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The role of a pharmacist
A pharmacist is someone who has expertise and authority in the field of pharmacy either at
the pharmacy, hospitals, industry, education, and other fields that are still related with the
field of pharmacy. Pharmacist education starting from undergraduate education,
approximately four years, plus one year for the education of the profession of pharmacist.
Pharmacist profession this is one of the professions in the field of health, especially in the
field of pharmacy which is intended for the benefit of humanity Apothecary / Pharmacists :
What do pharmacists do ?.
The interests of humanity in question is able to provide assurance that they are providing a
service, direction or guidance to the community so they can use the pharmaceutical
preparation in the right way. Pharmaceutical preparations, especially the drug is not a
substance or material that is so safe to use. without the involvement of professionals.
The pharmacy is a means of pharmaceutical services the place do practice of pharmacy by
pharmacists (PP no. The 51-year 2009 article 1, paragraph 13). In this case the practice of
pharmacy is covering the manufacture, including quality control of pharmaceutical
preparations, security, procurement, storage and distribution of drugs, management of
drugs, every drug on the prescription, every drug information, as well as drug development,
medicinal materials and traditional medicine.
The existence of pharmacies also help help the government in maintaining and maintain the
health of the community. The government in this case Ministry of Health put great
expectations to the role and profession of the pharmacist (in particular the pharmacist
manager of the pharmacy), which is the tip of the spear in the distribution of pharmaceutical
supplies to the community. It is no less important is that the pharmacy is a type of retail
business that must be managed properly in order to obtain a profit to cover operating costs
and maintain the continuity of life Cirrhosis Of The Liver Life Expectancy : How Long Do You
To be able to manage the pharmacy, a pharmacist is not enough armed with the science of
the pharmacy technical course, because managing a pharmacy the same course of
managing a company. It takes managerial skills covering administration management,
inventory, facilities, finance and human resource management.
Tasks, roles, and responsibilities of a Pharmacist according to PP 51 of 2009 concerning
Pharmaceutical works is as follows :
1. The task
a. Perform the job of pharmacy (the manufacture including quality control of Pharmaceutical
Preparations, security, procurement, storage and distribution of drugs, management of
drugs, every drug on the prescription, every drug information, as well as drug development,
medicinal materials and traditional medicine).
b. Create and update SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) in the pharmaceutical industry.
c. Must meet the provisions of the way of a good distribution set by the minister while doing
the job of pharmacy in the distribution or dispensing of pharmaceutical preparations,
including the recording of all things related to the process of distribution or distribution of
pharmaceutical preparations.
d. The pharmacist is obliged to submit to hard drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances
to the public on prescription from a doctor in accordance with the provisions of the
2. The role of
a. As the person in charge in the pharmaceutical industry on the chart of quality assurance
(Quality Assurance), production, and Quality Control (Quality Control).
b. As the person in charge of Facility Pharmaceutical Services, namely in the pharmacy, and
installed Hospital Pharmacy (IFRS), puskesmas, clinic, drug store, or practice together.
c. The pharmacist can substitute a drug trademark with the same generic drug of its active
components or drugs other trademarks on the approval of doctors and/or patients.
d. In doing the work of pharmacy facilities pharmacy services, the pharmacist can raise a
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your liver ?.
3. Responsibility
a. Perform pharmacy services (pharmaceutical care) in the pharmacy to meet the needs of
the community against the pharmaceutical preparations in order to maintenance and
improvement of public health degree, also to protect the public from the dangers of the
misuse or use of a pharmaceutical preparation that is not appropriate and does not meet the
requirements of quality, safety and efficacy. Pharmacy services are also aimed at the
expansion and equitable distribution of health services associated with the use of the
pharmaceutical so that it can improve the quality of life of the patient.
b. Keep a secret pharmacy in the pharmaceutical industry and in pharmacies which
concerns the process of production, distribution and services of pharmaceutical preparations
including confidential patient.
c. Must meet the provisions of Cara Pembuatan Obat yang baik (CPOB) specified by the
Minister in doing the work of the pharmaceutical industry in the production of pharmaceutical
preparations, including in it recording everything related to the production process and
quality control of pharmaceutical preparation in production facilities of pharmaceutical
d. Pharmacy personnel in the conduct of pharmaceutical jobs in production facilities of
pharmaceutical preparations should follow the development of science and technology in the
field of production and quality control.
