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The Personalistic vs. the Naturalistic Viewpoint
As far back as the time when man first discovered ways to communicate with one another he has attempted to understand and explain the course of
historical events. In considering the historical development of scientific psychology two main views of the historical progress the field of science have
emerged: personalistic theory and naturalistic theory. The personalistic theory often times called the "great man" theory holds that a chosen few
individuals are unique in that they are endowed with an extraordinary inner quality giving them the ability to do extraordinary things. When applied to
scientific history it is believed that this quality allows them to shape the course of that history with nothing more than their ideas. This... Show more
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It ignited a novel appeal to all kinds of machines that were being made not only for entertainment purposes but also for use in science and industry.
Machines were now becoming familiar to people from all walks of life all over Western Europe. They were becoming an accepted way of life. The
most important of all these machines to the history of modern psychology was the mechanical clock. Clocks at this time were sensational and amazing
and had an enormous influence on human thought throughout all of society. They captured the essence of the doctrine of mechanism which was the
underlying philosophy and the zeitgeist of the seventeenth century. The theory of mechanism held that natural processes were mechanically
determined and could be explained through the sciences of physics and chemistry. It led the prominent thinkers to imagine and explain the universe in
terms of operating as a great machine predictable, precise, and regular. Clocks shared these same characteristics, therefore, they became models of the
universe for scientists and philosophers. One of the most noted philosophers agreeing with this idea was Rene Descartes(1596–1650). Descartes was
born the second child in a family of two sons and one daughter on March 31, 1596 in France. He contracted tuberculosis from his mother who died
from the disease just days after his birth. At the age of eight he was sent to a Jesuit school and was educated in
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Zeitgeist Negatives
Today's zeitgeist has many positives and negative aspects. They range from the multitudes of today's technology to the activities we engage in. We use
technology for nearly everything; for professional purposes, as well as for personal uses. We have cellular phones, computers, tablets (which are
basically mobile computers), printers, iPods, cameras, camcorders, etc. With nearly everything we do, technology is involved in some way or another.
Personally, I believe this has both positive and negative consequences. On a positive side, we complete tasks more quickly and efficiently, which lets
us complete more tasks than ever before. We have access to an immeasurable amount of information, right at our fingertips. I wouldn't say this makes us
more intelligent human beings, but it does give us the possibility to be. ... Show more content on ...
We're able to learn about other societies and compare them to our own. This, and many other factors, makes technology a very positive aspect of our
zeitgeist. However, there are many negative aspects as well. I believe that technology has made us a very lazy society. It is more of a rarity now to
see people getting out into the world to gain knowledge. Everything is based on technology. Face–to–face communication is becoming even more rare.
There are new products being developed every day, and yet, we do not really marvel at any of it anymore. It's not as spectacular to us anymore, even
though it truly is a magnificent feat for us. Also, technology, andinternet can be very dangerous things. People often overlook the "privacy policies"
they are signing, and have no idea what they're getting themselves
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Essay on Zeitgeist
Zeitgeist Its acquaintance is inevitable so good luck at trying to escape from it. Zeitgeist is the spirit of the age, as the dictionary defines it to be, but
in my own terms it is the paranoia or 'scream' of a given epoch. For instance, the international fads like high–speed Internet, diminutive cell phones that
miraculously slide and fit comfortably in your jean pocket, and convenient photo–taking digital cameras reflect the zeitgeist of many developed
countries of the past decade. We see these items all over place on expressway billboards and during the two–minute commercial breaks that disrupt
whatever televised program happens to be on the screen. We even see them in the millions of ads... Show more content on ...
By this blob inhabiting our carpeted floors, families absorb all of media's controversies and hot tittle–tattles – presidential sex scandals, suburban gangs,
the deadly disease that is going to infect you next, and everything else that will make you run upstairs and lock the door. Enrenreich also informs us
that the blob can no longer be stopped for it is everywhere and far out of reach to be confined. "Then, for the first time in human history, hundreds of
millions of individual minds were wired together in a single teleneurological system, inhabiting a self–contained universe of image and jingle and
slogan." (151) It's unfortunately true. We function in life based on what we have learned from the media. For example, before the arrival of the new
millennium, from one news reporter to the next, word about Y2K's computer bug and the shutdown of all electrical systems horrified the world. Lines
at supermarkets looked like army parades with their aligned frantic customers loading up on bottled water and batteries. The public has become so
adapted to similar images of drama and fear that it now constantly produces more commotion after the previous crisis. It's simply a
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Summary Of Looking Backwards By Edward Bellamy
In the second book, Looking Backwards, Edward Bellamy demonstrates the worldview question "what is the zeitgeist". In humanities zeitgeist is
defined as the spirit of the times.Throughout the book Bellamy gives the reader different time frames to look at, to help examine the zeitgeist.The time
frames presented in the book involve the 19th century and the 20th century. Bellamy distinguishes the time periods through his characters Julian West
and Dr. Leete. All through the book, Julian West represents the 19th century aristocratic beliefs and Dr. Leete represents the 20th century utopia belief.
With that, it is helpful for one to analyze the characteristics of the worldview features that are present in all cultural artifacts to understand the ... Show
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Leete, the reader gains a better understanding of how much things have changed in the 20th century. The city of Boston, that was once spread out,
has changed to more of a compact and busy area. Also, the buildings have changed into more modern structures with technology (pg.55). During his
time with Dr. Leete and his family he sees that many things have changed, since the 19th century. One of the major things that have changed is that
everyone lives on the same fixed income (pg.96). With their income they are allowed to spend it on whatever they see is important. Compared to
the 1800's there are a variety of shopping stores that sell both; wants and needs. It is also important to note that music has changed, too. During the
19th century it was performed by individuals and bands live, but now one can listen to performers through technology (pg. 97). Even the political
and economic systems have changed. For example, they use a "method of electing officials by votes of the retired members of guilds" (pg.147).
Economically the country has gotten rid of private capital and they are able to calculate expected demand for goods and services. This is due to the
fact the nation is the only producer of them. Another change involves trade with other countries. There is equality between women and men when it
comes to jobs and opportunities. As a society they have put more emphasis on education and what it can provide for an individual, or a society. If the
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Imperialism And Industrialism: The Zeitgeist Of Victorian...
The zeitgeist of Victorian England is defined by a tumultuous climate of transition. Victorian England experienced multifarious development
emphasised through English imperialism and industrialisation. England's transition into a newly industrialised age stimulated a substantial population
shift from rural to urban areas, reflected in London's expansion from two to six million inhabitants during Victoria's reign. Moreover, England flourished
not only domestically but expanded on an international front, where by the end of the 19th century nearly one–quarter of the earth's total land mass
was subjected to British hegemony. Additionally, various advancements such as the steam engine stimulated urbanism and "gave Victorians new
relations to time,
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The Zeitgeists: A Short Story
TIME after time it shrieks more and more, and I wanting to go back in time, to revisit them, knowing how impossible and illogical it is all. This week
I found myself, out of utter whim, to be four years–old, again. I want to be that kid who worried about playing with his toys, his dolls, his cars, his
airplanes and all that kinds of paraphernalia. All of a sudden, I betrayed them all for a laptop and a cell phone and books. I wish technology wouldn't
have changed our lives; I wish it wouldn't have changed mine. My sole gratitude and bright side is that I was the last generation to experience a
non–technology childhood; the zeitgeists are defined by a particular aspect, for me, it is a song, a film, a book, a color, something that has struck ...
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Well, I had created one years ago, but I had not bothered in adhere a bit of information in there. That isn't a problem any longer, since I've just done
it. I want to get to college already marketing myself and hopefully I will be able to obtain a "real" internship next year, not like the Macy's one
where they have no clue of what to do with me, which I've repeated it three of four times. I must confess that I took the internship for three reasons,
or maybe four: first, I didn't wanted to nurse my mother all day (she obnoxious); second, I didn't wanted anybody to comment that I stay at home all
day long without doing anything (my parents, my family in Colombia, who need to know every action, words or thing I do, and my mother's friends);
third there is money involved, entailing more money to have for the upcoming college days; and fourth the experience may open the doors to
something new, a better internship, who knows? After all, it is all conquered if we go echelon by
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Critical Thinking Skills And The Little Albert Episode
Critical Thinking Skills and the Little Albert Episode
Ethics remains unavoidable in most disciplines, and psychology is no exception. John Watson's experiment deserves the current criticism because it
failed to observe informed consent and protection from harm principle. The controversy arises from the principle of beneficence and non–maleficence.
The principle requires psychologists, in this case, John Watson, and his student to benefit and care for his subjects. During the Experiment, Albert was
nine–months–old. The age of the infants forms the first unethical behavior by Watson. The APA code requires psychologists to ensure justice, integrity,
respect for people's rights and dignity, responsibility and fidelity, and beneficence and non–maleficence. The experiment is unethical as most of the
activities did not practice justice and integrity to the involved human subject.
The Little Albert experiment was conducted to underline the methods to an unlimited extent. Beneath the research among John Watson, and Rosalie
Rayner's "Little Albert" there were many controversy behaviors linked to the code of ethics. During the controversial psychological study conducted
the experiment among a nine month old child; Albert little, and Watson. The experiment was based on the emotional behavior of fear by Pavlov. He
pursued to reveal how human being stimulus to the emotional responses of fear by contact. In 1920, the study by Watson exposed a 9 month baby;
Albert to contact with several
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The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald
To a great extent Palahniuk defines 'Fight Club' as the updated version of 'The Great Gatsby' as Palahniuk stated 'What I was writing was just The
Great Gatsby, updated' as Fitzgerald's ideas undermine the challenges of a sycophantic culture where it corresponds with commodities that prevailed
the 1920s Jazz age and led to its destructive nature. Both novels highlight how the zeitgeist of modernism has evolved over time. Hence, the novels
formally being similar with surprisingly undisguised parallels in narrative structure, character dynamics and style, it emphasises the development of the
commodity culture in America and its devastating impact on individuals over time. Therefore the portrayal of the American dream is widely compared
on... Show more content on ...
Therefore, Nick is 'spoon–fed' by other characters throughout the novel. This portrays Nick's lack of identity and purpose within the novel as he
merely followed 'everyone' into the bond business. Fitzgerald uses Nick as a character to question the American Dream and the zeitgeist of modernism
in the novel act as motifs to show Nick being seen as febrile since he is heavily influenced through narcissist wealth, where he epitomises Tom and
characters like Gatsby; the upcoming rich. Furthermore, Suzanne Del Gizzo's Statement: "Throughout the book, Nick has difficulty connecting with
people, particularly women, highlights his emasculation" this therefore supports the views of Nick being a weak and biased character towards Gatsby
therefore it highlights Nick's 'emasculation' this then epitomises Nick as representing the ideal man, but more of a woman, who were dominated by
men at this period of time, which shows why is why Nick idolised Gatsby.
Similarly, Palahniuk's un–named narrator contrasts with Nick Carraway. The un–named narrator has multiple personality disorders; which has
developed from the true reality of his occupation and the insecure world. This allows us to already question if the un–named narrator has full capability
of telling us the story. The purpose of the un–named Narrator and Nick Carraway is to
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Explain How Coca Cola Changed American Culture
Coca–Cola represents the zeitgeist of the area it changed Americas cultural since the first day it came out and till this day. When first made Coca–Cola
was meant to be medicine to heal headaches when John Pemberton made it, but the drink first began with soda water by Joseph Priestly both
drinks were made for medicine but end up being a social cultural changing beverage. Pemberton was so fascinated by gas that bubbled from
fermentation vat, in other words fixed air. He started to experiment and that's when he came up with soda water, it was popular in America and in
Europe. Everyone started to drink it, it moved from a medical beverage to a social beverage. Soda was so popular everyone was drinking from the poor
to the rich; it became America's... Show more content on ...
Coca–Cola was different from alcohol; you could drink Coca–Cola at anytime of the day and by any age. Coca–Cola actually thrived during the great
depression, it brought happiness to the people, and it was an affordable drink. By the end of the 1930's Coca–Cola was powerful, it was a national
institution and it was so popular that both the rich and the poor would drink" Coca–Cola had taken over the United States; now it was ready to take
over the world going wherever American influence extended'. As the second half of the twentieth century began, so did World War II, when the men
fly over seas to fight Coca–Cola went with them, the soldiers loved the drink and it was given to them as a non–intoxicating beverage. Coca–Cola
didn't just fulfill their thirst it was a reminder of home and helped them fight. There were 64 military bottling plants around the world and the company
served around ten billion drinks. From Zulus to Polynesians they have all tasted Coca–Cola; it shows how popular and well tasted the drink is.
Coca–Cola was so loved that they used it as a password in the battle to cross the
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Science and Form Modem Psychology
1.Argue that psychology's roots began 2000 years ago. Now argue that they began 200 years ago. What fields came together to form psychology?
Psychology viewed as an old discipline. Psychology can trace its roots to the 5 century BC to the Greek philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle and
Socrates, because we grapple with the same questions they attempted to answer. On the other hand, we could view psychology as emerging when
philosophy and physiology merged to include experimentation and empirical methods to answer those questions about 200 years ago. Thus, it also
viewed as a new discipline in 1879, which the approach taken to study make psychology became a science and distinguish from the older discipline
philosophy and form modem ... Show more content on ...
There were contextual forces as well as work in America to foster the growth of applied psychology. The number of people with a Ph. D. in
psychology rose and there were not enough academic positions to employ them, and when one attained a teaching job many administrations did not
value (or fund) psychology programs. As psychology was a newest science when compared to physics and chemistry...received smallest financial
support, so need to proof that psychology is useful in solving social, educational and industrial problem in order to improve budgets. An emerging
societal problem was a dramatic increase in public school enrollment, which opened doors for some psychologists. Thus, the focus of psychology
shifted towards the application in solving real–world problem.
[Why established in German?
пЃ®Its intellectual history – scientific rather than philosophic.
пЃ®Germany temperament emphasized on inductive approach rather than philosophical deduction, and this enhanced psychology developed as a hard
пЃ®It also had a broader definition of science.
пЃ®Economic condition ensured that universities were well–financed with highly paid faculty and advanced laboratory equipment
пЃ®Academic freedom allowed teachers and students free to choose what they wanted to teach and learn.
пЃ®More jobs with well–paid available
пЃ®Ideal environment.....................]
–Founder of new psychology (experimental).
