mit Geschäftspartnern teilen •Unternehmens- sichtbarkeit auf persönlicher Ebene •Mitarbeiter als Unternehmens- botschafter TWITTER FACEBOOK GOOGLE •200 Mio. aktive Nutzer •2,5 Mio. in D •200 Follower/Nutzer •Wichtigster Microblogging- Dienst •Multiplikations- freudige Nutzer •Ideal für Inhaltsteaser •Themenmonitoring! •> 1 Mrd. Nutzer •> 25 Mio. in D •Wichtigstes soziales Netzwerk •Firmenaccounts  Fanpages •Sehr visuell geprägt •Starke Multiplikationseffekte erhöhen Sichtbarkeit •Größte Suchmaschine •97% Marktanteil in Deutschland •50 Mio. Personen suchen jeden Monat in Deutschland •Wer bei Google nicht gefunden wird, existiert im Web nicht Source: Storymaker
  • 46. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDigital Touchpoints YOUTUBE FLICKR •4 Mrd. Stunden Videomaterial pro Monat •zweitgrößte Such- maschine •gehört zu Google •wirkt sich positiv auf die Auffindbarkeit in der Suche aus •„YouTube für Fotos“ •5 Mrd. Fotos, zus. 3 Mio. pro Tag •eigene Kanäle, Gruppen und Fotosets •Flickr-Alben auf Websites und Blog einbinden •praktisches Einbinden bei Twitter •zentraler Ort für Bildcontent •„YouTube für Slides“ •Sichtbarkeit für Präsentationen erhöhen •leicht einbettbar •positiv für SEO SLIDESHARE Source: Storymaker
  • 47. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDigital Touchpoints PINTEREST BLOG •längere Texte •multimedial anreichern •dynamischer als Websites •Kommentarsystem •leicht anpassbar •70 Mio. Nutzer •ca. 0,5 Mio. in D •stark wachsend •Bilder aus dem Web auf themenorientierte Pinnwände pinnen •Pins beinhalten Backlink auf Quellseite •„YouTube für Print“ •erhöht Sichtbarkeit für Broschüren etc. •durchblätterbar •leicht einbettbar •positiv für SEO ISSUU Source: Storymaker
  • 48. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDigital Marketing“The CluetrainManifesto (2001)” 95 Theses Excerpt 1. Markets are conversations. 12. There are no secrets. The networked market knows more than companies do about their own products. And whether the news is good or bad, they tell everyone. 17. Companies that assume online markets are the same markets that used to watch their ads on television are kidding themselves. 18. Companies that don't realize their markets are now networked person-to-person, getting smarter as a resultand deeply joined in conversation are missing their best opportunity. 19. Companies can now communicate with their markets directly. If they blow it, it could be their last chance. 21. Companies need to lighten upand take themselves less seriously. They need to get a sense of humor.
  • 49. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerRecap The Basics to get started •What was most important? •What was new? •What is unclear?
  • 50. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerNowComming #1Get your hands dirty #2Built and maintain networks: THE SM TOOLBOX #2 Built credibility and trust, especially in B2B: CONTENT MARKETING #3 Be found by your target market: SEO + SMM
  • 51. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmerbut
  • 52. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmeron
  • 53. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHands on Exploitation (Team Size about 5-6) Investigate the digital marketing activities of one of the following companies: •Datev • • • •Zeiss Camera Lenses • • (Online Composition and Retail) • (Customer Experience) •Bosch (one division only) •Mercedes Trucks • •Your own
  • 54. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHands on Exploitation (Team Size about 4) In what channels are they present and what do they do there? (Quick Summary, show us a few highlights) Why do you think they selected these channels? Do they link Channels? We’ll discuss digital media while you present Take notes, prepare a presentation, you have 60 min
  • 55. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerTheDigital Toolbox
  • 56. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe SocialMedia Toolbox Slide bySolis + ThomasChoose your channels wisely!
  • 57. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate Website: „Center Stage“
  • 58. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate Website: „Center Stage“
  • 59. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate Website: „Center Stage“
  • 60. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate Website: Center Stage +Aggregation Point
  • 61. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate Website •Company controls the content and the design •Company can backlink all media channels to the site •One stop overview, monitor and archive •Low cost professional site with Open Source tools like Wordpressund Joomla, templates, plug-ins und RSS feeds.
  • 62. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate Website •Company must manage and maintain the site including its layout and design, content, tech. support and its URL(s) •Corporate Websites are usually seen as push marketing •Cost and time intensive
  • 63. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate Blog the “Sun of the Solar Content System”
  • 64. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate
  • 65. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDirect2Dell Blog
  • 66. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerTechCenter Blog, Chat, Community
  • 67. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell Shares Investor Relations
  • 68. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate BlogEmployees as Experts
  • 69. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate Blog •You can show that you know a lot about a topic •You are easily found by search engines (search engines follow backlinks; a good article easily generates 10-50 backlinks in a few days) •It is free for the customer and free media for you as a vendor •You can segment your target market nicely •It can be the starting point for new content, hosts conversations, can provide context for news •It can be a starting point for personal brands •Small companies can get to the top of search engine rankings
  • 70. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate Blog •Frequency is a must time consuming •You are not credible in a “controlled” bog •You don’t control what is said in an open employee blog •Generating relevant and interesting content on a frequent basis is not easy
  • 71. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerThe Corporate BlogMake some rules. Empower all employees… they are the brand. •Behave professionally and ethically. •Take personal responsibility. •Include a disclaimer: your opinions are yours, not IBM’s. •Don’t pick fights. “Use social media as a means to expose IBM’s experts—and expertise—to the world.” Adam Christensen Manager, Social Media Communications
  • 72. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSocial Networks
  • 73. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSocial Networks 2 Social networks are network communities on the internet. Users can add friends or followers and send them messages or notify them about updates concerning themselves.