e. Applying the standard of pharmacy service in practice pharmacy facilities pharmacy
f. Shall conduct the quality control program and the control cost, which is carried out through
audit of the pharmacy.
g. Enforce discipline in organizing the work of the pharmacy are carried out in accordance
with the provisions of the statutory rules Pictures Of staph Infection : Symptoms, Causes and
In general, the role of the pharmacist can be divided into three parts, as follows :
1. Professional
The role of the profession of a pharmacist in a pharmacy not another is to carry out the
activities of the Pharmaceutical Care or orphanage pharmacy. One of the main objectives of
upbringing of pharmacy is to improve the quality of life of the patient. That means patients
who are sick can become healthy, and healthy patients can maintain their health. The
application of the orphanage pharmacy which is better or GPP (Good Pharmaceutical
Practice) at the pharmacy has been regulated in the minister regulation 1027 of 2004. In PP
no. 51 Article 21, paragraph 2 also been presented, that can serve the administration of
drugs based on the prescription is the pharmacist. Indirectly implied that the pharmacist
should always be present in the pharmacy to perform the orphanage pharmacy.If a
pharmacist wants to carry out the orphanage pharmacy, he must have the Competency,
Commitment, and Care. Pharmacists actually have to have the competence, i.e., he has
science (knowledge) and skills (skill) in doing the orphanage pharmacy. Science for example
for medications for diabetes, cholesterol, heart should be taken regularly, do not stop unless
a consultation with the doctor. Another example for the ointment corticosteroids use should
not be pressed in place of the wound and not too thick smear. Information-such information
should be given to the customer Is An Ear Infection Contagious ? Fact or Myth ?.
2. Manager
The pharmacist should be able to be a good manager, in this case the pharmacist should be
able to arrange the goods, money and patients. But in general a manager it should manage
the resources he has. Not only goods, money and people, but also the time, place, and
One of the keys to successful inventory management in a pharmacy is a service level of
100%, meaning that the pharmacy is able to meet all the demand will be drugs (both
prescription and non-prescription), so that the ratio of his rejection of 0%. To be able to
guarantee the service level required planning (planning) that are very ripe, don't until there is
a buildup of stuff (over stock) or out of stock (out of stock).
That's the job of a pharmacist as a manager. The goal is that the inventory turnover or
Inventory Turn Over maximum, the risk of over stock and out of stock is minimized. If it is so
will add to the satisfaction of the customers because the demand for drugs is met. Customer
satisfaction will affect the loyalty of customers and also add new customers. Not only goods,
money must also be managed because money is crucial in business. Should the proceeds of
the sale of one day not combined with the money for the purposes of operating a pharmacy
and the money from the sale of one day must be equal to the amount of stuff that comes out.
So don't get any of the goods which don't make money. Pharmacist in a pharmacy must be a
good leader for the employees of the other. Maintain a sense of family among employees,
provide a good example and to foster the employees were so much better. Pharmacists
should also be professional in this case, it is good to apply the reward and punishment so
that the pharmacy can be advanced with the employees were quality (not just quantity)
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3. Retailers
Retail is the final stage of the distribution channel, namely the business of selling goods or
services to consumers for their needs respectively. The key to a successful pharmacist as a
retailer is Identifying, stimulating, and satisfying demands.
a. Identifying
Identifying is to analyze and collect information about the consumer. The information is not
the other is the answer of the following questions: Who is buying ? What do they buy ? Why
do they buy ? How they decide to buy ? When do they buy? Where they buy ? How often do
they buy ? Should the pharmacist have to know the behavior-the buying behavior of the
consumer by answering the questions above. For example, during the hajj season, which is
a lot look for is a multivitamin and stamina enhancer. Buying behavior is also influenced by
many things, one of which is demographic profile. The factors of demographic profile, among
others, age, gender, occupation, education, ethnicity, location and others. When the
demographic profile is known, then we will soon find out the opportunities are promising. For
example, when the pharmacy located in the area of localization, which is much sought after
for sure condoms, lubricant, strong drugs and others Tongue, Navel, Genitals and Nipple
Piercing Infection.
b. Stimulating – Satisfying your demands
After analyzing buying behavior of consumers, then the next should be done stimulating,
which gives a cue or encouragement of social, commercial and others, followed by the
provision of information-information that consumers need about the product to be purchased.