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Romanticism In The Awakening
Romanticism can be characterized by its emphasis on emotion and individualism as well as glorification of all the past and nature. There was a
strong recourse to historical and natural inevitability, a Zeitgeist, in the representation of its ideas. That there is this spirit that All people aim for
freedom and most fall short to reach their ultimate goal of total freedom. I will argue that Edna Pontellier and Hegel are trying to find freedom
during their era, but are unable to reach it. In "The Awakening," by Kate Chopin, we find our main character Edna who has this longing for
freedom and no matter what she tries she feels trapped in a society that she feels intrudes on her freedom. During this time in age, Edna is expected
to perform her domestic duties and care for the health and happiness of her family. In this time of the Zeitgeist, victorian women were prevented
from seeking the satisfaction of their own wants and needs. During Edna's gradual awakening, she discovers her own identity and acknowledges her
emotions and desires actually are. The water symbolizes freedom, escape, independence. Edna's awakening truly begins in the water, because this is
where she learned how to swim. This was something she has always previously been afraid of and after this incident, her mind begins to turn with
new possibilities of independence and the future. "As she swam, she seemed to be reaching out for the unlimited in which to lose herself (Chopin, p.
32)." This event in her life
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Personalistic and Naturalistic Theory Essay
The study of history enables a society to understand the present better, prevent one from thinking the past is always better, and aids in the
understanding of human nature. Psychology is an ever changing and evolutionary field. Recent years have presented numerous changes and increasing
interest by many individuals, which have been inspired to help enhance the growth of modern psychology (Woodworth, 1918, p. 1). The use of the
certain tools that have been deemed to be reliable in the fields of biology and physical sciences have been implemented in modern psychology to aid
in the fields' growth to take on an identity of its own (Schultz & Schultz, 2004, p. 2). This paper will discuss the personalistic and naturalistic theory and
how the two ... Show more content on ...
The reasoning for the lack of recognition on the behalf of Vesalius and Harvey has been contributed to the personalistic theory. According to the
definition of the personlistic theory, Vesalius and Harvey were not considered as great men of their generation and did not possess the uniqueness to
cause a great impact on society.
The personlistic theory does not consider the facts of the historian studies, even though there was sufficient evidence to support their theories.
However, according to the zeitgeist steps in order to attempt to explain this by being the spirit of that generation was not open to the new idea's of
these two men, and therefore, their theories were rejected by that generation. According to McCauley, the definition of a zeitgeist is "spirit of times"
McCauley (2008, p. 10). Zeitgeist is believed to be the compelling drive to cause major changes in history through unknowing forces. Social,
economic, and political forces are considered as a part of zeitgeist theory to influence the ever changing field of psychology Schultz & Schultz (2012,
p. 11). Dean Keith Simonton a known researcher of leadership, talent, and esthetics describes zeitgeist as follows:
"The traditional explanation of multiples is founded on what can be called the zeitgeist theory of creativity. According to this social deterministic view,
the individual creator is largely
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The Glass Castle Zeitgeism
While the era of the 1970s brought various memorable people and moments, it was also a time when several individuals went through the process of
discovering their self identity. In the novel The Glass Castle by Jeannette Wells, she shares her adventure of finding herself, which took place during
this era. These ideas that explain the mood during this time period is known as the Zeitgeist. This specific Zeitgeist took place during the 1970s and
deals with one searching for their self identity. During this time, people were losing and searching for who they were, and it brought several thoughts
about self identity into this period. This Zeitgeist connected to the cultural trends because it was common for people to move to large cities, such...
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Several of these poems were about how people were losing themselves. Most of them were caught in a situation that caused them to lose who they
are. This causes people to either go crazy or continue doing what they know because they do not understand anything else. These nonfiction
readings exemplify this Zeitgeist because they each explain how someone went through the journey of finding who they are. In, "Straw Into Golds:
The Metamorphosis of the Everyday," by Sandra Cisneros she writes about her life and how she went into achieving beyond her dreams. This also
ties into, "They Live the Dream," by Dan Rathe, where he writes about several different people's stories and how each found their 'American
Dream.' He explains how there is not just one set American dream, everyone has their own individual one. Some may not achieve their dream, but we
all have created one. These art pieces exemplify this Zeitgeist because they each show how the artist sees themselves. In the painting by Chuck Close,
he creates a very realistic painting which is created by, "small dashes, dots of pigment, thumbprints, or applied pieces of colored paper." Jean–Michel
Basquiat's painting is also representing how he envisions himself. This painting looks kind of demon or monster–like. When one compares these two
paintings they can see how differently these artists portrayed
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Zeitgeist: Moving Forward: Movie Analysis
After watching the youtube video, Zeitgeist: Moving Forward 2011, it is evident that the video touches upon the many concepts discussed in
Chapter two of our Sociology book. Chapter two explains culture as a society or group of people that is defined by their language, arts, values,
beliefs, food, and customs. In everyday life, people are surrounded by material culture and nonmaterial culture. Material culture includes things like
jeans, chopsticks, or a jade necklace. Nonmaterial culture would consist of a society's core values, beliefs, and behaviors. The video Zeitgeist: Moving
Forward 2011 provides relevant topics to our content in chapter two.
One of the concepts that was discussed in both the video and the textbook is the view that genes influence human behavior. This view comes from the
sociobiology, which is the biological study of human and animal behaviors in life. People who made the claim that genes strongly influence human
behavior are called sociobiologists. In both the textbook and the movie, they both explain why this view is not considered accurate. The textbook gives
example of findings that show how genes influence human behavior; however, the findings fail to include the social environment that can have a ...
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This similarity among cultures is called cultural universals. Cultural universals concentrates on the overarching idea rather than focusing on the
specifics and details. An example from the textbook of a cultural universal is marriage. Marriage happens in all cultures but the rituals of marriage
and the age and gender of marriage is all different when thinking about specifics. A cultural universal discussed in the movie would be the desire for
money and power. Whether a country is ruled through democracy, communism, socialism, or a dictatorship, people will always value and strive to be
rich and obtain
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August Comte- Zeitgeist
Auguste Comte: Personalistic & Naturalistic Positions Claudette Spear Dr. Joan Hageman Northcentral University Abstract This paper will focus on
Auguste Comte, the founder of Sociology and how he uses both views of both Personalistic and Naturalistic positions in order to justify his findings.
Also it will explain how his personal feelings about numerous subjects greatly influenced his studies and works in which things were manipulated to
support his findings. Finally it gives an opinion as to the writers response of the view of Auguste Comte and how his views were formulated. The
personalistic and naturalistic positions in the history of psychological study are numerous... Show more content on ...
Making sense of the sciences is important to being able to use their mind and convey their emotions. Using one language to convey these feelings is
important to not only a person's personal growth but the emotional growth. Having emotional growth gives the person an opportunity to help others
achieve their own emotional maturity. Although some do not achieve this maturity, they will attempt to achieve this maturity at some level in their
lives. Comte's theories were seen as a type of new religious experience. "Comte also founded the social sciences, and it is important to remember in
our more cynical times the ideals to which they aspired. Comte and other early social scientists assumed that human behavior must obey laws just as
strict as Newton's laws of motion, and that if we could discover them, we could eliminate moral evils –– in exactly the same way that medical scientists
were then discovering how diseases worked and were eliminating much of the physical suffering which had always been an inevitable part of the
human condition" ( Seeing suffering as routine, Comte gives the sense that he has seen a lot of suffering in his life and does not
internalize this because it is an every day occurrence. Treating trauma as this makes Comte seem detached from the reality of suffering. Positivism has
had it share of stereo types. Positivists
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Woodrow Wilson Zeitgeist Essay
Zeitgeist: During President Wilson's zeitgeist was greatly influenced by the Civil war, which led Wilson to be apprehensive about bringing the United
States into World War I when he became president. Wilson became the president of Princeton University on June 9, 1902 where he constantly worked
to reform the education and social aspects of Princeton, which were called the Preceptorial System, where he hoped to bring students and teachers
together in engaging in the learning process. He viewed the creating of an educational community as a duty to, "take men and reintroduce them to the
country as it is; to make them forget the interest of their fathers and to see how the interests of all the people are linked together," (Clements, 29). Where
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During his presidency at Princeton, he fought against clubs based on exclusivity, where his progressive reforms clashed with the wealthy trustees.
Wilson was more concerned with forming a system where students would be encouraged to self–learn and have access to their professors as well as
having a community that would not only benefit the wealthy and privileged students. During his presidency, Wilson instigated various reforms to
benefit the population where the reformations ensured that the U.S government would work towards improving the livelihood of its citizens. In an
interview with John Reed following his inauguration, Reed stated that President Wilson was, "more interested in principles than in politics," (Cooper,
125) which demonstrates how President Wilson was concerned with public service, where he utilized his legal background to understand the ideologies
and philosophies that lay behind ordinances and policies where he wanted to achieve the fundamentals of a progressive government. Wilson established
the Federal Trade Commission to investigate and seize unfair business practices, enacted the Adamson Act to establish right–hour work days and
pushed Congress to enact the Underwood–Simmons Act to reduce the tariff on imports from
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Hip Hop And Rap Music
In hip–hop and rap, one of the most important aspects of the songs is the words. It is all about the meaning and the kind of message or story the artist
is trying to convey to the listener. One artist who has emerged in the last 27 years who exemplifies this part of hip–hop, is George Watsky, or as he is
more commonly known as, Watsky. Watsky, a progressive hip
–hop artist, draws upon the roots and stylings of early and 90s hip–hop, while also
adding contemporary social commentary into his poetic lyrics as one of the more thoughtful progressive hip–hop artists of the 21st century. When
hip–hop artists first began adding social commentary into their lyrics, the zeitgeist of the times was a time of disenfranchisement, violence, poverty,...
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Since hip–hop was first introduced, there has been a rise in inequality and racial tensions, which has resulted in more segregated schools and
neighborhoods, more discrimination and more violence than ever before. As a white artist, Watsky added his own perspective on this zeitgeist with
his song "Color Lines (feat. Catch Wreck)." Within his song, Watsky's raps highlight the white person's role in the formation of this society, with
lyrics such as "lynch trees have the same white limbs/ check out my arms, I look just like him." While with another verse, Catch Wreck responds
with lyrics such as "let's you and I get one thing straight/ the game never been equal, ain't no food on my plate/ I gave birth to this and you just took it
and co–opted it and profited/ and packed it and wouldn't give me half of it." This back and forth between Catch Wreck and Watsky not only illustrates
the divide in society and the growing racial tensions that has been accumulating for decades, but it also adds in the style from the roots of hip–hop,
known as the dozens. The dozens are a style of rapping in which one which one verbally duels with another. This duel is clearly shown when Catch
Wreck says, "All you gotta do is get past the guilt/ we ain't living in a house that master built/ if you understand that, tell your people what you know
/ because one of 'em got enough money to pay back what you owe" and Watsky
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Modern Psychology : The Scientific Study Of Mind And...
The following essay will focus on the emergence of modern psychology, presently understood to be the "scientific study of mind and behaviour".
Philosophy and experimental physiology have been influential in creating a favourable zeitgeist that ultimately allowed for the transformation of an
ancient discipline into the scientific study of the mind.
It was 1879 before psychology officially became a science. Previously philosophers endeavoured to understand human nature and the links between the
body and the mind – formerly referred to as the soul. In fact, the main concerns of today 's psychology, reflect themes that intrigued humanity for
thousands of years. "Psychology has a long past but a short history" (Ebbinghaus, 1908). Therefore ... Show more content on ...
His contribution has seen him labelled by some as the founder of modern psychology (Prado, 2009).
During the 17TH century under the encouragement of Descartes, one of the most influential rationalists of this period, interactions of the body and
mind provoked multitudinous debates. Descartes accepted dualism, the metaphysical stance that mind and body are essentially separate entities, two
distinct substances with different natures that interact, mutually influencing one another. The body being mortal, a machine that followed mechanical
laws whereas, the mind was immortal, a spiritual being.
Descartes theory, the pineal gland is a unique organ situated in the centre of the brain, where all thoughts are processed (Berhouma, 2013). Thought to
be mechanical like in their interaction, the mind would accept impressions from the eyes and ears; they would unite in the pineal gland to be
considered by the soul, here they would influence the body, for instance, generating the body to move. Whereas the body would create impressions on
the pineal gland through nerves, for example, touch, shaping the mind to produce sensations (Mehta, 2001). Descartes believed the mind created two
types of ideas, derived and innate, those resulting from external stimuli (sensory experience) and those from consciousness.
The acceptance of
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The Characteristics Of Gothic Literature In Bram Stoker's...
Gothic literature is a form of literature that combines fiction, horror, death, and sometimes romance. Gothic novels combine elements of medieval
romance with the modern novel because Horace Walpole; the first known gothic author, deemed medieval romance as too fanciful and modern novels
too realistic. The stories traditionally include a threatening mystery and numerous clues and dramatic irony. There is also a trend of a monstrosity or
monster figure to appear. They do not exude obvious sources of danger, but the horrors are internalized and discreet. The monster might perhaps live
with its victim, invading domestic spaces and increases the levels of terror. Another trait of gothic literature includes the psychological traits and
ailments that can be attributed to the characters. The psychologic aspect adds layers of complexity and depth, enhancing the plots in Gothic literature
from a two dimensional horror story to a multi dimensional exposГ© on the human condition. Additionally, lead characters often represent the
"zeitgeist," the spirit of the time, with their occupations, familial structures, and personality traits. Psychology offers insights towards the scope of
cultural change.
In Bram Stoker's gothic novel, Dracula, Jonathan Harker falls victim to a vampire while attempting to finalize a real estate deal for his boss. He
travels from London to Transylvania to stay for few days in the property that he is dealing with. Throughout the novel, Harker exhibits narcissistic
traits that parallel with the victorian era's zeitgeist of a dominant male figure. Harker's self obsession blinds him from very apparent warnings. Had
he either acknowledged or heeded these warnings, he could have prevented a string of deaths and tragedy. Because Harker is so absorbed in his
assumed role in society, he risks the lives of himself and others. Narcissism is a psychological condition that was first identified in 1898, one year
after Dracula's publication. The root of the word comes from the Greek God "Narcissus," a huntry from Thespiae who was known for beauty. He
was proud and scorned those who loved him. Narcissus was attracted to a pool where he viewed his own reflection in the water and fell in love with it.
He was
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Historical And Cultural Context In The Great Gatsby By F....
Contexts often help readers to understand and perceive the text the way it was intended by the author to be perceived. When studying any piece of
literature, it is important that there is a basic understanding of historical and cultural contexts since it plays a crucial part in enhancing the reader's
interpretation or reading of the text. A reader's knowledge and understanding of historical and cultural contexts can influence and enhance their
interpretation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's famous classic novel, The Great Gatsby. A basic understanding of American historical and cultural contexts such as
the Prohibition era, the Jazz Age, Cornelius Vanderbilt and the American Dream, allows a reader to interpret The Great Gatsby as a text that captures...