  • 74. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerBuiltand MaintainNetworks Followers Individuals, professionals and companies look for suitable networks and clusters Within a network, they look for suitable groups and joint them
  • 75. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHow Social Networks work Think ofSocialNetworks asa sportsclub!
  • 76. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHow Social Networks work 2 •Voluntary active or passive membership •Special areas of interests •One communicates where one has something to say (or not), has an opinion, answers questions, asks questions, … •If one is open, friendly and nice, friendships will develop that value ones expertise and opinion •Once one has built a reputation, it will be accepted, even appreciated if one recommends and hints one ones products and services, online shop, other products…
  • 77. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHow Social Networks work 3 Friends are easily found, one links up, meets, networks, … and own expertise distributes …
  • 78. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell on Facebook Community Objective Customer insight Customer bonding, pos. Brand recognition Target Segmented customer groups and prospects SM Strategy „Be were your customer is“ Offer community experience Results 644.723 likes (July2011) 909.910 likes (Dec 2011)
  • 79. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell on Facebook Ratings
  • 80. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell on Google +
  • 81. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell on Google + Hangouts
  • 82. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerFestoolon Facebook • •Sprachen: Deutsch Beiträge von Festoolauf Facebook: •Produkte und Angebote •Aktuelle Informationen •Messen und andere Events •Fanaktionen: Fotowettbewerb, Poster, Testimonials Beiträge von Usern auf Facebook: •Fragen zur Anwendung •Produktvergleich •Fragen zur Reparatur von Festool-Produkten •Fragen zu Service & Bestellungen
  • 83. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerFestools: Brandscouts
  • 84. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDialog Marketing Frage: Würdet Ihr Eure Festool Werkzeuge anderen Personen ausleihen?
  • 85. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDialog Marketing Anwendungsberatung
  • 86. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDialog Marketing Complains
  • 87. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDialog Marketing ProductComparison 28 Kommentare später …
  • 88. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer Service-CommunicationDialog Marketing
  • 89. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer StolzDialog Marketing
  • 90. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerFestoolon Facebook Entwicklung Mrz 10 Apr 10 Mai 10 Jun 10 Jul 10 Aug 10 Sep 10 Okt 10 Nov 10 Dez 10 Jan 11 Feb 11 Mrz 11 Apr 11 Mai 11 Jun 11 Jul 11 Aug 11 Sep 11 Okt 11 Nov 11 Dez 11 Jan 12 Feb 12 Mrz 12 Apr 12 Mai 12 Jun 12 Entwicklung Facebook Fans curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 91. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSocial Networks •Direct customer communication •LargestsocialNetwork •Manyforms ofinteraction •Entertainment •Full display ofmanymediaformats(pictures, movies, games, ...) •Cool ideasresultin hugereach •Personal reputationmanagement •Facebook statistics •Efficient marketing tool •Gives companies “a face” or “faces” •Connectable with twitter, Google+, linkedin… •Mobile app •Location updates •Manyappsenlargefunctionality
  • 92. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSocial Networks •Uncontrolled environment for employees •Time-consuming •Less exciting products can have a hard time gaining recognition •Requires high frequency of relevant content generation •Privacy problems –Like button (documenting all activity on the website) –Open FB tabin Browser –Apps can result in spam •Hard to separate private and business •FB can change the rules as they like (free service) Practice
  • 93. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerBusiness Oriented Social Networks •More serious environments, no personal content •Suitable for personal business profile pages •Customer + recruiter research •Personal reputation management •Business oriented groups •Business contact initiation and management •Increasingly commercial + spam •Time consuming •Not all audiences are in these networks •Often regional
  • 94. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerContent Sharing Platforms •Online Communities for archiving and sharing content such as: –Photographs and images –Videos –Audios –Presentations
  • 95. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSupplemented by a Digital Architecture WEB- SITE Micro- Site Online- PR ONLINEPR PUSH/PULL Source: Storymaker News- letterCommunication ChannelCorporateHosting
  • 96. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerFesttoolon Youtube
  • 97. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerFestoolon YoutubeEntwicklung Mrz 10 Apr 10 Mai 10 Jun 10 Jul 10 Aug 10 Sep 10 Okt 10 Nov 10 Dez 10 Jan 11 Feb 11 Mrz 11 Apr 11 Mai 11 Jun 11 Jul 11 Aug 11 Sep 11 Okt 11 Nov 11 Dez 11 Jan 12 Feb 12 Mrz 12 Apr 12 Mai 12 Jun 12 Youtube-Views pro Tag curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 98. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerContent Sharing Platforms Easy way to display, archive and share No need for own infrastructure and storage Possible real time reporting of events Products / content is ranked by audience •Copyright problems •Free data upload or information spread is limited •No quality control of content and material
  • 99. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerCrowd Sourcing / Open Innovation 19.12.2011
  • 100. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerIdeaStormOpen Innovation Platform Objective Collectproductideas, andProductsolutionideasfromcustomers Custonerinsightrankedbyurgency Target customer prospect SM Strategy Engagement + learning Results(7/11) 15.000 ideas >900.000 votes 500 ideasimplemented 19.12.2011 marketing R&D