This needs to be done because smart-smart we analyze the buying behavior, it remains the
final decision lies on the consumer.
c. Satisfying your demands
The next task after the consumer want to buy that meet the demand. Give the waiter the
best, honest and full of patience. And the most important is the product sold must be the
right quality, right quantity, right time. This is what is meant satisfying your demands.
The current number of pharmacist in Indonesia is thirty thousand people, according to what
has been mentioned by the chairman of the Indonesian Pharmacist association in its official
website. A comparison of that amount against the number of the people of Indonesia is 1 :
8000. This amount of felt still less, of that amount approximately one third of work as the
person in charge of the pharmacy which, according to data from the ministry of health
amounted to 10.737 pharmacies, while data from the website of the organization of the
profession of pharmacists as of April 2008 a number of 10.365 pharmacies, can be said that
the pharmacy is most many hold the profession of pharmacist. Pharmacists also work in
installation of hospital pharmacy, pharmaceutical wholesaler, health centre, Agency of Drug
and Food control, Ministry of health both central and local, as educators ( lecturers) in higher
education, as a teacher at the school of pharmacy, drug industry, traditional medicine
industry, cosmetics industry, research institutions, marketing personnel and in some other
places Can You Get Pregnant From Precum ?.
The importance of the profession of pharmacist for the community are as follows :
1. To help the patient in saving cost of treatment.
The world health organisation WHO states that the costs incurred for the purchase of drugs
in developing countries between 20 – 40% of the total cost of health whereas in developed
countries to between 10 – 20%. Also mentioned that 50 – 90% of patients in developing
countries pay the cost of treatment with the money from the bag itself ( not covered
insurance ). Specifically for Indonesia, the price of the drug is relatively expensive which is
caused by more than 90% of medicinal raw materials must be imported from abroad.
The amount of the drug circulating in Indonesia as has been said by the chairman of the
Indonesian Pharmacist association on one occasion amounted to about 16 thousands of
brands. A very large number. One type of drug, especially a drug that the level of use is high
( promising economically ) can be produced more than one brand. For example, the
antibiotic amoxicillin can be present in a variety of brands, made by different factories and
with a price that is certainly not the same and sometimes the price difference can be quite
far, especially if compared with the products of generic. This drug comes with dozens of
different brands. Another example is the antidiabetic drugs and antihypertensive indeed
much needed, it is also manufactured in a variety of brands Is Lupus Fatal ? Is Lupus
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Many brand-different brands this will just confuse the patient as a consumer of the drug.
Kekurangmengertian against brand this sometimes causes the patient should pay dearly for
drugs that should be bought. For example, amoxicillin brand A is written in the recipe, the
price can be several fold with amoxicillin with other brands especially if compared to generic.
Whereas in terms of efficacy, this drug is just the same because it is already guaranteed by
the Food and Drug Inspection Agency and the Ministry of Health as the authority of the
government in the field of health and medicine. This is where pharmacists can play a role in
helping the patient choose the drug that is efficacious with a cheaper price. Pharmacists
have a deep knowledge about the drug.
2. To ensure that drugs are used correctly
a. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Texas, Austin USA in 1996 in
government-owned hospitals find the following things :
• The 16.2% of the sample of patients studied ICU admission/ units of the disease in caused
by problems associated with drugs (Drug-related Problem DRP ). And of this amount can be
broken down again as follows :
o 54.8% of the sample experienced failure of therapy
o 32.9% of the sample experienced a drug reaction that is not desired (Adcverse drug
reaction / ADR )
o 12.3% of the sample experiencing an overdose
• 43.3% of the sample should be prevented against the occurrence of DRP
• 65.8% of DRP occur due to non-compliance of patients in taking medications
b. Research conducted at the University of Toulouse, France published in 2009, showing the
data as follows :
• 8.37% of the patients treated in hospitals are caused by ADR where ADR is caused by the
amount of the drug, self-treatment without a through examination of the experts, the use of
the drug-drug antithrombotic and due to the use of drug antibiotics.