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Understanding the Prohibition era, the prosperity it brought, and it's effects on the American society during the 1920s enhances my interpretation of
The Great Gatsby. Having knowledge about the Prohibition era allows me to experience the novel through a lens that shows how Fitzgerald
portrayed the 1920s as a time of decayed values. The Prohibition era, dated between mid 1920 to early 1933, was period in American history when
the manufacture, transportation and sale of intoxicating liquors were banned and forbidden because of the increase in violence and illegal activities.
During the Prohibition, there was a sudden rise in capitalism through illegal sale and production of liquor, which is known as "bootlegging". The
character of Jay Gatsby is an example of how Fitzgerald depicted the decayed values of the 1920s. In the novel, Tom Buchanan accused Gatsby of
having little stunts in his "drug–stores", he was adamant that Gatsby "sold grain alcohol over the counter" arguing that its probably where all of his
wealth came from and "picked him for a bootlegger" (page 109).
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Technical Limitations Of The Zeitgeist
Zeitgeist Zeitgeist is a German word that was first used in 1848. The literal translation thereof is "the spirit of the time." The Zeitgeist is the essence
of an era, and is more than simply slapping a few neon colours onto a design and saying that it captures the "Zeitgeist" of the 1980s. Zeitgeist consists
of the emotions, attitudes and morals that are at the heart of every person in a time period. It is the main thought processes and beliefs that create and
direct the actions and styles of an era. Zeitgeist can be represented in the literature, philosophy and the designs of that time. Zeitgeist can be crucial to
designers as it can allow them to connect directly with the emotions and values of their customers if they completely understand the Zeitgeist of the
modern era. This understanding also gives designers the opportunity to step away from the Zeitgeist and leave a big impression on the consumer
market. Zeitgeist is the product of the circumstances and technical limitations of an era, as these can drastically influence the general outlook of the
people within a time period. For example, as explained by the Merriam–Webster online dictionary, the Zeitgeist of Victorian England was the belief in
pure industrial progress, while the Zeitgeist of 1980s United States was the belief in money and one's ability to spend it. Alexander McQueen was a
fashion designer born in London in 1960. Once he graduated with a Master of Arts in 1992, he founded his own, self–titled music
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Depictions of Saint Sebastian in Visual Art and Music Essay
Depictions of Saint Sebastian in Visual Art and Music
Zeitgeist, a German term often attributed to philosopher Georg Hegel (1770–1831), literally means "the spirit of the time." Zeitgeist is founded upon
the understanding that a dominant school of thought–be it political, social, philosophical, or other–influences the culture of a specific period in time and
that the art and thinking of that period influence one another. Zeitgeist presumes that culture and art are therefore faithfully united, since an artist is the
product of his or her time.
This semester, in comparing works of visual art and opera and particularly between works of the same time period, many parallels emerge. But beyond
the scope of individual time periods (e.g., ... Show more content on ...
There is something very human and clearly very comfortable in these figures, which artists and society throughout the centuries deeply cherish.
Whatever that might be, the medium of art itself has been strong enough to carry through history these most famous figures of the human race and
make them present and relevant to individuals from vastly diverse times.
Saint Sebastian was an early Christian saint and martyr, which is somebody who is killed for his or her faith. The Catholic Church acknowledges a
great number of martyrs and individuals it deems representative of a Christ–inspired life–and marks them by sainthood. Sebastian was said to have
been killed during Roman emperor Diocletian's great persecution of Christians.
Diocletian (Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus Augustus) was Roman emperor from 284 to 305. He was deeply loathed and regarded as "the
embodiment of irrational ferocity" by Henry Chadwick, a prominent British theologian and historian who died in 2008. It was during Diocletian's
bloodbath "Great Persecution" of Christians that there were alleged to have been as many as 17000 martyrs within a single 30–day period, which begat
the expression "Era of the Martyrs," or more commonly, "the Diocletian Era." Historians looking back and researching Diocletian have determined that
perhaps some of the stories of Christian martyrdom from the Diocletian era had been exaggerated or embellished
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The Influence Of The Zeitgeist In The 1960s
"Zeitgeist is a word that comes straight from German – zeit means "time" and geist means spirit, and the "spirit of the time" is what's going on
culturally, religiously, or intellectually during a certain period. Think about how something like Woodstock symbolized the 1960s: Woodstock
was part of the Zeitgeist of the 1960s. Whatever seems particular to or symbolic of a certain time is likely part of its Zeitgeist." During every time
period or era, there was and is and forever will be something that will be Zeitgeist representative of the time. The likes of Elvis Presley being the
Zeitgeist of the 1950's Rock and Roll scene often referred to as 'The King of Rock and Roll', to Metallica in my opinion one of the most influential
bands of metal and also being one of the most successful band commercially, all the way to the modern day times where I think we have many
'Zeitgeist' representatives, for example Justin Bieber and One... Show more content on ...
They learnt how to survive on their wits, their flair for improvisation, their innate cockiness – and on a steady stream of uppers." Hamburg seemed like
the place that there were a lot of things going on, the five piece at the time were young and for the first time they were exposed to the world of
prostitutes and gangsters. They were also being paid to play music for the first time. But it was not the Rock and Roll lifestyle, not one bit. As they
moved from one residency gig to another the gigs became longer and more frequent. They were playing right through the night with few and far
breaks inbetween often starting in the evening to the early hours of the following morning. John Lennon said; "Every song lasted 20 minutes and had
20 solos in it. That's what improved the playing. There was nobody to copy from. We played what we liked best and the Germans liked it as long as it
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The World Of Yesterday, By Anthea Bell
Stefan Zweig's The World of Yesterday originally published in 1942 and translated into English in 2009 by Anthea Bell is a perceptive memoir that
skillfully recounts the life of Zweig (a Jewish middle class male) beginning with his childhood in Vienna, Austria pre–World War I and ends right
before Zweig's suicide in 1942. During his account, Zweig provides critical commentary on various historical events that is invaluable when it comes
to putting these events in the context of the everyday life of the individuals living through them. He also provides accounts of many societal structures
as well as of interesting individuals that are not necessarily important in the grand scheme of things but help the reader build a more complete picture
of the period. Throughout the book, Zweig maintains a cautionary as well as a didactic tone that attempts to caution the reader about how society can
change so drastically and rapidly. Overall, Zweig's book is an excellent memoir that helps put major historical events into context; however, the book
also has some problems that undermine the delivery of the cautionary message of the book. This book is a memoir by Stefan Zweig that recounts his life
and critically analyses some of the major world events that Zweig lived through. The setting at the beginning of the book is Vienna, Austria in the
Pre–World I years, by the end of the book the setting has changed many times because the author travels throughout Europe namely to Paris, Berlin,
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The Lord Of The Flies Zeitgeism Essay
A zeitgeist embodies the mood and spirit of a certain era in history. Although it isn't fully understandable to the readers and the authors themselves, the
set of ideals and beliefs that dominate the actions taken by the members of society provide a simple basis of understanding of a time period. Lord of
the Flies, by William Golding, focuses on a post–apocalyptic WWll world, in which a group of British schoolboys is left stranded on a deserted island
without any adult supervision. These innocent children, in time, turn to savagery as the absence of order shifts them towards a more primitive society.
These turn of events, captured through the eyes of the adolescence, expresses Golding's feelings of the evil nature of man and how even the purest...
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All the boys within the novel except Simon begin to turn to savagery shortly after they realize that they would much rather have fun and play games
than get their priorities straight, such as getting off the island. This can be supported by the fact that Simon, a holy figure, realizes the presence of a
beast on the island, and how in time, it is to be revealed through Simon's thoughts that "maybe it's only us"(Golding 82). The concept of this novel
serves as a counterpart to another novel called The Coral Island, written during the late 1850's, almost a century before the publication of the Lord of
the Flies (Text 2). Instead of boys turning to savagery, The Coral Island captures the essence of the innocence, and how the nature of unlawfulness is
ineffective to their behavior. The Lord of the Flies, in response to its counterpart, captures the true meaning of a zeitgeist, and how it embodies the
mood of certain eras within
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Rene Descartes: The Personalist vs. the Naturalist Viewpoint
We can use the word history in so many ways and it can have so many meanings and usages. We often find that using the term history without
considering the underlying concepts can be troublesome at best. In some instances we use the word history to articulate an actual event that has
happened prior to today. We can also say history to show a timeline that includes a group of events or actions. We try to learn from history but often
find ourselves repeating the patterns depending on if we have learned anything previous history, sometimes repeating because we did learn effective
uses of past history. We want things to be consistent, in our minds we want to repeat those things that went well and avoid the things that did not. So
many... Show more content on ...
He separated the mind and the body into two separate and very different parts. The mind was considered a non–material object. This concept of mind
did not follow any of the laws of nature. He viewed the body as the material part of the person which contained tubes that would carry thoughts from
the mind, almost as a rope on a marionette would to help the body move. Ironically, Descartes who was credited with mind body separation has been
buried with his head/mind in one place and his body in yet another due to his coffin being too short. (Thorne, 1999)
Sometimes referred to as the "great man" theory, the personalistic theory states that there are few individuals that we deem different or unique and
that they are created with an extraordinary inner quality that gives them abilities to perform extraordinary tasks. From a scientific perspective or
history this ability would then give them the ability to change history, to create new things with nothing more than just their mind. They can shape the
way we think and the way we do things with little more than ideas or concepts. As a society we may consider them "genius". That individual shapes
not only his life by his individulal behaviors but also the lives of others (E.G. Boring, 1950). We often refer to things as someone's idea, theory, or
belief and this personalistic view shows that personalism vs. naturalism still exists in today's society. Great leaders like Martin Luther King, Hitler,
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Comparing Rear Window And Cornell Woolrich's It Had To Be...
"Genres are not systems, they are a process of systematisation."(Neale 1980). Genres are both a method of nomenclature, dividing literature according to
its style, subject and context. Genre constantly re–imagines, challenges, and expands its boundaries to reflect zeitgeist of the society at the time and to
become a barometer of the social and cultural concerns of the audience. Likewise, crime fiction as a genre has evolved from traditional conventions.
Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window and Cornell Woolrich's It had to be Murder, whilst obeying and selectively utilising a few original conventions,
manifest the ideology and social concerns of the postwar 1950s society in aspects of the modus operandi of the investigation, gender roles and the shift
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In contrast, Lisa Fremont, Jefferies' lover, whilst staying true to the convention of an intuitive, female detective, also explores the role of female
companions by acting as a physical extension for Jefferies. She employs acts of sleuthing by bravely acquiring key evidence such as the wedding ring,
while disregarding her safety. The shot of Thorwald's violence against Lisa is captured with long shot technique in thefilm Rear Window. This again
reminds the audience that they are seeing through Jefferies' eyes and reinforces the need for a physical sidekick to assist the crippled immobile
protagonist. Hitchcock reflects on the late First Wave Feminism movement in the 1950s, by placing women in more active and dominant roles when
solving crimes, highlighting the growing roles of women in society (Gender.cawater–, n.d.). Woolrich in his story, It Had to murder, replaces
both Lisa and Stella with a male character Sam. This delineating adherence to traditional gender roles, disregarding the value of female intuition..
Whilst Rear Window employs the conventional characterisation of females in Golden Age crime fiction, It Had to be Murder subverts these, adhering
to the traditional roles, reflecting resistance to female rights in
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Call Of The Wild As A Zeitgeist Analysis
The Call of the Zeitgeist
Jack London's The Call of the Wild is a novel written during the literary era of Naturalism. It is about a pampered dog, Buck, who was thrown into
the Alaskan wilderness and becomes part of a team of sled dogs. Eventually, he becomes the leader of a wolf pack. Naturalism takes place during a
time in America known as the Gilded Age. During the Gilded Age, the ideas ofSocial Darwinism take hold. Social Darwinism is "a term scholars use to
describe the practice of misapplying the biological evolutionary language of Charles Darwin to politics, the economy, and society" ("Social
Darwinism in the Gilded Age"). But how is London's novel a zeitgeist of Naturalism? Jack London's The Call of the Wild is a zeitgeist of Naturalism
with its usage of Atavism, and a key ideology of Social Darwinism, which is the survival of the fittest.
As mentioned before, London's novel is about Buck, who lives a comfortable life on a Californian estate. However, Buck gets kidnapped by a
gardener, so that he could pay off his gambling debts, and sold to Alaskan sled drivers. When he arrives in Alaska, a friend he made on the trip
over, is killed horrifically when she attempts to befriend a dog who attacks her. Another dog, Spitz, laughs at her death and develops a rivalry with
him. Over the course of the novel he starts to subvert Spitz's command and ultimately fights him, winning and becoming the leader of his sled team.
However, the sled team gets new drivers by inexperienced people joining the search for gold. Their inexperience causes some dogs to die from
exhaustion. On one trail, a man, John Thornton, tells the drivers that the ice is dangerous because it is too thin. They refused to listen to him, but
Buck was too tired to move, causing one of the drivers to start clubbing him. Despite Buck's beatings, he refused to get up, resulting in Thornton
stepping in and taking him, saving him from death. A new dog is put in place as leader and they move on the trail, but they fall through the ice and
into the frigid river where they presumably die. Under Thornton's ownership, Buck has nothing much to do, save for small tasks, as Thornton is busy
prospecting for gold. It is during this time that "call of the wild"
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Debunking 9/11 Myths: Rhetorical Analysis
Objectivity is largely debated when questioning the ability to trust a source. It is common that texts, movies, and other media sources have biases
when giving their interpretation of an event, regardless if the source desires to be as objective as possible, or not. In other words, it is difficult to stay
100% objective when demonstrating your opinion on a topic. The 9/11 debate is widespread among the American public, and even much of the world.
Some individuals and groups are passionate in proving there is a greater conspiracy at work by the American government, while on the other hand some
citizens choose not to think about 9/11. Complete objectivity is hard to achieve, although Debunking 9/11 Myths is the most objective source because
it presents both sides with little subjectivity.... Show more content on ...