  • 101. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell Design Studio Mass Individualisation Objective masscustomization brandrecognition Target individualisticcustomers+ prospects SM Strategie online offer
  • 102. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerOpen Innovation throughSocialMedia
  • 103. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerTurningtheR&D ProcessesUpsideDown! R&D Market Demand: Product Lifecycle outbound Marketing inbound Marketing Cash flow over time
  • 104. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell Shop eCommercewith Social Content Objective sales Change brandperception Target customers prospects SM Strategie eShopwithrankings+ reviews
  • 105. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerFestool–Dealer Partnerships
  • 106. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerRecommendation Platforms •bad products are exposed •Here users share experiences, perceptions and recommendations about products, services and organizations . Sometimes detailed discussions can evolve.. •Products are ranked by audience •credibility •good products are usually ranked positively
  • 107. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerMicroblogging
  • 108. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerTwitter Microbloggingis a form of bloggingthat allows users to send brief text updates(or micromediasuch as photos or audio clips) and publish them. These messages can be submitted by a variety of means like text messaging, instant messaging, E- mail, digital audio or the web. (Wikipedia)
  • 109. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell on Twitter
  • 110. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDellOutletTwitter as an Outletstore Objective selling changebrandrecognition Target customers prospects SM Strategy Twitterasa salesplattform Results June 2009: $6,5 M revenue
  • 111. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDellOutlet Deutschland Twitter as an Outletstore
  • 112. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDellOutlet China Twitter as an Outletstore
  • 113. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer Werkzeuge für höchste Ansprüche Festoolon Twitter curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 114. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer Werkzeuge für höchste Ansprüche Festoolon Twitter 978 FollowerStand 09.07.2012 curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 115. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer Werkzeuge für höchste Ansprüche Festtoolon Twitter • •Sprache: Deutsch Beiträge von Festoolauf Twitter: •Produkte und Angebote •Online-Umfrage •Informationen zu Messen Beiträge von Usern auf Twitter: •Bauanleitungen von Festool •Fragen zu Produkten curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 116. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer Tools for the toughest demands Festtoolon Twitter ausgewählteFollower curtsey of Klaus Danner, Manager Customer Communications
  • 117. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerTwitter fast cheap real-time communication real-time market research advertising allowed direct customer great monitoring tool (alternative clients, e.g. tritterdeck) interest based, not friendship based global mobile •only short messages (Twitter 140 characters) •short lifetime of tweets •a lot of meaningless information in twitter sphere •difficult to measure •Spam / unpleasant followers possible •Fast media for fast + easy mistakes
  • 118. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDellCaresTwitter as a Support Channel Objective Solve customer problems Change brand recognition Target customers prospects SM Strategy Twitter as a support channel Results 10.000 follower (7/11) 15.600 follower (12/11) 13.460 Tweets
  • 119. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSocial Media Monitoring Remember: They talk about you! •They do it with or without you … you should steer the direction best you can! •Dell Hell was a showcase starting point in 2005 19.12.2011
  • 120. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerWhy Social Media Monitoring? Customer Service andSupport, CRM Identify and address core customer needs Sales advice Setup / integration support Runtime support Customers help customers Identify and bond with advocates Identify and utilize star experts Reduce support cost 19.12.201 1
  • 121. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerSocial Media MonitoringIssueManagement What expectations do different stakeholders hold? Identify areas with potential for conflict early and address them proactively (before the broader public gets aware) Identify, monitor and construct actions to manage/reduce/neutralize stakeholder discrepancy of expectations. Develop an “early warning system” 19.12.201 1
  • 122. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerDell „SocialMedia Listening Command Center“ Objective Inform: customer feedback in real time Listen and act: recognize alarm signals early and act upon them Ensure effective + appropriate customer interaction Support: Information + support for the influencers and communities with influence online Target all relevant departments customers and prospects communities / influencer SM Strategy control center Check out: Google Analytics, KloutScore; Hotsuite
  • 123. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerRecap Social Media Toolbox •What was most important? •What was new? •What is unclear?
  • 124. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute HillmerHands on 2 (Team Size 4) Look at our investigated Corporation again. After 60 minutes, present in 10 minutes: •What digital channels they use •What do they hope to achieve? Why do they use them? •What do you think they do exceptionally well? •What would you improve? You have 60 min, we want a mini presentation in any format you choose
  • 125. 8.12.2014 Dr. Ute Hillmer