• ADR is reported to be the cause of the high cost of health care, the patient entered the
hospital and lengthening the time of patient care in the hospital How Do You Get Lupus ? Is
Lupus Contagious ?.
c. The year 2002 in the United States :
• ADR being the cause of death no 7 exceeds the number of deaths caused by vehicle
accidents, suicide, or HIV/ AIDS
• The cost spent for the care of the ADR 76.6 billion USD
• ADR cause 17 million visits to units of the emergency hospital
The Data above shows that drugs are not the objects or materials so is safe to be
consumed. The difference between medicine and poison/toksis very thin only depends on
the dose. In the world of medicine and pharmaceuticals, to every drug known term
therapeutic dose and the dose toksis, there is the effect of therapeutic and toxic effects of.
Toksis the same with poison. At doses that exceed the dose of therapy/treatment, each drug
acts as a poison.
This is where, among others, the role of a pharmacist are required. The pharmacist serves to
provide assurance that the drug consumed by the patient does not change into toxins that
are caused due to inaccuracy how to use by the patient. Pharmacists have a role so that the
goal of therapy which is being undertaken by the patient can be achieved with better. The
pharmacist is obliged to provide the information clearly to the patient the drug users or their
families to avoid mistakes in the use of drugs. So the drug provides the therapeutic effect
desired, the known term 4 T 1 E, namely, RIGHT DOSE, RIGHT FREQUENCY, RIGHT
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Some of the research about the use of these drugs has been published. From these studies
it can be concluded that the rate of non-compliance of patients in using the drug is quite
high. Some of the factors that lead to disobedience are : the use of the drug for long periods
of time such as in the treatment of hypertension, diabetes ; use of medications that
polynomial/vary : how to use that confusing as a different frequency for each drug ;
ignorance will be drug and diseases ; the occurrence of side effects of the drug ; and so
forth. To overcome problems such as this, the presence of the pharmacist as a counsellor
and informant of the drug is required.
Indonesia pharmacist has an important role in the world of pharmacy. This role is associated
with a drug along with its use. However with the amount of thirty thousand pharmacists in
Indonesia and some of them are responsible for the pharmacy it turns out that the
performance of pharmacists is still very minimal, it looks at the moment the patient wants to
consult at the pharmacy, the pharmacist is rarely found to be able to provide about the
contribution of drug use and things associated about the drug. This problem looks very
contrast with the number of pharmacists in Indonesia, where the appropriate patient can be
easily met directly with the pharmacist. There are several reasons why pharmacists hard to
find. The first cause is that most pharmacies do not belong to the pharmacist but belongs to
the financiers, which in pharmaceutical terms is called the PSA ( the Owners of the Means of
the Pharmacy ) 11 Essential Oil For Earache : Remedy and treatment for earache.
From the data published by the official website of the organization of pharmacists, Number
of pharmacies owned by the PSA is approximately 50% of the number of pharmacies that
exist ( 5.106 of 10.370 ). Pharmacists can be regarded as the people are given a salary to
be responsible for the pharmacy as required by government regulations. This is the problem.
Compensation takes salary of pharmacists is not sufficient to serve as supporting living
expenses of the family. Be a lot of pharmacists that make the position as person in charge of
the pharmacy as a side job or his moonlighting in addition to his main occupation, for
example as an employee in the ministry of health, Balai POM, lecturers, and so forth. If in
the workplace the main course pharmacists should be working office hours ( from 8 in the
morning until 4/5 in the afternoon ), when they will be able to practice their profession in
pharmacies who became the the responsibility.
Not to mention that these conditions occur in large cities which most of time is wasted to
face jams on the road. So sometimes the pharmacist that makes the position of the person
in charge of the pharmacy as a side job this just came to pharmacist can be 1 or 2 times a
week, 1 or 2 times a month or the frequency of the arrival of the other. Of patients or
community will be hard to consult with the profession of pharmacist. It is recognized by the
pharmacists themselves. Of course, not all pharmacists the same thing as this, some
pharmacies require pharmacist to always be in place so patients can consult with them. One
of the pharmacies among them is the Kimia Farma group What To Do For An Earache In
Children ? .
The second cause is the desire of the people of Indonesia to know his treatment which has
not been so high. So that people feel that they do not need to consult with the pharmacist
profession because it assumes the drug is safe material-safe to use, very different with
people outside the country who expressed a desire to consult directly with a pharmacist
when buying drugs.
There are important things that we can see that the desire of the people of Indonesia to
consult with a pharmacist is still low. This is of course very unfortunate. This also becomes
an important task for pharmacist to raises awareness of the community to pay more attention
to his health by consulting a drug that will be used.