They demonstrate both sides and highlight the argument surrounding the 9/11 conspiracy theory. Firstly, the title is called Debunking 9/11 Myths,
which is used similarly to the way "Zeitgeist" broke down the "9/11 myth." Both sides are claiming that their opposing argument is overwhelmingly
false. In Debunking, the text presents the claim made by many who believe in the conspiracy theory. In this text, the authors present scientific facts that
debunk the theories they presented as claims. This is a more objective way to discuss the 9/11 conspiracies because they are presenting both sides of the
argument, unlike any other source discussed before. The tone is undermining to the other side. For instance, even on the back cover it states: "The
investigation focuses on concrete facts rather than political theories, and its conclusion are supported by hard evidence..." So, the text only
contemplates the evidence that can be debunked scientifically. The text is objective to the extent of their overarching opinion, in which 9/11 was not
an inside job constructed by the American government but a terrorist
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The Impact Of Applied Psychology On The Field Of Psychology
Consider the Impact of Applied and Behaviorist Psychology on the Field
In this paper I will discuss the impact that applied and behaviorist psychology has had on the field of psychology. J. R. Angell at the University of
Chicago is possibly one of the most advanced of the functional psychologists, predicted that American psychology was prepared for better objectivity. In
1910, he stated that it is possible that the term consciousness would more than likely vanish from psychology, even more than the term soul had
vanished (p. 209).
The most significant impact on the field of psychology was the explication of consciousness and its functions. During the early 20th century,
psychology began to changed dramatically; Therefore, consciousness had ... Show more content on ...
Angell also viewed the introspective study of consciousness as one of the most important method of psychological research during the mid nineteenth
century (Schultz & Schultz, 2012).
What persons or ideas in early behaviorism would carry out the trend that Angell predicted?
During the nineteenth century, most psychologists viewed the emergence of functionalism as being evolutionary rather than revolutionary. Therefore,
the primary difference was in the subject matter of their study; while structuralism attempted to examine and describe regulations concerning
psychological practices, functionalism was the trend that was considered to be more teleological challenging, and focused more on the concept of how
and why.
As a reaction of structuralism, functionalism emerged during the twentieth century. In comparing structuralism and functionalism, functionalism is
believed to have a more significant role in the development and subject matter of psychology. Although, the role of functionalism was considered to be
strong it was not exclusive because behaviorism was considered by most to be the most dominant trend of psychology.
John B. Watson (1878–1958) was one of Angell's most promising students at the University of Chicago. Watson (1913) eventually became founder of
the behaviorist school of psychology. He carried out the trend of Angell's theoretical prediction in early behaviorism and became the first American
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Analysis Of Zeitgeist : Addendum
Zeitgeist: Addendum is a very controversial film that sheds some light on many major political and economic events that have occurred within the
past 100 years. It discusses these events in a way that makes one think about all the intricacies and not just the big picture that the media feeds to the
public. It's creator, Peter Joseph has been dubbed a conspiracy theorist because of his films. Addendum dives into the realm of all the ins and outs of
the monetary system of government that developed countries revolve around (Joseph, 2008). Along with exposing these ideas of thought, Joseph gives
clarity to many major catastrophic past events, and how they all relate to the American monetary system. The beginning of the film describes the
complex system that the US government uses to create money, working with the Federal Reserve to print more and more money without valuation to
it, and as they print more currency, each dollar becomes devalued (Joseph, 2008). Joseph states that with the current system, there is no way to have
money without having debt, and without money we wouldn't have debt, essentially a paradox not having one without the other. The dilemma with this
is that although someone may have $100 in their pocket, that money isn't worth anything because the Federal Reserve and the US Government are
constantly printing more and more money, devaluing each dollar bill more by the second. Another dilemma described in the film is many of the
political and military
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Romanticism Essay
пѓ 1749(–1832): Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born (writer).
пѓ 1762: "Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains." Jean–Jacques Rousseau.
пѓ 1770(–1840): Neo–Classicism
пѓ 1770(–1850): William Wordsworth (writer) was born.
пѓ 1770: Industrial Revolution had an influence on the Romantic period.
пѓ 1785: Grim Brothers.
пѓ 1789: French Revolution.
пѓ 1800 Start of Romanticism
пѓ 1802(–1885): Victor Hugo (writer) was born.
пѓ 1802(–1870): Alexandre Duman, sr. (writer) was born.
пѓ 1803: Romanticism welcomes Christianity.
пѓ 1813: The Waltz accepted introducing a new era socializing and new music.
пѓ 1813: Jane Austen publishes Pride and Prejudice.
пѓ 1814: Fall of Napoleon, Monarchy restored by ... Show more content on ...
Romanticism was a European movement, between 1800 through to 1850. It was and artistic, intellectual, and literary movement (
The emphasis of Romanticism is on the imagination and emotion and it started as reaction against the Industrial Revolution, which emphasized
commercial production as well as a response to the disillusionment with the Enlightenment values of reason and order caused by the ending of the
French Revolution (1789).
The Romanticism was a period in which certain ideas and attitudes arose; intellect became the dominant mode of expression. Expression was everything
to the Romantics; art, music, poetry, drama, literature and philosophy (The History guide). The Romantics opted for a life of the heart and appreciated
diversity in man and nature.
Change – The Romantics were liberals and conservatives, revolutionaries and reactionaries. Some were preoccupied with God, others were atheistic to
the core. The Romantics saw diversity and uniqueness – those traits created diversity between man and nations. The Romantics exclaimed, "Dare to
be!" (The History guide).
The old order –– politics and the economy –– seemed to be falling apart and raised the threat of moral disaster. There need to build and reshape new
systems of discipline and order grew. The era was full of innovative ideas and new art forms.
Zeitgeist – "Hegel's idea of the zeitgeist, the "spirit of the age," the ghostly
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Little Albert And Ethical Controversy
Examine the Historical and Ethically Controversial Case of Little Albert
For many decades, psychological testing and theories has played a significant role in psychology and has always raised a concern in regards to ethics.
Ethics is simply about knowing the difference between right and wrong. Therefore, in psychology, researchers have a moral responsibility to protect
their participants from harm. In this week assignment, I will examine the ethical controversy that has caused many questions and concerns about the
episode of John Watson and The Little Albert Experiment.
The Little Albert experiment was a study conducted by psychologists John B. Watson and his assistants, Rosalie Rayner during in the 1920s. The study
was conducted at John ... Show more content on ...
In 1957, a year before Watson death; he received a gold medal for his all of his contribution to psychology from the American Psychological
Association. After moving to New York in 1921, Watson gained an interest in the advertising business and later became a vice president in the J.
Walter Thompson advertising agency. However, he continues publishing books and articles in reference to his first love of psychology. In 1925
Watson published his book on Behaviorism, and later in 1928 he published a book titled, Psychological Care of Infant and Child. In addition, Watson
published a review of his first book on Behaviorism in 1930 (John Broadus Watson,
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Rosencrantz And Guildenstern And Religion
The 1960's were a time of exponential transformations in the political and social structure, procuring texts composed with the intention of enlightening
audiences of the shift in values and recent events, and undercurrent emotions such as frustration and pessimism. J. Miller believes that due to the
requirement of blind faith in words, the 1960's society ultimately raised "political questions about the limits of freedom and cultural questions too about
the authority of the past". Kubrick's 1964 satirical film Dr Strangelove reflects upon these questions, exploring notions of the frustration at the
equivocal nature of authority, and the fear of the unknown. Additionally, Stoppard's absurdist play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (1966) delves deeper...
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Individuals questioning the foundations of society were "the minority, [but] numbers were still sufficient and beliefs strong and challenging", as
reflected in Stoppard's 1966 comic tragedy Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Stoppard satirises religion to reflect the existentialism crisis plaguing the
1960's society due to the loss of faith in traditional outlooks. A Biblical allusion is employed as the Lord's Prayer– and hence the basis of Christianity,
is ridiculed, asking to "give us this day our daily mask". This parody marks the loss of blind faith and respect towards those requesting total credence.
The conservative and the philosophical stances of the 1960's are personified through the characters Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, respectively. The
audience is permitted an insight into the paradigms of the era, comparing conventional outlooks against the cynical musings of individuals regarding
existentialism and fate in the face of impending death. Angela Carter believes that there is no "denying that toward the end of the decade everyday
life ... took on the air of a continuous improvisation". These sentiments are the basis of the 1960's era, where "all [they] have to go on" are the
formation and breakages of archetypes. Characteristics of the 1960's also include the disgruntlement at the enigma of destiny, each aiming for a fate
where "no boundaries have been defined, no inhibitions imposed." The play allows the audience an insight to the tumultuous era in which individuals
were left powerless to determine their own fates, particularly in the face of hollow words from the government whilst the media promoted potential
death. Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (1966) reflects the importance of "words [being] all we have to go on" through adopting the absurdist
theatre notion of the meaninglessness of the human condition. This is in response to
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Angell's Belief in Functionalism and John Watson's Belief...
It was also suggested by Angell(1913) that consciousness was best if forgotten and there should be a objective method of describing animal and
human behavior but also believed that if it were to exist , it should definitely be of some use for an organism .
The statement also suggests that it was not only John Watson the founder of behaviorism who proposed the idea rather it was thought about before
him. His rise and influence was probably because of introducing the idea at a time when it could be accepted by the time and tide of that period.
Psychology had been the study of mind from a very long time and was represented by the method of introspection defined as studying the mind by
analyzing the thoughts.
Angell's functionalism aimed to apply psychology and its methods to real life problems however the problem with both structuralism and functionalism
was that the methods were not reliable and introspection was considered to be a problem rather than a solution.
Psychology could not convince people of its usefulness and practical problem and the founder of behaviorism John Watson believed that both
structuralism and functionalism were subjective and introduced behaviorism as objective. (Moore ,2011) which was considered to be a transformation
from one phase of science to another . (Gardner ,1985)
Behaviorism has been believed to influence everyday life from parenting and learning to employee perks in organizations. It aims to study behavior
and how it can be changed, it
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Investigating The Expository Qualification And The Debate...
The objective of this task is to investigate the expository qualification and the debate between the Personalistic and Naturalistic position in the
originations of experimental history in psychological research, it likewise clarified the correlation between the two ideas and how the zeitgeist secured
the associations with each of these ideas. Zeitgeist portrays as the "spirit of the time" and amid the seventeenth and nineteenth hundreds of years. On
the occasion of the recorded advancement of exploratory psychological science, the two primary perspectives have developed. The personalistic are
enriched with an excellent in character of an individual providing for them an astounding thing, while the naturalistic portrays that no one but... Show
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This information has been separated from a mixture of sources and they show up here in completely arbitrary request. In the history of psychology it
was originally the branch of philosophy until the late 1800s, it examines the mental blueprints and behavior setting off again to the old Greeks
regardless is in its earliest stages. The authentic scenery of mind examination unfolds that various distinctive issues still exchanged words by specialists
today are set aside a few minutes' philosophical traditions.
Personalistic and Naturalistic
In considering the obvious progression of exploratory research, it explores two main views of the recorded headway, approaches to view the verifiable
improvement of the historical development of scientific psychology; these are the personalistic theory and the naturalistic theory. The personalistic
theory, also known as "great man/person,", it holds that a picked few individuals are novel in that they are contributing with a phenomenal internal
quality accommodating them the capability to do remarkable or uncommon things, but at the point when it applied to scientific history it is accepted
that this quality permits them to shape the course of that history with simply their plans or ideas.
Personalistic perspectives are still all things considered held even today. Ordinarily, when some individual is asked to name whose game plans and
emotions have changed the course of
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The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald
To what extent do you agree that Fight Club is an updated version of Great Gatsby that captures the zeitgeist of modernism?
F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby encompasses the flamboyant and morally corrupt society of 1920's America, whereas in contrast, C Palahniuk's
Fight Club addresses the sinister and nihilistic attitudes 70 years later. It is incomprehensible that these two novels would share anything in common;
however it is undeniable that Fight Club represents the continuation of the consumer culture and materialistic narcissism that The Great Gatsby
embodied so effectively. Palahniuk himself stated that "What I was writing was just The Great Gatsby, updated". Through comparing the different
attributes of the characters in both novels, Palahniuk shows the development of the zeitgeists of modernism in both novels and highlights the
repercussions that they have upon society. Both novels are enriched with symbolisms that portray the zeitgeist of their respective times and justify
Palahniuk's claim to having written the Great Gatsby updated. One theme that supports Palahniuk's claim is the emancipation of women.
The consequences of the emancipation of women have been represented within the form of Daisy in Great Gatsby whereas the progression of their
emancipation has been revealed in Palahniuk's Fight Club as portrayed by Marla Singer. In the beginning we are introduced to Daisy; a delicate and
perceptive woman who relishes her position in society but recognises the
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Design Problematization: The Role of Individual...
DESIGN PROBLEMATIZATION: the role of the individual preferences and beliefs in the design process
Several factors are to be taken into consideration in designing a structure. Among other things, the problem solving of the given "initial" problem, the
usage of the structure and the aesthetic outcome of the design are given the most importance when designing. What are usually placed at the bottom of
the priority in designing are those that deal with the qualitative qualities in designing. These left out qualities ranges from the intellectual to the
emotional. This goes the same for the decision–making process, more often than not, what is given more focus by both architecture professionals and
students is the process in answering or giving ... Show more content on ...
(HARFIELD, Steve, 2007)
Harfield has stated that architects and designers, work on a very self–centered approach. In the mindset of the architect, the schematic that he is
drawing is HIS design. The schematic is his design because he had approached the problem on his own, using only his knowledge on the nature of the
design and his view on how the problem should be developed and solved. (HARFIELD, Steve, 2007)
Through this scenario Harfield has shown that the "design problematization" does not start with the received initial problem, rather it starts when the
designer or architect chose to engage the generated problem from the brief of the initial problem. This is the stage of the designing process where the
design gets personalized and individualized, as this is where the designer approaches the design problem, although at times unconsciously, with his own
views, beliefs, biases and preference, assumptions and understanding of the problem.
To simplify this idea, Harfield said that each designer is looking through their own unique lens, which filters the world, the brief and the design they are
working on through his own understanding and ideology. Simply put, this means that a neutral and unbiased take on the given problem is already
impossible. (HARFIELD, Steve, 2007)
Personally, I agree to what Harfield said, when it comes to the idea of having "a different solution to
... Get more on ...
Dehumanization And How It Affects The History Of Psychology
Despite dehumanization being an important phenomenon in social psychology, it has been neglected by some philosophers. It has extensive
ramifications for moral philosophy. Study of dehumanization in psychological aspects is very crucial as it has implications for diverse areas as
conceptions of what is humanity, notions of racism and race, genocide and war. This paper will analyze slavery on concepts of dehumanization and
how it affected the history of psychology. Works of various prominent figures in the history of psychology will be analyzed, and their implications put
forth. The paper will further discuss and analyze how an individual's concepts contribute to the development of the modern psychology and how their
ideas are employed in the contemporary society.