The role of a pharmacist

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The role of a pharmacist

  • 1. The role of a pharmacist A pharmacist is someone who has expertise and authority in the field of pharmacy either at the pharmacy, hospitals, industry, education, and other fields that are still related with the field of pharmacy. Pharmacist education starting from undergraduate education, approximately four years, plus one year for the education of the profession of pharmacist. Pharmacist profession this is one of the professions in the field of health, especially in the field of pharmacy which is intended for the benefit of humanity Apothecary / Pharmacists : What do pharmacists do ?. The interests of humanity in question is able to provide assurance that they are providing a service, direction or guidance to the community so they can use the pharmaceutical preparation in the right way. Pharmaceutical preparations, especially the drug is not a substance or material that is so safe to use. without the involvement of professionals. The pharmacy is a means of pharmaceutical services the place do practice of pharmacy by pharmacists (PP no. The 51-year 2009 article 1, paragraph 13). In this case the practice of pharmacy is covering the manufacture, including quality control of pharmaceutical preparations, security, procurement, storage and distribution of drugs, management of drugs, every drug on the prescription, every drug information, as well as drug development, medicinal materials and traditional medicine.
  • 2. The existence of pharmacies also help help the government in maintaining and maintain the health of the community. The government in this case Ministry of Health put great expectations to the role and profession of the pharmacist (in particular the pharmacist manager of the pharmacy), which is the tip of the spear in the distribution of pharmaceutical supplies to the community. It is no less important is that the pharmacy is a type of retail business that must be managed properly in order to obtain a profit to cover operating costs and maintain the continuity of life Cirrhosis Of The Liver Life Expectancy : How Long Do You Live. To be able to manage the pharmacy, a pharmacist is not enough armed with the science of the pharmacy technical course, because managing a pharmacy the same course of managing a company. It takes managerial skills covering administration management, inventory, facilities, finance and human resource management. Tasks, roles, and responsibilities of a Pharmacist according to PP 51 of 2009 concerning Pharmaceutical works is as follows : 1. The task a. Perform the job of pharmacy (the manufacture including quality control of Pharmaceutical Preparations, security, procurement, storage and distribution of drugs, management of drugs, every drug on the prescription, every drug information, as well as drug development, medicinal materials and traditional medicine). b. Create and update SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) in the pharmaceutical industry. c. Must meet the provisions of the way of a good distribution set by the minister while doing the job of pharmacy in the distribution or dispensing of pharmaceutical preparations, including the recording of all things related to the process of distribution or distribution of pharmaceutical preparations. d. The pharmacist is obliged to submit to hard drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances to the public on prescription from a doctor in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. 2. The role of a. As the person in charge in the pharmaceutical industry on the chart of quality assurance (Quality Assurance), production, and Quality Control (Quality Control). b. As the person in charge of Facility Pharmaceutical Services, namely in the pharmacy, and installed Hospital Pharmacy (IFRS), puskesmas, clinic, drug store, or practice together. c. The pharmacist can substitute a drug trademark with the same generic drug of its active components or drugs other trademarks on the approval of doctors and/or patients. d. In doing the work of pharmacy facilities pharmacy services, the pharmacist can raise a Pharmacist's companion has SIPA 20 Foods That Help The Liver : What foods are good for your liver ?. 3. Responsibility a. Perform pharmacy services (pharmaceutical care) in the pharmacy to meet the needs of the community against the pharmaceutical preparations in order to maintenance and improvement of public health degree, also to protect the public from the dangers of the misuse or use of a pharmaceutical preparation that is not appropriate and does not meet the requirements of quality, safety and efficacy. Pharmacy services are also aimed at the
  • 3. expansion and equitable distribution of health services associated with the use of the pharmaceutical so that it can improve the quality of life of the patient. b. Keep a secret pharmacy in the pharmaceutical industry and in pharmacies which concerns the process of production, distribution and services of pharmaceutical preparations including confidential patient. c. Must meet the provisions of Cara Pembuatan Obat yang baik (CPOB) specified by the Minister in doing the work of the pharmaceutical industry in the production of pharmaceutical preparations, including in it recording everything related to the production process and quality control of pharmaceutical preparation in production facilities of pharmaceutical preparations. d. Pharmacy personnel in the conduct of pharmaceutical jobs in production facilities of pharmaceutical preparations should follow the development of science and technology in the field of production and quality control. e. Applying the standard of pharmacy service in practice pharmacy facilities pharmacy services. f. Shall conduct the quality control program and the control cost, which is carried out through audit of the pharmacy. g. Enforce discipline in organizing the work of the pharmacy are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the statutory rules Pictures Of staph Infection : Symptoms, Causes and Treatment. In general, the role of the pharmacist can be divided into three parts, as follows : 1. Professional The role of the profession of a pharmacist in a pharmacy not another is to carry out the activities of the Pharmaceutical Care or orphanage pharmacy. One of the main objectives of upbringing of pharmacy is to improve the quality of life of the patient. That means patients who are sick can become healthy, and healthy patients can maintain their health. The application of the orphanage pharmacy which is better or GPP (Good Pharmaceutical Practice) at the pharmacy has been regulated in the minister regulation 1027 of 2004. In PP no. 51 Article 21, paragraph 2 also been presented, that can serve the administration of drugs based on the prescription is the pharmacist. Indirectly implied that the pharmacist should always be present in the pharmacy to perform the orphanage pharmacy.If a pharmacist wants to carry out the orphanage pharmacy, he must have the Competency, Commitment, and Care. Pharmacists actually have to have the competence, i.e., he has science (knowledge) and skills (skill) in doing the orphanage pharmacy. Science for example for medications for diabetes, cholesterol, heart should be taken regularly, do not stop unless a consultation with the doctor. Another example for the ointment corticosteroids use should not be pressed in place of the wound and not too thick smear. Information-such information should be given to the customer Is An Ear Infection Contagious ? Fact or Myth ?. 2. Manager The pharmacist should be able to be a good manager, in this case the pharmacist should be able to arrange the goods, money and patients. But in general a manager it should manage the resources he has. Not only goods, money and people, but also the time, place, and others. One of the keys to successful inventory management in a pharmacy is a service level of 100%, meaning that the pharmacy is able to meet all the demand will be drugs (both
  • 4. prescription and non-prescription), so that the ratio of his rejection of 0%. To be able to guarantee the service level required planning (planning) that are very ripe, don't until there is a buildup of stuff (over stock) or out of stock (out of stock). That's the job of a pharmacist as a manager. The goal is that the inventory turnover or Inventory Turn Over maximum, the risk of over stock and out of stock is minimized. If it is so will add to the satisfaction of the customers because the demand for drugs is met. Customer satisfaction will affect the loyalty of customers and also add new customers. Not only goods, money must also be managed because money is crucial in business. Should the proceeds of the sale of one day not combined with the money for the purposes of operating a pharmacy and the money from the sale of one day must be equal to the amount of stuff that comes out. So don't get any of the goods which don't make money. Pharmacist in a pharmacy must be a good leader for the employees of the other. Maintain a sense of family among employees, provide a good example and to foster the employees were so much better. Pharmacists should also be professional in this case, it is good to apply the reward and punishment so that the pharmacy can be advanced with the employees were quality (not just quantity) Clindamycin For Tooth Infection : 7 Antibiotics That Can Be Used. 3. Retailers Retail is the final stage of the distribution channel, namely the business of selling goods or services to consumers for their needs respectively. The key to a successful pharmacist as a retailer is Identifying, stimulating, and satisfying demands. a. Identifying Identifying is to analyze and collect information about the consumer. The information is not the other is the answer of the following questions: Who is buying ? What do they buy ? Why do they buy ? How they decide to buy ? When do they buy? Where they buy ? How often do they buy ? Should the pharmacist have to know the behavior-the buying behavior of the consumer by answering the questions above. For example, during the hajj season, which is a lot look for is a multivitamin and stamina enhancer. Buying behavior is also influenced by many things, one of which is demographic profile. The factors of demographic profile, among others, age, gender, occupation, education, ethnicity, location and others. When the demographic profile is known, then we will soon find out the opportunities are promising. For example, when the pharmacy located in the area of localization, which is much sought after for sure condoms, lubricant, strong drugs and others Tongue, Navel, Genitals and Nipple Piercing Infection. b. Stimulating – Satisfying your demands After analyzing buying behavior of consumers, then the next should be done stimulating, which gives a cue or encouragement of social, commercial and others, followed by the provision of information-information that consumers need about the product to be purchased. This needs to be done because smart-smart we analyze the buying behavior, it remains the final decision lies on the consumer. c. Satisfying your demands The next task after the consumer want to buy that meet the demand. Give the waiter the best, honest and full of patience. And the most important is the product sold must be the right quality, right quantity, right time. This is what is meant satisfying your demands.