In the 17th century, the colonists in both North America and Caribbean regarded and treated African slaves merely as subhuman creatures. An Anglican
clergyman of that period studied the aspects of slavery and how that influenced the African–Americans. He observed that slavery had three fundamental
components of dehumanization. The main concern was the association between the appearances of the slaves and their actual or real nature; they
believed that the Africans only resembled human beings but were not human beings. The second concern was attributed to the dehumanized population
human essence; the colonialists believed that the African lacked human essence. Finally, the colonialists
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The Personalistic Vs. The Naturalistic Viewpoint

  • 1. The Personalistic vs. the Naturalistic Viewpoint As far back as the time when man first discovered ways to communicate with one another he has attempted to understand and explain the course of historical events. In considering the historical development of scientific psychology two main views of the historical progress the field of science have emerged: personalistic theory and naturalistic theory. The personalistic theory often times called the "great man" theory holds that a chosen few individuals are unique in that they are endowed with an extraordinary inner quality giving them the ability to do extraordinary things. When applied to scientific history it is believed that this quality allows them to shape the course of that history with nothing more than their ideas. This... Show more content on ... It ignited a novel appeal to all kinds of machines that were being made not only for entertainment purposes but also for use in science and industry. Machines were now becoming familiar to people from all walks of life all over Western Europe. They were becoming an accepted way of life. The most important of all these machines to the history of modern psychology was the mechanical clock. Clocks at this time were sensational and amazing and had an enormous influence on human thought throughout all of society. They captured the essence of the doctrine of mechanism which was the underlying philosophy and the zeitgeist of the seventeenth century. The theory of mechanism held that natural processes were mechanically determined and could be explained through the sciences of physics and chemistry. It led the prominent thinkers to imagine and explain the universe in terms of operating as a great machine predictable, precise, and regular. Clocks shared these same characteristics, therefore, they became models of the universe for scientists and philosophers. One of the most noted philosophers agreeing with this idea was Rene Descartes(1596–1650). Descartes was born the second child in a family of two sons and one daughter on March 31, 1596 in France. He contracted tuberculosis from his mother who died from the disease just days after his birth. At the age of eight he was sent to a Jesuit school and was educated in ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Zeitgeist Negatives Today's zeitgeist has many positives and negative aspects. They range from the multitudes of today's technology to the activities we engage in. We use technology for nearly everything; for professional purposes, as well as for personal uses. We have cellular phones, computers, tablets (which are basically mobile computers), printers, iPods, cameras, camcorders, etc. With nearly everything we do, technology is involved in some way or another. Personally, I believe this has both positive and negative consequences. On a positive side, we complete tasks more quickly and efficiently, which lets us complete more tasks than ever before. We have access to an immeasurable amount of information, right at our fingertips. I wouldn't say this makes us more intelligent human beings, but it does give us the possibility to be. ... Show more content on ... We're able to learn about other societies and compare them to our own. This, and many other factors, makes technology a very positive aspect of our zeitgeist. However, there are many negative aspects as well. I believe that technology has made us a very lazy society. It is more of a rarity now to see people getting out into the world to gain knowledge. Everything is based on technology. Face–to–face communication is becoming even more rare. There are new products being developed every day, and yet, we do not really marvel at any of it anymore. It's not as spectacular to us anymore, even though it truly is a magnificent feat for us. Also, technology, andinternet can be very dangerous things. People often overlook the "privacy policies" they are signing, and have no idea what they're getting themselves ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Essay on Zeitgeist Zeitgeist Its acquaintance is inevitable so good luck at trying to escape from it. Zeitgeist is the spirit of the age, as the dictionary defines it to be, but in my own terms it is the paranoia or 'scream' of a given epoch. For instance, the international fads like high–speed Internet, diminutive cell phones that miraculously slide and fit comfortably in your jean pocket, and convenient photo–taking digital cameras reflect the zeitgeist of many developed countries of the past decade. We see these items all over place on expressway billboards and during the two–minute commercial breaks that disrupt whatever televised program happens to be on the screen. We even see them in the millions of ads... Show more content on ... By this blob inhabiting our carpeted floors, families absorb all of media's controversies and hot tittle–tattles – presidential sex scandals, suburban gangs, the deadly disease that is going to infect you next, and everything else that will make you run upstairs and lock the door. Enrenreich also informs us that the blob can no longer be stopped for it is everywhere and far out of reach to be confined. "Then, for the first time in human history, hundreds of millions of individual minds were wired together in a single teleneurological system, inhabiting a self–contained universe of image and jingle and slogan." (151) It's unfortunately true. We function in life based on what we have learned from the media. For example, before the arrival of the new millennium, from one news reporter to the next, word about Y2K's computer bug and the shutdown of all electrical systems horrified the world. Lines at supermarkets looked like army parades with their aligned frantic customers loading up on bottled water and batteries. The public has become so adapted to similar images of drama and fear that it now constantly produces more commotion after the previous crisis. It's simply a ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Summary Of Looking Backwards By Edward Bellamy In the second book, Looking Backwards, Edward Bellamy demonstrates the worldview question "what is the zeitgeist". In humanities zeitgeist is defined as the spirit of the times.Throughout the book Bellamy gives the reader different time frames to look at, to help examine the zeitgeist.The time frames presented in the book involve the 19th century and the 20th century. Bellamy distinguishes the time periods through his characters Julian West and Dr. Leete. All through the book, Julian West represents the 19th century aristocratic beliefs and Dr. Leete represents the 20th century utopia belief. With that, it is helpful for one to analyze the characteristics of the worldview features that are present in all cultural artifacts to understand the ... Show more content on ... Leete, the reader gains a better understanding of how much things have changed in the 20th century. The city of Boston, that was once spread out, has changed to more of a compact and busy area. Also, the buildings have changed into more modern structures with technology (pg.55). During his time with Dr. Leete and his family he sees that many things have changed, since the 19th century. One of the major things that have changed is that everyone lives on the same fixed income (pg.96). With their income they are allowed to spend it on whatever they see is important. Compared to the 1800's there are a variety of shopping stores that sell both; wants and needs. It is also important to note that music has changed, too. During the 19th century it was performed by individuals and bands live, but now one can listen to performers through technology (pg. 97). Even the political and economic systems have changed. For example, they use a "method of electing officials by votes of the retired members of guilds" (pg.147). Economically the country has gotten rid of private capital and they are able to calculate expected demand for goods and services. This is due to the fact the nation is the only producer of them. Another change involves trade with other countries. There is equality between women and men when it comes to jobs and opportunities. As a society they have put more emphasis on education and what it can provide for an individual, or a society. If the 19th ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Imperialism And Industrialism: The Zeitgeist Of Victorian... The zeitgeist of Victorian England is defined by a tumultuous climate of transition. Victorian England experienced multifarious development emphasised through English imperialism and industrialisation. England's transition into a newly industrialised age stimulated a substantial population shift from rural to urban areas, reflected in London's expansion from two to six million inhabitants during Victoria's reign. Moreover, England flourished not only domestically but expanded on an international front, where by the end of the 19th century nearly one–quarter of the earth's total land mass was subjected to British hegemony. Additionally, various advancements such as the steam engine stimulated urbanism and "gave Victorians new relations to time, ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Zeitgeists: A Short Story TIME after time it shrieks more and more, and I wanting to go back in time, to revisit them, knowing how impossible and illogical it is all. This week I found myself, out of utter whim, to be four years–old, again. I want to be that kid who worried about playing with his toys, his dolls, his cars, his airplanes and all that kinds of paraphernalia. All of a sudden, I betrayed them all for a laptop and a cell phone and books. I wish technology wouldn't have changed our lives; I wish it wouldn't have changed mine. My sole gratitude and bright side is that I was the last generation to experience a non–technology childhood; the zeitgeists are defined by a particular aspect, for me, it is a song, a film, a book, a color, something that has struck ... Show more content on ... Well, I had created one years ago, but I had not bothered in adhere a bit of information in there. That isn't a problem any longer, since I've just done it. I want to get to college already marketing myself and hopefully I will be able to obtain a "real" internship next year, not like the Macy's one where they have no clue of what to do with me, which I've repeated it three of four times. I must confess that I took the internship for three reasons, or maybe four: first, I didn't wanted to nurse my mother all day (she obnoxious); second, I didn't wanted anybody to comment that I stay at home all day long without doing anything (my parents, my family in Colombia, who need to know every action, words or thing I do, and my mother's friends); third there is money involved, entailing more money to have for the upcoming college days; and fourth the experience may open the doors to something new, a better internship, who knows? After all, it is all conquered if we go echelon by ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Critical Thinking Skills And The Little Albert Episode Critical Thinking Skills and the Little Albert Episode Ethics remains unavoidable in most disciplines, and psychology is no exception. John Watson's experiment deserves the current criticism because it failed to observe informed consent and protection from harm principle. The controversy arises from the principle of beneficence and non–maleficence. The principle requires psychologists, in this case, John Watson, and his student to benefit and care for his subjects. During the Experiment, Albert was nine–months–old. The age of the infants forms the first unethical behavior by Watson. The APA code requires psychologists to ensure justice, integrity, respect for people's rights and dignity, responsibility and fidelity, and beneficence and non–maleficence. The experiment is unethical as most of the activities did not practice justice and integrity to the involved human subject. The Little Albert experiment was conducted to underline the methods to an unlimited extent. Beneath the research among John Watson, and Rosalie Rayner's "Little Albert" there were many controversy behaviors linked to the code of ethics. During the controversial psychological study conducted the experiment among a nine month old child; Albert little, and Watson. The experiment was based on the emotional behavior of fear by Pavlov. He pursued to reveal how human being stimulus to the emotional responses of fear by contact. In 1920, the study by Watson exposed a 9 month baby; Albert to contact with several ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald To a great extent Palahniuk defines 'Fight Club' as the updated version of 'The Great Gatsby' as Palahniuk stated 'What I was writing was just The Great Gatsby, updated' as Fitzgerald's ideas undermine the challenges of a sycophantic culture where it corresponds with commodities that prevailed the 1920s Jazz age and led to its destructive nature. Both novels highlight how the zeitgeist of modernism has evolved over time. Hence, the novels formally being similar with surprisingly undisguised parallels in narrative structure, character dynamics and style, it emphasises the development of the commodity culture in America and its devastating impact on individuals over time. Therefore the portrayal of the American dream is widely compared on... Show more content on ... Therefore, Nick is 'spoon–fed' by other characters throughout the novel. This portrays Nick's lack of identity and purpose within the novel as he merely followed 'everyone' into the bond business. Fitzgerald uses Nick as a character to question the American Dream and the zeitgeist of modernism in the novel act as motifs to show Nick being seen as febrile since he is heavily influenced through narcissist wealth, where he epitomises Tom and characters like Gatsby; the upcoming rich. Furthermore, Suzanne Del Gizzo's Statement: "Throughout the book, Nick has difficulty connecting with people, particularly women, highlights his emasculation" this therefore supports the views of Nick being a weak and biased character towards Gatsby therefore it highlights Nick's 'emasculation' this then epitomises Nick as representing the ideal man, but more of a woman, who were dominated by men at this period of time, which shows why is why Nick idolised Gatsby. Similarly, Palahniuk's un–named narrator contrasts with Nick Carraway. The un–named narrator has multiple personality disorders; which has developed from the true reality of his occupation and the insecure world. This allows us to already question if the un–named narrator has full capability of telling us the story. The purpose of the un–named Narrator and Nick Carraway is to ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Explain How Coca Cola Changed American Culture Coca–Cola represents the zeitgeist of the area it changed Americas cultural since the first day it came out and till this day. When first made Coca–Cola was meant to be medicine to heal headaches when John Pemberton made it, but the drink first began with soda water by Joseph Priestly both drinks were made for medicine but end up being a social cultural changing beverage. Pemberton was so fascinated by gas that bubbled from fermentation vat, in other words fixed air. He started to experiment and that's when he came up with soda water, it was popular in America and in Europe. Everyone started to drink it, it moved from a medical beverage to a social beverage. Soda was so popular everyone was drinking from the poor to the rich; it became America's... Show more content on ... Coca–Cola was different from alcohol; you could drink Coca–Cola at anytime of the day and by any age. Coca–Cola actually thrived during the great depression, it brought happiness to the people, and it was an affordable drink. By the end of the 1930's Coca–Cola was powerful, it was a national institution and it was so popular that both the rich and the poor would drink" Coca–Cola had taken over the United States; now it was ready to take over the world going wherever American influence extended'. As the second half of the twentieth century began, so did World War II, when the men fly over seas to fight Coca–Cola went with them, the soldiers loved the drink and it was given to them as a non–intoxicating beverage. Coca–Cola didn't just fulfill their thirst it was a reminder of home and helped them fight. There were 64 military bottling plants around the world and the company served around ten billion drinks. From Zulus to Polynesians they have all tasted Coca–Cola; it shows how popular and well tasted the drink is. Coca–Cola was so loved that they used it as a password in the battle to cross the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Science and Form Modem Psychology 1.Argue that psychology's roots began 2000 years ago. Now argue that they began 200 years ago. What fields came together to form psychology? Psychology viewed as an old discipline. Psychology can trace its roots to the 5 century BC to the Greek philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle and Socrates, because we grapple with the same questions they attempted to answer. On the other hand, we could view psychology as emerging when philosophy and physiology merged to include experimentation and empirical methods to answer those questions about 200 years ago. Thus, it also viewed as a new discipline in 1879, which the approach taken to study make psychology became a science and distinguish from the older discipline philosophy and form modem ... Show more content on ... There were contextual forces as well as work in America to foster the growth of applied psychology. The number of people with a Ph. D. in psychology rose and there were not enough academic positions to employ them, and when one attained a teaching job many administrations did not value (or fund) psychology programs. As psychology was a newest science when compared to physics and chemistry...received smallest financial support, so need to proof that psychology is useful in solving social, educational and industrial problem in order to improve budgets. An emerging societal problem was a dramatic increase in public school enrollment, which opened doors for some psychologists. Thus, the focus of psychology shifted towards the application in solving real–world problem. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– [Why established in German? пЃ®Its intellectual history – scientific rather than philosophic. пЃ®Germany temperament emphasized on inductive approach rather than philosophical deduction, and this enhanced psychology developed as a hard science. пЃ®It also had a broader definition of science. пЃ®Economic condition ensured that universities were well–financed with highly paid faculty and advanced laboratory equipment пЃ®Academic freedom allowed teachers and students free to choose what they wanted to teach and learn. пЃ®More jobs with well–paid available пЃ®Ideal environment.....................]