  • 5. The current number of pharmacist in Indonesia is thirty thousand people, according to what has been mentioned by the chairman of the Indonesian Pharmacist association in its official website. A comparison of that amount against the number of the people of Indonesia is 1 : 8000. This amount of felt still less, of that amount approximately one third of work as the person in charge of the pharmacy which, according to data from the ministry of health amounted to 10.737 pharmacies, while data from the website of the organization of the profession of pharmacists as of April 2008 a number of 10.365 pharmacies, can be said that the pharmacy is most many hold the profession of pharmacist. Pharmacists also work in installation of hospital pharmacy, pharmaceutical wholesaler, health centre, Agency of Drug and Food control, Ministry of health both central and local, as educators ( lecturers) in higher education, as a teacher at the school of pharmacy, drug industry, traditional medicine industry, cosmetics industry, research institutions, marketing personnel and in some other places Can You Get Pregnant From Precum ?. The importance of the profession of pharmacist for the community are as follows : 1. To help the patient in saving cost of treatment. The world health organisation WHO states that the costs incurred for the purchase of drugs in developing countries between 20 – 40% of the total cost of health whereas in developed countries to between 10 – 20%. Also mentioned that 50 – 90% of patients in developing countries pay the cost of treatment with the money from the bag itself ( not covered insurance ). Specifically for Indonesia, the price of the drug is relatively expensive which is caused by more than 90% of medicinal raw materials must be imported from abroad. The amount of the drug circulating in Indonesia as has been said by the chairman of the Indonesian Pharmacist association on one occasion amounted to about 16 thousands of brands. A very large number. One type of drug, especially a drug that the level of use is high ( promising economically ) can be produced more than one brand. For example, the antibiotic amoxicillin can be present in a variety of brands, made by different factories and with a price that is certainly not the same and sometimes the price difference can be quite far, especially if compared with the products of generic. This drug comes with dozens of different brands. Another example is the antidiabetic drugs and antihypertensive indeed much needed, it is also manufactured in a variety of brands Is Lupus Fatal ? Is Lupus Cancer ? Don't panic! here's the guide. Many brand-different brands this will just confuse the patient as a consumer of the drug. Kekurangmengertian against brand this sometimes causes the patient should pay dearly for drugs that should be bought. For example, amoxicillin brand A is written in the recipe, the price can be several fold with amoxicillin with other brands especially if compared to generic. Whereas in terms of efficacy, this drug is just the same because it is already guaranteed by the Food and Drug Inspection Agency and the Ministry of Health as the authority of the government in the field of health and medicine. This is where pharmacists can play a role in helping the patient choose the drug that is efficacious with a cheaper price. Pharmacists have a deep knowledge about the drug. 2. To ensure that drugs are used correctly
  • 6. a. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Texas, Austin USA in 1996 in government-owned hospitals find the following things : • The 16.2% of the sample of patients studied ICU admission/ units of the disease in caused by problems associated with drugs (Drug-related Problem DRP ). And of this amount can be broken down again as follows : o 54.8% of the sample experienced failure of therapy o 32.9% of the sample experienced a drug reaction that is not desired (Adcverse drug reaction / ADR ) o 12.3% of the sample experiencing an overdose • 43.3% of the sample should be prevented against the occurrence of DRP • 65.8% of DRP occur due to non-compliance of patients in taking medications b. Research conducted at the University of Toulouse, France published in 2009, showing the data as follows : • 8.37% of the patients treated in hospitals are caused by ADR where ADR is caused by the amount of the drug, self-treatment without a through examination of the experts, the use of the drug-drug antithrombotic and due to the use of drug antibiotics. • ADR is reported to be the cause of the high cost of health care, the patient entered the hospital and lengthening the time of patient care in the hospital How Do You Get Lupus ? Is Lupus Contagious ?. c. The year 2002 in the United States : • ADR being the cause of death no 7 exceeds the number of deaths caused by vehicle accidents, suicide, or HIV/ AIDS • The cost spent for the care of the ADR 76.6 billion USD • ADR cause 17 million visits to units of the emergency hospital The Data above shows that drugs are not the objects or materials so is safe to be consumed. The difference between medicine and poison/toksis