  • 11. Wundt –Founder of new psychology (experimental). – ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Romanticism In The Awakening Romanticism can be characterized by its emphasis on emotion and individualism as well as glorification of all the past and nature. There was a strong recourse to historical and natural inevitability, a Zeitgeist, in the representation of its ideas. That there is this spirit that All people aim for freedom and most fall short to reach their ultimate goal of total freedom. I will argue that Edna Pontellier and Hegel are trying to find freedom during their era, but are unable to reach it. In "The Awakening," by Kate Chopin, we find our main character Edna who has this longing for freedom and no matter what she tries she feels trapped in a society that she feels intrudes on her freedom. During this time in age, Edna is expected to perform her domestic duties and care for the health and happiness of her family. In this time of the Zeitgeist, victorian women were prevented from seeking the satisfaction of their own wants and needs. During Edna's gradual awakening, she discovers her own identity and acknowledges her emotions and desires actually are. The water symbolizes freedom, escape, independence. Edna's awakening truly begins in the water, because this is where she learned how to swim. This was something she has always previously been afraid of and after this incident, her mind begins to turn with new possibilities of independence and the future. "As she swam, she seemed to be reaching out for the unlimited in which to lose herself (Chopin, p. 32)." This event in her life ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Personalistic and Naturalistic Theory Essay The study of history enables a society to understand the present better, prevent one from thinking the past is always better, and aids in the understanding of human nature. Psychology is an ever changing and evolutionary field. Recent years have presented numerous changes and increasing interest by many individuals, which have been inspired to help enhance the growth of modern psychology (Woodworth, 1918, p. 1). The use of the certain tools that have been deemed to be reliable in the fields of biology and physical sciences have been implemented in modern psychology to aid in the fields' growth to take on an identity of its own (Schultz & Schultz, 2004, p. 2). This paper will discuss the personalistic and naturalistic theory and how the two ... Show more content on ... The reasoning for the lack of recognition on the behalf of Vesalius and Harvey has been contributed to the personalistic theory. According to the definition of the personlistic theory, Vesalius and Harvey were not considered as great men of their generation and did not possess the uniqueness to cause a great impact on society. The personlistic theory does not consider the facts of the historian studies, even though there was sufficient evidence to support their theories. However, according to the zeitgeist steps in order to attempt to explain this by being the spirit of that generation was not open to the new idea's of these two men, and therefore, their theories were rejected by that generation. According to McCauley, the definition of a zeitgeist is "spirit of times" McCauley (2008, p. 10). Zeitgeist is believed to be the compelling drive to cause major changes in history through unknowing forces. Social, economic, and political forces are considered as a part of zeitgeist theory to influence the ever changing field of psychology Schultz & Schultz (2012, p. 11). Dean Keith Simonton a known researcher of leadership, talent, and esthetics describes zeitgeist as follows: "The traditional explanation of multiples is founded on what can be called the zeitgeist theory of creativity. According to this social deterministic view, the individual creator is largely ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Glass Castle Zeitgeism While the era of the 1970s brought various memorable people and moments, it was also a time when several individuals went through the process of discovering their self identity. In the novel The Glass Castle by Jeannette Wells, she shares her adventure of finding herself, which took place during this era. These ideas that explain the mood during this time period is known as the Zeitgeist. This specific Zeitgeist took place during the 1970s and deals with one searching for their self identity. During this time, people were losing and searching for who they were, and it brought several thoughts about self identity into this period. This Zeitgeist connected to the cultural trends because it was common for people to move to large cities, such... Show more content on ... Several of these poems were about how people were losing themselves. Most of them were caught in a situation that caused them to lose who they are. This causes people to either go crazy or continue doing what they know because they do not understand anything else. These nonfiction readings exemplify this Zeitgeist because they each explain how someone went through the journey of finding who they are. In, "Straw Into Golds: The Metamorphosis of the Everyday," by Sandra Cisneros she writes about her life and how she went into achieving beyond her dreams. This also ties into, "They Live the Dream," by Dan Rathe, where he writes about several different people's stories and how each found their 'American Dream.' He explains how there is not just one set American dream, everyone has their own individual one. Some may not achieve their dream, but we all have created one. These art pieces exemplify this Zeitgeist because they each show how the artist sees themselves. In the painting by Chuck Close, he creates a very realistic painting which is created by, "small dashes, dots of pigment, thumbprints, or applied pieces of colored paper." Jean–Michel Basquiat's painting is also representing how he envisions himself. This painting looks kind of demon or monster–like. When one compares these two paintings they can see how differently these artists portrayed ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Zeitgeist: Moving Forward: Movie Analysis After watching the youtube video, Zeitgeist: Moving Forward 2011, it is evident that the video touches upon the many concepts discussed in Chapter two of our Sociology book. Chapter two explains culture as a society or group of people that is defined by their language, arts, values, beliefs, food, and customs. In everyday life, people are surrounded by material culture and nonmaterial culture. Material culture includes things like jeans, chopsticks, or a jade necklace. Nonmaterial culture would consist of a society's core values, beliefs, and behaviors. The video Zeitgeist: Moving Forward 2011 provides relevant topics to our content in chapter two. One of the concepts that was discussed in both the video and the textbook is the view that genes influence human behavior. This view comes from the sociobiology, which is the biological study of human and animal behaviors in life. People who made the claim that genes strongly influence human behavior are called sociobiologists. In both the textbook and the movie, they both explain why this view is not considered accurate. The textbook gives example of findings that show how genes influence human behavior; however, the findings fail to include the social environment that can have a ... Show more content on ... This similarity among cultures is called cultural universals. Cultural universals concentrates on the overarching idea rather than focusing on the specifics and details. An example from the textbook of a cultural universal is marriage. Marriage happens in all cultures but the rituals of marriage and the age and gender of marriage is all different when thinking about specifics. A cultural universal discussed in the movie would be the desire for money and power. Whether a country is ruled through democracy, communism, socialism, or a dictatorship, people will always value and strive to be rich and obtain ... Get more on ...
  • 16. August Comte- Zeitgeist Auguste Comte: Personalistic & Naturalistic Positions Claudette Spear Dr. Joan Hageman Northcentral University Abstract This paper will focus on Auguste Comte, the founder of Sociology and how he uses both views of both Personalistic and Naturalistic positions in order to justify his findings. Also it will explain how his personal feelings about numerous subjects greatly influenced his studies and works in which things were manipulated to support his findings. Finally it gives an opinion as to the writers response of the view of Auguste Comte and how his views were formulated. The personalistic and naturalistic positions in the history of psychological study are numerous... Show more content on ... Making sense of the sciences is important to being able to use their mind and convey their emotions. Using one language to convey these feelings is important to not only a person's personal growth but the emotional growth. Having emotional growth gives the person an opportunity to help others achieve their own emotional maturity. Although some do not achieve this maturity, they will attempt to achieve this maturity at some level in their lives. Comte's theories were seen as a type of new religious experience. "Comte also founded the social sciences, and it is important to remember in our more cynical times the ideals to which they aspired. Comte and other early social scientists assumed that human behavior must obey laws just as strict as Newton's laws of motion, and that if we could discover them, we could eliminate moral evils –– in exactly the same way that medical scientists were then discovering how diseases worked and were eliminating much of the physical suffering which had always been an inevitable part of the human condition" ( Seeing suffering as routine, Comte gives the sense that he has seen a lot of suffering in his life and does not internalize this because it is an every day occurrence. Treating trauma as this makes Comte seem detached from the reality of suffering. Positivism has had it share of stereo types. Positivists ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Woodrow Wilson Zeitgeist Essay Zeitgeist: During President Wilson's zeitgeist was greatly influenced by the Civil war, which led Wilson to be apprehensive about bringing the United States into World War I when he became president. Wilson became the president of Princeton University on June 9, 1902 where he constantly worked to reform the education and social aspects of Princeton, which were called the Preceptorial System, where he hoped to bring students and teachers together in engaging in the learning process. He viewed the creating of an educational community as a duty to, "take men and reintroduce them to the country as it is; to make them forget the interest of their fathers and to see how the interests of all the people are linked together," (Clements, 29). Where ... Show more content on ... During his presidency at Princeton, he fought against clubs based on exclusivity, where his progressive reforms clashed with the wealthy trustees. Wilson was more concerned with forming a system where students would be encouraged to self–learn and have access to their professors as well as having a community that would not only benefit the wealthy and privileged students. During his presidency, Wilson instigated various reforms to benefit the population where the reformations ensured that the U.S government would work towards improving the livelihood of its citizens. In an interview with John Reed following his inauguration, Reed stated that President Wilson was, "more interested in principles than in politics," (Cooper, 125) which demonstrates how President Wilson was concerned with public service, where he utilized his legal background to understand the ideologies and philosophies that lay behind ordinances and policies where he wanted to achieve the fundamentals of a progressive government. Wilson established the Federal Trade Commission to investigate and seize unfair business practices, enacted the Adamson Act to establish right–hour work days and pushed Congress to enact the Underwood–Simmons Act to reduce the tariff on imports from ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Hip Hop And Rap Music In hip–hop and rap, one of the most important aspects of the songs is the words. It is all about the meaning and the kind of message or story the artist is trying to convey to the listener. One artist who has emerged in the last 27 years who exemplifies this part of hip–hop, is George Watsky, or as he is more commonly known as, Watsky. Watsky, a progressive hip –hop artist, draws upon the roots and stylings of early and 90s hip–hop, while also adding contemporary social commentary into his poetic lyrics as one of the more thoughtful progressive hip–hop artists of the 21st century. When hip–hop artists first began adding social commentary into their lyrics, the zeitgeist of the times was a time of disenfranchisement, violence, poverty,... Show more content on ... Since hip–hop was first introduced, there has been a rise in inequality and racial tensions, which has resulted in more segregated schools and neighborhoods, more discrimination and more violence than ever before. As a white artist, Watsky added his own perspective on this zeitgeist with his song "Color Lines (feat. Catch Wreck)." Within his song, Watsky's raps highlight the white person's role in the formation of this society, with lyrics such as "lynch trees have the same white limbs/ check out my arms, I look just like him." While with another verse, Catch Wreck responds with lyrics such as "let's you and I get one thing straight/ the game never been equal, ain't no food on my plate/ I gave birth to this and you just took it and co–opted it and profited/ and packed it and wouldn't give me half of it." This back and forth between Catch Wreck and Watsky not only illustrates the divide in society and the growing racial tensions that has been accumulating for decades, but it also adds in the style from the roots of hip–hop, known as the dozens. The dozens are a style of rapping in which one which one verbally duels with another. This duel is clearly shown when Catch Wreck says, "All you gotta do is get past the guilt/ we ain't living in a house that master built/ if you understand that, tell your people what you know / because one of 'em got enough money to pay back what you owe" and Watsky ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Modern Psychology : The Scientific Study Of Mind And... The following essay will focus on the emergence of modern psychology, presently understood to be the "scientific study of mind and behaviour". Philosophy and experimental physiology have been influential in creating a favourable zeitgeist that ultimately allowed for the transformation of an ancient discipline into the scientific study of the mind. It was 1879 before psychology officially became a science. Previously philosophers endeavoured to understand human nature and the links between the body and the mind – formerly referred to as the soul. In fact, the main concerns of today 's psychology, reflect themes that intrigued humanity for thousands of years. "Psychology has a long past but a short history" (Ebbinghaus, 1908). Therefore ... Show more content on ... His contribution has seen him labelled by some as the founder of modern psychology (Prado, 2009). During the 17TH century under the encouragement of Descartes, one of the most influential rationalists of this period, interactions of the body and mind provoked multitudinous debates. Descartes accepted dualism, the metaphysical stance that mind and body are essentially separate entities, two distinct substances with different natures that interact, mutually influencing one another. The body being mortal, a machine that followed mechanical laws whereas, the mind was immortal, a spiritual being. Descartes theory, the pineal gland is a unique organ situated in the centre of the brain, where all thoughts are processed (Berhouma, 2013). Thought to be mechanical like in their interaction, the mind would accept impressions from the eyes and ears; they would unite in the pineal gland to be considered by the soul, here they would influence the body, for instance, generating the body to move. Whereas the body would create impressions on the pineal gland through nerves, for example, touch, shaping the mind to produce sensations (Mehta, 2001). Descartes believed the mind created two types of ideas, derived and innate, those resulting from external stimuli (sensory experience) and those from consciousness. The acceptance of ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Characteristics Of Gothic Literature In Bram Stoker's... Gothic literature is a form of literature that combines fiction, horror, death, and sometimes romance. Gothic novels combine elements of medieval romance with the modern novel because Horace Walpole; the first known gothic author, deemed medieval romance as too fanciful and modern novels too realistic. The stories traditionally include a threatening mystery and numerous clues and dramatic irony. There is also a trend of a monstrosity or monster figure to appear. They do not exude obvious sources of danger, but the horrors are internalized and discreet. The monster might perhaps live with its victim, invading domestic spaces and increases the levels of terror. Another trait of gothic literature includes the psychological traits and ailments that can be attributed to the characters. The psychologic aspect adds layers of complexity and depth, enhancing the plots in Gothic literature from a two dimensional horror story to a multi dimensional exposГ© on the human condition. Additionally, lead characters often represent the "zeitgeist," the spirit of the time, with their occupations, familial structures, and personality traits. Psychology offers insights towards the scope of cultural change. In Bram Stoker's gothic novel, Dracula, Jonathan Harker falls victim to a vampire while attempting to finalize a real estate deal for his boss. He travels from London to Transylvania to stay for few days in the property that he is dealing with. Throughout the novel, Harker exhibits narcissistic traits that parallel with the victorian era's zeitgeist of a dominant male figure. Harker's self obsession blinds him from very apparent warnings. Had he either acknowledged or heeded these warnings, he could have prevented a string of deaths and tragedy. Because Harker is so absorbed in his assumed role in society, he risks the lives of himself and others. Narcissism is a psychological condition that was first identified in 1898, one year after Dracula's publication. The root of the word comes from the Greek God "Narcissus," a huntry from Thespiae who was known for beauty. He was proud and scorned those who loved him. Narcissus was attracted to a pool where he viewed his own reflection in the water and fell in love with it. He was ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Historical And Cultural Context In The Great Gatsby By F.... Contexts often help readers to understand and perceive the text the way it was intended by the author to be perceived. When studying any piece of literature, it is important that there is a basic understanding of historical and cultural contexts since it plays a crucial part in enhancing the reader's interpretation or reading of the text. A reader's knowledge and understanding of historical and cultural contexts can influence and enhance their interpretation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's famous classic novel, The Great Gatsby. A basic understanding of American historical and cultural contexts such as the Prohibition era, the Jazz Age, Cornelius Vanderbilt and the American Dream, allows a reader to interpret The Great Gatsby as a text that captures... Show more content on ... Understanding the Prohibition era, the prosperity it brought, and it's effects on the American society during the 1920s enhances my interpretation of The Great Gatsby. Having knowledge about the Prohibition era allows me to experience the novel through a lens that shows how Fitzgerald portrayed the 1920s as a time of decayed values. The Prohibition era, dated between mid 1920 to early 1933, was period in American history when the manufacture, transportation and sale of intoxicating liquors were banned and forbidden because of the increase in violence and illegal activities. During the Prohibition, there was a sudden rise in capitalism through illegal sale and production of liquor, which is known as "bootlegging". The character of Jay Gatsby is an example of how Fitzgerald depicted the decayed values of the 1920s. In the novel, Tom Buchanan accused Gatsby of having little stunts in his "drug–stores", he was adamant that Gatsby "sold grain alcohol over the counter" arguing that its probably where all of his wealth came from and "picked him for a bootlegger" (page 109). ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Technical Limitations Of The Zeitgeist Zeitgeist Zeitgeist is a German word that was first used in 1848. The literal translation thereof is "the spirit of the time." The Zeitgeist is the essence of an era, and is more than simply slapping a few neon colours onto a design and saying that it captures the "Zeitgeist" of the 1980s. Zeitgeist consists of the emotions, attitudes and morals that are at the heart of every person in a time period. It is the main thought processes and beliefs that create and direct the actions and styles of an era. Zeitgeist can be represented in the literature, philosophy and the designs of that time. Zeitgeist can be crucial to designers as it can allow them to connect directly with the emotions and values of their customers if they completely understand the Zeitgeist of the modern era. This understanding also gives designers the opportunity to step away from the Zeitgeist and leave a big impression on the consumer market. Zeitgeist is the product of the circumstances and technical limitations of an era, as these can drastically influence the general outlook of the people within a time period. For example, as explained by the Merriam–Webster online dictionary, the Zeitgeist of Victorian England was the belief in pure industrial progress, while the Zeitgeist of 1980s United States was the belief in money and one's ability to spend it. Alexander McQueen was a fashion designer born in London in 1960. Once he graduated with a Master of Arts in 1992, he founded his own, self–titled music ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Depictions of Saint Sebastian in Visual Art and Music Essay Depictions of Saint Sebastian in Visual Art and Music Zeitgeist, a German term often attributed to philosopher Georg Hegel (1770–1831), literally means "the spirit of the time." Zeitgeist is founded upon the understanding that a dominant school of thought–be it political, social, philosophical, or other–influences the culture of a specific period in time and that the art and thinking of that period influence one another. Zeitgeist presumes that culture and art are therefore faithfully united, since an artist is the product of his or her time. This semester, in comparing works of visual art and opera and particularly between works of the same time period, many parallels emerge. But beyond the scope of individual time periods (e.g., ... Show more content on ... There is something very human and clearly very comfortable in these figures, which artists and society throughout the centuries deeply cherish. Whatever that might be, the medium of art itself has been strong enough to carry through history these most famous figures of the human race and make them present and relevant to individuals from vastly diverse times. Saint Sebastian was an early Christian saint and martyr, which is somebody who is killed for his or her faith. The Catholic Church acknowledges a great number of martyrs and individuals it deems representative of a Christ–inspired life–and marks them by sainthood. Sebastian was said to have been killed during Roman emperor Diocletian's great persecution of Christians. Diocletian (Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus Augustus) was Roman emperor from 284 to 305. He was deeply loathed and regarded as "the embodiment of irrational ferocity" by Henry Chadwick, a prominent British theologian and historian who died in 2008. It was during Diocletian's bloodbath "Great Persecution" of Christians that there were alleged to have been as many as 17000 martyrs within a single 30–day period, which begat the expression "Era of the Martyrs," or more commonly, "the Diocletian Era." Historians looking back and researching Diocletian have determined that perhaps some of the stories of Christian martyrdom from the Diocletian era had been exaggerated or embellished ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Influence Of The Zeitgeist In The 1960s "Zeitgeist is a word that comes straight from German – zeit means "time" and geist means spirit, and the "spirit of the time" is what's going on culturally, religiously, or intellectually during a certain period. Think about how something like Woodstock symbolized the 1960s: Woodstock was part of the Zeitgeist of the 1960s. Whatever seems particular to or symbolic of a certain time is likely part of its Zeitgeist." During every time period or era, there was and is and forever will be something that will be Zeitgeist representative of the time. The likes of Elvis Presley being the Zeitgeist of the 1950's Rock and Roll scene often referred to as 'The King of Rock and Roll', to Metallica in my opinion one of the most influential bands of metal and also being one of the most successful band commercially, all the way to the modern day times where I think we have many 'Zeitgeist' representatives, for example Justin Bieber and One... Show more content on ... They learnt how to survive on their wits, their flair for improvisation, their innate cockiness – and on a steady stream of uppers." Hamburg seemed like the place that there were a lot of things going on, the five piece at the time were young and for the first time they were exposed to the world of prostitutes and gangsters. They were also being paid to play music for the first time. But it was not the Rock and Roll lifestyle, not one bit. As they moved from one residency gig to another the gigs became longer and more frequent. They were playing right through the night with few and far breaks inbetween often starting in the evening to the early hours of the following morning. John Lennon said; "Every song lasted 20 minutes and had 20 solos in it. That's what improved the playing. There was nobody to copy from. We played what we liked best and the Germans liked it as long as it was ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The World Of Yesterday, By Anthea Bell Stefan Zweig's The World of Yesterday originally published in 1942 and translated into English in 2009 by Anthea Bell is a perceptive memoir that skillfully recounts the life of Zweig (a Jewish middle class male) beginning with his childhood in Vienna, Austria pre–World War I and ends right before Zweig's suicide in 1942. During his account, Zweig provides critical commentary on various historical events that is invaluable when it comes to putting these events in the context of the everyday life of the individuals living through them. He also provides accounts of many societal structures as well as of interesting individuals that are not necessarily important in the grand scheme of things but help the reader build a more complete picture of the period. Throughout the book, Zweig maintains a cautionary as well as a didactic tone that attempts to caution the reader about how society can change so drastically and rapidly. Overall, Zweig's book is an excellent memoir that helps put major historical events into context; however, the book also has some problems that undermine the delivery of the cautionary message of the book. This book is a memoir by Stefan Zweig that recounts his life and critically analyses some of the major world events that Zweig lived through. The setting at the beginning of the book is Vienna, Austria in the Pre–World I years, by the end of the book the setting has changed many times because the author travels throughout Europe namely to Paris, Berlin, ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Lord Of The Flies Zeitgeism Essay A zeitgeist embodies the mood and spirit of a certain era in history. Although it isn't fully understandable to the readers and the authors themselves, the set of ideals and beliefs that dominate the actions taken by the members of society provide a simple basis of understanding of a time period. Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, focuses on a post–apocalyptic WWll world, in which a group of British schoolboys is left stranded on a deserted island without any adult supervision. These innocent children, in time, turn to savagery as the absence of order shifts them towards a more primitive society. These turn of events, captured through the eyes of the adolescence, expresses Golding's feelings of the evil nature of man and how even the purest... Show more content on ... All the boys within the novel except Simon begin to turn to savagery shortly after they realize that they would much rather have fun and play games than get their priorities straight, such as getting off the island. This can be supported by the fact that Simon, a holy figure, realizes the presence of a beast on the island, and how in time, it is to be revealed through Simon's thoughts that "maybe it's only us"(Golding 82). The concept of this novel serves as a counterpart to another novel called The Coral Island, written during the late 1850's, almost a century before the publication of the Lord of the Flies (Text 2). Instead of boys turning to savagery, The Coral Island captures the essence of the innocence, and how the nature of unlawfulness is ineffective to their behavior. The Lord of the Flies, in response to its counterpart, captures the true meaning of a zeitgeist, and how it embodies the mood of certain eras within ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Rene Descartes: The Personalist vs. the Naturalist Viewpoint We can use the word history in so many ways and it can have so many meanings and usages. We often find that using the term history without considering the underlying concepts can be troublesome at best. In some instances we use the word history to articulate an actual event that has happened prior to today. We can also say history to show a timeline that includes a group of events or actions. We try to learn from history but often find ourselves repeating the patterns depending on if we have learned anything previous history, sometimes repeating because we did learn effective uses of past history. We want things to be consistent, in our minds we want to repeat those things that went well and avoid the things that did not. So many... Show more content on ... He separated the mind and the body into two separate and very different parts. The mind was considered a non–material object. This concept of mind did not follow any of the laws of nature. He viewed the body as the material part of the person which contained tubes that would carry thoughts from the mind, almost as a rope on a marionette would to help the body move. Ironically, Descartes who was credited with mind body separation has been buried with his head/mind in one place and his body in yet another due to his coffin being too short. (Thorne, 1999) Sometimes referred to as the "great man" theory, the personalistic theory states that there are few individuals that we deem different or unique and that they are created with an extraordinary inner quality that gives them abilities to perform extraordinary tasks. From a scientific perspective or history this ability would then give them the ability to change history, to create new things with nothing more than just their mind. They can shape the way we think and the way we do things with little more than ideas or concepts. As a society we may consider them "genius". That individual shapes not only his life by his individulal behaviors but also the lives of others (E.G. Boring, 1950). We often refer to things as someone's idea, theory, or belief and this personalistic view shows that personalism vs. naturalism still exists in today's society. Great leaders like Martin Luther King, Hitler, Freud, ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Comparing Rear Window And Cornell Woolrich's It Had To Be... "Genres are not systems, they are a process of systematisation."(Neale 1980). Genres are both a method of nomenclature, dividing literature according to its style, subject and context. Genre constantly re–imagines, challenges, and expands its boundaries to reflect zeitgeist of the society at the time and to become a barometer of the social and cultural concerns of the audience. Likewise, crime fiction as a genre has evolved from traditional conventions. Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window and Cornell Woolrich's It had to be Murder, whilst obeying and selectively utilising a few original conventions, manifest the ideology and social concerns of the postwar 1950s society in aspects of the modus operandi of the investigation, gender roles and the shift ... Show more content on ... In contrast, Lisa Fremont, Jefferies' lover, whilst staying true to the convention of an intuitive, female detective, also explores the role of female companions by acting as a physical extension for Jefferies. She employs acts of sleuthing by bravely acquiring key evidence such as the wedding ring, while disregarding her safety. The shot of Thorwald's violence against Lisa is captured with long shot technique in thefilm Rear Window. This again reminds the audience that they are seeing through Jefferies' eyes and reinforces the need for a physical sidekick to assist the crippled immobile protagonist. Hitchcock reflects on the late First Wave Feminism movement in the 1950s, by placing women in more active and dominant roles when solving crimes, highlighting the growing roles of women in society (Gender.cawater–, n.d.). Woolrich in his story, It Had to murder, replaces both Lisa and Stella with a male character Sam. This delineating adherence to traditional gender roles, disregarding the value of female intuition.. Whilst Rear Window employs the conventional characterisation of females in Golden Age crime fiction, It Had to be Murder subverts these, adhering to the traditional roles, reflecting resistance to female rights in ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Call Of The Wild As A Zeitgeist Analysis The Call of the Zeitgeist Jack London's The Call of the Wild is a novel written during the literary era of Naturalism. It is about a pampered dog, Buck, who was thrown into the Alaskan wilderness and becomes part of a team of sled dogs. Eventually, he becomes the leader of a wolf pack. Naturalism takes place during a time in America known as the Gilded Age. During the Gilded Age, the ideas ofSocial Darwinism take hold. Social Darwinism is "a term scholars use to describe the practice of misapplying the biological evolutionary language of Charles Darwin to politics, the economy, and society" ("Social Darwinism in the Gilded Age"). But how is London's novel a zeitgeist of Naturalism? Jack London's The Call of the Wild is a zeitgeist of Naturalism with its usage of Atavism, and a key ideology of Social Darwinism, which is the survival of the fittest. As mentioned before, London's novel is about Buck, who lives a comfortable life on a Californian estate. However, Buck gets kidnapped by a gardener, so that he could pay off his gambling debts, and sold to Alaskan sled drivers. When he arrives in Alaska, a friend he made on the trip over, is killed horrifically when she attempts to befriend a dog who attacks her. Another dog, Spitz, laughs at her death and develops a rivalry with him. Over the course of the novel he starts to subvert Spitz's command and ultimately fights him, winning and becoming the leader of his sled team. However, the sled team gets new drivers by inexperienced people joining the search for gold. Their inexperience causes some dogs to die from exhaustion. On one trail, a man, John Thornton, tells the drivers that the ice is dangerous because it is too thin. They refused to listen to him, but Buck was too tired to move, causing one of the drivers to start clubbing him. Despite Buck's beatings, he refused to get up, resulting in Thornton stepping in and taking him, saving him from death. A new dog is put in place as leader and they move on the trail, but they fall through the ice and into the frigid river where they presumably die. Under Thornton's ownership, Buck has nothing much to do, save for small tasks, as Thornton is busy prospecting for gold. It is during this time that "call of the wild" ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Debunking 9/11 Myths: Rhetorical Analysis Objectivity is largely debated when questioning the ability to trust a source. It is common that texts, movies, and other media sources have biases when giving their interpretation of an event, regardless if the source desires to be as objective as possible, or not. In other words, it is difficult to stay 100% objective when demonstrating your opinion on a topic. The 9/11 debate is widespread among the American public, and even much of the world. Some individuals and groups are passionate in proving there is a greater conspiracy at work by the American government, while on the other hand some citizens choose not to think about 9/11. Complete objectivity is hard to achieve, although Debunking 9/11 Myths is the most objective source because it presents both sides with little subjectivity.... Show more content on ... They demonstrate both sides and highlight the argument surrounding the 9/11 conspiracy theory. Firstly, the title is called Debunking 9/11 Myths, which is used similarly to the way "Zeitgeist" broke down the "9/11 myth." Both sides are claiming that their opposing argument is overwhelmingly false. In Debunking, the text presents the claim made by many who believe in the conspiracy theory. In this text, the authors present scientific facts that debunk the theories they presented as claims. This is a more objective way to discuss the 9/11 conspiracies because they are presenting both sides of the argument, unlike any other source discussed before. The tone is undermining to the other side. For instance, even on the back cover it states: "The investigation focuses on concrete facts rather than political theories, and its conclusion are supported by hard evidence..." So, the text only contemplates the evidence that can be debunked scientifically. The text is objective to the extent of their overarching opinion, in which 9/11 was not an inside job constructed by the American government but a terrorist ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Impact Of Applied Psychology On The Field Of Psychology Consider the Impact of Applied and Behaviorist Psychology on the Field In this paper