very thin only depends on the dose. In the world of medicine and pharmaceuticals, to every drug known term therapeutic dose and the dose toksis, there is the effect of therapeutic and toxic effects of. Toksis the same with poison. At doses that exceed the dose of therapy/treatment, each drug acts as a poison. This is where, among others, the role of a pharmacist are required. The pharmacist serves to provide assurance that the drug consumed by the patient does not change into toxins that are caused due to inaccuracy how to use by the patient. Pharmacists have a role so that the goal of therapy which is being undertaken by the patient can be achieved with better. The pharmacist is obliged to provide the information clearly to the patient the drug users or their families to avoid mistakes in the use of drugs. So the drug provides the therapeutic effect desired, the known term 4 T 1 E, namely, RIGHT DOSE, RIGHT FREQUENCY, RIGHT INTERVAL of ADMINISTRATION, RIGHT TIME/duration of USE, as well AS be WARY of the SIDE EFFECTS Home Remedies For Earache : How to get rid of an earache ?. Some of the research about the use of these drugs has been published. From these studies it can be concluded that the rate of non-compliance of patients in using the drug is quite high. Some of the factors that lead to disobedience are : the use of the drug for long periods of time such as in the treatment of hypertension, diabetes ; use of medications that polynomial/vary : how to use that confusing as a different frequency for each drug ;
  • 7. ignorance will be drug and diseases ; the occurrence of side effects of the drug ; and so forth. To overcome problems such as this, the presence of the pharmacist as a counsellor and informant of the drug is required. Indonesia pharmacist has an important role in the world of pharmacy. This role is associated with a drug along with its use. However with the amount of thirty thousand pharmacists in Indonesia and some of them are responsible for the pharmacy it turns out that the performance of pharmacists is still very minimal, it looks at the moment the patient wants to consult at the pharmacy, the pharmacist is rarely found to be able to provide about the contribution of drug use and things associated about the drug. This problem looks very contrast with the number of pharmacists in Indonesia, where the appropriate patient can be easily met directly with the pharmacist. There are several reasons why pharmacists hard to find. The first cause is that most pharmacies do not belong to the pharmacist but belongs to the financiers, which in pharmaceutical terms is called the PSA ( the Owners of the Means of the Pharmacy ) 11 Essential Oil For Earache : Remedy and treatment for earache. From the data published by the official website of the organization of pharmacists, Number of pharmacies owned by the PSA is approximately 50% of the number of pharmacies that exist ( 5.106 of 10.370 ). Pharmacists can be regarded as the people are given a salary to be responsible for the pharmacy as required by government regulations. This is the problem. Compensation takes salary of pharmacists is not sufficient to serve as supporting living expenses of the family. Be a lot of pharmacists that make the position as person in charge of the pharmacy as a side job or his moonlighting in addition to his main occupation, for example as an employee in the ministry of health, Balai POM, lecturers, and so forth. If in the workplace the main course pharmacists should be working office hours ( from 8 in the morning until 4/5 in the afternoon ), when they will be able to practice their profession in pharmacies who became the the responsibility. Not to mention that these conditions occur in large cities which most of time is wasted to face jams on the road. So sometimes the pharmacist that makes the position of the person in charge of the pharmacy as a side job this just came to pharmacist can be 1 or 2 times a week, 1 or 2 times a month or the frequency of the arrival of the other. Of patients or community will be hard to consult with the profession of pharmacist. It is recognized by the pharmacists themselves. Of course, not all pharmacists the same thing as this, some pharmacies require pharmacist to always be in place so patients can consult with them. One of the pharmacies among them is the Kimia Farma group What To Do For An Earache In Children ? . The second cause is the desire of the people of Indonesia to know his treatment which has not been so high. So that people feel that they do not need to consult with the pharmacist profession because it assumes the drug is safe material-safe to use, very different with people outside the country who expressed a desire to consult directly with a pharmacist when buying drugs. There are important things that we can see that the desire of the people of Indonesia to consult with a pharmacist is still low. This is of course very unfortunate. This also becomes an important task for pharmacist to raises awareness of the community to pay more attention to his health by consulting a drug that will be used.