I will discuss the impact that applied and behaviorist psychology has had on the field of psychology. J. R. Angell at the University of Chicago is possibly one of the most advanced of the functional psychologists, predicted that American psychology was prepared for better objectivity. In 1910, he stated that it is possible that the term consciousness would more than likely vanish from psychology, even more than the term soul had vanished (p. 209). The most significant impact on the field of psychology was the explication of consciousness and its functions. During the early 20th century, psychology began to changed dramatically; Therefore, consciousness had ... Show more content on ... Angell also viewed the introspective study of consciousness as one of the most important method of psychological research during the mid nineteenth century (Schultz & Schultz, 2012). What persons or ideas in early behaviorism would carry out the trend that Angell predicted? During the nineteenth century, most psychologists viewed the emergence of functionalism as being evolutionary rather than revolutionary. Therefore, the primary difference was in the subject matter of their study; while structuralism attempted to examine and describe regulations concerning psychological practices, functionalism was the trend that was considered to be more teleological challenging, and focused more on the concept of how and why. As a reaction of structuralism, functionalism emerged during the twentieth century. In comparing structuralism and functionalism, functionalism is believed to have a more significant role in the development and subject matter of psychology. Although, the role of functionalism was considered to be strong it was not exclusive because behaviorism was considered by most to be the most dominant trend of psychology. John B. Watson (1878–1958) was one of Angell's most promising students at the University of Chicago. Watson (1913) eventually became founder of the behaviorist school of psychology. He carried out the trend of Angell's theoretical prediction in early behaviorism and became the first American ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Analysis Of Zeitgeist : Addendum Zeitgeist: Addendum is a very controversial film that sheds some light on many major political and economic events that have occurred within the past 100 years. It discusses these events in a way that makes one think about all the intricacies and not just the big picture that the media feeds to the public. It's creator, Peter Joseph has been dubbed a conspiracy theorist because of his films. Addendum dives into the realm of all the ins and outs of the monetary system of government that developed countries revolve around (Joseph, 2008). Along with exposing these ideas of thought, Joseph gives clarity to many major catastrophic past events, and how they all relate to the American monetary system. The beginning of the film describes the complex system that the US government uses to create money, working with the Federal Reserve to print more and more money without valuation to it, and as they print more currency, each dollar becomes devalued (Joseph, 2008). Joseph states that with the current system, there is no way to have money without having debt, and without money we wouldn't have debt, essentially a paradox not having one without the other. The dilemma with this is that although someone may have $100 in their pocket, that money isn't worth anything because the Federal Reserve and the US Government are constantly printing more and more money, devaluing each dollar bill more by the second. Another dilemma described in the film is many of the political and military ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Romanticism Essay TIMELINE: ROMANTICISM 1800–1850 пѓ 1749(–1832): Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born (writer). пѓ 1762: "Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains." Jean–Jacques Rousseau. пѓ 1770(–1840): Neo–Classicism пѓ 1770(–1850): William Wordsworth (writer) was born. пѓ 1770: Industrial Revolution had an influence on the Romantic period. пѓ 1785: Grim Brothers. пѓ 1789: French Revolution. пѓ 1800 Start of Romanticism пѓ 1802(–1885): Victor Hugo (writer) was born. пѓ 1802(–1870): Alexandre Duman, sr. (writer) was born. пѓ 1803: Romanticism welcomes Christianity. пѓ 1813: The Waltz accepted introducing a new era socializing and new music. пѓ 1813: Jane Austen publishes Pride and Prejudice. пѓ 1814: Fall of Napoleon, Monarchy restored by ... Show more content on ... Romanticism was a European movement, between 1800 through to 1850. It was and artistic, intellectual, and literary movement ( The emphasis of Romanticism is on the imagination and emotion and it started as reaction against the Industrial Revolution, which emphasized commercial production as well as a response to the disillusionment with the Enlightenment values of reason and order caused by the ending of the French Revolution (1789). The Romanticism was a period in which certain ideas and attitudes arose; intellect became the dominant mode of expression. Expression was everything to the Romantics; art, music, poetry, drama, literature and philosophy (The History guide). The Romantics opted for a life of the heart and appreciated diversity in man and nature. Change – The Romantics were liberals and conservatives, revolutionaries and reactionaries. Some were preoccupied with God, others were atheistic to the core. The Romantics saw diversity and uniqueness – those traits created diversity between man and nations. The Romantics exclaimed, "Dare to be!" (The History guide).
  • 34. The old order –– politics and the economy –– seemed to be falling apart and raised the threat of moral disaster. There need to build and reshape new systems of discipline and order grew. The era was full of innovative ideas and new art forms. Zeitgeist – "Hegel's idea of the zeitgeist, the "spirit of the age," the ghostly ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Little Albert And Ethical Controversy Examine the Historical and Ethically Controversial Case of Little Albert For many decades, psychological testing and theories has played a significant role in psychology and has always raised a concern in regards to ethics. Ethics is simply about knowing the difference between right and wrong. Therefore, in psychology, researchers have a moral responsibility to protect their participants from harm. In this week assignment, I will examine the ethical controversy that has caused many questions and concerns about the episode of John Watson and The Little Albert Experiment. The Little Albert experiment was a study conducted by psychologists John B. Watson and his assistants, Rosalie Rayner during in the 1920s. The study was conducted at John ... Show more content on ... In 1957, a year before Watson death; he received a gold medal for his all of his contribution to psychology from the American Psychological Association. After moving to New York in 1921, Watson gained an interest in the advertising business and later became a vice president in the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency. However, he continues publishing books and articles in reference to his first love of psychology. In 1925 Watson published his book on Behaviorism, and later in 1928 he published a book titled, Psychological Care of Infant and Child. In addition, Watson published a review of his first book on Behaviorism in 1930 (John Broadus Watson, ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Rosencrantz And Guildenstern And Religion The 1960's were a time of exponential transformations in the political and social structure, procuring texts composed with the intention of enlightening audiences of the shift in values and recent events, and undercurrent emotions such as frustration and pessimism. J. Miller believes that due to the requirement of blind faith in words, the 1960's society ultimately raised "political questions about the limits of freedom and cultural questions too about the authority of the past". Kubrick's 1964 satirical film Dr Strangelove reflects upon these questions, exploring notions of the frustration at the equivocal nature of authority, and the fear of the unknown. Additionally, Stoppard's absurdist play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (1966) delves deeper... Show more content on ... Individuals questioning the foundations of society were "the minority, [but] numbers were still sufficient and beliefs strong and challenging", as reflected in Stoppard's 1966 comic tragedy Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Stoppard satirises religion to reflect the existentialism crisis plaguing the 1960's society due to the loss of faith in traditional outlooks. A Biblical allusion is employed as the Lord's Prayer– and hence the basis of Christianity, is ridiculed, asking to "give us this day our daily mask". This parody marks the loss of blind faith and respect towards those requesting total credence. The conservative and the philosophical stances of the 1960's are personified through the characters Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, respectively. The audience is permitted an insight into the paradigms of the era, comparing conventional outlooks against the cynical musings of individuals regarding existentialism and fate in the face of impending death. Angela Carter believes that there is no "denying that toward the end of the decade everyday life ... took on the air of a continuous improvisation". These sentiments are the basis of the 1960's era, where "all [they] have to go on" are the formation and breakages of archetypes. Characteristics of the 1960's also include the disgruntlement at the enigma of destiny, each aiming for a fate where "no boundaries have been defined, no inhibitions imposed." The play allows the audience an insight to the tumultuous era in which individuals were left powerless to determine their own fates, particularly in the face of hollow words from the government whilst the media promoted potential death. Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (1966) reflects the importance of "words [being] all we have to go on" through adopting the absurdist theatre notion of the meaninglessness of the human condition. This is in response to ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Angell's Belief in Functionalism and John Watson's Belief... It was also suggested by Angell(1913) that consciousness was best if forgotten and there should be a objective method of describing animal and human behavior but also believed that if it were to exist , it should definitely be of some use for an organism . The statement also suggests that it was not only John Watson the founder of behaviorism who proposed the idea rather it was thought about before him. His rise and influence was probably because of introducing the idea at a time when it could be accepted by the time and tide of that period. Psychology had been the study of mind from a very long time and was represented by the method of introspection defined as studying the mind by analyzing the thoughts. Angell's functionalism aimed to apply psychology and its methods to real life problems however the problem with both structuralism and functionalism was that the methods were not reliable and introspection was considered to be a problem rather than a solution. Psychology could not convince people of its usefulness and practical problem and the founder of behaviorism John Watson believed that both structuralism and functionalism were subjective and introduced behaviorism as objective. (Moore ,2011) which was considered to be a transformation from one phase of science to another . (Gardner ,1985) Behaviorism has been believed to influence everyday life from parenting and learning to employee perks in organizations. It aims to study behavior and how it can be changed, it ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Investigating The Expository Qualification And The Debate... The objective of this task is to investigate the expository qualification and the debate between the Personalistic and Naturalistic position in the originations of experimental history in psychological research, it likewise clarified the correlation between the two ideas and how the zeitgeist secured the associations with each of these ideas. Zeitgeist portrays as the "spirit of the time" and amid the seventeenth and nineteenth hundreds of years. On the occasion of the recorded advancement of exploratory psychological science, the two primary perspectives have developed. The personalistic are enriched with an excellent in character of an individual providing for them an astounding thing, while the naturalistic portrays that no one but... Show more content on ... This information has been separated from a mixture of sources and they show up here in completely arbitrary request. In the history of psychology it was originally the branch of philosophy until the late 1800s, it examines the mental blueprints and behavior setting off again to the old Greeks regardless is in its earliest stages. The authentic scenery of mind examination unfolds that various distinctive issues still exchanged words by specialists today are set aside a few minutes' philosophical traditions. Personalistic and Naturalistic In considering the obvious progression of exploratory research, it explores two main views of the recorded headway, approaches to view the verifiable improvement of the historical development of scientific psychology; these are the personalistic theory and the naturalistic theory. The personalistic theory, also known as "great man/person,", it holds that a picked few individuals are novel in that they are contributing with a phenomenal internal quality accommodating them the capability to do remarkable or uncommon things, but at the point when it applied to scientific history it is accepted that this quality permits them to shape the course of that history with simply their plans or ideas. Personalistic perspectives are still all things considered held even today. Ordinarily, when some individual is asked to name whose game plans and emotions have changed the course of ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald To what extent do you agree that Fight Club is an updated version of Great Gatsby that captures the zeitgeist of modernism? F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby encompasses the flamboyant and morally corrupt society of 1920's America, whereas in contrast, C Palahniuk's Fight Club addresses the sinister and nihilistic attitudes 70 years later. It is incomprehensible that these two novels would share anything in common; however it is undeniable that Fight Club represents the continuation of the consumer culture and materialistic narcissism that The Great Gatsby embodied so effectively. Palahniuk himself stated that "What I was writing was just The Great Gatsby, updated". Through comparing the different attributes of the characters in both novels, Palahniuk shows the development of the zeitgeists of modernism in both novels and highlights the repercussions that they have upon society. Both novels are enriched with symbolisms that portray the zeitgeist of their respective times and justify Palahniuk's claim to having written the Great Gatsby updated. One theme that supports Palahniuk's claim is the emancipation of women. The consequences of the emancipation of women have been represented within the form of Daisy in Great Gatsby whereas the progression of their emancipation has been revealed in Palahniuk's Fight Club as portrayed by Marla Singer. In the beginning we are introduced to Daisy; a delicate and perceptive woman who relishes her position in society but recognises the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Design Problematization: The Role of Individual... DESIGN PROBLEMATIZATION: the role of the individual preferences and beliefs in the design process Several factors are to be taken into consideration in designing a structure. Among other things, the problem solving of the given "initial" problem, the usage of the structure and the aesthetic outcome of the design are given the most importance when designing. What are usually placed at the bottom of the priority in designing are those that deal with the qualitative qualities in designing. These left out qualities ranges from the intellectual to the emotional. This goes the same for the decision–making process, more often than not, what is given more focus by both architecture professionals and students is the process in answering or giving ... Show more content on ... (HARFIELD, Steve, 2007) Harfield has stated that architects and designers, work on a very self–centered approach. In the mindset of the architect, the schematic that he is drawing is HIS design. The schematic is his design because he had approached the problem on his own, using only his knowledge on the nature of the design and his view on how the problem should be developed and solved. (HARFIELD, Steve, 2007) Through this scenario Harfield has shown that the "design problematization" does not start with the received initial problem, rather it starts when the designer or architect chose to engage the generated problem from the brief of the initial problem. This is the stage of the designing process where the design gets personalized and individualized, as this is where the designer approaches the design problem, although at times unconsciously, with his own views, beliefs, biases and preference, assumptions and understanding of the problem. To simplify this idea, Harfield said that each designer is looking through their own unique lens, which filters the world, the brief and the design they are working on through his own understanding and ideology. Simply put, this means that a neutral and unbiased take on the given problem is already impossible. (HARFIELD, Steve, 2007) Personally, I agree to what Harfield said, when it comes to the idea of having "a different solution to ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Dehumanization And How It Affects The History Of Psychology Abstract Despite dehumanization being an important phenomenon in social psychology, it has been neglected by some philosophers. It has extensive ramifications for moral philosophy. Study of dehumanization in psychological aspects is very crucial as it has implications for diverse areas as conceptions of what is humanity, notions of racism and race, genocide and war. This paper will analyze slavery on concepts of dehumanization and how it affected the history of psychology. Works of various prominent figures in the history of psychology will be analyzed, and their implications put forth. The paper will further discuss and analyze how an individual's concepts contribute to the development of the modern psychology and how their ideas are employed in the contemporary society. Introduction In the 17th century, the colonists in both North America and Caribbean regarded and treated African slaves merely as subhuman creatures. An Anglican clergyman of that period studied the aspects of slavery and how that influenced the African–Americans. He observed that slavery had three fundamental components of dehumanization. The main concern was the association between the appearances of the slaves and their actual or real nature; they believed that the Africans only resembled human beings but were not human beings. The second concern was attributed to the dehumanized population human essence; the colonialists believed that the African lacked human essence. Finally, the colonialists ... Get more on ...